The Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 7LIGHTNING, WIND, RAIN DO ENORMOUS DAMAGE. Storms Extend Over t urope and America. T.runto, July 28. -Toronto wag age lis Prtinulel at $50,1100. Other the emmeoof a revere eleetr:cul *storm lata Saturday u(teruuun, during e hioh limo u green moodily of eater fell. The elec(rloal flusher vitro ,utuerour, awl the atmosphere „armed in u peculiarly fatoruWu tou- .iitk)u for' the truneugaisiuo of the .ti molests element. Ilil(11 Park. where tlsuurun'L. of pb- Ikeke`rr ware taaklag merry on Sat - 'Jetty ufltrotme, woe the sucuu of It ,fieereselUl fatality. Sirs. Cntilly. wife ,4 Juhu trinity. a foreman at the put, war killed by Ilpilaning, her roughens' anal a young lad were tn- eurel, and ouudder1Lle damage was u..ie to the hours:. The electric storm ta„emiaulet Wu rale anJ drove al. the -w rry Milken, to ►helier. lir. uul )urs, treolly, thole family ton u few Irletldr had been ora its the pa•,rk, and %%heti the rule Dame (WWII they her- -rivet ioto Ulu bowie. which lr sit urinal tat tilt. hetet of llou0tead anomie. Just „cries the ravine. Tito house it a fury from. structure. About 5 uclock the lightning struck the •uutuncy, eltatt(xlst„p it an t ore k.og the rate. The current passel down the chimney, near tho bottom of which yore, 1roiliy and a (dont, Mrs. For- rester, %ere ruate L on a rota, 111 Irvurt of the wum•ta, Tying 1.0 the II'0rr. saes a dog. whine Mr. Crcltly :.Irl u y ,ut►g lad werO etatuding near lite eseweay. TIio lghtulug struck �Irs, lreilly, killed the duff and kalekal down Mr. Crcltly mei the oyoung lad. 1Blie current then Wreck the uppolet0 Nv111, tearing the wart p. p, r tont wreck.ng the woo:Nork. $rraego to say. Mre. Forrester es 1. diho Lout over Mrs. Cie I:y, eel' 1 preset:or* of mate'. hurriedly pro- cured a rtlmulnnt. Mrs. Crcltly was, hoeercr, beyond all earthly ai•t. Freak of the Llgktuing. trrullar freak of the lightning ti 1'011 111 In the death of 11 telt:cep . wiled by the Harris Abattoir Cone - piny. The animals' were in a bunch under n► tree on the Independent read. The bolt came down the tree end the sheep died no sa(141.n1, that their peaceful positions war not n them h , sol. to saw h n l y 1 'isUirt A Y g under the tree, " after the storm, Ise thought they. were sleeping. An nnretigatlun showed that each wets a • rod. llaaty•wires were burned 0.41 in the teleph.mee, aMI in a great many IKlil.lhtgn the puree of light wee l)leaaler to Iletrull. I,. rrnlr, JULY 27.-.ta a roanit of o rifle wlndolorm early to -tiny the 1.r..an bolat, need to lift awl carr} •ea%.% plater nllpd to 'ship building. Me '.n the clock of the Mirhtgian ree- 1 &:.t ear ferry Transport, at the tl tan.k,ltn shipyard, as total wreck, e hale the sipper works of the ear to rr,, are for the moat miry rmesh- "I to kindling wo1m1. The brown h .t.' in nn hnmPnN. piece tf ma- , holiery, which runs on n track 40 t'•.•1 high and ntwoit 5110 feet long. .1.r.1 before the Morin broke olid the beta was irately anchored about 400 . Ione. up the truck with twit clluiae. The lllehlgan Central ear ferry 1rnn'p-'rt lay at the dock directly in front of the brown inlet lrnrk. When the /form broke the rhaln reapeett, The Immense hetet roan In oh • end of the track anal jnmp.ed /,Met to the car ferry. The dam - towns within fifty nines of Detroit revert oonoWern ee damage to pro- perty, hut uo (Ives lost. ICwglaud Swept by Storm. Loudou, July 27. -Tho gale which prevnlliel In l;uglned Saturday oause•.1 great de«etruutlon to trope throughout the Plated Kingdom. 1u- oomhyg steamers report terrifle. weather `on the Atlantic. The rough wev►lher contluuel ruuud the Brit- ish awa.to Ba1urday evening, and 11140 been general throughout Eur - opo. A cyclone occurred in the Lage dirtriet, at Belgium. 1ratur- deo. Navigation on tIto liege noel Maeatrleht Putout our stoppc,l by fallen trees, sine the greater por- tion of the crops were dorlroytel or hopoleenly derange'. Enormous damage was done In the town of Lltge. Shiny 'louses 1"nrooled. Oxford, Mich., July,,!7,-The %%oral storm ever kuowu In the hlwtory of Oxford 'wept over a strip of country reaching from Thomas to Reel,eete e, a diet/maw -ad- Lie--it:ilw/r tiler ulteriio on, beginning ut 1 o'clock toed :acting "S minutes. Ln thio village se.eral homier wore u1. roofed. The corn crop is levelled, while wheat 41101 oats aro lying in t touglol mass. Orchards aro rtrip- pel ,of their fruit and (h, lues, 4 It Lannert' wi11 umouut 'to thou - winds ,1f Ilolturr. Floods 111 Tema.. !hallow, Texiar, July 24,. -The fkuoJ situation In Texan 11:1" nut Improv - e1 any to -day, and in ea,m.