The Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 31h0
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! bands of JrIM&UVI . nUILOW rlsr;v and 1J*+*****+*4+++++++++++++tt+t•r-fJ-V, o :•t•+c•+.. a-1 t : , r ►t•t++i
A 1IOT,HAB S PRAISE Cloth r with rlruly,wgr ur „ rml,ut, +
FOR THE MEDICINE THAT + RE- r '�``t~`��a'�rr�ra•� 1�-"14' ; BREEDING DAIRY COWS +
Nile Haa tl olusill itCroon °irwrrr Hento, �il�XrWr4lB54W_✓a`e1-aa',w-41!*ka(�
aahrr, tr'uuU[lug uud F;tlrr11ar t,'w tlP{torr tit Ib: 1)..,. .. I.,w ' .\ •'ItyAP•J •., •+, .le '�
Nervorsial"C raid F'rarrd She Would it W often oald that wocuou drew ill aLi It a cow aW
to 1,Icuw► atkoh other, but meet dn,wt I, I,. , c fir,, I} OI•ea//str� to arty that y lit- auto ll
Not lLeltrba lice Sarrnatth• i,' ., , , , .,I ,.,Ilk ,,, this great• only after salukiug all official tent
to Phrase thowreiker. On Urlr point „ , , , ,.1 I htr,1 a<lw. 'our fur pro1lut-Lion of butter int. Tile
Every prudent mother will watch u writer in Clio Lady's Pk'lurial . r . ,i; ,.•,,, 1, iuu of Large , rcaimlard requires that a iwu
� lio m1:OU Ilcl•tlae co Individualtaote carefully the health 1,f her youcaK itaya: ,,,.1:, i,. ,.Ilter or rlh•eme, 1 se"I"Led fuller ►h: -Il produce in ..
1'be \'rile daughter ut tire riven day. lit INaat eight
V ultowerl. brides nowadays pwritwl when MIIH It No.v an 1 L;len ono ►err a worouu ,1,•:rrnliae.. u„ f ole c 1%v. ret' 1 WuDUr
el J that .clone should be word. The rrqulred' prtgltig from girlhood to wom-tri- wIr►w ekrth"e, are ubrulutely unsr'- lila beat r(turc.. 'I Il. fir lP:r of dulr� 1 r►( butter (at, a khree-yoOld
are l-akat •re one Ir grertcal wltb the IHllgt A tut their it four yurds seluare. I hood. 1111d period it the moot urlil- aeCortatie of her atilt he:aj• tier ion- ' atoct rfiouht ttiwavw b» ,Nrreof dui ..l_.haifrr ern p+oupldr, to hyur-yexr-old
y " "any♦ ilig." that, they muy wear two Prltls being always rounded, nna ULU let the
cam'IC-"up ltd ready mode velli Dumb with young girl'" Ilhl, It iN plPCr of Ili%ira bw•u aarefu lY wa�tle t,lr gotu. I1 Ili• ,IaUy cow ebur vlevell find a half pounds, stud
e.. Y all" ihlt ria g n ma lure cow lhirtren. Iwundr 'Chir
+B then thuat lire becumrw Pilo, eerily thought out try lh•lr Nrurrr. Thera• .hw•4 ,lilt }h•11 a lwolitl%lde flow of
"Bride textures," wh the dreads- 1lmmed txlnlerr on tit
with sl ttrod -and troubled with hrwadraehewe, are those, who, never Weal* As""llenar is tier highest otnndard adoptoll by
•"` !L.(fgo re, -tier unur whet•• up'u,onrI Islllffle silk thread. Tor rtuaro le, di- (+rrbo,led ►ka othrrr, but flus "'Ilk, lieu Ivre r to h:ter any reatir I ,ally arruclatiou. and It will doubt-
. 1 x4mu for why, any whit,• •-felt equally hl tier middle, .ret that without lapps►raMit ouurtx, 'Pier bltxNt m aye` fur a•xt�,elice Ito«/rnK t nnfillew oro
tu:rterial muy lie wul•11 by u saNang the ends muy full evruly:lt 14 then I)uumcW thin and wtator,v, and unless :ty of wumexr tM tot drsirw, our, tit- Dr tup,parullvrly little luullurlxuee.,N,r1,1,,.,.! have,
butte►apro(h{cigticblua Illi sr
narluwbe is a folrel'11DIIer and Kirl, ulrl tile, IINt hl,llrleo ,•verv. Irurco+II%t Pool worn back of a &hurt promPtl'Kgm try takuu to mature It deed- wood 14 beeclroe them to W,
lh'ltg frow tho mot rxlw nSl+g to the + oorouel of onulKu blorsomo rhe d to Its rich, red, hwUth-giviflg coedi- Irti%idwtllrtte in their attirw. n r•� ' scri)t Jn Daws when n glwxJ euw „{ breed In caunrla. q Other
Pc' Able co bit 'Ili •tier fawlaiuu. And tier 1'""w lieu 'Alae ST a p,rtlon tit tote breeders or dairy cattle mlght well
one of the inoat co Listings, syrufr mORl 1rIra1N•tlelYa sluff." Ilke, (ire ellatl1111Nt a'UfU11Pt• U( file day. tlOru. APoilno, anti pwrrhnpN conruwP- ,
+ llieet ou ie,. urn ihr ur my nN"' older• fir la Sacro w ,y I.ronwo un- , tuk+' up thin iratter aldta
Worse wtur, w., tare told, Ir *till hued wlllr ,ol13t a ► tion will follow. Ur. t iPiamd Pink Y dr Arable AN u mlilter.
•oma of kldncy trouble and I Tue net •ells cI p hatter rtritwl to Inik a: what it un- r41wr Of the testi mule by Can -
womb prhue. favorite with billed who Plbluo ore avurn ter the name way, 1'llld have cured mtyro p tie, anaemic, a:ersWo.1 !+ k1 mudry'' udian Hofwtrle 1 pearly all ander
womb displacen►ent- rp1tU•tepl',te mmart chiucic wedd(agr, ttrough tier rbn]Ie of t11we, a sort tit crtslly tirM girls thou pay other J Frury t'etn,.
