The Signal, 1902-4-24, Page 7.�..r„ r ',' xtF1 1 ISSUE NO. 17. 190.Let %f~ _ Y. Ili rte- , �, Alone.11 ra. ,rl li,•t•. N :w Scott's Emulsion is not oat i',' goodmedicine for fat folks .(��!i We have never tried git•inKit -(•ekes, to a real fat person. W ,, few C' duft•t , and. dare. You see Scott's linfi,l. Which hours Sion builds new flesh. I,at a,_ people don't Want it. Strong "sato l people don't need it. ° e ,say But if you are thin Sco ' to in CLS p1%,d Emulsion is the medicine for augers w,,.i you. It doesn't tiro Foil Qat. "lThere is Ifo strain. It, `lI'll.a. The i\ork g flat I is all natural and easy, y QV �c are ' cjust take the medic1110and er, tx•- I that's all there is to it. under- - pliain I The next thing you know' utr lie rNik,•r_ you feel better—you cat better . tn11aro d weigh tis autto„ —anyou eih more limed a quiet worker. ' . i reit r f. 1 with Send for free sample. In rib- @CorTaaQw)tg rums,,,, , • tea aM .t -r all 4aax.w ('•W.. arlous birth- - u,l If- fgR WiDdOw'+ Roothlns L. -- nuflr always *rxl for ('Lilts,,& D "hulk14 tooth=- the chlid, wfteew scats Te, h"'1• ll 11r_:mu- colic sad ke the be,t roraody fur, l),urr o m4 fluent urfave, iF YOC WANT 7U lii'1' l F.ih 1 K'a,t=rn O,+tano, ar ,•it 11 or •tisetts) .0►uAM1. rte >' ,+t Inrdun, he tie wmw. ,lre,,tnl b'wNr riw to W,r�,,r, i;r..t.I 6.1'x; rk err. F:xchan,rt•, lgndou Kik leery ,1•A\TA 114!,/1, lunnu- ` know 'lot':+):KI(F:p1;R+To that shatrle I•,li.hlps It altia,t filing, i J'weU*ayt ind all br,rired t cloth -Vol -Ilk. ,,,P 1waAt ewouar rem er Lowder whtate+erI rb+r,r"1�ado liltert,(tul artlele. Priv -n Dont. v---- L) Ani, �I,ta 1'ou ran ,rucurc it w holed(• from t►lk +(m,iglon Urti¢ i,c_Hnudlton. Thr Manarek I ',., NL Cattle, aft .qfM.. Mn,[ teal-angdP. RCBI. 1 w r=yu=.t darNp lirwt• �t+RUtT rARM rol SAL�o, O► THit �+ else" is M= N1a�ar� 1',IZ o lel. y Inoea, H Wet- fe=at Sayll,. oe (wo cast __ wart, 131 acres In all 16 of .bilk b „t n.ttt divided iD nto lot. of IS I. it, .ren Ic �'� DtrOf --� t cha.erw This Y a dootlN Irargaln Add ARKS J�=ataaS aryNyr. P. rwr ant •a- , (•ntarls Q boa toe. N'(a=sa. 1•atent ---.-. P)thlau a&r.lAsAO RN" i.r _.. -WANTED _ --_ w'e wont at ones truatwori by n,en w•,1 wen: men 1, every loeollty, local , r Irn.clone(, 10 fa• trod ace •now dIW*yer)' and krrp cur .►,.w I U• h t ,•w nit sod ad were 4lner Tatter iw,•ked a man . h Ppe•uo,ar 1,lare„ thmuthoot the r„wu ac,I than oou ny. teady aao dejm,•n, year r•".nd• rommf-dou M ,ata, y, r ,a, per month —It eapP a"It. not to earom *l. tin I. r day soap. \k.rite Mr partiralan, iso-, teal,, 4'r.,r,. INTERNATIONAL INEDIOINE CO (, ,.ao,,.0•,. CONTINENTAL LIFE :s I1„INSURANCE COMPANY Dryden. 1 ra•.•ifletrE- --- - The report for 11H)iwlrowr,I re., NSt markable Inereagei over 1!0"ZO in the f,.11ow-Iryr iterms: - New bu"tnemen Iner"n"'I fir if:%4n70.7- Pronlinm tac(IMe lnrrraor,l I,•m ...... ... ...... :19. T•ktnt tttrvr,me , 812. amwpta Inrrsaao,d by . C;.l, Insurance In forgo, in. 7,9 ... er.,nwed by I .I I!, 10,14 Continental Llfw Poll#,Ip” nre an. Cd. 1•zrrile" for ,tlmpllrlly end lit" roll• v, Asoma wrantevl. ; the (;F)D. B. R'O IS. CHAS. if FI'I.J.F,n, ping General Manager. SN -r, ::are e;, ,,;k . ur. HAMILTON - 'I TORON TO - FS % MONTREAL LINE... d`t,'cutter "flaeniltnri•' Jravos llan:- ilt,wl i P. m. an,I Toronto 7.1) p .no.. fiBrPr lfontr,•el. Tiimin,t, April _11h. i' -'he will [envy nn her orcotnl trip f Tuoninv, 1iay 6(h. to., owv.l ler tl,n invi- '%t,;,ra'r '•,:part ,It" Tridil%, tlac :rtif, that .u"1 th„reaft,•r Tneolnyw. an,d' It:. the X1,061 during m„nth of )IAy. ' tram -Hamilton to Montreal K l,,r $ wile 11 she Torn ntotoVolitrea1,",.-,,=” 11rifier 1. got"I ' 11'al.4 Sn,f hrrih 1nelMwl. The above rhenp rates to lifo„'r.-,I lir, In Writ rnr flay only - they „ Tlltrning rnphha ts. Ffvr rarthrr Information :,p� .n agemtar, kyr write free. H. ll.emeP 4,,%*W , WP.Iw►e r...enaer --_---- Agewe I, Y King street Rant, Torwntn, tint. It will surprise you 'to torr hew -It I-Ilm, how it wears,.--7iwrw _catiy_1l ,T w arks. how economical It la ,vl., a �1' ! au point wit h Ramsay's Paints I Ithe n141pot nod newt known paint.* in I Canada to-,!aA, made h•,0r h,•rl paint material to fight kilt flat '11, ,I",I storm, o,atlast all others nn.f at J11"t the right price fur purr paint". Drop tee a raM and nak, for i1(",k- Int tin. 11, FREE. showing cuts lir brautifnl honit•". F."tftb1iWtrel 1R i" At RAMSAY -C -SUN C _ SON 111I\TR F.1 I. Pilot Nt,4,r, '•Medd Light... S •' DYIS "Heals." too and Lon "Victoria." "I,Ittle Comet." MATCHES., IATCt1P.g IN THt3 WORLD. CIPS, tracer)&, \ p__ �_ . _ • NO l EA D E R S pearl their kluwg un nay prupuaJ l the returtil.lhlkew of the hu0w e I shirloy sdreat ; &fear 8 Matbewaf. a _w, been Juca"ltwib4ar THE DOWNS' eO'°'' d• --`ry 6hortlY '[`� herSlffP WKIKERTs ff�rwets, wIlleh liar" T,ruutu; Win. Wheeler, 24014meoc heater silted Mid ulwued fire un tits guru g actitheirally tnce.sf of utttnrruriur strt,et , E. health. Maple View ; W. J. camp, it poem-fwm war trained oil our e \ easel, rile (Lu uUegraf. i during their absence. I uauu)wgs, 14'1 8luaooe street ; W. men, who were 1j, fits down along the RETURN UK Ottawa, April -'Chu Militia lHt•,I An excellent start War, bow0vnr, HullUtuu. 14:1 Amellu ,street It Pul- -i - f3t)rult. $Imultaae.