The Signal, 1903-2-26, Page 5THE 441i><N'1fJ: tiOIWI-(ICtl O TTARIO. THURSDAY, February 26, /903 , 5 W. Acheson&Son CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUM. Reduced prices to make quick clearances for February. Wool Carpet -S. 650 yards heavy wool, reversible, 36 inches wide oarpet, in beet colorings and designs suitable for sitting rooms, dining room, or hall -a dozen patterns to choose from, regular value 75e yes yard, special at Lace; Curtains. 45 pain Nottingham laoe curtains, 60 inches wide, :Si yard. long in white, floral and spray design., our regular price $2 00 it pair, clearing at $1.25 Curtain Poles at 19c. 125 curtains poles, rind 14 X 5 feet long, assorted woods as oak, mahogany and walnut finish, complete with fancy ends, brackets and rings, regular price 25e, Saturday and Monday price.... Shirtings. 500 yards English Oxford shirting, 28 to 30 inches wide -good weight and warranted fast oolors, our beet I'2 c quality, marked special for February sale at Dress Linings. 1000 yar& heavy twill Silesia waist lining, 36 inches wide, in black and grey, regular value 15c, special Saturday and Mon- day at per yard 60c W. Acheson & Son. 19c 10c 10c DUNGANNON. Norton-Tbe leen ageing to Dungannon for Ten Rto0al.lit At the Wilmot J. 0. Ward. J P, eeev.yeeose. to.. who wdl reoelvs order. for subscriptions, adversities sed lob wort. sod 1. authorised to give r.oelpI. for amount. paid ter the Mme. TUESDAY, Fob. 17 °comae AND OOiNu.-Oa Saod.y i.s Mr sad Mrs. lesepb +wish sed three oldldren wore the /seem of Mr and Mrs. U. MoNevla Mr. Prltabard Millie/ea, now .f Tweets,, sad formerly of West Wawa- amb, 1. voilldegit Ins permits sed relatives. Wear* pl.s..d le see him leak's' Ito well. Flee Hosea Fuca -040 seslsl livery keeper ree•stly purobewd e well ;instated Nem el hoodlums Meet horsed, .ere of whoob was sired by Texas Our, the ether by Slead.rer, weed' were the centre .1 aw.mtlea, newsy people oellly at the livery stable te Me them They were 0000ovoe.1 te be a haadne. pot of horse*. Alex Pentland lest week porob.e.d oo. of Mean sad R&.bard Reid the other, gine/ good agorae. 11 is • pity to part teem as they were se eaagabed Is every reeeot. L&r,:x.' Ain SOt:t&L-- The Lod1M' A d Soolety o1 Erskine Ave\ held s social oo lest 'tbsrsly sweeties a the beautiful r•eldimos et Mr. Jobs When, 'shoat to• elle. from bees. Tbe .g.lr w•. • pronounced .*sees., SSe1.11y sad ea.soi.11y, there being upwards of oro hundred pre eat, meaty of whom game • I.og dietaries S•sg- mg sad Imprearts sdjre..es by tt.v. l' Rstkeefee.s, Meson. C. Gore's, sr , T. K Decals, D,a.14 MoNevie, I• , S S.o4erwe. H. M. U.ff sad Mi.. all. Davidson war• ideas, e.ad there were reottstiq. by Mrs R MaK..ate and Was H•11, sad a s, n : by Mester Roswell R for,' Amumrg gam.. were • feature of the salmi a.mes'. Tb. me.m.ds ssou+td N $11, welch wil be applied t• obsrob euro..... ANNrAI. E.raTAIIINI r. -tit Weds. - d.y .veer•'. 12.b leess yet y elm Nieto e nterWamees was b.Id &leder the sup c.• .l the members of S• Paas. oburo►, K•- fresbsimte were served is Usy'...diasters. by the Wien et ib. ee.erop►ten, le wham tee meets prates meass• be given ter ib. .. o.Il.sO repose. Tbe lst.l'ota.l par..1 the eetert.lsm.st was gleam la the obeech. Tb. order during the meeting w.