The Signal, 1902-9-25, Page 7LELAND D. KENT
Formally Charged With the
Murder of Ethel Dingle.
Me aired 1t by a Kees Prone Boarding -
Howe Keeper 14, Buffalo -Coroner
tilvrs Out Kent's Ktatetueat --
Bellboy Tells New Facts -Letters
Yuuud to the Boom.
Iturhlwtcr, Sept. 19. -Leland Dory
Kent liar beet formally placed under
arrest. He le charged with the mur-
der of Ethel Blanche Dingle 4,t the
Whitcomb Hoare lust. Sunday. There
Is a recoud charge of aiding and'
cuuu0011111g 'suicide. This recuud
churge 1s manslaughter in the first
The urr+•rt was Made at the
'bent e i ptitIda: 11nspltoI 1munedintely
after the 'second rrealutt of the In-
quest war wiled. Dr. Collide. who
liar attended Kent 'since the tragedy,
tr,tlfied the chief ut police that Lout
was sufficiently recovered to Lou die-
tl+urgu4 fruw th.. hot/pital. The de -
j.,tiver tbeu took the prissier to it
police station, wtL•re he wan placed
it cell. The station was full and
the'ethan:re noisy. Kent asks' to
he trausderred to jail. The pulicu cap-
tain made out a commitment and
Kent Was tak.•n to the county jail.
K011t hod nothing to inv. 11' walked
with his heat) lowered and npprurwl
%airy much dow•Ii.•att.
Keuw'r Lawyer taut y11riel 'Trunk.
t at elle cu u
!t cane U4, r Iler'Y in-
mucell that Dur u Iaines attorney
fur Leland D. Kent, had gut pxo.rus-
01011 of Mbt.a Dingle'..1 trunk on whkh
war represented to be 14,1 order from
Coroner Kleindleust,of this city.
The feet wee developed during the
exatr►nattua of Mr+•. Ilutcwateodt,
who keeps the buardwg-huuwe at No.
.I35 Niagara street, Duffel!), at.
which Kent and Mlle laugh•, had
'Doi for it fortnight under the statue
orf t'rusby. After the tragedy Keel
odd hit itturuey details 4,Y his Ina
woe ltt Iluffulu, and 11. W. less•),
'cicala to the lawyer, and Dr. KIwurd
I'. 1 illuuwr, I l'in'e chum. ruga tgo
Mrs. Ilutehhwun's house and gut the
s t a eY
The Jf irkaltan
oiler were astonished uud angered
wheat they learned that tate woman
:4,l given no
J tiled that he had given nn:h Ali or-
t• and exuninntaon dhveloP
the 'purporliel ur,er eau probably a
solip •Ion to the inquest bearing the
c'orene 't statue.
IlW. awry, clerk to Mr.Rained,
ititnaitt.•rl amt he had no atutttnrtty
Isamu the .t. ron.r to get the track.
.i tt uukry teem' followed. the .11..-
trinet atturise amusing Mr. Willies
od gcttiug the trunk by fame pre -
ti aro.
coroner Thalia A. Killip, of I'4,r,
.it.•r, pant In f.ent'idstat.'mlut, wale
after the d1w'uvery\of the tragedy.
1t was thn l.pmw ns afrcady pubh..hcdt
,uhd accused )ties Dingle of tryWia to
kill him and kUlrag herlelt.
llellbuy'i tealwukl'.
George Mleuk, u bcllbby'. at the
Whitcomb House, who ehuwpd Kut
01111 Mlse Dingle to their miens, gate
some new and important \1'.t eny.
"It wag 3.4.1 o'clock," lie raaid,\"un
Sashay morning when I toop thtuau1
11/ ttlrlr room. 1 ,made a mistake it 1
took them to the fifth floor nets(
4,t flu. third. They walked back down
the dalre, laughing and taping. The
girl seemed all right gtdng';up, but
lu'eame dizzy conking flown, and 1
hetpsl her. 1l„• wimont.• l tilt or
three tildes. 'Th•• bey we•Is a hli1.
worry,' Idle mad to Kent, and hr
grave ms, )'quarter. 1 asked if they
wanted lar water, and 1 took seen.
to Owls room. At that time site ea.
talking loudly. •
Ilulf an hour later I answrreti n
tall and Kent ordered stationery. I
heard her talking. but I don't know
what she said. ThenthereCRnf
• R
third talland t was sen for a teas-
p.on by Kent. Sate was talking then.
too. She was talking when 1 went
heck and reported that I could not
get the spoon. 14110 Bald: "You can
take it without.' I asked him If 1
• astern► bring hien One in 11+4 morality
when the dining -room opened. 11'
replied: 'No, 1 shan't teed It
The bellboy amid It was between
6.:10 ami 8 o'clock when he went to
the room for the last alms. 11...11.1
net Bee Sinn Dingle at any of the
cane. Kent told ham he wanted to
take something for a cold when aak-
tug for the teaspoon.
\• The Inquett was adjourned to meet
\ Monday morning. Mrs. Lorentu Van
\Allen, Neter of Ethel Dingle, was not
I te'ment at the heating, and It Is un-
tie ood that It has been found Im-
p.rssable to nerve a enbpoeia on her.
About Ur.'lleatst..
t n.'lly, the lettere put to was Otte
•yln"I by the girl, in her full name,
reeling ae
Roiliest Ar, N. Y.. Sept. 14, 11102.
Mr raring IIleta're and 8riath're-
hu,n't blame r. Kent. I went to
du.•. I have sof rad all the agonies'
rat L.•II within th Iran month. Doc-
. tew1t'rrre italt 'Two
tinlet Ike will land a ter life. i
Site mealier, though 1 I wont ham
to .k. 4,1 dual a betterr, more noble
WA. 1 am about to die, and tool
(argil.. Inc. 1 love and n willing
to enter eterMty with th one I
wihre I 'eve one who hon he 11 tine
end never neiwl nn one won. ex-
pert of n Iportlelg man. I as all
to forgive drat and forget.- 1 I ve
Lee Kent, and i know be reepec
tan rat kart. 1 rare not to I've,
for my condition 1111 smelt that 1
mot glue up. With alt my love anal
^*pest, remember me ne
Marry, any nothing and forgive.
