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The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 4
4 TBOA5DAT, Pebrasry 5, 1903. he Agntl, tr rusr.auaU EVERY THURSDAY AtulRNINO ■T D. M.Mgai,g4l IpMT WDKRICH. '#HURBDAT, ram. 6, 11W. THAi INDEPENDENT WAVE. A WAV E of independence is eptead- iug over the country, Independence of old parties, inde- pendence in journalism, independence of personal action is the order of the day. is Some months since a prominent Cabinet Minister of independent views put himself on record, lie was con- strained to step down and out, but he still lives and moves and haelhis being, and hi'. utterances day by day are looked upon as of more importance than many Miuieterial pronounce- ments An attempt has been made to weak- en his position by calling upon him to retire from the newspaper which he controls, but the gentleman is not of the compellable kind. He claims that he retired from public life so that he might be better able to give hie powers to journalism, and in journal- ism he will stay. More:recently one of the leading newspaper men of Toronto --wino for many years had occupied what was considered to be the first place in Canadian journalism—decided that party hack work was too heavy a yoke, and he retired from his elevated po- sition. He has summoned around him a band of experienced newspaper men, of all grades and conditions or poiiti• cal shibboleth and has launched a newspaper which aims to be fair and aboveboard in dealing with all public questions, and to be at the beck and call of no party or set of so-called pub- lic men. The venture of Mr. WIU.isolf will be watched with deep interest by the newspaper men of Canada, and the success of the undertaking and we all hope that it will be successful— will make a great change in existing political conditions. There is room in tins country for more independence on the line of po litical thought. That has been dem• onstrated by the upturn that w As given to the political situation by the Patron movement some years ago, and by the independence on the part of erstwhile Conservatives in the cam- paign of 1896. More recently in the Provincial elections of May last, the Ontario Government was brought almost to its knees by the independent. ' action of a number of former support en on the temperance question. The day of hard and fast political ties is past, and new men possessed of new methods are bound to arise in the near future to take the reins of goi, ernment in their hands. The time was when the passing of a Premier meant the substitution of one, of his colleagues. That is not the case today, either in Dominion or Local affairs. The removal of Sir Wi1.FRID L•os1sR would wrench the Liberal Party so seriously that political chaos would prevail. In Ontario, should Hon. G. W. Ross leave the ship there is no man in sight who could tale the rudder. And the idea of political inde pendence is growing. THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH (ONTARIO Goa strongly rouonimeuducg that J•sas Dress be appointed to the Senate was pseud without a dissenting voice. Mr. Ins Oh was fur nearly tots years pro- priotur of the Guelph Mercury; nod fur fourteen y. are of that period lie sat in the House of Continues. There are very few Howe paper wee from Ontario who sit in the Senate and the prevailisg opinion is that if there wiry a few wore ti►eteReey nastier" in that august betty would i.e materially nrprorsil. This would to • good time for the C•bitiet representatives from Ontario W recognise the:tract that "It's the Man behind the Pen that dues the Work." COUNTY COUNCIL. Mla■tes er Ms Assuan' 11141111. .