The Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 3A LIFE IN PERIL, Story of a Girl Saved by a Newspaper Article. sae !guftered frot*a Needacbes, Dlzrl- ttud ldlget flwe•te-Ner arleade Feared bee Woollens* lulu Cousuwptien. .(From L'Avehlr, St. Jerome. Que.) Amoug the thousands of young girls who bless 1)r. Williams Peak Pills for safely currying then through that most perilo,ar1 twirled of their lives when they step hum girlhood Into the broader realm of womanhood, (Erre Is mom wore enthusiastic than tiler (AerieIle Thomas, a young lady known to must of the residents of Flt. Jerome, Que., and greatly et/teenier' by nil Iter auqualntances, 1) a re- porter of L'.Avenlr du Nord, Mims reenter said: "From the time 1 w fourteen until I war eighteen year■ of :age my health was very bad. 1 wits very weak ; had no appetite and could d, au work. At night 1 perspire' greatly and frequently dept but lit- tle. I suffered Prow headaches. die - and could scarcely move about wtheitt becoming breathier', and 1 fatally reached a .tape when my haulm feared I was going into con- sumption. 1 wee, under the care of &atore, but their treatment dW not help ins. I then tried r•veral ad- vertised medicines, but with the same poor results and I bait come to thluk could not get better. One day I read In a newspaper the ■tatement of a yuuug girl whose symptoms were nlmost Identical with my own, wit, was curet by the uee of 1)r. 11'illleune' Pink Pills, I then de•bled to try thin medicine. and have rat- ion to blame the lay I did so. I had Cel, newt Metall. a few weeks when neenn to get better. and in a cou- ple of months every symptom of any (maple had dleapp•ared and I was am r,trong and I'ealthy as any girl of my age. 11 hate since always en- jnyel the beet of health anil I shall he glad Indeel If my experience proves helpful to some other mu(fer- i Ing girl."' 1'In• happdnerr of health far both aura and women Iles in the (Imply use. of lir. Williams' Pnik P111s, which ac es a nerve tonne and supply newt 1d,.. I to enfeebled systems. They Ante cured many thousands of ruses of annemin, "decline," ronenmptlon, pninm in the back, neuralgia. depres- wuu of spwrlta heart palpitation. in- .ltg•'e•tlon, rhrnrnatism, sciatica. 4( altar dance and partial paralyeIe But .ubetitul. a should be avoided 1 you valve your ealth; see that the full name "Dr. William'? Pink Pill. fur ('ale Ptople1 b on every bot. (fold by all dealers' or sent post paid at 50 vete a box or sit boxes for et_ 50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medl- clue Co, Brockville. Ont. .it�.lt.� ���� Its u dark blue foetus. her a trimming, a t1,11 Winkle, In striking k A MENACE TO THE jLJ2 JZ�JZJgJL�GJL�L�tt.itJt�jl +J1•�-il.Jl. eat . . - . furlt.euable touch td green In Its A Page for the Fair Sex Fashion hints and Gossip -Reading for til Flreside-Matters of Etiquette Discussed. • BY AOG1p$TA raII11COTT � M• • ar�rr-rtr �Ir71r �+ryr ill►'rrslrvrvr-prirrvevrirr wr�rir rirvrvrvrvrrr'sr-wrvr•irvlr lid cont roil to the tuutcrutl of the >< gown. Tho skirt la many gored, awl a itt •t4,h of the WAWA IN a piping of ki the green Wilk, the merest ruggers- k I tt1 postillion 4 tion of It A uarruw turn ONO(' cOl- ler bine lianas on the outfit Gael n 1 onrrow stitched telt, with ssrtrt to - of lliP betghl- L[VE STOCK TRADE. colored elk, complete tate trimming' steel•°(='.ea '--a..att'� r" 'r The peculiarity of the dream of the HOME NURSING. up-to-date woman le Its fhuesa She Rectum always gowned for the We have Letta'a us n e'opy of a near rally. If it be cloudy bin ham her!leilllr:tlloi, entitled "H m'+ anoint.' areas of Englrh wbipi+ucd wade tit The object of the beds is to glue walking length. 11 dtaty, Mae is { prtacticul Irietrilrtinir how to take dreamed In u vitiate rutting neutl,r dun of the pack b,. the lexp•riParedl. fitted to the hips uud ouleutaled to 1.1 training school* for nurses, In - eland a blowing. rtrut'tionm are of rourae adieu In all If the e4orla little burst outright emitter* of title Mai, but hA any rho wears a atorni merge in one of woman link herself, "Could 1 glvo a the new blue gruye ur 1u ry nerawu bath to a 'enema hu led without that will &tun'1 tit' weather, eta) wetting the r1..tWng, or rh:utgt' the If the rain and wind Ir added a dim- 1 idler reheat while tar:, bed war man - agreeable muiatuers she is decreed pled Y' and MAIN will anile at the