The Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 7TilE SIGNAL : GODI;ItiCII ONTARIO.'
W. Acheson&Soii
A few select prices for rapid selling on Saturday
and Monday. Just the goods everyone wants and
prices to tempt you to come early in the day.
120 pairs, new French model corsets
finest French Coutill cloth and
new straight front style. This Dor-
set is regular best 31 50 quality.
Every size, grey and white, Satur-
day and Monday price at... $ le00
400 yards 32 inch, heavy English
flannelette in plain pink aid in nar-
row stripes, all fast colors. Regular
9c quality, Fer yard, Saturday and
Carpets and Linoleums
800 square yards Scotch i.inoleum, 2 yards wide, all new floral, block,
and tile patterns, well seasoned goals, suitable for dining rooms, kitchens,
halls, etc Regular price 45c and 50c s *quer,. yard, Saturday and Mon
day 35C
Our showing of Dress Goods
We coniidnr our present showing the beet this store ever made We
never had such a variety of black and colored go Ale es now. Nor did
we ever have a stock that gave us ouch general sitisfactioe. Ever fabric
an uptodate dresser could wish for.
Shirt Waists
Ladies' black Roman satin waists,
30. rows fine tucking. on back and
front, very hue quality, every size
32 to 40. Regular value 31.25,
spinet at each 89c
100 whit* crochet quilts, large doable
bedsl/s, fine quality and heavy.
Regular $1.00 quality, on sale at
each''•' 79c
Black and Colored Voiles
Black and Colored Crepe De Chines
Huffy, clinging silk and wool fabrics tor street or evening wear.
Canvas Suitings
Twine Wool Dress Stuffs.
Pure wool, plain and in snowflake effects in all colors. -
Butterick Patterns
April ,Mock lust arrived showing every desirable garment for the
spring season
Norfolk styles with the kimono neck.
Stole effcc? on capes, coat*, blouses and coffee sacks.
Shirred styles in waists and skirts.
The Delineator for April, .15c.
W. Acheson & Son.
110• Folrlwirh ('he•Iw and Hotter
('r. hes leen authorized ti. inereitme its
capital (roto $2,1 eel to $I,1510.
%Vni. Valell. and (Bluely. well-known
residents. of the vhinity of Lurknow.
have 'amerced to the la'ntlhwe,it.
\\'Arden Kerr. of Rnaes•Is, attend.d
the meeting of th.• East.rn U,wwl
!tomb. A.m.-bit lain at (Ottawa haat
Owing to the hick of int•n•it in the
ridtl.t inf� of the cheese factory at
\ynhnn. the directors have of
the INIiLIing mad plant a 0d the Mosinee,.
is heing closed up.
These are eighty-seven initiate. in
the home. .1 refuge at Clinton ret
present. Fifty-three are mien And
thi,lv-font women.
The Alex, Hislop, I453Ao•n• [ewer, ..n
I the seventh a ...ed.,' of Monis. 1t,.
1»•,•n purchased by Melo/oil 11. Ile•wlev,
gt:olden, 1t. Iiialaip. at $.'i,iNN'.
Time• annual epr•ing .how under the
auspices. sit the Sletth Hunan Alp•ikuI-
tual Society, for the exhihit ,if
..Hite• Atoll. will he held Al li►uee•He1d
on Friday, April 21th.
'The \V,•NG•rn Fuund1y ('.eg)&4nv. of
\\ inghan,, is. asking ,seistanor• ft.
the town in making ndd1*, s to !mild
ings end plant that world cost in the.
I n•egllhwn•flomwl 111' 37,3553.
Th. !teed ire hurin. ss .ef the i,,te S,
J. Smith. the \VinKp(ham it ah. w»•
Beeth Iris been the subject of An
inquest. has been sold to W. T. 1
I Fishl•igh..1 1{agers. jll.'.
Dr. Hutton. son of R.V. H. 1. Mutton
of (',•3tretie. who his. spent th. past
I year with 1)t. Ining. of (.nsnten. has
i opine Ge T,4.11uu, where he haus takeit A
1.sitioll on the hospital staff.
