The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 8a T.oi fiDAT, P.bruary 5, 1903 THEII;IGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. :EEEEEEE n 3313*Illi ur Clearing=Up ft%Sale ft% MEANS a saving on a good many articles that you have either a present or future need for. In every depart- ment are odd ends ofwinter goods that are going at less than cost. It is worth your while to investigate. Sc Table. Sc a vard for ends of Prints, Cotton, Muslin, Flannelettes, etc , every one worth double. Also special wide stripe Flannelette, good weight, light and dark colors, at 5c a yard. Millinery, Half Price. Balance of winter Millinery going at halt price. Trimmed and untrim- med Hato. Ready-to-wear Jackets and Skirts. If you have a need in these lines you will be looney in by coming here. Prices less than cost. Remnant Table. Ends Dress Goods, Cloths, Tweeds, Serges, etc., suitable for waists or little coats and children's wear, go tug at halt price. A few Furs Left. Rolla, Caperines, Moils, Jackets, go- ing at less than cost. Men's and Boys' Clothing. Overcoats, Pea Jackets, heavy Suits. clearing at one quarter oti. Bargains in Winter Weight Dress Ooods at Clearing Prices. Smith Bros. & Co. KINGSBRIDGE• Feb. 2. 'katutg le the order of tl..- day among our toy. and girl.. Mies Annie I)alton 1. speodlog a few days lo town with friend.. A good deal of the material has been drawo for the new Roman l'ath< l,o church Gwbg to the heavy rain of lase w..k the r ads are iu a bad condition. Better harry with the Minnie rood A progressive euchre party was given last Friday at the home of Mn.. Noble in boson of the choir. All report baring a Very plearant time. PORT ALBF R1 • 'lYr.iA1, Feb. 3rd. John Sobnenhalr returned from Milverton on Saturday last. David Martin returned tram northern Uatarlo 0o Saturday. John Swinton. of London, wee gleams `he this vtolnily (.1 week. Mr and Mr.. Wm. Cork .poet Sunday with relatives in Leobsrn. Rev. M. Turnbull, of Uoder.cb, will oc- cupy the pulpit Hi the Eetlt.h °bank here meat Suod.t. Rev. Mr. Wllwe, of Nile, I. ho141uv m.etbgs In the Foresters' Hall here every night this week. The Ladle.' 1Id in Joliet, 'ion with the Enelt.h ohurch will meet tomorrow alter- o.os al 3 o'clock. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Wan.Lanai , Feb. 4. This following report shows the standing of the poptle to S. S. No. 1, Uod.nob town ship, for the mouth of January : 5' h clam- F.dno Ut6mo, Irene S.Itein, Hefty Hillier, 4th elase-Lely Graham, Louie& Drysdale, Msr1'19elkeld;equal: L'u1.Selkeld and Sem. Andrew,. 300 orate-Kqual: Annie Dry.• dol., Wm. Chisholm, 'tweet Oke; Robert Fordo. 2nd clue, *r. -Curl. Ureham, Alex. Ch .holm, Harold Newcombe, Rov Feeders. Zed clay, jr.-Normals Mooting/i- t'll'. May 19e.tUake. Part 11 sr. -Wilfrid •,*heel veltvetnr•1-te.7tietotto h Stock - Taking Sale aaaa { i{ *iv H♦,IY♦J Prices that must clear the balance of our winter stock. /►NN•N It floes not pay to sell at these figures, but we must have the money for spring goods. If you Ito not require the goods till next season it will pay you to buy at this great bargain sale at McKENZIE & HOWELL'S 111E ITTB. Good lined l„rolnrt Mitt., were 50rnow 361 A letter grist* to clear at ...... 50r. SKATES No, 5 C uh, were 45r' now 5,. No. 10 (' uh, n ckk platen were $1.25. now $1 GO Hooke,' Stale., wore $1 00, now 410 fedi*.' Ho,krt-., '• 1.71', " 1,36 Our.tonk in Skatee i. nearly *beset out. BELLS. 11.00 String. tow 1 50 " " $ SO •• 120 165 1 25 1.75 " 41 35 2.50 .. 1 75 Show Mho, elm, wont 35r, terse ^ r5 20 Mile o1 the oriel International Stook Food. regular price $3 75. In melt at . 