The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 2-- __ 1St The Signal n s r owbs t o u 1lvfaT •Isv1IaDA>r pgOi1(INe s 1T D. MCOMLOVNT• dl THURIal)"%Y• FI•:It. 7" 1! 1;t. - g, IT W11A, I'IDUt'ATt: ''"lt: pl"RI,I(' 11 It is a gain to have the .11aska t I.oundury question oubmltted to nrbl. I tratlon, even though the result «110"1.1 ` ln• x deadlock, will, the arbitrator« i rnngetl throe ngalubt three, aild ttO deri.lon. Tho laking Of the evidence, J the spreehes of counsel, tilt' diseud- nun lit the flirt. and arguments h, it ;Ill, p,Crr will have soli enlightening 1 effect upon the public Mimi lu butll I countries. Thr nutow, will hate n v letter uudarslauaing lit Jho carr 1 when It twosomes necedsury to pullliteli W the ronlpuUoRte lit lila upiw"itu ride. Up to thin Jflto we, Ila 1.O never Ouch in any United States Irewsptiler or I ma,gatino vel honest statement of I cannda's claim, or any explanation Ot I till- reasoning by which Lynn Canal I on the !,,settle coapt Ir held to , be I (open den, wh!1e-((hesn{e+tke tiny un till, I AtluullC cutlet la territorial water. I \Ye fully exliect that the '• eluluetlt I Jurlhts" whom Pre"ideut Itoo"e%elt I will appoint will ba men "open to eonvletlon, but who would like to_ meet the man abie..,to convince I Ihrm•" But no matter w•ho they' may lie, it will br impossible to'suppress the evidence, and to concede[ the merits of ihu Coinadlau carr, when lh. colpulis"fon gets to work. +t;4♦♦♦4♦ttirtittt44ft+iia♦ CURRENT COMMENT 2♦N♦f♦4♦♦ttitt+t4ttttttta Vow that Jho %euptucln uustler is as gcx"1 all settled, the Munroe due - tin , derotecd art preparing to pull , the scarecrow• from iin,l•r t,o bairn a gal let. I The Boers oro takXbiL tie Mr. Cham- b-rinin fin ii ill that tone fpele rt•Ilp%e(1 to lhnik ttatt Mrs. -Joe Is slung to prevent nay chance of dan- gercus flirtations, The United (tine Workers of Am- clk:a are said to have accumulated sl,(►00.000 of it fund since the •An- thracite Ptrlkc'. There Lanett hr doul•' . Morey in digging coal --�----- Il.ltirb llum null cotton makers re- port a Food year. Exports of Ilneu were very largely incre&meil and the cutton trade st,owr con"Iderab:e gaius. _____- The- rubber gods men hay. met an•I advancel priCev anJ are callinr 0.1 tier G ferment to mire the du- ' ties s) nq to enable thein to "(lube lAundinuw to pay' them. Now what nl,oul lilt, rent of us7 In n goad ninny or the United States cities me(ile l health of(lcers Inbpecl the pupil. relfaLLOy, warn ole u of needed mp:aln to teeth and gibe pargnts bintr till to dealing with +Tcnkly children. t3onlelimor in, this way attacks of dtrpase are averted. A 8coteh paper rays the Scullleh lepl and iron (Irma hnt0 hall a r urltnlit. gaud year, w"Toy of the " bi c0 . ria breaking their Ow•n re- con In prwlurt1011. titer" nu, - wage bate been goo'' al"1 there I- n general air of confidence fur lilt future. hat in n different story from ihu told.bv the New York papers. Til paint hritain ill nlf fel hog sn%oro de prermlon. 6011. licArthu toad Chicago ans til other night tlm tore nations a Europe were curl firing to ren Aute+iea Rounder, t tho tulle states could defy ail iurope. Th statement Is said to b o "cauowd peculiar Ihr lt." Surely. man In a ufflckni position talking uch ru mlg11l ,yell cause thrill". l cls .n imn roma officers who need nntsl1 Willy. wuamn g. r ani t utys oc"O 7000V0o du�wl Money spent to try to defeat the \Isar- of luberculosf* and 00000000 Im file (lest atrtge • very tie,.itClnl lu advano#)d stager u( SCOT TISt1 CUs I OMS the e beml rchurne and boom the Iwo In vain. 111• Uo L..*apfd the dlsaaoe, Thu experluscuto ere lit- ANCIENT f UNERALS. which the idle, the matter b regardeJ lmctlog much Imtcxadl. AT DEATHS ANU the bgut,at lu pound. Just flow Many of Ulle'" Iter. \\". A. Spoo91er. 11 I' English Ry %i'"', Ilallantyur, ('I,iea'.o.) thin gllm @ alini/Nlr will be "link In lila elergymuo, Ir afflicted with a habit fur tl t, trh• will nut illi kuu%%n fur wally of mixing 'til wordy In alsurl fnrhiou. tutu tutuultm pant . ,or •urr,.but a x00,1 wally p+tlriuls IT 1 tow renlure to relate u tow old %i hpllmb(u'r fie Otto#) artoukrhed file congregation faith C rich Im•tura 111c }Ili Ir Jolie, by rnyhlg Watt WWW 0110 prevent Scotch eudtumd l l 19'"re about Ita ,708 oils all at Inlet. lura, It3 t There is PNOO xdvene eritleism of JuabLi.as bed In like heard"a batt- datlh and funerals; but be It under- Abuse I'S o'clock refrealhmento were to nay ePrrea, IIIOJUdIng tsu►dr «, working of the part to system In warmed fiat'.' fIe WOA 111 stood, I write only Of tld)d0 cemmeU algal♦ - half-fortuod widll." A flvmu begin- Ilk the Blggnr, L:ulalk•ldre. distrlot. tt bl.keys l•ipt& .Intl 7'ubareo, feutl itD10 an:141a; prrhapks the critics exWcted Il. !n dew York State ,.lag ''(`ouquering king) their titled Tiley arc what 1 hate perrOuilly AIterptrtakIng Of these their mln+ih anti couverdatluu be the tt oO nlurh ,1L li In I.Igh favor. At Lila edl of sero relle.vell, take" war turned Into "Kinkerlug known, or have been told by aga,1 came mace varled and general, 'tier' of gard It+• fleet year of lila new Ino lila kougr the►" Iltl#-. tukp." and silo men and women hl the 'Lula Il Log haps Owing to the t;lpullvet (moue- all because the !Ouch dread- Crw nrpector or Priswls for lite Slate lift)-tirst Pwalw wit@ announced d) Ile. Of il1eM even I Only nikentloll talntiew), or mpdulght hour head plunged with• whit' hair that of 737 Initlal applications n few to Indleatu Iwo ver turb:nry cat ' fusty -filth•" out the curpst) b -Ing theiturbr(t. It seattl al Of these 4N were aCC01slltlg to ihu 1\"orUninrler tdas• were tnflueneed fu their day nod wnr�lhcxlgk't that lir the Wurning ad- coat %core lNlrol(-1. returne+l to et u•. Iwvp hen &utoworth) for lila geueratioa. %ahead tilts lower.