+ (he- treel .5 hos Mee lame orore MI*riunr. 111 the western part of the 9L,tte, (Nlr- tieularly, tlmio rain continuer to fall, 1111.1 there is little prospect of au early resumption of rallruod leaf fie. N- ('loudhu,at rt lI r■ Ilrvllte. o t }:Intra, N. Y., Jule 26. --At 7 o'el' ck lo -eight H+,rnrlh;c1111 and Cunesteo, N. Y., were visite' by a oloudburot. which flooded the uualry fol' miles, w 110he1 nut the Erie Railroad tracks for mdse, diel wrought untold dam - 1 1,e• n s. All trail* on lb s hale road fro m o elevill '. l Ile N-!Nt are Mulles' at llall . l but \rest -hound trains. urn strut 4(21 Conies ever the Rrwtieater 1th•1.Iou of the Erle 111 Buffalo. The fall of rale dna a rear hk • the Cataract at Nelms . TIt'' 1•:rh• Reit 1 ex- pecte to hue Ito trucks rentnrcd to- morr. ow. ('ropy KM IV,,ebetock, .Jul. IIIPN on the 's event have lnffrrel mer Marin wldch parsed 1 ion on Fr I I41y. Step* are hoeing taken to po'enrnseel grate from the Agrl- rallurn1 COI 1•W•11 for tlo'm 0.1 several of the f tem* there twnrcely n tlotlg Wtto (tool st•sk w 11 n w lett rr. Jame" Hnylow•, wh"Ne fnrm I* near 0:1,•I, erns n!le of tole greatest ref - fermi, 1te sooty a there eerie still hail e(oae0 043 1140 ground oe his farm B►turlay morning. After the 0t.n•m they lay arauawt Ids h urn to n depth of eight to ten Incline, and he had to atovel away n path to y'e't ter his door. Seine Womlottork people plre ev'.-re ant 1Ii're, noel cnrrled hailstones they picked up 1140k to the city 1:1 diel, IanndkerohIufs. Mr. Hnyinw eet.ye that eh nit 1,000 acre of rem. were ,feewtrb;ed. ely Destroyed. 27. -.Several tam line, East Otfsrel, el, from the 'o'er that sec- INBEMAN SNOT BVSTRIERS. ly Outbreak at Kos, ,o„ ROCK MINERS WOULD WORK PHII ole be Allowed to Ile Leo. riot an at Duluth Mhools a Stone- ,rower, Seriously Injur- ltim Illni Four Smell Stowaways Found on L vie 'four Days out. roll*s%111e, 1's►. July 28.-Dan1141 Ion Norman, foittu at the Kldfuonr •ollierv, Shanalwlw►I was 0hot to - olio, near his home, ey a crowd of virile re. Him face ant •oul'lere are torts with buckshot, but It thought he hill recover. Alb rl Lenderman was oha eked, and 1uor othter nun-tr eel 1. badly beaten. . Want to tie to Work. tt •Ikenbarre, 1'.s., J ly _8 -IL 1.4 um- ..'te'e( that the Ruck miners will - litmteei ttereett.aelkr•ro rytt-f - \i o Worker; Union for par ierlon le, turn to work. It In sell that the e 1oJ eat n( t it c els of 1.1 - thr Itr { n1 fret the ,mh re woe' not of 1 u 11?u et100.. 'rho nhn6uneement by the ,rfrl(l,%1N of Oxford cOillery that they will re- / erne e-/eme (gs'rnt rips •Auen 4t an 1 14 b tug ''.Ie 1140011 Imre, ' it an yet tie re 111 Ion vvtdenne that the operators w1.1 t .k • e niilar na ke% The npin.on pre- ••d' tliroughtmt than region Ileal 111' 4' will A% no attempt to break the 01 rata biofore September 1. Shoe a Stour- 1'hr er, l' Ihith, Mlnn., Jolly - lain" 'r:h %Inv 1 master n Abbott. r f the to ixr "f the Iona! breech of the Grant Lakes Towing rornpaay, Tart eight- '1104 theme W.Ineo,l, regime'', - of th" t112 Reber at Weot Snperter. Two 'hots were fired awl Wiena in "'Paint to d:e. Captain Taylor, who in Mader arrest, Days WIken ani others were engaged In throw- ing elnns'o At his boat, oriel thnt he warned them not rrprat it, tut they ,}pd rot heerl him warning. Veto Smell nloweweys, New York, July eA -0.► hoard the White Star I.t1,1 "reamer froth:. whk•h Arrival Met night from i, v• tamest, ser" f,oir enroll troy eine-- their ag,a es motile from U Id 1J years. The berm stole on hoard the vteatnr'r at L'vrrpnol, ',n- ewel a cover of eae of the Itfe 'onto., era It 'Indrr-heel the rover tin the fourth day out they were red gel by thlret to show themwJvo o t breaker of water won In the boat hal they did not knew It. They tool I be taken to Ellie lwla101 and Rent lutek to Liverpool on 111e C'evitee re- turn voyage. MILLIONS WEDS MILLIONS. The Co'tiPr Van Alen Weeding on Saturday. npplkpled out() the ekIrt. Tho wolet WON mode Ilti(h at lb, meek, nu'1 oho 01ee%er puffed at the elb,w, nee.rrt- tng to the prevultlug faehi.'u, The hat was of white chlff el end lace, with white ostrich plumes. Her oil;; J two le Con'letel of it o filar of pearls, with bora of dluutrods, and a brow,' of dhm•wThe bridal bouquet was td J.061.4 lm and white orchids, to 40141.41 Witaattaachel u cluster of blue Werth.. The 'emelt! masa was a lebrate.l hy Bishop Byrne, ILNebileI by Woe. 1'Idlll► (moon and Madam' Meekly, 1.f St. Mary's parbeh, Rev, William Meehan b ol.'g seam' In the ennctu:ar;;. 