The Signal, 1902-4-24, Page 5• THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TEOsaosy, April 24, 1901. d W. Acheson&Son CARPETS ad FLOOR COVERINGS. ONE needs only to enter our Carpet room and take a look at the rolls of Carpets stocking it from one end to the other and from side to side to be impressed with the fact that here is a stock that will suit every need, large or small. No difficulty in selecting. A word or two of new specials. 2- and 3 -ply all pure wool Carpet., English Brueaels English Axminster* English Tapestries Yard wide Union Carpets 650, 75c, $1.00 75v, 90c, $1.10, $1.25 $1.25 40c, 50c, 60o 20c, 25c, 35e, 45o Heavy Scotch Linoleums, 2 yards wide, sew dodges, extra epeoial 371ie sale., per squat yard .. .. . American Dress Organdy Muslins. 1800 virile of 36 lsohes wide doe Drees Muslin*, 50 patterns to choose from, to neat stripes and d•toty figures and small spray patterns of pink, blue, browns, roots, nave. lilac, green and black, really the moot effeot,ve Dr,. Murillo& we ever had See them to our window. All one pekoe IOC 11utt.r1ok'a Patterns for May all to stock May Fashion Sheets lest la and tree for asking. • W. Acheson & Son. HORSE BREEDINO FOR PROFIT. Every busloads s..ms to have Its times h1 prosperity, and tie times of adversity. for • somber of years Uosadi•n honm met with • ready sole starred striate, and then all at now oasis a period during which thea the beet wart soero.ly notable, and loferi'r stook 000ld bardly be given away. Tbis "tete of Wogs was doe largely to over Pro- dao;ios. the indiscriminate breeding of oe.uieable animals, and the rut e.rtotitis) o1 e lectric for here power en street oars. Ibis result was that tet m•jorlty of faro,.ue gave op the breeding of horses, and many .•f those who coattoo.d in the business, be oams oareless la the fort of sires alloy need. The Importation of high ole 'Whoa" Liman chased, and the trade became generally dealers' zed. During the put two or three year*, hardness bas beim grdully reviving. The •orolly of good horses, doe te th• cessation 1n breeding, ceased a else 1■ prices, and t0• require- ments of the army la South Mirka Is °resew! the 3eeoasd.. While Otto inereasied dowsed to effaced all classes of horses to • mantle .dant, there are some climes that ter• moth more profitable than others for breeders to raise. Tbe first question ler 01.e broader to deotds If what sort el three will bring him in the best returns. ?moot, in tb• bredlog of ties stock mint fes moored by the utu•I value of the promote, sod toe profits that may be derived therefrom. not dolt horse ie undoubtedly Ibe most profitable sort that the farmer ass breed. Good heavy horse* weighing from 1500 op werds, and or good quality. .re likely to meet with ready sole for muss time to tomo. By browbeat s good more tea heavy Clydes- dale or Shire .1.111.,.. • farmer le reasonably sere of semis* • cost that, at five than old, will Was him not lees than $125 00. Besides this there le lees risk of • heavy colt getting blemished. A blemt•hed mit of the lighter breeds. sohoot be told ez..pt at a sacrifice, wetness ,.n a horse employed at slow work, soots as teeming, a blemish le nos soots a disadvantage. Moreover If the blemub is pronounced, the termer will .till hay• a rood awful animal for hls own farm work, rid ,n the out of • mare, he ass profitably use bee for breeding. 1f the defect I. oot hrditary. The tootles, op standing, Clyd..dal. type .00h u le found In the Hith1..A. of Soetlaod, is, In my optolr, the most suitable hone for IOD Amoral farrow to raise. These hor..s are tr•ca►Ie, asd roily Drokeo, sad while await log sole out be readily used for any sort of farm work, thug paying for (heir keep, widish the faaoy hors.. rarely do. Carriage and saddle bores of Ibe best type will always sell for good polo... both In the 13.ited Sate. and Great Brittle. We often her of I1p h gb prier yield for 0 fine osrrlege team or • bunter, but 5I oour.. the termer dor net ret prices lik• these They are only got after weeks and whips months of training and Sttlmg in the hence of dealers. 