The Signal, 1903-4-9, Page 7e THE SIGNAL: GO1)EIICH ONTARIO TI ULIIDAY, April 9, 1901 7 � 0iiliiiiiiweit•NiiiiNiiiiiiA itlu ilmii o,ow t it: c 1 News of the District. IE j 7 is 3 Death of Dr. kinsman, of Exeter-Seaforth C. 7 ti 4 (lir( Died of Poisoning at Detroit -Capt. E 4 Combe, Clinton, to be Wedded --$I,000 C. 4 Reward Offered in Smith Case at Wing- C. 1 1C 1 ham ---Other Events Over the County. C iE John 1tansfold, (It UliutAm, is frying then. In 1850 .11, W,1. married to her to induce the Ottawa Ower cut to now more/wing huNlhnd, \Viii. Hard. increase the duty on halt ing, and 4..l then, were born two (hil- l. H. Stratton, loin, 1311u,w•Ix, Ila64 limn, both of whom pie deveawe1 her. as til ,condo.' of the Ilrlgrave hotel. Mill. Harding had been x Iw16Ide•ut tl( It. DBruce, the late proprietor, hamExetet for a great 1111111161•., of years, r• 'td to his farm in Hulh•lt town- and was beloved and e•Mlrenled by a ehlp• very large cinch of friends. Mr. a111 Mil. S.(iilchrixt and family,I Mrs. Jaw. Murdoch, of the Inludu I W11.41 have been I1W4,1eltr of 's. ingh*lu "'a'1. Stanley tow ambit). diel 011 Satur- tlxy, di4th lilt., in herr eighty -lira year. She wan a native of ('riot, Yertiwhitw, Scotland. She came to this rolultry with her lowland and family forty - onr yearn ago. and A year afterward,. Nettled on the hum on the Ia)mbal haul where the (,mtinutel t41 (wade tutil the end. - She 1414ye4 it family of 4. w•,1 N0 •11% 111161 t W,1 114u44I11e•Is. 'rli,.14664. are \\'illixu, and ,1ohu, the tonne., av- oiding on the adjoining farm and the Bitter on the homestead. The daugh- ters an• Nle.. John Aik,nh,al 4101 Mem. Lockhart. of Detroit. The intM- I1aud and father died alllut ('144114 yearo ago. for n nut of yyearn, left last we•e•k for l'Nrievlle, N. W. T., where they will l'sidr in future. Mr. and M11. A. Dunkin, of Mt tid..y G)wn14hip, celt•br,t4el the twenty - fifth minivenwry of their wedding 1111 the 27th alto., when x large uut111M•r .r, friends gathered to partake of their hospitality. T. J. Berry. Ilrnsan, ham sold till. will -known Shirr horse, Klondike, ill Albert Hewett, of Kincardine. for the hamisome mum .1 $2,000. Tins horn. weighs 2,100 pounds, and in all ex(0.1- knt type of the Mh41w hoose. Invitatkmx are out for the we4ling of 4'apt. H. B. ('on11w, of l'linll/u, GI M"NN Julia Imolai Dunenture, .1 Mitch- ell. The e1•n•ulunv in to take j1414'4' in Ttlulty church, Mitchell. at a o'clock p. ul. on Wrelnt«dxy. April 15th. The \Ving ham Timers mayo.: The litany frietulM of Jou. Ansley, eouuty au Wei , will be slurry ti, 14.41.66 that hr ham Isrfl laid up for the at two works with eryni`s•la.'e in his foot. }{Y ho{wbe 64(61466 t1/ 161• 41111,' to 161• •.,hind again. Mr,. W. \V. Shots b•ft Myth Last week fur Tor,nto. where oche will vi64it for a i-oupl• of work... 1.11.i. Tonnit41 she gone to Fort F'1•anes, in the Rainy Hirer dirtriet. Where she will make her future home. herr h1lnh6nd being engaged In }anoint -moo thele. Ajl•olle•tt given in the Weed pub- lic 44•41164)1 (MVO e6.14 g recently WAN It dae•idwl muccerti And reflects gri'4t credit tat the teacher, H. Morrinh, who mspared oa nn twins nu its pn•pan(tion. ,' recitations given by Mims Ixmn Brydges were e•Npe•ially g.MMI. A reward of $I,11011 is "Rens) by the widow ..f the late M. J. Snaith. 114 T1'inghUm, for infor11Atinu that will lead G. the detect And Nary iltion 114 the pv1M111 lit• tw•rw4116 who are 'dip - ponied t11 have w•AyIa14I A1141 11114114.41 Ml'. Mtnith on the eve ' g of ant February last. Alex. 4'Anlno, jrleaves Seafortdl for the West thio week. taking his family and his 41461.4 ..f grim•.ri4s with him. Hr will 4.e*te in 1)arlingfold. A growing vil6lge• hl Kroll hero Manitoba. 