The Signal, 1902-4-24, Page 6ONSO Dear Mrs. 11 - -Ise reply to your i to lust, 1 54.44141 u:ty Dust lt..my tptulu u and Mratsuuu I'.%t KI T Teas. If you Ribbon I. II!WWI Lit 'Ii.t the Irrr.t. Int( • rand very flnvl cry tea. then Moues .le, 1.1 iaur %;ttlu., for bre:Mkfnot ar:.l yl nlsr. 1 , 'a n perfr, t lrttuk about tell. 'Inot nyuiry• nee to which is flit' beet tee it roils be -ti. re, the lilue ltllrinm 1 kr rich, strong tea, then Blues It",fist xo,Ir taste Is. for et del e:i tit preferable.. 1'.•remetttlly. 1 drink ,n at 5 noted( but lieu you know ein•ercly. O-111111 (IItl1NDY. g+99.4**********************4 •I n� EARL'ShAI1GTERD T 466344636+++464561645446+46445406445+6464t "Su stupid of I. ttasn t it ?" re- plied the girl, as she placed 0110 baud cordially In that of her strfnuot her and extended the other to the Mar- gate tie Incurras, .'and to have you bout wstting on coo, tilts, wheu l laud no idea that you erre even in the (rouse! Monsieur, 1 embrace the op- portunity of thanking you ler the trouble with•h mor hut -bead team site you took on my behalf, though. I trust it may b. for the firrt•:tiel Met time. A waltz 7" glnneing at the progra7rme witch he teuelertei fur her acceptance. -. Vete. certainly, with the greattnrt, pletteure. Is It commencing now ? Here, dearest !" turning to her husband. 0I1.. started anal colored at the uuusutil appella- tion. ")net hull my (louver Ler me, will you?" and In another moment Lady Ethel Bainbridge war spinning round the roast in the embrace, ed Victor de Lacarrae. the marqult was nsioniahtd. In tact, he hardly knew what tri think of her really moment and otwerful volubility-aboa' o till Male tern. Id which ate bad addressed her Itum- bn nod. Frans the repreit•ntations of the. countess, he had expectletl 10 beet a deprwaetd and love-sick girl. 'ov• ered with e(mflteion by his pr•'menee and trembling at the annul, of his voice; but here elm was, the wo- man auppoaat to have vont meted an uulutppy marring° from dcaiwtlr at Lit unglect of los', bright . and mailing, and waltzing us though'she haul not it caro in the world. alio eireunretanoe piquu,l him; he felt unaccountably injured by the livetins/ with which Ltoly Ethel carried on a convereitloo over Itis tiwatkier on 1111 she had seen :tad down dnoe quitting Temple tlrang., It was nett what he hal expected of her; and the higher her spirits oeemel to rise the more silent ilia hn become., until. tag, alter the third o' fourth round, they stopped to breathe thenteelvee. and a:analog the crowd, des adld, with assumed anxiety: ' Where Is my husband ? :'Inn you see him anywhere, moiaieur 7" 1ho only answer that hn male lier wax: "litnt seem* n strange gnestinn fur you to pert 10 me, lady Ethel; rat lewd there ,cam w time waeu I a iaatkl lett 0 s.tid r')." At thews word*, Lady 1th.-I's !wort gg:Ivo a great thumb, -a thump ,d excitement and agitation, rather eoultl ,bte•rve Lady Ethel'! move - thou of lute, although rine tweets, end throw n hot nigh or a may have ml.etnkr-it it for the latter Ie /Islet) leek niter her every time froling. 1t wee a, fnm her to her -to hear the measured tents of his voice and meet the moaning ginner, of hie !lark rytw, that, on bring the first time bought again beutath their Influence, ■hr tray be pardoned for having mistaken the ghost of the past for the erplrit r,f the present Yet she rcptrtlnel herself and ans wered lightly: 'Timet cottage. Monomer M Mar quiff., and indeed It Ir almost longer than one' carts to (vont Nlnre you and I tart dnnetd togetlu'r." "Too long for you, iw'rhwpe," hr whimpered, 'bat as to myself, It has brim mooted for me in days and nights of pnln." But here, remembering' whet rhe had wltoessed between him and her 'stepmother, Lady Ethel frowner, and .lightly drew herself- up. The town mast be. motioned not to e', tea far "Shall we proceed, m meteor T I am quite rested." And lie ht peeped his nrm round 111,, walet ngain who thought she heard somethlog like the word "croette," "While wenre on the subject of marriage," lithe said, with an attempt rat ti laugh ■ e they contlauel their dance, "will you allow ms', am an experienced por- ton, to recommet(tl it to your notier', monrlcur? 1 hear thnt for some time peat you have been .bivering on the brtnk, but you do not appear ablo to make, up your tidal to take the final pltutge. But ae an old friend, let me attlrn you not to waste any tutor" time. It le like the „11.11 wt as 1 had luted far ine,tslt•e-one tatoo it as', unci more 111 po favorably while y011 Olt." out to the notice of my friend there, "I 'flavored on the brink too long, ylonelenr de Lacarrns. Iie la an old Lady Ethel, and the hank gate way flame of Et11el't as perhaps you ttencath Inc. I shall neter take then know, and I had but that moment plunge you speak of tow." saki to IIIm, 'Look, Victor--' " Was It pepsin!. elm hail heard him But Coliinel Bainbridge did not ap- right, or did he dare a pecond time Pear to M' lietcning to her worths -- to dope her ". Lady Ethel believed lin wars craning his neck to .obtain It was the letter cane, and made a it view of what was Iwueting at the desperate attempt at an indifflerent other side of the rr.tm. "Sae to repl). going to dance again." ha said, in "What tlortsrviei•! You cannot de- • !,ply to Lady ('leved"n't look elf in- celvn one, for I know all about it, I (oily. " I wish si • woul•I Nit .Imvn exl•npting elm day fixed. trot dlel-t Ihla text., 1 em afrakl she will be 1 gte.tt,n Lady Clovevton on the ta) tired." 