The Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 22 TstresseAY, May 22, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOII ONTARIO THE WEEKLY MAfewtT REPORT Uo..WCU. May 21 1901 Fall Wheat - 069 so 70 Flour. family. per owl9 10 to 10 Floor. patent. per eta. ...... 790 to s• Bran. a. r... _....-._. 17 00 fol 00 Dhotis, a toe .-.. 19 00 to 00 owt 1 00 to 00 Reye. per Bush 000 to 6' Buckwheat. per bush 0 66 to 55 O.u. • Dtiah . .... .. .. ... 60 60 (1 Peas. • bush...._..........._...... 75 to 110 Barley, per bush 60 to 60 Hay. • too 1 00 x01 00 Pntatoee. s bush...... 35 to 96 *otter. ........_,..... 10 to 16 Chace". per Ib.-.. . .... Iti to 11 tire fresh unnpeoked. • dol..... 1 to 11 Woc.b _..-.�.-.-.. _............ 60 to 60 2014.......... �.........� Pal« 40 to 60 r•. lIre Hews 50 10 9J Drooped (logs 50 to 00 Booms ... 19 to 11 Ham. Par lb.... ...... 15 to 16 Lord, per 10. 11 to 10 Dressed Ileo! fese quarter oo to 01 Dressed 111.1. tiled 00 to 00 Cottle, Km pal 00 to (0 lhdlnsry 50 to 0) !Situations Vacant. WANTED. -YOUR OK FIVE AP preotices wanted to Morn drss sod b1 maatesu making.personally Apply mail to MI88 MARY HALEY. Dungannon. BOY AGE 16 WOULD LIKE A 5LTUA- tlom. Box 00. Ooderloh. AGOOD STOU1' BOY WANTED -TO harp the machine and b4eksmltbtog trade- nnl let an pblacksmitto h. Victoria street. A. ' ma - Lost LOST. -A SMALL WHITE COLLIE deg. marked with red. named "Tim.~ finder w111 be rewarded on returning to A. M. POLLEY, North street. DOG LOST. -AN ENGLISH COLLIE, tan winked. short taULo0e water claw w len bind leg ; left on the 990 of April ; &sewers to the name of lido le one leu old and • good heeler. nA Information nform reword w116 be Sven g/0V077. giving PHIS. lon.l. to its re oo•ar7. (i F. 9lcPHtt, Loyal. Public Notloe- MEETING OF THE i1UROJI-COUNTY ooundi. ' • The summer 'salon of the Camoo fl of the County Raton will be held o the oo 0011 me ncr of the ing at 5 o'clock w em a. on the first Tcom- mencing Tuesday 15 June next. W, LANK, Clerk. Dated at Ood•rlob this Slat day of Ysy 1902. NOTICE 01'COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF OODERtCIL' Take notiee that the Court of Kevttion of the .g n the osaown f o fo„he Town Clerk, for ch will hold Its first the purpose of hearing appeals against the sasses' meet roll of the town of Goderlch for the year 1902, on Monday. the 16th dal of May, at 10 ° clock In the forenoon: All parties Interested are requested to at- tend, WM• MITCHELL. Town Clerk. Ooderloh. May 13, 1902. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, B1- cycles repaird,eto. Bring your lawn mowers and bicycles to Btracban'a Maobine and Blacksmith Shop. Visions street. We guarantee Lawn mowers ailed for and &Alterebabled t1 All kinds of repair work call solicited. JAS. A. STIIACon HAN- WARNING.-ANY PERSON BA1H- bag from the island•using the ferry without permheton. shooting. or otherwise trespassing upon any Dart of the property will be arrested and prosecuted12. C. ATTRILI.. Ridgewood Para. [)BEROF. N. L. TAU L ARt'rACTI LUNO OPn('I4t AND SYS artet•L101. MI kinds of Spectacles and Eyeglasses mode to order Special attention given W fitting the eye. Orders by mall promptly attended to Be- ware of parties using my Dame. as I employ no travelling swots whatever. 8atisfantloo guaranteed. R.tablished 1873. S64 RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO Mus10. MISS COLBORNE. Teacher of Fletohor music method, w111 re. alive pupils at her studio. above Mr. Natters Insurance omoe. Hamiltoo street. For info?. motion apply ether at studio or at to ndon«). 8L Patrla s street. wl` . GLENN CAMPBELL, Organist and musical director of North Street Methodist church. teacher of piano. pine or - Nita and theory Pupils prepared for all es. amleoten. of the Toronto Cooserv&tery of Mato• Will be pleased to receive applies. Ross from all those requiring such Inetrue. tloa at h1e new studio over Thomson'• mesio store, Use of piano for praolloe may b, ar ranged for. 67tt Dentistry. vvY. HAYDEN, D. D. 8.. L. 1) 8 . Dental Surgeon, sncoeesor to Dr. J. M. Turnbull. Most approved methods In all departments of modern dentistry. Innludlns porcelain Inlay operations, and crown and bridge work both to Roll and In poroelaln. Spacial attention pelt to preservation of natural teeth. In office formerly 000upted by Dr. Turnbull. RANDTRUNK Victoria Day Return tloket• w111 be issued al 1902 SINGLEou:: FARE Hawes') all 8tatien. In Grids' all eltatloes in Canada to and tram Detroit,Mich, Port Huron Mich.. Fort Covington. N.Y.. Bombay Jot.' 2f. Y. Helena N. Y.,M•eoeia Springs, Y.. Rousei Pant, N. YY , Island Pond Vt.: all to Canada to, but pot from fivaalo N. Y . Black Hock, H. Y , Niagara Fails, N. Y , and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Good Going May 23rd or 24th Valid returning from deotlantlon on or before May 95th. 1902. Tiok.te. and all information; from agents ()rand Trunk Railway System. F.F LA WHENCE. 