The Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 7THIT SIGNAL: (.l)DERI(11 ONTAltlt)
10000010141000100004100010001014 %WI 01 tlo11( la Oil
3 News of the District. E
3 (lidAc.'"lentally Shot at Clinton -Sul- F
j cide at Qorrie-J. A. Jackson, Bar- IP
3 rister, Leaving Blyth for the West F
3 -Farms Changing Hands -Killed F
byHorse's-W ddin
aKicke s
•x F
3 Throughout the County Removals 6.-
3 by Death A Week's Doings. F
3 F
Dr. Hall, of Clinton, lots Mull 10.1
veterinary practloe W Dr. J. S. Eyaus,
late of Tiverton.
Extensive neistir•t ha\•t• IMM•il teen-
}/leted at the BrtiamelM salt workis end
the ulanufuetur of atilt it again pio-
James. Allen has mold him • two
hundrMI-u(•re farm, on the tenth mm -
emotion of Ushorne, ter Huln.rt Derry, I
of Hlanmhanl, for the mum of I$I2,500.
The union clear of Auburn, which is
under the kwati.nihip of Mr. Leth-
bridge, of Goderirh, 'narrows giving
an enttt tainnle•nt on Kloster Monday.
David Holmes' him di.litwMrl of his
fine 75 -sere farm, on the lath c 'Pl.-
Minn of McKillop, to Bette line., of
the saute locality, for the It/intim
stun of $3,800.
Mm. Hugh Phillip, of Belfast, an
oke and highly eitod•nlel res ithrlt of
the township of Ashfield, diel 011
7tixesiey of �t week in the sixty-
eighth yflnr of her age.
The choir of Wesley 14 lay school,
Clinton, ret•ently went out to the
1 144• of refuge and retial 1ml a pro -
goon which was •h enjeved by
the inmates. It was a theughtfiul and
kindly net.
Hervey Melhiwell, of W4'stfi.•Id. lull
Mir. Muutl Campbell, ehlest daughter
of Char. Ca tip/U,htdl, of Marnoch, were
united in We11iN-k on \,.tIrieelay .f
bolt week. They will reside on their
farm at Westfield.
Maud Urtwnw, a tw•rlr-yt•ar•-,lir1
girl of ('lintetn, was accidentally shut
by hied ('iw rk, a het of *Neil the Name
age, who wait tett bird*. The
ti 111 1.wlged in the girl's thigh and seam
extistet4d by the sur•gwmN.
I'ete•r McKay, near Ethel. Met It fine
thew• -year -0141 heavy -draught colt a
few days, Jago.• N'hile frisking about
the yard it 'Pepped 4.11 a purr of
bn.krn rail, whirl penetrated its IMMIy
and did injury beyond nwir.
Jam/.. Ner,.Il, a peep aet and
well -to -410 temp.,. of HewirkM•rtownship,
'tied Suicide N'1- it slbty siftrt•-
leMin of Inst ww•k. by shooting Met-
s.•If in th.• heath with n r..velver. No
4.4su54• lit known at premed for hie Irak
A c 'pee. 4.f l'linten citizens has
hed•n visiting vat -item town, Ketlferiig
Infonnat' in regard ti. their system)
of weterworki end electri( Iigllting,
with it view to the possible rttaliliNh-
went of much systems by the corpra-
Liun of Clinton.
J. A. Jerkwrn. 11. A.. who has been
pntetimiug law• in Myth for the Ietst
year and a half, is homing thin week
for th.• \V%, intending to settle• e.utl•-
w•here it Alls•rta district. The limed..
of BIvth are eery to it se Mr. Ja'•keon
frau their midst.
James Porter, ''011dte•etl nt N'ml.
Brown's farm it. IhlnctI. met with 44
pQeinful Accident • night Met week.
He was feeding the rattle wheel hey
stampeded wet rntshel 1 ' between
them. One of he rite wAnlln,ke, and
he wee otherwise srrimlIly iujtuvdl.
Dr. Irving, of Walton, awe Weddelli
in Termite on 4iiturtley, 2Ist March,
to Miss MAud McLean. � )yteingtwt
dengq�hter of the late Lt_ -('ad. Me1.ean,ol
)leedsml. The young couple left for a
trip in the l'nitedl ?}fates prior to ,wt-
tling down at their home in Welton.
Joseph Hugill, a hold• buyer, of Me-
Killo 1 te.w•twhip. wits killed an (he
Brock farm, Dui the Hayfield 014141, near
Brusedield, .n Thuls.Iuy. H4' w•a* in
the ai•t of stepping tip to examine a
colt when the a ' I kit keit him in
the head. Death wee inetantauelats.
