The Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL: CODERIOH ONTARIO W. Aches�n&SoU Carpets, Curtains IA Linoleums Timely auggeettots for housekeepers who are giving thought to spring housecleaning There augge teem are full of ecouutuic buying and should prove acceptable to every householder. Carpets and Rugs English }humble carpets 27 Moho', a aplomb(' range of hlgri clans designs in artistic colorings of greet', crimson browns, fawns, made roll laid at per yard. I46c, 96e. $1.10 cad . .. ...... ........... . .. .. .... 51.20 Reversible Rugs ora ranted ae pure w ol, and some title union, or with c otton warp, 3X3 yards, 3X4, 34X4, at per aqua e yanl, 50c, ti& 75c Curtains 1)ur own importation of high-eia'e Swiss curtains m exquisite new designs, 3 yard' long and full w,dlh, at per parr $2.90. $S 50 44 00 and 55.00 New Dress Goods These are some of the dress materials that telp to make our stork Me 'wows" ihis'seasuu. Keg uh mein cloths, 42 and 44' inches wade, in all colon, at per %aril e0c and 75c Cram wool wash goods, including serge,, oauvass. voiles, etame,es, idleness and $1.25 Henrietta', etc , 30c to Fancy flake tweeds Novelties in two tooted, dark and medium colonngs, 64 inches wide, at per yard $ 1.25 Betteriok's Patterns all in for Apfll. April fashion sheets tree. W. Acheson & Son. IEIS TOPICS Of w WFEL Important Events In Few Words Fel' Busy Readers. street ahead of them. and the firemen ' were thrown to the ground, Wilson being crushed by the wheels. FOIEION Ntws. Berlin -An Imfe•rial decree issued The fag World's Nappeniags Carefully C.mpUed and rat Into Mandy and Attractive Shap. For the &enders of Oar Pep.r-A bona M.ar's Enjoyment la raregrspbe. CANADIAN. Montreal; March 27. -The Canad- ian Northern, or rather the represen- tatives of Messrs MacKenzie and Hann, have taken posesaion of the Greet Northern. Rosland-A special from Ferule lay. a settled/int of the miners strike has been effected by vote, and the agreement is ratified for the I space of two years. Halifax, Nr S., March 27.-A bill was introduced in the Nova Scotia Howe yesterday to sell the Nova Scotia Central Railway to Marken'. MIs and Mann for $525.000. The railway to 74 miles long Halifax, March 28 -The various coal companies' officials oral last ' night to consider the fire situation In Dominion No. 1 colliery at Mao. Day. After the conaultat.on an or- der was issued to flood the pit. Kingston -It is said that the painters ars likely to go on strike after April 1 for • 42 a day wage, eight hours • day and a n-arenge• merit of the aperient irrsh,p (western. The employer• oppose the request Brockville, March 27. -James Mutton, the Queen's University student charg- ed with grave robbery at Lansdowne en the night of March 12, was brought before Judge McDonnell for trial this Morning. and was sentenced to two Months In the common Jail here. Toronto. --General Den. .1 Vil3oen, Who was connected with the South African Republic burgher fore ee, was registered here Saturday. If the ne- csssery arrangements can be made, be will deliver a series of lectures throughout Canada Toronto, March 30 -W. D. Scott, Commissioner of immigration. was asked tart night if there was "any- thing moving" In immigration. His reply was: "Well, eight epactal trains are moving to -night between Halifax and Montreal. They are car- rying arrying about 2,010 immigrants to the Northwest." Hamilton, March 28. -Robert Mars tin. 25 Magill street, a O.T.R. ID - winter, wee killed yesterday after- noon fternoon in the Stuart street yards. He got down under his yard engine to Make an examination, when, from some unexplained reason, the engine started forward. The unfortunate man was horribly crushed. He was 52 years old, and had been an engi- neer for about 30 years. Ile