The Signal, 1902-8-21, Page 6Ci4eteii i! (.V , laI
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BowAbe Cronkite Found the Poisoner of Lemuel Beckwith.
Jteigu J1Psi,111 ylnro, 110)4 14.1 I'e:ar11-
• lue lrt.tu lair luttitiIu found fir. lieu -
tens awl flt►drhuue 11PISAPYr, IIIc ru-
ler, ill 'edltnw all l tearful eeow•Iii%r.
N'la/l is lilt troubl , my dear':
What IlaS guile wrong. &titters""
asked the t41 lotto to, troth gently
411td 'snotty.'
--.Ciere'fte -,►sues tsar j4lat linen- au -
rooted for the Murder of Lemuel Wok-
e -WI." 11.1110W41-4,1 the junior jetrtner.
••$j 1 sew w the leiter cowing
clown ; anti rel 41011(1 -oho facts(
ammo elnmg tagitinet _Ili 111. Bret why• tears; iow are we concertos t ?'
-He in my Intimate friend nu I flade-
L11iie's affianced toter, sir."
".t,h ! two Itoo 1 missile to
wy evIrnrrt tseesgaer)ttlou. Cheer up,
not tkiar, we will wen' leak'' hitt inao-
ttri.:o 1(11 clear to the world 1(r it IN
to us. Just Mato the case. Beaters,
Ovist yon 7 VIlalt a bit, though; this Is
worthy of n full coue'il of nor". and
Aire I/ teesehi4g' a button on Ilia
(IPA. W:net kr edema until .the
Cronkite entered.
"Thin care Is singularly free frow
etnudktnt1ng details'," began fir. lea-
vers In resp)INe to nuother,rigunl.
'.Teo year.. 4µ;u 1 Ltrence ,Uses res -
coot an wed gentlemen from under
tete wheels d •1 'treed a►r. lie wax
Lemuel ltex'kwith, the maltster, it
wealthy bachelor without kith or
kin.. 1
"There fuel been 11 nepI0'4c. one
.duos Splice. who, after causing no
n:x{ wf trouble, cusped Ute eliwax. by
(caging Id' iII11drs 11411111e. The young
m111 11111 fawn New York un the Air-
glnlrt--you rtau Taber bow the teasel
Imc2unllrlvt a storm off Iluttl'rlta
WW1 foundered with all on ioard.
"No. nt the time .tmin reielered tide
'Novice. Mr. lie'kwitti was 'tlodt• in
the world. lie took a'strong faucy to
my frictet, bringing him to Ilse nt his
Mine Awt waking 111111 hl. nter.•letry-,
attorney-, fnctutum iterdlurt. No ar-
rangement would! have Amen more ad-
tnnh rriue.
"Under Anew faithful imp•r% nasal
the Intailles• pr1. b(erl'lI, t111• Iletlaellldtl
;Matins woig like clockwork. The Intl -
fancy between the two grew (ismer
with yours; r1(, N11011 Mr, ld4-(keith
'111,1 suddenly, it xct'mirl natural that
Me will. niter ham) charitable lee-
yuewr. s.houMl leave everything to
.1111. 1 woe just preparing for pro -
tette when thin lhunlerboit fell.
"Fr(tut n clots' sty 7" extoll the
J m tge.
-I can hardly may that. ea. (lar-
___ snow IN let amiable n fellow that It in
well-nigh imp* . bio 4)a e 1 m
with 4.% ell a trivial wrong; but from
the ionn'Ipdnt of the pollee hIIarreet
nae i111'. liable, I foresaw it n week
ago and necked Cronkite ttt make
*8110 pooautionary ingnlrlee.
"Yen "me, Mr. Beckwith suffered
110111 n romlolientiun of dimatsse1) In-
teleing n WW►kIIPlae of the heart, "no
eonuter:at midden sinking ' lentis,
IIr. 74inlreke-von know him by ret-
ire totten. of -(•ours•-preso•rllavl n
i.reettrnlion of stryclinin1. ane pow-
der in half -glass; of wader. .t under
enteh1rl by day, rind Aimee hinted(
at night.
'New. retarding to Amos. %Ir.ilrck-
wlth erled not about midnight. axil
lo' hurried to him with' hie melfeinr.
The old man gulped It down and a
ut(aneut. haler, cife:1 in n ter rifle eon-
vnlelon. When lite provision, of
the will became •kuow11 the Wove-
-gripers commented on the fact of PO
dekillly a poison bring In the hands
of an hots.
'Chemical exaufinatlon of the resi-
due In the Own allowed that it
nett luso eontalnet enough Ntryeh-
n P to kill n healthy man. ler.
Ma trete testifies! 11( the al*ol•rle
icons '4x114'11, of the dome pr1')4Critlnd
liud rel 1.5 04104 of the lutlltmed powders
nnhxlen( lel hie Ntuteinent. Neel 1
it n„
'Noel the Judge. " n
you any. Inti hence,
-ter win.
TIM TI 6 iflfp
e overduan. Ls U1(*
it. efhcte. It
c two
accldental, or
• 14411 11)01,4',
"1 r
.iu.phe (1111)'.