1'be farmer seldom hes the time and the neernry k.nwldge of train. leg e.d "(Wog up," to produce the finished article. Still the dealer, se a rale, pays the breeder • fair pries, and m long u h• dreg it, It will pay to gree "ooh 00,.,. The best carriers horses are sired by thorough bred. hackney sod e.'oasloo.11y try ooaeh and eandrd bred .1al11o.. The thorourt. Med produose the beet styli, et orris,e horses, when the mares have .afRoleot 1171, led geod gaalitT. Military bone. have lately loon very •eob to demand, hue there Is rom• cootie as to th• permao•oov of this mrk.r, at prices whtob w111 prove profitable Is the producers Formerly, "her• ware only two olives of threes purohoed by Creat Britain for mili- tary purpose", vlz : these for oaveny sod thew for artillery. Now, however, there to • tblyd Case for mounted infantry. Thu is toe Imbues class of the three, the animals ✓ eugtog In height from 14 1 hands to 15 I haoas. Cavalry borhes must 0101101. Irom 15 1 i hand. to 15 3 i hands, and artillery t hroes from 15 2 to lb e d an e.Ma r Dent, 0 1 1 . who has pur.bas.i most of the Canedlso horses for South Africa, glues the following description of the oeue.a►ry qualtflostions : -The stamp of buroe required for artillery prpoIes is a b'ooky tort of horse, with se muob breeding asd boo. u possible. '1'n. ✓ v.lry hone le of . lighter type, with good a oulder., loin and neck. The mount hal Inbutry cobs 111e miniature horses. 1 be best stamp I have oome scrow le the French i'.no►dlan, the only fault In their ease beteg ellen • sherto.ss of rein, (nsuk) The type of horse*, for whatever branch ot the servtoe required, should be that of the Eoglub bum ter, with short lege, abort cannon bone, /trod sbenld.n, their rib and Irma. Dud the more breei(ng oombin.d with str.ovtb the better. 11 bar I think are most o..dd to produoo Ma type, are good thoroughbred Wet, not over 16 hands, oempaot bon.s with putty of hoe .od •crloo " It to highly desirable that noise but ter best ohm of regut.r54 sallloos to used Then are far iso many Inferior horses to the ( wntry now, end 11 our farmers brood to grade, or cheap purebred stallions, no 1.. provement will he possible. 7'h• big, sound, motive, Ulydesdalt will probab:y ;dye the best reunite on heavy mares, asd 11. thoroughbred hu good striae mise nl the banter sort Mares with °enudeeabl. warm blood u• most drivable tor breeding to • h&rko•y or soaob Muffles. Finally It 1e of the greatest important,. thee the foal shall be well foe, an the best •l breeding will avail little, if the young animal 1e allowed to suffer for lark of proper feed and ere. hood breeding and geed feeding must go hand in hand. if • stomps le to be made of the bestow of hong brood - fug. E. W. Huotoe Live Stook Commissioner A KETIREO MISSIONARY. she Gelates Some Interesting Episodes e1 her Eremite! and Emu Lite tfl.00wnm.D, Oo1., April 21et, (Special). -Mir* H. V y, • retired muelos•ry who le now 73 years of age, le spindles her doehaiog years ter". Many are th. lesplrlog 11e.. which shit relater ot her work amooa the Doskh• bens is the ('.udlaa Northwest. She tolls of one peer yo0ne woman +mho, Iola people who was suffering se ✓ evrdy with dropsy that she was terribly bloated all over, and oc.6ned to her bed. Tree Isle mise oozy left • few of Didd'e K idney Pills and Im odlaaly sent for three more holes. She was rewarded for her efforts by the complete rmovery of the young woman. 