The Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
THURSDAY, July 10, 1902 5
W.__Acheson &Son
For July we have arranged a very tempting list of desirable goods at certain
ly very easy pricer. Pricer iu wary cases have made the values
quite out of the ordinary bargain offering. Conte
and inspect and be satisfied.
Dne.. Goode.
300 yards 46-iuch black Lustre, fine
silk finish, pure Mohair and in neat,
stylish pattern, regular ptit.n 60c
hoc, July sale prier 25e:
150 pain American cotton double -
131•ukot.,with blue and pink borders,
full double bed size, regular prior
per pair, 90o, selling at ....... , , . , 60c
50 dozen ladies' Vesta, ribbed, cotton
Lisle, closed trait and button front,
short sleeve mrd no sleeve, all sizes,
regular 16o and 20e, sellfog at ..2 for 25c
1500 yards handsome American 36
niches wide drew Organdy Muslin,
iu str:pea and neat spray and doral
effects, pinks, blues, browns, greens
and blacks, warranted fast orlon,
regular 15o to 90c, at one prioe, per
yon! N 1Ce
*2 00 Lao. Ourtaln. for $125.
60 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains,
54 inches wide ani 3A yards long,
very fine quality, in areal and stroll
designs, suitable fur any sty'o room,
our 92.00 a pair curtains, to sell 0111.26
j1.3tiu lta.-40 American 4 -ply crochet ott.toi1t white guilts, full size,
W. Acheson & Son.
Exeter : Dr Ferguson and denebter. of
Poetla°, Mich, are •ships a1 Mr. rind Mrs.
C. Seell'e,
Blyth John S. MoKio0on end bride
were the gamete fur • few den at the home
of the tormer'e parent* In illyth.
Blyth : Mr. and Mr*. O. M. Sherlock and
three children, of Brandoo,Maoitobe, are the
surto of Mr. aad Mee Charles Floods.
Exeter 1 Mn. Ryan, of Brantford, tater
of Mrs. Hers, Enter Nortb, died on Turd -
day, Joly lit, Mr. and Mrs Ryan were
former rsld.ete of Exeter.
Roxboro: MIs Ellen MoMlll.n, daoah-
ter of John MoMlllso, of Roxboro, who hail
been teaching In the Ur•nbreok Khoo!, has
been re engaged for 0111 year.
Brussels : List ween }rank Gerry had
two hopers on bls left hand Iniared by a
machine 1
° n
with l
workshop of his father. Goonclllor Gerry,
MoK,Ilop: Wm. Battolz, of Tocker.mltb,
has purebred lite farm of Che 1.,. George
llorraaoe, ea chit North Grant Road, Mc-
Killop, paylog for 11 17,500 Including the
art p of this year.
,'olortb : K. J. Maodoaald aud family
have removal from town. Mrs. Macdonald
•od Ilt;le eon are staves to Clinton, w011*
Mr. Maodoaald Is In Torreon, w hers lie 1e
openlog oat • wholesale business.
Exeter : The tav friend. of J. F. Raw•
soil entered their sympathy to him In 111,
lou el his little one, Ada Minot., who died
on Solidity, June 29 h. Its mother was
taken away shoat seven month. ago.
Bromide: Joh° Moltain and son. o1 Te-
rmite, made • brief to relatives .ad
Wends In Bruae'e recently. Mr. Mae
holds • good position to the '1'. Esau de-
partmeetel eare sed look* as of the (jaese
C ty agreed wife him.
He bar also eaoneefully paced hie Medics
Connell examuto•lon and 1. now entitled to
eoj y the full honors and emolument. of the
Brawl.: A Corby. H N. ltsrrett, tt ,
M S,00latr and Jae 11.Ilattyne were out
on the 16th oon. of Grey • few days sono.
,a pursuit of two bears sero on the farm o
H. IVoods tb• d..y previous, The do,
s000mpan yin, the boaters ooald not follow
tee tracks as the sone was too old and the
ohne had to be •bsadoOid.
ortion, wit* lend f W111140 n arrived from
Leagdo°, North Dakota, and will empty a
visit at P. Robert,ou'., 9.h coo, 11 le ten
year, mon Mr. Robertson weal west sod
this is WS firer 01.11 back He says may
prwpeo a are good although the sawn will
be late and 000euquently there will be dan-
ger Irom host.