I IIP hartleSti
who ndminintcra-
one to benefit h,
IMfttI te
N o ell there i
1IVell• 111 II dental we'
oar frieml"--.herr Madel Ino bent and
hissed hie lined -In the ietlm of n
. elnrderonr pkg. Tnking nt t,hr' floe
:111rrnrltive, 1e It poneible th t .t mem
made ti mid ate In prrgeIrt the
"No." replied Mr. (lertr('ru. ' vp,
doctor 14t .'In powder's tint evenln
.omen emptied one of diem in n ghoul
of water, wide* he covered an 1 eel
on the 111:111t01 far ase In all never-
gNl('y. There were five powders, re-
,u,nIning the next morning-"
"Well, then, haw about the name?"
"t .nowt refblblr w•(Rn:ul; mond
adept on the top filler of the huh,.l•
until roteel nJter death."
"Tile scrvanle ?" .
"Only One in the hone'; tut old
,..•,jlugiockeryer...Ila ►•)ts*U,►.. eatL'-"-1 1 -
her meeter."
"From the Ihne time. the
nB*tielne nntII he edminlxtertel It, did
'he leave the ninon?"
"He till not." ,
"Where le tint room milen(el?"
"Tile UPcnnd-010ry front. over the
wlret, without balcony or other 'Hip -
port ontmide. anti with nn electric
light not twenty feet away,"
"Any elnertN?
'But your erIpnsi may hove doted.
The 11011 lit were Inner. 1 hr WO II I 11
tnemntorlmuR. TI's•re may have been
Rtealtby stems wlchlg the hell. etome
one.anyreave crept In. ridded etryeh-
etbtP to the ghee nn,1 then have
passel ottt Ilte n 111nelow•. 1 Wiesner.
yon know, works nolo leaely rind un-
der the where rig ,.leer"
"i went ail oc er tint with tmee."
millet's' Mr. Beefier. (lejeeledly. 11.
1. flail lig nervous'and wide awake,
and la attire he didn't (less, He Ie
jest aa positive that no one enter-
, rel. ole lay' he Ions reading with him
trail to the light In hill Night of
door. bed and emote! It4'iiaria MT.
)l'nkwltk 111e4Pif, WW1 watefnl ; roll-
ing out Pepeateelly am t(4P pale kept
dnrr'e'auing, With all 1111 nerves tel-
t/steel and etsper0Pnsll Ivo to the
slightest thing nit 01 the tlllmmon.'I
',Well, well," .e -Il the jedee, own,.
Igo( ly. "let U. take ap
000000*90G 7.e.Ki019="40000rs
nuOUv•r plutneef the inquiry, the lute
Ott,. 1 adult there is a sufficient
one at(anset .Ames. The avidity of nn
heir liar been the stock ur)11te ti
murder throughout the ages.
"Mr. Beckwith night have lingered
for years. ,tu1e1) war closely confined
01141 uterworkel. Liberty, luxury.
tote were 1111 hid. if Owl one ob-
wt i'Ie herr retu(oet. No wonder the
news(nls•rN respected IOU.
'•Itut titers. etre other motives reit
NM meting. ole trent complication*,
duwertkt. eemenerclnl, of a Tong life,
n diecaldeit wife, n spurious marri-
age; a defrauded customer, a be-
trayal trust. Tittle oily '1larpen. the
5111)40 of injury and renders revenge
more emoting.
"Asti -t41t'r, theft, for the minutiae
of Mr. Beckwith'. life; the tines -
plainest trifles of cotnersatim or
curreepulieuce, which in this lat-
ter ligit•t might 0011,4 esti Eequltwl
by greater evil, amt--"
"Believe me, sir," Infterruptett Mr
!tetter,. "Mr. Beckwith', part was
1111 open page without a blot or blur,
ON, record of the humdrum, easy'.
guiug e•visiteuce of one who Mail much
and distill want more, who was
overlie to society and timid In the
presence of woweli
"Never did tie have a call from a
etninger, never dill he receive a
threatening letter. Neter did he ex -
preen regret or sorrow fur a mis-
tate made or mimealief‘ wruugiet,
lbeugh Ivies deeds most tut,ve moue tl..
hit bedside during; him long, painful
lanais of his 1lhrrIa. No, no; there is
"There, there, heavers," atoppel
thealunge, .nlrmpklg up and down
111e floor. Motet elaborate. As o
somata and a preserver of pure ne-
gation you etre a sreleer*, 1 admit.
(conte, ('ronk(te,'why don't you say
votnot hull ?"
"1 54al intercede,' in observing,
51r," replier the detective, "how'
your deductionN were lending you
inimitably to the mime c0nclusioo
1 reached 1( week ago, through n
like. pot -ere of elimination."
"Let me answer." cried Madelaine,
springing toiler feet, her wau Inc.
ilglow vs itis Iurplratiou. "Ile weenie
the doctor."
"Of cause•, I moan the doctor,
ulnar." agree -i Cronkite. with a be-
wildered air, "though how you come
to (hint conclullloq 1 don't nee."
"I (didn't come to it," cxl(lulned
the young lady. "It came to me.'
• ' tinaered the judge,
"the theory Is worthy of some Much
nary rind unsubetantlal source. Dr.
M;II.1r:eke? Why, his reputation n.
