The Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 3T001 ur two wort fatuous lines of en, Women. feet that we also carry the at money can buy. values : xtsastee edgs,roltsy 52.00 tee, fancy pewit $2.50 exteasten sols, rope 52.75 and 53.00 from 11.00up. ear, from $1.25 up to our ING. es Della $tore. eat J. WU Co JUST RhUE1Vl.D Massillon Washed Nut Coal. Ms teed l• good ter stoves grates -le malty hshl.d glyes out r roma heat. est Virginia;Lump Coal. Scranton Hard Coal. lion ieae)ed Nat 30oM. per 100 Ibe, er $5.150 per tea. lee; IT A TRIeL,�� m. Campbell. h. March 10th 1902. grAk- Air • r 13S "Goderich" Common Sense" Dunlop Tires, •ct and guar - Ready -mixed Paints, Doors and Windows, PHARD ain the Air ANI) KEEP OUT es, ugs and Mosquitos. ors ws )thers adjustable to RIGHT. 3V /EF Goderich, Ont. STOCK immel and untrimmed hats. up. .11 and inspect. HAMILTON STREET, . . .tf mit .agepge eta, weLweg wiP A Page for Women A Melange of Special Interest to the Fair Sex and Good Reading for Everybody. A Petition. Lel me today do something that shell tike A little awnless from the world's vast "tare. And na.,J' 1 be so favorie.l ie to neuke of Joys too tawny sum a little more. Let Inc nolt hurt by auy sailfish deed or thovg/ltlese word, the heart of fit, or frlewt. Nor w'ou1,I 1 peep, miseries, worthy need, Or e1u by thence where I should de- +len d. However meagre 1. wealth. Let me give something my Mock A word u1 courage or re thought of health, uroppa, as 1 pave for trouteed hearts to lint. Lot me to-slgtt look bttok aero." the Minh 'Tweet dawn cad dark, and to my conr;tence my U,e.,use u( tome good act tu beast .R rata, "fee florid 1e better that I ►Ive to- day." -Elia 1Vheeler Wilcox• my worldly that el,aU ail •••••••••***************** • 2 RIOT OF FLOWERS • ON LADIES' HATS. ••••i•i•••iif•NiliiNi••e hurtle' IJ tv, r in tee Lowey of z.. emery Mae the flower awl ((te- rga hat llourltbed w eonsplcuourly as this searxt. Not only flowers, but Iralte ales are btougtt into requiel- tent and you ere entire hate made of leaver end lemoal, under else, of 'curse, but still .Miaow; tu mtuta- t is Is a' sort of exaggeration of the rlglnal Idea, u freak branch of It, eu o .peak,. beet here are the hats ptainiy', in evidence, with others which aim made of foliage, and (ber- nee and ullrge awl small apples, with a to tipple !aureoles thrown In. The b ht fruit and tluwery arc really v y et(eetive with the aeutral tints the materials. The grutmdwo of these hate inns be 01 net over th were frame. or strands of s.lken trues like green grass pia)ted Into r The .mart feature If millinery ie t., produce etniple effette with a great amount of L,Ix,r '-verytbing which sun be borne etcua for the high pllets attached to th ecu- I Portion. le po ltively n.Cesea at , least It would be If there w aro riewelenC• salved up with pr)c_ of bats. The poise of the hat on the hO 1t1 changed now by putting it bat In the crown. Th).. rnl.es the hat su that the brim ear* trot droop over the face entomb to leery the hair. Al- tho gh 11 mode. is wee ov.r In trout, 1t carv.•* upward a bit wood not.,dowu over the ryee like the hat of last beat. OIL White Wee awl naffoo hate are as ( smelt in the n. ei. ne they were last winter, but they are boat on broad- er line., with lice Inevitable end. of taco at the back. els• pretty wntlel has a tia'trti ts; black voelvet ribbon around the crown, with a coachman's rosette and ends at the back, theee falling over the lace ends. Notiang to mtllittery, however. Is quite et, marveUvus as the straw. so glossy and fine In colors. an.l so ornamental that they not only form the Irate, but trim them ae weal. There are 'straw cab.echeris, bows act rosettes, and (lowers and leaves are made of draw. The chryventhe.- mute strnwe, which made ouch a hid for popularity early in the .•awn, seem to have lei their day. AU the shade, of ecru, ,yellow and wood color are ',prevented in straws. A prr't., ..op.:• kit of the latter showe bee. he. of punk berries at either side t•i the orowo ami roa- ettee of coral pink taffeta ribbon ender the brim. lfumrf,ce of roses are bx the .ams• tt ay. Th. Panama will be wore later on for a sfttrt-walet hat, awl Mae - thing which le MiJ-tt,. be tighter than the Panama to called the Bangkok bat. One of theme is shown in the 1)- lustratlona with' only a bawl for trimming, but it Is a, soft and pil- able that U adapts Nuel( to many different ehnprs. Along' pretty hats are made Por blae'k and wtitto crit. Then there are hor.e hstr braids In basket Is. hlon and what is called Jttlobair straw braid. REUBEN DRAPER Few flee have hid such a Thrill- ing Experience. A Quebec Oentlerwaa who Iterates ea latereattog ntury of a Narrow k. - cap -Happy Dellveran.re JusL In the Nick of Time. Brletot, Que., \iny 12.