The Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 5`lie
beau plemmat, and with the sew firm we are' will in give, le to sugaate$ that permits
Msioh 174 . 001 •meopr..
Tvwflamed her tam for Owing to the downpour of rata ea Tues -
Y ig t to Jams Ktrkp•trlok, ofI day night last •ad to othoz muses the Wog -
talked -of term el y talked -of orokl0ole memo as Morrt,dale
Embers.tot York- Yana failed of resllzetlon. The jotted host
Burl'Towtlby loft yesterday _ had fully prepared for the *vesicle and had
boy, Ass.,, with Mb* boys" mod abs bol leveed the gay hero of last November'(
of • oarlood l0 waiter's •tleotaIle meal to be hle putur. As the other
sem up land ndpeblag Yorktw. contestants did not Dome the jovial bolt
grnd•r•oo has retuned to Ham- and the aero wombat toemselves by playing
Mrs. K obit of several wssks wIlI ber • game with • tall 'night of the Row sed •
it oo diet • was •aur flea Y young t.4, friend for the loo•1 ch•mploa-
m � b Il
ncte Silo 1 0010 Is ship, Bath sides played with verytog
MW Jobndo0. who will Mail her 4 Y
wcsnss all within •law palate ul the Melt.
Namara. Alter • number of draws rounds M. young
SHEPPARDTON• lady men. the suooaaslol oho., atter ea boor
MobDAv. March 16 b. "4 nity-roves minutia'
play. le b cow
Kitson? or S. S. No. 11-Artt►metic arranged that the Dunlop sed Leebwro
far g.br0&ry : -V. ,lass- physes shall Slut Ycrrlsd.b the comma
tatorte,120 -W 168. Iv. ,lass -total Joao for this much -talked -11 mutest.
150 _ . B A. H•wkl.., 94 ; Lorne - -
I50 -V Bogie, 98 A. E. )Jona DUNGANNON.
Granata, 76 : R. n•wete 68 s Graham
Nor►cg -The is mtesar is nnea•n.on
125,; A.
ill. ,.70; J.
astoa, 37. 11t. ter Titothus• at the om sof J. V. Ward,
lime ; A, Yeuy. TO ; s Jo►ossa, W. .1. p.. oosveranarr. ae.. who will reoeive
juatet-tell 100- M•• lL ty b9; men [or .ubwrlptbos. ire
end iub
B Vroomaa, 35. II •slur- verb, and a swilled to nave rocilple aur
Date. 38: J.30.11. jibe- amounts paid for Um same.
total 7U-1). J•Mtu0; V C.atweil, Tcr$DAY, March 17th.
total 100-R Soirees,. 100;
►erty, "0 : D. BMW". 60; W. gaits • number asstaking aking exoh•oges of
70 ; F. DovPut 11..ealer-told 120- property is this vlelsity.
L1)orgb•rty, 60 R. Bolles 100: M• Raw- YW leabelta Mme left for home 10
k 1.50; T. 110; par. 11. jwnlor-
kias, 60 ; goes., 30' V.11.toBurrows. 50 ; Hares aweeblp on Tass•lay, after ba'4a •
total 100-1de Sdleb, 60;plrrsoot volt ul about two weeks wash her
B. Cantwell. iso T. M UoOtx/a, Tes•b1(• sister. Mr. .116.. Russ.
PORT StaraTut roe Us. Tr.sec LL -The
Mamas lith. numwOes •vuwss taoo01 Or. Jas. L . Tura
Tarawa, ball, (oderta 1, slangily sympathize with
111s• Mealiest. to vWtla, •0 Pore him to the audiles calemuy that overtook hie
uncle's. Mt MoUUW'•• brother In the hloom of lite. We ore 000tls-
W telIle Powell, of r•0er..1"111161.11 days sally being reminded Moat is aha midst of
tYrated• leu wgeek.
life we .re l0 death.
waiter Hawki15. 4"051". of Ydektaa, Busts es. envois. -W .011014 to 140
s t S••d•y.t his boom sen. week's •less, ot 'lux ?Hoba1. that Mr. Ma
old their obildren by allowing regularity of
attendant.. and by •aceuretglo0 work •
home -Willie Smith, 448 ; Bronson Ile -
Nair, 390 ; Hwsso, Uase, 361 ; Boswell
Rutherford, 354 ; Laurette R. nob.