Jamestown wa:
at reed eery
tut week Alez. Forrest recived • very
amity pinch oo the left hand, thal oame
own costing him the lose of • Darer. A
team was stuck with a load of grovel and
be went to give • I.ft on the frons wheel
While doing so the wh tlletres Dew book
and osoblog hit dater tt.tweeo It and tb•
wheel gave 11 • bad jam.
Grey - W. H. Mol.'utataoo, • former reg.
14.ot of Grey, died recently at etyma.).
'1b• following are the particulars: -W. H.
McC'utohenn, of H ohets, was unwell and
went to
Chicago to here the beeafis of the
boat surgery to removl°g an °haruotlon In
111. throat, which caused nation gland..
The operation took place, sod the patient
was oaable le marries the shock.
Rthel : We are sorry to have to report
the demise of Angie, daughter of the tae J.
A. Young. formerly reacher et Ethel, which
took place at Ripley on Mooday of last
week. She hal been in failing health for
BI th Mrs, J. C. (.amine, ▪ of Harwood the port two vino consumption be:bg the
y dbewo. Mss our was ons seventeen
North( Dakota,
o lows, who A.
o ddel pand
ast years of age and wee o bright, lovable girl
eft weeks visiting at the Dome of Mr. and when cinema is greatly regretteef.
Mos. Jobe Drummond. have left 13yth for
their respeotive homes
Hoy : Peter Mao,, of the tad concession
el Hay, had the mlatortaae to get his leg
painfully braised although 0o bona were
broken, by one of his h falling on him.
It ten with great drthaalcy he hi. been able
to walk about since tneo.
Tuokeremlth : For the eecood time with-
in a mouth Maple Hell, the handsome res: -
dean of David R.1', 2nd 0000eeeloc, I. K.
was the scene of o.. of those happy and
Interestlo5 eveo4, on Wednesday morning
n( lest week, wino his third daughter,
Eliz,, sou united la holy b.,ode of mated
morn to Robt. MoCartosy, son of the bats
Carrie. K
Hugh Mo00rt0ey, who Is now a prosperous
Brussels: its Cart Harry farmer of Moos Jew., Northwest T.rrl.
t/acford, of Laredo°, Norah Dakota, is tory
making • Visit wltb relative° sod ft foods to Morris : F..riy Thursday morning, Jane
Finnish. locality, H
fMrs. Thor,Orford. of this town aud • 26th• the residence of George Torrey, of
brother to R. C. Danford. 2od bus of Morrie, sou burned 1. the
ground. The were sleepg
lirusals: An 18 -year-old son el Mr. toandlly Datil tthelyfirs had made somine
Grover, of the G.rfield House,onderwsot ate pro,reeu. 'I he eldest boy •woks first and
operation at London hospital lest week for aroused the other., who soon became oon-
nh. removal of • tumor no 11. liver. The anon of the smoke whfoh titled the house.
potent it dolor well. Hie lllams delayed A lame portion of the building was In
the family motto to Brussel'. flames soil the stairway filled with smok•,.o
Morris • Daring the past two weeks K. that the wlndow afforded the only moan. of
MoKerv4, 4th has, has been badly both escape. Mrs. Taney wog let down by a
*red with • sore head from blood poisoning. sheet and the children were thrown to her.
The pals Is •bating now we .re pleased t* to jumping from the window Mr. Turvey
*tan. Trouble &rote from a silver catching injured his foot. so that 1t will be paiolal
one of Use fingers of Ms left hand. for a while. Unfortunately nothing war
Exeter : One of 10. prettiest and mai saved with the exception of a sum of
pleasing of ,lana weddto5 events took plan moose to the pocket. of Mr. '1'uney's
on 'Thursday, Jun. 26:h, a1 Mph noon, •O tremens. The loos Is quite • heavy one u
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H McC•llam, toe oonn°n of th t boons wen* valuable.