11.dd's Kldo.' Pills have received this wort by woman's moth emphatic end.r.atloa. Clioten : W. C. Cooper 1. here from Winnipeg, Men , vult'ng hie s'o'ber, sod will 1. here troll the let of May It is two and a half years .'n, he was home. Mr. Cooper ropreeeule whelevale houses of Winnipeg and Montreal In the west, and knows the country from Wlooipeg to the I Pacific coast. Barb Wire at $2.90 IS CHEAP. (A Car load.) No. 9 Coiled Spring Wire at 3c a Ib. (:1 ('ar-load.) Two packages Carpet Tacks for 4 boxes Axle Grease.. , . . Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at Long -handle, round -point, steel Shovels at And many other things are cheaper at M°KENZIE HOWELL'S than elsewhere. Buying for Cash and in geantitics make it so that we can al - Kays do as well and very often a great deal better than others. We have put in stock a car of WIRE NAILS, and can customer from 50c to $1.00 and over per keg. PENINSULAR PORTLAND CEMENT, the Cement that caused go much favorable comment last season, we continuo to sell. Also the LOUDEN BARN DOOR HANGER (that cannot blow off). These have filled a long -felt want. The largo new barns built last year around here almost all have them on, and they are giv- ing perfect satisfaction. We have a most complete line of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CARPENTERS' TOOLf3 ons stock wai never better. 5c 25c $2.50 70c save a Alun in We sell the beet ready mixed PAINTS made and guarantee every package to be right. if not, money is refunded. ALABASTINE, cold water points and decoratives for house- cleaning time are in stock. AMERICAN FIELD FENCING goes like hot cakes. it is a general fgvorite. (A Car -Toad.) McKENZJE & 1YO tiV ELL TRE PI.ACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. EAST emir •QUARE, GODERICH. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Buda... Traseaeted as the aegdr Reel. Pig e■ Priddy aveal.g, The regular meeting of the town *ousel; we. held on Friday *veolug, The Mayor wait In the ohm, and all the 000audlors were presser t, Ao applloatlou from Mre. Hawley tot the planting of some trees to trout of lot 92, Cubourr euwt, wan referred to the street tosp.,coca to regard to the final lmprovemeol by- laws, the lollewlog letter was received Irom Mesers. lhukloeoo & Ostrow : "We bare at length completed the bylaws provldmg for the true of d.beoturee to carer th• most of the grwnolithto .Id•w.l►s. 'Vie matter was au extr.mely uompltuated one and lovulved a great deal of work sod a large Dumber of more or less Intricate ostentatious. "All the sidewalks were 000struoted under one of tore lour main sublimes, ylo "1. '111+ tomo taklog the tolusuve, the property paying the total riots. "2. The town akiog the Initlative, the property p.y,ng only 60 per coot, of the Ort. and the town the h•lanoe. "3. Oa petltlm of the property owners, the property paying the total cwt; Ind "4. Ga petltioo of the property owners, the proper y paylop 60 per that. and the town the b•lanos Theo Io two l0.anoes the town, or rather the oouooll, to addi.iou r• the yoor•I bylaw had mired • special b(law author,/ og the work to prooeed This made really five groups and In one or other of thew groups all the properties oppoette which •ldewalks had been 000 equated had to fled a pl.os. 