-(Pp,rlal)- 'Teem are not mem., men or women 041ve to -day wire laavc pawed awough amen a tvrr:ble trial as Alr. R. Draper, of ,offs place. Mr. Draper gays: About four yours ago I was tak-1 IN Ai with whine. I tbought.._ Orate!. [ was wufferlarg great pain .w 1 bent for tele do,tvr dao gave me sous_ imodin)ne era -a -ss -Werttte alai n. • tie entre twtee nese aol char`- .'mrd'Warn �yd(.l.Inrs. I was a little better but �" at all well, anti Insa sheet time nit.` j took anottw'r bad Vele This three I went It,` aAa:!►er Doo - Orr, with about the end`s rrreee'lal, Only 1 era. rather weaker all ulna Data 'Then a ruin adrhsrd me to ft`s Dod4'e Kidney Mlle, for he wni.l they bail owed Mw me4iter. I tlrtro*ht I would try .thele nod I tet a boa aril eo,wneneol to take ale tui Agana away. "In JIIrt ona week rafter I had tak- en the% first down, 1 mewed a stone cls Varga as a bean,, and In frier days atter 1 pewee au,Otiber about the Men of it grain ,d bariny. " i71tM genre nits groat relief end I oneameneee to feel batter at mow. "The improvement eneetlnnnd and i Rind eremite' very rapidly ontll la a short Um't 1 was as wog we .tier. "This r over fewer years, ago, and 1 ftp'sat t hag the slightest return at tete awn es t twit 1 Mow Wow temlt ally intra was an abeoletq Pwallt0eat 004" , , enneeee'-heheererie erreelle direr IT fir MP SIP We Shoes and Slippers uiwt'uagtve, da pesevuwvritt silkblack teaseigurand thethe stock nganyr , of black with nothing but their flue. .lues 2104 a monogram at the aide to make them out of the ordinary. 1 li.gb shoed b..ru their up-aal etoek- Wltb a Little Talk or Hosiery, Luge when the pattern begin' at the Hews* aad ni ." tabor top and extends nearly to the Sy Avelino Pxtimcorr. bees. Title pattern a very elaborate 1 arse Is In many melons. It 11 trot fluµ .r, I pored to be for show, sheen the The colonial "sipper" met be gown, however high 1t be held, feA *bond not be lilted lofty enough to every outfit. It comes in varlous 'bow the 'stockings above the tall weighty and you neva two pain, One 'Moe top. vhould have the thWt sole and the home Embroidered Lep. Cuban heel. Tam slipper Is made( Empire stockings are embroidered 01 patrol leather. Ite tongue ahuuld' in little wreath and monogram. and be high and there slwuld be a bright the Dully Verden stocking,' hint backer upu.t it, with a scrap under.' flowers worked os. them Such didnty ncath the tongue. i+stockings thus. Theo you WI)) need coloninl 1111a.1 And white stockings will be worn per., In, the situp.• of a heavy leather Ole 'maven. For the h.w.e and for pair, with hull -high heel, wide toe, I every occastou except the pedestrian broad tongue and black enamN' trip there will be atockkgs of white bo"kle, with button strep under- milk, of white tide, of white slip. uealh. 1 .titch, raid of the new hal( knitted The sensation of the (lour le the' kid, and there will be emeeoldertd Du harry heel, whlo), is three melte, and trimmed in many way. to match high. Thiel Is for a house awl plass, the gutvrt. U net the demo. rho.', but it is wont an the street.' Shoe laces will be to black and in r thu hu street.• ! athor le best. But write and in tun. But the somewhat or the house there are satin Amos blaarre red acrd blue laces will be Mei shoe's of thin ungiased kid. The rstMrved for the colored shoes. Du Barry le worked vtlth beads on the Mn. Prder.wek Pe t:ow me. hutep area the tongue is vary__sn11r_ and much beaded. But the teeter,. MI -Wis. riadi eewskl has ae many ntee the heel, which le three bushes high' clothes as the will buy, for her ador- s.1dt more. , lag husbeJtd sees /A each new one The woman who geto up things her-' a harmony. She speclahy has shlrt- self Inexpensively. eau purchase a waists "%mrrlcalne" of many trues. pile of Frcnn•h heeled shoos and have She owns 0 'ere fine assortment of lam added to the heel until they are varicolored taffetas and tor " see very highe indeed, Then she can style" one can look over her ward - head the toe Anel the tongue. Thur, robe to edueatlotlal advantage. She the get. a Du Barry cheap wears her , loth •e w, 11 one buys teem The high boot is it pretty thing, 101 this side, a 'hi ig that Americans It lie very tall and Is laced up the would Ont do so bully to Imitate AN EARLY !