Mary Smith, 334; Birdie Norms, 331 ;
Doane diem, 329* ; Rase Goldberg, 314 ; Lhas.
Kilpatrick, 256. Taos. (4. ALLXm.
New Budding to he Erected on Markel eae-
Archnect Fowler's Plana Appro.ed.
Thu long-talked•of ereetloa of • library
building le Goderich 1s now practically as.
eared. Word has beet. received from Mr,
U•rnetii a ►teat, K. A. Franks, that the
$10,000 granted to the Goderlab public lib-
rary 1e now available and will be paid In
sums of 82,030 or t•-3 000 ea required, on re-
quests signed by the president esd tremors'0ce
ot the building oommlttee, ampa0ad by
ars bltwt'e ortilioat• of the work done ; sod
plan. prepared by J. A. Fowler hire be..
• oepted fur the building, which la to M
eructed o1* the Dset orof Montreal teed Light -
home snores.
OesRaritiesYn. A. Curvet end Hoary
were U Kilbourne. over Sudsy.
W. mod Mrs. CempMU 1• Et. vatted their
Mre..1... Scott •ad nes, Robert. left yes-
terday ler Lo.du to amid the waddler of
bites yyIle, t of Ogilvie. Mul•oh•, •
•neat - mo W sem
Imre is ren W. psslttsO ►•4 ceslldw.bly increes t • for • Metre h.11 sod • gy d
lice. Urea* Lh e►n Yendat ix Gdlwleh, ,t.•meenblp rl the obwrah. lead the fed sod
the -Tru A. w• Rep";
I •Dom err .'Ito 00 tha floor. G0 195
Gdhouddy, wb" for may years
oosduoted the paper es acceptably, bad sold
the bonuses to Messrs. Vermeer A K 1b•rt- will Le the No.r.l readmit 'r room,
obh Ira'.
.on. W. watt bate the sew brie as well we I28� overlooking oe eroom. )Ste r l0 it, of the
the retina/ editor the hom of ruooes.. I roam er ! owner. mod cask room a the
Curtail Nett. -At the soles meetl0a I eottbwnt &ogle. A ._myeetest feature of
of fort Albert sed Fr• ,hare, coo- the „tr.wg•m•0t ir 1h.1 the hallway loading
Ieburob s•, which was held is jug mai to the hook delivery cmnter le Witte +epar-
oheroh M Pto Ke. 17 b, a eR Rutherford
o all' •t• from the rem lie( roome. es readers
trb to Rey, U. M. Rutberlord u'
mil net to disturbed by the passim' fo and
Some eight or nine plane were received
50id•s Mr. Fowler's, from .rebtteou ID'1'o-
roeto. Montreal, l;oorgetows. London,
Guelph, `Sault Ste. Mine and *Totted, but
Mr. Fowler's drawings wore oenwded by all
to bs f or molt ennoble. .b pilo is fir
baseman, 12 feet high,
15 ir. btgh, sada high root. The main 00 -
trance will be on Montreal .tryst, end there
w(11 be a large o/rouler tower at the eagle
facing the Square. betides smaller towers at
the other two angles. Stone 1s suggested tot
the basement sad rad back for the rota Ma-
ma belgh', of the walls. 1).19 the male naor
Gess Ds,tbar of .n. locality, 11 here •t 1 meter. He bei been ttfi ,.110' for 01)001 •
1 not of persons who Deme to exchange a,oks
turas. rooms ae
where 6. tok. 091 termer pasta.. 15 � Fat -'t Rraog Canso . sore r