'There are, therefore, six bylaw, pro riding for the Issue of debentures, secured by local special r•tea for the amount end o0 the properties mentioned to each bylaw, the debentures befog furlhur guraet.ed by the town 1h.r• if also • bylaw to pro vide for the base of debentures es pay the town's proportion of toe that of the side walk and there should, we think, be one whloh we nave teem unable as yet to pre pare, providing for the payment of street °roosogr, etc. Provision is made in each of the bylaw* for oonaoladatton, Lod we thick I, would be advisable 1t this were done. Mr. J T. Darrow thought at Doe time that 11 would be .dvl.able to beak, afrrh, entirely, owing to the Irregolariti•e that have tPkee place in the Initial proceed• loge, but atter 000siderlog the matter ore fully he came to the oosulusloo that 1t w ould be melees to attempt to du so. The writer wrote to him • tow days 150 at' Por onto and has received • letter from bini confirmtog tins opmloo whiob he had form .rly expreseed. It wtuld of course have been better 1f epeeist bylaws bad been o•. mod In each oase, but the general bylaw le pretty complete and at the most, i1 anyone should attempt to Lttsck the bylaws Lbeni to be parsed, the Court would merely refer them back to the couooll to be amended as provided for in the Muototpsl Aot, and would not quash the bylaws entirely. That act provided that when • debt the been created ter porpoise such as thee. Ise has been done here to the Haag ot Sloo1real, the oounoll can, 11 any detect appears In the creation of the debt, amend and re-smsod as often as they see lit, until they get the matter In proper shape. "0V• enclose the bylaws which we have mentlood. lb one or othet of them will be found all the properties upon which side- walk" lithe been 000streoted. "Yours truly. • "Dlcars'o, & (hsaoW." The communication win referred to the public works committee, and • special meet - tog o1 the coattail will probably be held 1.'e, to take action upon the bylswe. A eommunto0tioo fr.m John Bell, .f the G. T. R., in regard to the Company's water supply here, stated that tore was so se- meot at pre..ot, existing between too tows and the G. T. R., bat that for Ave r six years the Company had bio paying at the rate of $375 a year for their water. Ao application from the Musical Society for the *Dual yearly grant of $200 for th• .Cary of the b.odm.ster was referred eo the epeeist °smmltie. The usual ooudi- 1.1on, were mentioned, namely, that the band give filteeo opeo.Ltr 0000erts during the 'anima, eyeologe. Councillor McKim was In favor of giving the band so moob a night for their summer °ouosrt. He said that last year they ran • n umber of the ono.era too close together at the end of the season, when poop!. could n ot go out to her them. A ,squeal from the nubile library hoard for the payment of $100 out of the library appropriation was granted. A statement from the manager of the Heron and Bruce Loan and Investment Company that all sinking funds of the oor- porarloo on deposit with the Compssy would now draw intent at the rate of loot per oent., n,mpouoded halt.yearly, was el* tarred to the finance committee. A requisition from the fire brtged• for sop Pies was read and referred to (he fire cam. mutters with power to sot. A complaint from Jane .1 Elliott and We Mary Young, Soo h street, of the non dntan rt the walk sod rod opooate their prop.rty wee read sod filed. A oommunoar:oa if 0131 the Ink. Horns & Manitoba Milling Co. in regard to their water service was *eat to we'er and light. oommittee. The Company stated that they would put In a meter as quickly as pooelb'e. A statement of some further supplies needed for new water "emcee was sent to the water end light oomm,stee. Tte lollawiOS 00on00t5 were sent to tt e finance committee : ('an•dien t,enerel Elmo trio Co., Toronto, supplies, $5.70 ; Gutta P.roha & Robber Mfg Co , Toronto, fire men's supplies, $23.90; R. H. Cult, relief, 864 99 ; Muniolp.l World, St. Thome, blanks, 25,. ; Hart & Riddell. Toronto, bloke, $1.08; Packard Eleotrle ('o., St Catharnee, transformer and fraleht, $51 ; Allan & Slither, hardware. $9 80 ; Wm. Kirkbetde, dryisg hots, 90 ; 00,111111I Com- pany, Toronto, Higg.r'• Mooloipal Moonal, $12.75 ; Sturdy & ('o., relief, $3 19 ; Tim Star, printing. $12 8S : TRI il(;NAi., pilot tog and •dv.rtumg, $15 75 