The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 7I . - . �.. . . � - I . . . . .
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SAXON CROWN PRINCE Uet:Ilni,g ht �rery I✓rnlpewa (tient., SULTAN BEATS PflE1EN0ER, hnKlish liaaavrluko„ibis Nmrcilsm fur -
But Itu•riw. faint Along New I,Iner.
1'Arlm Feb. t Husain.
J1alln KI%,•a I,el,,1un, Feb. ;li it u11c tl.•• Mild Weather Spoils the Plans of the
RENOUNCES HIS RIOUTS ^utas luterlsullu>i figures of the lattl lr$ Cam RU$hed and ,11 i""' uta a til of the we,1ileo
P rudey clues Shu l Well
tbeury e( Independent Operators
uumlwr rf suiu4ht. In l:urup%•+1+i tansy dlrcaser hits lx•ru fully erlub-
- nrmles. They reeve to show that Followers Killed. Ilsh,ed that all ef•orts to find at "Ott- I
--� suit:kL, Ir decliaiug Ila till tlta arta- - — dote for ►he typhoid ktau:ilius 111i .Oil.I-%% y„rk. Feb, a. -K ILItIl ru+l1 cuts expeotfd that New Turk viu+lld
Iry exunpl that of ltucrls,whsre 18 inilrfl. An aul110), U halcill
been fire- timlerr have decided t1 1W!I e l to laaverevereweather In Janlwry,rnd
Action Taken Because of Absurd Court dlphthrrl"acnut v!rtury 1W,000 cewwU cal- 1HE PRETENDER A PkISQNER twice the pol+wu of buciuur epnruwl•rr At +1t.5o n ton, Ir,c suing Ir►at rton•t1 Durr 800.OJ(1 tuns alongof Honor Traditions cide with unfullang regularityevery Paddler out u! Ila cell nN soluble, Monday next. They may there 1r now the railr+radr in order to wake coal
• )ear. The pruportlon of rufcides T;►lyfiere, Feb. :1. -The tide of %%lir Thr poison of tJphei t tuberculosis it 1,I it.$ of [Dal 1n the city, nett that , ,mecl) In the city. The fund wwtlh-
hl the other groat military conn- lute suddenly tutued fu favor of Lhe title ellulur flu l cannot be reached ral•out 60,000 Soar Ir arrlvin;f al I er rpollel thele plans, sial they are
Ilerlln, Fbb 8.-A cgrluum ,+fury eircuwmtaucer rlwlletr to those of tries Ir higher, but rbliw•s u lend, Killian, .A mesrcager wllowt credea- under-orldlnaly cuudlti(i
lold-du the rorinrinl uud Iter- lilt, frown Prince, rfwlulru a (,hl►f- envy to decrease. tlulr aro rognt,de t by experienced llec•eut e%{ivrlmeu►N by bitcyriulu- tidewater over) tiny. The indepen,1, i flow relaxing its coal.
widely 1 I leugd or Allo laying srhle or the out- The present rale per 100,000 IN: rcrldentr lar eutili h:m le call"- gists• wltb thn ur"Irtuuoe uT Prof. — -
1,11 papers thin morning,Ir Thal the rornl. The frown Prince, It it added, France, IM; Ititl 84; 0erwany. Ilcto belief, has
brought lever that laiewur, u! the ei(Dc►sof o>lnwe cur- ORE
I Irrcareely expected to challenge lore- 36; uud Austria, C). KI Megbi1L eoulluulxting Shu ,ultlnn'm ul,on the INlejnl slaw, Shut tilt•y aur GOLD L
1'rowa Peluso tit l4tauuy Its dclsr- vivo at the lowemt temperaturo at•
f hu Citron, Ihr teacher Cr of Lan Inceia , Tile wen I(1 different if, Ji a the tum,»,, rurprired nod rurhel lits lxhlable, It war discovered. howtevur,
+uuuN1 to renounce her rusceraloa to veils eloped with the Crown 1'rlucesa, rurvlce ctflum►t suichlu in ,1iflrreat cusp of [hi Hswnra, lhu pretender, ____--_-____ _ _-. -
lho throne lei favor of her Non George, but oldedou Ili ilia army 1, ro right pro{ortlonr. Thu greatest number un Junuary L'0, capturlug the pre- Slant wllru fruits la I4bri re. the ba-
on polutr tit honor that the Crown of "ulc4lu. taxis lu the forrlgu Ing- lerxler lull kllling or at ,turfs nl- c'11f beuuule extremely brittle, too lout
1%hu Ir len years of Age, fur the Prince is regnnded no Ineligible for lad branch u! the French army, ' g they cont,i powder eanti
into Ai hula
,rlkhon that Ills- luflllary court of reviewing the declsdunr of courts of where they nwuunteAl to iii per acral alt file force. ka it, t1ul culled char nue hudet.and their cellular Oregon Man Arrested for
Stealing 15
the cusp, together with ywtaltlt'er character that trrtroyel. It Is flow
honor doer riot perndt a IIUNINIIId honor and protecting the boner of 1(X).Oe 11. On the �}► tiler haled there of pruvirfons and lawtaupitlon, and re- purmible to ex %lw •uL with fiutlduter •
tilt- uniform. Thi• Itelnhrche Courier, were only it lr1 each 100,UL10 In �° bounds o it•
w'rVuged nnr lin liar been to remain In I,f Wiewtwden, anyof without reser%n_ cupturetl lilt, guar flint lilt, liultnu'r upon their SAO ruuoum contents, ufl,1 It
111+• acr%I(,(,, uud the l'n,tvn 1'rlucr, ilio (:unrd". lu the cavalry mulcldc troops lost, on Deceull"v L'J. Is hoped before long that tills ultthrd
tion shut the (Town Prince bur re- wait mule fael,uPut than til the Ia- A ifecotxl Laeraleager of the FBI con- N III lead to the ikweovery of a treat- ltxker City. (A 1, Feb. ;t . -l'- »ger Frank S. Bafllir, manager lar lilt,
;,s commnnd,•r of tit,, first army corps mxlnewl his right of succession to fault}, latest moll, ltr in the artil" V went Which will deatroy tits g(•ra+s
the throne, uud the Berlin Port's flrmr tifw news, with the ezco tlun t'rtprsrn, n miner In the employ of l'olutuMa slur, became rusplcluus tit
Saxony, and nN the future crud eery thus In the, englnrerr' of tho Capture of Ifs llnwara, which of t hold la lilt% human holly, wmuo of the miuerm working In the
I+n•.,Icu 4wrn•s{xlaxdent rr1J" Ile +a1- YN the• ('ulumcta mine of ISournr, urur I
