The Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 6t - -- __ - ---- - tz" Qi,-�At. , ,! ,fk'"L 6(Atj �/ O'1v_ w4 "j 14, .t�/044i _cam- - I°11e, wolf'(,& 41 a, " j 14W7,6,-iA4V t��f�l 0-��� t4I ,�THEA S DAUGHTER SER r -�yy--�—maLyy yy yy yy,,-�aa ***,P !'T��4 *4*4Y�T *** "Yom, Iry leo wpr.tL,went ria Lcely Eflwl, hurriedly. "Just a fear wurd•,; I might not live to o s ty them till ONO luurning. Oh, mulh:•r tit 1 ►Any cull you mothenl I b•- llnvol w) III whist I 'wean here before. it was proal abrin aelUNlf need preruu: IK: 1 died not know how uro•etrary los': U_tu_1iLE._&*1 mow .111101..1 Hill dtrllq►af of everythUtg. 1 t"umo hums to ask it fit your hauAr." . "My deur d,wghter, you hive Au mold tint ask. It has be. or-re-tKerx rawly for you.'Yuu had but to stretch Your hard and take It." "Atli nifty t litany Imre Until 11r, (4)m4L4 hark to m" --ler I gel to him Y I frel as though 1 rouhl not live now ex MLI• in placfw with wheels he had bees fnullllar.," "My dear. Cr+ulmhawm 14 your own. )7au are the mistress here." "Olt, net, me," dhrinkl:lg bnrkwanl. '•I cannot iml thririt ; i would rltthrr be youf daughter find your guest: Asl If -It -anything bhWel hapievo-If he never romrd again, ytru wIA let uy� try lel lir your ohikl ittwl(•nd of pini. Rut 1 could Mrl live-IntlefA indeeA. I swill not liv[) w•Ilh(iut him. SI.V haven IN breaking now,' and• Unroof, Ing into trnrd, Lady Effect tell.upou tivo homily brlvawt of the woman "he had w. ¢emptsrd Alto. Bainbridge. pr.werfvdly affected, (would (mlv btrnin ler to her heart, next rry with her. An 1 head not Alagglef Interpole it her nuthorlty the Invnalll flight hitu• b" rendered Neriouel; III. .Tomo, F,lhrl. try to calm your self. Whitt p01111 Dr. Chalet-rs,,ay to &each an exhibition? Annt Lizzie. :alike her go upolairs, nal then you vital welt on her, an f cos9.4 her to ),four h(eort's content, until shegues to mler•p," Acting on which opportune ndvloe, Lady FAlwl wild p-romaded to sallow Herself to be m:tde much of ti pr(i- reeding to which the young woman wan fit no rr•riol averse), :end AIroi. Ilabil rkJgn. seeing tier cit her din- over and made coonfortnldn for tier night, hod it very hAlalny, tovarful time of It until she Wad called down- stairs again -by tile. ringing of lie,• prayer-bril. "Only to think:' she olmrrxel t„ Aunt Letty, no. waiting thea app, ir- iuroe or tho,iservanta, fill,- wilt,"Iwr molstened cycle"that th:tt poor darling In fretting for Thouctlierea room than 1 nus,, and would gi,r • h er right ban] net to have offpntitrl r y in tho wdrnng; then aro all tie( lcult to deal wllh!' "I do not tit Ethel wonkl tearr4a wILIi you there;' Bald 31ia{;Glr; vaail- Ing. Ah! she In all awrptnenm. iL In bnintlrnl to hrar her ar►eak of film, n of r " -e •r and iMrN•If, land tier fop tr 1 bofhy! Who cowl have dreamt chr would be No altered t Salo ti not like the same person." "le -t us thank Un:l for Il," Rai•t Aunt I.stty, an that long train of dontePtle.4 filed into the room. (HAUTl:ll XLIX. Wlifie thi-min events were hnpliveing In England, Colonel Bainbridge, lel it very rfwtless and unhappy stale tat mind, was wandering nb,out the neorthweel provinces of Bengal. For that which, oil that evo Of t•;v drrnr- in", he had written to his couselu Mnggle, wits the truth. Fcnnlely lint) he exn•lipled the tern" of his ex- cluenge +anda1.1 down his paring-_ Moiney to tilt rant, b•forre he rplxnt- al flint he hat born ry rush. So gal back to his wife-, rand, with - oil sourer further explanatl rn of her wor.lm, to claim the PM{rty caukct whetice the gam of love had been ex- triectelL would hnvn been ImponAbir to hila ; but the thought " which hanntcel him throughout the tedious J'urney, that in order to Rive Ili;- own liaown wounded feelings, lip hod nban. Ikrnel her to tPmplation and the, powaw of the IMLJI for whom she land ty m(rw%wl a preference, nearly drove him' m lA. Ily thea time he reached Calcutta lee tine( alm•ext f,.rgivon her; or, rather, ,eimnies", and the strong drldre to prove her cruelly not wlilful, hod ler MnfJdnfsL the rrmrmbrance clef It, that the thought of all hr hold Inv Pal twat in hrr - hrr prplty chlldieli wnyR, her grnce; hrr . b`akty, and her mock ImperiootRnrsN -wow the prec)nntinating thought; and, blaming Inmm4f more than he, blanr41 her, he wcoAd have returnrA Ice Entelao l' by the next streamer if hp enfold. lie ens not prrfect-1thiP oppat, honest, short-mighte,l English- man, bred of tin middle claasee-but he was it very fair type of it gentlo:- plan who treaty Involve, the woman hP - ham sworn to cherish. -There is wet kn"m apparent in hes hasty flight, and incapability to rtand by and look falloff the drsnleation or Ilia honrth-still more, perhaps, in lues ry k -fallowing repentance nd p - agarl to retrarn nrrl "ninllil 11'1ip Rgmin"; bet wrnkno,". where n wo men In colrorrnel, In pardonable In tilt- swan wha lOvaw ber. ,:tui fi&m- nf`ws town often progno.