The Signal, 1903-2-26, Page 44 TiuuDAT, February 26, 1903.
■1 e, NeGILLI(Teei _ -r
GO1)IHICH. THURSDAY, rfit. Il. haft
Carnegie Library to Be on
Present Market B1te
Town'. (1a1m Against Cleaater to ter
Ioierr•t !garb Law Sham al. 0111. •t
('1.1. The Rand • aeyaeeso dein
toting gale .1 fool and Wood.
All the minters of toe town oouootl were
present at the meeting beat Friday even ng,
lo 000elderlog the minutes of the last
mantles some doubt was expressed as to the
maauloe of the phieae "taus sod l000me of
the maolotp•lIty" In the Coroegis library
ts.lotloa. Mayor L.wta stated, however,
that th• solicitor bad advised that the
resolution properly expreeerd the council.
blsot,00 regarding the guarantee, and the
oouocll was 'mottled with the explanation.
Toe time for the oolleotloo of unpaid
trams wee further extended for two weeks.
A oommoul,ullcu from the manager of
Ins Book of Montreal ,toted that no s b sd-
vanecould be made on the 'Organ factory
lona until the debentures were issued.
Mayor Lewis said the debeu:ures were
being alyertleed and then would cot be
mann delay in tie muter. Mr D,ckissoo
bad reported that the tale to the lootory
.1t• was ell right.
Ilia Worship .poke of o matter that bad
boon left over from last year, namely, the
town's against the I;odertab Elevator
Co for Interest on the amount of 552,500
adjudged eo be dos the town by 'be Com
party. The olalm •mouate to $911, belog
interest Iron February let to June 5'h.
The Compasy repo Bits toe otatm, etat'og
that the delay In payme the money was not
tbelr fault, but the tee m's. The clerk ire
mouse sed to make • hornet demand upon
the Company for the amount. Ha W'orebip
remarked that the dispute Welshed cooed
lent material for • lawsole.
The bill of law costa dos the town solid.
tors wee presented and was referred to the
finance committee The bill wee as follow.:
Holmes yes Goderioh, brat oaa•..t$1.068 90
Ooderioh Elevator Co 767.51 mooed vs, Oederloh, ooed ease283.17
McDonald v.. Ooderiob.. 139 04
Radoltbe vs. Ood.rlob 116.78
Error in addition to bd1 rendered
re Holmes ye. Guderlob 80,00
This, sold His Worship, did not holed.
the current sootuot with Mr. Dioklseoo.
A oommuolcatlou from MIAOW@ &
Howell asking permission to plasm • sign
poet at the outer edea rf the .idewaik and
to paint the weigh -Seale building at the
stet on for advertising 90/0015/ was net to
A report from the sexton of Maitland
smmetery, Io the effect that be had refunded
the prior of • oslian se
lot, the parchar
bawler, discovered that he •Ireatly owned
two lots, was referred to the cemetery com-
The 1. Bowing aoco,nt5 were sent to the
finance omml •ire : lbod.noh Sur, printing
mid ad•rru•Ir g, $15 59 ; McK.m,ie A
Howell, cement, ale., $20.56; tjneeo City
Ihi 1'n . oil rind r.uln, 540.;h
A communication from the Board of Tradesk
.f Berlin. •lne the •s• steno. of the
*outwit io wearers for tome improvements
to the 1. 1'. It. train service sod •reduction
to ooal freight rater, wasleft In the hands of
10..peol•1 oommit•e•, with lac 'notions to
prepare .od forward • resolution la hoe
with the r. quest of the Borba people.
President K 11 Reynolds, to behalf of
the Mu.ioal Society, aeked the oouocll to
make the usual erect for the salary of the
handnuster for the coming reason. Mr.
Iteyoolls wrote further; "1 may say Mr.
Riming, heart" isirlong eel tor sat lef.otion
to the Seolety, sed hes kept the mem',.• s of
the band to praotio• doting the winter
He has been lurol.hed with all the new
mos o he rr,lulred, by 10. Society, of he own
sl.otlon, and lhr• r then* may •otiotp.te
some oleo selection', durlog the summer, Ly
the band. It I. much to bis regretted the
oouocll has not yet seen its way ile.r 1..
erect a proper bandstand, or other (moven]
once to the Square, for the u+• of the band,
.Ithough reprrseoMtloos have been made
from rums to time by the Sooiety to the
council to do .o At It is we bays to depend
oo the Rood groes and nature of Mr. Tilt
to allowtoe the band to ploy from the
balcony of his hotel, and to utilize hie
electric Ight. 11 Mr. Tilt should refuse to
provide the town any longer with • free
balcony and Ileh', It may result to the
daorgan'ratlrn of Ihe band altogether,
antes proper .000mmod•tton Is provided
for them " The matter was referred to the
epeeist oommltt e.
