The Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 22 THIIa1UD1T, April 1, 1903.
Ile a aWNat:a
a d,-putatitm representing the Fat•mr
tt .ttst(w•u►tiUn butt week waited upon
the Clover •111 at Ottawa In protest
against the illen•ao• in the tariff w high
has lawn .Irwawltvl by the till utttfec-
tulet•.. They Iytd wattle (.deer tint tern
to present to the Briar .It1. includ-
ing iheit• uPpositioil lot any ftulht•r
INtuusing of railways, but t itt tlitt...t it itt
of the tariff was the paramount one.
hr. submitting t
hell' now Thomas'
Brooks, of Brant font. it r•pr•s•mlatire
farmer. said they belied the Canadian
muauularhuen. ai11t• Gi lontlwte iu for-
eign et Milt with all ratters : they
thought they were suffleiently laming
(.r compete with all clatters at. Mime.
Years ago they were spw,ken of its in-
fant itititsttu's, and t..tlllpaiitI with
what they are now they Wen, infants,
but now they woe anionic rtoltgh to
stand 'thine nm their own liwrits. Yet
still they M: night it protective tariff.
1t would la• umr•as,sble and unjust
G. ne•teitst the tariff Irate. lie ex-
plained that OWiug to the increased
cost if farm talkie farmers are likely
to Iwe•titut still faun' dependent on nut-
ehinery. Taking the expected output
of the Hamilton works, hr figured
that it 211 per cent. duty added to the
prier of •.errs and Mallear. Woldd
amount Gt V2,t11M1,IMM1,• This anemia
would in. into the pickets of the uttu•-
tifattllrr•ne. flat 1111011w treasury. as it
would if the implements were tut;wtrt-
tl. .The uuunfaetuntt. would take it
out ref the pockets of the J,utm4i pod
pod i1 into their 4Iw'll w•ithotut giving
hits value. "This." Mr. Brookscon-
tinted. r• is it condition orf things
which is against he (a►• g interests
of the t try : mid if I explrsat•d [n
you nine uw'n individual opinion i11 re -
Kant to this "natter. 1 would say that 1
look upNtu tariff for now • as it just
and ',noire thiltg. and 1 1a•Iiete tbe
farina.' .4 the (winery are willing too
eouh•ilatte too the running ex 'tenses of
the rautt•v its fairly as any exits of
own. A tariff for protect ion hilt -new
in principle and i1 is unjust in practice,
ami I think i1 proves keel( wI at the
present titbit."
In the me tie nulduw presented by
the deputation, it writs patinteluut That
the uuumtfilet Ilrets 1ttem•w•h.e 110141
fmt•ttimlled the clexnst i"NWtlti.. loaf
of the coat -Winn thud the tariff et uk'
not he renal without adding lot the
44 ist of the lona vett." intielen. They
were anxious to bring in five of dilly
articles which they thttts•Ivt•tttorsi ill
their usitttictnring to eranhns. and
of the isttNh►NHm--wa.i4h-ut gutalaiw-
patttted into Cumuli' free of duty laot
year a very large ptopwettiun wis tnttt-
pwwtI,of webs imported by Milnmtu••
tutr•Is for tow in their Netteie. These
things were the tsar material of the
muitudaoluets. but the 'raper and
tither implements. the cluthimg and
other gleals used by the f,at•tii,.,•
him raw material and lel 141 not be
taxer! any Inure [111111 that tit the WWII -
It eras ltrgial also that the lessw•mt
was it tine[ innpin•tlint tiler for any
proposal to iiereww• the burdens of the
farmer. Farm bailor avian abnntttnlly
a•itir•t• and dear, atel there Were itttli-•
tatitits that faltering the South Atii-
tan tear it depnwaiin wan setting in in
Great Britain w•hitlt would petjmditi-
ally ,affe•t the pl•i•-lea of grail) and other
Canadian pmwlnrts which Mel their
market in that hurray. and would It. -
stilt in to aerials curtailment of the
farnwrs ineiale. 'flit 411.1111t4 11 t•x-
prwewl the belief that they spetkt for
the overwhel ' g netball.y ob the
fanners of l'aniiela•
It 1 lop Iteweilep that in asking
'amply that 1111 increase be made til tit•
tariff the iegpieultitral intitr•stt 'ate
making a very Im/Mltwt dsusud. 'Their
1to,tit It itt is in striking clrstIt that
of the nannfattun•t•s. 'rho latter,
. with _a Nip slate- enntrmpt fur tlmin•
tensity, of a ny11tti y but themselves, de-
mand the privilege of 14.11..ttimg. under
higher tint its. Inetrawrl prieemflit•
the►• Kuala flout the etitwit►ln•rs of the
country. The farmers ate tint asking
any *nth p/rivil•gr for themselves :
thf•ir demand ire thst the burden it
proteet1. tit. which they largely hear.