+ of darkness lust might thorn ollalucnt• 14 wore dirchargo, and plufueiwi of �cutcIl rtorhw, wlfich \\.fin a young cuul+la etarlett out routrdl. Whateter the eaure the ta- Icratiing the' stent, fSa were 33 reutein(xl in "ILOO I dtuud- lu ou%ernl c,lrna fairly ret I,L•N In +t t•ons'. aunty of thele b"ve in thetr "naw Ilfr;' Lilo sloe, sty .mwu (butt thereaWag IttsFldSCe#U In &wu and parolee Iia'• lit the eua of tw %Flar. He cel au unclo•Ilt "tug, but there is Oise .is theeonventanll; could, oulual ,I'D,l lir to drinking, all there are hl rune hoMo unli thr•o tldL eitelydiun or the hew to tIrt% 1. Iterhapd not Ceneraliy known to make her "dead "liter;' acme etou Irish "walker,' both st 11011! decently. It cony Ocat(en all first year { trls►uers ilow .FdOC'.or ,tae attetuliai a diulgerour ubnxta..611 wits Reotch butler was eu- spin°fug t;tip threvdl lu make 11;pm. cust nary fur uelghborr to until ncltnle uflned• op*0 .There ., wit$ gcly-d. Ou calling In the forenoon, bite aid% out of evcrybudy''r lit' :. „tako a Joint fl,cfk lit the ourisal" 1 1 • ai-l' f 1 ,Iranms Chu Il i,e hardly likely (mi. Lynch i hang, however muck he cony +lever% wch n (ale. It WOuld hardly rte make w cheap mnrtyr at uloi. few )enra nt the alone pile troll fill every dismand of tuatice 11.. a,.l the liked to do tenell harm e traitor, " anve what Itis long cou1.1 do, and the pivpl0 who we deechild Into regarding him nn boa.', bad man have leen pret woll unclecehed. 'rhe french Government Ill,. I. rut n vory admirable figure In per"Pcution of the relighm" P munition of the rppftbhr. Now g.a'" Ihr length of forbidding use (,r tiro Breton dlalret In rhurch(l on the pir•lrxl that elergy (night to Irl- Anxlllarlen the tearhpra in thn prolongation the Yrrurle Inngunge, That I+ mo st nm men'1 are the treatm tier sppottat yr would male (will f•ur Frrnch-rl,:•nking fellow-••itlt In Q"pb.e. Thr f iill Servants at OltnwA pyre, to 11mke ah appeal for n pay. They ere tirr.l of wen 1.•ntehoO ekdh@v Hotel 100111!( rOrn to rid their bnrade of the eAll .mewl by o4pr-Plprlion. \Che ti-rriblr thing It cation of them *h go on Rlrikte: fiver In the SA loo, there- iT tro"hip. Ihr Sup ccert J,xlxea, wlrO get w lin Ip0,f1(NI to alt :.IIGG A year, re this pinch of pon%erly. A move M oa tool to ant for doxiblet the sent snleries. The treaty lwtwePn ('ol0mhle% (11e Ilmlyd Hlnta* for 4hr rontr a strip off territory for the pan (:anal help Dern culltp'rtPd, and 1 Kim cr, n now go I►head n ed dig ditch. There ban been R gntl,d Iw sate, to Uoluald: "I Iloilo your "nasi little b7 little, g+otthereJ c , r em• &ltd to touch It, lir fear u pre" "A ulasslve and eodtly ",onum'•et to ter's temperature le muck' lower to• (which was eurefully lull by until would come to them. Chu illi) Chau It wnN fltot night." "1'm Invitation to attend the funeral lark the last resting 111"Ve u( Bret degentwfuneral LDolit ticuttlsitluilal (u' )rte eery euro Mallet_ khat. rn- was glvuu by the grncextlgger Keung nn e lmrtu flue }ort oxen erpctpJ In \'rim pli,"! lire butler, "fttr he deed this few horrors cvu1J equ,11 that of la iuK from huude to house aunt announcing the y elpnr;hyilr.l, Lilies"), Englund. Ili" Ilaar,. '. "burlel by filo par rh lir 11, la a pnu- lhnl Mr. --- Manilug the chic( com 'rate i,. to tile, northeamturn dart Of per's grave;' Ou one oo•cao:onl I huat•d mo ururr►, dealred lila farce of their sed u young widow mournfully say, lir oumpa"y at the funeral of - Ile churchynrJ, nnel nruunJ It burn R/dn rt Philp, Premier of Quoeil. (naming 'lie relationship of lila ds the .•en pl:►nte,, Ir ttwnhelc of young fir LIRA, NI,►. INa,hrchdulitl-,it) it'" remehlrt tuLn uhe,our din ivak,nt rw,hatOis to ce'uw•d), at rued And awl, an hour, achi ryes. The tuomunent ennaiots of a tele/frnn in the direction of slrceralen Crum IxcWae of me anJ aIle ehlaron, hal 1 tluminK also elm graveyarJ. Thu Iret con sabolive slab of white granite, weigh- til„ C•cnumonwealth, IN a native of Iver ghen 111m a dccNnt (sideral only- ter class were Invited by letter, lit the ng tw(w and fl J1:►If tittle, en N'hlelf Se,lLa1M1. nMl gt lh0 age or 10 all- will) and • it to lucky thq butt [lar which prInteet Iflaak forms could be ver gut, Ulnck Ioclierll. Tito nnnoc of the illi d placed a blork of Aberdeen granite !d ml)Ph p I�wp-%rentuii1,,Queetlrxltun Kltrn bh t>� 1mi tonhls tang hJme`" deepaged, date pad Ilour of funeral, vu, I: ping uptrnrd in filo form of a cro"r. Premier alsomt front ilio state dur- .to rhe spoke titer. w•oels there wxr nn.1 graveyard having hell fl""Al In Bu lin llAICIty Itself Is the Inscription: ht Cho vlalt of the Prince anti I'rin- a kik of resignntiod oil her rad fuer. the lettere were slKuuf by the chief thfP Bret ilarte„tut. +• 18 f7; slay" d. ce.- of W&led Inst year, and It was One Morning, to lhd cluabtg tiny of nnxlruer, ihu wnN nlwnyw file near Iwlrl t !\ental Shull -trot no Braver en 11 at the time lh/at Ile twk n trip 1880, m! another, thea over tlOyearw rot mule relative. ' 1_ 1 to i At t tO r*Cepu knig11thocxt. At of ugr, dLJ not rise us usual. A gratin- Tho warning bell writ" rung half new furrrtlt.' ' tho coronation le 1,Aosiii the prof- daughter, Nehy (lrallaw, wuruau uu fl(xtr b(•for#) file hour named for welt fere) knlghthcxrl oil to his atlruney grown, •lvho find tKw11 OL'Olig "ith Interment. Till" bell was to drive all don Thc fate nttaslsa Minister of 'the Kai»sal, Bir .lrtbur Rutle,16", nn PT- Ler for a conelderabla time, nwkell (w 11 ,opirits omit of the grateyard, pie interior. 