The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 3London, Jan.. 1003. --Memory I. apt to prove u fickle, treacherous friend in lair busy, rushing age of ours, but it for once it IN to be trawl- ed, I think that my Met letter to you coutuluel little or nothing of a sar- torial nature, Io --"place auk Dames:" One stern fact line been gradually borne In on my mind, slowly, Insid- iously. and that 1s that, whatever fashion papers, tailors. drums sutau;r and artiste, .uy iontruriwlre, the much boomed abort skirt Is not really and truly a Ills us, and my firm belief le. It will mot b,. fur evler so long! It is a fact (lint coquetry, vaulty— tf you like to be cruelly truthful—etre (eminent note's In the feminine char- acter. and it is voficedel by ell sir- tletle souls --of course uot by drool reformers—dist no one looks so graceful, elegant, and 'svelte, to A Short Skirt an one which trails ani languished sad sweater it. the wearer walks, anti inures. The desire to Menge is strung- ty innate In ahuust every um, mud if rumetimos pencil.al common tweet, has to go to the wall to obtain the object, who_ can find the heart to be, severe? No—las muddy weather, iu heavy winter tintterinir--our eicu•.ler rllh�uy etter hold their own, thanks to a feet' extra Inc::, a of Alto -length end—rtraight•fronted Pane curvets" (bleu eatendu. the batter Is an Im- portant factor Indeed e One cause of the long skirt's tenacious hold on life le the nature and style of fashion- able trimmings nal anaugeusentt, which Is complex nasi ornate. There Is a great feeting for heeling even a simple, useful materiel with rich trimmings; the Inventors of the lat- ter must I.:ivc versatile minds, for every day Mingo out numethlug novels original. nod su tempting that neo (rely allured to have a new• (rutk to put It on ! A fashionable. style is The Tunic elan, which must of came. be bordered with pan.ententeI le, or galea. In- Smic 01-M ehailttlly over a Jaded idet:k or white lath, the effect IN tory chic and new, and would wilt one of the pretty eoung Hamilton matrons. I raw a lovely "fourreuu," for example, In ivory Atencon net over pout whin, in a delicate }yagonard tint, which war quite lovely, with a lung trail of the Queen of Flowers pinned at one ride of the deep, wluare neck, anti floating down over the front Of the /tial. Thea a Meek lace over - gown had the short little bodice formed of two huge Jet iutterfllea, at back and front, resting transparently on folds of .aeon mouvieellui de sole. ivory Milli I' (11111)0114.4 the gown underneath. Tic only Nnbetrintlnl t?) tNu•h to theRii over -gimes is the frothy mews of pleated chiffon or net frills which acts out their hem all round. To lease the flowery mends of dreier for a brief Interval, I um going to tell any ulu:•ienl readers of Nome • ('harming Little Nongr in their mother lough., for It is rather a treat to come across such iii thew day., when every other language but l:tlglbli gigs towards the construction of it concert pro- ggrramme, ' Contrasts,"' by Regina's] elullhan (Enot'h A CO.), it charming pair of rot,gleti, as different from each other as light and *Made ; "The Itlrls trio North," be r1'illbey !John lettere!' Col, ' Mi Liuutde in the Wood," and "You and 1." You may have Come across them ; if. on, forglo alai for- get ! Then if ycu have nut read "My (3001) Bi.000 la the NMret or Ifealih, Vigor and Happiness',. Good blood,—rich, red blood—lathe greatest enemy that disease can hive, It 'stimulates every organ to throw off any ailment that may at- tack it. Omer bluer' Is the only poet - tire cure for smelt compinthts ad annemla, eery mantes, neuralgia, skin. eruptions, inilgestiou, rheuma- thtla, etce becnuee these diseases can- sterel of uui, 'hotpot Itounee, tier nut exist where the blood IN good. •legante must have at least two or The secret of wool blood—rich, red, tire., awl each must be embroider- Ilfe-giving I.Ioud-14 Ur. wliliamwl wt las chenille, incrusted with late, link Ptlle. Where these pills ars use I .•r hemmed with our, or w,mlething. It means life, health end vigor. Mr. Robert Lee, a well known resklent of New Wentnliuster, B. ('., nays: Before I begot. using Dr. Weeniest Pink Pill., my blood was in a very, inspire cunditien, and as a result, deo silk. Evru th.'u the seams olN•u itchy pimples broke out all over my at the hem to eh i -s a pleating polo body. My nppetlte was fickle and I log its head) mit in • a frau-fron was easily Orel. I tried several faelx►u. We still favor the (Meer- me Wine*. but they did uot help me. shaped skirt, it wart of graceful Then my wife urges' me to try Dr. balrioll design. Plainly filled roped William** Pink Pills. I gut half it the hips and thence spreading wit doses boxes, and by the time I bad gracefully to rest las a billow v tined them, I was fully restoretl to mass on the ground. I see many health, and my skin was smooth and 'gowns trimmed with dune chenille clear. The pills are the best ene(1l- aettel fringe, wh'rh Woks tette me- clue I know of for purifying the ly chic, but strikes uaP as more blood." :tail by all medicine dealers suitable for a n r•eptiou costume or pent post pa1.1 at yoke per box or than a street thee.. I met a trey eit boxes for .2.7.0, by writing direct smart and original skating frock to the Dr. M'illbunie Medicine Co., at Prince's, built In mit. dark Brockville. lint. Do nut take it mob brown maths cloth. the short bell ;ellute, er - something geld to Ie skirt, edged with brown her, two "putt as good." The "just as goof" band', at Intervais. 'flu • daitity las- mMlclncs never eared anyone. tie Russian hlvusu war of brown I plush. and it was turned back with I — -- whit, revere .Q eerie,: saga . 010111. Lady Pegg, vim's to Town'and "Tile with strapplhg in white. l.si on twit of t'luffons," my advice Is—do! In battlement.`, Sar Il.•e•, nide cuffs i The Oyster !Mare carry's( out the rime Idea. Tae user here still goes on. leau't think coloring was excr.dhngly ""cues+- "hat hue got into all the bivalves, ful, erpeelally a« the cr.m ring far it is not in time part of the United ``.dal sew■ a pretty (dap„ of ('ec's_ 6ingdom alone that they are pro- be, with brown furry tails (dl- . ilonucnil unsafe. Soon it will not be lug over one .hle. The muff was the courage of 'the man who me 1n keeping,• stet had n sprig. tet the first u,Nter" that is extolled, bat mistletoe pinned to it. This cherry . that of Ibe man who to -tiny Hares color I. exceedingly modish inso to thele an f:nglieh native, the tinned now. anti we feel grateful for its .peeles he.ing long since beyond the Cheery note in the mid: -t of the pale. elinno very' sad cases have come tRlcx.my weather endo leaden skin.., ander my emmrvilnte note., of typhoid which have been tatr fate rime • traced to eating oysters, tett as all Christmas. 'I fear fleeter beds are now under sanitary The chandler. Footballers supertlplon It is to be hoped that our hate hardly appreciated their eli- pet "hors ul'wmxre" will shortly ro- matie welcome, though otherwise deem Its character - their reception las escorting circles 1 A well-known hortpee to feria—ehc tins been of the heartiest anti most' le not French, however—who Is re - genial description. We all hope they ',owned for her charming dinner - will return, having hada reel fp"' mortice, line Just hit on an ingenious time, ar•d btdeu with laurels t„ method fur Insuring punctuality, on nix with their utnple leaves. But, the part of Ler turn guests—the 'm- os return to our emulous. At «uuu• married ones, M• for the others nrP re - of the recent evening entertain_ minded of the. hour! In these dots menta shone have been a of afternoon hriago, skittlug, etc., the tremendous feature anti Ince receiv- young •Yarielete is apt to oh nwnrted attention. /Somehow, in Lose fount °ether, spite of the long Miele with their which Is nn annoyance to a hostess teeny " frllllee," shoes sent to he who likes her dinners cooked "it much "en evlshwee,' femme/illy nt point' and not kept bark for any tlanoeet where the "pas de maitre" man. Well, niter due warning, ma• anti "Washington Poet" bring out dame ntartel a money -lox "pour len "the little -mit '.'' Whitt will it be linuvre.,' add he who arrived not when Oa cake welt is nn establiebeel on, time was requested to drop 'lance at the Bean M4nie'11 enter- a gulden Louie In the slot ! talnp,ents? aril we are told that You would expect that ma- l: N Inomin- Oil II! • metal horifon. dame's charities would substantially, Tlwri' are Joan! sweet little ■Iluee benefit ay her clever wilco,•. Not mantle of Ime" cater "'bite wain, or a bit' of It ! She now flnmia her mutt- erer a color to nrltsh the doom, ly geode ready anti waiting oil the vwtth Just a paste twemle'' to finish stroke of time. &i mach for the the too; others are heleeked with vaunted 1'nrls,•ln politesse, pie con - Artificial flowers, Io nt'eorl with sideration that woe not thought due the costume, Inst though pretty it to