"The Knoll," when their eldest daughter, The insurers on home and furniture
amounMiss Ratty L., haeme the bids of Geo, nearly
is to 1700 rehab. of coarse dose not
Willa, eon of James Willis nearly raver the lea. The origin of the
MoKillop On of thou ha fire s ankoown it 1. supposed to have
p happy •yenta started in the krecheo.
which always nese a flatter of statement
ie ha
• oommaaltthe 7th alt.
v ink plan at the ratdenow daughters of
cat Mrs. George McCbre, e( MoKillop, ors .1 H. 'Ironton, n( Morrie. while plaklog
the 2.5:h tale, sono her daughter 1'canoes barrier. fond the dead body of •man ly•
sou united to marriage to Jona Ltird t00 to reeve i•nuter'e woods, a shore die
Brews, • farmer of MoKillop none from the res Iway track It was very
Ic mach decomposed, and wee evidently the
Seaforth : Another of the worthy p body of o tramp. On January 23rd, a man
ogre of this district hes departed this We. answering to his description oatl.d at Mr.
Thome Ooveelook pained peacefully away Elston'. and rods part of the way to Bol-
en the rseldson of hie roe, William Bone. grass with him. He said he would not go
lock, North Main street, Reeforth, on Tuts. to Wmph' in, and turned off slong the track.
Ilse evening of lest week. Mr. Gonnlook While at Elston'. he 'eked for • piece of
had reached the good age of 81 years and 10 writing paper, and a piece similarly folded
moth.. wee found on him As far as the writing
McAuley • John Morrison, of Chlselhars', oosld be deciphered, le was to the sffeot
• former student of the ..selortb Collegiat• that he bad deep 'fifty hour* without rest
levitate, has passed hs heal examloatlon or sleep defying the alms of the Huronitee,"
at trinity tledlost e.illege, Toronto, taking 10 stated he wee charged with two heinous
honors. Mr. Alexander Murdoch, eon of orlms,and implied that somebody was after
Wen. Murdoch, of the 2nd nono•.do°, Stan- him, who had been twine tolled, but as *ho
let, hs. pasted ht• final ezamin.tloe ae To- oarsuer wee determined he had decided to
route Medical Celleg*, sato taking honors, db by his owe head, and hoped Clod would
-- "Barb
Wire at
BEST NO. 9 1
American Fie
Ideal Field,
Frost Field
and steel Oates. _-....., ,.-
All the very a o I. spend!
very low, considering quality. We month entitle, his uncle, G.F McPhee.
best and the price is Ileor a MoPh*e, f Detroit,
forgive hien for the act he wee about torn.
mit. it wu.Igned "1d. Fitzpatrick, ties
boo L'rovlsoe." A piece of a War Cry, dated
Deo. 28, and of a Laeden Advertiser, dated
11.o. 30, were luuod oo him wrapped
around toba000. Beside him lay soma sob-
stenoe 11k• pane gine ; so daub: he bad
taken sutliulenl to end 111s Iib. Pursued,
foreakeo, without friend or home, perhaps
partially lance, he died alone la the woods
on • oold whiter day. Coaetabb Venom:me
was notified ; be oremated tbeawlully r..
pulalye remain mod brought the Lona t0 the
rating plan of the deal north of the
Tao, Take Weeks.
Ordloary remedies sometimes Oak. weeks
.ren Le relieve oases that Cawthorn*
cures at once.
Johan l;sterrhozoo. five minutia tour
time, a day and It cures stubborn ooughs.
label. Catarrb.,,oe bre times every hour
and we guarantee It will ours any ore of
catarrh, br000hltle, asthma, lung or throat
troubles, deafer.; ; it is very pleasant
and reviewer to use, qufok to relieve, and
certain as the hereafter to ours. LwH size,
oomplete, prloe 91.00; email .•z., 25o.
Druggists or Poison Go., Kingston, Ont.
l)r, Hamilton. Pills ours 11.ada11..
A taper • reepkee,y.
Now York Journal : Some fifteen years
ago tee King, then Prince of Wale., and
Prime Henry of ttattenburg, were told by
• tipsy, the former that he would be Ktog,
but not drowned, and the latter that he
would die Io a foreign land In bottle. Prion
Henry of BaIteoborg died of fever In West
Atrlo• dation the ,Mood Ashantes oam-
paigo, When Queen Victoria'. state of
health gave no hope of reoovery, io J•auary.
1901. King Edward repeated the glpsy's
propitiate to the l.ouotese of Shrewsbury
and said to ser:-"Ye.,1 shell be Kim,, but
shell not be crowned."
The renal., el a east L•fe
le L,- by an Irritable °audition of
body aud mood, by exhausted energy, poor
dVNtior, aourung nerves and broken deep.