11e :aloe takes 16'1111 h1111 the IIIAtel'INI and (tilt lit for his new 'dor., which he• will erect after he n•au'lle a then•. The 61.a1.hslf.M.rs. thug(( Kuhh took plaice at her late n•Nidene'r in Harper - hey on Tue•slav 1111144 of laid work. at the Agr of 4CV1•11iy•w•eun unsex. ell lm. 14.1161) haul Iwe•n A 11b1•66t of 11141•- p11rh1•y for llpw'Anln'of fort a• )'earn. Her maiden 11A111e• was Fylizal'et11 Merriam. Mlle had liven an invalid for w1p.•at tunny )'eats, And for w • thnr•it*ti been nn*lde 116 have her resi- dence. She leaves a family of three mono :anti • daughter. 1441x11144 A lire at Clinton T{llll'.,1Ay evening. while two teems were is•-ing to the fine stegener, 6,664• of theta col- lided at the corner ..f the town hall with A hone cart drawn by hand. (;hwrlrel'arter ham At 1111-k and thrown against the cart and IiwilTy-Tnriir4•d. and p,s6Aibly w • t•ilm broken and in- juredinternally. One of the horses struck the tong!.• ,1f the 16(44• ,'art. whi(•h parole( i(.,sid,•, breaking 14411111. rills And {perforating bowels and lungs. The r•Nid,•nce of It. M.TAvi.h. of Lille' Mill matt, Tnt•k.•tsuaith. WAN tht• meetly of en int•tw$ti6)44 ..vent 4116 11'eeln.•wlay. March r,th. ie•ing (h.• 111Nn'ingg1• of him lI4te•I', Ming .1611610., to Frederick F. Bush, of Hensel". Taw nuptial knot WAS erurrly tied by the 124•('. E. H. Mon14•rm, the. telrmOny being w'itrm•w.- e l by a n her of invited guests. The bride is one of Taw•k.•Isnlith's fain•Mt daughter., while the groom is an en- terprising and ptrnni411144 point( n1An. The happy couple are remitting In lien, sal). Men. Dismal' Ilait•tl Dick, relict of the late 4a661e4 Dick, diol at her .e.i- dence• ill Blyth uu,'1'tiehlxy 66144rfling, March :41641. after Au.illne•ss of several weeks with et ngeMtiuu of the Imlgs. Mrs. Dick was 1n the seven(y-f •th year of her age and waw born near i t w' Het 11 1 w' ere she s., ( hog , taint, h 1 h al Married her ta14• buslwa1141. In" IN.:1 they alrt•ived in Camel*, settling in the neighborhood of Whitby. horty y'e•x1x ago they mowed to Mollie., where they Ir•x1d,M1 11I1t11 the death of Mr. Dirk the years awn, w•11ei1 Mtn. flick Ind daughter. remuverl tt !Myth.Ili reghat, NI•s. Dick wit. x Pte4by- terian, being it member of St. Atut tr•w',.,hurl. Hly'th. She was 11 441NM1, kind-h.•al•tel, ('llI-iMtiall woman and ne•ighio)1', 111111 i11114'mmed 111NIIy friends. hive daughters are left to mourn the hien of at kind slid loving mother: Jin•. Geo once Ste•nmm{ of \IA,IIt.441 : MIT. \\'111. I MII111.41w,n 111441i. ,1f Turkersmit41, and Misses Hannah, Agit.. and Margaret, at hOr114' A number of yeutes x44g61 Arthur .lack - son, mon of Jellies JAeksln, 1811 title, Morris. fell on the Ihrn H,s,t and in - hmrd his right kat+, Midi it bothered im mote lir 144416 from that time. 111ve• year+ago he le•ft the farm and went rxih'w61il•g• and finally was S,)1)1114 ill charge of the agency at toney ('reek for the Grand Trunk. lite limb giving hila c11u4id0.1•able trouble, he.e•itteel to have (111 oper- ation performed, with a view of en4- in44 Ida life. Friday. Manch (kh. Nn eh. uuinaltion wan 111+.1e by opening the knee, find A1111nItat' I..4'111e1 a Mtn as x nere•mMity. (hi taking off the leg NIM t\'1• the knee the 111141.11tw was fe,llll,1 to he NBet•tea and Ow' thoett1tm 41 (41 lei"nve• the limit entirely. which they old. the patient deini( under t•h)Mdorm for three hour,nt Hamilton hnmpital. This wan on Manch S. and the bet accounts say Mr. 14c•kwm is getting along as well AN could lir •'x- ploatY1. The 416441 iN Mn unusual 1 1111,46 int4nst.ing one to the nlelilaI fraternity. A .141IMteh f11'1u 1)1'4 NAL dated March 27, Nays : -Mies Helen It. MAN - COM. of Seifnttl4 Ontario. diel wad- denly last evening. :1p4M•lnules point to JMtix41 ' g� of 111411111. wort.' probably Iceldental. Mi)w Master. woe.woe.baformerly A tlxin111 nurse, 11111 milieu last fall had been acting as lomsekee•iw•r at No. (ki East 111 h xlrW(. 