,naudrr of the entire }4a%on conlin- rot/1J has app to the Emperor - ---- Ile denies, but It Ilan nut yet been -_
1;rnt, Jaunt parr u{xun tills findings of I to r;-Ne%e Jialm of all mllltary pool. _ nrccrtnlned whether the pretender Is
tiumpatrr, war nrrerted Jrmt•rtflJ, mlu(,. 1)rtrcticrs have dlscwpred
rnflitary courts of .hour, witch, lit tltrns. ATTACKED NON UNION MAN aanf►ug the renin she urn nuwerour. WWII] BV p BURR. ore
with tnk'ng a " {xwnds otI that there war eta obeenl%iLt Kong
Tho pretender's khnian. and clef! err hem Uro Colwnbiu will(,, witch lie thieve", who had been At' work
-- — - - -- -- — - were captured. for the past three yenrm stealing ore
CALLED TO ills DOOR — Tn bel Ir grew, rejoicing hereto now _ About
In y pound for $10 u pound. from thCuhlwbl», North Poll Ret
it fr lx•Ilevlsl that lilt, tWltnn Ir tx,w AI"wt fOrtJ• {taunts of thin oro re- tiny uud Bonnnia tulnrs. Tho lowest
And Ilio l�atler USCI] a PIStGI lufinllcly stronger thus ho war he- co%crecl 1; eaally worth $50 to estimated %little Of the �pe�ImeI
fore tile, rebellion. t:vea if the pre- FarmEr `Ya$ Trying t7 I)tIVC $W per hound. About threw months taken from all filo miner Ir S1W,g0G•
AND DELIBERATELY SHOT. on Them. hilltentler ercnp, the popular bellvf It, li From 1drl� _ _ - -- - -- --------
his i lu eve veal he dcrtrofo and Intl; jea lldt they, Montreal, pw TROOPS TO KEEP OADEfl
hc will never ugsln obtain a follow- - trrlr ag;llnrt lilt, kturcunl wirelrrw
Ing. nation Bing erected on the, Inoun-
t•IttrburK. I'd.. Feb. 8•-C• B. All,- •on'm conllUon Ito tettai NAR wade uNE OF THE PAIR IS DEAD ltu I[amet ii prev too a ruceer"exare W!iFN HE WAS ArTACt1ED. tall- top, nil It wOul+l dAmaga the ^
sun n writ -known electrl"I contra+•- tail e%trncl the Iwllet. ascribed rather W the incapacity of Phyrlcal laborutorfer of lits college-
\r reason Is known for the attempt the Sgltan's uncles, who columandod g •Phe amatll lox wltbreak in the vb
u,r here, tuns called to the dour of I flu )1 r. Aillmon's life, and the Wo"Itil • Chicago. kbit. ltutxrt !h \n_ Ott ng. a, L. I.. Feb. :S.-urur l It
1, is Iwme at I+healled. a suburb, s ur % I J the atter. fu ultn than to her own Butting. ,: u hrrtee, n•w4idiug two miler bg„ Qt 1>rlit Is convi-1 el of three Rioting at -try, Conn ,
l Of the na111 who firer) the millet is a na►rn, praiuituent in the ruuflcil" tit character. k3imultane,0uNly with Shy %row t:,fs ,elute war Ile;►sly klllml taws, taut it In ol►nrhlerad by Line �/t
lu-,hay. And "het flown by 1111 all-! mystery. It la kor that all inferuftl till.' kini union of freight hundlerr UllOv(. Inturtuatfon colder authentic yertertin)-afternoon by a ferfx:lotlr local nutlx,ritltW 10 IN, tllxler l•Otl- Must Cease.
known person. The b'dl(•t , nterlrt Mr. I Ilnit•111111• ,%':aN beat to Mr. ABiiion total .t 111.1 etllp'li until rec'e'ntly in tele news that twu Of tile Sultnn'■ KAidN boar rw111X1 by Frederick It. TON'a- trot. There (Y A new t4um In BJ-
Ullsln'r left vide, near Ihr heart. suit �lurmlay. but It tailed to work when have hasten the Benev►urin a,lt1 try- &least, w'hotia country taut• C:akewlt) Ion, gown..h'.p, In Elgin County.
,len lmox wax olosi ,IN•100; the Burlhigteu Railroad %•ar Illaa trilxr, capturing suit'y fa nu. aa.,jwnr toe liar form• Tonka Bros., limited, A. V. 81wr &
It Is reared the wound will Prove It warn wild till. Morning that LhP NWt :Ind fatally wounded rhurti lar in fill their loesemrions. It bar The Iasi a costly pries wimnec of
inta:L . billooti1w woo" the result of political ler it OTItlrk ties S lturduy e%ru:ag K I Co., and the rtnndurt Shirt Co., collar SCENES OF WILD DISORDER
s• v rlwrt U•uubl+•. Thr Iwo rovetslning lila tau- +1)' Ileury S. Bullard• a troll-uulvaa coven wan." yeah mince Italy Sftltnn the Polunl China en:ed, had licca itself rhlrt luunufacturors, Montreal,
Mr. Allirun taus awn, uer lyl tr4o a vena directed to Y'. h Allison. i.%' Iulmllcr enycoJrl by the war utile to put down there tribes- regarued by Mr. Townscnd an vary have ben (sonwoulldated, and with4he 11Itterbury. Cuun, Feb. :f.-11ullt
before 3 o'clock by loud ringing nail I larrrhlar of the Anti-Srkxon Ixogur." rugae tuml,atU • men. Their fuglti%4.N ulrtfoat d juld Kal le, fu egdlu tit the fast that he (solonlul Bleaching CO., will ►wild a complxuler of ll►e lot Iteglment Con-
lortin At the (rout dour. tiaturlug I It IN drulnf Ile An l- tool lir. Alli- 'Pte' 0NIVUItg gt,•urrY,l In trout of jug Lu Humarn, till rul+mlttod, of- hcul tx: a warued of the UnituahN big factory til Nlinwlutgun Fulls• MO af•et{cut National liunnl and seven
her king t it it. de 1 Lhe• claimI taw d� a +try hoil ceanteat with tin• tlT a hiloutin a Ict-urIreighed lie .• til C'u- (onng themselves! as Kunrunlper for u(LI-Y fih•p"o4•itien, uud he luvl Iec h m m:ulurncl^err, their utas cottuus +old (:uuq►unlp", ilchsllug lou lueal cow -
,u,, run► nal 11ee1 \':u1 Burhu'strretr,nu(1 the capture e►t Lila prrthmler. This little gr.lul:chrld field nurse i•t1Y pllutel. ' pnilics of t111e Lnd Regiment, with
:+11,1 opf•ved the (lour. %o nus was lea+ , wow tlxe ontcuaut• of it merit tit fitly- victory occurrol moult days pre
with it.