11 mein ie IAN nolmpetch:Ole 1(M his
seemliest. an u physician-"
"Neverthelerx," retorted the de-
itective, doggedly, "it. simmers down
to either him or Ames.' For that
reaspn, els, I have been lately re-
ferring nn imaginary malady. of
mine to Ids more or leen imaginary
profeesiuual 1)11111,"
"t strange pines,- h phyniCinn's
waiting room: w., full of human in-
leered tint 1 have been more than
' ready 10 give over my turn. Did
goal etre notice thu►t the ordinary
doctor treats his patients; like eat
ninny lay figures. 4114 never heal-
tlteN to transact any ImeineN, be-
fore them? 1t'1 o carioutt menial
plu1Ne, nnticipntory, perhaps -he al
r.ndy MPTN 111) 01 laid (nit, you
"Well. thernlgh thin little peculiar-
ity, and my- own modesty. t IITte
found ynyster In touch with as
pretty a collection of sluing 41e you come across at n - buikrupt'.
peettlr•meui. In a wool, the man Iowa
bee0 lit Ins es life of fair' pre mpt'r-
ity : hie vepnlnttUn of being u
thrifty noel e1ioreeefnl practitioner
ill n lie.
"Ile Is overwhelmed with dela.' and
the only thin([ 11111.1 entre Ilial from
etposlre and rein is the 'insurance
-.rte -Elven 011e nn•1 all that _w11Wn.
sus moult' he will come tutu a for-
-dare. Ttmt exported fortune. -Mr. In
my judgment. be now part of the
testate of t
h late Lemuel }t(ck-
wl I h.') -
"But 1 don't 'ew the el 111
oh"erte,l the jalkte.
"Vent will nee it slimly. sir, whet
I tell you that 1 find that 111in re-
putable phy Piston ten year* nlre
woe the boon ennpnnion of into
Solite; you will ser It more elenrly
w heti 1 tell you that there iN n
4Mcmmun report among enik)ri that
one or two mirttenre of the Virginia
t- re ',tete 1 up hy n Rrmth-lmerl-
cn trmnp.
Meier Spiker Woo 0114 ell. Mup-
Ixl.e In retureed h• m' p•m1 Iew's..1e•-
te.•rnl4', 'mho an n'mtttneri name, In
.Ilsgnlee, Rh 1114• melee on his t rook
Abnld e'4 the (height or nit that
wealth to w ich he wag the mitt -teal
',i-ir t t mpt hl ?
lgttc �vt t, it111t1i a [ltmll)
li7i'y, 1 le' t' a de to Inform Min of
Is uncle's' teatnm•' tar: (sane /1 TM
Might rot theme two old clim' eon-
-Ie.! stfolvet-4nr vat -b-refit e
There are two m otl y, not one,
•Ir - fleet, the motive w e11 might
quite netnntel Amee, did of 1114.
elulrnrter n1, vouched fur 7 Mies
\fad, lice and M -. BPnvcre rend.. that
ImNo0NlWe, nod, me mit, the m toe
'telt lvowid naturally mote a
r(Irncr•Iros, Inlplterleleel and dl
ereditrel m,.n like he'l'p
" 1 fee the rnnnertI(m, now," ex-
,l,iimrd the Jndgr, "and It 1n logien!,
!reeditIMr, host, we have the appw)r-
1nnIte, loth little 11.k of detection,
la Dr. M'Rdrnk,'. Then, we Imre the
rheum, the inte tele t(1 be benefited
apparently, pt hest and In charge,
In Ames, end, third, We here the
whited heir, In Splice, who can step
forte/tot end claim the entire ornate
In the, event that atlas Is elenvlote'd.
" De'n't ion sop, Beavers? No boort
I a the nOrhl would allow your friend
to time nester the will, If once he Is
fennel entity /d Mr. IIeckwith's death.
What follows, then ?
"Why, there len Kate j)1' Iatestray,
and bast from 1114' grate comes the
long Inst nephew to einem Ids own.
1)1,, n rare ;dot. an tempi., nn 1t In
Rat whet must -w' .1n • 11 t far
'i. 1 014n ore, Risers. e111 not worm
hltn,elf nor make a Angie move until
Amer hes been etiolated. Dare we
take melt a risk, dare we go to trial
with the dyorment oertaluty of 0011-
11-1 loll, rrl,,5 hie on the hate that
through the atbilly of the cuu•plru-
turn we ono lay bare their machine -
(WAS 111 1IMO ?"
'rhe men tusked 1(t one another, i14
ttuubt. In fear, emelt oue dreading to
advocate a fatal- Teel, Omit, -
la We's
l le-
Lline's clear voice out the rifhnob Ilk,•
the warning of u bell 11( a iter:
Neter," 1411e cried, "never Will I
permit Clarence's'life to hang 1,11
141c1 n haaarnl ! 1Vby, after he 541(4
(envletest this wretch of a Splice
might ptddl•uly 4114', and what thee,
oh, WY Clad• what then 7 No, no; the
thing to do Is to lone there villalus
to b tray them«•Iver, may, tot once'
"Throw rtrrlenrlon between thew ;
knits. the Iticuutluur words of tt
quarrel. Don't you w'e that If our
theory Is true, It is more than likely
that Milieu is hitt 1(t the doctor's
h0nte ? Where etre could ho *lay
with more cunteniPtlee fur ids
r•hetuPi, wore 7ju(1fel c for bintself '-'
•'44e11, then. Mr. Cronkite haw el -
reedy gained acmes there. Let bleu
4411p npetrtlrs and t•onceal himself uiu-
hit night eumes-might, when toil
men drink and game and plot: when
the 1 (001 is 1,0 heated that rumettion
W alert and paeelon ready. atel'yuiok.
Thea, at rush an hour, let wont
kat' tidings come unexpectedly, throw-
ing them Into the panic of terror,
tbo Page of dlrnsiseentmeut-"
"Take lay •Itat, mars," sal l Abe ('run -
kite, rising ami bowing deferential-
ly 'you hate cut the kuut, you have
called the turn. I wouldn't want you
to b., me, but If you were, you would
bet a humwer.