• fair. with to.. e..yslee of fllostor of oendlr, ate , through el.te charoh by *erne Towne people Such osed.es, wham indulged is is a serred be.Id- Ina. M tsdlettte., of want .f do• reverwo. sad 1e usrs.ly r.pr.b.d.lble The p... ter, Re.. M. M. Untdbeer. preened wish w rest sooeptasos. Toe m..:ia• w.. opined 5y prayer sad elegies by the Aolr Ts. Two Big Specials for Marcone in Whips. h lanterns. red andri The parte all had • greed Doe eta feet on. rime. ok•Irmaa 1n ►le opening address referred I. the Improremeote that had been made., v c. the pun:dme of • he tattle! rwideoo., the ereottoe of good driving sheds and the rem 0y&ii000f the oburah, .b. immerse of alp of wbtob had tees folly met the contn- betloon to the yerlou. food• of the ohercn had hese Chitral sed the atteodanoe was steadily Isoreasisg Goad work was being done by the I*dl..' Aid. J... Teom.00, of Gederlub.'•&og several solos, wblob were h ighly sppreel.ted. Hie rend.tton, mak• tinkle an sitr.otlre feature cm such mem- stone. Mise Rea U.Idberg (the ohsirm•o'. daughter) about Meese years old, gaol •1- er.mely well, 000ddering her youth, "A W Inter'. Lullaby," by D•Koveo. The Misuse K. Hayden. of Pero Albers, .ad Kdtth Roberte,' eldest d.arhter of J. M Ko1erte, J. 1'.. Ret• ezoolleot recitations which were hl'bly appreciated. The Rev Meese McNair and C Rutherford delivered wiry Interesting sad praoticel •ddr...... The eotertelomest war In every way • e ronoanoed gnomes, the proceeds of which and Ilse ..alai the neat seeds[ amounted N 'Motu $50 LOYAL. tato'DAY, Feb. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeal vetted frteade in Carlow Yaaday last James Yeno1 and tau .Deter, Mise Young, •tteoded • party glees Io I;oderloh toweehlp oa Thursday evening lest. Mr. ted Mrs. McPhee upset Sal Mr McPhee mother, who we an .orgy te ..y le to pony health. A imprint party of (needs from Oede?lob, Loy.', ('.,low and Sbepraratnu getbered .' the home ..1 The.. .yellow. oo Friday evanlag 1e.1, s• d • ith Wm. McPhee with the etude • very plea.•v1 eyimmf war .Lim' to- g ether. trainee and ether .musemente were indult/el to, and at 12 o'oloolt limb sod osff . were served Is •zoellent style, after wbtcb all seemed themwl.es until the e mail hear. of lbs mote no. At tin clew 01 the Nis.tatomeet ail joined beads in eloper "Amid long gyuapp' , .od deter. ed to their homes well plea..'% with the happy . vaoleg spent 'oe.. her. LISBURN. with y N Teenier, Feb. 17th. By the (nasty press 0l Haran w. Untie* 10.t • termer porut.r pastor of the kirk Aar, the R•• J A Tetanal!, was the reelp set et an address sad a present of $200 Irons hie coavrogation, the Wert Presbyterian oborob, on Toronto, • Lw days age The towo.bfp lathers at their lase meet- lnrfor this section appointed Percy Stewart, .tam.. Hester), Joseph Tb.mpeon and Heavy Horton p.thm.eters. All four .re well posted os even spot on their twat. wh.ob is noted for • soowdritt, plt000ole or medhole. There aas soother skating party o0 Sal ord,V eight of last week. 1hs tame an io•emit 1w o0 Doe *t the Beide o1 lobo Shaw's firm whtoh 0.d Irnren over was selcrd by another hero .1 the raoawsy, ...tied 1y Herbert levier and James M.olis.0 , jr. Tho rays of Lo..'s l'ght erre aided by the I electric light. of Uoderlo0 and 1 We are clearing out many lines of our Whips, and dur- ing the month of March are offering some rare prices in all lines of whips. Look at These Prices. $ 25„30, 40 Whip* going for 20c .50 Rawhide Whips going for . . .75 Rawhide Wh pe going for .. 