The Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 3PLASTERS FAILED• l.lnlmente, Oils and Many Other Medicines Uld Nu (loo'. A Yew Brupswlek resunreler tell. of 111s KRurt• to Cur• 111. Kidney Trouble ale lufrere4 fur Years and tiled Many Nrdlvtue■ but euly rec- ently yuuud tb. Wiest One. bower Windsor, N. B.. July 14.- lttlirlal) Mr T. H. Be'yea, pot/twee- ter of thin 1.1 me, time ntndw a very Intererlin • statement of 1111. experl- eu*le is T Ktil: by rouble whloli has bothered pint for weer yearn At Caws ull have , 1(I l uh 91 (beide 01tl0LsoubIi d su p,1' a, wan dimwit laid up. Mot fated tweeted doctors and 111x111 pt, fliPdielres, but uuthlug stop e' to it 1.1 him In the least. J'I t.'ters, oil+, 11 ,hu"nts un the out- ride and donee i,f 1411 kintle and do- serlptlonr taken Internally einem to 11:1•e but nue remelt. Ile tear au Flnutl7 through) reading an ndrer- lheul ant he was led to the use of 7) I.I'1 Kidney Pills. 11: our: " 1) d.I's Kidney fill, were • o highly 1.,•e 1.n uendod fur Kidney Tr, ul 1 • that lifter rending sow teetlul hhinle 1 4(111 OM to try lir ne according to direct Nor. - ' -1 had tried so many things that 1 WWI very ik tetrad and b•td but i'ttl.t faith that Uod.1'r Kidney Mita foul or would help w'. However, I did rot urs til in 1 mg before I found Olt they wore all and more titan one . 1 timed for them. „ I have received ,.tom benefit font -Mom Alan from an] other n1Ptilrhte IT.re ever n.od, lot they "soma to - hate made a complete curet f my Mase. • I fee 1 as well as star I did nd hive rot -the ,I ghteet trnoo of Kid .ry Trouble that botliered '4 er NC btinff. ▪ 1 want to Nny th•►t I believe ill it 1)odt'e 'Kidney Pills are the 1.h ht media -11c media-11cfor Kittle., Trouble." ▪ 111.014 is very well known to 'or, h..lv to 11114 nrl,;htr.rhoo.l; miff til re melted few wait have not been aware, of itis seri' u' dines.. Everyone 1. dull -filed nt Mk im- prev''d• hrf.1.Ii, std ills put4l.h•rl italra".11 11114 d • 01(1,+11 to mak:: 1) „bl'a Kidney r'il'e sten m ere print, fir In Ude neighborhood than they Il i t'• born. he •••••••••••• •••• •••••• •••• HOW MANY CHILDREN • •• IN FAMILY ? • WI*1111 of Eunllsh philosophers is he who Tins said that no man has lived the lienal life who hale not done these thing's: • Berrwgn the lather of a ri'l'e Jtudi0.1*Otlst♦ 1 . I'Ltnttd a tree.. W!Ittet a t.. k. • The flrrt of those duties prescribed to amtdtlouaf melt inte hod a curious timelier to ask whether n llmlt dlroukt be attetchusl to ate fulfilment. • A PAGE FOR THE FAIR SEX: Summer Fashion flints From U. S. Centres ---A Melange of Matters of Interest for Women. IU t' *1 0( nTd 110.&YY1'1'.1 The tlauhrw girl 1e In style. Tho new shirt w:llete aro built ser that a woman look.. twice us 1111e as she Ir. LI her -skirl she looks harrower, for skirts aro very ellugiug an 1 they aro fitted as tar down as the knee*. But with the walla It i■ afferent. Here Ute figura mart aro broad ,tel npparmrtly mueeular, so that the mklaummt•r Woman comes very near being topeitetvy. Tho new waists are made with the 'shoulder plait. This Is a fold of cloth which le pot on In eueh a famines - Unit It projects over the shouklore. In tortulu *hope 1t Is called thei,Ib- mou n" and t 1 t1. o r W n f i * Ism 16,11 effect Ir to m•'ke the rhou:dt•t'N look very wile. It b really morn Nooml,g to a slen- der waist tlutn to a p:mn, one, 1 ut both rtylt•a are wearing lt, and'you aro gradually getting used to the woman who to.,k•; twbn ns trued nu rho Aid au the spring. Sleeves .byplay the name peculiar- ity. They aro tnck'e3 In Rows e('ruektus. rsnieng'tritest 1 the arm nottttteysrtr trimmed with bindle of Woo going rowel and roue i. all of which teal to nettle the Sleet 41 barge RINI tit) orfs L Walsh as s rule show the trim- ming put on, not from Out meek to tho belt, but notelet the figure, 4111(1 co is 04,-1 111 a great tamely of t1' ways, 'Away,. rutin we aroun.L ere is oar kind of Ince trinuu:me b Is very iii!e ant dreeit . upon miner shirtwaist awl a h1lh tor - y Mot a tort that eau Le -put 141111 It 0 -maestro of 1a 11 1• 11 ace insertion sometimes .. s t♦ ant Iter it pot urtrun•1 !Wetly under the none, the back.. Cher way of umtng Ince nn.1 for this, if it Le a Over Is lino I. It IN ort, of n }rite, rn- •re