'object, I dare tnty elle could tell " May not tell her too .ko At, my that too." deer eolunrl?' eugg.eted the coon - There Wap, cwt bah;ony to retire • Level. as tlttoetfls, le, her Liras of a to MI that evening, for the person wife'', duty, to he told wan to obey." wee not atime Antlt' advfheed. "fin'.' ..«..ft-..fes"1.,.. trtre"'..hr'Witt.' tweeting; leave the windows open; hut as Lady "mile in off :gain !" and n. he sl.oke Ethel mate this bold assertion. her l Lady. Ethel mewed them In the pnrtnrr ruddtaly .topped rinneing, mazurka. She wan dancing for the nowt, placing her upon it aottc-" 'aft± "-'--' r(t"-t4mer-irlihr-'tire Merman de .own beetle her and looked her in Ltcarrae. the face, r i Ludy Clevedoe watched them with "Mutt do yon mtwul by that?" he 1 n frown. detnatrder% Lt a low volae, and spook- i " 1 really moat speak to Victor," lag him own language, which he 1 she exclaimed; "he know. how 11e11- alwayd used with intimate friend. irate she la • 1t 1s unreneonnble In him "Juin what 1 mak), motion ur, at IIati -strait" jafter it slight tutors)' 'not been made no ttecret." I the deet thing In tie world fax her. "That I am about tit marry the i By the way, my dear oolonel, whole 000ntee., your etepmother?' 1 think of it, (ktn't let that dear air% "That you are engaged to her," mike herself at all ennspletxwe thin reptile! hie companion, turning away Itteunu; ?Or elm is very tttrnlgttttros, her head. you know ; sada young wassail Rete '.And yon Gan believe that, Lady ro stain talked *tont. and-" Ethel r hp retvp,nded, earoartly. " Wen, T Medi, knOW, era dear "At' Temple lira Igo ne repo:at- e.% musluol,. "Yeo, 1 remember it -iaft too well.- 1 wile 'about a month before your rth,ge, Lady Ethel." She colored and was 1. It that rho was tomb' ant nominal the attack iguroaely. ' It w:w, but tlult matt r nuth- lu ttrtleretood (rem Lai ('Icve- dolt at the limo that you w e oa- gagal ; and, c, neidortng the cir- rumstancee. I was not aurora. • • to hear It." ".th!the clrcuut.tnneer! But cue to blame for them, I wonder It la a del:cate matter to handle. but ham a man the option to refuse attent nom which aro laughed on him gratuitously 7" "Monsieur, pray think of what You acro allying.' You aro calling In munition the character of your tors -ant your betrothed." 'Of my hustces-yes; and, as much, 1 humbly ask her pardon. Of my In trothe,I. no. And 1f thin rumor has become public, Lady Ethel, 1 must beg of you to contradict it. The subject of marriage has never 1 ern rtlutnmsed between Lady Cleve - con noel myrdL" Lady Ethel was thuntlerstrack ; she, , 11 not know how to proceed with the ounvertatbn. - t month before she would have been overwhelmed at the thought that by her uuuaccteary rarhnemt rhe flail forever severed all 'movabil- ity of union, with the maul who sat l,eeldu her: but now, though rhe felt" flattered to hear that Ire 11+141 not foruakon her for her stepmother, the news db1 nut stem to waken any great (motion In her mind, and ,ehc war an atoazal with her own true- qultlty an with the marqu,i sumer- " You eurprleto we, monrlt'ur !" mite •wkl, after a tuumrut it power: " I have, been lor•k:ng forward to the vi-nt as a certainty,' "lou aro the last person in the world who should be surprise, Ludy Ethe4'_ he earned., •_:1_ tio rr.t posdems w,• atntr l over my memory for 1% Ie yon give e. eat." Welt m credit." •1110 tkutet wan ended by that time. :hod other partnere we're nlrcady rl.thnlug her nttentl w. The Marquis .1.• L,marram. wit11 0 lung, lingering Ooze, rrihiquishat her to their rare. orad r. foxing to yield tr. the ' ottn- lewd sollehnti-.nm tlutt 10 ,Eula J in In the gnlop Junt contmenring, took ,it ids station in a e.'rner when -t ht l'ut ; then ground, that she nppron.•hn1 him. Meanwhile C'olenel BalnbrlIgo, lean- ing over his nmlablo hsirtess, was is leg Inmtrnetel In the secret of tout- I uytp l u est,-ettrp!ciu n. "How wonderfully well our dear Ethe•I Is for king!' phis exelnlme, s. together they witteltal the graceful flgtir. and lovely. Clothed face of the girl gyrating round the room : '' Mir srw'ra^ to have perftrtly recovered hon her little attack of the other night." • "Well. I tam afraid a great deal of it In hxcltement," replied Colonel lltinlrridge. gravely ; "for elle era. WO weak title afternoon, i wan quite alarmed at the Idea of her coming here.