3t. 81p1agin, IrAnl.hed with- \redey'an miotater. _ her if the was awl w) will Like rhe NU that the holly might Ile In peace the ereons, Including w -mg not getting kill, um it.w•us near Thin bell A1No ClalitNI all the friends ala lint trial. 61,000 I alae Ochxk and the b'•eAkfeat wa■ to the liorc, v%here n short service y ,..� w ru+tdy. Mother •nliwtverr!, "l dinnn wits held by the nu"irter. A chnplor oil pclalUt Ipfaderg, and mea of cavo".- ^"'1 dis tion. Ill" nlecersor, 31. Plehwe, had st Houk I w Ill get lite turf yet ; Iwo 1 tri the Bible nee rend nna u dturt e'oul t Ilk, yin lu g,uug lu l[rr. Me,- irn.ity,,r'�fr•reJ. Rrfrrrhmeuty of cake imp found It,necewary to perrugdn many The Markets. Larty nlnd tell tier to nom'+ here it Itli:u Ito1 will«key were nlr(► scrraf br of these to return to their homer, )) utluuto as Solon Its biro convetllrl,lly aril n ctdlertknl taken up fur the ••til all it Img leen found that the expul ....J� ":ells" &,metlrtng In the luno of her puler. to ltomnn C'nthollo times the lint rofedsdomul men e'e'"'"'"'"^"r'e'"'w�� - roles caused Nelly to Imrteu and money n(w eullected went for masses un, &fun of He ninny' p loronlo 1 armee Harkels bring Mrs. McL,triv %vitt, h'r if) flit• for tie,• maul of the departed. In buy lu nod brientlrto Ilan affected the gen- Toronto, fell. _.-(;rain rrveg.tlf, hex+rp. OA approach;ug the b:•d ill,, clay bakcrt bake) a peculiar. tin oral welfare of the country slid even Pialah, owing to Ind co11dttlou of "bun- latter ralJ, "1 am \lens, grandlnotk•+r; (•Nae ('bled uloialare It -cult. Rev' tilt indurtrl!l develojtment. try rnadA. \Cheat I" wtvmly'. _00 foal,- what can I do for yo 7" ' Cer very 1 butter "C" I,1•I of while selling at 72 to 7'J 1 oc, kind ; wed ye please lok in the cc,m w",tl lit floc flour, wt -u ti, There nee a g(tud tnauy places 111 and C01 IlintehclN of re.l at 71 to T'_o. tilp drawer W the press, richt hand and' Hagar, W hen I'uthrr strut to fou eau the 14u%Ince where snuai.{rax ral•its, Il triev, dull. one !ond w•Iling at 47c. Corner ht Ills back. aid Int .m2 koro er,la N r �'Ialugwterr it" L' " i" O.al" nrr higher, X10 ISI"hr's selling if the• lhlop, yt. seo there aro a' W1,ek aloft p:(f( kPlr to sae U he hnn Nit belt ihu* far the hrnit11 authorllied iia :o 1-_t', richt t' giro bctked,acam^ l+urrlydly briiltK►tl nay hum+, with him. They itm hilt(, vueceeded fairll• well in guar- Poultry, i:, graNi tientnnd, rat miner hrl,.k. wringing Ayr Ii CudN t"lie was to alt, you t. Thera in til lr wen n Indy body), nna P11trulated, "Oh, .tlsalb solidi, f ora, g lu els lick l•e fin uhtine ulpttatures. But it is only by pri•'P". I:Ar.N nrr w'enkPr, nna INltt;r y uureniitting dihigrnoc that the pest firm. Mrs. Baltar)tylle, how Cain Fou talk cold a p', cu of orange peel •tuck til .o( Ilny rrrtlafnw Rolf, wl!h offerings Of. 11,, cillmf7 on such a dreadful sub- tint top• ► 1 e,tu ho n%ohlcd. There are Really ,rnlr seven kwdm. Till' ill ' "old +It Jet, all lltat Y' It wits 4 Tito i,L:ck &perk of orange peel w cared In Port Huron. and there pre lei_ thl /tlJ.An n t.., cold mix.rl nt war a re Ic of » very anc'ie'nt euntom ne fire Israel ('farm In Julgau tlm..•d ft war ti ouulmuu of out iraN thrift 30 carnes, In, Chlcag0 #1; to 1ln. Straw, nominnt,'about $10 rcietnce, when a great mar died. Jim bt boNlatnlm. SO w%"Ily Ir the Infection 't prPaarrl h f w, "fruity, A7.73 to $9.25, fiat lay to the r.cht hxuJ "caner P ti tore raw, Rover taken out all th( (red:., to «e"J triad film Cho help vv curried that u Jarrell who lite Dern til,• latter fur c!Io!cr light se'lr V they t011 Itot hu goon l itt the world yr Following Is the rang 1 there years, save now nut again to lu whloL hu our going• nlsvtw were w( c�pomrd to Il may become .teasel- a of (nota- air when naPthing w•ad by. Mother killed to accomplany him. Tho mode w IIng centre of Infection. Riodd Isola- lionm: quickly repCed: "There s nnelh• d Detecting Jai* %Icttm vets by lot. A le lt'h•,',t. while, Ivlwho. 7:: to 7_ 1-.0; lu dreadful about it, wumno. Due ,lumber or small Oakes were bakegl ill lieu of souprels la of file viral Import- rel, 71 to 7_c ; spring, 6Nc - goose• tlllnk l lino ctyuto to my tame unr crud to this end the fullest i4i to Ale : n ata, net to 3t; I •tie ; peon, Y o-wrespoudi"K to tilt) "umkwf u: fr ptilaiclty In de&Irablc. Hidin the Px- ti life. an' no lino everyth.elgreaJ) rh,a.ly. &dl ono cake wits burnt TI 6 7s 1 _e : liar try, 47 to alk' ; buck- for tine chsngP Y Just gang ver '.lack. All were pull Into a bag. alai en iwteuee of disease ought to be made whrat, 531-_c: rye•, 3Sr: hay, timol wa s back again an► tell We r:cht. :(n "ranee against the sinal". thy, per ion. tela to $d3.:,(1: do., Y sj(,v slat'.+.irrw cwt l wake, and the lh 1 ndreeol. ICA in f,U: atrnw,!{J to X10.:,0. I'm thinking there is little tfmo to sl:aro who gut ilio brook cake waw pr K• t•,tm, for 1•u 4 ser w lee, o 1. 1. I17 Itioll Mrs. McI«arty went, saw the the • victim H#-lecte-I to go with IA. ..f Unrue'tlie h&A offered to gate TO- t , gr 'r, do.. \ t " ti( l to -4'17:1. Chico were a' richt, anti so repi.ed. master. In 1874, wife" tri►vrllilig in t, rohlu ? 