In deep blue brilliantine -that ma- I Beveling linp)srlbility : yet when rhe terlal that wlthetande everything i to shown, ape will wonder why she anal is good' the next day. tad not dlewtver the right way her - In the matter of dreswmaking she self. Is an adept and she can tell you 1:e till.' little book practical Instruc- how- to hang a ekirt anti can hang them aro given for the performanoe at with her own hand., or silo eau of all lieoemary officer pertaining to go further still au 1 make the en- the rick. The keowldge of any of the garment, tucking the blpr of thein Is tart taken for grunted, and the ekiri and putting on the flare the writer hies tried to do It in sell flounce or otherwise trimmlug ant a 1.1+11 r., pimple manner that uu one decorating the gown until It lit fresh- neem mietnke the east/et way. lot.able and booming. .A erimel • t• 1!a of tide .aluuble boat Her .let +ver, win ch were made In rhth,•r rewire etyi, at the b.'gin- n.ng of the secoon, must now harm a lace puff at the elbow or one of &ilk. Or the sleeves must be Ohl up ar high as the ellaow, &impel! and lined, and out of the opening must fall n fun of knife -plaited &ilk with a lace ruf- fle oter it. Perlape rhe may re- lict a wale fall of fringe. All changer are carefully watched by die up-to-date women, and the remelt of it is that her drew 14 ever UMW aol varied, alwnye differing In come way from the gun 0 she wino yesterday. t a'rhlaa the Styles. Those charming VIrnnaae motions, Stereo little teacher which Me Vienna women, and they alone, know haw tO give, ehe Can pick up and udapt to bciael(. Front the English oleo she L gado a great deal. rap'•clally In the t• mutter of linen. .all the etrappinge of the se aeon, the stitching.. the new linings end the new waye of cut- ting .h. borrow& (roma London. 4•'rom the French elle piaci up dainty lacer nal tha•tr delicate user. From them MGP learns the trick of tying the thou and poieinil it upon the gown and Phe also learns how to make the beat and moat of color. awl hew to aunt her own stele wire the tone of the aeration. Frcm Berlin ehe obtains her head- ings anal" all her intricate fringes. But whin It comer to outing prone Mae goes beet to Lon.ton and from tt.e English and the Scotch she picks i up her knee.. Those queer mixed Irish eelitIngs with a smear of red across A 0111f • thea( atel a twinkle of blue In them, ,A college paper has a wlnlb to this with a little black to give them Meet: A professor lodeg patience background, are her selection, and with it dull but stalwart student et- on sere iter In throe mixed heather clatme '.'The appearance you make In colored tweed& out upon the golf thlm prom. Kr, --, does more credit link, or climbing the mountain high to your feeding than to your Inetnx'- In .ean•h of flowers nod' tun Ilan." The wet' wattle/led youth replies. Skirts to tali tope of the ehori ".lh, yea. Yon meta air, you Inriruct were once quite unpardonable and Joe .but I feed my..If." t (Acne wholly nn mem nine htP Bet now •ea titel/ea that tete retort le hardly they are not even worthy a blush. as clever iti the unpremeditated one 1 he Outing skirt. 'v made *by n fat darty when bis him- i _gbe wonting or the' podeetrien pinyur triers io-�tik (BTinTIew a IIt- j skirt it now the favorite skirt for ale better "Loot here, Wm, why the reemmer rsecutioas of an kinds. it roknue can't you "'Rd n little morn is worn on every occasion when on your lark and Ices on your atom -the sweep skirt could not be tot- ed,?" "(Well, with, It's Just ahs -a -way. 1 swatted. and it Is the skirt of this My l><eek Mere atha credit and my belly partlnular mouth. doesn't. Alnat's a tock " Modistes will dlflpr as to the pro- f per length of this skirt. Many will Be Bew York antral a Groat LAP. declare that It .hrruld barely escape 1M but one There seems to be the floor, and that It should Ire T opinion tart in_what ie called .winglgg in reward to the New York Central, length. It mart 'twine clear of the • that la tJhat tin large number'nreet, but neat be short enough to rf trains. thri list time, and the fact allow the anionic that the fat's' 19, the same an by other To get a skirt to this Meal Drew .0We/et the Empire State Ex- length requires an Ideal cart. Tho Prue", atataukl commetrl It to all. lower !rigs meat be uudulatiug and Imoat curve from front to back and Hardly Halleved 111s Rare. from beck