The Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 8IB Ttluninty, July 10, 1302. THE KIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. CLEARING SALE $Uflf'IERGOODS All Summer Goods must go now. None to be carried over into the Fall. If price will interest you come and see what we show : - ,. - -r- Y--'v-1,-.-f-v-'. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS CLEARING PRICES in CLOTHING, SUITS and SEPARATE PANTS BARGAINSI NSILKS BARGAINS in All rdduoed in price for this .Gs 1TBt Sale. CLEARING SILK WAISTS 'Regular $5.00 fax I3.r0.BARGAINS in eadyto -wear Skirts R Black and Colon THIRD OFF ALL MILLINERY during this sale. F.URIIISHINGSHIRTS, TIES, HATS, etc. C BARGAINS in Boys' Blouse Suits and Duck Suits CLEARING LADIES' RAIN COATS at Reduced Prices. Remember: We stillgivetheCoupons o0.theChairsand TablesSALE STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 12th. Smith Bro's �c Co. .DUNOANNON. NOnrw. -The meal awesey In Ilunfor Tits SmN•Lle at tho omoe of J.O. Ward. J. P.. conveyancer. to.. who will reoeive orders for subscriptions, advertising and lob work. snit is antborized to give receipt. for .mounts paid for the same. TrseDAr, Joly 8. Norse -S .tat. labor, which hes 000u• pled the attention of paibmaet.n for eh. 1•m two week., is about neighed, Clover bay orop hes oommeaoed here The warm weather ee 0.using the er.,pe to grow rapidly. re prospeoI. of an sbaa- dant $rep of bay, whtet. cereal. and roots are glewleg. n•AI_-The moniolpel fathers of Wast W.wanwh met In the council roomon the 3-d (Thursday). All the members were oreeeor. Atter oon.idering the bu.l n oes brought before them, they decided to meet nn the 6th day of Augaes, when the poblia abool boards o1 trustees la the town ship are to hand their •mounts to be raised ler eohool perpoee! for 1902 to the ooaned for orelleotloo Rtrt.s Suoor -- Doogannoo rifle olob weekly shoot lest week resulted es follows : Off haod 100yds 200yds 'Total i). MoNeels.... 42 31 73 A. Disb.r 47 23 70 Dr. Bice .. .. .39 30 69 J. Mover 43 20 63 B J. Crawford39 21 60 T. (). Aliso35 2.5 60 1) Bick's 39 18 57 HsR! A•ND THRs - Muster Everett youngest mu of Mine Hastens of ►he Mallou,h Houle, srrlved home lest Friday from Toronto. whore he le studylog pharmacy. We ware pleased to m. him look so well Mir Mary Rae left bore so Sunday on a •1,111og tour to rola elves sod friends In the •lolnity of Ripley, Bram, where esu Intends to spend two or terve weeks' h.11dsys. Moe was aeoom, puled by her brother, Master WllIle. Re has returned home. We with her • pleasant visit and return home ....Mrr. W. Me Nally and three ohildreo are vldtler her parents, Mr and Mrr. Jae. Slots, fort A' bert .. Your bumble.orlbe ham reosntly h.d • pleasant time •isittag Mr. 1) J.rdlne. Aefifl.Id Mrs Jardine te.oj �v nr her- self visitor• friends ■t Whitby ... tile. Mary Jardine, ti.nher at Dathwno4. i. "pending the holidays et the homestead, whore elm ie eni'yion bereellMises Maud Why.rd• tuoher at Otterv.11•, le ✓ ending the holidays with her parent" 0.-i 1 friends. The horn rena.t eta Agrlosltural P.tk on Saturday will give the vi.tbn as tater- .alleg afternorr0Yeptre PORT ALBERT. 9'rvinaT-dwly H, 1902 Yr. sad Yra. Alex. Crawford raaroed o 1'oresto on Setae fay. H•wkine, of Uetrolt. called en h e relative' here Iasi S•turdsy. Mr. Anthem') left Iwit week '. speed the yeoabloo .t his home t. Coostone*. Quite • number of the people of ih. locality will screed next Meturd•y In liode- rloh. William R•obsrdsoo la bare from Mu.