The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THURSDAY, February 5, 1903. 5 W. Acheson & Son GREAT guying Chances For Two February Days Saturday and Monday February 14aoa 16 WE plt.ce for February selling—for a regardless -of -value clearing, many lines which will go out early on those days. These special offerings for Satur- day and Monday indicate our values dur- ing our February round -up of drygoods. Capes. Ladies' Astrachan Lamb Capes, 28 inches long, full sweep and farmer's satin lined, high storm Dollar, regular values were $15 - to $16, 2 days' sale price .. $9.75 Cotton Blankets. 50 pairs white cotton blankets, full size and with pink or blue fast oolor borders, regularly sold at per pair 75c, our price per pair 45c Corsets. 80 pairs Corsets, in all sizes and from hall a dozen of the best makers, Yetis', B. & C., Cora - line, Watchspring, all sizes in some makes but not every size in every make, regular value and price $1.00 and $1.25, placed at one price 50c Canton Flannels. 350 yards 27 -inch heavy Canton Flannel, in white only, regular value per yard 8c, on sale at sc Men's Underwear. Men's all pure cool Shirts and drawers, double-breasted shirts, finely finished in every way, in - all sizes, 36, 38, 40, regular value 50c to 75c • garment, sale price 35c French Flannels. 300 yards finest quality pure wool French printed Flannels, for waists and gowns, our reg. ular price is 50c a yard, two days' selling 35c Carpets. 400 yards yard -wide reversible anion Carpets, new patterns and best colorings, regular val- ue 35c, at per yard 25c Dress Goods. 125 yards 58 -inch black Cheviot, heavy weight and suitable for handsome skirt or suit, regular i price per yard 80c, Friday and Saturday 50c W. Acheson & Son. her home sbo ha. deetded to accept that offer. Seaforth : Oo Wednesday of lest wee k. John dlschley, an employee of the Brood - foot & Box lutetium factory, has the nip - fortnae to have two of his thinness taken off while working at one me of be mauhlnse. Hohmann., John Mulholleu.t, who Me been oonduotlog • grocery and dry pods business in the village for the last four mouths, has moved to Uleituo. Harvey Mulholland will now take ober is of the store. Bruoefield . George Hart, who has been s,Dertaleodent of the Presbyterian S•bbtth soboul here fur • number of year., was mads the reap ant recent) p1 a handsome written desk, and Mrs. Hart of a finely' detonated berry set. (linens: Wend sal received hers WI week of the death of Mrs. Bulger, Walton. Demand was an only daughter of Geo. Christopher, formerly of Hulett, and had been married •bout eighteen months She was • oo0ele of Mrs. Mailmen, of town. '1'oroberry : There died at the family residence in'rurnberry on Monday mim ing, January 26. John Glluwur. Dee eased young man was in his twenty-ninth year. He bad been ailing ter over • year with lung trouble He taught school In the township for coma time. Viler/ham : to April of this year Jas. McGuire will complete twenty -tau year• es liivtdoo Court clerk in this town. Mr McGuire has also been express agent In Winghem ever sines the railway uttered Wlogham. Hs was first agent for Vioker's Express Co., then the Awe -loan Express Co , and now the Can•dun Express Co. Clinton : WWI. T. Levan one day last week was engaged sawing • piece of timber at Macpherson & Hovey'• foundry his hand Deme is 000taot with the rip saw, outing through two bone. of the palm. Th s is not the first aooldent Mr. Levan has suf- fered to this band, having had the tips of two or three of the lingers taken off some time ago. Seatorth . W. H Willis Is carrying his arm in • sling. He fell on the Ice In abs rick. Injuring it, and a fee n'ghts after- wards when ret urn tog frorp (:orneand whew a few miles on this aide of )Brussels his rig was upset going through a pitch hole and belog thrown out he had bas shoulder die - !vested. Unfortunately for