alrl Who con afford tilt% humigromg I long oval. makes the fall somewhat wwliclas, and mothorw will make no 'l l t oil, mo ono lac re" to the the &Orta irfur of alt. Dean, of
READ MISS BOLLMAN'S it III st ,cf 10-4ol thin rich m'IV•rl:d involveN.The different. Tiber yards and a halt ►s rrllstake it they it ,n their ,,,,, 'O that tlaro fire raaauy -bier It_ ntitiuully (dlow•+ tout to stcuro the Ortarfu Agricultural (blle;gr,
txmn time eget 1 war let a %r+ f P Bert Ju'yh•s of what beret suits tie I I" '6"t pravticul rtwullr, little at- are given tlPrewtth These are lift
Ane ;&.0m," next,
grow-rcrl,Iho,l allkrl tier length of tier net •rile, which Bell trolly daughters taking chore p1;►r frnA llr form ,Aviq,•, and un the utllev ta'ntklli 011011tH tip pail to what are fart +a periu,l of seven days. The
weak WDdltlua. soy work made ole c�omu pext, thea Wyfl fill Affil tallf•ta frum qg,� lip, 'Tyle hemmatf tulle Doers truth thne to lila JLr:r. Y. 11
ferrous and my bre &cited fright fill!. ora+ moil rhesa e~ calf/,• o hated, it wuubf depot us if womun'r 4-dutuogly %lo,k,•n of ie," Laney polulr. amount of butter way be cowputed
jy plaiu4N1 rwbroid"rt I cbtftua, Bev.1 per, tier beat rtorer lady well known In RuwunloD, tjua\, taste In men's o'oltling IN far morn I• is ♦Poly la very rxorptulu:u cuarier � uppruximateiv by adding one-sixth
all the Lime, and I had Lerrible head• melon net 13111 Mont d'eaprft.. Au all- ohnrglug only 1111 for them, and true to+lir what thaasu ptllr luaus /1W1,e tier rrAiablo than wau'r. Nlie is. 4ukk that ecdw of the hair, .iso uuJ aun- to the amuuut tit butler fat, since
thea LXdfaOver spl wr1, a , s IN cc/utitsim so for Only
veil Ie d cul her daughter. Sl1a ways: '"My to detect a u,trthk" in the chufcP Iour of the hurmu, graceful eurrfaR,•, ICuo,l butter averaged about 85 per
^ My mother got a butte til Conn- aery tplelY A iln sett h CUit11a1PN only the raw edged tulle •elle ore (laughter, Catherine, aged forirtarn of a tire, to note the angle of s hut, : and conlcul. teat+, call utak„ env plot- � Dent. tat. Breeders or other sorts
IL PlnkLanl's Vegetable (.uta- are uvwlUy' in ! rluv: tr dtvle with Byer sura over til" face. But mince
orn¢ for me, and it
to bulk IneilufN. TII:•y ore wore over I years, wan wffering grostly with the, set or a coat, the pattern of u ! Able difference let tile, actual value to( daftly cattle are Invited to MMI
tide modest farhfon IN now somewhat verere headaches, rumitiD authenticated records ug• their
MU,n-91hcn my back and help me at Hev-1 rut Pettl,•cytt■ of chlrrun or not, u1lwAlste, the wwhling Tell of the fin- g sad her- twfeal, tale ttkl],P of a et/aur, and ; of it cow, ,Tot, these itiel many ulhrr
g medlate future will v'ournesa She wan we complotely rile never fulls 1pto the error of rgnAlly uw•lews fuls•y ..,1ntr are held cow&•
Dace, and I did out et w tire.! fir which Ali turn &ovrr A oak rkhrt. The ( fire his be warp run down that we hearo,1 that she ur6irlg her +urn fo:k to ado t tiny !
iAefun. I continued W take it, and it 1,011x" ha■ air+ thew gauzy ittterlhi, only. et •the !rack u( the haat. P w high ralrrui 6. m•w) breeders and Aged Cows,
bo tight health and /trvugth to me, , lug, wldq h pr0rhac; s ti wore dollonte I Tire boug4et the bride carries, ac- would not recover her strength. W« utrooiuur th insis a�rely berauwe juilgev. Ifeituty uI (arm and brew)
1 I tried several medicines, bill the did tlrey aro dw,erWed aa* 'ver famh- A Lbs. Butter
Mllk. Fat.
and want tO th.ak you for the 1ihct flour if the barn cume.itrv►ctl r,Pted tartrs agree, should be of tie- y J tie' rata fila^ly,+derirablP, alb! ►arPt�h
y not scow to do her any a Del. I then tunable,' : ort filet $, well eade:,vor W combine 1. Jrrple t'eettua A. ...584.8 20. NJ
od it has dune me." -Miss Kart egshi•t the illi. Lural flowers, hrlde roves or lilies thought ler wdlrld try Ur. tt'lllfnmw '.Tl,e rein tall Aro a N'Oman ooa 4'.mw t iu,Se in nr 1:0.04
u.yrr, 142nd St. S Wales Ave., N eddln iritic I of the valley +011ie a border at mal- well dlRwsul tr well htUd. sbsolu:e- fv
New York t'it coop 0 / y g Plak Pilly un lb" rrrrrlt duns hero great a ,iegree nw w- t•ulamlty Jane 572.b
-1• '.yawl er ine{d are still eatrrwelY to clan hole. Throe or more loose, loot `( ly Nell grax,niel and ou-t+, uuobL•e- `Ibte with cipu•Ity tit t11n pail, but 8• KnatjP Ir13osr, 2ad.445.1 19.1{&
mire Amit.. M•e,Ma ee,ar„aY rrneW NMe1d.,1N. U to Due fonallwt hu rive alike In lila ua:atter of hole, to - Latter oust ever remain the first 4. Aaltj., l'vech, 4th ...41)4.3 ♦9.09
Iso roma rw, 1U111 yards stemmed nor a ars also oometlmee fu�1 dell rule hila
1 I rltg*st ,bitier�arP3 per_ t -tarried, but lite set boo net b at- - 9 reQoverert- her health and c roA4rrutl0u. 3. Carmen 8vlvlw 629.1 16.48
Lydia F« Plakhan►'r`'egetable fl Jertably a -etc ruulw ql the bottom. A I ways more effective. 9 strength, and 1! ileal! ♦Ata Tor Nalrtuonts' tie" 4e, P+t4tcnlr, au•t ;
y glaid 4_ Daley B. UeKol ....426.1 111,81:
Compound cures because It bt i tight Ipterlining Of cotton batting w The higher world ,orates the wed- it thli PxWrtence will help wore otllPt• tfrlN batt as it arch rex were meant ! Points lsdieatlrg Prudstetloo• T, Rldl set I)r11aL'r Lena 887.5 15. it