dredge. 811 •es, Jeba, Ida fat ""r'"'''''""'lunwed, use rumor of for deet,..( of Frey. third tl ror le • room. 16 tt. x.13 ft.. for the same day. R. F•'.rhalro. Dew of Sower by, sed fwm•rly 1 ohms or reore.t*o0, lighted by a window
of l)aoges000. wee 1•c,n•01. W. wen In the roof, awl at the .0d of • beltway
DUNLOP. pleased to'tool y • latter from the reverend i hogging oto the tower b • smokers' room
. w.r . where devotee", of the pipe •'an smoke sod
reed without ut.nyance to others. pearl•
los le else mode for duettists foORt•toe,
format real
tar te ... ►le dauber, who wo yc•r led by undoes work and kindly
dh j Proyaloa is matte In tb• Immune
1o'(AV, Mat. 16 h. gentleman, dated Much Ilth, •taUsa
Fred. P•ok•rd and $ MjI'talt, of Porter's 16e sod his family worn eojvyuag toot beelth
d 164 fbo 1 k•'le highly pleased with bei Dew
Hitt, •ped b YoYuss role es as' (bas lavatories, eta• Tim plan. u• very o0
1110 fpr. to Leebare. tad paid a ttln4•0t I louts... wledow on
volt b Ihsnlop to A. Alm. Nrl•Ttit-s. -Vogt oorrseponleat h19 re- ?Iv,. 104 the towers sed a bey
Yr. end Mire Harry (%.m Ibell, with rhelr I Mired to..n.esoc .1•.' of 16. marriage of edtnarethe ho9ne►• Montreal I urert side ret side wad the lieve
4. salt er 1Sl,h, tress Clever Brace 1 D.vtd t\ 111,0mw• .ad Mise !.0'0%1'.1 Mac
ceut1, were th• d4esu 01 Mt. tad Yr•. , Kay •t hottisewu, N 1).. o• the 4 h day of I dos meeoroey ` of . IA bra hneleyc l i 30. tea
of I.w1 wo.k. this mooeh. Tn• happy bride was a osuv• of 1 g
Gee. Fulford es ak wile* .uuoo. b •meg tb•ne'7 survlvlog d.ueb- oa Mondry mercin4 0%m. Campbell was
Dally beet week ml' hart t. The pet for o
ahe0atm pot / I.rY•rus• of •Ile m sig draft ter of abs late I.mee MuKay, 1,L 1) Stn. I yrs.,' ,i, on M6.11 of the B»rA ot 1.mto
trona die bead t' the I►aol•.p Aril. K. Wdh.msu.'a rSmero11 r•1atives &ad express the we•lmee- 01 4bat 9,34y .galut
Gltdd15, of L..hsrn. wleuA Jebn H Irlesde w1•h 1h• newly wedded couple • I the .Ie to9ailyL
s of b site, grounds
market sad • 1yry
t tell l0 tPcs work loon and • ropy •0000. .
14•rker ace Fred 1 S,:,iool. Exam. -Tits principal of Due• ).table. Me r•ronme0'Ied • see between09W West Trot �na19 4 ed tut week's Mee 190• bow wbool bas decided to ova 'street, for exempt• the space emceed teat ed editor, el for put t iter hanNO W
jewellery store, but u
sire y,• bed sold out .to Va.•tter & his mermen (loss 190 er,tmluauos se Fdd•ye Yates nth„ 101 the building o by t •
pebsrt•oe, Uuivg v tb MO iilliceddy's the •caept ee et I pupes il meads regularlye were takes t.od work at +.aboral' the oleo•'I.od all arrangements have bees
t *all
00▪ 5 .. k f ra have.
emu 1 k, fer0wbd !limbo. radon with tad at .1 Uo mfaithfully,imto tiethe
o.' heed the flet I ecade of make
Do obese,.