i14 a bent of it nil the tunat 1141 al bans( or Rohr" w lite waist fastening In There 1* n q ►*oil 1410 W111 ilio. Walst, fllc first texat In the filer steep Own t net the bottom ,f the, shirtwaist no to (some in un•1 (ho 'holt. A Ill, yokk on the skirls is below the bolt. Then there are Pune of the Sent. Lace. It is the apparlpt lit e of tbu summer rbtrlwiiisl to clop, It14etf le- %i14(b1y. Yoe millet not 1100 OW the little trk:kl* tk►u1e.'mherc n1.: n few weirs that k melee. the rms. l ut these nre .hurl to het lulu Noel 0,111 heeler to gt't out of. Morro 4T. the IN,Mke show, or arc apt to 410 nor( they 110 114,1 waale well. Tito waist that -buttock .kotvn apo lock is quite the fad. 1l 114 butitwot to vitriol's ways. fpr moat p psear of which pull Inc the 'eminent 1.) under an lutist) le flap. mak no it bnµwul lee '1919 *ntntny iitettet hos rce411d to see where the wnlst cheers. A full commons on the sett et front readers runs ektwn the Ishek of the wits*t on htrg''ly varia:11 in age, •Iltiona111y either .1 to of the 16.p Woking exactly •nod o.,t4tl d'yfree. Too may be *alto betel its follows: ll rm's wont o ::r.• a'm,n:-a unit 18 r.lyea& that coil tr--u sera "i ostagen to hollow:" Tun Trut.,n a I..q.b•N, ;Mr .. A deril trly or- s,cnitrly the Itutc), !oak upon tbo stork as the lutr1ili r. of good for- tune, Wing se► opposed to the {brrc- (bah d thn eller Hatton. In the east. whrrn, front the times of sytarta on (through the horrors of the (lenges, The waist that I,, ttilm n (OW at 'tee ututt; ire tetter t. SAO. of the food IN tory art le - tweet Itoa boy Indent i tie and In the new one. It fa seen The lentil) rr.c:•s me 14 flier 1,011 111)00 wtth small Lows of rihlou inmlen- I1, r pro1e113 711 •'jrwe1e,' All ill the n likt• 11. The front of such n waist apt this towns Ito resemblance- whatever to the deck. it be Hdn►n, no far air but- j terns ern coneretted,- llemell it m •y 1 e profusely Wilmette with 1.c. or ;en - 1 rokiery en-l.rokfery or with ribbon or a hat• -ver may bo the chosen style of the ger- meet. Reek Velvet Mliti,h. Ls quite on the tIght-tilling outer except right 1:1 the middle of the froot whero Lt pouches over the belt. lit Porte they are itointine 111e I1h)lkh to give the waist n lune Kok, but t Lo.It Oil ■hlrtwulat• bate a 'square blouse (runt which shortens the waist u little, blit Is more b'voin- L11K to the figure. Shirtwaists are bought every month in lin rear, ani from month to month the butteriel•1 (hat;... ni- nbost lmp•r.'eptlbty, ant you wl.l no - Von Unit you your, 11 toy diftercnt muterllt. as tho seaeou foo s on and front ono Surdi you progleen to an- other. Just now (Isere are two t1treams Ln 141,11 twaist., ono twin: the very thln fine afternoon waist and the other the bottler one for utItlty. Madras in white anti In a .lora is de met-redlypopular and stn be seen Ln wlitte, onto blue and pink. The !trek, 'The English cravat is airy fn,h- iuo,nb„ nt this moment, though It lit t:ot 'pedally new. 11 consists of a long drip of alk rite) en which le old direct!: under lh1 coda lit such n manner that the baa•* are very +bort, nimeat bntterfty looter. w1,1:0 th, feels bane right to the bit Tit -y gradually it idol end aro fhddttel with a sharp pointed cut. Tire fonr-i, -hand is now made out of (l;:u-ed ;Ott .n, ,.nl t(!_ Win in m r tilt ribbo.1 1lie better. Aetots aro made of white salla ribbon rmboldevnd with green clovers nod, On n study of t1, fashionable stock., one c"rtnlul r dos ren a great dent of 1111:1 embroidery, too Mut It look* as If every woman w•onl1 have to turn embroldorcr nth ether *due wants to or nut. I t 111' nen' stork you potted a ten- d,'ncy ton•arl til • 1 •n„ ruts 111 (tont. These are iMd hot wo much under *tr. chis its lower down. Tokn a ribbon wltlell le wooled twice nroun•1 lit' neck and knotted under the chin tin re 11411 doubt•' kuut. The emir are now 0I'.owed to fell aryl they, rhuul l nearly come .tn the knee.. But them t* another bow In b{ tied, and this le directly over the bust. 1t shout 1 be n bow with try 1 wide hop,, 11111 If 1(110 1.