The Signal, 1903-2-26, Page 3'q .�.•.,w
Ku•ue) p,
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«t .a, ..•c. ut
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melee teems
leo flits be,
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*erly a I, 4,
le d.h•y,1,,,
Male its airy
Lett. I;■t
t Dot.
teethe er sU
C. Otrl.e est
re. nett liar
t1:MTY.r `ULL
atte tlt Attesv
1Oarrow. et 11
DUSTER. sot.
Ivarte..r. ODS
14 the roam*
Ask M el
Ism, Femme
eta ft. are. AL
tag sod r•. sae
1.5. • .uo
tes4'.C.-. he n
et :."..NAwe
• l'esrt .:.teem
e st, r Moret
:y sr.! M.a$4
0. edemas -e
resin( L
'E sate I.
rttl.I at VIII 11.-.
'erne• re:,■„e..:.
11, c..,
L At'e',n.aav4
hart b. f.) b. •
Mem • its .a.
s Mafia+, to as' all was
Oder. left r
.51 to tl, .4 -:eel
Ismael w. I1014
Bet ;l
ii -anal.
se. A1MV blab
wealr ate'
try h..•1 tend' •
umcwhat b,
sing Finite 10
or Rpn•.ng :.i4
has been s
owls for eic
Toronto, and
I timer
rico, cni parrd
t the opeuiso
r not factor'',
Allied ether 11
re in Tome •i,'
Jon the Yncifk
for this' *se
en many bey
e irket the eta
Ce nnu)unt s'1
c :old Roam^
line Wended('
large Inceeia
year. 1Selalnee
rn ncltao the
from the conn
Id weather 5,•
rently to le"
Pavy (Coaly In
11 IDOk. 110w
(5 carried eve"
than exp^etwl
relers for ter,
Men mhmernu+.
cavy. VAlIhw 0,
In- At London
ring orders for
ter goal. nod
Pre in various
ruts recently
)ttawn whole
trnttl• demon l
owing eie.eren.
of Coal.
nal 1s n amp
tan's fist. net
tilled puffl(Ient
g lengths of
re of n yard
feet of "(are
cry roe
to yen (nn oh-
s .Mor., I- or
7 green. and A
'perntn tint•.
ode from the
r the gag hsm
ie fetal. -Seen -
What Uodd'e Kidney P111s DId
fur Chillies Cluuatre,
Cured film of Pain lu the Rack and
U reda4he sad Made lila. Well and
Strung Again.
vel Rotolo% Qua., Feb. 9. -Special( -
Aoome those In tuts neighborhood
tette upeuly proclaim the tweet Ite they
prive rtwelved from tate UAW of Ik,.LI'r
Kidney 1'1114 le 11Ewllion Ctotwtre 11.
Clouutre was long a ',utterer trues
tlwt moat trying Of troubles, Pain
lu the Hack, that tµhlr to lir Incon-
venlertce the disquieting ktxnvletlue
het It W one of tho wrest •ymptolur
of Kidney Diabase.
Now M. Clouutre le well and strong,
Able to do re good day 'a wont and ell -
Joy u good night'" asleep. Inter-
• lamed renarding the care, 11e w(yr ;
"1 um not able to do otherwlau
than praise Dudes Kidney Plllr, fur
1 am cured 1 work %vel'.. When 1
go up to bed 1 get rcrt. Before 1
used 1lodd's Kidney Pills 1 got up feel-
ing more fatigued than the night be-
fore. 1 had pain Lt the beck and
headache which bothered my rent. I
took plus boxer of Defiler Kidney fillso
unsl am curet- I praline them to ell
who apostle to me about them."
Others suffering from the paler and
nche.e resulting from Kidney Comu-
pinlut have foUow..l M. ('louatro'm ad-
vice n IN1 used 1)orld'r Kidney PIIIe.
They too are compelled to admit the
truth of the oft repeated statement,
"Thyro Is no Tortu of Kidney Com-
plaint that Dodd'* Kidney Pled can
not cure."
For This ltrl!ef -?
Lo, at Iain I am In clover,
For no more 1 hear nay boys,
Now the holidays are over,
Making a confoueded noire.
Laded Is each chiLlree'W party
Where, while pan,'emonluw rtlgne,
Appetites unduly hearty
load to strung., and fen reels,
pains !
Now no more her ofrapring eherlshe,l
livery parent (end behold.",
Theuee returning ch.1 el and peri -hal
Awl contracting marling cull..
Yet though some may think me only
Just a sentimental foul,
Well, the house seems rather lonely
Nance the toys went back to rch.ol.
English Wuu*ii Wk. nerved Honor-
ably Through taulpIIMn.
lu tbu hletory of AU uatiour there
are l/t.tancee of i women hay lig
mangled to the wur. with the unit-
ies of their country sud performed
valorous deeds. Tiro expurfeucr of
ltanuab Buell, art-Englleh wumuu,
le perhaps the moan reutarkaLle 0.
any on vroom. Harmed► war burn
In 1T23, uud war a atomic. healthy
lase. feud of outdoor work of uuy
wort, whu much preferred pitch lig
hay or tiro mg u mettlerontr Iwrre
to the utdivary round of work La
the kitchen. When rho was L't)
emirs old ala married a sailor nam-
ed /impute, a good-(urfnulhing fel-
low, wit° samteRl'red her gluull woe.
Inge and derertod her wafdu rix
hiRouthc littorals revolved to find
bur worthle.r husband and pwdrh
elm 1! 5RwsIhte, au rhe dunned a
suit of 154 oke (Atelier, and art out
turd walked to I'urt.wuulh. Here
her search war unrucccr►tul and
her few .1211111455 Iw•Ing at all rod.