'rho m:u0 way p1'40 diol b; a bele( addro=s b, B10hop Byrne Its it tone nWllbte only to those) lu the chancel. NIXON POSEO as ounaw �flAcr To Win the Confidence of an Actress. BRIDAL- GIFT OF HALF A MILLION. Newport, R. 1., .laly ::n. -Newport society found plenty of lopies for future clots over the teacups in (bo wedding to -day of Miss lurch Stewart Vain Alen to Mr. Robert J. Coilier. Mr. n,sI dlr,1 Ciller drove over from berrognrM':t Fier In their victor's', only arriving In time to be prrsr:t at the nuptial mons, whish wile celebrate! at St. Mary's Church. Anel then even more noticeable woe tho absence. of Mr. James J. Van Alen, the brl-le's, father, nn•l her grandmother, Mr*. William As- tor, from the ceerh.•althriugh they 60th were i,rrsnnt 'at tin prevkwee welding ceremony, and Mr. Vnn Alen 11:01 dutifully . ercortal hie einughler to the altar arel given tor away. Thin failure of Mr. Van n an I Mrs. Astor to attend the rT ceremony s gr r .' 1 - v I to their (1iNn ,Ivo n , nl mark der xe 1 of of thio r 1 'Ono n.rriaR r 1 n th. m tore -lees t•hnttge v+f reitgletr.--Sheeseee- brace1 dile Aomnn Catholic faith eP%oral Weelloor ego -nn.1 ,Yesterday morning. In company with her 114(0- 14,, 11(1 theft to or, rrecelv(l hely anm- minion at Ht. Mnry'e, A 11a1f J14IItn Wedding tall. Nutwralle the p nem dlr0(•tly la- tereetel teem' I roe Mecum therm m l l lrrm to -day, 11-4 ever Mr. Vnn Alen 0517 feel Irl roger' es loin dnngll- ter's %voiding to -day, It is moth 1 1111 1. htie gave hl0 commit to n mntrlr wide 1 1 he fro: m 11 nnn(unr •rot of the Pagagem•nt wens made June Inst, It IN n k:w,w•n that opting t he weskit ►lt proie'n, w -creel' el by the linen Warr one from her father of marl;; half n m'lllon .E,Ilarn. kir >A�i.d,.or's gift nomen.np'•rh diamond 11roo ole. MIs. Mev Van Alen env.. her Aster a ehrert of table stover, and (fol. and Mrs. Jelin Jneob AOtor rind 1t1r0, Orme Wn.o.l were a,l.o repre- sented, their gifts conelo11ng •.( li to t- rome pl me of silver platy, Mr. f'oillee'n gttt to the bride was o t inns of (Item sodO. The Ir.l'IW's gown wnr "Immo and elegant. it ons entirely of whirr hist point Mee, made over Ivory white watt:', wttk n Remit train. Reechoeae meedallknks of Meet were NEARLY COST HIS LIFE. Pollee I)cvended o1. 1111n and l'Iub- -br*H+nr Ince leserm1:softy-A Zoo Panther 1?rcaprs Into n Park, Terri() Ing Children -A Hlg Hunt on Saw. Seattle. Wash., July 28.-Wt(Ih1m Nixon trip! to win a womun's con- fidence In the guise of. outlaw Tracey, and is nestle) dead as a :moult oL his act. Ile told an actress in a mune hall that he woe. none other than the deeper/141o, and threltenol her life if eche lol'L pater, when he re-cnterel rho theatre he wnr attacked by police- men and the proprietor, 'Joe Wil -.1 Iiumt4, a brother of Deputy Sheriff , Jack William., who woe wuundeol ! In b1. Bothell, dile with Tracey n t I ath , d1M . .duly ars'.. Nixon was pounded 1 int0 inNennlbllily mud lull not fully re- galnel lam faculties yet. 'Che take was was dioeuvered when tin man's, features were cohtparod with it photograph at police headquarters'. 11 is almost a miracle that the and . est Bret t u 111 not 1 t ,1 •rl un 1 e 1 w k u ¢� Inne,•lt atPIlft1' le'.INIi) 11,1 11 ' \yl', tokl p.ueithely that the mill wan Tracey noel a reward of nearly THE CASHIER WAS PLUCLYI Faced Robber, Club Against Pistol, AND SCARED HIM AWAY. Crowd 4 hares Ikaper(vdoand Arrests 111,1., After Weaadlsg Illus, amid lather LI las to JaIMfor Safe keep- ing - 1 he Cashier's Story. 