Mier, Mi Ewe,,, daughter of %%Moho*
McEwen, Stanley. Mt h41 has Iw•1•n
teething in Kies x, has resigned to
take e4 aI NO. 11, (itwleri.h township,
lately taught. by W. S. IrRWIN•nee.
The election of ,odnrilI,ifs for Tuck•
er:smith township, 'simile nerslwry
hy the voiding elf the.1a yele.t'
remdtep in the return of Holli. Markey.
George Black, John M,;lievin end
\%n,. MuNnoght.ln.
An oyer tills 1111' appendicitis to-,
flienlel On .1. 11. Melon•, .1f 'hurirh. lest
week, WAS nut as sIIi(•es". the Welt (If
trouble not. being found. Mr. Merner'w
r • W •wpuzzling le! uzzlin to the nietl-
esIs •
ieat Hien is ettionnot•••.
Mr. 1). itt•ich. of the township tit
Hay, near Ile,hwewwl, has purchased
the farm ,.f Jallle. Keh,w•. on the 2t,e1
ronremsinn of Ti,,krrsnaith, paying for
it the s of $I,5e11. The farm (leo nine+
I(Ifl ares and is a splendid grazing
A le•NI in*tnulent noted for its
anti, nih•wasrerenth•btrlughltfS,,n-
uel (Ridley, of Exeter; for repairs. It is
N vi, din owned by J,IIIII Mill,',. of
Pont. honk. 1 is three hundred )erns
1 M.• •t'e'll
old. Il is Irma•kalrly well p n t
.onsidering iia great age enol is 1wtie-
nlerly sweet in tone.
Two Big
One in Whips.
We are clearing out many
lines of our Whips, and dur-
ing the month of March are
offering some rare prices
in all lines of whips.
Look at These Prices.
$ 25..30, .40 Whips going for .. ...90e
.60 Rawhide Whips going for . .40c
.76 Rawhide tt It es ening 'nr ... ..60.
1.00 Warranted While going for 110c
Another in
Tea and Coffee Pots.
The Rochester Stampping
Co.'s genuine "Silver Nick-
le" Tea and ('oflee Pots will
not tarnish or turn color.
They wear better than the
best of silver.
clearing a
out at a
per cent.
March we are
number of these
discount of 20
live ■e a all. I'll fin my best 11
011ie Yes.
Th. Iwsain` Hardwsn eters
Alex. Mu,.tslrl. 11irileietlr of the
HI•ueeHeld end Hayfield sew mins. re-
cently pIn•hasrl a Hie. piee of bosh
from Henry{.,'tl(aeoni. of G.Nlrri,h
3.nsnIship, lie piel'1• 1.1111141141* I4 ahead
forty-two acres and Mr. Mustard paid
SLAP for it. He expects to convert it
into lumber next .eas/n.
The high water Inst we:k' wrecked
the old foot bridge across the Maitland
M Ifrteeelm. neer the flax trill. It will
no doubt lr` rl retia., He It WAS n greet
ennvenience. On the south branch of
the river the bridge ,/n T. E. Hays
fans, near Senfnrth. w,?' ••ar•r14•sl aw•nv
and the Roxboro bridge hell A clone
At n vont...116 n of Smith Huron
tempest nee people, held al Hensen boat
week, a reslhaf icon was presented
railing on the Government to pass the
Art of 11112. An Amendment. was
sulnnittil And carried asking the! the.
law he en amended as t. alsdish the
Ian and chub drinking ami shorten the
home of eau.
A happy event t.w.k place et the
residence of John Grey, lowephine
street, \Vinghan, on W.dnf•Ndev
moaning of pant week. when his
,hoaghter, Muss Fhiti."s, wens united in
ntarl•inge to Londe Loose, of 1raendon.
North Dakota. The ..n•mnrry w;as
hy Rev. 1). l'.rrie, the
young con* being mint hauled.
Williston Kelly and R. M. !Smell's,
eteidenta of Grey township, het•.- left
with their fanlike for the Weal. the
former for I3alguttie, N. W.'r., 1 the
Taller for Park River, North !tektite.
Mr. Kelly lel w , 1
K I tune .kll wen of land mid
will have a num breaking it this Year
while he .works at the carpentering.
