The Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 108 THURSDAY, May 29, 1902.
Can be found here all the new things for sum-
mer, 1902. Our prices are right.. on the bottom.
The best values we have ever shown.
lfaudsotne black fancy muslin,
fast color, rich silk effects...
20c, 25c, 3tic
New linen colored Muslin, in
spots and fancy patterns....
15c, 20c, 25c. 35c
White embroidered Organdie
Muslin, in new pattern, at... 35c
Satin stripe Organdie Muslins,in
black, pink and blue, special
at 25c, 35c
Buttoned down the back, stylish
embroidered fronts
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
Special white Waist, trimmed
with embroidery and tucking,
regular $1.00, for 73c
Trimmed Hate. Sailor Hats
needy -to -wear Hats. Children's
Latest polka dot red cotton Hos-
iery for children 20c, 25c
Black and white polka dot Hobe,
new wool sole, cotton hose, for
ladies, the most comfortable
stocking on the market, et .. 25c
Handsome black, cream and
white Applique Laces.
New wide Insertions, in black
and white,
New Embroideries.
Summer shades, new shapes,
best values. Come end com-
pere our prices and styles.
New Shirts. New Underwear,
New Hats. New Ties.
Coupons on all Cash Purchases !
Smith Bro's & Co.
Tut TzAresas K ERZ WITH Co -If any
ens noticed during the past weak ao un. om
mealy large number of handeome, smrt-
looktsg yauog ladles about town, and felt
Metall surrounded by ,tome peculiar mental
lofloenne, In the presence, as It were, of some
' trant* payable phenomenon, the cause.
we bays no doubt. was to be loaud in the
annual meeting ot the school teachers of
West Huron, whtob took place at tris Col
legate loatltute hers last week. The town
was Invaded for •.venal days by the school
mistr.ases and, of course. the school -masters,
ten. of the dletrlot, and It Is no wonder 11
there was Injected foto he atmosphere •
prfoolple of superior Iol.11ipeoos end men
tat activity. N e are sure thet the people
ott:oderloh enjoyed the visit of the teach
ars, not the Ica from the fact UM a goodly
n umbs( of them are home grown, and that
they will be weloomed Bak with open arms
whenever they Dare to Dome again.
THE. Wt.TRINoTIG Anita' Cuoitt -It le
difficult to .sprees the degree of •.tldec•
tion with which the audience at Victoria
Opera House on Friday evening lett beard
the siosiog of the Westmio.Ier Abbey choir
ooaosrt party. There was a fairly large
boas, but If there had beep any adequate
ooaoeptloo among our townspeople of what
war In store for them we venture to say
that there would not have been a sent 00-
owapled. 'la singing of the old E:aeluh
ballade and glees of which the program was
mainly oompessd was orqulette, and the
voloes showed a degree of culture and re
liniment which must have been • source of
keen delight to the finest musical taste In
the audience. Tee chorus singing, the part
song, the aloe of Mr. Bre.oeoombe, Mr.
Hilton, Master Phillips and Madame Hoo.
Loa- indeed, every number on the program,
which was ,eneroaely leer/themed 1n re.
sponse to repeated s000ree, was ptomaine to
the extreme, and everyone was vont' when
the cloetng number was reached. We are
greatly pleased to learn that there is •
proepest of the return of the choir party
next year, and if our Musical Soolety can
again secure them there w111 be no doubt of
the reception they will receive. The So -
Mete d•.sry's the thanks ot the community
tor the privilege of bearing so talented •
company, which has been received with
ec'nt In the largest cities of the 0000try.
Robert Brown Is noms from T.rsate,
Navies oompl.ted his course siblK(Ii111ie
of Phsrmecv.
Miss Sloane left on Monday to attend Lbs
funeral of her brother to law, Jamie Morri-
son. at Alton.
Miss Gwandolio Colborne bas returned
home from Toronto, where she has been
standing the University.
Rey. (' A. Seger, et Toronto, wee the
guest ot his paresis, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Seager, during a brie) 'lett last week.
Mn. 3. 1) Long and daughter, of Wino -
ham, returned to their home Timed", morn•
log alter s pl t visit with Mrs Sallow.,
Rena street.
Freak 8. Rink and .on, et Toronto, spent
• few drys the past week visiting their rel.
e nvie In the tows and township. Mr.