■, Meld Lost Week. Aber the election of the Watdeo and his address to the oouoty council, as reported Im last week's Stuual., a committee composed of Messrs. Speakman, 1'eerie, Ferguson, Lamont and Bann was formed to report ou the standing commit- tees for the year. Applloatlons from the following pursue for tits position of county auditor were read : N. Kobsoa, Clinton ; Geo. Woods, Goderloh ; T. E. Hays, Seaforth ; Wen. Chevy, Wingbam : P. W. Scott. B.lgnve; %V, S. Lawrie**, enema ; F. Morley. Whalen ; J. H. Lowrie, Clinton ; J. C. Morrison. Suter' h. For the position of toasty examiner there wets three &pell*snts : H. W. Anderson, Exeter ; J. H. Cameron, Brussels ; and Wm. Geiger, Zurich. o goof:UA'.. The report of tb. sinking committee was read and passed. The 'tutting oommiltees for c be year are as follows : Bow• Executive and Spemal-- Connolly, mac, Meller. Spackman, Hicks. Finance and Educational—Lockhart, Derain, MoNaughtee, Mclean, Goon. Road and Bridge and County l'roperty— i'•tterwo, Caate!w, Lamont, Young. FuryoseD. Fe 1 oallzetioo— W hole council. Warden's Commhtee—Cant.'rtn, Patter - Oen, Lamont, Miller. Hooke of Refuge—Bowan°, L-okbart, Hicks. Applications for the position of county auditor were reoeived from D. B. Munroe, Auburn, and H. W. Ball, Ooderloh. Axplloetioos for aid to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, and the Prisoners' Aid A•.oclatloo were sent to the sxeomtty' committee. Circulars Isom the soretarles of the t,wd Roads Aese.lstlons for East and West Oat, arlo were referred to the road and bridge commit. e. A request from the secretary of the True- tees' Aeeoclelton that the oouo.il appoint one or more delegates to attend she meet- ing of the Assocla:loa was sent to the education oummittee. A memorial from the county of Vioteria in to the' cod !toads Aot was sent to the epeeist committee. A resolution pseud by the council of the township of Huller, asking the county council to take some action regerdlog tits l'roylneul grant for good roads, was sect Certificates, fine -class 11 to the rad and bridge committee. I sword -clue70 73 The county coursed of Grey asked this third aloes 52 73 council to oe-operas is ewutog an •mead• C6►oges Burn g the year 73 64 went to Lbs Municipal Aot, and toe council of Waterloo county sought &Id In wearing The •veraee length of envious of the rural amendments to the I'; lwlnal Aot. Both Ohre wan five and one half yearn and of regaes4 were referred to the spools' oem• t to. urban teachers eleven years. Five mitts'. tasoben taught over twenty years. Mr. A too urea from the tonsnshlp of McKillop George Baird tat taught continuously in S. that tilts oonnoll memorldies the L-glslature S No. 1. S•ante,, for forty-two years. Mr. to amend the sot relating to Snow fesaes i Baird's bso.fieleot influence In the urn was sett to the special committee. reunite where he has so long labored has h en re fi natal in the moral sod Intellectual exoellsoce of those who have pseud through his °lanu the reals of his work for 1902 show that be le still to the front rank of h•e bridge comm I Dtotes.ion. S I other teachers have he had secs wed tenders for the seem ion of dons noble work in moulding the °harborer■ the Beomtll r bridge, and he submitted of thou among whom they bare taught for pleas ane. specifications to he dealt with many years, by the •unoit He had examined the stone There are ninety-six rural and four urban walls of the Wroester bridge and found Yip of the toasty of Horoo. We are satiated that the talthlulasaa which has eharacterited his work hitherto till still be shown a his more tortured Position. Moved by Mr. Miller, *sounded by Mr. Spackman, that we, the wun, it of the (Dusty of Haroo, tender our 000gratulatione to Judge Holt, who hu for many years been • worthy and eft 'moot member, on his elevation. We appreciate the tact that the honor conferred was • welt deserved one and trust that he may lit, long to posturer the duties devolving upon the thine. The cleric was loetrueted to forward copies of these resolutions to Judges Moyle end Holt. respectively James Scott, of Clinton, was appointed b ustee of the Chilton Collegiate lostltu:o. James Scott, et Seeforth, of the Sealorth Collegiate destitute, and John Acheson, of Go butch, of the Coderlob Collegiate lo•tllute. In the afternoon • deputation waited on the council asalog an increased great from the county for continuation olw work in the public, 'shoots. 