+ mkllful Plough Mere 11110111 be four loops, so that 111'• whet • thing when Arno Is only a little longer thin the ixlt. It Is it good phut, willow you are th Yid nt 1).w tying. to (1 • the thing before 1t Is pet 011, 111111 tltvn4f:1elen 11 11 any el •err tray en (bit It will sok ns tis *tell it Were freshly lied. This' n.afler of tytag n ribbon if, err (IMP yon p111 It 0I Is "no of w 'eh von will soon tire, for ribbon fir. of l: moo before it looks i'see*I, turd iter tb'tt It 14 not pleaNant to 'MI Upas. t Roman matron. With all lin r'ilginns )i1Iji' urtrds to prevent, ft Is a foot that Ill0ltinmey of birth nt.'mn.lo In U1r 0.wn:rite which nesl)- etl annals' hold notorious for their •,..eels iu the supprea.bn of legiti- hutte birth. Id tilt nwpoet ('aria d* the world. In alis country Hos- tom betels. .- In an.wrr 10 the question, plow nt.ny children should r.ns:Bute an reel family 7 n Ilrroid writer one perplexed by the differing dente of 1110 different men ant woolen to "l'nm lin prop*,.andel the yurrp. 'Ther," an41 +: 41(wn:►n 111 ltroek- lyn.'110 had eight. "I would Ike a houseful," sail the (Ilio of n ()Weber around the corner 40 'vision twit ratty haft lwrn deule'i. Three men of d'fforenb naps, any twenty-eight, thirty -Mx and t i y -too• Pn1wered the olte00oi nt the New - York Yacht Club. Tie 1 (trot, who was nam:torted, s .1 1 that he thought when he gat married he woul 1 like n house- ful-: the Mott. n mon of rtperitomP, maid ha had a hous-ful to give n«ny, mal tho thlr'l wets thoughtful awhile, then said: "I'yO ptowel through loth your *tapas, and would Ike t0,_WO. trick and begin it nil over ngain.,1 Pitt living my Ieryhnn•t 041017 morn through my gran ls.tn. 1 would Ik" to have It so arrange 1 that I ooukt live eloog'kta him ne bin mentor all, the levy through Mia youth and cnrly m•ltthorsl, entering him elov►r of 1Ile mote which °aught me." -Neta• York Herat 1. r HOT WEATHER AILMENTS. t *refnl Mather* Should keep at hood the Meese to Cheek Atbrnente that otherwise !Bey Prove D'h n t h•' wrnth r to h •t t il• vends Of the little life are apt to glide foray lwfore you know it. You can't wote!, the Tittle 071c too carefully at title peeler'. Dysentery, Ohre - "oil. cholera Lnfantum - ani Mor dprn of the stomach are nlarmi gIy treffir tl a6i1i!7 111'r 1(11; -tmft.t ,v... (nrr of the sgmc,rr month.. At til" firm sign of any of them, or any of the ailments that alt lot Rifle to e. tare I1thy a Oren Tob'ets. TiP/esi 'Lehi is will epeethly• relieve nn'I p7omptty eller all hot weather .11! - meets. Keep that In the hno.o -- t h totem -1m. u,(' may move n pr owner little life. Mrs. Herbert Burnbnm, Smith to Yale, Ont , intro -When my rlieet o11llrl was s t weeks of t h•• had nn attack of ehnlern infnntum nal p:ne at death'. doors My do -tor n'!t'l.el me to one Ilwby'. own Tale. fet,h, and In twenty-four hours baby wan hetler; the romlttnt en t'pnrg- in;: wowed ane he regn'nn,l strength rnpttolly. I have nmol the Tnhlets for O 1 h •r ailments of chi' tr410 eln''p 1)0(1 alway, wtth (or happiest results. 1 ('1140 aorrrely recommend t hent to Mothers as n m ♦ icl rxv that rhonld 14l,ynye be kept tt the hnuee 1.: t t le ones t hit 1.o, npe goal not tired 141)4 grow p'nmp not woo in tome. nth •r:• llnb7',. Oren Tahlets are teed. Ch l'tren taken them nn lradlly ns "van y. .rel (rn h'l to n pewter lit •y Ono lin NINO* to the youngest Intent wit 1, the. lion of remelts. Mo14 nt Anr. menet or you eat► get thorn T'a'd 6001.? nt e its a lot • by tcrt•lnt of pat tt til' Dr. 1►illl:.ma' 7d"t1'ino Co, Bnrrkt1l1e, 011., O^ Schenectady, N. Y. ABOU THE SASH AN THE FICHU. 11 It ninny ;of h r Anitsty evenlsg gnarls tie summer lel w111 went a e,t , this year. The (motors are ail of . dote ereflest rt.bhr. and t10,, „cotterel w•/til flowers . re the fav- o rites. .Iii �l WHITE EMIt11O.bE:UE:D Flt,xt'll 1.tWN. WTTII DE191ON PILE BLUb UPON THE: W.t1i4T. Ing It, rnch little Ir.rw b'•Ing tied ilenttmt n hnttr'n:-feta autow buttons are only n lhdf ; the reel work Rem,. -try erwn44 It dosue•ntlr 11n.l bottonle1 tntislhly. The want that bolt +ni et 611' s1;M Is nut of lbs dou!de-Ili"il''u•d ramie. '[mo shit- -int'-ew4•- tlbtn the other awl lits' %valet Iso bnttonrd where the edges meet. making It q,llte core nn I different (teem the very hntvy double-OrenNt- etl rt 74. 