.lin hulerted lu- is regiment of Inn
fautry. and tsar rent to Carlisle,
Deur the tiouttlrh border.
huldler life proved very attract-
ive from the Bret. Ilauuuh quickly
learned the drill and war much
Ilke4 by ben officer.' and comrades,
gulag from rtafti•on to 'dation quite
uneurpectest But soon a young
mon whom bite hod known at Lowe
helve 1 the game company ; fearful
of being recuguleed by Wtn, .Ie de -
meted, walked u01'tess Euglapd and
re-enilsted under auuther name 1u
Tao many polote in the Slat ea of Calle
fertile., Oregon and Waehtugtein
The Union Pacific will well One-way
Colonist Tickets at the following
rater• from Missouri river term):uihe:
112500 to San Francisco, hos An-
geles and many other California
points. lacteal on sale Feb. 15 to
June 15. 1903.
41L0.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake ('Ity.
$20.00 to Butte. Anaconda :bud Hel-
112250 to Spokane and Weentchee,
112500 to Everett, Fnlrhnves and
New Whatcote, via Huntington and
Spokes n e.
42.100 to Portlaad.'ly9soma and St-
ott h
4126.00 to Adilatwl, Rorelnlrµ, Ea -
gene. Albany and Salem, via Porte
Tickets oo sale Feb la to April
:2). 1908.
lbr full Information call on or ad-
dress 11 F C.11tTEIt. T. 1'. .I., 11
Janes BulkUog. Toronto. Canada. Or
i' I1 CILO ATF.. 1.5 1Voorlwnrd avenue.
Detroit, Mich.
Breaking Bad News Gent I1
Foreman of Quarry Gang It's r'►d
news 01 her fur yea. Mr. NL',Inty-
y'r huatezic'e new scat, Ir"kon.
It was a fore watch. and it's .wnsh-
sd t0 pieces."
Mrs. MoOlnty-Dettrin 2154 now did
It happeo ?
Foremen -Yon see, he hal it In his
pocket when a ern -ton rusk f. 1 on
him -London Tit-Itlt*.
The Detroit Joureal recently to
Duel it 'special rap t numtwr. it
(meadow' an article written by lir.
11. l'. Morrie, the Coil ed Slates l'un-
rul So V1isdI0r, Oat rio. Among
other things, lin said:
" It !r commonly kno n hero that
some of the larger con erne In the
Ruiter Stater, io order o undersell
competitore here, have a ipllcd Into
Canada machines/ of a f wen' and
older pattern. This Amerlc u farmer
wilt buy nothing that is *no • strictly
up to date, and at the 445.1 it eaters
.mason there are left over W) 0 ma -
chiller that will la, a year t 1 the
next reason, and these mnehlus heti
hack mine new innovation, gut wi11
210 the work; and are 'past att ,. 1'
as' the lip-to-dato'pjaohlue ; anti t se
math.n •r -back miller.. -Are els p ed
Into Guuutu 1st a much reduced
voice vino(, thus saving duty, 110
Elsey are just am acceptable to th
Canadian farmer as' sue machine."
So, aecording to no less a pereOn
that a con.vl of the Republic to the
w.uth of us, we farmers whlo bay
Uulted States machines are really
Int) lug the obsolete mnebinee gsetlt-
err'1 at ten United Mates Implement
agencies anti .h(pp-•.I Into Cuwtd*.
It le nut to be wondered at that
the (.'nitel Stater machines ro;ppe•1
late Canada do not wear or give
.ttlefaetlon like the Canadian Imple-
ments. Oue could hµrdly expect this
to be the caw under the rather
extrnordlnary confltiond cited by Mr.
r4. •••••••••
bueause ru SU,'tewuer, 3U yearn
ago, the 1'euderel,s, of b i.cubel. lu
btallordr(tlre, England. ►uvea the
Ile of 4.b.trlur tituert, afterwure
l hurler 11.. 'haws* Walker, Al. D„
se St. Juhu, guts 510 per annum.
ile is u duwrouduut 01 the l'euder-
sitr The story of the Klug as tatty
at llubuubel le thaw told by the
blbtorlau Inoue;.
'leu the. wan (1'euderell Churlur 1n-
trUrted luw.ell. Thu malt had dlg-
tely of beutuueut much uuuve h1r
unal►w4' Irud, though death tour
Iietruunoed &gambit all wile con -
"'tiled the Klug, uud u great re-
ward prowled to all whu rhuuld
betray hue, he proferred and 1101111-
taiuod unshaken fidelity.
lie took the arrlrtancu u( his four
brothers', aquae) honorable with
hburel(, and, hating clothed the
King lu a garb like their own. put
ie bill bast los Hand, told pretended
to employ theeurelver In cutting
faggut.. blouse night's 11e lay epee
straw its the 110040. and fed on such
homely (ure as it afforded.
Foe u better eoucealweut he
mounted epee au oak, where Ise
rlwltered himself onus the leaver
and breeches for 'Ll IIOul'r. 1(e saw
..cera/ as:Were pas* by. .til of thew
were intent upon the .uarch for the
Klug. and rouse eepreseed la ler
hearing their earnest welsher of
belling him.
Thar tree was a(torwserl deuom-
lnauxl the "loyal Oak, 11ud fur
many years woe r,gatded by 'the
neighborhood with great aeneru-
eharlee was In the mIWle of blas
kingtlum, and could neither stay in
hie retreat nor Air from It with-
out the wort imminent danger.