Jetties Eaggle54u1 and fi '1)• me leav-
ing Clinton in it week or twofer Aber-
deen. South Dakota. where two of Mr.
hatgles.n's leathers and it sinter have
been located for sniw tilue. With him
drprtutw the whole seven of the
Eeglewrn Mothers will have Is
reeide•nts of Dakota.
Thr menthe of the 114,nt ex Linnet -
tions at the Ontario Veterinary College
14r• announced, end g the gradu-
ates are hone from this district : F.
Narhurn, Mite•hell ; H. E. House end
T. \V. NVilaun, At weed, end F. H.
Leulhie, Bnienel4I. The hat -darnel
is the goki mwlalist 413 the year.
The Clinton New Ere urges the int
movement .f the nwds in the neigh-
limbs/lid of that town and quotes a
farmer (rein near Holmiesrille who said
that he would rather drive to (ie.ilr-
rich with him produce than travels(•
the mile of road ("Weide the town of
Clinton on t. he Hurnl yawl. }trifid im-
provement it a live queation.
Mims Ann Blenshar'll, n resident of
Winghaw for Many years, died at the
house of her mimti•r-in-law, Mrs. Will.
Blattshaarl, in that town, on Sunday
March 2nd. Aged seventy-one years.
Deveasdi Muffe•red from n per•alyfic
Menke s. • years itg) and t.hii left her
in very feeble health, anti on Malutdny-
she hail another stroke. which caused
her death.
grown-up family. Her remade were
laid to net in the Hayfield cculelery
beehle 11114*• of In, ha,Mliitmnl, who pre-
deceased het teteril1 years.
W. H. Hunter, hate plrlprieter .f•
the lira). House ii, Seaforth, wait found
deed on the ('. I'. R. trucks near
Tu•0 1 Jima' on4.
1 nt( J rl t Wednesday f
Instweek. The hotly ly was terribly71b
mutilated. The 1 f4. 1 u a to• wan.
Ih 4.i It 411 sun
known toe be A little iI14l$ Ni114411de itt
ti ,,,, 11111 It 1it supposed dd that while
wandering 'thing the backs at night
Ile waw ..truck by the 1•xprtew 4.r tine of
the nunlemits height trains.
R. N. Itliwe, wile for mane years
had conducted ,a (umlaute and wider,
taking lima:wee i11 Exeter, wit 11 emcees.,
aud whtireel ,i lventeredtheedoles ids
braille••* with H. Shell, hue lis wheal of
the former busimes1 til his 1nolher,
Salami. and J. 1). Atkinem. of Clinton,
formerly of Exeter. 1n ,eller to give
all his attention to the new \•entuv S.
How,. ham 414.14 his farm in I'sis)rnw, tut
1:), riucewsiun 3,• hr W. J. F'ul'l, .f
Exeter, for the sural 11 $11.750.
The trustee's of S. M. No. 2, ronee's-
sim) 18, Grey, h.tye engages' Mise.
J. ' • Howe, of Httlss•Is, as teavhet•
end she a •newt Work this week.
There woe 110 w'hl it.1 held ill this sd•-
tion since btst. ' is •r, owing l4.
the Innen len of t•hildrr•n in thi'
se'(•tiuu. The nittuition was more'me.-
/Iex0lg to the trustee's than if there
Mel lawn an nympha. There are
Alma a 11117.4'11 chilli.•,, able to attend
new, w•yelltl changes .laving ls'cn
mole in Opo moving of 6unili,•s.
T)ios. J. \languid•, a highly respelled
resident of N'iuglutin, "mewed away 1-11
Saturday, Mad'h 21.1, At hie rt'„IIIe•11/•1•
i., that teen. I)..eawd waw in hie
thirtieth veer and haul not been 4-mjey-
1nggess) health fl or sometime. 11•• wee
n wen 4.4' Chas. Maguire, of the filet
lin.. of Morris, and live) with his
p1.11111 IA until he :witched numbs ml„
F14. went tet Winghaul in the fell .f i!MII
and engaged in the real ewlete• and
111.4111'1 Ilei lalkl11eee and had w,nktel up
a gls.l bu,.iucs.. Ile 1111%1.5 a 1.11 hw
and two small children.