All TY trainee and all that i Melt
and 1 lope that Nhe Will
forgiv. ms, nod 1..P, an he I. nil
to all to me. E. R. D.
P .9. hood -bye, darlings. i want
Iola all to forgive me. 1 1(11P and
to death alt. hut Lea Darr Kent
Imd, and, Ha►ry, nay nothing, ae
It hat n❑ happened through pure
hos lour .triter, Ethel.
(trent im the name of all poet-
Rottena dimeoverlen
use worn to ray. 1 lure Dr. Kent,
and (Inuit hat rutted use.
Dual Bye (or the — 1 am, ever
)(sure meet faithfully,
F. B. Dingle.
Rochester, N. Y.
Dr. Hanthall, 1 forgive you for
cautleg lhlr awful death by your
tongue. L. U. K.
Your hero Mita Yell Into the ('t louder
Foot Amputated,
Torouto, Bept. 22. -George Bull, of
ti orb oro' Towurhlp, wet with u
painful accident 4,u Saturday morn-
ing, which rendered It necerrarY
that hie right foot should be'atw-
putatted. Ila was engaged in thresh-
ing one the farm of Mr. Javier Wil -
1011. While crowding from nue mew
to another be fell and was caught
in the revolving eyliuter of the
thresher. The machine water bane -
Mutely stopped, but not in lime to
present It from vaulting terrible
laceration to Mr. Bull'.. foot. A
theitor was lumwoned, who attend-
ed Ice the injurler.
Struck Two Terrific 'Blows by
Two Highwaymen.
Toronto, Sept. -John T. Flan-
s -Kali, uf.:1T4 Manning avenue, le "at
Urace lloatpltal in it critical condi-
tion as the result of his experience
with highway robbers who rundbug-
ged tam and left lite lying In ahelp-
less' elate at the -corner of Wellesley
street and. Laurier avenue, shortly
after midnight on Saturday. Elan-
agau'r asweltuutm have not been
identified. Dettaaivo 6urrert he work-
ing on the care.
F'lacagau It. 46 yearr of age, and
It. a clgurmaker, employed by the
Havana l'1
Company, gns,
of 5 Jor-
dan street. On kkaturday night, me-
e;rding to her own .tory, he war
under the influence of liquor, and did
not care to go home because be had
not been In such a condition for
*bout a year. He was at the Looe
of n fellow--workauul. Thur. 1.►udsuy,
of -IUIi Usk 'street, for rune. time.
At 12.30 o'clock people Iltiug in
the vicinity of Wellesley .ln•el and
Laurier avenue wee.• etartlyd by re-
plt•d trier , of "tinnier." 'aider
Uulydrler, 4,l llwe Mail atul Empire
tamile,Nlug room, wire the first per=
rue to go 10 the injured luau'.. LN-
riitunce. and w•11 bnlluw.d by Char.
Hetet They saw that Flanagan had
I..evd b l
fm 1 arela
Illy u1tLt1 (seal -rant for
u ether .
1 uLul. Ile bud received +4,l
ugly blow un the 101, of the head.
causing it eat 1w, runt it half lichee
l4, Length, with, ad tiara doetthis say,
t.0111.1 only have tame calmed- by as
blow with it trundb:ag' 4,r some siull.
ler neaten. There mus elso n wuuud
which had Mullen to t'4,• sit„ of it
h.u's egg o4, the right side. of his
The robber 1,,ok F'1:111:, g:, Wm 18 -
karat gold wat.•te nn.I chain, but 1d.
neatly, ri •lhuag over fits dull ars.
w:o.d nut l.txthf.I. 1t is thought two.
*,i h!.• that the Aeronauts, when Fhan-
agrtin etiolated "Murder," were In too
gruel haste to make -g'.., I their ,•s-
141p4e 1,1 go through the pocket.: of
thele el•tuu.
Illgbwnynkru Ix the 1'.,uely.
Htglrwuymen h:no iii .t been rat
theft 11, fathom work 111 the County.
A man who gave a name whl:•l after -
worded ttru1 oat to he fs•tititele re-
ported to 11 g11 Con -Mahe' Items -
den, that last We.lnes.lay night.
wh.1e .riling In it buggy, necum-
prlr►el by a young woman, they
were accosted by three men, one of
whom 11.11 the hors• while the outer
two 41rippral the rings from the
top'.. futg. re and took what entail
n Dent of money the man Wei Thie
hits )(ii.vl on Woodbine niPunP. near
the ',•wnt:,rket truck. The .uiulty
Maul. -'i hate net Mi.cetrlel an captur-
ing ting,. robbers.
Aictic h
Remarkable A ievements of
London. Sept. 22. -The 'l'inii•' pub•
fishes the personalnatrttit. of
1 apt. Mitr rti . the'tre1it' exp r-
cr, drecribiig 'hit four yea's' e
plorataonts on the steamer Pram.
Ile details the course take,) by the
vessel from Cape. Sabine. and the
experienceN and nchlevewente .1 the
earnest; sledge expeditions from the
Frain. The Tinos editorially- holds
that Capt. Sverdrup tans usenet so
nnuclh from the unknown and made
SI r 11s*Jly ,oiidi ad'l11tons 10 1460111•0
that his on tin Inst
rxprditlltu, tnkeu In C1/161100L 0 111
With -tIi+•-
play1'd in Nnrttti'Ii. venture. surety
entitle him to the high's( .recognl-
lion the geographical teeth' ran
bestow In dealing with h -s work in
the region of the cunt of 1.11+•s-
ther'Inn71, which In' Tirok.n into n
run,pl'a11y of Horde, r'a'sh.., told
4,t eitt:titloue rlr'tntlone:
,t. -.gl1t41t . tdi,ti l_... war - dJtcucarred.
north of the Parry islands, ex-
tending to about Nil degrees north.
but no other Intel was seen either
to the north or went of 1hln, noth-
ing ithl helm k'n seam of Ice.