to [stint 'trite. This re - V. Herald.) II quires a high art awes to crit lire 'Pep..,' sail the sweet girl grade- skirt Ileotil a practiced hand, ate,p wnea'tmycnmsnnsiemrnt Kite it A skirt properly planned! will en - a whuoperino' 1 had the other cape the poor and will set nap. Mar ekinned wive :" •swinging clear. while It will by no "Ani this a the girl," gala papa, : menne touch at any point nor °ling seedy-. "whose grednating w,'tiny wap to the Iowan. lynctie this cut. ye ' An .appeal for Higher Standards of ; who want a nice perlsatrlae skirt,. Thought and Experiment).'" hut be tarry careful or your skirt will fail you. in Gotham they have dreesmak.•r', whose specialty is the cutting out of a good skirt, and if you happen to know much it person, by n11 mean* rherieh her. It 1e genteelly- agreed that the ■kirte In pemgnr and poplin may be a little shorter than the hemv- ler ones of more. and cheviot or the skirts of ladle.' cloth and brow!. cloth. Skirts of 'pique and duck. of linen and of drill may be nearly , ankle length, bat, realty, there; wea- vers few that are built any Mort- er than thin. The outing girl will find) that eh() can run awl.. an well in m well cut .kirt ce ankle 'length as In one to her knee., rind OP Certainly hooks • prettier and Ina more comfortable i when contpntionally attired. t ane Plummer (.1.1, While white 'eade as a mummer. enter. the little cheek and the arils• will follow soon attar. White °ansa' firemen ere very pretty nod they dens (heap', emt'1 enmity, even 1f they do not wash. But If you want something Iw rehire, there are lov knell plaid. in pima and white that ere becoming, It;;ht and ('ery detainable nue be hall upon appeal -lion to the publ'oiterr, Ditty k Lawrence Co., K4 Grand street, N.'w York ('ity, enel•im- lug to theta :r, In itntupse ur coin to pay the expense of mailing and Mating the name of this paper. Ilaue,ottktttg it rather 'negroeult,or II year can 1,4u1 thew won braid. The dre.rrr for yue•hUug are 1U brattier linen and are trimmed with bra1.1, we yachting gown. start al waye be. But they mut bit made quite novel by using the braid in farcy faeltou. Great roams are followed out lu the delegate and odd fancies In the way u( deworation. 'leu+k..1 yoked. outlined with bandit of white iral.t, are ae.vn, and sleeve cepa are tucked and trimmed with braid. Ruffle* are set around the hands and Inside the ruffles are et'f( little bands of braid to look like cud f.,. The storks that come with sum mar dreses are ettle more than bands of lane or bands of emhro d ery. They are as simple as they can bo and, are Intended for a foundation for prettier things to Cum e, At Newport they are wearing the velvet band around the throat and fastening It with a jeweled clamp. This ootnes Inel.e the simple little rtex•k of lane. Again they take tulle tial tin It around the throat. com- pletaig It with a big soft bunch of tulle at one side. The tenriefoy - In sleeks it toward something len el aborhlo and toward neat end pretty derlgnr rather than sick and velvet. The extravagance of the mason 1e displayed In the pale colors that are worn. Tha full. dark tones 'invent! ,N.app"arid, and In I.ncn. ,luck and their kin one trate the parte) Colors almost exclusively. that Is tight at the .houldor and tight at the ,-1O.,v. The wriet le n mere bund of stiffened silk. But fest b. 1 rw the wrist there 1r a hlg ham-sltapntl bag 0( elk which waken nit immense puff, larger at the back than at the front. There 1.. now the Ieg-o'-mutton A IIEBOIC LIFE With an Eye Single to the Geed of her Fellow -men She Tolled, the Ptor of lairs' 11. Varney, of Bloomfield, Out -(pant (Many Years la a Iervlce of Metall, Sacrifice to the Poor and Nerds--,11•Istened to Tapir Physical as Well ae Spiritual waits, Bloomfield, Ont., June g0.-6'Ipec- lal).