The Signal, 1903-2-5, Page 1THREE "A'8"
ADV'T8 Arm
elawasam. Feb. 4 1903
Wheal, 0 01 so te
per ewl 00 to Oo
ferre basb .. 0 43 to is
Cliesetez lb 10 to iiml
ID.- - ▪ ...... -- 00 le 01
13 to It
Beat, tors quarter lt to It
00 to 00
Dreseed Beef. kind " 00 to 7 00
.01141111E= 00 to 5 00
00 10 I 00
altuat.kons Vacant.
either frem the town or country. to
Mare the machine and blaokanathleg basteets
Mims Amply_ to Mies MoOlilicaddy, Sada
areas*, er al The Sum m. leo
Card 01 Thank.
I take this mamas ed leadertag my theses to
the Oen District Moots! Fire Ineurame
o f Oen. foe tb• overtire toed very satefectory
weer A whirls they poldi my lose of $1.100
es me Orme milt at Port Albert. which oo
steered en December Eth. itta
Port Albert, Jesuitry t7th
Chem IL thaw. Wawa& t. Goderieb.
Doles* by foal proemial so. A ft
Oreduate et Toronto Cain relty. Organist aad
Charmaater Eon Aorta, tioderich.
Prometed to resolve pupil. in following
Reim •sic. culture end theory
for University examinations.
JCL 0. Lawreesoe. Mosinee' street
Orgasert sad neasioe.1 director of North ttreet
Methodist obarek,_temober of piano. pine or
iesta aid theory._ It'ispile prepared for MI ea•
aeslaratione et UM Toronto Conservatory of
Moak. Will le plemmot to mosi•e applies.
none fees all dose regains' mob lastruo
Uoe at hie new etwilio over remsem's music
elem. this Oakum ter jorseelesi say ar
marred tor.
CH. N. 1 . 1114W, UR!IRRAI. INSUR-
jx011 sod rod w.te soot. o113... the
dor.... et P. o.. 0o4rtnh. &rest Nor the
=1a meted Ore towr.eoe nom aisles sad
lar stock oos iaat••.
M.reaatti. ..d m.n.t..tsrtar at
lowest MK Call .t .S...
and esessais made ne
Ineerease to &Mak sad Canadian
street. eedlerlsL Ott
11114 J. T. NAMIL. ohNIRAL IN.
.6: . EURAN011 sad Real Itesate wet.
gesetal on re Moat sr sash Plan at lowest
tree Peri tolfo
Meet Knead' aad Canedi Hi compaaimi rep
lbarraters. Hamilton etyma.
To Otos Suesonisseus -W• hay• been
asked to supply fifteen oop ea of THE 8IU-
N•t. of the inue 01 Jae 22ed, but have
Done on baud If aoy of out sulmoribms
bays ooples they ate willing to dispose of
we will be glad to pay for them. -EP. Sli.
we sesetleg 'el the Hams aed Bence
blies Well linersinestind Osseptine wol be held
ritkraney *h. nest, at o'cloek in the •fter•
POWS. reeei•• the annual report and tO
Illedeneb, rob 3rd. Meleager,
Hutitiz BURNED.- The school
house of S. No. 6, Goierloh township,
wee destroyed by bre Saturday afternoon
few weeks before, on • Saturday afternoon
also, tire wee discovered In the building
but It was put out. Tbe oause of the Ore
on either omission la • mystery The repmre
atter the first fire were just completed hist
week. and the school wits to be opened on
149ed•y ot this seek.
Nodes is hereby "fres to the members of
the Gore fl strict Mutual nee lasuranoe co.
of Galt that it Asa sita'n deolared another
evened or dividend of mem, wee cent, on all
beaten* es the mutual or premium note Plan
eaters otherwise arranged for the year ending
Chet S. Shaw. General Arient. Godorich
Or6ore by sum promptly etworei to Wit.
Edward, a well known Armee of Colborce
township, is the defendant is • ewe before
Magistrate Meager tn commotion with the
gale of • load of wood The oomplainant is
Frank Driller, of town, who charges Elwood
wherries to reality, he eilleges, it contained
tem than a cord. Tb• has been
e steemed until oaturday next.
ars informed that l'eas Stager, who has
for some years held the position of polio*
magistrate for the town of Codench. has
forwarded his retinal ion of the office te
Ike Pro•inolal Government Mr. Seeger
has perforate/4 • useful and ignorant
Ignition in the oonsinunity in a vet
eatiefeotory mariner, and the question of a
the w,ehes of the townspeople in the
Trig P A, Tose -The mild weather
ibie week has boon mod for building, sad
• tare, steff of men has boon employed at
the organ Nemo., completing t be bri
work of the Etat strire• building aod
making preparathos to oommencre the sec -
owl Madame, fronting tia Neweste wrest.
The etable mi the corcier of Neogat• street
has limn moved to the back ot the lot, ani
the work of mosystion has commence.) A
la -re quantity of material le on the ground,
ant with famirable sther salmi salmi pro-
e ms" will be made in the next few weeks.