R. O. Mooning" 24i day. as assistant •.tenor, at $1 75 per day, $42 87; Canadian Ueeeral Eleotno Co , wire, $12726; "applies, $368; blotto Per oh. & Rubber Mtg 00., .upplii., $6 90 The special oommlttes reported that they had ann.Idered the appllostion of the fire company for an additional sons of $2 to each mon for each fire he attends and had laid the matter over for the prem.ot. They had engaged Wm N,tt as orst.ker of the perk, at • salary of 830 per month for five months, commencing April 14th. The re. port was dented, The public wo,k0 oommktee recommend ed that tenders be &eked for the extension of the sewer to the rummer hotel, filo to be 8 lnoh ; lb et tendon for a new watering osrt be asked for, that .pemficstlons he drawn and that Mews. Thnmpaon, Knox, Hnmh•r and Morney be a oommit'ee to at- tend to the matter 1 that ra'oh-heslne be put le all the ooroer of W.besley and Elgin , the runner e1 Cambria road and N e1 toe street, and the owner of W.Iltupton anti Elgin 81,1ete---estimated omit of the hosing, $15 each ; that the sidewalk on the east sitg of the Rayfield road opposite the prep- *rtl, of Messrs. K!wards and Salkeld be repaired. The report was adopted. A sport of the fin.nne anmmlfree, reoom- mendlr g the payment o1 * somber of ao oenn'e, mos &dented. C mmarlllor McKim meot.'rn.d that the regular monthly report of the treasurer would he open for public impieties t1 1h. stork'. °flies at any tone ex rept. for • few days at the eel of earth month. The invert would 8. entered in a hook In the we, loth Wed by the auditor. and the book wools be kept In the nlork's tfflre RYlow No 8 of 1902, to Inorea.e 05. number of members et the water and Ilpht committee from three to els, was reed three limes sod passed. (3.ter bylaw* were passed se f crews Nr, 9, to 0pOolet W. P. (fallow, M. 11 , In 0he heard of health to onmplete the turn of the 0'. N. Lemke to the Cullegit'• 1oet,tute b and la the platy el the I.t• James lrl. Shepherd ' lye. 11, to appo sit June Ke: nig a•u to the publics 1 brut' board to pl.00 sal A. J. Moore, B. A., r•e:gaed' Tee t on of emit of thew ape delineate expires is the e nd of the year 1902. Councillor Elliott sulgeeted that the walk" la the Square lading from 0.et and hest streets he changed to •e to avoid the making of tuths tkroueh tee grass. Ceuo- o:llur Humber 1800581 tele woui't be a oaed- less expeols to view of the loot that the uummltte• was ooutempletluv the laying of vraooltthio walks In the Square. he one supported Mr. Elliott's euggeet;uo, and the macer was dropped. Mr. Elliott brought up the matter of the bylaws against Liao rua,''ng of crows at large and the whoa of btevoles o0 the sidewalk,, sod urged that stops be taken et ono* for the enforcement of these bylaws. The pub 1 o works committee wee Ioetruoted lo tak• the matter up at cane, and was empowered to devise • tom„dy for the violation of the bylaws. kir. McKim though" the town could not afford to employ an cltiosr to en tures the bylaws, cod mov,d that the town pay to the perms giving loformatioo wbluh laude to a conviettea the sum of $2 for soon o avto'ion. This suggestion, however, did not find favor with the crouton. Mr. Mur thy thought • day 000sablo should be em ploy•d in any oast. Mr. McKim said that the return of fin, by the Police Magistrate for last yea- was only $6. He wanted to know what the Polio' Court was dolog, and moved that the clerk be Instructed to report at the next regular w..clog the number of 000vlotlooe and floes imposed by the folios Magistrate during 1901. This woe orrled. Councillor dumber mentioned • complaint that the trees 00 the Suuare were bola/ mutilated by the severe trimming. Mr. Elliott, chairman of the oommittw, thought it would be safe to leave the trees to las oars of Mr. Watt, sod believed when