Hlok is a superintendent of building opera-
tions for the York Comity Teas and
rags Co. and reports that building in Toron-
to is very brisk.
Dr. J. M. Turnbull bit Thursday after -
norm for Mina and Toronto, and will leas
Owen Sound this week by beat on the way
to his new looatloo *4 Pilaw Albert, N. %%.
A suoo•ssful meeting In the interests ot
Mr. Cameron was held at Ningbam on
Wednesday evening of lest week. Thine
Mae • Inge attendance and the
speakers received • 'pendia hearing.
U. Stewart was the ohalrman.
The tint speaker was R Holmes, M. 1'.,
of Clinton, who In a splendid .p•.:h disoue
..1 the and educational yu..tlo°g,
Mr, Ronne' gave may good reasons why
the Roe. should be returned
and ailed upon the electors to oast their
•ores ter Mr, Cameron on the 29th inst.
The candidate, M G. Cameron, was the
next speaker and he wee given rouslag
cheers when he root to •peak. Mr. (lam
Bron for the most part of hu speech 000tla.d
himself to pummel matters and proved to
the.udi.00e that many scandalous rumors
that were afloat In different parte of the
riding were fate and wire used against him
for the purpose of Meeting him. He did
not know Mr. Mitobeli's policy In this cam
pale°. He (the speaker) had been holding
meetings in different parts of the riding for
two weeks and be had yet to meet bis OF
position trteod on the public platform. He
referred to Mr. Mitchell.' "lacing the pledge
of the Temperance Alliance, and asked the
audience how they mold erpect any man to
eery@ two masrrs. Mr. bluebell could p• t
eery. the Coe servatlyes of W..t Heron, by
whom he was nominated, and ales sera
the temperance people. Mr. Cameron
stated, as he had stated •t the nomination,
that he was prepated to follnw his leader,
Hon. (1. W. Ree., In the greatest measure
of prnhloltion that the honored lender of
the Government would Introduce. Mr.
Cameron 1. a rpleodid speaker and his ad.
Area here will be the means o1 wino's'
many votes for himself and the Roes Goy-
Dr. ifsodonsld, M. P., East Huron's
member in tbo Ho$pe of Oommnos, was the
ba.t speaker. Ht revlwsd th• temperance
question from the year 1/363 down to the
present time, and by his argument 'hewed
that the Liberals had given the temperance
people •11 they had ever asked for. He
showed that at all the terga temperance
oonvantion., resolut,00a had been passed
lavorlat • yote by the people eat the 4eep•
tion before any law should topassed TMs
11•. ale* matinee(' the foot that ministers
of the 'impel would gay nary thing' about
politicians, but they would say thea. things
to • pleas where the month of the pnlltlolan
was sealed, and he could therefore not de.
fend himself or gave his side of the question
The 1)r, said that Lha pabllo plettorm was
the place to discuss these questions and he
world have been much pleased to hare men
oppo.ltlon at the meeting. The Ur, was In
splendid term and his 'peseta should do
much good tor Mr. Cameron and the Roes
Oppovltlon was Invited et this meeting,
bat no person appeared on behalf of Mr.
The meeting broke mo with altars for
Mr. Cameron, HonO. W Rnas and the
WALL PAPERS, both in Price
and Design, at .. .
Buying as we do, direct front the Paper Mills, in enormous quan-
tities and for SPOT CASH, our prices are away below the regular
retail prices. it goes without saying oar papers are entirely
different to those commonly shown, having the striking, stylish
and Up -to -Date effect, besides costing no more than ordinary Out -
of -Date styles. We are showing them in patterns suitable for
Halls, Bed Rooms, Dining Rooms and Parlors, and ranging in
From 4c. to 50c. per Roll.
All Papers marked in plain figures in Show Windows.
Terms strictly CASIi.
We have still a few Window Shades left., complete with good spring roller,
25 Cents.
Telephone No. 100 11. (hurt Houle Square, Goderich,
-- M ITCasLL's name is Mud.
—"Beware of the leaven of the
- It is never Gum to exchange good
government for bad.
—A vote for Caruso* is a vote tor
Roes. A vote for MITCHILL is a vete
—After the ballots are counted on
election evening, J Area Mi rcumu. will
bid adieu to prohibition agitation.