-ticnleN an fib e,leerxn of affection. it In an hard to hold art ngalnRt anything which we ran crnwh fit will. Ity tilt- time that Colonel Bain- bridge hall ranched him dentinatlo►n. thererore. he head a thowfsnnd Px- cnw•n ready hatched for lady Ethel. She witer Rn yofulq, Fin beautiful, no match admired. lie find propcsmnl to her ton haAtlly. Anti without adffl- chalt pncowtragrtaent ; she had sever told him tent Rhe loved him; lee had lip orev to thank for life grams error JW himme•lf. And then. wait offer tlulte unimprnmalnnablp, that fair, spit, girllsa erratotre-that, Infttwvd of sattoomptln ; to pprovoke tier love, he W (1,werlred vi lZut giving her fine warning. Rail left the field op -et to 't his rival T Fool ! Idlot ! madman i The Ia. ady remedy hs "aid think of was to return at 043001, ' But whet he gut to Covienttes. Col - cent RAIntorl4ge ("pr,rleneed the no- iififsRarent fact thAt when a man IR insured to his profession, snying land ollnittg Are f lea different things. t'Fummleh,w walteal for him, Or rn- the'r few the dlber In wh,we Iitend . he. anlspeerad tbure. dr,man,ling hit Its - mediate prfwrnee with his battery up o•Nultry, where it disturbance bad broken out nmong N)me of the 11111 tribes; and, unable to do Murat thrift write it few hurried Holes to tits mother (whet It came to the p,hel, lain a Mirage falld Ilion to adllrew Ills wife and leave dlrecti,d» with lair agent• to furwnrd fill Ids Iettpre, be. to tok the speediest meat,- to reach his dosthintlues, Arrived there, he found the mudly more lulpc.rtiint than he had imagined: regiments, were or- .k•rtd taut In several dlrcollons, and he wne immediately placed is Conl- rattled, and input to do duty somewhere III) Cho Jangle ' Here Oolntuel tktinlxllap remained bw arleral weeks. seeing no service ",file the exerptl'xi of a few skir- mWnes and night surprise@, which lie called rhlid'a play, and receiving no Inert. wilr•n4 a cut abortion the head from at glancing sp+tar• which he de- oinrod time trifIng to dr mand the dor- tow's sold, c,"Qd hal called such. Colonel Bainbridge, however (nl- w•ayn the Inst person to look after htmeelf), lit tills ImAnnre prover! too overta(:elR; for, though the welled was not dangeroile, that weather was so; nlrl a anlnstrokn supervening on ex- 1nN+nre threw Iola unready hentod frume bntn Itrotate of fever wlulch threatened hid exiRn teer. For weeks If,- lar delirioir ole his find, raving ref thingv pave[, an•l present, and to conk rind when bile mallady was At Inst ab•itel rued conleCieileneefan re trtor,A. he was so fpa,blr ay to 'rem .4`mirnrtm (elf one thing only. anti that waw, to di-. He appeared to have lo,'•t nil uwmory, Interest, or curioi- Ity; 111141 the only o(•Cfue,lona upon which him radical attendant coklef routine. to anything like energy, WAS when hal menlione,t the drrir- ,ability of hie proceeding Innmedately tie Englnn I, anti then C'ofonrl Raise- brhlRis. with all tits firunlees of which lee war matter. would declare his wi11ln9ness to gal to AnstrAllov, the Cape, or the Kati rdtlne-anywhere, In short, bitt to Ids native land. "No conptry batt Ragland will set you up Again be the doctor ursold. "Then i will the here,".was.hls pa- livnt'N ii nmw'er. For during; has ill - events. nil the moftene.l thotightm which he )anti ontertrtined for Lady F,hpl on his voy"age out, 1114 faded Into the tar distance, to b" replaced by AYa-Itlsame -44 a indhpntable conviction that she /antes lotto (lint she had said its -Rod thftt he Miami never ere her more. With strength hadvan- ished him powerm of dlncerumbenI. need Ila, o4•ol•i only ho giirscrent, -:anal, In bile fo"Ift way, rplsenrrr over novel ever again the Inst snot serene he land gonp through with his wife; until hal (vmvincell hlm4elf that the beet thing fear hrr, for him, for both of tllpm, was, that lie should the where lin lay, and never troollip her ngnln. " Yat, ob, Ethel, (Ali, my GM! how 1 have loved her I' It IN tills tarot tlutt nrcounla for the circumstance that It wan five months before he returned to Eng - Novel. Part of ,that perked he Pprnt Are, In the Jangle, unable to punt let- ters or to receive them: bmft by far tho larger half was IassPd In opft- thetle Indolence upon Ids covien, when hips mental PUMIltion hast att+.inod to Patch a pitch that hal refused to open thea tulvleem which were forwarded to him; HIM, white Ills friends were thlrrting for newa from F.nglatet. reality beflevM1i Illmnelf incnrnhlp of elther nnmwering or pernsing what dory Pent Wan. But the ti:ty ram^ when he foretold feign the no longer, when Ill" lesly sprung rrorn W. rrnewM find tmoy- Int, nn4, his mind wnking wp to let inn net fit it trimrxt rail, IM Rplxed an hlq Inrge paeket of hitherto de- qdNnl deeppntrhpm As the famished ,Plied out f(mrl, and tlevcwtred them. What a (past he found there! 