The Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 88 THURSDAY, October 21, 1902 w THE SIGNAL : fODERICH ONTARIO. ititt DRESS STUFFS, MILLINERY, JACKETS AND FURS. THESE are the departments we would specially call your attention to this week. The markets have been carefully searched for the latest styles and best values. Come and look them over. Dress (foods and Silks. New Camel I 1 at r Clothe. New Zibeline Stripe Cloths. New Broadcloths and Cheviots. New stripe waisting hoods at GO and 75c. New patterned Satin Cloths for waists. New Jackets and Furs. Bargains in Sable Ruffs, regular $12.00 for $9.50. Handsome Oap•rines, $3.50, $ti, $10.00 and $12.00. Ladies' Raglan Coats. Reilly the most serviceable, sty- lish and condor ble coats on the mak keta. 110.00, $1 .00, $13.00. Millinery. Never have we shown such sty- lish wearable hats as this season. Ready-to-wear trimmed hats for ladies, mines or children. Men's Clothing and Overcoats. Boys' Overcoats made on the M- eat model of the men's style, in grey and cheviots, lined and well made, $4.00 to $8,00. Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys' Sults. Men's Overcoats. The Raglan waterproof Fall Coate are comfortable and stylish. We have them in greys and new bronze shades 11Davy Frites Overcoats. Dress Cheviot Coats, $7, $8.50 and $10. New Suits, Pants, Short Coati. Every kind of Men's Underwear. Small Wares. This depattnteut is always up to Lure on mlestuos to the Presbyterial obsrob last Tueedsey evnlue. UUNLOP. MosJAY, Oor. 20th, 1902. Mooday of lard week Inspector Tom gave our school as oflieel Ault. Quite a amber of oor residents eat up n fhank.gtvlsa night to witness the eclipse of the moon It was a clear eight and there war • splendid view et the phenomenon. Miaow Seems Noble sod Estella Smith, el Uuderwl , moot 'fharkeglyiog D.y hire, tis• latter young lady taking revere) sketuh et of the Woodlands farm lines', with the baroyerda and windmills, and of the Dam lop institute of learning. Our timelier paid a visit to bar home 1s Cllatoe Isom Tha•kegivtag 04 to Subttey. Har 000lrers to Lesbure, whose home 1e at Seafottb, did not ark for the Friday ea a holiday. but we are told that all her scholars bet blas were absent on that day. CARLOW. M000AY, Oot. 20th. Mee Cora Tyndall has returned from open 1015 al weeks i. Colwgo. Don't forget the temperance maw meet- ing to l)ulerioh on Fronts. evening. Some of our local talent is to take put and • rood time le expected. A number of Our residents attended the mluiooary meeting at Tyburn oo Friday last and report an enioiahin t no, kitty P.ttersyo, teaater of No. 3 ash' 1. rse.eted In the proem. m. Jona, Our postmaster sod mer- Ohaat. underwent s very gersten, operation on Friday lest. Mr. Jones, und(r the err- onmetanoee, Is or..gre.ring as well as oan M exported, and we trust be will seem be ea• Spina his 0a51 barb solo. THE TOWN COUNCIL, A allele Allereatlw IMlweea s•warlll+re Rao% and tlrYlee-load, lserl. } Ib. Mayor sod •x couuo,llors were all present at the mound, of the town coarsen ea Fridsy lyee10g ler Ho Worship handtd lo a statement from the Beak Of Montreal sbowtog the amnia' .1 the oredu of tee to.. ea September 30 b se.13.166.04; mount metier de, .are?, Oral rue aoa,uo,, $'11,b00; 1.0 of 60'0MM 14-80. The tt.y r also reed lettere Ivy 11,0 Anderson Furniture Co., of Wpods, wok. or PON fER'S HILI Ierug en.pluymeat to Buy cmp!Oyee• of the (loderloh Organ Co. who mieht bs cu' of Tt•aoAv, dot. 21st. work on aocosat of the re000t bre. H • The now burp that has fest bars owe Worship raid that he hod 1 art h'ms,li Iwo pletod for Henry fount on hie 160 •i'• oommuotuation with M.oeger IO►uuf.re in farm oo the tweet h cnoees:oo ie • splen. el tilos matter and war itdormtd tea/ the 0 - st,uoture, end thoroughly to k.epieg wl b gnu Co 'e mem bad either already obteitte 1 the oast r avpototmeats of the farm. 1 a employment or lulsndrd' 'eremite heel. 0051 ,t rad paint with white innings gree. The loIL'wing letter oat referred to the epeeist committee: Toroat O.'