him It Is his rlybt shoulder that le dlslooatd. Brussels: Thursday, January 22nd, James Uroo, a former r.eldeat of Brussels, died at his home in Detroit, aged forty six years. It is thirteen years since he removed from this looahtyr where he was well known Mr.. Broil Is • daughter of the late Peter Mol)ooald, and a sister to Jas. and Mine Maggie McDonald, of Grey, Lear Walton In addition to Mrs. Dr..o two children eurvlve. COUNTY CURRENCY. play off, Mr. Wile.. oomiag eat ylotor too. Bruesele: H. A. Mattehett, et the Garfield Hoses, Brussels, has •rraagd • Ieaes of the premlem with R. C. Strutting, of Loadea. BraosWld : A. Alkeehead has refereed se his hems so Lead**, after a sages' Ill - nem at the home e1 his brother, James Alk•' anima Breseele : I. C. Risberds has perohesed the property of Jae. Hewitt, T.rnberty street, and will nen a Eta new trick rest - Loam es the sits. Seaforth : Jabs A. Wilma wee the bead - sense ggby donated by Alex. Wilma to the angling club low • poist oo..peeltion J. A. Wilma end R. S Heys ted sad had to N istakes Cost rloney! Bromfield Robs. Brook Is is ('hloage, looking after the affair. of hie bretber, U. Brock, lobs we1, killed in the railroaul eon - dent at W anatead Wlugbam Postmaster P.eber received the sad sews Wednesday evening of last week, of to. death of his brother, Unnoan Fisher, at Paisley Brweels: Mrs Joe F. Smite, of Brandon, Mas., Is a welcome visitor to Brussels. She Is the inset of Mr.. J. R. smith and Mn. (Dr.) McKelvey while in town. Ethel . Mrs. Lawrence Dobson, wed seventy-two, died in the villas• of Ethel last week after • brief illness. Pneumonia and heart failure was the cane* of death. Auburn : Conrad Cobalt,, a000mpaeled by his brother Jobs, tolled a tree for John Symingtoe, (%nlborne, from whloh they out 141 oords of 20-Inob wood and • cord of tops IC Hoe. '1'hoe. Urceewar, of Cry- stal Oily, who has been visiting his deter, Mrs (Dr.) Rollins, left for Guelph to teme- nte Autism', and from then will return to the West. Faster . Lather Manning, of Cry.tel t;lty, Man., Is shakos bands with old Mends Is tows. He will remain only • short time told whoa rotunda" will be aooempanid by his brother John. IT was a mistake to buy the following goods in so large a quantity, and now I have to sell them at a sacrifice to clear them out. New Raymond drop head Sewing Machines, were $4000, now only $28.50. Lustrous Perfection self feeding coal Heaters, were $34.00, now only $29 60. 3 Coal oil Heaters, usually sold at $5.50 each, now only $5.00 LIOUOR CASE Al WALKER TON. lateroslag Action Tried Before Jade. Nyle, of e:ederieh. l Bruce Herald. Walkertou. Jaren1 The liquor uta nletred to to last week's Herald was tried before Judge Doyle, of Uoderwh, at the Court House, Walkerton, AM Friday last. Oa account of it. Ioiport- aaoe, • considerable number of leading arts lacus were lu attendance, in addition to those 000uerned to the case. Mr. Dixon prosecuted for the Crown and Mr. Palmer acted for the def.ufan►. The defeodeut, Mr. Powers, proprietor of the Cargill Hotel, was merited with an Infrac- tion at the Temperance Aol of1902, oom- mostly known as the Referendum. The tate was fiat brought before Polies Magistrate Miller, by License Inspector bryan. But It woe found that it was not oovered by the Llueuse Aut, ani bed to be dismissed The proceeding is new, as the Aut is peuultar. Tee seat step had to be taken by the Crown attorney, who •ouord tog to the Aot, applied to tier John Boyd, Chairman of the High Court, who Is rr.