The Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 44 THURSDAY, May 'S's, 1902.
Our 1902
Tho new Shirts .how decided im-
provements over the old ones. You
will wl.nt to discard some of the old
ones when you study the 1902 model.
Quiet, good taste, beauty of material,
breadth, ampleness and beauty of
stitching --all distinguish the new ar-
rivals. All the way from....
50c to $1.75.
Boys' Shirt Waists.
We have secured just what many mothers were asking for last summer,
and what certainly is going to be very popular this season, namely, Shirt
Masta for the boys. They are made of very nobby patterns, in blues and
pinks, in American cambric. and English Madras goods. We have them for
boys of all ages from 6 to 15 years. Price....
75c and 90c.
Boys' Clothing.
Our sales of boys Clothing have been very large. The reason doubtless
is because we have such a large range of the newest styles at the right prices.
The blouse suit and the Norfolk suits are the most popular this year. We
invite your inspection. Boys' Knickers for 50c, worth 75c to $1.00.
DT ...tau arcs.PT
Just another word to temperance
Liberals. Before they cast their bal-
lots, let them consider thole things:
That Mr. MircuebL is firstly the
Conservative candidate, and bis con-
nection with the Prohibition Alliance
is only a secondary matter.
That he does no: attend the pro-
hibition meetings held in his favor.
'That his paper,,The Star, has never
hada single word to say against Mr.
WHITNEY for his antagonistic attitude
towards prohibition.
That his paper in the present cam•
paign is not advocating the prohibi-
tion cause ; in fact, hardly mentions
prohibition except to revile those pro-
hibitionists who refuse to work for
That his frost active supporters,
with few exceptions, are men who
Wave nothing but contempt for pro-
hibition. '
That if they (tho temperance Lib-
erals) vote for 111TCH5LL they will be
lending themselves to the schemes of
Mr. Wniieay, who made a direct
appeal for the liquor yote, and count-
ed upon the disappointment of tem-
perance Liberals in not getting all
they expected from Mr. (toss to give
him (Wnitxsv) enough votes to elect
his candidates in temperance constitu-
Read Proverbs 1 : 17.
The phrase "school took monopoly,"
is quite often used these days by Con-
servative speakers and in the Conser-
vative press. But there is no monop-
oly, and any publishing firm that will
oompty with the conditions oan pub-
lish Ontario school books. A few
years ago few of our books were pub-
lished in Canada, but under the policy
of the Education Department this has
been changed end the books are now
Miff product of our own educationists,
and are published by Canadian firms.
As to the charge that there is s
monopoly, a quotation from the re-
port of Judge Moft(;An, JAMP.N 11AIN,
oity librarian of Toronto,and ISLA( N err
ROBINSON, who investigated the eye -
*MI I by which Ontario gets her school
books, will clear it up. This clause
"The contracts with the Government
under which the various .:hoot books are
published contain certain provisions en
till ng the Department of Education to
make arrangements with other publish
ers on similar terms for publication of the
Lame books, eo that THEW! CAMNOT nit A
MONOPOLT ; ,n faot:,ome of these books
are pfMiehel ender those egteemente by
mon than one publisher. but competition
has not reduced price, showing that the
original price was not excessive (treat
care has also been taken to provide that
the material used and worker anship em.
plc el in the manufactifea of each book
shall he of excellent quality and kind,
and we have much pleasure in repor mg
that the pwhliahers have lived ep to their
entracte in that teepee', and that the
various hooks puhli.hel by them are ex
nellent as to paper. printing and binding,
very desirable and of very attractive ex-
The Mail has discovrred a former
hers! who is going to:support WHIT -
ay et this election, and the Tcry m-
ans are making a great cackling over
Im. The great discovery is thus
nounced :
"Mr. N .1. Kearns, of Kearns Broth
me, Sault Ste. Marie, erteakii9t at Peter.