'town Ticket Agent Jet D McDonald, District Passenger Amid, Toronto. Improvement of Btoolc. TBE' PURE BRED ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION, DESFORD MAKQUIS, 16639. English Shin Stud Book. Foaled Juoe list, 100, 121 Canadian Number. Deeford Marquis. No. 100111. w161 stand for the Improvement of stook. beginning Monday May 260. when he will be at s own stable, hi e, Ridgewood Park farm until n oon. Monday night at Soinr. Hotel. Carlow, Tuesday. W David Hamltoo'a, 801 con., u • 13th Woo to He r Doer . Colborne, sane for noon. T non„ Hullett, for night. Wedneedal, to Albert Wallaoe's. 8th coo.. Hulett. tor noon;t h ooe to Mo Cm nshe 's Hotel, Clinton. for night. Thursday, to Gilbert Malt's, Huron Road, for moon; thence to t'.. , Colclough's. 11th nos., Uodedoh township. for night. Friday, to O. 0. Sturdy's, 790 000 . node - rich township, for noon; thence to John Sow- •,bl's, Ith con.. for night. Saturday. to Farr Bros'. Hotel, Ooderioh. for once: thence to his own stable. where he will the following Mondaynoon. roman until e e This D e lom6ld stallion woo told in 1890 and Doroha.xd by his lm ten Messrs. Bowden t Mohonell, from the U.0 Shire Hone Co„ who used him for two seasons. Bred b7 W.& J. Thompson of Boron'. Park. Raeford. Fal. ceterehlre, England. He 1.. beautiful bay. with blareon face and four white leg., weighs 2,000 pounds, and is in style, setiou and other point as flee . specimen as Mei gel reached this :ouotry. He was sired by Soowell Duke (11 3021. bred • Lord ,rd Verulsm, of 8opwell. and his dam being Deeford Duchess of Brldgeport17947), bred by Earl of Ellesmere. Sopwel Doke won the following pprtres:- Flnt, Hatfield. 1892; first, Hat0eld. 1893; third, Royal Counties Show at Canterbury 1869• seoond, Hatfield, 1891. highly commend- ed. London Show. I. 1f1111es sired by Soo - well Duke made450 owner's st Lord Verul•m's sale; 150 guineas at Mr. Philo Milli -ale : 290 g uineas at Mr. Parnell it sole. A filly also sired by Sopwell Duke, named Desford Blackolyd, held an unbeaten show r000rd in 1890. Per extended pedigree see cards. NOTICE-WE,THE UNi)ERSIONED tentheu, will olcee our offloss at 1 °clock p m. Wednesdays from May to Oo' tabor. inclusive. ly Rued) Nlcttot.aeN, L. M. Meek, Ooderlob, May 014 Wit. W. Y. Hottest. For Bale. BOATS FOR SALE -I HAVEA NUM leer of 0oau for sale. They are ID first Wass condition and .111 be sold rsa.onanle, Bhouse hpartIouCapats for hire as t. JAS. BA XT ER. at tbe t se for lera OLI) PAPERS FOR SALE, FOR PUT. Ong under airpets. ego. Apply at Ttt■ BInh AL Otho.. FOR SALE -THE, EAST HALF OF the west half of lot 15, oon. 7, West Ws- w.oaib. comprising 50 setae. Apply to HEN - BY troy:ti , Dungannon, or to Philip Holt, Barrister. Ood•rtoh. EN ROUTE TO SOU ru AFRICA. tatter from ■les aethwell, • Farmer Seel - float sl ISsdertel. Mbe. Rothwell, of Ottawa, at one Ilene a resident of Ouderloh, and • slater of H, E. ftolhwell, be ow of the Ceo&dlan teachers who a few weeks Mo left for South Airiest. Sloe writes • Wog and ter) l•terestl•g let• Morfataitir Bale. MORT010B BALE OF VALUABLE 0)0096007. Yoder and by virtue of the power of sale ooutalued las oert.ln mortgage tsarina date the Mb day of zbcemher, 100111. and two as- slgomeota thereof bearing date respectively the 22nd dayof November, 110)1, and tat las day of Mar. 110)1, which w111 M produowl at the time of sale. there wilt be sold by public auction at Buxton, hotel In the town of Ooderlob, In the comity of hotel, on SATURDAY, the31st DAY of MAY, A. D. 1909, at 11 o'clock noon D Jobs Knox..uoteo erir the following vale able Parcel I. flee, uamdy l'orcet 1. The east half of floe wax half of lot number 15, In the 7th o.noeeslou ot the township of Wawanoeb, lu the county of Huron. 