1'ur1%ille, Ind., July 26,. -One Ione bandit urmed with a revolver tee a deeporate attempt Co rob the F'ortvlllo bank of *2,700 yea/tent/1y, but becalms the tlr0let:t:,t cashier prove equal to the emergency the thief las now locket to jail .et Green - LAW, the county seat, whither ho war taken to (avert the tefigoauee of a mob. The mane/ arreot war made af- ter he had fired one bullet at .tr- elrtant Cashier ' Prettepo, fled to it uparewrly grown grove half a mile from town and fired iso'eral shots at the peeve that had pursued awl ,urrouudel him. In the fight in the woo, le the fugltiv'e WON disabled with a churgo of shot firr.l by a member of the posse before the arrest Was made. Rubber First Asks for Change. Thu robber entered the front door of the bank at noon, while ell the employees except Prettlpo wereout at Iueclreoh. Advancing to the cash- ier's wliuk►w, tho stranger uskol Yrettlpo If he ooul'1 change as :tie - cent piece. Prettipo turno.l to gel tho (4(141 Ilge. and alien ho ag'tin faced the visitor the robber war holding at arma length *straight 'wrote* the oouuter a big revolver. For an instant the cashier was 'otartled, but before he cuull ray n word, the robber demanded, with S 5(0. , au tweth • "Give me1; , Pretllpo SyriansSyriansfur r Club. Prrtlip s, who lo, u Wan of small stature, refused to comply with the denoted. At the name moment hr dodged behind the counter, and enateh.d 0p 11 nark that w,I) at be hand. The robber final a b diet aerosol the counter. which Boneruck of the bore of the little gate alt tho window, glaDeal off and burled 111.11 .W.M1 110 hail Iuw,u employed at I is that naivete. Hall 1.. soldiering from n more of shot woulwla, the moot serious of which hoover bis right eye. Ills breast and le gm were also js+piserel islet ldtrt. None of tho woutslr will fatal.. RAT DEFIED THE LYD$TIi. London, .duly 27. -In opal.. of the secrecy maintained au to the Iat.est exp•'rhnnntr with the old target ship Mello Isle, It develops th:ot the re• Kelt wets n decided triumph for' the coining lower, which, though cover- ei with old com(onnd armor, with - Mood the .11(11ck of 0.3 bosh 511 104. Al rut, whleh wart lluprisonoa fry the tower, In order to n0lt+rtain the r: - sult of lyddlto fum.e 1111,1 eoneud- shout. was found to bo uninjured. The d,Ndruetive rffeet of 'plaits wart thrown by two torpedo mote rolled up o1. thot 0(4.41 of the vemsel. These maw were utterly ruined by a few shote. LI RAPID TRANSIT ROUTE." Unidentified Man, Ends His Life in New York Hotel. LEFT POISON TO SUICIDE CLUB - New York, July 26-Bequealh'•att tow one-puunl nun of ay/theta Of pot- a0n:uut lfom which he had taken a p arttol*- -TO -'The St/tette t'tufr of 0reater New Yolk,' tun unidentified loan ended Ids life in tho Hotel Mont- gomery, No. U0 Muutgom"ry street Joren,y City, some time yesterday morning. He a g•steret &shortly af- ter midnight as "J. W. Wa lace, Buf- fa1n, N. Y." .1f0 star well dreeos' l in ILark clotlsing, de til✓ 541411%40 mud ,tightly 11411- __ When the, thatubermafd was noel'''. to 41104404+ him the -(oar tsar forted The 111110 war lying thud, cowpltt'ey drrtusd. On n table were two let- ters, Ole athlrorsel to the laud'o: d neat lh'• other to the coroul'r. The firm letter rend an renown: July 25, 4002. "Mr. Landlord, -I howl you will forgive me for, the trouble 1 )make you, also for the Ills•rtlrr I tele "*•1111 ,your house. I picked It out because It looked the most suitable c Pinase give the other letter to the coroner, oleo the harsh Ratrhel, and oblate, "(Il:known ' The second letter wag an follows: "Mr. ('oroner : My Dear -I am giv- ing you a greet deal of trouble, but 1 hop-, you will (orgte Litt oxpenee I am entailing you awl y r city, but ,• r eto r la+ He of I tun fi t rmin I end 1 r o e ore« 1 'a 111 afro rot with n 111 r b 110. li R hop e« MACHRAY, Pr;mite of Cen1dn, Who la Now I.yIng Very III in London, Enslmnd. COL. T. B. CVANS, C.B., Commander of the Lied Canndinn Mounted Rifles, Who Have Just Returned From Africa.. a7,000 tor rfftaM for the d"opera h,, (dead or oligo. A ('anther Hunt in hew fork. New York, July 28, -After gnawing 10.0 way out of .41 woolen box' In the Zoological garden+ in Bronx bask, a young panther, just nrrlvrxL, from Mexico, walked up to a picnic party of women and chlldrou, and isogon - !oohed hy their table, jumped over their lielels Into a tree, and has memo led keeper, and other hunters a weary Oman through the Bronx Park• juilglo. The panther is a fine specimen, elghhcen Inches high at the nhoulrlern, five feet long and forty-five (.tunas weight. He tuns 'hfppnet from Mexico 111 n box with slate, from which ho escaped, owing to the laxness of a keeper. tee keepers, with phot gone and nets, starlet out to capture him, with direetlotss to Rhone Wm only If 1t ap- peared "reemrnry. Sight ',cern rnpld- ly mode, their way from the Park, but icily n fleeting gllmptm of the •uo1mtl Wit/1 01411 ant, allthongh the hunt was kept up until night. KAISER AND POLI: Will Etialt P1 aria Ill the Mien of Hte Troop.'