The Signal, 1902-9-11, Page 6fAleateptd,u46 4144.4
iuraclvcd , vl, ,c4 �pa ew.icc.n.k. c�f!(cv.'•
i. o-fcli/7-4*/,1a4Clion/40471, tiea,
CHAPTEIt I. 1'ellesely huhlln/; the brldl•' in her
"You .vu1110t go hunting to -(hay, lend, that 1.110 is the subject of an
animated conversation; that her face,
1 have Just heard that your her figure, her halls, her hair, have
nnylr ant I. lie401. Ile died looks
all bl•en "ruler dls'ioeml te. Even the
okay mornwg." Lady: Uermot louts cel' very listen" way In which she looks
at her How It she spe•ake, aJnllllr-u r
fere to the letter she lib (holding open
in her hand. "Tile b from t1."
clergYniva of the Ilariall, and lie Mayr
your nude Bled very suddenly."
Sir Mtaurlee Dermot haul never ween
1114s uut•le, and can not, therefore, be
e•xpeetd tit take any deep interest
in the lsarticnletree of this drat e. Ile
extents while his mother nettle the
letter aloud, and to oke up when bile
111ah fhdeh pd the *hurt account.
"1 suppose 1 ought to go to the
funeral 7„
"i taint so, Perhaps he luta left you
mtnnething, Maurice -If that girl
,knee not come in for everything."
What girl'"
"1(114 niece, Roger Derntot's daugh-
ter. Roger atop Ben were, 11.e you
know, your father's younger broth-
ers. Ben was always queer, and lived
like a hermit In the weed.; Roger
war very wild and reckless, married
esome foreign woman, and then left
her and I believe your Uncle Den took
her cblldreu to live with liieu when
she died."
"Aad wlstt le to become of this girl
now Y' Maurice risks.
"I am sure 1 cannot tell. She oust
go to scla:ul, 1 suppose."
"What a nuisance, having to go off
to this' funeral: 1 wish the old man
had kindly deferred his decease till
the hunting rom►won was oyer."
Sir Maurice ring. the bell
t• he spa^.ks, atrl glvoe sun-
dry directions about hie journey ; for,
after all, old Bi!njamin Dermot was
his own father's brother. and due
respect must be shown to,et'en the
mina eccentric member of the Per-
t family.
stir Maurine 'armee of Uruenuueen
Castle, le one of the great men of
the *treaty," yonnpt, Ilandle:me, and
well built, able In marry i0 he likes.
Ixtt he hate reached lite age of thirty
:owl his wloge are still unclipped.
lie Is the lust of hie race; he ought
to marry, the title will die. out and
1)rumuneen Castle be poet if Ser
Maurice leaves no eon; w they all
my. But the menthe prem (ln. and
lie ie mtlll unmarried. 1111 mother
kr well pleased to let Ihinge remail
ns they are for awhile. Ity and ley le
tuuet marry. and marry whom he
eht mem; but In the metalline. she Lis
the el m trees ler- fru nu.neet
Fayette. And yet 11 Mil 11 died ile
might be killed any day In the
hunting field!
Air MAnrlce 114 in keeping with Illy
home. grave. dignified and Cahn, yet
with a pride Ilett hats beret fostered
through litlug•all hie life within the
limits of hie own 'icemen'. He le a
' little kltig on his own ,Ntate, and in
him heart Ile Ilkre to he. courted and
made mulch of, taking all the wor-
ship ton matter of (Ingram. for le pie
net Sir &Laurie§ Dermot mod have
net the 1)ermotM Ilwrd Will died
In lermmanen Cantle for hundreds of
years ? Ile loom never travelled, nev-
er will travel, hut will to the end
of tem days live am Itis father• did
lwforc• him -butt, fi.h, Moot, n11 In
turn, and need no life buyonl what
the ri•tnurree of Drumnneen protide.
"1 will ask Flora to etuy with env
while you are away," Leidy 1k'rw ell
Kays, am her naw, having finished
breakfast, hes leaving the room to get
ready for Ito journey. "Shall you nee
her. Maurice, on your wily to the
train ?' -til •
"I Mould think It more then pro-
bable, am the meet I. at the rall-
wn) .tntlon," he retuni.. rareleedy.
Sir Minder krowN perfectly well
that ht. mother Intends hitrt,mime day
to merry Flora Blake; and, If Mile
like's to think ,,f such an arrange -
:newt, what dune it matter:'
Slit, writes a Mort note Inviting
!aim Blnkr to slay with her while her
ton 1e0 uwwy; and he puts the note
hut., him pocket. petiole/log to de-
liver It into the lady'oe Immix 11.ul.elf.
111 n few menden he hate made all
leer preparation for title Midden
journey, which. i Itself, lm in event
In him quiet 11.. T dog-enrt comer
pound; and, after .raying "geod-
esy" LO him mother. he driven away
through the creep wintry air, th:,nk-
hig more of the tlny'i spt!p't he hie
bet than of anything else,
L4tly Dermot giver order,* for n
roams to he prepared for Mine Blake,
.,ona slmek /
.Pee lifter lite LM
am•l►I •R
with r ar r a a l tears. ane
11. h Ir. .t rl tic w 1 1
all the white there In n feeling 11:
Wean/int expectation U1 her mine
that old 8.nj:t11,l11 Dermot y Irnve
IefI hen money to Maurice. For the.
11011P MO fell Chit a few extra thou-
seindm would amt b' moat accepta-
ble; end Dermot 11444*.
;dawning sundry IneprovetIIPate and
114 10111401P to the e.tnblfehml'nt, and
e felting that elle 11144 told ler Pon
tai teligraph the girl of hie uncle's
will, 1.
• • • • •
Beside the brown hedge-rowl red
r,(uate are jogging along siowly In
einem, fowl twee, and threes, the little
u,wote of wallet hrlghtrning up the
it entry Iuulsrn p"'. Several carria gee
go spinning by- to the meet : n(1l
near the town the scene• gem's mere
rind more nulmntptl, (retell ardent.*
from fnr nn.l neer riding and drhing
up Peery minute.
,F:vu-ry one le 0111 I0j10.3. No-- every
one 1e not. Mims Melte, looking rap
an 1 down, mimeo 4'n,• f um`Iiar I1011r•'.