- qufred to appoint a j,ntge of an outside county to try the case. Ha made an order appouiting Judge Doyle of (:oderlch. This feature of the Aut is copied from Manitoba, from whlob it would appear that the local judges of that part of the country are not held in snob high esteem as they justly de- serve in Cater.o Mr. Dixon called Sheriff Parke, Reg! titter Dack and James Catabolic, to prove the cervica of papers, and the habitue of an election on D.oember fourth last, under the Tem penance Act of 1902 Mr. E:kiord was they called, and deposed that he laved in tension No. 4, Brant, in eclob the defendant, Towers, a'so lives. On litoember 4, he bought • bottle of a h'.ekey Irom;Mr. Powers, for which he paid one dollar. It was • sealed bottle rimmed to straw, and personally be could not tell by taste, smell, or eight, that it contained whiskey. Mr. Power' hotel was closed that day, and be dealt wile him in the hall. Mr. Powers' went down to Gm cellar for It. He purchased the liquor under the doctor's cyder. Mr. Powers asked how his son was, and knew the liquor was for him, as he bad bought one from hint before for the same purpose. He took the straw wrapper off ea he oroeeed the street. He gave it to the nurse who was attending his son. Mr. Eckford produoed thus empty bottles, iearung'Walker & Son's label, but could nor tell which of them was the bottle he had bought from Mr. Powers. Mr. J. T. Nichols, melee officer, was a.lted to prove that whiskey ie spirituous liquor, but the bottles being empty, be could not tell what they had ountained. 'the bottler and labels were put in as ev,deooe, and objected to by Mr. Palmer. on the ground that they did not prove the contents. The judge held that they should go In with the rest of the evidence. 1b s closed the case for the prosecution. Mr. Filmier 000tended that the case bad not Men prayed. The procedure was ander the Cleotion Act, welch was for the purpose ,of providing good order at elections, audio p 1 the sale of Intox- icatisg liquout for consumption in hotels during polling Mere. This liquor was given for medlolaai purpose. and carried away, and was not sold for oonsumptioe on the premises. There wee aro svidsees, he said, to show the bottle sold to air. Eckford our - rained spirituous liquor`, and the sale was not proved to have takeplace during pol I ng hours,. Mr. Oixon • dad that pollleg day, under the Ant, meast Il day, and was n ot confined to the hours for voting. rhe y,oletlon of and pay - when he There that a by He Menem : 1). Stewart has returned home from Londoo, where be spent a week with hie son Alex In the hospital Al.,. was more seriously injured In the railway wreck at Wanstead that wee at first thought He has not yet been able to leave the t.oepital, but he is now improving and it I. hought that be will soon be able to come home. It will be some months before be will be able to resume has work at Cnicago. Mtge Annie Simian is now spending • few days with her brother at London. Clinton : The sixty fifth milestone in the age of our esteemed oovtolllor, J. C. Stev- eeeeD, was celebrated on Tceeday of last week. It is quite evident that this grt'e man's early training end the infiuenoe of Christian parents have lent a gnat weight in the youthful •,nuance which he now carries Mr. Stevenson has been a resident of Clinton for forty-eight years, and during teat time has been connected with the furniture Mutineer. it was his father's calling and his gr ndfather's, so that he is the third g tion to matinee in title line. The name of Sreven.cn is the oldest in town, baying never changed its name. He has beet Identified with every i ideg that is noble and uphftler In the town e welfare—obotod, educational and re- ligious matter., besides mimosa ether pesitions of trust. Exeter : Mise Horn, who has teen 000- dentinv a millinery store here for • cum- ber of years, has disposed of the business to Mleses Addle and Elle Morlook, who have takes pommies. Bnt•eels • It. Gerry had the mielortnee to slip on the sidewalk sad sprain the knee of the leg broken last 12th of July. Ifs was confined to the hoose for about a week with It, but le able to be about main. Seaforth . Mies Jobnstae, a number of the Collegiate lane ute staff here, has tend- ered her