•• "Dear me! She would have been much bettor In teed. 1 dare say," "Mo Dr. Chalmers thought ; , but she was determiner) 10 come," "1 tun surprlerd at that, for there is not Merit attraction for her, one would think, to -night. Wltat sloes( ('halmers think about her fainting T" "H. considers It entirely due to the lowness of her nertous system. IIB mays she Is weaker than slip ought to be, and must keep quiet ; but he does not appear at all anx- iuu,r about Iter." "And alto wouldn't stay at home to -night T How foolish of her ! It was curious, her fainting jttet at .the timo she did." "Just at we had entered the tbea- tre7" be said, Interrogatively. enrolees about meth things." "lie will let her overheat her- self -yes, that is flet what 1 am most afraid of rept.ed (blouel Bain- bridge lunuently ; If you will per- mit rate, I will go and fetch her cloak." And 'he left the room for that purpose. "Thr man's a fool." thought Lady t'letvnlon, as site watched lila re- treating figure ; "anti there's that girl flirting under his nose as thoughthoh ellehad never beeu married itt all. It's perfectly disgraceful: 1 Se 111 )lot have such things going on in wy douse, anti shall take good care to let Victor know my mind on the subject." But Lady F•thol was not flirting, or, at nil e4eut14, in the manner lier etepmothcr nra•ribed to her ; she Was only keeping up all appearance of great hilarity In order to sole - loud the marquis as to the real crate of her feelings. For the news Ion had toll her afteutetl her more thou die dared to let him see, and she war curious' to hear the cli- max of las story, to leant how far rla had been deceived ; and 1f he never caret for any but herself (there war triumph In that thought for Lady Ethel), why he hod hung back frum offering her 111e lutnd. Her cheek car flushed, and her e)e sparkling with the excitement of the discovery she had made; and yet it never struck ler that rhe dtd not feel so miserable at its fu - House. tllity as oho ought to have Clone. That revelation war reserved for a ; later ant more momentous occasion. Only one other opportunity had the mortar of speaking to her prltatoly that eteulug, ori he made good ore of R. It war to Ow' supper -room that they (timid themseler alone to- gether, t1AMILTON•TOkONTO"MOIN 1'• REAL. LINE." The nteamer HaiWittei %till heave Hamilton at l p tai. Tatrday, April . Jth, asrl Toronto ,rine et'enlug. P t teve•n thirty, on 11t•r flytlt trip to, Montreal. She. will taller oil lee r'm- oad trip Tuesda,7. May 1101, follow- ed Dy the hoarser teuirtutt, Friday, Muy Jt11, hod theroaftvi Tueed:Iyr told Fridays duffing tim egoista of May On and after June Ord the rtcumt•r Hamilton will leave Tuetalayr : the e tramer Spartan 1'Irarsduys, and the etcamer Curiictu Nat ti feta e, t hrou,gh- Out the season. Special low rates aril offered to the trat riling publle during the month of May. from !bouillon, sin- gle $7, return 111_ , foam Toronto, ,tingle• $6 return elf-50, utr:de tort berth included both wnyt. This is a 't•ry Iow roto for this mo;lth. Holmes 1s. Caliturela. Retired British army ofnior5 rewid- Ing It most desirable, rection of Call, of orange, air forma has n en fora g oy lemon, olive and poach orchard., also tracts of unimproved laud. Reliable Information furnieheti to inquirers .riding addressed envelope to "Cap - tale W. J. M.," Freeman's Hotel, Auburn, Placer Co., t'alifornLt. Tour- ists met. Hotel at depot. New Yeek Central dud Hudson Hier , 8'50000000000 O HOW 10 USE PERFUMERY. Itull rurd. The above name le a houses -hobs word, and the tulwrior txcelleooe of the road shouldbe suflawnt thto at - t the traot mart people, rate Is the same to New York' and *Auto 'set els by other (lues no fur- ther ptwmmendatlon ehouid be w,ugilt F.veryla)tly will toll you It W the Mut. A Needed Exploitation. tt'oruuto Klar.l Tiler. Is duubth•ss plenty of salt 'beneath Toronto, but the very fresh 1 people don't grew to get at It. Iloskey Brand Soap makes copper Itke 1 1 gold, tits like silver, crockery like marble, rad windows like crystal, u Breech tit 1'rfessluurl Baguette. il'anndirn law Itevtow.1 A lawyer while bnthitig was at- tacked by n shark. 11e managed to L beat oft him a.mttilant and struggle hack to risme. Ottca In wifely on the beach he shook his flet ut the retie - lug and disatppornttrl shark, and gasp- ed out : "You brute! That's the most ahlwnivable breach of professional etiquette I lave ever known. , Keep Mdnurd's Liniment In the Her heart wan throbbing violently, her head eonfnwrd her thougi,ttt fly Ing at a tanget anywhere''am..' rate upon the point of erytng oat, " Yo, lady, haw i Win to 1wsvuwt her being either aten•ptrta was' or leikel nowt, " he replied, with a glow - a A 1 might have known It one false las melte. "while Nhr contlnium to be the prettified woman wit t Oh. Vlotnr, we are lost to one an I take her -grout* Company exoept- other,' when the rem.'mhrwnee of I M, Of course." the night on which who had aeon throe I ••Toot fextlIaIi fellow 1" Bald the two together, the attltnde and look 1 montes., iilreillo h ; 1 °" really ho- of let .tt•pms,ther, Mahal egnln Isere yes a; re �s tote with year awn upon her min•I. and, turning flerorly elf, lief, Jae lug apart, 1 mean rmn,1 noon the Marmin with eye! what 1 sty lib.'d lea dear crea- brHllant nod replete with iron, she f tare, Ile we all NIawR' �m6 prat repllat firmly : , high eptrlted, aro} pa., ng ''Of reerwn i ran D10 not i eco , 1111P IA net over-fo of itr, •hconnn- you ratting npnn tire- sofa