Atomeleely wake where In tier Mnurrlee,
an 1 e.&lody knows, Mies Mike
seems nnnoyeil and Mettle. hermit In
her stwhlle. Iter rokl twenty look'
reeler than need to-riny. SIM hold11
nloof from the nhi ni*trd convent/Mon
that IM being carried on neer her,
nes 1 ruts etlentlr. nbwrrbe•l In thought.
Pitt, thoe,ch Mho Rinke le anent, the
nrnopants of a tarring° clone by hwy.
plenty to PMru. n11 about their nelgh-
IRrra, torr" aril NI Inn 1111 eke ram"i 5,,
far 1.4Y 11111 abase of , lrnttmen1.
she 1. all enrolment'', ea dna alts
rrriltdl ha. formed a topic eaT obeyer-
potion for these ladled -Mrs. Grlm-
shaw and her wit -yes, mix -marri-
ageable daughtere,
For yearn three of the Misses
Orimwhaw only were allowed to ap-
pear in soe'lety; but time primed
e n, and the other three grew raamp-
nnt fur their turn, and even wog-
s -noted the retirement of the first
tern. to giro them a chance. 'lite
battle waxed lot in the home of
e tellttrltlIw, and It rertlted In 1111
111 nppearlilg on every possible ire-
radun, raw they appear now in their
wagonette, dreamed two and two
niece, nil with thick fri gee cut on
their forehead, alt filled with a bit-
ter, ulalyiug hatred of any woman
younger and better favored thea
tlteuleelvew. The first three nreeall-
ed "the girls," the @ecund three
Mill have the designutiou of " the
Poor okl Hes . Griw.luaw pas
watched over and guarded thew tor
tunny years; 1►e there hull, ralu,or
. now, In the hunting Newson she
may • be seen In the cold,
raw worninge acting the part
sof chaperon in the wagon-
ette. driving from covert to covert
till late in the cold, dark afternoon
-poor oil wuuuu-and all the Limo
pining for the comforts of u go'xi
The els MIs'.em lirituelt:aw, the
yowngeet perched upon the box and
the redt'packed inside, are dircu.•leig
Min Blake pretty freely. t ho it the
ree'ogulsed beauty of the county, and
ro Is perlulpo a fair target for the
arrows of feminine cridelem-
" 1 don't awe Sr Maurice here to-
day," comes from ono.
"8he n*pJa't woke touch n dead wet
cel hies, 101 1 uw aura he ei always
Just ne well pleumed to talk to other
peat le :" cries the youngest, Baby
Orlin.haw, with a cunmcluum toes of
her head ; deo every 0114' In the car-
✓ eige•Atiow•w what elle-me0ux by
"other pw•oplc."
' Ye., lar alwuy'N dote mike himself
very agreeable to Baby'," chimes in
another, as If somebody made an
nemrrtiou to the contrary ; and Baby
brides and looks daggers at the tau -
conscious Miss Blake, who Is now
Leering lintlenrly to two or three
en at once ; or rather, they rare
worlds 110W and then.
" It Is disgraceful for a girl
to nllute herself t o b:! xurroun4 1141
by men. Just look at the wily elle
eneuviagee thew:" Nape the Baby,
(mu her -temente
the story b womewlat thffereut. He
stater that ole a certain day, old
t.rlmrhaw, who war thou alive, ark
ed hie intentions -that. overcame
with horror, he Posed him hat anal ex
elnhued, "Aly tuteutlots, air, are to
bolt." And bolt, lie tad.
The Mimeo lirtmrhaw little knew
I40W this anecdote ham been told used
told agalt, by l'aptaln 'minty, with
sundry addltlonn of his own to make
It more piquant.
Gladys Blake bokleg up into him
face, siww■ her heppi
.s he
eyes- weft, sweat grey eyes they
• k
are, kNig Inslud, aril rl.nnl,h g and
tkarkruhtg with every motel -anti the
kook le not loan ote (Inn attentive
occupants of the wagonette.
"Ile is not Half MD good looking ex
he NAM -Ills face ham a borrid ap-
pnvance tow," observes Baby. wto
14 w•atchitlg him an h" Mtn In tm'-
tddn 4(butyn Blake's lI)rre and cohort•
OWN her stirrup a hole.
"Plat are all right. now," elle hears
Ilion Heel ; and hn awing. himself into
the mettle agile.
On looking round, he catcher might
uA the ladies Crenshaw, duel for ft
close -cropped 1
tend sunny
es her 1
1 ler 1
bei t
harts In recognition g
nn of
the delighted
low Rom Baby.
Jim Lefroy of Black Ahhey he known
fair and wide for hie mad doings and
rx,tItwm the. "Jobe Mytton" they ea11
him, nude a more daring spirit never
exerted. Anil he is eso handsome, No
winning! Belding down from hie
huree now to talk to Gladys, his deep
violet eyrw 100kinl( tut° here -long -
hushed eyes, more ike it woman's
than a man's --can 1t be wondered
that the girl's whole heart answers
to hie deinfeeroue fameinntion 7 She
flocs not note that Ills beauty is
marred a little; she never seem that
his mole of life in Fobbing him eyes
(if their brightness, his face of its
freaiueeus. gibe u1e1y kuowr that she
has loved him for five yeara in spite
of all, and will love him to (bo end.
She never hear++ half the storlee
about him -it le well for her mho doer
not ; but Mie bets heard enough to
briug a matineaw to her face, a faint
wl!:ulow that ter growing deeper year
by year.
They hale been eltgaged for five
yearn; they have been five years
of patient walling --for what'.' For
him to turn from all the wad plen-
rurer of the world, to begin a stew
life with a wile at the bead of
hie hotter. tilte will uever marry
hint till he cumuN to hlmeclf and
teem her lie 1s a changed man; and
the prebabilltier are that Wady'+
Blake will live and die waiting for
that day.
A high dogcart COMPS /Winging sud-
denly rowel the corner. Every one
knows the big brown horse and the
toll figure driving; and Sir Maurice
wads right •asd left as he pusher
his way through the crowd and pulls
up by Mo. Blake.