reel/nation, to take effect as soon as her place oan be tilled. Mies Johnston has been offered • good position is the Clin- ton Collegla'e Institute, and as Clinton Is each. 4 dozen squirrel cage Mouse Traps, the best trap on the market, were 25c each, now only 15c each. 3i dozen sur death Mouse Traps, were 5c each, now only 4c, or 3 for 10c. 50 dozen Moulding Hooks, were l5c dozen, now clearing at I Oc doyen. dozen Razor Straps, with razor paste complete, were 40c, now only 30c. 2 dozen The rmometere, were 30c and 35c each, now only 20c each. These are only a few of the many bargains if am offering, and these goods were all purchased in too large a quantity and must he cleared out at. a iacrifoe. Headquarters for Raters, Robson, Table and Pocket Cutlery, W ringers, Harness Oils, Tiernan Dream in', Lent Saw.. Axes, Files. When you deal with me you can de pend upon it T have just what ynu need, or 1 can get it., or it Isn't made ijEO. L. ALLAN Th• lending Hardware Rare HONEST lOODS AT HONEST PRIORS JUST ONF. MORE. Nseehe Conquered by Wedd's kidney rills Israel Weyer, W. gives his Experience. Sr MAaursairs, Vee , Jan. 2t (Special) There seems to be no end to the bet of Ilss•see that spring from disordered kid my. awl that ono consequently be oared by Dodd's Ktdsey Pella Koeumatiem, Bright's Inseam. Heart Dueeasr, Dropsy and similar complaints. have yielded readily to this wonderful remedy ; and now Israel Boyer, jr , of this plans, oomes forward with the statement that Dodd's Kidney Pills have cured bim of a seemIngly incurable Stomach Complaint. He says "For fifteen years I suffered from Malady of the Stomach, end bad loos given up hope of ever having it oared. 'rhea i was induc- ed to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They re- lieved me 'tiniest at once, and by the time I had finished the best box my complaint bad disappeared.. I am well now and can work all the time." Angier's Petroleum Emulsion with Hypo - phosphites is pre- scribed by physi- cians for children's diseases. The' little ones thrive on its It is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It is the best children's medi- cine. They become fond of it- Put your child on asteady treatment of Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion, and note how quickly it gains in health and becomes strong and robust. The Emulsion improves ap- petite, aids digestion, regu• lates the stomach and bowels, quiets the nerves, and revital- ises the whole system. e lle In • sealed package was the Act. Whiskey was asked went received by Mr Power handed tee bottle to Mr. Eckto was no grimed for reasonable doub sale of spirituous liquor bad been defendant, In elol•tlon of the la therefore asked for a conviction. The judge, is semtaicg up, mei the doubt spirituous liquor bad been sold lefendent to Mr. h.oklord on the 000uine In question. It had been said that t be` bottle did not coot do spirituous liquor, but anyone In 000rt must see that the offence is proved beyond reasonable doubt. Oen there be • reasonable doubt In this ow that liquor was sold! Mr. Eckford told de- fendant he wanted • bottle of whiskey. The de!endant went to the cellar, and brought up • bottle encased In straw. W nen 'he sherd! served the defendant, he told him he had given Mr. Eckford • bottle of whiskey rid received • dollar for It. He had previously received a bottle In par suanoe of the doctor's order to ret some good whiskey for his sick son. In pursuance of tbat order, be got a bottle and gaye it to the nurse. Thu was followed by the pur- ohase of another bottle. Defe•dent on the latter 000adoe oelled attention to the fact that We house was closed, an intimation that he was all.. to tet faot that it was 000tr•ry to law to sell. That fact was be- fore his mind when he save this bottle to Mr. E,'kford He bed previously enquir- ed for Mr Eckford's goo, and evidently felt ometrained to give him the liquor for medicinal purposes. "The question for me to consider, said the lodge, o. 