13 00 Ra,sws and 8ilverWear away down. In Ate. end Saw, we me giving the treat of value. Thee. are all gae.1 ge.ale. either winter Mack or when we have an ever-auppl,, and we will clear thea thin month. Sole ronl- menees SATURDAY. FKBRL'ARN. 7. CIcKENZiE & HOWELL THE PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE CHEAP Hoak., James Kaaba; tyaal: Gerald Gib- son, Marian Drysdale. Part 11 , jr -Wtllh F'ordeo, Mary Bulks. Pall 1 Louis Sal - kohl, 1 tolet IAhbwal(e, dee. to .ks. 1.1. /tit M. Tau .co., T.oh.r. LELBURN. Moobay, Feb. 2 John Lini6IJ, a former reeldenq bat now of I'optar Kow, war down at tr., Model Farm et Guelph lot one of the short course. rf lostenation. Lz.ei g, 110ATN Dvi1.ur.--A ewe be loosing to Ales. McLeod gay. birth to two lambs on the 10.6 of lest month, beteg the first lot 1905. 8, tet the lambs are dome well. The Citric ich butchers won't se'. soy Easter lambs tis Dunlop, tins year, you hes. DUNGANNON. Ntrric&. - The l000t agenoy 10 Dungannon sur Tun tlwuu. is at the ofkpe of J.O. Ward, J. P., conveyancer. &o.. who will receive orders for subscriptions, advertising and lob work, and Is authorized to give reoelpte for amounts pad for the same, TriSDAT, Feb. 3. Nora.-W.dd.ov befit are .t111 peal op lortb with j .ylul .eed The Eamon Ins: u .•.held • meeting on N'edne.day,28th ult. ('HUN,H Noros.-Tbe seorameot of the Lord'. supper will (1). V.) be disprbtad in Erskine church pert Sunday. Preparato y .ervioe will be oonduc:ed by Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn, at 11 o'ulook on Friday motu.bg, 1'txto,Ai. -Miss Beatrice Milligan left on Fnd.y last for 4 •adsrtch to atm gismo Iweo., from Prof. W. U Csmpbelt W. I;. Wilson, ode and eon Uspzil, of Snorteitlle, arrived here on Monday, on • .isle to reletives... .,Muter Clifford O'Neil left here ohme moraine on t visaing tour to (reads at S • ratbroy and otherpolnte• Ws nigh him a plesasat Heft and a sale rsenrm. Srbbx. CAL,t-.-W. einoorely rearm to have to obron•an the sodden sitcoms el Phos. (Taff, only eon of Henry CIul, of Ashfield, set) oh took place on Sunday morning last as be was primal foe to visit 61e aunt, Mrs. 1% Natty. Ilia father, thlck- ies he was a long time comb) to the hoose, went to the stable to ambit him, when, to 6t. sal mutinies, he found him dead, the cauu of his death being heart trtubl., The dmoeesed war twenty.ax years of 1s. He wee • ytuog man LI exemplaryotaractor sod was highly ateem.d for his aoobttu sive and klod d spoauton. A. be w.. the only son he wall be sadly missed by his tweets and other r.lauvee. DUNLOP. Trr nAY, Feb. S•d. Inspect, r 'l'om gave our .ohool a y41t on Mondey of the week. k1;.. N. T MacDonald and Mise Ansie M.ui'h.il, from Poria,'. Hill, ere ole guest. of Mr.. Allen. ('nes. Houghton returned to Manahan, (1 it , alter • month's .I•at under the par- ental roof at Orchard Cottage. Our satosmad residents, Mr and Mrs. A. 4'. Marl. ,meld, are en 1 .yoe a pleasant stay o Detroit and we ore glad I" beer 16.t they are In t1e bey o1 health. Mise Ile si. !4 •Idletoo, of Uoderich town. •hi►•, who was on,• of our visitors at Clank- au.tld., has war ed to her studies at the i'rnbytertan College for Soong Ladles n1 (Lissa. Robb. MacMillan and family were in (lodatob on Friday night of tut week to weed the culla wedding 111 Mr Mac- Millao'c brother, Jame. MacMillan. Wm. Ma7Mliao udsted the musicians by playlets 61e yiolls for the danoing darlig the even- ing. lo lest week s 341 1.1. we bot(oed Inure 7005., by en moot mous writer dealing with the people of the pr. venue village of Dao• san000. 