t(/ relent the othees clottiew. Women S. 011l
the gyratett known remedy for 1 ut' let gl+n the p4ilil illi: and satin ding Ito ,and "Ot u any convent. ruffering girl regain her he,ilth." un+ ready 1'41,01401 to adcna Curl i Tire first grPat em/ontlul point to y Flower .845.9 15.27
uaala a look of wh.acy ; aIW wtbrur b I alit nook, and not judge from the 11- Ur. Willlumn' Pink Pili" aucke rich, good tsete acral cjpvernen in thlr Qi- ( to, aNcg. (q the ,bury vow fie ounstl- U. Ruby (irettlul ' ,., ...453.5 18.BS
1ldney and wortlb troubles, [OtChiffou r„Itw u- eery rtallurntr dart ruffle I luslrotlurl� Rh'ru at some of the red blood and give new strength with teat on, bot tier other sex diacalms tattoo, uitbuut w1,i1.1t rlu> cunnut Ill• Fxllrr)' }. ...... ••• ...... 481.1 28.8E
Every woman who In puzzled trimming. or miylsrc•Im In the uulyi flop church wwldrnKs In front of the every Ikota They eure apaewlq, with horror the aLtlily of th,ir, stand the drain of many yrnra' It. JpmIIAft Wayne ... ...413.5 15.56
K. TfLLlw !q more airy tex- bOttlee to un+ very lstndy place. Again lomadacho, hoart pall,itaatlon, dizst- womankind to exorcise any judgment' heavy ftokfiag and milking. Tile wht" I=• Lady VirtertA .. ...397.8 13,39
about hrrcunditlun should write thew may be trhtrmavl to tite k+lghurl I one seer tire (balmy token appear naVln and brio thea Diamond
10 1lrs. Pink hunt at Lynn, JI nott•h, an r rra 6 Kh a of -meth N A g•it" fa t their lent nfA%OI de- cI ap Ruud heof vigrrh, Gaud genes- i IS• Irf et1w 361.7 13.35
y • able 4 ng: mint ID tlourwees, . from the tett, firs Weeeve, or the back to :ale and sealluw, cherkN, These +cp=te the fact that nn unfa%olabe +al appwarartc, of e,1 or are the chief I NPtM,rInIM
running UP off tho back like an apron I of the p K
and tell Ger alb uvrrrklrt, tip! � P preyrrbook ; &ems of which ryllls are alar a carte -Io cure for tier femlalne opittton of anything tb••y i iudfcutiunt 1,uf conrtltullun. Other I>�. WlDnle t\•hi ...... ......4011.8 18,05
rag rile, etutrutnng I Instead are provided with u little ailments that maker -the live/ of soy are wearwl; means its lnntant tilt-, prints largely Indicative of pruduo- l.. 1'lolet of Lula .. ...430.2 18.00
watl►tad bell with
a )x,lnt d'erprlt ►+Deka[ for the purpose. Tta, altar marry women u burden. Ikv sure you oro. Perhaps, V men and womrp i lluD ore: .l wide strong measle; a - Moue, 1'san Old.
frex k. w0ucholr ls always lace trimmed. nKte snore frwel rz
we+elc%oww v As for the bu,lwe, it Ir hcglr aMt I Next in tmhsrrtallor to the wedding eget tier geaulae with the full name 7 pressed them- cumprativelY opa•u backbone or Llb. L be
1YOTEp C� /�� rpt tt�1 CC Iw►K Nice us noun), with an "Ih. Williams' Pink Pills for I'l welves tit IAsh;on JOurual4 from time' chine, Indicating a to"dcncy to make- i Milk. But, fat
Si1s--4-tt� 1LlUDaJ. an- I drew, ore Pa e." oil the we, to tlmo about each OtIlPrr ctoth.•s; talilk rather than fat; a edipaeitxrs I. TO1�1'a Echo De -
y all m around el- It would be better for both.,,1. ter:• thrQnt; It for Rtlr'k Is dlwpl•nr-' -- esy boz Flnld by all medicine deal- j h:arrPl, c;apablr 0f making use Targe „ o •••••• ••• ••• •:•••••••11.9 18.17
L - - '�� el Witt . the rock iN only colt ant r the smart travelling gown Anel Prr or amt Clothild" Belle
--- :,0 ,.0 1l,llU
J post paid. lit bUe per rraaatittes rAf fent, and x raxymv. '•' ......
'I'.I, n• to A 1;{re'al ileal of red Inr *tightly, soy nn Im•h or two 1Ryow . ettually smart coal, A dashing model box or rix boxes for ''"e,.:,(1, by ud- i•40+++++++.rtes++4+4,.1•+++h► i vr.-ll-shupwl udder, with Jnr w mna !1, Woodland ]lolly De, thr aarkPwt ahadH we.•a ,❑ trill ]u•,_ the rlo.�k lint•, Any deeper d,C,,yP_ . In (vetch garnieul was displayed by dreMing Tlnp Dr, Williams' Medlclbe + 1 i,i:try v'f'iuu and milk.welNtg A well- .Kol...... ...... ... ... 368.7 14.42
1. Azly UeKul... ...
ale of a dahlin Hmung tit,- new huger is •'only allowsi briefer; wly,y! a dale wf,,•r N'ho *upng therash-CR, Brookville, oat. FOR niILADY►S ; krwwn fnuudlnra breeder has tersely 4,1.9 14...
faAlivala_ , -:aur token the Int/rrhtfng loop p(r. (unable worl,l. Including some well • ,:nmm�rise'l there gvnlilMatiOn/ iD I 5, KagatJA UrBoer, &L.S47.� 18,19
--- fore-wGjuw-brfder, let short.
known names nmouK her cllMtele. - -- - --- v t 8. Fit cl,►' Errnn ............3411.8 1288
I Arlin table eovercl In hour ' Oetolw•r la1A) November arogreat Tie cont ""em"d Plr+leetally Revel, satin foulard, with four rows or In- TOILET TABLE i I rtnd ocyrbf batrfg month, a big bell., , 7, Lady f,rnce, of Avon-
whrre rar(le are pinyPll w great deal uawtlhw, for htN"Onabl•• Welklingr, you ' and mad" the trail young woman who wertlun carried round ills" skirt be,.- R K /lsle.._.................370.i 11.73
are of cloth ur felt, mode with it kuuw;' multi M4dam.% And brlrlKlrlg ; irleol It on a veritable .goddess, do 1ow u multitude of dowilwayr tucks; ++++++•Art+++11` Ieased Ancestors.
forth tie flower of tine flock -L ons , igalerlai a soft "k-Okeh wool Its gra It find a bodice formed chiefly of I UL►na'r alreratug ruum authing Ezperipnced men are able to gel- Three Yware Old.