"Nut going to hunt :" she exclaims,
in tones of astonishment, looking at
him with. ever too faint a color ht
her pale cheeks. "How is that,
Maurice 7"
"Urgent private affairs." he. re-
turnee toughing._ "Death of a seer
relative; behold me haetening to
the areae of woe:"
" Left any money, Der-
mot 7' interposes Captain. L' -
troy. "It is hardly like the noble Mau-
r ee to forego the pleasures of the
chase utiles@ for some strong reason."
"He wan my uncle," Slr Maurice an-
swers, aa1 find. himself explaining to
a down people why, be es not with
them today. "My mother wants you
tie keep her company in my atwence,
Flora ; I have a note for 3 ole w h ch
I Promisd to deliver,' he Buys to
111114 1(1ake4 '
The transfer of that note it full of
elgnificntiee for the Grim.haw party.
They aro allslelutedy glaring at lbs
Makes; even Alga. Aliso Blake's bro-
ther, n hendMnme lad wholly occu-
pied wjth a very resllee horme, contra
in for n share of the remarks, and
Gladys has no mercy shown her.
Sweet, fair, maidenly Gladys, who
never rpmlke 111 of mon oe Woman yet,
whetter only fault Ilam in loving and
being loved, would be surprit ewt could
sho hear the orlmel lain to Ler
(To be ContinuedI
'In any nays alien were quicker to
dl,t•crn the real worth of a ploxsl
wt.mvn; old Mrs. Iiruusha.v ix
wont to remark, looking round tep-
ee her duughter.i; "but now a 110141,
fp .4,41 -Woking face teems able to
1101d Ile own against aloe, modest
girls; still, my dearer, believe me,
ellen it mous to warthog wives,
men 1184 e link to that cnidae of wo-
Med," .•oac1041fu the old lady, mol-
ding toward Minn Blake.
And the six Mir -c. Crimblran flutter
and quiver arid scolia eager smiles at
any (all' they know, and try to look
y flung !aid happy ; and 1111153. gets
u tie childixb, and clap. her hands In
century, when like hounds come up,
1 calls them "Dear old things!"
awl "Niel. Old doggies:" and look..
really bright and excited, for the
Wurster iii quite near, and Captain
L.'fru3 he an munntrietl man, though
engaged, they all know.
How 111e twelve ryes gaze at him
from under their Wiesen he will nev-
e know. He riles past slowly, ut
rely i0e11fwet•I PIM of Baby (:r11n-
4'mIwai 11'.tl•• shrieks .,f pleasure at
Ne leg the ll(wlxIl. Ids eyes l(stking
41 til1K:11 at (11te flgnre. Miss Pluke'.
,hooter llkldys, the girl he bad been
1lgngn1 to for five long years.
*the line .ern him since he turned
he towner 4,f the old !draggling
erect, and ler cheeks are nosy renal
to he rides up to her side.
"1101)11 enorntng, Gladys 1"
"Goad meriting:" sir answers. with
t bright smile, giving him her hand.
'Pott are late, Jin -they are all wait i
lag for you."
You were!" he etrinlme, and
cohere her one of 111. meek. food
14Inncee, the old book and smile that
aeon her heart h>Dg ago.
All this little by-play to sewn and
watched hy e. llthtlm
show friction;;
mcI 11 Is (ilarly's turn now to be
all Wally dissected.
"It looks w had. lovemaking In
Miele I f new h.u' s(pteese his
i as plainly as plrasihlc."
am me pom(ftPry twelonetf'
o hitt to come IIP to her !"
"1 nth Kure that match will never
„eine to scything," •
"i nlways iltoapprove.h of long en-
gngemcnt.," remarks Mrs. (irlmshnw,
who wooled hate welcomed nm an an-
gel from heaven any man likely 10
ask for it long sr short engagement
to one of her dnughtere--"they al-
e -nye end badly, and Captain Lefruy
Is not the altos 1 Minute] wlmll to ear
any of my children nmrrled to."
"1 suppose elle peering to reform
him,' airily puts in Arline, the eldest
of the nvemd three. "1 am glad 1
Or:lined to Iwdl.r(akc the took."
"Yeo, Indeed, Mellen, yon were
mercifully preserved."
It ler a pretty conceit among the
Orlmahewi that Selina actually re-
fueled Captain Lefrny s0111P five
3enrot ago. and that he them pro-
posed in a fit of pique to Glndy a Plate.
They hare told this story .n often
that they very nearly believe it
"He wan n (dialoged man from that
kt,v. Saline ,might lime "aved him
So Aire tlrlmMwtw le wont
to remark in a eonfldentlal cleat
over flier o'clock tee. "Dear Mihir"
aha often nays, "it ,n 011 her .ern
'fiance that p11. .trove him to the
bed; intt what ('Oe11.* she dot"- end
On on, and m) on.
Captain Lefroy's own version of
Devle• of a Preach l'hyalct•a define
to Leave All Doubt B.bled.
Horror of being buried alive is
summon to the whole human rave,
anal from Uwe immemorial experi-
ments have been In primrose with
the view of ueaklug such a terrible
fate hupaie.Iblo. Some physician'
maintain that patealactorY tests Can
also be made by the ore of the Jtoeut-
gen rays, but 1t Ir met everyone who
lodes the facilities hie making much
testa, whereas arayne run make a
test on the plus devised by Ue leant,
u physician of Marr4illrs. Franey.
The doctor 1111"r fluorescin, the 11011.
known txloring material, and lits ex-
periment* have prly'e ! so .ucoerrful
that they hate won for him the ap-
proval of the F'ronah .Academy of
echences. Fluoresce' injected Into the
hnluun body producer absolutely no
effect 1f the body it (lead, whereto
it produces moot "unwiring effect If
the holy is alive. Dr. !card urea a
solution of it which is No Wrong
that a whorl) gramme it able to col-
or 40 11W (earl t
of rater.
ary Is
of this rulutl
If a little
under the 'tie of a living pee-
wee, In two minutes the skin and
especially the mucous membranes.
lured, and
R' much 1
will become m
person will present the appearance
of one suffering from an acute at-
tack of Jaundice. Moreover, the eyrie
will become a greenish Dolor and the
peeper will almost become InvlMlble.