3U Q(lU t0 isutAt ItDrgriea rail rinser. $ i.:a) to RT..S ; timothy,-riinf'll clap," 4,11.1 mother ; "S hen y(„lthern ICnmm�a, near thei In tial a, It 9s the LOr J'o will l ala randy. Tc,l ", I rate on a small monti,l " That la n nlaguifkent offer. and }1 +: n, _._ ;. two tree", un.) tretnePu them. about e lvlil iwjlI)tI "a Ix! acct' led thank- .%ppt^P, P'r illi:., $1 io X::: dressed fur it's nbont t:u,r nn null frail p hog:, 57.7.1 to ;,f,._3: rKA.i. new laid holly like uie wan ILWI!Y•' WAIItn nn tau feet front till• I:rcind. suspended 1,1 fully : OltlionKll there are report^d ,:t to C:.r ; ,-gKa. halo stock, 1l to ho ur her ""hang#)' came. nfta nlx:t by n hair rope, w nN a liOm•tu baby Nt to bo a tcw hu11M-heAtletl blgotswho jlp laltter, dairy, 1H to 'J4c: do. the dark'nin' lit that day George swaying tel the wind. JG•t+ling A cow- a _ _ t),•y', i nskrd him what )t munnt. "It is filo the offer Itm n dondly intalt, Mclnm7rp14n ct1.3�r•uckackTlrr pair car �ingkrthe stracht'n:n'flhrod nm i" n great Osage chief, anti hl" well or to among them being K B. Osler, 1i. 7.11, to IL1.aS: (11_-i :, p'r pound, 14 (ter Ills arm. When there he look killfwl III* favorite horpe for him It P. nl«I Llout.-C'ol. Lh&leen. )i�w- to l7r : "res.':..•. p alit i, !r t0 Ito till, nlearurp for tier coffin, re- rh10 in the other world;' ho scald. f ever, In mutters of money Turoat" I,otntora, p••r big. Al::O to $i._3, hav ei re ills shop l0 mute it, and At Cho hour whpn the ' Ilflln' bell' •i itnvp IL ready ngai:IRt tIlo third day. wad rang, nad the eofffn one rarrl:ol haul never been kndwn to be very Lt•adl,zy ltlt(•at Market,-• Meantime Mrs. McLarty and a out of the house. feet first, it was f .nrtkfious, ani' the regularity of the Followtag nrr the ctnsing quota neighbor woutnn dreseecl tier body carried (Nl two FpOkea, If the gravr- s gi't horse'* teeth will not be too Clore. at Important whrmt centre, wilt, the dosed claps that were a' Yard wan near. Four luen attend- t to-d•ty : rvuli and n' richt when want -eel. rel to thus, eh&nging on the way. The h critically ,exnullned. R'ondrr If Mr. ,inn. 'Gay• Two nhgilts rifler, when A waft (lark C'arn(-git. knows there is a lace Call• S1 the emit all 1hO Limp, "lo present (1 V \rw \'o -k ••, ••• ••• ••• 0ewge \{"Ilsun 1111. h:w k'plprr sur the duvll molrrl!"g the rOrp"r•' h et Hanllllou in tilts part of the (•hiengn ... ... ... ... ... 771-I Tul.-O-r .. ... ...... 77 90 1 1 tical Cho . The. sl1oll►J^r In I into watt n + g worpl Chu house. Tbpn the solemn lmprer Good /)faro N'hru til« \un tehoa( . thit,tth. No. l north... 7:I 77 sive rite "kldltn"' took pine.. by mad a bud omen when min t^hl Thc New York Ifertill nays the Toronto IJTP Stuck Mnrkro. elderly wcxnea, who were plenseml heavily. or scow tell, lir boiat,orals t )tong woman who interruptal the •.=rte rwVle,ehdce. "rawL I( to to taw to be "&lied upon to do that whicll, worts. for It')SAvb evidence lhst "the Belt!Nh-bnl tel (axl rrttlMa!1 6 few da n,rdlanl........ ... . 3 11 to 1 la when their own time ,came. Other pr:rlce of \he power of the, air wrote I l( K do cava ...• I If to s m• wompil would do the like for them. resent In rcntrol of the. element"." 1111}•m wgu Is from 6ingslou and :ante9,-r.' cstlte.pr^k«1....... I n to 1 t' Mrs. llclArt did not , stop our ,hlirh.r. est he, ekelee........ 7 ::,t to 1 it "O wommi went to the gmveyArl, t that her pcv, ile tlo not cuurt the IIm,•A,c"-cwrtl"sIr........... I SN to 3 3, old eight days clock wilco mother but all were drpsbeit ill Irlark. Men do eommol ......... 2 (n to " 7u died, Ila some d:d at death in the wore ''N-ecper+'' o❑ their coat uutorioty the prose haR gicPUber. (esua, exo•ort,heavy...•• ...• : 37 to 115 hw1Pc; Alit she drew down ' "' 1leeves, crape around their hAts. All It, tiny n • to i4th! "' """""" 1 73 w 2 m btlrxtw end left the windrnv open n rown-ti men heat It hlark suit. f Milan Grant I& 0111% Iii ears o:d. do te+t....... .......... .. K p Y F'eMdrn, rhrnt-keel• ••• /tl io 173 wee bit try let in ihu fresh stir. %'Cho,, a trey Lttlr lal Ionto hrgrd She 1" dump Anti rosy anti (till of do inoAinm................ a 75 to 1 5 Nrithvr Ctid eke^ Leek all Jho doer« a yuang man ask my fnthor whet ! do light J 23 In 3 7.S animation. An,sag her ao(plalniaueab 'lcekcr. chole• . ............. J to 3 2, til the room ; Wit site dal kiml of rlotheli lie &hould get. "Illaek;' I "ho in rt• aviled ns a brl ht. im. +lockrr.. run,num .. : is to i 70 g g l'urrr the i,ouklux-Kiwaa, hr waft tolA, "Aa they sou ■Pete pulphe girl. Her mother Ir the vineh row-, &tell -.....•...•• a: )) to 57 all either at funcrltiH or wedding•.'' I %filo lit LI(•ut. a:suit, dui uffhwr or 9krrp eon.. sMr,rwt .......... x:e M '3 73 tlu►t drtond on Cho sheat of drawers, Il,n-k-.per cat .................. r 31 to a ui. •silo Incl broil ht with Iles ":xty-nn,l- kept a man whn worn n a fA coal flattery A. The Grunt" live nt rult.,.ea•h.._ ....I......... g thirty years, an.l who d)0natfd (hal 1 Ko«rluwn, a chnrmtog end lame- Llyd,., tr'- r"t t o' to ( 7a three years before when' Hhr. find it had! T•cn In and out of the tneh. dteml In Calan street went. MieN (othc ,par ts,.d ............... t 1u, lu to K entertxl that anmo room n honey, ►eft ittant timrN, that he find mnrrie•d Hag- rhotee, mr owt.......... to l0 to it Is, reg, R lhme stirs mel hnrlal two 0( them brant ken" token liar mother'* nnmP Hol(" ii,ow, par cwt .........._ I w 5 Li bloom) blmal, In bride. tier ' br Der Hectnxl marriage, Her corn II, K-.fnf, per �wL.. ........... 