-Our community boasts of hav- ing within it Otte of the most de- voted Chrletlan women that ever toiled to the world's vineyard. Owned and Meowed by find, MIN self-sacrlfbbg heroine and her hue - band, 'ince deceased, spent maws year' of faithful pastoral work is different parte of the continent. Elizabeth H. Varney, relict of the late Levi Varney, 1s now 73 years of age, nod Is living in quiet retirement tier". "ehe 1s it member of the So- net y of the OH Orthodox Frtemiw and Ode atmple pt irw'-iernIng Rackety sever (wi it more humble or more wnrIby member, It IN of 'her work among tats Book- let-ore iook-l etr*rw to olvr own• flamer -hut Norttl- wt" t flint elms 1.'ve• mord to mesa; Kat many and vivid aro her reoolleo- tl.,nw ,t( thin peculiar people. One of the greatest diffktulties this ("rooted woman had to contend with ane rllme'age among her pwior people% Bit we het aavtx+d !w'rwrlf with ere. te.ly that www as %Wallin/t as her own oharlty- feeld'a Kl'hmy Ptllw were the weapons File used to drive cot Nickname( Nome petrel before ate hurl tried aid proven the valne of this great rnwaelne In her awn ease wbro threa- tenrt with Dropmy and suffering with Rhenmett arm. TQw.y had nom- Me'tfely rwstnrel Quer, sued often she heel that he prevailing tronhlo among the Doekiewb,r people waw ktrInov nlawand I)ropwy die knew' that i rlsr• entd'. KkIiwt.y PUie weenni taw 'her moot valuable akl tit her Rood Ree trete ref one poor ynnng woman •perm( ties people wiho was enffering se severely with/ the t)ropgv thea elm waw terribly boated all over and owtlntml to her beet. The lady MIn- atewary loft a how of ieeki'm n1ev P111. and Immediately .As for tame mere heves. ale wan rewarded for her efforts' by Ma templet. reenvery 01 the Penna woman, Kline,* Pal. often ree.lvr.1 Ib,,worthyWomae's most emphatic M A SFJMLf ER GOWN. sleeve and the ham -shaped sleeve, Both -Greets: • What will nom* waits 2 The outing girl does riot remain afield all the time and for thebonre when she is under the trees she lam pretty gowns In linen. with blur linen leading In point of favor. There are the most clwarm'ng dresses In blue, trammel with white wain weal ribbon, plot on In Grecian design and wnrrantel to wash every time. The linen gowns of title year are absolutely a boom to any one .1e wtrtng to look pretty. no many art. the whys of making them Yon oan tuck them or you can make them plain, or you can trim them with BABY'S OWN FABLETS The mummer girl who tramp• a 1•oslllve Fere for Hot Weather little, principally In village walker, A where Mbe taunt Hoek pretty, in wear- Allmrnte. ung a whlte plaid' gingb,.m. In deep to the hot weather the little. ones tazV 1t and •,It^ -Tar itwo "Met barely s lap clear from the ground, and It Is trimmed nrund the foot with it wide band rp( blue braid, put on with eev- erni roan of wear stttettlng. The. belt I. it narrow thing In dark blue leather ns light no kid. and to tt hewn a little blue 'anther fate with silver m•wmlllgt, and an at- tachment for a 'inflating. Tlie whole skirt doom not weigh two pounds, for thorn In no lining, and the entire thing roma! b• picked in a very email travelling lug and Is'eve room for news. The wish milks of tide summer ere d.ltghtfal. They come In the tutors, int new dreeelest 1:t wldtw or cream or leftism eolnr. They nrw matte up with the button', reaming in the hack, and with turkti trimming the front. The tucks are pat on In printed faittiorl, Jolt oto no to (sake a pet - tern, and between tbe grouup« of twee there are rows of hptaatItehdng. Hemstitching can be bought In or In cotton, and It Ie cnrtntnly% effective In the ,taking of it wan Tt la and in pine* with in needleend thread.M The Ila 1 c -Ir v••. TI,* :pokier of th- ceding .lever. newel not dimmey any wOmno 1r*Ph week thorn to n new thing In .lenyea Thr err lilt wort far them+ earning the 'nit- ped sleeve-. Shaped like it Mee eThle le a Hes Suffer from bowel troubles, are nervoue,....*ealt. ilieriaAii1 ((ill!'?}flim= ble. Their rltnlity 1n lower now than at eny other season. Prompt liattou at this time often maven a valuable little life. 11-.by'.Own Tab-. 1eRe Is the bent medicine In tin world for little one'' lit thin time. They Mpeotlly relieve. promptly cure awl give mound, retreating alwp. The Tetilett dealt' be in etery home where there are little one. during the hot weather months. Mrs. P. Ferguson, No. 105 Mnnntield .trent. Montreal, 'aye: " 1 have fonod Baby's Own Tablet,' the beat medl- olne I base ever used for children. My baby wee .,ttackel with rlyeen- tery and eras hent and feverish. I gave him the tablets and they prenatally erred him. Before thin he lied been rather delicate, but Anne nning the (tablets, be hoe been nevelt hatter In every way. I ,can einrertly recommend the Tablets to all mdthere with idling children," Bnhy's Own Tablets aro gnaran- teat to be absolutely free frons opi- ates end herthfnl Brno. Children take them readily, nntl crushed to Ft powder they nae yP given to the ynwangFwt Infant with perfect aaM- ty. They lir. sold at alt drat .'