4kirLN nrr now lnetenrl to defy oboe tattoo and «stmt$ nrr pent following their teal. Bente of the mew L•,n.lot sty 110 are r'•ohy troy cleverly tnntrt1M, and the h.tt- t••rntnie ,down the Isurk l( menaced) hr Me:ingot cnrieret little hook,., greatly remoulding glove snnpv. Everything theme -days meet 1,r .k.ne In n womhnide manner. Onto motto (het enrol of be tubbed nrr rw'1. hnpuNr Wiese; the )simmer months, and 11 i+ (11' nl,n of (.torr women win Wr a Pi emlrtlr tnweir ebthes that eon Ire put In the telt had rubbed Th^ eumm•r ,,hertwnlst, 'Am Mit t, mmed wPh It^r. Ir 11'nd rmhrol-t- errel. A Int' 1 • howl ( mho, fiery, n matter I14rw Ilttln of It titer(' mat bP, ••1re14 n eprtnhi ,'htlnetint t t n waist not to be galeel In war other war. The I int • front el' 1 p evn11., reel le even more ropulnr than It. was. rim Nti o waist lost not blouse, bit the Ririe -ink retiree The bodice, whirl, in of fir, flowered molx*enol., I* croano1 with narrow betide of pink velvet and draped with it create - white flchu K.dse4 With Two Millis �1111411 wit', the pink velvet. Tho flelin e httctwtn.l at Ow waist -pine with, two 0iloux of pink baby rtblw.n. ala trilled rads reach to the flounce M the skirt. Mastro, made of two kinds of rib- bon knotit.l a little below tyle waist at the back are one of the features rot tho titin gowns' with a corsage how to notal.. Two slla'h+a of tele odor, or two different colors are sometimes mood 111 the moth, anti 1n white two kinds 01 ribbon are used, for example white 00041e and Load - sine. vwwtretr NOXIOUS WEEDS AND THEIR EXTERMINATION. L. By aha Departmset e1 AErlcnitUre, Ottawa, etrto. totetowowl tiaAMAI ,A.ete st.n esi Ito'. h lite chemist and the bot:udet ' 'ib get r11 of it, drop meadow + u tt of the rotation 1111141 the infee('1 fields have been 'Malt moat Ad ipt the male plan with pernsauent p:t.- turee when at alp yractlealee. tir0tr a crop of rye. (ollutrt.l by repo. Pos- ture meadow land until- the mldd o of June, then plough deeply and aunt with rape In drilla. It m'1y ►,e well to follow with n crop of corn roots. Or, another remedy Is to fol low rye width n crop of millet. or to work the gro,o,l on the (tee fallow ',potent until winter wheat 'trey 11* mown 111 September. ' To ',winos burdock; In groin or hay fields, the reaping or win:' will prevent the reeds maturing a!1 the .11410411 •0e11401. U the fields be .gone over later whit the vet or 1t01110 surh Implement, and the plants be cut better, the corn. they mitt When blue weeds put 1a an ate pearnnee, rename tbem with the spud, tulles* the ground 1 • to be broken up the same seaeou. When for the first aoneds of 111 approach. NriateterorronevWwwwtevry "Then rho will worry (or fear 141,0 will not be Mee to stolen at sleet. File wall eon(ritt•t her eyebrow'', bite her " ftugers, nit the time ,, 4..g ftp aurone energy inet14:01 of ■toriyg It away for a thee wu et it plot, bo deeded. % 'How few women Wee 111' weir 1e that sweet placidity of elnitlt e1. that we see 'delimit In their 4 - mothers' fu.rlrnitr 7 Thi* man of Ilriug hate litntupwf Itself spoon w.) - men's fora*, just as irrevocably tole upon their constitutions." The tetters 1t. S. V. 1'. are on com- mon brit those w11) 410 not know their meaning are the exception Pot when they fleet Megan to room Into nee on lite side of the wetter they created it lot of dlec,Nri(n Alba In- quiry. .In the nation's capital a hollows startled her prolr,se 1 guests n quarter of a century not by an (foliation carrying IhrNr letters. Not one of the reelereuts knew the mezteing. .bat Robert G. In,fueaoil, what re•rived one of the cards, firm- ly nnnoaneed that they stood for "Bight runnrt 1101,1nle provided." itlnck le mngirnl. The mutt b.'mt- tlfat thnughte mutat go through Ink before they can be trngsutittttd f'tIrly. Uulil glrle see the Inlportnnee of adapting their remarks to mala can- t pnulonv the matron wjll alta-rlrxl those An effective anal new way of rnr- rauRt7ox. a.. to e, in to have It encir- cle (4',' senhet in the form of a Mo- wn down net a trifle in fox►, ant rawer tt potty Mrreklo-'ow set with a .emt- 4)reehni( jewel mntn:ohrg the eolor of Onto or ono formed -01,J111.. tram flower. 