These symptoms will remain for one
or possibly two tours and then will
gradually disappear. :ince fluores('In
producer this effect on a living body
it naturally follows, accerding to 1)r.
leant, that any body ole which It
producers no effect hurt be dead.
Sit.ett,l.�GJG.iGJ!.altit .1iL
\ woman who mak,'■ a bitsinp'c(r
of arranging the small things of
dress declares that mdse depeuns
mom the ribbon ()reamed.' them
year for the summer lynches of the
('014101114'. •
Said rhe: "1 buy ribbon by the
Nott and make it up by the bow.
There etre as many 110114 a.m th:•re
are hurt IN to tfo them, and i have
personally designed thou"aan.M for
the framing of the, 55vW1111 that
prise throng,' my hands.
"One of my lateen devices tvlth
ribbon 1s to cover buttons with rt.
t.the a neat little bow, no bigger
lmn a quarter, and into the knot
I Mei a button but mach a way that
the shank can be used. This conkers
n IT ry neat ornunaent awl the Trow
141ok1 brighter and stays in place
better limn If It were sewed tri
tight an 1 flat.
Another way to use narrow rih-
teon I. throterh [lace. You thread
n blurK neetln with ribbon *rel ylra
work Ince with it. You work the
lamer by going around the pattern
w'Ith the ribbon, and no you mete
n very durable trimming that Is n
little different from applique and
much less work.
The armee of the late nenrtn
threatens to become more rlblm"1-
lrlmmal then that of the early
yenr. There la a neer every for
Inking a wi le ribbon and running
it through the lint brim Met st
though your were taking long
stitches. Five or mix stitch.•m of the
go1 theo0
.'111 al 1
the Krim, and the whole le tied
at the back in a blow, with ends
that hang right down to the stock.
The stock Is tr.wate 1 similarly.
Lew a►rrangeuuULl-...
allow. ribbon t,io inches wide
threndrvl through the stock p.'r-
fectly, flet and tied at the back In
a bow.
Nearly n11 of the new trimminge
hate ribbon either for a Imelda
tine res riebIon In them and it krnkm
an though nutmmn moles w'atld he
largely founded upon ribbon dr-
1t 1. n pity that • thin materiel
rennet he matte cheaper, for really
there im nothing mlweh more ex-
pensesr to buy end to nee than
ribbon itself Those who ere of an
rcots)mlenl turn M mind :and who
do mit mind a little work can hnv
taffeta talk 001 make their rihb.rn.
.\ yard of taffeta, cul on the
hlne and hemmlwl Oil rash' .I11", ler
duwhlnl nntl nently entailed, will
really ulnkr a great dent of ribbon.
TMs le }1st A "monition for t1..•
001/1 11 wit° wants to look nice and
who noes ne1R want to pay the prier.
Brooklyn Eagle---
\ eot"ctentlom women will keep
n arerrt even If she ham to call n
two or three (riennm to help her
i title dekaa teeter grow W be big trues 1l
they ars promptly treated Willi terry Davie'
1'n htklller. A good tiling to Rnlrltlber In the
radon of diarrhoea, eholern morbae nod
other bowel complaint.. flint come with
Sbott end Noll.
A London newspaper professes to
Iiavt found the following its au Am-
erican new..apwr :
"A duel was fought In Texas re-
cently by Alexander tthott And
John 8. Nott. Nott was shot. and
Shout was not. In this cam 1t Is
better to be Shott than Nott.
"There wa■ a rumor that Nutt
war not shot. and Slot( avows that
he shot Nott, wilco prover either
that the shot shot et Nott was
not shot, or Abet Nott was shot
notwtthetanelltbg. iircumslauttal
derrco is not alwnye good.
"It may be maul§ to appear on
triol that the shot Slott runt elhot
\otl, or, as accidents with firearms
are frequent, It may be pom+tble
that thrahot Shott shut sabot Shott,
when thy whole affair would re-
solve itself Into ice (original elt:-
roeuts, and :Short would be shot
and Nott would be not.
"We think. however, that the
shot tltott shot shot not Shott, but
Nott ; anyway, it fa hard to tell
who was shot and who was not."
New York Central and Hudson River
The above name Is a household
word and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at
tract meet people. but now that the
rate Is the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no
farther recommendation shooltl be
sought. Everybody will tell you It
la t be bort.
The only kind of consump-
tion to fear is " neglek tett
cons' tion."
Pe are learning that con -
sump n is a curable disease.
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable.
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion and begin
regular doses.
The use of Scott's Emulsion
at once, has, in thousands of
cases, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglected consumption does
not exist where Scott's Emul-
sion is. -
Prompt use of Scott's Emul-
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
sealer heo .eeple.
Twc.N, Oe1rM
German village folk are etl'1.ntly
very easily offended. The tollowlag
ntivertLsemenL recently nppeared In
the "Wernlgeroae intelligent Blatt"!
"1 herewith retract the bawl uttered
by me against Fraa Meyer to the
effect that 4,414 was wearing the name
bonnet thin your as she was last
year. I offer her my apologies.
'Signore F=au Henning."
An Impr..lhle thing to find la n planter
.gnale,l to "The h e 1.." Menthol, which 1w
twin/ lnftate.l. Ilei the genuine. For ebb.
lichee. bark...rhea, .uncial, nothing ry .Inds
O. Slade by Mt la & Lwwrent, Io , I,01.
peep/ epi M est se disW
Ceatrary to tits Ezp.rleaee.
"1Ti isn't mach of n snake," com-
plained the man who had paid 10
cent'. to see the side show. "The
w'rpent you exhibit on the cancer
out'lde Is ne big nn et barrel and a
tdns4n times na long as thin one."
"What^old you eep•t't to get for
n tame?" retorted the ',hempen.
"itig snakes cast it heap."
"That Isn't my experience," rrjoi11-
1141 the other. "The cheaper the
whiskey the bigger the snake."
'Pate Meanest Man,
'1 epny, Tam. that Meephairson le
the menneet man In a' Scotland.
Ten Jeers sin' he sent root him mon
we a tin 1w:•ket to milk the. nee.