11urr. Ifc rleppsd out ufmm Ihr lw+rch After ion exulolnnt'u:n o. the%round Ira! envunterr h.tve' tater to F:1 Ncuelhl'r• to which It upp»r- 'this morning the boar cliwbmIout Tito a-tteMbtlle" at fill tenturi" two t:xtlfltg guar', wrro callatil lr
�.ql Wit Peering into the darknemsl the pbJrA4•Isnr "txt"ll butt AlllNon once el Irate jwtweeu union Did fitly 1x1. of Ito {esu and went to the 13ur1u1K institution -for ter+ 111 110 at Brant- rent, New Britain,
from Hart-
,%hifi a -(plot sun firet) trunk Slid ride sum Ixrt fitfully hurt. Tile bullet t Y farm. Mr. Bur•Iing relxod at club furl hist year tans Oy males natal font, New Brltafn, rumanerter uud
,d (Ile )Iowan, An.1 111r. %Ilianll loll fid• /•tltl•rld till• left )pre -L•(. Un'l witltlairlt MI•k:111m1 rn lett 1111• e1r1111 rf Ile Tr11►r.(Iaw•t1 Nue/n1I1, and rtlrted tG Ilrlt'e ill+: an1111J11 nut TO ft, ILL:11e4; ec►tnprl rC.t w'llll T� III:l14'm It0('k\'IIID• ell the CUmof mAo41 O n\-.
tplickly rulwd l+lulss If by Ihr railing• ,dercfug the Iun si IoJK(■1 In the j' J of tits yard. Tile hour r•efiarcd to nntkia and i it-athen le!,; tir: prefx•ou.;N Ar. lfl `i i o neer! �oecadinnf d by Ithe 1 Hoot-
howrver, uud fired thrt:- shuts atter rlxtit nlsruleler. Lia nin rrrxtting w0rk 1loi x11 uiiflgioll�Mt ted 14utunl»yten
1n tau- Lou,k,u, Ft4r. :1: Mr. Forw•oo,1, an Ka fad, turnlug with teaks u{ollttwl, K is
thunssassio. Mair Allison, hearing Ihr urtlaJ'. The {Iullrn slay with Ueor,fu W. ay In r, » rarlhel at Bur;ing. The latter at- 14%A Jen r, or n little lx low the tog abotlt the staletr last night,
allots, rushed down the rutlrs fond) the evert, tint 11 --e i' Ix►t lilt, Nlhcht uuknl freight Ica11dler, who left the (halt! ofman, writing from ds to ler tem stet to dutlKe but the Stour taw+ a%erap- for army yrelrn p:nr1• couplet with titl,ats of further dls-
ionnd her Ilnm1m1n1,1 cllnR'ng to diel eat clop. Mr. Altt+aw la ile yparm K dale O( January 14, rleontm fila Ile- ! turbatmen to-ni tt."
carr eau an Inst Wool"Psb Both lou quick, un[f hurling war thrown Thu m01 weather u! the joist few gl
r,t1l. She »tragi• d him Inmldp filo You+e tail age, nail is M tnager of the Sher- p t. y' fret aril svlrmisrbn of the I1,%'utn+l to ills runs+l, uud while prrnll'utd days aa.t' the arrlvill of fairly gnu l There wax res, repetition to /fay of
runt a h •nl� uta% tau+ yafrtl% sum- ilrin Electric (ba,piny, with o'fices M Nodt mirtsnr during t viut ed ifev- Owl Benewarin trilwionea -Ito. allots R, the violence fount nlgbt, but crowd"
N J that the"En lirhmen it Fes never Simi ilio ta:rm tusks {Itercel fur legs supplies of ccrkl to have hoof
Inuufrl, Ibat flu n%conat tit ter. Alli- I In this city. ,nal I tow•ar.i a%minx they wool to II ay Iden of going to the court. The Inflicting wounds six inches loilK un the oTfect of letwrrning the tenslen emlgngltarl iaticrut the streets and
__ A retort near the Burlington Ireight wuruen went ►m•eaume the town tans each ICK AlMi nearly two inclwmdeep. of the Toronto narks. affair u drop h1.1 to br, dispPnle(1 by the prllce,
rn+11y dlmccwcerle,l b . Chambrriniti•r Tito lati then fled. i,I prlrh in antkfpatrl within n tiny, whiltack tilers were rumors of an a►-
y It..mN•. Llnler+ wrr p r.epLb'J sat full of wiki trileemrien. Tile gatem tack to be made to-nlgtnt on the car
1 r rtaccer•, with ilia former creative'. It ,Ier lite inilefeace of nfuur. Burlin* Ora Keel hhrtaelf to him air two.
F u etm all theircAlculatSO[)", fawries of Fes have nt'%Pr been ciuslrl. There J The M1clo4 ile-Peitiltt-Nichol lit blain, wtcon the non-unbn ore b
80UMDKR r O1 ILISKI fail !ta%ing flniahect cls tlnJ'lt !%ork In helves nix! a ph rlclan was at once (men vend etintuelrnf brought here by
their pretictions, end wuko(i thew tlx hail, ht leru+e, B�hnr•l, it crow- hfilt never ba.ea a p -snit lar Any cause mumworcd. Sir. A. L. Woodruff -in- (skate wall µ1y $15,000 a )ear for
" bmrlt slot a Ilttlo flsailiNil. "Never p_cit) Nitb Co:y,er O,.nver.e, another for anxiii "veered till summons, and later Dr. the privilege of developing electricl the Ctirtneetlaut Railway q Electric
- 11 prophr.y unless e f kites IN » nun_uulwa en,Qlo;tr, rtartirt fur ltanold E. Hewlett, who lead, been l,uwer at Niagara, with ria additional I,igtrting ('ompany ere yuarterwl.
muuml maxim in politled nn well "As Lim lustnling burse at 42 West Pretender Exptas•d lit a Cage sent for i,y Mr. Towntooll , an'IcJal. ice per horse -power, umountlug In The tnxlpm were talhd out by Ihr
At4r,nr mte t. They Incl walkcl all to tJS0,000 per 1::1,000 horse- l;overnor, after a conference at noon
All Referent -to Arbittat'ron in ill(, other departnrntr of lite. Lelxlon, Fel(. L.-\ Ileg/ltell trout+ Thu woun+la were examined• dresePd, to -(lay with Col. Burpee, attorney.
Hnd they obmPned It the small Nee- itam3a in Canal rued/ !Aft a slsairt Tti;igier to the Morainic Leader men- +111,1 ACvai y{a The nerves and mum• power. for the railroad minimi oy, General
(,Ut Out 0� the T at". tiWi ail exlrrane pro-lfoerr In till" distnna: wbtn tile) 4mcfee,ne aware Ilea" n clrcumstnnttal rr{oort cur- clam of both legs were badlytlat t Tilt, proYpects for the building Jlanager Sewell, of the railway
1 country woukl have been A{Inrerl Clint they were follow•el. BallunT rent in that city that h Ilamnfit till. unl ft will lw a kx11g trade lit Toronto Junction during company, Mayor KIWuir. the mem-
`_-- \ flitch murtlft¢1th,n..Am It f" they are %Int it i0 )e.n:r o!d, urlge,1 Iib young- was lonwght to Fei in a cage aril tore Burl111g can leave hex bed. Ila coming eenitow were newer brleht• cera of the Board o[ Public Eiarety
1.11 IC /.l to withdraw their "you- er cx,tupuuloa to ou:then lair kl:tce, expedi to public dprislon. Tdlsdes- The tlukm of tire boar came very or than lit Qr/alent, uud Ate lilt, uaxl Sheriff Ihtmham, of New Haven.