Trwurer Horton applied for an Increase
of salary, .tatlne that the work In oenorc•
tion with the °flies had greatly lot?
while the remuneration hid remained
Mayor Lewis thought then was no quest -
Conon that the town ale tale were underpaid,
000slderiog the amenor of work they did
and the ogler s paid for slmllar work
eleswhere, as for instance, by the c minty
c000cil. He believed to paying good salaries
for good work.
The treasurer's.ppbloation was sent to
the finance oommlttes
A petition from Mrs Nellie B. Smith and
E. N. Lewis far • graoollibie walk Eve feet
wild° oath• east sole of Norfolk street from
Elgin street to Krlt•oola road was referred
to the pabllo works committee.
fbe 'penal oommlltee repotted that they
did sot °onsider H. Dunlop exempt from
taxes oo his huddler recently oocapled as
an armory; and reoommeoded that the
Agrioulteral Snol.ty be granted $100 to-
wardsltgoldating ins indebtedness, provid-
ing a •aftieleot .mount should be raised to
Isar off the whole debt of 5450; that the
northeasterly oio"ty feet of lot 1111, ea
Montreal street, be appottloned as the site
ler the 2arnegle l.h•ary, and that bylaw
No 4r, of l'102, the .now byes., le .minded
by restricting,the working of odd bylaw to
the sonarsThe report wireadopted.
The treenail will appoint • romm110ee to
set with • oommlttee from the public library
hosed In r•ferenoe to the ersoNoo of the
Carnegie building.
Al odlrg to a hest lin
enthat has hese rais-
ed lo oneetloe with the gift of the market
site to the town years ago, the Mayor stated
that be and Cosoolllor Hamber had
Investigated and toned the town had a
Maar title to the property. and It could be
used 10, any perpos.
The Beano. committee's recommendation
that Mr. Broderick be given a lobate of $'N.)
Mrs on his persons? property, to be al
lowed from the 5100 paid by him for •
tranne.t trader's 110•1100, was adopted.
Bylaw No. 9, In rdnoncoe to the sale of
wood and coal, was reed. Thl■ by 1 .w
amends bylaw No. 4 of 1899 by adding the
following mil,•.orlon,
"All cordwood srpneed or offered for mile
In the public street. of the town of Godes
Hob, or no vacant loin adjacent thereto,
shall be sold by Ihe arra only, and any per
sen en efforts, or messing the Name shall,
open mend of any pm -Meaner, lir Intend.
lug porobssr, deliver aro him • anatomies la
wetting et tie quantify of snob wood so of
fared et •tpored, and of the oat aril or qual-
ity thereof."WMer thamok demand I. made and
abstemious seven or not. any wallow.. or
beaodleg parehaeor of tiny wood ,n offered
fes gab se aforesaid may require the same to
be emwered ee elasilied, or both, be the
mete dark. sod lherewpml the reader
shrill have the said wood so measured and
tls•alfled by the said market Merl se the
extreme of the party lulu nog the same,
sod the sold market olook shall thereupon
deliver to such parson a• of the
qu•otity or quality, or both, of such wood.
"For the purpose of claedboetloo of
suoh wood, tassels, bud maple, Iroswuul
*ad bloke' y, wbea aouod sod straight shall
b. cons doted lint quality ; rock elm,
white oak and soft maple,ahad be considered
second quality, and all other wwls.h•ll hr
considered third quality.
"Every o el dreier within the wind town
shall give to the driver or person In chug.
of each load of coal cent out for delivery to
• puroboser In the said tomo • ticket
signed by soon dealer, or his soot. specify -
log the true amtuot of the ooal 000telnid 1e
aeon load.