1:Miter would be at- tractive. At fhb Imrk the call is tlt'i let a lair-In..!sarwl. inee trttf:,tr or thorn Rash's will form twirl of newt summer toilette: threw nrso n1II he wills. porn. yel- low, tied nt tin Week 111 MMM in a ',tome bony witty fulling loops, *nom forintim but n Harrow draped wale - betel wem,what i'nlnted In roost ntlw'fw ttrt•angrel to a hrnad enreelet, bowel to fray* and nt the *WON, hat drawn down quite narrow at the hook %there /lie tie In teamed. Throe (led ett the fI'P w111 abet elope artery nt that point, the +snot of uniform- ity of n b?th at the eiders adding re - O'er tban not to the granernl effect ed the ensemble. 1'h,, fMlro plays ant Important part In the detwl►tkm of the summer bo- dies and reteling effects are ppro- dner.l by taring lbw frills of the 1'lehn piped ettth velvet. A pretty gown le td reertm-n7dte mr',n,ntr eeleonln matter, -1 wit'h a Ofseign of turn park Term(--im•M Thos r1'njtr Pklrt line two (harlot fk'nnrr.l of plolu cronm- teMte a00ele the -de -sole piped with THE e.1NUOW WAI`tT, Olio 'IIMl1KE- a (.IRI, Ilx)K BROAD. Chameleon silks 1n pole alludes of 1 6,111•, pink, green and yellow alma- (ng Onto grey aro the latest novel- ty for fcnrn:httion stresses underneath the slteer 01't►seeltnes, Inset with Once In elaborate (Weigle.. 1 h.• 1411 able IUuds, While Irish dimity Is nlnvutegtod and linen zephyr has n certnin cool quality which makes It le demand at ell times. Both of these %tear %eery well, and now that the golf Belem ►r here, tela is no Ionil coasiIcration. In lite heavier waists there it butcher's linen, wliteh tents Itself nicely to the embroidery ueolle anti white Idque, 11,1014 heavy can also be embroi lernd if the stitch.- are not too lou` or the 00000000000032000 now A WOMAN TIfANKS A MAN. 0 3000 00000000000 ' l'Irnwo don't a" 771* man's voice trap, psala(11 wish rmburrassmont. „Oh, but It was q•, klrtd of you!' 'toilette! the w•orn•n. IIB •Ituffled his bet and grew redder. " Il la Eothing at 1111," be ■taln- merol. " Bnt It erne smell n big notlhing to m', lemurs you, and I h +p o you tl,aler':tttnd how very mash I do 111- pntLerns toxo wastes . precbtto y our go.wlrtese," she pee - Duck really adapts Itself better Meted, ht Italics and small capitals, to the polka dot u-, nn the E'rencle 1;11 1p� *4 t!, mon b'gnn to wife, lin clip, the rain 'solo and to 111..hid *''ver thought n 111',kinem In hie Emmet knot, anal really beautiful 1'/''' mu.h lest dose one. Aid till b•rwitte he had hunted up n ram' .n rhe directory ftir the over- nietoeintive Ilttln w0nutn. Dotted Swim" IN aomelhiug that is Intl !t queer how men do bola rl, who very well known, an 1 title year alt h, lie tc] nm7 hnateb� 1.1 an ed n l/Mused theyearo taking the dote and seat- lit/tinier to the dialogue wills they tering French (note through (lieut. 011)i.11 111 thPlo Iso cream soda. The •Swiss Is hirhigkt with as Targe ..g.,,, th it poor mn:1 le nctunliy wip- dota ne 1,oaaible, then, upon thee,,1:441 lir anent of agony he to 1.!. French knots are made. if union- I fort head pint b want. Ito waft thanked try holds out the French knot( are to d x0411 . effnots are prolu"od In thlsevery- day material by judicious arrange- ment 'of the polka dot,. at Ill ' Ey) •ritueulnl Farm at Ot- Unva arc ageeel that the M'ro•teit method of ern'Iirattg w1111 m•trtard, by spru)lug infested growing crop with sulutlune of copper NulpiuttP. le the most effcclunl yet tried. Their e1(uelesion, melted at after many Px- it-ritucntr. is that fifteen peewit. of reposer r(1Iphnle dies thee In fifty gallons of Witter to the acre, when Ilse m:,star' plants are young, Is the most t'/feetitto the marvel, a14 re - garde the grnln crops. nal the most Pconomleal to OOP. The nveruge cost lel this medication 1p "% boot one .1(.11 lie per Here. In 11.111 utet, where the grrr. ler (portion of the 1Innta voile wild mustard are really bird -rats•. whirls Is store generally known n.1 eharlo•,. the Ment means of destroying Ole weed Is by using (when the went Is young) forty gallows pin note of Mu per cent. solution of "sulphate of t•tpr- Irr; but If the eharlr•k b, in floW- er Iw much a* slily gallons of a four per cent. and ttiun will be neeesa.try• out off at way state of Ile growth Thp aslrtrnRur beetle, which has below the corn the weed must die. been troublesome In the Wingers div- lase flax, lstoss11. gid, known os trlr•t, should be troate.l lit sprnying fate. flax, ion, be Sett 'fie of emcee - with either kerosene emnleion u1. alternating heel crops to sllceea- wllale-ell wrap. The rod turnip beetle, which vis- ite 1I,nitnba and 11r) Northw'wt Territorles now and again. can Iwo got Ail of by spraying or dueling t1"► planta with arsenical potions In the same was an for the Colore.ko beetle. Sttoul'i Hi-ltlelt Columbia tow nimbi visit of by 14, mealy plum 1phle. Nprny with what, -o11 soap ani quns- rl:.. Reter4ing to q 'e'tw WO seeds should be allowed to mature. And by far the flax. most important to the farmer le to Rag wept and wild mustard shout/ APO Hint he pmrchnse hie seeds for be treated alike. ills crops Gv�hent he eon deiw).wi 111:011 getting r.