. 15 1f 2. The Mayor. Ooderloh. DEAR Bti,-M►alf and Besrwistw pur- pore placing • plant is coni10wa ter the meoufaoture of yams and other febrile from • fiber not yet made ug Is Ilia 00uatry rad rery bard, presented a petition, wltb evert sixty signatory, oohing thee "a cubBvITHE SHOE PROBLEM library be eetaLitehed In this municipality Bader the Public l.'Marisa Aot, 58 V., c 45.' Mr. Aeltul explained that ween the prosiest psblw library was uuoetltuted three year* SS the proper measures were got taken to it,. hi the lull legal etaodtmg whtob it must aye i• order to .scum the levy e1 the ball• i.nlI n'e, sal! out which the awouut ofere I.y Mr. Cstccsle could sot be obta o.J. TIy parities wto mimed to the epoch 1 toms filer and the oouooil then •dlouros.'. It • remarkably neat •&poearanme. 11ie bedding Is 6411, s 42tt„ with a straw sled, 501i. x 421r. •djuiotoa Donald fitters. el. of Auburn, did the fr.mewotk and he Stonehouse, of Ilelgrave, the stonework The window awl ?oor sills are of stone, mil the floor of tie sable and the pig troures are cemented. Mr. Young has also had • also for the manufacture of wonted yarns: driving shed bulla 3511. x 25 R , with •o 1 en•II be glad to Ipso your opinion as to upaeln. Tills baro b the third bulldtug the passible assistance your town might be they comtrso[on hays pie lip for the Young willeng to give In the we, of a streigb: bre: here-. are on \\'m. Vous,'" few fu l'ol- btupe and also whet facilities your town borne, snd nue on John Yuanq'e farm next tgurde fa the way of tnuyoruitiun .od to hos brother henry l'oung'e tum. The Ichor. 11 bot• planta are oetabltehrd that Voting btuthere bet's", i• havidg t h 0 beet, value will be.oyer $50 000. employing uvr:r and such eyideccer of ptosp-rltr among the sixty halide, about one belt creels, coo 1x.11 tumtl5 o.,,mmunity argratifying. (smile, with • pa rl 11 of 001 lest than $20,- -_ �_e __ hall ba tiered to heel000.r year. s V Sirs. lirs..r, Iklta•ul• read, h...2 bit farm of eighty-two sores on the Bet field road, Declaricb township, to her nephew, Mudd Slscksetli. iron you. kour4 reepeottully. 1'. W. Hut., 31 L odes street, Tweak-. Hd Wotsblp stated t at . ..a arranged Oo o.11 • public meet.ng for Tamday',ec- iot to discuss • propoodou from the Gods ✓ ich Organ Co., red also to ,seeder the "'octet* railway matter. He preowned the mot with the approval of the bunion. the public weeks mmmi:t:r wee ant bor. z,d to deal with • complaint rt E N. Lewis time the town sewer betimes Wilma rod %Varves streets on Rettanala rotd is blocked up and the vrs'er back -n, up on hIs fetrsuss. A oymmoofos'ion Irom A. Sweitoe, f). T. R. agent, suited that mites to the Muldoon of the new station and the orgeut eecwelty of giving the business mon of Gofertoh bev- ter facilities for loading rad utlo.Wn„1 can ,he Co 1'. R C ;mpsny irked the priv,l..e of bui.ding • eidlog aloes Msttland tint DUNGANNON. Nonce- -The twat ageao7 In Uungantu5 for TOS Stoma ie et tho om'e of J. O. Ward. J. P.. conveyancer. ay.. w:w w,li receive orders (or sehecri.p lone •Is -rt slag an I lob work. and Is sutbnr1104 to give receipt, for • mounts paid for the sante. TursuAY. Out. 21. date. All the wanted kinds are here) FAku SoL1.-\Ye. Bombe hes purebae.d of Underwear, Hoai•'ry, Gloves, Belts, I trout the o son suwlee, eel c I let I8, foci Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, etc. Special • tmoues 11. Wen Warraarab.:r,,rs belts mule of watered si'.'