simply be not increased. They might
well go further and inaiet upon a re-
duction 1.1 the p►ewttl t it tiff. which
walk] lament not Gems -Kea nay. but
the •••muitrt generally. It ire twerly
seven yeti v minter bIle pttwtot (i utter-
Men, • ware 1diltel ill pat mei., Hind
thotigl) in that ' • truth hem been
thew. much tentainm le h1• thine in the
taring til Canadian 1170... The re.'
sit. which leave itillnwel the M11te•tat-
ive• nrlutopnns in the tariff MOW* MIR
have leen welt its ,.honed t -ti. -.urea ge
the Clover til to further action in
the ,tattle dhre•titin. and 111e meitlmh
pleading' of a few special batman
'htthl Ili. MIAMI ill the wily of it
Hie/Wire fa the general gond. The
present tit Inlay flat Is• nn oppwnt • time
hit any (linage In the duties upooi int-
imate from tht 1.111tes' Stalls. in orate
of Ono agitation roto in pntogn•sta•nnw
the line for Inver inte•lrjn•rnt with
Coale Inn' another elks• tiff the
dobe,. Irvhtl awn lends from the
Mlrphl•t• 1'ounity wrath) be tangible
evkftwe tint, the Cltventotent hag not
forgotten the platform upon which it I
•ears e4r•1•t•d in INK
id the people of British ('u) Itut fur
the excitation of the l'hinttar, for that
is what the entrance tax of SIVE is ex-
pect"' to liceollipli.h. It tuttst have
est the t-Itivalnolls mann. of Mir Wil-
frid lam WI thing tel consent to
this denial of huuutn rights tow people
for whim• destiny Canadalte will have
no sutall ..hate of responsibility; the at-
one 1 lie rotund in the dash. to
givethe 14wtst Ploy inn. no tramin furl
Ir•gttttiug its rnntttt title with the
Canadian lkaminion. Not . that the
Are t
1Netplr li of British l'ul rx united
in hatred of the Chinese they am not:
but there is sa pow uniary interest in
their cxelutiten, and it•ganiZell *cattail -
Masi always intakes a bigger none and
climate for 11aar• itt IN tlitical govern-
ment than the 1111, small vote) of jus-
tice and right.
The measure certainly cot ntltit be
justified uu 1114 0141 grounds; "tither for
. • believe it G
N'l l I I 'l' Illm Ill l N e wit
e n uu bias
IN. wise. if the people ttf British Col-
umbia do out Tike the Chinese they
fall get t•itl tor them simply by (wining
to wupbry thrut.• The l'hinese must
needs work to live. Aml if they find
there is no,elnpltopera for thew in
British 1'•dumobie they will neeinariiy
go wlliwwilctt P1It1'.
11'e kuliw how utterly melees. from
a'De•xctic,tl statellNant, is much x pre
Gest am this: nt•ve•1•thel s,. wee to proteest
most strongly and earnestly against
this infringement tel the unalienable
rights- of a penton of the human
'rite Westminster liaze•lle r -
4.rates Pindest tie Guldwiti Smith typo
his **unliterary sur iul'diigs" in
Toronto. Thr iii ipdt of Toronto. who
hate a 1 • notion tfutt ''te•y are
•'the• intellectual centre of Lite Pt•t-
t•itwe," will not like Hutt.'
The (tall Reporter says : Nothing
but the development of Western l'au-
ieln etas kept 1)itiauiu in fairly gtiwl
eutali(ion for six yeais," 81141 then gown
do to Hdvtitat.• a high tariff policy that
would quickly put- fur etttl tat the dc•-
't•lo1 rut of WeaM•rn Canaan.
It is hardly ne•rssi,iv- to state that
w.• iygnw int.• %et y It indent the
kindly refer •utas ufnor eoil. tupul•arits
1t. tit.. new proprieties of 'rhe Signal.
1111•tt•-i4inp1111 greet ingot are an evidence
of a genuine awl it etrvlitahh•.spirit of
frltr•toity with whirl' it is x pleasure
Ito he•itWIN•pa11.Np.
.1 party of British m tatilo•ts it Par-
liament ment is to visit Cit next Sep-
te•111`I.1• MINI will it. in Ontario for set --
dal weeks. We suggest that our
energetic'• tit•tiw- tle.attt utt iib of
the tourists tae the (slot that if they
fail to Visit (itle•rich they will nuiw+
the pr•tthyt t.twit in l',mueli.
11 will land illtt•rst to our nttel•t%
to know that the total amt.ault leo far
. x{s•nd. l by Ilii. 1htutinion 1:tivt11-
went Fru. our har4wit' M.W1l.:try, X11. 1f
the (itve•"ulent will tinily make the
expenditure a round million, by the
t unxtntrtiou of the proposed Ir ak-
aate•r, as We undt•txtaud therm in is
fair 1aaailitility tit its doting, it will
sant the gratitude of x11 Oilmen hate.