- kok• to attend hie brother • waddler. which takes pl&o. tomorrow. Mrs, Powell and her Soo Willis are h-tevldting the former'. deter, Mn. Hemil•oo. The Foresters' plonio Domloloo U.y wwall sltesded and .n .oloysd th.melves LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEI No doubt the Orangemen *illte 100 venare of attraction ou Saturd• but ow ordinaryy days when drums end se. .ro not to •vl• deuce It Is the patron of Pridham'e tailoring e st.bllehwnet who attrsee* •tte0to00 ter 01. pent. well-droMod sppesrsoce se - Remember the Lioyols Tao.. tonight. Rloyole ranee thin evening. Ales Molter, the old ob•mploo, be still In It. OouooiMor Humber (e abuul again after en 1110.0. of • ouuple „f work.. The b.rber shops are closing every Mon- day alt.rueoo during the summer. A sew Chloe.* 1•aodry hu bene otened 0o LVest. "Yes Suo" is the .tyle of the lustitutloa. Mr. Willlan,soo, abs muolutpsl auditor, has retorted to town and le •gate pureulog his tovee►lg•110a of the town's affairs. Ther. wee sot • quorum at the pubhuschool board meeting on Monday eveningThetiuseree will try sesta next Monday eyeoing. SVs were pleued to see the pam. of Mies Etb.t Rhyne" In the net of gr•duu s of the Onearlo Normal College, Ifsmtltoa, whloh wen published lot week. Mise K. McLellan, of the l'ellselstS la *Write, will be eovased durlog • portion of the vacation to Toronto erradolog peprreof nsedldstes •t the Deparm.utal examin- atioos. Tl. organ (•odor♦ b bony oo a Old Couh try order end hu been working overtime the pest week. The men will probably work four criminal a week .11 throurb the B ummer. C. L. Crassw.11er, prlooipal of Ewe: high .oboe', hu been •ppoloted to a simll.r pre pion to the Sarnia high school. Mr. Cr.es- welter'e friends herew111 be pleased to leuo of his odv.aotmeat. Uoderloh friends will b. pleased to leant that Judee Carpenter. of Detroir, hes neon elevated to the beech of the Sup erlor (%art of the State of Mloblaan The Judge and his family will spend the heated ►si m i0 Goderlch. Mir Claire Reynold', who has teen at tending W0.tnoutne Scbool la Toronto, took the first year .xarnlo.tlon et the Con tory of Musts In the pi•oofort. department. She w•e uooealul le ',curiae • very cred- tt•bl. standing to the honor list. The botcher Lusioeee, wh ch for a 1ew mootts hu beau arrted on 1n Uoderlch by only one firm, seems to be rev.ylor. Morrow t Tilt 0.ve oommeooed busin0.e in Wm. A.1.ews' old stand, sod Robe. Mc - Leen is opening out again at his former plea of boater et. Sooday, Joly 6 P, was ►ho birthday a,- elvereary of Mrs. Holm**, of Holmeevtlle. mother of I)r. Holmes and Mr,. It. W. Mc- Keoeie, of town. The old lady was ninety• six %oars o1 age• and she has the wishes o1 her maoy descendants and of s boat of frlsads for • oortloued lease of life. W. '1'. Weuh wen called to Stratford last week by the illness of h'e deter -'n- law, Mrs John We!,h, wh:oh resulted fatally on .1uty ler. Toe decea.ed loaves her bumbled, • eeo and four daughters to mourn her. M1.. Clana Wel.h went to Stratford to be present at the funeral of her dint on Thur.day. Guelph Mercury : Mr. M. F. t' 'ay. alter • nine weeki stay ,. St. Joseph's n,npltal e s in. result .f .s accident, wee removed Home yes'erday Ho 1s now able to get •bout on cratohes. 