Bret too None -W. A. McKim Is ad -
Settle Off a moving sale He will remove
about the let of March its the tame' elite*
scot his present stand, which I. to ti• fitted
up to firsta'ale st yle for 'accommodation of
his bealesse e understood that a new firm
is to 1,‘1007 Mr McKim is present stand
:heft premises remosi•Iled sad claim that
whoa eta trotilL is finished they wUl have
the fineet tome west of Toroeto .Chas.
C Leo Winds to add a Weimer" Bee to
hie hes lees., and has moored Dan McIver
(Imo of Allan A Moles+) as seleernan. Mr.
Mr. Lee when hie prevent cootram with the
P yenenth Wader T wine re, ex pito., about
the let of April.
Is hereby trivia Hat as arellesulam will he
made to the Legislative Asiembly of the Pro -
Vlore of Ontario at the next rimming mission
thereof ma behalf of Go Hume, news and
keg tho Company to oonetenet. operate and
IlleMatal• ile Isamu front Dontranam to the
BMW tO the Tows of Walkerton and also
T= the ToweshIne of West and Kilo Wa
er alma the northern beasdarr them
of to the tows of Wingham In order to oonneet
mak thou Pit :also for power to pase • by
lair sweating proferenoe stock,. and entity
load rowerso Bylaw No MI ef the Mneletioal Coe
n oretion of the Town of Ooder'ob aad the
eat Morale sae lain .
Own pony, be Mo9ILLICUIDDY,
risbrd et the Town of Ooderich. this lth day
Of Jesuitry. het
&nimbly, to mayors and other prominent
periont, and to organastious Interested lo
m.ktue town mit country Ide more beautl•
liaised livable. Professor John Craig of Cor •
sell Uolversity sod other somkers will be
program the railroachehave granted Groh,.
lel rates on the oertitleate plan. Maj
Seel of Cobourm will welcome our•
reepondere from interested persons.
in the lam Boer war is a matter of history,
and it is now disooverot that the Huron -
bred man was carried through the oampalgo
by • Huron bred house. Lt. Cul, Vetoes
recently had some correspond's°, with Col.
otter In rtimard to the wherries of this horse,
and Is was found that it was bled by Wm.
Cunotogham, of Iles eighth ooncession of
l.olborrie, sad sold to Meteors Polley and
duettist Fair tor Dr. Hall, militia veterinary
surgeon. Over three yews ago it came Into
Col. Otter's possession, and Moos that Lime
has done full (reedit to its Huron breeding.
Writing of the home to Cif. Varom, Cot
Otter stye ••1 may tell you teat the boom
i question hes be to in my possession for
over three years. 1 took him to South Africa
with tn. and he was in every motion and on
every march that 1 wee myself Ie. brought
him to I.:Deland and then beck here, and be
was never ill or unfit an hour. I am riding
him 'ivory day and he is as 6: es a fiddle
You may tell Mr. Cuentegbam this, as It la
strong •yidenoe on favor of the horse'.
breeding "
unexpected, the sews et James Real's
death yesterday mornom oared a wide
spreed feel ng of sorrow The more' of hie
long Ohms eat followed etch solicitude by
our towospeopie Ily, as the deceased
rem well known and universally liked. He
had filled Gm combined posittoos of assessor.
tax collimator and mreee: Inspector for the
town tor the past ele•en rears and was a
capable mid painstaking t hr. In his
report to the council • few weeks ago Mr.
Williamsom the epeeist auditor, paid •
hearty tribute to the satisfsc.ory manner
in which Mr. Reid performed that oortloe
of his dot es which came under his notice
la retirees° • Methodist. took • gleam
interest In the Marine Bend, having been •
member ot It ore ito toot:otos, and prior
to teat of similar orgasm atom's in the town
for many years Tao H• was th• shine
son of °Jamieson R -id, of town, and leavers a
widow, one son aed one daughter, wto with
feite r and other teletiven nave the
sympathy of the who'it oommanity la their
rareavetrent. Ab. iv. two years ago Mr
Reid was attacked with some interne:.
trouble. Meet a very levers illness he
•pparent Iv recovered, but the rectoyery Was
only temporary alai the complaint tempi:oar-
with loot ewed persistent)... The case was
puzzle to the mediae! pretension and though
..mtneot doctors in Otrroit one Termite
were consinted the tempi.. ot twilled their
Anil. T. loners' is announeed to tate
place from the family reeideoce Keay.
▪ rem, on Farley atternoon et 3 o'clock.
w ee Cendlemat Day, and se the weather
wee Oiill sad cloudy it is to Ise presumed
that It Mee with • proper regard for trad.-
lice, took him paw out of bin mouth, ent-
ered from Me winter retreat and, failing
to Mot his shadow, decided to remain out-
side sad furnish • solid foundation for an
e erly spring. Bruin. not hayloft a calendar.,
woold net be orally to blame if be thought
spei-g bad already arrlyed, as the weather
this week bat been etroorly suggestive of
April Thia however, la probably only one
et the weather man's little pleasantries, tor
wh•oh he will make us pay dearly with
Most six weeks of Klendik• before he
gives us the real spring. Tbere'll be time
Beattie, of Seefertb, has began proceedings
at Osgood' Hall to est gelds tectinlotitty
• bylaw ;mew by the town of
ieaforth to booties wollso mill to the extent
of $10,000. Tim bylaw provides for the
isen• of debentures to the :amount of $10 000
for the porpoise of loaning that sum to
tribe Dot. of Toronto. to aid him or each
company aa he may form to extend his or
their treeineee as woollen manufacturers in
Seaforth. The mills are upon the lands
know. es the Van Egmond woollen mills
property. If sumelogel the bylaw is to telt"
•ffeit on Idarob 5, and one of the grounds for
eetting It sat is that the date should have
bees in the financial year In which It wart
pealed, when it would take effect.