1.00 Warranter) Whips going for.. 40c 60' goo Another in Tea and Coffee Pots. The Rochester Stamping Co.'s genuine "Silver Nick - le" Tea and ('offer Pots will not tarnish or turn color. They wear better than the hest of silver. During March we are clearing a number of these out at a discount of 20 per cent. lin wescall. I'lldoaybest ts Phan GEO. L. ALLAN Th. Loading Hardware Hued HONEST OOone AT NONFAT rRiolss DUNLOI I'r t.nay, Feb. 17th. Miss Isabelle MecMilllao, of Port Albert, to •id'Ing her oonsio, Maw Franoee Quaid. O. Monday of lest week Keruoald Heurhton worried from 01. •tete to An brother, the Key. E J. Haunt toe, B A , of Daemon. rectory, seer Memnon,. During Iasi week w• bade Awful Wee, from an old friend, A C. McDonald, wbo ie ono epeoriins the winter with b . ohrd= ren In Wonderer and Dotson. Before re. mina/ be Intends fe"'lain i ran out to Pontic from Detroit to see two lanes Ng,. 11 ar to us all In Dunlop. namely Mr, •.d For consumption, bronchitis, weak lungs, and throat troubles, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is unequalled. It is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It is a combination Of healing Petroleum, nerve -strengthen- ing and tissue -making hypo - phosphites, and other cura- tive agents well known to physicians. Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion heals diseased membranes, allays irritation and inflammation, improves nutrition, regulates the stom- ach and bowels, and relieves diarrhoea and night sweats. 1 ewe mid byr�-7, three dorm.+ ,tett 1 bed tlekk ewn- seethed ee s1 d• Pwith ri i perawhide y w 0 . menthe t haJ- phrd fifty e1m ported. la eel �lit. ply mesh ... rend, .•d 1 I.d an sass14Ir .••••••r e. heter1pg.am. w k• 1 .et seperfect -P N W.i no, Leede rd, tow. Aegke'• level... &wishe Y .eM by 1.u4" temowtw0 .M mer logo no 1I1 gler•a. largo sire, Innen, or. TtCaCOMPANY, •OBOL. Ma44CHUSITII,UA. Yr•. Wm Young. known whim here by our young toles a. 1).4 sod Mother. St ith tLe * desist u1 erring we all hope to .r. Mt and lire Mcl)vo.ld watt with u•. Mies Annie MuPbrrlmad Kile. M&uIooald, 01 Purim. H.11, b.v bid 1.re..11 to their Intrude here. The former will shortly taker • ceur.e u1 tratolog as Lurie and the latter will go nu•. to Mant.oba. Tbe dsp.rtur• of both ladles tt t lelr osw vuuatiow; will b. deeply felt by • largo uuule of friends and rel•►Ivee around the Hill. Herbert Monte reosolly sold the baro Rest used by Ms father, the late Joseph Morris, oo their farm at U•rbr&td to Mr. Rogers, ret the Huron read, l:uderloh tuwn.bip. He iv pulled It dowo and lr removing 1t to Limpid Collar farm to (lode - nob en the fifth 0000. loo, whlob be has reo•Stiy bought for one of ht. moos Her- bert Muted. to raise • new barn bu It by Me father in lbs 80'•, to put statue work un- der it denier tb. uoming Bummer. PORT ALBFR1• TcnDAY, Feb 17th. Mr. l(.ml.s was 1n R pay last week. Mt.. Mary McKenzie la yielder' relatives In Loob.lsh. Immo Hawkins bas good te Mu ket& to 'MAlO for some time. Misses are C•.wIord, Kizt MoM111a0 and M. Cunoiopr.m, of Uderch, visited their respeotly• homes over Soud•y. Mr. and Mts. John C•mpb.11, heeler ✓ ented their farm to this luoah y, leave to.. morrow for St. Helene, where they had purobaeed • farm. MORRIS. SATURDAY, Feb. 21.o MATRIMONIAL -Wednesday evosis1 of this se k R- v John Roes, B A., e1 iirs.wrle ted the mammon al bow between Wsl or Sharp, of Uodertob, formerly of tba eom- e au.rty, and Mini Merry A Shame, •I the mums of the bade, 4 h hoe. The pr'oe,pale sere uoat'sodsd Wedding Rlfte of to.