1C• were plead with the men- tion of the Dung ninon sortie, who hoe woo the rt.peft of all who read hu weekly ra curie of Duoganno0 life In TIIR 91usAa,. Our well known reddens, .1. H. Harker, was In Godertch last week attending epon the toad and bridge committee of the ooa0ty council to give lilt views 00 the pro' po.e.) row brides to replace the present one at the foot of MaoDonsI 1's Hill . rooting the Dunlop river, M•. Barker la In tern* 01 teeing roe, •.t• rather then stone, BENMILLER. hi()Np.,', Fel.. 21,4. Brv,ii,Lr,R 11'1m.i,i.w9 Mu.,..-. T'he acne In n 'hneoNon with the woollen null VII nowt completed and the turbine wheals the' had been statin' s y for spwatdsof three month. Olestate at wink. A msoh greeter Dower hoe been developed by ta'eltlr lbs head of wa•• la the dem and new there is • present* estimated at flit v hares power all the year roared The dem with the nbat- msnts ,s x •, I,d strayer. and ha, Leen built under 11 a persona) Hoppe • on of the Proprietor of lie mill, ,tens Gledhill. is 16• meet tot d ma parotid. Roma Mee o1 oemeet and .event Immense Posey weighing over ono ten ,,.oh Ire Imbedded In the mangey, and nothing short etas oartlgn.ke can move It from the lone tattoo. Oslo, to the stoppage o1 the we111 the stout nl man•faotural "Weiss has bees rsdaord to •Imo•tnothing. lint the present et. R 01 mole} tee will aeon replace this stock and this,. veal go on as need. In then days n1 electnoi.y, when everybody e talking Opened, and ele,rele power, ear people are thinking r•rtonety o1 going " 1e the maim," and w• hear that there Is • prop( rule. to pot In a dynamo and power house ser Its m111 to esaerso• Owe. ty for I ghttny pinypovn@ Th. Met is that all there 1. • sa pfaa el power ever what 1s r goh.d for the mill et prase. It might os entity d hy netUsg In es metre* appetites fee lighting the villas. and perhaps e0ev.y lee Ittetheeo'tbtn-ie111.,.. .1w, e,4.. Deogebnoo and Auoura, bn,de, lighting up the tuwaahtu rude &adubsrobe. Toe sohsme is looked upon es lea.lb'e, for the only *Spine, to oo0e0etlon with It u the cwt of the wires sad pleat, for the pewee te there and lovas co unlizid Plated of beteg allowed to 10 to wattle. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. A'Hrlal. b. Cu000il mel January 2416. Member. pr.sao[--Dalton, Slathers. McIntyre and Klckley. Minutes of Janus:y 12.5 read and approved. Mored by John Molrtyre, seconded by Wm. Ktokley, PPP M. J. asc- ii'', be amasser, attd that K. A. ('arrlok be collector for 00rram0 year, Uarned. Moved by '1Aomas Ytothen, ea000ded by Wm. Ktokley that this oonnoll outhcdze toe reeve and clerk to go to Uoderlob sed te advised by a solicitor re the petition pre- sented hy the electors of the municipality to toes John Sboeuhalr 57,000 to build a mill at Port Albert, and blither that the otuooil Ibatfoot the Reeve and l'iesk to di - mend sutiiolant.•ourl)y for full amount of leen. Cheque, were lesued for the following amount*: A. Baker, building oulvert at l'taoalord In 1900, $40 45 ; Jas. R.ee, gro- vel, $1.60; Wm. Jobeeton, gravel, uor- oeuloo 12, 969 ; A. M, MoI)ermeid, re pairing road, $1 50 ; John Mol)000id, gravel, 81.12 ; Mrs. M0Donald, gravel, 96o; Robe, Harty, ditch, 0000eulun 6 $1 ; Ed- ward Andersen., plank, $15 ; publio library at Uuovaonoo, usual grant, 110 ; Hwpltel for St.k Children, $10 ; John Leoaoe, gra, yet, $1 12 ; tteseurer's salary tor 1902, 190. ('oust 1 adyouro.d to meet again oo Feb- ruary 14th to tette:,,• the auditor.' report. - (1 to STtrru1RN. (.'lark, e'aterrheaese. An natant relief sod perfect cure for flits, coughs, oatarrb, deafens, esthete, bronchitis, lung trouble and oocaumptloe. lobate ('aterrhozone flys minute. any time and 1t kills a oough or oold Is the hood. lobate ('atarrbo-,,oe fiv• ententee four times daily and it permanently cur.. (ironic Catarrh, Dadaist, Asthma and Hey Fever. lobate Catsrrhrr,ne tea mtnutee eyery hour and It our.. Po.amoola, Consumption, Lung trouble, and prevente all oo0t.glout disearee. Uompl.t. outfit $1.00 ; trial .lee 25:. Drnggl.te, or n. 1', Porten A Co., Kingetoo, (tat. hew freighters .'