5 3a to 5'at C'hftTlgf• find crm,p : slip was now lite In }t, that it ons prerfrotlY tteean t unmr i" Blackstock, and on loth d.. Scor!., me cwt........... 3 :aI Io u w briell, of death. Tho•y pat a plate sit the time, will then It was Servlee- "kl#-s rb:: cenuo•r (rum fine old Cann- ° ""' (" r cwt (w to 1 87,a of salt on her chant, "to rpveut t do s -s -, r est............ l s14 to J Mia P able yet. After the Interment all Rion oamllic". tlr, wl e s - un Trade. Alto burly Hwellinx:' they xn:d; but tho telationa returned to Alto, 11nn"e I, n" obi saying war that "it acted for dihner, when the Rill w•as rend F The Klowlh of ruclalislic )dens In Them Ila" been a fair 4imelopetenl nm a churn against the devil de- lit olden Limen this dinner was call - lit spring tratte at Montreal thepast ntroyinx the body." Ont) very old the "i)reagery Feuwt;' to widen till tine united States Is canning some tvec•k. (peelers b:(%e brPfs Intl nod Roth toll mu that In him youngdayie n(•Ighlnrm tvr•re.-nade wclronto amt ttwu,tlnt. llnrprrd Weekly anys: well dintribuled among Jho various It tante the canteen to tint •n plate atnu,g t10, weallln•, all f10, brggArk 1 Lterall. vigilance IR the price Of dppirtmentts Ili buNine"" anti rppre- of will and another Plato of enrlh aroim,l were feasted to thehrhenet's afnondcal a0vation. Itelividuallmte sent H very, fair v0himr 0t buying wi iltr breast of a corpse, - the ,-ontent. Thi■ feeding of the poorwaw sanft(d ronturn ,the speclrP of Ho- thrnngllont the cohntry trade cen- earth i-Pprearnthtg the corporeal ,upfosecl to have a b -heft Lai effect t0 ,!allaln by shutting tapir eyra nna trees. Wilotr•s it, trade nl Toronto Inas Lowly, the rlrthly homO of Cho soul; up(tn the future welfare of lila do• - A retentlinet that they see Ito Signs been muderntely active this week. tilts mitt, with its preserving il;tnl parted. ki It. Thu rtartlin� truth Is that. OrderR for the spring are coming for- Itira, reproo llftg the hpnvPnly w 'Ir F.ugelle 1. Ifeb+, the Socinal"t wont freeryc. Cnlue" of staple cot' slnt0 of the soul, its home eternal ru.poi, " at Httit(! for I'roaiiput Int 1000, re- tons anti trfvsllpnn are very firmly (6F� not held by A',e doone"tle milia and old in the- frI nw. L rc•1% t bnl were votre. over ilKxt ( lly (.(d irlerrl !thee .. (fins MOSLEMISM : lie U.a) v law warp twllol far Soclnllat mnntry• mPllrre aro n"klnx higher xr►w•, lrtformevl me t11ere waw n tim>.e i rc cand!ihites for Congr•omit at the rv- prices. !lore activity IN �notiep.i In when there were persona, who rnil.,I L & •out Kehprnl election". If the Till- trade circles un Qui -bee daring the themselves 1,Ah enters;' Awl who, Its Strength end t\'eakaone. lug %trength u' *)eintlntx whnuM In- pnmt week, there bring a demand for when A perSOO died, were called In J ty cr%lase at the .sone rate durtog the spring News. Ihntlne"a at the I acifie •'to il#-xt two yt•nrw that Is to any. tit U0a"t tins been nt(Nferately active F:af the Silu of the Irercaard." the•uvile of no) per cent. -they wi>Fn1J this Werk. Them Gna leen it inater• The, canoe ror the s irprining Hua of (teot .DIP Uo alit nitu,rat two millien tote amo+nut of nethity In Winnl{ex Their modus ogernldl warn t0 place voles In edtat pP•r lio1. in other wholPsnle circle* tlw pbmt wr@k. Hs- a pIMP t4 wait aid another plate ctec+s of AUalufmmerenlam ns n mis- It. wonriw IIlPy %reuhl 1't' Miow itis strong tn{loc: %. he , tl"" h• r•r• 1 ,, +•', n large r, brand on the breast of 4h" corpse, slonary torte U to be looked for in '"' nH lilt• 1lfipullsln war" in 1SvJ, might ripanNlnn In trade last year nrr buy- nital to r {Y•at n Imrir.P of inranla- acme speclnl quality of the religion 1t carry n fray Stxt(w 1111.1 wrnllrl hold ing imply 91mv. Shipments I "triple flop).after whlch they Me ilia con• the the Isinnce ,►f {xrfver In others. gofxl.• by Hamilton firms thin week tr111w of the two pintas; and era re- Itself, some glrtlitY InnntP In Ito An, Nhy aixndin'C eosfAllrm 1hrlvP hsye hero hr,%p. onlero for the Ileved the dead persn•n of atich .d 11@ tenchinlg which enables it to hake (h,` epring contin it In arrive fr"ly and nm woul,l have kept Iris Imperfer.l- a pPce larly strong appeal to the Lha h, the I'nited Statre where trust" ,tlld, rom e.ct" are that the rreaent ty purifled spirit tr(nn hoverinx rde' 011e of thooce tin R there will netivltY 1 will P(eltlnat. ter{ Pnmr nrovntl anti flwnting ilk+ rrlAtlona, la crate human rtstnre of the pagan ltd i lea. It11nn have thought l0 villa lo, A heavy bill to p:ty f the thrift arrk". TrRcellers in tslrlonn dlglrtrto their grant ftrW yanrp, If with• tt1 1s gnwlity �n AlallommMnn marri• of A1nl•nnxh the eonntry the peat month (rout sntbfncti011 tO It'" - ubinlry to which our nNKhlPi,rm ng0 laws, which, being frameel for nl have met with great snce•an and the Tllwrw wnq w ommmon cOHlom In lila cenvenlena of mM, nm oplaaeol hn%e drtotprt Ihrmeelves for ao 0ntlook is for O bl turnover the my tiny Itta)wn lot "Hitting np with ant x to w smaln, may be suppnawl to eom- LO man} )ansa. coming awa«(►n. Valuem oI atappls Ibfe corpse nil nhgi't f tti It w•on Ism --r- xexd. are firmly held. In Lonclun nw ny.' Otw sewn. to of t!sln wag a firm mend tlremswlven to n comfort loving enol Tl:r IntePt consuntplioll core in re- them hap been A good demand for twK,,t thwat If the corpee w•as . not and wnn)ronte prnple. Then, lawn un- porteil from ('bicnxo, where Dr, Fra- Reasonahle "Ifo and the order. for watclretl lHP Idrvll might