. ITerlin, .Tuly 27, -An appeal of P0- 1!eh nghlrtnen to Emperor 1VIlllam. asking him to postpsonr. him %heli to , qtr view 'strong feeling aroused by ION antl- u has le- ttere/m.4 r Perish n n•nclt at nrh vh 1 1 t R. t ilia Mae/ate in the opposite direction. The Ponen eorrespeelent of several Berlin paper.5 my that the Emperor lune refnne.l to confirm thn programme of feeteiltloe ar- ranges! r-rung s! In non honor. Ifo Ilan expressed hie desire to enter Poston at the head of 111. (rnopwe, (1),000 of whnnt will attend the autumn mannnPn%rer. it le 1de intention In show tho po- piilntlon that he to molter. An en- nrmotin detective and pollee force will he prevent nn the occeanlon of him vlolt. The regnlatiron feeble the opening of wlnebwp and the prrwenee of sight -neer', oh 1ml/emirs. 'fete workmen now on ntrlke threaten to make .detnonotratlone. The Poll.I. Committee 44411100.5 the pnpnlation to. 0147 fel(et(y at home. fierietelow to Klee Leopold. R merle, Maly 27. --Thr Profit Men annrnloerrr tint 'King Leo(ed1 11:10 oh6411011 from f1,1nn n conreselon of 12i. hrctnreu (nho,(t 300. ncreal roti land north of Tien Toe. ftul0erip'1rmp to the Toronto Fire- men'', 1•'11101 butt. renehal 116•(ORS, nowt the Connell haw vote) $2.1,0001 tanking to data. `411016. Steel( in the sole wta8. Without a monlrnen hesitation Pretttpr) with hon club started for the robber. The noble of the shot had attrect- e.l attention from the street nn•I the robber Bering that he might be cor- nered, run tat of thn door and north to the railroad, then went on tho railroad two orptmrem, whence he 111, - appeared In 11 patch of woods on the outskirts of tho town. Purse Captures the Band". t pne)e of twenty-five then wee organized lino' the robber was moor - rounded about the middle of the wood which In a thin stretch of trees in which it was dlfflcnit for Illus to hide. A demand was made for hie surrender. Instead of complying he opauel fire 011 the pease with Ids re- volver. _fleeing that he lnten.led to fight and fearing that he might wound s,4ne of the posse, John iills, who wen armee] with at ehotg'n, fired rot the robber. One of the shote struck a finger on the h41n'1 at which the Ivan held hie revolver and he -drop, eel the weapon, throw-, Leg both hands into the air and shouting that he wits willing to give up. Underclose guard 4o was taken to the Fortelle% eel un 1 lock - eel up. At night there were threats, of lynching nn•l he west taken to Greenfield, 4Jalr- 1i It et 1 he -,Ihttalla 310 COAD PRICES NEXT WEEK. New York Begins to Feel Effect of Strike. FATHER AND SON DROWN. Caught on a Iirllge by a 11 4:11 'they Mehl Into the Nater Louisiana No grors Orgasm's* to ''right by; Competition the ",llrn ('row " lire ou ('lly Liner. New York. July 26.-Prehellon0 that anthr►olte coal will be ten dol- lars' u too within forty-clght hour.. aro made by one of the large.( w'hdrrale deplore In tib city. The statement wag made after reports were receival allowing that the lo- cal market is absolutely barren of coal, of both domestic and steam. Indication of the extent of coal famine comes from Plainfield, N. J. In a despatch which ways there Is kin than 100 taus Of anthracite to the yards there, and that for the first time le the history of the yards soft coal has been stored In thew, Apel that ono half of the total amount In store Is bituminous. Fattier 'end Sun Perish. New York, July 26.-(feorgeStougll- ton, aged 52, and his ten -year-old sou Claude have bceu killed. rays a World special, by dropping from the rallway bridge, which crosser the Winooski lover at Burlington, Vt. Sia ugliton had been out of work rOveral weeks. He and the toy were opting on tho outer edge of the bridge am a mall mooed, and al- though the pinoo le Ni to plough to admit of Demme remaining there, both fell to the river below, the father's arms weasel around the son. Tho water whore they atruok Is only feetdeep, ec few v, but bath were P, ,Irownel. . Against .11m ('row ('ars. New Orinanlr, July :6.