.r Aig.r■ time. Tna".To, ,lar. 27. -It is probable that the Algoma Central Rotlway, whish u part of the ('lergue immune, will add 5.00(4 new freighters to the Algoma Central Steam.h p Lies. Already there are nine freighters mmp'oy.d by the . ompany, o.rry.ng op merchandite from roledo,Wizd• ser, Sarnia, (ioderich, Kincardine end Southampton to the Soo, and baagbg baoa on to d.Hernit Ontario smelters. ,lues whether trelght.n will be Oneida out from England tr whether they w111 be purchased to Canticle or the L'alted State" Is not stated. N hen asked the gosatiob tcdav, the local agent answered: 'The policy of the Clergue Winters 1. to buy se much es pot/able at home, and at home is Canada. ' Irritating flutes alga Blolrkes. They plain many young girl. at • great disadyan'as,. in lite. The only ours is a blood pur8er like Ferri zins It oneness the oelmson dood of poisons and import tie, nn•os mod streogthet,s It, and maker lou of :01 corpuscle thst manifest their pre. - Moe by a ruddy, healthy glow in the cheek• and lips. Ferri zone quickly mast fro ell .kin newtons, bond. up broken•dowo coa- st►tutions, and give, to weak, sickly women an abundenos of s.Irlu, vitality, energy •oil 1»wty, Tty Ferri rine, We all right. Price 50.1. per lox, cr 6 boxes for $2 50, at druggists. or N. C. Podia & Co , Ktsge- lm, out. Dl.ag.rlea BOOKS AND PERIODICALS - Tits reiterant' echenene'.-Another of the street features which are to distinguish 8 ril,ner'e M.g•zi-e donne the current F at begins in the Febro.ry Dumber. "the 1'rdNd.nt,el Offs-," by Jamar Ford Rhodes, is the opening article in the tens by various authors on the Uoyersme0l of the United State.. I ((6•r arliclts In this series will be wrtteit by ,uoh em;nent authontlr u ,Iusttc. Brewer- of the Supreme Court, Senator Lodge, Ceptaia M.hin and Gowen - nr Taft. Th. second Instalment of letters about E;ogti.h Court and Soelety, by Madam. Waddinytoo, etiolates yield a000uoter of Lord S.Il.bury tort he life at Hatfield Huns, Mr. Glederone's greet speech introducing the Irish Home Rale Heli, and pepsral Interviews with guess Yiotorla, the lest of which occurred as late a. Angus, 1970. More. Waddingtos'e let. tars are among t hs brightest oontrlbutions to a moolel history of our own times. There ere o number of clever short Cortes, and other (setons which make tots number of Sonhner's a most iu'.rsatlng one. FRRRpAR0 CANADIAN MAn Az.Iwa -Mr. E. W. Thomson, author of "Ofd Man Manna,' oontriboth• splendid oto•y to the February Can Pine Marez.oe. Mr. Thom- son has recently returned to C.oada sod Is crow Ilylag 1a Montreal. His u air admirers will be glad to know that some of bis work 1s now appearing In Canadian publioations There is a remarkable and rare pP» ograph In We lune which I. worthy of mention. I0 le a picture of three yoaop golden eagles 1n a neat. A piame of an eagle's nest le rare, Mut one which shows Three young birds Instead of two, which is the usual number, l. much rarer .1(11 This ploture w.a takes le Brltl.h Colombia. Among the other features sr.: Seidel' Goivaa, Illustrated, by Wm.'1'erot Rudman; The Passing of the Wild Planer., by C. W. Nub; a sk•lob of She Hoo. L ,1. 