biro Iiatur lay lot, said :--'l have always
been • supporter of the Ontario Govern
mint I never polled a Conservative vote
M my life, but i will thio time, for 1 have
some to the (tonolusion that. we want •
Amig.. I hays dMly been nn a puhlir
platform onto in my life. and that was in
, tat I'll fare Mr Rose '.r Mr Strut
toss H. ham had my support, and i have
helped to put him where he is, Nit I'm
glaa to help to put him away from
The (;Hobs gives some information
throws considerable light on
the conversion of
"The firm of Kearns .. is composed
of W. J Kearns and Patric Kearns, who
in 1898 carried on business merchants
at Canoe Lake, Algn• nein Pa lar Oc•
sober of that year Patrick ruts was
fined $10 and costs for eethug g s on
Sunday, after having been warned t to
do so Petrick subsequ utly made a . r•
.oral application to the war Lands I
pertinent for permission t sell goods on
Sunday, but, of course, h request could
not be granted. Af er .moving from
the Park to S.tu't Ste. M 'e the Kearns
Tree. applied ter a hotel tavern tic
en.e for 1901 •_', but the ap ication was
refused by the oommissi as the
Iloense inspector at the Soo wi yester.
day, •mainly because the allied moonier'
objected to having a bar so ear the
works on account of their men.'\These
facts may account for the presout ttack
oe the Govednmsat."
Wairssv'e new
THE Star last week republished
letter which appeared in The Clinto
New Era two weeks ago, signed •'
Member of Executive," in which the
writer states that The New Era's re-
port of the recent meeting of the Pro-
hibition Alliance executive in Gode-
rich was incorrect. "A Member of
Executive" says it Is not correct, as
the report Kays, that "Mr. Mitchell
appeared, and at some length stated
his case, but said he did not want to
take the pledge." This statement, al-
most in these very wordy, appears in
the official miuutes of the meeting of
the Alliance executive, which a SIGNAL
reporter procured at the store of 0. M.
ELtlarr, president of the Alliance,
and heir which hs ima& op his re -
port, a copy of which was sent to The
New ire.
Further, "A Member of Execu-
tive" nays : "It iii not true, as I under-
stand it, that 'a motion was passed
pledging the support of the West
Huron Prohibition Alliance executive
if Mr. MITrstt would sign the pledge,'
but after he had signed it, it was
moved, seconded and carried, that we
accept Mr MITCHLt, as the prehibition
candidate, and pledge him our sup-
Now, what are the facts t After
Mr. Mrreumt had addressed the ex-
ecutive, a motion was passed pledging
the support of the Alliance executive
to Mr. MITCHELL 'if he signs the
pledge." Another motion was passed
agreeing to secure the services of Mr.
NICHOLLS, the Dominion Alliance or-
ganizer, for as many meetings as poi,
Bible, "if Mr. MITCRRLt signs the
pledge." Theo, and not till then, did
Mr. Mir( mitt place his signature to
the pledge. The two motions were
Named before, not after, Mr. MITCIll.Ll.
accepted the pledge. if there is any
uestlon of it, the production of the
minutes taken on tho spot would set-
tle it.
Mr. Mrrenatr. knows the [sets of
the case perfectly well ; yet his paper,
to help hien in the favor of the tem-
perance people, publishes a statement
whicn is manifestly untrue. The re-
port appeared in Tilt SIGNAL and The
New Era four weeks ago, and if there
was anything wrong about it Mr. Mit-
chell had plenty of time to state
his objections. The report being cor-
rect, he could not take exception to it;
but instead he reprints the statement
of an anonymous writer who he must
know gives an incorrect version of the
As further proof that Mr. Mir -
(mitt's position before the Alliance
executive has not been mierepresented,
we publish the report of the meeting
Kent to the Associated Press by the
secretary of the Alliance :
Goderich, April I9. -The executive
committee of the West Huron Prohibition
Athens met at Goderich v,etenley to
consider the reports of the committee..
appointed at the eonvent,on of the Pm
hitetiontete of West Heron, held two
weeks ago, to wait upon the political ton
ventinna held at lhrngannon and Smith's
11111. There were repreeentetives from
all the municipalities in the riding except
one At the time of the meeting neither
the Reform nor Coeservative candidate
hal kernel the pledge necessary to serum
thn nupport tf the Prohibition Alliance..
