The Signal, 1902-4-24, Page 2The Signal � rvau EVERY THUNeDATauNaIf OItxt" WV D. noon,alL.LIVILIDAPT. --J THURMI)-iY, APRIL L4, IW.!. -141 MAKK,UK0C1 t'"EAPKI.. The Buffalo Express Is lwllner flea hook favorably Upon lite NUKKP tlon that the United States duties on irerf should tie repealed. The Int Porlalfou of beef from Cnnaeht sgP Argentina, it thinks. "might t", tie- o,ir.tWe no a general business propo- .itfun, apart from all qupeetion of the bear trust. Jif It is true that the cause of the advaaoe lie prices Is lite occupation of the ranges for farm - 109 and tits consequent ellmlmtlou In tho supply of breve" anti increase In tits cosi of raloing thenal It to an obvious conclusion tluat the United States should seek sources of sup- Pl l• outside its, own Ixorders. It has always been Like brunet of Protection that It makes the American people beef -eaters. 'Phare can be no Pro- iectbnlst logic,, therefore, in letting the price Air Reef go so high that People will have to cut down their Allowance-, if any, change In the tar- iff would reduce It. True Protec- tion is eoswulWiy practical, aiming at results rather than mettttxiw. It Is eo Dew tbing! to accomplish the purpose of Protection by removing a duty, instead of impowing or tualu- Waing one. iobat war the funda- mental Point emphasized by Preal- dent MLKIuley in life IamL public speech. The removal of ,the duties would unquestionably be a good thing fur Buffalo, as it would make this city the centre of Canadian lm- portatlone. which already form an Important part of the lm@ineme of the port." 8o far good, and quite sensible. But the Exprerp goes on to say that "no existing duties should be r•peuled without reciprocal conceesluns frons the countries whose markets are to be enlarged thereby. A bill authoriz- lug the removal of duties on cattle and beef lit favor of all countries which will slake reciprocal conces- alone would be fair and reasonable, whither the beef trust can be diw Solved under the anti-trust laws or twit." .tad why, may we ask, should Can- ada or Argentlna, tato any mnare or Interest in a manure designed for the benefit of the United States atoee T We who five north of the lakes have our own affair@ to look after, without going out of our way tit hire eltizoens of the Uniteeil Stated ice consent to buy and Plat cheaper ttprf. They can live on bob veal' Owed meanly pork If they wagt to. It•'s none of our bumine'"m. A NP-411,1GIBLli QVA\1'I I V. lite Buff:ilo Express. diroutwing tate Britiude grnin• And flour taxc•m. s,tyw "tho most se•rlons problem wh'i'le the Ullltld 'itntPs has to fitted• it the possible discrimination of tic British Uolerutuent fu favor of it, t colonlem: 'Iber'e in a rT ewdj' •t "troll effort nowt to ha%e the taYeson grails and fi r from Its lependeit Clem r"mow dad if them effort iw I saxesful,- h -tile grain and flour I trade• of the United Mutes will re- ceive n heavy blow. If titers well, di urbnitnatwil tit fa%or of the Brit bill dependancfem, the experts wuul,l rapidly dPellnp. A removal of tit,, taxes. an suggested, would open the way t(o commercial friction betw'eeu sireat Britain and the United Statem I And warm of ifs character ensiiy e hrcouic dirtatroym. Nnlurally flu truce" have hall a bearish effect on Inn ma"Irta, Mit"it to entirely prod,- I ,•blo that there will be A reiru%ery when the otntter too thorotrguly I NlimheJ. The tuuleurtant Aeut re Butting that the United Kingdom Mitsui leave the gruin until the pruple filed a sulwtitute, "till by that [feel, the reusun for •oulinuilng the tn. iwiy ha%o ddmetppeared. lite ,)III) , important phaso of the sdtuatfofi appears to Ile, no has been smitf. in the possibility of .ttwcrla unatwn I in favor of British drppudenciete but it way be expected that the United States Government will mtrongly oppose much fiction." Ann 1 who care* the value of a roltru apple for United Staten opinion of 'United BtutPe oppomttion ill a mut I Looe., of this kine) T 'I hat country 1144, put itself out of court, long ago l,y taxing British aril Canadian pru duct■ Nose up to the prohibitive 1 polut. while enjoying free acceus t, ale BRitish market. 