!bars. homes and party zeal inter-
ested multitude* to discover him,
and sen tate rmall0et tudl.cretion
of hes fr]uttdr might prove fatal.
Hittites found Logi Wieuut. who
was-rkulking lu the telgatmorbood.
they agrees( to put theme:lves Into
the baud. of Colonel 'Sculley, a
zealous }loyalist. who lived at Beet -
ley, not many miles dlxtaat. The
Klug'* feet were 4o hurt 5y walk-
ing about In heavy boots or mien-
tryweue. .hoes. whine did not fit
hew. that he wad obliged to mount
.1 on hurt/Mack. uud he travelled In
tier rituution to Bentley. t tteaaed
be the 1'ouderelle, who had .been
faithful to him.
After C' b eume Kung, Far
er Feud -tell woe suitably rewrw-
re.L One of the ertatee which
ries granted afterwards was
e chargeable with a, perpetual
eut of .1'100 to each of the
bother'. and 1:e0 to a slitter,
th !'euderell, who .bared the
nikrr. of St. John. Is a des-
ist Elizabeth I'eut(ereIl.
re five (ami 50* de50eud4.1
and the te0 was divided,
Mothers Should FIerelse Great tare
In Cbotr'ng Mrdlclne fee Children
Every IIKIe one needs a medicine
at Moms time, and mothers enema
be too careful 1n n*ktne a cele* tion.
The so-called "Booths nee prcp•Irt-
tbn. Invariably contain opiates and
other harmful drugs whk•Is etnp fy
t.e little one awl pave the away to
• cotenant mew. wity for the elm of
narcotic drugs Unloub'.o Ile th"
•cry twat and the very safest medi-
cine for little ones Is Baby's Own
Tablets They are mealy Inentice
and gentle to their action awl cure
all stomach Rol towel troubles, re-
lieve temple fevers. britt- tfpr 0.rvlrtw:-
prevent croup and al'ay the irrita-
tion arcompenyinx the cutting Of
teeth Where those tablets are uses'
little ones elev naturally because
the oahaee of irrltntion and sleep-
lessness are rernocol In it nnturn I
way. Experlewce1 mother's all pra lee
this stellctne. Mrs. II. H. Foy. Or-
elqw Ridge, Min , says: "Bnhy'e
Own Tablets are the beet medicine
I have ever u,ued for children of 1111
neva They are truly it Nearing to
baby and mcrttrn•'s friend.
These tablets are ipiarnnteetl to
costae' no op'ats ani can be given
to le taw -,Dern bribe. Sold by nil
drttggtsts or sent post paid at 25c
a hot, by writlne diteat to the 1)r.
rel' taus Mello a' t'oaplay. Aro k-
vllle, Ont.
the etty d London. Her new regi-
ment bring tmlavdlately ordered to
lrsdla, Morrell moon found herself
aboard .a transport. Hero "h• wax
not long In tvecnmiog a favorite
with eteryclIe by erasion of her
.kill Sas 'sewing .254 cooking
and for real bravery during several
set ore rtorme tint nearly wreoked
the shit,.
Engine(' end Francs were fight-
ing for the peewee/in of IIN1in aft
that time, and Hannah's regiment
had no sooner arrived off the
ruuthenttern coast of that cuunlry
titan It was sent on shote to take
part In the siege of Pondicherry.
a town held by the French army.
F:leveu weeks they lay before the
pinee, suffering hateable." hitt
broke dowel many a strong soldier,
lent Hannah stuck to her duties
nal wan in the very front at sev-
eral nemaults upon thy city. Rain
finally forced the Bralsh to aban-
sen their post'taou, and 1n fording
It river antler fire during the re-
treat elm received twelve wcwln 45.
wastrel of which were tenth pain-
ful and dangerous. Ily the aid ..f n
Ibrrldoo woman et the hospital. to
.Join Hannah revealed hersecret,
mhn eurceeded In remaining untie. -
covered during the long menthe
needed for her recovery. Quite un-
daunted by her suffering, mhn mat
nut 'tor EngIaii 1, working her pas-
mn41e ns an ordinary eeumnn 111 n
hkene-50und ship in all sort. of
weather. 'Voyages were lung and
tedious. in those dry.. and It was
w,1311 menthe before elle Arrived nt
Liston, Portugal. Always/ on the
ante)) for ' news of her husband,
.he mado inquiry, and at last found
n er1nlan wll) had muds n enya(te
with Somme :f year precious. Ae-
oorlfug to Ii s story. they had
toadied at Genoa, Italy. where
Snmw,. being found guilty of mur-
der while cnr)ee,use Ashore, had
been sewed in a sack and cast
Into the sea -a common enough
eighteenth century punlehment.
A alert time after ties Hannah
landed In Eugland, and, her search
a_D,ein�g ended, obtained an honornble
dU.c151rgx"`Tfmiri117t' terra's; "wtttr- n
pension of 1100 a year bookies.
This earthiest her to set np as a
landlady of an Eno near London,
where ninny people name to see her
and Iletin to. het. own Account of
ben strange career. She prospered
and was quite satiated to lead an
uneventful life to the end of her
.Days, but tlnr odd experience had
shown her the msperlor ty of men's
clothe'', and ahs never wore akarte
Ur. 1
ce Metall t
Theta w
(rum her.
to that ti representative of each
branch gette 110 a year. A cheque
for the: um out, leas a small com-
wirrion. corn r every airing to Dr.
Walker from a .olicitor at Liebe
Ha lather got it
1t will dcrcead to
field. England.
before hew,
hl. /.vo.
Once, w hen It
tor sought to le
war still paying asci
but the bultct►or
York Sten.