D ew• 01 Ma deleta Laves Limbers41the t wit• or at lout mom rime to the result, tor Friday, all have the I oth dwtdae to mak or mittoptwoenr p The 1 d ' Ker
Although we tore Dow child e•cetyd•w•oold , Y ob ~ce •s 0utle the oaly CheDatum nd IChairman. Mayor J. E Tom
m afar s aniorvest f y
Ker -
ma ler some harvest feat that we sslgYt'i 'narks d times tee t. all the �°� worttad0morke IeWuhan
ioretory, 0 F!C•n•7 star ,
halo "madmen •tidies our rsiatl15e have I. 00104 9 per ,
nan. radon at Ottawa Mat
Owing to the lark of interred in the
.'mdmrtiDg.1 the Thecae factora11
Walbrm. tnr directors have (Ise w4 f
annual sprung show under the
empires of th.• Serut 11 11tu,.n A1p•icul-
1 114•'( o • e 'h'
t uxl l ty, for the Ih..n mt
entire st. wk. will to held at 13rlcefield
on Friday, April
The• Western Foundry l'oml4tnv. of
• \Vingh,tul, is asking assistant... i
ithe town 111 making :lade Mils t.. build-
! lugs and plant that w,111d (Det in the
Molal lon•h.xw1 mf $7,1591.. -
T Bi The hade•husity•ss thtL�te•
WO w':u
1. Smith, the \Vin olio plan wh.we
death has leen 9 )e subject of 411
1 inquest, has been sold to W. 1'.
Fiehleigh. of Hager,ville.
Spec>err with lis Irving. mf(:rantmn,has
gone t.. Tntnnt", Where he has taken a
1 Weition un the hospital staff.
Miss M,•Kwen, daughter of Malcolm
McEwen, Stanley. w'hn has leen
teaching in Kwex. has resigned to
take 4 4 No 11. (..wlrrich township,
lately taught by W. S. Lawmen(•. -
for March
,One in Whips.
‘We are clearing out many
lin of our Whips, and dur-
The election of councillor. for Turk -
rromith township, mad,- neemwtt'y-
hy the yofdinged 96.•January elect
remelted in the ret urn .4 11. dot Marko y,
George Black, .1oh11 McNevin sod
An operation 1111' appendicitis rt.-
on .1. D. Nerncr, .d %.)rich. �Ast
week. was not 11 .11(((44. 9111• o -ret .,f
ing t month of March are h,robb' not bring found. Mr. \f.•tn,-,-o
oA'eirinsome rices
e ams le wltnrwhat aese:ing {4r the-mr•el-
P jj
Mal Inen m It,
r it a lee
in all lin:•. of whips. M,•. Oen rich. .4 the township of
Hay, near I)auhwlw4I. has purchased
the farm of James Keh.1•, on the 2nd
,oneession of Turkeremith, pitying for
it the 4111'1 of $1,3191. The farm conLnit .
20c I)p acres and is a splendid grazing
A iewl instillment note) for its
anti. Ilit y %vas !went l y h .ought to Mi. rile
' nel (41,11ey. of Exeter, for repair... It is
a violin 19.11141 by John Silver, .4
Port Frank. and is three hnndn'l year)
h r t
1111. It is remarkably well preserved
ewe •tvel
msilering its great rage and is )wartic-
11 t•ly sWre•I in tors. -
A 'x. Mustard. n,.prietnr• .1 the
f,iier•eld and 13aydeld wow milds. r•-
eently reheard a fine piece .4 hush
Look at Th
$ 9S, .30, .40 Whips going
.50 Rawhide Whip going 1
.75 Rawhide q k pm ruing 'or
1.00 Warranted Whips going for..
Another in
Tea and Coffee Pots.
The Rochester Stamping
Co.'s genuirt,,e "Silver Nick -
le" Tea and Cofh'e Pots will
not tarnish or turn color.
They wear better than the
best of silver.
form rfe
forty-two Re
1d1.9491 for it.
into 1 - ler rex
r Beacons. of Goderich
plie'e 1.11t1414te of shout
Anel Mr. Mustard paid
• expecte. to convert. it.
The. high water
the old God bridge 191
at Hrlsweb, near the H,
no dexlbt he rebuilt, as it vas a great
convenienee. fit the smut branch of
the rias the fridge an T. '. Hays'
faun. near Seaflrth. was cert !away
and the Roxhnrn bridge heel a dos..
