The Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 4+4 Tllrv>tw�T, Oot. 23,
Our Special $10.00
Raglanette Overcoats.
We wish we Mae! the opportunity
•.f .bowing every one for miles around
our Specie) $10.00 Overcoat. It we
Buhl wo certainly would sell you your
inter overcoat, "if you needed one."
This garment ire made from good
grey frit mi cloth, double stitchwertic
al pockets, culTts to sleeves, good lin-
ings, well endo, wears well earl fits to
perfection. There is very little profit
in theta at the shove price, but we'll
sell lots of them, bound to, and melte
our money that way.
Our $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Suits this fall
Are of exceptionally good value, and will gtve goal satisfaction. We invite
your inspection. We guarantee tit.
Judged by the dollar's worth, this is the best
Clothing House for men.
reefed !Miley Clstteog House NIea's Clothier, Furnt,ber Ana 11 .:ter.
;role Agency for l•bri.t''a Het..
Y pealJYfm •
ST fa. ■iesswa.'T
OOT. fe. hilt.
A RECENT poet once asked "0
what is so rare as a day in June?
And June days in this favored land—
with the lush grass so deeply green
and the skies so blue and clear, excel
ling those in Italy—are beautiful to
But these Canadian October days—
when the leaves have begun to turn.
and Autumn, with the flushed cheek
of one ready soon to,enter the winding
sheet of snowy Winter, looks so resit-
s tly bstaatiiai—ttisais lktolbbe kye
bring to us the tenderest and most
pensive thought,.
The wools throughout Ontario are to-
oday aflame with color. The deciduoue
trees have arrayed themselves in their
most radiant apparel ere they are to
be stripped for the burial of the year.
The forests everywhere are pied with
every possible shale of green, and
Wed, and yellow, and brown, and grey.
Painter's palette never carried so
many soft or rich tones of coloring,
The trees in these harvesthonte days
of October rival the very rainbow for
that is worth witnessing. Happy is
the tnan who has eyes to behold what
is to he seed in the beautiful broad
valley between Harrisburg and Ham•
ilton. And there are scores of other
maguiticent views along the routes of
our local railways. if we will ouly
see them as they are peeve-64.Ni toour
The chill of winter is already ap-
proaching. Already we have had to
light the evening tire. a.: the family
gathered in the favorite sitting room.
The fuel question, likes $attetuoa ghost,
will not down. The times are trying
in some ways to our comfort, our tens•
per, and our faith. Yet, after ell, the
brightuese of the landscape cheers the
wan who hes eyes to see, and u wo
look at the roseate beauty of the trees
to cheeging leaf we cwnnot.keep from
exclaiming, "Thank God for the glad
Canadian October days."
THE news .publiohed in the news-
papers on the morning of Thanksgiv-
ing I/ay, that an arrangethent-had
been COIllb to between tho operators
and miners, and that the latter would
resume work on Thursday of the pres.
ent week, WW1 hailed with joy from
one end of the continent to the other.
For live month.' a bitter battle be-
tween Labor and Capital has been
waged, with the result that millions
of money have been Jost to both parties
to the light-undttreatItardshipe hams
been inflictea upon the public. Ef-
fort after effort had been made to
bring a satisfactory ending to the con-
test hut without avail, and the finial
settlement, -although hoped for, came
almost as a surprise.
Now that is settlement has been -
brought about it will take mme weeks
before coal will reed) outside potnts.
There will be a rush amongst the
dealers and at find there will be a
difficulty in filling order% but later on
thing. will &Minh their nortnel con-
dition. For which we should all be
devoutly thankful.
icy of lottery frome1[iolls pottians of
the world which have appeared in
there columns frow tinie to time: Mr.
\IcCotrseLi. Ince recently returned to
Capetown from a trip to ,Joham:es
burg and the Orange River Colony
and. -promisee us a .short series of let-
ters on South ntattere. His
fart correspondcuce with Tur. Fi. YAL
wee emit from South Affiea at the
time, of the war, and was among the
moat readable and interesting m Jtert
that reached tide country from any
source duriug that troublous period
We publish the tirat of 1lr. Mt'
CoNNKLi.'y letters this week.