'ensure the elec-
n w•Itos55 .•.tate
old an account.
tylia abroad, -New
Promptly Relieved and Cu
Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. W'Illiams' Ieek 1'111. ar
a4 s beet Irien.l. They earl
blsxN. tono up the nerves.
rtrco*then the vital orgaue to
(ora their (1*Ietlune rtgulasly. T
bring the rosy cheeks and bleep
forte that tell of wool health an
h099411 5.. To the growing girl the
are ruyalualee,. To the meatier they
aro a Deee.yity. To the woman of
forty-five they mean relief uud carte.
Dr. W'iWans l'iedt Idle aro the best
medicine teat IO CIICC hated -vied for
women at all periods of ll.e. These
pills succeed when all elm' falls.
Ttousaads of grateful women an -
tense the truth of these statements.
lire. John W'htte, Sanhnnatten, Ont.
ray*: "Il gives 100 pleasure to bear
testimony to the great value of Dr.
Williams Pink Pills a euro for
leo ailments that 11:1.ct eo nary
women. 1 suffered greatly, and the
periods" wero very Irregular: but
thanks to Aileen pills 1 . ran now
quite well and free from the mane
that 0514414' my life Almost a burden.
I cheerfully give my etperl:'nee for
Man fit of suffering women.'
Rena miter that subutitutex cannot
cure, and sea that the full name ''D•.
William's' I'Ink Pfllsfor Palo People'
le w5 the wrapper around every box,
If In doubt send direct to the Dr.
Williams' Mallcine Cu., Brockville,
Ont.. and the pills will bo mai1Pd,
Peet pale. ^' .'i per lox. or ole
boxer for $-.50.
d by Dr.
'7 t
Coal Dealer Wanted to:Buy.
Washington Times.
Anxious iteetdent-Hello 1 Hello! 1s
this 4.nllh's coal office ?
Coal Dealer_Yee, what .Io you
want ?
A. R. -I've only got coal enough In
my cellar to hast until to -night-- I
Coal Dealer (Interrupting)- That'.
good. What'll you take for It ?
They Are After Him.
An exchange 1t respoo51ble for the
following :.I net net a commercial tra-
veler was a 'lting his name on the
legatee of n hotel UI Ovid, Mich., the
other day, a bed bug appeared and
meandered slowly over
Th. man rd grip" p In open
der, and In a Totem shaking with em-
otion, enk1: "Kell, by the eternal
god" of war, I have been bled by Io-
nia flee, bitten by Owers° epl ler*,
driven nlnlo.t to tnsut,lty by taiga
Paw eager.. crawled over by ikiy
Qty re:el/lecke, anti Interviewed by
Iwatn4ng graybncks, but this Ie the
fired place i tans ever at where 5504
tinge looked over the register to
find out the number of my room."
hinge a fargs..mbsref there yearly.
Rile as shat Mr aviary. Ons agent
T Wass i[N91 00'.
1.1 tel ti
GATEis IM strongest and lightest
known. food agents can
If we are not represented in your (limited,
in each locality. Writ* /or Catalog.
W1i&Ane, OMT., WINNIPte. MAI.
The manufacturers Life
For the Year Ending 31st December, 1902.
^17.1 A4• raw
Net PretulRenewal
re Neu 1'ullrk. 1y$7,da5.]a
Nast Ilrhewnl I'nwlwuy •-•
Total Net Premiums 11,084,8:5.72
1sU,uT4.1 1
Total Income 11.240,890.03
Matured Endowments Alla Investment relates as.' As -null leo ` Nv ttSa.fn
Death l'lalmr 174,1405 du
"Dividends to Pulley -balder. uud Surrender 1'::1uee E9,931.93
Total Payments to Policy -holders /316,556.93
.:paries awl Oplee Furniture 21111411 i1
Taloa ,. ... �rla.IIST,..7
Dlvtaeud. to 142,,:ktolderr
Excess of Income Over Expenditure 000,083..12
Total 11, 240,880.83
1lualelpal Debenturiv, Boni. and Stocks 11.4::5,R?'l1422.RS
Luaus on Debrnt:Few. Honda and Stocks .00
711 .
97 ,974.91 N.41
SIortgnre. to heal E.(,te 4
Real }..tato -• a40.213104.212i..29Lonna on Follett.* and Life lteverelons 0,(123.17
(Mice Furniture, 1.•11. 20 p.e. written of ,6le* 77
Ageut.' 1'urn'nt Arr,�11014 15,4143.4411
Inter. -.t Du,' Dud Aceta-- 4!.•15
Net Premium Ontetnu,llog and Warred 15.142.47
Cush uu Hand and In Hanka
Total Assets S4,400,329.I9
Polley Reserver (Government Standard)18•"'t•NS'2•'"�
All (Ether 1.1ab1110er 4.1,3144.41:(
surplus 051 oolley-bol.trr.' Account llaeledlag Capital Stock Pahl (?p, Au7,11R.G•J
1 -'or Security of Polly) -holder. the tpan, holds $ tl07,titi.btl
la) $urplur as' Above
. b) Rivera a a. above
he) Cncalkrl Capital Stock 1,200.000.00
Total Security to Polloyehold•rsi 56,6O1,OIO.d6
Applications r.'ceired for tn,"irunc.' during 1909 P 1,512,3011.0.)
New Aanuranrea ts«ued during' 1902- u,es9,:t8O.uu
(Solus an Increase over any preview, year of more than
11,000,l00.Oe.) •In, l S'l,RRa.VO
!rennin...Io force December 81.t, 1902 41' INIII"ef
The death lose fur the year was exceedingly low, being Orly $5.44.• per 411,
1 .e, while to the 7'emlwrance4ectiou It war only :L.. per 111,000 id lnwurnm•e.
