The Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 1THREE A.8" A V'TS Ane ACTIVE AG -41T8 WHIN PLACI IN THE SIGNAL ionat. THIS IA%]AMINC. Nf7W8PAP3E11% OF HVRON C7O Y TY_ FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, -.2891 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! IT SHOULD :EE MARKED PAID FOR ...1902 GODERICH, ON-rARIO, CANADA : JULY 17, 1902. THE WEEKLY MAImuT REPORT (loonaWa. July le 1180 Fall Wheat, � 3 77 i073 flour, tangle. per cwt.-,. o.,,-- 2 10 W 2 10 Flom,/a t()wt..- eat. per� .._ 430 to 4 31 Bras. arae.._. _-._.. _ 17 00 to 1100 aborts, 01 tea ..... 12 00 to 1900 &rceaing", gal ewe 100 to 1 00 Icy r. per bush.,,. 000 to 0 rA book wheat, per hash 0 fed to 0 50 °Mo a bash .......... ... �.._40 to 0 11 era, 8 busk.,, -_� .....,.,.. 75 to 0 Al Haler. peeare b flay, 0 ton- ..._ Possums. F amok.. YaIs-r. - ........ 4 .6081.. per 11.... pafres& anMetid.-� gan Wood.-.. _.. _.-.,., .... _,. _. Hides. _..� Pelt. 1.lve Hon .�. Dreamed ROM. .............. ;Moon. .... �. Hao,. per Ib., ........- lard. per Ib, Dressed Meet tore nutter Deemed Beef. hind ('attlr. Report Ordinary • 60 to 0 00 00 to 9 00 35 to 0 35 13(0011 10 to 0 11 12 to 0 13 to to 4 00 00 tot0, 4) to 050 50 to 6 :At 10 to 7 el 13 to 0 48 15 to 0 16 11 to 11 00 to 0 11 00ton00 00 to 600 50 to 1 co Moura. CHAS. M. PASSMORE, organist and Choirmaster Knox church. Pupil of Mr. A. 8. Vogt. P.ano. Orton tad Voice. Abglesea street. Woe MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of Fletcher music method, wilt re. rive pupils et het studio, above Mr. Natters Maumee* aces. Hatallt m street. For lotor- matioa apply either at studio or at t o eldenc., Petrtec's street. UT OLENte CAMPBELL, , Creamer mod musical director of North street Methodist ohurcb teaohar of piano, pips or- gan and theory 1<'uptle prepared for on eo. aminalioos of the Toronto Conservatory of musk. Will he pleased to reoeive appile.. tions from all those a -e older such nstruo- t1o11 at his new studio over Thomson's music store, Coe of piano for preotloe may be u- nworn] for. Hytt Vublie Nada. WARNiNU.-ANY PKR3ON RA1 H- ing from the tsWds using the ferry wuhout p91m10coo, •hoo:tag. or etherwiee tn.peui.q upon an/ part of the property will be arrested and prosecuted 1. C. ATTR1LI. Ridgewood fere. PROF. a. L. TAUBE AgcVAtl'UaINo ornoIAN ANb zO 44 SPECIALier A11 glade of Spectacles ani Mysale •.-e made to order. Special attender) if Ivan Is d:Hog 150 era Orders by .51C1 promptly attended to. Be. wan of parties using my name. aa I employ uo travelling sgi ots watt." sr 8slh/aetion guaranteed. S.tah1'ehed 1,7). :51 RICHMOND ITfRKKT W. T.IItON rO ROOin. IGC Lat.. THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH aced moat. Tho order et ftoeee,les was a, of ore h would fall tato du follows : the day'. oeleoratfou. This Irishmen I lo the pity of Toronto au 1 i.e.) eveoiog,• was voice home la the street oar vs., t after his day'. work, he Wes hardly shit' stood an the j shine car. end 8.a11y fell l the lap of • lady. "You Brea; •Wkwp Mini,' said she, 'get off me I What you, anyway" "Baled," say Pat, thought 1 was an InMhmao, but now 1 leve 1 mast be a Laplander." Rev. Mr Ciboria. o1 Torout°. ass us et speaker. By this time the drunter) "tattooed at esrlour plisses in the perk w getting down to their work aril 1t deb ult for the speaker to Disks hien bard "bur the poise. A portion of •ldresa was a protest artier the gee •f t Mord English fur British. H. soul he w wllieg to regard England u ilea brethe•, but hs tboueet that after tits la war we were going to bear less about t Eugluh and more •bout the British.. (A pl.u:e.l Tbs Irish and for Sootc41 hW much to de in govorOlue England and English had in governing Ireland a Soo land. Se with the "Eogli.5e" army -It w 8 misnomer. acd the speaker rendered tr4but5 to the oolootel so:diers who for for the Empire in the reoe0t coolie Al this point the speaker was trued stop for • while uottl • neighboring fife • drum oorpe bed worked off some of 1 superaboudant energy. When he resume the speaker entered a protest aglisstth remarks remertly mel. by Rev. Frith Routine, do ubleollon to the eatebllebo n of • Baptlst mossiest in Lower Togo, Otte w1. He tike ,peak.r) roseate! strait snob remark.. and In.lsted up.o the High to &ammo soy questt011 of any nature what eve r without interference tram &shop o priest or anybodv Glee. Ac the 000closioa of 1t• e. Mr. Coban• address the obairman a0aouooed that as i wan getting late moms el the rarer" o the pr would have to be emitted. Rev. WmMcJen.gh, of Santford, wa Thee celled upon. By this time the poise o the drums had dooms me Lust and se moo tiououe &kat only a few Voogd* oeuld hes whet eat being e.id, Tore en &6t' plat form moved up to the front sod formed osli-ciao!e heisted she speaker, erne 14 marked lube the drummers •rtdeatly be l:eved in the Oangamotte, "Nosorreoder, After some oomplimeotery remark. to re 'tereso to the speakers who bad ptoo.ded lien, Mr. MaDuusgb writ loco •n roost - Oen of whet he 000.tdered to be the pr'ncl pia of (L-snpeiem. A future of his addresser was a reference to the legend of ht. Patriots, who, he said. NMI ■tit a., was oowimosly claimed, • Roman Gatti(Lo priest. He 4.- pouooed the dally tapers fen not putlshlott the tateMi25nce of the great movement from Roman C.ILolioism to Pro•ertsotIsm its Franco% sad Sir Wilfrid Lturi.r cants to fur a few sho's on account of lis •tleaed enh- servim0y to R,me. At the ooaclw4on of Mr. MoDontg5's •peenh cheer, were glveo log King Eiwsrd, for the speaker. and for the chairman, and tee forme! prooeed.nge were at au sod. 1'41. 