. with oxi- Negras. -John r'etrle, b.vlcg purchased dizetl silver buckle at ''Sc. the be1.u•ifol homestead of Weil J.rdtne, u now domioild there with hie family.... j Mr. S•urdy sod daughter on Monday re- , move] from S athsmp'.00 street to a gee: - deco. os Albert street. • Cuttlsu AND UotsO,-Mrs. Nevin., •c- 'oompaaed by per daughter. Mn. (,harts Elliott, hee left here to visit relative. at 4 Srrathroy an% other pointe ... Mr.. (Ur.) B ce •ed talent cella' and Wee Doun. have 'ted from a pleasant vidt to relative' i and friends at Loudon and elsewhere. MI-NrtIrAL Nurse. -The council of West j Wawanssb met on the 157h iced., and coo. - ' Herod s number of mmiolpal 'netters. The next mating will be on Novemb.r 12th I re Collector Taylor bon his •uncial tour I with the tie box. All ratepayers . f cre- osoted to pay their taxa on or before De - member 14 b. it is well to keep in mind those free premiums we, Tnleves AT Watt. -UD TDaday night of last week some person or persoos eotered give on cash purchases. the driving house on the primly' of Doyle tt Jardine, Ant tient, and stole • lege qu•attty DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. Now in full awing. Suits made to order, Dresses or waists. Satisfaction guaranteed. MISS SUTHERLAND cornea to us well recommended and her work so. tar bears it out. Never have we turned out better work, GIVE USA TRIAL. of grooertee which he had provided fir wit- smith lt- S m i t h BrOts C O f.toourepthem .udthey diswimt etllhlet tgudealt bewbi:rhpoue•gs hthe hoAamrsoee dtreors. i�Tkittigo• -i'he remains of tht late LEkBURN. MONDAY 00t. Mn. W. (1. Bone and son, Master Philip, sprat'1'hank.dvlog Uey at Swforth This WY Muter l'etup's beet ride on the trim. The other evening H. A. Horton. til his da.hing bay team, took a load of fair freight, with • ,einforoement from Dunkin, to Loyal M a esrprbe party, Wm. Fulford also went 1st with not w large • shipment as Henry. Will Zest the tarn and had to ger to the Dunlop poeterloe to get the right direction. All arrived to good time ..d had • most pleaeaat evening. the other evening one of (he fat kuith4 of Poplar row wended hie way been 11 per bare to lee .m Old .oh*DImal.. and eras am Mated In finding him by • ioelal termer nee, the kirk on the north aide. Both then roe turned to lee the toll laird, and there'fey mot t h.• Dunlop conte and ons of briars mighty moo. the latter bavlos owns up fee • chat .bout the vloho. Others being prose ret, sides were chosen for a game of orokl- oo1., Cho knight of Poplar row sod the Dun- lop series Ming leader@ The fire: game, for 200 points, wise hotly ooxte'ted and the Dunlop aloes woo. Noihlne dawntrei the obamplo. of Poplar row ohallengd the e ortb, and won his oulor■ back In two games Mr.. M. Sproul were interred to Duogsonon •f one hundred points each. Though flailed I semetsry oar Tusiiay, 14 ti Inst , in the With victory be war ob•h.nged by the 'crimepresence of a large cenuour.e of re.at.ves an t to tell a well known J. P. up his way to be I'Y"r1"tb"tom Dm^'i" 1•M' «h«.fo:ss16444 testy In meet the scribe and the Dunlop .r- ,.mp.eertrely widowed by Rev. l: It.ther. ohltect to decide the onampiooshlp of West ford. 16. Mowed bneb- o4 sod the utter ('olle,rne in .-roklnole, and an exciting oor- members of t4ie family have the gni .ere $3 15. tat Is looked tor. why of the community to their lou. The The water and light committee reported deoeesed was sixty years of az...nd was that they had asked for loodar, fnr tee la)- BLUEVALE. h gni) respected by all who ko.w her. log of 4 inch water welge on Quebec and MONDAY, 001. 20th. At',-rwx SAI.Lo -Tuesday of last week Htcte •trusts; .bat Mr. Nat..'' elastication Mrs. (1. Wray and ‘•hlldren, of Comker, U. Jardtou had an auction Late °f farm for electric light hsd been gran ed, end that are visiting Stn. Barley. "toot, implement'', etc. The 'pronto ewe- 1.1)01.1.0 et-C•--A-UnamumilL icor_1.