The average rate of inter.•.it on the mean amount of all haverted !Wield t1rdger value)
was 5.4)44 per cent.
The following Directors were elected for the ensuing year
HON. OFO. W.11048. Toronto. -I WILL! AM STRA('HAN, 5.q.. Mesterei.
LIEUT.-COL H. M. PE1.LA VT, Toronto. . ROBERT. ARCHER. E.g.. Montrlrl
LLOYD HARRIS. F..q. Brantford. j HON. 1. 1) ItOLI:ANu, Montr al.
J.11'. JUN KIN. 4.q.. Toronto. HOY, V. W. LARUE. Queb.a
E. IL W000. Ery Toronto. I D. I). MANN. E q., Toronto.
R J. LENNOX. looe.,Tero,tn. LIk(F-COL. JA'. MASON. Tomato,
A. .1. WILKE4. EW K.('.. Brantford. ItOB .RT JI'NK1N. Kea.. Toronto.
PROF. JARE.'A MILL.. (Dolph. N. G BgA•'�p•'T1', Esq.. Toronto.
IL L PATTERS .V. E.q, Toronto. 11. i'. P]{E tRSON. E.' ..y �H�alifax.
R. R. J. A.')UIMET. 1fo'CrenL µ IPI.. MACKENZIEel..
.. eq.. oroniN.B.
IL R McLENN.(S, E.q., Cornwall.
At a sulwrqurnt meeting Of t 1w Direetnrl, the following officers were
re-elected : President Hun. (Deo. W. hoes ; First Vice -I rc.ident, Lieut. -
Col. H. M. Prllatl; Sccomi Vice-PIreeldent, Lloyd iJerrie, Eau.
Low deaUh•rate, low exp•nee rat lo. and high Interest-earuing
power. all demonstrate the sound haste on wldch the company to do- e
tag Weiner/N.
A full report will be sent to all policy-huldrra. Booklets regarding
the ln5uraIKe plane of the cowpony and copies" of the annual report
can be had by app:laaton to Plead Office. Toronto, or to any ngent of
the Company.
c w
rs How to Secure the Best Crops. J
gt/Vrw Ve' 4tVr" !Vs''
buwlulou beim rtwept of Agrlcul- but the vital energy of seed with
tore. Ottawa, 1 bullet on W retalned for a longer
Ar In patriarchal nays men did not , period because of flea protecting
gather grape* off therms or figs of( I glomes.
ttllell,s, so lite modern (kirutdlau far- , Altbougb but few Canadian farm -
mer ulnuut pruduoe good crepe uutess ere make a eprotalty of growing
he have good deed. This has lung been Timothy seed to quagtity, malty
understood by tine Mtutetor of Agri- 1 farmers In teal Provetoe of Ontario
culture, but It was much easier to i awl of Quebec reserve from ons to
hope fur than to secure a remedy fol' ton acres of Timothy from their
at V011dltluu of things whloh certainly hay crop, which la allowed to ripen
suttee' for reform. The outcome of and las cut, tied lin rhe,avee, and
eoubhleratiou in Ode matter led to a threshed like thus ordluary greet
collection of timothy, talents stud red crops. It is from tear. *wall luta
clover seeds from dealers In each that the bulk of the supply of
Province of the Doml,loi. A bulletin hums -grown seed is obtained.
ua the condition of the trade In theme Weight of Bet da
awls liar been prepared under the The weight per wertanlrid bushel of
riculturo of the Commissioner by of Ag- Umotby reed Tatler stocurdlag to its
Clark, Chief of
Denying See by Del U. 11. quality: the impel eta0afanl W 48
thei Chief of the Seed pre ted Vous Thee law, which provld4r
too lu(onnatse welch it peer's of that each bushel of ttmetny sued mold
wort prove useful to the farmer's of I In Canada dull uonri0t oI 48 poualr,
01ttuL to flealetatle related by 100111 siert
Everyone engaged in crop a growing ii'* daalent, many of whom wlpply oily
of tch 551..oer klud tally uudrrrtu5.h 45 pounda per bushel to the fanner,
t,014 the rowing of goo', wed Ir the though when getting their /supply
west important factor in the pro tram the wholehsale rend Douses they
duct ion of paying farm crops. The r<- moke aura of scouring legal weight.
rules of the npxlyw•■ of several hue -
The cost of seo.lrag a field to tint -
tired ramping of timothy. and otby L small .rep with the beet
real clover seedy were obtainelrse.d from quality anal hlgletst prlee.l sxeel Uue
local dealers and otter mounter In the pound cont ins ahout 1.8:000J seeds,
spring u( tart year aro ■rtruul In ex -
nod it team at the rate of five pounds(
tAt14o. ' per acre, 1,40.) needs are provide,'
Tho greater part of the seed of al- for each etltLue yard of hand. 1f
Bike and rod clover sold" in Gonads evenly sown on land that is In good
Ir Gr.wn in Ontario. ' oonalltlon, a
and the weather bo fa -
Timothy weed is produced in limited' vorable for rapid growth. a small
quatititrees In tautly all tr' Pro-' amount of rowed will *01(5.00 but un -
%limes of the Domluton, but muco of I der ordinary eou'fltlona to general
too beet quality of timothy reed on ; farm practise, a comparatively email
tale it grown to the westt•ru States. prroeutage of the reed sown pro.