8•.t epeeist 1rai0 oat lett at 5 o'elork and by 8.30 !he 'i 1 train had gone. Msav of the country p000lu did pot leave until lister, and all through tf a evening the :Fear presented an shimeted sppeareev, NUM 01 T1(8 LAY. the factories wn• elm ed down far the Aa7, How loom was the prooe•alon? About 2200 feet, orating two to each moo Tie handsome b earned by some of the lodges W.I. the su1 ,ot of many Ayer• able comm.'s. Tbs lona' committee oomph,. e► unfair treatment by the Ie, T. K. ie teeard both to woe and to creme, Tb• excursion tickets were good not 1 Monday, and msoy of the whiten stayed m town 17•r Sunday. The tugs Evan Ivan and Slob.ld brought dews partes of 6.bermes from the Duals for the oelebratlso. The jndgea in some of the oumpelitiors for pares must lmve had no easy tank to picking out the winner. Carriage ouolalolog ratio's!. and speakers. A Fins DayOoderlub Marne Hand. and a Blg Cele- Oreg. Yore Britons, No. 31, Bayfield. L.O. L. No. 24, Hayfield. Ltd► True Blues, No. 1601, Walton. LO.L. 759, Stratford, L O 4 9020. Livid, L O L. 1380, Woodbury, LO 4 1226, Bethel. 1,0 L. 1328. Amherley. 1 0.L 790. Ripley. L 0 4 1044. Maple Grove, A.hbeld Town- ship. L.O.L 1139, Kiolough. L.O.L 156, Bier. L U. L 694, Kirktoh Kilotons Brass Band, L•keeide. Ledysmltle L.O,L 1762, Lekeelde. 1. 0. L 492, Woodham. L U.L. 692, BI•whsrd. Purple till L0. L. 707, Downie. LO L 252, Walton. Ashore Boma Band. LO L 932, Auburn. L O,L. 462. Id:Igmer. L.0.0. 873, Morris Township, LO. L 063, Loodeeboro. 324. I)uogeonoa. 1.0 L 499. l2.'fast. L.U.L. 1052, Nde. L.O Ie. 998, S.wmerhiil. L O.1. 1133, Goshen. L.0.4 1036 Varna, LOA.. 813. Wiotbren, LO 1. 493, Blddulpe. L U 4 662, Lucas. LU.L 924, Exeter. 4U.L 89% Grantee. L.O.L. 733. Heoeall. L.O.L. 1210, McGillivray, L.O.L. 610, C.•te alta. L.O I.. 219. Ureeaway, L O.L. 145, Doderiob 'lowabip, L,O.L..79.3, $wroath. L.O.L. 163, Enniskillen. LW. 189. Ooderiah Toweblp. 40 L 710, Clone°. L u. L 183, Goderi, h. 4O.L. 306, Hayfield Lep, Ooder:cb towe.- Wehoa the last standard hal motored the park, County Matter Nevlu, of Centralia, addressed the con00nrea from a platform elected at the east rade of the i•oart house. Then befog, he said, oo the program pieced to his hands to men:•oa of an eddres• from the chairman, so omlolol. of whiob be was heartily glad, ha called up• oe Mayor Cameron, who was 7.0017.1 with applause as he stepped forward to t'r'end the Melo welcome to the visitors. Mr. Craton aid they would ell be happy to know that an addrer in the ordin- ary sera was not expected from blm. Re would not Interrupt the prooeedioss of so lapse a gatn.r og wham ea many axle •peak - ere were to address them. A. tb• otae al head, for the Ins:. hair, of the oorpnr•►too of (.od•n,h it wash • duty -'night be sot call It his privilege! -(o welcome a41 those' who had moue here to moue themselves • that brut Cul day. It woe &loaye a matter of err 11.4 foo to the alt /,05 of Goderteh :0 hove say large body visit them, and this for 78,1041, (.8,000. The pearl. of Godr- r.eh mad• theolalm thee they were real - dews of the healthiest ani most bsaotIful tern in C.eads,. Toe 71L1014 could sr it for themselves, and when they wished to 1ni17 another holiday be hopedtb.y would oometo • uoae(nrnoe decision t0 wend their way epee more to Galericb, to ooeolmtioo be extended to (ham the meat hearty wel- come Ih• town oould sf ,rd, and ago4a ti• premed Ohm hope tt at they would ootne &rale. (Applause.) The Coaoty Master briefly acknowledged Hb Wotebip s addren of welwme, and then aonouneed Mr. Alex. Moir, of Torero. As the wel!•knove author of "Ph. Maple Leaf Forever" name to the front of the plalfcrm the Marla. Band struck up the 81r which has mel. Its author tamou•. When the h.od ceased playing Mr. Muir oomm.ec 1 hit address by mentioning the fat that this wse the mcood time be bed had the Weiser. of beteg in Ooderloh. Two years ago he .as here with the Huron old boy. and girl., tort on that ocoaten he eeiayed himself to bye Bald., the Ooderleh Marine Bend, the heart's concert. He was so Impressed wit, fir braes band of the Auhuro lodge and the the beaety of Amid) and of its ladles Ktobre bras. bend marched 10 the pro- tho. when b. returned to Toronto be told cher., the people there that if he had his chefw he would Ilk. to live 4. the ben'Ifol nun of Ood.rioh. Now he had oeme to help to celebrate the soul y mf the day when Ktng William crossed the Boyne water. Looking 'Omit ham to taw m8oy gray h.•rs, sod many who wean not natives el Canada. Some people were d .pored to eritic es the celebration of national day., and the orltio oral why not merge ai1 in one day, 1) .minion DAH? Hs replied 10 than onuoiam by stating that oht!e ali were (.11dlaae still they loved fir land from which their fatter mot meters 'prune, and while they mould all rote fa tdhting h•srtily "The M.ple Leal Fe ''those o1 them wbo holed from "errs the sea had the right to honor (he land of their birth. The Eegllshome often wanderer) bank In fancy to ()Id Reeked, pondered ever its brave history, and In memory beheld the old land as only an Englishmen .01114 re 1t ; the warm hearted Irishmen oheriehed the reoelleotfens of the land rel the Shamrock, red cooed the Soots - man ever forget the land of h4. birth? 