During March we are ahatr.
clearing a number of these At a 1•onvent' of South Ilm,
temperance people, held at Benison last
out at a discount of 20 week. a resolution %%•a4 pt1wenttd
per cent. I calling all the Government to (Hass the
Act of 19112. An amendment was
alll"Ilittisl mull carried asking that the
law he pro amended as t./ .iwlish the
her and club drinking and shorten the
hoer+ .4 male.
A happy event hwlk place at t11.'
rtwklenee of John filmy, Josephine
.tr'ct, Wingham, In ♦%'e russlav
i morning of limit week. when his
daughter, Mian !ensures., wens united in
marriage to 14Hlia forme. elf (irantion.
North I)akerta. , The rete y was
performed by Rev. 1). Perrin, the
young ebwlple (wing unattended.
TY. IwaAleg Hardware Sten L WilUatn Kellyts of andand 11. M. Douglas,
reside, hare left
11018 $t 0001111 AT YOKINIT PRiOKR. with their fernlike few' townthe Went. the
t week worked
tan the Maitland
mill. It will
Ohs as a al. rl de ay MNt
Plage Pt
4' _ �irwel Int r..i' thulltm9•I%e, and
f •lye a comfortable 1 • in Ilo,iis.
Ilex sons are Charles, of Saginaw,
Michigan. and Ji/h11 and Patrick on
the It ...term!. and her daughters are
Mt.. Erlwarl Armstrong of (;ray
township : KMahan, of
\\ est \\ merinos,' : Mrs. F. \V. Beard.
,14 St. Thoma.; Mrs. Andrew (innghlin.
of St rthc111A, .4. 10.7-941, and Bridget, ret
1 The f •rat, which t.o.k pbtrl•
11* %tondo y. March '2nd, to the Roman
t',Ith.. i,' cemetery in Morris, w -as I(1•
of Uta• largest and most imp( wing ever
.4it'lensed in the county of Hurn.
The pith -bearers were her live brat hers.
John Kelly, of G..leri.-h : Daniel Kelly.
of 13141h: %tichael'K,•lly, James K.•Ily-
411,1 Win. Kelly. 4.1 \fortis: and her
nephew, John 13. Kelly. of Goderich.
Worthy Miasma of the Ch,ldren•a Aid Society of
Huron County.
Two cases of carelessness an the part
.f Peoyin.i*l clergymen in c lurting
Marriage r•n•Ifl..11l4s without x11.1•:
laining the elrtrt age If the parties
have been 1109i1ed Ity .1. J. K. 1. t,
Mnlw•ritite•ntlent of Neglected ('hil-
dlet. A bride of twelve i. report -
141 (»1111 44411I1...• (hump and ole of
fourteen from Hastings count y.
S1N',lkitlg ..f 114 1',111(4 of Vesely.
work. 31r. Kelso wly•: "To know what
the haute life has Leel it is only neces-
sary the language and w'It ' e..
wn•y to hn
the arti,1nsuf sf4ne o(t he children when
first taken to the shelter. One 1.ty of
six. wh/ knee}': nothi11g else. ctailo1 use
the most dreadfulrobinity wit It
perfect erste, while girls 44 eight Null
gen have displayed 1, familiar knowl-
edge 1/f ' twlity simply astonish-
ing to the 8g1.9(1 w"ml•n 94111 -suh-
w41net1th• t1,4tk theft ill 118nd. A most
surprising thing. too. has been the
number If children .f:wlvance) school
rig.. who were 'Mal& t1/ rend Ir write,
who had (rcpt said 119 prayer, and who
Meet 1 a e' 0,1'
111•\'e•I' 1, e l ally f all 1 IrIN I'\'.
moral instruction 9 hick is sll Lgwlsed 10
IN• g1yrll t.0 414 1'1t11die41. 13iese• are
the children 7.11,1, gr49V11 to (1x111111141
and w"nulnhlwwlT ►rink.- .#111' prisons
and refill"...1,).,'11e•ewwlt'y. and if a
('hit,ten's Aid Society con lay kindly
hands on theta IZefto a ft3s t,s.11ti• and
turn their feet 19qtH'tlaths of noefelness
and h merely they are doing a
work for the while 1.4411910110 it 9' worthy
of the highest praiser"
The officers of the wwlety in (1.0...
rich invite information from any
Iwarties• either in town or elsewhere
through the county; of canes s of needy
THURSDAY, March 19, 1903, 5
d children, and will gladly
place t he lit 11.• ones .4 111•11.