and Ir obtained from Celeago and duces plants which Dome te ma -
other western points. !n general.' tutlty-
Canadian grown timothy seed con- , The following table well dhow at
tains a larger percentage of hulled! a glace the analyela of samples of
100040 11401 weed reedit titan Imported ,.tIneutby sold by local dealers In
stock. Tete id out ns' It risvuW tie. The , th(e Province last 'spring, 190(2.
larger bred flrnts have About twenty ep_etes ce weal stele
equipped machined for re-cleanlug were fount In varying numbers' la
gets. anal .hover need., anti a greet two samples co:torte' aa1 eohJectett
deal of the seed they a.uAtdlc to examination. Eleven ramp es coo-
p/owes through these maeheieb. • twined oingeefoil, ten nbeep sorrel,
Mr. ('lark inspected a number' nine nw►yweeml, eight lam►'e quarter.
of luhswe machined at work re- 1 eeven p•peer'grarr, (ave Canada this -
cleaning Alolke from Out largo m•1- • tie. and tate mate number false flax,
chine sex sae/ttnet grader of deed shepherd's puree, cockle, dock and
were taken. About two-thirds of worm -meed, muetlar' was also found
the rcedv which entered the hopper la a (ow samples. One sample from a
came out um "Beet Recleaned," and Brantford recd merchant, Awl wbleb
it wan thee put in melte for tL'a feary mid to have been Imported from
wholesale trade. In tido pros:awl fur Ute Unitcrl Btatew, contalneel ocor
recleuliteg considerable goose seen is 55,000 rxeetle of false flax per pound.
either fanned or /screened out, teew11'1 another .ample ahlc hu1 been
gether with weed reeds. chaff, .sand, seetabled from Brantford and grown
and other inert uel(Ler.Thebe by a farmer In that vicinity, coo-
rcrceninge ieces,arsly contain n tented a large number of ilii. seed.
d r h e Of twelve .amplest a tech wore rtat-
simple living. When I any that wo
must live Amply. I do not mean that,
we should talke the wines of poverty
There are certain tt,luga which we
must have to make the home attract-
ive, but we do not need 10 teeny
things. Now, honestly. iso t your
(home filled with Iota of things that
you don't really want and that you
IeJust throwoutIn the
eeNeN.eeeee••• ••
quantity of good aa,.d, nn . :a ( c.l to Imre been ubuflnexl fruw T')-
buutman, like the ecicnllrt. has el- roIto wholomfe ou oars there wur as
initiated the word "aerie" from his ahunlancc of weal /reedit
vocabulary, he usually mixer teamM .
stuff awl putts 1t again through a I tt $
cleAmr, but ono w111111 is fitted with 3 s- c.
icer ba:Act lig .(neer.. Thea lower I kilt
grade of meed to .old %rimier:de,anti 1Ph.n t.4 ko '$av a i'
W f01111•1 to be fel much dew:apd by obtained. ° T ro 4a
local uealer$. It 1.+ aatonirtting how Ta
'many farmer's re(ure to recognize t eel •-e. j!
that cheap ileal is w.uaily poor *erd,I • '-'. D-
1t1N1 that anything that Lot cheap and „ R 5 (, e •,aa
rubblahy in the way of wale 54 not I lbs.
worth carrying home. Obvlotirl,. if ' Braatford ...11t1.5U d(;T 418.9tS T9,009
there were not any dem.tnd for tidy St. Cath....... 8.00 118.4 S.(I 79,003
oilier seal teereh:nhte would make
Bradford ..... 2.00 63.9 8.12 26.002
other tine of it , or, at any rats., Ma11tNltown 4.'LO b7.7 4.:18 10.510
would rot go to the lroutee of fix- AL (',nth 800 958 8.1* 10,239
Dug and putting .It up ready for the Chale. Place 4.00 9873187
5.8 428 TATA
8.75 98.5 3.88 5,181
• There are few articles in the i real (aerie. Place 4.00 91.3 4 88 4,077
mem" of agriculture In which real •
Galt ... ,4�'O D21;1 4.28 8,588
2 'sortie -r Powaasan 4.80 96.3 4.97 2,537
So Difficult to Judge Barrie ... 4.80 97.8 4.90 91
T110 bulk of the timothy seed retail -
from appearance tie grew,. Outer,
Ne.eNN.�Ne4ee♦ a and small wxrlf. A wadi firm In-' 111 In British Columbia had been ulo-
JoyIIIg n goo,' reputation, and with tame.] from Ontario recti house,,, The
wlrlh you coo Clean nhlrrorx with whiting, Ica- uu arLnblishwr'nt fltlyd up wltlt 'samples, were, on the whole, rather
7 els-
Eng it dry on the wurfaee u1 the glnlr+ up-to-date rased cleaning m'aehlnery inferior to them obtained from any
street*. T.4ere a that chair that lan't .
and then polish off with a envy dry nary µcarrrsll,v be renal upon not
really an ornament. You doo't know cloth. of the other Yroclnces
why you bought it and you soul l Lk • j to otter the lower aradcy and screen -
One sample which wasp practically
(1get old of It +'
Inge of heed. 111 their retail trnd,•, free from weed @cede had been grown
"temple living means simpler table 1f veegetnbtss it.
bec.nre 1roetet bm014451 '- ihls will dnrhinRo tlte1r by n farmer in the vlclnity of Vernon.