--It looked as if "Helen's Babies"
were running The Star last week.
Twiny and Benue were having •
great time.
—The old Tories who are crying,
"It is time for a change," aright try
voting Grit for ouzo to relieve the
—These are great temperance ar-
ticles that aro appearing in the editor-
ial columns of The Star these days, we
don't think.
—There ie no truth in the rumor
that Prohibitionist MITCHiLL asked
Prohibitionist TODD to haul in his
sign sins thepresent contest.
—M. G CAMSRoN may not have the
Goo Goo element behind him, bat be
is supported by the best element of
the thinking people of West Huron.
---The Star had to crawl under the
barn last week for its slanderous state
meat concerning Dr. HCxrsR. The
Star is accustomed to the crawfish
act. •
—Lest week we wrote an item
about "James" Mtrenzu, and the in-
telligent compositor set it up "Janus"
MIrcHKLL. That compositor knew
the name that suited "Truthful'
—s/ AIMS MITCHKLL has killed every
institution that he has been connected
with since be came to Goderich. Even
The Star was as dead as a door nail
until A. M. TODD put roma spirits
into it.
— It is perfectly lovely, we are in-
formed, when the deep, rich chest -
notes of A. M. Toon'. barytone roll
forth at the Prohibition meetings in
that soul inspiring hymn, "Throw
out the Life Line."
ability. He has practically ruined
the West Huron Agricultural Society,
and has botched every public matter
that he has had anything to do with
in the past twenty years.
—We don't know whether it is
BAI.AAM or the Asa that bas been edit-
ing The Star for the peat two or three
weeks, but we should not be surprised
to learn that it was the Au, which is
the more enlightened of the two.
— The man who votes for Me. M tr-
uest]. may think he is doing prohibi-
tion a good turn, but in reality he is
risking the defealsd the only Govern-
ment and the miry' party from which
prohibition has anything to expect.
—Read the opinion of Mr. Justice
STRAIT on the immacnlateJAres MIr-
CHKLL, at the time that the latter wes
a prisoner in the dock, and had to
Partake of a diet of crow, "with all the
feathers and no gravy," for slandering
hie betters.
—Tip to the time of going to pros
elAi MITrHsa.l, has not given a
straight denial argent the signing of
the license victuallers' pledge. If lie
has not signed the document why
doesn't he say so like s man, instead
of beating about the hush 7
- Miss WIGGIN, still persists to
her story that Col. J. P WHITNRY
received $10,000 from the liquor in-
torewt to take his present stand on the
liquor question, and MITCHRL1. attends
the meetings and allows his leader to
be slandered by this andacinns woman.
-The Clinton New Era 'sizes up
Prohibitionist Toni, as follows
A.M. Tone, the Junior editor of
The Goderich Star, is a I RIGHT and
SHINING advocate of prohibition.
He does believe in etlrrieo DOWN
the t.toUOR traffic ---and practises
his belief at the expense of other
people every chance he has.
One reason why James Mitchell
should be elected is the fact that
Dan McGillicuddy and The Signal
are the most hitter enemies he has
in West Huron, ---The Star.
-And when JALtRi Mrn'nsr.t. is
hopeleasly and irretrievably in the
soup on election night. Tete Stowtt,
will claim no small credit for having
put him in the tureen.
Mr Cameron says Mr. Mitchell is
afraid to meet him. Mr. Cameron
is invited to Mr. Mitchell's meet-
eetings.—.The Star.
Anyone that was preeent at the
Dungannon nomination will not need
to he told that .1Amss MITcflet1, is
afraid to meet M. (l. CAMRRO* en a
platform Why, the poor fellow was
scared almost. nit of hig boots, and his
store teeth rattled like oavteneta when
he tried to reply to Mr. CAmURo*. I1
was with the greatest difficulty that
he managed to fill in the time allotted
to him. The audience was relieved
when he closed, and so was JAMIE
M lit. H SLL.
—James MITOugLL's Star has been
at its old business of slandering pollti
cal opponents. This time it was Dr.