The e•iticislns of the appwut•ntly
routtteliettery judirixl dts•pmions in the
Penn,. hence and Nast Middlesex elec-
tion ease an. evidently basal upon a
uttisapptr•h..tttlill of the farts. The
Centre Bruce election Wits toiilwl by
the net of all agent of Major (.141 -k's in
treating.•a•vttitl electors to whiskey
during the toms itt sidling, which tin-
der the la it is t-It.tarly a etirrupt art.
I n East. o io .•se " e
N 111 x I)r. It ell )gr, ia•Iwo
hail trees ire the habil of touting his
friends, tintitlgtely discontinued the
prat -tire Nye Or Mix weeks helots. the
elect it ill. - The einem gene It mime
'rite editor of The Signal has been
lvt•1•i ring atl-ier, Iltlwe11y- gots!, tit inn
vatiotl, quarters Nine.. he tittk tip bit
present Mak. but root• of it in 111.17At1
• highly Dian this front an 41141
1.1'1..1111 Who Wat•tls 111111 Against wnI•k-
itor tont chew! • : -
Take the upas air,
The lin We you bike the better:
_- Frame ,ttatnre's toms- -
Tu the very letter. _ -
let the doctors go
T" the Hay of His•8y.
IA•t alone the rum.
Thr brandy and the whiskey.
Freely txl•tt•Itw•,
h•ink the purr told water,
Then you will be well -
lh• at Inuit vtim "lighter.
'rhe t ongn got ion of the little.. .1%-
1.111V. Itnptimt rhumb in Winelan• it re -
pilled Ili Ile in dxnget of dimngiton
bt(i►us• the 'timng People's Mlw•iety tit
the thtn•h pent ,ell evening mtelying
lit.. itt of lh.. piet Hurn'. Mt1111e-
note• 1unti11• till• Mtlggewti/lit At tow
pltyet met.' Mg that,. it WI04 not light
to 4114.1111 1111 .•yr• .
1 g with BnrnM when
it wits Wit knoio whether he wast in
fir hell, mrd the tt•tniu•k ►mntght
nil a lively 1iw•utw . The potato* in
ebar•g1• tniphtticNIly Mates him (Reap -
pram' of the al tit tel• tf the ••kitkt•tw
in the 'introit not 'mote than a halt-
d"xe•n in ler," who "Atm their
Itilttiw'-IIIIttt iltit• it Ity sticking I,
these ild 1'11ritait ideas that there itt
tea let ( l'hrimtnil in thewttrkll of great
men. tier iu Ihele•mtwma of the weirhl."
The gtrestial, it. Pirelli* to tom, ire not
%here linnet IM now• Ithabgh w gall
many of us world like to have a eltatit(
tat elflike hazel* with hint), Mit whether
a kmtwlolgt 14 him works and an ap-
irt•iatim tit their lgrhit watts he
helpful itnd nftHting to tit/• avr•rgt•
pang pension. There slewtll Ile little
1111011e nM to this. Mrlltlwml a lewd le
hissomhtg more and more widely row-
ltgnineol as hew ref the great phihs.
epitome of ttrlwlern titans.
1t•t• t it pelt t00404 it ,t 1110et
11104411 1ht •plet/di•I ref tiltl of the Lai
errel Adnliniilt•ilion at (Ittnw,i that it
•hat y fettled to the els of a section
'Pity is a book like a king? I1 has
many inure..
What 114.0 is nowt suggestive of
kiating? Yew.
Refer by Our Cont.mltorarl•e to !ha
Change .n Th. Signal.
1 Ilotuu Nen. Ilrronl.
The ,gqw,o;iiet• .4 The G.mlerich Sig-
nal has ,•nttiderably iwpruvtwl under
the u, -w tuttnagrmuttl.
Mitchell lta•onl et.
The Gt1et•ieh Signal has dounnl a
new doss. The Signal's new pro-
prietots, Messrs. Vxnattet•and Robert
sat, ate hi he ruugralttlatad ou the
improved appearance of their paper,
Theism N'alt-Iwuta. •
Thr li,wlrrirh Signal has been sold
Meats. Viuutttt t ac) Itldwrtsu,t.
The N'ittl•hlttan wishes thou success.
Mr. Mtliillicuddy hits Igen in the
new/maitre latsiut•ss for a lung time
and will Ile gttatly mismwl.
Wiuylw s Tinter.
The (ittd, i it•h Signal calor to hand
last week in it new•iln•YnOf type. which
very wittrrially improved the appear-
ance of the paper. The new {woe
ptietol., Mishit l'anatter k Robert-
son. tthe lest dlert-
s e 1 whiles oaf The
Kt,tlpstwl Whig,
1)xn. Me(iillieuddy has sold The
Signal and will enjoy x meter net flow
newstutp er +utivity. Lots of ellen
would have been worm out if they laud
IINei their brads ale -h as he has,
lout our friend is as jaunty and as
fresh AM ever.
tvinghaai .111.atter.