rare) aft gnemllnnably lPdl to mike Afahnm- llrk hnR find Pmm� n,rcenn with ht" aprinR Raids hive been larg , and the body. TAB w•ntchors hall t0 keep matwnism popular, but they are not, pro well 41 fibtited. Ottawa wlaolimswlp nil ewes old df)gle ant of lh,, room w•whelleve the. pole, or even the ronin acre leystrnl of nntleeplic Intrnven(N,t •ln- trlade iR fairly active. The placing whpro the rorptwe any', for 1f by any ^alai,, of til. Rucrwas tO +which ver. rh,g ;uslortP. Tho L!en is not nets, llarcrlll, oMprr for the Ppring hove horn "!,Atlee whatever any nninval leapt have referred. Tle tr s explanation nn Italian phyidrunn. hnving tried In very COM PO far and It Iq expectt.d o%or it. then It come un,ler the power M lu b. Mongl,t in n wholly ellffar- cure tint the sales the next a ninth will of the. devil. Thd perroaw who volun- Pnl dfrertlnn. umm that way fnlnnle quantltles of var- i e MOTIF. teerpll to evntch, moble Aid female. It is within the experience of every t it lulls chemicals and drneq. Dr. Frail, k, yfAlRx anti okd, reit In the district officer In Imilt Abut a re- 1,owever, pnrsur•s n different plan• Iii,Nhl.• Joker. IMuap "boot ten o'cJork. Iteefrrmh. mnrknble chwnge comps over the In- oluld airirts were served nrut the family h,+bitnnts of tile, mPanrwt 111mloo Tit- injecting large, gnnnlltlem to� ronlpnr- it 1- r,,In1Pl of the, Inle S111rler ntr•r, of the elt•re•nmit relttred to spat. The Inge film nunm.nt that they are ron- ntiv(ay non-polPOnons nntfgrptic:.. Hr hrtookN lllnt hn hall at On@ time a turn ort (ff the nlxht wgw spend in vrrtrrl to A[ahommpdnnism. 'rile mon sane rata (town to Alto Tel", tet using Il for very fwvurlt. {,ix, whn, Alae, went Illy p rending Prttltte mtdtfshiw pnrtl0n. of w -ho formerly irrw nreumtnmo�l t0 the wny of All pig", and w�w. (+nn - a short tllet"ere. Thele lhp flald Is cava nthIn Tbw fifth c (vrItP r( at fore he AbJecl self -or the nt est plhlx Ttert(NI Into hnPOn. BrnOkN meat (7(►t-Inlhlnn'm was w tocOrllP - that torr their heRdmwn 0r the nearpat Dealt Introduced by Inserting either a some of the delicacy to R friend, peedl@ or a egm,let Into the vein and with A nOtp R■ follows: "Hlm *till nammrinclag, "Far ww know that I( InndmvnPtw naw hold til@maelven er- pTtt' allowin it to run In ravity. A wee prsrr, and f awa' yon a piece r4ir rnrthly heluall of tilts tRbPr Rrlr art, look artery m'tn hoidiy between g 1p g wpm fisndroll ver lxtve n hnliding of the p rm, nod tipvelo of n a idd.n a of filo Pnel." The )nkw was related to T p eoalpsrMlvely shall veto, such ag the 0(wt, nn hailer tint note with hand" nits unwonted nbiiitir to defend a flPAtehmwn, whO Inof�beel Tory q wood radial, Ir .anally orlertiod, anti the hrartllp, RIM shorty aflwrwRMa, r4Prnn1 10 the IireTPP-." Ther annle. lhemnoolvan from anernnchment upon limn, noting to {-y,v tonPq the verve thplr ri hte. 4e If bt Maxie. they OI M geastllj Imfamed varl'Pe from elx l0 htv,ng nrCaslOn to kill a lits of the x 1 leglnnlryr- hnvn heirnme end+ ndent aad self- mm� twenl 0nnrrm. T.oP IPm raters of own, rent nnmw to w relat Te with f y pr ThFl hrRur of m> rlplrlrture'm m,ne, rPm etln WAPre f.rmterlY they saw dM remark ''HIn PnA wAs peaoP, ond PP K 1100 tilt( Haid In malnt"hic(i At llOdegrees, P p x." And ( hrAr the T.4er thw( rA;1w Ili hump. their onporfnr In @very man, they i easel Ym, R IMP ftf filo 1 t11„ahv+r fwvn,itr wwl►- the to ill degrees FAlorrnllelt. The tent• hP wondrrwd why nobody anw thte nOw howl th@Indw{T@e to be Aa Rvfcf, ,Ipal meet hale been remarkably Soter•ce,fsl )*a. How still amt pr"col is the grave Re or better than any. Polygamy .sn.t tO ► Autuo aav V,r •- --'- tel title trourfor,uatluu ; hp. Llodatlun of such villages lu mo wire &Ilefet fru: that hall always yrnvall(x1, rare in ILcehtent of their ouuverrlo& to gS�And tulle welo to!sorurlfirsstt Ire O[ the reolet whicll ."Counts p� w extraunlivary spread of the Tk11 uluedan religion. It Ir that the IK. (,7 Mnhowod )s Wtssd, not uu Out like the toneldngr of Chrlsllau- fut oil pride. TheaMiall1011n101 �'ua lea hill primary L d belief In his city" unyuesllun- r.r superiority nN IL proferwr Of fw Only true religion. Tito Il,tOu"Ity a n Ifs conviolion 10tldo film to ro- ute a thereutr lit ILII ut"ar r e (rII with a cull tempt,.our 'Illy �(u I eau easily be converted Into U� eel. It maker file Ualelhsunlht'n eI. en in A paga g y *I, ercendlug to the Ireople about i . Their arrogance lr galling, Pr r calve assurance lir superiority ons' ked a desire to eluulate ile wince ewn(atlon Is only afo w, Slut, the channol Of converslon, I ervion very generally ensues. Ar eaN1 rally, too, it opreadr, for each t convert, patttlug o0 In Ilia turn prlelu of Ills -new religion, re- i Onto yet noother temptation to n p►iigauo around till" Clio tubraci ao .1 quality with him by K Mahon,matan faith. Thus It has m u to IwtSs that what the religion ove, bucked by devotion, energy money, has failed to accomplish, religion of pride and hate flay r eyed, without or•gshillmlon lir 1 rclour effort, purely by virtue of appeal which It makes to ihu y human desire of every Ma to Ii treated Am wn equal, by hill fellows. It, as had already leen said, the sources of the strength of the success of llohAmmrdan - is also this regain of ltd weak - a awl it■ failures. The arrogant -complacency o[ the Malwmw, - stlractr converts among pec, who arts Irte,1 by a sonde tot Ir iufeHority', but it nine pre- fer all posekbkilty of ad%Amce tN•- oa(1 the limits of Certain %erj