` Miss Mabel Oliver has returned from • . t)pn.er, 1. Purvis, wielded the hemmer in • murrage on the sohooeer W. U. Roped') very •atiefaaeory manner. Mr. Jardiee sad had been 1511104 at $37.50. The report was Unit to relatives to Woodstock. t•mtly lutend to remove to Goderich to re- adopted. John and Edgar Coates have gone bo sol. Oo F'ndap last Sgslre Wd tem The report of the • fleance committee, M attend denial college. Msllough had • suocee.ful emotion sale of reeommeocliur lite peytrent of a number of Mr, sod Mrs. 1). M.L)usald. of Palmer- terming Impluaeslr.-erell; etc., ' t. or. The Put Ito w'tks • committee reported Mon, have been visiting relative. here. . s u condomrue than eels also. Owing to ad- vaooed age the Squire nes decided to te•lre that toe chairman and Mr. Hamster bad t.om fermium s e wleh him and.hu own- beam .sksd t: a.'tcnl 10 Mr. L.w,•' 0o0 proton a toot and bappy ter tie l Itte. shoat In regerl lr iba=were tltel _)Ir A SnuoteTlov TO Tit anr.rttas.-1\ ould it Grahame application for cutting . own tri es not he well tor the elerwymen when LM rent• opposite his rode true 1.1.1 Who lett iO the nen Os of the oho, Inleo; that the eery c -s of Rani Evans w oaretater of thitagrleultma! grounds and poundeeeper h. diei,essed sol h n al Hist the day 000stai•I, teks charge of tits .gr1 -0i ural grounds 'and p.obd The report sow adopted. The court of revision reonmweodei grants to Mrs. Mot.illisray, t16.25, Mr... Ifyelort. $5, Mw SkiogMre. Sueab Strnchaa, 2.50am, 00s, 1$2240611lof ala. TM report wee adopted. Tbq .pedal oommivee reenmme: dad ;lot the agreement .uhmit,d by the Kiee•rc Rahway Company het adopts! es ,he h.•1. 1'. -'•• - 415.5.05 ihteJiiS nd_thr f'•• company, and that ti a town *DI:citer I:e mei rooted to p•epa•e the bylaw and car - dittoes of agreement. 'I he report was laid over Dotll the next wading of counolI, as 15 the meantime the wetter was to Dome befu.s • public wattle/. Coun,iller McK m et tTrd i1 11:, rc *a my Hoot% from the momemy committee yet, and vomitory no trop000t M gild he wou d keep asking for It ont.1 he got .t. ile 1 . - bees(' the committee w a. d.ly pg the council and he thought the Mayor should uphold the dignity of the coattail. Mr. Koox, atter • fl ns at Mr. M^Kim, said that the rectos there had been no re• porl_lrym dile 9lIDm4ttee was that Mr 1•' - liott, rce of Its three member?, h.d )neo away for two mo:.tbs, lied in his •beenoe he (Mr. Koox) did not ogre to trennrt any hestae... 'Che .pial'. of aff.'re at the be- ginning of the year wee all to favor of eroc- omy. and he te;lteved hoe c„mn.rtee hal rarrled tint theor .ark d..r,ng the ye., slung that hue. Mr. Koox then cert on to charge Mr M'K'm with hntd'ng mre,irke of the bean.'* eeminiLip se -I possum se- oaon'.e with ,art notifying the mrml.,•s ; b• - fore the couuofl writing Mr, IbeK ni w•r.uld go over the ecoouo'e with the other no m• bore who hepp•ee I to be pre.eor. Tit • was • moat imp,,r;ant committer, sod lie work .LoaT7 be don, viilli bks no woo ay a t I'S mamba's \1r. McKln, teplt-.1 that rvertthiug that the 8nanos committee did mama a . before the (000Tmd c,uid be &aniseed there. Hu in once menthe \1r. Knox war not able to hnrg .a • report. 1 h...y the cern, tery was con 'hinted was the talk of tio a hoe Sewn, of the onenty. Mt. Thompson said the manner in e' ; h h• hasten committee held Its in.e .r,•• wee n.t satl.faotory. Account„ were p.e•.d std 'open" presentee to t' .. ur::11 with. 011 any notlgoa'uon of meet' a-. HI' Warable sari rte feu imitates wee ,hat when o t obj .