IIUMT&R who was the victim. The
publication of the libel in cold print
brought MITCHELL (0 hu senses, and
a quirk apology was in order, the con-
viction of 1892 looming up before him
with its attendant eating of crow,
"with all the feathers aud no gravy,"
— It may be just as well to deny,
once and for all, that the mention of
Prohibition, or; any Member of the
prohibition deputation, was hissed at
the Liberal nominating convention at
Dungannon. The report is false, as
anyone who was present at the con-
vention can testify. Mr. ELLIOrr,
president of the Alliance, thanked the
chairman of the convention for the
courtesy with which the deputation
from the Alliance was received.
—M. K. COWAN, M. P., speaking at
London last week, said he had travel-
jgdover nine constituencies in Ontario,
and had found a different Opposition
policy in every one of them. At the
caucus in Toronto Mr. WHITNEY had
said : "Let us have no policy ; let the
men take advantage of the local con-
dition in each case. guide themselves
accordingly and get there." And so
the Opposition in West Huron hit on
the prohibition dodge, knowing that
there is a great prohibition sentiment
in this riding. They have pulled the
wool over the eyes of a few Liberals,
but sight will ha restored after elec-
tion day.
1'ou can't make • mistake by ordering your
tailoring at Ir. J. Pridbamb. 711 and style
perfect and the latest Moth" to select from.
Coronation Day, TLnvsday, June 26th,
will be • public holiday In Canada.
Let Thursday evening the Marone Bond
g ays the first of the summer eerie" ot con
arts on the Square. There was quite a
large number of peepte ou: to hear and en
toy the program.
The report of the convsntloo of the West
Huron Teachr•' Aesoolatioa and an interest-
ing article regrdtog Or. Meldrum will be
fogad in the supplement Issued with this
n umber of 1 ns SIGNAL.
A progrssd)'e *whets party, for the b•oefit
of the boepttal food, will le held •1 the
West -.t rlok en the •venisg of 1hured.y,
.1 aro• 5th. 'pickets will be 50 oats, ref, .h -
men's and dancing Isolod•d. Doors will
opea at 8 o'clock ; plate, to commence at
8.3C sharp As (nvltation is extended to
all to attend and spend an eoloyb'e even
lug, at the same rim• assisting • laudable
Ergs 14e N • re 0.ah lavers of '.hole'
dairy and separator hotter. Geo. E, KING,
Courttloderloh No. 32, C 0 F., w111 at-
tend St George's church on Sunday, June
8th. at 11 • w. Members and visiting
brethren are requested to meet in the new
lodge rams over Jo.. Wilson's store at
10:15 • w.
The best quality of toe cream, also the
grease{ yrtry of true fruit Woes tor
sodas, are served se the Victoria restaurant,
Wait et. CoefeoNooery, trait, Mars and
tobaccos. ('Has. Bi.•. •,t'r'oy►., proprietor.
Telephone 70.
('empletely Famed net.
This world le lull of sickly, despondent,
tired, d people, all boplot to be
well some dayThe surest rood to health
is along the way of taktog Ferr,rooe after
meals. Ferrorons is • great eppetlz•r nod
scabies one to eat plenty of wholesome food
without fear of indigestion or dyspepsia
This r..cite In the rapid formation of "boo
danoe of red, vit•Iletog blood, which will
restore the nerves, Increase flesh and vigor,
and nourish and feed every organ of the
body. Iterrozose la an ideal restorative and
Ie.lgorant. It is • tale of unequalled
merit that anyone can use with benefit.
Pries 50s. per bet. or six bores for $2.50,
a1 deo/gists, or N. ('. 1'olson & Co , Kings-
ton, Oat.
FRIDAY, May 23.
CHOIR CON. KRT.- - rhe second an•wl con
art of the ohotr of the IS yth Methodist
church was given to the church on Tuesday
evenln0. Th• audleooe was not as Imre
as the milts of the program given deerrved,
but those who did attend enjoyed one of
the best ooneert programs ever rives ,a
Blytb. 1 h three-part mored ma'am,
-Pinitesoe, Pardon and Peace," rendered
by the obolr, under the direction of W.
Glens C.mpbell, was redly a beeutif,l
tblog, le whtob tis• choir excelled them
selves. The s',lo Darts In the cantata were
taken by Mi.. Floody, Mrs. Leash, N B.