The 'writer holds that an Lieut.
Peary did not meet with land ht
his Inst attempt to rrnr'h the Pule,
It Is los.tblt that Capt. Sv'rdr'Ip
Iseov,•red t4,' Inst outlying Intel
wren the American conIiIse t
the Pole.
To Or. Randall,
The following note woe also put
Rochester, N 1 Rpt. 14, 1105.
Dr )tnndnlI,.-you ere the prinel- rinse of no, death. 1 love m?'
etofemeion and time has told tae
'vita spy family are craned I have
M.;bourn', Sept. 2 -title•. Meth',
the ..p•rntle star, ham nrritel here.
Her fn1I.'r, who had net seen her Irl
silts.., }'r:trm, crone from %lime) to
w'elronr• her. The excitement of the
tete ling ranged n b104NI Vessel hi IIIN
brnhl to horst, nod he I. In n m••rinn,
condition. Mine. M' Ilrn tand r•.hse-
gnrptly p ietpghral her firm, concert.
The .••reel of rnnccrta to have leen
Oven b; her was to hnv' been the
moat bri'llnnt ever given In the enulh-
ern h •n,1-tltere. The fl at premed Ilan
pincer! the rallwaye at her ,Il.p+wal.
and the (tFov.rnnre of the different
colonies offered to act an Iter Ilomlk
daring her stilt.
King of the Belgians Refused
to Speak to Her
Etel of 'tete tun... tJ.eea Affects'
Ilett 'r t hula•.',, Iter )IeJe.ty 11ad
Nut 114,4, tumrrlug More Tbru
Pavel .trier,• Ihr euddeu Selieure
tame -A sad Itud.
Brussels, d •pt. 21, -The death of
Queen Marte Henrietta of the Bel-
gians Isar evektl exprerrluur of pro-
found pity for the royal patient, who
dlwi uuattainded by a single member
of her tawny. Sho struggled heroi-
cally to the cud to anteeal her real
ruudllion, uud this accouutes for the
conflicting reports us to alit, state
of her health.
Tho body a -i s Queen Isar not been
indialtu.d. The Klug will aceoulpumy
the body from Sew to Brussels on
llot,,iu . IL vtlll bit dcpusltetl in the
f:uu'ly vault 4,t Laken. An official
• .rel r.•rticu will b, hell 011 Teed -
The body of tltu Queen Iltr In bed
dressed in white silk, with a Brum/tele
lace cap and it crucblx on her breast.
liar lace 1s, ter,,• much emaciated. Her
daughter, the Printer's Clementine, le
,onstatitly by the alle of the ljueeter
ThuItu e4, died with 0 artraj
it her skin h•ar ride. The portrait
hail altruist been -lea --her poeserrioa
:turd: the death of her sou, the Duke
of Brabant, bit 18110.
The Qn .•4,'e death may alter the
dynastic .a• tditiuur. Saould King LC...
11.1111 remarry uid u .tale lot br be burn.
It w e
void 1 ss'd•u 11,..u
th uc'w 4,t ruc-
, t'releu by Ciuet Albert of Flawless,
«Ito Ir the l4,lr presumptive, because
hid father has determined not to
n Igo if l+•' ehuuld Mureive his bro-
ther, King 1.:•oplid.
- A conspirer eurpri.e.
Paris' Sept. 21. -The )Latin Nays
the' death of t;ue,m Mario Heura-
ett., - of the Belgiuus, woe a cuw-
e:et, surprise to her entourage. la
the aftcru.Nln she played several
game.- of draught.. with her chum-
bertaiu- AL 5.30 o'clock in the af-
ternoon '110 Motor i4, attendarace
iioti01'.1 that she did not Zook so
well, but ter Nel'lin's .)Inpluw`•was
At 7.31 1V l 1
1 .
k the latteen
:asked the siatr
C1af all•..' 1K -
1.y hu war
i4,ll 1• r
. t nd:uh to help her to rim'.
'l'h•' tjurru 111611 hardly rrnchwl :tit
upright, ptrsitltu when elle fell back
11 r shah• and expired lauu.r-
UND.ha 1 sty.
)lade Mushier Leave.
Spa, Itruss.•le, Sept. 21.-.l Me: -
retell to the I'ulriete from apo,
•,yr that. ahem Kites Leopold ar-
ritell there be reftmetl to ipmuk to
the 1'rieces. Stephanie, ,.`omltess of
1.4+11,).'), and compelled her to leave
the royal palace. Time 1'rin tees cun-
iwpll'htl) left SIM suddenly, 8110
rile to the station in it hired car-
riage, and nmld demonntratbotii of
iy u.pa1 thy from the people .he lark
tt train . for Brussel...
Princess :Stephanie is the second
daughter (0 the late Queen Marie
Ileuri.tte and King Leopold. She
married the only eon Of the Em-
peror of Austria in 1881, and wan
left it ,wjdelw• in; 1888- She was mar-
ried the emceed time in 11e00 to
Limier, (Mint of Lunyay. This mar-
riage Was against the whale.' of
Kin{ Leopold, who refused to per-
mit it to b1' leg+tlitu+t,
13,111,1. aulbutl his -4'.eparing to
1 rel tunlrlvanre.