•t10.' w e. taken to en0, oil tea report the I'Tort ergs correct. Mr I hompner espeated In a most em- phulc tone tho' ne did not ,-onatder 11 pro- p err or legal to hold a committee meeting with. at not Houton M t h • 01.011.1. by card. The closed the Inr.,den', awl ,11r Ku oz ,len made •n mqn ry rowdiest the Ivor of .1 . old drill shed The Mayor raid til• levee had been drawn su•I was In the haul.. of the clerk 10 he rzecole1 by Mr Hamlink and til. $40 paid. 1'he clerk aid Mr. Hamhnk had not .Ian' h Lila bare. Mr. Knox said he had heard that tl e.hed had here r.hrt 1,e Air Itsmttn►. Tee Mayor •i14 he believed Mr. ;old - tenni was ie nocupancy of the budding. Ile hid 1o'4 Mr. Uohlihnrpe he could net rema'a there unties the ret wee peM. The mater wee reforest 1e tete pulite works oemmtttse, and ohslrman Themes,* aid he would either haus the rent geld et the pinus rifted tip. D. J, Nafwl..ecatuy of the publics lib. from r pato. ase it the locomotive shop to the Insight shod. Thl. wee •thee for to order to remove the rare from the north side of the freight shed, e• that the view (1 the passengers might cot be obstructed when spprosohing the 'tattoo. I' was also requested that the Holmes siding from the eo.1 yard might be condoned op uovrarr:e Dia notion some dutanor., so that bsttey facilities for loaeioa nod soloadisg oats might b. obtained. This was reviewed t0 the pebble work' 000mlttee with power to sot. H.. Worship r masklN that It wa•• matter of graltbca Loa that the 0: T. R 's tuataras hero wee icoreastcg to sub an ex'eut as to make ,hep changes oro.a•ry. R. A. G..tanby a.ked Oat the enuead pry hall the Dost of *drain which he had put in se hie boots 03 Ebel a rat. Refuted to y.ub- 11c works oommittee. The (sllowier accounts ter* referred tr. the Iluaao. committee : G.rtshort-L'oomwu Pipe & Foundry Go , Hsmuteo, Ore, 8206 88; Canadian General Kleotr,o Co.; Toronto, electric impolite. $19 50; Jambs Young Auburn, for suety* as valuator in conneetten with summer note, $20: Borh- n se A' L•wang lmber ..A work $I3 6: N 1). Rougvb, bardpare, $3 63 end $19.41; A. A. Lsoaford Co., Loudon, .taticsuy. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday Evening, October 28th. THOS. P. KELLEY'S BICi AMERICAN Lady minstrels Funny Com.dleue, pestling C..tome', Pretty Gibb, f:tec rto•1 EH,ot•, Special Sammy. Catchy Muno. d 11110LE CARLOAD OF PRETTY GIRLS. .y has been suc- sessfully solv- ed by the manufacturer of Adviors They combine every element of aloe perfection. In FIT, STYLE, SERVICE sod COMFORT they are HARDLY EQUALLED and NEVER SURPASSED. MANY WOMEN are made nervous and irritable by the pinching and cramping of ilLtitting shoos. Such women should lose aro time in becoming acquainted with these shoes. They are modelled on scientific lines, so that while being "as easy as an old shoe," they tit without a wrinkle and please the eyo with their graceful curies. Ask us the conditions of the $5,000.O0 Queen Quality price contest. RIEPAIRINGI E. DOWNING, Red Front Shoe Store. BEN6OU6II COMING HURROUS CAftT00N[ST LEJTURER IN BD( t o1'OCALLRU OltI)IINAL BICMTCIIl\t. KN'1'ERTAbNMKNT ghmor, Pathos, Barksgoc and Song At IiiK'.CK 1N VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, Monday Even'g, Nov. 3 PRICES : 25c, 35c, 50c. ,TICKETS •ph. of Hall at Kidd Eli SEA0.w Willie Ike reels was on ab the poet( bice en the attenotit el Thaokogiviou Day two dogs which hsd prebsbly been treading on each other's oorge, began to eget in the crowded °dice. As one of the spectators remarked, "i hue was p'emt y of rr om thee." FRESH_ OYSTERS AT THE BALMORAL CAFE BLDFORD BLOCK. Mise Barbara Thyo,io, of Arthur, spent /he holidays with her sister, Mrs. Barley. VW Amore Oliver, of Toronto. ts visiting iter grandparents, Mr. and tire. John Hut gee.. leg et (operate to make the service as brief tV.lter Burgess hes returned from Wood siuc k, when be sow employol to the ounsg as possible! 