Gerry, -Isaac Brown, George Hlalcbford and
Eddie Wilford, all of whom did exoeediog
ly well and showed that they passes velem.
el g beauty anti eea•etaHeb. The
charlottes n1 the choir were also well render
ad. Tee choir was assisted by Mies !Aura
Ilryilg.., elocutionist, and James F Thom
son, baritone, both . f Goderich. Mt..
Brydees is the possessor of a flee aloe and
an medial. enusolatloa : Mr. Thomson al
so has a lice vino* and Song erceeltn,ly
well. :Rev. Wm. Pah .11 nompted the
choir and the immpanbse was Mir K lythe
i'onhall, who admirably sustained the choir
bee seekers' oAY Exesrsinss
Este....,., I Ym,kten
P.Igiw I
Arch. ,�/l Pr. Aubert .. }SE
M•ew.ewin SI 8 Mwrlooa ll
Wow aroma. UUU Glgery j
Geed Vises M/pM'•
'rat Rivet. sari
Going 11181 led, ret.wl warn Un
UST Irk WI M or R. R, AI )* es
IONS P11A, retuning nettl�U IAA
1"11 rail or R- R. Alberta . Seine JULY
lath, teterning earl, MIRPTRMRRR lath
rill raft or R R. Alhortal Tieketa sre ase
good on "Imperial Limited. ' rot Hetet.
and pamphlet glviag fell partlonlare, aped,
to leer nearest Canadian ee In et
Arsut, OD to
A li. NOTMAM, Asst. Soo. Pur Alt..
1 Slug Rt Mase, Tweets.
MT80 M. MA 1.4 Than Agwps.
Keep Your Feet
warm at Night
A Not Water
We Have
Them -
C H EAPIss'r
F. N. DUNAN, Phm. B.
Coraet of West stand the &Imre.
with het urge work. As a musical Ix-
struator, Mr. Campbell possesses ability
that places him among the lenders of the
mua'oal sit, and the convert on Tuesday
•veslog will mots the mantels his previous
exesl'ea{ reputaslos,--8tanderd.
Atagoar, Ytt
Jolla Gardner is ill this week we are
sorry to state.
MI.. Cora Meaner was la Brussels lost
week visiting Mrs. , De 1 Toole.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patera°, of Mole.•
worth, visited relatives bre this week.
B rbert Stewart, recently prlooipal of
Godertob Model school, and wile are visit
ing relatives In the village.
The R.y. Wm. Leech, of the Mac,:one
000l.r.00s, who is .string his uncle herr,
preaotod in the idetbodut cburcb last Sat-
rs Adam ClegEore, of toe Bloeva!e
road, who has been III for some time, to so
far improved es to be able ta s11 up a short
ttm..0atrr•ai.-Os th• morning of Fraley.
May 9:11, warred the death of John Dim -
•a1, or.. who was one of the bees known
ma in this violnity. Mr. 11.ment hue been
,hr underslped . and endorsed "reader
for Post 01ece, Cth loo." w111 be r.crived at
this oelo. until Tuesday, lira June next, la-
. 'naively. for the erection of a P"st (MDoe at
(1 mon. Ont.. according 10 plane and sprain.
cation to he eeeo at the IMpartmeot or Publle
Works. Ottawa, and on aotdloatlou to the
Macpherson a Hovey Co.. (Moto,
Tender* will cut be oons.dered uole.s made
on the form supplied. and signed with the
actual stgoat are of the tenderers,
.in accepted cheque on • chartered bank.
payable to the order of the Minister of Public
Works equal to ten per osot 110 p c or the
amount otender. must accompany each ten-
der. The cheque w111 be forfeited if the party
decline the contract or tail to oomple:e the
wort contracted for, and will be returnee la
case of nos-aoceptanoe of tender.
The Department does not bind it.e:f to ao-
eept the lowest or env reader.
It/ order.
Department of Public Works.
Ottawa, 11th May. 1992.
New*pepere inserting this advertisement
without authority from the Departmeo(, win
not be paid for It, O2 -it
1 �
the price strikes you ar being very low
You are
For the place where you
can buy a suit of Clothes
to the best advantage.. ,
People aro doing that every day, but
they stop looking when they reach our
store, for they can't but realise that
here we allow s class of goods you
never thought you could find in Beady -
to -Wear Clothing, and the workman-
ship so good and fit so perfect, while
for the quality of goods.