--A mase meeting of the lettdluglegroes of New Orleans was held last nigppt fur lin purposes of opposing the enforce- r law srovkl n - roe nrato an 1. �tX tin It I m 1. P I et root carr for whiten and 1 lacks. The meeting determine.' 10 organise' a st(ek eimp ally to run vehicles throughout the city for the exclu- eive accommu4a(Ion of co'oral p 4 ople. for the future. I hopo to flan In` death n liberation. for whom life en- ellte N sheath liberates,. Ll the satchel yon will find evldonne of Nelf iestrne- tlon, oleo one pound can of rapid transit, witch. niter inspiee1, you can give to the feticide enh oretre:at er New York, if they firm fit to call for It. Tnerr's enoagli 'to lost the cloth renew little time. Key or satchel In mnall pocket of pants, niece all th' mnnee I have, $R,ui, which plen0e tt0(i t6_ );ft Tf1111U11e NUCif IfltorIAt'IIt 110 your ctty provides. Unknown.'' The can ntl,ldl',1 to a0 "rapid tram - Fit" contained cyanide of pota'sMtm. 'Cho name of the m•tknr hod h••en enrefally erased. When the Indy eve n , was removed l the kinrg i41, it Wile found tint the man Iua•1 cot ell the marks+ from hon clothing, letting Ho:hierg by which he Could be. (dent. fleet A..totant ('n',l,ler I'rettip) model tine 01441i•nl onset the robbery : •Booth or10 •' A man almar4 5 inches 4111, we' lag n black cont an 1 a I.Iack derby hat, walk • I into, the bank rood artm1 m' to change a quarter trite nlokels. 1 mosey •i%say to get the nickel's, not when i turned back to haul them ler hilt 1 bran hooking Itito nice Massie of a big one. Thr our:urger ,ttel, 'Olin me $-.5o) .l1.:ek.' 1 firmly rrinolrt 1 Ute,' dropped under the ouunl4T 110 gniek!y nam l could rind he flrnl at roc. "1 mosot q;rk:4 tl' 4<1 urll,•r the 0 Ontlrv' surd name up. Intending lo go at him, lent In n flash the "lrnnger wile IND of the door mol gnnx 1 think 1 atw• tite men f.vc or trn infuntns be_ fnetorm. To they had 1oth.rtg to rat 5.,. h,+ came Into the Monk walking for two dart.np nowt dawn peal Limwin'k,w. Ilei When Mme. Mrmp!m entered the Iron enclosure to feel the doze the) I'npe.l up .n her 1'ke hengry tiger's They bode her to the gronesl, end as mho vainly trlssl to defend her- self lhetr teeth 'sank In her arm" nn I 1 n ly. The oonehmnn wale terror stricken and ran to the stable to get a pitchfork before ettempting n rewrite. Whe•1 he retnrni.l the (trent Danes hat N./tritely torn the0 victim. He foiseht the hrntr. Into a corner ens% kept them there well the conk ommmontel nelghl-non and carried Masa temptn from the uasMeute le a dying condition. THE APPEAL TO ROOSEVELT fhe Anti-Irnperialisis Demand S'arching Inquiry INTO THE PHILIPPINES CHARGES. Lake sleeting of representative antl-im- per4tllsto, held in New York city last soling, !a committee sus appoint r1 l(4 Investigate army condl(Ione In the Philippines. That committee has slice there been pro:meeting Iia in- quiring /:1l a "meeting just' held at Parke (lrerge un Open lietter to the President ons adopted. The Intl'r war signed by Charles Francis A:l- atltN, Chnlrman; Carl Schurz, Eilwln Durrllt Smith, Moorfleld Storey and Harbert Welsh. It charges among other things, no the not unnatural result of military operations' Insplrel by the' kill and burn" urtle'r,lhat out of n total population in a single dis- trict of :11101)0), not Imes than 1110, - MMX) perished, It alleges that from the early beginning of operall)n0, It lune been the general pwncttee, H not actually the order, to kill th000 wounded In conflict. IL denouneee Secretary Itrsrt's cennimrndation of the cruohlne exposed, and closes by raying: " We hotd ourmsevrs ready to direct your nttenlion to concrete cans, the Invso(Igullon of which tic- mnnetraIe the following criminal acts, contrary to all recognised rule and usages of war. on tho port of nfftrere and 0oldlcro of the Unitie•I Stollen. ' Fleet - Kidnapping pawl wieder. under eircumstancee of aggravated brutality. "Second -Rubbery. "Three -Torture troth of men nml of women, nn'l rape of the( patter. "Fourth -The infliction of dentlr