The la.tdlc and the hw•ket Reins
•ome beck nn.l florid wee heard o
the lad till tee (thee 'torten', when
he kno'ked rat his 'father'M door,
and when they cam' be tenni Wm
who he was. HP hro^ht the wed
man a emit of cines, n goal watch
awl n bay mare," 'Then, I Pnpp ee .
,hairron killed the tntlede.ud
"Dell a 111 1 Salt he -'Lad, that. thioge
'11 (►a1 ,very weed, bort where's that
tin basket that you took awn' wt'
Thi mea who howl. foretold t1,.•
cwdlr'r [Ion hex 111 rhnreh may he
ewll to fin w missing Intermit in
religious matter'.
ore ,r1t.t
e ndorsed by best English 1n•dleal Journals,
S.ppll•d t• British soldiers le smith able..
For .11 Throat and Oland Trouble., Lome,.
ab , Old fans deers, rises, Skin
D ls•as•s Ears. Pimples, SLIM J•Iwts,
ah•aeetlse,, S minas, srul•as,
011•x, Cuts, Miro ►•.t, PIsiola
geld by Druggists. 51e. Try 1t ea...
Purer for the .ledge.
Pat, having been unduly Dimllltr
with a cockles', bottle, local him-
self enjoying n night'. lodging at
the expense of the city.
"How long have yon been in title
oeuntry 7' asked the judge the next
"Fnitle, 'an' it's neigh on to .1.'.•n
menthe, yar honor.' replied Pnt.
"FI ►t a yon a trade 7 asked the
ram,' an-
•'. Ws anile 01
nn k a
Vele l the In.hman.
'Be t nrefill what you any,' can-
lbnel the Jwlge, "1 doubt very enu'h
H you lnw1• ewer i/een to sea In your
Berwi '' "xrintmrd the son of
Erin. "nu' io it In n wagon yrr
seoree :Other thinkln' Oi Dame over
room the sill connttlry t"
Messrs. C. C. Richards A Co.:
(ientlemen,-In June, '98, 1 had
my hand add wrist bitten and
badly mangled by a vicious horde.
I suffered greatly for several dray,
and the tooth cuts refused to Ileal.
mite your agent gave me n bottle
began using, and the effect was
magical. In five hour■ the pain had
ceased. end In two weeks the
wounds [bad completely healed weft
my hand and arm were as well no
ever. Yours truly,
A. E. ROY.
Carriage :natter, St. Antoine. 1'.Q.
Miter Larder eurding it Over lbs
ILtlaase Malta
1'ria'u Tuuu her gradually efi,ded
nom um the horizon of liable, oh/terve-
Wo hate It now, on the iauthot•-
Ity of un imperial tie t're, that he was
a liuxer 1eud,'r,lldetd the, Boxer lead-
er. 1t fa hppuraibte, therefore, tlmtt
he ehoull eter return to .wt1vs of-
ficial life or even to lawfully toler-
ated 11.. follow-
ing refereut'e to him in the North
China tiDaily' • i
'Prime. Twill, roil Ills meow, lieu-
tenant, Duke Lan -Tuned chief lieu-
tenant, Preece Chuang, hating com-
mitted wl'Ide by housing hluufeelf at
P'ltchote. Shansi, last year -are, n1 -
Cording to a 1.aachou, capital of
hWn.axR du u4)ateh, cwt',relir'nl sok) lube
reading at Tdhuu .Uruwlele, the capi-
tal of t Weave Tnrkewtan, whl: h city
Le about ! month's ordinary Jour-
ney on hero -batik. wee,. of L'Itiauuk-
unn, a gateway cut in the moat weed-
er!' porthole of the throat Wail. It Iv
/ the. two e
re r
te+l that 11
to "lord it over for mutt es" in that
part of the Eteperor's doudnlonr, nue
by their bragged° no eat *wagerer
and loud talking of what they intend
to dodocoon against the"Weetevi
Herbarium," manage l0 internee
their importnn'e upon the simple-
tsind..l Knehgariana and Tungaoie-
Chiuew elohnmmetlane-of Trueutel,
Turfan ane Heine. the latter two
(idea being often vleltod by thetwa
in their deur h for follower.' and
pwrtlemn'. Owing to the near con-
nection of the two •x -Boxer§ to the
imperial (xultant of the throne even
the Governor of Chinese Turkestan
dare not slight them," t
No Way Out.
"I couldn't gra out of marrying
her" Henpeck explained. "When she
proposed she sail ;_"Will you marry
mel dare. you iCny otoje tion 7' You
see. nee matter whether 1 scald '3414'
or 'no' she 111111 ale."
'Why didn't you juin kelp 1.11u•nt.
ifie 11 7" inquired his frhen'1.
'Theca what i did, and *din nate,
'Silence gives consent; no•t that
ended me."
Mi,ard's Liniment L used by Phy *hoist's.
Mads of the Rlrh.
t\'llli:am (ioul.l Brokaw, a New York
enciety man, 10 spending $::5.(100 to
put et small Japanese garden in hie
retitle near Great Neck. Infer it
French gardener he is rmploying 70
auk lIe'l man on the pkrt, which is to
tw' owly .YIU feet attune?. 1t will con-
tain all of the rare trees. shrubs ural
flowers 08(114e to .iatpuan, and the
lantlarep(• design will be after the
Japanese moxlelr. There Mil he little
imt rxpenreve sutnewedet,aaes. tea pta-
gTdklw and (ehrltern. The walks and
tenets will be W'Itddinlg, hilt all in an
eget system. The phone hnv.• not all
barn made putete, but Mr. Brekrtw ex-
pecte to hen., the .inpancne fewer
peirden completed in the early fall.
Take lasatl•a Pronto 44.1.1ne T.hleta. All
druggt.b refund the money If IL falls to core.
B, - Oro•e's signature loom each bozo ere.
Elope lie Cough
and Werke 09 the cold.
LasatN.Srosaullelda• Tablets cure a cold
In oY day. No ammo R0 pay. Price 25 cents.
The September "Smart bel.