Mr. Carnelian. liberal eendidate, and Mr
Mitchell, the Conservative nominee, were
both intited to appear and 'tete their
position. Mr. Mitchell reepnnded in
parson, awl ATTMS n HAD R51N NADI
(•LRA5 THAT IN Call 5115111111 Or THY
imams or Tlta VSOH1a1TI0'l.Te 51110
?Lat*•ND MAN IN 5111 ri1LD. Ma. MIT•
CHILL •ukJE TED •0D *Want) IT. Calling
upou the temperance people to stand by
tum The Albano took stops towards
completing their organization, and are
sending • delegate to Toronto oe Monday
to secure art organizer and other help
from the 1 uiuiztiou Alliance. The Pro
hibitioolets are hopeful of success tor
their oaladidate.
--Vote for Mir usu.. and double dealing.
- Vole for CAMNW)N and an honest,
straightforward policy.
- Judging from the noise over on West
etrtwt, r.itiliody natued;HoLMgs mud hate
hurt IIIb Star chap.
-The tone of our West street c,Otompor
ary lust week WAS an admission of defeat
The organ is sore already.
- "Honest, clean politics is all we ark,"
rays The Star. Well, why don't you cease
publication till after the electiou
It is alleged many voters who regia
tered perjured themselves -The Star.
-Young men, how do you like that
-The Liberal workers in Goderich don't
treed to wait for the Judgment Day. The
Star is sending them to perdition already,
--West Huron has a reputation for send
ing to Parliament mon of eminent ability.
Vote for CaMgaoN and maintain the record
-The Star says that "imam MIn•HNLL
stands on his merits as a man " Well,
now, we sight not hate known that if The
Star hadn't said so.
-If you waut prohibition, you will have
an opportunity to vote for it in Detembtfr.
n the meantime keep in power a Govern•
m it that will enforce the Act if pas ed.
- Mltcur.LL's paper stilt has nothing
to say alnst Mr. N 1115010 Or 10 favor of
prohibit' • Can it be that the temperance
candidate a'Q8 duty and the "wicked part•
ner" running the cancer u t Certainly The
Star's politicala tides last week lad a de
coledly toddy flayo
- "1s Robert HoLMtp, M. P., a prohibi
tionist Y' asks The Star. \ It 1s not saying
much for Mr. Houses to state that he is at
least as good a prohibitionisl.aa the editor
of The Star ; but did you eye know The
Star or Mr. MITl'iiiLL to sav word IO
avor of Mr. flotsam on that germ
- If the editor of The Star or anytogy
e knows of any corrupt actions in West
Hu why does he not have the offender
a ted mid prosecuted ? Such actions, if
they re being committed, will not be con-
doned by the Liberals of this rioting But
The S r's hullaballoo sounds very much
like an • tempt to divert attention from the
misdeeds ' its own friends.
-The,'. forth Sun (Coneervatite)reports
that H. Eu. ea, ex•M.P.I'. for South Hui..
on. in his ope ing organization meeting in
S aforth spok on the prohibition question
but did not bin hunse'f to support the bill
He said "he did art take • party nomina
ti and then la on a pledge from an out-
side -our,' merely or the purpose of getting
votes," Mr. Er; : it was at the Smith's
Hi 1 meeting whic nominated Mr. Mix -
tante., but he evident doesn't hold a very
high estimate of the lat -r's honesty in view
of his subsequent. acti. b in taking the Al-
liance pledge "merely (pr the purpose of.
getting votes. -'f
"if• also spoke on the profs bitten foss
tion, hut 414 not bind h'msol to support
the bill. He d.d not Este • party nomloa-
t no and then tag on a pledge from an out•
side maros merely for the purpose f getting
votes." -From speech by 11. E•Ib$ , Con
eervative osndld•te for South H.
reported by The Seaforth Son (Con
five 1
Tne M ttohell Recorder SATs : "Mr. James
Thom, an old and highly esteemed ieddCut
of this town, but now of Russell, Manton,
writes from there to say : '•1 hope Rase will
win at the oemiog election. Bat don't let
over oontdeooe or the 'prohibtttes' ruse de
feat him, It the prohibitionists defeat Rose
they will put problbislon In Ontario where
It is now 1a Manitoba, oto In the oold and
as deed .s • nail.
Oa, as
u•0a NO RNLxtr.