'It this an of- fence against the law.' Se, non 170 of the A,•t leaves no room for nameable doubt in that respect. It Is Impossible for defendant to wimps the tact that he hap committed a breach of the law. I must therefore find him guilty. I see no d frinalty on the facts of the Leen.. Hut before fixing the amount of the penalty, I must refer to obsp. 11)8, Monne I think that under the oiroomtao^ee it would be wrong to Inflict the full penelty. The mart has ilmcret ion under chap. 108. I shall sot on the author• Icy given by that statute, and shall reduce the penalty, and fine him simply sufficient to yindicats the law. I therefore make the floe five dollen." The question of costa was then argued and the jndge finally deetdul that the ousts had to be paid by the Crown, which means the tax -pale's of the County and Province I: was a High Court ossa, and the trate will amount to about one hundred sod fifty dollar'. It w, a the first ref, rendum case in this county, and certainly come, high. Judge i)oyle handled the cam with abil- ity, and created a highly favorable Impres .fon by the clear end firm manner in which he dealt w.th lbs law and the rote placed before him by the lawyers and wit 1Y. Routledge has returned from Guelph and has resumed his former position with W. Anhesne & See. TO £DVBHTI8ER8. Notice of onauges mast be left at this (idioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes LUMPS be lett not lr ter guile Mon- day noon. Carnal Advertisements accepted so to nos it Wednesday of each week. DO lumbago I. Rheumatism o(the beak. The cause le Uric Amid in the blood. If the kid - nem did their work there would be n e Uric Acid and no Lunt- ,go. Mate the kidneys do their work. The cure, positive and ery cure for Lumbago Is Dodd's Kidney Pills BARGAINS IN GROCERIES WEATHER FOR FEBRUARY Alneepherte C baste. Predlrled by rrepk- el Nicks. Sr. Lucie, Mo., Jan. 27.—Prof. Hicks promises all sorts of weather for February. He says. The month will open warm and threaten log. i)isturbances will continue until about the 4th, bringing heavy rains, turning later to snow ever murk of the country. February will begin with moderate to warm bright days, but rain, with wind and thunder southward, will follow, and torn quickly to snow, sleet and very oold weather. A sto.m period to watch is from about Sunday, Feb.- 8, to Thursday, Feb 12. The days of greatest violence will be on and touching the 10'h and 11th. Vinleot rains may be expected generally over southern- and central parts of the coil:dry, wit le • bonier counterpart le the form of a furious snowstorm and bllz,srd from the ...et and north need not surprise any reader. 'the mime of these dlaturbanoes will come on next to the 11th. Tho • who do not prepare for hard winter storms sod for • gest cold wave and bl nerd between the 9 h end 16th of F.brusy will, we tear, pay a costly penalty. inn final culmination nt them storms may not oome before the 14th and 15th, which are central rsaotlonsry storm days: but we motion all, sepeoially tboee who hays live stock interests at stake, to be on their guard any time from the 9'h until the evimioatlon cove •. Don't no deceived by delays and pleasant seethe r Heavy storms of rate, wind and 'homier will speedily be inl'owed by eh.ng, to sleet and snow, all winding up with stiff, wintry gales and a cold wave from the Northwest. Much dangnr may be apprehended at this and other periods, frem the gorging of ,creams met rivers by sudden tootle and the jamming of moving and crashing Ice look for several days of crisp, treertng weather after the storm, of this period pale off. The last three days of the men will bring Went of general er'rm ooe Itieee, winding rip on the 28th with sheeniest Mannheim's and homy rales In many set"lens of the