London, Sept. 21. -The mere lug -
that Loudon may hate nn
:.atria diostaaI syelem is starting
., hell cum thinks of the weepy indif-
ference with which the General lost
iffiee usually regards any suggest-
ed lmfrut(•nlr•nt. Vet, It is now as-
N.'rt.d, that, 1f Signor Target, the
Italian inventor of a scheme for send-
ing lettere by electricity—driven box-
x -es 'on overhead wires, can Satisfy
the• British postal authorl11., that
tale Phan Is (rasp! 1e and pora1'eree half
the advantage. he o:alms for 11, we
Ina) anon nee Soule tercet ling
tat a%gta
Signor Ta.ggi enyi his aluminum
letter loxes, Iwsidem being propelled
it the rate of leo hunetred and fifty
wheal an hour, will collect lett'•rt
oaken/Mealy. The invention Is to be
thoroughly tr'en'd between Rome tend
\uplPs' by the Italian liovcrnment,
I:e the EV Dish authorities have In-
tl t sprifh•atlonta for conellera-
tinr '
.ler riling to Signor Tneggl'N eX-
pinhnl -di lite hox.s will run on four
overlies' wired, the motor wheel
running on the top ante and the box
roller,' on the tea lower ones.
Thr p,et buxr,', th. cOnttnt4 of
elate' are eolleeted automatically,
are in the adapt. of INdPel, mid are
thenisrlvee mnrtwie. Wlwn n letter
far- rerhe+f--4it *temp -iw -rortomat-
t inp-tw--nntomntt-
eally d'fneed with the Imprint of the
name of the town, the number of the
collecting pole, and the month, day,
(hour anti minute of IN)Nting. The post
lox taken Ice conteiltt to the top
07 the pow nh+l drops ifie letter In-
to n collecting loot, which, nntoma-
hIi:tIly P10..'ol. returns to Its
place at Um. buttons of the p01., and,
While doing at. rPIPaeP. the wheel,' of
the cell'ctlltn lira, which JPlrUPh Its
journey to the next pole or post
1111+1,,atay Ih,shrn Into Otte Ito Which
Ile We. Healed,
Calgary, N. W. T.. Sept. 21. -elute
R. I,. Border' and Ids party were re-
turning yeitrrday from the Indian
reservation to Calgary, the rig In
which Mr. Borden was seated had
mooed over n rough and sloping piece
of ground, and, al the one contain-
ing 1fm iorden and others wan
pa:«Inst uv.r Ih' qct, the driver of
the rig wan thrown brmn hie place
and the hornet. at once bolted alth
the rig and He RIX helpleen occults
ante. The runaway team ran art ride
the rig rontainieg Mr. Borden and
other Indies and gentlemen, and Mr.
Barden was, by the pole of the pmr-
ening rig. thrown In such a man-
ner that hie left ,knee was caught
between the wharf and the brake
of his rig, and a (urines hors. was
all but pinning him beneath Its
feet. The runaway was stopped.
Delaware Mar Left bole Hely of
Miner He Once Itefrteaded.
Wilmington, Del., Sept. 2:3. -John T.
Vuatdegrlft, of this city, true returned
from Atlantal, Oa., with a draft fur
$1,000 and a guarantee Meet he will
receive about 11500,000 left to tabu
by John IIWCIary, a retired wluer,
who died In Atlanta recently.
The legacy le fur kinµluere rendered
by, Vuutlegrift tO MuClury when the
hatter war taken 111, tweuty-two
year.. age, un a river steamer be-
tween St. l:eorge'r 'end Philadelpldn.
Vaudegrlft did not know the 11141110
u( the rlrunger, but the hatter alt
oertulutl the name of the wan who
hal aided hew, and remembered it. A•
little more lhtui a tuunlh ago Mk -
Clary died In Atlanta and left a
will with ifallowun Barlow, a law-
yer of that city, b.-Nue:Wong ong hie en-
tire ertnte to Vandigrift. 'Ne. hit-
ter rtceivel a letter from Barlow,
asking him If he were the man men-
tkooc1l In the will and could trove his
Vaindegrlft went to Atlanta and
gave the necessary proof.
An Aeronaut Sails Over St.
Paul's Cathedral.
Navtgalyd Ke11 Agala,r the Wied—
Ves.rl Miters s4, l'uustruc(iol
From '!'hal of N - ) 1 -
rulus 1 4,t wul
Mlratolou. F:..•npe of Aeronauts
In sat rdru.
Loudon, Sept. 19.- The veteran
aeronaut. Spenoer, wade an ascent
from the Crystal Palace, Sydenham,
to -day, In an airship of isle own con-
struction, and galled over St. Paul's
The airship, which behaved excel-
lently, proceeded in it .southerly dir-
ection, and when near Ealing Its
mouse was. altered to northeast. The
airsdp railed well ugalust the wind.
Spencer landed' at Eastcote, near
Harrow, at six o'clock. The trip of ::o
wllee WAY a made. without r hitch.
The airship u
Ireht has "a blunt full and
nose, differing in that. respect from
the designs of Steptoe-Duanunt'r bal-
loons. The geueralliues are Uluxe of
a bottle -nosed whale. The bag 1s, 75
feet long, and contained 20,001) cubit'
feet 01 gar. The frame Ir of bate -
boo. Unlike 1innlue-lnhteout'e ma-
ctdne. Spencer's. airship ►s propell-
ed in front. The designer claims that
title will render the airship more
muuageable, as the, steersman can
reit the whole mechanist., •
A simple premature of it button rete
the airship gulag, and stupe. It. It
l4, worked by a petroleum motor of
30 horse -power, placed at a elate die -
lance from the gas valve. The speed
111 moderate weather Is 15 knots per
flour. It weigh■ only about 600
pounds, and carries only one person
At a time. The car le practically only
it frame with it flooring of roped
bamboo. There are special features
and devices to prevent pitching and
dipping, and a "blower" by which
gals can be pumped out at a great
rate and air pumped In. lit case a
hasty descent Is desired- and "should
the fabric not be ripped, the gas
escape bag Porno heel( Into .a par-
Spencer has been experimenting
rwtehtly with hie tempt at the Cry -
e00 Palace. Finding the condi-
tions imitable, he suddenly decided
to start on his dangerous voyage
late this afternoon, and the usuud
crowd of enlace spectators gave
him a hearty send-off. The airship
at once rose to a height of about
300 feet. After travelling for about
a utile with perceptibly no devia-
tion In blas coast", Spencer made
various detour's. 4,r and seemed m able
to %teari
h rmh i i
ns, dewily { i y ns n
torpedo -bout. %ear Claplaum Com
myon he come fairly close to the
ground for the purloNe of matnoeti-
vring. The nppenrnnce of the air
craft created Intense astonishment
among the Omega/tele of pee:Nona on
the keret,' over which the aero-
naut pooled.