Memel AUNT.
to order Sillegial attention even to fitting the
Orders by men promptly attended to Be-
ware of mulles using me name, aer I employ
Pier OM*.
peak sir hews. Mee two reeve nett to
n Illitostroal to rent. AMOY to lb DUN
, West ettfiel IA
dills, J. P, Mabee, K.C.. for plaintiff in the
action of MoNall vs. limoilloo, moved to
e st aside • ciou-eult entered by the Judge
ot the County Court of Huron ill an Bono)
by a tenant against his landlord for Illegal
distress. Th. plaintiff leased from the de-
fendant 100 acre' of land In the township of
West W•wanoeh, in the moiety of Huron,
at an anneal rental ot $70 Oe the 16A et
September, 1901, pleiotiff purohesed the
laud from the defendant tor )1.900. At
the time of the purchese the plaint:if allege.'
that the delmedant orally agreed to reduce
mut to the amount ot $45, on amount of the
failure of the year's mop, arid to extend the
time for payment Molest from let December,.
1901, to lot January, 1972. Seizure was
made so 13' h December, 1901, tor the
amount of $75.15, befog $70 for a lull year's
rent, and $6.15 tor taxes. The oouveyere
'•Provided that the lease of the above lands
is to be cancelled, is 000ilderation of the
tarrying co: of this agreement.' The goods
seized were oompriseel in • chattel mortgage
marls by the plaintiff, and oa lth Deoember,
1901, Go chattel mortgagor had oozed by
virtue of hie mortgage, but bad left the
vuoda so itelemi in the posamelon of the plain.
tiff. The non -suit was directed ou ths
grounds that the plaintiff could not bring an
moon for illegal distress of goods in which
he bed no title. The plaintiff dolma that
n o rest Was due at the tim• of th• seizure,
and that in any event, the defendont bad
no right to distrain for more than, $45.
Also, that, being left in poeseeeion of the
goods seized by the ohaqiel mortgemee he
boom* bailee, and had • right to sue for
leaden!, (antra, Appeal dismissed is Ith
are pleased to record the wedding of
I;oderfeh boy who te enooeeding well in his
thorn profeesiee-Clas D. Williams, M.
O., of Clevelaad, 011ie, son of Mrs, J H
Williams, of town. Tim event is thus re-
oorded by The Daily Patriot, Lieboo, Ohl«
if the 28th ulto : "The marriage of De.
t timbre Deigns Williams, of Cleveland,
and Miss Anna Martin, ot this city, was
.olemnized •t high nuOn today at the home
..f the troia's mother, Mrs. Mary &Am
stony was performed by the Rey J. P.
Anteroom el the Presbyterian church, of
•hiolt the bride is a member, In the pres-
ence of •bout fifty mom' chosen from the
otemere friends mad relatives of th• f•m•
met for the omission with palms mai out
timers. Promptly at, tte hem named for
'he caromooy, Miss Nellie Kternoehant.
struck up the wed ling march and the
wide, attired in an extiaisise ormetioa of
•hito silk mg aodie. •n t he groom to the
revelation black made their appeatano..
The wedding gifts, °omitting of out Mass
n pretence", together wtth handsome
Moo, made • most elegant display. IMes
darns is one of Ltebomet mom popular and
t dewed young lachee, being also a graluete
of the Bonne Gerhetvetory of Mush), and
many friends will meet her removal from
ets only Dr. Williams Is known to many
Lisbon people as a young man Ot sterling
worth, riroosin•sed in his °hese° profiteered'
le one who will reach the foremoot ranks
fin has been • prectisire physician in Cleve.
,and for come time arid on February 28 b.
he and hie brid• will mil on the Rod Star
Line for Europe, ethers th• dootor will
•ke • year'. course in the hospitals. After
• recherehe 'Aldine breakfast the happy
young oouple lett on the afternoon tra.n tor
the East, where they will spend • couple
if weeks The bride's going away gown
teen silk wale: •nd hat to match. The
Patriot wends congratulations and best
wishes for the future topple's" of the
veneer oouple.''
lelt CairtrY-Hottenv. -Oa Tuesday morp-
hia Min Anus Homey, daughter of the la'•
Jae. Hussey, ot &Afield. become the happy
ide of D P. McCarthy, eldest sin of Mrs
McCarthy. Elgin live. The oeremony wa•
performed by Fr. Weer° in St. Peter's
thuroh to the pregame of • large congre-
gation. The bride, who entered on the arm
of K. N. Lows, mayor of liodertob. waa he-
oomiogly attired in a brown tailor-made
dress, trimmed with brown velvet, with
white silk blouse, sod bat of brown velvet
and white silk trimmed with leo., mid
cerried white roses. She lookei very
▪ PA% and winsome. Mars Mary Dalton, of
Kiegateridge, "elm was bridesmaid, wore •
cloth suit, white blouse and hat to
match, sod carried a bouquet of pink
ti were. The bridegroom Wan ably support-
ed .by John Dolton, of K neebridge. Mr.