leaves tine daughter and two sons. Toronto, -Thio week's Ontario Ga- zette contains the announcement of the incorporation of the Canadian Canners' Consolidated Companies, Limited, of many of the hog fruit and vegetable canning concerns of the province, with a capitalization of 42.500,000. These are situated at Chatham. Brighton, Delhi, Water- ford, Strat hroy, Ihmneville, Sinw•oe. )(tees. Picton and Lakeport. The heal emu; will be In Haml'ttn Toronto, March 28. -The inquest on the body of George Williatne. who was fatally stabled on Monday night, was opened by Coroner Craw- ford at St. Michael's Hoapltal last night. After the Jury viewed the body, Dr. W. O. Simpson, iir. .John Caven. who performed the autopsy, gave medical evidence. The cause of the fatal hemorrhage was the blow from the knife. The Inquest was adjourned until Tuesday night next, THE ONIT$D STATZS. New York .-A double -sleek ferry boat of the C 11.. N.J. was burned to the water's edge, Sunday. Loss 450,- 000 Chleago- N. K. Fairbanks. the millionaire manufacturer and direc- tor in severs"! hanks and manufactur- ing concerns, is dead, aged 73. Norfolk, Va - Representatives from eight. Males in conference here have formed a combination of almost all the wooden dish manufacturers in the country. Cnncord, N.H.. March 28. -The Li- cense Bill was signed by Gov. Batch- elder yesterday This ends statu- tory prohibition in New Hampshire. which began under a law passed in 1t445. Southampton, Con. -The body of William Hall. a boy who disappear- ed last November. was found in the woods, with hie gun and the pelt of a fez close by it is thought the gun explodttd while he was 'striking the fns with the putt end. Cleveland, March 80. -An egret' merit between the Grievance Commit- tee of the Licensed Tugmen'e Ammo - flatten and reprefientative's of the Oreet Lakes Towing Assortatton Ia impost for this week. All the tug man have demanded an tnereaas In Wave Pittsburg. --- While answering en 'item nn Runday. Firemen 11 H. Wilson was killed and throe nthera lnhired. The hem wagon rrsahed In- to a wages feta* termed into the Sunday fixes the elections for the )teicheteg for June 16. Vienna. -An extraordinary epidem- ic of tires in the country districts is attributed to Incendiaries. Tromso., Norway. -Capt. Coffin and twelve men, who will accompany the Zeigler Arctic expedition, have arrived to fit up the ship. Berl.n-The Empress slightly frac- tured her forearm as the Iemit of a fall from her horse, while out riding in the Oruneweld forest 1•'r'day morning. Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2S, -Kn ass.•tnhly of the chiefs of the ie- volution just ended yesterday reti- ed and acclaimed peace in the con- vention which was signed with the Government last Monday. New York, March 80. -The Sun has the following special yesterday from Paris: A private telegram re- ceived here this evening reports that the Moorish pretender has entered Fez.. The fate of the Sultan is un- known. Rome, March 30. -The Pope has expressed his intention of holding a consistory at the end of April or the beginning of May, a consistory be- ing especially necessary for the ap- pointment of bishops. Nothing has yet been decided as to the nomina- tion of new cardinals, and there may be none Managauvs. Nicaragua, March 27 -The revolution which broke out at .►uigalpa, in the Department of ('hontales. Niraregue, is Icing sol - pt, -wed .1 i galpa has horn r,-enl•- 10ra1 by the Government ((aces and the porta on Lake Nicaragua and on the itivrr San .Tuan are in the Gov- ernment's hands. (CREAT BRITAIN AND INRLAND. London --The annual.. report of the Cunard, Steamship Company shows a Kroh( of $1,418,085. A dividend of four per cent. i. declared. Lonl!on.