13o0 now they were •11 Can.dlene and loved the land of their 'adoption and the birthplace of :heir children. '1'5• ipeak.r o,ntinued hie doosent .d• drove whloh was stirs need with many p. etfo protector, by ref mine to some et tae stirring events In Canadian history, calling attentton to the megolfli sot reso8r0es of or °retry, and final', orring the .aprsre In•portsnce al loyally to the great Ken of 11 . He concluded bteaddress amidst great applause. Rey. W. Walsh, of Iiranu too, Greed I;bplalo, was warmly reoelved, He s0, - gratnlated the townspeople open the emotes of the recension 8114 in 5.half ret the brethren very le wily reciprocated the words of westerns with whtoh they had been reoelyel. H• steed his hearer" to remem- ber that they were hat • trample of the 500,000 Orangemen of Anglr.4aton 8rr1 Cottle orlgm who were that day celebr aloe the eame anni y. and in thi. mon. 0.0(40. h. made • plea for a better ■r- dersMadiae, a gr•8ter degree of harmony, between the British pimple and the rept. of .Its Molted State, Distrust 41,d existed tea Inn, and he believed that Hnten's for- bearer 1e the VenrteeI5 a4f.'r ted happily reeelr.ad In a better feeling in fth. Cooed Sara and a drawls, toIseh.t at the Own pillows. It seamed so II the future wore to bring the ow on of the two rostra. fa e great Anglo gator Celtic nee. The direr emu 01 the p..',should be forgotten, sod although It was pot oredltahle 4. the datigh• ter that she ebould hay. whipped the mother they ,4onld be whiling t• forges all (bits, te live ie harweMy, and tour., M peepers to sestet the peril• We eenfrenbed tk•m In Mormon. Atter again retorrng to the great atssn,th earl *art et the (range .rear, M•. WAlvh enem•ratetl the ptlnolol.e apes watoh the nr ler le banal, pvinelp'N the meinteea,oa of wht, h he 5.1 Prod arae ladlepsneh'.10 the (Moine, of the (Arson, Mei pees lied order et thin •emmn.44 y eon Wee defame of t5. c. unto?. In neerledfnp beheld, by way et warning. • .400 eel 8n 1,iebsg.a abase 04044.s be booed aeao bratlon eti•derlea e■ trete -3,05 yldtere fel Pall rid ONO by 4..'eranees Piles and frames e:eleer -.t anrre.afal Hatbertna Ir H.derlrle. The Twelfth of July is over. •ad ore more the vlotery of Witham of Omega tact James the Herod at the River Burgs hu been celebrated with reliant drum aced shrilling paroles. U,lerch was one of the greet o•1•bratloe centres this year, and Hem as early boar on Saturday rail the departure of the last train ear and eve wen sated with rued and Dolor. To• r.bboom and sashes end banes and beret. • ()renegues are a bright sod dazzling ae erer, a d age oaaaut wailer the arm 4bat b te the drum. Nor h••• we fora• tea the apeeobee-but eves the speaker who o 00 m d ria Ole •t pate with t6• drums qts • during the afternoon pro- oeedings wee forced to admit Diet they items. tar at 1 as •ouad was 0000iroed, • •eceadary atter. Aod uo wonder. Aayoue Han him apeeoha ns oftee an, sad generally loeg.r' th.c, ha like?, toot the ratios to thump (b• call.kia •11 day long to the heart's 0ooteat somee only our a year. To• teen never Io.. •d prettier than It dtd-oo `5.. ar4.y Atte the rain. of June the grass and trees were fres bre ht sad the luxuriant gree wee a bot' setting for 1be brtluan1 eelorioge of the decoralioco. Fl.g. flew everywhere, earl the stores o. the :goers ware lavishly adorned with deoora•. ova de Ogee of great variety. Th* Horton - Jordan block u a whore yee{aats the beet de:- oretad et all, ahboaeb Iudlvidusl stores in ether bl•che were very attraotive. There won four arches on the streets, ooatracted et • and brighteed 84:h Beet, •mblsmt anal mett0ee. Oas of there was at the ant rood of Mut stray, n. •t Ib• rat sod of West street, another at the foot ol Ilamlltoh street 8 another on Kiogeton "tree. The route of the pr',oeuloa plaited un far the three first menttonei. The weather wee pettier, bright but not oppressively warm ; iodated, wahine better could have bra attired. There were a good many 7ialtore n toga on Friday eight, sod early Setardey mon.- log the rigs Orem the 0080117 began to tome m from •11 qusrten and by 9 o'clock the street, co which s'ahlee are allowed were - prowded. Th. drat train ..rived •s 10 10 rho RRNT.-ROOMS ON HA11IL TON A. M , from London and L ,H & R •tat of et 1 street at Reseal occupied by R. N. Lewis and was met by the Iooei reosption oemmtt- el law offices; wilt change tato small core if tea and the Oedrioh Mar15 Bated. As neoesearr, Or rooms over Miss camero.'e each trio •-rfvrd with fl• quota of visitor', store with front and rear entnnoe, (t. N. I.KWI4. 71 l • warriors wee Termed by the lseo.vine FOP �� y lodge. sod heeded by the Marine Bled they \ marched down town, where they retread to their (arter. for Looe, A F1RST-CLA89 FARM FUR SAL After droner the lodges marched to the Ae- UR'1'O RIM r. 1eoltural I'.,k, when, tinder Ordfreetlon of Bros Jobe Soulatt rod F.Ihvll,merah•la of the day, they tonne! In line for the en.t procession tolges from the follnw;og o.u0Ye, Ivor In line: West Brom., North Pett.&, S,ot, Perth, Eat Middlesex, North Huron sod 8oath Huror, ie wail shoat 2 30 when the had of the proem.. oo emerged from the park gates. The route was by !triennia reed to Waterloo rarest, along Wat•r!(o b West street, up West street to the Nitre, 'would the north ti !e of the Square to Hamii:ea Street, down A(:KFYLINK OAS MACHINE FOR Remittal) street to Victoria, ooress to e..' sale In good order, 20 lights. Also • street , up hat street to the `Square, and io• quantity of fixtures. L. t. DANCKY, 16.3[ to the perk by the Y,nth entnoce. It eau a 44 0(01x105 drht-uniforms of Mourner - able style. and varied odors, offioiat, on their white borer, •yery few yard. • 6'e and drum .apt, at. greater intervals • bran hent, and 10 mole all along above the line the goresens colors of the 440.rew lodges, sometime carried by a "tree man bent b-- oe•ib his lead. •omodma proudly b,rn, between • pair et ghtteries Loess and supported by •Ike■ cords held by 141• lodgement b•to•e and 5.5101. There wire "brat 1100 men la Ile... and the preclusion included three bras band", a x fife •id drum band. bed twenty -,even file and drum corp". There erre tarty -Sys lodges, with forty Ittodbrd", The procr..i•o oat a mile long, and It took twenty mioutee to pari 8 le the township of Wrt Wawanosb, lot 47. coreastee or esp. 10001 171 Waled so a wood .tate o cul tie8tion, seed ?emcee, well entered, good orchard, bnildfng�e rood, ashlar under barn. It byA!, ro0Teoleot to echoots sect church... WId on emu terms to stilt purchaser. Apply to p'. 