+eurly bW Horr4i, N+artmrut l0arar that thrua ten&ar•! ma'lr) Yeatentay by Messrs. Mottle- i,K,k I•luwood ; T. A. lyukertuu, Dro- riding In pure, &lilt lu widely extends I A ports huvu been detxile,t to convey f skald, wbo furwardu.l to ties, Lased were I.. (1.; T. Ci Proctor, 476 KicR PIUCKY F11 order, were Isunuht•d from the rl+fge, Crawle(1 11�0t! a Narrow the fourth lbnudfau wutingeat to Maffu nOurno fudod a cheyuu Iw l,lxlo street nae[; T�altnr MoAdamo, 16 s red gulla)toed wtrulsht fur the farm- p ii --- B(firth Africa. They are the Ceetrlan ( Benton street • W. C. Lane, 570 tips- Louse, wbfrIt was undoubtedly the key Board 50 Feel High wtol tion Wlulfn.dbw, of tics Ile ft le exlfected that provision Will dlua akeuuo; W. O. Cunnoll"y, CAln- of tour putd(ton. Tito unesay came kin land ',Ills, and the Corinthian, p(I have to txr a61,Je for no fewer lbru town. out.; W. Door, 2"8 Victoria tet A hoadkknK voce, and d1d aot draw Will Now Confer With Their the Allan Line. 'Me report tbat i 1 Ix10 families, anti Lord Aftl ter think* street RIKI J. Dixon, Brockville ( }� j rein autlj th.y were wJtdL1 sol) yanlr - the Cymric "tool been tet that in 4)tIdOAppea1 a wholesale Iluu.or, The ;17 men who paAstod the dootur Full Details of kilo Hart ti c'[ the building. Volley* were directed the 4 two Ott t sur ' bUul In L(lidnn and out This h,r the thr(xtghout the day were its follows: ,it them from the hours, &lid Its vtrin_ FIXED A TACKLE AND UESCENDEU Commandoes, latrpure turns out t be ? Ktffr most urgently required would JiunnN If. Downelle, 167 Broadview Ity, little the Boars halted, and with Incorrect. telco ''stn two Leyland t.fuerr "live It (rood result, and would bi• avenue; WaSley J. Willlitm. 4b Dar- tilt, n•InN tdlvml loosely over their Buth. April 110.-A rormarkablo enWr well take 750 wen aerx) h kne each, the m(ytnr of ullr,kbatluK touch ref- JL)K avenue; Albert I.rtaebertes, Wol- River .Battle. I,•ft army returned tits fire from the of rbmnutabediem wag wituesooIl at and lila Corinthian t h mete and , tering. hurter, Tele former ver*els will klrrton, Out.; Chaarlow A. Wheatley, .a4ldle. The moment they Game to a the home of William C'rosler, a fur- h-,,, Hullfux o erly In :tiny. The --- 615 Ontario entreat ; Henry W. Gor- - ,la nPublll for Fnlna he that ec)rrtp. WHEN VOTE Wilt BETAKEN ('ertrian. Captain Thoma*. it the ('woad.. WHue% lits Muer*. dote, litarlatlet,l avenue; Charles B. lite camp oOYOad RIM on them at mer nwN!r11g „cur Buttermilk F'u1lr. olden ship of tike three, baking Iw*u , 1,estl,k►n, April 1!l - Winker, 66 8huter street ; Fred. A. u &sage of 1,200 yard", Subjroted to in tblo town, Thursday morning. lir. built fit 1896 at Belfast. $Ile „ - (Mull dirputt•It.1 Wolf. -'ad IL C. B• 1. 277 Macdonald DELAREY BADLY BEATEN. th(x cross rh, It fire and to the rt •mly crtrsier into in itis employ, tugetiier 1 Thu Qu 11w ( shut to Ju wit)) amerlae•; Thomas Hpartou, 483 Ger- volley„ from the f,armbuum,•, the floors wllIl at•veral u4b"r turn I,r11llr. a lad, 512 lent iciest 59 toot beam testi 85 ; mttny of lite+ Boer prlronerm Jut" toren runt street east ; James E Boyne, Ba trete foot depth. kV'" If tet 842:1 grors'a matter of the knout earnest con- Y _ owlultelfed, After dare" or four John Birch, whaw tons. The Winifro(IJan, Cieptaln G. , alderstioa an the exert tet the Guy- o W, Muir, was turn"d out at Belfnet lJun2 street, street tree ; ; 1bor $tem- to W exof a Jatrticutaall ecru thee, p,arle f m Lia at TtrfrUar l'ow's 4'enna Itey04led to Wilmette. A �•':6$ BOtdou street; Robert Dem- lu shed•l lit")tet rutd gallop fur court Wber•ler. N4%fntatmlay the [arm halide in IS". Jitter ltluienrions are: Len " W god dial of corre"p„n(1- pier, 8_6 Bathurst street; John Scott, vl'he l;Hlrnut %tand Jude by the lender the ridge from wideli thoy ba,l Inid lawn eugageu an placingin the Nuke Ilrru Agreed t you lira. 55: foot ; beatm, fig foot ; de )th�6 I snob ions Viken place on this wbj+ct fly filter street ; Willlnm Q Bragg, Ootao. 'urs" bay barn eke LUn Crosier farm 1 Canadian t�hae�� ernmenl Office and the '169 Heekville stroat ; Aahtott F Fish, t'HurdLtnt '1'Ar It,rra I,wt Ilrrk- u rigging for unloading Nrrrru Welk• Vee rle for (Loin. fent. Bt10 has a grow tonnage of Cnandlaa Wyarn"llial Thr ('wuadlau.• Itr.IwlrOrP. eget g g luny. It wad m . llsxrut-111040 ( Hn.di.a. I.e.vP Linwood, Ont; John Ata\hih, 28 Finer- 11), Charged slguy 'Iirurs Hud -•r tmcewwarJ to tartan a tackle block - ------ auren avenue ; RuselvII Ito('tpmpnts, 0 ,he umpxutime tbu swat!! tsrnl of to the laightmat rafter in the barn, sur Ilallfax. - - ----'- — - - - -- --- Mdlt(n, Ont.; R. Mule:thy. 10'1 Boad 1M, Tried Ulflerenl Incurs, 12 y t'elaadlAlrr and A1,wnt„J 'infantry on Tile" polus could uutT be reached by 1,0a(1ou• April 21.-A dosputch to street; Walter H. hill. 145 Stark- pilo Lossless Standard o[ April 9th the other bunk found themosetves up- crawling from a wain beam slung An land straws• Hamilton; John free, 64 P parse) to s fumm e 001,611 ties their inOII bovtivi which stout) edgewise tilt .sUo,durd from Pretoria. dal6d Barton arela nue; JmpA Smlth. 