'I 11 follow your bad, never Feer.
As 1 11,Niertean1 It, Mr. Ihmve're, y-
ore the executor of the will, ant
Dr. Mandrake has filed a large aw-
eowIt fur professional derider.: Tu
be sure.
Then, 1 propose that we do now
adjourn, land that this pretty young
fatly gots home le Zook iter pret-
tiest when her lover re'tw•ns in tri-
umph to thank her."
That night thartnxaw brood -ft o\l41'
the front of Dr. Mandrake's spacious+
house 11( an exclusive port of the
lutea, Hare where a re.+id1"h glow un-
der the electric Dail served to re-
cent n notice that the yorebrutel
plysk•lan had been called .1w'ay In
the roar dining room, however, the
heavy curtain,. of which were close-
ly drown, there were both light
on.1 cheer, ass two men eat over thole
4:tats4e anti cigar*.
The contrast between the two arae
markeil w nqupeurauce and wanner.
One wrus portly, smooth -shutes nut
.omp5svl, with that bland exprer1:on
whereby vanity nfleli mns(uerad4'a
%re benevolence. The other, slight,
%tented, n••rtollh, bore the. u"mi.tuka-
ble look in wan or tenet of the
"Then,- periods of relaxation are
1>r I•ealtll(114 all they are enjoyable,"
said the former In smltutoas tonna,
"11, is seteenttat for modern man, my
Tear Am0'., t0 unstring the bow. to
leslp're in loan, I may 4413--"
"OII. 'shoot it. Doe • 'shoot your
ever-lartutg piatltuder," snapped
.he other. "('aa't you ne' I ani near-
ly w•Ull with anxiety? Ito you think
want to bear your Lath drivel
,Visit I'm leareht; 1e' every nerve to
know just what ham happened. what
people any, whether there - le Any
lnubt, the faintest rullp`rlon. tint
the right man bats not been caught
The doctor meet, it. if feeling n
,Everytldsmg in progreeang mati4-
flctorlly,•' he replied. "'I'll.' twthl-
eal, the inevitable arrest of your
unc10•15 Meeretary satisfies the pet-
ite nem.. of portico. ile IN tumble to
offset the overwhelm mg proof
:walnut him by more than his bare
"Patience, then, Is the one thing.
needful for yo* to practice -patience
to nb!de until ole bow Ila& been vin -
neater!, and the locate s In the
'senile of the nllminlatrntor await-
1o.- the statural holt. Then. my boy',
you can step blithely forward arsl
•latnl your own.''
'Your own. 1 night P4417." grim -
'/led Rptice, "yon Oaten n hull half''
"Naturally 1 nlwnye Jellied the fee
to the dei. Bei hark, deal'. tint?
The bel': once. tw.Ic', thrlee? i must
en: it may be something of Imlort-
I nce.''
"Don't," whined Near. wringing
'1ls harms: "you prominol VAP ohould
be nbno, pie had the ferltnt all day
wlmettiLng 'would happen : rlpn't. L
lint liven while he epeke the doe -
tor hail panne and now returned 4th
1 1'tt ter.
"Notldn r.•' he soliloquized. no 'fir'
Mood by the othrr'4 site owls-
'ng the mi,.'sive. "but mom' notice\
from 11145 era --11-•'r (h,• executor, yon\
'(now Doubtless in reference to my
b'll. Wlunt'n thin: 'i find the reante
m seri/ m1,ly Impure' 11y wild spello
bttion nntl had In'vmrtment that lit-
tle will remain after the necesosry
etpensee of adminictratlon already
"You mleerable little, whelp: do
ysm Nee whn't you have let me into?
Tide may Tse true or it may not.
11.- It .ls. I've added 11 11111010481 prime
to rule. If it Isn't, why. It't 'nine
melt: they're cbrewd peopTe: riven
now they may he nn• the watch
far nM. '
"Oh. I cMikl strangle you as you
comsat there; you thing. yon ear,
you universal curer noel blight!"
LIt11e wonder that Amen lip/llre
'lid errmtlh in isle hair, for the
rh:.ngt in the drxltor !luno terrine.
41.4:1)' loan the hollltutal It,tndri NV
like 1114 erweeping nut le vg n mnsk:
In ito place glared force, primeval,
Nat age. rethlewn, intenedflri by dbe-
aph(riutment, ilpprehennlon. rine'
('roach. Indeed. did AMON 'Splice,
hat there wan niethol, furtive tin 1
eiIIIwter, In hie pollee.
"'isn't touch mw!" he I*'renmel.
"Ah: 7111 wilt, Witt 7011. take that,
t hen 1y
L knife finished anti +struck. tell,(
to 'strike again and herein. The doc-
tor'," heavy form cantered lend Net-
tle 1141 the fl(x)r, tile.l1Ogtor'se we
root. evef:merit., While, renN1or ng.
titiota mei with hlornd.
"Come," eommantiet n. "stern 'voles,
mei ee aloud tamed to the .14MHwl4y
covering elm trembling )eller with•
a revolver. t
The tl(lrtor half rained him«'lf,
livid, gtiaery-eyesi. thickly beenth•
Take him," he pante]. "its got
lite to petition hie uncle! ile le
elnally guilty - an secraeory - an
worsts ry before the" --
And thee' (lrowlklto let awe), the
men to tiletir(Mtt him who' wee
alr. (east
To Recognize Purity.'