11, CAMP0MI.4 We.treld, or W. A. HARRISON. Laokoow, 1;.70 CH010E 1UILOItu LOTS FOR SALE la lit. Oeot'te'. wa-d. &lint/ e L 1. IIANCBY, U VALUABL■E FARM PROPERTY FOR Whitely. containing At'the ' acres, Maar eorty of room Robert of lo' 12 1n. the 3th concession, and 1 •eros, pert of lot 11 In the it 0050e .1011. 0044.4ch township. Thiele first claw farm and le Oita - Weil about four mase from t.odeH,h. Title perfect, For particulars apply to ih, wader - Mimed Niel 2nd J sly, 1011. PHILiP POI.T, OsThrloh. jiw'O FARMS FOR HALE, -LOT 6. 1 concession 7. Colborne, containing 100 scree. hot 67, Ma•tlanl eonoea•lon, Clod orieh town•hlp. 000taln4.j 75 sere*. Roth farms are well fenced ■red well watered : good huililnee and Ora -o ass orchard on each farm; nearly all under grass. Sixty per near. of she purchase money may remain on mortars 415 per Door. For particular. apply to T. BURNS, Carlow. Nett FOR 8ALif OR TO RENT. - MRS Strachan offers for rale or to rent the Properly st present metaled by her, on the rooter of Victoria std Hrooe streets. There is a large ooccnte ballet Ont osnteln log dwell - toe hot.. and more, 84th all oonvenlenose In connection. Thereto retail • story -and -a half frame dwelling equated on the same I ,t Terms res.onsblr. Apply to MR•t. BraenuAN, on the premhhtes, OLD PAPItR7 FUR SALK, FOR I'Ut' ting under °smote, eta, Apply at Toe re, .11, Odbo, A T PRIVATE SALE That hig stone house with 7-room,•d brick addition, situated on Plo:on street. The hone. Is dry and warm, being lined throw/hoot with 7 inch plank. It le ,,l(4 and substantial. 1t was built by the late _ yAe���/ Sheriff (Abhors when In hie prime L,�.�a?.w•!i(m^.:l d Not for . dal but for all t me. The foundation. aero about 2 feet Uuot sod will endure as long 80 the Prrsmiel• or Kaypt. ►(�ifF, CLERK OF THE PEACE HAS A home seeker or Investor who realises the 1■ r calved the Revisal Statutes of Ontario, Potentialities of fresh paint.ni paper, which 1007, to' the en lie ed magistrates and officials are Ines pens. ve, end of sla.e, wh on le pmoe- enUt1ed to raative the name, 10117 cheep, by a lift! • planning and indictees IR t 1,RWIe, •'pendiillItore ren modernlx, a into an nno•tpo• • inItClerk on the Peace, date fe&rteeelyathat bigreturn wilt rt most annus to the wine await° Investor for the beet of all rea- sons that he has • broad and solid found talon 511 ready to Ms hands. The same cannot t.• said at • *belt oe ve1eer. Let those who ere on the lookout for • soft soap Investigstet In testlgate, MIR& e Offers tldrewed to KU. J. 3f 7Uftn,U4tt, ell- ready* orange attention. Hai (lad P. O, May 7th, Ips w1 tf You Can't Afford to Miss This Trip. natoranoe• oto. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of cn•ngeu most be left at this Office not lat',r Vann Saturday noon. The Copy for changer mast be left not it for than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted n0 to nn. n Wodnenday of each week. Pub110 Nada.. CANADIAN Pa\CIFie - CHAR. E. SHAW, (ANIMA!, IIaS11R- ANOR and real estate &wept. Mine, cos dhootir ng mutual loin IInl,iranee eoieto n ant•tnt r the and leading smelt 0om'antea. Meroantlle and enan0factnr.ng rlo's. t °west ntog, Call at .Mea ART R. ROR1RTRON. • A0fnntant mod Insnnnos Agent. Boots and 500011nte made 59. llnlldings rented and rent. eolleeted. Fire lnannnee In British sad Cenallan Com• nice t oleel'resdfoot & llyt WWne, North n arta. (Stf F. J. T. ?isn't., OILx1t:R A t. IN. 'DRAW'S! dad Real }(Agate stoat. Fin, Ufa, Aeeldsstasd Plan AYIr £Nahum 'R� e*11�oprnt�k{m�atW as each plea se Maass roe ls.' M.'- lei bed ('s-esi in esa17r1. te: fibro Oft 13srt-dser WI (Jarrow &. Darrow, flee rtrrsR 11011101111. DR• F. (LAI.LOW PHYSICIAN an4 O e Iii meant of Cons Ott 01bdtlts�1/1 wan.I.69=Nlite Young People's Christian Union Society n1 7140 United Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, Wash. First -Anse tickets to Vrnrsniver end V,,•toria, 8.0 , Seattle am! Terme, Wash., and Portland, Ora., for $60 60 for the Round Trip. Alan, tee, fie Phenyl. Rrvteland, Rn boon, Tretl, Mandan and Kuehn, B t' , and Spnk•ne, Wa,h for $55 60 for the Round Trip . Oiling July 10th to 21kh,incln.irn. Final Return IAmil Sept. 15. 1202. Smell 'stirs charge via. the magnificent. Canadian Parade Steamers between Owen N,n1r1A sad Ft. Si 'Liam Far full particulars appty to GORDON HENOERSON, Agent C. I' R . W net. Street. flog Ived she iced to nam n1 an "1 the Ore are Dee elf hie he as b`e he 11 as the • !u 1, ti;an d • • 7 '0 4 t • • The boys -tome of 11 e m rather old boy. - too -rave Brest erhi5(tlone of drtmmlug and filing at the ea. ion before (ho trete left In the •v.ning, Tile Marine fiend did good wart ice Stripe the day. Though not at present very strong to numbers. the band contains &ou:e good material, and the boys are wiling woThee k orspe. ecial train. arrived 111 fellows : From Tama No.of oosch.e t'reseag.rs London 10.10 A.M. 8 760 Steal ford 10 .35 A. M. 7 . (16(1 Kincardine 11'00 A If, 9 725 Louden rte Stratford 41:35 A.M. 10 612 Wm. Lee ohertered the err. Pittsburg for the day and sieve taro excursions on the lake which were eninloil by a large number *0'./y ole The Wiggle. Ikea. had (heir ✓ elltlfg y.cht out and were well p.ttenis.d A grant many of the visitor" spent • portion rel their time at the I•k. front. After the proces.lnn 1/58 0717 the birds of lodges 928, Summerht!f, and 145, Ceder• loh township, unite,) os West street and pro- (s'sded roved' heSgeare. They wade aurae romNnitlan of two bass drums, three .0171 drams, two triargles and stems thirteen files, and their mnio was mach appreofded. It is estimated that 125 lodges were re- nis anted in town, though not in the pro- oreetnn. Many Indiv(dusl tormentors erre here from ledges rho mojsrlty of whose rare lire err *terrier to eeMbrate, 1 mn:'0, the 41•..