'l b. question was referred to the oxo, utive oommlttes. The treasurer's financial statement was presented aad amt to the hsutce oommtttes The stoma -it elatemest of reoelpte and elbenditures for 1902 is a foliose. ax,- atrr' Balance from 1901 $ 1,575.69 County rates 36,163.07 Land ax... 241.40 Registry than 1,795 33 Redemptloe s000ant 87 83 Intens' 208 57 -.eking funds. 28,5 .96 Division Court jury teed 18.60 Admtnletratiou 01 Iosco. 2, 29 Gaol account 1,229 30 schools 5,738 00 schools 71.00 Roads and bridges 1,113.00 Industrial home $69,045 29 atPVIiDITDaaa Land tax . $ 129.25 Registry adios 141 88 Reiemption account 87 83 Interest 75 Dabentaree 23,958.40 D!vislou.Coort jury fund 43 00 Administration of justica 5.929 62 62 Gaol soeoont School management 2,112,821 94 10 25 Schoolsrans. 690 00 Griot.. Municipal government 3•K3.90 'Stationery, etc 638.04 Miscellaneous 171 00 Luc sties, etc 90682 (;tong property 607.03 Roads and bridges 3.577 01 Industrial boots 4.810.81 Bills payable 6,000 00 Conetebles' &avenue. 3.00 $67,664 86 The available &meta of the ooanty ars $29,872.36, and the debenture I:abilites ate £15 000, about $73,000. Inspector Tom submitted s report upon the schools of West Huron, from which the following is extracted : 't1901. 190?. Number of male teachers . 54 53 " female 79 . 80 Average galary paid former. $400 $381 latber 292 290 8 We SNAP SHO1S. --And now that man TARTS emphatically and unequivocally eayn he will not clay dead. A large cumber of accounts were lent to this tisane. committee The report of the county road and bridge comml.s.oner was sent to the road and 1 std ittee Mr. Ansley stated 1 ha► MORE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD DEAL WITH US handle only up-to-date Furniture, New goods coming in every week. Last week we received a shipment of PARLOR SUITES IN SILK, RUG AND VELOURS Exceptionally good values. Come in and see them, DISCOUNT! We give a special cash discount on all sales of $10 and Goods delivered free within a circuit of ten miles. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING promptly attended to. up. BECKETT & STAUNTON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night and day calls promptly attended to. Night bell at the store, West side of the Square. 'Phone 89- $15 820.05 ; amount el Legislative great. rl 855 57.re aSArukTi .vIl.IJ:u I•Ti ieeTITUTi. For the three years the aggregate atten- dance of county pupils was (38,627 ; of all pupils, 74.573 Gose ot maintenance for the tare. yes», $17,400 02 ; Iwving exam- inations, $281.55 , Government grant, $9 - 917 78; net out of =aluteoue*, $14.200.69 The clerk was instructed to order a co of the Ontario statutes of 1903 and • sod. of The Muniolp•l World for each member of tits council. D. F: Munroe, of Auburn, and W. S. Lawrence, of Clinton, were elected county auditor,. The application of J M. Field, R. A , for the position of county examiner was sent to the eduoatlon oomnnl►les. An application from 1). French, keeper of the house of refuge, for an Moreau of salary was referred to the executive con- mltt e. A motion by Mr. Melee, esconded by Mr. Gunn, that the salary of W. Lase. tomoty clerk, be increased to $900 was met to the same committee. A petition was presented, with 141 signatures, asking the ooanoil to grant $500 towards Improving the hill at tiolmesyille bride°. This petiton, which was support - oil by Messes. Forster and Solder, war referred to toe road and bridge committee. Mr. Ban appeared before the council com- plaioaog shout certain procedure In refer once to union school section No 11, Wawa- nosh awa cosh and Hallett. Ne melon was taken. A motion by Messrs. Lockhart and Y, ung, that the ooaadl call • meeting of representatives from the various municipal- ities to confer with this council on the ad- visability of participsiiog In the grant to out l;c highways, was sent to the road and bridge commltee. Letters from J odge Doyle and Judge Holt 'n acknowledgment of