Mt', Dye lie nes, will try farming .4 M1
herr locale.
Mr*. Wm. Gillespie, a worthy
resident tit $eaforth, plusw"l away on
Saturday, 7th hut., at the age of
eighty-two yearn. The deceased was a
native of Fiterhire, i e,,tla0(1, and with
her busland and family came to
l'anatht 'In 1874 Her husband still
su•viveN her, with five 4411101 x11(1 thaw
daught•Is: John, Janes and William,
of Meaforth; !)avid, (If Its.ger, Michigan,
xlid Joseph, tit Detroit; Mrs. Munk. of
Piekfonl, Michigan; . Mrs. John Me.
Millan, of McKillop, and Moe. Robert
J , of Meafurtl,.
Mr*. Bishop, widow of the feat..
Archibald Hishop, for tonne yeaos M.
1'. 1'. for Mouth' Huron. diel at the
Gamily resident..• in l'slman,. on Tues-
day, 19th inst. She wits sixty -rex years
of age. Site leaves a family tit five
daughters, four of whom are ula•ried
and living in the vicinity of the 1141
and the vuungest residing with
her mother. MIs. Bishop was, in 114811V
r.•sp ee ta, an exceptional w0eaul. Al-
though of a quietanti u,pletetioum
dieposition, she was a lady of high in-
telligence and possessed many goHsl
. uaIities which endeared her to all
toss' who knew her last. Tile telmainr
were interred in the It,Ndgereille twine -
tory 4111 Thinslay.
George Miller, of Lurknow, departed
this lift. on Saturday morning, Feb-
ruary 21st. He wee ho u Ie, TipIwinry.
1ieIand, in th1• year 1211, and eauu• to
l'7 l .: e stayed Ys , ;ears
m 131 1 m m 1KT1.- I{ 1
in Toronto, ami then.. • t Gederirh
bovumhip, where he t.ok up n home-
stead ill the'uuhn,ken forest. Fifty-
five years mg., hr married Muss Eliza-
beth IA•leage•, of Colborne. who sur-
Vi'.ew hitt together with their nine
ehildr,n. three sats and six daughters.
They are : John, at Pai»ley ; James
and Genagr, at I4ruve Mines Mex.
Stewart and Mrs. Gregg,of Mame
Mines; 311x. Hughes and MIs. Jaunty
Pat term of Menitola; Mow. Torrance.
..f Essex, and 311s. C. Purdue, °PL►ck-
An'etiganizkticm, how )worn formed in
S..uth Huron for the purpose of con-
verted action in 1(N,kiug after the
interests of the agrirltltunit port ion of
the population. Such question's as
th,ws• of railway totes, tofuelization of
tex(w, the ruaWt„ tariff, 'bolting'.
law's, eG ..will (1111(4' within the spht;re
of the organization, which is known
as the 4 aryl. WAN Farmers' • Asua•i-
ation. The full,ming alert the. Illlh•e11.:
It. R. 3I1•1..•trn, Tuck.•rsttith:
'.ire -president. K.abt, N11'311 ore! Ifay ;
sr•n•tary-trssurer, H. S. I'hillippin.
Hay. A representative fur each
mnnicilw/lily also has been appointed,
as fellows: Stanley. John 3JrNaugh-
ton: Tu,ker:se,irh. \Vel. Elgie: SeFi-
forth. M. Y. McLean: Cmhonse, Hicb.
1k•tbridge; Ileo, \\'e,. Caldwell :
Ste•phen,•Hobt. Sanders: Exeter, Thos.
Russell: Zurich, E. Zeller; Ha•na.iall. \1'.
On Saturday, February 24th, there
(lied ,it her h • iU Morris a woman
of tale, honest and tr s.twurthy prin-
ciples in the person (if Annie Kelly.
relict of the late Tkeinim .\gin, who pre
dereK.l her some 11111141•en Tipperary ago.
Jlrs. Agin was born in aippe•rary
I./entity, Ireland. in the year It[tl,
From then. .he, with the net of the
family. moved ti. l'a , I.•t..n county.