ileumm,y, i'pnn the whole we 1 retard an unost.11y storm' and dies remelt' Feboarv. A Ween. iaflever fund. Mr. RenjjJ•min iellen, of (weds, Ont., was oared of Mn•rt.!nr Rheumatism by Polsen'a Nineties, and e.y.: "i Teel my deity is to proclaim Poison's ?Smell es as an infallible Dara for Rhenmetism ; it eared me after 30 years' eeffering. and wahine i know of can egs•1 IM peeetratleg power. Merytl'se simply hat no oriel Is galokly rellevlegand caring Rhenmatesm, etenrelrt•, Si, atio.,snd I,embwe. A trial will coevinee anyone. Pelee 25o. ,gyks to Ode wee e oehled wbrith Realm � kaf. M Eiwlefeosi, ibleh I et "l ese�,si� ji_g��s�Yssel k11me11ew1v bete ., s \ Se esu �^` \ eeb,e. Today eM is se me ski reflate se ens be.— A. Pde.y, Te• Qensee Attglees Penelsem Swat is n .gWA■dfs?'e. termAserrso Sown, (goer�oas. fosTMIIAfSA(4a$*Tg O•LAt ALL THIS MONTH. A tine bi pound. A 50c black Also 60c Japan A good Salmon its 10c, regular pritei 1.21X. Also a Salmon, 3 fot 115c. bottled Catsup. '1 for . Regular ie. ire lbc each. Regular 15c Semon, 2 for 2fit.-. A Fyne Line of Fresh and Choyce Confectionery Goods Floral Department. Tr worth 40c for 30c per for 40c. ea for 45c. Roca, Carnations, Violets, Palm., Ferns, etc . always on hand. Floral designs a specialty. Out-of-town orders receive prompt and taretul attention. CEO. STEWART GROCER AND FLORIST WEST SIDE sQl ARE Jordan Mc K I N S aoderich, Block. Ont. 'sots lea MOVING SALE — On or before the 1st of March we have to move ont of the store we now occupy. Moving Sale will begin SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, and till we get out there will be a hot time in the old store. We will give you a premium to do some of the moving for us. we will not give a list of our Moving Hale bargains ; haven't room, as every dee partmeot in the store is reprreeutei in this ea'e. TABLE LINENS.—A big lot of linen Cloths at big reductions. Large table Covers, bordered, worth $1.50 for 11 00, Table Cloths, all prima from 30c each up Napkins, 50o a dozen. Job samples, seconds, odd- ments and soiled, at big reductions. DRESS GOODS.—Writing down prices it not give you any idr_of their va'uo. Come and see them. Berlin N col, all colors, at 5o ari ounce. Men's heavy wool Sox et lou a pair. Linen Spool., 50 yards each, at rac). New Idea Patterns (600 new ones) at 10c each. Bargains in Millinery. Bargains in Clothing,' Bargains in Dress Goode. Bargains in Cloths. Everything in the store will to a bargain on Saturday, February 7th, and till we move out. We must move. The goods must be sold Our store is rented to another. Now is your chance to save money. Not only winter puede, but $1200.00 wprth of new goods in last week. All mutt go and go et small prime. Do you want to save money I' Now is your time. Moyingout sale, February 7th awl following days. Everyone welcome. Stoves .and Ranges A Wholesale Piga'. • I I ave a few of those trictly up-to- date coal and wood ranges le , which I will sell v: cheap before stoc . t king. Now is our chance to :ave money on a sto Worsell's Cheap Stove House. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. TAILORING... Although the medicine business should, above all, be carried on with the utmost conscientiousness and sense of reeponsibilitjt, the unfortunate fact is that in no other is there so much hum- bug and deception. The anxieties of the sick and their relatives are• traded upon in the most shamefnl manner; impossi- ble cures are promised; many prepara- tions are aoa lately worthless, and some are positively dangerous to health. As a consequence, all proprietary remedies are regarded with suspicion by many people, and the good suffer for the hail, Por these reasons we announce that our proprietors are the principal share- holders in NIROO WALKER & SONS LIMITED which will, we are sure, be an ample guarantee of the truth of every repre- sentation made concerning