Thr (.oil. rii•i, Signal caner to hand
last week Masking brighter beemew of
x ni•w dress. With new ptoprtltM
and new types, the light of the old
Signal of (iolerirh harbor should he
clearer than in lite past. The Advance
sincerely wishes Messrs. Vanatter and
Robertson' success in their latsitwtw
Kincardine i t-pniter.
Mr. U. McGillicuddy, for (Dyer
twt•nty-two) tears editor of Thr'(itele-
t it It Signal. lawn 41ia11iewd of his iuter(at
to Viiitatter and Itldertsot, bate bu-
beluye•s. We wish them surre•tre. The
ate proprietor, whit is well known as
it paper ratan. will take it Well-earned
to st ftrau Thr vexsti of the fourth
estate. Hr will le• envied by 'tatty.
Mitchell Ail vuente,
The (itwle•irh Signal, under its new
management. matte its a ol•aranct•
last week greatly unproved. .1 par-
tial nt•w toss has been installed ant
the tyleigralthiral appearance if tht•
paper pet emisl•s still greater improve -
Melds. Messrs. Valwtter and Robert -
row• the proprietors, are hlst{en. anti
they have the• last Wisplen of Thr $d-
row•ate. \
Mount Fon•.1 a unhtientte.
The last immut tit 'rhe liielerich Sig-
nal announces that Mr.
toddy has 11.1itwl frau the editorial
chair. Ilia health hats me been genal
of late and he will take a rest which
he Ins rn•nel in bis m•rvice of
went y-tw'u years itt tondneing the
'Toper, atld away,' with vigor atop
ability. \u man ctinne•t.d with the
Canadian press is letter known (Pr
mRltr• generally tsbrnuri anal his
confreres will wish 1 hall( life anal
sot• ewe in flit we undertakings. Meurer.
Va Inner and Bode rutin. the new
in. quiches. 'save. had i•zps•rionee in
fits Signal tare and tune.. that
their paper will cunt' • to be
independently I.ilwrxl. (Ine•ting.
Toronto tVeekly gen.
Mr. 11.l:illieuddy luta ditptmrl of
rift. G.Nit•t'it-ii Signal til Messrs. Van+
Atter and ifolellwol, Who . ..
that under their uwntlgruu•gt 1t'.Will
void lull to Ile conflate) as an imde-
N•It( t• '1 •itil journal __Tha_.1igsaI
uts relators' initial arrvire to its
rt•adeio in the past, and the first now
ler its new mntitagetictlt iudicatt•s
that it will fully nsintain its stxnlbani
as a Heat -clam country weekly. air.
Mt(iilliruddy, it appx•att.. has nut yet
settle) down in a new joupn,►li'stie
Sphere, Inst that iriginalit V 1 runt.
it itit'11 Mea given 1• tut -It a telling
style and with. reptant' in sure to
1.1111W hill simiew•trte before many
days have goer by-,
t'olltnawtwril Bulletin,
'Me trtin•nwnt fa air field Admlit-
x1 Haut. altliillicuddy front The (kale -
rich Signal la A IlimtJnct las to journal --
ism. Ire is a bright, clear-t•ut wriG.r
att,I ilia ilrttl•its Were always triad with
interest. It arms reported that ho•
tINWed Ile•"tting itmmw•iatril with The.
A 'tidal NeWs. but ire 1111 interview
Withtht' Admiral he.i :states that all ls
off and at meant him eyes anot
threats" in Mre at way. He putts derided
to take it taw tint test and will
mpn•nd the time in enjoying the
IN•autiit of the- r ty town it Huron,
thr'tlat•e and harlsm• of which he loves
is. well.- 1Ve• Minet•r•ly hist, hnwevi•r,
that he will n•nr•n to the fold and
again be tale of us. There is only a
liutitel Iwo of the ('toned and we
rot t afford VI lore• orae of the oast
itt•tve• and energetic.. The Signet will
be tontimuel ler the numliagenient
if Miwats.Vanatter and {tyliertmin, twit
if 11Nn's pot oils whit have glow tip
with hint having been under the
tutott.hip of the retiring chief fur
many vents. Their 14 inftt•rs will buil'
in wishing therm every valceeVIM,
w•+04ds of k Sentinel -Rol kw,
Mr. plan. Me(lillicudtly, tut many
yo•xh. (slant 1 plgorfetor of The
(ialetich Signal, •elf the hest known
weekly newspapers in the Province,
1vc..nrly retired. selling his property
tit Murata. Vanatter anti Robert/ion. It
WAN at Knit'sportd that Mr..Mt'GIIII-
cuddv was G. lw•tonw /ontltrtd with
The 1.011411111 Newt, hitt ilee t•n1T1•tta this
enol says that just for the hereof he
intends taking it ttst, though expect-
ing to get into harness, again iwfore
very Iting. Mr. Moltlllirttddy (on-
ductetl it height, 'varlet&ip et. in
Gtwlerieh anti should in a welder Held,
prostituting that that los what he itt-
t,•ndm to ark, do exeelltnt service,
That Thr Signal will continue to hold
its "lett hl (itelt•tich there 1st every
rvidrnlr, judging flow its tont• and
appawnee minty the new pttilniettes
took hold. A ;at•itgraph from their
inhibitory in well wotl.h reproducing
in View of many latta•t•-tlay G•ndrncies
in journalism. The attitude /OW mrll,rl
is IOW which we lwll•ve will meet 111.11.