together i trailed; and the mnrgnls, thM� .4 at Temple Orange 7 How validly yas " deet tsIIow, and a groat thee,- we- at this% I am to be d esived,' I of Oat tasty, b apt to be rather •1 don't think that Lady Ethel iubridge half credits what I t ld beer," be said, softly, as' rhe woe cngngtnl in taking the re- ire hmnmt he hal brought her. h 'ft le difficult to do e,," she re- plied, as else turned her burning face away, "Where lr the difficulty, Lofty ( Itcl-.til believe that no woman ca ever again engage a tithe of my attention. or to comprehend how a man could cominit .o fatal an r rot to fear to speak filo mind :' Fatal, breause defeat could not ha o placed him in a worse position than tho rtandr ht at prose and sumo& Lady FaheI," In low vole+ and tookint~• quickly a from her, "would luavo turned his life Into it para- dlir, for Item." Hh.. could nn profess to misun- derstand his rite oinC. • "Vitt must not that." rhe. nommen ed, In an agi- tated voice; and it r hurbatt en- tering the room ter t at moment smirch for Iter, sir r n rap to his stile with great relief, "lite, yew," site 1111, 1 rredly, in :tnmwer to hie inquiry if he were rend, to go home. 'N ve had t ; let t a • the to inc like quite enough -1 no, tired o 1111 return at once;" and wl nervtism bow In tete direction ntnrquls, rho .suffered Colonel bridge to lend, her to the darrl e. CHAPTER XXXIII. Lady Ethel Bulnbreige reached 'ter own home In a very fervid con - 11(b it. All the old doubts and dtf- ficultlet which she lout trampl•'d ander foot, as who though, months tths before, hail commenced .gala to -urge within her breast and sway her minx); and though (unperceived by her) the passionate regret which owed to mingle with them had dlr- :ippenrnt, they were wfflcletitly interesting to dlaturb her whole swing by their unexpected recur- rence. Was It possible, she asked herself, an, released from the at- tentlotlr of Loulsp, she reclined In an elan -chair b.;oro the fire in her drearing-room-possible that, after all, she had been mistaken -hall J tdgel him too [tenthly. too hastily '-aai that Victor de ',acarnss, as lnslnuate.d by himself, had permitted her to elle through lila fingers from -herr want of boiMese to declare his wishes? Was It her stepmother wlnu had been their enemy, and by Iter forward Intervention, prevented their reading each other's henrtr more clearly T or wan It the fault of her own pride, which had mnde her shrink from anything that look- ed like affording biro the opportu- nity for which. he had been sigh- ingT Lacy Ethel (nulti not sty ; per- haps olio did not care to., closely to Inquire. She reemel to have forgotten the long months daring which the Marquis do Lacarnts left Ivor In susperutn and uncertainty rte to his intentions regarding her, and the weeks they 11041 pausal to- gether in which he had mato try sign. The eight of his eyes, look - Ing aig they had tion.. of old, before the plight of dlabelet in him had fallen on her heart, and the accents of hie voice, lowered for her ear alone, had revived so much of her former feelingly that her soul wee fast becoming nbm,rbedi N a senti- mental pito, not for her own logo, but for that of the man whato ill -fortune had been revealed to her. in taooy she pictured the long life which lay before him -un- lighted by the prwseswlon of her love or of herself -a mit ernble, lone- ly rxlstence, which mould never he freed frohn th Ming of regret ; nod then, to think that he had mimed his hnppintwes by a mere chance, a stroke of Ill -luck which could never be remedied, a tort opportunity which Could never be recalled : poor Victor, poor Marquis do Imo- arras, .asarras, wtlh the reproachfully -sal eyelet Was it possible she was the cause of all hit misery -that elle moan was to blame for its unhappy life? She seemed to think sn, end lint she might have saved him frost It. And yet ntT the While her !inert had been full , of the meet bitter reprnacllpw. 0h<ul1 elle, could ever forgive herself ? Profoundly wrnpt !n some ouch retorle. with her pretty face , tem - ported by her 'hand and hnr eyes meeirnfnlly fixe) upon the fire, Col Dolntrklge found Lady Ethel edit witting up when. havlag finished hie duet elgar. an hour 611.1 more after their return to Curzon street, he «,fight hl. bed-chnmtw'r. "My dear Etlr'11" he exclaimed: "nal yet in bud? Why, do you know what time It 1s., derliug? poet six o'clock! What would itr. thnlm.r* awy r„ "Oh, don't tento mo," alto a steered, fretfully. She hold Jost arrived at thatbltch of mental fervor when, having dfaoorvered that booth her bappler= on 1 that of t1,s moronism had team mined forevermore, she deetle1 that tit -ito l•rtb they ehatld piss through I fe with waken ohoeks ant and I.)ea • taking pori In the hollow mmnae- tombs ttf t11' wurl•1. it in true, ball testifying to enoh'"otbnr by Ih.lr ape pw't rtutoe and demeanor that they were devoured by regret for 'Hoer Ir - revivable heal, And It oats *tinny Ing, to sly- the Imtt of it, to have a so - mantle reverie 'Ike rola broken h1 upon by the oromm•ulpinen remon- strances of n great, •tnw,g. muerut'r. ever) -4a7 hutbeand, as