193 ooutnln* the oaaipleto destatch from own number. About 61110 ldoere ad_ with na4hing for one to cling to save ons ytt,lr,iuy, rays there in Ciderable Fartay avenue ; A. Twockik, 21 Wick- Klerk dorp, dated April 4th, giving varioad upon them, under cover of the to+ roof "uartim anu a fall, Mould one r.srun for twIlevlug that a tents_ Ann avenue; James D. Walter, 22 all account of the lighting near Klein belt of truer, and charged upon III, stew hie (Coating, would wouu a Shannon etrett ; Robert Stone, a6 Fit- thin line. cutting upon them plunge (A plugtf 50 fonnid t. Atter eoerablo sire ugrremnet regarding potu n bur 1!.nr atrrrt ; Charles C. tk►rlan. IS40 Harte River on Marub 31st, in which ly to surrender. Lieut. Carruthers, or dloOdsnil•n, fu which Birch led, tho "esti urrirtd at, which, unless come- Manning Avenue; Franelit 11. Smith. the ::lid Canadian Mounted Rl[ies took unforemeen happens to vitiate 86 Inabella street ; John W- ForRle, Lhe e LID tide, promptly sprung to matter w,w portioaueJ until the ful- t6fug stK;1t a pnrwtueut part. The despatch hie (net, umf orylug, •134ack ' Su our. luwlttlr day. , 110safn>ztan avenue; Henry T. Retch- says: render!'ahot dowse the foremost make Birch attey,+1 akvuke fon ,some t)uae I&, will peters wuturily awrdlul- 1'h.: ley, 509 Tocumach street ; Robert with his revolver, lit a distance of tit. that nWit dlscussln with Ilia Ix+J tel- lieal, PArrela, Qat.; Fdwln Braman. 9 'T'l,e engagement took place lit tw)u p:Ioes Thu mete were not slow fn low a pUut to Lwten tics tackle block. ' e efrvvp0txlcut u.i ,a that h0 adur•r Roolval, oil the Brakx r rtsi"ir that lila uatda of urrure+l N'iOkwr,d avenue ; John ['nrtwrlRhh p telt. ulx)ut (.mubiting the Ir galltaut leader Tie, re Bireh'r oo5gpianlon, it luau name$ peace ,,it the Initiation Of the hoer" 'Il Trinity anuare ; W. G. W. Wfhrort, 01xty M408 to the went of Klerkrdorp, waas absolutely no cover for them, ex. Wagner, wast uwakenotl ut ,laylrreal 1(ra Lippincott street : Jerry Corner, and resulted lu per"ups ilia most len- ce t the short tbetprelk.•m Isar a1. last been n,uch.xl. i/,, 78 I,nmhs4M street ; Ntrphen D. lltud- elrive cheek that the Boer General P grame, but, lying down tis Birch getting out or b(mt. Birch left The l4N•r lenders left Pretoria }'rl- /► ` has met with dirin t in It tet full length, they fired stead- the sleeping rc,om and Wagner heart Y, Ir;k'. Colborne, Ont.; Wn)trr F. fart- g lie whOl000urr0 of ht, lieu. Lu Wet govt to /1 Qv not, titralKllt, and hirotd the Boers the (aktr"ie door open and alone. it,• '� >< , i rltigp, fl T,nkey(ew Huron, Frecl, H. of her remarkable military career. P barker uh, acing f lareynt liuhulk- „' Wlrtt, 310 JnrviY street; Robt. A• Ueneral Walter Kitdtennr, who "tui (o) foals book to rice •arses of frena sprarieg from the bail and run to tin, buriftr teed Orn. Dalarey well learn - Finley, trumpeter. 215 Farley ave- left Klerinklorp at the heat' of a The enemy, however, were deter- wlukdow it time to neekin Stow testis+l 1166 trate at Klrrkr,k►rp. ileo. Luca" ��/ i• 1 hotly of tttfrutry and mounted trop mined tit capture or atuildllate the In a ulKhlirttfrt, walking towards tbn nue ; .Armor W. Bigt Meow 86 l w+Msew1 troops, bd j�eyrr Ko/efr to the Lydedburg leis- � � � • little lin While some of them barn. Ilwtlly donning hex Olethr", iric(, .state bectetary lteita and a / nyanere, &alt George ITntre. bet Wilton sew lied &camping ground forty miles oliplba+l Into the trees, and, from that Wagner left the hogrer, and fo'lowe,t %� cr,enent. to the wustwtanf on Monday mora- (saltion of advantage, vuwpudet will meal the Gen. ren bek-hat '/- Fhmuel Beckett, of Hamilton, made Ing, and at ;.' 30 despatched A mo- p ago. are(! down ed ernt i the tarn. Birchrtart having ae•v- tu our urn• the others elterxleel ern' mfnut(as' the start of Wagner. rtxtl io Pun burg, and Una lJotha tho 28th mall In the party which b11a column, under the command of their fine, anti quickly brought the was standing on the malke beam IeM1- ' / / / Cul. Cookson, to reconnoitre lu tb0 ( T g heW, whence Dhe and thence to \sin / ��/ I tett sur Hfill t e p dight. Ho ens hrlendrra+ under n daalmattng cross frits to ihr+ narrow tooaM from which 6ek1, anto. rr will reach her wnln takes to f111 the place of one who direction of H1►rts Raver. The force fire. It w-HY Possible 20 fasten rice tackle. avmruutrlo. Arrangements have t)rem l war expected to stay over until the M"loloted o[ about 1,7110 prem, all 1 Wa ma.lo b)- which the burghers will be mounted oa h01"wN. Col. Kett 1 ar S4 a'r,.rdlnaa 1'111, goer spoke to Birch sited too nazi batch goer dow11, which will In Rhe tMtn to uome down and not p so rumwunwl to the ditldreut rendes- all prot)ab11(t bo to -night. was urlgufxl the ixrmwuud of s pot- "But ever)' moa of the 61ocruty four, where on agreed dater the Y tloa of the codtamn, cum used tet tie pruval Illrnsrlf a koro. For two sociis" lie to he►saad the attempt to A lees pntrla from tit, Juhn, N. B., p house, until all but 15 of their num- (eaten the bk)oh. I)brch did not aT1�� &Itir6 trrtnv will be clearly laid be- I , � rtateN that John Joseph licher, a Ltlth JdaJtat►tetl Infantry, the Arlll- pear to near aryl ekvwly t)rgall now ler., Mourned ltlfler and the 2nd Re- her had been killed or wounded, they )ore thcul. y/,vtnwhll* ricers is moth- f cutumerclal traveller from Toronto, kept the 600 Boers at its Ing In Ills bare feet etlung the narrow lot In the mtturo of tan armistice o hat enlisted there. wlntelrt Kilaheuer's Fighting Y• !t was boom One hand ates,dind file tleouts. Under tics a not till then that the enemy ven• PTollTeet+" on the that u,. l file a will Igl wade U Tonlntu, April 21.