1hp, Iamt tiling Sir Michael Hicks -Bench ought to thirst about, when preparing n British budget, in to please the United Stateta t 411K ItItII1yN 1111f ly rAXKLS. vt hetheir tine final reg rff the Im- ptupiloom of a Britialt -_ gala and fleour shall h, a Prefe a fOf Cauadian ftnwdrtuffe in the lush market or not, we are more khat either the revenue npce,tmitded f' ttW mOthor onuotry or the trend of Pt* - Ike opltti(eem there mhoald have caaseb the taxation (If the peopli m bread. sorb A tax will riot help Britain to compete against the world In the gale+ of her mannfaetured products. It will clot Md el to the comfort and happluems of hwr working clawwo. So mulch we can deduce from ilia hlstory (or the past. Wagms were low Vat rmwta were high, before Britnln re- pealei the Corn Laws In 1846. Likes Sarah's baby, the brew,l tax Propomai by Rlr MMlnkel 111cks-Roach on Mondry M "only a little, onp," but the Millers' Asswinti,rit at Llv• wrlrxrl lost net tine in ailvnM ing the, prim of flevitr ley A reboiling a vaek, thr,s allowing their f,pnonn of "who ■houw PAY the duly." In this a+run- try there is a noticeable dlffprpnem (of (tpinirwi on 'this eirlewtlon. Mr_ H. N Baird, a Toryonto grain dealer, says that tho orramurrter will proh- AMy pay the extra tax. %fr %\' 1) Matthews. in they sante Ila* #A haat F 'live, days that, while for a shot time there might be a dbturblim e: feet, Lha duty in the end would hav to he horse by the a pe aalmer• Mr. t It %%'nit#. Seoritary of the Jlominio !tillers' Asscolatlou. think# the cot nuuere will have to pay the duty batt lee adds that "the tax Is put u for war purpuww, and, an the nod indicts are already euntributing, It I unfair to make diem pay twlee b, 1 putting the tax on their products. m- He, eikdently thinks both seller eta (slyer kvUl be flit, Ralph Smith, M. P orf British Carlidnbia, thinks til 1 Import duties on wheat nm flour will fall entirely on lit paper of Great Britain. Hun. Johi w IIIagKurt. who owns a will uu the Tray C'annl, believes the consumer wit Puy onPllnJf the duties, and ti" exporter the remuluder, bol that the price of bread IL E1191,ukd will not ate iner•ared. Hon. \\'illlnnt Rus", of Hallfa'. thinks the 1 . Itritiah peeplet will have to pay more for their bread. David ileudereou, of italtun, thinks the exporter will harp Lie pity tile- dude". L. O. Davis, of Sankatchew•a0. dose not think file,- duty ila duty will reduce the price of wheat In C'nnada. Andrew Broder, of Dun- das County, thinks the duty will be 1"erne equally by tile eapurter anti the eunrumrr. With beech a variety of opinion, t •r„ i" nothing to do but await der upmcdLr. Whatever may be "told t lion" at the Colonial Conler- era+o to tine,-L6-dutles will stand in their P est shape, with no pre- ference to eo nlul wheat, for a your to come% fwd b that ti the war, we way confldcn - expect, will be user, and Britain w have had time to take stock. The prosperity of Can does cot depend upon he /fiscal polk f Great Britain. We D uti/1se our r arose on(1 get r'Pa without asking he mother country to tax foreign when 'bile Admitiln Canadian wheat free elf duty. • t If It In going to INS a matter of rgaln' between. Britain and Candid wo utay hope that the British Gov - nment shall in- mbmt upon further ret ctiunr of the Canadian tariff se til price of to Irrnln prefereOLI The lei!! rellevo Cauadlaa conuamers of me of the tax burden they arc car Ing. We hilt-" no deluglonr as 1, ho Payee the Canadian cu@t-M. dutle �g Ing - . from Britain. IIN/TIYH TAX Olt 1:8.11. . The new war taxes propo by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Vichaei (kicks -Beach, In ids et ypecch yesterday, were an addition of priestly In the puun.l of income to ieKlmated to produce L-WWAXKJ0; lie stamps on bilis, to produce t5w,WO, alt( a re�irtration duty of 3 pence 4wr leutslredw�eiglit tion imported grain :oat 5 p�•uce per hundredweight uta tmP,ntexl flour nivel meal. estimatett to produce LL,650A)00. The remuinder of the expected deli(slt will be met by .L Ion of LS�,000,OuIt, and by tho Yem.ur of exoheclueor bill& ThL total sexpetaliture to estimated at Ll%)3,- 10•J,1700, of which Ll_'9,159,t10U ;a or - Unary ant] 16'S,i1WAJ0Q ebargeable to the war. -- j---- -- The revenue