1t you must and will live the killing peon,
tastier keep In mind the suatalotng powers
of Ferri sae. a wonderful toslo and r000n
struotor. Ferrozooe is • blood maker. •
strengthener, • hurt and brain
invigorator, It meats appetite, insures
per!oo/ digestion end undisturbed deer
restores the vitality and etrsorth Met by
mean* living very quickly. Fannon
will do you inestimable good, try it. Polo.
50a. per box or six bora for 92 50, .
druggist. or Polson Co , Ktng,toe, Oar.
lir. Hamilton's Pills oars beedaote,
.e End Tetd a Ale,
One art the little boys io kindergarten had
been very rush' y -he had told a lie. The
teacher sorrowfully wiled her little charges
together and tried earnestly to impress up-
on them all the enormity of the trausgren-
"Johnny hes told • lie," she said.
"Now. how oan we bum see what •
wicked thine 1t was, so that he will Geyer
do 1t agatr • I want you children to thick
of some wee t- punish him, and make him
• better boy, gad •too to warn you never
to do what he bat door. What, we do
o Johnnie!"
There was a long and thoughtful silence.
At last another yammerer to the back row,
• oboe friend of the offender, but not dis-
ieIroned te winter with meroy hie sense of
Justice or h• a orthodox 000ylotlone, raised
Ms chubby hand.
"Well, Freddie V' said the teacher.
The Knower came in • eopulshral volae :
"'Seed him to Hell."
• Lean Tire le sp..d In Sickness and Sag
ferias - Ht It •11 end •.appy R■de.g,
F,00nomv Point, N S., July 7th, (Special).
-For over twenty-five years Mr, Geo :+
MoLtughlie, of this plan, wee an Invalid
through lumbago.
At times his back was so lams that he
null not tarn bound( la bad and the dight -
at oold or bard lilting would bring on an
aw.'.l attack, whteh gave him fearful pato.
He oommenoed a treatment of Dodd's
Kinney Polls, and In • stn's time all the
pato lett ha back, and It became as stoat
and strum/ as ever, and done then he hes
had so return of the terrible lumbago He
earl :
"I believe Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure
any ease of lame beak, for they helped me
Mit, sad nobody could bare It oinoh worse
than 1 had."
Mo.iAy, .July 7
Artesian wells been suck at M.
Foley's and Jacob Monier'e.
Our popular townsman, ,Jar LIokl.ter,
1s enjoying • pleasant vslt In Tuokersmlth.
Jen and Hume Clinton are vielttng their
grandpereot., Mr, and Mrs Wee. Fother•
Ingham, at Burnside Farm to Tuckersmhh.
Joseph Hetherington, who ha been ap-
pointed by the township council as Inspector
to soloroe the statute as to notion weeds,
seat oat notion rqulrtng owners or eaaa
1 of 1•n •to e
Dlands re down orn
destroy Can-
ada thistles, or -eye daisies, wild oats, rag-
weed and all other noxious weeds upon their
leodo so far as they can do so without ds,
struyirg the grain crop
MONDAY, Joly 7tb.
M O hell, bas returned home.
Miss hall• Deane, 1s home for
Deo Dalton .pent Sunday it bre home.
Mr. Osloer spent Sunday at ,l Buckley's.
Mine Nora O. Keefe le home for vantloo.
Jim Foley 1. borne after a trip one west,
Joke Hassey, leaven today for Own
Lake Huron proves to be • good bath tub
thee. day..
Mrs. A,gle and Maggie Keefe aril bow*
for holiday,.
Pas Sullies!), WIlI Dean, and Tom lord,
have returned from Assumption College.
Some of or yoaog people report of the
pleasant sell they had yeeterdy on the
"Lady Ituffrin,"
SATI- ROAV, ,Tuly 5th.
Mlle Gordon, of Sbeppardton, 1e visiting
the Misses Sallow,.
Mise Re !mond, of Westfield, le visiting
her 000slo, Mho Agate Jones.
Mr. Aohlln s badly engaged building the
cement wall for John Uurk's barn.
aim to get the best, and do get it. Mrs. T. Yonne, of Auburn, I. spending
• hew weeks with her dater. Mrs, Clark.
Semite! Potter feels cane prend over the
arrival of another heir. le 1. • girl. (705-
tranlatfon■ '
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pones awl family
took In the plonlo held In Ran fo,I1's arny
on Thursday lest. They report a pleasant
are fast sellers with us.
ix the beet and cheapest paint the
customers can buyit spreads
well, looks well, and best of all,
wears longer than anything else.