41 1114 g he111w• 11'30 4T [;a+nrge F. tiagueoay-.- _ A".' The little daughter of M. \Villi*nix, of the Brunswick Hones•, 1Vingham. hwl N very 1e)W enrage. from death • ..vening ne•enfly. Thr ehil61 16•,1,1 on the second floor of the hour• play - log, and in w • way became oy('r- iMtlancel And fell over the Moir hum - inter to the Hera floor. A dint •1. 4,f w'yrnt•r•n feet. Beyond it few Inoliws on one leg the (hila was that merinnBl% hurt, but will not have the IOW of her leg for two o1' (41,1.1• w6e•kN. It in M wonder how the child 4wmpel with sn•'h slight injuries. One of the respected pioneer. of the township of McKillop twined away 1111 Mxtut1lay, Match *44h, hi the pennon of French. M,n•ieon, of the tenth vim - 1.0•444i011. 441' hod lwr•n ill for A wreck with pew $Pl' twniell by A kidney emnpliestion._ ile WAX in him sevetit',y'-Hist year, and had lived In M.'Kl11np for over forty year.. He lewv.'N three 44411111 And four dnughterx : Albert. in Cleveland : Heber, 441 MAnit hn. Anil William, at h • Mem. }tea, of Seaforth ; Mim. I)Avid- 41.n, of McKillop ; Mem. Jelly, of Mhel- In111e. lam( Mrs. thinning, of Hlrtn,'y. 3MAnit4daa. On \Vrrlm•wlaav afternoon, Manch kith. Rey. A. 11. Brown. i). 1).. of nearly w•venly-eight years of age. R.'lgeat•e, tied the mntritnoni*l knot. ()at. of the oddest 46(11 t highly between 1)anie•I Shite.•, A well-known respected 1.4tis'n, of Exeter deiarted y�nnrr(44( fanner of (irny, 111111 M1101 life on Sunday. 'l41th 111t.. in the person lad .1., eldest tt4ughter of Peter of Henry Kinsnisn, 1.. D. S., At the and Mtn. (;Antel,n. MI,r'i5, at the I a44t' of nev.nty+iter years. The dr eiuwel home of the *nide. The bride Watt I When the victim of An int'r1Al ,tt14'nded by MIsN Annie ('Antel6,n, her I gTiiwth, which lied given him conside•- 5i4ter, whili• M41r111,1 M,•nzieaofflei4i141 ride trouble and or which he had 0+ 164nm4tll4%O Mr.. And Mtm. Shine i11e•11 (115.114441 (Al wenn. (.i111' Ag", hal )t'i11 011441, their home on the groom... • aro IN•tm(m thought the end was mo fares. 1:3ll c6,ne"3.' "r (ince, when' near: In feet, he Wa4 011 the 41114.1 just t hey hsve o6, '11, 1441 married life ,i r,.w- d*ym prey In' 11 to him 4enliw•. 1 F i M3".Old fn, nttm fol A happy Isn1, and when only w few41 4 And mlr(4'44fnbrought l life. Iwai bught by him luarentn to Canaan.d (hl Thnrm*y', Manch 1fith, the death The family Art.t.lel in lhlrh4nl, near el IMeurnat Exet'r of Ann Page, wife Pint Hope. When he grew to men - of Wm. Harding. The deceased was hod he followed the trade of Infilling born In Oxfordshire, i{ngl*rd . eighty- and framing. This he cot -dimes -1 for two y 6440, anti came to this main. sone yearn, 1101h 411. I'or$ fin`s' 411.1 try in b her 42 with r lrn,ther•, Nettling\fil4•hrl1, Msl h(M health failing hint h. 4 i Tallwda-ill•. Shr• wsr shortly after- enten41 the book and 44Ntlotter•y ward. married to Richard 14.1,,1 - lnlminenn et the falter place Areal ' ('10161•, and in the• year JAfi4 nlflve,l np NiIlelequrtltly took up dent int 4.y. which I"' the tlwnehip of 1JAhnrn,', living he w,am A4 (i6..•Iy towag)41 in op In f hi t hew time a labor tle when her home time of his death. Am n dell int the 1441)61 ham morel, on tlwe 7th of Fel.- limn r-th411en144411y proficient an( flinty, 185,7, in 14idttulph, while on him by him straig$itforwint and lamest way hour, leaving hat with Ayr 6hil- dealings with the public ho haat rade thee' o'el...-k yest•teaay. 4fterlll61in Nunn M,istets went out. saying she hail an At A 41,11(141 m. Mh.• 6641'appointment 1N•• 4.Y he he • usual health. At .14. 