Kiely presider! ar the organ and played
meedelmob•'s wedding march as the party
oratorio' and hi: the °March A solo was
song very sweetly by Mrs. Dfyl-. At the
onnolodon of mem the parte drove to the
residence of Mayor LewIto where a wedding
oreekleet was given in honest of the bride,
who had been for years • toyed and yelped
member of the household. The groom's
mite to Go bride and bridesmaid were
erroches of amethyme and briilante set in
lull gold, and many handsome and costly
present" were tokens of the MO
esteem in which the young couple are hisid.
Mr and M m. McCarthy left on the "DM -
0000 train for Toronto to spend a couple of
were, and a large number of fronds were
at the station to wish them hon voyage.
Tite SIGNAt. wish., Mr and Mre. Mc -
Corti.), many yeate of hippies"' and
heckey match of the etlea211 In the genitor
Maas came off at the rink on Tuesday sesa-
me. lo spits ot ths mil4 weather Mensal/or
Fhompenn heel the lee in gond condition,
and there wa• a eplendel attendance of spec -
'Mors. The teams heed up as Whew' :
Clinton. Ooderloh.
C. Tebbutt Goal R. MeLeod
1./. Porter Peter D McIver
- Goddard Cover point J, Campbell
Rsepperd (A. McIver
Chidley I ff. Molls*
Forret, /
D. MoKenele 1 J. Wiggins
W. Armstrong! kit McDonald
The home teem was not long in showing its
euperiority over the •ieltors, and goal after
goal was steered for liodetieh while the
•meon' record remained • blank. Harry
ticOaw in centre, McDonald (otherwise
known as "Sootohy"), Wiggins sod McIver
(not Aim of old, bet a nemesake who ploys
meat hockey ander the sobreptet of "Suer)
movie a fast forward item end when Die
ru-k got poet them Jock Cempbell was
wattling to take oars of it, Donald Mayer
at point and Mobeo4 fis mod (it will tve
noticed that the "Mao." predominate) hed
an easy rime of It, but they wire moor
reedy when there was anything for them to
do, seri not once during the game was the
peck allowed ro get within the Goderich
net. At half time the •neem was 5 to 0.
The smond half was still worse for the
gesehe more were added to the wore in me-
notonone stweemion, end when time wag
called the tally was 12 to O. l'he large at -
to heekey le etIll Mph in Onderioh, and we
hop* that Manager Thompson will arrange
seine farther games with enfolds teems.
Atv'lltatirr -Mrs. Fred. Fiatrd, formerly
som• years age, With a •er101111 'coldest
at her home in Urged :tepid" a few days
ago. She was sitting la a boggy which was
in front of a store, when a bagger/It WegOn
name down the street ant struck the ouggy
with such form that the lady wee thrown
•poo the sidewalk and sustained painful In.
jurist,. Mrs. Baird wee picked np and
quickly conveyed to her horns in a cab,
where she rot:Weed medical attention, and is
Improvi•g as well aa could bee:peered
Th. Wench of Mee. Rolpardson. wife of
Rey (leo Ft melodeon, a former neater of.
Nor h attest Methodist ()hurt h, sod now of
Ter tato, will regret to learn that she sor-
ted ted • set ere serideet rimentl v. 'Milne on
sidewalk and hreakine her hir tone
jest below- the The eaegeons report
her doing welt
I' headrest • re farm in the township of W
Wevesitesh. brag m i let 13, tom. IL Soil •
tgay. team. Farm la well feare, and
4 se
MOM miles of neeerderniag.
ie saes Thar is re sere et
4 tiles roses fireweed. Ord frame
, trews sod other buildings. For
J. li▪ lt. Dossiomms r. 0. pi-Im
111. onfursteiltrall. ease raffle/ of seal and
• ea es ler stitreht se w. III. twmmmT.
WI sees farm. II riles CSY.faird-
or to
tiarLiren. M. P., Is strongly in favor ot
meeement to paint the barns of the Provinces
In hand with the good roads movement and
travels thremeh certain rural sections of
Now York. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,
where every barn and outhouse is painted,
realtres what an mormons Improvement it
would mak• In the Canadian landroape if It
were the general practlea with our farmers.
In winter time espeolally the preseem of
gray,totetk.lonk leg Mod lingo «owning every
of paint has hems materially lowered to the
gr wth of the Orninenli Industry, and the in-
trodItOtIon of cheap cement paints, while
the novel proves@ of einirtIne paint on with
a hoes ham praetioally eliminate4 the cost
el War. There Is no reason why A a few
years' time the whole septet of oral
Oeterlo should not be ohaagol.