11 . many (Tirade trust that he will sos be sb:.- to dispense with those sod to ra ims the active charge of his butdoa'. e. well In hsaltb u serer. A num' .r of oases of v1ol,li. of the town bylaws have been bet re Police Meglr- 'rate Seeger letely. l est itchy morntog • moue was fined r2 and oat. for a breub of the sow bylaw, and the M gel'.rsts stales eb.t In tutor* he will be oompelled to to - crease the fine to j5 end omit•, •e It Is Im pwattvsly sseeeoary that the street., lawns sod gardens should be proteoted. Loderich had • brief visit lest week from no other than foto SV.n•mak.r but not be of maraotlle •od U.N. C.binet fame. John Wanarraker Is mid to be from Marais. but more I.uly from K ooardine. where be bad elude 1 the olutoh of • oor "table who had • oharee of theft again.t him. ('ouatable 1'nsleo.potted the visitor, ant he was ant bent to k-nosrlme. Mss Emm• Andrew", formerly of town. has been very ill In Brooklyn, where she went on a •tat to mends. She steed six months In Seney hoepital, sod underwent two operations kr a oomplio•ted ase of pleurisy. S',. ie now oonyeie.osnt sod has Telt the boepit.', and wools she 1. strong enoogb she w111 return to Ontario. Hsr friends here,whll. r.yrettlog her tithes., wt11 be pleseed to learn that she a on the way to recovery. ST. HELENS. SArr'RDAy, .July 5'.h, 1902 Mr. J. Webster has returned from Mac- itob•. Mise C. B. (iordoo 1e visiting frleod. in Ripley. Mr. sed Mrs. D.00ey hove been vl.lti' g •t Sir,. K. K. Miller'. .1. A. and A. P. Meol),ndd spent the Fine with triende in Urey township. Several from thin vlalnity attended the garden party In Whtteoboroh lest nlpht. C, A. Tehhutt, has Eon• to hie home, near Clloton to spend the summer vacation. Mise Ms•rgle MaoDoosld h.. returned borne, after • two week., stay at Drnny brook. W. P:. taordon le •t present looking 1. r a teem of hones to replace the team he sold lately. C. 14..'.r b .t present haying his hoe.. wised, end Intends having • 0000rete heeem.ot built under ie. The question now i., will the w ether in .lulu he •Rented with th. same ohroo- lo disease •. th.t of .lune or will it not' Th. gniyer.sl hope 1. that It will not. (2alte • number from her. took In The, , eremonies In coonsotloo with the laying of thsoereer-+too. of th. new Methodist ohoroh at Haokett'e, on the First Miss Lia%. Wellwood, who teaches in New York, U. S., and her .titer, Mies Mergle, who reecho& at I)uorannon, .re .pending the •nation .t their parents, home ne.r hen. The •dy•nee guard et the Glorious Twelfth h.. •rrlve 1 In the shape of • shoot- tng tallery sew Kleg.tno street and • oan- ves show es the market around.. 'BERLINER GRAh1 aPtlONE What better companion at the Kammer hou)e, on the yacht, in the camp ' It will sing or play anything, or it "tory, or playa waltz, or lancers, or one of Sousa's marches so you may hate a dance. Nothing fills the hill like a Berliner Gram -o -phone. will tell you n funny Prices, $15 to $40. Write or call for Illustrated OatalogneBold on Easy Terms if desired. GEORGE W. THOMSON &SON, c+oaERxcIx. " E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine -St., Montreal. RMANDUL i 1.001', General Manatee for o.nads The program for thle ( Thursday) t vening at the Ailrloul ural i'ark loolades three bl eye's races and • baeeb+ll match, Iron Dukesvs. Mhurttes, There will be • half mile open ram, in he.ts : s one 0t le open race. and • greed open five