71oe first which he tore open wan Maggi polar long, warm letter, sent from Corson street, with the little Rmenr- ed-fever, bot Stitt legible post ocript, In tier hand hal loved. (:add he b-- Iteve hid ryes. him menson It or wnm thin it r,•nrwnl of the delirium that had 0pprewuod him? Yet every line of the epartle. duo held In his ahaking brand confirm -ed the fact; she had mla)idg- "I herself, hrr heart„ her fievelings. Hile darling wan Ids own agnin i Thank Goll Th- nmpiration, net It came le -ah - filing. burietinit: welling up from the d(eTdhN of hitt great heart, and bring- InR n rustle of ecaWing tears with It from hair yet weak eyes, can never b- expressed by printed letters. To b,, app reciAted, it ought to have brom award; bit no one. heart] it lint the Ono to whom It wan No gratefilly mddressort• After this, the dretor forinrl no dif- ricilty In peronading Colonel Hotile- briolge to rptnrn to England ; the diT- ,.1t.ul4__mvae,_4a psevnntimg his tra- velling there In Reach lint haste nn to nnntprially InJ,ire a frame which wile "till delicate. "That I nmol gal, dnrtnr; It Is nb sohltel,l n(ce„ttry. AffairA or tier fit" nm..ct In1{N)rtnnre call mal home, and If rill lint fetvanl can take m" t. here, I Niv-nd niy Christmas Day in Etat;- In l,•1 " • Wlrll, e(,Ionrl. I llnve• not Ilial 3n•1 for it ieatwtit for nnthtng; rend If 3'011 rWIi,t W). 1 N llopl A40 yon mknt Orly hvar In mlml Ileal In Duch an Inietnnep mnPt fleabite cony he worst .peel." Rrnr In tnlml! (•mild he benr In mind, anything, elreptlng tient 1114 twkrvevt had arrIvoil fit that ern" klNrw Ie1gP of hPrNPIf, Anti that he rnrrlrrl it preck,im let(pr from hrr (written After her arrival nt Crnn- ihnwa) nrll Ilia heart., novel wAm hAatening to re))hf fill lie level? Tale vOyng•n did him no ),Arm, for ptppetcetlnn ir►re Klin thmtigh It, and IL re(ld him A gond lea+an nlmxn lsttlenrat, which lip merely n"041-4; nut when once hal Pel food. In F:ng- lrn,l, hal hardly n9nw04l hlmotelf the lime to sent heforp he tram rushing oerwnrot to that north of,. how lin- Rr•ringly• how wearisomely Plow Ihw rxprreaa IrRln asPrMM to rin with him 1 7 (To be Continued.) - - Cr�I`�/i 111, Iteg els. AMONG1 A'w' ,team and rumantb. Ito vena a fur n bubl:ewau uu4 b.• wort n unifetruf, pu.l savor It lilong blame THE POETS. raw filat Iwnkol in front "lilt the U\p from an{r _sickticl,sl Ito Illaltcr ,tit, of two big Rni,l erlRlem. lY(Yat sort, Uel Ifl t\llh a little Tlwy Ined walked sail lel lien very erld of t�,.p!er, and the fall almost 'I he P:mplre'as 1'rryerr. SCOtt's Emulsion Uf cod-liver Atu'�I" mor Ing 11,111. W1111 - full CA vbbvv eraevel , Madill! b.r a wvave of morrow oil. o► 14'10 levy cruor 11,1141 looked dowu Is 1Nt"rtug Bier the land: into 111' pling darkln•ry be•ol1, Our ulNcrarwaed Klug it prostrate, It IS food, and mOC(! than "If I 101"ev� In.IwAf In thc•rn," Nhe w'e fall, would undo. -stand food: it helps )'fou digest what- until, he a hrla. ltcel %%&v nill"wit a dual Ir t:asl'r will, -our Tewltlow xcldwp•r, 'wheal rl"ndd you tie?" V ever food you can bear. Are filled uta eiltm•r ILamd.l / Ile Irn.tm•d over and looked down -- a... e.. 'elle....rk..see car .,.am t luau bo rlralghttvwwl Id\ok star) novella TiN" prayer o f itNercomj fir { asaevr a sower vaslrva I:tauw up to Ulxl lea t11►�It, McaQSIAlf��.i'fr�igi" rwretly. .1151 t(elrvely UWirt to Heaven _,- -- -- .l mdmuW r -r -r -regret h," lox ads- '[ � gvwtd stsarely'1-Life. Will livid w to our cry: The Live Lay MlRure, _ (kill rale tam. King! w'e usurmur, Lay figures upoin which to dim. l.et Idm but Hearta, not tile.$ . IW clothln In who wtndowr hale Deer New in country well nad clay water P Y R p inwln naw thr "•,lelof dysentery welt rbolrrse I'lop. Into to lewd, IWO plVphf hippie tat m(xleru tunes ellorla0"a1T morbus. bel %tit lot lMm mnlilple, In your Uel.. her+ path" d flight Improved, 10 llhat Ifl" woad ones Are b,alr. Take Perry Dterin Painkiller worn R flow file- from prow•ntlkn; that wood_ your bowe4 Wolu h) tr,.uble you. it always ,IN wcdulf g Icy loss centuple cures. rnoesfa of apppareuce that war ones lluw" they limy 111' ,1rgrl:d commonly chararter:rtic. of them. irtlan llathNt 'Il. 11%44sale n l'ht Afraid � of Daouyaxr. helping lin•ur lyuln r bright; Hell lt. goinnally r I -PI rfulhing ur•nclrent, going in fur rPulirm pa's IN. Y.tiwa.l In htva window as a damplay (later,-. Jay