1 to111 t 0 p. In. she returned lu • and Ii,lteh• 4our)lbeitleel she WAN ve1'y in. Mr. I14gge•t1y And 4l4 01111. of the roomers helped her 1141x(144»1+ 1 4 her room. 111•. Montero!' WAN 1•411,e1, but by that t' • the• wonmin w•a144 dead. One of the 11" •t., a medical student, then ,caller County Physician I*.1. ker. The d(n•tor made an ex ' (''tion and said ihe,v seemed to be 1411 appear - ant e of 4511(161111144, im.Nmibly from . (1141 t4(6 product (earl to relieve Twin. This. acting 11p111 A weak heart. alight Guts,' d0.,th. Mr. Haggett 6 staid he knew of no n•..44111 why Miss Ma. - t1.114 Should wish to r 't Mui(id6, and that she W*1l 641w,1611•h,e•r'f11l." James Fo,myth.•, who th•pr•te1 this life at him remide•n(e 441 Ejrga['rnondville. lm \\'ae1111v441Ay. March 2.pth, w45 1)11( of Ihu1,1) 16 noble (Nand of fnon4ets, H( WAN 4 11111 ic1. of Black isle, Ross - attire, Scot) 1, and hail been al resident of 111urw1 for 44161,111 fitly -four rem. I 1iatel ' aftl•1• 11114 Tinge. in INID, he, with his young lvife•, left the old hand and raffle to Cali/441a, nettling on A farm in 'Fuck,'Is66lini. Settlers were few in them• parte in thtlw' days, and the (auto taken up by the deveam el was nearly' .111 soli,( bush. By industry and JJW1104•Veallee, 1111W - ever. he wnr(t"leil 441 lnnverting it intoe fertile and ronlfeirtal)1,' h0166,•- mt1eN1 foli • '4f 1111,1 14,6,ily. His wife died in i)tlr4, but he cont. 1 to mend.. the faro( Until the year IAM), when he dispn1411 of it 111141 1.04141 to Eg Iti11., Where he resided until him death. About nineteen )411('44 ago he was Married 141 Minn .iitu• H4w'484'k, who ,lt•a•iven hint. Thee a1• 1141 children by the second ttlariage. hill by the tient there wen. nix, All of whom have predeceased the fat her Inst the y(nm44erit daughter. Minn Rls h•crs, who 1m Mill At. hum,'. Mr. Forsythe wan many friends. He WAS 141.41141.4114441L1 by lib. aged partner jUnt A year. IL• fn survive) by 166(4 WM* 411(1 three daughter., Mips H. M. KitRuuuln,, teacher in the Model w•hts/I, Parry Sound; Miss I. Kinsman. at home. and Mins Anhui Kitimman, student at the Conservatory of Mualc, 'Toronto; !h'. 11. K00406111, Sarnia. diad Ur. A. R. Kinsman, Exeter. The f Tal took place to the Exeter eemet•ry \1'editen- day. _ _ , MI88 HELEN M. GOULD. Aa Uapreballea. W0411411 Who Is Constantly D.Iag alood Deeds. One of the most unpretentious wom- en In this country, considering her great wealth and social position, L Miss Helen M. Gould, who has made herself beloved of all classes by her generous philanthropy and unostenta- tious charity. For It L a very small item Indeed of what Miss Gould gives away In doing good that comes to the Dotlee of the public. Writing of Miss Gould in Everybody's Magazine Juliet Wilbur Tompklus says: "To know her one must see Miss Gould In her country place, Lyndhurst, at Irvington -on -the -Hudson, where she spends half the year. 'There she hi sel- dom without vlsltora-not formal house partial, formally entertalued, but friends, often self supporting girls, WM MIRA Batas Y. OOCLD. ellme.for a week or six week' to visit on the simple basis of companionship. For these there are half a dozen horses In the stable, and a riding master comes up from New York to accompa- ny and teach the less prolicleat. On summer mornings Miss Gould and her guests will be up at (6:30, fortified with feoffee, and off Into the country lanes, riding hatless and shirt waisted th the freedom of that early hour. It is not park riding -that Is, for her winter months Iu New York -but good, happy, country galloping, win) sometimes s brisk race against a shower by way of excitement. For Miss Gould fears thun- der as some Hornet) do mice, an(1 there is no tranquil waiting under a tree for her