mile handicap I A Mclvor barred). B+.ides the looal riders, • num- ber of good goer. from ootid• piece' are expected. The •dmieeloo fee Ie onlyoeote, so evseyholy .hould be there. The sport oommewoes at 7 dalock. COMING AND GOING Wlsulpep, Mae., whore b. wW probably engage u • drevglet,Rey. Murdoch MOK.y was • •Wtor •tthe meeting of the Mtrseford Presbyter► at Stratford oa Tuesday. bred Keely of Toronto, nam. up with th• Huron Old Hoye oo Saturday sod rem•lued Io tows over Sunday. Llodeay Williams h.. returned borne from Grand Bend, where he was teauhmg dorms the past term. Collo K. Camppbell Dame up with the ex- uuru0o from 'Porouto o• Saturday end •;sited the parental home. Ueerge Hodgsos, of 'Toronto. spent a ooupls of days dorm• the week to "the prettiest town a Canada." Maes Edits Wiggins 1e111040 week to vi • ll friends at Nester, London and °thsplaoes during tM sobool vsn•tloo. Mrs. Dayld Ces.ady sod twoTeresa end Hazel, of Avr, aro ylattlog the lady'. parents, Mr. and Mn W. Burrowr. Mr. end Mre. H. Kuthwell and uhildren are &gala makl.g Uoderlah their summer home. They arrived Irom Toronto oo S.t- urday, MOs. Alice Sbarmsn, who toscb.s at Prime Albert, fe, t3. 'i arrived ou S.tur- d.y to spend the .ummer vao•tl00 •t benhome bar.. Rev. Father Nest bat Sandwich this week attending the aoou d retreat at Aasumpttoo Holly. for the priests of the dlo- ores of Loudon. Ruberl Mackay, of New York, visited bis father. 1),C, M•okay, for • couple of day.. and left oo Monday to spend the re malodor of bis hal:days la Torooto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crawford, oI Toronto, who head bone ylutias in ►own and ylolnt'y for the pent six week., returned to the city oa Monday. They were s000mpanled by MIs. Graal Oolong. Frank 8. Hick, el P•rkdale, Toronto. with his daughter, Miss Hortense, .nd little sou %Vatter, 0.me up oo Saturday to reit bis relottves ter., end rs'uroed to Toronto on Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Tbon MoUlll!culdy, Mus Eleanor •ad Mestere Donald end Jack arrived Item Toronto o. Saturday sod ore ylslnog their relatives hers. MW E'e.nor will remain 10 town until September. James Towsley, wife and eso, of Sault Ste. Marie, Oat.. arrlyed by the str. Klog Edward kat Setsrday moraine to spend • few weeks with friends eo town end vlointty, Mr. '1'.w ley says the C•na,ltu Soo a m•k- iog great progrees. Riohard Cattle, $ former Goderlob boy who bas been loatd for two or three San&I Pore William, 1e Io town with hb bride 00 their wedding tour. "Dick" le rsodvinr assay warm greetl041 and hearty congr►t• nlsttoos from h:. tread.. At Hotel Godertob : George J. Divsrsll and family, Montreal ; Mr. and Mn. J. F. McLaren, Mies Anole Mol.are., Douglas MoLeren, Brantford ; dr.. 0. H. Baird, Hugh lived, 'Toronto; Mrs. 0. W. R. Gor- don, Mb. M.rgeret Gorden and maid. Meatiet ; %5 m Fish, L'inier Pak, New York ; Mrs 1 %V. Baldwin, Mir Flor.cos Btldwi., R shard R I)etaod, Detroit; John. Eng.', Toronto ; Alfrd Wilson and ode, Toronto; Ward N. t'hoate and wife, D. troll; J. %V. 11.Idwio, Uetrolt: Ur. end Mn. W�I.00 and foor obil Irv, Loaden; J H Thompson, Marshal', ;Texas ; MIs. A A. M•esor, (l.t•ws ; Mrs. A. H. Go se, Mrs. R M Wilh•, MI.. Maggie Nd•isa. Mn. P. 1). 