their Nostra« sear best°w td on !e w tlrewOnnr. ineonfa.klot., their lntreesl It In not in 'France as they eat,'h on everything. The only that people are found wanti,ig prettiest yet are three Ito gull or in pwdtentes. as tale little story Riker Hectic, on the slender May will prove 7 A certain editor, I•�sglish Fair or Iirreek cheer. thin time, receive) n contribution for Late Ovcrdreesem. Its Inspection from it lady wit., Thera le a great furore nt present wrote that If it were not demise] for the Isere or net "fonrreau" on euhnblu for hid perlal'oill site would Orel -Orem, a limos.. ethereal affair, In gin.l to forward article"' of a very tuneful to slip on over at Sonne- ''Ifferent nntire, ns the had ".mv.'t•nl whet fatigtuvl evening m+tnme, tie lion' in the lira" ' M'ulame," he re It gives It an eentirely new note not piled, "hating perused your contri • is very Ireeenxlng to a slender figure leitIon I ndvtee you to nit it with e+tpnutally. The lock is much binged no that it Is narrow between the Stxonlder., and nmr't wider down be- low where It floats Independently sn.l gRracsufally over the niwlnrdn•ss, the eleeolletsge 1+ edged ,with small flowers. or eeeptwest of velvet or with to Nome soft slwiries. or elite a wale rmor elver ribbon Is brought om tinder the arms and tied In a huge butterfly bow In front. In block If. by chance, she chooses uu umi- flounced skirt, then its 'reams mutt be he.leukrd with lovely open ,titchery, hairpin work, or (molt - roue, .ken u;, wort, -tiller embns- I •oar other I.ons,' •Poor laul:'e It with wishing you, though late, a In Pert.. n« you know. they are happy New Year! .very greet el. christening write's, - Chnnteielre nod on these festal °erasions tI1e \rw ('oiaures. Ir_t°ict arra IA to offer tench worst a To milt the new lints the hair will souvenir In time Shape of it lovely helve to be dresser(' fuller in front box of Iron -hone, with Mho or Master this Is a point which milliners t Babv's photograph on top. Surromel• Impress on f the lr euisto Is merleall, what - sky The e.1 In spangles, thitel n loxfil tied with " R o blue for a boy, or roam pink for ever be the width of the crown, and Mrs. Emmons, saved from an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I am so pleased with the results I obtained from Lydia E. Plnkbam'e Vegetable ('onpound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for over five years with ovarian troubles, causing an un- pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks—and saved inc from an Operation—all my troubles had dis- appeared, and I found Agyiself once more healthy and well. rl els fail to describe the real, true grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering( sister. Don't daily with medicines you know noth- ing about, but take Lydia E. Pink - ham's N'egctable Compound, and take my word for it, you will lie a different (woman in a short time."— Msn. I.AeaA l':eros«, rr'alkerville, Ont. —$5000 forfeit If oelglwsl of above lotto prover fomulnnMa runnel in prodaeml. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Plnkhant if there is anything about your case which you do not understand. She will treat }ou with kindness and her ad- vice is free. No woman ever re- gretted writing her and site has helped thounautde. Address 15 Lynn, Maas. a girl. Rather it sweet little no- t ion t lug. A particularly pretty hat rolled to front has the brim folded back behind each ear. Some of the smart- est and largest toque's have the Mime higher las front. These slightly re- semble an milkweed tllengarry cap or pore mi,ady+the Ru's'sian national headdress. The crown (ills up almost the entire space within the brim, bat Is not joined to it. No change fa the shaping of crowns Deems Imnlim- nut. The crowns of the hate are low, bet the beret shape tends to di+ap- ppear.—The January blilliuery Trade Review. -- . 'Sleeve l F thione. a Few of even the mOSt fnr111unnble •full-dress evening toilettes arc quite slecveltrsr this seas mu. Often, however, the sleeves are mere zephyr -like paffs, of gauge ur chiffon, and the airy bit is usually banded with Jewelled gimp, or laced across a Nli.hing or lace In- terstice, with a tiny gold cord, or very narrow vehet ribbon. On it gown made for a Waahlogton de- butante, a novel effect was prodseeel by n Greek scarf drapery, brought from under an antique jewelled einem on the top of the left shoulder. Tale wail carried across the figure to the right side of the witlst, end drawn under a ehnped girdle formed of scin- tillating Jewelled gene. The drapery wall made of pale pink lima., Ioruere,l with a Grecian design In silver. The lustrous silk of the dress itself was of a deeper sen -shell tint. The demi- trained-'skirt waw trimmed up more than half its length, with rows of pink silk ruching, graduated In width. —Evening Post. Talking of Gifts. nt 'a re nt srnart wedding the bridorlrtmk ' long conies, with ma- trix opal., set at Intervals In them. tho ideely translucent blue and pluk stones, of irregular shape set In rime, of gold, and a huge one helm - nit n pendant from n gold true - lover's knot. They were the pret- tlefrt chains of, the lint I have yet seen, .bring more elegant nal light than those set with the fawhtunihlclI Matrix turquoise. The latter, by the way. is growing rare, conse- quently costly, If of a really goo'l color, fur there is it great dlffereue,'. One came to use nt Christmas from Indies, which W exactly the shape, sift- an'l 'shade, of, a hedge spur- i row's rag. There Is at supef•tl• I ten in India that the blue atone cltnngsrs color. grows paler, if toe ! weather be In any danger. so I an• eiowly examine my "luck tnr- gnolse The hurlmrltre. Talking of India (though one hard• ly revile i.e reminded of an, theig tonne•ted with D. seeing It fairly 11114 the.nimoaphcre just now will Boon turn thele faces homnewards, and we "shall be (lolled with histories and grographkw nod Nnute:irr rind clnematogrnplis of the worsierful ceremonies' nett fairy-tale pageants. Nothing like it line ever been dammed ofeor imagined before, that goeswithout saying, and one of the grmtewt attractions must hate been the gathering of our lov- lie•st elan together. for all the most beautiful women, as well as the cle- tereet ansi wittiest, are there, anti rind in raiment well worthy of the wearers anti the unique occasion. Wn may hare a chance of seeing some of the confections at the early draw- ing -rooms, or during tho London F.ecson. if they are not too crushed in the packing! I hear that the I)uhessee of Murlfborough and Port - hand took considerably over a hun- dred trunks between them, which fact has brought forth the following top!c- al doggrel, perhaps? "Processions of elephants. such are the fneleon, Ansi to Ase In thin s'ogtme ie my laity's pet passion. fin altho' n complete invitation she 'funks,' She indulges. at let, sl. In procrn sinus of tnuaks." i expect nt the next Picture Alleles we shall see a good many Dueller reminiscences, no many artists hat- ing gone out "for n inarpos." Ito the way. I lime that time King wan Anything but 1'leneed by tho portrait done of him by Luke Flldrn, and that this ucly have part- ly accounted for the fact that no New Ymr's honors came hie way ! When Inspecting the said portrait an artist who- wax there heard tar King remark, "Why. Mr. teethe/ seems to think 1 em a fat ruin!" 1 hmnvo not seen the picture, so cannot my if It le uncomplimentary. Luke Fl,ien would have done better,.perhnps, to take Sir William Richunnnl'n cue, and "give us the truth, lovingly told," it dote not do to Ito too literal, per - linen, if a portrait can be pleas - Ing without losing its clutraetrr: The folk on the Riviera are grow - Ing wildly excited nt the, prospect of the King's oft -postponed find,' ythough they are rentaewhat rueful at Mooring that he Is to eve oh his yacht, and they must therefore fore- 1 go offering him sumpinons sultan of rooms, end flowers, end frnuite, an of yore. No one seems quite eta leIn whither the white wings will fly or settle, hitt in truth the King is n favorite everywhere In spite of jabbering riff -ruff find gutter prase, of which too timely not was taken during the war. We find him well en,' admiringly spoken of wherever we go In (•'mace. I. e., among the estimated nail "pretty believed' rammuniil's! They say he Is "ban fnrcon" ; so gen. Int and populnn, and ills French Is ee pretty without a trace of accent. Rat --time is nit No I must say aline, and its tide Is the first letter i have went you In 1(5)8 will you let'nu' end' TROUBLESOFtom. .. A2e.eswediezepontearworareearg zicul11NBEROSCATTLE. AN Ex_Rb1jEVE drr�',�, Were Easily I isposed of by - t)odd's Kidney Pills Greenish booking Stockings. if you want to prevent your black stockings- from assuming that greenlet' look that they very often lune after several washings, do them In thl • way : Add a tete' ta- blespoonful or borax to it gallon of water In which you have di.