•li4be g•14ulw, It Is false ec- onomy to buy "cheep' 1001(1. lite roust/len Tenth, generally (mimes Into bloom 1n July and August. maturing Il* t11-111 per - Ocularly 111 the latter month. Until the fields are ele.riel of this pest drop out of the rotnllun 1111 crops that allow tho thistle seeds to ripen bolero these are curt. it le desirable to plough under pasture land 1'n Juno, 'or land from w'Idd/ a crop of bate has rutl d ramex (all the same noxious been rcm,ret early In July. and to weed) is to pull out root and cvery- wl.rk lite lama those ploughed upon. t(11ug. Ilio surf/too, so that all thistles will The w'l1 parsnip only flowers the be kept under .tntil fall, ter the time secoa44 year, so that If the flower for mowing waiter whrmt. Operate a' be out before the seed'fornls the wood threw year rotation of wheat, rye, can he at (wore got rid of. barley, or oats. witty Outer, follow- Cocklebur or rlotbur will surramh rel by a hove otop. In removing tide- to elan culture with some hoed Colo lint front perinan'ltt pastures on nli1t mediae so cMver or mereiew etlff clays two or Owen cutting', a grass, with frequent mowing• *111 year with the scythe or mower for keep It undermlhj•rtton. By n11 worm a few years will suffice, but In open. prevent it frau reeding, and to ac- a'tleoile 1300 spud will hate to Ie' re. rremplith this It luny be noruesary to tmorted to. 'Pee float rotting shout,' go through *urn and .tubus fields Int' just before the thistles hio.o0'iu The wow tldslle may he eradicate./ in 1111 mune manner. Tule weed Woe. some 1n .1111y, maturtert it. eo01!■ 111 J uly, Augu.t aril September. It wilt grow to any kiwi of soli. (yno•Ih gram, or quack grass, growl Exp"rlmrntnl Yarm uuth•rr111.1P have* in all kind,' of crop from early rt.•v,mmehde4 n Rusetnn thistle to by . spring wet 11 late autumn, maturing pi iced In emit se1101)l-hrn1s1, an that Its s,wle In Angus(. To got rid of it *Ito pupil. nifty beeom4 faml:twr with, plough lightly iu:trr harvest, then 1t, anti bo taught to kill It wherever !nervier- with the ordinary harrow, they find It as they wuall n rattle - n od owe the .prang tooth cultivator mnnkr. P••rmlt 1.w Rus.lsu thistle to to retake tho roots of the 'grass free go to seed, and In two years yon *111 from the (aril. Whrwt dry burn, them. lot rid of 1l. But be careful that all send sown be as pure and clean as prseible, and .xereine eoperlal care In regnr0 to flex IOWA and millet, or nay of lbw smaller and lighter seeds. (:orn, potatoes, beets t,r any culti- vated clop, well taken rare of, will la two yenta rid the land of not only Bnesinn thlwll'., bot of nearly al other noxious weeds. e. tic:►tterei over the south hetwreu i •• Atd rt en Nth n he 1180 n al'y date the liolkn dots, and the whole has n gloat favor for n w• Man, al ex - n ray neat look an I is quite din- I P•'nN( of 'time, triad'' nal m rev, ti1ctlae, beenu.e it le st'm:•th!.ng Ilia Ntill dentes to tin thanked for It." that cannot be bought ready mala 1 ••g,p't•f (1.' nil•n flop wmoo makes M rilIII About the Merl. his 11.0 n hurtle,' by her efin'Ivenene The 1801401 and mrntosrlines are the *o few -Weston- 146.14I' pow to thunk most ehnnning of the mummer ,'man tdr+l;', anyway," reflected t1+ gowns, tett toile holds !ts own, tar- oalb''r girt. fettle w111 not clown, and fonlnrl t " 1'.