the sap n'nal it most inG•Iligrnt., air-
minties1) people:
*On mains Tire signal has Myon indtmea-
tlan11a IAbrttl," the editorial reals. we our
tame It *hall rrllrnln .•. TI•r fan^ of Indett n.
donee In fournallsm has tater•• not IreAhlt grow
Inn' of runt 7mr. in 4',mad*. and 11 taw whore•
seal.aign. Trate. there hose been for mato-
year., In this ...liar) journal- wits t. have
Made n show of i,ldt•;w•ndrfwt•. I•.+Ipttl.
INrmle+ 111141R4 01 the "If." "too- and "on the
other hnnd- +IIS If the* weal til "Ind••tmn
Ilene., 111e Ie the better. 1K iuuntvwurnblt
gnvN tT n+•(nlm••w., to oar urind, i. the loornwl
%herb. belle, Int In ••rrtait Ilse. of
Iworst. the awns.• of 1111.1 I_11) through ahtrh
f 000001101.1; ho w. It. while mw} he we hies ,,t
not ,WMing x alw,1•5 wlMglanee. nor d(•n)Ing
*nate alpine In the oplwrlte lest). Lin suppt•rt-
lrra Its own part) n moth In hen it 1s right mal
Ink ltlg the limy .d a r n.lel fre01n1 afire It gems
wnwtg. In the spirit The Nlgnwl pnrpww. to
.ttttlnar, prr•fertiog prim rlple to tart), dlt•tl,-
dny terwaleeo rather than teres Met hom•oly
and twirl. led, ...Atha/the rwn+,,of I.iihtwthst
t Imlg n. it 11.1t1, 1,0 .11111A •ani..• 1n he In the
brut Intt•testm of the Protest "hnn1 It lel-io•. to
At what lige Mhotld at person In Aril,
At the parsonage.
Whim la m nt•wspwt04•t bit.• n delicate
person Y When it appear( weekly.
Vital el wt 1. finlahei wit t list -
tom mad pun in wet ? A stat of taint.
Two New Government Supporters In-
troduced in the House.
John Chinaman Rscsi ee • Knock.oul Farmers to Act n Their Own aehatl
The nepulahon From Ood•nch -Other
Events at tit• Capeal.
tstt•t'u,l l •trro.tluuttltnec Of T110 alglla1.1
Ottawa, %lash U'i : During the
Whole week in the House of Piumieana
1tits prevailed th.• calor that p recestes
the storm : I he private menthe's hav-
ing it all to themselves. Thr principal
events and ineidemts were the intro-
duction of two new members, who
both add to the strength of the Gov-
ernment the firstmember fair the
Yukon. Hun. Jas. H. Ross, and (tweet.
I). (Flout, fresh with the glow of vbs.-
tory in North Outarii --the debate
un the cattle embargo. Mr.
ter's cattle gtut•rl hill, the (iuvw•n-
uxttt'sUhinese•iwfiligtrt• ral•ietion
act, and the delegation representing
the humeri; in regard to the tariff.
On MtRH1aY Hun. Jas. H. Runs,
'Snit member of Parliament for the
Yukon, what int.n deiced by Mir Wilfrid
Laurier •and Walter?nitt, M. P. Me
is a titan in the evening of life and
looks as if the Antic elimate had gone
hard with him. He took his Pleat with
the composure old a vrG•ran and in two
utinut.e% was engaged in a damp con -
renew' with`lhe Minister of Militia
and Defence. There is no other Icgts.
'attn. in the world winger rotmtituetwy
is 1141 far front the meat of ggtatvrt'nwiltit
as his. fiat distance from Clawson City
to ()ttitwa being 1,141 miles. He abwi
snakes ole fourth Ross itt the preeamt
1'arliament, the ettht•rl hailing frau
Rinaoneki, San h Ontario and Victoria,
all 'Attends.
t natintl'H Hannon U teerarptX,
On Tuesday the tawnier wrulwr (Or
%Vest Huron, Robert Hi{tutlt, bans
timed a deputation from Gtdt•rlch,
whu rarer to WAWA to lay before the
Minister of Public Works the needs
of (iide•ieh harbor attd its relrtkrn to
Lake Huron 1111Vigatiat. Willbatu
%Wainwright of the Grand Trunk,
Mon ttwat. aces omp tniei thtdeputation.