' fewer gee ns. Oh. mothers, teach peel or otherwilst prerylre them far arptrtntloti, rurl, OtheIiO Ilk(, their I lchlln two 'temples whieh had been
d14Wfbtera that not everything 000415ntr nn I rn,rr them with coke. _ otxupnilon will be gone. Unless tweet -
W!sllirted contained an alai ming num-
l• be found In beautiful clothes), salty.wnter, le cine them la p fairly - men will exert thrumelves to eco
t here Is more in life than dress, warm room over night. ' I that the good* they offer aro ofWeal seed's. among which were white
Frenchman kat mid that the __ ( unquestIonnbl• fwputn thrill oapf
separa on of husband anl.wlfe le the
danger bleb thrratend the American
home. M • anti women are no longer
cempauiou In out country. Tao man
Is out rush - after money. the wife
and tho ehl ren attending to their
social duties. They drift further
apart end era ely know each other.
Women. we n '. 1 f
theme thimee W'r
have thing's bee
have them. and
earners continently
A good layer of nett elxlpers under no► 121141 . hin i,.' t he compel on °
Thew are 'subject/ of the most
a carpet will prevent all danger three oi.k'r seed fires. whom.' Du.incm. vital Importance to farmers and to
Deem -
from moths, which have a strong Iv strictly coufinal to retell trndn, p
obejetlon to printers' Ink, anti will and whom name may be taken nu the poetic as well, slid legislation
here near it to lay r, tolerably good guarantee that the' ' 'ow; the Ilnee u( ix•tualty-lufiletlob
tnot cosne heir
purchaser to tx•Ing honeetly dealt for adulteration will become pace.
eggs. receiving .'.«..I goods for sorry urine. graft amendments ars
observable In the current year's
seed. offered by dealers. 1. th• Dw-
partment po.meeeps the names and
addresses of the dealers from whom
all samples have been obtained for
testing. these people may be well ash
vls(d If they refrain from planing
themselves in a position In the future
to he publicly criticized ; because
there Is nothing to hinder any far-
mer from Itavlug the seeds tested. and
where they are found to be adulter-
ated to publish the full details of his
resonroh. r
1 W. 11. Coerd,
Domlalon Dept. of Agriculture.
responP bio or If your best .et of china ha" gill Seed Temtbtµ.
hink that we must On 11, never -Iva eh in soapy water. '
no our neighbors Cue some ammonia in the water in In a fot•tues' article very full de -
keep the wage Pelee find eu'ij t 11 yeti
*nee so 11) 31 tee teem
mte a 1e ren of On m ethod,'
t their work.' will which
the gilt wlil dlsapp+ar. ' the pfollow -Ing are the results.
------ABUSED tIUSttl S..
Woman's Extravagance Overlie 0-•
Man of Te -day.
In a recent lecture Afro. Robert J.
Burdett° geld:
"1f each club woman would stand
for tate saereulurse of the marriage
retatioie there would be (ewer di-
vorcee 111 the country to -tiny and
fewer sorrow,' and heartaches. I
know you will think it 4. not neces-
sary for yon to Interest eourseITes
In this' qucutlou, because 11111455 are
running smoothly and happily In your
own homes,' rho said, "bat, my dear
women. wo 15 the gut to look out for
our children, for the next generation.
Do you know, utulhere, that more
than ono -half of all the heartaches In
rho world are mgdn becaaeo thew
tial are hell 50 lightly? It Is our
duty to ate that tuey Aro held more
'neral. It bas been shown that dt-
vorc5s are licreneing three flints all
Dint us tan population, then 1f that
thereon° keeps up, In the next ten
yietre the separation of huehand and
w ire will be greater through divorce
than through death. We aro a great
(.ower throul;uont the world, and we
can 4k) n great (teal In tele work.
"There is smother thine!. too, for
which we women aro reeponsihlt'. In
tide dry and age neer are mom y mead.
1111y 7 Do you know that boa year
hunt11'5ds 01 m1i11onm of dollar. ware
.pent for Jewelry 7 Do tn• n wear jew-
elry? During the year 8_l men wale'
put behold the bars for emttr:s.lug
large game. DId rho men want the
money jn.t for the love of having It ?
They wanted It to ihelp their wives
naI their daughters to Rhine. Fancy
he wife and daughter shining In eo-
apty when the husband and father I"
behind the bare. We women Ara re-
eponPdAe for these thinµ awl he
too much. A map prospers
mays hag wee meet rive a .errant.
He prospers still further and his wife
must h(550 two servant.. lie prOIper0
more and all. dementia another and
so It 1os0. We must Isere the art of
Timothy (Naomi it elle
To remote molting* ink. from linen I m).t "elm" gran. seryl on the
paint the mark with a "'Mutton of market In frena,". Frerb, "II
potassium, applied with a camepr enetl seed hie 11 silvery
r.• h ite Idle-
• uale ]trump. Ax moon un tho ink d1.- Pe/trance.
apptwr. the line .hues,' he well • tet'tlOfl of impuri'tirs a very Cary
' limed in veld water. - i matter. A lack of inert. 1e an In -
I __ dit:htluth of (1414', *20111,14111 4.110.1(11
I - - I I. very often lllerolotred by wet nt
To remove melte+v from /ellen: lilt time of haraeat. Showery weather
i waft soup and Itotnl4re:l starves with after tit.) meed is ripe ham a tend -
half the goantity_of teat awl the urea encY.1R, loosen the, glume., and. In
-ale-le-Mu n. ' toy thin MIXtuee ammequence, tlmothr illi(t le rm.
calico American.
alico with a Grum(, nail let the linen pored to wet is apt to produce a
Ile on the grass for a few frosty ; large proportion of hatless seed. Teller -What's all this writing on
(guts end the stele w111 d1.Appear. hull..e weeds are namely the Iarg- the hack of the cheque?
est, fully ripened seeI►
tlm, which have Fair epnaltor-That's a pe recifor
volt want to mint off the view ffff lost their Oilmen during the pro- plcklee that Mrs. Smith gars inc.
ny winslow you ran do It very come of thr.e(ing, When froth. they Let me have the cheque back after
by dU.odving In n little hot posse." n high degree of vitality, you've cashed It. pieties.
e much epconh malts its the
11 aloorb. Paint this over
as' while hot, and when dry
ye a very fair imitation
Young women may avoid
much sickness and pain, says
Miss Alma Pratt, if they will
only have faith in I.ydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"I feel it my duty to tell all young
wom^n hnw much Lydia F... Plnk-
ham'e wonderfel Vegetable Com-
pound has done for me. I was coal
pletrlp run down, unable to Attend
school. and did not caro for any kind
of society. but now I feel like a new
person, and have gained seven pounds
of flesh in three months.