1)wisha, child sod hares, Mrs. Mc- Longhllo, Uetrolt. Mies F. Wtlliems returned Zest week fr' m Toronto. tare. Carrle returned last week from her ylett to Lindero. Mrs. Carleton has returrel Item her vleit to Amberley, D trrpoeon made s brief remit to rel.Nyee In Detroit last west. Mles Rote Sttug, of Ur,meby high eohool, 1. home for the yoc.tion. Mn. (Rey ) Anderson left yesterday to •Ida her relatives •t ((tesws. Mr•..1. Armour mill litt!e daughter. oWoodstock, are vleitlog here. A. M. R-.bertson, M. A., of Leamingtonle spending the holidays In town. H. Clues wen among the Huron (lld ire In town oyer Sunday. Mrs Orabh mod grandson, Muer Mc - Math, were in 8e.forth IS.t week. Malcolm Nloholsoo, jr., has ;et,rord from • ha.ln•es trip to Strathroy. Alex. Mol)ooald lett Tuesday sight by st►. I'tuborgh for Sault Ste. Marie. -iiia. (ser.) Hewel, of V. oowpr, H. C., is the guest of Mr. end Mn. Wm ('or. Min Hattie F , nr Detral,. s O. gout of Mr. and Mee. Peter MseF.rlssele III. Oiyee hu returned from Toron►.where he has been eesgaged for some monthsMi." impel 810.101., o1 ('lin•on, le speodtng ten days' holidays at her home her.. Fr.nk M 7urn.r served on Moor'ay from Morris, Mee., to .pend • maststern. Char. R Healer, of Rrnnklve. N Y'., lespindle* tee week.' holidsy. at the old home. D A. M.odeneld, of ihenede H.l1. To rest°, le vedette hie bleed, M. Men&tl MIS. 1. rs. Anhene* has relented from a leegthy yldt to her ei.tors •t Welland and Orimsby. Mis. Edith Elwood, of 11.11•,, Texas. is spending th. summer •settles le town with her mother. Mies Torah Brown has relereed from Toronto. cabers .he was prorseutt.g her molal .teller. Lester Rohert.ns, of Toronto, wee in fawn ehl. week, having nem. up on the H0. H ewmrdee. (teewg. Hodg.n•. of Termite. wee among IM Hera OId Hoy. who,Idted Geletrleh dirtily the week. MIS. Charles, et I1. .t.lf o1 the Toronto J.seU.. Collegiat Imellee , le ytehing the Mares Hetehk.s. Rebs. Yaws left ye:erday sftere..s fee COOLESr JUNE 1N YEARS. Meso Teeoperolwre We. ger aetsw she •ver.ge. The me.n temper•tore of the mouth of June wen 60 3 degrees. Io fact, s000rdioy to the doctor of tb. meteorotogiosl obese•.• tory, Toronto, R. P. Stepart, and the opie- bon of • groat mewy people. It was ?.3 de. gree. solder than the ag,.rag. for 62 years. Mr. Stepan had aunewbat gloomy lor.bod• Inge, and was Inclined to connect the preeeot meeoo with the .ummer of 1860, wh., It was sold In Jsly ar11 Angu.t. July of thst year wet the 000lat on record. the temoerature being 63 9 degree.. T6. soot est Ju.e was to 1842, when the moan tem- perature was56.4. July'. to time y.ar was 64.7 end th.t of Aoga.t 68.9 The utas temperatures during other 000l .Jooee.ime then were es IollowsJose, 1843. 58.9 ,1use, 1844 60 4 June, 1857 56 9 June. 1x59 58 3 Jooe, 1857 66 9 .ion•, 1859 . 583 June, 1866 602 Jus. 1869 53 4 Jose. 1881 59.6 .lore, 1889. b97 Jone, 1901 651 Lose Jan. was 2 5 degrw'ugh, than the u•wsye, or •bout SI. degrees warmer Tac Huron and BraceLoan and Inesticat Co GODERICH, - ONT. thea the mesas fuel passed1h. year 1816 was known u "Oa. year without • asmmer." 'Thor. warn boil every nt eth of the year la the northers states, and the oepreo.d.nted °oolongs almost ruined .11 varletles .1 Drops. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Tu■ Jute MoCtu s's.