- .itet.Lle v6I00 sed u.eluloe.* were made end m•oy g'od wishes we.e p,eneed for • happy to urs. An erojoy.bir eveolne wee .peat fwd an elaborate emitting supper served. Mr. and Mn. Sharp will m.k. th• r home .t God.rlch, where the froom is e mployed In the lurolture faorory. That their pyo m.y w meaty and their troubles few le the wiih of • wide olrolect friend.. COLBORNE. SATCEDAY. Feb. 21 h. Samuel Stevens bare sold his farm stook and Implement., as h. 's mune up farming •sd 1. movine to (iodertob. •IMATg o. .JAML, SYMING:TON -Another curdy plonrsr of Huroo oouoty departed tIns late on Moodey last, in the person of J•mee Symington. Deo .red was to his eight year and for some time peat bad been .uffertng from a oompllostion of diseases, fie• ally seocuo 1 a,,g to heart talar•. He wee born to filmgoer, Soo'Iand, and o•me •n Ctoads, pity.-h'e• years •gn, wt,hog nn th• s. ood onnoeea'oo ' 1 WOO, W.w.- nmh where he oi..d for •10 sears H • in.. motet to lot 14, ooeoess•on 8, (oihorue, • here be resided until o'amed by death He was • btghly.e•semed sod popular re• eldest of this township and • good and had neighbor. H 1 widow survives him, with lour Atldreo-James. in 1,oreb D•kots; Joho, la Gelbers.; E''izabetb, in Washington State, and Cordell., at sem• Tbe funeral war held on Thursday o1 tn.e • eek and I.t.rmeot etas made is the (',Attires oemetery. BLUIVALE. TcreDAy, Feb. 17th Meet of t►s children of tar mime, t a. • he .HM4141 DAA k Stewart are ret'Iog • lar('o number o' foes *t present. 01W Kilos Pugh, of Brame's, totted is Blu.v&le Lb A work Jubo Patenea, M Gl.omorrn. Is ?WOWfneod. in the •illys Mise Hood sod Mies Er. 1'.'ereon vidt.d ▪ mum h oe this week. Mia. Ruby Duff spent th s week vivito), N... Joey.. Rehen•en. of Nrez•ter Mine Remelt. %Veit... of Tees...ter, e tied Miss Myrtle (human title week. M'. MoAll oar b ..r early Ill at he 0011 l.eoe cf her son ,n -law, Jam.* Messer. Moes ?reek and Mt.s Abbl. M.Ilnugh aid Moe Lottie Erring.nn are visiting Hr Ysllourh thus week. W•Irer Niemen is the pose..or of • Plymon'h Rock age, laid ty ono1 hl. hem,that mea.uree ret sled ooa half'` .ig01 sed one half inane". Who Gen be. t ANE YE rHk , J'NET (H) A. b. Meldrum, I1, 1) , Clev.lsad, Ohne/ 'l'w&.'Ike 0.001 she.. Jotu c.um' dais's, Aa' pat 1a. bpr.e, by. He'd tomtit up iu los k,t.. ear dour Ao' 0mk m uu the sly ; Ao' N he chanted ulean he feet He eye 0.4 thus bet c'y- "Ate )e there Janet 0" Are 1 wet •test say "A)," Hs hadoe moony word.. ye ken ; H• thooht matr Dieu he and ; Hae aye 1 tent tale bort wee true A. he d Lor d•11y bread. 1 aye was glad to beer hie step, A0 eyes kis bearteome ory- •'Are ye there, .lanet'' Ao' I wed just say "Ay " Hs are eta. prood, at kik or talc, 1'u hes m• .t his . 1 .• tometbe game, veer u1, yrer not. A. when 1 was his hod. H d,dos used 'o .peek u' loye- 1 kelt .1 in 01e airy --- "Ar. y. there, Janet!" An 1 wad answer "Ay." Ind yeas sem roue', the years Reed by ; o,r barite weir born and d ed : (14 DOW. • lambs, An 1 •weir were we ro 1-y horn .t•'n ny rd• ; But ever a obs elo.5do"oar 1'J bear ' Oe uberry cry - "Are qtr 11..,Janet,,, An' 1 wad ye say "Ay." 1.'s ten years 00o 1'v• lived my leas - As' weary la the road - Steel my Radom.