IRON -OX TABLETS The iteee-oft Remedy CO.. lad. Waabsetttise Ow 1 bays received my New Stook of Battings, Trouserings, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you are getting a new spring suit, a light overcoat, or anything in my line, i can please you in goods, lit and price. ATReady-flade Clothing In Norte Boots and Shoes WEFLND that our stock is too large, and in order to reduce it and make room for spring goods we are going to sell DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE BALANCE ' O F O U R WINTER GOODS AT COST Comprising Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Felt . and Felt-Liped Goods. We have odd pairs of many lines that must be got rid of at ALMOST ' ANY PRICE. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES at lowest prices. No. 1 goods. Not punched Rubbers. Wm. Sharman, Jr. 1 BROP HEY & SON — Tnk r.tat,iso — YuneraN. e'or.t. oral. !Orden carefully amended M ar alk kosre, night or day. _. Quebec Street. Mill Wood FOR SALE DON'T FORGET THAT LJ'STOW The a:4)ve is cut into stove weed len=tis and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. IB THE PLACE TO (JET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. Opens Jan. Stk. LOCO. Two courses, Commew- del and Shorthand. Head for College Journal. 0. A. ILEMINU.A.IL.. MoINTYRE�. llckillep Ness! Fire Warw. G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP. ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Immured up to January, 11101 at,sas,e15,0e OIRCCRS AND DIRLC 011H. J. B. McLean, pres : T. Fraser aloe -Pres. : Jaa. Connolly, Q. Dale. W. O. Broarttoct, J. Watt, Jas. Evens, J. O. Grieve, J. (McDowell'. directors; W. ti, Broadfori, timer t h. inspec- tor of losses ; T. 5. Hays, Seaforth, seeretary- treaeurer. AGENTS, J W. Yeo. Holmeeville; James Cumming Egmondvllle ; R. McMillan, Seaforth ; R Smith. Harlook. Policy -holders can pay •eseeemente and get their Dards reconnect at Mr. Goats'. Clinton. or at McLean Bros.' Palace Clothing dt.re, Code doh 'Phone 98. I - PETER McEWAN. Goelerieh, November 2Ist. 1849. 53-3m ELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALWAYS ON HAND THR ItEttT H. DUNLOPWRIT , aTRt:ET Scranton 111111 , Coal PPPPP 1 1 (!` it On Er) nncro co.,,. The Division he, ween gond and lid,ffcrent Drugs and Med Wines is strongly defined here The Indif- ferent kind are never ordered and sever permitted to form part of on, stack. Only goods of undoented purity are offered to customers. Our stork of Proprietary Medlofnes Is very large l'rires are low. F. JORDAN, MRDiOAL HALi. IN THE MARKET \ Al Coal weighed on the Market finales where yeaiet W011 lbs. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders lett at LEE Si BEZP8ellD'9 Sten promptly attended to. AMERICA'S BEST Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republloan. hews from all of the world—Well written. original stories—Answers to queries—Articles on Health. the Home, New Books, and on Work Aoout the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Aseociated Press, the only Western Newepaper receiv- ing the entire telegraphic news serv- ice of The New York Sun and epochal cable of The New York World—daily reports from over 2.000 specul cor- respondents' throughout the country. YEAH 0 N E DOLLAR wubecrlb. for The Rignal and The weekly later bees. one year, bete paper• fee 41.1.341. THE MARSHALL SANiTARY MATTRESS. PAT SEPT. 1900. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Perfectly Ventilated, Perfectly Ree,lient, Aheolutely NoineliSW, it hem handles to lift or carry it by. ie much cheaper and more durable than the hest hair msttrses. It cannot get lumpy, and will not rteg it is the most healty and most comfortable Mattress' made. ,(;all and examine its merits. Soldlionly by WILMER SMITH. Dealer In High tirade Furniture, Fnrniehtngs end Art defy Wine Upholstering done to order. Kest Street. OODHR10116