to way she did reset go to bell and to sleep like any. bwly tuts. widen beast wg4 n„1 broken. (1b M Uoatlaud) A GENTLE HINT. ' (lurwt-This !teak le remit rkably flue. Walt tr-That so 7 1',u must hen' gotten the et sitlt I Intended for that gentleman what eed me. He sure yogi get title, kind you kave always had. -Owing to the great it in p ilar y of "Tito D. Igernthol 'Plaeter,unls'roput.ur mak Barr, put- ting up one like it. For heutnn- tiRn. neuralgia, etc., nothing bet- ter. Made only by Dad! • w- renca Co., Limited. IN DOI'BT. Boy -Paper, air 7 Citizen - Um -tee, 1 will take a P4 Prr. Hoy -All right, sir. Which onr n ('Itliga-Cm-lot con ere. 4fltich ono 1..offering a hour rand lot or n grand piano this morning ? Minard's Liniment Lum'berman's Friend. An Extorted Apolugo. An emlment potltici:ut and bin wife were lately entertaeling at lunch eon a lady who brought with her a little girl. Unring the )Deal the child helped herself to something that WAN ttantiel around, torted !t, and left a on het• plate. Her mother, faorror•etruek. staid. 'That 1it very rude: you should apologize to Lady Whereupon the eon*'ceinee-wtrieken infant murmured, through her tears, "I didn't mexort to be rude. I wouldn't hay'o taken tiny 11 I had known bow nasty it wane - Sorely amo rel for all extorted apologies. Kntlbeh aaavlw Il•Ioimeet removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and entidws from harem. Itlourl tipavin, rbc, Splints. Ring ilone,\Sweeney, St let, Sprains, Sore and ,owollea Th . t, Cone's, etc. lave 550 by woo ane bottle. Warranted tha most orttlnrfut iilemith Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. , Like the Hogue Thom Aerie It err m* t that any thtt be the nneversnl opintin aw 14Oo t enuu_h for yesterday Is too uhl-f•'gylait for tit -day. When he torpedo bout was Invented people id tknt WAR the 1.111 it, !wit It wit 't loug before the torpedo boat deet yet. made Its ap- pearance. Now the stye a destroyer of torpedo boat ,l royerw, one of which, the Novik, Is sew- a member of Out Rossinn navy. 1 'Ire no doubt that some Rennes is rat Ing a deetrn-rr of .the the torpedo boat destroy whin n11 th a • ,'itlllzetl nail (m' Jov thelIM dr atropin!. con .lag, "Peace on earth, good meal" -From " Vest Pnek,et • deuces," to Four Track News April. rk Invent - at royer of . Menn- 'N, which -inc to 111' to nil - for Port M.tlgrave, June 5, f097. C. C. RICHARD:+( k CO. Dear sere. - MJM.IRD'S LINIMENT in my remedy, for colds, etc., It la the beet liniment I.have ever used, MR& JOSIIH HART. Our 'terrible. Kagllah. " The other day," writes Ell Per- kins. "I mot a French gentleman at Mrtrntr)ga, who thong/it he had mas- ternl the Englleh langunte. "'How do you do 7' l tuktel on ac- an:.ing him. "'Ike vat 7' he naked, In a puzzled tut riser. '"I mean, ]tow do you find yon: - pelf.' ''Satre, 1 never Irwtee myself.' '"You don't nnderwtand me. 1 mean. 'tow do you feel 7' 'Ifow 1 Nieto? Oh ! 1 feels nntr.,th; out' ehuwt feel me.• " Mlnardb Liniment 1s used by Pb sickens. / i RESENTED ABUS Morass/ Objected to Iletdg Treated 1.1ke ('Amin The Ai.appear'ant:c Of •Janet and M:utbt Morden ha Itrnught to hese MOOR til .onto o 'Their .arid tt fri.nd.. a mantel nt made by th•'m after the trial, ( (}errata Sefton la*t fall. In cnns.4ittlnlf *MI a eitiz'a who ham town them from their Hellectlous of a Hachelor• Set a woman to catch it woman. it it better to have tt'tl :Int been dlvurcc.l lima trier to have wed at all Nothing marker a woman1 so happy ns' for you to reutrtuber the time then .rhe WWI a little thlag with long, curly hair. The mase who borrows utcaney is like tbo boy w'IW gilder down the boa - lettere he etcher .loch fait, but it it slaw climb getting up again, -New York Press: A plain question:110 you really get n only Painkiller -Perry Duvis'- w•i It you ark for It 7 Better he sure hat! worry• It liar not, in SO years. ailed M estop looseness' and loam in a bowel's. l5L'1'F 'IENT EVIDENCE. Rumtxt-Wha you got •int chbekcn 7 Mark Anthony N, blur you mlutll bout .Lit chicken. 'Ttdu't your*. younh coop." "H tv, you knew "'Catwel1 found hit Ark for Minard's and to a no other. w thorge Marton, private secretary to Collector of oho hurt l'. Wesley Theins/, tells rt good story ser h w the late Senator lieurge H.tm1) smith' wits forced to bend the knee to lie• .0s. power of the 'tres. It was wh.•it I t1Vil that well-knuwit Iegt,hator repro mental n coo' district iq the I'ean- 1 tt) Dania Sruei to at H.trrttburg. 