° wee ta's0 tree me Up to the intent abode. Weal do 1 meed that last dna, 01301 ! His last b,e•th wee the ory- "Au ye there, hoot Y' An' 1 oould just gay "Ay." It'll no' be lad. before 1'11 be WI' my writ Man .ane mar ; An' gladly 1'i1 the sammots bear To meg to bpm ap mere ; H.'. wham' for me Deer th. gate: Whim 1 win In he'll ory- "A,e ye there, Jeoet t 1'11 •maim an' juin gay "Ay." Valuable Advlee Is rletaen. It your child comes to from play coughing or showing •vadenees of an aptro.obmg •oink of Grippe, Sure Throat, or sickness of any kood, brat crime gat oat your Pottle of Nervtline. Rub the ohs.( and Deck with hervtlioe, sed glee internal doses of leo drops of Nervllese In sw*eicoed water every two bettor. Tnla will prevent any senator t'ouble. ho hnimout or palls nheye, riptide NerylG.., whlob is • neoessity In every household. Large bottles ooly 25e, Robert teat. bead. 011ato., Oat., Feb. 23. -Tbe death here yes erdy of Mr. Robert Coate. at the age of 'y -!our, of the dry goods firm of R. 0..'s & Soo, r• move, one of the oldest merob•ote earl o. zros of tbte place. He leaves two sem-Will-am, town Merl and resurer of th s place, sod Robert, of Ottawa, In nw•pspe• work ; and three daughters. two of whom reeid. bele. Ho was a sieunob L keret, a Presbyterian, ata of Sootob dement. The Central Time .1 Lite 1B between the years of hut. -seven and sixty. two. Nature's power gloom down,.,,.l v boo„mes lees end the proerem of decay .• e cls. A means of extending old *Robed u- nstring doormen)¢ Vigor le to tike Fel,. zoo. atter mealy. Fern was keeps tor the appe- tite, •o4 in the lotsauoo of nil, vnehz o, nln.,4 imparts clematis' to the hong fore-, energy and .p ret. just when they err needed most. To take Fern Ann. r ro•.ly norms adding from ten •o tweets y •-• u Ids Large lose@ 60., or six b. z-. foe $2 60. es Dreggmte, es P' dams & Co , Kreger Mer Our, Ur. Ha.Ilreeee Pole are Cereals. WAS A PHYSICAL WRECK• Sew m.dd. Fidgety fell. nreaghl ■ra J. Mraeet Rash N Reek h .ud Strength. PLATTovII.L., Oar., Feb. 23 (Spmee0.- Mre J 1I•reet1, of the piece, has g von to the public • statement of how she wee oho•.grd from w physioel wreak 10 • well women. '-1 hod !been A ling for year.," •.ye Mrs. Barnett. "My symptoms were otryoueoee., rb.um.tlem in the left arm, pelne to the small of the back, Up the spinal column, back of the head, that4h the eyes, left side of the body and oeossion- •Ily the right e14.. I grew week for I had no appetite, and 1 om ild not sleep I was • physical wreck. Reines 1 had finished taking one box of Dodd's Kidney Pill. 1 felt better, (lraloatty my appetite re- turn''', the pets was lessened and 1 war •Ole to sleep. 1 motioned taking them t:ll i had t'ken twelve boxer, and f wail oomplet.ly cored." MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. AOHrttl D. A•htield 00000ll met February 14'n Members all preu.nt. Minutes of January 24th meeting reed and adopted. The follow- ing .0,00ats were p.'d: Township of Huron, balance from 1902, $30 20; JAMI.. Rem, I, $2 88; W m R.ert1, Enrolee to. at Oreasford, 12 00; A Finley, plank, 11897; Michael Dtlton, overoberre in status labor. $3 00; John R Sullivan, rep road, 10 75. Moved by ,John Rookl.,, emended ny Wm Kettle', that byl.w No. (, to loan John 1'. Soheaoha'e the sum of $7,000 for the purpose of halldi. g a roller 11 sir mill In the ell•g. of Pore Albert b. submitted to the ratepayer. of the township on Wednesday, March the 18:h. Carried, A letter Were