the leaven came out they would look better than before. Counollier Thompson reported that he bad waited upon Mine Sklmlogs, as ,n - ' quoted by the council, to refereoos to her claim for oompeowtlon for injuries reoelved from her fall 011 the sidewalk Int winter. An agreement was reached that he retitle sloe of her tale, would be 000sidersd a set tlemeot. Tee mstt•r was referred to th• special ° mm'tto, Mr. McKim asked for the quarterly statement, from the Bank of Montreal and the Huron and Broth Loan Company, but they were not ;et heed. The cannot! then adj,0rned. Why Sallie and Enera.P Don't .offer any mon with a oold i° the bead, just carry • Ca'rrhozone lobster Is your art pooket, the it now and again and yea won't hav* oolds. C.arrboaooe kneeke eat a cold In too minute., kills a besdaohe In five minutes, and hard nacho./ coughs to h.11 as hour. Inhale the pleasant Catrrh• ozone r&por tor fiv. minutes four times daily and it will cure broo•hitle, long trouble, detainee., •shtma and catarrh in any port of the system. C.Nirrboauss is ! the most direct, modern and scientific i method and 1. guaranteed to give estmfee tion. Complete two months' Moronism? owes $1 00, trial s'zs 25,. Drurglete or N 1'. Polon t Co., Klooeton, Ont. Hama ten's Pals Cure Crstlpatien. ECZEMA CURED. liscA.rrsa, 7th April, 1902. Macleod Medicine Co., Ooderloh, Ont. 1 was &dinned with eczema for five or six year, before 1899, when then I began to the your Soak and Swab. 1 tried ointments and weehes, and situ doctor's m.d:otoe, but they did me no good, 11 was juts money awn away. le the day ttms She itching was bad enough, but at night it was ta rr,bte, and when the oreepy, Drawly feeling Dame en 1 was quite distracted. 1 could not d eep neither could 1 rut. rose very tired to the morons,. I beard through a friend that your Soak and Swab would ours this dig ease. I wrote there and then for this rem. edy and • tattle o1 your System Renovator, whtob I reoelyd per "sprees Immediately. I got reel then and could sleep well. 1 used four pint bottles, which cured me, sod I 000tlnud thereafter to •poly the other two until I was entirely cared. This remedy should be known far and neer as a ours for this disease. When it cored me why not oars others. I am. deer sir, your. truly, MRS Gwo,v;R SRISToi.. KINGSBRIOGE. MON liAT, Aprll 14'h, 1902 Last Wednesday afternoon a Inge gather - mg of friends end neighbors met al the home of Mr. and Mn. if McGinty, Ash. field, previous to their deperture far their new home Deer Alpena, Mroh. The afror• noon was pleasantly spent by the elderly friends I. mu.to and ooevereation, and jus' before adjourning to the d'nine' Gem fo: tea Mrs. MoUloty was presented with a well-filled purse, sod the following attire's : K'ngebndgs, April 1, 1902, DEAR MRS. Me•Ii1NTY -Your approach• log departure hone nth midst affords us e lithos opportunity of giving expression to the Zoog cherished feelings of love sed re - '011111 entertained for yam by your many friends In Ashfield. Your kindness 1.r heart, charitable di.yndtton sod Christ.lo vicines hare endertd you to as. Ws therefore keenly feel and regrot the parting, whilst in your own household yc.0 hate proyed yourrcll a true, faithful Lod rx • mpl.ry wife, . k:nd and loving mother Please •oocpt chie puree se an Gamest of our love, accompanied by our beet wisher it the health and hspploeea o1 yourself, hue' band and family. May y, ter yea s many and strewn with plesoure, and whin in the fullness of time you meet the eternal de'ore. may the chnlcset blessing., of lletre° le, your lot, Farewell. Signed on beh.l1 of your many Woods MAKOARRT HURLEY. MRS 0. C. Obvert. Mss. M Foot. MRM. HOGAN. MRs. J. 1. SULLIVAN. Mr. Mct;:rely repiled in behalf of Mrs. MoGinly. In a few well'obneen words he thanked the