Adulteration has grown to suet s
flue art, that It is almost !Mime 1 -
tile for a woman nowa-days to de-
tect the false from the true; but a
chemical analysis will always detect
adulteration Prof. W. Hodgson
Rills, Omelal Analyst to the Domin-
ion Government, after a number of
analyses, reports that "Sunlight
Reap Is a pure and well -made soap."
Try Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar-
nett wash day, and you will see that
Pea Rills is right. No one should
know better than he. 210
Net Howe Grows.
Mrs. Ornate -How Ilo you like
new domertie, Mrs Brown
t0lok. Tike a rhe, girl.
era 11rowu-- Winced le, did you
any? You never mate n greater
maltako. Bridget le Imported, -
Dortou 'f•rans•rgd.
Minaret's Liniment cures Diph-
Second 'thoughts.
When a woman begIna to flatter
you •orun.
Lut let your mirror do all tato
Wotnau has more faith than wan,
and surrey knows rte needs It.
Woman forgive. also forgets ; man
never forgot. teat ho.han forgiven.
Many a weak woman lona She
rt rength to stepp)rt a staggering
Iter bond.
Never let art denote yon Mtn be-
lleting that Cupid reprevselte the
nuked truth.,
folk. pay more attention to
eying their own parte than to Big-
g up those of othere.
rt ielact
seting woollens and flannels, Lever's
la powder) will he found very
A little f
leading a p
a road In 104
when It snap
tleman with, •'1
bit string in ye
my little man, but
brave little chap to
dqr lite that. What I
1. 1•'. -The risme as my
'.Ialther'r ca'ed ettor me.
IIInsrd's Liniment curer
Lillis Man.
low woe the other day
lty large .lug .along
land with n string
Ile halted a gen-
, lain, hay ye, a
pouch 7" G --Nn,
lou wort be a
anage a bier
your nano „
ether's. My
Ills (:real '.Volas..
"Toe mistake of 'ny lifts," saht 1
reminiscent IWaa, 'was 'elicit' 1 wa
selling [intent medicines In Rasatn.
One. day 1 attended n review of a
crack rc(timewt, and suddenly every
man le' tho ranks began 'meeting for
all he wan worth. In n trice 1 had me
simple (MOO dpen and wan trying to
roll the commissary n carload of my
anti -grip pellets, when he rudely In-
formed me tii:tt the troops were wily
hailing with delight tho arrival rot
Gen. Akaet.wehebdaaskl,"
Gr1m njures prove the dr;Uh-rttr among
ehlldren In •uwm.r. an •tnalou. time 11(►
mothers because bowel trouble. are rant pant.
tt hat 0 mercy It is this t w. -he' yr ferry Davie*
Painkiller to ,leve ser little one.:
Very Low.
'Brooklyn l-ite.'
" Aro you ordinarily seasick ?" I
naked affably, for neo• tunet needs
bo affable on ehlpboanl.
No," ho replied endly, "I'm extra-
ordinarily srnslck."
and, Indeed, there was a bollownem
la his tone that rorraboralcd hie
Minard'r Liniment Cures Oarget
in Cone.
As Odd Custom.
At the court of anises at Venice
when sentence of death Is about to
be passed, n man clothed In n long
black robe rater' the court nett.
advancing to the bench. lows ere-
foondly to the Judges, saying: "Re-
member the baker 1' Then lie ',toe
again and retiree. Here ie the
explanation of the custom: Three
centuries ago a. baker wan . xe
outed at Venice torr a crime of
which he wai net guilty. When hit
Innocence wag fully peeved the
.1,1( I14 who condemned him Invested
MIM of motley, the interest on
which serves to keep a lamp per-
petually lighted in the palace of
doses, this being the "lamp of ex-
piatlon," In addition. their fatal
mintake has for 800 years been
hell up as a warning to their Ruc-
RemorN on the bench when they
are alxAit to inflict the extreme
pelgalty of the law.
atelia the Cosier
sad Werke Ola the Cold.
Lassoes Some Quiets* Tablets mnacold
1■ nee day. Ne erre. No pay. cries Tb tenet
A 10 cent packet of
FIy Pads
has actually
Killed a Bushel
Of Flies
Ind stag toe Liberty d{tstue,
Th M talk of erecting at tie'
wit rupee dydriry 'weber 1e n
,Dnnmentn1 tribute to the triumph
of federation its ('•1o,.enI atilt tie 0/
"Aartrnita Farina the Dawn,' n sort
of rival 1e' "Lllwerte Enlightening the
World," nn the Mond In New York
flay, funds, bon -ever, hive net been
forthcoming, and mew It\ly reported
tial Dar or 1 h prin. IpnI-'ndvonatr.
of lin project Ions written to Lord
nowhere, suggesting that a e0ntrl-
Mitton from (h♦ 1.11,000,00() left hy
COO Rhode* to "pr ninto the Ibn-
,11111d111on of the F.ngllah-sponklfg
pi')plle" might br Mgltt*ately Mho
meted to ode peeposa
lb's Natural Flavor Foods
=sa g+e sis t*atte`t.Qhan..8 pe'.. p1nt•1
1I.0e••tw pa men?, peg .....
"Olt leer Tan .111 w•irar NWT Ib t ..41
..1 .raRv�• Senn wire en' ry tbp,,
Unique Advertisements of au Usderw
r taker Its the Ilarbadots.