11'1 cKLNZIf
speelal coarse le musketry at Osumi aider
the ethoers of the Militia D:par,mu►•
WIIII. Hawkn., of Windsor, is .p.. a
Violt M kis erasditerents, Mr. and Mts. A
0. M'eDualf. He will also visit relatives
at Port Albert and Oodertob darts, bis
Waussuar, Jule 2nd.
ViLLeog l.raovsMssr -Allen Gledhill,
our postmaster, hie made a figs Improve
meat by adding • neat verandah la,Iro.O of
Ms dwelling boom adjoining the •sore.
Fat rr, -The pro.peots for the apple crop
nation good and we are ple•s/tl to state
that the Iran looks well and that there la
every appearaaos that the muoh-dreaded,
oodltng moth will 11,1 be .a troublesome as
it has been during other season.. The long-
ooutlou.d rats has probably been the onus*,
for It hes bees remarked by all who are io-
terested that that trou6'.eome !neat bis
not made Ito •ppearaooe this year to the
extent of former yen. The .peolmes• en
the toess are more forward thea moue,' al
this date and show oo signs of a,ah or then
they have bees attack.d by the moth.
Ptceic.-A very eojoyeble and well at-
tended ploslo under the aa.ptor of the
Sons of Temperance Lodge of Bmm111er,
was held oo the spacious lawn of Mr. Jesse
Solider, near the village, oo Dominion Day
About two hundred persons were preseo0,
Bassball, orryuet, foot ball, foot and wok
nines wore the ammeeruate of the day, At
the close • hearty rote of thanks was tan
dared the oborwtag host and bootees for
their hospitality, sod each one returned
borne d.lighted with the day's outing. A
prominent feature of this affair was the
well tilled baskets brought there by the
visitor., .blob were done full patios to.
WOOLI.KN Z1fiIJ..-Pawing °tar that well-
known factory our attention wee drawn to
the large quantity of wool reoelved there
thbseuoo, and to the for( manufactured
goods exposed for sale or exchange. The
proprietor tolerated ne that more wool had
some Iq up to the present date, than at any
of her time to the history of hi. mill. On
beteg asked if he bad any depot for hie
maoulsoturee la Gofsrloh or 1h. supplied
any of the merchanta there, he told us that
the 'coining 10010,y to tiabrtnh was the
oo'y place be supplied with yarn., and u
there bad been some ntktomeots made by
interested turtles that he wee •app'yisg
some of the store. to Uuogaroon and other
placee he wired It to be 000tradloted, for
he had all he or do to supply hi. custotpovre
at the mill,
FarnAi, .July 4.
UoiNgR STON■ L'yl.t. -Oa ,duly lis .t
350 o' I
o cat in
thar eemo.
e of • largo
crowd, the corner Ince at Haak•tt'e Meth
inlet ohuroh was declared well and truly
laid by John Joyot, of Luckoow. lbe
0.remo07 wan directed by Him. 1). Hager.,
Fordwluh, chairman of be ells+riot, assisted
by Rays. Harris, Whaley and F. J. Oaten,
pastor. 51,. Joyce ,delivered a shoed and and Inspiring address. Relreehments
were then served to the oharob shed, wbloh
bad been traaalormsd into a beautiful
dining hall. The provision. were of the
first order, and •II arrangements were
without tbrn b w
g • hitoh. o Mach
prates 1s due the committee and helper. In
this matter. lite program In the old
church mounted of able address by Ree..
Roger., Hanle and Whaley, and sentient
selections by the Se. Helen. Presbytertao
choir. K. Holmes, M. P , who was to
have beeo present, was prevented by 11f°eee.
A letter of congratulation from blot was
received by the chairman, In which be re-
gretted tie ',stormed abaooe, end expressed
his hearty sympathy with the enterprise by
an enclosed donation. The church witch it
befog replaced wee built 10 1869, and •n•
I.rged in 1878. 'I he new church will seat
200, and will be In every particular well -
(quipped country ohuroh. The billameot
story 1■ a feature not In the old ohuroh, and
w 111 he Invaluable as • 8undsy school and
Epworth League room, supplying conch
D eeded aecommodetloo for thea deport -
menta of work. The trustee bo.rd is now
to a position to immolate both ohuroh and
.sed without leaving a debt unprovided for.