( BE (t1VAl tcr
palhy from those who have dlt(apr nut be,orc ter.•: IoW Ivashr;l fart s tell ndda tlfnt It IN i11SN"alble to near am %eriflg oar of lilt main aster- ecce tit un terlxl nlxl labor whouid No carr were owl t(1ir e►enlsg wf.
IHE AWARD T) {x,intet them "o )t14(•caY+ly bJ yield- tau Lison atnrt, they wore oder- S - few of the• log, veld had thin hafrQrn- materi-illy ndvani tiro Junetun
uscrrlaln the truth, furl nttr►twtt'm run8el, but during Lite day all the
tier u� t Ing to the rlpn+ logic u( fact" and taken bJ McNamara AU4 Lawierr. lid the fore would have bbtil to wilt ex,crierneP An e•rn d txtea"wfl
\Prrhingurn, k'atr. a.-.11 thr'taultnn's cicWry nloro to her t IlnPs %were opbvraterl ar urusl wllh
%Wash n aN, l 0( Ihr Seaat grarp'ng Ihr hand of fricud"hlp held TIN• batter eng a -Ml i1 vouverratl(In death before help Arrived. un lieu.tented wince the boom tit I1
out to them by (�1'Imbo i+l in the „ilia t oe%erwe. and M:\anxlra ask- britx•ry .oi the tribes throve tO mill- lar• Town(icn,d tit safe "bot the 1 til(, 0On-unlon trolley Inco. Tho carni
I huirri Cullom, of tit
Iommitte.t ulr-of Ihr )trltish nxllun. Start t%hy he till not join till) ufliun. _Lnvy tactics. Tlno hritrrl rels•Iw,nol- dxai:ar. yunra Ago. %teas not molerled.
w Furlhth R(•lntkr►tN walk nak• w The mutter. It IN Baht, will end In "ic Ontario Gazette utatouweNtoc Lar/ night therm wax a general
t •%ornldc re ,ail un Sas .AI:►rk»n ' '\Britisflprs :tie eomikellrtl Is,wn+IAy" Ballaa+I w•n" about to i•Nplen,n that ,1enly nlwn(kuaed Lilo pretender'" the cw11lA. Mr. gtownfp•nl, !lie owner Imoriloralkrn of the National Irofl riot. Every cnr "Pat out from the
P io\'thlnk syrntinrntally,'" ns,.Alexon- I hod flxade applfcnt'011 Afl•1 had elltltnrd� �'
IuuMlnly treat}. '1'h,• committee tri- ,Iry Landltun %%onl•1 have raid. while tern rejected at the Leet mectfalY. lar the boar, vex" formerly a w'enith) and Nfekot l'orPorntlOn, wtUr u 4rapt- barns wall greeted N•ith n volley of
.+n y, by n on .nrla,la" %etc• .1.6,14.1 Wmt -\erten claims their attention wix•n McNnnlara caught Joint by the New yort, woollen snanutucturcr, 1aa toll o' $...UW+000. dhldwl Ulle, 3,OlMt; stones tit a-nrlonit points, aril ad car
that tilt., ticuon Ph,sd( tai+ t.kkf•n. broker. 000 elf. s of $1 e+wh. Tile provlrWn- e"cA{rel w"itlroat broken %vindowa.
11141, l+ flr tlu1P 14.11, n" to �hc r.tlf• t4 It., pn•N.hnR protrlPlu.4 tilt ,late .h ,alar un 1 purivat h:m itis"ar+f tin•• D��TNS DUE TO �CCIOENT +%1 +!IrertorA now It. It. Fr:u:klln. L. Thn+l.ffnda rf w)ptn fulls, tilt, strePta
lactation of Shu aunteMtiea. kit r.tti- 11'1 fntrr-t wNlth Afrif--% 1%'here fine,. which Pefulrntes the dri%rw•iry E. linmbly. J. K. LeAlie• J.J. Wn{i,h, nnsl the fx>•lice wen^, powerless to
tact l' n oraft hll, co to {wt ft ihrooib Kitclient-c Arat Milner- tooth I.erved 19,011, the ,1f•wnik. AeconlinK to — nli of Turunto, anti 1\'. .t. k%orett, control the mob real were at length
their aPprenticrrblfl, anter Croaster• storirm told JIy h'Itfi ('on�p airs nu,l CLUBMEN IN fERRUR. G111uth, Minn. Tho head o(ttcc 4N
at tilt* menawfl. tl,e green\ Admfvelatrator, whose B;tllflnl a whort Neuffle tul$toweil, and _ forced to require tltr (bnaecticot
The history of ►he aegott+•tiou of F'rwrPianoofNaNrstxrnArnsy to (-'are life n.w company will 1W In Too iiiectriv. & Lig4lting or mpaaly off"
tblN treaty mtwwr how sgr4full1y ief• magnificent tatrltmanmhlp tit. -Ir so- Balbarf, he vena shout to filoDrunkrn Nandrnsa. conte. eleflm to call to their cars. The re-
retnry Il:a,y hw mrtagLl t0 A%oT4 tis• tivi les-I,as emporarily enlshone. ere pumlie•tl inna idle r!dewnik to the Unusual Num of T.ravol ors
Arta Aw ry wt NprfRK• driarw'ky+ A distance of ten feet' H IL 1 AND bY)IIF:Hi\ mt�� n" eomplixlbar At Ile
fftcl lit him Asstilant. Fata'{y hurt IUTleil qu
p with.