tlarvrllt.4,e h:.eepes of Aeronaut.
Stoekiioim, Sweden, Sept. ID.-
(Lpt. Erie t'ngr, of the engineer
corps, and Magner Wllknnder, it
civil engineer, had a narrow escape
froth being killed by the full of n
balloon which ascended to -day In
the presence of King Oucar, In an
attempt to beat the long-dlrtance
recent. A fine northerly wind Wile
blowing ellen the balloon Marled,
and within five mantle. It hied
travelled four miles and reached n
height of iwu miles. Then It nu'1-
deuly uxplodatl-.---.-Tho tear- dropped
rat a terrific rate In view of thou -
./that. of horrified ep'1'lntor.t. But
when nearing the ground leo rem -
!tants of the 'balloon opened out,
acted am n parachute, and to the
..-. p.1,.4 ant dery,,nr new -
i/41111011 merely.
The explosion of 111e balloon wee
crtuned by a t.4, quick ascension.
Capt. 171ig., July 2711., tratellea
ov.'r :.10 milt. 111 n balloon in 14%
hours, de.etnding near Novgorod,
The balloon whirl, eolinpsetl had
1,500 Cnblc metre. capacity, and
WAN filled with common gam. ('apt.
Uugt• Intended to snake nn at-
tempt to crone the ilaltic to (ier-
ninny and the sloth of E )rope.
liters May be Led. .
Antwerp, Sept. 20 -in nn attires.
aliment! Dewed Wei the Boer,' woad 1
nutter themselves' 10 he led, but that
they yenta not be driven Lke it heel
of cattle. If anyone tried to drive
them tax) mreh, the (ten,rnl maid,
there. might be it catawlr pit, hl
South Afr'Ira.
(fuller to 111,. Head.
Thorold, Ont., Rept. 21. -Thr holy
of 11'm. Davhlg', of the Thorold
Company, was found by mem-
ber. of ham family dead on the floor
of hie room, with at bullet wound
In his right temple, cheat 10.30
thle morning. kir. Davklge
here from Niagara Valls, N. Y..
abOill two years ago. Howes nhnnt
441 yearn of age, and leavee a
widow. ,
The Begins Caught ('a. eying Awry
a Child.
Jackeonvrle, Fla.. Sept. 20 -What.
a number of purreugerr were wait -
Ks tog for the morning train 4,t l'ab:u
BI.Cwh to -day they beard the wail
of a o11414. A short theta: +e away
they saw it trig alligator dragging
it child away, leaving secured holt of
Bunco Men Swindle Him Out . ttr dl•e•r 111 Ile Itluutha. The cltbd woe
shrieking. The crowd melted to the
of $5,000.
LL real to the 11.a'k nu,t Drew the
Honey W N11 14, 1lir ("One - trout
14, 111.. \'slur 01 *30,04)4) M'ront
l'hlue,e'Ibn•ples l4, 1'. .4. 0111 crier
Lovett, Muer,, B •pt• L'U.-Mfllloualre
Andrew C. Wheelock tort $5,000 at
0 game u( cards with two bunco men
yesterday. About 11 o'clock yester-
day morning, a• ho wee leads •hl,
residence hu Nesmith 'street, he war
accosted by a young pan, who lu-
troducud himself an Harry. Pollard,
lion of A. 11. Pollard, a well-kuowu
bank wan lit this city. 7`he bunco
starter closely reseuabled . I'ulhard
In appearance, and Mr. Whe. uck was
deceived meetly.
Au lutitaliou to the hue. • of a
friend for the purpose u( harp Hug
seine Listen,'$ of Middlesex e+ tty
WWI given end accepted. Mr. Wheel
proved an easy mark. ,Alter un 1
tituductluu to a reconel wan, who hat
in itt a High etris-t Nueva•, Lhe
an 1 game of earls war begun, with
the sxilldegtce men us, the players.
Otto t heavily, led M which r.
kte loukuPoo him Im 4,r -envy
Then rain the levitation to Mr.
Wheelock u play, and he jumped at
It. But h hadu
u money, m lm and the
bunco ',teeters refused to recognize
Ids cheque. ea, at their ruggcrtiou,
he went to the Union Bank and drew
15,000. Returning In 11 short tine..
ice enteral the game and .exon !bund
Ids roll old -deg. There is no trace
of the 'confidence men.
Mr. Wheelock le 84 years old, nail
until recently hal the reputation of
being one of the shrewdest busineus
wen Ia tiled city. Him mnrringo
rrul yetrm age with a woman only
:15 year., oda excite•! oollmlden►blt
('htnese Temple Loot.
New York, Sept. 20. -One of the
Ilgge•at ctll.rtiotlr of -loot that have
stilt'° from the tenle.t, of China Is
credited to J. E. Weikluau, au nited
Sautes marine, now a prisoner at
the Murine Barracks, at the Navy
R'.•ikl a t
man in n e>a'hurgwf with Mtenl-
lag it quantity tof the officer...' jew-
elry 1rt'bimurwl highly for its as'iocln-
lions. He was caught with the
p.,Jhuuns and In his trunk were found
the genie, it it alleged.