-James McNeil Whistler. the American artist, will have con- ferred upon him the degree. of doctor of laws at Glasgow University. Southampton - The lreutatfiland, which sailed for New York. Satur- day, had among its passengers Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C'.I'.It. London. March 30. -The .nni pa- pers in the application for the ex- tradition of Whittaker Wright, the company promoter under arrant in - New York• including additional afll• davits, were completed Saturday and despatched by the steamer Umbria. ROYAL COMMISSION. cash or patronage, directly or indi- rectly. near or remote. • Friday's debaters -For the (lovern- inent, Premier (toss. For the tippe- r/Rion, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Gamey. The divisions already noted then followed, gamey Charges Sent to the Judges Fm Trial -Liberal MaJorlty la She Meigs Was Flee. Toronto, March 80. -After nearly another week of debating the Legis- lature on Friday night reached the division stage In the Oamey charges, and the remarkable scene was wit- nessed of every vote in the Assemb- ly toeing counted. In each of the three di.lsiona taken the Govern- ment's majority was five -the Tots being 50 to 45 Doth Mr. Stratton, the accused Minister, and Mr. Gam- ey, hie accuser, voted in all the di- visions. The first struggle came on the Foy amendment to refer the charges to a committee of the flour. it was de- feated by 50 to 45. Then the Car- negie amendment suffered the Sams fate. This was to designate the Lieutenant -Governor as the proper person to select the commission and outline the scope of the trial. Pre- mier Ross was quick to reply that this was equal to demanding the res- ignation of the Government. Final- ly the original motion of I'remirr Ross prevailed -to refer the entire case to the royal Coaakilaisaton• AIN' the same party vote adopted it es the law of the House, the Opposi- tion being solid •gains( it. The record of the week shows: Monday debaters -•-Foo the Govern - mint. Mr. 0. P. Graham. Brockville;, for the Opposition, Mr. T. Crawford, West Toronto. Tuesday debaters -For the Opposi- tion. Mr. Dull, West Stmcoe; Mr. Foy, South Toronto. who moved that the charges incl ode the whole Government. snd that. they be sent to the ilene' f'otnmlttee on Priv- ileges and Flections. For the Gov- ernment, Mr. A. G. Mackay, North (trey. I W.tdneaday's debaters -For the Gov- ernment. Tion. .T. M Gilson. who introduced a hill to rem(ve all doubt on the point of incriminnting evidence before the ('nmmienion. the conclusion of Mr tfnrkay's speech, flr. Routledge, Mr. Moline. Heidi - mend, and for the Opposition. ('o1. Matheson, Dr Willoughby. East Northumberland. Mr. Preston. Fast Durham; Mr. Morrison, West Tlantr ings; and Pr. Barr, Dufrerin Thursday's debaters -For the Gov- ernment., Mr Wm Rickard, West Durban]. for the Oppnalton. Mr. At. .Tithe. West York. Mr. Wm R Smyth. Aleema sn.1 Dr. Pyne While Mr Ht John Wee speaking, ,Mintater of I•'d,.ratlnn. (ton ft TTarronrt, de- nted emphatically that he had any- thing to do with Mr. O•osvkbie " Pony" mita Captured. Dalt, March 80. -"Foxy" Smith, the Galt burglar, highwayman and all round desperado, has been cap- tured. Ile is the man who attempt- ed to bold up the ,C. P. R. elation agent at Tweed Wednesday. Operator Murphy was too quick for "Foxy" and, knocking his pistol aside, grap- pled with the husky crook. Smith has been the leader of a band of young Galt crooks for years and 1s a bank burglar and "stick- up" man of more than average dar- ing and cunning. '!'hose young crooks operated extensively here and lb London last full and caused the police much trouble. Chief of Police Clark secured a tip that the masked man caught at '!'weed was Foxy and went down and identified him on /Saturday. Farmer's Aarrew Eseap.. Toronto, March 