when the cannonade begins. "Most of us can be reached by a dra- matic cry for help, a pitiful, obvious tragedy. flung In front of our windows. But Mies Gould's true claims to the hearts of her countrymen lie In faith- ful, undramatic, day by day service - the ready help, here for a struggling student, there for a crippled child; the long hours of work on committees by which some public end is achieved; the thousand good deeds of which even her own right hand does not know, no mod - brats The left" writ l the h,'4ny 4411441 16'1.41(4 ,1f IIINIIy Kingman wart horn in Cornwall.II1( L•IAt v,' Health.. MARKET REPORTS. grain Market. Are steady - Liverpool C'le... Semler, sad Chicago Higbee- The igherThe Yl.lble supply -Quotations. Monday Mvralug, April 0. Liverpool wheat and Guru Iulures dosed '4441 lower to -day thou Saturday. At Chicago to -day Slay wheal (lobed '44 bleier than Saturday, May ecru uuch:tased and May oats unehroged. TAIL '. 1,101.1'..1 I.1'Ll;. As eocopared with a week ago, the v(aILIe .uppl) 01 wheat 114 Canada 11141 the Culted Stares has decreased 11,13:1,4A10ji Astarte: tori steered...al 301,90(4 buabel.: .uta de.•n•a•rd WOO bushel''. Follow Mg In a rotuP+tea. tare stattmeat for the seek radioass tu•Ila71 this preceding week sad correapsedleg week ef, last year: Apl,a,'W. Mr6.30.4Et Ap1.6,'uo. Wheat. ha. ..41: n,s,a'o L1,•a11,0041 48,410.166. Cor., bu. , . 9,1311,II1.011 7,307,00 8,608.1100 oats, bu. . 7,339.000 1,1141.1M)U 3,:111,4144 Tu royp(tulste, the visible supply t r wheat la Canada and the United Statek to g,.t her with that afloat to t:uUUPe. le 71.1108,000 bushels, eeelu.l 72 ,Jl.A$( bund• vas a week ago and 7u,.19C,UW buahelk a )coir ago. 1 ',AGING W u t:A r '6 .6111. 1' 1' PollowiUg are the• timing quotations at important wheat centras no -day : area. Msy. July. sept. New York .•.• 7714 7644' 734 Chi/ ago T 7Wµ • 68% Toledo . . t:pyi 7 711' . ln:hnh, No. 1 N. 74(1 74 74% . • • • TOIONTel hr. 1.A1y IIHNC Ii G. eta - Wheat, red, bush 10 71 t0 5.... 16 seat, white, busk 0 11% • • • • wIona,rrla�s, Duni 07'11 •••• Naha6666, balda• basil. i .o 160 Hears, hasiimeae,i 1.76 Hie. busk, 0 661 Barley, bask. 0 43 Ooatx. bulb. 0 86 CATTLE MARKETS. foibles Money - Montreal Prase Lower Whoa a Weer Ago. at 1Y1yt• to 1De pet dlb. l tar Ameneaavcattlee steers. dressed weight; Canadian steers, 12c to Lase per lb.; refrigerator beet, 914c per Ib. Sheep, Mix to Ilk. ''r'''''eed waled. MONTREAL L1VIt PITO('K. Tb. looda, nlgbt N/tier. The Sunday night supper that Is in- formal phi to a d e •rel' Is I and In /. rma • to I 1 won- dered It 1s not to be gaining favor, at, for these little suppers hove much to commend them. For one thing, they anve trouble. if servants an kepi, Sunday is usually the day out It the mother prepares the meals, she Is reluctant to go Into the kitchen In her "Sunday undA Meet" and get a hot meal. So the suppers come In Windy, and they aro delightfully Jolly as well, for every one helps to get supper and set the table. For one thing, there is usually some deviled ham or Holland herring. This, In a can u " baa been bought f co 4.a O ' the day before and only needs to b1 taken from the refrigerator. Then there • is the coffee to be set over a gas jet, the rye bread to cut, ollveg to stat out, plcklea, of course, and to finish up tonne cake made the day before. A chafing dish, be it ever ao cheap, contributes more to the Sunday night mapper (him anything elite, for by its aid some appetizing mode dl6li can be prepared right at the table. The form- al Sunday night allp4Mr is s thing of the past, for which the busy holm. - keeper, who has her one breathing spell 011 Sunday_ gives humble thuuks. To be stroeg you must hate 44(144.4 nplx•Lit•. g(16111 1111{1,0 imp and