-Tb. July MoCi.re'. t. • notable asmber. Three of 1l. ooutnbuNuas •re ul national Importance -;wo,ketohee o1 Admir•1 Sampson. by .1- F.oretuy Loog •od l'antata A. T. Mah•o respectively. and an article entitled, "Fr/buts. Lit. la the Yblluppinr,",by Dr. tlsary C Rowland. hetr.mely Iosaruottve e s well ae netert.iulog .n Sterling Bellies .000000 of "The 0v. Sea P:opertmante of Mento. Uumout," bdog a record of hle flight over the Mediterrao.00 at Moots Ceri°. by •o eye- .eltoeu. • personal frleod, end •o • utborlt y en eerlsl navigation. kiss Stonie third paper oo 0.r .rp.tlenoes •moo/ the bel`ende a devoted to the birth of Mme. Talk.'. baby end the Iooldenta of the tint w eek. of It. lit. l0 oeptlrlty. Cyru. Towoand Brady contributes the fourth e.my of his border F vht. end Fighter. series la • .pleodld .ketch of "George Rog.nUlark end the Ghat Northwest." The seemed lesta'meot of Boots Tarklogeoo'. new novel of ludiant,"Tns Two V•srevet."goes to .how .1111 further that the author of "The Gentleman tram Indiana" end "Monsieur Heauoalre" hu loaf, nothing of beart of eoesr'a'nlee. There i. also a tempt- ing dl•et'11y of .bort 0ollon. TRS July C(stloroL1TAN.-Whet m•kee the happy relation between man and wo' ms+, to an sternally interesting queetloe, end • olever d'eoaestno of why marriages fall, promoted by Raiford P_ yke 1n bis arilots "1'h. 1Voman's Yld.," le o.rtaln to reoelye the y.ry wide 000aderation wb!ch hes bee, given to that author'. previous &ritotes on the dl.ca.do's of woman teres. ma. The July Cosmopolites seem. to be •Imo.t .100117 diylded 10 loterest between men and women. "An Erp.rtmat la Do- mestic F,naooele another entirely Dovel•rtic!e whtob w111 appal to women, while .ome twenty pages devoted to the "Capt las of Industry" well reoelye the oo.Slderatlen Hot weather BOOTISSna s .. s . '"PY °n°Sr►oE No matter how cool and comfortably you aro dressed otherOur feet are not clad in cool Summer Footwear, you will feel h restless. Cool Shoes are a great essential to Summer comfort. We have all styles .t RIGHT PRICES. For WOMEN'S HOUSEWEAR Wometi'e Prunella Buskins, with toe -cap, for only 50c per pair. Women's light Kid Buskins, with elastic front, McKay sewn, only 50c, Cloth Slipper's, trout 15c. per pair up. See window for values iia high shoes. In MEN'S GOODS we have all styles for OUTING, STREET or DRESS WEAR, UN. EXCELLED in VALUE. Our WALK OVER for Men and QUEEN QUALITY for Women are our two leaders. Nothing like theta in town. litve us a call and be convinced of our sterling values. REPAIRING E. DOWNING, Red Front Shoe Store, Neat Jas. Wilson's Drug Store. of men V all classes of bonnets. Tin Cos- mopolitan has undertaken to Drowns a series of brief sk.tonu of the meet who are leaders In lleaooe, manufactories and oommerae, nob prepared to an offhand,way, but by wriest' of the greatest •bUlty who b&yu an exact knowledge of thea uhjau. The astir thus far produced has attracted the widest swathe. Th. industrial ohuge. 'Mon bap of late been occurrlor with snob rapid. Ity have the widest possible interest 1.r .11 olesses. '1'0e knowledge of these moo, their d.rlv.tloo, lading obaracterletles and weekoemee, throws muoh light upon the news of the day In which their Wes am. .lastly neer. ITLLUPEONa Ns. U. HODGENS BROS. :.:LLT.::'* •/ 3rd WEEK OF JULY SALE • soli, [T IR -PHILIP HOLT, K.O. BA.K[RU-THE CANADIAN BANK OF 0)MMRRCR. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Deposita from Trustee., Parents or Children, in sums of from Fifty Cents to Three Thousand Dollars, acid allow compound interest, added every six months at rate! as agreed upon. Cheques are given Depreitors, eo that they may draw upon thee, deposits at any time 3, 3{ and 4 per rent. interest allowed on Ilapoatte aueordieig to amount and time left. N.le-Parlament to a late Art of Parliament married women and miners have the right to doprott and draw out money in their own name. Depneito can be went by mad at the risk of sander. Ramon c from your hoiden temptation to Imrglars and food for the flames. A. the Company makes loans only on fleet einem farm property, depositors irate the elrongent security for their in. veotmen t e. TO BORROWERS. This Company in prepared to loan on the ,hortnvt with" any !D m npnn first clam .enunty. Terms are male to ani borrower!. Stehle ht Inane and simpl interest. MORT( IAO KR PURCRASF.D-For further particulars call at the Company's office. corner of Market quare and North Street, Ooderinb. W. L. HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manager. Pr,sirknt. W. PROUDF0OT, Vice -President. DiRRCTOR.9 LORD HTRArwrn4A. FRAgfna .1011DAN. Ws. Psoopvoor. D. J. Nano. T. M. RnosRrs. N. !)Winne. RwwUS Hnwrn*. Pinta? Hou, K. SATURDAY we enter the 3rd week of our great July sale. There is no sign as yet of the interest wavering. On the contrary business is better every day. The big assortments we are showing and the remarkable values we are giving are a combination that is bringing us Tots of business every day. Here are some more hints of these July bargains. We lay special emphasis on the silk waist offering. It is unusual. The goods are new and selling at half and Tess than half their real value. Paris Silk Waists, each $2.75. A French Maker's Samples. These waists aro the samples of a French maker. They are made of good quality French taffeta silk, tucked and haladsomely trimmed with applique and Persian trimmings. There are not more than a dozen in the lot and we got them at half price. That is why we can sell them at this very low figure of $2.75 each. 12 oe!y ti k eyelets need' in Peri.. goo 1 quinsy Feen,b taffeta, etyma' est bandana garmeatl, meat are 36 & 3s but ciao easily be altered re smaller ares, mediae?. old tow, white, and blue. If baught In the regular way would Goll a1 $5 00 13 $6.00 each, some for more. For our July sale prlo..111 be each $2.75 Other Silk Waists. With the sample waists we will place on sale the balance of our spring stock of stylish silk waists at from $1.00 to $1.50 less than regular prices. All are new this season. $4.50 Waists Now $3.25 $4.00 Waists Now $3.00. Fine silk "valeta, front end b., k of •'- termite oluster• of floe 'ark. and v.:- "noienee.1 fon, .1 tacked sod trimmed with ioeertton, pearl buttons, thin being, la shades pale blue, pink. navy and white. A waist that was good •eine at $4 00, for Ja!y sale prtoe le . $3 00 Gloria silk weird. *111 not cut, tacke1 •II over, trimmed with pearl buttons and black y•hret ribbon, • stylish wormeet..a.4. e1 old rue only, Try ular$4 50. for July nate.... .... 33. $5.00 Silk Waists No $3.95. Rloh black Taffeta Silk Waste. hand somely tucked and hemstitched, trochee buttooe, hoed, regular 15 00, for Jaly tele, each .. $3'15 $3.75 Waists Now $275. 25 Plata Bilk waist.. will not cot, nicely corded, looked and hemetltobed, W lined, savv, white, pale blue, pink, regular 43 75 and good value, for Joly ale each . 