but 'n1y' mutat! live hltu• upon whi-h to honk ended of clothed, "11'hs dors Ito call that summer girl 1'e. 1s, Ire Aril the Flrinnrl'' Bc:uire she Is W) war"?" If he Iwtr faluuxal�•rim1 has mal ? It lel In:;man : Assail It in cnNons to aro Ike Thou-lris'eirri forgive, how aaach a figure "111 f9Y9,uttestiou. "No. Because slip shrinks from the Tit,- main- m'an is tilt, mom, c'otiv-P, wider." . Me,roiful FatlN.r iia Ibit fallen among other :•n In the atrpet Let haw not title best lt lliar! gm or e14Pwhe re, amvint faa tnehr sur- lillnterdb m Liniment l laces Uisle- Enlru H( lfie`rl.' I L'tlth Jun,-, 1102:4 , Dust. swo. lite m:ully blowing duct- `kI Dusty duet How it reve•ly lel floe gust, How 1l ouveew withe it crust. . of lewtciuus, nueisly must, - l;v'ry ubrtci lel tiro rlre3t. * It is womf"h elf ilia all- wbes it fires up we fall; _ When it ct olufw, Whew it Ilesuen. Ev'ry kind of busiueds fings- Ey' rihleuwh of loWinchr 12198 - , Awl it 91194 At51 It elagd Ey'ry rlaeN of trade uflautt. I rat to cycle fah l rr a (t IN d 1 11 1 II k t, For it Wild 1 AN It filial 'Ev'ry' eye sin every thiout, Off thea dist, duct, duvet- . it av I1helrr4 In complain, ❑ltl•trlwkiUnfa ore In vain-- I:rt' it's ulither fair nor Junk N'e phould buffer so with duet, For the city Id not battle Oh tie'. dtwt ! . t. here, it 18 there! t ld flying everywhere! foe It 1wrincuLer the iter! I , People bwowr ! Olt, the duwt- I How It's rltone d ! -Lugr ole Fiel.t. A Nona. I .ove fee it ItirnYY•, a irrF) heN rangier, Ie/Ir e" It rollicking rom•r. Ile whth{N•rm sweet words In It 3oung nutideu'r c•ur. An Nutt am the sighing of clol',•r ; Then. without w•uruiug, Ite 1l drlex him "mall bow, .And bamfrly AtUu•Ic lr•r with ter- rrny and darj. Hr'll pilfer feed plinder until he bringm low. In triufupll elle mltiden'ls trnilimi , heart. Nemo• flay he'll (tail yak, tills say huxcrra neet4, He'll leave" you a welcome, will Kiva yore n mmllo, Ide'II whimpler of love hl your li•tt. ening sear. But IN- nut (Ilcrivnl by told grille; For love is a rover, he child ,lite IeenN (nf•r, ('rtdming for Iscariot to hip play; And when till shun fin,! YIu bell letter loved blood yon, And make YOU ,1 captive for nye, fits Only vulture. M. Pater ile stfs..l by the tolen t' .ate ,W -hen Slorfian, .1. 1'., hove inmight ; Hl. Peter cam - teals. with a Hill th• Anti a Inner. Anti asked the grrlet saan to allght. J. 1•. Vann ANtwarlpil lay that kind of tiling. Awl said tip feat greatly relieveil Tu hear the kinel wrords of a saint lie swished, Aral Hk(verlee to be no reeriveJ. "Forget 1t, knrgst it." tat. Peter re- pYerl, "Walk In, sir, ewe don't fear 1 splice; 1"ole see, you cadt Morgbnlse refly- _,thing here, For thrret'f Otily one Parndime." Mr. -)forgiven sYgbtted And walked with the midst Throvqgh the beautiful (follpll (;Rt"' Anti he 11001MI all arcaind and sighed to limeew : "1 -ate sorry I gvlate ''I dere too lat'' , -W. J. Lampton. - In the t.lbrary. Slovak low ! tread atoflly through thrs )laled, Here t:eniva linem o vwl+rHfw1 : Harr reign. In Nil•nt ln.aJ•Nty. ThUau Tier aslr,"h a of the Isolated., A mlRhly Nplril IK►4t tllry ronin F ruin e1Pry lige unit clime. Above lite burlf,41 w•rerks of y4vlrn They Heelelet (hc title of Tim,. t (` I. Asad lel Ilona- prem(eilt�r-rhtenher herr Tito, it%,• their reg.il htnlf•, .titled Ieured (!farm throng a noble trivial, The giftal and the great. •r t O child of Furth : when round flay 1Natit The htorm4 of I;fel nrl•e, Ami wheel thy bfvtlherp lxlmff thee. lay. With stern, Aulouing eyes, Ile -re ,hall lie Powtm f+hant for time 'rint` ir awctext, l'tftlest I:ayw, Aad ftrvepliet" lwalt for gtd'le (fix -*0 lepR I J 1 Witthem'w plestmanl wasR. F I 1T„I, .t t11�=„ Lilt- Ith(NI u4)mpJnfon hpr,•. AI..I In tine Illighly retains car mime '1'11<wi .1s .h ,! -tnna C. Lin.h (IM11 Ib81.1 Llrraltem In 110"Ibllltles. \,r Morlsll ypt little mrnauraf film full fie ort i PI. IN it river rlAtnsr ala OfNI'n thetagIlL And amptyinig In this Nal or man, tint bock, IL14k 10 the Pource, need final divinity. Ftlrgl•t tilt- narrow bmlrre nnti Ill - "O The ro rkm ndi cllammn which u! t: rust the way i so Breathing Disease. infectious dlepa"ce are breathed tabu tit-- system from there affected with dtmdse or from bad amelia, yet how many, women breathe daily the offeaslve steam from common soaps made from rancid fate, and )trop their hand: for hours In hush solutions, and the clothing from suvii soap suds 1s worn next the tender skin. No wonder dlse`ase and Pc•aPma art) VR \alP at . Utters of Sunlight H op -Octagon Har -know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable (ills and pure edible fats lel Sunlight HOtV• 208 lel the world'. wanrtadd. More, remarketWe