Tr deter Gels of Intermit in home and
Willa Improvement se meet is mod. no.
ehroaghent the P.ovinees aid the Memos
will hays •n enthnsisetle hearing In th•
Toren& limard of Trade betiding ae se
early date. Throegh the lostolership
vinoial improvement soonterenee to called
antler the aemplowe of the Amoebas Lemma
for (kern feeproyeaseert, to meet in the
rooted., Bret el Trad• betiding, Toronto,
to inientber of 14e• Provincial Legislative
ward sohools. Elf. Patrick's ward sohool
having been burned, Mr Tom considered
that the beet end moat suitable and eionaurn•
Mel building tu moot wont I be a solid brick
two -Moly house on the al foundation. The
junior alma rooni should be on the ground
flew anl the senior room os thea.seoou
floor. For heating be advised a Poem
Ideal heater and ventilator. In regard to
the model school advised that the boild•
tor should bre thoroughly renovated during
the summer vacation. Tne ohms room.
were large 'trough for the attendanos and
could be made attraotive and comfortable II
properly repeired. 1 he walls welt' in good
condition one by making certain alter:atom
the toeildiug and grounds (multi ba made to
present • very creditable appearance. Th•
many oh In teachers during 1902.
teem her with the daarranging of the ward
school Masses, chimed by the burning of St.
Petriek's school, interfered with the work
of the pupils in neer.y every division
Under mere favorable circumetaeoes the
standing and progroos of the polite would
have been better. Tbe board, said Me.
Tom, §:mold reorients+ the fact that it
requires more tan. ability and sotto!' to
teach the primary claims well than it does
to do eeuelly well to the second and third
book clam,. The maximum salary for the
printeey work should be at lout equal to
the tottery paid for third book work. This
would provid• experienced teacher" of rare
abilit y for the primary classes. I: is ler
Ire te the Pupils to put icexperienoed
teacher in charge of seoond tr third °lasses
than to iriv• the minis teaohers primary
rooms. It monied to him 'towels to Mee an
unit ied teacher t he inasimum salary
p▪ roved to be sib mot teachers shoal I they
• •he maximum salary. In some of
the torn. lat year the resolt• wets. di.-
e pooioting. The high school entrance
osndidatee for 1902 lid better Aso
of the previous Meuse. The wore In
arithmetic wee more a treats, yet he
lorlieved the principal wou'd strive tor an
Improvement In 1903. Toe mode! school
genie; of 1902 was satisfactory. All
the stole:ma premed the final examtnetioo
and secured certi6oates and school.. The
maim reflected reedit on the candidates •ed
the principal, opprt•••Ity as it was • h letter's
&et term as teacher of model school
work. The general discipline and Man-
agement of tile school were gratifying
Any wrakeeeses In the work have been
polkaed out to the individual tear:throe, so
that the defects might be remedied. The
rims anti the ehairmea of the different
committees to form • committee to "spout
on that parr of his report relating to the re
buil nog of Sr. Petrick's weed school and
°leek woo instructed to mik the commit to
sppolot the two town pile:wet as truant
officers. A motion was pared that the
teeehets be loin-to:tort to send out monthly
reports Lae & Shepherd's &cermet , $21.11.
account, $6.25, for printing ani a ivertleieg,
Were suit to moon tee, and C, A. Humber
Paismscartoo TO Mies
Friday afternoon last during the Mooing
your the tremblers and students of the Collo
rist• Institute gathered In the assembly hall
to bid farewell to Mies McLellan Masa
McLellan, aro our teatime know, restated her
pontos' at Chrpornse, but returned to the
w heel for a MOnth on seociont of the inabil-
ity of her •ppointed successor to come here
at none Mies MoLellan'a fellow-msobers
presented her with a oopy of Mr. S•llowie
oelebrated picture, "Stranded," asr. Field
mo• at speech. lerom the students Miss
toilet eer, both very handseme, and
iiteanr and the other teaohers ended to the
•Ipeestions of appreciation of Mt.. MOW-
nort's Valued services during het stay here
and of \regret at her departure. Mies elo
Mode • fitting acknowledgment of
the gifts thet hart been tendered her and the
kind words That had been spoken. The ul-
timo from the prudent, waime follows
.1 our meeting together for the last time in
he !elation ot teacher and tomtit we t•ke
the opportunity of expressing to evil otir
°limp regret. at your departure, oar thank
fulness tor the ineoruoticni we here recel•eri
from you, and our beet wishes for your
future life DUrIng the emirs you have
been our teacher we hare fretted you ever
the same, ready to give kindly advice,
patient under all cdottimetenoes, 'and never
exhibiting impatience or awe, though
often, perhops, having ellOri reason for snob
While you have been with us we hay', pro-
fited much by, your ateliers devotem tooyour
double as • timelier and the hearty intermit
you have ever shown In the welfare of yohr
pupils. It has ho n a matter of idnoir
,gret to us as a school to know that you
have decided to leave the floderfoh Collegi-
ate lostonts We feel, hoe ever, that the
°hangs w.II be for your own ad•ancoment.
and this thought lemons, tri some 'IMO,
the sorrow we feel at par'ing writ yen
qtr m toy eirele•mes
With a deep
to no and one obltgations to you, we have
been delegated by trios- ativemeled here to-
day in their name to prsaen. to enu slog
gift as a token of our •ppreciatonn of the
efforts which you have pot forth In onr be-
half, of the high eatfOrrt In whinh yeu are
held, and as an Indiattlen of oar erre
gratitnie and thank,. It le not for ire in
but as a slight resteenbeentes which yr u may
take home with you of the pnp Is ol the O.