We keep all grades 'and sizes for Men, Youths, boys and Children.
Men's Suits for $5.00 to $17.50. Youths' from $•1.50 to 112.00. Boy. frotu
$3.00 to$6.50. C'hildren's from $1.35 to $5.00.
See our Special Men's Blue Serge Suit at S7.50 It's a winner.
" Boys' Knickers, worth 76c to $I 00, for 50c.
" Mercerized Silk Underwear for 81,00 per suit,
\1'e secured from • jobber at a very low price a quantity of Mercerized
bilk Uuderwear in pink, blue, flesh and white colors. Here's a snapSnap
them up at $1.00
gufsrisi very eeyerely for some Cm, with a
disease e1 the beers, so that wben he was
mercifully released from hie "offerings Ms
death woe not unexpected. The deceased
bad reaohat a venerable aro, having been
bore eighty years ago at Bayard, Devon
shire, Eel/Med. Mrs. Dimwit and quite a
large family aurvlve, The funeral took
place on Sunday •Itwrnoe°, the eeryi,-, be -
tar held in the Methodist cburcb. Rev F.
Swann conducted an appropriate service.
Mr. Diment was • member of the Turobxry
opened for a number of years and was
widly esteemed.
rss.TssTiAti sfrrlta*.
.pensor. of Penitenuarlee. Otte and
eodoreed 'Tender for Supplies., will he re.
Delved antes Monday. loth or Ju'... Isolusive,
from peruse desirous of contracting for
supplier for the meal year 11,8.2 1201, for the
following institutions. namely : -
Ktagston Psalter ttarr.
Si. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary.
I)orohester Penitentiary.
Man Itoba Posttest Lary.
British (bldmb(s Penitentiary.
Regina Jail.
Prince Albert JAiI.
Separate tenders will be received forteal—
Mei following classes of aupplles:-
4./bur (Canadian N roe`` Hater's)
2, deer and Mutton (fr••A'.
t Forge.
4. Coal tsothraeits and bituminous).
a Coedwocd.
$. Groceries.
Coal On no brrr•els)
A Dry Goods.
2, Drum sed Medicines.
H. Leather and Piedrga.
11. Hardware, Tinware. !'elute, etc.
12. Lumber.
Details o' 'affirmation as to f arm or tion
tra,t. to,ether with forms of tender, win be
furnished on applications to the Wardens of
the various luritutloss.
All supplies are subject to the approval of
the Warden or Jailer.
All tenders outwitted must specify clearly
the Institution. or inetitut.ons. which it to pro-
posed to supply, and must bear the endorse
Hon of at lest two responsible sureties.
Papers teaerting lois whom without author-
ity from the Shuts Printer will sot be paid
1/ )voLAseTSWART.
020. W DAWiON,
Inspectors of Penitentiaries
Department of Jostler.
Ottawa. May 1Y, 1902.
Thatbig stone boom with 7 -roomed brick
addition, Mitigated on Pfotoo street. The hat..
Ls dry and harm, being hoed throughout win,
2 inch plank. Itis ±olid and substantial. It
was built by the late
bberltr Olbbons when In his prime
Not for a day but for alt t me.
The foundations are about 3 feet Hook and
will endure as Iotgt as the Pyramids of Raypt.
A home seeker or investor who realises the
potent'alitlee of trash paint and paper, which
are inexpensive, and of glass, which le pane
fully cheap. by • little planning and judicious
expenditure .-an mo'lerni,e It Into as 0010
date mansion. I assert most strenuously aid
ferlemly that a bug rotors will accrue to the
wide-awake Investor for the beet of e11 rea-
sons that he has • brood and eolld foaadatioo
all ready to his hands. The same cannot he
mid of • shell or veneer. Let those who are
on the lookout for a sort soap investigate. to
removals, laTNlllta e.
Offers aldreseed to
Hayfield P. O.,
wit. resolve prompt ettantioa
May 7th. 15)2. 01 t
One Million x, xx, xxx
ar Shingles.
Cedar and
Hardwood Lumber,
Cedar Posts,
etc., ctc., \
at their mill hire.
The Goticrich Lumber Cu.
May 22 d, 1102:
I Taasrm•.a we. vs.
ar�YT •r
Those 15c. Stockings.