On Turstav err ' g of last week
Mex. 1lrxumdrr Ross, Isar ib•urrticld,
pend quietly away GI her long le •
After it Mt.,r't illness. She had reached
fir• No. .f s•ve tity•uine•, and survived
her husband maty yes11... Mlle was it
neti',c .f M.•.tlaa.d. Four whin and six
daughters survive her: Alexander, Id
Ileltlsh Columbia : Thos.. .f Wing -
haus: Ihan, of Cleveland. and Williams:
Mrs. D. McLean. 4.f Mtalde v : Mrs.
leder, ferml
m•rt�• .4 Seafo tll: Mrs. Lee,of 1►aktiet : Mrs. N'. Munhs•h anti
Mee. 1), Mrl.evam, of Stanley. Null
Mrs. NleTat of St. Tholnss,
11. 1►. \\'ilsn1 & (*mummy. of 1.4.44
forth. have obtained as 111.ntli's exte•u-
Niun 41 ' in w•Iliclt to r.mgije'te• a
mile of their egg pickling *dant, eon
wn•h ,.
fits gl' 21 wire, - 111 \ aete•rl. w1,
has a mortgage which he is seeking to
enterer. NN. ore's
rtgng rI*i 11( is
112,t'M) And he has been taking in•., -
reeding., bp realize i1 by selling age
lrrgM'tt y under the power of sale in
the mortgage. \\'ileal & 4 '.nlpn y
allege that they 11444'4' All ntT07• of $2..-
0IM1 fur the egg plant %thigh they will
be aide 4t meek.• i1, it ueti,th if the
' 4 ','11145 are star). 4 hanre•Iler•
Hoyt) las granted the Mtay.
('herles Hely-er, of Clinton. aged
seventy-five years, died suddenly
Welneslay morning rd lust week. He
11)1(41) ...I f1- be As well its 1151011 the
ccs g pievitece but et two l..l.m•k
in the 111.1' g Palled his drnghter
44\•118 111' was ill. The Meter was a1
ems• sent far• butsbefor• he could arrive
Mr. Hel•ar• had 1144.,11111' •I,IW11111r
and dial. Fur alwnit thirty-five years
Jnr. 11.14 r• was hlee•kxnlith for whet
is flow the firm of Mundial!& Me\1st11.
He Wits 111 uuin..,unl1114 ,11111 ruu54'iwi-
t14.11N Mall. a 'itemise. 11(1 he meet known
as tree Ply th Brethren. His f •
chiklien survive: 1'luas. end Mts
Smith. of ('linten, Miss \L•n•v Hel•ar,
teacher. Termite. a11(1 14 married daugh-
ter in t he Slates,
On Wednesley evening, March lith.
eltout 12:1 guest. aiseeitablesi at the n•si-
de•nce of alvx. Gneliner, Walton, to
witn,•srl the marriage of Miss Nettie,
third daughter of the worthy h(mt, to
William G. ('lark, • .f the lest
known and mewl highly respected
yeting gentlemen of the Willie vicinity.
At fen. 11(11 w•k the Wedding rllalr'll
wAs pligei by Mem. Beetle. his', as
the young (simple Gw,k their places in
the ratite% utattetukd. The bridr
WAS tastefully end prettily attired in
White Petsiitm btwn and Wits given
away by her father. 'Die marriagge
r,•11•tll,I I) w104 tw•rf.rrrlesl by Hey. 1).
11. Marsh, .t )brmilto, brother -in -haw
of kite bride, assisted by It,'v. A. Mc -
NIM .r WAlt,m, .f whims• r•ongt'•gli-
tion the yttong couple are both es-
tellltel nle'nlhw•fw.
Robert Sprung, .f Manitlnt, Mani-
toba, formerly of Hnllrtt, hes
tented his faun in that ws•tion of the
country end has returned to Hnllrtt
with him wife, whit hew ieer1 an invalid
for A n bet. .f years, and his
daughter France", to spend the mune
titer. Mr. firming intends returning
to Manitoba with a carter.' of horses
in at few weeks.
The 75 -aero fat•nl of Datil! Horses,
toncearifon 13, McKillop. hes been mold
to Meanest. Bette, of the name I•it•ality,
for Winne. ,tames Camplwll has dist-
ressed .f his fens on the fourteenth
(Mmcestion of McKillop, containing
eighty -Height .tars, for Pat.riCk HOW -
land, of the same township, for $2,1111.
There eve no huiklings on this farm.
Init, there are .ixty Hetes elperd.
levet week Hebert Bowen add fifty
(u•nw, the north half .f tat al, mores -
mien 13, township of Grey. t..Iohn M.
Itutchin.on, his neegghlwar, for $1,7111.
The helenee .f the 1111 Hatesm WAN pnr-
ehase,t by Mrs, Hoyle, of the mime
lorelity, for '1,1110. 1 hate pow
sestsion i. ggiven. We did not 1.41 111
where Mr. li('oven intend. tiring. 11e
has been a resident of (logy fee• the
pant thirty years.