__ shirr rtrhlg, w'Idrh Is pulb!d llirlitl; _ Y J it otter Dr mute w 1. lata Bvlvte
sal n A�,rI pOrnt midi. n„Op-ols"allcl `` nn+l -{Act check. It was lined tucks relieved with plenty of lace. yrcertuur let tier ret good cows t) ar a ole to bee y 568.: 17,55
aR.•r the rcnrr bar blwn adjuhir4-n pelt of ung0ei Witt til the l h.! throughout and trtlnmpd with w-baY tier aeatllirlylents of I nmouAt of certainly. -u4 the roust 1 Calamity June, ped...444.8 1g4
g++pr the top 0f the table. Kj lg A blue-abdtablte YtbiLPd Kau:P
-- worl/l afiA tt seemed rllver Fox fur. Came next, made with a multitude the t et trlWr, wggerttng aa,thry I expert da(r7_ judKr fr largely at xra :a.t CalamJOUPPIilnr lx+itot
The dLlhyulrhing f lure of 1 "ltvt lt'a ohly dyeel Canada fez;' do toy riles, OCCuIa ceretawlaleeatW i when he attempts to rrla+ct a good C'olantha.., 481.7 14.93
field maglrtrnp ; which, of of •mall flounces around the fent ; bull b ppe 4. A to
1'er,etlaA, kW-llnlshgvd, and 11ntu1• ; title slraalureut t.o%ru Oourb, it had a high belt of secret dulaueer4
misers AD enormous difference Jo it pale -blue tat• flan o the I y a arar►ceo alone. When %:e y IrAe... ...479.0 14.49
elaewl it re cheviot t and flau:•rim- was (tin Nxy In which the Ince was prive feta, with w tucked bodice embrol_ J preparations are high- come to the question of raising good G. .I)ul*y Tezal, 2d ......487.0 14.44
al's tole are to lye uhe.l for autumn tiered to whits; the vert inridr :be lArlce'l ankit, their crystal and rte- I cows, we find that the only road to 6• lain iY. roedes Ue-
Ial;,r Friona for *hopping, prots•�' .___Ips -u ruUrrilk� brt•udthr, each PhH mrd,•( of the coat, which was ver rreeplu les galea an ornamental l eucePNY is In breeding from curve 0f Kai ... 98.T 14.04
N'Orvn eta q � ,�,e,. N'l•til dUN'U 1111• 1.11- 1 a4t long`agfvagti to tntla, was a sort -IOure w►e Ot pole -11 'e taffeta yUr and Ice iS►r Vll - ...........
condo and
traveling wear. -tire front and the back of the gui%13, I of F:roptro "hop,., a wide atltched plalta � ly.ocalas►ousli-known capacity and from bulls whose T. Flora Wnyae, of
nae. The rarr�,lly necessary ariLles r female ancestors have alge been Itiverrd le... ... ......460.1 IS.&;
--- wit, no VIN't-L lit the Nuiot line. In Ixu,d, suggehthrg t1x+ short watt of A gray taffeta war trimmed with may Urdu be kepL In rewpleudent stud tested for naerlt at the S. Dale
Cr yehete/l or knitted artlelPN may hwl, the cffcca +ver turthletly a Prlu- strappings of clieue ribbon goinK costly boxer, "ties ,And (sail And y Ildr a Clo..11�l.. 1220
be c•leatived b • rinkhn them ivith- versa orfs, though a< narrow satin IA4% rtraf ht down the skirt, the ire_ jars, but chum it ll almost a ha•rred t than U• Daley HO.. ... Clri
J sprinkling - R ] thea orth In h bee and their pilau • n good bull should be backed by a ihtlrlP..• 321,5 11.61
flour, meal or rtnreb below ad at the two ab low . Tito A COiItl AND A CARE. "n'lanIlingaw-color bring maa►r, and tuts not worth mrntlo In ••• ••••••
and len (ill mia/rt• apron P►,cr which covered the g• cueffig n u ml grr of gnus, pro- 10. Lady Aeme, &1.„ .,•..867,7 11,:'Q
the prwderal subrtuuee n•mnln ori " was crfr*-crossed from the waist rkalt, for rxxmplrA ls a Panacea for dudag daro11 and Krand•dnmw, If .est- I1. Tkty Abba•kerk Ue-
flr .a while. Whoa it i* whakewn off ---- to the knee with lines of the very many Ills. A little dtroclved h, 'haran lodactury remiltsi lire to be ex l
front ono tm•tcd to. within aOmn I I
Riven Inches of the buttom; the full lrYourMomcin Ble,wrd {lith w "abf narrowest pale blur velvet ,rfbbam; water wltt carr tier mile(" urii Kol••• ••• ••. ••....881.0 10.99
Il,e dirt will dieaappP;,r alms. tlentchlri the fluugcew bl•uw 'disfiguring in-, ed fruits I'll, daughter". Peet 11. Tenaen's Bounty..„ ..... 3.C;T 10.65
+r-- y wiflr�d stock 1lnbhrs the threat uf, Von tie cottage wwR rlmflarly treated [ia_mmutlun tit eyeliabr adtleurd by ea' 1;t
i Pprra'I.trThb. and wait finished w+ih dD wktP to drive In tllb wind o hatt�tfi g &try. forte J., _al ... ... .... .^u 1.6 1030
l.a*t purple acid tog J I AdvanetA Ile i
yRrar lin le ' Ila hnr.11 seen ' thio own- A lwby' 1-.n prric"less comfort belt collar of !Arlt crochet laid over rpa•nt on the gulf 114 g. About iwruty years ago some of
10 millinery, lint til tin* cum& Inia.k ' MOUTA Pzll,ttdle white frocks nrr , In Ito litter lei leasnedw id abs, u mauve, a large bow tit +o Dl I Two Yrorse Old.