The foll„wlug unique udtertl5emeut
r4weatly apOsered ht the volumes/ ut
the Barbadoer Bulletin
A. E. u0ODILID01:,
Meet American 111'ar'res-
-1 Cau't De Beal,
TIte-'311ert Carriages-Edo)Carriages-Edo)Fast
. 1•. - Horror.
Polite S'to aMe,
Dort of All -Priere to Suit All ('Iaw.w.
The Daly 1:r111bll'hment In the inland
Whit a Corpse Preserver.
Tho Corpse can bo kept In ml♦rfe't
order fur any time. A moron in 1}1g -
laud. Amerku, or the lyes( Lld10 can
retire' here and review the curlew
of their beloved deported, 1(r, on the
other hand, the body Call by Otos ma -
(blue bo rarrl,1 11( either of the Mee e
mentioned 1.130011 1(.r fulermeul, if re-
quire(I. Tunny have been 'kept In
this machine for upward of Otte
My Motto -I am Determined to
I bottled a bora& with a supposed-
ly incurable ringbone for S:10, cured
him with 41 worth of MINARUIH
LINIMENT, and sold him in four
montbr'for $85. Profit on Liniment,
Hotel Keeper.
at. Phillip's, Que., Nov. 1st, 1801.
Naturally do.
"What do you think of my wood
nymphs?" asked the artist of the
connoisseur. -
-Splendid! Any one would think
they were really made of wood
Take Laxative Brume Quintus Tablet& All
dragglste rebind the money it It Mlle to ern.
E. W. Omer. slgustire bon each box. 2511.
A N'amlller Item.
Ile (resoling the paper) -There t
t (rC R h la►per) Ther t
is at last ! I've been looking for that
statement for a long time. ,
She -What is It ? -
Me -It says oust the Chinese used
tor vehicles several bundr.d years
we the Chri.tlan Eri.-The Auto -
le Magazine.
soft or calloused Lampe and Mem-
s bore.., BIn,al 1 Spat i1(, cures.
tor Bu*r, Sweeny, St1U.•,Spralae,
So red eaten Throat, Coughs. rte. Savo
1150 b 1(•e . f tour book. 51'arrant••st Use
most nd sial Blowfish Cure ever known.
Sold by a druggists.
Could& Last Meek Longer.
"Bow long ' a the minister .been
prnnohing ?" w irpiel the stranger
wbn had *laud ed Into the church
and sat clown ew. back.
"About thirty y -, S 1 believe." re -
pilot the other oocu • nt of the pew,
'That being the oa " rejt>fn.d the
estranger, "1gutty* 1'11 y. He wust
be nevlrly done." -Ch o .: ' News.
Minard's Liniment Curer 'olds, etc
Chances. ,
Patiouoe--t girl takes
chances on her first pro
of mntoda ge.
pat rice -1)0,71m mean If she a
eepto or dlrtiu(', It?
Pat tenee-Ettbee way. - Yonkers'
New York Centra} end Hudson River
The above Dame le a household
word *Dd the euperlor excellence of
the road should be eufflotent to at-
tract moot people. but now that the
rate 1e the ensue to New York and
pointe east as by other lines no
further recommendation 'Mould be
sought- Everybody will- tell you It
1s the bort.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The render. of t hie pnprr will Ile{ leaned 10
learn that 'berets lent nnedrwnd.d 1111.1).'
tont wiener• has Imrn nide to ran In nil Its
Magee and that Is 4'etarrh. {fall's Int.rrh
Cure Is the only positive cum now known to
the medlrsl fraternity. catarrh. being n con-
stitutional dleeaer, requires n con etitttlnnal
treatment. Hn11's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
ternally, nrtlng directly aero the hl 1 and
mnrn0• surfs oa ret (he system, thereby des-
troying the foundation ret the dlmn1., and
giving the patient atrrngth by building up
the eons tt to lion and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietor. have.., mush faith
hilts mostly* powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollar for any rasa that It. falls to
more. Pend for 11■t of t.atlmnnl,b.
Address F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by druggists 784,
!fall's Family fills are the beet.
A new llnrdwood floor. before It le
varnl1hrd, enn be eflectivcly decor-
ated with colored, transparent stain,
which will glee. the appearnnre of
Dutch marquetry, OR the Otain,wheo
varnished and waxed, tare on a
Mellow tinge that le most harmonb
nue. A barrier, for Inntonce. Im-
provers a yellow pine floor Immense-
ly, and mak*, It took like an ex -
trotter parquet, while 1t In eo sim-
ple thst anyone teen make 11. The
fleet thing to do is tv drnve n line
nbrnt n font and n half from the
-1CAIle-t LLALitafid.--the room, tlati &An
1•n,l' be done, either hy onafrping
n cllntktll earpenter'o string, or lay-
ing n .tr.lght lath between two
*tutor pottrtw and drawing tine Ono
with pointe chalk --white, not black.
RN the latter leave, a grunt. This Ian.'
whin painted "Mould bo about a half
Inch wide, anti ,honbd be repeated
I next to the nirfn('e against the wall -
I The border elwodd he a 'ample, con-
ventional design, .tencllled, hut If
stents naw not to he had the pro-
mltlemt ehapfo In the dr.lgn can be
'cut out of brown paper and out-
lined with a pencil. repeating them
nt regntar Interviste,. the Intervpn-
Ing epee* being filled nut after -
weal. Any ordinary tren.perent
point. mlzed with turpentine, makes
1( good ,lain. If carr U taken not to
, get the coloring too dark. it Is n
grad plan to have some matt! to fol -
how. The colored hinter on an Eng -
Bah porcelain plate proved a good
motfel In one Onetime*, and the nrna-
rePnt*tlnn on a Dnteh enhinet was
I equally effective In another. A
pretty effect nn a hardwood floor
wan pretence, by the nye of restore'
stnlne nail a pyrographie penell.