'rweedle, Premier of New Brunswick: • poem by W. A. Fraser, sothor of '•rhore0ghI,0,, s'; Dr. Rett's Flylor Msehle., by 'l home. Johnson; A 6 .11 to the '30,00to 7. •o, Mutt -aced, by W. T Aliisoe; Railway Tazatla, ny H. .1. Pen pure, M.P P.; and The Incorporation of Trades Vales., hy Prefeseor Adam Shortt, The .cooed lostalmest of Dr. CUNDRY BROS. 1Ciah to announce thatthey have purchased from MR. A. M. I'OI.I.EY Ilia livery, (lack and 'Butt Bnain.ni, and that they will 1w• found AT TAE 01.1 Si AND, ON SOUTI ST. With R goo,l stock of useful Livery Horses. Weil -appointed Hacks and reliable Driven in charge of the 'Rases, which will meet all trains and steamboats All cells attended to promptly from hotels and private hooters. TRLRPTU)W0 50. T. GUIDRY. W. 11. GUIDRY. Making Room for SPRING GOODS! The following 3EOOND-HAND STOVES, which have been taken in exchange for HAPPY THOUGHTS will be SACRIFICED: FOR COAL OR WOOD 1 No. 921 Duchess of Oxford, with reservoir and high closet. 1 " 919 Superior, with reservoir. 1 " 921 Aberdeen Warrior, with high closet. 1 " 918 Favorite, with reservoir. 1 " 918 Famous Active, with water front. 1 " 920 Kitchen Witch. WOOD MTOVES: 1 Na 921 Oxford Rival, with reservoir, 1 " 9 Consort, without reservoir; also several others. Also a number of good Heating Stoves, taken out of places where I have put in Furnaces : 1 No. 5 Radiant Honig. 2 " 6 Radiant Homes. 1 " 7 Radiant Home. 1 Universal, with oven. 1 " 14 Royal Peninsular, with oven, and numerous others. CHAS. C. LEE. Haonsy'e "lt sr of 1812" is well illustrated, and the D.partssaete iso alio attractive. FATALLY INJURED. mattes feat Seas •letira .1 ♦eeltaeal ea G. T. 3, at arrtsNrm. HAuILTox, Jan. 29. -Thomas .lobnetoo, a young fireman whose home is .t Walton, was fatally tented at Harrisburg station about 7 o'clock this morning. He wee brought to Hampton oo the credo, arriving here about 8 o'olock, and waa removed 1n the ambulaaoe (rem the Stuart street sta- tion to the olty borpltal. Shortly .(ter be leg admitted to the Institut:on be breathed his lest. Coroner Gntho we, ootl6ed.od ordered so loqueet, whish was opened at the hospital at 4 o'oloek the otternoen. Tie Grand Trunk o3Emala bore bare ae vet been unable tis get any deficits infer. motion about bow the ',outdone oteurrsd, u t6s train oo whtoh Johnston wag t rine switched off at the l' and wept to Toronto. The unfortunate yottag m w was °ominous when he teaobed the Stoat street suttoo, but was In such great pal° That he wee on. able to tell bow the acoldent 000ured. He was badly crumbed sod bee lege wore para- lyzed. So lar as oto be learned, however, Johnston w:. bene on a ors ;;ht train, which left Sarnia tunnel at an early hour this n.oreilteg. When the train got to Hairubnrg it stopped tor order., and 1114 thought 'het the fireman crawled nudist - the wens to clean out the bre bor. The eogIraer, pot being aware that he wee (Rader the engine, started the true, and tin young man was crushed beneath It, Woe dragged, or tether rolled. some distance be- fore his cries were beard and the train was stooped, Johnston was about twenty four years of age, and had beau in tie employ of the rail- way company only a abort time Elle friends in Walton were not Bed by telegraph of his sad end. They Ars expected to rran Hamilton able evening. PROTECTION OF FISH.1 •elan• Fisheries 1►epartreal In Corres- pondent -is With 1, R. A5Iherlltes. A oorro.o-odium" w." recently mango,. seed by the 0.1trio Fisheries Department with the a tines in .eters' of the Amide be Yates, wh'eh may result 1. molting usmform the laws and regulations respecting fish of the States and Previnosa bordering oo the great lake,. The steps so far takes loolu