SNAP 81401S.
-Sir Wtt.e'aru i.. home awl Gm Hon. J. 1.
TAUT% still wears his head on his shoulder.%
-lt eppsers by court evulense thatthe
only neat and eloau 11 -Ay to 0401 40 Parini -
went is to be els. tad by iteelamation.
-Now that the coal operators and miners
have leen brought to theor seaa;a the tight
wi h the middle men is Aleut to Is•gitj.
s - According to the evidence is the ,hurts
Lawyer JAetw.s, of Ingersoll. and lawyer
Toarrne, of London. should lick thumbs on
election testimony root lurk
--The anxiety that is manifested- by the
Tory newspalers ae to Sir iv1uluU•
health is enough to make a soon l men
••fade swat and r'radually
-Some of our Canasliasi newspapers are
in a state of niiu.11est the Cnite.l States
should put au export duty en coil Yee.
yes ; Aad they might also put an export
duty on cahoagc.heads and hinder our ev
teemed contemporaries from recruiting
their ranks.
-A number et our eeteeme.l contempo-
rariee are giving .heap opinions ais to whet
er Hon. .1. I. TARTE will remain in the
Cabinet or retire from the Ministry. 'and we
will het our next year's apple cropagaiast a
last tear's bird's nest that not one of them
knows what it is talking about.
A Tamen TO Telt seolN 11.
Catholic Haeord : Dom Is ever strike us
to togoire why so many Canadian' who
have Sootch blood in thelr veins manors to
mere up la the world Is it became they
dick together or iitye greatar persistence
hese others ! W• do not think so. The
-eel remit Is that they are eluaated.
rimy [army' the pr./ss becaule they merit
them. They hal wore parolee who kept
them at reboot and OAP to QI 1,4. me faehion
"hat they prepared their school work.
1,nd these boys went to college, I.ved
(rurally and attended to ihe business el
lock learniog. They were men of cerwn
liscipline when they entered the lute, also
had a chance for thlrige to which the callow
and untisdked stripling can never aspire.
'slow, why osionot we take a leaf oat of
heir book !
Ake flOVeltisann-Wkelate-Weerniartl--
kVoorlosock Sentinel ReyleW When meat soarer; a few moo, be age, the people
01 tvo continent oame to the conc!usion that
great obsess in diet has rent ted. Now
hot a fuel famine has toreateoed tbe
grew°. has been asked whether ere do tot
al • rule keep our homes too wain,. Precise-
-ow Is a greet teacher. It fa pointed out
that In Brititio the o Des are fully ten
degrees cooler on the avei aAe and that people
are all the healthier se a result %Ve hays
et *bleb Ceraitan houses •.• kept Wolin,
-ibrit; The mot vigorous men aud women
are sea those who mum have the room they
're sitting io at slimmer h,st The people
who are always °etching ooll we tied are
-hog who demerri rho nwnrt heat The
oereco who trust. to regular exercise, hearty
hod, the spending of as many minutes am
oaeolti!o each day in the open alr, and thr
*earn' of 3lothiog according to the troth
.tr, wdl usually be not only healthier hut
much more comfortable than the man lilt •
thmka he is undergoiog great hods!' pa if
the tte-mometer In his sitting room doss not
replete!. emit ty degrees •bove,
411141,11 MEI wadrren.
The %A Woolson r . The mealy men le
twer at &tr. ri,ti 11 to his fellows. Thts le
he testimony which has been tvwne this
week to the lif• and la:comae' of
Principal 112.ven, that his SO Tear, of
steadiness of this generation. Men who do
no know are paniostrIceen because of "the
new knowledge" and men whose faith Is
emall are discourage! haunts of the slow
growth of the good. Bat knowing the foots
bettor than mo it mon do. Prettiest Costa
WE were pleased few deys ago to
receive a letter from our friend D. E.