The ornsm.uthttnn wan on nn oth-
erwise plain floor, and enn.l,tiel of
femnlatlsl rugs lard before. the fire-
place and farolt.r., tho Anent Mut-
AningWens pwr-tieularly suited ie.,such
and child, run down -there ars
hundreds -lucky if you are not one.
And what do you think they wntl
They want rest and a chadge,
and can't get either. Pity to speak
of it!
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil
Is almost rest in Itself 1
.awe see rasa •••.N ••• he .r.
.0007 • •owntJ oo; "alk • . 1ilegq, alraaelsveert
x•c .a
Tub/own tis a thing of mystery.
Some of Ite feuturee and peculiur-
itie* are beytarl oho ken of mortal
Mau. 13.0 doubt it gentleman of pro-
found erudition and uuandwernble
turn' might IltJ to ,•►t. Jofsil'e Parish,
Lemb onu, anti after vont enitonal
reruliuy prepare et Raper proving
conclusively that perique tnb14C )
01111 be produced just as well in
Rapidest t,r. in Terrebonne as there.
No doubt a legit)), scientific analy-
ets of the soli neer Tampico, Mex-
ico, wouId show that Iii all chemi-
cal respects it 10 identical with
that of the Vueltas Abajo, In Pinar
dol }tin Province, lube. But ran
slily true ranker be converted to
either of these belief.? It Is easy
enough perhap., to prove a thing
ext caper with formulae, etc.; the
quer lua 1■ one of proving It to
the satlrfactlon of the consumer.
Throe 1a a eery great difference.
A whole library of eatiulatiuns anti
NAM U►ttes goes for nuthlog whoa
the untutored eueoker taker the
weed 11( his teeth noel suuket1 It
to the vulgar test of use.
The yaw Bou, then, dtgeoerntee
Into one of, though .Inabt-
tear uninformed. taste. There are
aamelees and Inelercrlbablo factors
In the equation. There are myster-
ies am astounding its the mimeo)-
ysteryof Ilfe Itself.
The most constant and faithful de -
toter of teblc:'o cannot tet,' whether
or not his cigar le burning If you
blindfold him or put him in it pitch-
dark room. Ile way resort to un-
lawful means. Ile way Mien Ids fin-
gers at the Il4111(411 end or he may
'elude the smut:. But, In defeult of
04111 or the other of theme expedients
he has int the faintest Idea whether
he is smoking or not smuklug. Take
off the bandage or light the room eo
thnt he can see awl In a mooed he
becomes the expert and can discrim-
inate between the genuine 1'uelta
Almjo article and the !reed right
produced 1n tiny other part of the
world. No one hnn ever yet .tpinlned
it. The fact rr•Inalu.,
(cimllatiy, mJ one can given scien-
tific reason why cigars fully equal
to these made lit Pinar Del Rio can-
not Ile produced in Mexico, with the
same seed, the same handlers anti
makers and with roll chemically Iden-
tical. Similarly. 1(o one lois yet been
able to expound the impossibility alt
ranting the real perkiest tobeiceo of
Lonsiana outride of a certain very
limited locality. Tutee problem' do
teat yield to rele1lee. NO fur n' tin
11110ker Ir eoncerned The mysteries
we have mentioned still stare *Ocoee
to the face.-Washingloo Post,
ISSUE NO. 34. 1902.
Residential University
Yaldable Bursaries add Scholarships
• Open to all 141'111F.NT1 1'.
Mai. • nota et ft. when you an Teat lag
beets to Any -The 1). a I. " Menthol Plaster
It is gear.utevd to enrr the worst riser 1,1
backache, headache, stitches. Avoid ever).
[Mug sail to be Judi no gine. 14.1 Ills `tall-
er trade by Davie & Lawrence i,1 , Ltd.
rhelr'\Meckarlua la tearful end
It Is etaale.l that an Englidi
erhe,olmTNtpr ham Just complete!
nu e.ha11w1. r r,'su'1trell into •J1e
sabje't e,( n )y'r capacity for food,
N„imming op 11 COOP. he Ir frank to
wtlmlt tint. wh t he found a stlper-
abutdalce of ('a : city, there ' was
actually- little or o Ilmil.
I'Prhnpi, After oil cake, both
fruit and plain, the lost 1 favor,
according to 1110 ech;olmnrtcr, Ir
londensld milk. Then, after Min
Orme 1•hocolales of a 41escrip-
"ft may bee thought I a. extl1-
geratlnpc,"' rase he, "whet) nay
that i linen seen a boy ag • 111
years. eat In a single aftern e'1
enough fond ,to satisfy an alit t
party of twelve . persons. i hay
myln'lf known a little, frail boy to
eat a portion?,of a rich cake, a lhlr41
of n onrl)Olt ld Mill 0f cooden'sel
milk, four minces of Mize' chomp -
114 See,
hotdrhates, a handful (-4 assorted sweet(,
two ornitge's, one apple, four gin-
gerbread cakes', a deign Brasil nuts
end two large plecesOef peppermint
ca tidy. '
"Did it make him ill ? Did he lit
down and green and awalt the
coming of the uu•:Ilc+ll (111111with lige
Mumneh pump 7 Not IIP ; he just
had one or two faint Nymploms of
unrleRinelA, which tie quiekly die -
pellet by a few well -drawn gape.,
much after the manner of a xleepy
baby. Then he walked about for a
time and presently kocept d an in-
vitation to join in a game of ball."