Ontario• and resided there fair s11dae
six yeas, at the tend ..f which time
t h.•y moved t.. Minim inwnshipi, which
was then an almost nnbn,ken . forret.
141•fore (aiming to this county de-
ceased was married to her lase hos-
hand in the city of Kings..*;i soul
through atinst' *tlp•rhmnian effort,.
they hewed nut for tManed ves and
family a,comfortable hone. in Morris.
Her stns are ('herles, of Saginaw.
Michigan. Anel John and Patrick on
the homestead, aria her daughter's Fite
Mrs. E4wanl Armstrong. of Grey
township; Mrs. Joseph Kin,lhan.'.1
West W a sh : Mis. F. W. Heard.
of !It. Tlmtotes: Mrs. Andrew Gonghlin.
of Sttratie-one, Alberta. i libido/et. at.
hi m 1'11•fun rnl whirl). 1 k1l
ot, Montlay. March 2nd, to the Homan
('A111411ie 1•enMtrre in Monis• 11•a(s
of the largest anti most imei sing ever
witnessed in the re ly ref- Huron.
111; pall-IN•aletx ween• het• five brother.,
.John Kelly, of G,NIe•i"h ; Daniel Kelly.
of Hl♦vth; Mfrheel Kelly, James Kelly
end Vin. Kelly. of Mun'is : and her
nephew•, John S. Kt_lh, of G,wleri.h.
Worthy M,ss,on of te. Children's Aid Society of
Huron County.
Two mart of carelessnese un th( part
of Provincial 'clergymen in a lording
IIICI'I'lage e•r•ln, an leen sit hollt ascer-
taining the ronrr•t age of the parties
have !Well notierl by J. .1. Kelso.
Superintendent of .Negleetiri ('hil-
.In i,. 'A bride of twelve is report -
from -Mimetic Bounty and one 44
fofut.•en front Hastings county.
Speaking' .1 all • tats'!l of nem ne
work. Mr. Kele) says: "To know whet
the• 1 • life has been it is only nte.e-
sary fel hear the Language and witness
thi'aettitnienttenmtrrrfthe rfiitrtrrnwhrm
first taken to the shelter. Ole boy ..f
six, who knew nothing elW..rued w.i•
the most dn•adb11 p1..fanity with
perfect oleo. while girlm of eight and
ten have displayed a familiaItnow•1-
Wlga• of RIRe1• sin1p1Iy aslorlisll-
ing to the Bgeast w113111•11 who male
sepnently took them in bend. A most
in has been the
surmising thing. lime
nutfl) er of ehildn•nle,f,ufvancel ,00he.l1
age who even• unable nab to read o1' write.
'.'.h.. hall 11(•1'1.1' Wl id a prayer. 141111 Who
1, 1' •o. • ' 'y
•'yes 131 f the t hoof
Ile'.et.• Ircf 1 e
morel itettrtrtion which im mn g5N,frl t..
he given to alp children. These are
the ehiltin•n who, grown to inienh,wNl
and wnmanhissl. slake our prime's
and refuges .so necessary. send 11' a
Children's Aid Society eon lay kindly
hoods on then) before it Is tone bate and
torn their' feet ,into paths of usefulness
end honnt•, surely they nee doing a
work for the whole community Worthy
of the highest prelim!"
The officers of the Woeiety in Gode-
rich invite informal litr from any
parties, either in town on. elsewhere
through theronnty, of rase,* of nerd'
fir negle•t.d rhihhen, and will gladly
(•.N 11N•i,tte t, plate the little Imes w here
they will be mop erly looked aftl•1• anti
trained. A.1(1trws hones ‚413)4111.
president, or Airs. J ('hu k, sc-
Iitery-treasurer, tieslerieh.
Had /ackach. and Mis Limbs Swelled -Dodd'.
Kidney Pills Cured Him.
, Galt, Unt., March 13. (Special.)-
Frauk Cromwell, well known here. is
enthusiastic over the wonderful .urn-
tivespowet•s of !hold's Kidney Pills.