people for their kindness* end ".pression of good will, assuring them be and family would veer remember their many friend. In Ashfield, in the evening this young people gathered and had a most enjoyable time tripping the light faotastio until "the .m: hours." Tockersmlth : Wm. Cameron, of the Mill Road, Tunker.mith, Is making prep.r.t•nns for the erentinn of a handsome new reel d•r.on chi• summer Mrs Holman, on th. .dj fining tarn,, lee else oommenoed the too, tool of a born torrp':t .stn one repent y burned rinen '111* M Kin.. Writhe's, of Kgmondv.11r, bay° tor' h ontlrante. . rtunity makes the thief." Shoe solc"robbcry" prevails 'ccause it can't be discovered till the shoe is worn out. The Makers' price stamped on the sole - pledges value up to that price in - "The Slater Shoe" T'w std' LJ Wei James M Shephard ; No. 10, Se 'postai ML Some, j,. • SII$ Ural Aged. e Mod Morten are simply kidney dlaorder., The kldneya Alter the blood of all that shouldn't bb. there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every throe minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause Of disorder can remain in the clrculatiothe longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They aro 1n need e$ stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicine Were la Dodd's Kidney Fills CO AWAY BACK AND SIT DOWN For half -an -hour and O we will show you the prettiest designs in WALL PAPER ever shown in Gode- rich. Remember we have 3000 sam- ples. Everything in the Wall Paper line that two of the largest manufacturers in Canada Lnd the United States produce. Our' 5c Papers are sweetly pretty ; our 10c Papers are sweetly prettier ; our 20c papers are sweetly prettiest. LEATHER GOODS DEPA IRTM ENT. Examine our Show Window for b gains in Purses, Chate- laines, Iusic Rolls, etc., all re- duced to 1.00 from $150 and $_'.50. KIDD'S BOOK STORE, 1'.o,l'ri, h. OUR METALLIC CEILINGS • -WALLS Are both artistic and serviceable. Popularly used by practical people everywhere. a Easily applied -most moderate in cost -fire-proof, sanitary and won- derfully durable --with countless designs to setect from. Write u. for booklet tells( all about them. METALLIO ROOFING CO., limited Wholesale Mfrs. a TORONTO, CANADA. Lee E.wt btko Motahic Nhin(;h e, -FOR SAL+ 11T - Dunlop Detachable Tires First in 1888 - Foremost ever since. To have been "first" merely proves antiquity. To have remained first proves merit. DUNLOP TIRE CO., L0M1Tmn, TORONTO. JordaOCn iG Mc K I M' S BI Qoderich, Ont. Millinery Bargain. A very low price does not constitute a Millinery bargain. Wo could give you a trimmed hat for cents -nut dollars -aid yet not a bargain. But for Satur- day, April _'tith, we will have Twelve Bargain Hats at $1.75 each. Twelve down to data Hata, trimmed to nor own rooms. They w111 be strlotly 1&shlomable oroduotlon., this year's goods rid a lovely has lo every seeee, t 1.75 value at Ileum Use price. no two the same, sod *soh at .Y "Coronation" Corsets. -Tele is 11. n ew corset and you Dan t be In style with out • pair. It 1. not • °omit made to sell bull • ooreet the present .tyle of drew de- mands. Short (root, bias out, but where It differs from other short front. 11 1. iosg over the hips. The sorest you must have to be In t1. .tyle. Organdys.-our Freoob wash goods re unique. Nu ons else o•0 show Tots any- thing 11ke them and the prior are roa.on- able. White wash goods.. 10J to 25J 8klrta.-A big lot of thaw bla•k merer- Pad uod.rskute, made full, with domes bwylly oorded with del fall, fast oiler and lovely rustle, good value at 82.00, our pit.., 'mob '91.29 HON.-Ao usual our blaok hose r. right. Heavy rib boy'. b..e es, for the large da•, loo ; other. at 15o 10 7fio Ladles fast black hoes, grey sod osrdtsal cashmere feet, none better, as 25o. Whoa we say fast oolors we mean 501n a *hat will not 000.e out or "Nilo the feet. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. New Flour, Provision and Seed Store. I have opened out the store on HAMILTON STREET, next to T. H a l l's Shoo Store, with a stock of all kinds of MILL PRO- DUCTS, BREAD STUFFS, BREAK- FAST FOODS, SEEDS, etc., etc., and respectfully request a portion of your trade. I ant agent for the London Steam Bakery, and will deliver Bread to any pact of the town. Leave your order and my wagon will call at your house every day. Best brands of Flour, includ- ing the Lake Huron and Mani- toba Milling Co.'s and Star Mill products. BREAKFAST FOODS a specialty. SEEDS for Field and Garden. rjrA call solicited. W. P. WESTOBY, Hamilton Street. A Great Snap 1s our Motor Soap, at 5o. a pound. of which well a hereof • week. This isn't our only map, &s we Darty everything that oan be found In an 00- W -date groosry Gore, and our prlow are right. Th. farmers know that they Dan always get from m a snap for their prodnoe. W• draw the Hoe at no legitimate trade - everythlug goes : Glassware or potatoes, garden staff or oholoest able China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block, Uederloh � LORINC... 1 ha • revolved my New Manua o1 Sui t's, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. 11 you are getting a new spring suit, • light overcoat, orsnythtng 1n my Ilea, i non please you In goods, tit end prloe. erteady.Made l Whine In Mork. H DUNLOP W E R T t STREET HELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THN BEST SCflltOli Hard Coal IN ,TRE MARKET Al Cool welshed on the Market anal, whorn yon get 501)110. fora ton. WM. LEE. Coal! Coal! Orders left •t j.=$ ✓k 58APE,AAD'S Store promptly attended to. JUST RtsoElpl1D 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. Thls Coal 1. good for ,Wives rid grates -1a wily lighted and styes out a gral heat. 1 Car West Virginia -Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mrllloo vi &shed Nut 30 He. per 100 lbs, or $15.150 Per tea. GIVE IT A TRIAL, Wm. Campbell, Uoderfoh, Mroh 10th 1902. 1808 -+- 1.900 L/STOWEL 7 Is moving forward. Winter teres hewing Jae. 0, 19tH. Our rates are reasonable, our courses o1 etoA thorough and pr•a1001, Rend too ensu Jour and fes what ws 15.01. Students wt' enter at any time. Two 000551111 st study, Commerolal and dbortbsnd C. A. FLEMING, A. L. MoINTYRE, Price, see Owen Some. IJstowsl. Mcl(1'U.p Ideal Fire Venous C. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW', PROP- ERTY INSURED, 1 tVL1ne of Property Insures up to Januar', 1901 - - ♦ *3.0411.Er1.1* OrricleRR AND DIRRQI'ORR. J. H. McLean, pros ; T. Fraser, vloores. Jae. Connolly, O. Dale. W. O. !'iroae-dfoot, J. a Iv Watt, Jaens, J. O. Grieve, J. Heenewele, directors; W. B. Brodfo it, eeatorth. Inspeo- tor of losses ; T. E. Hay., Ss(orth, sereary- t renew sur. AOENTw, J W. Ym, Holmesvttle; James (*mom's' 6gmondvllle ; Ii.. McMillen, 5eatrth ; R Smith, H•rlook. Policy holders nae pay ammemente and het their card, recelptd at Mr. Coats' Clinton. or •t Molwan Brim' Palace nothing Store, pods riots M i I I Wood FOR SALE The above is out into stove wood Ieu.th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders rooeived by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G'xlerich, November 'Etat, 1899. 63-3m 1 IIROPIIEY & SON - THE r.Eaotgn - V UratrQ\ DNtrtete,* WW1 Vamota\mtrs, girders carefully attend.4 be et all bear*, .1g\t •e day. e•e!Me street. WANT A STEP -LADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure ('ream Baking Powder purchased from no. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully *elected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have • fill I Mit rtment. Telephone No. 91. S'TZT Y az, CO. THS OROCU$1 1