"The purchaser of aoy coal in the said
town may require soy load of veal on its
way from the gender to the purobeeer to be
weigh.,' upon the town wales and • certifi-
cate stating the weight thereof to be given
by the clerk of the market, and the driver
or person .o charge thereof shall tb•rsuoon
baso the said load and vebiole weighed
separately upon such scales at the expense
of the party requiring the same to be
weighed, and .h•11 then and the,. ptoda .
to 1be clerk art the market the ticket in the
next preceding sub -section of this bylaw
Quite a d,souulon eoene l oo the medico
of the bylaw. Couwclllor Thomptoo wasted
to snow bow they were going to oompel •
moo to measure the wood -boys a lawsuit
over 0! He would soorer do without the
wood Ih•o have the man up for it. It would
bs a goo 1 ebtug for the lawyers.
The M.yor didn't thick the bylaw would
p,eveot wood being brought le, and
Councillor Merge! remarked that It would
encourage bigger lose. C,000iller Humber
though the clwlfioatloo would he •
('. uaofllor E Ilett urged that the cogned
should see to the *atonement of u • bylaw.
S•, 1 be, We are great fel ows to pass lot
laws, mid then not have them enforced.-
nforced.-1t was suggested that the pol,smmco should
have power to demerit the weighing of coal.
After some further Alowuloo the bylaw
was put throovh the final stages and adopt
ed. and toe clerk was Io•trooted to hey" it
.dvertacd by posters placed In promicext
positions. •boot town,
The publio works oommlltee , c-nmmeod-
ed that Messrs Thomp to and Humber re-
pree-ot the town at the rood read• immune
to be hold at Cllotoa aro the 4.6 of Karon
The report was adopted and the octane I
nen ad iourned.
aalemalea M e.dsrlek to We Again I'rgedmp
by Guelph tele.
Tosutro, kat Ma) Moo,.
all, Guelph, secretary -treasurer of the
Guelph Juootioo Railroad, was interviewed
soday relative to the sixteenmo of the pue-
blos line throggb from Guelph to (soder:cis
is • few days Mayor Hamilton, of Guelph.
with President Bell, of the jonctlon read ;
Lieu, -Col. McRae and 5sormary McDonald
will wait on S r Thomas Shaughnessy with
• view to haying the toed pushed throueb
as soon as po..ible.
to regard to the proposed etteneloo The
l:oelph Mercury had an artlole ot which we
rennet a portion :
Tee Guelph Junction railwaydlrectorr
propose waiting scot the C. P. . meoagt-
meot In • few Jaye with a view of again
mewing upon them the ezters:tlt ot the
G."Iph Junction railway 10Goderloh. Thr
under.'an11rr while Guelph city built the "m
road was that 10 would le ended to •
very short time, but when Sir tY lhlan t'•n
H nt.'s prom!. a was made public it ems
to'oommit the oospany only to •x.
ted nom (;u• Ip0 whenever they elect 1.45 n
build 10,. hr.00h ro Luke Huron. The
1'. R have kept the charter 11101, but the
lore-'slirredexteseion hie not ytt miter -
Li slew tel the growth of t0* oouttry the
poet fire or rix years, sod the extension of
•l*locumrulw•ye Into this western hell, as
well as the fait that !het% P. R. got power
at the left e55elon of Parllamebt to rale"
money for extensions, Improvements, etc.,
10.31..1 K. directors dome this an oppor
lune time to again bring rats extension to
the notice of the C. R. msnageeor. The
1' P K people tee not insensible to the tact
hat the Guelph Jasotion 14 now on • 1,49.-
log Arista, and It ie altogether probable that,
If , hey bay" any 001100 at all of extending
to hake Huron In the Dear furore, they will
•t thetime make • proposition to the nay,
with o',tow to extending the road.
The advantages of extension are obi lour.
1%, would gen s better .ervlsm, sod w•
would get another trade feeder. But we do
not belleye that the city should pay too
much for the extension, If they are asked to
pay anything ; they should not pay what
int y would Dave paid some yeah ago. The
electric road, have proven themselves more
valuable as trade feeders than the steam
rods, owing (0 their more frequent service,
and the money that the ('. P It. mtght a.k
us to put In the extension would ensure the
u.n•truotioo of toe or two electric feeders
Dori h.
More Aer•mntod•lle■ Needed ter oke Largo
x it other •r Ismsle..