on other ptriter, on the strength of evidence elicited through torture." like as awUaau tau run darwa the &street edited for a polk'ewau. The pollee ray trust the mother un- Ik)ulrledly took the 011il'lreu mime by one Into the bedroom aortal the door behhul bor. rad then choked them to death. If she had attempted soy %kr lame 00 the children whits they were together there would certainly hate been some outcry, they sty. An amply whiskey Bark fuutul on the floor of the bedroom, hi connection wltb It,.. Mtsule'r condition when found. Indi- cates that flume time during the morning, the police tliluk after rhe luul k IIIoI Alice and Mary, Men Meade .frank n punt deal. AI ao 111.11 Mary lay on 040) Is+d ride by rete mtuf Jtluanua war at their fart, lying at right angler to them. Mrr. Meade felt l0 a stupor In a trout room In front of the door. No poison war found about the room and' no box, bottle or package that might have contained any, but the doctor's think tlutt the. w(suu took tone - thing besides liquor. The IVut„an 1)rad, Tue. New York, July Lee -Mor. Mary Mattie, who otriinglell her little ohll- .bon, Alice and Mary, to death at their h,ira'• In Brooklyn last- Satur- day, atsl then took poison, 41101 In the hospital to -day. TEXAS SKIES LEAK BRUIN. Great Deluge Causes Im- mense Loss There. TORN BY GREAT DANES. Vernier Brooklyn Woman's Cruel Wein In furls. NH", July 26. -Mme. Edman' Henp:a, who before her marriage n year 'ago was WAN f,rnt!en Ruther- ford, of Brookiyn, wan n^t iseoa to - 4144y by two honker-nu111drncd 0; Pet Dann .tats, wI►teh hall beset venue 1 n,.• geeee ham.` 6uleayal'a •goaalce house at Annecy Lake, and est ter- sely n, 11.J I I re that -f "Weltwo l: r 0 J 1 u Iia sh 1 or sifter the attack. Mon-. Semple rutted! her relatives in Brooklyn Inst . ('hrlslmas. Her limb is, 1 la n prone/tent busmen man in Paths. The Hempir' home at An- necy brake Ie Initiated, and follow. Ma a recent attempt by hnrg"nrs to enter the p.m.., M. Nempks purchase! two poser,fnt tirrat Danes as guards. The ilea proved so for clout that they were roofined In an hon en - Manure rhirine the daytime for the wrlfely of the famey. M. Semple 1.o :trivia -set to ',terve thein, an that whn1, fend one Khans to them they 440.1111 remember kindly their I.enr- wv11kn11.y and ku,k'MI la no if it along for n tiliance to catch me alone.' Admits 111* Some Is C. A. 11.11. (iretofinkl, Irl., .1u,y 26.-1.71ng e•n n ea In Ila cull In ilio Jall an suffer - In g from gunshot weenie Infected hy hal oiptorm the oma, robber who at - (400. rto.l to hold tip the Fortelll% lank thin evening e.mfeseed that he wets n plumber. Ilia name le C. A. 14'11. and -hu home le eta Markin, O. When ere' gllryrlt:rne•l hy the Mfkeeea 11:111 eithl he wee tom mist to talk, het he afterward revealed hie Identity TRAINS ARE FL000-BOUND. Three 11ves host at Stephens%1114 and elsch 1'rark Hashed Out - 1'renle rt r standstill Many Ilull.11nys Uwderealnieg by the "1'orreuts. Dallas, Texas, ly 26.-A deluge of rah which has en pouring etre Central' Teeter sloe Th urrdaY, andd the ono vahleh has n covering the weetern portion of th 'tato since Sucd.•ty, ham net abate( In erddltl'rt to three livrm loot at S pheneville, err hna been ch Dro P�r t Y dam- age. Within four hours at • meroq .I CRAZY MOiHERIS'CRIME S!rangIc1I Her Thre'e Children and Took Poison, yentrrday fifteen Inlets of ,r in fell. .t thousand feet of the San Fe track war carried away trod a • •r- llou of tho Arkansas fall road de- et roy sl. Little River room twenty eight hours', 1413(1 Is now bask but slowly nicotine; Tho street Cameron are badly damaged, it farm., 11 1110 button' lauds are being fl.redet. At Oaleintlle ten Inches of rain feu, 1118 Spring's 1e probably the great- ese sufferer from rho (beet from a property standpoint, am the water he nteir the town (rum four to twenty- two feet dole The track for tun miles west of Big Springer has been washed out and the bridges aro gone. lilt 101flLgere are water bound Isere, are reattempt Yyi1tb amide-try inn tralne until the rain cewsere and the water tweeds/. The foundations of i,: l:k 1►rtd stouts building.' are dam- aged end Orley aro expected to eel- l:apw'. The dusnlge wilt b+ enormous. A CANADIAN HONORED. I:ngllsh le'ree M Reeogels* Mr. Ruhertsoa's Services. London, .tidy 1.7. -The Duke of Con- naught. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons, England, was roil led by Mr. John Room Roberteiw, Port• Urand Monter of the Grand Lodge of Canada, of the cabled r'so- lutk)n of the (Canadian Grand 1.041gn sit Windsor, conferring the rank of Poet llrmnd )Gaster upon Hie il,yal Highness. The 1 titor towers •,1 grate- ful thanks and high appreciation of the honor, which he regards as an- other proof of the loyal feellegs entertained toward,. the m other aouutry by the Frac ►Indoor of Can- ada, and requests tint the Ramo be tnutstnittel to the Cannelton lodge. The (Jnand Secretary of England, In eammunlca(ing the tabor. .5nyg that the Duke of Connaught time/eel that In reeognitl,n of the seal which Mr. ilob•rtenn 11a" evinced for Masonry, 1101 the Important nervlca, he lune rendered, the r:►1.k and dignity of lett Orate' Junior Warden tor Eng- land be ronfrrrel upr.n him. It In ealslersto.nl that Mr. Robertson has accepted the Motor, which le theo liglleot past rank conferred by the Grand Lodge of England. ,INE GHILG'S LILE SAVED New York, July L7.-Mudo itre'lule 1y wrr•ke 111 00111:-11tervntkon Orel A'Orry cutout her de -tercel tont Ie r - .a if, an it. in supported. Mir le try InO l' tee -gess - of .4rso.1 a •e, tx.o T7.t murder.•d two of r ,+ . e 1 her ell ',iron n eat ala morn n, 1 Y K tried to kill rhtit1 and then mule til attempt on her own Ile. The moteer e,l1ed the: three little axle from their play 1n the street, took them into m e ualld bedroom Iso the rote of her apartment and bulged etch Leto ul'Itennre,unanreo Two were kine, but the third Incl, be+tnus, the mother, fir it le sup- posed. 0topprel her work long 'm- outh to .t4mukate her courage with wlilokey. with tho result that a ipnrk tH Ifo was left In ,the little one., 41101 after that the woman nt• eempreo her own life. The woman's' huelrtnel, who it n 214ht watchman, ram'. inn. • from work at 1► o'clock y eel er•sk, y Innrn- ands half en briar rifler the moil' or h. d k 111 their e h I Ir •n, and .tnmhlrid across, the body of hie w.fe ;ying on the floor across the door- way. Ile rushed Into the bedroom, where its ohlktree were necuetorned to "deep, and fonwl the three little girls, two of thetp with ribbon, tial tightly nrmind their necks. the third roll and still. with the Imprint's cr her moth- er's Rogers on her throat. One of the ohll(rem wh(we neck wan 1Lglltly boiled In 11 ribbon wee geaping fee berm th ,btit Meade didn't tvotkin that. Ho thought that all Were dead, gad MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE. Washout 'Kissed a Small 44 reek Neer 44 oudslock. London, July 25 -Thr wnalontn on the (Ir.1n'l Trunk. east of Woodstock, ',tuned n bed ambient, which Engi- neer John McFadden, of No. "25 l'ollrorno street, amt Fireman Cham. Lowry, of tido city, met last night. They were taking it light train out tut where the washouts were, with n bridge im gefe4Qr ate board. who mho to (Innate, the bridges In that ne gb- hnrlsood. They were running Meant 25 miles an hour. and, seeing no sig- hals, crashed Into a calroone which had been left there. Both men jump- ed. Mr. McFadden escaped w th much lighter Injuries than his fireruan, 61177 Aft) 1'0At being hurt. Lowry was Iran fortntuete. Hie left tilR li waft t a i hurt r 41 lir roll brute's!, him arm to h Y bend injured. Both men were token to tl,n city, where Dr. Englloh at- tenll(rl to them. DROWNED IN WEI.LAND RIVER t wo Year's! Men (levet Kress Their Moat. ter han.l, Ont„ July 27.-twooung mon t;sssk,n Wok/4Cson of Wm. Rceluut, and Frrd. Itlhlell, n young nodal* 1n.►, need 111 awl :.'0 rrspm e- nvs'iy, w('tn drowneol In the Welland River at Beckett', Bridge, *boot O 1.0441 miles went a Wr11nn'l, on Fri- day evening. They went In bathing. and were hoard peaying and !Angie Mg for some time•, telt after n while evrrythlllg became gnitet, and when people want to inve0llgate there was nothing int an opternnt boot to he Oren. Tin 1431111'. were fours/ .shortly afterwards. but ole was extinct. The funeral took pinen to-(1s*y, At Newport It 1s wit that the en- gagement of Reginald O. Vander- bilt find Mime Kathleen Neilson„ daughter .1f Mrs FrederIek Neilson, will he for melte 44ntonnoed before the rind of the Ireie1R seasoe, or early In the tall.