1'h. property Is situated about 3 miles front Dungannon. Then le • frame house 90'30. with kitchen 15.04, woodshed and brink milk house ; two frame stables and other buildings alt In fairly good oondltlon. There aro two wells and a thing spring creek on the farm and abo d 5 &ores of orchard. The soil Is good. l'aroel 2. Lot number 167 In tat village of Dungannon. being part of lot 13 In the 5th oono ..Ion of Wawanosb. Upon this property then le a new frame bottle 18x94 with frame kitchen 10:12. Terms of Sala Teo per Dent. of the pur- chase utchase most at the time of sale and the bal- ance within one month thereafter without ioter.16 For further p•rtloulan.pp11 to the auction- eer or to the vendor's solicitor: Dated the Itch day of May. 1007. JOHN KNOX. PHILIP HOLT, AnstloOesr: Vendors Soadter AT PRIVATE SALE That big stone house with 7 -roomed brlok addition. eltuaated on Photon street. The hone, b dryand warm, bring lined throughout with 2-Inoplank. It is 'wild and eub•untl&L It wait built bythe late SheriGibbons when MM. prime Not fora day Inst for all t me. The foundations are about 3 feet thtok and will endure as long u the Pyramids or Egypt. A home seeker or Mentor who realises [ e poteut'allties of fresh paint and papa,whlob are inexpensive. and of glass, which e pane - ally cheap, by a little planning and Judioloue asp' ndl[oro ran maternlre It Into an uo to date mansion. 1 Wert most strenuously and tearlees1) that • big return will accrue to the wide awake Investor -tor the best of all rea- sons that he hes a broad and solid foundation all ready to his hands. The some o•n001 ane raid of a shell or veneer. Let those who are on the lookout for a soft snap investigate. In veatlg•te, lnve,tllta'e Offers addressed to THEO. J. MOOKHUCBE, Hayfield 1'. O., wit, rooelvs prompt attention. May 710, 1902. 01-11 At the annual show held by the Usk Shire Horse 00., Limited, on tioiolier 90th, 1900, the 1st prize colt was sired by hector.' Marquis. 16639, takfog let prize it, class and also oham pion prize of show, and was sold for a large sum to a Midland buyer. Ts1(aa : -t1S to insure, robe paid 1st of Jan- uary. 1903. OTTLR B. WIL.o SLwARD C. ATTRILL, ]leetlRpr• Owner THE HACKNEY TALLION, LANGTON'S NEOELT, 1116) and --01- Dg/mrRIITIOw AND P0DWR1{ L -- Langton'. Danegelt, -91-Canadian Haotee7 S. R,. and (336) American Hackney S. B., Mae foaled In 1697, and is consequently five Feat/old; 6.e is e beautiful dapple chestnut oolor, with white stripe on tau, and both front feet and neat hind stoking white. Ile la a very high knee actor. and hook &odors cannot be excelled He comes from champion stook In England and the U. 8.. both his sire and dam having been Import from England. Langton'• Danegelt wan bre4 byMr. Fred C. Stevens. of Maplewood Hackney tud. Attica, N. 1'., on• of the mat .sac"•es.'ul and beet known breeder( to the United States an4 Cam oda. lie was imported to Canada by his pres- ent owner, Mr. E,C, AWWr111, and le pronounced by all who have seen him as one of the beet specimens of .the Hackney type now in ('a.I ode, He was tired by Langtoo's Performer, 1161 U, Eng., 942 Amerlosn. by Garton Duke of Connaught. 136010 Eng. S. R. Ills dam was Lady Danegelt. (0016) Eng. Hook., (790) Amite, - an; she by Danegelt 1171) Eng. Ha-,kney S. H. This pedigree Oen be traced beck indefinite- ly, but breeders who are Interested in this class of stock will readily see that langtoo'' Danegelt stands In the front rank of He:knee leaden. ROUTE : Monday. May 5th will leave his own .table, and proceed to John Ackland's, boundary 1100. Colborne, for noon; thea t0 Mallough'e Hotel, Dungannon, for night. Tuesday, to E. A. Darofn'e, 010 con.. West Wawanosh, for noon. then to Bruce's Hotel, Helgnve, for night. Wednesday, to John 8661., 6rd 000.�East �n Wowanosh. for noon; then to the House, ROOth. for night. Thursday, to Hill's Hotel, Londesboro, for noon; thou to R, Graham's Hotel, Clinton, for night. FOR SALii-IAT• 96. 96, 117. 118. 119 and 148 In lfoto0i•o0'.p survey. all In Oodsrloh. For particulate pplPt14ULT. Barrister, to.. UsdMlch. March lith. 1000. X41 1Rt1OMi o "mt. '-.'-- • 910 RENT. -ROOMS ON HAMILTON 1 SrrtMt 04 Reset ocempled by I -Nr I,•wis w law (Aces; will Moose Into small store If eao1eearl. Or 600ms neer Mles Camoroo's 'tor with front and rear entranoe. K N. LEWDR 71 Insurance, oto• (111A14. E. SHAW, GENERAL. IN9(JR- lJ ANCE and real estate agent, Oflloe. t roe door seat of P. 0.. Goderleh. Agent for the IwAlnO mutual fire Ineursooe eompanles and leading stock oomlwles. Merantlle and manufacturing tisk. t °west rotes (7a11 at °mos. W, R. RORKRTSON. Aononntaot and Ineur•noe Agent. Books and a000nnu made up. Rnlld105s rooted and rents oolleoted, Fire !amino. In Rrltieh and Canadian Companies. O0oe-In I'ron,ifo)t & Hays' oflloe, North tree. Ooderinh. 