- solved a liberal amount of good seep and have the water as hot in. your hand can bear It. Wash through one Nude after another of this same preparation. Rouse In two lots of warm water also, add- ing to the last a teaipoonfal of vinegar. Dry and press on the wrong ride .with a cool Iron. Too W. G. Cragg, or Dre.d,u, had ludas• amatory ltbt'umstl-ay amid' was Cured Slick acrid Clean. Premien, Ont., Jan. iJ.—INpecial,i- "Doll's Kidney 1'ille cured tun slick end clone of the rheuma11enew snye rt', lie l'ragg, ex -Reeve of this town. "It wear Ute luil:tuunutory ltheluup- 1 isut I lull, Anti I think hold'' Klliney Yllls aro its film It remedy for.thut lot I went. I am its round ns It bill now as far as Rheumatism is romi- cerned." Tills U Me. Cragg's experience, and it is the tame ns many others. People gcgetally here are learning that Rheumatism Is simply a tonne. of Kidney Moose—that if the kidneys du not do their duty and take the uric acid from the blood. It cryelui- Ilser at the uniecles mud jetted anti 'aunt's those tortures too many paw - pie know too well. "I had been troubiel with hill:,u,- matory Itheonettism for eight years." continues the ex -peeve. "I could scare, ly get around to do my duties In my ■'.ore. I olid doc•torii an -I me, t elm a witlouty, lung any Lent f.t. ti I i heard of Dodd's Kidney fills. Ole boxes cured me completely.', Cure the kidneys with leodd'r Kid- ney fillit awl your Itleumatisnl will cure lied(. . - proportion to the estimation of the man. stens a woman hats blighted her own life nmel that of the man elle loved by ludulering lit a passion for coquetry. daring charms of which silo ie fully conscious, she proudly measures her power and says to her- self; "I am equal to great con- quryt, anti shall I thus early be con- ,quercxl? When i have and at sur- feit of throe dellghtu then--" But the time referred to In time >ti elt111111e Mw e ` l lege Den i - lWtalvkn Wire Fie r a s sea Iisaesi sleeken in warm wm.e her scud tighten la add — errant the Page Fence. ID ire ier'ear0a pl►ys It beak, Page swim tell takes np the shirk in sum - few and Nil Mont in winter. Ne lone n.ggine In 'rummer, De straining or lin-Akins In win ISi'. (Tessa crimped vats la net spring Wwwww4 and If It slackens it 'tarn siaekened; If ft tighter it loca sseas sla wm.o than ever.- Pore wire le tseleared (iMFnld ," lei own Nase Loudest es' sag stemi t*'. sense les of Page wire feaeeta en" new. lb• ha Vire Fe.. Oe.. limited, Walkerrtlla Oat. i salmi, P.Q. sat St. /eke. i P t therefore the imndeun which mnelr• else' the evening In 'other far beck null shoual be et least partly mn- renletl by being embed led In the heir. The Marquise and the itrrom, whie.h are not so welt. In the brims ns the enpellnes and p n grant, are oleo my ie so as to mtnn'1 off the fere. They also have bandenux. The wave In the Marquise brim I. obis sntrgeste'1 • it is hardly a tricorn*, prcp•rly speak- A i brfolk Suit—Man by, Parke. warm color. nn iron will de«troy the long futurity` of the little word - - "then." seldom comes to the co- - i melte. It will always be "then." The accepted time Is never near +14+++++tt+++++++++++++444, when we here Once let the oppor- +y+ V A GIRL'S �(gaMte says; "Who 'In he ?" At Weltynity pass. .it eighteen the co - twenty -eight, "Where le Ie.?" FIRST OFFER 1 1+++++++4-1-+4++++++++++t++4 When it girl gets her first "offer" she is liable to -fall Into two ex- • The worst and the most frequent of three Is that of fancying herself In love, when, In reality, she d oenn't care a. fig for her lover- The other conshsts of a 1•rajuettisll pride, which leads, her: agalnet the dictates of her Judgment and the inellnatlons of her heart, to reject a suitor, however worthy. Vnsleninbly she Is complimented. nn.l she must he untrue to her wo- manhood doom she not In tepee men. - urn feel tm, even though her miter he hrnenth her regard; Incl the emnpli- tn(nt will his value' very much In i}' BABY ('GELD TALK. "I am mare if hnby could one, talk;' s y -s Mrs. IL Itaffnry, Leona - Lie, Ont., "elle would prnl+e Baby's own 'Tablets, too. They hats given Fatter re olio thus not other nwe.li- cine I have ever ,used for my little oar." Tills Is the, verdict o1 all mo- ther* who have need Bahy's Own Tablets, anti It I. the very best proof that no other mettleine- can equal them for the upaehv relief nevi (etre of the common ailments of IR - tin. one+. These 'Tablets erre 'elle, mnstipatIon, emir stonrt'h, 'liner - wen nail stopple fever.: they brook up mid., prewnat crate afel allot, the irritation aeevvsnhsnnying the eel - timer of teeth. en.i are isoallivelr guaranteed to contain no opiate. All children take them readily. nna for very young infants they eon In reent eel t, a peerder. You In.n get Baby's Own Tablets from any drng- gtat at 25c a !vex. or til -et wilt be melted, pnvt*.te poll, by writhe' ll rest to the hr William+ M rllrin• Co, Bro k(Ire (1 t , or w !, p et ' , N. 1'. Penal foe "Ai' I.rok on the ears of infante net seine Es rry tgloflber shout.] mod. It. A Strang. Photo. One of the strangest photon we have peen for some time wits shown ne the other dray by P1 intiey-H'trils ('ompnny. Limited. it wan a copy of the certl'lente of the Russian Govern meat is«sol to M-us«ey-IPtrrls Cont- ently Limittei, in connection with a field trial held there Inst June. The Rumian cltnrneters make it app,var very groteeque. Tile certificate «tntem that binv- (py•HnrrL- ('ompnny. Limited. Were awnrded the •highest honors for Bin•l- er• Slower nail Reaper, In Is compet'- tloe open to the world. thin in it Inure' of which till l'nnndlatn« me well be proud. ifere's wishing moi,• ..ileCCee to Mmomsry-H•irris machine+: Departue mit mil .tgrkcul,nru, Ottawa. .t; 'crier of valuat.la experiments Inas jdst leen completed ,at Murr's Agricultural Experimental Station. Cosuecticut, with a tuberculous herd of cows. The rerult.t of there efforts to erwti.•l.te the disease with a mini- mum of financial loss are of euhaucetl Importance las vlew, of the fact that, while heated discusiIons are going on ell relation thin r I/ r concerning arose I u 11 • health, , , public 1 r to the 1 , ••cutest (f tulxsr1 cuntruvereiullrts hate too often lost right of the practical utility of ex- periments. Here, therefore, we have something tangible upon which to act, las 181)6. the Connecticut Agricul- tural College owned a herd of about fifty head of Vows amid young cattle. Prior to this ditto the herd conslstel mit grade animal+, mostly of Jersey unit Guernsey blood. but la that yea 1 , registered Jerseys. Iiuernreyr, au;l Ayrihires were perch:tree Since thud time the ttcqulealtioar to the herd hail been from the natural Increase of these animals, and the occasional purchase of grade cows. Up to Octo- ber, ladle the entire herd was un- tainted, but .in November, ldJN, it cow which haul drupe •d n strong, vlgurour calf las the previous August, and from Ness' Year's tiny to the first of No- vember in the Letter year had 'kited 202 pounds of butter, fell suddenly III and as there were no hopes of re- covery, eke was slaughtered on Nov. covery, Aft wits elnughtere,i in No- vember, 18 48, n post-mortem exam- inallnn meowing a generalised and advanee.l (Use of tuberculoses. The herd WAN then tested with tuberculin, when twelve anim'll+ responded, mark- ing a total of fifteen out of a herd of forty-eight dnitnnit that hod con- tracted the diseoue hl one year, dee mo',rtratimig how remarkably lace- , itIs. / Cita n c l u s io n. I tea c h ed . The following are mouse of the main practical cenclanioruim arrived at from thew, experluaents. The elimination of tuberculose from a herd is a gradual pr.x•ess. One tuberculin test i.. not "sufficient, us new cares will develop from time to time. All the br•eie represente-i In the herd were about equally susceptible. Twenty per cent. of the Jersey'', ;SII per cent. of the Guerneeys, et per cent. of the Ayrrhirce, anti 20 per cent of the Iloesteins rerpoiele(1 to the tubercuilu tet. • The largest producers la—the herd were not more temeeptlbfe to tub- erculoeis than those of the least productive. capacity. The disease was not inherited. None of the offspring of the tub- ercutuue animals, Ncreiiteen In num- ben hare developed the lienee. Repeated injection. of tnls•rcnlin ofteu result In it failure to respond - Sixteen animals that hurl responded once to tuberculin fulle'i to regpond to in beegnent injections to ten out of lweaty Madonnas, or fit) per Cent The post mortem examivatlou of certalu animals, which previous to slaughter were apparently in good physical condition, showed the dis- ease extensive, virulent, and evi- dently in the Infectious state, The poet mortem examination of certain animals, slaughtered 111 Vows cases sixteen months after first response, slowed mere traces then made had of the dlwere, which little or no progress, and the en- cysted condition of the nodules might indicate possible meoo-very. The oleos process of the