Kinn) smnimiLllion. M411,'r'4l' 4Mn1nd him Mlle bring 4114 thew•. For MAlr by Ju.. 41Vilmm. M,.treal, April 6. --There were about 180 0 head of butchers' cattle, 900 calves and 66 sheep and lambs offered for ole at the Nest hind Abattoir today. The butch- es were eat In full force and trade was brisk, with prices rather lower than on last week's markets. quality considered. There were liberal supplies of Easter bed, and prima ranted from 5c to 6c per very few brought over 6140 per ab. Pr mel bee -vee sold et about 4%e, medium cattle at from 88114jcc to 4(4e a d the common stock • 6 from 2'4e to 814 11). There were about 50 ranch open on the market. bat there was not mu'h demand for them. Prices were from $26 to 865 each. Calve ,o Id at from 81 to 112 each, most of the sales being at from $2 to 54 each. Sheep sold a6 from 8140 to 464e per lb., y.arllnss at from 614e to 6144' per Ib. Spring Iambs g old at from 83 to 53 each. Fat bop an very plentiful and gold at from 6140 to Pic per Ib, w4dghed off the lam. EAST 140 PALO CATTLC MAREZT. Fast Buffalo, April 6. -Cattle -Receipts, 8500 head : active: heavy firm; others 100 to 1'e' higher; prime steers. 56.85 to60: new at 55.60; shipping otters. 55.10 to *26; butchers, 84.60 to 55.166 betters, $8.75 t. 56 cows. 03.25 to 8440: bulla, 83.60 to 84.50; feeders. 14 to 44.66; stockers, 03.60 to 54.40; stock heifers. 83 to 03.75; fresh cows and springers steady; good to chto oice, ummonto .1i8mtod525. um t'y good, l reeceipta, 850 bead: T5c higher; tops, $8.26 to $8.60: Coin mon to good, $6 to 08. Hogs, receipts, 14.50) head; fairly active; heavy, $7.65 to $7.75; a few 57.90: mixed and medium, $7.55 to $7114; ',others, 57.40 to $7.45; strong weight, $ :,0. pigs, 17.2..' to $7.30: worths, $6.90 to 57 25; stage, $5.50 to $6: closing slow on pies: strong on others. Sheep and Iambs, re, olpta, 17.600 bead; le• five: ',beep steady: lambs 15e to Zett hlrh- er: tops, native lambs, 88.10 to 88.15; cult*, to rood, $3".O to 44' westerns, 87.86 to 58; senrllogn. 07 to 7.26; ewe 86 to $6.50: sheep, 1. mired, 50.26 to $6,50; culls to good, 53.2; to $6.15. NEW Y01411 LITS STOCK. New York, April 6.-Beeves--Recelp(J, 1500: firm to 10c higher: steers, $5 05 to $5.05; bulla, $.1.25 to $4.70; cows, $1.60 to 54.30. Exports to -day. 12 cattle ■ad 116 sheep. Calves, receipts. 5003: active and.' folly hoc higher. Velil 54.60 to $8.50; tors. 08.75; culla, $4; buttermilks and mix- ed calves, 54.60 to 16: little calves. nominal. Sheep and lambs, receipts, 8386: sheep arts to lee higher. Sheep, 54.50 to $6.76- n- trn. 87; few clipped. 53.50 to $6.26; limbs, $0 to 08.25; clipped do.. $5 to $7: spring lalntaa, $5 to 57.50. Hose, receipts, 7142; trifle easier: Stets and Pennaylvsnla hogs) 57.60 to $1.66; Virginia bop, 417.40.. CHICAGO LIVE arrOCK. Chklgo. April R. -Cattle -Receipts, Ilk; 000, Including 800 Torana: steady to 10e �• tower; good to prima steers, $1190 to 56 00: poor to medlem, 53.90 to 44.75: stockers and feeders, 32.76 to 54.75: cows, $1.80 t0 2.50 to .76' canners 1.60 .2.'.: letter 5 N s 5 N t8 02.80: hal-. i2to 2Cr calves, , to p Tszu-ted steers, 84.10 to 04.60. joi(s-Recelpts to -day, 29,000: to -morrow, 20,000: left over, 3600: slow end 50 low- er: mixed and butchers, $7.10 to $7.26; good to choice. heavy. $7 84) to 87.50: weigh, heavy, 57,10 to 57.50; light. 56.86 to 57.15: bulk of ales, 07.13 to 87.96. Shoop-Reeelpt.. 20.000; sheep end Iambs. chole .t.i,4.�yv; otb,•rs lower; good to choice wether'', 56. TS to 57: fair to ehdre mixed, 54.60 to 56.50; native latob., 55.50 to 57,80. .,1' •1611. �\It. :unl \11s. A. R. .\ nd.