An old end wen -known resident hee
been removal beim Exeter by the
death mn Mntlrlsy, Marsh :and, .f Mee -
game Scott., relief, of the lats. J. 1'. Mc
I104ieh, at the great age .frtIiig�3] te
rear(. The deepened taoesti to Exeter
tram Centralia nlaany ran ego end
had raider% tater. e'er ni9tre, /mine
highly reepec by Mer friends end
neighbet .- She f1 wtevivwl by a
1'uitel Stat4'% is made than Sisal Mbar,.! MARKET REPORTS.
4.0 which there b no duty. It iw also
declared that over •ly per cent. of
the twine Made in the '. 14. is nitttiu- Wvape.l Wrest Hlga•r, Rut •
Gt•ta111d by the large implement Gra-wa•et K•tled to
u01uufitetutwtx. Now, outride of two
concern') of that claim, there ala 5414114
ten or twelve waken' of twine i11 the
States. and it is twtintated that they
make from forty to fifty per cent. of
the twine used in the States, 'I'I1ry
umsert that while there is 110 duty on
twine cooling into ('itntuht the•I'. 114 it
duty of ft 'et per ce•nt. tam twine
entering the Republic. What is the
truth? There it no duty .n Sisal , r
tWine running OM feet to the pound
going int., the Stater from l'antuht;
there it it duly 4.141 forty-five•er• rest.
um twine 1 ' g ILto the slued,
but there is very litth• of this length
of twine mimic and the Canadian 0:111 -fl.
twine is of el grade that meth! 'Mit lie
add in the States, even if there were
no Wit y upon it. Sisal fibre in glow's
in Mexico and is free of duly. The
maker can buy it as
cheaply as the A unericau, sod tam
fully eIght\ fi4,tit ninety 1tr cent
of all binder twine Is mule f
Sled filet and tis Sisal twines are ael
mlittwl te*Uw Stetese they free, what
Advantage haw the Auli•.irert maim -
retainer over the Canadian? 'Then
the AII.•ricarl harvest is alleged to he
earlier than the Canadian. and the
A1111'rican uy4k,•1•s will slaughter their
.urphts Lw'llll• 111 If,'atntiit. The 4bit-
mei. and 1114'1144• lar',,•mt is at the genu•
time• Ma the Central %'est, I Mani-
toba ml)4 a little later than in Min -
nem .titawl N.rt It 1 ),.k,,tit. The r4.n-
W1111on that hemqp for twine making.
has tl, Ise bought in August and Sep-
tember for the (011ewi11g 54dt54al'14 har-
%ent it; also %% Wt. of the mark. Sisal
I14.1)1g 17115411 111 MI•xits,• at vessel will
tllakl• till• trip 111 about eight days. It
is rheeriug to*he feruu•r 141 be a•ruted
by this.• who are urging the duty that
there is 411 chance of n emulate., but if
1 amu net mistaken the /44j1ing spirits.
in this agitation aur• this..' Who forule41
a eom,binsti.m in the old day's baying
up several faetei•i,•s and securing n
mouepoly of the tient*. busiueee 141
4'anada. Were the Geyer ea to
give we 4.n this ptint how 501411 would
it IM' till the fence -wire makers would
lylve to be ua•t in the same' we ?
Kt ery Itsl' elle unde'ixtiuld. the
Canadian situation knows that`thc
West would out stand it. Our menu -
fart mere are tlulu•ishingq(. Ilse ei.umtri
is going ahead 1 Iette•r in well 441° i1
aleUr, gent lemlru, and cunt' 'ht give
the faultier a rheum. AGRI.
Siw't•iel rates for tit.. Easter holidays
by G. T. it.: Hound trip tickets at
gqi. (lost -rens fere, g,wsl 'going '19nus-
Ilay, April 1104, to Monday. ,144n•il 1:11h.
inelttsit '. and !weer ' g tat Titeelay•
April lith. T.. remit -Ws end tedxetters,
en surrender of standstill rertMeat.'
tegne15by prandial of "wheel, return
t0 •ket.. at Single Mee ;old one-third.
.ons! going April Rh to 1ltlaand r• -
turning until April 21st. During 141 41-
11;1111 of Parliament it Pullua11 shaping
ear service is provided by G. T. R. be-
tWeenT,uamG. and 1)ttat wee via Hrlclot
vi11e -tinily Nervier mal •h way. Buy
\•11111' tickets ..11.1 gest All illferin4t1n11
Haul F. e'. 1..twurxer.. G. T. H. town
ticket agent. ..0 the M411111e.
Reasons Why 11 Should Not be Reimposed by
:the Canadian Government.