Those 15c Stockings we advertised
last week are the cheapest stocking we
ever sold. They are good quality, fast
black, American make, and worth every
cent of 25c per pair. If we had paid reg-
ular price for them that is what we would
have had to sell them for.
FUN ribbed Costen Hose, double knee, epi osd heel,
guaranteed tut black, American make, ow 8i and
9, reinter 251, special bargain as per pair.... .. .. 15e
Parasols that are equally
as good for rainy days as
bright ones. They will serve
you just as well in a shower as
in the sunshine. There is it
big stock of them. Strong
substantial frames, tops; that
will not cut, and the very lat-
est novelties in handles, in pearl, horn,
or natural wood. Only one profit—ours
—between you and the maker.
i'rasols with rep of fest black twill ..teen that will
give uttdaotory wear, steel rod, handles of polished
wood with horse creek, extra spm e' value 750
Parasols with tep of strong mercerised twill sateen,
Iwkt as well as silk and wears better, w111 not out
or turn rusty, steel rod, handles of pollnbed oatmeal
wood with horn tops. also teetotal natural wood and
carved black, ar great testier, at each 11 00
Passel' with silk tops, wear will, last dye, steel rod,
wood .nd fancy handles, each 11 35
Parasols with Gloria a:lk top, will not sat, steel rod
hollow rib, polished wood handles with fanoy bore
tops, reel Rood vain* at each „ 11.75
Presnb with satin de chime tops, hrleht dad Mlky,
w111 not out and weer well, [feet rod, hollow rib,
handles of horn, duelers eat oral wood, served wood
and pearl, eat, 12,25, 11.50 and $2 75
Oblldren's Par.solo, 25o and 50e.
Taney Parsee's, 11.00. 11 50 and 12 00.
The Whitewear.
We have a hig sale for our White
Muslin Underwear. Such dainty and
well made garments, such values as we
are showing, could not help but bring us
hig business.
Corset Covers, 15c to $1.50.
Drawers, 25c to $1.50.
Gowns, 50c to $3.50.
Skirts, 35c to $5.00.
Children's Dresses, 75c to $3.00.
New Neck Ribbons.
The prettiest and daintiest Neck Rib-
bons we have ever shown are now on our
ribbon counter. There are more of them
too. Every' fashionable shade in good
quality plain ''bilk taffeta, and combina-
tions in blues, pinks, white, etc. Not
enough of any of -the fancy patterns for
them to get commOn.
20c, 25c and 35c per yard.
More Curtain News.
Just a reminder of our exceptional
stock and exceptional values. The big-
gest assortment you ate likely tolnd any-
whero nrtar here. Patterns all new and
values that are only made possible by our
policy of buying direct from the maker.
Nottingham Ino" Cartalna, 2li yards long, Moe t•eey
patterns, par pair 250
Nottingham (nue Contains, aced . me and quality,
taped edge., a rood assortment of pattern/, per pair., 50°
A line of bittergcallty and Irger,new designs, per pr' 750
An extra good line for a dollar bill, 3i yarda long,
strong edges, a big rang. of neve patterns 11.00
Lae Curtains, 56 to 60 Inches wide, 31 yards Tong,
new Ismy design", suitable for any room, epeolal as
ptr pair . , 11.60
Fine Lam Certain*, a big assortment of handsome pat•
Write, the newest *hewn, hetet edges, per pair. 12, 17.50. 13
Chenille Curtains.
Tapestry and Chenille Curtains for doors and rohes,
all popular stades *n1 design,. 18.001116.00
Curtain Muslins.
Fancy Art Melillo, 27 incluse wide, floral Dateless,
pie yard 70
Fancy Art Malin, with or without borders. new floral
designs, imported good., per yard 100
Fine White tortaln Malta, spots and fancy patterns
ruin good •mase at per yard......... 120, 15o and 20e
Black Cat Stockings.
Over in Kenosha, Wis., there aro
more people working, making Black Cat
Stockings, than are employed in all the
factories of Goderich and Clinton put to-
gether. The factory is running day and
night, and even then cannot keepup with
the demand. if I31ack Cat tockings
were not good they would not sell like
that where they are best known. What
do you think ? For Boys and Girls,
25c, 35c and 40c per pair.
IMayy and ,Ion. DF:
811011gR and PAT-
TERNS neer in.