42 t Fa .1. T. NAFTKi., GF.NERAi. IN. and Real Rotate agent. Fl.., Life, Aeeldestnd Plate (6ists Inenranne .00.011 on mutual or cash plan at lowest eat* f amine Bo English and (Lnadin GemMsle rep rem •A. OM se nett done to Garrtw t Gams", Bar litters Homilies Wrest. Medfield. DR. w. T. CALLOW. PHYSICIAN M nSed ammo. M k of meso. brindles, mN M . a ht Saila sldMetsM. w None" to Creditors. NOTICE TO C1tEDITORS.-IN THE estate of Richard Rowdeo, late of the townehlp of Colborne, in the County of Huron. yeoman, deceased. Notice is herebe given pursuant to the Re- view! Statutes of Ontario 1097. Chapter 199, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate 9f the said Refuted Bow- den, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1909, are requirel o0 or oefore the 12th day of June, 1902, to send by poet proppa.id or deliver to the un- dersigned solicitor for the executors. their Christian and surnames, od,'rs's°. and de- eorlptlooe. the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their a000unts and the na- ture 061 • security (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executor. will pro. "red to distribute the aesem 0! the 4.005.ed amongst the parties entitled there°, having regard only to the claim. of which they shall then have notioe, and the said executors will not be liable for the said asseto or an7 part thereof, to any person or persona of whose claim notes shall not have been received by them at too date of much distribution. Dated this 14th day of May A. D., 1932. P'HILIP HOLT, Sol Elliotttor ' for Rowden and t'g• of the said deceased. Friday. to J. Rothwell',, Bayfield (toad. for noon; then to Peter Mol)ougall'e, Cot Line. for night, Saturday, to Wm, Driver's, Huron Roe& for noon; thence to Tilt y ,table.. Uoderteb. from 2 to 5 o clock; then to hie own stable. whore he will remaio until the following Mon- day morning. Tames: To Insure. 5I0. to be paid let of January. 1903. Amore Meteors, BDwral 6yArran.t, Manager. Owner. The Huron and Bruce Loan and investment Co. GODERICH,--- SOLICITOR-PHILIP HOLT. K.O. Bosom -THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO II M ERC& ter, palmed pantyse shipboard sad partly Id la Leedom, *Idol The Ottawa theism re- pruduues, T►e loner ter Itself be wealthy et bN0g published la tall, but The 4101 UL 1. forted reluolanely to nes *fitly oath peri aa are of greatest lnter••t. The tollowiag area number of ex*erp10 : Why did I 6750 soy anything about writing betters 7 1 do want to ,e eat sad wae,h Shoe faint, i•ly-looklag comet of Ireland. 1 amt So ik be .yerybedy led to bear all tee 1s7rwttnq things they have 10 any. Let no one persuade yo. }kat • sea voyage Is m000lo00us, or that there is any d110a.11y about killing/ time, Why. U 1 tied .ot►lmg Igoe to do but run abut after the bo'suu, Wowing to tis words of widow sod wit, 1 should be vory well 'templed. the °attain is eatartaloleg, the arab °that 1e a uharaetea, ant ►ha third 1s extremely good le look upon. Tie sean4 o8iar never "mono to be ea 07168000, but 00. tomro0 Doo "harmed me with the •zoe•dlag amiability of 06. smile. Then the passenpre 1 t would lake me a long tune to tell yup sal that 1 have learn 81 •lout them In lbee, few days of close companionship. A jolly lot of Orli ►bey aro, 00... b.aeh• ere for South Afrloa. 1 am sure the ulhoere and p•••eng•r• of the ship .111 two m• out In saying that Hoy are women who will mak• the Mat ant whatever eiruanetamces they may Sad themselves surrounded by, and If the little Ban Ariz out ooaver74 In- to rood 00100161. by Shia tum• next year 11 w111 not be to• fault of the "optimum, who are at prss•ot on Mud th• gad .hip Der 1.106*.. We nays had tour concerto, and 1 greatly retina 0111 1 bora not time to report 10em fully. The be'san, with his little mud body, his looredibly short lege and 0)5 irresistible ooml• expression, singing "Swe% Rale O'Grady" and doing a double shafts as an Inb•rlodo-tor he "corned an a000mpaul• moot ; the head .taw•rd, who Woks the bo'wa is enol refined, and woo singe "Daddy" with 1 far -.way look la his lnuooene bine eyes ; the s.uburot, bashful moldier, se mo lest that he blushes when you look at him, but who sings nut most outra5oewly valga mucro hall ditties with an infantile aooen.olo.eaess of maensr, rettrl.g .INr- wards amidst rouade of applause and tranHo e ocores-the dignified s.00nd-elase IAM, powwo5er, who warbles "0, Fear Dere; 0, Food Dove," and "Alla, Where Art Thou,' ludo 'moue resode 10 ►o nthas and le, • In a d•proolal.5 