A c(mresemitident of Thi• Farmer'„
Advocate throws emu. light. on the
hinder twine quest len which is of
1N•euliar ns'fnlnesw jest at present am
view of the nttempt that is being
made te seems. a restoration of the
duties .m 1Willi'. The letter 114 Int
f.nowm :
You will have heats! that history re-
tries itself. Away hark in 1)04,
!temperer file's reit'' the visit .f
delegnh.ns f. Ottawa io insist Ian the
11•steratinn of the ditties .n hinder
twine. otherwise Iiquida ti1)1 nwnitedl
the manufacturer. 1tnother view pre-
vailed, and Ill• duty was net restored,
but the msntlfscture .f twine hum
gone on. and miner that t• ' t believe
that mix new factories have gone into
opTerat.icm, viz., thins. At Wnikert,til,
Ilrnntf.tll, Itrand.n, Peterlslro, Chet -
hem, •and the Richelieu ('m., whits•
them. previously 'pea ISI In the enter -
prime continuer doing nimbuses at the
I.ld stand. 1t in no eerie that very
handsome dividend,. hays' leen declar-
ed by theme o,, npmies. nut what (la
we find? The WInM inflttenees that
WHIM! elew111ent in the lief for n r•-
imist eition .f ditty ere again almond in
the land. Staxfenuentx ATP I.'ing sent
1.0141 hl1Nwlea.t, such as this, that
hinder twine in rnettufe(and ehiet(s
fnnn Msnine f 1'•.', ..n which there is
en expert duty .f three -ea htht 01 a
rent r ing 1e Camels, wile it we
free for the I'. M. tnanlrf,trt'er•r, Heat
what iM the fiw4? Why, that from (K
:La 91 per %sent.. of the hinder twine
made and stria in Cassock% mad the
Cau.da tae Lead or Premle•.
London, March 31 -According to a
Parliamentary report, covering emi-
gration returns, the number of emi-
grants leaving England, as reported
at the information office, wan 28,-
8;407 in 1902, anti 15,757 in 1900 -
Thesis figures cover emigration to
Canada alone To South Africa, In
1902, there were 43,,24 persons who
emigrated front England, and 23,193
In 1901. The report shows that the
homestead entries in the Northwest
Territories of Canada were 14,883
In 1902, compared with 8,187 In
Mille Canada still has plenty of
room for more, the report says that
South Africa L glutted with labor,
and, in Australia, there 1s no de-
mand for labor.
Hurt by Exploding Roller.
Niagara -on -the -Laic°, Ont., March
81.-A boiler in the wood and coal
yard of James Longhurst on King
street blew up about 5.80 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Of the several
men present at the time, Mr. Long-
hurst was the only one to receive
serious tnjurf,s. being badly scalded,
the others escaping with very
slight wounds. The building wag
badly wrecked and took fire immed-
iately after the explosion, but the
flames were soon extinguished. The
cause of the accident is not known.
1771 Immigrants En Route.
Winnipeg, March 31. -Three special
trains, having on board 872 immi-
grants, left 'Montreal yesterday
morning for Winnipeg, and are due
here on the fillet of April. The party
is made up as -follows: 700 English.
50 Scandinavians, 40 French, 40
Oalliciane, 27 Italians and 15 Hun-
Railroad ilea oa Trial.
Newark, N.J., March 81. - The
men Indicted for manslaughter 4n
connection with the trolley car
wreck of Feb. 1!e, which resulted in
the death of nine High School pu-
pils, appeared in court yastorday.
All pleaded not guilty, and furniehed
$2,000 bail each
Oen. Rooth Weleem•d Home.
London. March 30. --London accorded
General William Booth, commandos -in -
chief of the Anlvatton Army, a great
Welcome home at the Albert Rall to-
night. The immense auditorium was
MOWS talars the Moor to the itBlf,
Although the medicine business
should, above a11, be carried on with the
utmost conscientiousness and sense of
responsibility, the unfortunate fact is
that in no other is there so much hum -
ling and deception. The anxieties of the
.ick and their relatives are traded upon
in the most shameful manner; impossi-
ble cures are premixed; many prepara-
tions are absolutely worthless, and some
ere positively dangerous to health.
As a consequence, all proprietary
remedies are regarded with snepieiorl
by many people, and the good suffer
for the but
Por these reasons we announce that
our proprietors are the principal share-
holders in
which will, we Inc sure, he en ample
guarantee of the truth of every repre-
sentation made concerning
Thr Icon -ox Pomeroy Cs,, ltd.
Walks vlwa. Oat.
Drop 1a
Chicago -
The Latest Ouotatlous.
Loodev I:reuing. Maeek 80.
Liverpoolwhe.1 turners ,4s,sl '(4 hlgalr
(O-d*Y ttlan 011 :Wturdac, and roto tuna)
ifad ‘3:(
%d lower.