-, Peninsula. Port Huron and Ytglpaw were amoo, the distant places rerroen Md linater prep.r,tlnoe were wade than e ver hetor. for the faedleg of the visitor. Resides the hotels, there wore • member of dining risotto 4',4 tench 'tends sod any nnmh•r of Teri.•Metro bnnth,, The the was rather overtone, and some of the cater o re were daeppeinted •t the smallness of Ihor receipt., f i .r estimate of Da number ol visitors In town ,. that there were perhaps eight lhouseme. The n".d.,olnre en the &penial trans reported 3,047 p•oveeger,,. and in• ohli(eg the arriea • tv the regular tr•(ne en Etta). and Setnr.l.y rho number of Hsi( ens Mming 5y roil would reach stoat 3,000. it is difficult to seri•. at • close estimate of tee nom' or from the 0ooatry, hut figuring from the nnmher of rigs reported •t the varlrn• stables there were pnrlhly five thO?.Ind from th• township•, making • tetal of 41 000. it was • hie erowd,Inywsy, Andrew Waddell, s form., well•known resident of (5,4 ,,rh, now et L',nd,e, wee in teen to ",s the big turnout en the Mori, lie To,'fth K hits walk/ea amend amnesia old 1.4ht. snit •wenes he met on the court none. Steps Ilaerg. (1ke kin., ,f Pett &th,rt, with whom h. hal hero a feller -.Wrier In An.trs'i1 se Jolt' 12 MD, year. see Whin the ,.l.4 14tn,r• w.re move/ &r.ued talking of the days of old, they mo parlay Horten, who also had hems .1 teed,. r at' y .n the Au.tr.Ilae n.telo•llon of fifty yeal aro, an 1 the three 411 1.1Nws int as (risky to presorts le their bets dismay Om trier* earl triholatlens is Rallaral whets gold was • drawing card to the an4ptdee, 1l Jimmie MuMlubael, of Seafertb, hal come to town that day Otero "amid have been • quarto& of the yuu0geet old moo In Huron. for Jimmu had her • sojourner with them under the Southern crops on July 12, 1852. The prim. In the competitions were awarded as follows : Lodge coming the greatest dtstooea-Ledyemlth L. 0. L., Lakeside; I). t;elvett, /darer -694 miles. Soul Is I crib 0000ty. Best dressed lodge -Logan L. 0. L , No. 908 ; T. W. H'1, Itur&ho'm, floater. South Perth oosa(7. Hest filer and drummer combined- -W. E. Best, Loodubcraugh 1.. U. L., Nn. 123. Beat bruin -L, 0. L 707, South Perth Geo. Porter, Master, St. Marys. Nur the largest lodge 8 final 400111oa has aur yet Lr.,, g'se.. Lie hater* the Losdestoropg, and Lown. lodge.. ?or 1. 4 above oompulnsi the judges were J 1V, Gotham, 1t. Clary, ; W, J. Thompson. Cosnty Mester, Smits Perth, ret W. H,yI., Cosily Master, Wer Bruce, Heat 1i!e sod drum band, not nes lh•o &wake members _ Sommerbill bend. Jrdgse-E• erard N. Sheer, Band Master, too, rand Harry Brown, Bead Master, Exetar. U stag t• din:Irian with the maorgs- ftle4t of the Orange demoostr.tn n the her.• raves advertised for the afternoon did not ••entuat•. to the disappointment of a gaol many, R. E Sat►h had mule arrange- ments to have sateen horse" Oak• part io Ihe contests• laolodtag four from Fort Eris, nut el n it became evident Chia the aces could not be prtt- eche' with 10011 of the owner■ were wired to that effect. Hew - seer, during the afternoon three •rh:bitten heals were given by Dr. 1Vhiwly'e pao.r, John Noir, Bad these ewer air two close :oaf mils heat. Werra Loners L.adamaa &ad Lely 1. •u-ier, the I811.r owned by John Cana, of Uuelph, la welch Logan L%ademan use Ylc 0!1001, It swam nn- lottouate that foyers of the turf show..i have boon deprived .f • good afternoon's 'port &f.e, Mr. Simi.41 had gone to °aoeld- erbbl• expense* io m.►:og the arraogemer to for the toss, es psutally a the grout d• were used for no rehear purpose after the Orange pesos -sir bed ►.1t. AROUND TOWN. Was SUARM*N'a PRI/r, - Thu prise offered by Mir Sharman to the pupil el) mime the highs.; make in her .rbyse , on the Prurience exomlumile, goer to Mir Looe Harland, who ayera(.4 80 per Dent, A RtteORD VIILU or POToToI*,-_ Mre. McCarthy, of Elgin street, re kilo.. la the product tat • loll of potato.., wttloh yielded ser thirty-two aheice tubers,.• besides a livelier et smaller our Now brier aloeg your potato records. WArrtso run T118 Coco, u..-llhe hosplt- •1 board are wattine anxiously for the decision of the town comicial as to opening the street nnrth of the lot on South street %blob has bre offered to the board for the bovplral site, as Obey wish to adeno,. for and procure tenders for plana for the build log es soon as possible. Tithe ARM Severe -Capt. Donley, John N Platt, N D. ReuAvle, W. Rater, H Hate.., T. Nairn and (:hat. Smith compose • patty which left Saturday night for .lohn- +toa'. Harbor on • bass-6sblog trip. They 11.d • forty -foot boat, well stocked with provisions, and left with eyery prospect of raving a jilly good time, The trlp will ex tend over two weeks. Pt'aLiC Srua,l. HOARD, -A meeting of she board of publlo school trustees was bald 0a Monday evening, A oowmualc.t.on from Rebt. Stewart, the lit.e pruaipal in regard to tbm b alsece of salary due him sell referred to • oomm;tias, I. was decided that Mr. Patrick'. ward school should be palated, and the secretory was iotruoted to est for tenderloetruolloas ware •Ivo (leen for the nutting down of two lame shad. trees io front of the school lo order to aeoure more light. n'OITIILMS4 BANK Hll.i.t -The public le warned eg•lOss accepting any bills of the at.te Bank et New h:ooewtok, New Jer- ry. 