80. -John Weld- riek, • well-known farmer, living on tee third concession back of Newton - brook, on Friday night while driv- ing up the north side of the York Mills hill, on the car tracks, was struck by the south -bound Newmar- ket car. The car was stopped by the shock of the collision. Weidrick was thrown out on the road. He was picked up and carried into Dirrell'e Hotel. At first it was feared he had received serious injuries, but later in the evening he was able to be taken home. Doth horses ware killed. The vestibule of the ear was badly smashed and the tongue of the wag- on, breaking through, inflicted a wound on the leg of Albert 'Thomp- son, who was standing with the mo- torman. SOKOTO OCCUPIED. Sultan and Chl.f. Fled Alt.r a short right -Tl. Dominieau laaarg.nt.-Pltoled Mettle 1e 1., 1...t. Madrid. -It is reported that seri- ous republican outbreaks have oc- curred in Valencia. The. troops are confined to leogracks and street meet- ings there have been forbidden. Conatan(inoplo.-lt is believed that the insurgents who attacked the Turkish troops at 1Mtlb, Macedonia. on Saturday were commanded by the revolutionary leader sarafoff, and that the attack was the outcome of an intended onslaught on the Turk- ish military depots. London. - Brigadier -General Sir Frederick Lugard, at the head of the British force, occupied Sokoto, in Northern Nigeria, after' a feeble re- slLtance from the Sultan of Sokoto, who fled with hie chiefs Consider- able Importance la attached to the expedition, as Sokoto is the relig- ious centre of Mohammedanism in Northern Nigeria. Vienna. -I1 is reported that one of Sarafulrs bands has been annihilat- e" at ''ladimirov, and that a small engagement between Macedonianis and Turks at Itaslowskl resulted In 18 of the former killed. rape Haunter), (Hayti -A serious engagement took place Saturday be- taeen the Ilominlorl l:overnlnent troops and the revolutionary forces at Jaen Calvo, neat the town of Balaban. The losses on the Gov- ernment side were 20 killed and 43 wounded, while the revolutionists lost Ave killed and 11 wounded. The telegraph line is interrupted beyond Couto. It is rumored here that the Government troops have surrounded the capital. Santo Domingo, and that a battle M imminent. Weekly Revolution Is 0.. Washin,fton, March 81. -United States Minister Cowbes, at Guate- mala, cabled the State Department yesterday, that the President of Guatemala and Salvador have had an interview, and, as a result, the Conditions are so much improved" that the Minters regards the dan- ger of war averted. The United States Consul at San .Tuan Pel Norte cables that another revolution has broken out in Nicar- agua, but he gives no details. GIGANTIC LABOR STRUGGLE NOLIIIMI Bridge mid Structural Iron Work- ers Way Strike. Waterbury, Conn. -Five striking employes of the Connecticut Electric Rallway Co. have been arrested for assault, with intent to kill. They ars said to have been concerned in an at- tack en a non-union man, and plac- ing him, insensible, in the way of an approaching car. Lowell, Mass -The seven plants affected by the strike order of the Textile Council were closed on Mon- day. A ten per cent. incrcuaa� ton wags la desired. ' • New York. -There is it pnaalltlfty of 200,000- men being involved in the atrlle against the Am.'rlran Bridge Co. by the International Aasoniatfnn of bridge and Structural Iron Work- ers. London. -Final arrangements have been made at Gleegow to amalga- mate 18 Scotch malleable iron Arms, with a capitol of 66,000,000. Manitoba Farming Pretsets. Portage la Prairie, Man.. March 81. -From present indications, the farmers on the Portage Plains will commence seeding operations this week. The fields are now hare, and a few mild days le all that the soil requires to be ready for the seeder. The crop acreage in this district will lets very large thin year, as the lave orahle weather lastfall enabled the fanners to do a large amount of fall plowing. MEN'S WALKING StIOES Tn okO'DAY, April 2, 1903. 