dlhroverlem to that wonderliand ler the world. Egypt, rays the+ Wertmlu■ler Ila- sette. The explorers rent tiltlhrr by the Californian Aemlemy of :y•1• peace, leave futn.I at Hirsch, on the N 1 row" ulo.l rows of grferfe d:•t- Ing back (roan the Aluetoonth fly - II 1 e•- nrfy In apparently uubntk.0 r rortl to tier, marliplel pnchlrturlr. times The boilable tare Inertly In \t'oaderful prcdervatlon,_ Mlieurd'r Liniment Curer Uarget lad tows. learn :Lner, in g'1t attract no top cent tier. ROILED TO DEATH. attantion whatever. lint lel the un- - — femillar Purrourviingm or a follow Iva 1•uttlalunent. — wlnolow Ito attraclr the eyed of Whd,ol.h•hea Pr,-«w.l Ode of the ]lodes of 1•ueitlebneeat IN Malay. Though {overly certainly Isn't it Ileary Y'Itt.'s'PItuP. $•rime, lel England, during file reign cit \linard's Liniment curer uiph- \1't, flrml In them atrenuons strife, llewsry \'Ill, the piblle meat became 'therla. I 1. AL tho,'" wlso all- gu.lty are doomed gravelly excited ttirulch welrral entree Ary t.me _ of Iv!4gOM(itg, #611,1parliawent enacted lalafiln9 a before. To very Mull 11114r for IVa a Barr making Ir>llin!f W kl•at!i the tYonker. Rtate.nlsen.l le•iaelty. Tata law wad mit the sta- - 1b Thr llEss In KnePialaiage Iever'sY T.fIViseldead Disinfectant Thome. tute bookm about alxlegn yours. It you Ilio abort encs 7 Feeder it a !boon to an y It dials. was mad, retniaeltvo, No am to take he Shirt Wa The the Shirt �) levo and cleans at the rine �ma ye, a tare tial chlefly' p-1,Mpted its yea; you get a m; o many more nn.v p — easaelmpu(-tdast oat Hichanl !loser, or thele In a sr:laon, If lhry're A ul,herwtme (;tire. the Wbihop rear Hoch - distort. "Ir,rt, Johnnie Kne1y• poster's atok, wtw ptairoraed seventeen kb,ff.d. \cn." p.�rsu(r, Vivo o. 1r,"n died. Coke was - ______ A ti,richwr wills n ldrpsmliig a sin -ill holle1 At HosellwNter. Top Infliction The pllaee.a throb or sae„n,lrla der« nwnT when "tier D. a L ” al,•tlo,l I•l..t.r Ir .prrnd clnma lir lite l ` hl.y,+ n ml allo unkerl) was attends, l lvlt-e paenl hr cruell,r, Ter the nm• ols.•rl nerrrw 11 tau• pin, ler o 11 I thrill flow m'111y voldt ifll whrre the,. nu (A,*P. •wets p:i't k►lo a !'all ld=cif1)]nor,e-lhrrr, 1 warm It a IIIA.• Thera I.n.r w It •lost• of the swallow was- • cold winter And gradually Choked to Ina r,.r rcllrl. It rnwew fir ,ne•r. l.ltlln John nestles ;\.."I can. The dr,1t4. I home of the ew:lll m Ltl\.Ill the atoru- A few ye:►rr later, its Ahtrnls. ISit', Two Weeks Musemer Visca/lon. lich." a ytaing "oma ► tN►med 1largaret Dust bnvalined In on It. li. l lb. 4 os. i I — � TO CUICK A COLD IN ONi:' DAY Davy was I"inhe.m-1 kik a similar way Ike of Tar Average number of hourd' rlrrp p.r nyRst t'akw Lnxrotunntlercd e. TwhsIV ulitib_ were. rK,t f e1edpAilit t Ler glellt, ILC were isc•t nettb,lea at, Number of outsets dams!... e,0 nionhls. few m.All I. the If It voila 1., ern. at.l. n�twlt4stasidlnR the twntpsr-1 h W. sate a and E. W. Urure's fdguntrro Ir ler cork bus.. Y3e. re i*Zp atlrely slow travel of news 1l, floras Cool of Ono atx-Im-4 trout $'i days. 4'se dd of Margaret Illavy't ; Number of Nluaromeaia o Fly bhlew ..................... U8 - PORTRAIT lei A QUEEN. unory triol and punt►flmeet ll000 dprend thorough the ItInViotn naal Other bite" _._.:IltiO Other . -.. - aroused re - nnVerasal tlt*rror. Ibtll(gg loAealh re - fit teal ...... 14 timer it aid Alexandra, of (treat lirlldmv De- ted on,dRN) statute lieNnke. how- ('ream ... „. ... - Nome. ""' Ilrrow hill ...... ...............>$20 scribed by an American Girl. Hero Is wryer, ns LntR as Henry reigneil, per- Ilei IIPPRl:.. the mordareh henlrrlr T1rxa ................. $_i/ n portrait of the i;, a drwall of beirt,, p./dlmined. lut- Total number of titin_ by 11n Amatr:can girl. It dlrikcd we rm we after haw death parlla- mr4lIt w'atata e•laminel :....... 23 , , Al a dWtnncs ... ... ... ...... ]O fid del!sl►tful in its nalrete, find Its trnukneme Is charming. I am sura W pot relwnlr.i Hite law. rep No" to 1 gneen Alexandra llel'mell woull laugh ��00 'Yeuy rheas to •.. ...... ...... { .• ... .._.; tie41114y orev it: "We .loo'$ gel to t11u REWARD, RE ARDt $100• :Ig1lPfetiel ...... :.. .._.. ......... " , Goll-1fal1a hurt ... ... .. ...... 21 t11pntre lel witamlrr ) a 111ey. but to see Tile aud!'reuce. 