Mi•Comiatt, of Capetown, South Af-
rica, whoM reader/1 of THE SIONAL Will
remember me the writer of several ser -
on o
Lightness of a
1)orothy Dodd
On the Scales.
A mica many interesting facts may
blit it 14 doubtful if any single feet
lie 55,0ie in;erealivg and valuable to
the troinati then the weight of
For th e tells T the number of
oust la that must le lifted thoueands of
tines vech tley, am! is little calculation
will show that she little tons of shoe
leather a day -no entail labor iu itself.
The...Dorothy Dodd" .1100 aftVES the
lifting of mere than one and half tons
,•,ory A pin. of "Dorothy Iltold" shoes are several ounces light-
, r than ordinary shoes. The feet are just to much more couifortayle,
Led you are so much less tired. •
Put ir pair to the test.
N. H.—Of courae we will give
\ 3.1 part icul ars of the e 1,000
Wm. Sharman. Jr., has excises% Sale at
To the Ladies: •\
iit• opening of the fall millinery seasore tinds my stock,
as usual, complete in tho various lines perteining to
!stiles' headwear. The most novel eflecte in shapes and
tritutniegs are to be found here, and out work in mak•
ing up orders Itts always been satisfectory to my cue-
t4L:leiervr-s. ere invited to visit my thowroom and inspect
w illy stock at their convenience.
Millint r.
If and Aga!,
of his half meter,' of service b• lay.; "1
could not be pesaim at." ln (otiose,. '
his steadiness la bearten!ng of letsn• m.n.
titration' of social and toured reform
each/. possftle Litotes+. t Merrell of the
pe 'pie do little teitious think nit, awl h %yr
no first li sod noto:on of shy great sari :u•
That is why ill,. dentegogoe does not till Ins
,,tcir anon tione. Rat tt is going. Slowly Lit
tratic.e, mei when the day of steer redraft -
chest meat deur.. the demagogue's son will
have set. Intell.gsnse eausoicuce aro
The 0111 Reporter ma's* that .1. G. Hal-
dane owner and inansuOr of the Ayr elec-
tric l'Aht plant, *be is w.11 known In
nee peratn..ed the Notivaie 51,11 prop-
erty lately own. d by 1) Clark and will en.
in which. says The Repniar, he should have
lit d &natty, as the power le ono of the
In Western Outarte
WE have just Issued a new
and handsomely illus-
trated catalogue, a copy of
which mailed to any
address on request.
viensi illustrates but • small
portion of our *ma of Pine Jewelry.
each dcparoueni of our bus.ness
repreenited by carefully ethos,'
Our stock of Sterling Silver
for this season is of special
numersble gift pieces, mod-
erate in price, artistic in
design, and embodying use-
fulness and durability.
Ryrie Bros.,
Yost and Adelaide Streets,
I 'nue NIP . H. COLBORNE Cash or ProduLe
Bleck Sateen. Waiata.-$1 DO. $1.25.41 601
Leetes' lienor Vesta aad Delmore. Veen'
from lfri to $1.00. Wawa* frees 25e me $1
Idea's aod lisp' shirts and drawers iu all
th• leading theists. uuton aod all wool.
Alen's wool novo I red, elx44 110111 34 10 44,
great value. Idatiter haw, wool -latest, 6Co,
65e and 75%
bleti's all wool Nova Scot.a make. un -
fibrin kable front to $125 A gu trainee
with mob ables that It will so: shriek.
Our Americas mad* Wren:matte. at 10o
mad 121', hot cooler. ars the best la the
Black 0111 glry 1)roeo Nitirts, tailor trade,
ab4 oat lo the latest isthien, from $2 90 to
14 75. mad, ail bawl larbeeepuo.
Orme Materials lo the 'steed eolorlage,.
54 te lashes wide. Humeepatte, Naar -
Liana, Basket Weever. lairds. &rim aud
other now makes, from 50o te el 40
A title assortment ot RAM emits mad. by
$12 00, lengths from 56 11 60 Inches. These
are the best goods in the trade.
Great value in Ladies' sod (Andrea's
cashmere end all wool Hose.