Trailing deeper, the searchers al-
mts't gu.pd. They dts'uverel cost-
ly curies of gold and milver and por-
celain, jewel." and tare bric-a-brac,
it le ctutrgt•+1, worth, they may, $51, -
(XX►. Tile greeter part of the trunk's
conteanti. It well nseertel, was ob-
tained in Pekin. . Wrikman pleaded
Inntic"nce, but was held for court
mart lat.
Grievance's of Loyalists and
Dutch in Cape Colony.
London, Sept 21.-Dherontent Ir the
characteristic feature of the situa-
tion In South Africa. Tice toy/titian
and the DatClL-ln--L:ape Colony are
alike dissatisfied and tent upon em-
phasizing their grievances. The re-
patriation of burghers in the two
Boer colonies to hampered by lack of
money. and Is en
J compassed with dlt-
flcultiee, and there are complaints
from every quarter of delay, con-
fuelon and lack of organization.
Johannesburg. with a mining P0-
In1►at,on whore patience has been
exhausted In waiting for the revi-
val of prosperity, Ix also 'teething
with dhmcottent and protentIng
against Lord Alllner'r nhothods' of ad-
maniMtratIon. Even Natal Is rest-
less and Impatient, -and not reassure)
by reward', for loyalty In the form
of two provinces Inntched from the
Boers and opening Zululand north-
ward to Delagoa Bay.
Lord Milner in overworked, and
apparently unable to control the
expenditures of the repot Hatton
annmitteen, 811.1 elle mane of detail
Is too complex to be directed by a
mingle nand. The re/aeration of the
fighting burgherm and prisonere to
titch .fartnt and homes' will require
a large loan In addition to the free
grant of s:I,o*u.OIX), to whleh t1+P
imperial government ant (•umm11-
ted by the term! of pence, and there
will he a feeling atnong the .1uhan-
nenburg refugees that the 'hitch
receive fall almintnuce and tltut esee---negleetwet,trftr
A11 this' discontent may Lave the
two risers I Nv jeaut, and resetttfuL.
atilt More diarpe m,'l io r.. -operate with
etch otti. r In obtaining ..'If-g.tvr'rn-
ment nap represent/elite Insiii(itont
at the earthed. poMtlhle 'late. This is,
however, n frankly nptimistle view.
Mr. l'hnmhr'rlaln Iw 1••1411 pervade' to
rrIll, ion than purl Milner during thin
tntnmtllon Period. Ile has rhopen dr-
IlbrrniPly to remain In the 'melt
ground and to refrain from Interfer-
ent•• 'nth.* 'frit.• of tarpons and feud.
of rnrrw. A^ represent,' the Crown.
and ham no entangling alliance,' with
groups, of leathern of parole,'. 111.
nulhorlty a! arbiter In all rontro-
tersl.•ri le ,'trengthenel by thin nlel-
tod1' of rwervc.and rnnrlliatiort.
Whet 1t Will Cost t'olonlr..
l.4.nhon, B pt. 22. -Th. (hills Mall
nentainree that tit.* 1),rernment line
derl.1441 flint the Transvaal and the
Orange River Colony Isbell pay (1011,-
000,000 l,,wnnb the rent of the
Fimth Atrienn war, awl the coast of
ndminl.trntlrrn. An account ham been
opened rat the Treasury, end the col-
onlrn hnvo been debited to that
nmount berrin. A loan will he rat's'd,
probably In the num of 030,000,000.
Tntallon of the mining Industry,
eoncee:dons for the wale of dynamite,
ear., aIle e,trlhntn mAterlallv to lhe
payment of the 1100,000,000.
115.•111' Mitt 01e n Iltgator reslwblel
it , . t,o,-tu t.• get to the bayou near-
by .% 1d • dog b.''odgltlg to the child
cane' running along and Meadow' at
the it;I,tutur's head. The alligator
wlock•d its tail u.ouud with great
force, dashed the dog. ngaunet Its
tnuuih, which It Opened with a gu:p
taking la Ute dog and rwallowiag
Ina with estate.
The alligator dropped hold of the
child's deems in the litrul;gle. Thr
etuwd at (se0t+ lipid the alligator.
It was fifteen feet lung. It It
thought to have been made fierce
by hunger, as tt 1e indilout Chat they
w•t:1 attack human heinge, and t'r-
prdatly NO near a habitation. The
child warn uninjured.
Mob Furious at His Declara-
tion He is Christ
London, tiept. 21. --Tile public ex-
citement 111 I,uutlou over the lunatic
Pigott, tale) rty+er hlmielf the Mee
slat, furnisher as curious study 1t.
rocloiogy. The. ecru wcution of his
moue Ir sufficient, fur the assemblage.
of m.►iy thousands, ull anxious lode,
houl.y liarm to 1.110 iwpurtor. It 1.
< strange uoww.utery on the ,sup
,sod ptlegne:at.►"req of the metroµ
Ii that It W ucctllwiry to urreWba
te} i dal hundred polite'<en for his
tl 1 r it lL 1pwwu that
ll pwarirlt le going
the church to con-
te offender hat
t to n11me1 t' ala
un (+
herr of hit lith
the relncarllatei.
fuse about I • Ht
e least desire
even rt cognitl
:N1 circle of fo
•claration got ln-
.1 forthwith) tits
any thousands (1l
bine to puree, The
Manu stopped It
a Loudon station
ly to u by.tnnd-
'•r that he was w4, Ing for Pigott.
The rumor spread h e magic, ,ural
ttlthin u few mi11ute the crowd
grew to a mob of nut thousand.",
The pollee reveries ever. called out,
IL lid It wax an two hour.. ford .•
f r they
succPPd,d In cuntrollin 1 e 1
g 1 Ino +.