'fh r were %Imr. whelk Seaator eolith was - strenuous In pooh-poohing the mllu- VALUE OF PUBLICi etc uator iwlthlr Leeson and and lie Learned it. Perfumer are beim quite veleu- sitel) tired this remain, but lit a ra- tolatl and attractive manner. Satchel* of the chcden perfume are used In ttusets uud lntrt•uu draw'err, In lwxer 1111.1 trunk+, and in 11,10 way nil the weatrre,natiliihircivub 1rugnte'. g perfumes gor--Inttttmply tulger. .w extract which has a htu%y cloying /Weill. Which Ir go . werful that ti few ,trope of it will render a room, anti, le, h:Wh it corridor thrutt/it which Iiuo Wier passer redolent for hour k the extreme of Lotti tante. For dresser the ruuheto are sr - ranged in the form of paths for the wuirl and skirt hanger,. of steel wire. Silk of alt) domino! shade Iaay bra kneel, well wadded with cotton, In the layers of •t•hh'lt id planed the scented powder. The hangers gots! 1 m sed skirt 1 t toed 1Ry hold the shape end the perfume permeated the goes n, ghitg tiff nu evanescent, Im- palpable fragrance which it fasctn- atutg 11 1111 iii ii bloat. TIM long flat wtchetN for the bureau drawers are ntntle of silk or listen, and .three or four may br used tweach drawer. be- ing placed between layers of under- tvear. emaller utter Of fancy or plum silk. exquimitelv end,rol,erel may be fashioned fur the ghost. and ha11dker- chief case. though in molly instances *herr boxes ore wadded with uutto)o uud .ac•het powder and are limed with silk to ul,ttclt the dreamer scarf. ruutetiutee th.' Isix int currrtnl with silk, the design being worked In ribs Lon or Krniongton embroidery. • Tose buten, Its well ns' the various kiide of s.tchetm, make dainty birth- day and Christmas presents and ut- ter quite a (irk! lir the ing••nuity tied taste of the skillful needle-w•u- Innn. Other hone: slew the burnt work on the stained w. std Nuance, the silk and sachet being reserve) for lir Interior decoration. The de- stgnw fu the p)rogrtphte work are extremely nrUgllr and moo very ournctive arUuler tuay be menu- fa,tured In titin way by throw who iutte the requisite nrtlstlg training. Bl'bINlCSS CHAIOCRII. e/aAeK FOR ILEAL ESTATE: Olt 11 11H. i t nest, no matter whore it I-. lend derrrlp lion and Dash price and et our plan for rood. hog rash buyer". P.1 ent *zch,nre and Inrwt- meot Comteegy, Toronto, Canada. I'ArE\Ttl. i I,ATENT)l, CAVEATS,1HAIlk MARKS eta Home or foreign procured and oz. ppinfted. Booklet on patent/. free. The Patent Too 'mete and lote.tment ',centrally. Pytklau Building. Toronto, Ont. e tnee w1.•Wed by the uewepttp,'rr. -He 11ltt•uyr nulintaiuet tlui1 be was tn- sulut•raWe to their ,lt,fts. Despite slue few• ion were .. re, much tut r k d m 1 the genial Sel ttor by the new. - palter correeltundenis. Titero wart crow ]aper In I'hiladelpbitt which See - 1 attt• Smith, le, setsun aid out of t.L•nsou, always bt•httled, To Its rcpreeeniarivle he. ...s 1.1 ways fond of staying, 'Your mht'et it4 more read." There ramo a tiny tit retribution, however, n'h'•n the 8•e - now' was effectually /terraced. "My peeper never rurd," coal lest the cor- respondent to his associate.. 'Nell, 111 slow tit • Senator !tow w rung Ire to -tett open his even -and-river her fpm" ; un,l this is what was done : Otto night le, mewling off his batch of news to his paper the correspotwl- eni clotted hie "copy" by addlag the following h:noteut-appearing para- graph: "Senator George Handy Smith loam fifty copier of the superb Hird Book latent mount by the Lcgielature. Hn will ;ikon!! mail them to h1t Montle." That was Itil; but what worry it cost the Senator '. A• few .Leytt after the publication of the parttgri p;l .L'ru- ator Smith swam in his nett fn the mate. He rolled it peg. and re- verted that him mall he brought. • bo: luggo 1 in a loge basket filled w•i letters. Tlr• S •nater gazed :tt 1,, b said nothlog. A minute. later iho p. ,t' atppe:ar's! again With au - other kct eyu•.Ild full. Theo the Senator ga.n the task of opening the mind or. They were all sink., and nli c•rotninetl requeett from t' urdy roast '0 tit for a copy of the much -prize.' rd litre M. tfotnp onr shoved a copy .f the deertpIsere piper cvrtfiit log the ,t wrom'nfl nod porn. graph *miler 1111• = • !adore rye, lip read. H • woe enli tene•l : neer rater. weed dld he h ive n ,pnrnging world to my ttgnlnmt the rower of the press. Worm. tltnn 01 every letter had to be nnewererl ! 1'h ildelpltfu Evening Tel, grtiplt DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE.,. Is sem direct to th. dl.. / - , parts lin the Improved Blow . Heals he ulcer, eons the as' passages. stop. drerpinp In tbs throw and permanantly eurrs latarrh and Hay FerRbwrr gree. All dealers. or Ile. A. W. Chas. )t,taaiae Co. Tomas •a/ Leila e I.epaus Lloi'tae, The Count -Merv* O'Nair, will you please receive my devotions? I ioott, yon vid granite passion. Mies Nilly O'Nalt-Blit.-Grant, wju you .erre ms' de%Otndly ? Sin are Rremetimee .a nutttrr, Th. t'rmttt-flymtere. 1 tiepin him etowe, fried, on zr hnif--he, what My 1. 1 count way 1 .orf" yens til tease -tuft. Catarrh Cannot be Cured wtrei nt"At ArFLrCATTOl1B, aa they can. not reach the sort of the (homer, catarrh Is • blood or °enetmtet lona' disease, and In order re, childhood days', the Mortise's et- eats Ryon must toke Internal remedies H,.1: • premed their *trots( dislike 10 the ('rlarth ('one Ir taken h.ternnlly. roug handling glten them In the dlrrrtly • en the hhxd and mnrna. serbces, WI rent box by Mr. F. F. H. .Toho• 11.11', (' Werth ('rare 1. not a quark medicine. 