' .14 1 1{rnd of Cara's.' by Lnul.e nett ie
F,dwaele, the novelette w:Ah which
the September Smart Seel opens, to
a character study at onee very die-
ttnctive ant very "tion:. ' Thu• story
of .Ice. ('ek," by Jack London. Is a
tale of tlnekan life, and In 1t thr
author has written one of the lent,
11 not the best sustained effort of
his career. Anther story of especial
worth 4s "The Shining (doss," by
elerlrude Lynch, to which the Fey-
ohology of beauty's attitude to-
ward itself 1e meet ennnintly And
clearly portrayed. The poems Of the
number are contributed by Bliss Per.
neon. Jamie Jeffrey Roche. Clinton
Scollartl,.$amuel Minturn I'eck..%.1-
bort Lee Theodoata Garrison, Zona
Gale and others.
Keep Mdnard's Liniment in the
Tk. 111111rg Peebles.
In dying rutldeuly after a stroke of
vertigo Jacob Emanuele, a ,linnet
leader of the New lurk ne mocrney,
g -•eve• a strange example of "the rul-
ing plasr1011 serous in (teeth." Keels -
in in wits r.turniug tome after hal-
ing tnfl(xl out a ,nnttituent acrumd
ti some petty offense when he was
dlra•k.'te. 1t ree•me that he hn.t ar-
ranger[ a pk'nhe for her political foe
ewer• to tat- plane Monday, anti the
hand hired for the occasion deter-
minnt to give the leader a serenade.
Ar the tlno0nrrtour form of the dying
politician was borne toward the
house In an Ambulance the band, be-
arlieving him to be In the banter, play eel
It lively Or at the .eor.tep. Kuntz-
m•In regained con"rlu htskte the
home ant ask.`'1 that "the boys" he
admltte I to n bort audience. "I ant
dying," hr s'u 1, am they gathered
neotn(1 him. "but before( 1 40 I want
to sly to you than i thank you for
the loyalty you have shown me. You
ran win without Inc. but I'd like to
be in at the finish," In a few more
hours, ho waw d rid. 4
The Earl of Dudley.
The Earl of Dudley, the new lord
lieutenant of Ireland. is the • young -
ext man who ever represented the
IlrlUsh Government at Dublin cantle.
Ifo tine just plowed his thirty-fifth
year. 1(e trace* him lineage back
10 Willlnm Ward, a wealthy gnld-
,nnh11 of London and jeweler to the
quern of King Chnrle. I. I11M full
m a re William 1 w 1
m l A f m kl tmM Ward. t o
. Ina h
le not at all humble. Ilia father
wne Immen.ely rlrh, owning 44)009
aerre Of hind and many mince and
His rent roll WON retern-
rd nl 7610,155) a year. Thn very'
hlg7irel edncaticon was glrrn the
4011(1g rnr!. who hno proved himself
one of t1.* mtnnchprtt nobles In the
United Kingth+nt.
with Rheumatic Fever Six Times
within Twenty
THIS weatherers. of grant w'llt-
.hlre,nf I.ansdowne,Trr.,4'alne.
M140, during this Unto, no would
aaler.tl7 he esleetee, suffered in.
nem Int..e' agony. Ile "tritely
"1 hoArtlly endnrne the tntlm.,
Milh you es n preen klteree 11Ilah of '
hove it .offerer from 'Iwamoto.
and kindred complaint.. at different
tllaN during the Inst twenty yeur0.
1 haler, been Intl proeteste with
rheumatic Myer .IL time during
i enntMer 1 know
✓ „mething 0hent
rhrumntlem. During
n11 of thea twenty
years 1 hitt. 1.1.1
.adoral nth ertlyd
rheumatic r•medlee.
elle, „Intm.nte. nn.l
embr,m•allnns won..
of them sere me
mneh If.nt,rellef.l.ut
wbaitrleflMt .1 .. ).
10)11 1 Mesa .1.a.....111
It•rent remiltn. 1t eased tk.nen
nlnmst hnm.•, and low d'nee
for me what nil other r•aeelllaapnt
t ogt•Uu•r beg'n today.
•• 11e•1 very grateful to yen nmi
the prnprktnra of Ltd. l.•.tuable
ren Aly, and wI.h yon Perry silreess
In your halnnne effnrta to benefit
mankind by mldml0nR pnin.
' I could glee you .Purrs! engem
tint hate been ent•.1. which hoer
•ono• wider my notice, Anti through
my rwommendn tion.: oleo one of
toothache, ane of
f he, rind one of
nom throat.
"1 hnv, r•wolmen.
dal Mt. Jnentt. 111
for n,aw ulna poet,
and Phall continue to
Ill so by every mane.
In my Mower, 0.1 cnn
..M.r yon dewer•Ine o1
wary support .•
Bodily .eh.w n.l
1(polite all
1. Jacobs OII.
rid w II.TeNIUS
ISSUE NO. 37. 1901,
Mhhard'u Liniment Lumberman '•
Now 11e eared Money.
Mr. 1►e Broker -The belle my wife
send" me from the mummer resorts
are ruinous.
SLr. De Mlarp-My wife didn't re-
main away two weeks.
"Eli' How did you menage it -"
"Hired a fellow to typewrite my
letters to her, weft scented the
paper with violet." -New fork
Take a piece of woollen cloth, or a
piece of • blanket, and boil It they
uughly In a strong solution of (Austin
soda, 'bud you will and the wool will
gradually be eaten •way, ll•avlug
nothing but the skeleton. Women de
not realise how "amp subxtltutes,"
which are generally surcharged with
soda, or how common alkaline snaps
their Clothlu , consequently
they, week by week, mutant rustly
fabric to such treatment The
also are Immersed for tours in au.*
roluttonr, resulting In eesPnla, (mare§
skin. •ud brittle nails. The taustle
'bode may loosen the dirt, but It eats
•wry the fabric and ruins the hand4..
There 1s no economy In mw h work
It 1s so easy fur a woman to text I1,
difference between an alkali t'hargwl
soap and a neutral washing soap, that
It 1s strange that there 1. atom for
any but a pure soap on the Canalhau
market. Sunlight Soap ham leen
tested by chemhte •led enalystm tlln
world overand Itr freedom from
alkali or caustic has been demonstrated
by the highest medical *lithorl'Ies.
Consequently the true saying. " sue.
light Soapreduces expenses."
Lever'. Y - 7.1 tC inn H Iwai) T1i.i nfe etant Heap
Powder is better than ether soap powders.