The cry war con/teals. rat "Here
Ile uomt..," "Down with th impos-
tor term get n
, 1 t him."
R u
Meanwhile the ,putative . abth
will remail In retirement for the
pr't.enl. ile lives nlmomt In lu dry
with itt,, wife, who tans consider: do.
Jimmy. Their relations, It le '
planed, Ilk.' those of all Otho re of th
sent who do not believe In ordlanry
marriage, are purely plalonle. •
pr es, om w tenets
thlr ..tor of u ettta
fruw' dr haute to t
duty i w ..tic'. Tt
.011.' 11
1 exCe'
other y to mew
sect tout 110 aur
t'hrist. iI mode no
111.1 not m
temporal aver or
outside twin ti's rm
lotv,•rr. Bat 1a. dt
to the paper tau
pa..•II)N sl Ized
Londoner's to to. 1
other night se co c
front- of the Nor
and r. marked jokin
Lillle Incident an Described la ie
Loral Journal.
The Bandon, B. L•., 1'uystreak man,
havieg got tout of jail, lhn.. dew
(tribe,' it Meri,us romse lit in that
town : "'Walter and Robert Hung
are In the tiltwnn no more. They
leave left for other parte, address.
unknown. Lnet Thursday Robert
left the clty for the Rambler mine.
Oil the same train with Albert Pet-
erson, n peaceful Sw-r'.r. AI, \Icttul-
gait Harbert rand -Ute Swede got into
rat nitcrcatittn. In Which the Swede
got the beet of it. Resorting to di
plomney, Robert induced the Swede
to call it .t draw, end proceeded to
the mine, accuu111801rd by a bottle
of firewater. On the trent hostili-
ties broke out a free'', rand Mabwrl
street the eta 4'1117 with lbs IsrlOP
hind (1.•0 auw-Il ill. hill Sir. Peter -
1.(111 plrretellPll 1.) the half -way
Mmes tt)th a sore head and Mopped
-tar trntgate-RTlltr engaged us this
dPllprhtfnl pneumo Iitr'hert passed
the house and arrived at the mine
where he engaged the nerr11:PN to
Walter Hoag nod .Tlhn i'Iatt to help
I more
k k the
h Slav head off.
The triple
rtlptuty met the 1 Scandi-
i nIMeit n qunrtcr of n mile
from the half -way home', and pull -
Ing him off the !torte., pounded !him
111011 h.• vise ..ft. Then they kindly
lint hint on his hors. and headed
him ileavn to the hotel, where he
arrived in a badly d11npl.1ntPJ con-
dttmr. 1'nr.nuan Zwicky fired 'long
brothers and they came Co lu,tn.
Here I1gnln they resorted to "drnt-
e'gy by inventing. amt n warrant
)gaited Mr. 1'e4ersoil for attempt
to Iota thein up. But In the cool
shades of 1h. evening they %anith-
td .l,Mvtl the trail, nnd the law
ham rµ) cognizance of their where -
/Aponte. Mr. Paterson in tan 1 eat
nine rind pencernl. Hong brothers'
have estabtish'.1 no claim to hon-
esty, and their great'et delight IM
to 1I'k sw,mr•bolly. 1'onsiderea h+ n
national Mensa, Canada IM winner
by their migration. But Mr. Peter-
son got it hard deal."
1'rolt,n '1'own.blp'n nighty Bemire
itepurlm %lode 8 ti, e
Le-- Wile A A.. /4. .t. til. ?Etter
rvtptur.n$ him 23rd bear three weeks
ago, Mr. ('ham. McConnell reset Iris.
trap iinthe spline krca Iity-_jj1 Proton
.6.....,. . AiliT wall tiny enough to
get another g oo t ,4se1 bruin yeeter-
d1ay, wlta'h make." No. 21. A coup...,
of Meson IIs claim* went out tomer
the borer In the trnp and to find
oat jest how Mr. McConnell handles
then) no mn(resefnlly. There la no
little danger in releahing te 1...'r
from a, trap and it to ile
new home dx .,r seven mien d1N-
l:anl. but Mr. McConnell has neve •
rerl4vra1 rt 'tetanal during; him long
Px114•04004., ne to ht'nr trapper.' Tln•
bear weighs two hundred and fifty
p..,h11h.IM. A peculiar thing ,hutrt it.
Ih.• ti :ht haul kg which wasenught
:n the trap ono' minim th.. fort. Mr
M'('onnell thrrlkie thin le the. .nm.'
bear which carried nevt►y et trap
.e't by I►I.m t111 ye,rw ago, which
trap wits afterwards' found In the
cert of a creek an the edge of Me!-
anetlon townlnp with the ixlnen of
it benr't. foot In it. The two bears
tiro now chn l.nwl to prate within
twelve feet of mesh other 1,11 Mr.
Me('onnnll'n lawn rind are getting ev-
ery nttentton
B a1 11an.1 1)rnweed
kat Port ago, Rept. 21-Areht.• Me
Lunaa, a steamboat hand, sipped
from a boat into the water end
wan tImwnetl before hetp could he
Awful Disaster in a Binning
ham Church.
lea Kiosk for the Doors (111 Were
K111e+1 sad Mary Additional
Injured -:t bright and Then Cry of
Blriulighun., Ala., Sept. 22. -In ao
awful cruel' of humanity, causal by
:1 etawpudu la the l31i11u1i Colored
Baptist Church, at the tx,rri r of
\vM:ue 0 and 18th street, to -night,
1.15 pentanes were and many
more than that number 'seriously in -
re . - +
The disaster occurred at 9 o'clock,
Just ter Evaugelirt Booker, known a.