%Ve catty tits nest lines of Ftockloge
made O. the GoderIch limning Mill.
phone 86
Do You Know?
We hers Melly 00001111Of oaf* the tell season.
Pure Spices, as •
ou have ao &dimwits, In buying these
them abeelaWY pure. Teel are sot se
Brghtest Lustre,
Least Odor,
-Easiest Applied
of all Stove -Pipe Varnishes.
Preserves the pipes. Excelleut for
etil ex poised iron work
W. C. GOODE, Chemist,
Price good only for the month of October.
OTT -Point at $2.50—Per Hundred.
On Novemberist the price will go back to its regular
figure. BUY EARLY.
We carry a Nil hoe of
Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass.
The Cash Hardware Store, Ooderich, Ont.
Tarr' Neer WIN such a demand for Ladle, aad Gentlemen
weft% The
Rubber Heels
That Hold
Auffer from c .1
(ion? Pons yuur liver n re
gul.sting ? Is your di
trouble 7 Do yousofterfrot,.
g1VE abundance of pure
air amidst which to
breathe and pure. food
to 'eat and one's health is well
assured. The active princi-
ide Of the
merry nien to the darker gre.m Of OUT
of the infantry was mocked anti sub-
dued by the reels of 4.4* w
and some of the mapIce, hich heel
colors that showed every shade of
crimson and acarlet, and at times
seemed ready to turn toward us a
mantle of Thyatira purple. There are
differences as tu what iv khaki, but
every possible sheAle of it was to he
WO among the yellows and greys that
there decked some of the trees
Sometimes the red or green or k flak i
colored trees were noticed in massea,
ea if ready to advance by regiments in
line or in colutnn, again they seemed
to be ranged in eachelon, and yet
again they looked to be sciatered in
skirmishing order. Ilere and there
conk', alio be seen solitary trees, on
the outside of the glade, am if poated
ea alatry. Bin it was a silent, army.
Thaw wire not blood battalione. they
there tononrish and not to dratroy
LA3N DON, ONT , has assfeted more students to profitable positions during the past
rear ths• any School In the Weo. pleatool to you Particulars fcr
J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal.
cry day. Thi* harmless tonic
and smitten ciesmorrartftTITITtiTA—
et ery organ and will remove all
tho unpleasantkatures that attend
..puits will Iso sto improved (hot
you. Pleasant to take --surely tent -
bet be sure that you get the
genuine " Abbey's."
'notice Cushion Ileitis a cur late leather
NO HORSE .1141111J wohtnit thy
t.t..11 1. Any le,olismitli ,en
ete., for FALL and
1 cso please .o1^.
'11 est oldo of Square.
N.rrht ,.11. yr:molly answered.
ItiltiritttriMMITIIIMMMttrit f112
that has given the
supremacy over all oth(1 stoves is found in the fact that
their oven is so constructed that pure air circulates
freely throughout it, cooking being done amid put.,
active, fresh air, factor that retains to the foods cooked
all their rich, natural flavors.
—Ask our agents for Booklet
—illustrating very completly
—the principle of the aerated
The gentle grandeur of a Keene like
Mate by IRE GURNEY-TILDEN CAL, Ramilloo, Canada.
PAT. SEPT: 1000.
Perfectly Vent Wiled, Perfectly Ilesilieut, A heolutAy NOIPPle.n.
It Itaa handles to I.ft or Arts tt by.
It is much cheaper and move durable than the hest hair mattrens.
It eanno get lumpy, and will not eng front ore.
. It is the. moo beaky and meet comfortable Matireest meths
imr-ca and examine if s merits. Sold early lc,.
Dealer lit irach. Fortnum., Furnishings and Ail
Fine Upholrteritig done to order. Haat street. tetIDRRICII
" Eureka and
WE make a great
many kinds of
Bread, but the kind
we are particularly
fond of is our
loaf from our agent. Sen how white and light and sweet
it is.
cir htkory incluelee among other improvements, petent wenn
that I Ake our bread to suit everyone's taste
The Parnell -Dean Steam Baking Co., Ltd.