- A Nerun,l dr- P'rrultal direction turod to make Another rush, &lid one- by lx"ng to til" root, while In the as the 14,err un the actual tiatnd of o 0 tachigmt of 63 recruits left here lamt than (()(' Cookson were the tel latus- other hard was held the tackle block. dbau 1W)t►ntod Infantry, Uawa11t's aeelexl In anpturinq the ha11d(111 (t t6etr rnthat ninemeeOfgr. W'le11s it in n l \ forniga the h o'clock C. it R. train Y, survivors. The Canadians had 21 men WagmerChoi thought Birch a sane ext pwriMe thin acme of the F'rea titatn 0 o for Quebec, whore they will entrain Hone and the sons that awumpau- tusk � 24 killed add wounded, Arai watehM what wand be hits next lot! the force -sanely, two sectioaa hurgnerm Witt prone fecal thatnt, It ry q � "r the L C. R. for Halifax. The mon the Mounted Infantry loin 10 out of move. \Vitro lip, hrui reached fo • point went of the 7th Battery liuyal Field \r - Ir cunhdrtitly expected that rho r) ! 1 separately direct to the (Jnfon 45. Lieut, Carruthers was the onlymklway upon lits narrow tooting, he Station, and re Ullery, ulgt there pum puma. The Transvaal 6wre almost to a man reported there to Col. Offic(r who was not either slain Inser't'M tile boot in the head',of the *wilu 0 Dtler. supreme command, It dhuukl 11x: again or rprtut►rl hart. He "tilt gevernl block between the root rafter and ha acyuifNw a in tics wlrbea of their stated, war vested lu (SGL Cookson. T INetrrr. Thr follow(nR Men Iatcrpssfully pas,► flesh wounds and hid clothes were the roof hOani, ptrlleml upcm It sererat Tho Pretoria eorre COL, BOULANGER el the doctor during the morning: a I1aa1GK H. 11y,r Convu y phaco• with times to ttwt Its str"olrth, thea spi,rufeat of the r perforated In men Witt. Cl. Conch, 27 Humewo0,1 avenue; •'The expedltldli, which t►ar)not r11- bullets• abut he stoutly refused to tnrnal And carefully retraced tilde testily Teh•grnph concludes mak) a da•. o Selected to Cumrtldnd d fourth Contingent Roulet M. Martin, 88 Powell xtreet ; cTimbered by unnecessary tw 0 to ho tai. When he wax taken stppn• Here he was met by Wagner w(ml, to thus r delegates les have ".a" Y Kd&ge. K sol wilt) nodi-od the IM's eyes were wide RrNlert'lf. 1Ytlxln, 25U Moe :lel "trr,9t : t'Ukered the gruuud rnpftllS, um•1 � Urir.orer roma o1 the 13OerS wankel y wort of tics hoer Jelrgnter luavo or- Rudiment. Nicholas D:arry, 718 Furlld avenue ; rhor"1> after uuybreak hgl►twl upon to shoot him there uud then; bu[ ape & newt starinR. H,e spoke to him dared quivery andyou groceries bare fur .foReph Humphrey, 157 Onmrlo xtre.t: ilia h}x;or of lbu enemy's convoy. + they ultimately ,thought beltPc of "I'm he did not strewn, and 1\'aRn••r Galt); dellrery you mal draw Jour - _ Goo. P. Patterson, S_'7 Church street; Tho trAt1 sus closely folluwW up, it. wtying that he was 'too briLve then rrnitse that Birch was editing arts tuao IusfoMr 10,400. The Corinthlan was hnunch { - - Clarence Mmpson, 30 Hasrlton and by about U o'clock the cloadN I a man to die in that way.' Ever} In his sleep. Birch returned to the --� Canada a-nu(m m •&,.plenty of men ; avenue; Jam" F. Green, St. Cath• (if duet rtlrred up by tha coumoy' nue of the dead had been shot re hones. and rettrad agalo to W. when ed at Belfitst Im 'IWQ and has n to the 1Corthwest Tcrrltorfem and to- artn". And Wllllam F. O'Brien, 16 were clearly vlalble ab"a.l. A reps t pentedly, and most at the wounded awakened for breakfast he was told Urn. Nrrrer uluetisurd. `res tonnage of 6,::217. Abe is 430 ward' Britihle G,lumbf:a there are Manning avenue, what he heel done, but would not Lon,lon. April 21. -lied. Sir Charles feet loth, 54 feet beam, amt 28I thomsan,)s n: fequnre mdse that nee was brought bn to the effect that were struck more than once. liar NBeror line nx nett to the neer- lakes deeµ —_ the 4 -wort coub sled or exbaut 5W wean Hoops, for Instance, was hit believe it. The proof of the story Kliplcike ere the for me-terr. that Buers. bhorlly afterwards th•) twice in the wrist, as well Its in the WAm foutst In tie position of the t&c- p ,41UR rPgarding the fit► G vert] dr" Itor`re me the wiles of reltlerN fiat I'aretYPH NI 1'x4•,1,14, file. Birch hoe no rewIllpetlon of his p.1i 1%,puLJodnV. b; slid tate tum ,st Nerril►tlnR nHtlefrrlw). j the Canadian Government IN looking Pre„tun, April 18.-IA)wn the nLt- at th ell In[4f the who were moving heel and the thigh. porta a [eat. t la+t lCr,turxdrir, Hr wtuter that , fOt•, erhr _OrTm� at ilio head of t,de oOlu[un, were Ur- The M'1 ,hey do not eontala so4e of if].. Ottawa, April :'O, -•Recruiting in Dominion 0overdmrnt )m,- lit Ntrirrte or Preston this morning dervd to edvtaac6 at a gallop, nad gltilt'g h.IrrkYhere, Ont&rio find the Lazterm 1'rovluceft Irmrx to Riven a full home"t,*ad, con- sites covert eight &&liar sit a "While the enemy ha,ki gained this sr"t w)urtnnl du,wmetttr bearing tea each"wept a procession the like of keg K good totnalt advantage on the right flank the .111-1 ,'t, pie a- tyti II lncurrea V waiurcfs weM gntfetueturay. h roll ufal�m re:" that akvflit0"rttle which wax never seen bare before. h y• (bey sound let Im THIRTY NATIVES EXECUTED. pcetl came Int touch volt" rice sora& t►oereible to Make view I'( U,r smites If 0014 Werwd b p �i1• nl wen ht Le,•n They at ince distuounted, and en- bertdwiay elsewhere. The 500 men ,6em•,he•, unit reflect lu y leaving oafy 170 tueaakr i1"krn, no well an to eadl maale over The hulk and file was composed of tPrel Into action. 