And Mr. Urumwell's enthuslastu is
not without reason. He was troubled
with backache followed by swelling of
the lindw. Dochl's Magazine fell into
his hands and a periled of it assured
him that his troubles were frau the
kidneys seed Ikxld's Kidney Pills
could cure them. He procured smite
of IAold'e Kidney Piffle and now he
amyl. tl•' phantly: q
"One hoz gave me relief and fdu,
Wiese (turd me completely."
Other; troubled with pain in the
back, rim uulatism, lumbago, etc., are
following Mr. C'tr,ulwell's advice 'end
timing lh;id's Kidney Pills with ',view
q leu -
did reults,
Stannic' of the North Channel and Lab Huron
(proper) Districts.
The annual repot of the Depart-
ment of Mariu.and Fisheries, recently
betted, gives a 1111{14. elf information and
',Gaieties showing the her, tm-
nage and value of vessels and boats
engage) 'be the fishing Heater• of the
country and the amain lty 4041 value of
fish taken. Some of the figures given
Mating 144 the bumuless done on the
Lake Huron division - North Channel.
and the Lake Huron (proper) division
wee publish la'low. 'The figure are for
the year Hall.
In the North ('h •I division there
were 19 tugs or vessels, with at ti nnagi•
of 4W, end 112 Isaacs engaged, and 419
leen, The agglr•gaRe lueof the•
craft was $1J9,3545, and $7va4,71•11 n•pn•-
Kentel the value of the nets used. A
(,td Of $217,317.34 is given as the
value of the fish taught, of which there
Were MN las'trls of malted herring,
27,1312 lhs. fresh 'herring, 911,:117 1114.
whitefish, f,• 1.7:181tw. trout, 15,(r23111s.
WAS, ,234.' 1 les. pickerel or don•,
79,114 lis. pike.. Ii7 les. tnaakinonge,
15.554 Ile. wt-urge/n. 5,281 Ills. perch.
2,715 ITN.. 8(33.4 , 12.4:.2 lbs. mixed and
tanee &h. 411 barn els trout. Nineteen
malti1fN Air• ineludell in thim 0ivisienl.'
In the Like Hui, n divining' (proper)
there were tugs fir vessel.( with a
tonnage of 1541, 97 )oats dee. 221) men
engaged. The vessels and IN wale
employed were valued ;It $:hili;,, and
the nets at 331,543. 11,e ear' kinds
of fish rangqht are given Gas follows:
Herring, salted. 437 barrels; herring,
fl•eth. 2114.ir4I IIs, ; whitefieh, Z3,I1N1:
troll, 1.1109,242 els.: pickerel ordure,
193,792 Ile.; ettlrglon,53,573l s. ; perch,
9,1N51 Ilea. ; catfish, 527 Ifs.: mixed and
coarse fish, 30,015 els.: whitefish, 1.2111
laurels; trout, 2455 barrels, and caviare.
731 Itis. 3145,15(2.23) was the total value
of fit.di .aught, of which the Cape -Hurd
to Southampton fliti.ion is 1.trebler
with 337,1151,73, the Southampton lie to
G1lderiehdisilia With 314.IMMO, (rawly
of -Huron. ineliding Grand division.
$14,4-N1,14, H.Nutnqu.•t t.)WI)ehi 1, 1119.-
31G.73, Plyu,pt.ln township, tialtle,L21.
and Snrni,l township, *1.5413.42.
Huron Not Fairly Treated in the Good Ro>,d.
Grant Apportidhment.
One view of Illi• t.,ads improvement
1 .wt ion is presented by (' ty t 1,'rk
144,3).• in the fnl)1N•ing wanner
"Whit. 1 like the idea of improving
,IIIc• vomit,; 10o nut think the Iasis Of
epportiouring the Totino~ A g the
different a nunti.•. in tht• Province is
fair. and that Hurn, for instance, is
being fairly treated. -
"Anel 1 may state my opinion
broadly by saying that the toll -toad
r tics are reaping it Is•m•Ht whit+
non -lull roup ruusfties du not. 1' -
pcur the county- of Huron with Went-
worth ti',lnty In this respect, today.