u chs lcm of any nn t 11 r that w •,ukl pulled 1Mu the q
mnkO the treaty DLJ cUuunblr, :U.d - filla4x•(1`Y;'t'tya Cefrn11y; F -As :;- BAliknd war reflmkll A,Itnissiog, to .`� -_ .menta of the crusade It fa rrystrlr'I-thAt-Au"i -sad -�:1, escorted by the po,llOe. Ore mo-
lars or hits "u•ercrl clear 4tf sly re- Since ills arrival here with 6DIOUlol the union becaUNr lie Ila l worked - — have struck terror into the pools of Ituwmha have deddcl to vorni -1 Tur- It rave -in, was Injured No severely b* �'
(rt•P rICe to "arldlrn U(In.••
When Srcrelary t'housberlufn, » Perlen tit durinK Lie rsrrnt strike of - IliP MEETING OF BENEFIT SOCIETY will-f+d tori well-preserved vn•mbprs ii to lntraluce rrfornl4 in !face- stone that n car starter had to tab
the drnil or flus cuttioll." u was drtmmstratlo9ai ngoinrt Sir Joh»' fr,irbt herxllPr.. sent w•Rr susp-,eted , tit clut"c anti others that have never ,denim. him pinace. Several other motormen
rind preparl+el It COIIlA1rWi Isrtll lu UOMon L(prlgg, toe Preniler of Vape of ha%Inx Lnken the place of a akion I,Ppn ton proud to neccpt the I](•Iping A (;erman lieutenant. who had nml conductorx were leer seriously
the prramtdP nal the• iNllly iIn Colony,1 h.lce Irccnrrel. Ste was pub- haul Iter dunng n efirfte fo 1\'eat Vlr- Toronto, Feb. :'-Tlle lwcut.Y•N+w- If Ix,bby or cabby in rrnchfug their •loot mild killed a lawyer in n darer hurt.
word "ArLltrnl tribunal." Th:• wonl hely hl+w(••I on Peverel (weRNions, aved Rima. and nnnun( meeting of the '.'omuwr- llomiclten affair the mld11lgh► hour• wait eentenc•frl to two J't+nrr' tm
• frrwtral' tan•, Ptlicken out of the I during Mr. Chamberlain'm remarks on I,aater* exp:a'ngl 041nt )BJvIarJ And Trnstrd cummlNrlourrm of Ihr Iarmy rrlsonnit -
articles ts:forc the convention Was tills sltuntlon 1n 7k1Pw Colony At cla Trnveaeri Multinl 13eaPtll :10 4 -
(on%er,+q. Ixtd lr en nppruaclllrl to a will roam the streets nt'nlglet Ioo1S Tha Brltlrh War O'ffee luta tit-r•Idet �Ay �F(; f„H tiUf f0
•igufrl, but w•+N Innd%4•rte•nt1Y I. rt tire. banquet given m tits lonor ilpre IIlrn fly ill rit, An l r1v Attel"Pt WAS clety writ bekl In St. 0(,-Osge's Hall, Ing for helplP*r Darr wile neer! to invite leafier• froku C antdlan .
iu the prenmtllu Frkt,y rvenlag l iwN were ruled air►de to nnmtllt them. The police Elm street, os 6atur ay afternoon. rescuing. 1 of fresh mlxnt (it/xlPar MAn'")nrrntdon Ha” Itrev feed
} P re;,wnl Ii Ntatemrnt with "Ll"We- Pref lent George Andermon w'as In Clubmrll and others of tine re- rarnwrm for the supply a Nat(ml'act.ry Ttst.
Nie committee to•+lay corre•�td or "Awn • %-till S rigR. while the to the British army In South .Africa.
thlas and rtltnhientrtt all referedre it), member" of n cip{xatftthro which loll In %few W tilt- tact tlx►t Ii+llhand spectnUle clans," reit one or til:• army
swat I lar tlx• r+►- %%"It.rl un ter. CUanfherhtila inform- Im,d alrea.lJ Isi,l for neem- the clutlr. Samples, " who are found Incnpuble % Ioltthl.aln 1 Big Four train etrutk �Ill.u,. Feb. :l. - signor Pino, life
arbitration. The { oirough drink will Ire sent to their :t sirrel etir nt ipl!ow S nlnKsmtreet
heart It It So .N, fa lu da+ f5n.11. (rt hint in the I'rrmier'a presence that leriilp in the load union. Tine anmuaf report fur IW. chow- 1' • (;etch,• engineer, winbip h erons Ili
ermine• i" ti :Int „itis tile}- Innd Io faith in the 4prigg Mtn- •LNe,lult" hn%e ,well frequent in ad nn lwprc»rnrent in the Ilnnm i.11 h(•mPm in charge of a trusted Officer, c.m. Ri-, Sprinter i, red. qt pro- which, it Is "Ji4k cneblPs prrmonr w
Il In to def Luria
w•Ilrtlner the lanrsblry Ifn4• n+t dr- latry, w'iil•h "PsmPPre.t the .Atrlksn- file n11Klq+nrilou.l of the Burlington condtfuu tit the society. K lar hl*(, to the lthrltrrN, where they p. m, Reported ern IuJurarl, two pro- sr lilt, bail of the sea, sur recently
rcrltted r the thlnl land kranher• Iry Ihlmf.nnd was dP{sndevet nn It irriKhtlp:d-e. Mc\arnnra lila »lace the year r:a1,(O0 tans pa1J out In will t►, kept Holl! T or N o'clock next 1,►DI} fatally. le"lerl hi the Jlarllterrulefln, rifted
+Math elinins, �5 deatha being rP- morning, whpn they will receive roost Thr \lat'onal Review mix s there in au lutcr%i•wf that leis inva ion
ticlest of the .Anglo-ftlas^{an trr.ktY �or its f`%istfine•e." Qiol• gK g g an•l n wasi anti encoturng-lment to can IN, air, d•Mibt ave to the truth of
of 1t3::o ebnll Ir drawn lu +r dine `sir ,lolln iledtedly charactpriiii _-_-_ —:i- `s,rtc,llJarxr:neating o11A .-7.h7� do better. its Isior that tin Oertimn Eagwr- weukl allow n clatr view over tile
thirty marlue mllr4 from tl+•t c"•' c, these 1•Pivarks AN a pwrar►nlal Insult. CRIMES OF PASLIO�.thing I area of
Ne%eral lhot►silaxl aslpusro
air w31wL11rl It (•hall Ile mpnn.trtt c.irrlcrl over (loin the preceding year: "There are n grpni many prole ,or, In ter'• prew.•rtt;e o' qui-\ur•rlrnll yartilm lit n d(,,{rth of AGO to 500
from the calm Binh of the 1ed,•utfl' {�(� IfBED GARS OF U.T.R. ` t''-,� is camel over for payme_at in lho went 4.1111 lit night, who, %%line J"a:lluuir p,lety. ural• o!fvn.lve re- nntoo. Kign+r Plato was reticent in
tinny of the mainland. - startling Inerrjs�e b, Threat h Ito- td.4 year. T'he asset" arlb011nt to not Alreo'ntr1Y ilelple"m through drink. Ina rt*'rr�nr•t!ng the King. )
forterlln Pruner•. *.18,31)_.:,T, or which $6.1i 16 in art- likely to fall Into the handn of regard to lin conatructl a of ills in -
Tho tribunal will mPrt In 1,011,10,` Two rnve liveln of lit \nlionat al ill, to t, but h,istp4 l that t he tan*
r exchan:t(,.O( MJnU•rious ThrM fll Is•%la F:xpwdrd 1'a l.. k'1•b. 1. -Tile Increase iu n.- c:a,rh ire till: lomilfon iS+ulk. T111d Ila- prrlwnn veils nor net eznc►ly trl4.nde' /iwnnl hn%'e ►mer•n called lr duly ni