the council's 000grat- iltlons were read and dlrwted to be prun- ed in the minute,'. Tae opinion of the county sellottor re- tarding the county's liability in the matter of the claim of St. Marys Institute wee read and filed. Mr Hunter, of the Hunter Bridge Com- pany. Klooardlne, waited on the unmet end explained thecae's of delay in &rooting 'he bridges contracted for lot January He traced that they Md been for some time unable to procure steel from the larger manufacturers. They tied now soured the material and were at work on the ounstroe- (ton o1 the Clinton and W Ingham bridges. The speotal °etrmittee reported In lavor of the action of the comity council of Grey in •skiag the L•gu!atve Assembly to sx• tend the term of members of the commits of local munloipellttes to two years. The committee also favored the memorial from the Waterloo comity council asking for an amendment of the satutes regarding/ the adminlstratlou of orlminal justices. "No antlon" wee: recommended reveling the petition In the matter of the Public Higb- eye Act anti the communication from John C. Morrison, clerk of MoKlllop township. Tris report was adopted. The report of the Onuses oommittee dealt el h • large number of amounts and ex- pressed pleasure with the very efficient manner its which the fro.•nrer's statsme■; was prepared. The edawtlon committee rsooameaded that no aotlnn he taken in regard to the re guest of the Provnoial Ti esteem' Association for the •ppr atment of • delegate. The committee favored an Inorease in the grant thepublic art 1■ to cooNoo.tlon classw sohools. The appointment of Meso' And- erson and Cameron seceamty sc•mloers was recommended. The report was parsed. The ocuoty property committee reported thu they had visited the county buildings and found all in good order. Some small Improvements wore recommended. The report was adopted. The'x•outiye committee recommended • grant of $20 to the Hospital for tlok ('u-ld- ton, Toronto ; one of $10 to the Prisoners' All As,00lat%ti ; one of $20 to each seri- cultural sod horticultural society in the county holding an silo bitten In 1903; $25 to each of the three Farmer's institutes ; $25 to 'soh of the•Teaohers' institutes ; $15 to eaoh of the public libraries in the county : $10 for flowers to be planted around the court house, and 325 to the Cblldren. Aid Association. A payment of $bo to Mr. Leitch for damages to his hone at Manchester bridge was reoemmmded. In regard to the depo'atlon whiob appeared before the coun- cil mourning an Innen* of the grant for ooatinnatton claw work in the seee'sl whoole which have token up this work, the committee recommended that the toasty grant be made double the Government grant. The intonate to be paid the Collegiate In- stitutee for 1903 are : Seaforth. $2,4.51 F)6 ; Clinton, $2,056 70 ; liidwleh, $1,800. Re- garding the claim of St. Marys Collegiate Institute for the tuition of county ot Huron pupils, it wen recommended that the clerk writs the anard of trustees of said Destitute that the council I, of the opiate that elution 34 of the High lohool Aet and see-ewtloni are not apple -Able 6e Mt. Mary• Oollegiatp Institute sod the ooanty el Heron. sections in West Huron. In 1902 • new them to to 13 a safe condition and not re- union soheol section was formed between, .tarring repel'* at present. lie had noticed that at tt a base of the abutments of the Maitland bridge the stones were being broken and pieces were falling out. He recommended that they be loomed with a wall of concrete to keep them Nouse. There would likely be some other bridges to rebuild during the next season, but he hoped It would not be necessary before the June meetlrg. Ths orders Issued by Mr, Ansley since els retort In 1:eoember Iasi amounted to $180 `til, all being for small amounts, Gaoler tarifa reported the following peuon• confined In the county gaol: Thomas Sbesnoo, llobert Osler and Michael O'Mara, for in- so t • Joshua Craven Fracis Myres Robert Wallace, John Parker, william McLeod, John McAuley, James