etr- mrcribed bwmlgrles, A divine 3 content is the foundation of nil lrovement. Until w wan fine been slight to rpallao plat he Iq not o roof arta (fevers' Of tlUngr, it Il has been boene in opwn lilt Irrrtat-01119 %hut humanity, even Ito hiKl est expre"alonr. Ir csaen- II) progressive, 1r capable (wf elnpinont and reform. nothing ambling a desire for amehoret- r•l eats hllr In him. Therefore the me Arrogant .elf-ap{wovnl whlcn utltb the, Maltommedan In •itch all &N 'L spreadfer•of hII Ptilit + + him oynK luarlxtroer raced b.n 1* at and fucK when It, tx•aanes a cation (w( oum{reting In the race progress atnl civllism!oodt. The ould-le reformer find. himself In uta conflict with the entire spirit hite cel-rrl!trka'rcts. Merely to nt that reform I. necessary, or oil expeeilent, Lr to strike lit the ry base of the "Puler faith. "•ire , nnif ll.hommeetana f" ask the m" of the Prophet ; "nal If' we Mshtxmme(lanP, haw Ir It {oinl- r that we can learn anything oil these .10x11 Of AChristiana7' ley have Ito rye for results; thpv re nuthinc n" to whether It bre p de«Ire of the reformer to Im- fr%e their lot, to &till to the "um th,lr materia{ happiness. Such nings matter RoA at all, fur the' Itoeate of reform cannot avold- tmtttVlg. nt An)' rate by Impll- atirm, that ti ltahomme-dan i.eo- is nut necessarily per me the (perior of any Infidel race. Rnrh n adminmlf*1 le nut only a deadly suit to the, prlko which is the, ry bo l of their faith, but to In self the rankest and roost batP- u1 of bpreslem, calculated to Inop►re n even the Mort tolerant Mahom- mPrlAn breast a veritable fury of anaticlam. That in the Frxukrn- tein'R Mounter which the %well -In. entl(xhetl yo nix sultan of Morocco n" brought flit() being through 111. #-wire tO ImItme Furopram matt► (els to the extent of purifying i t.,- overnment of his country ; a Mon - ter which hate alreA,ly proved It- self to AM a0 much rtr0lig-'r 1,111(11 tN unhappy creator. Apart front the Immp lintr nm'. (real npphcation of th.•tef• fact" tem contemporary eventP, they tire- de aervinic of special Conskderatkm by he people whose ruts•, to all Intent, anal purposea, In that of the great rat llnhommeelan Empire In Arlo or they bring home to us two very sPriour truths; tile. rnpl,t and Irre sisttLle sprend of liAllommeetirenldn b every locality where perfn+sor of that religion come into persona contact with men of a lead steel, fellth, and the extbst to which tie growth of MAhommed&niom Is cal culstcel to retard the progress e the human racy. -Hu rb Clifford 1 I.Ondos Spectator. NEARLY HALF A MILLION MEl Inpan'- Army of Trained Soldlel %i illi Son Nnmher 430,014). Among the best fighters of 11 world are Lite trained soldiers of tl Mikado. No matter what their rat they never spent to be unmindful h an Instant of the Serviced In whit they are cngnged, They do not dine pate, the l'ittli recreation that till give them(elvem 1 I quiet and Innocer and they keep their eyes, and dout 1+n their minds, on their buslne, LittlO Is heard of work abroad t Jnpanease military anti nav&I A "omit, Lal from the minutrnPmv their Inrormatiun regarding t Chinn Hell, when none of the oth allies knew more than could be c thine+l from public maps. a point w not Me slrtlnl-d In *Opposing the f ployment hl ti,lm Ilne orf ranch Imlt try that Is not at:v(rtlard. Thpre m wf•lt M1 occasion fur Inlerratim Pnrptlse shouLt •f&pan at any lit ftnd lonplf Involved In & war 1 which It will not be amply prepur, When the military scheme now process of developmlent shall be c(r plrtoxl there will be 4:,O,OIN) men I der the ago of 40 yearn trained I military ar•rvirp, divided equa nnlung troopm with tilt# colors n men enrolled respectively In the 11 aml necnnd renervea. Titin takrm nr•ronut of the Moll R with Ini:itr training who may have pANw,l i ugr Of 40, nor of stn element finite cuter anti promising cinder the o itc :.'O years, Crimpetny drill fins twee p(IRPoI In the Government "fools I many of the private schools ht adoptpd It. All over Ihr land at a Pennon nWy tat met troops of Pohc Ioyx 1n uniform. bearing the fd hlnnket rollm null knapgacka of !'I nn,l aompttmpa cr%rrylnh Also gc trampling wlth their In(trlctork o the hillm and gnthrrink martial alp' nal a nrnnn of du116Pllne with It ml t i [lige. , 11rect at IoM. II,,,tord f %"IV nn. f;Prmnn in"trn,•tor fen Racially 1 .tit, )-1 nee yyoO nm earl,v of Is YO. .mod to II.Tlyd ,).fore, anti n yoO, nre first at last. The Signal t• rV*I.LAa* ■�iiltT THURaI)AT MORNING /7 D. reuILL1CCDDT. . S Torre el ■aba;tIPOoa, scoff. to slran..................... i IN N oo..tks. . M mon t►e, ............. 1 W rear. .......... Advertloing Mdse+ tgal ..d other r&.a&1 &4 relt,"'wear-, 0% flet. for er.t Ias,.rt.0 ,. &n t 1 routs par Iona ,aab,uboOsjU Stla.&rUon. It"i'"Od ►r mcrgll rale. list u,+a cards of ,Id It -@S and S■der. M F&1 r drertlaemonte of lot. Fu"NA. AlmyM ,.tion, Vrc.rt. fouLa-,lea. wasaed -Y 4 dueed C'banee- %%'aua.d, "ot eda..dlnr a .s norp^ sell, 11 pea oonth. u.ee nu Clot• ant rare, ea rete. not to .ad 1lbu,. 