reoe;yed tr0m Mayor Iwwi. rel I:od•rloh re Improvements to Onderiob harb,r and breakwater. Moved by Molntyr. • condo l by Stotber., that the reeve bete - g rooted to answer tin said letter sod Lo nommun oat• with the Ooveromert io regard to said improy•ment• C.rn.d. The auditors' report urs, rraenred and, atter. • o,•rdal exam'nation by the c..aoc.1, rn motion ret B.rkOy and Mriot,re,'h.rsnnrt was adopted as presented. Bylaws No. 4 and 5 were paced, •pff0tellen • 1'0.1 beard rel heal. h end the 000neiilnn as reed -nmm bonen Bylaw No 6 wee read twit)* and handed over for publication. l'.th- ma•IOn, p tend keepers and new yews wUl be appointed next conned mender, whish will be held on the 21st day of Merely W w Srd?RSts, Tnwoehip Clerk. Why $01IIIs grad Mee.•? Don't troffer any more with • cold In the hem', jest.'.arry a (•atarrhezens inhaler In your emit pocket, nee It now and &gels mad yon w.n,'t have onld.. C.t.rthn•ne1 knacks nos • oel.l'n ten mnat'rr, kills • headset• in flu• minute', and ha•d ranking meshill to half en hoar lehtle Ili. plessant Catarrh - es me vapor five .those (nor nm.. dolly and It sell nets Hroneh'ti", Lung Trouble, 10.fnese. A.•hm. sod (,mt.trh Ie ••y par' of the system Ceterrhnsoo. 4. the MOOS direct, modern and .nl.nt,flo centime, sad le g trod to etre iati.hetien Complete two months' treatment .mete $1 00. trial s'es 25•. I$ogglete or N 0 Pelson A ('e , King.ten, Det. H•eilltea'e Pills Ogre Oem(IpNMn. Inas see tixbM/ err retard Treat Railway drat In. Atr moot. has hero completed L) 'o. p..-eRer dep•rlment 01 ,h' Grand 1r 'nue RIeav Semen, when. y .ts anal/at .r.v.Il'n p mare h,b,1, that bee ocean.,' .uaA f tale nomehlst throogbru• the United 8 atom, will Mart out on a sire. months' tour commenotog I ebru•ry 1. The ntinerary Of the tr.p oomere some of for prnoip.l S .alhern .od M dill* States, and soclades tb• follo.me c t es --Atlee'., U. ; Hermingb.m, MAotgnmery •rd Wattle, Al. ; N -w Origami, L Houeteo, S .o Antonio ant Della., I'eia.; Mempble, Nark v Ile, t,bat. annoy. and Kuox.,lie, Teen.; R.•bmnod. Ye.; Harrisburg, Reading and Will sniper', Ps.; hlmtra, Bioehaerptoo and Climb, N. Y. Tbe tour Is so arranged 'het the emelt will be 00 view 41 14.. orients', Pa., during the "Mardi Gr.." festival, which will take place February 22-4. Th..zhibition. wall be composed of more than 100 of the large •avertible(' picture., llloatrwog the several yammer resort 4utrlote looatod on the line of the railway, and loclad.ng the regions In the "Higbl.ods of (harlo," the e I resort. In the W hi'e Mountain. of New Ragland, and the babioe beeches on the met of Maio.. to addition v.. these there will be a sense of moo01, 1 bah rative to thew f C&n.a•, lsoLod. lug Mark ba.., m..Uonnge, wall -eyed pike (dor.), brook trout and other ver .'les. A reereeentallve of the Grand Trent will .000mlr.•y the exhibit, and h•nd.ome I'us'raterd d.eorlptiy. poblica tooe will be j-etrlbueed gratuitea'ly at each point. No MORE FISK.: TrIT1oN.