Y it also eels as • disinfectant. y
Th" IMorrr I'r"at, in desert bin4 t►
fashionable theatre audience. say.:
"The Ileum wan filled with well -
fireweed wownen and well tubbed men."
1irnekwla! 1Nd0'1 they women leek
well tubbed, too :' 1 erlottr the neon
were not well dre,w.ed and trt• hr
didn't want to hurt their teenage.
Thin mal correspond to raying: "11e
twee good to his mother. ono way."
tbemeore a ought to warn this origin-
nl young eorre.prindent-we are mire
he 1■ young -that he le Indulging In
the moat dangerous' kind of Indue-
LIre networking flame of those very
well'Treated woman might take his
ivory] for it nerd gt4 Into all wrote
rif trouble. This Ir. indeed. the dawn.
however, of Inmethlfng really new In
deicrlptive eompnrltlon.
A 11600111 T01110RaRm1E$--4 lie bottle of
F:ngll.h Spa 'In Liniment remapl.tely rsmnve,l
e n,rb from my horse. 1 take pleasure In
recommending the remedy. no 11 arts with
myaterlone promptrer In the remnrnl from
horned. of hard, soft or enllnranl lamppsP blend
.pn410, .palate, curbs', .weeny, wt1MPa and
OErlltlit: BMR Former,
Markham. (1st.
WWI by all druggist..
Would Probably hit k.
A coyreepondent writes no fulloyi
to the New i'(ork Sun
"In ten yearn there will Ire in rath-
er religion except Christian en •11..•,
• • • 'Tho lion and the lamb ei
leo down together.' This in rattler
hard far people outside of ill,.
thought. to believe, but 1t be uever.
(helmet a fuel. Everything Teemed;
We have no hotline. There kl no such
thew as disease, .hekttrm or death."
1t may bo No; and yet we will ven-
ture to may that It the r0rre:pawl.
rut went home hungry nod found Mt
sign of dinner he would mire us
much fume with hie wife or the r.e,k
no if he nettle had a burly that ne,..1-
ed nolrlrllment.
A Birch Hod Whipping.
AL Northampton Petty •iro.lon1,
William Brown, eleven, schoolboy. 12
Oxford street, 1•'nr Potton. was
charged with stealing. about 1(3)
pm. 011 Monday, the 31st of July,
front a tramcar in told .treat,
Northampton. neren down Northamp-
ton Deily neprirtere, value ea 6.1.,
the property of Mamie! Smith Cam-
pion. A lad named Dunkley de-
parted to seeing the defendant' take
the petters from the tram while the
eoriduclor was collecting fares on top
of the ear. • $rotten admitted taking
the paper.. Defendant wag order-
er! to receive five strnket with the
birch rel.-NPWMpnper Owner and
Modern Printer.
Ark for laniards, and take no
We oder line Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any ruse of 4'80 a rah that rnnnot be rural hr
IIa11Y Catarrh Pure.
E. 1, elf EN Ey & 1'I, Tolr,l I..
We. the eu.l.rslgnetl bate Luowu 1 J.
Cheney for 1 1 Inst 15 yrnn and believe hint
perfectly honor. bee 11t [111 bn•luns trio..
"tibia. and inn nelnlly able 4„ rarr>' null der
l!bllgatbons made b• their firm
W err • Tal rt. t hnh•.ale iruggla..
1.40, 11.
i*t.otmo, 1CIN\4x • 114P, •, w'ho_4•1.11*
,Drug*bM. Tolelu, (..
Hall'. e'*tarrh Corr b taken intertrnllr.nrt.
1s& dlrrt•tlr ulx,a the bin,a1 n1.1 mumu. our.
fare of the ay.tem. Testimonial. sent fre..
I'lie.--711e per bottle. Mold be all druggist..
if all'. Family 0111a ars ib• Lea.
Te lirovr TO you that The
and nh.nlete cern for •.eh
Pie Thane., Ointment 1:•certain
ism! every' MMit filo
em R.
bleeding and pao-rnd Ind ellen,
the fl&0f1•.r'Inrers 11*,e anarnfteed st, nee t0*
bees what they think p
of 1 v r You aka neeIt and
'stymie money barb If rate: r•nrnd. Tr el bort, rat
1111) 4.44i1011 or Da,wnnm,11 ATM% a (:o.,Toronlo
seiiEVILLE, Oar.
1109 student' mauled
last y»[-179 vele
ladles and 1)0 'woe
men. Two m.trnols-
uon Scholarship. •.l -
u. 'leo &44 41110 wee
at d. artoeotel •t-
am., 1481.
ONew P1peor`■n,pee-
e.tle Meteors Rooms ant Art Geller wept.
e. t.
le added Superior rnnuti4. 1. Ronkli aping,
Shorthatitt, Telegraphy, Sleeotton aid 1'33.
oral Culture toiler. building'. " Na.wy
Halt," g7m.utum and wld.nee heated by
steam wad Ilghted throughout by .i•rtrl4ty.
Will open Sept. e. feet.
7.e Illustrated circular address
PRINCIPAL rant. n. (a
L 0th YEAR,
fetus SEPT. ted, Wet
A thorough'curr,en-
1 ' *lent staff. special rates.
Wilte foram r1M.duto
IIV. a. e. DINml.
COLLEGE Pr.dse,re,t(t nt
1 ehe.
tilt 1'a .e
Mrs. WIneMw s Soothing Syrup .14 ,ld
alay. he towel for Children Treae 1t
soot ha the child, .oft en. the fontsfare- *int
tome and is the bet remedy for Dlarrhlr..