i. 1 - Inducements for Feliruary 1 lot Pictures, copies from celebrated artists, rang- ing in price from lac to 5Oc, clearing at 10c and 1 ac. 1 lot round and oval Pic- tures, clearing at 5c. Several dozen boxes Note Paper and Envelopea,con- taining 50 sheets end 50 Pint elopes, usually sold at 20c, sale price 10c itox.el Note Paper, embos- ser "(ioderich," with en. velop.'s to match, finest finality, clearing at half price. A few odd lots of good square F.nt'elopeis,2 pack- ager for 5c. Odd lots Not* Paper to match ^hove, half price. Phone 100 B PORTER'S Book - Store a general letter by_t3. T. Ba.edo, Deputy Comaleslo.er o1 1'irb.rM. for Ontario, to the railcars la Net. loft, l'•nasylvaele, Mich to., Mloaoeota, llhlo and W weasel°, esggsalne a jurat co.tereeoe, a neat which bis met with hearty end geseral approval, w that 11 1a probable a me,tlag will 6.ar- [snood far sous date la t6. opting. Mr. H.Nsdo 1. hi, l.tttr stated that shwa O.tarlo took over the Provl.olal fiaberlre le 1811 ,1 hal experlseo.d otos. slderabls dittm silty In seforoleg the pre- yl.toss of Its (kbary laws on dm mast lakw, allay a a000uet .f the fact that the Umited States fishermen were ■ ented altnse& unlimited penile... as to time and meaner of fishing. It war therefore utg..t.d tint Is would be mealle,tly an the Interests of both oouotrles if retulatto.o oowld be agreed t;'on wheob would be loot sad ',galloon' to the babor,es and bah.rmen, regulation ooy.rlot Mose asa.o.• for the ,pawnt.g of fire, as to the tied mad rnmb.r of imple- ments to be used, end se se tar. klbae •f deb to be tate. "1b le tot Improbable," the leant add ed, "trial 1,.mlreoio oosolaeloN could be alrv.d al .ur treat lak• fisherlen could and would in • few yssn be restored to their forator oontitlon of.zoellcnnaand profitable livelihood 50 many Mooned. of our At zea.. sad a valuable food supply assured for ell time. . , Certainly 11 will be dlfkoolt to longer resist the loportustties of oar fisherman for dinner pen ler, a to those 00(07ed by yet /.*.tenon should co Clearing Sale of Winter (foods Having finished stock taking 1 have decided to offer the balance of my Winter Goods At Cost Everything must be cleared in order to make room for my spring stock of Boots and Shoes, consequent. ly a "Stove -out" price has been put on each line. Don't miss this opportunity, Sale commences Saturday, January 24. Repairing neatly done. E. DOWNING Next Wilson's Drug Stere oesoerr.nt *edam 6e approved h, yew. Ws aro straggly urged M throw dews the ben, but before dotes es would raspee0ally lamed the &pestles of she repression/ 0• of your State to the novitiate resell of cash a coarse, and with the liege less vow may •ppeaolate the faparwmoe of •sore ow - coned settee It Immedtstely Mata for Me oose,rvi leo of tide great berltag.." N rleta( oe behalf of O61o, J. R. Rodgers. president the rash and Game Uomm4- alea, rept 4 tial they world welo.....y oosoerted ands* Orbit would hays'10r Its object the preservallee bad peepetatten of the lake fisheries. "Permit slit to esy," the writer added, "theft we Mearelycepa that the Pretence of Ontario wl11 net a►ato la the slightest degree from their heretofore admlrebl• peeiMe apse the wbj•et at the tar. flaber.t.• In my eptaioa the great firmware and good eon a resie'aid by the Domislos au herniae la the mater el these lake fisheries bay. beam I. salable outcast to that el nose el the Sate., and the n- osh has boom the eoeervatloe of the fish enpp'y wblob world net bare been obtala.d soder editor oosditlam." The mutual rsp•wt of ii:a. ae I'reabytr• las church, 1ea11ase.. 6t. b... Ws" 1. Fisted form. The recrfp's .f the past year am.uat.d lo 11854 84 and the sx• psavittarat to t6. seam amena'. Islotrsatle. sad statistics are eye ale, le esoard M the Seaday aoboo(, the L'.dlr.' Aid Soole/y sad the Christian Kndeyor S. they la t',.em- tlos with tis. cobweb. AUCTION VALES WRD. UDAT, Fah. 11t11.