At t' e* a May wheat rsiI(d 1tic frau
Uaturdey; May. cora 5ke, and May oats lee•
•l•MY. \'IMIItLK .I Pl'I.a
As contra -red with a week ago, the visible
supply of M' : 1
1 V y heat In Canada uw1 the ! 1 Ited
8114.'. halm dnvl*•s,•d 1,7114,1) bushelM; corn
decreased 4t',e04. bushel*: 01411 increment
125,010 bushels. 1,41owlug In tt esteem-
Ure elt•temeut fur 111r Deck 1-11101: 10 417;
the I(haltrece,Ung week and eorr.s,IwudIOar week
M.-)11M1.'pl M b 1:1,',(1. !I,•h _ •,',r'.
Wheat, bu . 4:1,2UL1•), 4,i.nfi4.(4Ml 4!1.,:15,11)
Corn, bu .. 7,1107,au 10,107.4(4. a.790IiM1
Outs, b4. 1,1'5 axe 7.1521111 s lia,au
To recapitulate, the viable amply ,.r
wheal to Canada and the Culled States, to -
getter with that east to Europe, 15 72.-
061,000 bushels, .)Italum! 75,255.100 bushel/ a
week Igo and 87,S87,lxu a year 830.
1.r.Aut74u W11 1 %1 1141:1.1 ,
Rollowieg are the clawing quotations at
Important wheat centres to -fay:
Oath. May. July. Nept
New Yak j pt
.... 7T(, T. T1
t•tdrago .. 73.1, 1-111% INx
rd, rt, Tlvf ...
Duluth, No. Fill TS 74
731 73% 731. ....,
Cables ateaar--Deeud.t P,4... Au
Aroaad at IMIwNeeal.
Loudon, March 30.-1Jve cattle, slowly, at
12e to 13yc 1st 1h. for American steers..
'Ire1tse4l weight; t'euadlaa steers, 11.' to
121141 per Ib.; refrigerator beet, Yule to Miel
per Ib.
NOSTKF:It. 1.1 t'0': NTOI•K.
Montreal, Mar,4, 30. -There were abut
710 heed of bm,•1,, i cattle, 1200 eal►es
aud 35 cheep and ledge offered for sale
at the east end to-dly. T11
butebers were oat strong aud trade wee
brisk M (technic, prices all round. Primo
beeves sold at from 4j4c l0 5c per pound;
medium cattle at from 3541' to 414c, s114 the
common stuck at from 244c to 8'4e per
pound. calves sold at from $1 up to 510
each. Sheep Mat were &ern sold at about
Inie. and Iloshorn yearling. at from 4%
to 87 r pound. Spring Iambs at from t1II
to 54.50 earls. Fat hoes are declining In
prise, seines at from 0%C. to 791c per
Pound. weighed off the ears.
EAMT KurrAL0 cAT1LC 41 411441:1'.
Mast Buffalo, March 80.-C.ttk'- Rerelpfl,
8500 head; botcher grades, 10c to 15e bleb-
er; heavy, about steady; stockers and feed-
ers, strop prime steers, $6.26 to 8.40;
Md ,_e. lig, to $5.20; butchers', 34.40 to
belfeaw, 83.75 to 34.75; cows, 58 to
a 26; bulb, 83 to $4.25; feeders, 54 to
4.70: stockers, 89.95 to 84.30; stock beles,
to $8.76; French cows and springer.,
('node avast aannn n, steady; good t.
348 to $55: medium to good, 880
to 346; common- $22 t. 328 Teals -Re -
crepe, 1200 dead; 75e lower; tops, $7.50 to
17'73' mmmou to rood. $5 to $7.40.
iteceipts, 23,800 heal; fairly active, 15c t
'2-M' lower; heavy, $7.55 to $7.65; few at
17.70 to $7.75) mixed, 87.40 to 17.55; York -
ere, 87.15 to 37.40; pigs, 17.10 to 1T 16;
roughs, 10.75 t0 17; stege. 16.50 to lig. B5e.p
sod Iambl-Receletn, 18,000 head; active,
strong, lOc'to 25c higher; top native iambs.,
57.00 to 81: culla 10 good, $5.50 to 87.10;
Western, 37.73 to $7 00: yearlings, $7 t.
$7.25; ewe. 10 to $9.50; sheep, top mild,
14.26 to 8050; culls to good, 11.25 to
NEW t'OKK LIVE ,111'4.