happleees and enjoyment ert ot•evEr you may
be. het it ever be • phreant thought to
yen that you have left weer friends aterreg
your old pupils Ooderteh Witbenrierors
wishes for your fetters imitate, we beg your
aerptence of this. ltrowl es Mihail of
cows R. RHYVAre.
the rop11•,
F4 1104114 RoARD.-The regular
meet ng of the publics school trestees wee
held on Monday meshing last. Ohs priori -
pail. report tor Jannoy showed eerol-
meet of 4143 rupile-224 boys and 259 girls
-and art average attondesoo of 394 - 186
hey. and 209 girlie Mr. Tigert reperted
several rimmi et typeliet• art‘nust of III.
sees, and it Was oinirs•4 that the substitutes
he pa A. Miss troy. who atteeded the
medial school for eel, • portion ef the last
term was remitteol $2 of her fees. l•-
I J lake Otero reed. a *hove diseases north
et Oederleh. • me w herr Market. F.
0.1614rriewarded fee &MINI!! at Q.V.
Pridham the traitor is mating the nebbieit
snits and overcoats to be had anywhere.
•i it stook of cloths is always up to date anti
the style and It of hie tattering is the delight
of the wearer. Prices reasonable and sails
faction guoranteed.
The regular meeting of the town council
will be held tomorrow evening.
Prof. Hicks' forecast of tbe weathet for
the opening days ef Febmary wee a r••
Malkably good gum,.
The Huron Old Rays' Ameolation
Toronto will hold their atintlal 'at home" oo
Thursday. the 19th inst.
AT thisiorilie HAI e.-Pefore Chief Jollities
and Maelsrion the roars of Appeal, the
owe of Doherty ye. Millers' and Menefee.
enters' loaeranne Co. rams up thie week
K,C , for the plaintiff., the Clinton organ
witansfootnrers. appealed from the inetement
of Judge Street darnisiong with (Meta the
ambito fire epee I he lentos] sworn by two
1001 Joe,* eitreee held that ender the
errs which hereserd no ...street sinew'
Weasel plaintiff. and lieferolante for an
11111111eitem fee the year hmlyinIng 31st el ()e-
mber. 1001. J. Mess and L. A. Matte, speeder T im trove I noon th• enetlition of
4144so4aots, apposed appeal. Jorlgirot the trent boodosge, 'deems* 444n" woo,
was resiern04.... Is as Olyislesial Orr% popsies at the de. Agedieore's sod ft. David's
aeolea elf Maitland Cemetery Iteelgoe
Special Meeting et . ' it.
At a 'pieta! meeting of Ohs town council
on Friday evening • bylaw was passed tix•og
the meter rats for Memel° lights. All the
members were preempt except Mr. Humber.
The bylaw, which is No. 3 of 1903, was
reed three times and adopts Mr. Murry
said the rats wait taken from them et other
Wares, and if they found they oould reduce,
it they would do so, ea they di not wish to
make • profit from the system. The rate
they had fixed wee the lowest of those they
heti examined from other towns.
The rat• fixed by the bylaw is twelve
cents per 1000 Watte, with a diersonnt of 10
per mot. it payment is made on or before
the 10.h of the month following the readmit
of the meter. '10 users ot 150 kilo Watt•
the diectitat for prempt payment will be 25
per cent. A meter rectal will be charged
of 20 oents per month up to and including
100 tient °opacity •nd over that capacity
25 come per mouth, payable monthly.
Meter -users are at •II times to give the otii
ere of the eleMf10 light department acmes
to their premises, and penalties are provided
for ooy violation of the law In this respect,
The resignstion of John Newcombe as
caretaker of the Menden& oemetery to take
ell mt on the 151 of April neat, was read and
.cometed. The cemetery committee was in
mroctmd to advertise for applioations for
the position and report at the next regular
A communication from Sheriff Reynolds
was read, ad vtolog i het the sate ot the sum-
mer hotel to Mrs. Nel le B Smith had bees
completed and that she had been eves pa -
session. Wm. Doyle was now in the building
as oarMaker, arid the Sheriff suggested
that the town gay• him th• use of
one or two eloAr10 lights In that part
the hotel which would be his quartets.
Toll was left to the water and light cam -
Aso horly Was gi•en to Mr. Het to
motions the collection of taxes for two
e ko from tbe lot of February.
The conned then adjourned.
There w°11 be a spooled meeting cf Court
evening, at 7:30 o'clook, to consider the
holding of • 'mop in the neer future.
W. Stuart Ler and Malcolm A. Maction•
ald, the Goderteh students at Oh Lew
School, Temente, took • good standlny at
the mood year and Mr. Macdonald In the
Wm. Kearney, local re, ntetive of the
Hearten Implement Co , has returned from
St. Maly., wrote he had been since New
Year's. He went there to visit hie old home
broken to • runaway accident, and remained
et Font% to have the injured member attend-
ed to.
The parlor mettle; held by the W.C.T U.
at the home rf Mrs. R. W. McKeoz e on
Monday evening was one of the most
stroceeeful of these affairs yet held by the
Union.. There was Terme attendance, a
good program woe rendered. and tee even
ing WW1 a orriiii enjoyable one to those who
tett ended.