The Brussels Poet, of which Warden
Kerr le editor, had the following article last
week regarding the county house of refuge •
There 1s no doubt but that an ett"oav•
addition will have to be built to the county
hoare of refuge, at Clinton, in the neer fu-
ture. In oonstrootlog the present sbulldlog -
he accommodation was figured for •ysoty
five inmates as the (uovie Hunt,and this
wanthought to be imply sufsufficient., as only
about forty Inmate. came In at the opening;
hilt today then are some eighty two on the
regi.ler, with the probabilities of further',
aooe•stoo. In • short time. So orowded is
hometh• hoe that beds have been plaoed In the
b•semrnt to make the esteems!
y provision.
l'ienble eche greatest need In addition to
bedrooms Is • properly gild hospital
department where di d patients could til
Le treated greater co .venieooe and
comfort and at the same lime maks It pori.
sthle to arrange for the isolation of person.
with inle'•tlo1s Mestere. As the p
time there Is the ssenod coo of erysipelas In
the house with the danger of Its apresdtng.
A man was sent to the Institution from a
neighboring township hot on Ice being ells
coveted that he wee •Inns with erysipel.s
he was nut permitter! to remain. Shortly
atter a Mrs Martin tons rock with theism"I
ells.'.,..nd d ed. 1), Sh•w, the physician
In "horse, ordett• 1 her c'n hint to be burned,
hut • shawl belong ng to her gar taken
anti wero by tenth -r mom,* •11.1now she 1e
• viotlm to 11VI.y dn•grre.ble and dee-
m r.u. ailment. In • public in•utul'on of
this k ed arrangements eboold h. nude to
obvls'. such t Rae. as the one cited and no
doubt the ()minty atoned will take some
sot on shortly We hairs prided ourselves
(wieldson ch(wields and economical m meet
of the Horton house of refuge but the
booes.ary ruin would add very greatly to
the ester oaring for of this lefts family,
many ..1 ehn.. aro aired end lefrm or w.n -
Ins in letelllgsees. As outbresk of- tom•
000tagsnos die..••. mien. . pros• • raft oosly
item to the cnuo'7, se 11 would be quite Im-
possible In the n•.rorowde 1 000dlta, 11 of the
building to glee 'he attention noose. bey to
the patients. No doubt. Ina hausa of taw
mitte, will rt rt en thle nlhjeot sad In
the way the c emelt wi 1 he brought Int•
tench with the neeseettls of the Dame, al-
though the members of tilt, body are pro
bahly rots'r.nt of the situation hat have
hesitated atom) genic to the expenea tM'
world be neaeeeary to properly adjoin and
Improve .ration eondilloee. The meet lar
seeing pomnt y oe10001,, of the llry.twn
member" nadathe old Ace forecasted
that anything I to eighty people would be
tomato* ot the heses of raffles, as It was
.zp.ot•d titer many of the nld folk would
have dropped tiff rjelo\lye Oat the rewords
Otto sae Klemm - Ila Moodsy me-
lee the Brotherhood of tit. Poul elected the
Miaow, officers President, Wm. WWo.;
aloe prasldeht, Thos. Cosford; eeoret•ry,
Toe. Mu011llouddy. trwurer, Harry Wig-
gins. It as intended to ask the oo-operadw
of • number of imitates mea of town In the
form of • managIog committee. Die
question of meeting room. woo nut settled,
but will be tattoo up &seta at the zest meet
log, which will be held 0,11 Monday even-
ia Wllo WANTS Hiatt, Ma.! -The Depart
meet of Crowe Linde 1. seeding out a
otroular to .11 the farmers of the Previous,
asking them to forward to tee D./pertinent
titer demands tar farm labor The Goyern-
meet le mating 'imolai efforts to brieg out
deelrable farm help, and they desire, as tar
•. pees Ole, to be •ble to leo•te the farm
laborers who will mime from the British
Isles this epilog in the very beet homes
they owl fled for them It is eapeoted that
the Government's policy In this regard will
rsllev• the stringency of the tum labor
market, and help the farmers, who hays
suffered somewhat. iron the sieroity of
PiwuBagslva E,I HRE AND WM.'S -
There was o lair •tt.nd.00e at the progres-
sive euchre party held at the Oddtellow.'
Hell last Friday evening, 61•6o0gb not so
large as as some previous o.oOeiooe. The
ladies' peruse were woo by Mrs. Dudley
Hums, of Wu0gbam, tir.'; MIs Evelyn
Crolgte, second; Mees Moiety, third. Moro
R iohllnde Bali, who 'toyed a geotlem.a'•
pert, woo the geollsmeo'• Idiot pr ce, Kidd the second and Fleenor Hays
the third. About midelgbt • dainty (0•ob
sea served. and this woo followed by deem
tog for • °eagle of hour., the ammo being
furnished by the Doty orchestra The peaty
w as held b aid of the hospital fund, and •
•ubstastbl sum teas nestzsd.