two months softer tile 1011r("Irwnrl CP practically Young Inam Kohn! home from a then- Hale t rcP etch, e%vnlh toe limittl,
+atiflenlloriw, when lex Das will be tent yrnr• in France of wit It the Llitlles are rracticall the same. The 1\aterii Ca.1n., owing to rioting 'and other ob�cls even ,a the rmall-
rpmented, stat liar, country case* nlh, y,,,,,oling gfrtra wh•o Are rat Sitter there. est slake. Hn *:f)■ Ills a{IPan►►aw call
1 (lyft•r, Febk'rb. 3. -Of 1• -pi l ve oc- beeuamoat11altrming.d+UritToukouz(;- littnrun.11tw:rts AiA;1G'58-1Qi3, it pill into t ncictellnK iltnn LIIPy MIIlN11:I err-the(fi PPupIP
n farther pellet of two month4 %•Pry nlysrerluua rebels! w lin will Ile appronch(A In n frisvldlJ' A riming iN frunrl in l'+tnl•,n, sad Is, (r+mlly wlnpt4rl to use un shlp-
Thfnlr Qerlalas now sol• lecalib , lir, ,urre,l I:r cars of the ,;rand Trunk fie eminent p"Jchu,oKl-t, wlbo less n trkl:ultn or 1304.18 Irene tart - fusel a Inulines have )been Hinted laved and will enable n C11,1111111, is to
ThemNtrny, ave for trib11nal hits INowp1• ltnllw•ny, wt Le%la, as in most in- hlve"tlgntcd the mabject, "tit teN your, flet the expenditure+ being manner." K
If the rmepwNity mhoul•I mise• to
Ptr,livit althougi the ural of Ihr car that wt of 1Dl munit'rm emuaft- amount {raft o1 tenth clofm*, tau^ lu protect til+ plv+pi'e'ty tit three mor submprK(rl of hits roofs 11nd Inulk* from
Ir til nllcents Lal t1Inp. would remaln I%pparrnlly intact. yet tell lie France ho IVW, only 44 #36,0'J(1, Settling a Wlluuce of •ff�1►!�i r11tlanlemi�Edw'lird •tlnh;l4.J, +air lild asttritment n in ktrntod Ili the { ry. eePnen
,lu:uff tiler of goods w'onhl ►mai found were due to motives or cupidity. *w-0.63. rale, is novo Arelebbls>tI of Chl' Ko of delpgntes from the Minlastry'of
lilt AS from canes lnmltlP. I,Ignder In .til the others ltpnanK (+'urn "conal The n{art cuflarl attention ilcto l', NEWS 1N BRIEF f1i't parent brief nprsdntingWin hat Marino.
most left, ccs w'oul,l constitute tilt' paanitrn. •rhere also. of court;; fact that ?n:+011(1 tit lilt, cl:almw ha•t rrlcarl At N'osl11tngto+9t. Tile 11hrmrewr Su1�m:rrinP SrrrSety little
LIKE COIONIAt SECRETARY. cnnne for the Invoice not taOJ'ittK• numpronA nttempterl murders, ns- Ilo(,n (lilt' to accident, n very 11ndam,lF Mr. lustself (b»mTsvha111, Yo tNru,tht for $40,WU another inven-
:Inl although o clone watch hits Toru mutts of all kinds, "t%bbinK, uud occurrerew, not the average of death t• - - _ - _�'�NN� tion t Signor PX) It le n Iden-
- kept It del not op till n few dnym tltr11,1 ►hrowlnK, arl"lug !mm Ihr `heay aemiL1yher beeoolereInception
On, iJii•.'V iiIP04tp,I r+n+, n,Nthai cs,•ranan}.
Pince prove effective to extabllNhing manic can"P, t'ANAhIAN. n•gnpmtlell Ln Is,* Alltiwrd to co e rirg-with two so sulrmnrhlr bs%T providnt
t j pot tahpre the (titIlcultY lay. A mate„- it in n:•etpmn to look for nn int- Ler nnnum' Proceedings leave b;Pn InNtittltesl to OPProtp with Britain nKaiunt A'Pue with two l enablrewooe
and filar with at file
Why Chamberlains IQui Is N'llnt *CUI�IIOtlnf CIIAr�O Ir IIOw pr,otement au k,ng IlN 1�.encll Jar- 'Hied It Ilrt Veen rOT llleNe m, W ,+et aml.le the ilrnmpton m1111101MI sa�eln. witch will ellatrle IC to erlfwl at lin
tIlA 11p. fold it IN to the eft.ct li)at IP1 per"i•4t In acglliKtlnK ,air r•aco"'- IN•Cte11 IldlRlf011m (o OUT, ClNlmm, lr'L Flpe'tfon*. flip llrltl•ll War Orf:rr II Ia 414•C Il holt Oln or Lt10 asM. 1L I9 fllrnlaifrl
eaiiil•r Good Fruit. .idea mprehandlme wets enrrlr•cl IpPnQlnic to mere.' offrflderm of tI11N cOU141 not only have prtW all IlAhflf with lie rKr'Rai+IIrpIIngAPptlanceasWit"
B b laws,, by tills sucanN. The cars world klral, who plead the so-called ten- if", bot alnO n,kle4ii Pubotanl,nl Fire 41111 $5,0. 20 anti00 damage to atock11 farmers riot* ssia4(rm Gnnndllan willeh Ioo,• objects at the bottom
-- - Is• OPMM and the• d4.rfred goods re- ,Mr pit*fisc as an excuse for their c`m� ori,�i/afoot %hopreliwiillwcclnlhe went, nToronta `� \Yf9iinglon siren mpnt to the Britt+h army In South calls too arcurrol. 'Me brolive power
onnvP41, after which A new scat would crimes, _ " _ roNflll if, future yearn with a fOf- lir. F. Co. IforlrJ hes Imen ap- .Africa• IN electricity.„,like
aclop In
Iilia »nous he
BOERS RESPECT A STRONG MAN les, put on and the ausptrlon thereby 1 mni death rflte,” enld the commit• 3101ttell Bprreli of lbw Toronto Britain. CCIn11AnJ seed Italy have will make pftorl8 In the coming
1, mmpd from them sectieNl to where BRITAIN'S FOOD SUI PLY• ter, Board of Trndr•, rpfumsl \'enc:UPht'" proposal that. sprwhi li to flmd lhu i\lucl rime ti
1.011don, Feb. :3, 11101rful Nlgel14 RIP lilt. goods were shipped frons. A few __. The nail)- nnsatlshactory feature
A /he 'ir»nNYtia► u( the ort- )alpuruant erre►opmrnts nip expect. InllurnllAl l'onunitp.,. t.. AKItnM Ur. fico. 11. (Iran(, i,lls'rnl enn111- ro far n- the Llan torr pnJ'ment I" phlch tans monk during file Cr menu
: {opareM I dl the air{bort %nw n tccren*o 0i 4�3 ,late In North Ontario, hos iesurd nn coneprncd, tln•Ir ctaltnN 1Ne placed War, with much g%ohl aboard, and
lablishamut of g,w+l relations be- end mhortly. 1 - - yvnflanwloN:•cun it ve+emtsrm sl nee the Inst annual re- a4fdrees to tile, electors. ten frnlitllt. %Vitt Lho"r of ul.l�r also the not trPn11nrfs loot In the
tween the llowrr aml tilt, Brillnllr BOBS REFUSES, itERAUDa' FEE ,ort, tw'cuty-fl%r hnvin',f died, ant e,cra, Orhek urrhi{rluK%r hJ l'orupry to lilt,
.air. Cilnmberinin lt tuor, which Iron- Lt�ndon, Fpb, a. -Thr (;O%rtnnrnt 110. r• rrw4hnting Jilt Inmurani of North york Lengrcrance w•orkprs I'
tlnuos to be �hisrrted at groat hu%faK frminentl)' t i-n(A n deaf X541.000, 11,ring. Tho total of wAl hoIA a convcnilon to conmfd,•r hie• Th1> \orwPgilnu mUr+amrr A%un;a, eN"ll war with ('Aeellr.