Lynch and Thomas Reid. for vagrancy. The gaoler ntggeetrd that a better and cheaper system of heating the building he adopted. A retort of the insurance on the moiety buildings was sent to the tomato property commlttoe. G. Robb, Inspector of schools for East Huron, submitted • lengthy report. lie stated that there were 139 boards of public wheel trustees in his Inspection, employing 124 teacher., of whom 36 were males and dim females, There had been a marked d an the number of male teachers, owned mainly by a decrease In the number of pupils attending the rural school.. la 1890 6,285 pupils wen enrolled in the rural .obnob of East Huron ; in 1902 there were but 4,191, a decrease of onathiol. Hence most of the rural schools are quite small and easily managed by female teacher.. In the whole inspectorate, In 1902, 6.086 pupils were enrolled ; the average attendanca was 3,531, the percentage of attendance .58. la 1890 8 410 pupils were on the roll. to the townships, in 1902, the ave•age salary paid ter male (sachers wan $372 67 ; end female teachers. $281 In the vill.x.• the gs *slaty for male teachers was $591 1,7, and for female teachers, $303 38 ; In towns, for male a1'0here,$775, and for female teachers, $326.44. Very satisfactory wort was being dens by the ceetlnuation clue soboole. Wrexham and Brussels bad each two teach• e a .l.Ieg high a bcol work exclusively, aad Blyth one, The report of .1. D. O'Connell. acting or/serer, for the year 1902 showed 4,1313 la- slrnn ante registered during the year, end the total fees ther.lor were $4.1151 05. The groan amount of tees earned during the year was $6,035.70 Amount paid for clerks and otter expenses $I 500 63 • amount paid —A political "saw -off" in when the two "machine.'" get together and . sit off opper- ,tion to the memhnre-e'ect. —Parliament has linen, called to nest oar March 12, and Hot,. J. intuit. 'rosy, toy - he will be there or therea;xmt., —Arid now they say that one drink put Nunn CLARK out of Waimea in Centre Bruce, and it wenn't "beef tea" either. —Hots. Lassos aided and abetted by W. W. Bir-RA6AF et al. will make hard sledding for Hon. F .1 Doris in North York, if we are to believe one half of what they may. --It the Ontario Government dement ''get a gait ort" in the registry appointment" the voter. who have grown up einem the omen became vacant will einem,' the old timers who remember when Henri haul e registrar. —Mitchell has organized a checker chili, with prominent citizens, inotnding a B. A. end a doctor, in the list of exe.-utive officers. Mitchell is vetting to he a fast plane. With a racing •e.ociation and a become club, It promisee on to becre the Saratoga of Canada. the t worthies of Mteohen and Mo011llvray south of Grand Bend. Two excellent brick wheelhouses were mooted durlog the year, one at the Nile and the other two miles north on the second conoessioe of West Wawaeoeh. Of 306 oaadt:latee from the West Huron whoole who wrote on the •ntranee examina- tion, 240 were suer awful. For public school laving 113 wrote and 62 poet the examiwtioe. Pupils, parents add beechen regret that the Minister of Education has sew his to drop the pub'', cahoot leaving examination. It wag en ieoeetl•• to diil germs and thorough work in the fit•h clue.. With no examination ahem) the pupils have become Indifferent or have remained at home before omm plsnt g the omelts ech,o,l coarse. It le hoped this examination will he re-establ'ehei neat tear. Tho forty-five students of the Huron mo lei sol ,oils passed the prescribed exam. heathens and were granted third claw sertlfioatee. Every student possessed of the teaching eUAW y and the literary know. ledge oeoee.