'Tore bills are not oouourfet(, but are utterly 8ortbleas. The bank wee or- gss'ted, but was payer 0perei for butane's, and wmeo05 evidently he. &cowed the Watt" and has printed a lot of the bills wh1.h are flow fl 4odieg the 000atty_ Some of them have !icon presented at the leak of Commoroo herr, the dnomlost tont Woe 91, 93 sod 95, end Manager Williams asks as to warn the publlo to keep a *hero eye en the hank 11 I, they receive. S.'11001 SF.' TION ARAITJ(ATION.-The or- bit .tore appointed by the county oouoal at ire June 1011100 10 deal with the petition of Porte a reep,yers of union oohool section No. 11, A.5fi,bt Bpd Gabor., regarding • (Maoee in the bouoder44, of the section, eat et the oe0rt home on Tuesday and ad fedi- dated in the melte-. The arbitrators were H. E. Hutton, ol Exeter, chairman ; D. B. Mono, of Aub.r., secretary ; and W. Coate, of Clinton, The rrq u.et of the Petitioners was that part Olin 15, L.R. W„ lot 16, L. K. 1V., and part of lot 15, L. R E , be chwgd from "ohool section No, 5, Col- borne, to onion .05001 eeotlon No. 11, Ash- field and Cel barna The manioc was grape eel TOR CA01: Aer aleft) -Mass i),herty & Co-, to a letter o0noernlog last week's Item re their Inotrance ease, write as follows:-- ttra5ge to say, we won on every point raised, hot to"t through the Interpretation placed by hie Honor, Judge Street, on one sooners oont•ned In o05 of our letters to the oomp.ny. The prop art of this Nen/roes was not celled 441 q'leluon at any time dor- tog the 8.._,,nmt en the rise The yrAge, In preparing his deolsioe, oeme to the oon- °tenlonthat ('ie one Statement Irom our onrreep,od"nce, Implied ''no oentra,t", We, with nue 1,1(ri oo claim th.( It did, red on Oslo ground have emptied the oasr and are noohdent of winning It -Clinton New Era, Loth AT Krum -The funeral of the late Miss Adelaide Morrie took place from the lemony 71.1,eore Camhrie road, 011 There. day afternoon last, and was very largely attended, m .ny being vertu from Colborne t,wsehin, where d"e.eal's former home war. To, bewttlal white oenkat ease cover ed with naaernne flowers sent by friends In town and relative. In Buffalo. The hear .re earn H.rhsrt Mor,!., Oro. Stewart, Jae Holland, 4(.vin !trees, R. R. Allow" and William S.Ilows. At the morning ser. Or at Kon nhuroh on Nebbath lase R•.. Mr. Andreae made • toi/ohing situates to the high Chrbtl•n e5arante, an4 trn.t,5 4, happy death of the deoeasd, The Byrn. pithy of the remmnnity le with her be roared mother awl Hetm*, A HANjwawx flier -�1. M. Polley, the wall -it engem bonen! se, 1.40 I.ak rewired e velethle gift from Walter Eddy, p nes. done of rhe r firm of 0 K Eddy A Yon•, .1 411 n.g na., Mleh , .he preee'ed 4.r l'„ley enh the b.•atlfel trett'sg a al;. e, "Pont R•,d' by Red Witter, dam Secret by 8.0,8 ., the pod' - err 'hewing Tem Reed to be descended from the most lemma. homes in America. Mr 10ldy ,-st a wise frowt Satires to Ord'star si.k the here, sad Otte or mates obit eke late t' K. R437 bnagke the •51.01 l KMtNky tome seven years ego. whet' it wssem• pee 014, the price p&id 1.11 D. M°GILLIC UDD Y, EDITOR. 14 them being 73,400, 18 is a beautiful dark j•eryed at the hotel. Reasonable tonna mar brown, gentle and sound, and Mr. Polley is to be 000gratul•Osd ori 1411. ar (.1e11loa to Ws .took. 7ui Cage.. -Following le The (.lobe's crop report from Huron uouoty, published last week : Alt reports from the empty in this section are bright and cheery. Wheat and ber:ey ars said to bean that mould be desired, In meal owe the boat for years. A few farmers ear, "Well, lost fair," bot moat reptile are •'Vary good, Indeed." Willie the weat5or le Poe yet settled, • good part of the hey has been safely pethsr- ed, and with a few mon days of sunshine there will be hole -room for grumbling on that soots. A I.r,e orop of apples a to vow, and small fruits, ero.pt cherries, are abundant. All that is needed for this rr- aietwdsr of the mason Is fair weather The wet ,1 tau has bow somewhat of • drawback, but • moderately fair Jet7 will make op ter .l1 that. CONVaar ATORY 01 Allis STICKS. -Remelt. of the theory eramloatioae is orneo11ou with the Toronto Conservatory of Muco, held in Oudenoh June 17th sad 18th, Sheriff Reynolds presiding : Jooler theory, drat t,s e honors -Mir - Mi Edith Pen - hale, Blyth ; Miss Estelle Griffin, Wing - ham. Primary theory, first -clam honor.- M a, 141 holm.., Chon James, torn• ; Mr, A. arCook, UoMnoh ; Miss Edna Carder, Blyth ; Mfrs Carrie Slatir, Blyth ; Mir Louie Holmes, Clinton. Seooal oleos b000r•-Mise Ida Koss, Clio too, Pass -Mies Nollo MoKeoxn, Clinton Miss Eh. H•mlltoo, pose to history. With the exceptive of toe those are all pupils of W. Olean Campbell,bie entire oleos being.ucceseful, The Rano exsmla- altoa. of the Co tory of Masl° osnr.. were held n l'bureday lest at Mr. Camp- Le!1'. studio, 1. M , F. Harrison, of the U oourvatory, being the *trimmer. There were elgbteeo candidates. The mulls w111 be published later. Ht'8oN Mxu1,01, Ay.., IATION,-A regu- lar meeting of the Huron Medical Arra. two was held at Stratford on Thared•y last, The dootors present were . lir. J. M. Dinsmore, Ntratterd ; president ; Burrow., Siefert', viae president ; Shaw, Clinton, sea. frets ; Turnbull, Oederioh ; Ruther- ford, Listowel ; t1'bitem•n, Shske.oear.; Lang, Granton ; Steels, Tavistock ; Roes, Sea(0115 ; Drily, J. A. Robertson, Wel- ker Maskll., W. N. Robertson, Hamilton, .od Robb, Stri'ford ; Pool and Nolo'. Se- brloevllle. The filet Item on the program was the pre.ldeat'e address by Dr. Duo.. more, Stratford. Then the busioer of miminaftog 1 reprearn's'lye to the O .tario Medical (Council for No. 4 territorial division, whlob oomprlese the °aunties of Huron and Perth, was taken up. Dr J. A. Retention Ise rt-nomlasted 50 rep ta- rns, as h• 4157• entire ,atiefactloo durlag the prevloua term. Phe meeting adjourned for lunch above noon and met .gado as 130, when Dr. I J. Fotherl,:gtoo, of Toronto, delivered • lengthy but intersetl041 address. ou "Cirrhosis of the Liver lo the Young,' DMAT4) 01, A FnRo11:1t R1NIOKNT.