7krre are many reeldtnt e, ' house. Albert Denman, of Halstead k bank, Mount horst, 'pent Thanksgiving at hie home here. Rev. Mr. Hardy, of Llstewel, gave • leo- c g s PORTLAND CENT C To arrive inside of one month. Mr. Jesse Ubdhlll, of the Bnmlller Woolen Mille, (see last week's amount of pro posed works) 10 using the Iarpsetquantity of oement used in this part of the coanty. Lest year after ourobnnlng what he thought ne would require for whet work he was the.y Maine, M wee persuaded te try • ample, three barrels, (.long with soma 40 or 50 barrel of two other brands of well known oement) of the Peninsular I'ordand Cement, made et Jsoksn, Mirth., by the rotary system kiln. The result is u follow. Mr. Glledhill says: I had occasion to snake a hole of consider- able size into what I put in last year, and I find that your Peninsular E'uinent-is-the best. The concrete is much harder, having a shiny flinty surface compared with the other concrete. I shall require 300 barrels or thereabouts for the:new bridge abutments and cement,dam, znd I will buy all myrement from you. Oemee% barn boome extremely hard M get and the pries hag gene sway op. Thom galea to we Cement .boned place their order at onoe, rt. e" to get It seen wanted. By an arrangement we offer the above Cement at 3 very reasonable figure. - threuioou: the country not commodious *Dough to a000mmodate all who atteod the funeral', and osiog to Otte msoy uontract cold. while waiting outside, and to owner - one tree alloy ribs** colds have rssul .1 f•1 - ally 1 h reverend gentlemen, heingcosy in the hon., are e.eminely forgetful of those who meal °etude during the lengthy serv',ee and are exposed to the inclement es of it,. weather. A change is needed in the direuUun of abbreviating the .ore VOW 1111 lot=i It 11& STIwAhr-- WILD/AMA] r ogr t to bay• to obron.ra the sullen and unexpected d.miee of labe,a Mott,., be- loved calfs of Walter Stewart, Looknow, which took place at her home ori Thursday, lots tart, The remain, were Intend In tri ell oeemitery at Luokanw oo Sstorday, b log esoorted thither by an oroasittyhrts Oaf Love of telativtt and Manila. melodies mourners from the vicinity of Ieuelph, tltou and o.h.r polo:. 'The funeral eer- y ces war• conducted by iter. M. McKay, auutel by Rey. F. A. McLennan, The patios were I). Yowl', David Mallcugh, Ben McClure, Jobe Miller, Samuel Robin. eon, of Lsok.ow, sod W. P. Ortorsn, of Wingate,. Toe deceased Was aged fit nor tie. years . twenty -sight days. 19ha ecu held in high esteem by all who knew her, and being a motel w.f. a00 mother her de- pute,. will be .ore'y felt by her bereaved husband, throe eons and o .e daughter. Be fore loos,tog In Lurkuow Lhe deceased was for msny year( an .•tlrmrd rerdoot of Duogtnnoo. She ea. . ci-ssistent member of t5. Prsebvterlan church and took an se Yes .ed meters' part 1a tisut work of the Maher. ll.r ohlldrn are William and Ar. - drew, of Lonkoor; John, In the North- west, and Mus Mary, The lac. of King E (ward on the new tteev4r.n ere ane* 11 earned 1e she elebt, while that. of ()aeon V.atoria 0•t tl.e al l coinage is turned to the lett. The reason McK ZfE- & HO W -E for tills an that for upwards of 200 year• wheow.er titer,- Lira freer Wcee °no Ha new British monaron, the list] tt►tttmttttttmtttttitttmmtttnttttmmtttttttttmmtttttttttttr4 THK PLACK TO BUY ALL HARDWARb: l'HKkI' of the monarch on the new on•n )sees 10 bb. opposite dlrechou Irom hat al his or EAST SLOE SQUARE, OODER/CHs her immediate ptsdaeasor. r The K:ny( of Range. "Dascice Happy Thought" Buying a Ra_igeOeo There are three essential things to consider when buying. a Range, -Anality, Consumption of Irnela and the Price. The price is the least important. A goal Range will last many years, and when it saves in fuel it pays for its !elf, while • cheap Range Is constantly adding to its price in extra consumption of fuel. The "Happy Thought f/ Range is the lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the most perfect Range constructed. It is a perfect cooking apparatus. - Welte4he ManyfacMeno fres •n Illustrated Catalogue. THE WM. BUCti STOVE CO..''im=w:rottp seta by 110 DG ENS BROS 7 1 '1.4 DOOM WEST •I - e swimmer. -- Aactive -0 Val:lieSA -0 r -� 1 ' LReliable Qualities ! 