disease In certain animals, and the rapid pro - grew in others, took place at the same time ander the same sanitary conditions Individuals, therefore, possess different powers of resist- ance to the progress of this dis- eases when once it has gained) foot- hold. Measures Advised. tr'hlled there 'one be animals shoe - 1ng pbysical symptoms of disenee, there Allay he other animals in tilt, herd las a condition to spread the dlseare. The farmer who wisher to completely eliminate the disease from his herd must old the Government officials with some Individual effort and sacrifice. Better ventilation, ex - twelve, sunlight, nutritious food, MA preventive measures; the tuberculin test as a diagnostic agent ; and either Immediate slaughter or isola- tion of all reacting animals as a method of dismosal—all theme are agencies of which any farmer may make use. What Is known as the "bang" or isolation method Is economical when it largo herd hi affected, or when a small herd of amluable animals is dis- eased. The offspring are removed when dropped, and retool on tie pasteurfsc•1 milk. The disposal of the tllsettued animals may then be post- poned until their increase shall make good the lora of numbers, which would be occasioned) by the final dis- posal of the dltcammd member's. That snitch has been accomplished within the past few years in the anti -tuberculosis crusa&te haatletIcs chow that human tuberculosis Is on oho decrease, notwithstanding the larger cousutaption of both milk anti melt. Statements, often made, that bovine tub•rculosir Is on the increase, (vtpeclabl,t In dairy cattle, have not been proved. The Inerearing knowl- edge of the dlseaseeof the efficiency of ;Rood ventilation, exercise, sunlight, and nutritious food In fortifying the system of the animal ; of the Intro- duction of tuberculin as a dlagnoetie agent ; of the use, of disinfecting agencies and the method of Isolation, should instil in the mind.' of the owners of our herds of cattle a greater confidence le their ability to combat the disease.' These agencies are within the reach of all. W. H. Cotter r •e�evcscvcs cvescvss/llsevtes� QUESTIONS OF ETIQUETTE. tre...11v.gvve.yV4"....y0•11Vtg•V' Will you kihdls nlfural, nue who or tea spoons In serving sherbet or ,haild be served fleet when the only Roman punch '7 Should sweetbread+ guest It a gentleman, the fetidly be served from a roast plate and being small. no father, but it mid- eaten with a roast fork at a course die aged mother and daughter tine Mechem' What r the propel - brothers' consisting of there p efor aten plates? d cat ., F." A. refer me to any book which will give .Your mother should be the first a variety of meow for luncheons one served, then yourself and th'n and demos. with some details for the guest. With nn•old lady nl preparing the meal? , the table it IN niwnyu correct that - ' Baader. *hb'hhould be served first, nspecielly nt so email a dinner am pay men- tion. --- A Maniac's Poem. Probably the mass of prison poetry which hue been online -on stools and bedposts and ew'rntched on prison walls far exceeds that which has found expression on paper, and many a "mute, inglorious; Milton" has te- guit null finished Ills poetical career with these "lost to sight" pralue- tlone. There in In existence as short poem, sell to have been 'wretched by a maniec on thus wall of his cell, which rum's thus : - Could I with Ink the ocean fill, Were nit the world of parchment made, • Were every reed on earth a quill And emery loon it te•rlbe by trade. Ti. write the lova of tial alone tr'.stld drain that orenn dry ; Nor could the «.roll contain the whole, Though Nirotched from sky to sky. 7be aathl`ntleity of this being the weak of n manlike Inas often been questlonese leenn-u of tar Meanly of Its expres.lon nal it t rented ren sun. but the story ',tend', 111 the liner Rosa& The qucwtion luau. arisen between tett young Indies as to which Is proper : Malnn+ that It is not proper to give a preterit to a young man un. tier any circumstance/1. warm, en- gaged to be merriest! to (lint. B. claim+ that it depends alto- gether on file clrcunotanees. For instance. If the young man lune made Unless the dining room le well lighted by outaide windows, It Is bet- ter to nee candelabra or artificial light of some wort. Yes, fish forks are used now. and are always placed at the left 'side of the plate. l•a.•ry- thing depends upon the size of the cup in which the sherbet in served Anything an small or 'mailer then an after dinner coffee cup requir.w a coffee. spoon. If the eweetbrea.ie are broiled they should be served on a large plate or platter and otter with all ordinary sized dinner fork, The ordinary sized dinner plate or the young fads• n present and sttovvri env beautiful plate you may have her other kindness, 'R. think"; that is correct. The color of that plate it is only a mark of appreciation determines the keynote color for awl not. as M. claims., a mark of I the Iuuclx-un. ill-brteling, to give the young man Ne llltle token by way of rem- --- brnnceom. m'eIL IL I Will you kindly tell me who pays There le no possible impropriety for the Invitations at a church wed - hl n yiusug lady rending a young I dui Also. which of the church ex - gt nlLwool who has leen polite ti t peruses doee tale beide Mend, each as her ,onus ren, nlbrnnce. bit it must ,iecoreting with flowers or paying be a trifling one. smelt an a book, an the orgnnlst? E. IL F. Inexprnshc px•nc'1, osr some trinket of I The brill.' Is expected to pay for that sort. the ltork Irving the brat the invitations and oleo for the deo- present of nil. Kindly state how long before o n receptlou invitation ehonld be issued. elitist. invitation. for a reception Nhonld Is, rent out at tenet two weeks in advance, especially at this 'moon of the year. when there is so :merit Will you kindly Inform me If a going on in the,wny of social festive• Indy should precede a gentleman in ties. going up or down Males': A. fl (•. Kln.ily answer the, following silica- Slue should precede the gentlem in tions: Js it proper. to use candelabra going down stairs and also In going at luncheon or noon dinner? Shouts up stairs, unfree at some public en - the fish fork be place) at the right of tertainnrent. where the stales ars the pinta, In setting the table 'tna very crow,k+l. when the gentletneu held in tilt. right Iuiirl when eating" goer; first In order to ranks; way in It 'better to use afterhiinnerlspxon' for her. orations at the church, as well as the home.. All other expenses In regard to the church and paying the minister, the organist. etc., are sup - rimiest to be attended to by the bride. groom. DIZZY SPELLS ANDA ACHING HEAD Tell of Shrivelled Arteries and Exhausted Nerves They Warn You of Approaching 'aralyels or Collapse -Dr- Chase's Nerve Food the Most Potent Nerve Restorer. The ',offerer fr nanous head- , achy and dizzy awl never knows what minute he 'tiny f„11 helplessly 1 a victim of vertigo or paralysis, for theca Symlitomn tell of depleted nerve Celle end a wasting of vigor and totality. Other to licntlong of nervous re- linu«lion are trouble"; of sight, robes In the care, etpnrk« Iwsfore the 1`y es, stomach troubles, nleeples«nese, cold lined, and fret, reet.lu«enrss, Wrlte- blltty, weakened memory, leek of energy and enlhuolnnm, muscular wenkneoe feinting «poil«, bodily pains and sleben, find tired, Inngpell and de«pondent feelings. 1(srvewn. (Downpipe are most dread- ful to contemplate became Of the fregneney with which they end in ppaaraly'sl!, locomotor ataxics, epilepsy, ineanity. All enveanent of the body or its members; in controlled by the nerves, and hence it follows that paralysis of ,tome form Ie the nat- ural ron«egmenee of ethnwsted ami depleted nerves, Dr. Chase's Nerve fie'.) nitres (li+ty vprll., :iend-utt"« atilt alt syinptottts of nervous exhnn.lten by nctu.11y 1 ioernasing the gaantIty and gtlnllty of the Meal and creating new nerve force ;Ism. Mann, No. 8 Leonard avenge Toronto, wore: "For a number of sa yearn I have been troubled with w-enknnns and fainting 'peen, nerv- ous, sick headaches, and. In fact, my nervous system seemed to be M am exhausted condition. Languid, de- pressing feelings would Come over me at times, anti I would become dis- couraged rind deimendent. '!ince a yoursn of treatment with Dr. Chanel. Nerve Food Ido not hesitate to pro- nounce It a q,lented medicine for seetknesn of n11 kinds. it has been of great benefit to me, for my nerves are much steadier, and dlnlnees and falntfig spalls no longer trouble me, and any system has been generally built imp." By noting s -nor weight while using Dr, C'hase'd Nerve Fendt you ran prove that healthy, solid flesh and firm mueelex are being added to the holy. Orsdunlly find certainly the system Is built sup, and symptoms of d1'nn.e glee way to hrnith. .1r0ncth awl vigor. dl emits, n lass. for $2.50. nt nil deniers. to F:dm's son. Baton k Co, Toronto. 6; Iy ri. ,.."1 r k, i .. ice ,\i /,^' .,. � ' ,. 