-We re- 1ret to bare to announce the death •e Cheadle, Clotshire, Eopl.ad, o1 Henry 1homes Brisbane Desoto, whom many of our readers will remember r • former res. Ideal of title town. Mr. De•oo0 was a brother-I..1a. of the late Mayor Cooke, and matted • (ioderloh lad,, Ma. Sewlh who will hay. the sympathy of her hissed. here fn the loos else has eutteloed. The Eogli+h paler wblcb 000voys the latelli- vet oe of Mr. Deemen'e driers ■peaks ol the root a follow,: "Mr D,a000 died at hie reeldenoe, 44, Massie street, Cheadle, on Monday, at the are of 6fll•sigbt years, from heart afloaalon. Mr. Daiwa was an old t Ifioer to tett commis•rias department of the British Army, sod served for • long Period of yews to India. On retiring 00 proton he took op residence wits relatives In Uoderwh, Ootarlo, ((.credo, where he married, and eubet«;neatly rine to England, .,b sluing employment at the (:headle Royal, where for s period of thirteen year, he h.o discharged hie duties with • faithfulness thet has won him the esteem of the manage- ment and rf the .101 of tho Institution. About a month ago he had to relinquish wo•k, and his gradually stink, and pot- wtthetsndtng the uoremlttlne attentions of his surgeon, and the affectionate nur.ing of hie w,fet, he peeved psaoefolly away. Hie remains were Interred In • new Frau In ('heedle. harchy&rd oo Wedheeday, among affeotlon•te offering" tieing • m•snlfi01rt cross from his Irtndi and staff of the Cheadle Royal, and delicately co'strooted wreaths from Miss Ardor net Mb. James, o wl from his loving wife and child. The lt.v. J. W. Paull, M. A., offiohNtt at the sad obsequies at the hour and at the grave - g ide." AT Ter. 1.08* FRONT. -The elf. Aleon- gui0 arrived Thnreday alght from Fort William with 95,000 briale of wheat for the elevator and cleared hrid ay night The Hearn yeoht Cara, on its way from Detroit to Peoetenguishepe, wee in port over Friday night. Only the crew was on hoard, the yaoht being on Its way to take on • 40.8.0,. party •t Pretense It 1. s Udy little hoot, and Is °woad by a Pittsburg man.. The tugs Ede* Ivan and Seibold o*n• down from the Docks Friday right with parties of fishermen to np.fd the Twelfth is town, and left rule for the P erth Saturday night.. .The robe. Sings - are was In for several dsy• on her way from Sarnia to Alpena, 1.ght, clearing Monday night ....The oche. Cataract, Ilgbr, was in port on !Wordily on her way from Sar045 to the Doormen Rey...,Ths •tee. Arabin, the I;,e.rement lighthouse supply boat, Dome In Sunday morning and left early the next morning, P Harty, atp.rin- tendent of 1lphie, with his wife and family was an hued and *put o porter of Ur 447 memo the town and that lag hands with old friends, who ore always glad to "es the eon dal nperintsodent on his annual visa to town -The fear revenger' steamer Ire all making their regohr tripe. The ( (Ity of the Straits next week will Otye a cheap sxour- elan to Detroit.... The ate. Midland (fuse oeme In from Fort William Tuesday after- noon with 105,000 beetle's of whet for the eleystor. A eargo of oorn from i eloage le expected today, and the Advano• will be In this week ....The lathing hoar, le open aid • Food many are taking advantage of the One surf bathing afforded a0 the hsaoh Progress Is being made no the steamer odder ooestrnotnn at the island ....The dredge hes cut i big die. off the Island sod is still at work there. LOCAL NEWB 114 BRIEF, The pleenrne of the Twelfth are over for another year. hat the satisfaction aperlenned by ansa... or I'rIAham. tallorin4 Is "a Joy forever " Regular meeting of the town °Genet! to. morrow :Friday) evening. Mise Jennie Mogan. formerly of Oodetnh, ha. 5000454 d • position In an 01Rn51e Kerlin. 44 n't forget 9t. I'isoree'. obrroh garden party this evening on the hematite' grennds of Mr. (lowlife' Carey. R• Campion, K. C., le shout male after remits' weeks' IMBNmnt to the hones 41. hope he will galokly regain all his old vigor. The management */ the Point Form an. menace that tames of elght or tem may ea. mere the Farm eenvyanes to take Oban be Sad Ir.. 040. Yore. fad obey tatty Yaws bee he bad ou •ppltoat(oo to J. '1'. Goldthorpe, manager, or by oelhng up telephone No. 34. it. Holmes, M. 1'., bas rltaraed to his home atter • rhea to S►, Cathann.. H. has almost rsovered from h1s tuner, but le net yet wry strong. Judge Muria has been prwtod leays .f comae* for three month. oo account of III health and Philip Holt, K. C., ha been ape notated Deputy County Judge for the per lid of .gob abeeooe. Seine eel oar oorrespoode.te have not taken heed of oar warning 714841og the foor•ssed postage rah on printer.' copy. A 2-o.a► ramp la now necessary on 'mob budge" .l oorreepoodnoe ant by mail. Clinton Newt-Reoord: Mr. Bert. Moll *1)) 050313 up from Toronto can (be H. 0. B. excureloo. He was looklog remerably well sod had grate recovered from the Blair which prostrated him but wloter. Fog same month. ho was tr.velling for • drug bontie but has now .00epted • posttloo In t5. city. A special mrtlo4 of