Boots and Shose-Wm. Sharman, jr 6
Weise Sele-W. A. McKim
Rome Retooling °mint No. 1-N. D
Ainiouocement -"The Awnless* Igumb
Rooms 1
Livery Stables -Gundry Bros 8
Great Buying Chanoss-W. Aobeeso
Stook -taking Sale -McKenzie & Howell. 8
Our Cloariog-up Sale -Smith Bros
II Wanted -Cleo. N. King
More lisrgains-d. H. Colborne
L and Invest. 00
Bleck Taffeta Silk, etc. -Hodgens IFiree. 8
Lest -le fd. Ell on 1
TILE council has an important duty
to perform in appointing • new caretaker
tor Maitland eemetery. Our oemetery is •
beautiful spot, but there have been many
complaints of neglect during the last few
year,' and certamly there Le room for int.
provernent in the care of the grounds. The
motto of the council should be. "Efticiincy,*
and a good man should be secured sue a
salary paid him sufficient to ensure •
thorough interest in his work. We under-
stand the members of the council have beeu
besieged by applicanto of all kinds, good,
bad anti indifferent. Only the rood one.
should be considered at all; and from these
the very best, should be reeked -an exper-
ienced min, one who has had 'practical
training in gardening, one who will be able
not only to do voixi work himself but to
direct intelligently and effectively the labor
of the helpers whose assistant.* he will no
doubt have in busy twawnia.
It le not the Wertheim of the cemetery
sexton to attend to the private plots, and
the itegleced appearonee of some of these
plots, whom+ owners, perhaps, have removed
from tewn, mars very vexedly the beauty
of the Wool. The question is, how can
this condition of thing. be remedied ! We
are not able to offer any thoroughly Natio.
factory solution of the problem, unless the
town increases the price of the tote and
undertakes to keep them in good order for
all Mile. Possibly the council can evolve
some other scheme which will meet the
The pub'ic school board seems bent upon
epenelimt several thousand dollars to "reno•
vete' the old central sehool building. We
believe there is a large body of public) opin.
ion oppose to this emerge anti in favor of
putting the money into a new buildium
Would it not be well for the members of the
hoard to make sure of their reouod before
they proceed with such a large expenclie
/weird Irene the torten, imeleiles.
The annual meeting ot Knox °beech Was
held In tne locums room of the church last
VVeouseday e•ening. The pastor, Rey. Jae.
Strang, B. A., acted ae seuretary
The 'melon report for the year was pre-
sented by the pastor. Duriag the per fifty.
cx names were added to the communloo
roll -thirty -Hoven by profession ol faith, and
nineteen by oethtioat• : forty-six were
moved -nine by death, tweiniy•ninia by
eertifiaate sad eight without °ulti-
risme, three being adults ; sixteen mar-
riages, and twenty-eight burials. The re-
pot t expressed granfica',Ion at the growing
literality on the port of the oongregstlos,
ory sod benevolent schemes ot the church,
and with the worb In the Northwest. In
he report et th• pester's Bible Maas *penal
reference wee made to the faithfuleses of
Miss 111.oehe Watson in prestd.og itt the
port of the Sebbaill school, who+ was •
and oflioste are on the roll, anti the ay
et modulo. of scholars for the year was 274
For the month of June the ge attend -
mice was 310 (he library was increased
by the sedition of '200 hooka. All th•cion•
ot the scholars ars devoted to
mow °eery and benevolent objects, sod the
congreg•tton meet" the running staleness of
tile soh rot reoeipts and expenditures
•mounted to $338 86.
secremry, Miss l'olley. The membership is
now sixty-three, consisting of fortymix
Receipts, $3.3 61.
In the absence of Miss Stirling, the W.F.
M S. repot woo read by the teoretary of
nine. ttmelpts. Metathetic the value of a
bale of cloth:og, $169.66.
Tbe IdtGilLyray Mimeo Band, which Is
yet without a president, whose functions
are,:however, efficiently discharged by Miss
rotary, Mise Grace Dyke. Its membership
is 90. Rotolo.", $123. :deluding boxes sent
to India and the Northweet, volume at $90.•
The Wise' Aid Sootily and DorOlhe
Society repine were read by Mr. Strang
in the ab true of their respective secretaries.
Both socimiee were actively engaged during
the year.
W righam TiOles: This week Mr. Geo.
MoKerree sold hie Moder of three stores,
I) M. Gordon mot John Gelbradb, to lir.
property and Dr. Irwin hal moored it at •
reationahle price. Mr. McKenz e desires to
sell the balance of Me Ye invitees troperty.
on Seterday.
Ches. iswitt was in 'Laroche for several
days this week.
Timely Paine, of Miohigen. I , I*
bring in town
O. ason, of Chilton. ot In town 7.13
Monde on business.
to Boat( t
Mr and
dove in Toro
Mrs Char.
or If umber male a hustoses trip
last week.
re, F..1. Pridham spent a few
o the paet week,
ism* is visiting at the
home of Jades raw Ita Toronto,
Miss C are Weigh Is spending • few
J. 11. Have k ine lett lost yet els for
W honoree ro memo his week for the winter
gni 'melee.