Brookville Reoorder: In 1881 the labor
tepre.eotatives urged no the Cooservative
Goteroment at Ottawa that unwholesome
condltlooe misted In 0000eollon with big
indaatrle, In Canada, to the Injury of those
employed thereto. They wear further and
asked the (imminent then to power at
Ottawa to pass legislation to remedy the
evtle. The l,overnmeot Appointed • ooni•
m mien that found the complaints of the
labor people well founded. Did the Coo -
meat Ivo Government then give the name -
miry Iegldattos ! Not • line of 1t, but the
Liberal Government of Ontario name to the
►'vete of the working of , as It has e1
way, done, and the result is we have "The
Factories Aot," a most beneficial law, en
the statute book, of this Province. Tb•
Liberal Governments have given lab .r all
the legislation it has In this country
Montreal Herald : In Ontario tike is
apparently some doubt of the resalt
of the .isogon, a doubt welch has no
other hese then that the Goyernm.ns came
In thirty years ego instead of fear veers 550.
The people of Ontario hays been acvuslna ed
to good Government for so long, •t the
hands of four liberal Premiere, there seem,
to be the opinion that no ether kind is poe-
m hi.. The odd resale, nee might say • post•
Non DW'goe oleos the Athens of Aristides,
i, that the very virtue of the administration
Is their principal weekneas. Ohvlonsly,
however, to turn 001 an •dmtnletration
with which there le oo fault to find would
flit a very un ,oehie proceeding. and it 1s
M he.eppneed that the good eons* of th•
people of 1 )ntsrlo will assert Itself. 11 le
rot Mr. R -e. fault that Mr. Blake, Sir
O leer Mowat and Mr. Hardy merited and
retained the oeefldenee of the people Hi.
ewe policy 11 in all things* policy 1.r today,
and should be treated ae seeh. Neat
duces to the ripe/dation that It will be
treated on Its merits 1. IM fool that the
Oppe.ltien have developed no strength
whatever, and that whey• Mr. Ren ha.
@ hewn himself • man el (bode, Mr. Whit -
say hu torrid ant little more than a tire.
mems mold.
Before 1 eefeder•tlnn (I841 to 1867) 9,904
mile, of timber heeds were *old a1 SO omits
• mile, And 2,661 mile. wets sell at 145 60
a mile of benne: 12,465 miles Is •tl, a aver-
age been' per mile of $9.75.
the Aanddeld M•ed.edd (!oversmmat,
1867 le 1871, geld Mb miles .1 umber lands
Ito -
do -
The Loading Hardware and Stove Meo.
Keep Your Grass Cut !
And your Lawn looking green and tidy. 3
We are sole agents for the famous
Universal ball-bearing Lawn -Mowers
The Very Best on the Market.
NVe have a large and well assorted stock of Garden Ifose, Hose
Couplings, Hose Menders, Bands, Nozz'os, Lawn Rakes,
Hedge Clippers, Turt Edgers and everything in the line of
Garden Tools
Give as a call. We will do our best to please you.
Hcucet 1;owls at Hottest Prices -
'Phone 57. a
l Ill U1111U 1I 1 111U11UMSMS U 11fi
! r 8165,363; ge bonus per mile of
lThe Blake Government, 1872, sold 5.031
miles of timber lands for 1592,601; avenge
boom per mile cl 1117.
lo. D./minion Uoveremeat sold several
tboasand mile, of timber lands by private
sale to •i disputed territory to 18834. at
eels 85 00 per square mile, to political fsv
Bowies 1873 and 1890 the Vesoee Gay.
'ram's/ told 6 235 ego•re miles for $398,
722; average bonus perm le of 162
The Ontario i,overaraeot, 1873 1902, soli
5,1521 mdse of timber for 16,823,127 ; aver
1►ge bonus per m11e 0111,324.
At 4Aall Su. Marie the other day Mr
Whitney seid : "We voted fig divot the grant
to the Algoma Central Rail est. The first
name, In iliseneral sense. was that •o far
se we ooald set, and we oould not See
farther than our state, so to speak, the bar-
gain war not a b•rgalo to make. It might
knee been • meritorious Scheme, • deterring
1051pene." etc . •to.
Is the Legldature, taring the eemloo of
1900, the same Mr. W'bttney, speaking of
this same Algoma Central It-ilw•y giant
said : "1 bars ■o beelt•tion, and 1 meet
the jeers of the boa. gentlemen op-
posite with pelisses 1 have es doubt
that osbU• opinion w. I say with regard to
II that 11 le the most phenomenal deal, the
greatest attemD' at public robbery, ih•
most h. Inoue publio crime that was ever at
tempted by mss In Authority in the Domlo•
roe of (*sada, a•sd I dov't think 1 would be
sleeps Mans N '.y, on the 000tioent of
North Americo.