1 thought w. The re Asn all t hl. pal per wall l.r• pplen.e•1 to One, ring (lf►. wear g.ring to Ile dlru plluUaled find fears aha (herr 1. fit lean onedrr.,led dlsone, engagement diel !.'dal ^• ••• -•. ••-•• • • $'•10 I I not fee her At all, laet'Jurl before the that sale ha. love., able to rune lu all Its etwae. fired Int It e'ntarrtl. Hall's ratnrrh Number ref weewks recuppr- „Atlits( ,5 ••„•• ••' '•”' •''••""' certain went fist N$P Hud the hlug t'itme' lel with biline Ot11Pt• 1"4)1111. Mlle ('un to tM n penance run now itoown In the mmornl fr ernit]. l'alnrrh. DrinR P r-na. Tom AlafNnn, In .1ugust 1Ynart get. is gather tall ads vary ewe"L lob. emltrtlonnl dim , rrqulrer r rnnarltutionPl Ing. treat uh, Nil awful) thin. Sit y tr.ntment. It,ol s "no,rrh rear 1, tnkeu In - ' fitOpas the (`oagh btlN IUsy bine rye,- with u dill Ile In rernwlly, ,tetllet ill fly epon file I,lo"'I .o.d alrruou "►lacca „( the state". IMrehy firs Works them. (.`tea Iuby'le, tenet 1 was dlrap. the 'IHR the lido nJNo rn of the Alraseel, ■earl a" alr.ngth I.r buudlna and Oil the ('cad, p• - Lmrall T' PromollVln le, Tnhletr run aralel In ore Any. No Na 1'rlce Y3 rN•Inted a bit. for I tbNight hhe hod golden lair. Tu Iw quite candid, her Ionic t�a 1'neieel up tier car seaJ seawHtlnx uMur.lw A..1n Idm work. TM pn.prletore, ha re ao ruck 1. a•rn•, pay. Weis. 14 orf a intellogany tint. but it was 'duetMrulngly rh"ffurrel, nlhl if, its curnllyit ite,w.rP that they nett one Hundred bollnru for tiny rAaee thwt It fame [n THE LARGEST WATCH. sh,)weet 4ITf beer du/iwwll, bpabtlfiHy, euro. Send for 11.1 of tranrA titolnlee. Ad,lrobe 1'. J. 411 PA"EY a rt 1_J'tde,lo, She totrtta'.l '-very yotmaor an,i gttunif, O — fArt I tltlll* she tunes the maddest face S,rld by dvnxalet.. r.:. Built Like Pocket 7 insr-plerce at a I've waver r^e:e. tiht• I:mterleil vel•v fit Ilan'. family I'lHol nae tie.• I. -t. Coast of Thou.Nude. tentively, and when she smiled you Thprp team hunt barn finilehednt felt nil though you wantwf to lino,. HOT WEATHER DRINK. I the Am"+'to-an \\'nllham watrb fnc- to good rousing cry. I don't wonder (no lilt that perplr dal Englmn,l love tory a mmmnwnlh watch. tier larg/lst her, for they m:mlaly can't help it." B. F. Arrers A, RNra, of LouldvillP. hy., d,w•ri1"• no folloirs ttm•ir ex - Ln the world. To bund thin gigantic -M' A. P. hprtrnce In furnlddng prepared drink - timepiece octet several tloulefiud dol- tlgg writer to tis -Ir wortmr•n during ln•m and several weeks" time. Spec. Not "rather, especially floods em- ployell In their f,wgdng. foundry and Lai machinery nn 1 tools were re- other depnrtmeenta witere then IN In- qutred for Its construction. The tense Brat. Tiley tante stone Jars or watch In a rlrrtel of the rww model i bought n hereto with a arttppnased- k vim, ta'lding shput 10gal. of water /dxte.en Nlzp mrlxlmid, three-quarter ly Incurable ringl.me for 1111411, eurrxl filled with w-ator ami a small qurul- pbato watch, nnlargwl too !hues per- him wpth $1 wawth of MiNARlit19 till (of tore, pack lien Jnr In a. lourrll wall nawduat between the killer Itself feel in every detail and its highly LINIMENT. and sold him lel four moralhoo (or $113. Profit on Llnlnwit, outtbr of pile. Ilion the water Is kept flnhglad an the finest watch. }'r;' enol with a mlydmum of Ice. Each Tie(- dbameter of the pilar pinto In 3LOlwE morning they place alN)kt 1-;! 9 ver,tepu Lnerlfen, nal the nwvro"-fit I pini of oatmeal• rolled ontR. or any Is two and one-half Inches thick. Tills el Kee' a Hotel fiepprr. oilier form of crueali d onto In till, balance wheel in six find one-half Ht. Phllllp's, Quo., Nov. lot, 1i01, w-ntter . Thin crurhel oats thus natal Lnebea In dltmoter, and the, brequet mnkple llw "otter it re•ttanrknble thirmt slsring which r4mtrold its action di (nenchrr. !louring the s-versl yearm eight feet lung, .0i of a centimetre vlint they have thus provide) drlak- tlrck flout i of a c:ntlmotre wide. Ing water tires onnnot recall a cafe When running thea belittler make•fa a _— _ (id heal prnRlfwllort or Mutation due to vibration In .7 of n ff ctn I' TIN"' A Twentieth c'estury Nolomou. excemf w alvp eIrknking oil by men pnllet st4Mea are of sapphire novel employed In their ahold!, where the exquledley ryu!lmlawl. Tree nctintll.g, (RufflelbeCommercinl.l I twat In great. They -"elan fhml that or fnnlflfepring, In twenty three $pet I The wise Judd I:) Nl. Louts, Wid- , tick winter reduces the appetite for long, .IT of a centimetre thick and enter, who recently won Irrnaral alp- Intoxicating etrinka. need In general 11.9 ceptimetren wide..I The mammoth !w pinudp te ruling that it wife Ila■ therieffeelmarkroPxrellr•nt that their model as ons•' )ewPlei the thea Ipgnl t?Itflt to go through the plpn are telling It tip workmen In plPtply nm a watch Of i.octetto of a mean tinsbawl who will otht-r ahorp, aryl citk•a. The Jar ahould fined[ grade. 