K. HOLMES, m P. IN NoaTu GREY - An
election 0empalgc bas bees Is progress to
North Ores, for the Oom'olon Hous, doe
to 'lot uofortaoate demise of Dr. Horsy,
.or -,r -'•w of 1)r k.odooeld, the able and
p. eul.r rep tatloe of East Heron, and,
✓ eferring to • meeting In Owen Sound, Ti •
Sun ot that tomo makes the foilowlog re
forenoe to the monitor for Welt Hurou
"Mr. Robert Holmes., M 1'., who addreseed
I meetlogt here In the recant cam
oalgo, was the last speaker. Mr, Holmes
le popular with an Owen Sound audience
and was given an attsetive heario5 at •
lar. boor. He. however, was boot, .o060 -
,ng himself largely to the local aapeot of ,h•
campaign, Mr. Holme has toe happy
f•ouhy ot Impreu. ng bis •ud,eoce with the
fact that he is .eters to what he hyo."
weal to "Ace • monument In Omelpb to
the (ounder of the sly. Jobe Galt, as bldg
token up votively by the Ms. Aadrew'n So-
c1e0y of tea Royal (;fly. At s meetlog bold
reesotly, says The Mercury, the question
to follow up the Trop, e.l to initiate a
general movement to ware the erection 1.
Guelph of s monument to the olty'e founder,
John Galt, woe again favorably di/rimmed.
re. babies, bad Leen talked over at some of
the committee meetings during the year,
sod the President gave promloeooe to It to
his annual address. The Idea, of course, is
not to make the movement In any menu a
.00doo•1 i r national one, Out one of • gen-
eral character, where all may hays an equal
ohaoue to shale in so worthy an object.
tt lib • view to appro.chlog the matter to •
preoi eft term, a committee, oohsiatine of
the presider 1, James loose, J. M Doff,
Wm. Scrimgeour end J. I. McIntosh, was
appointed, to shote • cootereooe with
am,m tteem from the eiot• r sou ales of S•.
George and St. Patrick and 'o,j•tber arrive
at a plea "f oampaigo.
(',IAt,:E IN NORMAL St 110"1. TiRM -As
,1 nou_r,d In Jane last, the ch•og• 1m the
null, of the sweion t.1 it e P. ov,om.l
normal schools will take afoot bo September
next, Hereafter the seuios will extend
from the second Tuesday in September, and
e nd en tbel83.d•y Fr day IrJnoe of theyeg
'Moog log and will omelet of two term,.
1'be first term wail begin on the
te000d Tuesday In September, and end
on t0. lath day ot December of the
same year. The tecood term of the motion
will bssie ea the 7 b day of January of the
tonuwme year and end oo ' 0e third Frid.y
.5 ,lune Meat fellow log. Any teacher wbo
�•, .t Irma tooter having etendlor, and
el o has teak6' • public othoul •ucoe.•fully
for 0e• yet-, t r who aper paslog th•
0000ty model sono. 1 ezamloatboo 0.8
tougbt ler six mouths under the supervision
of the inspector of a oily having a city
model school, or any pope qualified for .d-
mleston to the Ontario i mat College, may
he admitted as a normal school student, bus
•very appllosut for •dm,.sioo snail be r•
qutred to produce a medical oertlloate of
freedom from sellae pulmonary •fTsct lore
and from • de'eotive eyesight and
hearing. and ales a certlfloste of good moral
AT (/yrt,OD5 HALL. -10 the 1).visiooal
Court .' O•eood• H611, Toronto, J. A
Paterson, K. C., for defendant ci the tau
of (terry v. Dave, tried at Oodertoh, appeal-
ed from the jadgmett of ,fudge MaoMahon
to favor et t restraining the defend -
sat from op nine or osrrylog on or baying
any part or ,stent on any third or farther
drug .tote in the •Illage ot Lin -know, to
the toasty of Bruce, doling a term of len
veer*. to be oomputed from 21.1 SeptemMr,
1900, and dirseling • reference to the local
M.,ter •t Goderleh to ascertain what
damages this plaiot,ff h.d ly the
deferment op nine up a Iurther drug store to
the village. The anuoe was brought to
cacaos • covenant In a hill of vale mooted
by the defendant to the plelotiff On 21.1
September, 1900, delendsnt sold hie basil
nese end stook of drugs to plaintiff sad hot
son for the enne'deratlno of 53,200, and
mooted a h111 of tale ' 0 trent to th.m, in
which he oo•enanted that he would sot
"Jireotly or Inlbreotly engage to the drug
business in said village e1 I.ucknow, or
within • radios of ten miles therefrom,
during a term of fie, year• from this date.
and that he will not open or ha•• pare In a
thlr 1 cr futher drop otorn Io •.Id yIllage of
Luck ..ow durlog a term of tab years from
this date." W. i'roudfoot, K C , and P A.