11 was preerrlbed by nom of the brat ph ,Iri*n. e n, K. U., leading counsel for the In this country for year., and t, a regular fere. rinser, and they were alt of the .erlptlon, it Is rompowd of the tw•.t tonics npihloit that they wore entitled to known, esmbineml with rite )lett Idood puri. /ors, Lummox dlrebi a nn the mnroeu singred* mese prota'tton from the Crown Tho perfect combination 1 the two IngrMl- protwebtor, Mr. Riddell, ''You wi i endt le what modem. such wonderful reenlrs aee,' weld the hrothe•rw, "that whtttl Ow next trial comes on we will h. absent. 1V. don't object to going into the hoc and telling our .tory, hut we do object to being /dinned like criminate" The Morden ear - fled rat their throat, nebough they remata..I here nntll within a month Wragg -now .11.1 .le,• pan nut?- nf the r,pwnin of the trial-houtfOn in curina ('eta'vh. ,tend far teetimnntal. free, R J ('HRNOY a l'o.. !rept, Tonedo. O. bydt'nggl.t^, pets. ;ar. ▪ all's remit, PMNs err the hest. Among the Wlls. Wigg-flj nen married n co..kliM ,tehool girl. Free Pt.... g 1'hdadelpifia lterrrd. Page Acme Poultry Netting 1a r1rs.. mesh./ .t he ttnen and fines now rennin ra11 ns' hoard enprw+rt .t wig.. haring ser aeralrht w1r No 12 guerre at M element, bottom and Ir, ',antraMg, 1. eon to .rent! Thee " Page A, me " 1etM�g M M Meer neat apt•,oranne. sera durable and eer. • s1r, make fern, arse ornamental tem.. gate, Ment and saaple.. Tha nam. M Page wear gnaranta• of quality the Pyr wire ?e.eN 04. limited. W als,rsale, ei1, ounce of Sunlight is worth more than ounces o1 common soap. UNLIGHT OAP REDUCE' EXPLNJL A,k tar tie, ertagu0 Dar so. The Flow of Milk will be increased. lt'hy go to all the trouble of keeping cows and get only 'bout half the milk they should pro- duce. Dick's Blood Purifier strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutnnteet is ell rlrawu from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for • cow when she gives three quarts as when she gives a poll. Dick's Hlorel Purifier will pay hack its cost with gold interest in a few weeks. 10 cent* • package. Leeming, Miles & CO-. Agents, r10NTR f• A L Write far Rook on Ito,,. and Cattle free ISSUE NO. 17, 190 Letit u Alone. Scott's Emulsion 18 not. a good medicine for fat folks, \\'c have never tried giving it to a real fat person. We don't dare. You see Scott's Emul- sion builds new flesh. Fat people don't want it. Strong people don't need it. But if you are thin Scott's 1 ion isthe t e medicid'c for you. It doesn:t tire you out There is no strain. The work is all natural and easy. you just take the medicine and that's all there is to it. The next thing you know you feel better -you cat better . -and you weigh more. It is a quiet worker. Send for free /ample. scow* sower,Toronto ' rasa w Sac ao e.w, all drern.es Mrs. Winslow'• !toot 1111111 Pr rupp . onld always be rand for l'Llldren Teething, h soothes the child, soften. tbestow. cure wood roue sad Is the bed remedy fw Diarrt. na, I • Yin' WANT 'TO Bt'Y 1 21It11 IV Western Ontene". If city of Iserdun, or auburb.n pru).Mq, write Mr emir pronto' L.I.; W M. htdrudld bnrgala., Western I;e.,l F:aches ewe. 14ndon. `�rANTE) lHgtlt Nut'.+I•:KICEPER3 TO know that electric 1'uh.htug t'iLt.,eke chemically prepared sloth. rooms siherwarti jewdlory and *11 bright metol. like magic, x. yas•te lewder whatater 1. revere,' :., ds. Ita[hilul articles Price 21 rent • .old 1,1 dnq. gists. Vote ea can procure 1t w hulele (runt the 1'wmdrlon Drug l'o.. !loomnu. The Monter► 441 l'atharl•es. Mfr.,, send trial -.otiose Ye retitle.. L'RQ hr sRM T0* BB.&Lthe NE 0? TE Winona, le wiles from Wintliten es twat ways. IV sores In ailas of watch 1. ,s tksil� aeo.tly pascals. Will be sold In one party as' d ivided Into lotnof IL te le acre. It .,i per. ,basses. /hie 1s a dntlded bargain AMMO. Jonattnar Carpenter. P. a bog tun. Woo. Ontario a`1.'"s''0'WANTED Ali ENT% We wool rat once trustworthy corn wed we, men la eters lo,'.aluy. Moo •w era chug, toe•• troduCe a new dlecosery and keep Nit. .Mw earls and adnot ietng mat ter turkrd up loco; . . p.-.o,M (dacee throughout the town and country. • toady •in.103 went year somal ; eommlh.ion or wird y. 5611.4,0 par month rad tr pease., not to exceed 53.1(1 per day %`'rite for particular.. had ol/ce INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO,. London,oe. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 7 The report for John Hos Dryden. 1' D dreeNielent 1901 Nhnw•e,t n . mw' markable Itreasei over 19tr1, in the s following items': New bueiness Ineroasoi Loy fi:::.C1701 Premw' Premium Itr'rne increase 1 by .. :11,1;.' Amae•t. Increaeol by ... ... 1.'or 9 Iholm nee In force, in- ererited by .._ . 1 -I ••' tRil Continental Life Policies n r,- tn. excelled for eltnpilrlty and Lbs r'tl.' n. lgenta wanted. n4)0. B. WOOlx•+, CH 1S. 11 FI'Li.FR. O . i Manager Seen 'err HAMILiON- TORUN IU- MONiREAL LINE... Steuner "ilamilton" leaver Ilam- ill.rn 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.41 p for Montreal. Tueslny, April jilt. r.he• will !pore no her second trip 1 Tuesday. May 11th. fee owe) :,v Ilio steam,r "Aptert h11" Trani, May ism! thereafter Tnrelays and 1'i ' flays during month of May. Hamilton to Montreal „t:"'in1 shear en M1e Toronto toMontreal V:A ellva I 1fenl.e nal berth It'.cin lel. The above ehrnp rate^ to Moion,l ns'; in effect for May only 11,i Lite rimming rapid.