'nip plate JrwplN, %which tint batri Over rbottgh money to rata be emptirl nrnl tiN'nN/dolly (aeanael " are as large as tier stmill"t mwe• the tipusehold, tariff noltled to 115cclralms every morning, no time ualmf%,%l Nonrr went mode, err alrut the sitar of a an It secodi Daniel by holding that over nigtoot, and of course, the drink- telctt.I flue o:•nr pl cc, are fln, rul.11-a A (tog has a right to hate, +a perm Ing nap Mao'), (PUCIA to Ho menldeol And about ten Ilnef in diameter. but who tare a tin can or other Impeill- on aref for obllotu rpns,itu ene!e day. bandied with taapphires. Thp raffish et went to its tall. They bellrir tilt- watet dlould$ho- tti., wheels, p'Monn Ani oth-r eter,l -_— 1 drawn from, n ,-plgnt. an. of coorse, work L4 p-rfcct, sent tier da A"Ria"en-' In on the late• in nanat henntlfnll. R P A 11(lON TO If11RNr1T.N-One bottle of front a e)nntlary view tho use of a flipper In t'!r, top The pendAiit and winding crown arr, Enmllmh"p,.riio Liniment rnmpietely remover! :curl. from ulr horseIt take plrnanrr In pi or a Jar In not no it Rls":ll Ire, but lite oallar,al rail fttm bronze, hrltliantly iollrMM, reeemfne"llinm thr a•rm,dy, net It neem with • elofgfa tier n{rlgot, or strnNier, lead- Err,ry�mrrltun Ile mad. on thin c=act male the wit it le,. myPterlou. promptne.n Ia the remora( from blond od hnnt,a,At or rn tlou.wd tum and 1nR ton wp g it. It Im+ contrlbfto.l rrprrar,ntN. Na gmrin, Ppllnta, eerbm, awRRy, stlaea find firs 11„f only to tier+ comfort of the mon, dull ban been m -t4,• for this tuurp. 2.1.10.. I trill alto lrrmlt041 them to continue M -Tot, at, It 14 deal goes to tile" not I GEORGE It,)Hp 1'Armer, klnrihnm,llut At wOril when tho hent might other. of the train, nut dhr ficin a R.dd by all drugglWa. "vim- fleyx pYa•pntel. Anti hail 1 Rrnal- I tt 0"11 Ln Ing ala I ata o.-.ttln g m o•- ly yrehlcel isle, tpmpntlfmn of the nnlarn am well men tie Nlek Intoxlcating cooling The niOvrmelnt stands on a brons WHY HE WAS ANXIOUS. drinks. Floor a fes- dAyw taw• onttnefnl prolestnl and from Its Involve e to the _- flavor May last tae rellNtN+d fiy ell tIp Of the wl Won;, crown If twenty. sit inches, -Boston Tranwript. Wa. Afraid He Would be Varried I cif tiro Own, Ialt very Nona, they find It i lett tits station. palainM•` nivel urn delialltded 4 the re __ -- l'lln.f/lndll(•lilrlr raNrm fifitt Elle Brunel fd affor.l't•11:-Iron Age. (h.aN.0namr"aI.;4 1114ia Inillrond Pi�esTe prom vn Tint tient fit and .Mnldte rare for each and ever► form of Itrhnmt.. Iftn'tat station lee a pinre where groa wtorl:'m are lout. The mon !: o -In lb,rf• After their train arron't ------- - y • - Dr. Carson s Tonic hl"lind.ml two rn4ie�rpilr,, we s.firmn.rtnrwrw ►.vw Pnnnnrnrd n, Bert, lz ; 41. In thedallr Dfry end seek yourneldh• itw•nit ordprle, nad often swap ynrnA' 711') foiloM•ii,g won told al it reront Stomach end Constipation Bitters ISSUE: NO. 31; 180•-ev Mass. Wlu•lor'o lbethu,r� N) r—u —h iS alydy. tM u.od foe t'hlld rem 'rea�nug. I, usthe. the "Wild, wtleua theq lea): ••ure. ,leu i o•Wlc and I- Nle buea retuodv (or Ol ,rrk(s.. Alma Ladies' Colleo,e, NT. THOM.AN, otti. IWlinrnl„ry nudrollexbue.rwll,.., ,,,,,,,r clic murleviour.e. final lift: rl"vuU„u.,l.,i,,..- Ill- w14-thr; ,wau•n Irl. hulk rlur bo,ld,,,y, Iron elan, hvaltid-t I,A•iUL,,, 1,1,,,,,1 hou/e• IIs+ 1RUIT rARM FOR SALK UNF. Or THE e• Ost In the N4psen Penlnnd., y frets, 10 miles from I audlton on owl,, ll. way, MemoriesMemoriesIn all 11 of hlch 4 In true, !go•11y a.aulht+► Wal be told In one Favid ,r "welded Mb Isle of II to 710 acre. IC saAddil Dur Tb4 4 ev dacldea 1r ' er, O1".—M.. df� Owp"tw. F. t/. box 1st, willing, If1PERIAL MALE SYRUP, Tlw 0u,tllty stnndunl from oh...1, ro Ocruu. Your wulw,y I.nrk IUu,t wet lmfactury. HOSE a I.AF1.AMF:. Atrew., kl,.u000,il H-B.Clarshall&c;o 181 Kids till. Knot, IIrmILlon, ().,e,. WANT REMAIL I,I•l AGE\ 14 bull mesa, moor«, h,,kfnx poled.•, , „1.1, ,,.. crm ie U,plc. lel .-uannner.. tun , n, ,..t, - money. Nofnillr,u'auled. I-l"ll••ot t, :r ry vnrnnt now. - . Work No I. More _ fol denoting .IU.r A _ "tier need ,your othrr bright mmol.. PA— Lrk POLIHII►NG 1,1bBL taker_ m.. drudxwr.1 Hud no,lrwallver rlrwuli. . p.•„ __ urs. N" ."IboA hnn.I., n .thblx b, ".. L,;, , i„ beaullfully prorl"1 r,t chrmlrnl aril-p•.b.hl., 4 cloth. 1'rllr 95e fit druxxinteland m, ,,,, -defiler.. ay mall Irow MONARCH MFG. Ou., St. Cselheirine., u.,t. write fonp r trial am•w. - IS Tilt Clity AfDO TE 111 ��Q C for PU t'o n.umr• tion and rel throat and lung trouble,. One dose i:,o-t relief. One tx,tile often cure,. A Ittl $AMPLE 1147TU to every reader of this r., ter. PVL -MO is for sato by all dn,gg;,.,, ,,t $1.00 Or large bottle- le, Cent, for ,,, .11 size, or it may he ordered d,rc.l l,,m THE PULMO CO.. TORONTO, O\T, WANTED �tiENT13 TO HELL MADE TO MEASURE TAILOR MADE CLOTHING 600D (toMXI8,4I0Nr.I. CROWN TAILORING COMPANY Unnadn's Lart:,st Tailor, T(tilUNTO. wilsoll'S a(� how This . Fly Pads shows ` / to use I will kill all � them. . Q the flies in a room in a � . few hours.;' • . K AVOi(I Imitations. - ,tr we 1 EDUCATIONAL GROWTH 4 see 1 WiMaster CnlverPlty h•+s from Its ine-eption held n re`ognise,l plat^ among In- stltuCoris of learning. its growth In numbers h:tP been remarknlale, no tins all,,, the dnm,eee of Its gradu.it all In JltuMmess oval profe.plonnl ca- reere. R o of addition+hive (been Made to Its equipment. Teasing men ana women should write for a omleend•)r to T1 ,.. HFflf4TRATt, WHASTF:R UNIVEfBITT, TORONTO. Y:l whet, thiwk er N Y'nn ran alar It aevel ; efe,4afire • .4.1.,•• Ir„m the h, rine,,, "1 an em Inom f . '. 