• (Or Will he rat pest pro ' - a manic, n hunt he woI1„ - .' 1 20 tis. Dr. Williams ' 1., h7, «Me,v1114 OWL, or ft�r.&t. a ►d7..1.T. LIiiLE BUS OF FASHION NEWS. 000000000000000 of this smart costume, -M.11 and Ex - prem.m. 1 What could be dalatie{ than a dries to the lovely allele of pearl grey fit y L. linea. piped with blank velvet. It la' Norms exported to the United States maid a fill investigation of t eo deli lowly Cool -looking. lir a through the purl of 1+um ar, Washing- plata" gown which lit (it be treated tuhtrd, j it therefore nIl'c wear anal frequent warltingr tis tots, in October, 11101. T toes borers . err that tin whole were all ttourwtpitulwl by the proper m:alter Aelundr on jlc official lo- ot could be made of white linen rP'nitrtation papers of the American torpretuti.nt of the claire, " when of a fiber ytualityt 1 raw a beautiful wh:vh liI eaver h fasinated' it I !l11oenu.,.iwrutSralqluleoraw+l IThrIvnutheeteorinrat' wruAr tsoax ofn t4hoae- rluinln llumgtetoe1PurdY1ge bethteort rhelwe,Imported for breeding porporea,Ae- utheraglnred,grey nn dreamhe other day, with Tate at(itttun of WV stuck export- and, when imprurtet for (hitt pur- era, breeders and We press, l■ Collett porn, are subject to duty, and a to the case of if. F. 1'agt', of "Mite prulwr enfer...meet of the tariff. it. y, II. C., who was compelliat to as well am regard for the protection 000 duty on ten 1'ecobtrou of Ameulr:ul stock raisers, alike de - war wwltarfull,v embrndrre'1 whit ('ollietor Humana was that, luurmut'h although it it it well known fact that eprayi of flowers in whale flat. The tar the animal' were Imparrtwt to be large nuurbrre of parr bred cattle bo.'ler wit.. suits Pn booloro, and the offered for title, they were rnb)t'et to have been rent to the halted Stater ekiri w+b plain, rave aur tin evubr.'1- the duty. Mr. Page npponitdl the caw'. by Ca "mitten breeders for male at device -Paris tor, afel the teattnony war littoral by public attctlun, and always, to far -- ,lunge DeVrels, of the ito:ard of Ape tap I late known. frame of duty If CUT-GI.AhS I;ARAI KS. 'walleye. whose hea4tlwarter■ are In tin contention of Collector Atwell" New York This hoard have the oars 1s engrained, the decision will goo - They Require Special Cars Daring -- the 0 1 Lawu Te... The lawn pertly.", plane teas and other outdoor entertaining prover hard oat the glawware ohne must ire Ranch, a will-Ilrprwa agricultural ctoek between thtr country and tit.* toted freeluently In the rummer paper of Seattle. Walsh., 10 which United Stntrw, in fact, it had .1- breezes and dart. It in its lull 1 Journal he cOgtrlburel tiro following recidyou had that result an far ate the dlseetrout for the cut glass carafes', defence of his melon : ' 11. F. Ynge, the tntde between Brltimh Colombia and which will probably be In greater 1 intlrrrler you mention, 1s an alien Wtndaingtoe Territory Ir ruunerned, moth -breeder reddltwr In Brltlelt Co- Title is n matter of vital import - under ooirideratlon, and will renter orally be regarded as a decided in- thoir division come time In Attguet• ftstloe and contrary to the spirit The notion of Collector }Iueetle ha■ o f the haw It will enure a complete leen rather s.•te: e'y crtIt het by The otwattou of the trade 1n pure bred for that any other glassware, Inuit"L"' tit (hut°her 18th, 11101, he Ina- . ace, not only to the Uuaadla■ fur rrrving the ice water and the aorte�l at Nitrons four stallions and renders who have stork for sato rummer perces es. The glaze will ' 1 b gsic m•trrv, making eater for same as but to the .Americans whit, have need soon atxpnire a dingy. clouded look. ;learn bred 'nook. and claiming that such stock for the improve nnl.'.e, It la intelligently cleansed at thrt: Were entltIe4 to frees entry un- moat Of their studs, herds apd regular Intervals. 