5 Good solid wear and real com- fort in our Men's Heavy Street Shoes. All the best makes, in all shapes and sizes ; easy to get a fit ; easy Shoes to wear, and hard to wear out. 01d Lady Ma».d to Death. flrnntiord, Ont., March 31 --Mrs. TTalley, aged S7, resetent of Onon- daga. was on Mnturrinv night burn- ed to Meath In her tart She was ar- euMorned to smoking and Itis sup- posed ahe went to bed with n light- ed pile, which met the heel clothes on fire. McK I M N old Suiid, .lordau Block. J. P. KA VA NA GH Stop ! \ .ell ' 11.,IJ ,n. ! Dem'( Is• in al hurry l The Ontario Fence Machine le the gr•wtest wonder of the age. It Iodide too uprights a hill. others build one. It save•' time. 11 waves Mea'. 11 solve. money. ISE SURE YOU NEE I'1' HKFORK i'I'Rt'11.ASIN(., Paints, Oils, Dry Colors, White Lead 11140011e nothing but the purest and lest grilles of 1'aii1., Oils, Dry Colors, V1 hits- Lead and Varnishes, and my stack is now I. plate. Be Maur you get the best iu 1'iintS and Oils. 11 .list(. no %nor• G1 put 011 good faint than it d.n•s truth, and you don't have to put it on se often. Remenilwr, sty 111olt, it, ••IIONEST (5001)3 AT HUNES'r PRICES." ti 1 \'E Jl K A CAL1. 1 CAN PLEASE 1'Ul'. GEO.' L. ALLAN e Tim LEADING HARDWARE Asti STOVE MAN Save your Rebate Checks, - Itarthgnale at Jerusalem. .Toruaalent Meech 31 --An earth- quake shock of unprecedented violence was experienced here at. 1.2 45 yes- terday morning. The entire popula- tion was panic-stricken, but the 'damage was slight. Why in the t'nwel "O" the (nly one 'mined? Beta ire the tentore inautl- 1h1.. Millers Worm Powders crn'r41 all such trembles es leek of appetite, emhie• Inn'snowy drowtdna, sallow cone plexion, etc. ; nice to take. For sale by Jae. Wil♦on. A IECiURER FROM YAR' Fell Foul of the British at Ottawa on Saturday Night. During Lorton, on Fneeh Shore Difficulty. M. a.ld N.wfoundtaad.re Would Mare Arbitrated Er. Thl. Rut Ver the Fart That 5,11.1.0 Ily L..t In Arbil - retie,. Sir Louie 1)rrl.. (am. to the Rosette with Teilieg figure.. OttaWa, March 30., -Prof. Bracy of .. Vassar College, lectured before the eattawa Literary and (Scientific So- ciety, Saturday night, on the New- foundland French Shore question. He took the French side of the contro- tersy throughout, claiming that un- der the declaration which followed the treaty of Versailles in 1783 the rights of the French were fixed and exclusive. For this reason he thought the Newfoundlanders were trying to oust the French. The New- foundlanders wouM refer the matter to arbitration, he bel esrlt, but. that Britain usually got the worst of It in arbitration. Sir Louis Davies, who was in the audience, took issue with this steep - went. Ile Suitt England had partici- pated in 73 cases of arbitration. Of these she had lost 18, had wholly gained 25 and in 32 she had been awarded the predominance of power. Sir Louie further reminded Prof. Waal that all territorial rights in Newfoundland belonged, to Great Bri- tain. 11e protested also against the unfair statements by the United States press of Canada's claims in the Alaska boundary dispute The presentation to Sir Louis Davies, fortuer Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and now a justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. of a group photograph of heads ut the branches of the department, took place in the present Minister's room Saturday. Messrs. MacKinnon and Hughes, members flow lh-ince Ed- ward Inland, were also present. Lieu- tenant-Cotunei Gourdeau, 1 'eputy Minister, made the presentation., stir.L.ntia Davies in reply expressed the pleasure it gave him to receive such a handsome collection M por- ttraite of the gentlemen . who were heads of the' dinerent"branelfra iii the department during the time he pre- sided risideal over it. the Rio's, Team. The following will constitute the Canadian Rifle 'ream to shoot at ilisly' 11.