'kith aides sur find Hurdenollietwtsn tt',mau and jurkhim- uP Lite, rexiulr++) 1,01x1. !t ix Ixr"nbt„ I (^''ntJ-0tie 'to a.r,lal theta with the grimy covrrixt ttwtal,Mrs and tables] talpa' a few osaualtt a, but ibn BOr}a %'h(, had charged down from the a 'if lid m•fftf oaert{o0 of him- dust more tit au t r,. 1,W0 will be trlpnry.as mMtlrrN- :,ren at prese�+t other workmen employed to Clare kept the O cad usfv)ns t stopre ridge at the besgLQninY of the tic. Itaby Is New Perneranin. e,lf and . 9.) Who w•rmod rte well btion worked round towards one end under t;,m. He tru.la thknt the ok,+- recruited, in order to *wake upuuy ; it "letcd-nnJ to admit LJum to the Lissa•. & ('o.'e foundry, who snit wort 11y, and "tuceealcd in gettful; It aw'&9 Bprlfn, .\ptll 80.-A dorribte astory - defkleney In til., west. •+nae twin's of civil hbe y tee any of the farm house, And made their .- •rals•`, t w111 putfl4,h U►n r.,tupletn ,settler. o aim) mnnrhfrd from tine moulainKshop lover a ridge. The Mounted [nfautcy , way Into a meaile. patch. They, t (it nntit,• outrage and cruelty oomes - dutalarTl,s. Alpa.,while Ike mooym ate }•rent t1iltbm, .•Ilei•mc ret ref F;. F'. I to tho U. T. R. depot with Tontmy were restrained trout a putault, us i y. too• will.r4min fnom tu:akl,ig tally (net or Gibbs, Wakillu'n Rutin htaptvtur u ' --- • Iltartyn. a fellow -moulder, who the ileforenatiun 4 extended their line till It reached frock lilt- uf•roxan settlement or New 1, Pert Arthur, Jut* tgr.•Il 4 Kues fat" bf • n obt-I , alightly to the rear of the farm and INtmerania, while a Oerman planter 1.)gx,uilel I„u ThP 1'anmdlr61 c ostlutiCe.f, with ilia fourth codtioR"nt. At Lho that u further forxso of ceps -.000, tried to beat down the defelice on far tj ) M f Ottuw•u A rfl 18 -Thi, Mint"tt'r of 'Ispat they presented hint with it Boers who had beerk mambdng con- I named Wollt wit+ away from home, "orrice In Smith .A(rlr:+. Lieut G ,ex, "iderably ahead of their conv-oy,l that side by sheer iwtrkxmnurhlp a number o[ &stirs Invaded h4 ttovr 'rader■ wt 11101n4"ral. (» A Mill ,,In np,l the Mnjar-General COm Orr filo other ride r line of lit tenet ":themes(, Cw Cohon \ grndruate aN t h Ray :►I NNitarvl'muuuiuK este In cunfernro ell till Ptlllwl Out amidst ringing Ghee 1, ores ex ren el stewed 7ropt >rt1zm-1i7Fr-:Bias ttL wife rirkrT Po' Y• April Ill.-- College, and wears the sold "burs www u[ the [ightbng. nim. Luewa Meyer, romw:u4drr•In. by him las Ute ige.l hafraom:ul of bis llaaeruuod, 5elecllnw the oftisere for --- tic" belt of the trees felrtrrrat to frtby b; chopping tem to death %fill the thin, and fourth re Whole Murre !"urrauneted, I thrat Jg :axtw. The Germadr took A terrible ...eA,(i;ath}6r, Orange Free Btnte fore"; ye11►r, nad has tilt rrputnUun of ig•hIK Iriweat" Of Thr Guelph NPA, point On rho rfc o sheer lite 8atw `r*irtary RPitr, of the Tran"- eros of Ute heat markHmwN with-Lhc luamltel infantry for South Africa. "Colonel Cookson had by title time i enemy's guru were still busy "Loll. YoleKeance. Thirty of the more guilt ILA ru,d th') otil#,r member" u7 their rwariver in Canada. 'Thr' Mhdxrer t„Ut tile-arwl'paper Guelph. spell 18.-A hatch of ::3 arrlvm.l at the front wltb the whole Ins ilio cutup. Our position mativers wive put to death And oth lartc- arrive i herr IAsi nit asci Mr. BLr o•orr•e�u}cots that he did not [rel L n��lte for South dfrlea Left yet of the aolud4a. onherswere girentor_; silo by this timet practically er'M {pude guilty were imprisoned or hop. of tho (?urtoma Ilepurt- 7 surronkeded. Generale Uulxrey banintlwd. 'him worniuK proceeded u) til„ north. meat herr, trtk► was out with Strout_ al I' Ft - t0 giro out the names on- y Afternoon for Hsnlllton. and thn man to halt acct encamp 011 the T>ul' re AP"'Olupa111e) by a Brlil.b eona's Hor"e, received a llentenant-a tB thev had been approved by the were escorted to the station by a Brakttpruit, while outposts were and Kemp were directing New' Pomerania Iw the Qermun , ilk Tv. It Im their Intention to toll- oommieekrn yesterday, ili+prrial Iulthorlhom, ate ilia com- large, number of their young frlends, thrown out to guard againwt,"urprlse. the. attack from n stlgbt eminence name for the largo island known on wit with the 1k,prm In the f1tIJ. --- mIgIUIIN would be irwnfJ 1/V the Roma an'1 "idles& good-bye on the plat- A flew minutes Ist!-, however • n clown, by am) were urging on tike En lioeh will American &taps ns Now --- 00Jeriimrnl. Hp mputionea, how- form by those of nearer ties. Just "hell from Osie of the threo ,Boer commandos to renew the charge, but Britain, cot' of the "darkin of the Bis. Nord Froot, t wrrnthers, rf,4.