1 I~ IRST and foremost this store stands for reliable qualities in the -4111 merchandise it sells. Behind every dollar's worth that goes over our counters stands our guarantee that_ t the goods are not everything they ought to be, we are ready to make it right with you. Ii we did not sell good goods tiers could not stand behind them like that. This week we print alist of -Values that are good enough to call special bargains. They are to every day wanted goods', and samples of our every day prices for reliable merchandise. -r Blankets at $2.50 and $2.85. Either line is worth more than the marked price. However, we can - afford to spll them under value, so if yen come here yon can sage a little money on your blanket buying. At $2.50. U CoA 1O,1 1.y, w 1.0. a nn) '.ok.;i oar, lat'y null; dnuhls b,4 .It" 1,11 wow! .w tight. u•dorvd Iw.dry. "pew.) v..ue, per pa r...52.50 At $2.85. Fine todity wh,tw wool bl.nke:1, double bed .are, yawl weigh', woven from r'esn. pure Into•, volt fln• an, nolore I border., will wear and wash well, very .7e-tsl Satre., per put ...$2 86 Wrappers at $I.50. Save time, save bother, save money, by buying (* a of these wrappers at $1.50. They are good encittgh to call a bargain at this price. however. alt Nit- we -will say is that -they are really good val- ue, and let it go at that. You can be the judge. i,-NttFi' Wrepp.r., node ret rood quality ysooy rerapp.rsiGls, Pettey ""TiTnyht Mid randy 1111D4., 3411 7!ti+, *341 11111111311, ui van ..0 waist heel, n^Iter, veto .n 1 alt eves nicely trimmest. wdt.wwr m.o.. -sett 11.50 Vests at 25c. Vests at 50c. Not a store in the land sells any better vests for a quarter or half a dollar. Some, but not many, may sell as good. They are not anywhere near here. An immense purchase of ladies' underwear bought direct- from the --mill gives us the chance to sell these gar- ments at these money -saving prices. AT A QUARTER. Ladies' ribbed vests, shaved, full size, good weight, soft flnnb,np.o front, neck and trent nioeiy trimmed, ex- tra special value at each AT HALF A DOLLAR. Ltdlea' ribbed plueh•lind yet*, win• ter weight', shaped, open fruiter, neck and fronto nicely trimmed, soft finish. Thin vat la away ahead of the ordinary flame -lined gar- ment. It has all Ile gond palet?, without bring olnmsy and bulky. Tho most comfortable garment for winter wear, saoh...... .... Wrappers at $1.00. Eif a dollar and a half is more than you wish to pay, we have a wrapper for a one -dollar bill that ~ you will find hard to heat. You might pay 11.25 and then not give any too much. 1.11411.1r.'1.11411.1r.'wrnplar. n,.4e font fen y w(supirn lee, btu.•, red and bl..k grounds, neat p,tti'rne •ed ettraettye oolore, waist ani sleeves Beed, full a z•, •petal vitae each ......... ... $1 00 Standard Patterns for November now in. 50o Drawers to match either of the above Flannelette at 3'C. Flannelette at 12tc. The tine at tie we csnri(Tt buy in case lots today, even if a we paid 5c a yard for it. That at 121c was import- ed by ourselves direct from Britain, an(1 is one of the best selling lines we ever had on our counters. FLAN3(F.LETTIOS AT 50. Heavy Oanadtan flannelettes, firm, Worth mak., 27 Indies wide, • big assortment of f..oy stripes, newly all Dolor., will wash well, epeeist value at per yard.. ... . .. .... FLANNELETTES AT int! gravy English flannelette*, plain or twilled, handsome designs, In f.00v -./ stripes, fast orders, will wear w 11 ',Yuen* that aro not anomie, per yard -r -r • . .. 13 to HODGENS BROS. u��u��u�u�uwu��uu�u►u�u�u��u�u�u�tuu�u,wu�wu�w