The IMPS/ tapedenee of • N■paaee Mas
and new 1t fame About.
Napanee, Ont., May 190, (Sipel.l) -
Mr. Amen Warmer, of this pleoe, was •
cripple with lame back.
His wife had te he'p bim to and out of
bed, the pain to his back war so ws,v bad.
A fri.n 1 who had been cored 1 y Dodd's
KIda.v 1' Ile, recommended them to Mr.
Warner He red Nem add war cured.
He says : -
"v1• have used in e11 about twenty five
boxes of 1)edd'e Kidney fills, and teen
sem• away to oar nelybbore.
"I we osrtalmly highly recommend
Dodd'. Kldo.y 1'.11. as • sure oars for lame
book, for they cured me, and I never beard
01 a worse e*re "
TCL.DAY, May 13th.
N dham Taylor has engaged with Henry
Motrls for the summer.
A number from our village attended the
funeral of the late MrsN:ebergatI,
whose sadden death occurred la Detsolt
tut week. Much sympathy le extended to
the bereaved friends.
Andrew Greece, who bas Wee in port
health for some tim*,Is slowly recovering.
Oar general merchant, 1;. F. Mcl'h. to, 1s
oo h e rounds spin two h his fine 'pupped
score on wheel'. Geo is a bustler cud be
many houses, i••• will be glad to les the
jovial tams ono* more.
Miss Jones' .Nee e: re.tll Improve.
A etertliog Improyemeot a notio.bie in
Miss Jones' singing. Her voioe is stronp r,
and sounds clearer and sweeter than before
s.leg Cs•n ein:ado*, w h'cb Is • wonderful
aid 'o singers. et mews and minllten.
Catarrh. sone Inhaler insures absolute Ince
dem from colds, coughs and oaterrh, clears
the coat and thr.,at, and prevents boar..
nese and huskiness Catarrh, rote makes
the •.1,e ler. 1 ant and enduring, and is tux
oommonl_y well recommended bt- prima
dooms. membersel Parliament. lawyers,
doctors, and thousands tb.t nee It dally.
Better try Catarnccz.n.. Price 8100;
'riel sire 259 Druggle•s, or N. C. Polson
& Co.. Kingston Out.
Hampton's Pills cure constipation.
TULSD•Y. May 13th.
The following 1. standing of pupils of H.H.
No. 11, A.hSeld, 1. r month o1 April
Fifth 4tlaes.-0I'v* Foster, Weei-y Gra-
Saylor Fourth -Addle McLeod, Amite
Burrow., Arne* Rao km.
Judlor Foor:h.-Lane Graham, Eiger
Dougherty,Violet 11 g e.
Saner Third --Percy i,raham, Vera Mo
Nee, Kra &•N.., Annt. Voting.
Junior Third -Jame. Johseton, Willie
Senior Sapped - John Vroomao, Elsie
Junior Second. -Daley Johnston, Rsgi-
mid rrowe, oyer.
T M. G0*isie, Teacher.
The ater1 of Merstsa Ttredsees
is told by Impure Wood, poor digestion,
sluggish Ever and tired it is a
warning of very serious trouble ahead, sad
should prompt sensltla people to take a
bracing ton
.- like terror -out, an emerge/le
lovtgora tit and rehsllder. Female* will
give yon a sheep appetite. promote good
digestion and mound sleep : it will feed and
energize the enleeb'ed organs. strengthee
the and ei:el foroes and regulate lite
heart. Ferrero/le changes that tired feeling
Ise vigor strength and ambition, end does
i1 quickly. Remember the Deme, and to
Nd on hiving only Ferri zone ; It's the beet
tonic made Price 50, per box, or 6 boxes
for 82 50, at druggem, or N C. Pole'o R
Co_ KinrS•on. Ont,
Hamilton's Pills oar* conrtlratlon.
HAVE you seen
our stock of
e\\\O 1E
We carry every line of
seasonable Footwear at
reasonable prices. We
quote a few special lines
just here and invite you to
come at any time to in-
spect our stock.