42 _ NI yds. Embroidery at July Sale Prices. More than 800 yards good embroideries and in- sertions to sell during July at 5c, 8c, 12c. Add 3c to Sc a yard to these prices and you get the real value. At 5c. 250 Verde emhrolder(es and In.ertboos medium sod narrow widths, regular 7a, 8i and 10, Hoes, for July sale this let. per yard , , .. ........ So At 8c. 200 yards fancy combrla end muslin embtotdertee and Ineertinns, neat Is auger, regular 12i and 201, for July sale, per yard .8. At 12c. 250 yard@ fine muslin •n1 anmbrlo em• broaden"' and io.rrtlona, last ands e1 tome binm time sold at 18i and 20o, for July sale, pair yard.... . .12o Parasols, 95c. 24 Iodise' Parssols, Anetrtan T.Oeta top 0e stineg fnm.e, will not on', steel rod, here, natural wood or black handles, epeeist for Joly sale, mob ....... .... .. 95o Sheets, 65c, or 2 for $1.25. if you paid 25c more for the pair you would still be getting a bargain. They are good quality and free from dressing, full 21 yds. wide and 2i long. 30 Sheets, made el heavy blemhed 1.111 .hemline, siren, and .wytosahle, bet- ter value than you can Iney by the yard at 41 50 the pair, for Judy pals, snob, 660, sr t0. pair 41.25 Carpets and Blinds. We repeat the list of stands for a worthy quality is genuine. Bargains in Window Blinds. At 27o Good quality blinds, full length and width, mounted on strong spring roller.. °ream, light and dark ;Irmo, sp.oul for July, mob ..... ... . .. At 350. Blinds made of good quality cloth, mounted on strong spring rollers, complete with fringe and pall, regular 451, for July sale, each ..... At 450. Blinds nisi!. 0.1 /nod quality ninth. mounted on test spring rollers, lace trimming, oomplet• with pull, cream or light green, regular 60o, for Jo'y sale, snob ..... .. ..... . A Bargain in Curtain Poles. _..._..___..... 450 Poles for 33o Mabog•ay and oak Carted* Pole, bleb- ly defe5.d, teary wood Hagg ted upstairs bargains Every price and in every case the reduction 27e 3.5o 43o mountings. regular 45a, for July gale, each ..... ........ ... ... ....... 330 Union Carpet 28c. 50 yerd. isle Osiris Corp.', good weight and pattern, w111 wear well, regular 3711o, for July sale.... .. . ..i1 Union Carpet 39c. 75 yards heavy Colon Carpet, closely woven, good pattern, rnverslhle, *111 Hae excellent wear, special for July sale ,.... 390 An Wool Carpet 55c. 75 yard' to my all wool Cerpet, made from olean select Trans, good patters for sitting room or bed room, monist 75o, for Jaly raleroue Linoleums 70c. 3 ends hesty Montes Lloelsum,fall two yards wide, regular 41.00 1aallty elands( July Bale at parrae.tee yard 700 Mercerised Vests, 25c. Ladlemsroerf,ad rotten Vests, look very muoh Itke.11k, have the feel of lisle thread, Dimly trimmed with Inca and teen rlbboe,whlte, bine and linen shades, the wholesale price's' 44 00 per doyen. Her July sale pries le at the rata et 43.00 per dozen, earth .... 2.6.3 Men's Collars, 5c. SUB .boe0100left, stand up et tern dews, every ewe stow 157). regular 151 and 20a, °leering for Joty sale •e 'soh 5o 12Zc Dress Muslins for 82c a yard. 4 cents is your saving on every yard of those you buy. Not a piece in the lot Mit. is worth 124c. Many you would think good value at 15c. All American goods, fast colors, and made for this season's trade. 300 yard. American Dress Mwsll.s, .11 this ..I'on's pattsyp Colon are pale hive, navy Mee. pink. grey. lines .hm1es and green, missy different d.elg.. Regular 120, and worth If For Jaly saleper yard 8jt JULY DFJI4ONRR and .TUfdl"PATTERNS now in. HODGENS BROS.