The echoolmnster's observations
hove lei to the very natural do -
duction that a b)y'm condition is 111
many ways different forms that
0f a trained! etrollg man- The lat-
ter could not oat the things that
a h(ry ('0uM, because. his times, In
Mainly muwcular, while the boy's i..,
In n(Idttton to being mnmrular, or-
gnrJc. The malt May have a Wog -
Rion liver and pull he a at ems;
man. Init the bury who rune an.l
j.1mPM 111141 tu0n. at'mersaalts and
ebtgpto n ughs anwlata 1Nid.
turilo andd s.lahout.. hasn'tdta mingle
blemish. -
To Twee vo yon that Te'
t 4*.e'e Olnlmenr lean,/.,
and atsnlnte ruse for e.oh
and over. form 0( Itrh1.0.
bleed Instand pritrnd Ina pile.,
the manne et00em have gamma It Mn ter
Ilnonisl. In the dally erre tad ask 7044.4,1011
bon whet tb•y think or r Yee an melt and
gM)joar money hank If not oared. trnnit box, ea
W d.a1•n or Ear .11100)4. n • TER & (' i., Toroobe
Or: Chase's Ointment
rNtrl tl„u• tot
For all Inlormntlos addF.•-
T. C. N'1'Mt:OM MACa:LIN, Y A , 1 1. n.
Buy's and young 111e11w-,.
the right wort of 11 uir0114,,
wanted in every leasinee5 :Ho
An elertatiou that will thy,
fit them to to he obtained
this reel tented shot, en I.
is course to M 111111(1 Teethe',
*Implements COI leglale 11 11 1
lm4'inete ■tudles. Fur a 1'1I
ender address -
A. L. M'I'RIII(ION, M. 1.
I'rin:'lp 11
Woodstock College,
4;1,.11 fa11 004.444' 110
Mall le
Apiculture, 114101,.
Moot Reine4 fru&
Fermate, H.ue'Mld
Science. Practical e,e1.
pectins, TIM Stoke.
Meier rail Senior
NlalrIcvlatt., Eta.
IA fits h.r 7511 fool 1-4
dtLLtVILLt, oNT.
1502 students enrolled
'set year -1111 young
ladles and 1)43 young
men. Two watrr•uia-
Con Nrbolafsblye re:.
me 11G0aad$130 one
at departmental era-
ame, 1401.
New Ylpe-organ.0 '
mystic Science Rooms mid Art trailer) rwy.44
I7 added. Superior facilities in Inux1Mpla1,
Teiegraty,b.lidienol aray.
mad lighted throughout by thrill, ltd.
Will open Sept. 9, 1901.
Per Illustrated eirealar address
rlll]t'IrA I. DYER. 11 B.
or your 01 her bright
m.tsia with an) -
thing but
the new rhemlrnlly preand wolf poll.
cloth. Nothing to the l,,,t /he .•14.10
Rolled l,,nd•, .,ale. time 411o1 Ichor, . ,
ou the wll,er. frier la .•rntn ret dru..:
notion .Irnl,r,,. Ity 11 irons
MON A RCN MATO. Ott, at. Catharines, ant
Write for Ir. -e as 1(u ple..
Diamond Ring is the lent
value in an Engagement
Ring ever offered. Do
monde are personally
selected by us from
Amsterdam cotters, and
are perfect gems. You will
find this ring illustrated in
our estabogut, copy n(
which will bce &tot you
1114. YONGE 5'•lawsr••
156••''0'se7mt111rND S' W(41
uv uv 11444 :,' :1111.1 "
s. ,,.n•...11n• 7,ab1 M.A. anneal!
Rion.., OMrnw:ts-I .n se. from
tf,t'ease rY w5atI.Mee tear ne11st*.
7n...1.11n ss ►Area N,ss Is(1
t.•.ml .IN' w,r►•.,.a• IWM, hl .
D, Nall, '011.', II yr, C••••.D•e li,
et, sye massa rm.rhe', verse, is.. t. a
Onset In the Nlogara P.ninaal4 it
Wintry le oliva from Hamilton on two rail-
way,. Macrae In UU1 M nt which b In truth
V1III be sold le owe woe! to
A81.1,4 tato We of 15 to 441 aerie 14 111Tt 004
Masers. n11■ 1• a decided hergslnddress.
Josaun Carpenter, 1'. O. box 44* Winona
The quality ■tnndnnl from (lentos a
I leenn.fano von,,., bark II not .ntYMitnry.
n(brt a ',AFLAME,
Agents_ Mont
191 King at. Kant, Han.IltoN,(►nt.
Wbelow'i tett ns lTia9b f.a)4 to telt tea., 00*',m, baking powders, .eIse',
stem be tied fes C In ertrllrtesatt.,to rofRemera. Yon enn mal•
soMhw 9IINr Mtftwie tle■� eek en woad money. ftolatn wanted. Fxeeu.n4 territory
ride sadthe boa feae'h 549 Dlarrbs,a. (resat Row.
Always Inalat on
your dealer aup-
plyinf you with
They ere mamefnetnred freed the REM' of Id TERIA1.Fl by the
Kt1RT RKIi,i.Ei) w'o,'k ieteS.