They inked for the construction tie it
bn•akwater and the deep*. ' g of the
harbor ret ax to a•rol'mtiabate the
!u•ge•st regale's on the (meat l.akts. 11
is a hatter that not only 'Meets
G.Nlerieh. but concerns ,-very teasel
owner on Lake Huron. as there is no
harbor of refuge 011 either:, side of the
lake nearer than Sarnia. Mr. Suthet•-
laud promised to consider tht• clatter.
1'ItrToronto GkAw'supporta the claims
tfl:Iwlerich in a mining iditittieal this
In the o'er Mr. Bell (Piil(tul
ell his anierati -tet to suppoply. of
which itt had given notice. 11. asked
the Hoes• to (smatter tit,- lioverumtrnt
for what he Nee adrnrl its lethargy in
tie matter of endeavoring to iteduct
the British liuvrt•nnte•nt to remove the
e aiding embargo on ('atlatlian oat tie,
soil outline) the histio y of the -cao•
doom the time n( the enactment of the
taw in It402 to the titer ut the sol nisl
- •.aderet e.
Fur a nou.•unfidtnc• mtii(itnl, it WON
the lamest otNwch hr:ani for the pont
t itttws-iil eat 711111 11w speaker recipient
op lattw• in proportion.
Atfar. air. Fielding wantos' out tothe
Roane what Mr. Hell very weft knew.
rind there already WAS it Medlin 1w-
..ue the Howse. in Mr_ Buurarsa'tt
iutoall correspondents. )sarinrtsg(
n, -thrr e matter terire drktTwo tote tacltlr
hf the Ilotlme. Tlletdtir•, Mr. Fielding
t tsely inked the Hotter to r•je't Mr.
Hell's motion.
('uutt""n toul•letiy wtatkl have
ptol'tpGrl the Oppltitiun at Inset to
with old the titre until the paper..
Asked were hnottght down :t batt in
tote Tory fashion they weuteh the
(beernutett cord n) Iwftire the
evidetc• ware in, well knowing that
they would have no same after the
ctittvspndt•net wart pndurad.
afternoon and m1/wit ,f the evening
were 'spent in the dis(•utietion thispro-
yolked, the steno the. petrple in (tun•
of the members hieing about $hh.0110,
i)r. Smolt., of e.striw, Waw in the
thick of the fray: He holds the record
for verbosity against any nteulwr of
the Hutto•. 11e• speaks uu everything
d(latabh• anal has very little oonfl-
tlrnci in the way Liberal's do things.
The Amendment wan witldtawn. and
the Howie [g[id dtiwtt to I*/eineaw at ten
Ii cl/tt'k. Tht•areal which were
briught down Fruity show the pwr-
mistA•nty and txt•twith which Sir
William Mnitw k handled the gmeetion,
but Mr. Ilanbury stw- things differ-
ently and derlineal to accede Gt Can-
ada's tr isoitattle regliest for fair play.
The• lits•trnm ent will cont' preen-
ing their n.pres•ntttionn an(i it is
hoed at "last the conditions will be
mule more favorable by at letutt ex-
tending the r •t from ten Go twenty
tie thirty days before cattle crust be
elaughti.ntl after arriving at British
p torte,
On %Wednesday the hero of North
Ontarhi was borne into the el
.harmer on the erten of Sir William
Mtlo•k And Robert Holmes, M. Pr for
West Huron. Hia advent wits the
signal for a lusty altburat of applause
Intek as Liberals only can give. which
was r newel when he Giok his meat.
He WAS mtoppel And congratulated cm
him way by the Minimter of Railways
and ('attalt, and Mir Frederick Borden.
Minister of Militia and Defence, with
wh he chattel w few Minutes. He
ire the youngest ;,✓king nteulx•r in the
Iloilo., not appearing to be over twen-
ty -there• itt twenty.-fouryeatrt tfNgo%
hot iM oyer thirty. ihtring the evening
w•ssiitl he and Mr. Jnhnmton I('ap•
Htrtonl got togetht•t• and Foul a pleas-
ing re•ulinia.ent chat. Theo• are the
two vnungwst nwntheis in the House
end to see them matting tt_t1grth1•r• nn
MO. o the Ise rewmnfthe Ministerial
n f back
Mille Inane one think of the old Raying.
"(MI men for comae.' and yatng men
for wap," whish beatified marl( In thtit
owes, for it win they who intent's!
the two strangest sten in the l'ittt1•r.
valve party, iii in. (tel, E. FIIMtel. t•x-
MinimG•r of Finance, mod Sir ('hes.