•l Ihnlgtulnon. arrived in tlwn yemtetdaly 1141 their ret mai frau a visit ;,f several months in 4'nliiornil'and are laud 411 their j)rtiw•x,1f the beautiful ,(Ii111At4•. .Io.t before I0.avillg; they jhad - one of the heaviest (rains for year. /at Angeles Amt; ',imam' that 1tti41net . whichwash 141 ,.1t 3hal1l ew Y 111 (il 1611 eo11mitte1;11.1'• oImnulge:tea•afHr. heumatism.. le Uric Acid In the blood Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. If the kidneys acted .0 they should the would , (rain the Uric they out of the system and rheum., tisin wouldn't odour. Rheu- matism Is a Kidney 1)1.. 6.4416. Dod4'a Kidney Pills taut made a great Part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at lh. CY W } . of close IYi fur S hooting Paine a,,,1 snit, aching joint.. There la but 0111 sun way-- Dodd's Sidney Pills mmmmmmmmnrmm11mmnm2 Fencing and Painting Mr - 1 -1 NW 1 7 i h:ve1'ylMnly 4..Ining 1111111' or In,. at 6114, .ra.,,n of 1112 %...41, \\ 11••11..0-11 11 1 he lw..t 1.• Kul :' We Miry at -- 4▪ 11 McKENZIE & HOWELL'S Yule auk lin to ,tale 11111. I1•144/4l1l44: It. 14'4.1l6l1g w•.• 41411,111. 164/6' - end kiwis with 11 14144.' rant:.• of 114.444111«, etc., 'Including the 1 1)1 A I h' It O M'1', A \I F: It I l' A N and 1' h: H FE l' T makes. -41111 'elle reason.. as.nn.. why wt' (11111k the I I) E A 19 ie an ideal fence di'' - 4. 1,1114116'16: -_.-- ---.. The Ilse '411tnn'y ha111 .prang wilt' Ihtvugholtt gives it touch 4411116.•., M1lr•nglll than call 161. 411441111.e1 in ally roll jenri1144 yet 4(11M1111'.Ml. It ha. gn'ilte•1' c411r•11g(11 111:111 i, 0141in/t1.11)' nrittilwd, and will Iw• (.,1111,1 mend 1411411 l'111ell/e66rit,. The;lel: 4. twat I16ieitiv', making a1 joint Which clulnot 116 11m,a•ed. 'rhe 1 1) E .1 1. tts a1 spiting in uy(r)' (.011 111'46, giving i1 elastb441).and iu11ply providing for (1,nt11(1t• and exprlaol•. It requites few posts on arisen -it of its heavy, stiff stays. E11 4.1U111.1t be easily raised 1111111 the 441 1 a, presite l down :IL tl r' ill l t. It i. quickly and easily .•trcteel. 1t 111,IA,•,. a6 11110. aptlearanoe Wh.•11 well "4retchel. ' '- 11 p•1•111411el11'lltly 411111111ye•.. y ' plrlp•1•ty, being made to _.ego hl,t. - \\•hat 1s more e•s,M•ut iaal to an ideal relive? -mos ‘V.. 16.14 :1 0-1161• hurl wire 14'1.111•0. of lighter sizes at 15c per E 4.,.1, 1e.. 2.• for c11.11. The beet Vow.• offer going. 14.11411 AND COILED \\-IBE 41'11.1. +62.73. CLEARING SALE E AT COST AND UNDER E Of ready-made st; 11'3 and OV F.It COATS(, 1o111aus. • "IRON -OX TABLETS are by far the most attract- ively put up remedy I have ever seen, and the immediate favor they have found with my customers surpasses any- thing in my experience. I can also speak most highly of the medicine itself. I heartily wish you the suc- cess which I am sure you will have."-WM. H. CAA 1neRR, Druggist, Bridgeport, Conn. They Cure Constipation and tndIgs.tlon. 30 Tablets. 23 Conte. SUPERBA CABLE All ordered work can•bdly KU' o,.1co to H DUNLOP, T t West Huron LICENSE DISTRICT '1'116• 11.411.1 111 ..I•12 1 III.• t• ' 1.1111'. w111 I111.•1 .11 1hr Inspector's Office, Clinton, 115 TOUVSDAI, Ann, IN1, 1613, AT 3 O'CLOCK 1'. M., In ron.ld'r I he appli-W ion.• for the lice. • of 1110.11441. All petition. or *optical ions to heee14t to W. .1. 4'Ni.lr)'. 1t •l."9..r. I lin11Nt. The a uudh•r of Ii.ew..•.. for the year Mt 190 16xe 261 hotel. and ...(iota•. The number "0 appliratiun- for the, year 11/0-1014 4. 31 hotel.. 4,641 2 New application. 5. Pike,- Waverly Ilou.•. Clinton ; N. 0. ikWID. 4'arl,w, and Alex. Orr. Itnm•wlek Ilou.1•, \\'l,guin'. ]o Iln•nv granted In any hot(1 16114. lir+ala' Moll a4 .int 'hit..• 1211 Ile plr•ini'.'-. W. J.I'.a1N1.KV. xry lA•plr•tor. l linins. Patented ist May, 1900 ARE GUARANTEED FOR 511.1 sv J. BROPiIF,i' 8 SON, - Goderic6. 