,winced lu K noullmttfon of a fnndklate, ('nPtal,, Ureter, \ew Orlonn�, rel'
tinges In the new'rpoalrer", Ina%'Ing hod Ct►nfmlttrp How Becn Aft ear in Parlinmrutary Urgin " for lnrhnua, has gnat, nmhore lit Lein
the most pr,mlming rpAilltm r:Srendy. Jeclul9r Into Matter- the uppulnitnrUl of n Iuyn1 Cum- membPrr on Ihr roll on ll(reing In- F'rnnk Miller, (i. 'J'• lt. brnkrruan, 'Ai Denmm�rk. Thrhr ►"r.ItN .indole STARVED IO DLATH.
(-hsmberlaht'm trek 0brougil the onI.-Vi :L -It is nota flu- mlami.nt to rn%pthre ',alit (M• Ihrit- hurnni Iof fl�t,8:A3,00f�pmrntfng whole, tan,% Injureol lit \baKarn Falls, c, rlosex b:a%P Imen w:t"hwl nshore.
Western Tran*%AAI
certainly w'f►N It was daclrkd to Inerenite ties, num• dl(rl at the St. ('ntlutrincs iso pit111. 1
Part i hl" jnwr-
1��.!"".",A'1,1,%..`, a commlticr IInN !leen thsi of the mre''r►tin411i ;real w1nT• IL im fpflnnl that the rrm+ind'-r W A NtAlthy tI%rntafr'a '1'e"1 1'rorrcl
tilt, motet Intooresting { al,p(►inte(1 to inquire loin the tun- I", food "wt { J' iMT of tru+dePN at Landon, Sln:t- A flrNl of coal lr reported month the crew were alas drown, d.
nry. "N0 , the flgllt In nvor," "Uhl rtliulibn, end n,inlint"lrfitlon or the +lit influential eoInmlttrr, heap+l l'' Plon, ih•.Inttor.1, Berlin, Winnipeg. of Deloralne. Man• � 1•'ntxl.
Wil -
+ cam .lore
11 i
nn 1 orb. :S.
1 out I• N
erinm . [cti 1 k
4If f4 , e b E.
P lake r n. air dna TUR
UN y t l i e t, two. dente •PIC
L 1 Pm 1 lit from one t vel Pf• NOE
l.'isunborMtn at Ventprblorp,' IP llerakls' ('Nlrgr, And tl:+• chnrK unit !incl A STRA
shake hll(IIIN and be frlendn." CI►nt now niftilP when Iwnor.4 are be- %(."41 of Lord StrntheonA, Lard Tlue yearly fever ryd1 In nddltionn Toronto c
It looks AN it file CO,llllry burgh- f:hnripm Rere"InPal, 1,0rd Hugh ('e- t le i tails Len for nnthrfna. from Ilam Shw{yranl, n wentthy Inventor
t on
this excel- owe.l try the King. to ill( other nsNpNsalPnts tans nitro the Insk{rendpnt olrt•rntorA (•nrlcsily(P%rr Meebnnieml lte%1+r ie :and mtulPnt of (Wii la, /fled here
erN Aro tr►clMel to we Lure l- Thiw in the rAsnll o' lhp dlgwir eft, Contain it(Ivlp, n numtrPr of the increasa4 to $1 for theme huWing 'Mronlo firpnwn IiavP ItPveid ilial to-4ay of eelf-fingr,r+11 ,starvation. He
lent Advice. A renlnrknble fen iptw.,en the Trpamttry sent the toot- ulpml,ai (d tit- 11Oa1Ne of Cnmm�, , I•t'.11'Ientrr of $_,000. Huller* of Ihr lion•<:rllcry' resflttr,l nil pffor1 of hi" [sanely and
Jim roceedln at �'ontf,rwtorp owns $1,000 ecrilitcntem will continue to lholr unbn lu%%e dew nssed n fro-
P its Ipxe or Arms, mtl-' by the refusal furl% admirals and other Lp+'mtl- ISS nnunnlly Into filo Rpenrnl (s K Y l:++ndou, ('pb. 8.-.\ plclurP hf till' phy"Id1n to In,111ce hOm to take
the Impronlpin an41 nnrxpecteA so: I,',r.l Ro'ertw to PLL% tlt" hprnl,lN rat u,On. lens fnrmf4l, t0 aRltnto the lay real to dpmaer it PI ht-i0uontin.
m Deli of UwnwT»I {)Plnrev. who ws- n r(1nl 83,(N)U, when ihr Onlrr W m��t8r lin pul►Ite. ra,r11"e necrwtnt n* 1)p./ore. Tills q'wopnsls:nKpr hors on the Cann- IL:n• R,IIer. enutl •I't h I+tmti' ex- nuurymhmrnt, and Informpt the latter
resrel ills lo1*aro el mee191g Mr. Ihr• l:rlrtrr %env conlr•rrf•l p11 hen% - ncdcnnl•r In file fee IP finite to Proved:+ titan Norihrrn Rallw:ay were RAlxah- elira enrinAltJ. from the clecrrnraN drat hr, hx,1 no intpntfuthat
n of aits ceept-
1lrlmbrrlRlnPam(nlg them nml r'f`Inic irmonry hits; leen nto%pl to (IE tII)IRti fnini for Ihr• conducting of stn at,- (ail spur MInI1:111d ltleUlon nnd(sr %loerd. it Itit SNit14nIFAItacrppworkof cts tire art, o1Kly1i1•NIInINIin4�hlr"olthgt ills son
rntkrk(rl that he had fonntl ilhr- Cbl- I Inky (Islas Niel" )yKMIlvp when IL won AI'R�ID OFT flue Pnn1;o11Kn during file yrnr 100'1 erne pnnmpnRpra InJursrf.