•11 4 1.11,'1'. .P1 v. W. 'Hiller, 6th D. 1'. (I. It•.. Sergt. W. Swaine, 14th P.W.(l.It.; Pte. C. E. O'Brien, 30th Regiment; Corp. S. C. Martie more, 6th P.C.O.11.; Capt. A. Rob- ertson, 77th Regiment; Capt. (1. Mit-' chel1, U. L.; Surgeon -Major .1 (toes. 77th Regiment; !'apt. .John Crowe, :50th; !'apt. A. F. llutcheson, 491•rl n.C.0.11.: Staff Siergt. ,1. I1. Simp- son. 10th i1. G : Capt. A. Elliott, 12th IOwl men t; ('apt. 1)..1. C. Mun- ro, 44th Regiment: Capt. .1. Limp- ert, 211th Regiment; Sergt. W. .1. Armand, 43rd It.l' (1.15.; Pte. .1. W. Smith, 21st; Sergt. T. Cunningham, 6th D.0.0.8.; Capt. .1. 11. Jonen, S2nd itegiment: Corp. J. II. Ellis, (7.(5.I".0.. Armorer Sergi. H. Mortis, 13th Regiment. Of the ahnve twen- ty, there are thirteen who have been at Wimbledon or Maley nn previous occasions, but not twice since 1501' The Bigley aggregate Wan, of tourer, shot on the condition that the Ib'. - ley team was liable to be reduced from twenty to fifteen. Easter Holiday Trip. The Grand Trunk will inane Dion(' trip tickets between all 'tat.ionn in 1gg'enada, at single ilr'el-elan,, fare ; gelid April 1 13th. lineleeiApril iend,l Mei IMonthly. or return until Tneollev. April 111t11, 11514. Splendid Li -tin'. and Seifert. road -bed inure a cenlf.rtahle trip. Part hider's and tickets from F. F. Lawrence, G.T. R. town ticket agent.. What notes r•etnfwate for mnotifevor- ile tune., (Intl how many tames do they r• pwme Dunk notes. and they make (four) fortunes. Iron in the blood is necessary. Mil ter's' Compound leen Pills contain that. element. in the most Iesitnilabl. ferns. For sale by Jas. \Nihon. Why is it lair of skate,. like an apple? It.N'1/11W they have Iweet'l,ne ll ilia' fall of rune. What is that which will gly.'-u'1.11111. our' a Vold, and pay the ('lcter...bill A iii' ' Cllt 1111111 t. HAND MADE DAIRY TINWARE 1 have the largest stock of hand made Dairy Tinware in l ioxlerich, all made From heavy English tin. Also F.avestrough- ing,( alvallized Iron Work, Metal Ceilings, Roofings, and Sidings, Fur- naces and Pluml►- iiig. Worsell's ma�smtw t i111 tttttttttttttttltttttttttttItttttttttmmttttttr►tttttttttttttt% Jordan IIc K lin,slooderich, Block. Ont. MILLINERY - A New Departure \\'e have been nevi to tt ' g up exiemsl Ve hate by the hun- dred iti \lalrh hi March stylist to hook at, and then letrimming then) again ata big loss for Api'il, May and J styles, We. have changedall that. V1'e have jfrat a limited number of early spring hats, so that we can keep in touch with the 'tyre as they appear. Mort of the hats skid ale Made to order, no matter how many WI have in stork. 1'ou want to select the shale and what will be on it. l'ndrr this m„w arr1ulgetlleut we can Molt you letter and`at less price, berated. We don't have to ratio one of the opening bats which costa big price,1u•ly in the 1144(41111 and coat y Lo trim. 1.•11 T011 11111r1 ,.load the new plans later •onsrNK\V MILLINERY ON 'rilE laltOt'N1) FLOOR IN TILE NEW STORE. • WINDOW SHADES 1)u, st.s'k of 'these g.MMl6 is complete. All pylae'. Ito plain shades and t• 1 with )are ; iu all the leading (eddies ; mounted 1111 the (Meet mining nilrlw„ itt the 11itTeht IMaslhle prices. l%'e have (11%1) annlple. of all the ISXIS'IlltiV.• libel wed' price window aha(les in (1..' factory, and can get you anything 'made in a few day.: if you a1t111 III 11•111.55- .11101' elf 1)11...