"Phe Whitigtolt," had clutl. h1.,
ttddrerrurGo too national c+conmveutloli 4,i
Adored Baptists, and for three hours,
the metier enamel the church were
ludott'I , bl.•, Dead bodbt'e were
stretvu he every directho, uud the
ambulance 'service of the city war
utterly Una WO to care for them.
lhoseur of dud ladies were arratige.l
et rows me the ground outride the
.Ioust• of worship uwaltlug r,lu(vul
to the %
ba rrtnulir
,ieutr ittalle moreth\u u more were
,.i1 out 04, the boudoir Luride.
d.dluh Ceurci• Ir She burg. et huuee
.i worship for ntgrwr itt Blrwulghuw,
tl tiny ave.., ilf t re 4,t least east 2,l)00 plcarutw
i4, the .d1,ice whcu tit+ •rtuwpede be-
..cau, Tho entrance to the church war
.11eru pu•kd, and t h
i o legroomaero. trampledt., death, lti their
trugglu to escapet
Booker T. it asldugltnt had just cot -
.,luded hie uadrere when Judge Billow,
i negro lawyer from Baltimore, ear
40gtal In a dieputo with the choir
tauter cunccrulu,g an unoccupied rent.
h but raid a blow war struck ; sono. -
.tit' In tho choir cried, "They're\
.Ightl,g." Mbetukuwg the word "fight- \
idg Igor "first" too cuugregition rote
,•11 ansae uud darted for the door.
Our of ►Ju• a ialetens quickly
the rostrum and admonished the pets.
1110 ltt keep quiet. He repeated the
word "quiet" e.•veral times, and
motioned to his Meiners to h,• seated.
rite excited 1\1.1 l'
1 4,t lir :
Ig n watt. +
,nit the
g h
wunl quiet for at seamed alarm of
Ira, and renewed their frantic
.tforta . \
Matt and wowca\ slrlgtgial over
both nal fought their way Into the
.tlsh H. Tlors• who fell were tram-
ple) uloll lake. cattle.
Tho bal.'s ural their 1lltno'et..a-
.1P1rvur ti, ..lop the 'stampede, but no
{ower un dant' could stay tate strug-
gling, fighting sums. The sereamq of
tin, women and children added to
to horror of the meow. Through
1 re fright many perdunr fainted,
114 lid they fell to the floor were
cr led to death. .
Veritable Death 'True. ry
T1,, loot of the church he enroll
15 feet fruw the grouted and long
.slips 1e I to the rklewalk from the
lobby Jur • outrule the main auditor -
.Ian. Br' wails extent' on each
.etc of the .: stege for s1L or *emit
feet and thin .roved a verlta hie death
trap. Negros who reached the top
of 11144 tattles -re thrown forward,
nth.-rs fell t')sn1 them and In a mo-
ment human bclas were piled upon
a&Ili other to a eight of 10 feet,
where they vtrugg wildly to ex-
:riente thcwneh•es.
Tbie wall blocked t
the weight of 1,500
(loiy er the church
entrarnee, nest
erns In the
na pushing
ugulnnt 1t. Morn titan t'O persona.
Luing on the 'hasps urwl'rneath the
111'111\ of boliee died from welfineitlow
Tau white flout who were in the rear
of the chur'h when the stnrulw'le be-
gan (*limped, and, realizing the merl-
e( --tate sitnntton, ruah,et to -11 -
eor11Pr nearby mei torted in u lire
Tho fire deportment an-
swered gldekly, ami the arrival o't
the wugon'r nerved to 'matter the
crowd withal hadat r
h r
rel about boxed lhc+
church. h. Awnn
to the church and with the firemen
finally succeeded In reheating the ne-
gtrw Mt. e crushed together In
('leered In an flour.
The dead boFirw were quickly
1114)',ed. and oho crowd outside, find-
ing an outlet,'l oat. t•lcor•.t
of thorn !o.t their footing In their
haste, and mantel down the long
step)" to the pavement, suffer -
nag broken limbs and internal In -
poles, In -one hour the church had
been prnct':enlly cleared. The eight at
ithi'h greeted those who had come
to aid the' Injured was sickening.
Down the Melee and along the
outeble of the pew., lend NS 11104 of
men and women were, etrpwn, and
Lilo maimed and crippled uttered
heart-rending erlee. The work of
removing the Ix.hIps wan begun at
once Tho wade of the relative, of
the dead, who hail waited on the
Outs'i.te, could bra hoard for blocks.
A11 Doctor. on Hasid.
Nl,lloh 1Ituaa'h, hu which the con-
vention W11I 11014, In located jn,t on
WN\ edge of the Month Hightnnde, the
tnmh'onable residence section of this
y . and all Um physioinges1►v-
tmg In that part of the town R+•nt to
the 1161 of the InJurr'l. As nanny
of the Nufter:mg negrres ns could be
t►vnvpa by the nmitittnneem were taken
to horgertalor, anti the other* were
brut out on thn greened and there
the pllywicfnne attended them. At
tenet 115 of therm brought out in-
jured died before they email be re-
moved front Dan ground.
Witnessed the Tragedy.
During the elan/pale, Booker Wasl-
Lngtun and 'several prominent ne-
grows were on the 'stage: send were
forret to w•ttneen the frightful en -
(nit plebe. Nine of those In the
(dho;r or In the Imlpit were injured.
For n few Minutest they attempted
to motor". order, but stewing that
their efforts were futile, welted
until thin struggling crowd had nil -
far emntgn for them to pick
up the deed bodied
1'lopnld Fuel In Kltgland,
London, Acs. 2I. --Tile Increasing
4,+m of Iignld incl tot absorbing the
attention of the RrHOINA railroad's
and of the Rritieh Admiralty. Two
of the former are now inrreasng
their equipment of oil fired Imoomo-
tiven, while the Admiralty 1e carry-
ing on exten,'ave experiment,' with
Ilqul'L, (awl at Kryham. The reignite
are generally nn'lerwtood to be very
matiwfaetory, though the details ere
jealously guanled by the tlovernment
to -
)e -
• tlino