\Ialcolmoon (i.noknow), for plaintiff, oppos-
ed the appeal ear the meriN, and rhjeeted
abut that 1h• defendant haying elven rustles
of an appeal to the Court el Appeal oould
n ot appeal to this ooert. Judgment reserv-
NITHIOO 10 THE STORY. -Some of the
Toronto papers last week had sesmatieoal
dsp•toheb from Wingh.m regarding the
death of .1. Smith, a wo'I-►nnwo
of that town and a member of the hardware
firm of Smith & Natick, who was toned
lying on the rddewalk some nteht• syn. with
an !piety to los .hell. He sae ler, ted 19
his bums, hot died wIbnot regein10g ono,
jet. chis nemesis. lie death woe sup.
posed to he the result of a tall on the Melted
snow. and notwithstanding the reverts that
lie,* been given nlrenlulon this le still 10.
sappOatloo. Arline (Town A, torso,
!Aerie hes been In nnmmon•nat ion with
('Droner Towler, . I t' Ingham, and o0pested
an Inquest t1 there war• any .n.pinon of tool
play, Alter levest listing ,be °troomatanret
the onrrn'r reported 10.,. was no gveood
for thorniness, end that the holding of an
allow was unnecessary. In oosoeotlnn
with thle matter the following efhotai state -
meet by (: Trawler war handed the
press for Debilitating: -On Iostrsellena from
the 10001 y ('.rime •uorn00. Coroner Towler
reined • warrant tor an of bolat leys•tgatina
of the cause of the late S .1 Smith's death.
The town wee ton of the willies rumors,
hot on careful .ed thorough investigation of
all three remove, and the ehtalniog .1 all
aysdabl• information mad m•klesre by the
eoreeer and Chief Vanerrmen, there was
entitle, dbtonvelred that Weald pointte tool
play. or muerte In the otiose of
Mr. Smith's Mittel**, which antertanatel,
resulted is his death. Tee myrtles wills no
doubt the result of a 1.11 en a Ioy wall.
es • was therefore withdrawn. sed
prove to the eostray, besot the lend sed anTO. of8wnlel Demmerreport, forwarded ny the
oft -repeated Celle for misread preml., I to the/meaty affdelaI..
One 3 Piece Parlor Suite, mahogany finish, upholstered with silk
tapestry, only S17.95.
One Oak Morris Chair, reversible cushions, at $4 60.
One Oak Rocker, upholstered with silk tapestry and with spring
seat, for $4.26.
One Arm Chair, mahogany finish, seat and back upholstered
with velour, for $4.25.
One Reception Chair, mahogany finish, seat and back upholstered
with velour, $3.25.
One White Table, enamel finish, 99c.
One Jardinier, with 3 shelves, white enamel finish, for 99c.
A number of other articles at cost.
Night and day calls promptly attended to. Night bell at the
store. West side of the Square. 'Phone 89.
.11aE Till Ar?OINTYSHT.