The generous donation of 9100 from Mr.
Joynt greatly delighted the balding oom
mitts*. The total prooa.& of thls very
suooessfgl and unueu.11y interesting event
were neer 1225. The ohuroh 1. to be com-
pleted in October.
The fare .f eyspepllr rains.
Improperly digested food usually forme
gees that issues a painful dieteotlnn of the
srom•oh acts pressure against rho heart.
This ,..o1 . to much psis and distress, but
Nervliloe will rellev• the dietentloo, dispel
the gar, aud ogre rho dysp.ptto Wog very
quickly. Poison's Nervilio. 1s rally an
*noticed, remedy for dyspeps(e, Iodination,
cramp., summer complaint and all otomsob
and bowel troubles. Ne household 1s
complete without Nerydse, Try a 25c.
The improvement^ at the Point Farm
being advanced almoet to completion, the
Hotel will be open for questa this week.
The management wish to draw atten-
tion especially to the advantages of The
l'oint Farm as a resort for pleasure parties
from town. Every provision will be made
tor the reception and entertainment of such
parties. Thera is nowhere a more delight-
ful spot to eland a day car ail evening, and
visitors will always be madt welcome,
The Huron, Brace & (troy
Electric Ry. CO., Limited,
P, 0. Sox 73. Godertoh, Ont.
Car Massillon Washed
Nut Coal.
Thl• t;oel 1. gond for rove.
and grates is easily lighted
and g'ya out a treat hear,
1 Car West Virginia:Lump
Mooney, July 7, 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McNeil were e1
Blyth *Ma week.
Frank Allan rat urned 10 Saul Ste.
Marie by Seat this week.
Unite • number of our raiders enjoyed
the first of ,Iniy et I'ort Alpert or labile
Mir 1,11, I'ummins+, who keit been ri-
ddling le London for tome UM*. Is hems 001 1
• visit M her relatives here.
Oona m OITA W A. - O.r former townsman
Loftus Cumming, who for nearly three
year. hu Neon satistwd in the military
forest •1 tendon. bee twee cheese te go
with • oleo of ales from there M take e (loderleb, Marne 10011 1902.
Mullion :%o.hed Not 30 ate.
per 100 IM, 0r
firteg.E50 per tee.
Wm. Campbell.
U you have Backache you ha,*
Kidney Disease. If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
something worse- -jirisbt s Dir
ease or betes. Ther.
lit rap
use rubbing and doctoringour
back. Cure the kidneys. Ther.
Is only owe kidney medicine bag
It cares Backache every dorm
1 1
i 1 i
UlI I 1 i I i,
1. an ileal roterin0. riehre for new
4u01..fings or m,pr,n ung old anus.
Considrr its Inc appearance - its
splendid enduring qualities- and alight
e:ponse-anal rk-UJe lis .er.e )our van
t ntenwy ham' ts h it
rolicet &tails of information in our
Nn.el.•a Ie M.n..r.otr,,
Lee &Rolla
The Division
betwsso Rood .olindlffereat
Drugs and Medlolne*
le strooely defined bare. 'lbs todit-
ferent kind are never ordered and
never permitted to form part of onr
nook. Oily goods of undouoted
purity are offered to customers,
Oar ,book of
Proprietary Medlolne.
1. very serge. Trios are low,
fast St 113k81'y.
I have bought out D. CAN-
TELON'S Baking business, and
will keep on hand bread made from
the best Manitoba flour that can be
I am introducing all kinds of bread :
Vienna Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Graham Bread
Malt Bread
Currant Bread
Steam and Cream Loaves
and will make a specialty of
Pure Home-made Bread
This bread is made from hops and
malt yeast, which is pronounced by
the medical health officers of Pari*
and Old London, Ing., Al the most
wholesome bread, and they condemn
the forced -raising -yeast process that is
used by bakers in factories as being
unwholesome and indigestible,
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings , . ,
"n We can get summery cool goods at a fraction
of original price at McKIM'S on account of no
warm weather in June."
Yes, we have many lines of summer goods, such as Millin-
er and imported Wash Fabrics, that must be sold. Price
will do it. They should have gone in June, but they MUST
go in July.