In 1 {{IIIr Ill l.'1• Tent. Ih1I'Ing the veers
from 1,450 tn_4Mn) sus', about *2333.1►1)
acid bought the northern gravel Brad
for 3'231,1511),41141 aIN/h.hed tree gates on
gravel made, •.and have team payingl
m'0cip el ,and interest ever since and
have still over $.'Wt,INS, of this debt 10
flay, 111111110W we (•almot palet itipat.
In the 1'r,vinelsl grant . to the full
amount of our share i•xee It e expend
on new work about $15),IN*w1.
"In the early history of Wentworth
private rntulanie•N noti(r'I what read.
were the Mailing ones, and built these'
and holt on toll gates. and these road-
were controlled by theme private ca te,-
panite up to last 'Nove•mlwr,'1s•hen'th,•
county purchased all �t�h)• toll; ,tstds,
six mule J think, for]IO.i/Itetlend:ere-
"It is with real pleasure that
I certify to the efficacy of
Iron -Ox Tablets.
Having been in the Retail
Drug lousiness thirty-seven
years, I have never sold any
proprietary medicine that has
given the same ratisf
acti on to
my customers, or has been
such an 'easy seller.' The
package recommends and
sells itself ; the Tablets 'do
the reat.' Every box sold
makes friends for the store
and sells another box." -
JAM ES H. SOMPS, Pharma-
cist, Terre Haute. Indiana.
Iron.Ox Tablets='
the beet carte for o.netlea.
tion. an unequalled
nerve tendo1
50 Tablets. 25 C.ntr
NEW SHOE STORE Jordans Brook next
OPENING door to McKim s. on
the Square
s / / / / /
... WE HAVE .. .
°pseed out at the shove stand a now and up to..late .tock n(
... BOOTS and SHOES ... .
Leaks' and ice,lemen'. fine g.wwl. s .p.'-.alty.
IIs lits ell armies, suitable Lir all purposes, and to tit all altos
We will he pleased) to have the people of tiodertch and vicinity .•xI1 stool inemel. cur
goals. 'limy are the hest that mosey can hay. No troahle•. to ohne them.
untitled under the act 4u 32'1,901) on
this Ie xpu•lldil 141...
"fleas f* what 1 t.oneider unfair. For
1411111• Hwv,u mai• els'nding large sumo
of •y iu(omit ,u.ling road* \Veet-
N'(Irtll'N 141401h 14('1.' hi'i,ig constructed
by private cti1(1pa411tes - Or, w Other
words, Huron spent 'Money tin twpinll
SAM' t and Wentworth did not.
-Some say \\'eutworth huts been
burdened with toll gates for all Ihrse
years. True. but while Went worth
law been lutyiug tolls Huron has iw'•u
ieying interest, s, 1 fauu•y theeoultie
n this respect are itls,ut on an equal
"Now, why should \Vemtwent,' lee
asked ti, expend only about 324,1554 ru
new• s'ul'k end get etedit for old o oak
for the balance, while Hulot gets uu
credit for old work, but in under to
gel her share laid (0 \expend about
4151,1551 on new work.
"Then. Olay la• Neo • features of the
tate, , I have not taken into account and.
therefore, may be wrong i11 arriving
at my conclusion in the wetter."
Notice of changer most be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mast be left not is ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted au to no, n Weodneeday of
each .week
of Dodd's Kidney Pills aro
legion. The box V Imitated,
the outaide coating and shape of the
pills are Imitated and the name-Dodd's
K Pi1ls is imitated. Imitations are
dangerlotts. The or gine! is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita-
tors have none or they wouldn't Imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not he deceived. There
Is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original Dodd's is tee name to be care-
ful shoot -
One Way Excursion Tickets
/roma• Nllll.a,. 91.Hua....S3&4.
Cees:LH N a ..!.rad„ .prlux.,
To • IIn...r 11.1,.. i amiss
belle. Dadra. Mt1 i
1.1... s,,. rrrhte
,. phi. „etc 140.1. .... OW*
North 1•.rll(r 1 -oast
and Stamens, nese. 543.1;
era a remoter.. 1'ar....541 13
Spa»:iat iett ei. a uS to Canadian N. rte.
were w, 1, Irate Toronto, every Tuerlay,
during far, h and aped, 1903, at 9 r.