•ber•a linters F,wrtPI evrr,that Mnjor WIIlfuutlk,.orTorouto, before, the train left Mr. W. J. Rob- Kline, which had burn moved up to our men were keeping up too active mnrek art-hipriago near New Unlnrn. KikeR-;o i, Ont„A r.1L01 tletebe•c, Al,rti 18. re quota tciil cummraild trip third re tmrnt, ertsuu premented Mr. Gordon Yat- a dont[• low ridge 4,000 yards - anti sptritel a defence. One of the pends lira mettle.' in D Mrw. Bry r for fits, fourth miltar • couth, g (ttel Atrcgtl ;)p0 },aro C'ou'gh a•rs td:” m,xntus rve"I"oil a ) gent with Capt, D. I. V. mmart ofKing- trglwn, ole t►etutl[ o[ ilia Young Mc11's trent icon the crump, dropped e r me ixom pumA wake brought down by Col the group. Tit" natives, numbering ra61r for 9,luth Afrlcn wen hie uum161't•N lour_ Ftbf1, as x.von+l Irt c0mmnnd• The Bible Cense of Norfolk Street Method- mlJ,rt of our main. At the same Kier near to the 'farm ho0ae, Anti nenrly LOO,Wl. are mrwty etann,halm. Rrnm from hlrrk,sf to (n tit' te+•n flour more men having tiol"en the, mrllical officer of the third 'reg rut let Church. with a bracelet watch. The group in owne(1 by Germany. Iffix-nal, ►rum 1u+r Imebaral, Lieut. ouch lit the Bri•ado office today, will ben�u 1ql ) Brae Carruthers, which contained k r<ron w. H. Tye, Of Chat- Mr. I atterson suitably Acknowledge) -- ' _ __ _ - - -- ---- - _ la: two welds: ' \pros cotter.” This 111'. Walling, O. strut"a rd, W, C. Hou.. ham, Chit„ kind Capt. Van Of the present. _ -- NO CHEAP BRIDE SII - - III the first wort received dace the ton And F, M. Degrare, whiles• F. C. rip, who, was out with tae Mounted --- tst110 lu which be wok, lame, Trrarey trach+,f rano& from $Ie r- ittflr+, miller Citi, Ek'ant, w111 be ad- rear& In at !tt. .John. 1 11 1 - w_ tw+trkr, ithrrc dr recruited, making joitAttt. IIs is now with the thiM Iluebwnd'1'oo!"Un_ t'aY 6f0 ler alz In all from that (.ity. &3%-rrnl! r+preal aerrlce regiment at II`lll- 8t. John, N,B., April 18. -Up to to- tier, tihP Leh. ",nerinte Iorosli 4law.hul. ttK)ro Quebecer" have ,taken out I lay. day Cul, Mcl stn I,A@ rworu in elout. Ott., - % ', ,1prt1 10.-A cable from th,• pal,P", but have not yet auerervl,•d Major Bonlnngn, of Queboc, will 60 men for the fourth contingent. / 1'arrldett. N. J., April 21.-A court- t5rrs"tty ihpatiment at Cape Towa In paexlnR the Helical examiner, it ' e0mmnnd the fourth regiment, wlta Among those who enl,mtr•d today Is sftip Or two wrP.Yr• followed by a maaqunc+•N that Farrier William Han IN reported that :it tht• Molt Ylonif vt ('apt. O'Farrrid, of HnBfnz, Its aro.md John Joseph blraher, Toronto, loan of rttarrlAwo and a honeylgOOu of Ode krr i> duugerwdT 111 at Ftund.fo,,. fifty mart of thti R. C O. A. have vo). h, eommnnti. SnMMn-Major E. El- Mr. William Matter, Kilkenny, Ireland. (bty, with an appllcatlon for n "Pill hum the pffeot Of the gunabot nairerel their oervirem, n" Itnvp n lint, of Quebro, will be the medical He Rice" his oecupatlon an oo eu.4- <H,ty. with of the mr►rrltio f the 'wend r,v,•Ived in this Kfalateardt'N largo number of ilio%#, attached to off:eer, and Cipt. Papineau, Of the cin[ trakeller. Thr, recruit" enlisted Nir'ntul dap, in the record of John Riker engagreaeut. Imanter enliwte,l the Infantry &-huol, wJto are anxloum third F (cfal senlcn regmm(ut, f -ill- lit Freilerleton loft for Halifnx thhs *Lli ri 4-1;- Corpora, William Blatt. to Rv) to Bouth Africa. ! fax• will be adjutant Capt. Parolapau evening. , , Miller and his bride. Mrr. folie "Of" In ill with enteric laver. Nr IN i is A c0UPIn of Mr. Brourassn, At. P. Meller, furnerhy Mir Porch, of the (ro'n P,UrbttasRh. M --- , east side, — Iterruttio Leave King.t,w. --- Five Hr.prier Men /:,Anti. ` Miller, according to the story told Berra 1u i;nropP !null 1.1k. Kingwtofl, April 2O. --So fur vightren Junior t ununf.,ions. He„pt-ler. April 18. -Five of the Hear IIn court Joist night, eontracted with Lat"lon. April LO. -The opinion of men have been enlisted here for the Tb` ""nee" of the captatllr and sub peter boys smrcesmfully passed Ule Milo- c , Q) Frederick Hem, of rlo. 627 Uberry =knawNttiarmtnl p Mouirtod'111fles. They loft to -day for niterif will not be Announced [ter Lary cxnmfmnt(im to -,lay In Guelph % '4,A .1 atreet, for $10• to furnish him with Profs on the peaCO Hnl4fax. The latest recruits nro: "Omp d"Y14, but ankunK those uffer4d before going with the fourth contfn- "i, ra"*hie. Hews Introtitslrl Mine Porch. nvgotiutfume fN Iles favorab!e that) Thoulas Roilings, Brockville; George columitfa,ons are tilt TOtrowtrig: Ser gent to &loth Atrlce, Amongst them ;� C to Aflller, who propOitef after nue that rttrrrae,t b) kdlanngII't jnurnnlr. Thr gen, Tichborne ; Frneet Rrvbcrte, g,r►ut Milojor butcher. of U, 8chogl, was Mr. A. M. I►err, the (torr n pots 1n Hollan(I are amsertin Bi'1 Junior clerk _ _-_ _ we►Ak'a a►ooirtw, wets aeceptsd and Kingxta"i ; John Mayor, nu .•x -mem- Toronto, bnx ls,•n appointed as Ilea- in the Merchant„' Bank here, tvbo --- was mnrried April 7th by the game that the e(l nrekeae has been broken tenant ; Y 4— ------ )Mttco of the ponce who heard film Mf next will not "r resumed. Their Iwr of A" flattery, Ktngnstun. N Quartermaster Guggrr leaves to-morroka morkellrg. The cltl- /// '- pwslralmm ma Capt. D. I. Y. Futon, who goes to - argt. penny, of Quebec, will Idif•ly ten" t(rnlght tendered Mr. Kerr a story last night. - y be a sign of Irrlta. South Africa with the Mountr•Id Rifles, bare a IlrutenuncY, and Ua"ter Oun• gmati bangael at the Cominercb►1 _ Tho newly welded pnlr departe,l (tell ,tree the minor part which they walk dim+1 by blow fellow officers at fler Leivitl, of Quebec. the rauk of Hotel. , % % % on their honeymoon. - Miller. how• are, pLayfng In bringing ilia war to over, rOfulNxl to n