ldmacer, ►b1 are y -like .e delightful that 1 should like to show them to you it I saw them, 11 time permit tort ; but l'7e been oat to look at the dear old land agate, and new It seems so clime, and we can nee plainly the bilge of Donegal, I am reminded of Father O1'lynn, and a eyerwb•Iminr desire comes upon me 5o sat foot upon that MloYed Island and out myeell under the magic influence of that tenderest ot teachers. We have bean most fortunate in the weather. TO. lint two days were as *aim and peaceful as If we had been on board one of itis lake Oahrlo steamers. Indio, It was bard to believe Cast we were really on the Atlantic ooe s, e, blue was the sky and so tootle the swell that swung u* lightly le mud fro, • • • Here we are at I.:v•rp•ol It is senshlay and bright, much to my surprise, and we are met by some repres.otetives of the 6rltish Immigration branub of the Girls' Frl.odly Sod.ty, who ars so kind to ms that we 1 we aro strangers In a strange land. They Oelp us with our 10gg.5., they provide us with a most generous lanob for the trate, and • box of eel oleos lilies of the valley and they make pretty .pe.cbse to us about our oouregs and h.roism and *elf- sacnage, WI we fool that we really most armless that oar Wet motive 1■ going out 60 South Africa 1s to sal a little of tat world without haring to pay too muoh for the privilege. c NOTICE TO atuuv'Oits. 1e the Estate of Philip Thomas Halle, late of the Town of Uoderich, fR the County of )Huron. Merchant, Deceased. Notice 1s hereby given pursuant to the Re- vl,.d (Rotutes of Ontario. 1807, Chapter 179, that all creditors and others havingclaims agrleet the estate of the old Philip homas Halle. who Mod the 10th day of April 1902, aro requested o0 or before the let dayof June. 1909 to sand by post, pr•oeld. or eliver to Hariey t Sweat, of 6l Market Street, in the City of Brantford. solicitors for Thome. Lloyd Wood, of Brantford. aforesaid, miller. toe administrator of the estate of the sold de - omitted, their Christian and surnames address es andeacrlptlooe. the full partloulars of their claims. • statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities ill any) held by them. And further take notloe that atter snob last mentioned dare the geld admlalatrttor will proceed to distribute the wean of the de. o caeed among the reties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of white he shalt then have notice,and the said adminis- trator will not be Mabe for the nal,' amen or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not hate been reoefv• ed by him atltbe date of snob distribution. Dated this 10 day of M• A D, 1909. HARLEY & SWEKT. Boz 314, Brantford. (hit. Melton for the etdminlstnter, OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Depollute from Trustees. Parente or Children, in minim nT from Fifty Cents to Three Thousand Dollars, and allow compound interest, added every mix months at raw se agreed upon. Cheques are given Depomitore, so that they may rIr.w open these elepesite .t arty tires 3, and 4 per cent. tnteremt allowed on Deptetts according to amount and time left. N.il -Pennant to • Inge Act of Parliament married women and miners have the right to deposit sal draw out money in their own name. Deposita can be tient by mail at the risk of sender. Remove from your hemmers temptation to burglars and food for the flames. As the Company makem loans only on firat class farm property, depoettore have the strongest security for their in- veotmente. TO BORROWERS. This Company is prepared to loan on the shortest notice any mum upon find, class eseany. Terma are made to omit borrowers. Straight Inane and simple interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED -For further particulars call at the Company's office, corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. W. L. HORTON, F. JORDAN. Manager. President.. Ws. PROUDFOOT, Vire•i'resident. Di RECTt1R8 LnWn RntarwrosA, i. M. Rossi rr. FRAM 'rs JIIRDAN. H i)vlrinr Wm PRnenroor Haw*v Hotrne. D..1. Nutlet. Films Hot.; K.O. rsirre RTIAST 1171111*. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED "lN- speetore of Penitentiaries. Ottawa,' and endorsed "Tender for Snootier. will be r• oelrod until Monday. Pith of June. leolnsive, from parties deslrcue of oontranting for supplies. for the fiscal year 1902 1901. for the following Institut loos. money : - Klogmton Penitentiary St. V ineent de 1'enl Pnitentiary Dorohester Penitentiary Manitoba Penitentiary lirlil.h Columbia Paoli entlary Re Ins Jail. Prince Albert J•11. Separate tenders 5111 be reeetved for eaoh of th• following classes of supplies:- 1 upplies:- 1 Flour (Canadian 8:ron` Bakers) 2. Reef and Mutton (fresh) 3. Forage, 4. Coal (anthracite and bitumlooaq), 6. Cordwood. 