-U.hsarved auetloa Salo of farm swot bad IepMaomls at 1.0 7, osa. 6, li, 1). 0.16am., attonm.ae lag at 1 O'.l.ck sharp. darom, l3rsvaxs, pr.pgi•tr Tisa.taa Gummy, as Ms.enr, Tevaaoar, Fah. 1H•A.-Amides ails el a oarled N goal a.wly-aind oww., sews ts eelf, heifers bad stases at Beggs' 6.t.1, Oarlow, riminsaasiodeg at 1:30..3..6 sharp. Rica.&D Partes, eminvi 6.r. Ttost- GrxDRY, amatfaa.er, B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS MARRS Oce wlisrys 4c. VlowAnyom.esalli11ata1aeastooOneftele aa k end Mel ,„.. l.Coln �asaens4►elaeen sent free. sveW &,Nati Sdesffk A hoIsa .[ ab tratI•raahat. :fit br co lFSir o* 't ' yore 4410/0/4101 M w410eiiiiii1iiiii1fia1w w���w1616M0/410/40******4140 1 I E 3 TILkrways ■a as HODGENS BROS •MAMMON,'Nr Tae ot t$T or I -,. -OT American Cotton Flannels, 12 1-2 c. 3 (The 20c Kinds.) 1131ack Taffe ta SiIk47c.t KInd.13 (The 65c ' LAST week we ran across a big bargain in American Cotton Flannels, E and one in Black Taffeta Silk. Now we pass them on to you. They E were part of the stock a leading waist -maker had left atter tilling his E 7. winter orders. His factory is now running on spring orders, and rather 2 than carry these goods over he was willing to sell them at a loss. We bought liberally of both lines and will put both lines on sale at less than regular wholesale cost. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 4 3 3 3 i� 4 3 3 3 If you want a Waist er Wrapper, a black silk Waist, or Taffeta fo: lining, this should be your chance. (hie as good you are not likely to have again for many a E day. 350 yards American printed cotton Flan- nels, double fold, firm, strong cloth, 31 inches wide, a big range of handsome patterns. They Dost 13c at the mill where thoy were made to the U 8. 35 per cent.. duty added mane them cost Om man we bought them from 17}c per yard. We bought them cheap, very cheap, and while the lot lasts you can take your choice at per yard , . , , .. , . 12}0 Slack Taffeta Silk, 47c. Over 100 yards black Taffeta Bilk, good quality and weight, rich, /nitrous black, suitable for waists or linings, sold in many places at 7 c, never for less than 05c. When this lot is gone will have no more ourselves for lea than 65c. On ale commencing Saturday mornieg at per yard 47c Nov for Spring. Spring goods are tumbling in on us nearly every day. There's hardly a day goes by but there's something new to show here. These lines get their first showing this week. They are bright, clean, fresh, just out of the cases. By far the best time to buy Is early, before the stocks get broken New Prints, New Cottons,: New Shirtings, New Embroideries. Gathered from the world's hest sources and marked at close prices for quick selling. Still a few Mantle* to Sell at Half Price. Wo have still a Illsw mantles left to sell at half price. They are good qualities and this season's styles. We don't want to carry one over and half price ought to take these few out in short order. i4 Ladies' Jackets; at ex- actly half price. 9 Children's Jackets; at exactly hall price. Remnant Tables. 6o, 10c, 16o, 26c, 60c. Our special remnant tables at the above prices have, proved a great success. It's no wonder, for they are genuine bargain spots. Stock taking has brought to light more short ends and oddments, and the tabies will fill up again for next Saturday morning. ("come and RPh! them.