New York, Mares' Ip.-Be•vesi-Recelpb,
4151; slow; steers, steady to a shade
moiler; bulls, slow; fat cows, trifle firm;
others steady; steers, $4.50 to 85.50: bulls,
$3.= t $4.� ports,
laule and 8,11011 natters d lxrt
quarters of boot': calves,p
receipts, 9000;
market 80r to T6c- lower oo heavy supply.
t'e'al► -k4 to 1g; few choke to extra, IA.26
to sem: 1)111. mites, 12.511 to 33. Sheep
and !muslin -Receipts. 10,1es.; sheep strong:
ear to .1) 4,. lamina 15e to 2,w• lower; com-
mon old m.ablm. *low: sheep. 34.'25 to
1.i cal: yearlings. 1.1.:11 to 37; Iamb•.. 5a
t., 5N 2: cull., sheep. $3 511 to $1; esti
Iamb,. 14 70 b, mire.. Itgtw_-Itec.4pte, s5851
44, • to 5o.• lower: I'euu.yIva,tla and 8ta4
hurl., 87.40 W $7.50, few cholas,
('t cago. March 30.-Cattle`R.celpta 26.
0111, steady: Loud to prime Memo, 95 tt
85.50; poor to medium, 33.80 to $4.76; st••.•k
ere and hilts', 32.75 to 14.15; cows, $1.51
to 34.50; belfmi, $2.50 to 85.10; canners
11.50 to $275: hill,, 32.50 to $4.61`: calve
$3.50 to $9.15; Texas ted steers, $4 t0 34.50
ltoos- ., :14,000 t -d o; toe torrr' w.
25.010; Ie over, 404x/; ars
well bought; mixed and betohare, 87.15 14
57.30; gout to choice heavy, $7 a6 to 17.66,
'"wish beery. 17 to 31.80; Ugst, 8300 t1
$7.500; balk .t sales, 87.16 to 37.86.
7' I. u taIDA V, April 2, 1903.
%% bat hullo, t„ keep a Nectet a Seal-
ing w0%.
ars the only
medicine that
well cure Dia-
betes. 1.1ke
Bright's Die -
ease this die -
ease was Io-
D°dd. Kidney Pills
cured it. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pill. they ale
{rowe0less against Dia•
beteg Dodd's Kldney
P,Ib are tt,e hist medicine
that ever coed Diabetes.
Imitations- box, na,neand
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the ,nedicitse that tees
Is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty cents • hos at all
(If raadynale SUiTS .. d OVER-
COATS, weenie,.
All unlerell work 44refnlly attcn,lei t0
Tela (.(*111" -
\` St4\QYt%\ \l.recluv" tL44
!MOtq�IMCr X .
.rd- r• rat, ref 11 • tended s. r' all
,.r• 4.._b *or '1•..
41 •• •,., Sir..,,.
n t lbws 1.50 to 4; 1-r - ELIABL
111a : to-
narrow, 10 cane 11110 ebee and 4680
What is that which is neithet• flesh
nor isu1e, and yet had four fingers? A
Sirllthll liarCoal
IN talc MARKsT
Al Coal ere 41,s1 on the Market reales
where 105:75, •.00, Isetors ton.
Ord... hitt at LEE b 9LEP8dV.D'O
Store prourptly ,n1, 1.1 to.
Buggies and Carriages
FU.E 1903.
Every Buggy up-to-date in 'tyle and Finish,
and well inane---they-are all warranted.
We handle the goods of the following well-known Makers :
We. (;IoAY de Sows, Chatham i Mt:Nutu1LIN I:AKIt1At.g Co., Oshawa
CANADA CARRIAOR Co., Brockville; T HEMP'S BUGGY Co, Orillia.
Call at our Warerooms and tee the lergt ' )ck we have on halal
LAVIS' WAREROOMS, Hami/ton-st.
U E' """'"""""""4
We handle all kinds of DOW high grade ulaCIuDes, a)loug theta
the CLEVELAND, E. k U, and ANTELOPE. In .our shop
you will find no ling but the Inst, which is cone too goal for
you. We cast tit your w heel with * "New Departure," "Cinch,"
or "M, rrow" Coaster brake. They're ell right. Try one.
Our S1:CONI-RANI) WIIEELS are all thoroughly
everhnulcd i4. nn expert Dlmmner, and art• sure to give goad sell -
faction, even at the low prices wo tell at. Come and seo 04 if
you wnnt.ntislmetion et very reasonable prig's.
We tent w'lll'4 15
1).. All kiln!..( n'ptite
Sell 1111 veli s Isle*
Make old wheels (s g..151 ns m'W.
\1'r know haw 11- d. 11 h/it 1111Iy .n Mall 1.11411 1erl.s.
C m.' Mrd (80t how gnarl the hig repair ahop and livery can do
for you.