1 BfiOPIllY&SIIll N -Tea LIADI'd - '. "Au -too -VA) tvSt4e%l? M vtaaa:- lye., NAND. MICS. 0r0•1. var./wily a•lerdtd le wf all It ,.4.4 mato we day. foebee agree'. 17'S ALL RIGHT ! 41,114I (l u,lria. 111,14 enter at ...y tom s SPRING TERM gin.; M 301 b K March 6. Tw •roar',w ram - MA shorthand. Seal for lot lege jnurn 1. C. A FLEMING, A L. MuINTYi4I, 1.116T'i Wll.. HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAY- JN HANG 1'1. I,K<I' Scrllthll llrt1 Ct1 1:: Tilt: M.11RI:P I Al 1'0,41 we'61t.111 .n IA. 1:41+a1 1•N'1•:e. where yon art Alto 11.. 'b4 . Mn. orl..r', bot •1 L: $. 4 SL.ZTBARD'S S1.1,22 p!.n0101V 01101de4 1.0. a ... In Paints .. .-.4111 E 11 I) 1. I. 1' 1\' 1)1) D h:L. Ib' 611.,11. \\'hy, it is 4111ly a 4111.444t 1011 14 1int,• 11111 i 11 tl I. 1. Y \1'ttt) 11 nll..ilute•I%• stipulated and 6611r.1 116• 'W.I. Every lin lir II O I, 1, Y \V 411) it is guaranteed ▪ to "4411141 :, y..411•4. .\II we want i, to ..•lI you one small tiekandr • Ica you lie ek•• your own (o661par4,o1'.. You will 41way4 buy -• .- 11 0 1. Y \\' III) IIafterthat. \V.• have 11 little 1,64,k ('Alltel 4W- ''flint, and 1 11.tw 141 4'16' ft." 111.'..4 64*' are Kiting away 141 pros- -.Alp • petIYe• t•II"4,1Ime-t'.. IA• Mlle 1 get one. A F' r I. 1. 4'I' O (''l( I) h 11 .1 11 D 4141- .1 It F. 1 N. 1903 Buggies and Carriages FOR 1903. Every Buggy up -to -(late in style anti Finish, and well (nude --they are all w a l r a 11 t, e d. LA VIS' WA REROOINS HAMILTON -ST., - GODERICH, iy THE THE PLACE TI) 13FT THE -' -r McKENZIE & HOWELL, 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RIG= i GOODS at RIGIIT PRICES We handle ton 4411(0(+ c4 the following well known maker, WM. (Haar k Mohs, Chatham; i11eLAI1nIILI't CARRIAc:C CO, (l.hstro ; CANADA CAs*bAna ('o., hrock' ill• ; T morn BItg07 Co, OHO.. 0411 At altar Wareroolm And tell the Targe stock we have 011 hand. A1.0 all kinds of FA1{M11NO MACHINERY And 11E)'.\14(5. LAVIS' WAREROOMS, Hamilton-st. GUNDRY BROS. 51122 40c» thus they have p,.rcha.•ed froth Mr. A. M. POLLEY his LIVERY,- H,AoK AND 'BUS Business. and that they will be found at the old stand on South Street with a good stock of useful Livery Horses. charge Wen-appofntnd Hacks and reliable Drivers In oft the 'Buses which will meet all trains and steamboats. All Calle att"nded to promptly from hotels and private houses T. GUNDRY TELEPHONE 60 W. H. GUNDRY • � nrnrnmrmarttrmnrmnnrrrG Y US ' BICYCLE and KINGSTON - STREET REPAIR Shop We handle all kind, of new high grime glachinee, among thew the CLEVELAND, K dt 1). and ANTELOPE. In our Shop you will find no' ping but the hest, which is none ton good for you. We can tit your 4 heel with a "New Departure," "Cinch," or "Morrow"' Coaster Brake. They're all right. Try one. (tile Sh:(ONI)-IIAN11 WHEELS aro all thoroughly• overl"wllel in Mn expert manner, and are aur.' to givo goad satis- faction, even At the Iow price, We tell at. Conte and ,en us if you want eatiataction at very reasonable prizes. \1•,• rent Whe•IN--- Ih) fill kine' of repairs -- Si•11 bi.•yrll• .1111611h.... • --Make Old wlte'I,. 118 g,ng1 ars ttew'. \lye krone b,,.1 to.lu it -hot only 1111 MINA 64164)1 l4'11114. (.0111.' 6)661 test how good the lig repair chop and livery can do for you. J NO. YULE, 1 T i E Bicycles, Repairs, 1 v U 1. Sundries, Livery. KINGSTON STREET, NEXT , OPERA NOUSE, GODERIGJ. ALL THE USEFUL BRANC;S are taught in the Our students Ore 1114 g11111 14 1114941 flirt. johN• hilt After A r11n1l4P 411 thin .'nIlegRe it will h6• no trouble for then Io hold 14(1y position. R-,' aid then,. if p sulihle, to obtain enl Iloment hal we 111'46 (41,144, Ilium to 1114,1111:lin the• high tepidnlion thin mehin.I )-IUs nle(1,ireI. J W WESTERVELT, Principal. Use Printed Stationery In your llusineas Correspondence. You can get (:(N01) PRINTING ON 0001) 1'A1'ER at THE SIGNAL.