•r! to do successful work In the school room has been able to pass the model etaminatlon at the end of the four month's *union. This show, that then I. no necessity for leoghtheolog the model school term. The Writ -clam oertl- floats makes It legal for the bolder to take any position In a rural school. Without a single day'. experiment he may legally be appointed to till the position held by the most airiest and expenennsd teacher in the country. Frequently we find a gooses- fal teacher of many years' experience is supplanted by • novice at • eatery of $225 or $250 per annum. The regulations should be •monied so as to prevent a beg1■ser's taking a position which oars be satisfeotorlly tilled only by an experienced teaeher. The *Thule should be graded sed model school o,-tliicatee granted for one or two year. to teach in the schools of the lowest grade. After proving themselves capable teachers, they should receive a throe or five yea* certificate of gaalcfioatlon for any position which may now be held by a third -due tesohar. This would prevent the potting of •alarlea by fin' -year temper.. Atter one or two year'• teaching. • teacher n not not Lksiy t, accept a positron except at a fair remuneration. in • parsoreph recording echo,' libraries. Mr, Ton advocates the formation of raoh libraries in every school in whi ,h one d s• not at primmest slut.. The Prot Mobil LW waters gives a grant for sort purpose Mr. belteh, of Auburn, appeared before bounty, $1,701 46 ; net amount received by the (nonoil In reference to hu clam for the rcgistnr, 32,433 61. donate soataloed last fall on the Man Taneers for the erection of Reomilbrl °heater bridge I' Howsan, V. (4., was ales heard In the matter. 'I he exeentrve mono mlttee was instructed to report on Mr. Leltoh'• claim. ed auditors of criminal justice sonoon'■ Fir I The Warden was antberlx'd to get the the en -rent year. ad one of the county selloitor reseedtnn the tinned by Mr. 5:tsokmoii and Mr. M liar.' claim of the Sr. Mary's high enh,rol for that we regret the admire of Mr Bowman, Dormant for pap Ic from lbe 0000ty of who la enable to he present awing to Illneee, Huron, and aloe regarding the cm tithe Wong and we hope he will won he restored to hie of (nonny auditor. usual good health; and we would recommend Mews CI•g, and Hays wlthernw their that hie name he retained on the pay list •ppiloatanne for the position of county lee this ussion and thee the clerk be •udi'or• lotto noted to 'missed a erpy of this resole- rnrtat•r. Sloe to Mr Blamer. Carried. Returns! mu the Collegiate Institutes of On motion of Mr Connolly, roonnded by the cos iy were preeented add referred to Mr. MoNaaghlw the following resolution the eunn,.ly• °enmities, of eondolenee with the family of the late ,,,tient.-a cot.t.arture truTtvrTr Crowe Attorney Lurie was pared: W•Fer the Throe years 1900, 1901, 1902, theM the*minty moult of Huron now session, aan l ate•ndee of toasty pupils was d. irens ie to mousy to to yea oar mean sinews 30.,168, anA of a" pupils 96,470. Tho sy. Late In year bereavement. Mr. Lewis sxtuo,dh an ter tha these the late Crewe eetorney• has hese • familiar lime for a very long period of years, and $1R,3M .52; Me G.esrnmmt Iran/47081w; lAe.d, outing in contact with him as we es learned to esteem him vary highly Bt at mefeteeseee, $15 069.21. hays Oaring the miens sessions oo, t.i+Tow o» ,,.siauTs Iw•TtTn7 e, Moved by Mr. Mclean, eended yaws For the three ysa1900.1901. 1902, the Mr. Miller, that we, the noon,y conned el MaPlinkPlinkl s.,ned►omc e1 ooanty Plink was 99, 0711, and of all pupils wee 61,004. The meet of malatenaseees rthe three leas' was —Mr. GAwar, Y. P. P., who is credited by The cache with hearing he,ome • convert to the New Ontario policy of the Ontario Government., was upholding W,trtwxv'e policy an the North Perth In..