6 Groceries, 7. Coal Oil (In brrrelsl. 1 Drs Goods 9. thugs and Melfoln... 10, Leather and riodingo. 11. Hardware. Tinware. Paints. air. It Loather. Details o' Information o. to form of ooe. tract. toee'her with forme of lender. will be furnished on .pDUarlone to thn Wardens of th. various IIs ltailone. All stipples are eubJeot to the approval of the Warden or Jailer. All tandem submitted most epfoify clearly the institution, or Institut:one. which It le pro- posed to supply, and must bear the endorse tion of .t least two M.ponl)hle sureties. Papers inserting this notloe without aathor- ley from the Zings Patter will not be paid therefore. /)01101.65 STE W ART. 050. W. DAWSON, In.peotors of Penitent tarisl Department of inert co, Ottawa, May 12. 1902. `EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO O the undersigg/nnedanti endorsed "Toaster for Post OMee, Clinton ." *111 M receir.2 at this onlre nntll Tuesday, 9rd inns oat. to elusively, for IM ere°t1011 of • Post (Moe at Clinton, Ont . sonoMing to plana and *Plaid cation to be seen at the lepartmsnt of Pnbiln Works. (Hews,and on anpllatlon to th, M•ephernon t /Torso Co.. Clinton 'Fenster. will not he eon. chid unless mode me the form nlppIMA, anti signet with the aote0 signatmre of the endorses. An aoespted aeons one oheetered bank. payable to tie ardor of the Minister of 11.011. Works, equal MSM pr cent (10 p r Of the amount of tender. meet a.Oompany each ten der The stooge will 0. fortslted If the part• Molteno IMsageelet or fall t0 eompls'e the wort oest17dM ter, tied will be retorted In le, of M0tti Of . The DeportMMtuta et'se0 Ifet:f to &a- tom the lawsuit K 0)Mellor. crd.r.rush OELINAS. Reeretary Department! of Publlo Works, IRtaws, HO May. IOW N,wepsaev Inserting this advertisement wit0ent anthoritl from the Dttpartm a hw111 mot to paid for It, Keep your Feet Warm �t Night A tiot Water Bottle--• tV 1 I.1. IN 1,1'I'. We Have Them - FROM THK l' H EAPEBT 1'0 THE BE81' F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r• Corner of West ell and the Square. duk• oafs. to and began taikIng to us In 6he most informal means, beggloq no all to M► down and maks ourselves amfortable. Presently toe I'rimoees Dame and shat band. with us all without any ceremony whatever, and we were nllevd to fine that than was no oeossslty for saying "your royal highness" or "madam," or any otter of the modes of .ddress that owns so haltlugly te ►he Oandlan to00u1. I saver maid dearth* dress. but 1 know .M wore a purple gown and that N fitted to perfection She looks Tory muoh the same u she did Teen ago whom she presided at Rideau H.66, and 1 told het es, whloh I fear was very reprehensible .10 my part. but eat Doomed to be very well pl•aaed and said : "O, I'm afraid not ; Mat la a nrrat many years ago." "Yea,' I said, "11 is, but t1 be hard to bedews that It is when I look atv ou." and ea It was. For she has 10. I1yal1es1 of complexions and her hair Is . e bright and Buffy, and her figure is ,harm• 105. Th. Duke boo °hanged more, 1 tblak. His hair hes grown quits silvery and the eilmneseof his agars Ie rias. These Is a slight bitchiness of rotor, too, than woo 000 .otlpaable in Ms old day.. I had quite 0 long talk with Hu Gramme and be .eked me many questions about Ottawa. He par- in0larly mentioned Eddy's mills, and the interest hs usd to sake is them, and expressed great regret that the ire had . wop% Otero .11 away. He said he had boom toe first to suggest the manufacture tt pulp to Mr. Eddy, and 00 show hi. devotion 6o the Lady et the Snows he assurd m• that h. had • waste paper basket and a p.11 manufactured by the Eddy work. H• also showed me o library wbloh was almost •zcluityely Oanull•u, to wblon I notloed Mr. Hoary Morgan's boat and many otb.r. that I knew well. After w• had tea we aro taken to tib den, whore 0. .bowed as his tares and pen•tv., and he told me that U was In the room atm roe that Queen Victoria r.palv.d the mtni.ten on that •veotfml aught whoa they am• pat haste to lolorm the iittle.obcol girl that she was lumen of tee greatest oouotry on oath. Nothing/ could hats been more charming than the Ireatm516 we received from the Princess and Dake, and the other people who took •o muoh trouble' to maks our stay in London a pleasant one. aod I don't think I shrill soon forget the kindness that was .how° to us by them all. And we are not through with 11 yet. On 'lueedoy we are golol tq Oxford, where wit are to be w.loomed by the university-pmpls who look upon as a heroine' and martyrs. who ars Rome out to pot as end to toe war in the good old-fashioned New Testament way -by heaping opals of fin *o the enemy'. head. Even In that little j,not we are is be hdpod by the ladies who h.