1 (tier the pmvlrton of nrlblw No. 4Th fbeka (shmedl►t• acl►on should b. For cleansing the Inside of the ear-' of the twisting mild(, which provklN' taken by our } ►ve bteck Artrocla- ate f111 It halffullof strong ammonia Mat any animals purer bred of w re-' tions Gad a strong protect entered water and place in this some &mill eternised breed, duly registered and agalnet such ustfalr ruling. Adtb. pieces of potato peel ; then shake certified an require' by the regale- 1 ••itaneti' very perttneatly says "15 vigorously and rinse with clear wit- tions of the }ton. Secretary of the Is well known that meal Ores make ter. This will remove every possible Trot.tart, ..bull Is• admitted free burliness of importing from Canada stain from rummer beverages. as well when imp crud Mprc1'1lly for breeding ami from the old world pure bred as the dingy -looking rims that fir- minnows.Pedigree cert) Metes wet a rteck of all kinds; and that such quently stain the glass from stand- pe.'s1entel with the entry, log water. I animals were evklpntly Imported for 'or the magi*.of the cat glum sale, the importer was required to nee a email brash -an end tooth- dP{r►dt the mmount of duty that brush will be the beet If the brie. 11'01114 were in oases the animals ilea aro suffleientlg stiff. Flerugo were found. 0 not to be entitled . every part of the glaut.vitt' a little tee free entry, and was given pure temp rubbed on the brush; then nn opportunity to prttlnce satiate -- scrub with clear water until all the tory evidence that they were In- snapIs rinsed away, and set the tended especially for breeding pur- poem, which mild evidenet. was lack - withGable to dry without ins will lug eau entry. Neither the deputy with n cloth, and (It cut glans will collector nt S•tman nor til■ office Whine Ilke new. ' qut•stlonwl the genuineness of the His Handicap. 1 registration papers as intimated in He wooed hen when theyabothi were your erlttortnl• and as ID. Page well poor. '(ware then he woo her, knows that wee not the reason that too; he was required to depomit the duty. Me cheered him when the days were (Note. -Ur, Page en)•s "hp never was dream and toiled to help him , no lntor•mear t.") it w'' purely a quem - tin of evidence on the print of the through ; I f books rimrpo for wh'leh the animal's were She that he had fall.) to learn in taught Gln (It ngs mom t Iw mported. An ou are aware, iAer- tate got, IIIm to avoid the use of words that were uncouth; She tools her jewel he the rough, elle polished day by day. And with a woman's patience ground the worthless parts away. t>de Cheered him when the days were dark, and when the skies were bright ' She saw lain rise above the crbbwd 1 and trach a noble height ; Her brow le marred'by many a Dram, she's bent and wan and old. Fie has a bearing that is fine, a form' of noble mould. 1 And people any: "Poor man, alas! ife'r grown beyond bis wife; rowsad that such a Iuad should be] attached to nim for titer , -- ""l -Philadelphia Ledger. ilkit MAXIMS FOR Bodices have eltmrril much, for women are Mill wearing collars and Any fall on mit alone the deers full b' low the elbow, which Thal o'er this Ilttle one of mine IN good news for )lues who have to As once for mit tt shone. not BRIDAL COUPLES. ' • The following 'Maxima for the nett- I ly mai" are copied from authority no reliable as to be accepted ar sure guide to success and aappluesd 014 life's Journey • 1. Be satielesl to oummdnce un a email reale. .S. Avoid the too common mletake of trying to "begin where parents ended." 3. Not to look at richer homes and more oo.tly furniture with covetous eyes. t 4. Whenever ,B.acttldl.d visit hum- ble bowel of the suffering poor, leave x thank- ofh'rtryg there that your "Doe are cast in poet insects." 5. Fleet Luy the nroess:try and Com- fortable, afterward, if eoiMetent, the orltumol, to 1. t -S. Be Independent. and from the be - Mooing Chun debt. 7. Cuelvnte the moral Courage that will restart the undue demands of fatale iota 8. Co-operate cheerfully in arrang- ing the 'family expellees, sharing r:dpnnlly any necesatary eretiomies anal pilielenlals- 9. Remember that it matters little what "people think." provided you are true to God, to right, duty, your- selves, and eaoh other ! term Father, list to tltta, my prayer, Vett all of sorrow, pain, or care ahorons are valdtshle for draft horses, mete last year's frock', do duty for .mound -bent this season. Tho decided tendenoy In evening drew'', and, indeed, in a da dream 'am well, lm to make the wast look no long no pneslhle In front and t•, whortnn Rat the bark, by title wenn giving the dtirt n lift at the rear, tvhirh Is certainly more becoming than lbe (hoop. AP the season ndvenees, the taah- Inn 'in hate Ina .lightly rhnnging. AFthew}It Feta el 41ee. tk.raJ 4eieerlp- ton are more worn for fetes or inrge garden partite than any other