14"IT tint” ng1, wh"n trAlna lr:tt. ('nJb.n pl, r.lrin n.wh., hn.naMthe rearm.nevlNarklfn..:rnrnl.l7knho, at ,,raw'.�,,A"n In:,I. I,r... tit, f"r moil)' CONTINENTAL LIFE wa4r« fir MONA,oPnv, HAT►n t Ca,Tnronfe. Aird mnr0 ml iwly lh lei alley (10 now, ren ra with nr,..i lin el.fnrtrry r.anitw. • . ntN1 'w•n-•' trrtlnve evere,commo vel, two A Permit., Vegetable, Tonic and Blood 1 Drd0hase s Ointment itlgh o►ttclal,.gary on, Intruding t(► INSURANCE COMPANY -- -. _ ___ ride out nb eat thrit,, mil"m. Th",v Purifier. Price go cents per Bottle. ,�N, O�NOta0�[RNboa -i Ill n lot U) tat art twp) trt114C_lUld nen ,f .,,n . nn „I,r,ln rhe pal1,earn. 1 / Ifov. Jury Usxose.,......1'ut..wtar -. '- l` roar i. ,�Al drnmal+l. bol 11 a1 ,Wf TFnTi1,-, Villl r I- at to ad at every' r nnn,.r ..r" I,. er,xr mel n(..r- Tkr n 1yo IPI:-, worried tie^m n ucml acne. f" t d n,•rt For hint rh•,wrd n-n,nrt:,tir+ a R 1......1, ler will ,.,-filet ,,.. fir I..m hot- InrrwaP.•a over Ilion, in till, ft,11w1nx Ie•n,. Good An lrbliman rferently Innffed got ' fI— nYelio fir prlrerl:.oM por hr.I. ads. &I%l a taw wml:se (rami wild atttlp(t to I it,-, r erri.a. peel-obw New 0 Pa., narnnwrl by If s'sn. r,vs 111 •Ir nnno:•nnce fly hie per.lRlenrn I "t"Orhlelf .war ►H FF rn appfl'.11_ I'moninoe Ineome Inerve-1 by ::9n11 Ileo n+ekln t,lU, Tntnl Wromw Inerraetod by...... l J.-, • g name of every station . TME GAIMON MLDIGIAL GOMPAAY Asara Inrt.sa.d by ................ an.' ',si Thugs tlFnt the 1tAln fills at. After I Toe011T0 fPsnrnnew fw lorreinerenardhy :I!o!,,Ir„ "key land pnlltrly answered lois qu R Ibna fora• n dnspu nen tlons or Ro (m(• 1'aMlaentnl Llh 1'ollrl'w nm our urllrrl int of 111r'm bovnme angry. and wild t„ NO NIIMNU0.-ra►rry n• - almplh•Ity and Iltoernllty. AltrUto venoto•d. arse ■retarf team' If, .,..a.,n.r,mu.aw..a.1..411ff4i (IF(). R. wOnbn, t'KAR. lL FI'1.LF.R. to Eat ••'�." lore, a.w.S.*I =4*w".1.,...•.he. _ ___..__.v_ --_- my mt~n, if ,��-'vn'iI kindly "Nww..aNne.Nkr.wf., ...f,.1, (4esnslllu Mreptary. Id, e II me a'hattr you're 1111t11g, III Rpp ==== a., ."k.ole.y.p Fenle. d ,.w rn„n t.wh •, rs into. tl yfl.no- utrMa.. thnt you don't y r.•ww.aWs/tw. reY.pr.rwt e y T Rat Ilarrtld b lilt f. r".I,n$-ft.«.ew.a,..r„i1aYon IAAy lr! Jdat led In oohingve"fico, otic 1)Innp. r.s.a.r4l4,_1'1:,4 .faaN,` f�11ow a IODetnr wh n he Is lcnntln- D y pr,T O.. Ad meta awed le '• Th, Inkldgrant reserved Mown Intel XMP: Pal,Mmr11oniim ltrarM.Mw, ra I Baily. getting into hAt walar. �I���t^ , rrlMrinua Ir.ckpt Arid pil'er1 up a' J t fo kpt with nhout twwntT co imst- -- --- - - -- -- _ - __ I- __- _. I I I ' rAtnrbrd, the Inst nine of which found It$,MPMIWC the beginning. Min fully Ilm,lbn."-1'1111+adpItN11A Evening Tooke- , 1N, atural flavor g„il,ll. f Awl. tiv the thing ten wtaheur if lin kerpet Food Products I Mlnard'n Llnlmpnt Curer Colds, pts Thr` owe thovy(ht dominntit through nlght Apt$ clay, And knows hill strength In IlmillrmA, bm.moo rim 1'(mnta o4 ased In (in I. That mighty stream Wulf, bear "won Its br(aldR, Ilk • gvthlr•s1 fle"ts, Ills bwrpr,e,:. Ills "Parts, relief Iola par- FV)WWI I To norb:)r In file hnrher or Nnerat4N. - F:IIA Wheel",- wlloo►x. e to Sold u. 3. eererdseat Insaerrod x«p In th. hon» Mf weewrpnrw-ter •`•Jerre, err Nlnderlr►n tier salt our .h.n yin. welt ,r.mHMef` officialand era it gnlek. Pampa, twit a ky sae lM er b np.n. As .pp.tl,le* hmeh to m&y h .n leers.(. LINT, 111411Itl t hill, CNICAN. was. tr mew for h-k1e,, '•mow an Rsk. Goad Thanae to ria ^ NOW Park Central sad Hudeen Rlrpr { I RatlroaA. i That ba a m►vPAM” I■ honaeh0ld word and the, Pnperlor excall"nra of thea read should ha sufficient in of tract moult pmPIN halt now that thee rata In the same to Now ynrk and l-Anta rent an b.► other llnrs no fnrthwr recrmmsndtstion .hOilol bit arught gverybo ity will tell you It Is the bort, 19 insist on E. B. E D D Y' S deader sup- [ You wllh I WOODENWARE PAILS and TUBS Thr,y are mannfovelarmi from lbe R&Vr of KATFRIAt,A by the Y(TRT 11K(LLRD wnrkmwa. .-•,� --.-+11aa: iMit(i ,"it,l aa..',L.::tea%k -le ` a� .' 'e,:`dt.d ,