Tapper, ihttt.. with handseno• msjot
itiiw, l'nl. 'Andy-" Thomtpwrn. of
Hmlrlhnand, is limit her itistio •e. it
W are Hon. 1)t. Mathtgurr, ex-Minimto•r
of Agrieuitnn•, who fell im•fnt-v the in-
Huenet of -the Iwo- oral„r,..
v...%wr 'nNt's TIRKNittt HKNHh:N.
11'. F. Meehan IE. Yurko again
11INyVd IM•tt in• the ft..plights ,Is "the
1'entelian firmer' when the habil,
1Vntkt i•Mt111Utem Wet• up, the iteral ,11
the 1' • being agrant for it new tort
office for An Ontario town. Ile
1 •hex ort Mt once to 04111 ey t he
itnprwedo 1 that the Dover uniortt wen
behind tit • timt•M in the ntatt.•t of fret
rasa delivery, and watnd tip with ,e
motion .hall i•ittirlj( the lietit-flt, of the
hlnijte•teti dile treat It tit, lith In w • w•at
im (motion tltiwtut•iid in ,1 pwrinl nr
nnler, we hat was baffled in lea attempt
tti goo tiff renal ,s the lending light
in I hat din et . 11.• dims qalhtl the
fact that the wirer• old wttl••h410g Illy
farmers lace in the Dims, in the
pt•1-s.n of .I11.-1 Rnhin.tat I Elgin t had
mUtlt•n a March on 1 ' , having asked
the liit-t•rnueeut the previous week as
jot their intentions in the utatter and
having Iwen told that mvet•al tt•ial
touGw would
be established (luring the
piltrm•mt yeah.
M ti, l .t Ht:rit'e un't)n/•a HILL
Johnglitarltoil, M. P.; who tuts up-ta-
dare vhsw in the warringge question.
ed olt'rhuttxbty for lbw ttatahliidr
went of a .1ivutr•e tiult for Canada
in lieu of the plwatoit system of resort-
ing to 1'xrl is •ml, omit the a •mins
exi N•ust thereby entailed ; the et wt
bong the mucin objection, tesulertug it
almost IN•yu1111 1he return of the pneetet
clam., who should iw entitled to cun-
sid,•ratium am fully as their mane
wealthy tribe'-bo•ingt. The Pleutie•r,
although lebwtal in principle, is con-
servative in sentiment and said he
thought it bt•st not to make any
ciutuge. The hill wan withdrawn.
Mir %Wilfrid Laurier imtralucel
i►uithrr wets ire Inentiuutd iti the
spta'i It from the Throne, viz., the bill
to inerrant. the poll tax on l'hltlese
'grants ftittu $10) to $500, which
is practically { rat ti(ally an ru•Itwiuu art and
therefore will tie ww•tuly welruwtd by
British Columbia people, who louder
neatly from the bat•gakt-(lay wages tit
John Chitwutau,
There was utte Chinaman in the
gallery at the trot,-, but hr was appar-
ently unaware of the impending fate
in store for his fellow -countrymen whu
(mite to this country. Tits• I'temier
extttlalued that the remove the British
Columbia set of exclusion was dis-
allowed wits because it incltutnt
Japanese. That was Gat drastic. The
Jap was an enterprising individual
and WAS (urging put, way to the trout
rank of eivilizt(t people ; moreover,
Japan was An ally of Gnat Britain.
and there was a la•ight outlook for
increased (.0 nee with that nation
which the Ministry cit Agt•iettltuts was
at the moment in Japan promoting
anti encouraging ; throw were the
reasons why the B. C. act Wan dis-
Thr farute•r,i are hrgitting to act its
well its think for thetuwlvee. A large
delegation interviewee tin. (iuyrrn-
nlrnt this week and ptreentel their
views and put It t upst.tong etifleegaittat
t't•visiug tlw tariff upwards. Tlwy
said they ilad nothing to marl 't •iu
contidete.•." which Iltuught s ••heat•,
herr," from the Premier.
They punts' out that the mutnu-
fa•tti er14 did not show •h sign of
"blue ruin" in their rstablisluuruta,
which were never sit lacy is at pres-
ent. If therewitsa relation coming
were they not entitles G. the sante
(unsidenttiun% High tariff meant big
prices for the protan ttd article. They
f 1 tile penwett tariff in the whtde
quite satisfactory. but any changes
mole ahead." be by way of reduction
instead .4 ineeas•. The (•iuvrrnutrnt
listened very sympathetically, and
prontimeal to give their views consider-
.'it the t' • of t lie` tariff IN it,siou.
right yewts ago, the great difficulty
rxiwrrn/•nl was to ge•t tow eaxntnwr
to state his ease. It is gratifying to
seer the• iirt'aeerl iittt•n'sl*own by
t hts,t' whit previously- deyieade eat their
olititttl leaders G. he their spokesmen.
te latter in most roses etatflnnl
their mtlicitud(• to elect hal tittles.