• 11„111•I•Iy 1.1111,141 att.,. rind
t,l,11ws% .1a111e. \litchrlh
1• Airs. J191110. Clark, IN•1•-
Illet•, (loll•1'll•h.
toil His tombs ttwelled-Dodd'a
nor P111. Cured Him.
, Mnr h 111. (Special. ) -
well, well k '( here. is
oyer'the wuuderful emu -
of 1.41d'1 Kidney fills.
romwell's enthusiasm is
x•a+wln. lie was troubled
1e followed b.y swelling of
k)dd's Magazine fell into
1 N I14'111wi11 .4 it assured
temlth.s were from lh.•
Distil'., Kidney Pills
sm. 11e procured 90411*1'
hl.•y pills and now he
.1191y: -
4t'e due relief and four
it completely."
pled with pain in the
tool, IIiI1ll4,g, rte., are
( )Tome ell's edifice land
:id0ey fills with splen-
'rah Channel and take Huron
per) Dbiricts.
....port of the Ih part.
awl Fisheries, recently
tlf iIfurulatinn and
ing the' her, G"1-
uf vessels and loons
fishing trade of the
quantity and value of
le of the figures given
Holiness dole on the
Nu1 t11 Channel,
rim (proper) clivi '
The figures are for
ha -I clivi„' there
tsw•Is, with a tonnage
its engaged, and 4111
(gate value of the
and 1178,710 repe-
nt the net.. 1114491. A
:44 is given ,.s the
Right, of which there
of sealant herring,
herring, 1,307 11...
Ilial. trout, 15,11.011a,
pickerel or dare,
all 114.. nlaakinoige,
'n, 5.2111 Ills. perch.
1.442 Il.,. ulixel and
Mb; 114119. Nineteen
4) in t his division.
on division (proper)
'40 vessels w•1111 11
boats and 22u own
(swirls and lien..
lel at Ill. ,745 and
The various kinds
given as follows:
' barrels: herring.
whitefish, 23,11118;
: pickerel of dere,
l .:ifi,. 1713 lbs.; s.: p er ch,
.'7 Ilse. : 1111Xe1 and
: whitefish, 1.'391
re14, and caviare.
'a.. the (.dal 1allie
irk the ('a)9(' Hurl
141.0111 111 1.11111(.4)
S.*ltluampto(1 14o
$14.1991, cou(ty..
(11111"1 division.
township. $111.-
rnsllip. $2.741221.
In the Good Roads
to itupr.yeul(nt
y County Clerk
•ereMeeryrlpr 111: •r•
M 1111(1 like the idr4 of inlpeoving
our rwe14, I (10 not think the basis of
apportioning the looney a g .the
different counties in the I'rr'inre is
flair, slid that Heron, for instance. is
being fairly trette41.
••.� 1 1 1
Illll t' state Illy opinion
hrwldly ba- ',Hying that the .,II -road
counties ale lwaping 11 benefit which
non -toll road ....unties 411 not. t' •
pare the ...Mity 1( 1furl m with K'.nt-
worth ..unity in this respect. t.41ay-.
In 111mm we stent. during the 11•11.
f,•11111 114.50 lI 1411► say, 001119 *44.).0 MI
and bought the northern gravel mud
f11' $'.i.iM511111,1 abolished 1111 gates on
amyl l ,rinds. :nut lint-(• 1w•4n Iu.yi(1K
F4.1111•I)w1 :11,11 1111(1.1 ,4t eye)•'1111, and
have still over $.%1,1MM114 this debt to
pay. and ' we cannot participate
in the Provincial grant to the full
Iunlullt of Iur shine 4X..J4 we (0)4•(14
nn new- 'lrk about 1011,19 1,
••In the tenets- history of '.'.lilt 7.011)5
private eompallie,4 maker! what r4.ds
were the leading Ines. and built ales(
and put 1.11 tall Kates, 4114 these Iliad,.
wits. (11191.0114-11 by these private eo111-
)uulirs up to last tovenaber,'w'hen'thc
couu_y purchased all_ the tall, bald.,
six road. 1 think. 1,ll•)11135.199).'taiul"arc
"It is with real pleasure that1
I certify to the efficacy of
Iron -Ox Tablets.