all those Iotereted h the briar to be held an aid of the hospital rod sed for neat Monday ewtslog as 7.30, in the law llbr•ry at the assure bones. A full ateod.00e of the Daughters of the Empire, be well as of all others IOter.seed In the good work, 1. urgently requrted. Any who have oentrlbetloos of work for the Mortar will kindly leave the same at Mn, D, Maodooala'., Wellington at., any Hens before August 5th, CHURCH NOTES. Rev. W. Mopes., n, of Stratford, woe - pled the pulpit of North o1net M•tbodleo Chetah on Sunday evening. Rey. E. H. Brandi, principal of the l'olote Aux Trembles School', *111 address the Gong 'lo,. in Knox ohoroh ore Sab- bath evening. '1'b• members of the Baptise church bare decided to hold the recognition of their church oo Tumidity, Jur 2910. The oonn- oil will mese to tee afternoon tad the reoogaltloo service will be held le the shoo tog, whoa • error by Rev. B.I). Thomas, U,D., of 'Toronto, is expected, Next Sun- day the morning subject will be "Love Your Neighbor" and Its the evening"Cbrt•t and Law". The Preebyte,y of Huron met In Clinton, Ori the 8ao last. Mr. Sews was appoint- ed moderator for the sosolog six months. Rev. Mr. Brandt, principal of t5. Pointe Aux 'Trembles school, Quebec, beteg pres- ent, was Invited to .d4n.., the Presbytery, whiob he did, giving • yery Instructive ad• dress. Commleslooers to the Assembly veva • report of their etteadaooe la the usual way. It was agreed to increase the Dumber of regular meattngs of Presbytery from four to five daring the year and that the date. of theam should be, the third Tose- uay of January, the first 1need•y of March, the s.00nd 'Tuesday of May, the tint To.. day of Seotemb.r, sod the wooed 1'oesd., of November. The st•odlog oommtti..s an appointed are a follows : Home Mieeler, -- Meer. Henderson, McLe•o, MoNeill, min- isters, and Kernick. M"Quarrfe red Steel- ing, udders. Church Life and Work, - Messrs. Davidson, Sewer., Small, minto- tan ; Clerk, Reid, Bisset, elder., ' Sabbath Soheeb,-Me.en, James Ramillies, Aodas• goo, McLeoo•o, ministers ; MOManas, Tom, McKey, elders. Fiercer, -laser h•rkio, Margravr, Shaw, enlhl.tere ; Mo. Faul, Mordle, I,endsboronvh, elders Sup- erintendeaoo of ;Rodents, --Messrs. MoL.•o, Dr, Stewart, M , ministers ; ade- Qnarrl., Malewn, Mardis, elders, Aop- mentatloo,-'Meese. Farber, Larkin. An- derson, ministers ; I)uooan MoF•nI, Tom, elders. Foreign Mlesl000,-Morn, Saw• ors, Dr. Stewart, Fletcher, m101.ten ; Reid, Moleweo, Duran, elders. Christian Eo- desvor,-Mewers. Matto, 1' moron, J. A. Hamileen, relearn ; Weidman, Mo(Jregot, Hamilton, elders. Oonl.rsooe,-Mean. Davidson, Henderson, Sewer., minister ; Clarke, Kerolok, MoM.anue, elders. The drat named 00 0514) oommlltee to be °envenom. The next meeting, Is to be held in Itrurr8e1.1, on the 14th day of (Mather, At 10 o'clock a. m, SUMMER SPORTS. Three rinks from the Goderl.h bowling club weal to Seeforth on Tuesday to Oake part to the tournament then. (he risk returned home Tuesday everting empty• handed, but the others had Pot reported .t time of writing. A rink of Wtchon howlers oa101 ap with the orowd on Saturday and had two games on 050 IV..t street green. I':aoh Hnk won a Name, Ooderloh Wag right shote ahead ea Ow total. The Meyer* were, M46ohell--O. 1.. Money, Walter Thomson, ('ol Dougherty std Wm. Elliot. Uodenoh R. U Itey. nolle, A. J. Maker, 1)r. Hunter end J. D. O'Connell. On Monday "harpoon a number of borer left here for Bntlord to take part In the race. there on the 16th and 17th. The hone* were Dr. Whitely'. John Nolan, R. 41. Smith's Logan ',stickmen, (1. Buxton's Nellie K, and Lady Laurier, Wooer, to .I oho Carter, of ('uelph. Logan Landsman w111 have an opportunity of racing eviler Wilfrid !reurtme A three mile bleyole race took plan en I useday molar last week on the Wrox- eter track for • purse of 750 and gate re- .•eipts equally dtvtded. The riders were Dn. Kaake, of Wroxeter, and E. Iteyaate, well koown In (Jederlob, For the hot two sod a half miles the riders took turn to PeOi0p. but the last half mile was for blood, Hrt•ans winning by about three Ieogtbe of a wheel. Phare were abont 250 rpeo(ator5- An interesting program of sport. was married 000 at lh. Agricultural *rounds en Thar.day •r.ning last, Alex. 5101,00 being the moving spirit In providing the manna's amusement. There were three bicycle room, in which the winners were s& follows : /mile reoe-la, Alex. Meteor; 204, K Hryanr, Tomato; 3rd. K. MOW. two bra wen ran in th!a raw soil the time made eau 1:15 and 1:10 in the min race the nenteala0to wan the same and finished In the mane order. Time 2.38. The fi.. mite (Al... Meteor barred) hrorrht net dx entries -R. Rryen. and K. Neftel a watch; i)o.al MoOillleoddy, Toronto, 3(10 yards lead; C. .'rnee, 375 yards, and Tem Mo6lllronddy and Frank McGaw, 400 yard.. 1). MoUf111e0dely won she rue*, l;. Promos s.00ed and K. Naftali third. began Landsman, It. le Smith's molest hone, gave on exhibition half mile. cover- ing the dis'&nee easily in 52 •eoowd•. Six thing. wore pitied In the baseball metal between the Iron linked and 4hnrtlee, the former winning, 10 1 . The Wirete, were the rams : Iron Dukes --F. Molaegh- lle, Jack Tait, Lorne A'g ., A. Knauer. R, AInte, (l,1.11ples0o, W. 13 , 1( Me- Leod, l'. Birk Shorties - 1'. Klely, E. H ,k.,, K Cm10p!ee, J. Marna, Neeu, Wigs n•, (1 Ctmpto., 1), Athena, ll. A11•e, R. Oahe. MARRIED. APR C1. ARMRTRONO, le Knox cheroh. on Thursday • veining. July t015 1983. be Rev. Jas. A. Anderson. It A, Witham 1. Aoronl to Aller 3t'., dant ►ter of Jobs Armstrong. tooth of Oed.rteh, OIED• DKA('.)\ lb Jon• 1314, el MANIC a ,beagle, Cheertn, r{T]k+eee. termed/ m�ls.11