NO MNrNY5 tie ' •41 1 ar
M.n.l',10.►Mra'Ywf,�wt 1�..'e
,re.r.rr. Pt• ...'r,
ton.. rab..radroont.V aro, .41
Wean Benson fawn
1 fworae.eud re reMel Morse 41
(.101,,.1 .rt.wticeme .h,r•.era
V . Ork wt.. t 1 yl.; crag. las it,
•t,,.,.s rrasig ememea. neon. trwa.5. a
Electric Car Hit
His DetE
1'110 4'nrrla$e Wiese S
(,ot'en,or llrali
ilrulsear-Story til
.lent Happened-
Pittsfield, Maw..
diet Roorsevelt, on
1101 tette of New Eng'
(alped death or 10014
t meant near thlt
aria 01 itis body gm
lit'* Agent 11'm t'
outright, land Il, J.
of the roach 0(411(4
Roosevelt, Govern()
lary Cor(CIYOU and
tared a fractured
f.xtr/d .Ill result
gy.0 eoncb, which
Tally -ho, wad rt 104
our leu the Iolttsih
Ktrwrt RaaUWay M
11Wl forenoon. The
nl let a point *1104
IIID from 11.414 city,
firltl ('ounly Club 1
presirletll and his
}ty ilei; a , oouchtug
tun, t;owernor rar
t1.• 114)4 the feeCd
night, to L4no1, a
44) uakw, over the
Tht.• oar was l t c
for ,lames Kelly,
Luke J„ Maslll.s o1
form. Tlw tsar' stye
lea• 114'410, and dO*i
tllr teldckits 00tl
ground, The [lar
.tains gid.
Motorman IE16Jeu
Kelly were at Dec
brought to 1'lttd
driver t of the 4
brought Isere ars
1'1ttefleet Hospital.
Their Wonted
Thu I'reeident wi
taiteet only slight
few .(sandrae. aa'
It. ('urtelyuu, who
m:lnw r ehlpllar to tl
the ext•Iptitell that
the hued, with the ,
the 'party wont to
nearby, where the
drrneerl. In a mho
(Adel to the Cl
Lenox, arriving til
An Eye -Wit■
A wetness of till
that the motorman
nor In Order to ren
l'r.r•td,•nt, Govern.
n'utry' L'orU•Iyou
:( hest( Tllu.e, aw
whir h *11 nose'1 t1
of to the Presider
with cute, c114(1,
tmr irwettt7 expalive. 'r
eel on the right
wet HO face in me
ndfering from err
1'reetnent retlthned
Irene'•, nithuSgh 1
he the reef of thee
'tyle i•xr'it.ment
rumor,' flew thick
l•reese 11 ILt1 been
au•ci,:rnt\terreforalnitut plced
Ik't'rmeel t,r oatn
$to'khri.lgn, whore
lylug Onen14 :1•hngtl.
Letm'x alertly alt
rent n ,eerier n114.
people to refrain 1
ter a brief Num hr
10 the train. in t
the President's wi,
haropened wan 1)r. i
1.1141, wpm, nicomlw
tin •mlTgt'ney 14 t
p lflh't1, ern inalet
nn'e to the Tersest
dolt wale dislncltne
. .nal kr t,on, stay s
aogJillt ha -_
Ilii Weekly Men and women In
Bose Fide same_represent ns
1Ing aerate Mom•• to
urn rel. of h.n for I..'.1 work Itneld 'mown.
tl.'n find limen•.• ,.1 salary. [Deal .mpiny
nu•nt. new brilliant Mara, 11§.1 1.1111. N
established hour.
The quality atnndeed from e.•... 40
Ocean. Your money Wick 11 not .n Offertory
Dr:Ohase's Ointment ,
RIME & LA I,I..t 11 k.
Agent, Montreal.
aB0' VIPOND & CO., Montreal
N, .o1011 your ron.lg.ulo•nls to Woo, .T
Write or wire ma Prompt soaks.,.
Jh finest In the NIY•n Penlmulw •i
WW !none, 10 null.. from Hwmtlton 014 toe raid
wars, 11) seam In all 1) M which 1m in hull
meetly peaches. W111 be sold In 0110 pwrc.l or
divided Into lot0f !d to 10 sorsa taranti
ek.wa Thiele a derided bargain woos'Outa
r, Osrpsot P. O. box n0.
Hex .Inner t'atne. 1'er.n.r'
The report for 11401 .hawed rrmnrhsal•
,nrre0rw over 1!11111, In the follow In/ Item•.
, ,
New haat n.d.. Ins rens d ii5(Ifen's m
income h
'1a50l Income Inrre,n..rdt
Asst. Inrrenwed by.. 4:1,9014
I neurone. Irl force Increneed by 1,11e444"4
continental I.IM I'pliel.•a are unexcelled for
.lmptlrlty and liberality. Aveiro wanes'[.
1'111: LATEd
The 1►rlver of She 1
Th" trolley car
the 1'reeldenl'1 et
fie spent. The cat
an it wag crawling
or ally ('raig, wbl
the effort to war
hackwars knock°
10 the track ani
Herr hen, killing b
carriage was kno
feel wrecked. T
thrown out and
earrings- fell Agra
licked lip
Dem !1 *tit en tlil
hr wits toile to g
once, Pecretary
(-reorients when pl
,Y 1111101 on t
heed nand telt on
teceiernl enough
Preside t. (Jove
haule bruised. Itep
rime. ray title k
. W the party In (1
?lfl01. Thn'driver
e. J. Pratt, wan
5114 has miner, die
'1'11e l'resl,eei
• Stockbridge, Ma
14eaident'• physl
"a)"11 that be I
(brtelyOn reveler,
Minna nbont the 1
that the injuries.,
5rrhrntm and ttt
w'md,l be Imide.
The (read
Len0T, Mese,
Fral ie. the secret
elle wan killed,
bits 11een 00 dnt
gnnrd at the
many years. Ile
1140. weighed OTei
wen more thou'
rout it former mei
Grenadiers and
brfe(1 nvOrdmisan
with Irnnrrr 'Refl.
el pith many v'
Men nn Car Thnt
KIR •re
I'itts(h(.Il. 51,.p .
Man t1a(Men sun
t VU. R. W10)t., CHAS. H. F1'1.1.►:It.
Osaeral Manager Secretary.
TTTF. GREAT EYE RENETIT. Tin ynllr rye', One water.
tire. (er are yen? eyes over-worked more, re 1. nil m17 01
do year ryes burn, twitch. nr err they grannl'ttrt'
(WENN,. No r/mnly for the ewe /nap eared Ito• 10 ls.
ply. Not InjIrlmlg. Guaranteed as represent 1 Ali to rre-
sponrdeeme reerelves prompt Attention. MAIM any(then
On ree.ipt of 5Cle per bottle.
THE OPENE CO., Woodetork, Ont _