onial Keercittry a slrOng Insist- llel;,alle,) up.. to pay kcal 1t01+nrtx to Increaw- the membership or the LOnI ihmdonaW IN a ifinrl ire 1011 ry lartli tip,
the ttintonr to iouti might bP pt(.otectel lin the event 0t
thnnghi ('hnnl►rprinln tan" Ills, man frPw aMOnIMx t r ngrrr neat, St con- (:airman 1'�ilotllrll ustl. rola ,11r• 1'ncw"% elm iwty. rtsrIn with un shuck of In Pei IrnRih nm U11 Titian's "Trllmte wMl hp tprroe,l his ,'apparent
to nail thing, right In Seth .Air an 411a a them ezeettsive. Ahonl 'I hen'. The t011nwing are the Ricard fit ski In rp141si In Otlaw•n In n Monny," and with flip felpp pxprP11*- drlth." Ton (lay" Ito t•il he died
Cltomlaiwrlwln hna earnest filo ren- pw.gtes the Hrrally' CO Ie+tp• %chair+' 1 kr-governor MnnnReusnt for 1903: mlkl form. rnK Imrth Rpnil, nrsa and strength. As Mr. ShPPpnr.l slid to file doctor
aim A rehlst to r*- f: r.. ar.n11p IfOr n'x hpt'aklN And pe, I'rNr. AYrits br Ilyn�lertlon11 in Nnrllt til'' ,tprMg hi R•ups lit til+• p:Pturpd tint rn 1 n,I wIl it) n (1 still
1 mhalt
!sect of the IIOw ! P fret•, hang hili mm�nK Ihr ,1rnpprlen lot be. loon will lldnt [ am twat,
o the ncp trrttM. He declined three klntq+ao:-nrmw men re^rl%p fe:n. \OnrEsl11��'�r*Ignpl,lnnd I nreturo 1'rj*1 tent, Joseph irPR, (3rpy Trrrehonne Ani Two M,II,n sd n dnrkwu,{ nom the eypa »rpm but my A{y,parnnce will bP the rP-
In Inmtnn"hpn Ihr INx•r KtnrrAlm llwn: nTa n nafl►lrer of O'fIPInIN M Atrl tafM, have been Ime1ln11. Polling tnk(a
a wllry tow-nnlm ley, Tr,n„treas-Tmm�to, R. I,.lmnnt, to open tin,] clasp, :InJ the p11pc'P*- molt of Ihr ilsPmlxxllmwnt o my
endeavored In rn Ilipd,e hhn td do IIS, 11'lu leer front thw dein tint Ihr
home, bPc" Iltw of R dlmagrvwvelenl TWuf A. AO.11: tVrretarj, E. M. ROw place Feb. L'41h, nal Domain. A "Iml Of lin% features Ism+ u1P rltpr- apdrlt." ilow 10ng he hall been fast-
endtinthe rtallnpd ng:Iln lit I'n•torin, ctN►rl*tere•to the Rr,nt Itnynl coo;. In T.rrlVn w'Ith hl in , P week wntIter. natety lldPldke tint vnentit. These Ing, In not known, beat his non whdlw
where another nttrmpt tan" mw.le. %;Iso mart Ile rr•tnemtlwrah'r lila ,the rntveibllmhmpnt11nt* i)OtrhnnlRefRm'e(1 F`. J. 7.nmmer� S. R. Wkke t, Jo*aph Jlxlgw f:Orham, Balton, 11718 INern chinph,N recur rot trgitHr Inle•rvala. hp. lived knew,th. he AM for n e0n-
The Rowan rempert n men who,,lwty d* to flick the ep oppointtnl n commi•nloner to !lir(•,- Tho, IlMmlon of nwlakpnlnK from NIrrP atderalile three r*tllar 10 take I1o,ar-
kn0we h18 awn mlml And will keep to heel* of A ilegratle.f knight. c0ngrrg�ntlOnas om1*h the i �t' orlt lop lnmlitnn,t F.
A. nallwy�an let John t{gnte n chnrgw that the new per*!• nn•1 pl,rmilR lit • eJrm In nhti We la 1 lahmetet, in the belief that he wonM
lila rwsMrotkrn. \flay yrnr" ngO s An expert on hetval+Ir.' NnYN ►bP the (+ TOan PTt Office hereregards this 1 it • r . C'. 1,. Shorry And
ooh gpnlond� prmhnPml, anti ctrarly 1t r thea bring sb4mt w pwrfl•ctlon er the
Beer, who knpw Ills, comntrymrPTI trPltasrylecan (lPbnt%thw+hwrnddletofr �Inley n11adlulg*rotls, teriing that P 11'. E. Roemeny: London, J• M bit•fire "t`mp�� ��OA ohtnln4rl hen of not an eptleal effect or n trh•k or Npirlt. few wam 64 yotara of attw• Ow -
well• weld : it In the >"+tv Ilan i at Q Bearer may mate an Attempt later l0 Ion; : KingBton, Y. llntherinnxl
the rein* that mates them Jibe-" llr!nl, now ffnelY wntr*veett ra 1n141 ratnbllnh their I1sl*pwndence. Rrsntford, J. P. Morrinnw; A*rlln 7110 (inrrmry Company hnvw tit from ng flip ince T n meet'darknil C If—
of is til* therxt111rrllAar,1 phArwctsr
(�tembrrinil'as I nml Is ntrmFJ At 11" pneh ho.da Ill% o lip^. by 1 P ('. Hnehn fYlnnl Hyman Mlllwr, eonr*p or erection lit Toronto Jim- from rldr InmpN. The mpchl. , 4'..f I of tbw (,1st, Ihr A hbri l per hos not
the Boom nlrp „ly are nhnl%1ng thnt Pnt
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�N+� throe acres. large
nal will employ %rh••n and chlaerl eantrol tai.. ,air, l,11 d,:• ! halt I-PIPipa(ed the CorOlter to Dab
they npPMrintp flrmnrwt %%'hen it IN T,rrnmrhlln. T,trnl RoMrb1' hnvenwr It n man nl%vnJ'11 pays ea.h ho nnel liarlph, H. F. ilouklen: AndltorR, tion n largo p'nnt covwrinR +4crr %Ipe by whlrh U1P p�•es 1, '' ` +�•����I nlntlnrre�'ttlon �rIAI permit. an+
allllvd with Ill idnean rend ny;ItImahv. ronnnln. r1+N"nt from $t. (:•orgP'1t thrift 1 Is he elver grim. morn erPtla ( ". F. s*tbeTinnd A11d F. W. Ti,".In operation about am own. teclyd. gA
The poor pr -Bei fn Frog and nrP I'll"P"I At Wilt'lPor.
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