P 1 parlour It n,dt ger •gurgle, It alloys any the prominput American terofrlers oft I. Alta Poach again, and hxrk* particularly rich a1RANn by t+ir rtorer filth tier. iplur- 911 lit_ cirri-. Aetylftilug that will re- ribbon closing it on the bosom; slight trritatlon of ibe tbrikal; and a Hol,teln-Frleainn cattle, Im rptawl -•• 1 21.66
sad handsel with *baggy beaver, motion that tory are bought for Nvd- 111,•ve the Uri 1 mother etn,1 odd to the little vprt above this war or ilttle s.111 should i,ecasiopal y bet used w Ith the Imlx,rtnuc, of l cup ei I " Nupcy \'sy . -•Rlv-
Irft gnat' fur ur rlabie, ,fang ptatp+oirN in flee s» their Tri tans.• Ire by'o hrulUa oe►1 happinerN Ir butn ++hlte chiffon. In the water In wldeb one's t tb nrr question, started wlaut is known fir eredde "" . ••.•• . • •-••-•411 8 1 .04
--- f .copx• Jur fancy than le t;ermutc•! u/ i a help ata.I a friviod. lil,w tit what t drew in black -and -white Pekin hnlrhed, air It helps to hard the an "advanced registry," hr whInn1-8-- els D''KoI 378.1 11.51
Always weigh woollrus wepnrat"Iy ' tlliligti mn le to order, private mak• fro; to:tk.w the ht:vtement of Mrs. Thm. *trlPPh Out to run rt,un,l this fig- gums, cows cr►lul.l be n•curded onch ly 4' Verbe[le 4th gag.7 10.90
of nu Pre*lige, no ufatter ,,bot cloy LHtle, of )%Iaw,etuu, Out., roe Inter- tire had a narrow front breadth Spirits of camphor and tlnotu a of after working n milt or butter tr ' U+'!"f H'cbthllde 2nd•357,3 10.71
`7Poq eflSd7- RiTrTI In gttrtP vrsrrtr'-,-- or white natio', tsePd Across from wyrrh are bomely, -tit useful, t et curd tI• t'orne:ba KPhilde
water, add a tablva{xx,ntul or tw,rdt ray, a•nyg n* ret to rninger tunica-��ritlog [o nil part a•rr, Ir IuaYy;- ulligir L70.3 10.18
iluaul notion* tits w.doin adothes. "Will my ItlbywaeII.11txenmonthm' wide to little with black velvet rat_requisites. [camphor, u not It ' 11 getandurdatPTlfea*y11teu1cM1reglatgil 7' Emma Abl,ekerk .. ...81s.4 9.7g
lot each pelt of nater, rub scrap MLIrPi rmfmr(drrfr*, fn the wort .{rl,- 171.1 der oriel lrt/asblwl with n *our bO°• Tlate w'nit arranged princess- for n thotsaanA and one ►as, b a reH was D^wdao
lstu the water -not on the Wolyl-' W hvWdoo from throat to hem. It fn man , greatly i+urrruved sump eight 9 Aathr r'i+nR'.+Con trip„+LTO 9.5E
Nos -and rinse in two ulte hat cute trwaerb•w, ,lra•k r„mr of t-rse; rtomruF. tib! w:co -flatly ronrlf L.1. 7 Naps: went eyes, trouble Yenrw nRo by the adoption of 19 Irate P 7 . 82J.S 9.50
9 radlaut Ston Irckr. such work chow -i 911.*A- trotlbleN 131-1410 Ilim rrfars RAl wwm worn with a bleak chltfoa teat of, the silty and a cold era bepeftted what it known as .. Idol testing."of li N Icedes UPKoI
water. Iron hefOle-_+ij,y, _sad_tbPy Ing vu slnctN . rl�[uor yug fraa[le & 1k� r,r,tlPss• r4a 11_h fiat to hP Up with him of Rubens thspe, decorated with n b7 !t, A few airops og tlnoturs of tinder this plan all trete made ArP
will look like
now until Mota out11. prinlxxrf """857.5 0.19
g:uisew. It'ltln {town/ in perin Welt ., a uumlm,r of timre during the tt1R1R. multitude of smell white ostrich m'Jnh In the water for brushkrag the ectly Butter ed fi n capable, lyoeCli ••• .Y58.7 U.11
-�- deep y1'tlOw Ike"
in O(lrll UNnI. Nllll 1 fltllt ly KI+t R ►/OX O( BB b,I'e own pot -era Tills toll♦ enormble par, teeth sweetens, the brentit. eta mafl /pill AN to re, ere/pIl(aliYe h-' ,IADPI of I.UIu ....t s•0 9.11
A pretty also Cad IA weghltng pre_ hl+ale br,nlerN of Prato w,mrtimos rdK- 1111/1••♦«, 1,111,after ♦alt L S All cerins V sn old friend, an ! Ia. 'Lad
Note n for s wed son, IfR ln,rrtlnur. Tlnr/•, In one instnncr,� g t� to perhaps, after all, the smartest Of y d. tom- of n ex Y 1lfirgarot of
b[nn1 with ohs -third Ito ►w'rhuealt etritloD ur eget- "88.9 8.71
him ,or n fr•wdncw hili frnwelrs bP_ .many smart nouns. quantity Of 'telt sl college, Nlio epee the cows LuW
Doe lately given lea/ oto n• 1 Tr 1rltrrR7y att'vrrr tcttrwlrPlw-oat�T�-"
+fpr��f,lI an3i�1r1 7taiiswe•jvr_ ` fOSQ!►ptar !s_-_�nralusble for Ifae on Ike we hs tile- milt and cow", 14. pDIIy B'nytli' L'.. •••..•S2:•1
lei,ahl hl "-lite coned, tined ata /rix•♦. lite atripr forminK fi ,pw,tuted,,l "'"file slept well. 1 think thele Ruol� d nlrut thOe }iopcplegeR.}t 1---J-.i- LOttte Of lmlq ,,,•-,gS6,8 0.09
the hands; 1t s fPwilro teats
White illi, hnl,hnG Inyerw tit scent- uvrr.irPlne ,n the jolx, and ulugi„ag ht is nrr jlt..t n•luat mgthrrr laee,l Iw w lel iia Of aoeLic wttne uPlfrnte with the Ba k. 18. Huhln Wa J0.
Del Nntltfllig. The tutting wits In lea a bertha of peutlnnt tabs on tilt 1>� Iv permiaslble finder thews field U added lilt usefulness as a skin to tPr. The COr fif t tie of these yne, of R4v.-
Air their IitUr unr*." Ik1,b+'s Own eirennlmtalleew. but It is likely to he `vllltener 1n muds Inbreamed. Glycer- tests mut IM 11worn to by all c41n-' ersbfe ...... E1 8.68
tour• luter'r ktiotN of ahte Nratin fhdly 1tirti, Th, ince ulna w•,r,•'Ta bintr tire- the 1N wt alit moat inn- utero HIND in Pnrim for the autumn. Ino and oatmeal made into a {sivte cr.rned Jn ndnctlnR them. all 1T. 1.rontirn D:a1DOIld
rlDbun. The lot t,elelnl,r nod bNde'm rte arleft11N3w;Irtwi� float ehmaiuKtuf( .intr,`to,`Irnl,,,radmini.lfrinK mel!- Thea OcyltAr 1,•(nmM IeeR obtrunce with roeewater constitute an Ideal tem has rico Ix•Pu n s Nethcyband ... ...... .:146 H.41
tsitlaL were of warm. face lotion tie remove tan and sun- r; dopied - tie" lot, Qne•ell ll'haul Lod ..3040 4as
Idelightfully with dead w-lir•, y' cr) `"HUK- 77vey ore when It tRrtrappNd with block and uernsry, t'r*hire and ,14 I t4i i9. 1'au'Lre Fairmont ... 241.7, 881
,\'er rate nhl luarmh wN rust free from opt- worts with A black cravat, or when
picture hat to /till fa&II!uil-' J got from
tie collo for economy AN fin addition to tine bath, I ruclations o(( hP l Idled wtA or hist I .p. Ratan \lose 2574 8.Y1
The eon be,, 1 g able. :w•r,t povtP.11 l on rlrlei black velvet is IntrodueRd Into the tc�t- In Ca. tor o1, 'he Hol,dPln-,f`;.han' " " "'
got frum the rho i owns, one pelta, 2, c, alt• 1,;•e, Ixrv, by tb Drr crrinr•. Scente.l with rrwe lyertume, breedPra haver ognlsed re Impor- -1. ARirav TPxal 8M ^50.T 9.04
able, IMI It motet be worn uta nl Willett ons the rwertMt thing In del lgn, even if It tout be in the form will Import a drllghtful frevtineae I == Mlrlg" Inca ... ... „
tIdg le That IargP graceful hnsw Alnln trw•kwl flet. Xut s e eck of lace Whlfame' hLell Inc Compltty, Brrrek_ lance of the mad •mea(, P bars 280.0 802
W L►x ylcls a tint, wiul its wide 1 P rook, Urtt., rarer hf Infants
Y. T, t>{ s- walrtbslt end collar -band, atsd and dollcart a the eltfu fief prox,r- J 1. tt' llkke,n. Live Stork ('um-
Mf1UNp,f on thin nn e•hrre, which orals- 1 recently ortsbllNh 1 I inimionor.