ill the past year from I anti mucelluncotts sources, not IK iu.ling loatu, wad L14f:,9'J7,JxrI, W.AINOt an garlimute of Ll",455.01X►, uuatVWs duties bringing neurly a milllun mure than was expected and ui,oiae a mdlicn and a half leads, while tbere.were mouth itecreamea under other heitdo, Tito theme tax in flow - 15 peace in the ImAind, and that will Is: the first to be reduced when peuce end proptt.rlty permit the twat "Ilig ,t a return to normal conditions Mir William VertRRYHarcourt ol,- jluterl to the tax on wheat, its u r•: - urn to the old fatlacfesof prutewtlu i attt Incidentally he condeMued til n!licy of annexing hodependent eoun- triom to the fonpire, on account of I burden ilia* imposed) upon the ititirb t;axpaycr. tier Charles bodke, iuhn Redmond, Henry .Norman add Jotta Burns, inlerslewetl by the press, ill tAiJcelel to the tax on food. ' 1\'o do uol think the grain and flour (AIL lmPo alt by Britain will be popu- or In Caeadmi. Whether it Is paid by the producer (A by 'Lite consumer, or divided between them, may be a subject of debate, but In any came t will be a restriction apon ex- change which, being voluntary, Ilan errs prima facie profitable to both parties. Sump Canadlaas may anticl- mitr retmoelLftcAtlon of the grain tax n favor of this country, an a quid pto quo for the preference given to Britleh goods by lite FINAfng tariff. Tint anbjeet will doubtless by dis- cussed art the Colonial Conference, do on hekl at l.'ortmialion time. We (10 Mitt conuot vary largely upon the re- ult, bemuse_ Mr. Chamberlain, If he ;tor" Into a prrfe'reMlal scheme at At, will Ix+ apt to demand worm than ,'aI1A,ln will he dlmllrw.11 TO Rraflt in Ise way of tariff ronewi"alona. It k art well fir rfther Country to Ile led up to a fixed policy, for who can pit what revenue demands or In lumtrinl cerentlltleorie may require ,t few Iearm hence T , Tho effect of the Cern Laws In for - seer daym was to increase land rent. thotild thin three -peace per ' ,vndrnJ- rplgh► tarn tot to be the thin end of tits rrtionint wedge. ohm land - Ary , l be under a great obliga- Itxi to H kruser and hip hoer [olleagups• t the manufacturers tool workingm of (brat Britain will rimh that South Africa had been at he bottoon of the HRIr16H silt'toof-jx.. velum" VII. of thetoenth Vern- tury Searles (Idnmeotl Ilubileld ,g Dim itany, Brnntfortll In wrRten by T. N $ Foowott, M A., mad treetslm of ''Brit I,th SonProlgnm In this Crniury% " 'rine Introdnrtory rltaltterie go, much I'Art.hpr hack than the y••ar iFKNI It U mhfwn that mil EUropa%n mon mrehl" were In their origin plr•etl•n rather thus herrdttary, and that the �. r;t1 Wea an absolutely hereditary crownof led oil tlrely foreign to BHtld, cLsramter and history. 1'l.....Il- lutloisal title of Williu.ln the Cou- quem to tits orowu 1e- Jlrcursstl,,tied Uta growth of ruprereutative gov- erkm" it JA described, 'rite uuthor „rlys (fiat "the udrothews; and ability of Henry \'ill., am well as of his [laughter (EUs+tbe(h), wore eltown Its tho-fir readinerr to recognise the to ul;t {r.fut twyuod which their perpruual wtwller oil ti not safely Ile presumed. The Tudor queen always aJmtued it toutrullhlg puwor lu ilia popular upiulou of her realm. ALure all, neither Elisabeth nor any of bar flue pro%uked public opinicn by advauclug e>travagaut theorlt's of royal power. rill. Tudore were ounteut with pur- mt•dsfug and using, on We wlaule, t11e- ,reetly, the power which the Stuarts elaborated Into a ruinously unpopular and tic t , u •curt tutiunnl tit l.'mu." The lutermarrbage of the Normlta family (of Alan Fitz-Fbtud with the Uruc•t family 14041 Uaan, with a Tudor brought the Stuarts wttbin the loyal circle. bevoral chaptern are devoted to the Stuarts, the first of whom bttgan t6adly. Before James I. "entered 1AII1,1011 'Itis_unigopalarlly was secured. Not content with pot- I1cly «nubblug film ,•Ifo ou the J„urncy, he made enemies anioug many others of her sex by fowirliug on their prewentation to him on their knees. At the some time he unin- aged to ruffle the renslbiliLies of the military e•lase. The peasants and artizanm whu flockel to gaze upon the r(iyal progress were rudely bld- deu to keep out of the way." Ovorge