Brussels Poet : By their dilly dallylog
over the vacant registrarship of Hums
oouoty the Pro, motel Csbloet ban fairly
well been mad• • laagbirg stork of. Io -
stead of 611..5 the position thirty days after
the decsa . of toe lots locumtent, viers
here twin allowed to elapse rind instead of
the Gamine° Improvise new entaoglemeate
nave arisen. Macy of those wbe were op -
Pimento base owed erring their claims,
bans, Rows weary of the loot delay, but
theirs aro yet at least three, It not mots. who
oro 61111 pressing toward* the goal In
favor ot oho oand date st.od• the resmm-
meodal.00 of two of the M. 1' P. 's of the
oouoty and bow any Cabinet can pose oy•r
this position of affairs Ie not apparent to
the writer. If loll repr"seotatioo 0000te
for anythlo5 It cannot be ignored and
should •1d the Cabinets In ao easy solution
of the ,aest,oa Another gentleman to old
'o bo lacked by member• of the Csbloet
w ho are nob ready b relinquish their fav-
orite, while • third applioaat has years of
senloe both In and oat of the House to bt•
credit and Is not willing to allow this oppor-
tunity to pave usbmproved. Different dates
haws been oet wheo the •ppototmeot would
0e made, but up to this time the obi e he
still unfilled, as far as we know. The
. 11uatwo will not to Imo d by 0•eltan07
e nd oo matter who reoeives It oow there
will hs more or lees sorenesshoops the de-
sirability of clwbg 1t up. !f the members
of This oouoty are the proper source of Ip -
preach to 1h• Gore,omeot they should ,c -
slot that action be taken speedily. 11 hope
deferred maketb the heart sick there has
been ample room for heart failure ever
Huron county registrarship and lar our
humble opinion onneoeesarlly mo far as the
Csbloet wan 000wrued.
Get lime dark or Lemnos. r
No need of this now. That sort of pals
Dao be knocked out la *bort order, ter Pol-
•on'• Neryllioe, wbloh is five times strops/or
than any other, penetrates at once through
the Bathes, reaches the source ,.f suffering,
!rives It oat and thee Byes rolwf almost
:potently. Not magto, but strati h that
giyes Polsor.'s Nervhm+ this power. You
will tb,ok it ma,lo however If yr a try it,
min goat so quickly Sold by dation every -I
w hirs, in large 25c. bottles.
Judge Ferguson will 0.1d the assizes b«"
next month, slpeelag os.'1usday, the 17•h.
l'rbesere J. H. COLBORNE
A Big
A teaspoonful in a
glass of water and
you get a draught of
Health in
Dress Goods.
A lot of black, grey and brown
Homespun', worth from 50c to
$1.'25, at lea than wholesale prices.
A few dress and skirt lengths in
black bro:ade. and Metals." makes,
worth from 8Oc to $2.75, at about
half price.
New dress goods just in, in all the
following makes :-Bedford Cords,
Iliorits, Zibelines, Crepolines, Gran
ite Cloth, Satin Royals, Twine
Cloth, Vigour, Mystais, Hop Sack-
ing, Venetians and Cashmere Serge.
Ladies' Skirts.
New dress and walking Skirts in
black, navy and dark grey, latest
designs, tailor made, $3.50 to $4.90.
Great value.
Dress and walking Skirts, $2.90 to
$4.90, all new and taller made.
New Whitewear.
Gowns, Skirts, Drawer" and Corset
Waist" from _'(lc up.
CaskMaio: l
New Goods for
Early Spring,
New Prints, Cruw's best, at 12ic.
Other makes from 5u up. Good
patterns and good colors and fast.
New Embroideries.
A large assortment and prices sway
down. The best lines we ever of
New Laces.
A big range from one Dent up,
all the new makes of Vols, Tor
°bons, Footings, Beadings, white
and cream.
New Dress Muslins.
Ready to show these goods now in
the following lines and makes
Liberty Crepe, Linen d'Avener, Lin
en Tissue Satin, Ruben Roy* Taut
hour, Lfino Laces, Stella Batiste,
Clar Batiste, Linen Toile Delaiu
ette, in the newest colorings. We
don't expect to sell these goods just
now, but want you to see thew for
future selling. They are choi.'e
Os.mep.11taa Pasterns ter .Els. Fa•►be Sheen,be give sway.
Get in good condition
for the trying winter
days -take a nature's
tonic that aids diges-
tion -that acts gent-
ly on the bowels -
that cleanses the sys-
tem -that keeps the
blood rich -the circu-
lation perfect - and
the nerve centres key-
ed to the right tone -
and the whole anato-
my aglow with the
fire and the vigor of
good health.
At all Druggists.
for the Lungs
1u taking our Emulsion of Cod Liter (h1 and
Hy'pophospnites year are not taking a powerful
drug to disturb the economy of Nure, but
simply building up the lungs and us nervosystem
with • scientific tome food Safe •t arty time.
It fortifies the system, cures stubborn colts, pre-
vents ooasumptioo. Be w time. Take it now.
None Better. None so Cheap.