-Hon. ,John Dryden ewes alit an amendment will be introduced at Ili• comtse 'melon of the Lngtslatore Abolishing the ell provision al lowing esoh county to send one pupil to the Agricultural Ibilecn each year free of obergs. He sad the Idea wag to place •ll Btu toots no lho cams hails, and now the ooll.ge received more applies'ione than they weld aooept. New KLEVATUR AT POINT KDWARD - To, Sare'• Observer lesr0e that arnage- manta are hung completed for the erection of A 500 000-5ushel slander •t Po'.ot Ed- ward with took stongs oapecily of an mina 250.000 bushel.. The parties toter er.d 1n the orctlou of the elevator are the G. T. R , th. Northern Nay:ration Co., H. F Moneta & Co., mod a Chlagd company 'The hpddlno will hs ooMneimesd thin @prong and will be reeked to eompl.tinn It wilt IRON -OX TABLETS t, are the formula of a leading physician, constantly used in his daily practice, compounded with the utmost care and skill from the finest ingredients. AN INVALVABLF NERVE TONIC A cure for Indigestion and Constipation; a blood maker and purifier; a corrective of sluggish liver and derange- ments of the kidneys. SHRMEIWESXHISEIMINIEN Fifty Tablets for 25 Cents t, • e • dee • rte tete. •u t will. It Metered, t e'et, ^.4 on bo ate of the ntd *Meaner at F. rot If,l••ru, TO ADVICHTUSIERS. Notdot• of enrages start be lett at this ( ltfiue not LaWr than Saturday noon. The Copy for onrug.'s oust be left not it ter bh.n Mon- dry noon. Casual Advertisement. acoepted au to not n Wednesday of each week. ara1gi' is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid IeR in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, std across the cheek to the elder of the nose. The cause 1. the same as In all Rheumatism disordered Kidneys. The cure is like- wise the eamo- Dodd's Kidney Pills CLEARING SALE AT COST AND UNDER Of ready-made SUITS and OVER- COATS, woollens. All ordered work carefully attendee to H DUNLOP, s ;ECT• BARGAINS IN GROCERIES ALL THIS MONTH. A fine b'sck Tea worth 40c for 30c per pound. A 50c black Tea for 40c. Also 50c Japan Tea for 45e. A good Solm•.n at 10c, regular pro t• 124c. Also a Salmon, 3 fot 25c. Bottled Catsup 2 for 25c. ' Regu or p I e 15c each. Regular 15: Se mon, 2 for 25' A Fine Llne or Fresh and Choice Conteotlonery Glo.Jds Floral Department. IRoeee Carnations. v olet, Ferns, etc always o • hand. Flora de.ignr a specialty Out-of-town orders receive prompt and csretul attention. CEO. STEWART GROCER AND FLORIST WIEST 0154 SQl tall r11o1e; lie IMF ves an J angel At Wholesale Prices. I have a few those strictly up -t date coal and wood ranges left, which I will sell very cheap before stock taking. Now chance money on a stove. is your to save AIM Worsell's Cheap Stove House. The Divisron between coo,•:end Indiffnr.ut Drugs and Medicines is strongly defined here. The Indic• Brent kind are never ordered and serer permitted te form part of our stook. Only fronds .f onlnnnted parity ere offered te o.atnmer.. Our stook - I Proprietary: Medicines I. very large 1'rin.e an low. c' F. JORDAN, MEDiOAL HALL. Jordan Block. Mc K I M'S Ooderich, Ont. Opening Sale . . TWO BARGAIN DAYS SATURDAY AND MONDAY ' ...MARCH Tth AND 9th.... We will celebrate the opening Of our new store (in the o'd Reid .turn) by a twit 1oya' bergarn feast of new goads on SAIURI)A'.'. t1 ARCH 7th and hloal)AY. .LARCH 9th %Vali 1e11 )oar more about it uext week In the meuttime we have many it aur of winter goals to clear at moving sale pri• es, prie by which you eau save dollars Don't Forget our Opening Stale 1 Saturday and Monday, March 7th and 9th. We make these thew two bergaius d•ye to induce you to Yue our up-to-date store. McKI M'$ BUSY STORE. T=AKE FIND that our stock is too large, YY YY and in order to reduce it and make room tor spring goods we are going to sell DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE .BALANCE OF OUR WINTER GOODS AT COST Comprising Men's, Women's,. Misses' and Children's Felt and Felt -Lined Goods? We have odd pairs of many lines that must be got rid of at ALMOST ANY PRICE. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES at lowest prices. No. 1 goods. Not punched Rubbers. Wm. Sharman, Jr. iiiiiimausilituiiiiessssses.ss 1 BROPHY & SON - TME LUADISu - tStvltrtIA. D.retetort iliii 10.0.55 ewretfolsy amerdad M at all hemm eosin e. day. ttli•sbee Turret, Mill Wood FOR SALE The a'v O e 15 cut Into clove wood Ien4th and will be delivered W any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. (;,eleri -h. November 21.1. 1899. .53-3m HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. •,1..L KINDS OF!. ALWAYS ON HAND THR Scranton Bard Coal 1N THE MARKET Al Coal weighed on the Market Hoole. where 7011;1031=11 lbs. for a ton. WM. LE Orden left at LZZ & siMp imys Ston promptly attended to. DON'T FORGET THAT _a.._.-'•"'/ /7 le THE PLYou' SCR TU YwpRT t(gyvVA,LUte FOR Opens Jsn, 3th, 1.03. Tw. moo seg.. Cemtaer. ial • d Shorthand. deed for Collet • Jennie', C. A..LEMfN'a, A.1. Yo(VTYIt= Y!WF see, M:I(illop Nasal Fire Iisirsce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW PROP. ERTY INSURED Value of Property tastiest up ,n Jan tar• IRDI .......... a 1.1.05,0(5 S OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. J. H. McLean, pre. ; T. /Proem vl(wnre•, ; Jeri. (tnnnollr, 4, Deli. W 0 Hrosdrott, J. Wart. Jere, Rv.n., J. U. Gr eve, 1 Re metre o, dir c10-.; W i Hrd.lro'', 40.00 'n In,oeo- tnr of looms ; T, E. Hays. ds.t.rtb, e.oretary treasurer AGENTS, J. W, Ymo, Rolme.vill•; Jam.• Comm+arf Eemondvllle ; R. Mint 11 .n, 8esfortb ; R Smith. Rarlonk Polley -t olden can pay sem memento and set their oarde ne.elpted • Yr, Coati Clinton or .t McLean Brea' Palace Clothing 8to1e, Gods rich AMERICA'S BEST Editorially Fearless. Consistently Raoublloan. News from all of the world -Well written original ntorie-Ammeter U. queues -Article. on Health. the Home, New Hooke, an 011 H ork Aoout the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Aesoraated Prean, the only N eastern Newspaper receiv- ing the entire telegraphic news serv- ice of The New Ynrk Sum and spend cable of The New York world -daily sporte from over 2 000 epeeist cor- respondents throughout the country. YEAH 0 N E DOLLAR Mb•erlbr roe The Nlge.l and The Weekly 1.rer eves■ eine year. MIh •spur. t.. S1.M. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Household economics has becomea scientific etidy, and oneof ite most important lessons ix that the foods which enter the body should be the greatest purity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of these wholesome foods care must be exer- cised in procuring fire -class Groceries, and it in in this branch of the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our stock is good and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and carefully. (live um a trial. STVR=Y dz co_ THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 91 ILL THE USEFUL BRANCHES are taught in the [hir .fnden', am notuaranteed nitse jntte, hot After a tens.. in chie college it. will he No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We .i.l thorn if pn.oible, t., ob- tain Amp nyment, hut. urn Rnt e1,iip them to maintain the hig5 repntetion this �'�''% has A-'I.irmtl. J. W. WE8TE LVBLT, Prinfaipal.