7' Sill �• 1'/ j .••' 1 •, r• J 9-/•G!A✓//gyri ..-_... .,r.:" London, Jan.. 1003. --Memory I. apt to prove u fickle, treacherous friend in lair busy, rushing age of ours, but it for once it IN to be trawl- ed, I think that my Met letter to you coutuluel little or nothing of a sar- torial nature, Io --"place auk Dames:" One stern fact line been gradually borne In on my mind, slowly, Insid- iously. and that 1s that, whatever fashion papers, tailors. drums sutau;r and artiste, .uy iontruriwlre, the much boomed abort skirt Is not really and truly a Ills us, and my firm belief le. It will mot b,. fur evler so long! It is a fact (lint coquetry, vaulty— tf you like to be cruelly truthful—etre (eminent note's In the feminine char- acter. and it is voficedel by ell sir- tletle souls --of course uot by drool reformers—dist no one looks so graceful, elegant, and 'svelte, to A Short Skirt an one which trails ani languished sad sweater it. the wearer walks, anti inures. The desire to Menge is strung- ty innate In ahuust every um, mud if rumetimos pencil.al common tweet, has to go to the wall to obtain the object, who_ can find the heart to be, severe? No—las muddy weather, iu heavy winter tintterinir--our eicu•.ler rllh�uy etter hold their own, thanks to a feet' extra Inc::, a of Alto -length end—rtraight•fronted Pane curvets" (bleu eatendu. the batter Is an Im- portant factor Indeed e One cause of the long skirt's tenacious hold on life le the nature and style of fashion- able trimmings nal anaugeusentt, which Is complex nasi ornate. There Is a great feeting for heeling even a simple, useful materiel with rich trimmings; the Inventors of the lat- ter must I.:ivc versatile minds, for every day Mingo out numethlug novels original. nod su tempting that neo (rely allured to have a new• (rutk to put It on ! A fashionable. style is The Tunic elan, which must of came. be bordered with pan.ententeI le, or galea. In- Smic 01-M ehailttlly over a Jaded idet:k or white lath, the effect IN tory chic and new, and would wilt one of the pretty eoung Hamilton matrons. I raw a lovely "fourreuu," for example, In ivory Atencon net over pout whin, in a delicate }yagonard tint, which war quite lovely, with a lung trail of the Queen of Flowers pinned at one ride of the deep, wluare neck, anti floating down over the front Of the /tial. Thea a Meek lace over - gown had the short little bodice formed of two huge Jet iutterfllea, at back and front, resting transparently on folds of .aeon mouvieellui de sole. ivory Milli I' (11111)0114.4 the gown underneath. Tic only Nnbetrintlnl t?) tNu•h to theRii over -gimes is the frothy mews of pleated chiffon or net frills which acts out their hem all round. To lease the flowery mends of dreier for a brief Interval, I um going to tell any ulu:•ienl readers of Nome • ('harming Little Nongr in their mother lough., for It is rather a treat to come across such iii thew day., when every other language but l:tlglbli gigs towards the construction of it concert pro- ggrramme, ' Contrasts,"' by Regina's] elullhan (Enot'h A CO.), it charming pair of rot,gleti, as different from each other as light and *Made ; "The Itlrls trio North," be r1'illbey !John lettere!' Col, ' Mi Liuutde in the Wood," and "You and 1." You may have Come across them ; if. on, forglo alai for- get ! Then if ycu have nut read "My (3001) Bi.000 la the NMret or Ifealih, Vigor and Happiness',. Good blood,—rich, red blood—lathe greatest enemy that disease can hive, It 'stimulates every organ to throw off any ailment that may at- tack it. Omer bluer' Is the only poet - tire cure for smelt compinthts ad annemla, eery mantes, neuralgia, skin. eruptions, inilgestiou, rheuma- thtla, etce becnuee these diseases can- sterel of uui, 'hotpot Itounee, tier nut exist where the blood IN good. •legante must have at least two or The secret of wool blood—rich, red, tire., awl each must be embroider- Ilfe-giving I.Ioud-14 Ur. wliliamwl wt las chenille, incrusted with late, link Ptlle. Where these pills ars use I .•r hemmed with our, or w,mlething. It means life, health end vigor. Mr. Robert Lee, a well known resklent of New Wentnliuster, B. ('., nays: Before I begot. using Dr. Weeniest Pink Pill., my blood was in a very, inspire cunditien, and as a result, deo silk. Evru th.'u the seams olN•u itchy pimples broke out all over my at the hem to eh i -s a pleating polo body. My nppetlte was fickle and I log its head) mit in • a frau-fron was easily Orel. I tried several faelx►u. We still favor the (Meer- me Wine*. but they did uot help me. shaped skirt, it wart of graceful Then my wife urges' me to try Dr. balrioll design. Plainly filled roped William** Pink Pills. I gut half it the hips and thence spreading wit doses boxes, and by the time I bad gracefully to rest las a billow v tined them, I was fully restoretl to mass on the ground. I see many health, and my skin was smooth and 'gowns trimmed with dune chenille clear. The pills are the best ene(1l- aettel fringe, wh'rh Woks tette me- clue I know of for purifying the ly chic, but strikes uaP as more blood." :tail by all medicine dealers suitable for a n r•eptiou costume or pent post pa1.1 at yoke per box or than a street thee.. I met a trey eit boxes for .2.7.0, by writing direct smart and original skating frock to the Dr. M'illbunie Medicine Co., at Prince's, built In mit. dark Brockville. lint. Do nut take it mob brown maths cloth. the short bell ;ellute, er - something geld to Ie skirt, edged with brown her, two "putt as good." The "just as goof" band', at Intervais. 'flu • daitity las- mMlclncs never eared anyone. tie Russian hlvusu war of brown I plush. and it was turned back with I — -- whit, revere .Q eerie,: saga . 010111. Lady Pegg, vim's to Town'and "Tile with strapplhg in white. l.si on twit of t'luffons," my advice Is—do! In battlement.`, Sar Il.•e•, nide cuffs i The Oyster !Mare carry's( out the rime Idea. Tae user here still goes on. leau't think coloring was excr.dhngly ""cues+- "hat hue got into all the bivalves, ful, erpeelally a« the cr.m ring far it is not in time part of the United ``.dal sew■ a pretty (dap„ of ('ec's_ 6ingdom alone that they are pro- be, with brown furry tails (dl- . ilonucnil unsafe. Soon it will not be lug over one .hle. The muff was the courage of 'the man who me 1n keeping,• stet had n sprig. tet the first u,Nter" that is extolled, bat mistletoe pinned to it. This cherry . that of Ibe man who to -tiny Hares color I. exceedingly modish inso to thele an f:nglieh native, the tinned now. anti we feel grateful for its .peeles he.ing long since beyond the Cheery note in the mid: -t of the pale. elinno very' sad cases have come tRlcx.my weather endo leaden skin.., ander my emmrvilnte note., of typhoid which have been tatr fate rime • traced to eating oysters, tett as all Christmas. 'I fear fleeter beds are now under sanitary The chandler. Footballers supertlplon It is to be hoped that our hate hardly appreciated their eli- pet "hors ul'wmxre" will shortly ro- matie welcome, though otherwise deem Its character - their reception las escorting circles 1 A well-known hortpee to feria—ehc tins been of the heartiest anti most' le not French, however—who Is re - genial description. We all hope they ',owned for her charming dinner - will return, having hada reel fp"' mortice, line Just hit on an ingenious time, ar•d btdeu with laurels t„ method fur Insuring punctuality, on nix with their utnple leaves. But, the part of Ler turn guests—the 'm- os return to our emulous. At «uuu• married ones, M• for the others nrP re - of the recent evening entertain_ minded of the. hour! In these dots menta shone have been a of afternoon hriago, skittlug, etc., the tremendous feature anti Ince receiv- young •Yarielete is apt to oh nwnrted attention. /Somehow, in Lose fount °ether, spite of the long Miele with their which Is nn annoyance to a hostess teeny " frllllee," shoes sent to he who likes her dinners cooked "it much "en evlshwee,' femme/illy nt point' and not kept bark for any tlanoeet where the "pas de maitre" man. Well, niter due warning, ma• anti "Washington Poet" bring out dame ntartel a money -lox "pour len "the little -mit '.'' Whitt will it be linuvre.,' add he who arrived not when Oa cake welt is nn establiebeel on, time was requested to drop 'lance at the Bean M4nie'11 enter- a gulden Louie In the slot ! talnp,ents? aril we are told that You would expect that ma- l: N Inomin- Oil II! • metal horifon. dame's charities would substantially, Tlwri' are Joan! sweet little ■Iluee benefit ay her clever wilco,•. Not mantle of Ime" cater "'bite wain, or a bit' of It ! She now flnmia her mutt- erer a color to nrltsh the doom, ly geode ready anti waiting oil the vwtth Just a paste twemle'' to finish stroke of time. &i mach for the the too; others are heleeked with vaunted 1'nrls,•ln politesse, pie con - Artificial flowers, Io nt'eorl with sideration that woe not thought due the costume, Inst