35c. 3 for $ 1.00.
of London, Ont., graduate ret
London, Eng., specialist on eye,
ear, nose and throat, may be
consulted in the office of thl.
store ON MARCH San, fur
hood a
1 tperations und.rtekrn when
W. C. GOODE, Chemist,
m BLOCK.. .
Ilonie Repairing Outfit No. 1
A complete outfit of Tools
for general Boot, Shoe,
Rubber, Harness and Tin-
ware repairing, consisting
of 44 first-class Tools and
materials as shown in the
Arno !can lift'
Solid ,
For the Year Ended 31st December, 1902.
Deo. 30, 1901. To Net Ledger Ansett.
Del . 31, 1902. To Cuh for Premiums $1,049,652 74
To Cash Intorno on Investment.. .... 221,1+17 47
It will save its cost many
times over in a year. Full
directions accompany each
outfit so that anyone can
soon learn to do all his
own repairing.
Each set packed in a
neat wooden box.
For sale by
$4,191,309 61
Deo. 31, 1902. By Payment for Death Claims. Profits, etc. $ 374.513 14
By all rather Payments 316,851 33
31, 1902. By Murgage., etc , 51,070.703 96
Debentures (market value $1.007,536.52) I,000,601 72
" Stock. and Benda (market value $1,501.764.00... .. 1,456.729 87
" Real Rotate, including Company's building .. .. . 404.684 69
" Loan, on Policies, e c 321,642 9'2
" Loan on Stooks (nearly all on call) 361 257 00
" Cash 1n Bann and on hand, 119,166 17
Parnell=Dean's Bread
1,270,1440 21
$5,465,149 82
691,364 47
_.414.776.7$6 36
$4,773,7145 36
" Premiums outelasding, etc. (lees oust of collection).... 196,962 10
Interest and Kento due and accrued 36.045 76
$5,010,813 21
Deo. 31, 1902. To Guarantee Fund $ 60,000 00
" Assurance and Annuity Reserve Fund 4,385.565 00
" Death Losses awaiting proof., etc 50.203 45
- $4,495.766 46
Net Surplus 111615,044 78
1 b
Givers strength to the weak and health
to the sick, and helps the healthy and
strong to retain their health and
All who eat our bread like it, They like ft because tit r
tasty. They like 1t because it 1" never dry ana chaffy. There
is a uniform goodness, a never varying quality about our bread
that is sot found in any other bread that's marls -not even the
bread that's made at home by the best home cooks.
This superiority is due to a combination of circumstances
governing the making and baking, chief of which aro the skilled
use of the best materiels and our own process of mixing.
Audited and found correct -,1. N !ARR. Auditor.
al pe 11Ia tit rho reiummy Is ■s.xeelled -Ito per...tog..5 nes ..ops.. 4.
11501114/ exceed. !kat of ..y .1►.r glom, Company.
Now insurance teemed during 1909. $6 600 266 00
Etneerling the beet previnoe year in the In tory of the Company by over one million
Ineuraee in force at end of 1902 (net) $30,637.266 00
p 0ar000T
•rt. -ideal est re
HON. SENATOR (IOWAN, K. u., L. G D., C. M. (l.
D. Mr'CRAE, Keg., Guelph.
■ahAS/SG elRR1tea
WM MoCABE, L L B.. F. 5 A., F. S- d.
11 GURNEY, Foot.
For Sale by
■teN'AL alagltpea
L. GOLDMAN, A I A. .1. THORBURN, M, D. (Folin )
The Report containing the pevleeedings of the Annual Meeting, held on January 2610
Imo, showing marked proofs of the lont.inu.,d pralines and .olid pnoiNem of the (o,mpany.
will he Neva to pnli.:y-hoki,r.. Pamphlete explanatory of the attrtetive investment p'ana
of the Company, and a mpg of the Annual Report. showing 1t. unexcelled financial peti-
tion. will he furnished on app'ualion t, the Head OBin., nr any of the Company's
PAT. SKIT.. 1900.
Perfectly Ventilated, Perfectly Re.ili.nt, Ah•r,lntwly Noi*eMea
it ha. hens -Hes to lift. or tarry it hy.
in much ehsaper and more durable then the hest hair mattress.
it cannot get totspy, and will not. ••g from um.
It is the most Keay and must nomfnrtable Mattress made.
r'Cabl and examine its merdre, flokliltsily by
ih.)ew In High Oracle Furniture, Furnishing. and Art Seek
Fite. Upholstering dente to twirler. pest sweat, 00DRIIIOe.