- election campaign. His Conversion between Stratford and Toronto wee almost as amid • n GI PArc's between .lernsalem andflamesoee, but we doubt it it will le as lasting. Mr. Gauzy should go hack to his •c ,rwetAt.wid, esbmit. his pewit'rm to the cenventien that gage leis hie mandate, and Maori or fall by the result —Al the annual meeting of the Scutt, aeotlon with the geed roads projoet. Messrs &Aerobe. of Exeter, aed Came- ros, of Brussels, wore stipulated county ex• miners for 1903. It was decided that the cedar timber i■ in the old Benmlller bridge, when tabs down by the contractors shall be veld by publlo auction The eounoll adionroed on Friday after noon, te meet the first Tuesday Is Jane The goad roads committee met afar the •diournment of the council, appointed Mr Miller °bate au, and decided to meet on February 10th at the Rattenbary Home, Clinton, to arrange for a conference of the county uncoil with representatives of the minor muoiolpalittes The house of refuge oommtttes met at Clinton Friday afternoon and opened tenders for previsions for the eeriest year The toads* el He. Ber►hff, Clinton, for bread at $2,25 per hundred pounds ; that et J. A. Klee, Clinton. for meet a1 6a per potted for frost quarter, and that of J W . levels, Citation, for arooeries, were accepted. lbs committee found eighty-two Inmates to the hones J. He COLBORNE MORE BARGAINS OUR two bargain days were a great success—big selling `J both days, and still we hays some great bargains in the following lines. Ladies' Furs. b Caperines, 4 Ruffs, t in Storm Collar, J black, 2 Grey Lamb Caps, 2 Grey Lamb Ruffs. This lot of Fun will be offered re - gentler' of cost. 4 Ladies' Coats 4 At half price. A few small lots of winter goods in regardless.other lines regardleof cost. White Goods, In Skirts, Gowns, Drawers and Cor- set Waists, all new, just put into stock. Prices right. POPULAR IN QUkBEC. /MeadsMedic's Kidney rills /altos Meads by Hely Werk ty nee Detre& T. Ru9AIRR D' ARTTn•1•s.'•, slue. Feb 2 apse, (Speciell.— "if the Kidneys are the cae, Dodd'* Kidney Pulls will ours It.' Thls le t n- e000lue'on arrived at by numerous people In this neighborhood In talking of disease. Rheumatism. lineksehe, Heart Ulw•ae, eyes Cetarrb, have fetes read.ly cored by tact wonderful remedy. Uae of the eafferwe cared by Dedd's Kidney Pills is flame Joseph M111►te. Ste says : "I suffered moth from melody of the Kidney,. It settled In the tome and gave erre gsat pain and discomfort. I took to. bones of i)odd's Kidney Pillsriaad em per- fectly well. 1 (Ate Dodd s Kidney Fills my certificate from • bis hetet." Many other *antinomy, similar tesy, aad It Is not to be wondered at that l rodd's Kiehl*, Pills are steadily erowlag in popularity. bridge were tient to the road and bridge corn m ttee . Messrs. Somkman and Lane were appoint. • iwlaes eCheese. Oa the 10th ult. flee Breug ed's Ad. vocate, a poultry, pigeon and pet oto, -k paper pablt•hed at Petrolea, Oat., per chased The Canadian "oeltry Dlreotery, • *Impar pool ,-.toe, of Woodstock, Oat The two papers will be amalgamated soder the bead ng of Ti, Weeders' Advocate. and published et Petrol's. This wilt ad:' u nearly 1,000 to The Advoes's eiroulatlw sad will materially benefi thou Interested in the t .racy Sample copies- mailed for tt ask ing. Dress Goods. A few ends of Homespun., black, light and clerk greys and brown, that must go at some price, no mat- ter how email. Wrapperettes. 15 short ends of these goods. All good fast colon and good patterns, which are at real snap prides. Embroideries. Our sale left us little to offer in these lines but brand new goods, direct imports, and prises away down. Pampas Paas Is sats, Fashion nests a stye away. J. H. COLBORNE The Best Possible Cough Cure depertwendl eiamieations. $013.42; set were Herne, twader over coegrstalatiess as .lodge Wellington Reform Aaeoolaunn, a resole- l Ineyle ea hie premwttaa te the *sailer ledge- Symr6s ACM leNnY IS FOUND 1N A BOX OF LAXA - QUININE ASSISTED BY OUR BLACK CHERRY Cough Cure Theo, if any weakness remains, fortify the system with our EMULSION of CODLIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES, 8Me8.e And m build up the system—make "Coo." impossible. II DerOAO •L.00K. . . W. C. GOODE, Chemist, We can interest you in Rubber Goods. New supply just in, In ionic Repairing Outfit No. 1 K pBOWELS tMESYsEIH GLF S E ECTUALLY1 OI SPE Gpl. s 1 M b OVERCC,$4Es c TIPATION HABITUAL GOPERMANENTLY ITY g NEFIG(AL EffEcTS The eem.nitt'e referred one! the gam lion of the salaries of the ooanty clerk and the keeper of the