Having heen in the Rot i1
Drug iwsinem thirty -)even
years. /have never Bold any
proprietary medicine that has
given the same satisfaction to
my customers, or has been
inch an 'easy seller.' The
package recommends and
sells itself ; the Tablets 'do
the test.' Every box sold
mates friends for the store
and sells another box." -
dst, Terre Haute, Indiana.
Iron.Ox Tablets
t ar1. ora.
nese 9.9.
10 Tablets.. 21 Cent:
NEW SHOE STORE lord Elook, next
OPENING .. , , , , the Square .. .
.. WE HAVE .. .
Opened sal 1M above stand • new and up -so -date .tock of
.. BOOTS and SHOES .. .
Ladies' sal (4est11men's floe goods • epeeialty.
Ile have all grade...b 9.61s for ell pbrposee, and to St all age.
Re will be eleaswlto hathe people of Nederlch and vicinity cull and inspect ter
goals. limy are the hest that y eau bmy. No trouble to show them.
1•11t Medi 1u1d1-1' the 111 t to 021,4114) on
this expenditure.
''')'his is whatconsider unfair. .n•
e hilt• Berne wa�F'
.ls'ndiug large sums
.i( 441,,((1' 111 cou.N•u.•t ing roam!). Went -
ft tat h s roads w'1•1'• Ming constructed
ily private l•utlyuluilw or, in other
19'11141., lItIroll spent 1111111(9' (011 rap11t:41
account and N'(ntyt'or•Ih did alit.
"Smite .a)' \Ventwor11* has heen
burdened with toll gates for all these
years. 'Belie, Intl while %Vent worth
hie'w•en luty'ing lull. Ifurou has leen
raying interest, .111 Gully 1111'1.'ot11*t1e.
111 this I't•slNY't are 14)4,411 011 a11 1.111111
- N ,w. why should \Vent win-tit14•
aak.d to expend only about $21,490) on
nett work and get ,relit for old w ark
for the balance, while 11111.011 gel, no
credit for old work, had in under to
get her 411:111. La. to expend 19141.449
0941,111M1 on. new work.
'miler( may 14• some feature. of the
1.(0,1• I hay,• not taken 111(1/ account a1141,
thl•re•f.M,•, allaly 14• wrung i1* arriving
at 1111' collo 44siu1* i1* the matter."
Notice of change. must be lett at this
Moe not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mot be lett not 11 ter than Mon-
day noon. Cassel Advertisements
aooepted UP to Dol n Wednesday of
each week.
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is Imitated,
the outride coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and tate name --Dodd'.
Kidney Pills is Imitated. Imitations are
dangerous. The original Is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a roputalloe. boltsr
tors have nese or they wouldn't Imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pili. Do not be deceived. Then
ls only Doe DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original Dodd's is the mums to M ewe•
fol about -
o -o -o -n o -S
One Way Excursion Tickets
0111190, Mr•Iaire. .N
Colorado npr4es,
1•eever. N.lru. *11.1•
Ilallr. Yader, •all
Lake t 1.p, rarhl. 1
spoliator, wr.0 .. *11.15
Werth racier ('Nat
and aeelr.•y rehab, *11.41
rias Fr..rlere, 141.. .540 Ix
Sp•ci:,l Settler, t r ins 10 Cattad,an N. rlh-
wee. w,I teat, Toroatu, every Tuesday,
during Verdi and April, 1903, at 9 r. w.,
and the "l'.u11ic kxprees" will leave Tor-
onto et 1 46 r M. -
Passengers travelling without'I.iee Mtoek
(loin•) take the tram leaving
1.45 r w. ,
Fur further p:lrti.;u'rrs apply to Agents
of Grand Truok Ky. Sywleni.• .