•e taken us l0 awes. They ern to moot us at the station and mak• ail our arreog.meale for un. Thom tomorrow we are to meet Mr.. Alfred Lyttleteo In the motor lobby of the Hones of ()salmons and .he is to hays ns admitted to the ladles' gallery. Mrs. Her- bert Chamberlain n to take u. to 81 Paul's on Sunday and meats ars to be reserved for ✓ us, Soo le. as 711 prebebl know, a a daoght•r of the late Colowl Williams, et • fort Hope, who wot killed I think) In Ih• Northwest retielion. When 1 told her how , much I admlyd the English woms's with a their beautiful half and oomplexloos, .he 1 said .be thought tb.y wets D01 equal With. k Oano4 ale In point of looks. I eloo'e know. All this kindness I. making m• waver a IIt66. In my devotion to my native land. I They put on a .penial train at London for us and we stopped at only a few stations. How I would lite to tell you about the fly mq )ourooy tram Liverpool to Loodoo 11 1 had time and 11 you did Dot know all about it yourselves. Th. B•Ids that looked like soft, green velvet, the ohorry trees in blot tom, not yellow gorse, the primrose( along the hank., the Nether, green of the evil lows, the funny narrow canals with the baby barges ou them drawn by hone, on the tow path ; the charming vlll•gea group- ed so ptctur•tgnely along every mils of Lai roots, the wh,towuhe1 bridges, the soft. eanebley hazy atmosphere with the flew gray clouds drlftmg 'aleft, over the sky. We are in t.oudoo at last. and except fo the 000ulooal rumble of a oar •losg tit pavement everything is as quest al if I war on Metcalfe street. To be sore It la out rageously late, and I ought to be in bed because we have • formIdabls fay before u tomorrow. We are to report at the onlonts office by ten o'aloek, drop to at the hug oommfesloo.n, mob a cheque on the Mon tribal bank, and, atter our shopping Is over drink tea with the Prloo.s t.oulee at Ken sington A. we .re exposed to s.11 by th Reiner Castle from Southampton on 6•tar day some of us ars woodsrlog whether w can seed revrets te Har Royal Hlghoese hut to tell the truth w. are one of u anxious to aoospt her hospitality and i' afraid something w111 have to go undone In ord•t that we may bask la bar royal smile. • w • Mr. M•[N., the Grown agent, was gyro pathetic to a dogrel, and took about a minute to grasp Ito sito.tuos. ))or passage, had indeed boon taken by the Reamer Cottle for tomorrow, hot he managod to represent the matter •t Itis Colonial offing so forelbly that before soon we were otsnred that we should have • lull week to do London. A week lodood ' Why I ooutI spend • .1.10,7 here 1 think, and then (save something o.doo. However we are extremely thankful for small ammo. and von would have to tragal far to see brighter faros Zhao mere were when Mr. Martin mads the wdams an nolno•meIt. W• immediately sallied forth and climbed to the top of • 'bug, and of ell the delightful methods of travelling that ever ware invented that le sartatoly the most fascinating and allowing. 1 thief that 11 i were Mr. (Jansgle i should rids on a I,en.ion 'hos every day for at least a year. It's pn.sthle that the pleasure might begin to pale by that time but 1 doubt It. Well, when we found that we wars to have an extension of time w* made op our minds ant to disappoint the Princess Louse. and Dreamy •0 four, the appointed time, we inroad late the seta at Kensington pslaa, where we were met by Ltdy Frames Balfour, sister of the Doke of Argyll ; Mrs. Herbert ('hanMrleln, Mrs. Alfrd Lyttle ton, and Mr. Lofty, who is said to be th, g reat•et 11.1ng authority ori London history. He area asked to show u, through the pal ace, and egplde syerylhing to t o, which he did, but 1 cholla* to re Into partlonlarm about what he told se. 11 was all Intensely Interesting, of emirs*, for we saw same very famous pelage and were taken through rooms In whish we mold almost hear the folio of voltam that ars lone still, bot whloh In their day rang nut with kingly pewee, and swayed the dwtl.les of nattoes. i1 wan partlalarty teuohiot to mss the '•mom'. (.h• mast .!ways M "the Quoin-) playthings and dolls Two dierepulah!e leaking maeollee dolls, ems of them lying lgnominionsly on his face and the other . te0dter no wills his hand. 1e Me posher), at (east that was tat way Me •►feed• e erook one More lose Mr Noah's ark, every ons of the pee** ehowl.g hew maob good she had got out of them It Is seat' to se* that the ills•. of England had n ,t hese surfeited with e.tsostve says ea e, malty Amerman vhddren are. She ..ldeat• ly oherisbd them all and kept Mom as ley as they would hold together. At fi o'olsok we went In WI ea* of IN Prises'•' rooms, ,mall, rosy. IseredlbIy e.prlomlleo*. late el easy of in, Gem. fertble e0tetr *evert safes, Jars of flowers 611515, wall4 nen, .0rdmae two ee throe pleno.l, old faehlwd looking wia- lows looking out so the (airflows. The BEST $2.00 SHOES, T00 ! ean't help remembering that e0epl ler e same t»reooal friends that a tow o1 is were fortunate *sough to have, we peeved * throsgb Montreal and Halifax without .,.n a friendly nod, while bore -why i .►euld a not be eurprl.*d now ft the King shoal! ea ask as sa ane and try his erown on. 'w E have said m great deal lately about our two moat famous lines of 11 Shoes, the WALK -OVER for lien, and the QUEEN QUALITY for Women. liut we do not wish you to overlook the fact that we also carry the best $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 linea that money oars buy. Below we give you some idea of our sterling value' : Men'. Dangola mad Box Call Bale, medium weight Ede, int•wle° sdge,MaKay *ewe or riveted, all Masa, al per $2M pair •p 00 M•D's ilex Coif Bolo, extra heavy extension sole, newest toe, tansy peach 75.09, nor pair, only Mom's Deneo1• or Box Calf Bale, Goodyear well, heavy ezteu.lan 'ole, rope etleob, latest 'Hinton) sine, a1 $2.50 $2.75 and $3.00 In Meds Heavy Boots we have all grades from $1.00 up. We have • splendid range of Women's Wear, from $1.25 up to our fe.uloun Queen quality at $3.75. Repairing promptly and well done. E. DOWNING. RED FRONT SHOE STORE. Next J. Wilson's Drug Store. \A a• 111 d CST QrmEom 2 The Division Mlweso paoi and(todifferent Drugs and Medicines Is strongly defined bare. 1 h lodif- ferent kind ars never ordered and oeyer permitted to form part of oar stock. Only good. of undountd purity aro offered to caatumor.. Oar stook of Proprietary Medicines 1e very lure. Prices are low, E. JORDAN 9 MEDICAL HALL. (Coal! JUST RECEIVED 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. This (Jou good is for stoves and grates -le wily ltghed and Oyes out • mall boat. 1 Car West Virginia:Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Me5lioo 1% 'Abed Nut 3,0 o1s per 100 1h*, or $a.aQ Per teti. GIVE IT Jl TRIAL. Wm. Campbell. God•rlcb, March 10th 1902. Itmmmmmmmmmmmm HAVE YOU HEARD of the great X118 p 9 that.... LBB & SHEPHARD aro offering in BICYCLES A $45.00 Wheel for $25.00, a"Ooderich" as $55.00 11 $30.00, "Common Sense" These Wheels are fitted with Dunlop Tires, are up-to-date in every respect and guar- anteed for one year. We have a complete line of Ready -mixed Paints, White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators, etc. EE (Sc Su'PiiARD �wu�u�wu� wwu�uuwwu+u rt idiloke Steel Shingles either Galvanized or Painted Are Always 11,7.re m ecoR e l i s ally b l e durable and quicker to apply than any other.. 6ttin1 atxur- stcly-and therefore mo.t candy laid. They hoe. keen thoroughly tested in 1 ki.da of climates, Invariably prm1'(tg Firw. �reeftng. Rust and masher If you're boilding.make wtnofeatie• faction hy (Ordering 1'...T.ARr• for the roof -fullest information if you write. Metallic Roofing Co., thnlbd; wlwlEMl1 WM.. 7080570. CANADA. FM .AI,5 BY Lcc & She�Vard Mill Wood FOR SALE The above i' cut lobo stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the name day as Ordered. Orders reoeivr(l by telephone or left at residesoet, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention, 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Gatwick, November 21st, 1890. 63-3m Strain the Air AND KEEP OUT Flies, Bugs and i Mosquitos. WE IIAVE Screen Doors and Windows made up in Standard Sizes. Others adjustable to any desired size. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. N. D. ROUGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. OUR SPRING STOCK ready for inspection, both in trimmest and unttimmn(i hate. Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 15c up. Our stock is cnmpintn in every line Call and import. MISS CAMERON, 114117°N.