krlm lantl sot ee In y book on tit-- ra rP of Intnntw aad chll- Lt Chou rDrmPwllPre upon the bodice. Lf011a being fOUt OIIn M/ a4 glycerin9
sweeping worn
I Its dig not In the ;rust detract from dren Aen't free on request. Writ
liver properly bP sora with nnY- t lt11 elrygntReP. 1
thlrg, Pilher masculine or even he- i With *neh gowrwl and all others of for It.
fore in style. , 1 a Fiery natarn
.. 7*- frortt 1. mein
threw dbrthicl Francis; heavily rtit'ell-d
WHY WOOLLENS WEAR THIN, lit the kt•nlnde it wait double brpaited.
1 On t1
A SctNF. 1!1 A GROCZa'& S70RG
I ar, I have just come
round myself
10 tell you that you have
the wool, and the question son a to
Of Wanke4 Ou
iroI chars
separating the two, because they wore
!yeti me.
thoroughly woven throughout, and it
Yr sler. you have !
was Only by detaclelog tl,o doe fibres
fiur•1 7 you are mhstaluen,
from each other that you Identified the
madam !
[ am not mistake". 1 lent round
I cotton fibre. I fell on the device of
I using soda. f took a lift of blanket
my ,Ittle girl a few days ago fora good
strung soap to Waal,
, and put it In a vessel with ?oda, and
out some heavy
Ants. In all lunocence 1 used what
boiled It there, and ret 7 quickly the
Fou apt In*, and the result Is that my
wool Rot eaten b7 the sola and
blaakou are just the skeleton of what
there was left DPhltsd the cotton r •
It's were. They are ruined, sir,
kind of RftPleton--ea sort of ghost --of
It's your twit !
the urlgintl hianket out of which It
Tacom, but 1 sent what I usually sou,
was tak„n. I mPntlon this merely to
kl such caeca.
ilidl,ate to You the
1 DerolrlOus eReets
What Yom Usually scud ! No sun
� "f using csartic materials, which,
I „hen empinyrd strong by
ger Yrs- Moore, my neighbor, cora
♦IDs Of her c)oth,,e "Paring out; I
I Affect woullon articles In this way, aad
1 you usually send her the came soap.
But Madam, 1 alweyr hive soy cuts-
whlch, even when not very etroag,
will more slowly, bnt with petal ons
Ibmers what they ask fir. Had
talnty, tend to destroy the woollen
named a particular brand of soap you
Would here had It
Now, 1 want to tell you that we
Named a Particular brand ! How
neighbors haws had a talk over the
nae 1 to know anything of bran8o
,matter, and we iii not ioln� to have
hilt i know better now,
our clothes and Lands rulaed to [cls
and 1 know
*hat ruined tay blankets -and r y
of our neighbors who
way. flTe
hands tire In a nice plight, toe4---.
know have proved to ti.
pr Washing
1 fru ensure you, madam, !t is
aK +fir desire to
Bedas Polack,-L'bloride of Lime, and
•• soap substitutes" are most Injurious
rsN1 anythtag ♦kat
0`111 he fnJurteus to either the hands
to clothes and, hands- " PrN alkali "
M clothing of my customers, and I
ball be to know
he saps Is practically the caustle gods
that bung the clothes. Wh y. you
glad how you prove
that what 1
dare sot keep Caustic Bade in a tin
sold you Injured your
klanke,a and your hands,
canister; it must be In an jar,
well, 1 sou telling Mrs. Neill my
Ilrouble, aad she loot
or It will eveu corrode this tin ! Now,
It's for you to provide tie with pure
me a little cut-
1148. and here It is;
soap without free alkali, or we must
you can read It :
Ih. sbvenson Macadam, I,erturer
fipd It elsewhere.
a Chemistry, Surgeon's hall, Shcn-
berth. describes
Modena, you enlighten we ! So
many moo aro advertised u pare,
the doetrurtive pro-
Fitl of soda
that i reply took little bnsd to any
upon wool very graphl-
difference between theta,
"Aha mentioning how strong alkali
i have one, however, that has in godf-
cal tertlfieddes of its freedom from
such as potash and soda, disastrously
2frlet cotton,
free allcall, it In guaranteed pure;
linen, and wool, he
and the maters offer �6,Of0 r4ward to
Oa one OCC•alOU I employed fhb
any one who can prove It Is not pure,
Ro.Party of soda In
and further, i am suthorlaed to roturtl
a useful way.
b a largo
the purrho s, money to any one find-
Quantity of now
k+tnaar eta t to
Ing cause for complaint.
One of our girM
Vials, when said
mei♦ beautifuwhy,
out were by
• pauenta to now
SoaplI s n l clean,ufr►she
eat so warm aJ ifs
d14 bl►abta
looking wrap, and this Octagon shape le
wore, and that led f4 J4
Tory handy. (;Iva me five Kara.
As to Whether the
lukgtta were gonuloo or not. They
Mire b u. merit --1les -her. P.ifbbw%.„d Y
well. atsA sod Aad
1 1 R property.