though pretty it to their Nostra« sear best°w td on !e w tlrewOnnr. ineonfa.klot., their lntreesl It In not in 'France as they eat,'h on everything. The only that people are found wanti,ig prettiest yet are three Ito gull or in pwdtentes. as tale little story Riker Hectic, on the slender May will prove 7 A certain editor, I•�sglish Fair or Iirreek cheer. thin time, receive) n contribution for Late Ovcrdreesem. Its Inspection from it lady wit., Thera le a great furore nt present wrote that If it were not demise] for the Isere or net "fonrreau" on euhnblu for hid perlal'oill site would Orel -Orem, a limos.. ethereal affair, In gin.l to forward article"' of a very tuneful to slip on over at Sonne- ''Ifferent nntire, ns the had ".mv.'t•nl whet fatigtuvl evening m+tnme, tie lion' in the lira" ' M'ulame," he re It gives It an eentirely new note not piled, "hating perused your contri • is very Ireeenxlng to a slender figure leitIon I ndvtee you to nit it with e+tpnutally. The lock is much binged no that it Is narrow between the Stxonlder., and nmr't wider down be- low where It floats Independently sn.l gRracsufally over the niwlnrdn•ss, the eleeolletsge 1+ edged ,with small flowers. or eeeptwest of velvet or with to Nome soft slwiries. or elite a wale rmor elver ribbon Is brought om tinder the arms and tied In a huge butterfly bow In front. In block If. by chance, she chooses uu umi- flounced skirt, then its 'reams mutt be he.leukrd with lovely open ,titchery, hairpin work, or (molt - roue, .ken u;, wort, -tiller embns- I •oar other I.ons,' •Poor laul:'e It with wishing you, though late, a In Pert.. n« you know. they are happy New Year! .very greet el. christening write's, - Chnnteielre nod on these festal °erasions tI1e \rw ('oiaures. Ir_t°ict arra IA to offer tench worst a To milt the new lints the hair will souvenir In time Shape of it lovely helve to be dresser(' fuller in front box of Iron -hone, with Mho or Master this Is a point which milliners t Babv's photograph on top. Surromel• Impress on f the lr euisto Is merleall, what - sky The e.1 In spangles, thitel n loxfil tied with " R o blue for a boy, or roam pink for ever be the width of the crown, and Mrs. Emmons, saved from an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I am so pleased with the results I obtained from Lydia E. Plnkbam'e Vegetable ('onpound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for over five years with ovarian troubles, causing an un- pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks—and saved inc from an Operation—all my troubles had dis- appeared, and I found Agyiself once more healthy and well. rl els fail to describe the real, true grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering( sister. Don't daily with medicines you know noth- ing about, but take Lydia E. Pink - ham's N'egctable Compound, and take my word for it, you will lie a different (woman in a short time."— Msn. I.AeaA l':eros«, rr'alkerville, Ont. —$5000 forfeit If oelglwsl of above lotto prover fomulnnMa runnel in prodaeml. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Plnkhant if there is anything about your case which you do not understand. She will treat }ou with kindness and her ad- vice is free. No woman ever re- gretted writing her and site has helped thounautde. Address 15 Lynn, Maas. a girl. Rather it sweet little no- t ion t lug. A particularly pretty hat rolled to front has the brim folded back behind each ear. Some of the smart- est and largest toque's have the Mime higher las front. These slightly re- semble an milkweed tllengarry cap or pore mi,ady+the Ru's'sian national headdress. The crown (ills up almost the entire space within the brim, bat Is not joined to it. No change fa the shaping of crowns Deems Imnlim- nut. The crowns of the hate are low, bet the beret shape tends to di+ap- ppear.—The January blilliuery Trade Review. -- . 'Sleeve l F thione. a Few of even the mOSt fnr111unnble •full-dress evening toilettes arc quite slecveltrsr this seas mu. Often, however, the sleeves are mere zephyr -like paffs, of gauge ur chiffon, and the airy bit is usually banded with Jewelled gimp, or laced across a Nli.hing or lace In- terstice, with a tiny gold cord, or very narrow vehet ribbon. On it gown made for a Waahlogton de- butante, a novel effect was prodseeel by n Greek scarf drapery, brought from under an antique jewelled einem on the top of the left shoulder. Tale wail carried across the figure to the right side of the witlst, end drawn under a ehnped girdle formed of scin- tillating Jewelled gene. The drapery wall made of pale pink lima., Ioruere,l with a Grecian design In silver. The lustrous silk of the dress itself was of a deeper sen -shell tint. The demi- trained-'skirt waw trimmed up more than half its length, with rows of pink silk ruching, graduated In width. —Evening Post. Talking of Gifts. nt 'a re nt srnart wedding the bridorlrtmk ' long conies, with ma- trix opal., set at Intervals In them. tho ideely translucent blue and pluk stones, of irregular shape set In rime, of gold, and a huge one helm - nit n pendant from n gold true - lover's knot. They were the pret- tlefrt chains of, the lint I have yet seen, .bring more elegant nal light than those set with the fawhtunihlclI Matrix turquoise. The latter, by the way. is growing rare, conse- quently costly, If of a really goo'l color, fur there is it great dlffereue,'. One came to use nt Christmas from Indies, which W exactly the shape, sift- an'l 'shade, of, a hedge spur- i row's rag. There Is at supef•tl• I ten in India that the blue atone cltnngsrs color. grows paler, if toe ! weather be In any danger. so I an• eiowly examine my "luck tnr- gnolse The hurlmrltre. Talking of India (though one hard• ly revile i.e reminded of an, theig tonne•ted with D. seeing It fairly 11114 the.nimoaphcre just now will Boon turn thele faces homnewards, and we "shall be (lolled with histories and grographkw nod Nnute:irr rind clnematogrnplis of the worsierful ceremonies' nett fairy-tale pageants. Nothing like it line ever been dammed ofeor imagined before, that goeswithout saying, and one of the grmtewt attractions must hate been the gathering of our lov- lie•st elan together. for all the most beautiful women, as well as the cle- tereet ansi wittiest, are there, anti rind in raiment well worthy of the wearers anti the unique occasion. Wn may hare a chance of seeing some of the confections at the early draw- ing -rooms, or during tho London F.ecson. if they are not too crushed in the packing! I hear that the I)uhessee of Murlfborough and Port - hand took considerably over a hun- dred trunks between them, which fact has brought forth the following top!c- al doggrel, perhaps? "Processions of elephants. such are the fneleon, Ansi to Ase In thin s'ogtme ie my laity's pet passion. fin altho' n complete invitation she 'funks,' She indulges. at let, sl. In procrn sinus of tnuaks." i expect nt the next Picture Alleles we shall see a good many Dueller reminiscences, no many artists hat- ing gone out "for n inarpos." Ito the way. I lime that time King wan Anything but 1'leneed by tho portrait done of him by Luke Flldrn, and that this ucly have part- ly accounted for the fact that no New Ymr's honors came hie way ! When Inspecting the said portrait an artist who- wax there heard tar King remark, "Why. Mr. teethe/ seems to think 1 em a fat ruin!" 1 hmnvo not seen the picture, so cannot my if It le uncomplimentary. Luke Fl,ien would have done better,.perhnps, to take Sir William Richunnnl'n cue, and "give us the truth, lovingly told," it dote not do to Ito too literal, per - linen, if a portrait can be pleas - Ing without losing its clutraetrr: The folk on the Riviera are grow - Ing wildly excited nt the, prospect of the King's oft -postponed find,' ythough they are rentaewhat rueful at Mooring that he Is to eve oh his yacht, and they must therefore fore- 1 go offering him sumpinons sultan of rooms, end flowers, end frnuite, an of yore. No one seems quite eta leIn whither the white wings will fly or settle, hitt in truth the King is n favorite everywhere In spite of jabbering riff -ruff find gutter prase, of which too timely not was taken during the war. We find him well en,' admiringly spoken of wherever we go In (•'mace. I. e., among the estimated nail "pretty believed' rammuniil's! They say he Is "ban fnrcon" ; so gen. Int and populnn, and ills French Is ee pretty without a trace of accent. Rat --time is nit No I must say aline, and its tide Is the first letter i have went you In 1(5)8 will you let'nu' end' TROUBLESOFtom. .. A2e.eswediezepontearworareearg zicul11NBEROSCATTLE. AN Ex_Rb1jEVE drr�',�, Were Easily I isposed of by - t)odd's Kidney Pills Greenish booking Stockings. if you want to prevent your black stockings- from assuming that greenlet' look that they very often lune after several washings, do them In thl • way : Add a tete' ta- blespoonful or borax to it gallon of water In which you have di.