-o, I harp nntl+rd tint ane her, figuratively Npeakime, rimes li:tln p1,rnee Hud the. right kind of from Ile nsllea. Tin nett fn:lIorde 1 1 ince to fin with it nor quite tee ugh nrr In Imonnel4 k1lwus paticrnm. ntld, to reward it nit 1 for .itch thingm." the smartest of the foliar' gnwnn Part Bother the 4fntme,' ntefiPd here ekirta, mon pleats' nn.i w1th. her frleed. te;ulnhl;. " You are ,•r- out trains, eleenalrely long in front tel i; a mlAmrm of til • gentle ,,rt and on the aides, and merely round- of PrP t,1'gr8phy, vulgarly known ed At tato back. ns 'go-go'L-tn,' in r dear N 1'." N 1.'s" "1p4).417• of b, fol 111'. "But whet In the use of employing it stupid .errant like hnm'tn 14pi-elll when you have it much subtler, 'nor/. intelligent and ntcurnte 19111, 1110 language of the humtao eye 7 It t NERVES. canteys In shorthand a whole rol- 1 tt ��` l; I'l l-IZVl:S. ume err emotions -and gratitude le n1. emotion that tamer Its beet •nine 0000000000000000000000000 w'mn translate:' by the tongue." ' 1t is not at all snr,.ntc that w„- "But Ir yml don't say anything men kayo 'nerve'',' naf.l a phyel Ian nt all, the Iwnefaelor Le lokely to tin other day. • you weal noble that _mlmuwlergtnnd," they belong( particularly to those 1 "Oh, of (mune., you meet may a women what 7[l'tr tendtng what we little -a t.r7, little, however -owl might roll n strewn,1a 1 foe, /Ind not the man «i'1 he ort tench orxom- eo much timing those for whore exist. for Goble than If you ormr.rwrejlNmexl unlit h s more Immlru01 affair.him with n' deluge of voter. roue not "I:oprdaIly ,k, we Owl 'nerves vohubie grntlhrfr. Ano then, ono, c 1m in p1 In you eon make ynnr 0y4 mo $000000000coocoocccoc00000 $ WIIY" WOMEN stein with spring grain crops, or rye followed by a hoe4 crop, the syn not being allowed to rllwat. Wilma will flax 1s found only 1n pate/hes In meadows the Itlfested parts n+y be out and mid tor soiling Ittlrpuses. When Lucerne eon ba eub.t(tutrxl Inc meadow, the first cutting would tate piece before the flax Is ripe. Pigeon weed generally gets In It loot end rye geode and timothy. nth newts lit clover and a1s1le. it can be tree teI about the rano as w114 Wit I wait Is an nnnaal nuisance, and will fairly well s,wenab to the anise treatment es wild mustard. ELM, dragon OF tonal nix w old.) railed butter and eggs, and while young ',lints may be rooted out by Wind the 'summer, fallow is the most offeetive remedy. Only Thorough Sulo ser Owl/owlet will dsotroy •slid Iettnce. The 0.11, way to fret rid of -sour Meek. yellow dirk. cull 't1 dock, narrow dock, or a twine..., oa,•n' ty. n erg th:f molority aro crimin111y °n1.' 1•^n. I have known women to not only attempt. -hot to- accuwttliah.a., hat- I day's work In an eines) on n sup of coffee not a roll for bt•rnkfa„', n*N6 ten And toast, or a (.hamlets eeinlro and n bowl of milk for len- citron. "Vre'ncnlly i hare seen e, party of Ririe making their m!,idny men! of an Ire cream *14,111. They probably -swan their extra leneh money for Inrn mtnckings or neck ribbon., bit they expend ten times their Mane In •It*Nty. (u w man trial living on tbnt plan he would soon eotlepee, tmt, AN men nrr ronstltate, there to two Twee of apprehension along float line, foe w man think', mora of hie menet than n woman does 11011sn 1t hap- pens to he a tete-a-tats *fids af- ter the theatre). Another ?Nixon for a woman's prominent aervons charaeterletien U that she never shtelds her They are allowed to heeome too sen- eitivP. 11 she misses to ferry she dnN not elf calmly anti welt for the next one 'lain rite oto the feign of the wet, tape her font npt1 the floor and to cosllnlally on the alert tend•-fpeewierad, 11 Augu*t and (I plumber. Tit • sal+wort or Ituselan tll.tle le more like the common tumble -weed thin any other id not In the North- west, and et great w post N It la ensue qunrtors that the WIn,corigin Repeat tide prw-ese twice or thrice area owlet genes w111 disappear. - 'silo Ox- Kyr Da Loy btmaii le front .Tune 1.0 September, awl grows rr'•ry where where It le not wtn,trl. Tide weed In propagated entirely by lumina of the seed. and is e(nnmon In "cheap" wr1& just a lithe manning, ambiguous enough t10 be lia.erpreted In rev- I eral wnya 11 "ten him .0011gh filets nlre to try for the rent el -Ula tiny to unravel the hidden meanies. with Its tame) of flattery, to ore a reward In Itself," "That is n11 very well for a pret'y girl like y(01l-men aro (mite likely to think n gln8ce of any kind from eyes like ytn0re a 'rewnrd In 1H 1w11,' " r1g1101 flop other girt. "Rut they neral more rurreney in prMsor- tton or its 1111110 docreaoes, from pinluer