,red the "1!lydiu Express" well leave Tcr-
me° at 1 46 r yl.
l'l ieng.n era fling without Live Stock
ahou4 take the tram leaving Toronto at
1.45 r
Far faarther taarti(•uars apply to Agents
of Brand Truok Ry. System
P. t T. A..
Depot, Ticket, Agent,
I have the largest
stock of hand made
Dai Tinware in ,
Goderieh,rall math
from heavy English
Also Eavestrough--
ing, Gal van'i zed
000,00 1
IronWk oaMetal
11/ lel l #
and Sidings, Fur -
naces' and Plumb -
WorS ell 's
The Division
between gen 1:.n41 ln.116, r.n,
Drugs and Medloinee
1e stool~ d'fleed her.. '1 he InAal•
(Brent kind are never ordered end
Boyer permitted to form part of on.
stock. Only. goods of ondonn ed
purity are offered to cuatnm,•rs
Our stook 1
Ii'roprletary. Med f of nes
I. very large Pilo.. are I, w•
T■UII$DAT, March 19, 1903. 5
Jordan 1 M'S
Block. 1�1 Ont.
Cloth Skirt Overvalue
Just 35 Skirts, serge., homespun, and broadcloth; to clear at cost of
material. All tailor-made and nicely trimmed.
17, -worth 33.00 to $4.00, all st 32.50
12, " 4.50 to 5.00, " 3.00
- 6, " 6.00 to 7.50, " 4 00
Whitewear Underpriced
Forty Skirts and sixty three Night Robes, from 50c each up to $5.00,
to Blear at less than the oust of material. We have there goods and we
tl.,u't want them. Some are slightly soiled or mussed, somo are
sample it and have been handled, but 13 will not cost you much to launder
them. Some of them you can buy at about half price.
Don't wait for oper:iugr. If you went anything in the Millinery line
(01130 noW. Wu will give you some.• Millinery bargain., for Easter.
New Wash Goods
New Embroideries and Laces
New Dress Goods
New idea Patterns, 10c.
As Builders
Of hoes
The makers of the shoes that we sell are right
in the lead. .So artr,the shoes.
They are first in looks. ,
First in solidity.
First in durability.
Let us show you how all these qualities look
when combined,
High class shoes for the ladies -
High class shoes for everybody.
Wd couldn't put the prices any lower.
' Wm. Sharman, Jr.
�1aLh: A .h:NT Feil
Dorothy Dodd and Slater Shoes.
�1/lilu lieulllNWlull�uud
(1f ready-made SUITS s
COATS, woollens.
.l OVEi(-
All ordered work carefully att.u,l,
- T1111 LOADING -
V eOitTiA. D3ret<ort u'et
-tmou‘mer s .
errs earetatls atgaded Ie s' all
burs. algal or dy.
Illoettos direst.
Orders left al J.33
Store promptly a
joderich Feed and Seed EmPorium..
n returning thankour numerous customers for their
fibers i tatronage in the p we would respectfully announce
that weybave moved our se arid feed business from our,old
stand nn I.iamilton street to of ! elevator, corner of Victoria
and Nelson streets, where a full stock of carefully selected
FIELD and UARDEN SEEDS will be'kept.
We call A 11
A attention
tone ur W varieties
of Seed
Oats, which we are introducing for the first time, namely, the
Newmarket and the White Murray. The last-named variety
comes from Frontonnc C ukty where it has been l
wn for
the past three seasons with splendid results and carried their .
weight, 39 lb., through the season.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Herb*g,'nm and all kinds of
Cattle Food, FLOUR and FEET) constantly on hand.
Uwe us a call.
Yours respectfully,
Highest price paid for grain of all kind■
Household economics has beconi+a scientific study, and one of its
most important lessons is that the footle which enter the body
should be the purity and Meat quality that is pauti'lle.
For the preparation of three wholesomn (nods care must 110 exer-
cises! ib procuring Hrs'-class Groceries. and it is in this branch of
the housekeepers work that we helieyn we can help you. Our
Block im goof and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly
and carefully (live UN a trial.
ST Z7It Te" CO_
T111 O14OCR)IR, WEST HiDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 91.