"1 recommend it to all young women
who suffer from female weakne's."-
Mtn Mat Pat'rr, Holly, Mich._WOO
ferfdf IfWilmot. f oboe* totter prating ge wlnen,.r,
Vnrot 43 l,d.., '
All young girl' at this period of
life are earnestly Invited to write
to Mr'.. "'Inkhorn for advlee; Rhe
hag resided In a motherly way
hundreds of young women; her
ulvice Is freely and cheerfully
'IYen ; her addron' le Lynn. Mats,
Judging from the letters she 14 w-
aiving from no many yoatng Orel Mrs.
i'iokham Is Inclines! to the belief that
este girls are pushed altogether the
near the limit of their enlnrnnee now
vier' In our pubes. schnole and semis
•rips; leas learning and mon health
Feminine Ranking.
f rani
la0.1.1.1. 1
the wind
you will It
of around sa.
The care or 0041 eremites -and by
thin 1x not mm t @Imply those with
costly back%, but first those Of good
bristles -le not al •aye understood.
When the brushes . re kept In nn
open tray 1t Is a • . i plan to pro -
vele a little caw tie of 'Water-
color paper to Ivllp ov, the bristle',
of each hrneh. A .ImlIar no of com-
mon wrapping paper 1: woeful to
rover a Liver -hacked b .h when
the mete.! need,l poll/Ming.- arperu.
The Indies of Regina, mega lays
of erred, 'acetal position or pout •al
leanings, met n few evening's a o
nerd pall it very high compliment t
the morrowing widow of the late la-
mented Nichola Flood Davin. An wi-
dener+ wne read, winking touching re-
ference to the neighborly qualities
of Mrs. Davin, end n very hand -
Nome and eoatly watch and chain
wee pre.4mted es a memento of her
el: years' r.wlrinnee In Regina. Mrs.
Davin'. reply erne made In a tone
showing that .he learee the went
with feelinge of deep regret. The
whnlo thing wee a moat graceful act.
Intern 0t titan -Rey.
(Baltimore New..
"Yee. f lender of ons ease where
eveemmlve nee of the piano netv,nlly
• (522,11.410 I inaop "
• "lima that awful l Ind did they
lock me the erAry pianist 7"
"Of anuric not ; they Ineked np
are people who went (+easy."
You Cannot Live
Without Sleep
Unless the Nervous Energy Dally Consumed Is Made Cood
by Rost and Sleep Physical and Mental Bankruptcy Is
Inevitable Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
Sleep In as n,.'atr.ary to life nP
1rr fool or water. A single night of r
wakefulness unnerve@ moat people,
and when •Impxl4tworss becomes'
chronic It soon kinds to mental and
phy ideal eo 1 ip e. prostration, p.tra-
IyetP or Intulnity.
etteeplw.nees le an unmistakable
inptom of nervous exhaustion.
lite, may give temporary relief,
have, a terrible reaction on the
OUR "amain Dr. ('hnr.•'@ Ner•e
curve eler'pleseneee, het an 1t
nor" heldullle nervous dys-
rritahllit,v; reetlesene.•N nn 1
ther .y-mptome of 'nervosa
by actual'y Inerenrinq
a lI I �t IM
tle nerve r.•e of the holy.
To the nertotte and ethtitwteI, who
feet that they are loeing their grip
on life. find It dlflteult to rOneen.
trate their then:hte and to retrrm-
her what they hear or reed : to the
e1'eep00210'nt and slIscourreged. Dr
('ham', Nerve Food comes. brine -
eve iter hopes nal emhltion4 By not
Ing your e-eig d while using It ynn
en. prove that. new, firm Heels Anil
newel* Are being added to your
body. At the souse thea you wl8
foes the thrill of new, rloh bleed In
your Teen's, And new •Igor and m-
oray to every nerve fibre.
Mr. W. Hawken, of No. 8 Roden
P.e'e, awl who 1e employed In
Haight's Cnndy Worts, Toronto,
Ont., stated
"I was troubled for a long time
with very never. headache* 1 wan
very DerToaa had 110 Appetite, and
could net rest or sleep well. The
regular {ase of Dr. C'hase's INer•u
Mood hex greatly improved my nppe-
trffs 1 "deep eplemdkUy nod the head -
active are eon;r•e)y gone As A mat'
Der of fact, 1 feel like a different
pereen, end ran recommend this
txell•Ine very highly, nm f know It
he* leen the means of curing me."
The blood-nwlkfnq nerve Invtgorn
atng Influence of ter t'hese's Nerve
Fon.) commrmia It to 1111 who are
wank And n.thnasterl. Gradually aatt
MRurally It beetle np the • "tem,
nn I. Ming romentine of pOwerfel re -
'gore time, Ito efforts are as cer-
t:dn no the Inas of nature Flfne
yenta n brit ; Alt bo tee far
At all dealer., or Aimeneon, Bates
Co, Toronto