women,. It takes ten words or looks of tweeter/1M from n home- ly girl to make one of your■ in paytn4 power," Nonsense !" rstortrel " Neil," brusquely -she hurl- a lot of „erne for n pretty girl-" n men appr•cl- ntes n plinennt look from any 1v,t- wnn, If It Is' intended to convey n pleasant threight. it Inlet the messenger he Is looking nt no mach an the me*knge. Men look deeper than you think" ' Neverlhelens,' saki the plain «trio+ plaintively._.::L.,,am still con- vinced that there are plenty of men who like better to receive a sweet message from n pretty aer- %Ant than from nn ugly tromp." And she put down her empty einem with the derisive thump of one who knew from and experience whereof she spokes The tootles Mottle Here. "She mnrrled him to reform 111tH." "and what was the remelt 7" "She whilst she had reformed 11im to mnrry him."-('hlcnge !Yost. 'You hurl row. trouble. I be- lieve," remarked the neighbor. "Hirer it iit," retorted Mr,o l'Iancy, w11rr heft permed victor M n elktaftef e. mPnl with her hnehnnd. "'Twns Chaney had all th' throuble."-t;hl- oago Post. , "tweet and deliciously delicately fragrant theme fipple blows are. They. @wheat one awfully! Honest Former --You ought to get a sniff of 'em' niter they've leen stilled into juloe.-Now York Even - Ing Journal. HP -Here's a French dressing (the -What to It get It Ile -Paid for It. Ian dressmaker's Press. 'le your wire one of three women who look nt their Intettan s Ant fifty. 7 mode a mnn of yew?' " asked the impertinent (riend. No," answered Mr. M0rkt001. "Hen- rietta is very unassuming. Ohs merely says she has done her best." -Wfuhtngtnn Star. Ile -I wonder why It to no man hes ever suceeected In enpluring the wealthy Mtn, Bntllnn T Sweet Girl (between spnonfwls/- Sh a has always been melt emote!' to buy her own ice -cream. -New York Weekly. . new receipt for 7 Where 11.1 you yn71r Park - MIL -Philadelphia "Ali 4 ('rofensor, if we 00/11,1 ode- ynntelp expreem oar admlralMn 1" "I krwny ant reit dltfk:vit. Iodise; 1 it 1 nm entlalte•1 ven my admirers dor se heat spy onn.•"-Nuck. "f), yar know anything about hype milieu) 7" eteke.l tin girl In the pink waist. "Well," replied the fluffy hatred mnl'1, ns 141141 11n1'I up her left hand to Misplay it sparkling solitaire to letter a/lvnntags, "you ran Jude,. for yrntr•etf."n.'Ctlle*gn flatly News t.41 me you can't agars t11e money for those raga I wa4Pt0.l to buy to - 'di r' 1'rIbu1la► Indications of Nerve trouble Stuudy These Symptoms and See if You Are in Need of the Great Nerve Restorative, DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Beetles*, tangw4, week and weary, no life, no energy. tired 1111 the time, lbvobleng.p1lpltnttng bear% heart toilette, aleeplens nighty. ., l'ben etnrlings, morning lnnguor, hot flash.., Lenin fag, iniblit,y to work Or think,Pxhnustion on exertion, •g'nral numbnra:, dead nil over. told hand, nn 1 fret, flogging nppetlte. stow tligewtton, fowl ho vy, enelly excited, nertoaut. moo •len twitch..trength fella, trembling bowie and 111whs. ha- steady ♦steady gait, 'lmb+puff, lose of flesh, lo•1 of monenlnr ,ower, Irritable, deepondrnl,hysterical. err a4 laugh at anything, two' el melan:h„lin, etrrvly decline, ,omplede potato -neon. Mr F. ('I 1"•. 40 (11nadn et root. Hnmdton, entre : "For it number of yours i have been n great' Meter* front hereon. h,•alnrltr and nervous dytp•p:•1n. i had no epeetlte, nn 1 my whale ser ite system WM\ nrr) rthnwde•*F: J hove found Dr, Chasten Nerve rood very helpful. 1t aermrrl to gn right, eke said of tr,N'bl', rr11P%Inl( 111' 1)r1r1neh n'p rnvtpg lllgention anti toning up the evatem generally." 1 111rP. Symon'', 41 St. flairetr^t. Pellevlle, Ont., states: "Rome weeke not,( began n enetemi of testate meat with Pe.('It*a•'a Nerve Food, nn9 remind It it very aatlefrer't.'ry moil, lee. 1 was formerly troubled with nertntlrrxUlnetion nu) a wont', fluttering benrt Whenever my heart to•bored moi would pore op -Ile N wenknr•re Antal Tnee,, «hill weep vrry iad tro.ng. Illy mennw of tilt. t 1•atment my hate bP,otnw strong nevi henlihv, and the netlon or my heart •rani to be regn1lr. 1 can ranmmen I hr. (•hose• Nerve E'ootl no on excellent Meetei0e.' Dr.Chase's NerveFreY1, NO cedes a Ws, at 'all dealers. or Edpaseen, Batey • Co., Toronto.