cla". White they have been nsorct- Tete de Pont Barrackm. He ;ell on lirutenunt and gwartvi-maxter. Mr• � pay the $10, an ly (,,),,a pas b Sunday for Halifax, where Mrs. Ue•orge Apnrkt, who was tet Africa `- - erd u T the Doer lenders In l,leut. 4iart.horr Goin eg* upon. Atrw. Altller, the next th. fi,41, their wort asses without ��" will join him this Suite. arnl with the on ILhcottx Horxe, will get London, Ont„ April 18, -Lint. John flay after the marriage• Jimappear- a1111" vatlon v remain till the tra,porhip sai1N. n cumnilt*Lon a" Ileat.'mtat, aked Capt. f pd, anti It Is n"aerted that she told _- Agnr Aduknron. of Lite U. -O. F. (1„ Gartxhore, of lite lift Hnsenre, hao her father that ,t man who wouldn't aro) a mtr•uthcun(► Horse mud, a cap• received n armmlwwlon in Ute Iamt con- Iadndon, April 20 --Fort 511 bright tn 11nRenl, rind will relirwt at Halifax. PRY $10 for a bride didn't deserve upllm'o1►a VIPs. � y' Rte tnlncy. Flxjor Oood, of the rr4'►nlh �, a Wife. Lo,,lon, April 21, 6 a. in. Pre- looking aM study young recruits, stuck, N, B., Field Battery, will Ret Lieut. Cart"bor" Is n nephew of Mr. Miller mtw Informwl that lin torhl c'O"PAN),pmkrnt Of the Standard who have jkArke.d the fourth Contin- n comml"sion as captain. Major Us- �t,-Cid Gartshore, formerly 0ffl .r would Mare 110 io to the Court of take. n very tI rornble view of the lit Of the. CanaoNnn Monentovh Itiftr", "Orae !rope, commanding officer Of c ^t'mnn,ilnK thlx car))". Tho officer" \ / (:hytrieny If Tkr wished n Jlvorec, ,,in' In $Guth Africa. Hr IN „f left here this niteri"In vin lite the 68th Compton Regiment, tint aa- of Ute Hnm"nre ewUm:tle that L0 iwr ! �/2- npwuin that a gpaerai understandingOrxnd Trunk Raldway. Mr. Fie. NOles, c,`Pted n captaincy of a 1"lundron. eont. of 1t" mtrrnl;th have served In \� haslrP,-" arrived at brto•epa the Brit- of Ihla city, wail nide etwrgrnnt, Major Polio in sun of Lieut. -Col. Pope. South Africa. - `\ r ,/�,�• Ti1E: NI:W ZLALANU MAORIS 1-k 1;,evrrnmegt and the Bon lend. and he will bnvr ehargo of the inen who ha" "prved fu the militia of -- \ �/ on the trip to Halifax. Panadit Per 8? p `-'-'-'--- ' ; I• n ,in bAh rIr ear ws an indica 3' art. and waw 1)Ppartwre From Nontrral. fu ben, Enrolled In the \'ufualner.�__. _. tN, ',in hiI RnthrrrlA It would anrm 1'rooPPr Loslle 1)PwA. lit mar t lme Br•iKnde•Maror at No. 6 (hat the ta•mprr of Ike, Troineivanlorm Ottawa, April 18.-A table to the Militnry Dlwtrict. Montreal, April 18. -Tho tlr"t d4- COL. MACDONELL torp'' achment of MoutrealorN for the t as ,,'<eo,rmrnni}Rt1rrR than thwt of lloverttu[ Qeporal annatneAm the _— fourth Cretin n cunth►geht left [ter Jclrcted to Commend n Fourth Contin est L,rtduil. April 18 A diwopoteh from fholr k nwmen from sOnth of the Vre death of .It, heir, Win. T'-T,lwtp,-Vt % a ti/i rcrs ter " •:hick -- the 2nd C. 1W It. Hl" next of ken le 'ens �' "� "i"" t•(I••aI+►i.._ou..0 9 R'ellington, New "L,val+tixl. ren rel* - 11, Kr14aPr Nllhnnt Infinfoof. lira. Lerilie, Kitiburn. Out. Trooper Th„ number of men to be allowed t�glMereterertll•val exp* M telt, .�1110Ai that the Mn(wier,•oelltlY hehf agreat Lon'"n, A Ernest Atklnttott, 0f the EL A. C., la to eniGl for the Mounted Police and Y j Mweting, RL which tar chis/e de"i'ered April 21. -The cum n- rrttraDral. There kv;ae n0 Off,'•la! dr- . I"e1t "( (he Dally Mall at Utrecht daogiefort ly Ill from rnR-rtn taco t- -[)(- F+ermutsnl .(xrrpr_Mini out yet letonstrat _._ -- _ ._ (xationot They Ilopell their rays t ,n }btchefstrvrrm. ills fat her IN J. At- b(rn wetl),al, but the ]1lolrter Ind '• but - Llaut.�lgl. Ourdvrl. -`- '- great 1 I" run llzed there that th,• D. O. Cl., wry present, with Capt. Ken• time mas"cit"70-11tislfpgl�PFM 1trtlbvne.vat-1-lilt. *alai "holier at the father, the King, Anti their whits Ro,rrlelr k!rlaron, New Wertmlrrter. cotta that n tnlr proportion scald meth Cameron, to wbttl the bo no,I (41 all olden, a velnll on theflanks meal!, flrld, while thq motjnrr, the p P,aer Rntrw nl Pretoria have full - be nhMlyd to there reglmentx. A :lrfeeL AL the station the M,mtrral 0i Our rolumn� J Runty posted Quern, wosGl accept, 110 nrl;otlatr priewitin rrfn-War number of the men In the third ren 1 both n the polltlowrstern nn, north throng!, lir. motolgn, their addreewer "e " h" the Baer lender" In F.mmpe, A/IPA April 18- I" Urm Went at linlifr.x will alma IN! Ger- general eng146 ment en -u d Tho j mews mot a detachment from the '•.� y110 have no real iotluprHte on the Ionvinn, April ]8.- An army oMrr , 1 wiwt wostern Cornsrke of the camp rontlh to token of that* devotion, loyalty MAr m,tlel to T procrr(11nfi to Hnlihix. There po witlor of Colonel Co okrrm'm forts y' J go Gr Hunt" Africa. hr leis nM to shell tilt- onwm w artlller nn,l love► \Ono would re nrgntlatloax, luster+l by the 1\"&r Offhvn dlreatwl two Lantern rrgimpntx, the Third boro' 725 men fn,m Guelph, Peer- watt, env Oly, n„ follow": A and to throw mhrnpm•I wherever the than the Jobe more that wltent•ver off1mrs or soldiers heat,', on. T, di. Cntharinrs aur) pltlo add io telt llnonatlon Day. and Fourth, will wire one thouN- a Dnlf atvsy flvwke ilia camp, oh t,ir Borer yentnred to •line themse•Ivrr Mr. Hakluu unnonnoetl that Maori atgat rnn•nit Hoe berm, nre• taken pr4xorxers by nn ensue e► nn,l m, -n, and up to this #,rer+inq, Rimmed