type, yet, Inetentl of being all flower'', lin trewest gnnerntty have chiffon brim., or tin virile lust made of chiffon, trailed ab sat with flowers. -Parte oar. Imr,{glnu wiering a chatelaine with n bathing milt : end yet this le one of the very latent fade of tib smart girl. HoWever, It le not no Imprnc- ttnabin an 1t .mind., for It Is proof against salt water. The chatelaine is made of fine reps., and the charm'' -which omelet of n compass, an an- chor, n wheel and a tiny buoy --are mule of rope arse. -July Wom'tree fl.emn Companion Agnin, there la n novel way of mounting the Inne (tonnes+ of which one la justlfiebly booming n t-I- fln tired. A blank and white turban has the white brim v 'lled with black lane, it departure from the trite cream embed It tile. in front the veil fella only two Mohan In depth, Gut atl a adrlwo It ns Inh M lir r'trhah"y I m v eerwaswr eight inch.,widt., rarebit!, draped will, 1 . both there AM n the hark where (he veil le knotted London Mall. Ose .r tie pretty illi sett *Abet LUe's brightest Man shell ever shtne- nto'•k is permitted to pare In tree, provided It 1M accompanied by tba proper certlfleater of registration, The Government does not follow soots Mock after It leaves the custom of- fice, and the Importer 1e free to Ms - posse of this stook to any one he likes, and at whatever parol he Cao get. It Collector Remain 1a upheli In this contention that pure bred .took must be imported for breeding porpoises only, and cannot be soli, or worked, it will paralyse the whets business of Importing borate asd in- ane the trade in other lines. We think that the various Breeder.' As- .toetatlons should act on this case. lu order to bring properly before the Board of .Appraisers the widespread injury an adverse decision In the Page case would have on the whole breeding Innis try." FASHION'S, LATE DECREES. Pearl bottom, lend t'ht. Matching toitnh to collars, cuffs, reteru and ternppiego on nal lured wash repees. A clever milliner Isle late. • • led a new form of Cerate, having a the app *trainee of straw, but act 11y merle in enamel. For weer wit,a the low out blo the black velvet necklet has been Vivol and Ilks+wite+ wrtttbandW trial to bottom with elbow sleeves. The necklet to embroidered In some wimple floral rleelgn and fastens In the back with a small bow. The wrirtbattels (eaten with small pat- ent clasps. Black currants are a very popular fruit on Dorn colorol straw bats, which have fur trimming velvet bows of the hems of the foliage. Cltalk-colored cloth which verges eon w(dto and pale gravy arced does pot really belong in either claws 1s a faelaluttabl, fabric. Putty and cloud gray are arrant,; tine favored shades of the wawa) Voile, tlaa.Nparoat enough t0 show the glimmer of a silken lining, le an- other great favorite. There Is a cer- tain dark blue voile, of it melall)o tint, wilulch le worn over green' glace mien excellent effect. The aeration dimity skirt is the newest In pettloonte Tar ground 1■ plate or entered, weep floral decorm- tlonw In delicate or gay intim. A pll.re flounce or climate (Whin of the Mama material finish the skirt.-Rrooklyn Eagle. BACHELOR (NIL'S Rode MIS t1dr. 1n A Days. Bt. Petersburg. July 1.-001. Basica- bole of the Nicholas, Military Aca- demy haw made a notable ride, cov- ering I,00 •emits (888 mitre) In leen them nine days He starlet lit Mnh11r'ff with two yreeng Jerson that haul never before done west+arm wort, and reached (denim. riding flrwt ane and tthen the other. etth troth In firm( elate exwii( iota. One defy ill rode 117 veleta 17e melee), a'raruulter 120 rent! (80 mileve). THOU6ITS AND DINTS. lails=atatataaiaaaattaiiaril Ion can'' Mune n women for doing nny Thing for r'otheu whPn they Enid e. often to the enbsrquent privilege of .ting nothing far the rwwt of her hie. Many a men lien proposed merely to' a new deem.. Women wile .pond .111 their time hutssoni .- Idem nppree.•Iste thrlr my r Joe.. Many a milli who le fond of women laughs lit %%Aimee who are fund of cats. Men stand by men in such a weer that women are often forced to go book on other women. Half the men m- ake love to a girl for the sake of talking about It to Nome other man. Women don't co- ntest 1l, but meet of then regard a 'eerier" either as a means to a good marring,. or as a relief from a bad one. Eve ked to gather the apple, bat Adam took the biggest bites. Toa can't judge it man's heart by the den of h1. hat band. litany it man who ham mowed only will oatn gore to 0 mire wr'mai nal peritonitis Ural the rr.gp will 1.0 all right. 