Millinery at any price to clear. Fine imported Zephyrs at coat.
Clothing at bargain prices. A few fancy Chiffon Boas, hall prion.
Headquarters for wools, such as Shetland Floes, Berlin, etc, Prices right.
Batting ''trunks and Suits for hey and mans.
Homespun, all wool, 42 to 44 inches wide, ba three shales of grey navy,
brown and black. You never saw better for shirts or suite at 75o. New
to hand this month -at per yard, 50o. They are a wonder.
Every Cyclist Deserves
Do you want the best tires
-Dunlop Tires? Or do
you want to pay just as
much for the second best ?
Dunlop Tire+ for Carriages and
Autos - .olid rubber and pueu-
SEoYe*reol for kala.
Having established sawing and spll►-
tl°g maohloery at my Coal sad Wood
Yard at the heed of Nebo° .trees, and
having • isms stock of Cordwood on
heed, 1 am In a position to furnish first -
obese Stove Wood promptly sod at
reasonable rats. Terme, ooh on de-
OSlo., Ndaoo St. Telephone 75.
Fttet r0X 11'weetor wndt
Orders easefully attended to ar alt
Mere. •lrbt .r day,
glee See $(r*et,
1908 - ' 1.908
" /S•
TOWEL/, •/
le moving forward. Winter term brains Jan
Y. 1Q)1 Oor rune are reasonable, our (anises
of study thorough and pr•olleal, Send for cm -
Journal and
nes what teach. t. may
enter at any time. Two ooatwits s of of Rudy,
Commercial and 8hortheh
Prsv.,eo Deo,.
Or8onn�• Listowel.
lIckilop Mutual' Fire Ilwlnsoe Ca
1 tValoe of Property Insured op to January,
e1,r IY,*1e,es
Orrrr:Knue AND DIRRCTOIta.
J. B. MoLean, pro.: T. shyer, vice -pros.
Jaw Connolly, N. Dat., W. O. Itroerltoot, J.
Watt, Jas, Evans, J. 0. Grieve, J. 'renewals.
directors; W. G. Broadfoot, ee•f0rth, teepee -
or of looted; T. Z. Hays, 8eaforth, errata' j -
J. W. Teo, Holmeeville - James Cumming
Bgmondvllle ; IL McMillan, 8eaforth ; R
Hndtb, Rorlock.
Polley holden can pay armaments and get
their nerds receilted at Mr. 1:ost.', CIIntun. or
at McLean Bros' Palace Clothing Sore, God.
Mill Wood
The above ie cut into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Gtxderich, November 21.t, 1899. 53-3m
\tbt olds of &mare,
Night calls promptly reward.
keeps constantly on hand and
sells at the lowest prioes
Hard and Soft Coal,
Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal,
Charcoal, Wood,
St. Mary's Lime,
The best brands of
Portland Cement,
Sewer Pipe,
Firebrick, Fireclay.
It will pay you to inspect his
stock and get prices before purchasing.
Omse and Pard. al the head of Nelson street.
e all
I hays received my New Sbooa of
Suitinga, Tronseringa,
etc., for Spring and
Summer Wear.
If you are getting a new springs.%
a light overcoat, or anything in my line,
1 can please you In good., fit end prior.
&Tandy -Made 1 -tearing In rterh,
A R * T
s $TkRgT
Scr1Itoll Bard Coal
Al Coal welshed on the Market goals@
where y00'gat 1000 11r- for • ton,
Orden left at LE' & 882111,4=11
Hare promptly strode! M.
A Great Saap__...
is our (Ines Soap, at ba •
pound, of which we 0011 • harrel a week.
Thin lsa'e one only snap, as we terry
everything that oan be found In an up.
bo dabs orrery .tore, and our prices
ars right. The farmers know Mint they
no always get Prem nes • neap ter their
prodon. We draw the lino at •
legitimate bred. - everything goes i
Glassware or potatoes, garden stuff er
ahnloset table China. We deal la all
of them,
G. TIPLING & 00.,
Redford bleak. G Amish
No one who buys Orooeries can afford to overlook the bargains
which we offer on every lawful basins.. day. Our Groceries are
of the best quality, and the prices are as low as first -chum goods
can be bought at If you ere not already dealing with us, make
• trial purchase, and see if we cannot suit you.
$TELT Y- ' co
1 floods promptly delivered. Telephone No. 91.