Dress Musllns
Blsuk, Colored. Bleak
sad WWI* and t% bit. lo
prime. 8e, 9,, 10,, 12 e,
14,, 15,, 17,, 20 22o,
26a, 30*, 35, and 50a.
The largest 'maggot Urees
Muslim over seen la
Lao* Curtains.
boo, 75o, 85c, 90,, 81 00.
81 25, 11 5U, 81 .75.82.00.
1225, $250.8275.8300,
$3 26, 83 50 aad $4 50.
N bite and colored Car.
talo Mollies, frilled.
Frilled Curtain Brussels
Ne/ and Art IdWalla
Ulreoe irum the maker',
and a1 Bed R,ck Prima
50,, 75,, 8100 11.2b,
81 60. $1.7b 81 90.12 00,
82 25, 82.75, 83 00 and
$4 00, and verse Ngbi.
hlrt Waists.
la Black 9atteena11.15,
81.25. 81.50, 11 75 82 00
an 182 50 Weds W.tets
art white dm Merlins,
85; 81.00, 81 25, 81 75,
8200and 8425.
B lask Ratans&
11.00, 81 60
81.75. x15 00.
(31ng; ham s
A big rouge sad all new.
81, 10,, 121,, 15, and
8000 verde, 51, 8e, 101
and 1241. AU new Ude
W tier 8llew,
Witte Wats&,
White Drawers,
Waite Dowse.
Blsolc Cashmere
iiO3 to 65*. Oettoo Hoes
We wish to call special attention to the above lines as there is no better
value to be fuuud anywhere.
Y..bMa Sheets for May •od June ready.
The latest up-to-date Patterns ler sale, 161, 2 fo: 25 •.
Have you put away your
The new way is to on
Moth -proof Bags.
They are made in various rzw. W. have
them. The omit is small.
Beatemali Stove -pipe Vanish
Coat ire p pee before puttleg them
away to prevent rues. Fine for bug
el.. and all exposed Iron work.
PRIDE - Pac.
Climax Furniture Polish
Maks' old tillage look new
Package Seeds, Disinfectants,
Patent Medicines.
We C. GOODE, Chemist, -
Lei ra pal up your rreerrIptlees and email, aetelpts. We de tie work ae I1 .ke■Id
be Bene.
Until the 1st
will give
1908 1!908
e7,1_L/STOi yFL ..
1s moving forward. Winter term twins Jan.
Y. INH. Our retro are reasonable, our courses
Or stud thorough and pralnsi. Send for our
Journal pram and see what're teach. Studeat. may
enter at any Woe. Two cowries of study,
Commercial and Shorthand
Pres ,
Owen Houn.. ljmkwel.
of June we --- - -- -
With Every $5.00
Purchase of
Wall Paper
One of our Beautiful Pic-
tures 12 x 14. These pic-
tures are mounted on grey
mat, nicely framed, and
the favorite subjects of
the day :
Baby Stuart,
Countess Potocka,
Golf Girl.
With every $2.00 pur-
chase one of our 8 x 10
Framed Pictures, with a
number of pictures to
choose from.
Remember, the number
of these pictures is limited.
Did You See
The beautiful Gilt Em-
boss apers in our win-
dow this eek. 25c and
30c a roll, uced to 3c.
0tide rich.
Vic'oria Street, Goderich
takes over the plant and tusiomes
oonduotsd muooesefally for so many
mart by his father, the late D. K.
Str.ohan, and intends refitting the
.hop to the most up to date man.
Der possible.
He will make a specialty of all
kinds of repairing., much as
Threshers and Engines, Binders,
Mowers, and all kinds of Farm-
ers Implements
Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta-
tionary and Portable Engines
thoroughly overhauled and re-
Pipe and Steam Fitting.
Machineand Blacksmith Work
of all kinds done to order.
All the specialties manufi.ctur-
er+ by the late D K. Strachan
will still be made on the prem-
Cell or write for particulars.
vv'ein side of Houma,
Night calls promptly answered.
Reaches the highest per-
fection possible in Bread -
Purity, nutrition, deli-
ciousness are exemplified
in the finest product of the
modern bakery.
Our patent dough -mix-
ers develop every bit of
nutriment that the flour
Have our wagon call,
and be convinced.