• Itnrl-11Nlklllg thesis's y//ll hltye•, amine in anti INF I10W littl.' it will coat yon ; or if you are building we can shim woo. in Mtil•k et from samples, Its great a range as you will feud in any slide, anal • gu:u•Itgt+e is behind the prices. NE\V M.II.LINE RI', NE NV DRKSR(1001TS. NEN' II/KA I'ATTKRNS. Everything now in stock at 10c. MCKI4M'S BUSY STORE. trttMftrtMtIMMIMItti The Arch Support of a "DOROTHY DODD" BIND IT UP Ever since men became weary' and w 'n ministered to them, it has Is -en the custom to hind up any weak fart of the iwxIy at the. best ,pl'eyentitte and relief for fat ur. Nigow the "Dorothy Dodd" shoe is inside in su.'h a manner that it • binds up the weak lan't of the foot, which is the arch. 1t strengthens and sustains the overworked n1t1M- ('les there which stretch lit every ..ta•p. f yield ! Examine a "Dorothy )held" [service and yolrfind tide shank has Examine any other 'elite after only t:ie shank has lest Its itlTness and suPlolt to the arch thl•.e, that long walking bee t vi earl it dlesnut itsel after two ruotith's hay lost none of its curve. two weeks 1111d see how Lends at each step. N1 And the result is some. Lti64444146144411411.44464•..4a‘ . /i6 414144144W . They Cost 53.75. Wm. Sharman Has Exclusive Sale. 4 3 4 4 4 Z 'Mi1linEry Opning miss DONOGH announces her Millinery O1e•ning to t"ke place SATURDAY, APRIL 4th and, having recently visited the IP„du,g NW 1 ell s. I. 5,r. I. • of to show troy novelties, al•o a cowi l.•t.. and-tap'o date s ock • Ladies cordially invite,' to et,e,'l (h. opening. ii'iiSS I)( )\ ( )( 11. The Popular Fence • of the Day- /tr • IS THE ONE BUILT BY The LONDON Fence 1'lachine 1 •Because it is the Cheapest_._.:\ra rt_Lttferol r1•nw• (f No. fl L(nd(n .niisl .pring steel wire., wmwn 55ith No. la nnfl N ire, will o,lly c.lal tyro T'e elan it la r1)IIIplet'i ; or a1) S-lniterill fence of two No. 11110q, and bottom) and six No. 1.2 Icent re4. till' of I-.ndon rolled sluing st'1.1 Wire, w(Ven Willi NO, 13 a at win., will only cost y'111 :tie per rod when it is completed. Because it is,4,fence (bit hat heel en ily deenbilily by 'the way it has stood through heavy weights of snow and idled alines.) and set•ete t.•Mt S. . Because it is a fenre yen can Irnild 11p hill and down hill and it is always even noel reg,rlar, for --.- --- • fhe simple r.VNlnthat pair Int trashar•fillet'III.14fit'al end theweaving .1 0144 wards. Because'.. it I. a fence pal build yontw'lf. and the !Manley you i4/1V1' over a woven fenrP will 'say Because -_ _ __- • yon lig wages for your work. Men.' saved is y' made. Because , . . you keep your money for youlwelf inst',ul of king 1111• M.w•khnldeM 04 4.0511e factory rich. i have 1111011' ar►'it111relnent'. With Mesta. \Wm. V/111Mt,one and 1. J. Moore, of lie•nlniller, to handle the Landon Pence Mar•hi n's and 1 ,tnaon b't .11.' 1 Spring Steel Wire for n)e. If yon have ((illy a few Nide to pill up this year and want III antiafy y,nreelf as to what the fenre (1,441)' is. 411.')' 55-111 tut it up for you at the alo,ye mentioned price. ; mei neat ywut'whei y011 all )14 '.(lied that the fetus. in all Ihnt we claim for it you will buy a machine and put !III your own fence. 1 will haven env of No. 11 1en.den ('oiled Spring Steel Wire in t.,im week and will supply y.nt at 22.75. My r'iutplete and 1151 -(.,ante stock of Hardware has just 'a'rired and 1 solicit your trade, which will have earefu1 attention, if yl o bey n 5w 1 yeti get a pot 1. I host- added to 11my''.41M'k n large 1pulntit5' of Ir. items' Stock )''cowl. ('all antl try a maniple big and get ' ..f his I's,ks.entaining prartiral points about horwm, rattle, nbeep, hogs and poultry. 'Phone --OM --P a a -1 CHAS. C. LEE HF,ATINO AND TINSMITHIN(i .. 'SPORE, Si., u. 4511)1's ;. No. ria. ?lU� UI Illl�lUllulU1Ul111111111�11111111111�1�1Ul l�lU