A. STRAITOb. - e •
Depot Ticket Agent
111111 111
1 have the largest
stock of hand made11.011111 Dairy Tinware in
Goderich, all made
from heavy' English
Also Eavestrough-
W r1, Metal
Ceilings, Roofings,
and Sidings, Fur -
naces and Plulnb-
ing. ;
The Division
between glad:send Indifferent
Drugs and Medlefnes
1. stro•gly dr6a•d hen. 'f he Ieda1•
forest tried ase never ordered and
Beyer permitted to form part el OWstook. Only. Roads e1 uadoan•,A
parity are offered M •aatelm'rs.
Our stook •f
Nropplotary: Med lelnes
Is very 1arg.friar( ere k w,
1_ •
Jordan ]VlcBlock. iiM'sJ Goderich,
Cloth Skirt Overvalue '
Just 35 Skirts, oerges, homespun. and broadcloth, to clear at cost of
material. All tailor -mad* and nicely trimmed.
17, worth $3.00 to $4.00, all at $2.50
12, 1' 4.50 to 5.00, " 3.00
6, 11 6.00 to 7.50, " 400
Whitewear Underpriced
Forty Skirts and sixty three Night Robes, from 50, each op to $5.00,
to clear at 4as than the cost of tu.terial. We hay. there goods and we .
d 111'9 want thein. Home aro slightly soiled or mussed, some are
sampl. s and have leen handled, but i0 will not coat you much to launder
them. Some of them you can buy at about half price.
Don't wait for openings. 1f you wont anything in the Millinery line
come now. We will give you sonic Millinery bargains for Easter.
New Wash Goods
New Embroideries and Laces
New Dress Goods
New Ila Patterns, 10c.
As Builders
Of 'hoes
The makers of the shoes that we sell are right
in the lead. So arllrtho shoe&
They are first in looks.
First in solidity.
First in durability.
Let us -show you how all these qualities look
when combined.
High class shoes for the ladies -
High class shout for everybody.
We couldn't put the prices any lower.
Wm. Sharman,
51)1.14 AGENT FOR
Dorothy Dodd and Slater Shoes.
Of ready-made SUITS -'and OVEtt
COATS, woollens.
All ordered work carofull alt 'I rI
- TN1 L.*DIn 1 -
Vtvner(t.1 U►IV.%
.vs t 5910u,Veiv Y s .
•Nen rarrriellr ..te.dea se ar all
hours. 91'01 or day.
starker 14rnre.
11'1,1 -KINDS OF!
TH II 1118T
Scranton Hard Coal
Al Coal w•tahael o■ for Market Goatee
where rooms >APJ Ilse. for • ton.
�M. LEE.
Order'. 1010 .t %EE f1 OEEPHASVd
Bare prnmptty mended M.
Goderich Feed and Seed Emporium.
In returning thanks to our numerous customers for their
liberal patronage in the past, we would respectfully announce
that we have moved our seed and feed business from our old
stand on- Hamilton street to our elevator, corner of Victoria
and Nelson streets, where a full stock of carefully selected
FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS will be kept.
We call special attention to our new varieties of Seed
Oats, which we are introducing for the first time, namely, the
Newmarket and the White Murray. The last-named varietjt..,
comes from Frontenac County, where it has been grown for
the past three seasons with splendid results and carried their
weight, 39 lb., through the Beason.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Herbageum and all kinds of
Cattle Food, FLOUR an.i FEET) constantly on )land.
Hive us a call.
Yours respectfully,
Highest prloe pard for grain of all kinds
Household economics has become ascientific ktady, and onset ata
most important Iellsons is that the foods which enter the body
should be the greatest purity and best quality that is pdssible. .
For the preparation of these wholesome foods care must be exer-
cised in procuring firs!class Urocerie.. and it is in this branch of
the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our
stook is goal and fresh and extensive(, and we'flll all ordenprompttly
and carefully. (live us a trial.
sTv "Z" co_
THE OROOE11$, WEST SIDE SQUARE. Telephone Nee 91.