Mos nnenfaa ener °ew. , h...,a s.Pr. ,.Lpttra
"I""'. ea r,.,w to ..y wart, m,•, ta, retetnr cacao
fret a blanket sent to me for
1p.bon and analysis. We row ad
trope of .Iaen, Preinwi - rat u se ea ,M Croce,'§ fears
it the 1.1.1,.. r..Niw ..0 , .-.00" II VA
�: (kora wars cotton salted With
p db -w lerrsnelefat tt°4-�fd ace -we t,e
{e ti..r
aO cult fig.- braid was put on
ill 11 tworder, tilging the tails, the
double currier of tie.• flaring ■IeevOs and
file t•mbn-lderrtd revers. There turned
T» irk a %-r•at or whito remoseline.,
flub4 loll rat tie • throat with a fluffy
erlfvAt. Leat, but not (Past, for thlR
waned n retelling dptall-the cont
beltfd Rtlugt: into thi+ hmtrt with a
Llnck satin ghdlP.
&fell it gown will, of couriw+, not
permit tiro reffutntion coat, sty
A Showder Cape of Black Clofh
had been designed rue` 1t. This frherl
adjusted wwln.41 n Ixxllc, In Itself, n
back atld frf,ut Piece attached to n
rllftxyn twit eovering the figure en-
tirely. Three whort cupen' covprp'.l
it'-, Mnutflere, the 1-3111, ono i j htg over
U!e grow" 11h•eren Ilkn n cap. CkM an
all this soundo, it was really delight-
ful, Tile unhlue little grn•grellt BuR-
9044AIng the p eft rines worn by our
grnodmothrr. •
f)rtilew of m.xh•at lorthun will find'
n. Petticoat hi pal,- tillk, with lac,
trimmings, n charming foundation
tar n bedroom rw9ftgee. Arcntnpanted
be Moro elegant than theme pretty"
Skirts, which mny be, h0light ready
made In tlrr very hent elyloa. A plate
btrte on",vit-St+ bba/RPd-a tlPep elr-
cular flounce, harred at the top wtth
wurfrcm yellow IacP. Thee a clever
girl bought with the Inletilfon of top,
ping It with n belted roatineo or
mull. 1n the V0110w of the trtmroing.
- For the hell,•' she Rohl, "I shall
use "rencloir rlblina with long an "h
('tido-P.11" little and yellow flowers.'.
Apropon of thin hint, pompadour
ribbtyns Pxgnipitely trim new bridal
Itngf►rirt, IBI don't forget them when
,rag go for year trohlwlMu.
. PrA8111011 HI111'8.
Some charming Ill was (Seen at AIR.
Here are a few of the gowns
noted at a recent courort at AIT- .
lee-BAltls t A capital black drum 1
was to a very open grenadine lir I
Canva* placed over moan" silk;
this wan edged rohnd With fold"
Of maitre chiffon, trimmer) wllh Art,
wiltoh formed la nnrrow fringe.
Round the Mkirt there Tema a row
of MnP•k Inor nppligae vintrotdorpd
.with mart(' milk Anil laid over
mat11TP, to Klvt• rust a toned of
Tlion lire a purple -ane -white
nen trimminga fire rather a teat- t0 One gallon IAt wator. For a cough
Write ore on cloth gow•DR. Sometimes they or cold, a tatitrepoutiful of glycer- --_-'---_- -_ -__-_
are used ars strappings, but sottoo- ince In a clip of hot milk fir
Immo- Or tf a bath bag t always at rso moa$ i can't bear t- o leave her
tlma!s the linen is de000pP, and laid dbate t+Nlef. Two parts of glycerine_ hand, axntlP tuna tFire n into tho long enough to get n to
on f1a11Y. Dr saet._-Allghtly full no and (Aria part of powdered ,wlllp,n -nth. water mak tho s in sm,x)th __
flOtrnnee. It V rather to be apytrn ehnrctynl 1a also a .faelp [n" -as " -61f � debleatae• for "ae1!'o. ---
coli tie, tom The friet of the "♦ erasy over
of fir a novelty, than ,t a e epoken Rh. fNoxtwp peareS" #]baker•
feature to nck/pt, for there to Rome- •A little powdered alum thmwa tntri ,(I. bran col R th•• bi.tNl to Oft alar- yet he't her Intent, it hPT Where'd
thing incongrttaws about the mix- the water in which the hallus urn I (tare and cgraw•R n henitlrr gidty ' or I rhe meet hila 7"-phI,.dPl hla
%tire. But "'anything for a charge" 1hol lu�l twill prevent perspiration. This I a flandrul or rock snit thrown\Into � letio. p Ba! -
might by the motto of the modlNtc, �14 worth while to remember before I the warm venter for the truth tdOgnom
up boy flehh ,,ski muscle. -
tor Pver9 chatyg" Rtce9 her profit. 1yUltillg. Oh gtpe(!9 toT s, ttcepttrtp or I _- I. Aur. IloraRpllta-}op kwow it Is grab
There are Innuincrable stmart col- la bal` that the tPturile moaquito L the one
iarrr prepared forth, coming mention. i TY,1r "mentinie for tho care of the t.11lir .nmlleo that does the biting. flow do
ft arems to tots admitted that no, mat- I hnlr Include a bottle of slnnrn xNy1nR I �ounL for that ? YOU aW
]mm-dvr, made b • mixing together I "I've bpeo two weeks lrylilto t
ter how "orlon*" the color and tier `ton rains of camphor dlRso+ved In I Q0A1 my hie*band to R , Ira• Hornopike-fjome man maid it.
motorial y the dreaR may ix•, a I g P glue me rl" Ccllicago Tribune."
ono uunon of boy rum, one►belt Orn. n to buy a new dreNese," eomplAfned
collar may be worn with It that for Pact, of powlk,red borax and sal coda Mrs. Usswan -to lira. Wiff1P11. `-- . '
ever so *mart. .A light -gray twe^l and five drop" oil of rosemary. A "I never do that." "it1,yat ! back again ?" exctalml+d
mixture gown, mala by one or the, bottle of hfilr tont, IR also, '"What do ill h,i,�seltre y. I gave you
bot Dublin dreosmnitPrs, had Awile nPo-A. you do?" I e pa•r, Wb
; a good rine M Mill of one plw4-i.4-tall,".
1 nue my ne�ty Arens char lye -)up Only yestprdny,••
collar of IrIRI, lar, hparkling all ,of alcohol, one ounce of sweet all, end rnvP my hnaband to fight Itt les 1 !y," responded tile potlte
over with Jeweled ernbrofderfe11. An one drachm of tincture of ewnthartdee out wfill the collector." -Harper'.: Irlamp, "n"',unn good turpen deserves
other drowsy from the same housp was and tpn drllpw of rill of bergamot. Batas. I :uaoder."
in Poeta-blue twep,i, retrapped with .A ♦rattle Of rtloch,Al la RIwAy/ to plaon ---
Itnr•If, and It had a collar eovert•1 on the toilet table; n little diluted (I Katharine-I'ppa, I'm going to 40
with Pmbrolderlee OT gold thread acrd with water removes dandruff. r tie apt lip' liati !" called his mo- i Numethlug to help cut down your
Jet boada. No toilet tablx }w nom tete with- , from the bottom or ilia Rlalr. heavy fnmlly ex arse.