Mote Elate Imwenn, of Stratford, has been
y siting too M gees Craigle, Went street,
the petit wet k
Mrs. Mesmer'''. of Sleevelet, has been
yielding the past week at the reel lance of
Mr. end Mrs. Ferrow.
D. McGill icoldy Is In Toronto attending
tt.e anetu•I meeting of the Canadian Nees
AimoctiatIon, of which he is president.
lease Matteotti, jr.. and E. C. Attrill
attends4 the hig monk sale at Hamilton last
week, Met re I not make any ourehases
Capt (minion attended the anneal meet-
ing of th• Ilrand Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons of Canada, hell at Toronto 1440
Mies Waterman, of Retiree., ha* taken a
rendes as bookkeeper and et44111, gesiphee
Mr Messrs. MeKee sot, Howell wee
Edith Tebbett, wha wee enfraeed with the
firm fot seine tier, has retrirewl be her
Mesa at Seataregla '
The council has etruck the meter rate for
the eleotnc lighte at twelve center pen thous.
and Watts, with a discount of 10 per cent.
for prompt payment, or 25 per cent. to use
ars of 150 kilo Watts. The meters and the
rate form a eubject of eager diecuseion
among users ct the light., and there seems
to Ise a disponition to criticiee the rate as
too high. Just at present, of couree, the
consumption of light is much greater than
will be neomaary in the summer months,
when the chargee will be comparatively
small It should be remembered, too, that
Chairman Iduniey of the water and light
ommittee, who hae given the whole gum.
tion a great deal of attention, dieclainie an y
intention of making a profit from the sorti•
tem and promises that if the present rate
proves to be higher than is nee -emery ter
make midis meet it will be redueed. The
general impreision among storekeepers is
that uuder the meter system, and with the
practice of the tenet eqonorny which they
are now exercising in the use of the lighte •
the ;ear's charges will be about the same as
under the old flat rate. Hotnikeepers will
haye to pay more, probably a good deal
more, that* under the ohl system. On the
other hand, there is • marked decrease in
the load which the dynamos have to carry,
and the engineer estimates that at prem.
ent there is a saving of at least one ton of
coal a day at the power house. Formerly
the plant wax almost overburdened ; t here
1,1 now capacity for nearly 500 additional
lighte. The engineer has furnished os with.
a lint of the rates in other towns, which we
puleieh herewi.h for the information of our
readers,. The engineer points out that
these are not rater', and that the lowest,
nine cente, PI the tome as the net rate in
The board of managers reported through
the treasurer, Mr. Tom. A g I in
orere was mender in the ordinary oontri-
buttons f the people. The ordinary
eimogs it:eroded those of last year by
$222, while the missionary glyinge were
largely in emcees. The congregation has
this year undertaken the support of a nolo-
trottery In the Northwest, and the money
has •Iready been mild, A resolution was
tensed to continue the project and James
Buchman was charged with the oversight
of It. The orlinpry receipt+ amounted In
44.365.82 Le 'Weidman there was paid to
the "feet fund $223.19 I ot•I reoeipte
• eitionred to $5 300 ; of this amount
.n929 00 went to mtssions, and $662 00 to
ether benevolent objects. A balance of
#87 96 woe carried over to colt year.
The matter of improving the appearance
ot th• interior wall, of the church was
fly discntee I. and left, with the board
of managers, who will have the work done
H▪ unter were re-eleoted to ths hoard, sod
John lieWson the place vacated by
Rey. .1. A. Piedmonts still meet, witli his
communicants' ohm. twine • week The
The report that Rev. T E. Harrison, of
London, hail reetived an invitation from
Ontario West Methodist church, Clinton.
turns cout to be Ineorreet.
Sunday school anni y weir will be
held in North mime: Methodist church on
February 15th, Rev. A. H, Gofer. of
Stratford, will neoupy the ptilpit. the
anneal enteetelnmeat by the Sonde), 'ape&
will probrehle be given on the following
Friday evening.
Capt. Hogan anti 1.11. Allan of the
Oalvation Army aro ancemeeded here by OW.
Weeds, from leeese, and IA, Davis, from
held MI eland•v. Cape. illiean prise tn
eleaferth and 1.1t. Allan to Rhonhein. The
welcome itefelee to the effireers takes
place tins meets,.
MOD In CeoderIch, on Wedneshay. Fallen
lth. James Reid. mroi 19 years and
Net rate per
1000 Watts.
ti.rnist (private plant)
Chatham " 12
Stratford " 44 12
•Niagara " SI 10
Fergus " 10
Berlin " " 14
Owen SCIII1111‘ 11
Kingeton " 14 l&
Seaforth " e. 12
Newmarket foneporation plant) 10
Hrockville It 11 20
'These towns have water -power plants.
to I
n tor
et . open day 'and sight. Laser *number
and diming rolinn. Stakes. ether, system,
le;Wavven If you want •nythleg 1st
drew goods, furs sr overonate "rime te ear
groat olearing sale. Rutter, ?fa : fresh
eggs, :n), Mrs Wright was last week's
26 prise. I/no F. Klett, Winghain
(le te the old reliable oyster here,
oyster *old la hulk sod all styles t
fry* or race. Gestostienters WOW