- solved a liberal amount of good seep and have the water as hot in. your hand can bear It. Wash through one Nude after another of this same preparation. Rouse In two lots of warm water also, add- ing to the last a teaipoonfal of vinegar. Dry and press on the wrong ride .with a cool Iron. Too W. G. Cragg, or Dre.d,u, had ludas• amatory ltbt'umstl-ay amid' was Cured Slick acrid Clean. Premien, Ont., Jan. iJ.—INpecial,i- "Doll's Kidney 1'ille cured tun slick end clone of the rheuma11enew snye rt', lie l'ragg, ex -Reeve of this town. "It wear Ute luil:tuunutory ltheluup- 1 isut I lull, Anti I think hold'' Klliney Yllls aro its film It remedy for.thut lot I went. I am its round ns It bill now as far as Rheumatism is romi- cerned." Tills U Me. Cragg's experience, and it is the tame ns many others. People gcgetally here are learning that Rheumatism Is simply a tonne. of Kidney Moose—that if the kidneys du not do their duty and take the uric acid from the blood. It cryelui- Ilser at the uniecles mud jetted anti 'aunt's those tortures too many paw - pie know too well. "I had been troubiel with hill:,u,- matory Itheonettism for eight years." continues the ex -peeve. "I could scare, ly get around to do my duties In my ■'.ore. I olid doc•torii an -I me, t elm a witlouty, lung any Lent f.t. ti I i heard of Dodd's Kidney fills. Ole boxes cured me completely.', Cure the kidneys with leodd'r Kid- ney fillit awl your Itleumatisnl will cure lied(. . - proportion to the estimation of the man. stens a woman hats blighted her own life nmel that of the man elle loved by ludulering lit a passion for coquetry. daring charms of which silo ie fully conscious, she proudly measures her power and says to her- self; "I am equal to great con- quryt, anti shall I thus early be con- ,quercxl? When i have and at sur- feit of throe dellghtu then--" But the time referred to In time >ti elt111111e Mw e ` l lege Den i - lWtalvkn Wire Fie r a s sea Iisaesi sleeken in warm wm.e her scud tighten la add — errant the Page Fence. ID ire ier'ear0a pl►ys It beak, Page swim tell takes np the shirk in sum - few and Nil Mont in winter. Ne lone n.ggine In 'rummer, De straining or lin-Akins In win ISi'. (Tessa crimped vats la net spring Wwwww4 and If It slackens it 'tarn siaekened; If ft tighter it loca sseas sla wm.o than ever.- Pore wire le tseleared (iMFnld ," lei own Nase Loudest es' sag stemi t*'. sense les of Page wire feaeeta en" new. lb• ha Vire Fe.. Oe.. limited, Walkerrtlla Oat. i salmi, P.Q. sat St. /eke. i P t therefore the imndeun which mnelr• else' the evening In 'other far beck null shoual be et least partly mn- renletl by being embed led In the heir. The Marquise and the itrrom, whie.h are not so welt. In the brims ns the enpellnes and p n grant, are oleo my ie so as to mtnn'1 off the fere. They also have bandenux. The wave In the Marquise brim I. obis sntrgeste'1 • it is hardly a tricorn*, prcp•rly speak- A i brfolk Suit—Man by, Parke. warm color. nn iron will de«troy the long futurity` of the little word - - "then." seldom comes to the co- - i melte. It will always be "then." The accepted time Is never near +14+++++tt+++++++++++++444, when we here Once let the oppor- +y+ V A GIRL'S �(gaMte says; "Who 'In he ?" At Weltynity pass. .it eighteen the co - twenty -eight, "Where le Ie.?" FIRST OFFER 1 1+++++++4-1-+4++++++++++t++4 When it girl gets her first "offer" she is liable to -fall Into two ex- • The worst and the most frequent of three Is that of fancying herself In love, when, In reality, she d oenn't care a. fig for her lover- The other conshsts of a 1•rajuettisll pride, which leads, her: agalnet the dictates of her Judgment and the inellnatlons of her heart, to reject a suitor, however worthy. Vnsleninbly she Is complimented. nn.l she must he untrue to her wo- manhood doom she not In tepee men. - urn feel tm, even though her miter he hrnenth her regard; Incl the emnpli- tn(nt will his value' very much In i}' BABY ('GELD TALK. "I am mare if hnby could one, talk;' s y -s Mrs. IL Itaffnry, Leona - Lie, Ont., "elle would prnl+e Baby's own 'Tablets, too. They hats given Fatter re olio thus not other nwe.li- cine I have ever ,used for my little oar." Tills Is the, verdict o1 all mo- ther* who have need Bahy's Own Tablets, anti It I. the very best proof that no other mettleine- can equal them for the upaehv relief nevi (etre of the common ailments of IR - tin. one+. These 'Tablets erre 'elle, mnstipatIon, emir stonrt'h, 'liner - wen nail stopple fever.: they brook up mid., prewnat crate afel allot, the irritation aeevvsnhsnnying the eel - timer of teeth. en.i are isoallivelr guaranteed to contain no opiate. All children take them readily. nna for very young infants they eon In reent eel t, a peerder. You In.n get Baby's Own Tablets from any drng- gtat at 25c a !vex. or til -et wilt be melted, pnvt*.te poll, by writhe' ll rest to the hr William+ M rllrin• Co, Bro k(Ire (1 t , or w !, p et ' , N. 1'. Penal foe "Ai' I.rok on the ears of infante net seine Es rry tgloflber shout.] mod. It. A Strang. Photo. One of the strangest photon we have peen for some time wits shown ne the other dray by P1 intiey-H'trils ('ompnny. Limited. it wan a copy of the certl'lente of the Russian Govern meat is«sol to M-us«ey-IPtrrls Cont- ently Limittei, in connection with a field trial held there Inst June. The Rumian cltnrneters make it app,var very groteeque. Tile certificate «tntem that binv- (py•HnrrL- ('ompnny. Limited. Were awnrded the •highest honors for Bin•l- er• Slower nail Reaper, In Is compet'- tloe open to the world. thin in it Inure' of which till l'nnndlatn« me well be proud. ifere's wishing moi,• ..ileCCee to Mmomsry-H•irris machine+: Departue mit mil .tgrkcul,nru, Ottawa. .t; 'crier of valuat.la experiments Inas jdst leen completed ,at Murr's Agricultural Experimental Station. Cosuecticut, with a tuberculous herd of cows. The rerult.t of there efforts to erwti.•l.te the disease with a mini- mum of financial loss are of euhaucetl Importance las vlew, of the fact that, while heated discusiIons are going on ell relation thin r I/ r concerning arose I u 11 • health, , , public 1 r to the 1 , ••cutest (f tulxsr1 cuntruvereiullrts hate too often lost right of the practical utility of ex- periments. Here, therefore, we have something tangible upon which to act, las 181)6. the Connecticut Agricul- tural College owned a herd of about fifty head of Vows amid young cattle. Prior to this ditto the herd conslstel mit grade animal+, mostly of Jersey unit Guernsey blood. but la that yea 1 , registered Jerseys. Iiuernreyr, au;l Ayrihires were perch:tree Since thud time the ttcqulealtioar to the herd hail been from the natural Increase of these animals, and the occasional purchase of grade cows. Up to Octo- ber, ladle the entire herd was un- tainted, but .in November, ldJN, it cow which haul drupe •d n strong, vlgurour calf las the previous August, and from Ness' Year's tiny to the first of No- vember in the Letter year had 'kited 202 pounds of butter, fell suddenly III and as there were no hopes of re- covery, eke was slaughtered on Nov. covery, Aft wits elnughtere,i in No- vember, 18 48, n post-mortem exam- inallnn meowing a generalised and advanee.l (Use of tuberculoses. The herd WAN then tested with tuberculin, when twelve anim'll+ responded, mark- ing a total of fifteen out of a herd of forty-eight dnitnnit that hod con- tracted the diseoue hl one year, dee mo',rtratimig how remarkably lace- , itIs. / Cita n c l u s io n. I tea c h ed . The following are mouse of the main practical cenclanioruim arrived at from thew, experluaents. The elimination of tuberculose from a herd is a gradual pr.x•ess. One tuberculin test i.. not "sufficient, us new cares will develop from time to time. All the br•eie represente-i In the herd were about equally susceptible. Twenty per cent. of the Jersey'', ;SII per cent. of the Guerneeys, et per cent. of the Ayrrhirce, anti 20 per cent of the Iloesteins rerpoiele(1 to the tubercuilu tet. • The largest producers la—the herd were not more temeeptlbfe to tub- erculoeis than those of the least productive. capacity. The disease was not inherited. None of the offspring of the tub- ercutuue animals, Ncreiiteen In num- ben hare developed the lienee. Repeated injection. of tnls•rcnlin ofteu result In it failure to respond - Sixteen animals that hurl responded once to tuberculin fulle'i to regpond to in beegnent injections to ten out of lweaty Madonnas, or fit) per Cent The post mortem examivatlou of certalu animals, which previous to slaughter were apparently in good physical condition, showed the dis- ease extensive, virulent, and evi- dently in the Infectious state, The poet mortem examination of certain animals, slaughtered 111 Vows cases sixteen months after first response, slowed mere traces then made had of the dlwere, which little or no progress, and the en- cysted condition of the nodules might indicate possible meoo-very. The