hen.. of refuge. is com- mittee of the whole • motion wag pa.'ed moneaning Clerk Lane's @alert, to $900. A motion that the salaries o1 Mr. and Mn. Freaoh, keeper and matron of the hones of refuge, he inereased $7.5 each, was lost. The ropers es amended was adoptee', ran nay. The road and bridge oemmlttc• rearm_ morseled that no aotlnn be taken with cuter. safe to the p.ttt'nn asking • grant of $.500 to improve the Holmeayllle hill mall the councils of (b lerlch and Colbotn• townships he heard from in reference to the matter ; that the maned., ot the van ,wmuetelpJahn In Invited to reed repreeenatves to cooler with the twenty onunoil as to the •dvlsabll• Ity of satehllehing a system of evenly roads le order to partlntpate In the Provi,c'al e ; that tenders for &boat 100 yards of concrete be asked for, to Improve the abutments is Matand bridge I and that If. (otterridge'e sender for the eonerete week as Reemiller bridge he •erepted, at $4 90 per noble yard, and that of Hooter Bro.., Kincardine, ins the eaperst►eMsre The report was amended by penytats, that the suety engineer stall appoint tome practical man to'apsrtntend the eemetre( tion of the esaerete work om the Rwmtller br idge The Wards., Muses. Mtlisr, t:asaelly and Cantelee and the Mork were appointed a committee te attend to ell matters h ern. Duv THE GENUINE—MAN'F'D ©Y -f',NI4ff SYPVI'C t'; °y* n 1 ' '.p a Glu RANOTAuNK TO THE WINTER RESORTS A complete outfit of Tools for general Boot, Shoe, Rubber, Harness and Tin- ware repairing, consisting of 44 first-class Tools and materials as shown in the cut. It will save its cost many times over in a year. Full directions accompany each outfit so that anyone can soon learn to do all his own repairing. Each set packed in a neat wooden box. For sale by N. D. ROUGVIE, GODERICH. fir CALIFORNIA FLORIDA MEXICO "CAtOUNAS" Including New Orleans ate1 the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. One way and round trip Tourist Tickets are on sale, daily, giving choice of routes anal stop oven privileges at, principal points EXCELLENT BERyICE8. Prompt connections, fast time, luxurious. ly appointed peeler and sleeping oars Meals "a la carte", peeved in the dining and tate can, are not surpassed in thin hest hotels. Ticked, folders, and all information on applicati n te Agents. F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. A. STRAITON, Station Agent J. 1). Y, DONALD, Diitriet Passenger Agent., Toronto. Parnell -Dean's Bread Gives strength to the weak and health to the sick, and helps the healthy and strong to retain their health and strength. All who eat our bread like it. They like it because tt is tarty. They like it because it is never dry and chaffy. There is a uniform goodness, a never varying quality about oar bread that is sot found in any other bread that's made—not even the bread that's made at home by the beat home cooks. This superiority is due to a combination of circumstances governing the making and baking, chief of which are the skilled use of the best material. and our own process of mixing. For Sale by W. P. W ESTO BY HAMILTON ST. - – OODEMOH, DOMESTIC ECONOMY, Household economics has become a scientific study, and one of its most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body should be the greatestpurity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of these wholesome foods care must be exec cised in procuring first-class Groceries. and it is i this branch of the housekeeper's work that we believe we call help you.' Ohr stock is good and fresh and extensive, and wet fill all orders promptly and carefully. Give us a trial. STT.TRIDY az CO_ THE GROCERS, WEST SiDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 91 ALL TOM USBFUL BUNCHES are taught in he Our Mariann ere not guaranteed nide foes hit atter a merle in this collage it will in. No Trouble for Them to Held An ► Peskiest We aid them. If possible. tr' "h tate employment., Met we first Neil. t to maintain theMsion this sehnrtl has iwa arrest. J. W. WUTUT, Prise*.