JNO. YULE, BSundrieicycles, , RLiepairsvery,
� FellcIflg and Painting a
Ka rl t INNI\ i. 1101118 lu„n• , r l,•.., at this s•a•ou o1 the yet'
\\'hen' 11111 the IM•et Is' wit i' \V1- nary. at
1'on ask es 1„ .talo 4.111' 1e1/mins : Iti Frllcitig w(• handle :WV -
(qui kinds tt it h a huge range of hcighls, etc., including the
DEAL. I•'It1)5'I'. AMh:it!CAN and PERFECT maker.
The I14a54ulsop by we think the IDEAL is an ideal fence are
n5 fulluwh :
The net' 1.1 hen' y hard spring wile t hlol10h.ut gives it lunch
greater strength than caul be ohlnirmvl 14) ally 14111 feuchhg yet
It Into greiticr alength than is ordinarily required, and will
be found equal to all l'lll(rgenlien.
• The 14.44. unlet poen ive, Making a pilot which cau11101. he
The)m 1 • 1 0
7 i I E 1 N hags n, t l filg in every foot f it, giving it
elasticity. and amply ply witting for cunt sleet ion and exput.i4.r.
It militia 1.11 w taints 011 nie l it Ita:ilfvy, stiff stays.-
It 17x1111111 11e• /•,litdy raised 111,111 the ground Or plerewl down
aft the 14.11.
I t is .htirkly and easily erected.
tt makes a1 Mu. aplr•aliattee when well shete•h(d..
It permuuleuently 11111)11(4.5 your lo'1)M•rty', being Wade, to
hat. '
Witat hit luuiv. essential to an ideal fence ?
We 54.11 a 117141u• loud wily Fence .f lighter siZI'S ilt 1:11' per
,'.ml. le.s'2e• fan rash. The Is•rt F'enre.ITer fining.
11.11111 .1NI) COILED %VIRE ST11.1.
e • . In Paints .• e
110 1. 1, 1' \\' 4) () D Ins. the Mier. Y%'Ily;it Is only a1 •llll•mlllnl
of time until II O I. 1. 1' N' 01) U is absolutely stipulated and
11111.1 Is• had. Every tin of 11 1) I. 1. Y W 1) O 1) is guaranteed
1.. .hind 3 years. '.•111 we want is l4) ,14.11 you • ne small tin and
let yeti make you• own 'etinipu•i%imis. You will always buy
It U I. I. Y N' 1) 11 11 after 1 hat. We have a little book call/dl
••Paint, 1111,1 Aim 10 Use 1t." These we nue giving away,(o pt•1.s- a
peetive cust.o,,' s. lie it11nil get one.
.1 1 U1,1. M')'O1'K O1 11.\141)\V.\11h: I N. 1
� 1111111111111111u1t1�1�11� 11111111] UI 111111 U
&Du:unce Lhas tte.y :loud purclussed from Mr. A. M. POLLEY his
,Runt,i �it and twheit!h tha eyowo.bu'cfkouondu.alutl hLe ivody stHpoce•.0 South Street
Wed -appoint -et Hacks and rellab!e+Drlverr In charge of the 'Buses,
which will meet all tralne and steamboat,..
All rails att9Aded to promptly from hotels and private houses
Gasoline Engines
Type o1 3 to 50 Horne Power Stationary Engine.
Saw your wood,
Pump your water, \
Hun your cream separator,
Thresh your grain,
Grind your grain,
Shell yo . r corn,
Cut your ensilage,
And pay for itself in a year.
Some of the Uses to Which these Stationary
Engines Have Been Put :
Electric Light Plants, :Machine Shops, Wood Working
-Machinery, Flom' Mills, Bakeries, Pumping
Stations, Printing Offices, Dairies and
Creameries, Grain Elevators.
Cost of Operating, 1 to 1 jC per hour per h.p.
Requires no attention after starting. No wood to burn, no
danger from fife, no water to draw.
This engine is nol,all experiment Every ono is fully guaranteed. A few simp'e
ins! ructions area 1 that is neetesary to enable any man of ordinary atelligrnet• to run it.
1)nen r'artnd all the attention 1t lie ds is 011111g. It is Pally 10 start it and step at.. We
would Le pleased to renal you some deecri ptive reading mal fir ;.Isrn* this engine
Marine Engines from 11 to 14 h.p., according to size, or dimensions of
boat or launch.
Call at the \'1("1OIIIA-S1'. MACHINE t\1)Iths .ani Mr. titrn•-hnn w•1,1 44V1 yon all
the inf,rnatlen lo-eble
All Stals of Dor rad Blnek ,n I, N'ork *done aro nhor!e t. .ulna All 111,11 of Pipe
Fittings, Thr. el., g, Lithe, 1'!.in. r awl V.n, Work done. •
Use Printed Stationery
In your &tainess I 'orrt spoiull'n('l'. You can