11 ter tint Remits. &10 per - 4 u,nt wrDtb. l.arut a.1r.,. io ti'mrliun .all,pe:'l.d seine, aobjfAP wL ra to,e ,auto the peouniary bene al -f Ory I,ab • •.L or caw Wry• to be ouu--d.r"d .a nol%nri 1., nt and ol,areai solx,rdtn 1 ,coal non, oa In rw.parelf �Jpe oaks east pd rd, uo .a, toe ler than 204 seal outton, to crd,ns:y reading tyre tea me par word. No netlu fur Ir-. tem,« 19'. µoar for obaro►e. &"d a'►or rdljions soil an"Jant taatlgtless. LaIf neo. labeorth,n wile tall N re"alve Tea on*. A% rularlr by mall will ex+ufar a favor Lr sr .1„i,,,g us of lite fact at as Softy .date v Nlbls. Nbea a ohawra d aAdnw Is dooi"d M• r e all and to. sew ahem,. should be g1•,a r.bllaball . lieu -e. 1, a. Lw Toa,.l, of ocalortrk, baa barn alp ,toted Local Trar Shinsj Agent for tit- iiwn Ips et OSdeAok, C;&Ibras. Aakl.14 allot a w anoak. "Pc, poetmw.'a" orae tkS AM'rld sn air npo,1 t. =dve •atsarl,does tar TRA .Piet- Alt �µaaieatlea, moat be aM1rS.sSd D. HoOII-LICIfUUT. Tats liar •c, Aspaa'aa f 6H tam Oodertrb. Oma '1'111 IL`+UtY. FEB. 11.11': - VILt,RLLING g1titDi GRAND TRUNK RAILWAT. &PAJTa �r�yy!!lrr••sM..... .. ... ... I......... It M a m 1=old... . pr ...... .. N L.. sad gapre.,... .. 10.31 ► e& ssrAay. (tall sad Rspr-aa..................... t Is s n Ifwu ! A gtcDna....................: t'1" r.r s r Ili r.., -- t paNTOTriT, �l- If1OROLLOx. L.D.11. oltaneL grass*". ltooews op�,a.I a Jt' 1'..f "'. oald Vllltar. Crow ■ -A Anci&A a w' a t r a{ M; R:oartonra L>M at. E CAMPION K. C.-Harrigter :I) Ildtor. Notary. !o. Of(Ire t o Kingston Ht. add 14gMM, next liar- ter'a noes grant, (loderish. • IU. JodNriTJV-kAI;I3TIKR. M;tJ- o e.t•e. (:emfale-Inose, . 0t4 1Leae to ,.h, om.,so: vw. Hws..Gtea sad Ile. Aaet'iva . •a+..cx ": e,h:l, one &A PROC/DTOOT t IIA-ItAl�holTEPS ..abort, &otarlr pnttlte pree tors 1n Ino 1(arltinte e'aurt. all. O6W: ►-.roll aL, nett door WONAL (,leen, Vitae Funds M 4v,A al Honest r.:o. of lntoee4 . s, W. rJLUUDfOOT. t C. 1J711:t • DiteKl�yON 1 OAR110%-. HARJUSTEN1•. Attero-r4 tiOuelt*m etc., u eelch. 'IL L Inckla.o.. I haricot Garrity. Lfro. PI11L,,r. Nota Y PabtFeete. oolloodooffl.ld• court Flanse agwn. , fon'y to toe at 1-4 rateeof Inttn•"t- C/'1Ii A -q• PRAGER - RARRISTr)t. A01. 4.11or notary snot 000rcyYow. OA;or et' d.E%11a z I so lU al chosen gotta• g4 atcll Iow.0 Form -W stt*rfaag+a at t t� eae.t IeesFM1. tam kssr&*L _ _ p. wAKo.(tr:rvgstaC1 N,,Ra.Alt♦ o r.,eL,Oid.&erfortat..ej sad reon\,1'V ....g.:aa.ew of kwl AALI&vi o all &liar a.,.e, drpe..lttars K asieia dpalalw'ieao t& s asne,r:m la` lir art boa, au;t or prorerlise In Ih, Hte► Coors a Jesu.•a, the ('earl of APP,oal far Ontario, or to any Colesty or fMg,ras Guar- AU Pswoaetfona earefullr onA promo til .d&c.tad. PA.64sn sad r. U. &d davee• Use. -- yoA`1e AJf1 tl/llifla tCi ,iONF.0 TO LL\'D-.% 1.ARUE AMOTN i d priyde fund, Gx Iwrie'alm-at at 1•• al rslPa and esl+enss oIt ora-rlaot- mrr,ce"•- Arpty to Irlrklmun_1t u.wrow. _ AUCTIOl r-Zlh2 (/;. le)tO)4AS OUX131ty..11'(•TI0XI:F.G %\!' V&b.ate r. ondeHch, th.l. :emir. a:e, A'': to in any Port of 1 he county. JOHN R'+nf(toLVRfiAL al'( -,:,:.d -A &P4[^,..I v.'aetw-ea-est+k,el•c 6"' . lag MA _W.I.rnb.a .et„rlad►neilaartn /r I "Seorlrg tr&b, k. sal Its a f*0 et:..p %Item ther."el, asst-fieril &ll on- et-,twns .,tr.eMd M kin. order. left et 1 !uidm'ot Hotea w Dost ►7 e•dl to bfr 64.1 f pe .R; r.0... ,-.ftUr atteadd lalJI 9 NOX. Coity A,setleNOW. --- mABA.W II IiJCIL W s' n Wks �SODO , OolUorMk+ OaLYA7lR1 'A � Curx,um t'Ittraglr t'wecomo. Of nil the rinxlnt tnduilrlrq wlm'� • , furnlah a IivPllh(xnt fur n corps o, %%orkerm t1tPre IN ,.our more wool",: of romeocat than lisp ,gle ri Enron •' if of Men \Cllr, rrpeteif and Rapport,A hy lisp religion. fervor anti reveern- te tt.al wentlntent with winlell the t'b;n ,k Par relgarcl their 1#-tlrls and dlap'••n )r In every Chluatu%%so. h.ywever +11"1:1• ,li n btiildtn r dedicated to Confuciu+ w1t Me found, And l0 rvPTy alman•1-eve'I i1" Crlpwtlall that building IN aaert-1. `I►''• 'Y r•.1 front the Inscription 'over til" Il, door to the blue s":okP that rust"' np �t- and mingle" with the foil[. for It h the toypin whrrPin urn Incluernteol all C'' Is. b-tt#-r R, oew-npnfr@rr, call old Iwxyka toe an the Uhinrae quarter, i:very mernp or c. Incisor upon which n Cldneee chara", 0, ter Ianx leen written or printed. wh, I, Ito purpoil In the haml"Pwe Or socked be world tins Iden arrnmpdi"fled. to' er hllrneml hl n perfumed bin.P, an'I tiv• 4f naheN are oiryohrvl of with re•verrn• Ill tlni cars. That they may nut befoul'' io contaminate 1 with the tOliCl1 Of 1"" le• man finpfrra, they are, with ,Mored oy "'eveb., aroopP(1 Into PaOkd sand rr,• nl r:trrlM out to Ren wl'Pre NIP Liar ne rung nwlfl, nod there they are gi%PD or into the care of MJ Neptune•, 1Ti1c1 MI, rpbpeet" e•Iually the customs .11 all In nilti r��nP.-Ilarrlrt (Jallmhy, In L"011" ' m Rrpkly, - In - '(,+ An Impxta'11 Thinst. Ity Onr of Ilr,rn'm hngy' tuvrehnnl" sot Is nlmo an Parnrat Sun -111) 't h "' rat Innis. fiaving totnkt. til^ Voice 'o' nn ry. the• "nperinlenclp el "iP Snn,ln� .lu• murninor nM h►nir hrftore (1rrt", - h.. mar, hr i0:,1 the Children the str" � t)f sof the efnainx of lel,• wt.e men fret" in the rnot to neck the Phil, .1Pnn" 11d "-1ow-, children;' lie conelnoled, ' if tore then• nrr tiny t{tlr itl(I la Yon wot*l like to RRk, 1 will tnkP grant plrn ,q sort. h, nn"wPring thrall." f)d- nx, l'p w•Pnt til^ hand of one of Ihr' fall smallest girls In the offom• nm "Well, Nellie, I'm Rled to PPP that err yam IraTP paM1 alUestloa to MY Inik fit esti well to kndRt mole atxmt I1. Or %'ha't In ydltr Itleemlion T SpPah *11 Rao Ihat all the Rclrxa can heor yom." "illener. Mr. Wokok. i Iq%t wantri to know this priest of 61100" lorpl, Roti Mxtles In )oar Atoif wlndf►w•'' .-Maoompin (Vasty Arise. at0 it R: The Aisaltas bomadnlry reforeaae la air not ar"traties, perMilg ; It M t/lscl- dation. 1 t l� ' .. c.• ,, ., all.....-�.-..._ _.,...:.��.�- .., .. r