oleos process of the disease In certain animals, and the rapid pro - grew in others, took place at the same time ander the same sanitary conditions Individuals, therefore, possess different powers of resist- ance to the progress of this dis- eases when once it has gained) foot- hold. Measures Advised. tr'hlled there 'one be animals shoe - 1ng pbysical symptoms of disenee, there Allay he other animals in tilt, herd las a condition to spread the dlseare. The farmer who wisher to completely eliminate the disease from his herd must old the Government officials with some Individual effort and sacrifice. Better ventilation, ex - twelve, sunlight, nutritious food, MA preventive measures; the tuberculin test as a diagnostic agent ; and either Immediate slaughter or isola- tion of all reacting animals as a method of dismosal—all theme are agencies of which any farmer may make use. What Is known as the "bang" or isolation method Is economical when it largo herd hi affected, or when a small herd of amluable animals is dis- eased. The offspring are removed when dropped, and retool on tie pasteurfsc•1 milk. The disposal of the tllsettued animals may then be post- poned until their increase shall make good the lora of numbers, which would be occasioned) by the final dis- posal of the dltcammd member's. That snitch has been accomplished within the past few years in the anti -tuberculosis crusa&te haatletIcs chow that human tuberculosis Is on oho decrease, notwithstanding the larger cousutaption of both milk anti melt. Statements, often made, that bovine tub•rculosir Is on the increase, (vtpeclabl,t In dairy cattle, have not been proved. The Inerearing knowl- edge of the dlseaseeof the efficiency of ;Rood ventilation, exercise, sunlight, and nutritious food In fortifying the system of the animal ; of the Intro- duction of tuberculin as a dlagnoetie agent ; of the use, of disinfecting agencies and the method of Isolation, should instil in the mind.' of the owners of our herds of cattle a greater confidence le their ability to combat the disease.' These agencies are within the reach of all. W. H. Cotter r •e�evcscvcs cvescvss/llsevtes� QUESTIONS OF ETIQUETTE. tre...11v.gvve.yV4"....y0•11Vtg•V' Will you kihdls nlfural, nue who or tea spoons In serving sherbet or ,haild be served fleet when the only Roman punch '7 Should sweetbread+ guest It a gentleman, the fetidly be served from a roast plate and being small. no father, but it mid- eaten with a roast fork at a course die aged mother and daughter tine Mechem' What r the propel - brothers' consisting of there p efor aten plates? d cat ., F." A. refer me to any book which will give .Your mother should be the first a variety of meow for luncheons one served, then yourself and th'n and demos. with some details for the guest. With nn•old lady nl preparing the meal? , the table it IN niwnyu correct that - ' Baader. *hb'hhould be served first, nspecielly nt so email a dinner am pay men- tion. --- A Maniac's Poem. Probably the mass of prison poetry which hue been online -on stools and bedposts and ew'rntched on prison walls far exceeds that which has found expression on paper, and many a "mute, inglorious; Milton" has te- guit null finished Ills poetical career with these "lost to sight" pralue- tlone. There in In existence as short poem, sell to have been 'wretched by a maniec on thus wall of his cell, which rum's thus : - Could I with Ink the ocean fill, Were nit the world of parchment made, • Were every reed on earth a quill And emery loon it te•rlbe by trade. Ti. write the lova of tial alone tr'.stld drain that orenn dry ; Nor could the «.roll contain the whole, Though Nirotched from sky to sky. 7be aathl`ntleity of this being the weak of n manlike Inas often been questlonese leenn-u of tar Meanly of Its expres.lon nal it t rented ren sun. but the story ',tend', 111 the liner Rosa& The qucwtion luau. arisen between tett young Indies as to which Is proper : Malnn+ that It is not proper to give a preterit to a young man un. tier any circumstance/1. warm, en- gaged to be merriest! to (lint. B. claim+ that it depends alto- gether on file clrcunotanees. For instance. If the young man lune made Unless the dining room le well lighted by outaide windows, It Is bet- ter to nee candelabra or artificial light of some wort. Yes, fish forks are used now. and are always placed at the left 'side of the plate. l•a.•ry- thing depends upon the size of the cup in which the sherbet in served Anything an small or 'mailer then an after dinner coffee cup requir.w a coffee. spoon. If the eweetbrea.ie are broiled they should be served on a large plate or platter and otter with all ordinary sized dinner fork, The ordinary sized dinner plate or the young fads• n present and sttovvri env beautiful plate you may have her other kindness, 'R. think"; that is correct. The color of that plate it is only a mark of appreciation determines the keynote color for awl not. as M. claims., a mark of I the Iuuclx-un. ill-brteling, to give the young man Ne llltle token by way of rem- --- brnnceom. m'eIL IL I Will you kindly tell me who pays There le no possible impropriety for the Invitations at a church wed - hl n yiusug lady rending a young I dui Also. which of the church ex - gt nlLwool who has leen polite ti t peruses doee tale beide Mend, each as her ,onus ren, nlbrnnce. bit it must ,iecoreting with flowers or paying be a trifling one. smelt an a book, an the orgnnlst? E. IL F. Inexprnshc px•nc'1, osr some trinket of I The brill.' Is expected to pay for that sort. the ltork Irving the brat the invitations and oleo for the deo- present of nil. Kindly state how long before o n receptlou invitation ehonld be issued. elitist. invitation. for a reception Nhonld Is, rent out at tenet two weeks in advance, especially at this 'moon of the year. when there is so :merit Will you kindly Inform me If a going on in the,wny of social festive• Indy should precede a gentleman in ties. going up or down Males': A. fl (•. Kln.ily answer the, following silica- Slue should precede the gentlem in tions: Js it proper. to use candelabra going down stairs and also In going at luncheon or noon dinner? Shouts up stairs, unfree at some public en - the fish fork be place) at the right of tertainnrent. where the stales ars the pinta, In setting the table 'tna very crow,k+l. when the gentletneu held in tilt. right Iuiirl when eating" goer; first In order to ranks; way in It 'better to use afterhiinnerlspxon' for her. orations at the church, as well as the home.. All other expenses In regard to the church and paying the minister, the organist. etc., are sup - rimiest to be attended to by the bride. groom. DIZZY SPELLS ANDA ACHING HEAD Tell of Shrivelled Arteries and Exhausted Nerves They Warn You of Approaching 'aralyels or Collapse -Dr- Chase's Nerve Food the Most Potent Nerve Restorer. The ',offerer fr nanous head- , achy and dizzy awl never knows what minute he 'tiny f„11 helplessly 1 a victim of vertigo or paralysis, for theca Symlitomn tell of depleted nerve Celle end a wasting of vigor and totality. Other to licntlong of nervous re- linu«lion are trouble"; of sight, robes In the care, etpnrk« Iwsfore the 1`y es, stomach troubles, nleeples«nese, cold lined, and fret, reet.lu«enrss, Wrlte- blltty, weakened memory, leek of energy and enlhuolnnm, muscular wenkneoe feinting «poil«, bodily pains and sleben, find tired, Inngpell and de«pondent feelings. 1(srvewn. (Downpipe are most dread- ful to contemplate became Of the fregneney with which they end in ppaaraly'sl!, locomotor ataxics, epilepsy, ineanity. All enveanent of the body or its members; in controlled by the nerves, and hence it follows that paralysis of ,tome form Ie the nat- ural ron«egmenee of ethnwsted ami depleted nerves, Dr. Chase's Nerve fie'.) nitres (li+ty vprll., :iend-utt"« atilt alt syinptottts of nervous exhnn.lten by nctu.11y 1 ioernasing the gaantIty and gtlnllty of the Meal and creating new nerve force ;Ism. Mann, No. 8 Leonard avenge Toronto, wore: "For a number of sa yearn I have been troubled with w-enknnns and fainting 'peen, nerv- ous, sick headaches, and. In fact, my nervous system seemed to be M am exhausted condition. Languid, de- pressing feelings would Come over me at times, anti I would become dis- couraged rind deimendent. '!ince a yoursn of treatment with Dr. Chanel. Nerve Food Ido not hesitate to pro- nounce It a q,lented medicine for seetknesn of n11 kinds. it has been of great benefit to me, for my nerves are much steadier, and dlnlnees and falntfig spalls no longer trouble me, and any system has been generally built imp." By noting s -nor weight while using Dr, C'hase'd Nerve Fendt you ran prove that healthy, solid flesh and firm mueelex are being added to the holy. Orsdunlly find certainly the system Is built sup, and symptoms of d1'nn.e glee way to hrnith. .1r0ncth awl vigor. dl emits, n lass. for $2.50. nt nil deniers. to F:dm's son. Baton k Co, Toronto.