When this is plainly- leaned by
the n atinfat•Guettt and lee b lMdlth'M1
part1,•s it will Ile Is•tt r for all (om-
1•ernet amd tilt' f/01114.11 411141111 of all, fur
their llrmsmds hay- fever ?et lawn
ithiewn to rx(rtrl justice, and sot loug
as they adhere to that twinciple it"
fututq, Icrprrttrntatiutia to he Goveru-
nwnt ur to Parliatw,t, the growth of
their influence will atrp rite nit our
'urea than themtarlven.
The (ienrgi:tn Bay Canal st hem- hal
again shown life. On Friday it depow-
tation from Pini, Arthur and North
Bay Maw the Premier. Hun. Mr. Field-
ing 1 the Minister of Railways amp
('mals and raked (hat the (iut•rrntttent
spend 11125.000,11011 to build the crural
sand hand it over to the G. H. (. Coin -
pocky itt 1.perate. Thr Premier mug -
grated that the company 'show their
good faith by getting to work and
datingg sltuwthing thrusrlves: then It
would he t' • ut t • itt the Govern -
meta. it is getting harper t•very(tale
to get charteru and suhsidie' from
Parliament withewt more guarantee
of operations than an attractive list
cif ptoyitional dire, ttirm, CunNrrvatis•r
members are showing their appreria-
tial of I.ilwral doctrine nearly am
it as the Minister -initiate.
The member for West Hur,tn won a
pine.. in the htarte of the ••Ixtvs and
girls" (f itt ' ion church Attnctay
N(.httul tin Sunday afternoon. The
school chaos' the first quarter by in -
at qut»tinR that day as ••pttrrntt any,"
and Mr. fiil"Hw spike partirnlitrlt'to
the younger u(htilats, who quick-
ly appreciated the (Intinction
and showed it by it hearty (lap of
their haulm. They want him to Conti'
"every Sunda now. John ('harlton,
M. P., and Mr. Rtehardsin, M. -P.,
also iuidresso,d titre s hottI.
0!' LySt 4Np 5.
l5pE 5 5 ONES
D 00 too E Os'
IS* Slipp041►Ia11144S.P1116La0tftteeri j,
New Spriug millinery.
Having ten tinted from visiting the 1903 Spring Millinery
display; in the leading markets of fashion, and having w►de
large purchases in all the latest uovelttes, 1 will be ready next
week with a handsome display of both trimmed and oto
trimmed Millinery. 1
Ready-to-wear Hats a Specialty.
Thanking you for your generous patronage during past
seasons, I extend it hearty invitation 10 the ladies to call sod
inspect this season's styles.
Hamilton Street MISS CAMERON
Pcric t 111 FiuisV
are Me goods we are showing
for Spring and Summer trade.
011r Stock is now complete
in everything- that the natty
dresser requires in ordered
Give us a call before placing
your order.
lliedford Mick. Tailor
Spring is coming
Hunt out your Bicycle
11 you haven't one,
around and we will sell
.'t. ( scent"
"7• t_p"
"Berlin" etc.
If you have it Wheel and it needs repair, w• hate everything need
tat in the way of 1 ires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saridles, Enamels,
stir. Our REPAIR DR1•ARTtRIIT is in charge of a {Repair man who r
etnHls and can mak., right any ill that a Wheel is heir M.
Our Musical Instruments still leant.
"Dominion" Pianos and Organs.
"loormwith" and "Berlin" Piaros.
(:ritarlf; Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones.
10,04*) sheets Music -Vocal and Instrumental.
Write fora Catalogue.
fioderich Feed and Seed Emporium.
In returning thanks to our numerous customers for their
liberal patronage in the past, we would respectfully announce
that we have moved our seed and feed business from our old
stand on Hamilton street to our elevator, corner of Victoria
and Nelson streets, where a full stock of carefully selected
FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS will be kept.
We call special attention to our new varieties of Seed
Oats, which we aro introducing for the first time, namely, the
Newmarket and the White Murray. The batt -named variety
comes from Frontenac County, where it has been grown for
the past three seasons with aplendid results and carried their
weight, 39 Ib., through the season.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, and all kinds of
Cattle Food, FLOUROtd FEED constantly on hand.
Give us a call.
Yours respectfully,
Highest price paid for grain of all kinds
Household economics has becomea scientific 'tidy, and oneof
most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body
should Ile, the greatest purity and b• st quality that in pwomsi`ole
For the prep oration of t hese w holetome foods care whit ho exer
C'1 t in Prot uring fii s• clans Gra, ries. and it is in Mia branch of
the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our
stock is goal and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders pr ttiptly
and carefully. (live us a trial.
S=L7P...7Z Y d CO_
Have The Signal
Mailed to your friends. They will get more
home news m it than you would care to write.
$1.00 to Any Place In North America.
• -eta - _._..