* For farther inforgtnlion aril_• to agents, or write M, harder Chaffer, Waialeale 'Passenger Aims.* Ming Mtrret Least. Tarwne", Ont. A PAINT SURPRISE It will Rurprite you 'to nor how It 1, ate, haw It wrrtro -- loose -OakV-11 o,rkm, how ecotoloical It Ir WI., n 1.111 Ilnitlt .11111 Ramsay's Paints the uldoat rad Mewl knnan paint. in 1'nnadn tot -tiny, mads' h•om l"' point mant fight oft hot ' Ito amt stormterl, outlastto all (.1hera nn f ,( poet the right prier for pure paints. Drop sew a card and ark for Book- Iet No. 11. FREE. whowingerato or ben tit Ifni homes. Fetatilistir i 1147•:'. A. BAMSAY & SON �lr)NTTtF, 11,. Paint Nt .I. USE EDDY'S ,.PARLOR ATCVES.. '•Mead Light." "Eagle." too and Lan "Victoria." "Little Comet." Till FINrr.ST MATCMB M THB WORLD. For sale by all the principal grocer BOER LEDER RETURN 1 yIlll Now Confer Wi Commandoes WHEN VOTE WILL B ltatsllte Presse Tome 1 tiro. Horn Agreed ti erre.' 7'slkb-v11111111•1 aliment --shire ('areal • fur llullfda. L,tDdout AprIl EL -A d the Standard Cron Peet yturday, mays there is c ratvou for believing tin t►te agre/emeot regardiut ticteu arrived at, whka, 11 thing unforeseen happen it, will prove mutually c c.,rreepwodcut shies )halt 'taints that the Wield wore on the Iuttiutluu 0 thewsrltrt has s.1. iart W The liter leaders left 1' ,kV eight, lien. De 74 de eageraand tingGen. l'resDelarey burg. tin tralu at Klrrktalorp, Meyer g1/tle to the Lyd. sort, hate Secretary 1 rowPit'luu will moot the 1 yowl idrtersburg, and Kens to Dander and the hied, whence he will road rummalslo. Arrangement wird• t) which the burg ,uwlu,elid to the differ ((11' where Oa agreed Betook (erns will be cle: fore them. Meanwhile ti - 1.L In the n.it iro of u except that no attacks I os tho Boons on the act their vnri.als meeting/. piesihle that some of the burghers will prove rile is confidently expected Transvaal B.wre almost 'win acquiesce in the wit leaders.. The Pretoria currespo Deily Telegr:.ph cttnclue polka to oho( paper, a w ont of the liner delega dere) clotfing and grime earl), delivery you may own conclusions." --- tire Noreen IN,a, London, April 21. -lien Warren lute wrlti,wt 14 papers regarding the Sp e , lt• b - the ed u 11sY1 ,.h t s I's. Lot IV rduesda r. IIs ,hey do not contain 1 w et ,mportant domino -a d.e ,uhl it, Ltte ,t tuts %ot•w of toe metier if c .1 m•s le,•-, anti refire noon h,• m•lttnrj repot, self +m1 eu...1, wbo e' 6/Pile ' m. Ho trona t rimer " trill lublieh 1 dot tun, 40. Mta.itvhile will rs fratn from m:tkl.il Moor Graders eit 11 h:atnnrnl, Cape Colon hen. Luras Meyer, e .•,.eut(unL*he Orange F're't Siete erertetnry Reitz, , egad, reel the other meg part: arrived herr las Jut m..irniug proceeded They lyre accompanied *were It Is their Into wit n'ith the Roer, in Nord I'"rues. I are King••o't, Ont., Apr 1 Carru,lu'rs th:m movie raWrgr:tm from Klerk. Tran .r:.it1, from Iter ht Bon ,• Carruthers, wi, hal two words: "Never Is tin first wool repel Leine ie, which he wa suffering trout; U Utt,n.,,, April 20,-A 1 le/Mitty department r tottontwi•r that Farrier ter 1. dteligi•ruumly 111 lent from the effect of wand receival In for River engagement. Ht ..sL Riuuip•g. corporal char.) is ill with enter from Prttrbor'.gb. $1200•°° 4 PIAN I REE AEHYS FLGRDAIE LLNDCVAEE RRSNHIAO TNRGA lYn iron-"aNn•wres. trine//rrr.aN ,n}I.n...C.7.wn,.. Ma.. 1 r e.w en,, dee m.r I yrs,s. a.n Ike etnAeraw n wt �, t ) .r•,.. /e.`1}/�Ir p( t oso*1 •fOrano! �t r "' •""'•. et . , Y sewerr..el.r�7a11r•I'' WaaIIrIILt.`. it [Ybe 1 •a •w.s, t►.,wi .'s rr�a frac �.:� ..i�..l rows b as' 1` 1. 1. ,nar.� tt..-...,s., a• a�R .. en w.t car y.n, ..,rr el .cert yaw. r a a.:r to a., IMN I fdh.� a ,., lees, �r I •w Oagt W r .rwr rtes saw ty .��,*� ibyw p�•r....(.r'as e.., .,t,.. 1. itr r- M �mNw..q T ' y 1 R ill. ' Mn,.q .M. Ir„a ,,. cry r, sea cal t 1/ w rN 1M e�w` W e• i rs ai t*•s livers lu h:nrupe t LOi.lon, April 20.-1 tlw twe+tint•ntni press negotiations is less L that forced by Ettgll•t Hoer :mean In Holland that tin conference he Of and will nut he r p.walmiem may bo a tine o1er the tnlnur pe are playing In bringlr a ciao While they ba ly (•nnr:glte.I by the Il the Nil, 1, their work • _Photo ration. --- Optimistic Loondon, April 21. lT 1 brio corretpoudent 01 tikes n very (boor/Lb situation in South Al "Dimon that_a general bam bmo n arrived at he tib riuvernment and ere, although so far tons can be gathered dist the temper Of *1 tided cradle rom 101 Kruger N ttlto TOIllron, April 21.-' dent of the Dally M s471 It IN recognized Herr delegate. at Pry Potter to negotiate wen to the hoer loaf "tin have no real in (err" negotlntionr, 11,,.1 1'on,nit 1 Ltm,!nn, April EO.-' lin Hriti.h term. by tory len.icr. in the skawg tint 1I, arts. •trtctly ht ncourinn sen constitution, wt "Tr'ntfe. of peace r*tlntl by Cha Vniksrl b• nett 7n,,i n. quip tint pnrp,M •• Tr. -any the old Vo l,rnl lr. bcrthe winds. 1V s ,einns es' heynn. flkilletd, from Miern have died. n tont renames. Henn/ asp nbvdoe.ly rawn1r. Ontlrr to the penpl larenm, •ntlne,l tb'ur lk1'hrne af.n•n•. ed, the 1 1"w ties tilos bre tl