F,mbrotzlPry trta11 been so much Out W%Rp bagN for tho both. These Wloll know the curly bird grit the Palm-�'hnt ls It daughter?
note'] 1at111y np»r drew4eR that It In may he mate lir cheave cloth, or, Worse." I' Katharine-,'+alio, I"W golug to
lel wenttwr thAT mrttn woman nrP b"4414W 9!111, knittey ' IN that all pmt sot ter b marry oar dcreto -\
air ernPl►Ptetl a+f. break- i )• BIWOtIyn l,lle.
tnnlCtrig thele favorite Farley work "t cotton, ilk& tient used hyo knit >`taaTY' epi'TTpiI lTaDhtlr gilRptty:- 1[ir-- \\\
tarn the form or collard (or bands ting Wright cloths. , be turned over for another shouse. 1 "Jatnp'a none Isn't a ]Ile either
of tillntminR which can hp utl!Isld by Ther 11111118 Should be made of s -Ohio 18tatP Journal. I her father's or her (moth e. ]row tie
the dressmaker "lion their oalart nuArTar -bran, a GCSTivagytic t?uZ V „�- you ru�itnee It happens o be so
_ ____-_
autumn gowna F,ncourn rment tot to freshly pr►w%lorrd Orrin root, the some , Father f#dlh an -Too ala am:ill T
6e Riven o oat+ w fo pie a"r eiT a E♦SIT]TfR fR1gtT-Iliifi`?1gTT'11}ri�?t8= f 3Swtr y Sml love Fila ^ 1 gnPar that the day ttr war
art by the cit 91111 or "Worehlp.Ivey call of Avhite raatlin soap nhaTmi 1 to work find set Tilai IRf0117,1St"i+i9 "bad glue,
fug Company or Bro:iprera." who ore into thin atripe. !fix these, thor- Patrick O'Brierngp'1'hathsr unt the out and thorn %vann't any putty to
Ruing to hold An exhibition of work oughly. I_.tro4ble. 1 !fall lucck ou." -- Cleveland Plain
to London, lit *filch prisma of the Your reverence, I.j4Tit-.her}.j*Alen
aggrogata nal"" of Some IloDdre')R - _
Al pounds will be, given, with tier SKI N
for banal tit Iib rty of lien exhlbl- ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA
for for- lit liberty to offer Thr
work for Rnlq if aha sn AeRlren. Pomo
Of the clnmwnw Ictif be only muttgble
for Profeslonal workprel; For the
PPa+•upt for largo rlortrres, with the Mr. McDougall Was for Twelve Years a Dreadful Sufferer --Now Proe
ten and hnn•11a worke•1 to embrold-
Pry, nml othnr pica•, probably only claiming the Virtues of Dr. Chase's Ointment.
trnlnxel emit th,rerR will with to F.CSPMA'e ltctt Iso torture, the akln meem* nil fire with flip burning, rtinging ttlnmor; at tlmM it
rompret r. Rat there 'k1a n claw for
"Pmbraklery nlgyliral to any arti- becomes almost unhearablik, and to d_p@rlaRlon �Tm could tine the *kin to Piing 1 lmt oH►re not Pxer-
cb+ or nrnnment or utlllty,,• lint] else for (par Of aggravating the itching, neither Parc yon IrPp hyo air w,oner ,Mea the body f1,Pcfym-
thta lncltidpw t rimmingw for rirPseaM. warm tbAh the trouble begins, And instead of rptetful, retrr•whing rlprpp, It In aerateh, wcratcll, w retch all
tlur,en }:11till)"th. teh.l Postronlxed Pm- night long. There In ,tamely n mompht'n rPmpltr from thin m:ad,lnntnR mcrav Al any time. r tch all
-IT141+nry Rn Tncl11hly on her own 3'mc have tried all elle woohrrl, salves, lotion* and in ... lleatwl soaps, butliketduurands of others,
cowtul"'n, Rwvn the Wormh.pfal Com- have pp tinted and dlmgnmtesd
Patty of Bonlerern t.hr4r ebrarter. Mr. Alex. hic"Ougall, POrtmn*ler. Broad fore Marsh. N. ti•, writes: -For twplvr year/ f was a
Modem embro,lery Owe11 Ito rpnnlR great nifferpr from resews on glee In111de of the ICK, There wage a row Piialeh of floah nbcmt three. IschM
oftimm mainly 10 tilt' EDKllnh Prin- wgnarP, and the Itching war something fenrful. Ohe-hrilf 1xlx n/ lir. ChnNa�s Ointment completely eased
own Chn wpco-aAatfnwhwhobeergluon her me, that away the Itdltng and leealrxl ILPthe more. i have nn hraltatlon In roPommending ft ass wos-
w-1ni care. and haw nlRo O1- derful pure for Itching skin ALPatt.w
tAtne'l the Panetnnt pntronRlre of To" may be eke teal regarding the rublitty of lie•, thRRe'o Ointment to rur" }ou. Most
the Into and prr+sent snrorskgns to offer trying' In rningtri get �Pllef /Brom n howl of rrmodtoN, but Ur. (thwr+P'/ Ointment will not 41N�
tier Royal Whnril of let Nee'llRwork (xylol yon ymt will he Ita'Dplo are,
ItlR,Pflt 1lloRtrntbnit show tl`w l000e flnmmnllon lit the akin, endrithe won11rfitnar%elr"us control wbirh it ban over rail Itching. 'burn tog IS.
wMlrh will TIP choana by Romp ohghlc Pare Petema, but 1". Clto101ntmenitl hNllln+n{I'tn Toll wllhliflail rech it lief atter itiitafowt me IH+tlCatlOfl~
wrimtwl for lit fn wMr. They RrP and tcrndnnll,v and nntnntlty th•• often will follow, herelde11 bPing a rsaeltive enrol for er•[pma, iii.
made l lithe ionto twr+nd noel (11nRNo Ointment rnmeN uwefui In n hvndr+d a'ayR In every hone t(rr Prue• form lit akin Irrltntbfl aV.
t Milso d l with fNnry mrd oroaaPstn. ernptlon, chnppxd rklu and chilblalpr LO sent• r bot, at all dNlees, N 1ZA`altsaos, Jingles ! qts„
whlls oma ars further e,dorsed with oats .1�l
I , 1