8..mn hnshn,.d. ern enough to make any one trerry far their earn 1 If a woman world learn the real notary,- of w awn sew must prat him through the three teats of eating, laughing and 'tiering. Wt1ERE MURDER IS COMMON. • Italia ,1.n With - 475 Hurdarers Penned Therein. • mediaeval fortress of Volterra b ow A. formidable prison -house. Wheat Inst 1 viM'leel it there were 470 prisoners within its wall., all of them murderers. it is an uncanny seesa- tbo to ipok upon nearly 500 human bA11104 e.gJi one of wham had taken the life of at least one other human being. Otic hundred and forty-ntue of thorn were cotudemue.l for life, asd that meant murder of a bruinl anal 00A -blvd' d dole pilon ; the restate - dee were. imp. Ini$ie•l ier periods relic. ing from fifteen tea thirty years, hod tlttat would main tn,tr.ler with exten- uating eireuutetion ew-- murder . the remit of Ioconetntr•y in a sweet- heart, or frailty' Ins a wife, or faith- leernese In a friend. The (onftn' menti IN rigorously solitary and e.11olar i the eurrcl.e courts air ca•,lulnr there are eelluler a rathieet and cellu- btr workshops ; nay, the very chapel 1e cellular. Two tiers of cells run one above the other, and the priwenlar In tech, while unable tot .,Pr hie fellow convicts. can through a long, narrow, loophole we the altar and the prier( who la saying mass. Am I !wit ked round the ramparts" of the great esterase 1 could look down Into the row. of high -welled exercise senate -not more Utan 10 feet by 10. 1 dtou1d any -In each of which the a.uvlot wan taking the hour of sow - etre which he In allowed daily. Every primmer mantel rempletlully, and showed hie white teeth In a pleasant smile, glad at tint sight of any fresh face. Italian prbsrmn are motels of good osier and cleanlinese, end the ciieerfulnere and natural patience of the Italian temperament r,rwn mnch to lighten the labor of Italian prises officials. The convletn get two /nit nears of beano, lentils or part` cooked In )err, and meat on Sundays and hnlldeya. Every prisoner may spend 25 eentelr sej it day, 1f he hue 1t or oan earn ft) therefore wine le by no means an unknown luxury In tb. prtwun. The cyst m of rigorous .olltetry enw. Moment lends to frcqueat ease. of ma.lnewr. Indeed, there ,e (*tee talk of the Italian ftovernment abell.hleg the. wystem on nommen( of the gree` expense to mw In twining numoreee criminal lenntle asylum., Could Scarcely straighten Up On Account of Severe Pales In Smell of Seok-Deranged Kidneys the Cause of Trouble. KIDNEY LIVER PILLS. A grrvot many pnpl. who welter from hnekhele, 'nine batik and piles In the lite* think Ili la rhea- matlem era.) that there is noourn for theme. Al Inst eine mono In wiry tan Gan bet enema by the nye thence r Kidney"later Than. Mra. Leeward was badly crippled before mite began Use use of dile greet keine, meficlnn. HTe I. hnr letter : Mr. J. Lessard, 150 Aq.ednet street, Memtree4 Que., Mateo: "My twin trouble. woo with my hath which wan very week, and *tweeter 1 anuoprtrl 1 cnml.l hu,rrlly strelghtem up Again on ao••ount of the awe ra pain whop w.ul-I reach mit in the apxth of them leak Billeting that my ailment was camel from dronn.sd kidney. I hrpptn n course of treatment with 1)r Chive's Kidney i.lver teillm, cad to -chat► i nm all right ignite Thla melk'1•ie eremel to Act directly on the kldneya, end as a remelt Improved my heellh generelty The ,I,otr.eetng pelnn In my leek hewn entirely rllenctkeerer. and 1 feel real miring and well." 1 Mrw. Inose, lrsl Mneitohrt etrrM, lit. Thomnw, rant., ltatr-e: "i had w tory wank hook, and at t mem mf- fere.1 very mutat from MrverP pains morns* the .maII of my leek Relie.li g there to be nausea by dorang►ment■ ' 44 the kidney*. 1began the nes of lar. (lptee'r Ki.lney favor till. Thla treatment ((mama( to be weasel. whet T required, far It wee not Inng heifer,. the pnl't. entirely Incl me, nn1 1 ,wad otie atrrwag nM well again. W. Mt. ala. ne."l far. (h,awe's Oyrnp of T.Ins..r1 net Turpentine for the ehtl : n wine tl1•y hId megh's end cable. enni T never knew, 0 M fell to repo ft* trouble it nn•e" Th. Cameral Kldne.y L. "IP *!1:s, oat. p111 a doom 25 entre a boa. at all denten. ee Bdsansai Bates • t)>gy Wrests. • 1. 1 A , a 1 1 • 1 .