on, There were no "Omd,lA- right flank, was n FMnll &mbodof met , In tiny number. volunteer cos b" form 1""1'1011. April 20. -The rr•fer"norof Ctrurt of F;rlgvlry •droll lg• amNrmblel with four tinya" recrnfUn tele "k►nod Ottbelrw with til- party, tics Y 'IFNI that In nsi were the Rrltlxh lrrm" by the Burr mIH- to rttrlttire 1nt0 the mrnluct of thn R' Fgtrfade iretng In ehnuwe aN ser r µ1e"1 of 24 (',Inadlnnm and 4., 1lkr •mdse enquire J or trip er Nf the rt v, graphic advlepke from the endixting Rant"• I%gPC .lntadtr They were lo"todl 1 hP Iteera ueale"' there. wo ul,l ter lex months Y Ien.lrrs 110 their eormmando,.x officer's show that 7tH► have beets -- y 1 6.Wo mokente(, Ataorf hiry that the delegates art, &slits ,rnrl, If the grneral offieer e,.mmriml- enrolled, n splendid •host& 1T00 yard* In front of n M•i[ of trnrv, -I'be practice made by the enemy'm Infantry. A bikAtpt fligh(Ing force the g R R' SEVEN VICTIMS OF FIRE, till the lrft MT k, nlwrit 1,01M yards' Runner" had wt flrat been food rn King w(gikl -lot hove withlu the };m_ -trimly I„ Ing conxddarw It Arlvlwable, into rho All +ren K p ongh, but by this time the r hrh,g per"- atotordnnee with lhrlr oo"„btrt of nn.y other ofttrrrs on 1 ParnUmos, era been made tram thO nam st4xnt a fnrmhuume, A native Wit f'on"tilm(lun, willed rays; ho rn"l( the• rgntrment of tlh+ t•e•t;l• '_` whit* www held by two cotml"trtiew of had hfctrme rather wild and Irrog11 ohlef a,,,, : "Let (Our PPOpiP "Trrngem O( per, r w►kdlerx Of LdM part,►, mrntx an the C'hr'rrPA BGAIPh M'ounA to the Naeem ""IIMi p r whI ramal! - iVhen In ei)trltN'tlltenee. Of the aa- they smites (701. Mao er a LenAnn W"reho61,P, the artillery null MMvtYeol Rlflra lar. in order to ekeenpr our to"ells they e'(1e1m a e•11ur1 lime In Africa. That by the 1Olksraa,l, which mnmt , domed, Cs a fjly aorta rde of Along the fins of the BmIt rrult, in kP t thrfr wane on the move, and• ns Ila f"'""non"d Opine s Of a Oogart of Enquiry nn , $torr", has strew,) /Orwardr'A ►aur "! P W(s1M bring pmef+. The !'&testa (lint ey 4nlek ss poshblPfor n nloc advprtoe to the charnCtor or y 1.ua,iom, Aprll ;-'O,-t fire I41'akr• out much a Ix►slttnn that thf•v ritntd (.Over! they were evidently urmille to time ,white men) Are Air&J#J to hurt the I pnrpOwe,' Pt lcRrloonds to HwtlfAz and will keep lit mldnlRht Inst ("Wit lit Harkin tho farmhomme, were the remal pr the fusee arlerht, their "hell" fell B(wm We In 461Yx gone by never T,,-"n,v the MA Volkam" Ix oast- military rvpntnUrm of any Ofnrrr Or fhw enrppllrx movinR steaAh . Liwnt- a 11100.1 "erblirte 'If J,on,krn. In w of the Artillpry Rifles. Next toth,gN either xhort or wt le (if til,• ol+,otdve. irnre (Nir vnemlM rt ne+cotxl rho rnrr.l In the T wvkNer is frrrnra+'t by the Ufllerr who,, C;61, tkmAlAsnn amt $ren t. A. Dbtl• printer'" wnr•rhOnmr. ILrrw stories By 4 drhlek tho attack hA,l been hurting car. T"(• Abtcxla ars drnae /►( winds. Man Of Itx mem- R Came the 8th M,gtnted i•Ifnnt" I sirous Artervolnem the r•aso w► pnehtlrwd Into , 0( the Storrs Branch, will leave here AI b, the top fl(eor of w hic`h wap nwpd Kitchener'm Figittl :g .%,,gtlx, tl,e hnjkl beaten wt every point liked hpgnn to or ef`)e,IfnK loyal nt"1 loving bars new ti1l(r1, bnvr tern Gnplurpd, R g mfarsARRrs "r liars ft(vl from shote e0untr 11"' eulvrr"r np6nian mhnll 1"• (.0m- !00 Sdrntsr for ltAlifne to mmmrnre fm Ilrlilg r04,m". A ,teas& fire engine" of the Cnnatllgn. qml Ii:omnnl'm Horrw In N. Hglf An hour Inter Debarry with to rice P11lnoe ark' 1'rtonew pf Wwlw (illi, rm have or . Onl • a harp rem menkvtlnl to it otfleer Or w11dN•A i Mtt/string the men. grnf soon art All flet, hrwse , that it wnr +drew, onrrring with him "writ of him whnksa presetloe Among them am - 4" i i r^Inhc)mal11s• Hogue the dpI•+gateke agAln4rt ,yl,r+m i( hum Ix"•a gi„•n. ' _ - nrtenl+, hat ithe fkudesrw promptly of tire �mrot In (hot way Wert, I lnnnd' Asair rl thslr r wt fo"Rf klllf"f qnd wnnnda"1 alk he rmtlti mqn t)n•i rrP,,opld to snbnrll the mn"terin neder shelter h1 d i aRe to get away The Offirial to i for the loss of M1nt rep 110 the peOplr thrm.rlyelk as P'ei leo., r.) t 144„lid, r, 1'gnN1lu Noa %worn In, slhle to Rntrr eVito linll it wen Imlens "It, I,lxrmxkNtx In sire i went 0/ file Borr laws*” Ix 128, lint �itotransp�el at the ae•etlng that. Pf ir, Wr,1 hr lh,• rdahting borghorm. Lorhlon, tpril 19, It I” amrly )et , T,•rontO. April 19. -The follnwing Whwn the flame" weer flnsllr - !thous 0f mer wOnro}eA, who ww tiler n0c"w4finet to Maori euttets. 10 to. RP•Itr, unA,r the Trgnm,wnl rand to ony what remtpmwr wlil he rondo' w•nTrsworn Irk oMltwMsy:1'. F, Reek- tenfirr c0uhol lit" elarred bnNoRol As Inlhtm/Icer, e'hwreP. lay n0 the field. hall the oppertitnity hung" (wlSaMmi hat Moen "fl„n ( 1, f prevk►nm nn,i mores 011-3. to Mata the e�trnt of Ihnlr rnanm111� nrN! that Urw Mmrnw f enRellltod. Ir hr Yulk•rnwA 1• bn11nA'nal ft. i,rM )pinrr'm npfgnl for n mom efts, 4PIA, It ►ltln,in mtrnrl :Ilam- n men, two women and roar ,:hit• row#,f4 rnrnit,•menta Bq -try ol.j of w or the oOreaw- 1(w tlmu f'Or the perrpta to OR- of L50,tA10 to pnvlisee wrtlrlrs for IIbRI Hall, Aurora ; T. F. Prior, 64 Area Were fou11A, waw to 'ruxh' tiro British Aatoms fy I planstwot"`m and out he"Ita"'In It a"I (Ion nrM for the pwaow slnrl halipfacm ti both ewes vara til►o6 , 1 r i