I.'fed and drank heavily. A guest of Sir Robert Walpole, at Rich - snood (fill, he swallowed so much punch as W make the Duchess of KPahtl place the bottle out of his reach, upon Which His Majesty fired a volley of German oaths unrlt for publication at the lady. Under elr, umstances like these, for loyalty as a motion or even as a principles. tiler could manifestly be small place. yafty to the sovereign an a parson s rvplaeod by, allegiance to monarch ops an institution, Wal- pole wad the 41rgt statesman not [lot only to consolidate the power i of the House of Com"inons, but a1wvP toll things to establish, the modern, I 1 trsrll�psrerer stftft ANDREW CARNE0,I E ON COMMERCIAL LIFE. (from Him "Empire of Business." ) . W ii W sMUih +.µ/aPlAlr. Poverly *n,1 Wr01th. Ivor klag ubout. Their polot It IN the fualvlon nowadays to be- b t e others work while they wail Poverty am an evil, to pity title Ihiu applied thlr iesrua to after young amA wtio Ir not torn with a I'(P, that buriueis will% me hits silver spoon In his mouth, but I heart- nut a oil a care. Aly young par,- - rubwribe to President Oartleld'r I n••rr Llie work, and l 4114 the doctrine that "onto richest heritage t;aughfng, t►ud 1 cumaeud to all the ted young ma* oast Is+ born to led pow- LhOught that there 1" tory little e•rty•" it le opt from the suns of ettcte@s tvlarre their Is Billet laugh tile) -iiiioaalre or the nuble that the 'ter' , world reoelvee Its twu:hers, lir mar- a e net$. tyre, He Inventory, Its statesmen, Thu. fab,Wou of truntd has but u Its tete, or evenIia men of affairs. IvItiork reason 1 ager to run, anti then It is from thecottago of the poor '00" °tllur LgUally %all' device may that all these rpring. be expeotel to appear %viten the neat I►Istrib"tiufi of %%Pdllh. twrIW of depredation arrives; last there in not the blightest dingier BY admiulstering surplus wealth that serious Injury tout result to the du i ren lite e rest we It n K R u h fay 1pucume saltt6d principles of tw+Jnew from any IL blerding to the, community, and the or ull of tile" muvementm. oho only cecoupatun of the hrintrier►r Mau lee- leeOPla - who [tavr reason to fetter ouululuting wealth may be elevated trusts Ura those foolish enoug!t to ret as to ratek with any profession, enter tato them. The consumer mud 1loney Im left by millionaires to the traumporter, not the mauulae- publo inatilutiod" when they must turvr and tho rullt'ay owner, are to relax their grasp ugmm It. There IS roap the harvest. au graco, eud etui tee no blessing, la ,tit Otv4-n freedom ree do m of cumpetit lent and letof et%, cau of Ire snot ch It tempt to exact from the conommur Ir utP gYft, bPx`aure It is not cheer- fully_gl•en, but only granted at the more Uen A legitimate return uWn stern rummoua of death. Tbu ,mfr- capital and service write the charter carrlago of theme bequests, the Ittl- o f their own defeat, gntion counacted with them and the %llllioualrees. ukadder ill which they are frittered Here fee a remarkable fact, that ,twat' seem to prove that the tater the miaow of the pcop)e lie silly arua do not regard them with a kindly try art; prop -rous ,anti comfortable eye. Just I proitortluu as there are mit 1' TELEPHONE STATISTICS. Hell Conspo"fes Now HarAle Ngarll 'i'wu ."111100 ('0116 Dally. Tito U. S. hall Telephone Company according to official figures. Dole filled a tonal of over nde Million stet• tkunst operated • through 1,411 ex. changer and 1,594 bra•tch editors. W filled number lIt1U,(xttl call bu uunneet. sed to the long-distance, ryatem, all, cotwtilueutly to Poach other. Tilt (.Kai number of both toll and m - change Punneoctione Is 7,719,189 per day - Of this number 7,581,000 repro relit exotwuge uouueletlons, and I87. 378 toll coil nectlons In all, I7L•9,• OW tOiltyt of wlro urn employed. AV pro[tmately one-half of thlr mileage is underground and one-half ole poles told bull,linaw. The total number of employees is 540,1!64. RARE WEDDING CELEBRATION li 1 re o d r , bliver and the Ileal 'fht«s All In 0woo Day. Dubuque, In., April I.B.-A gold wool ding, a silver wadding and an actual wedding 111 lit one family Is not often de•en. .%II these ex%ourred today al Holy Ohomt Church In this city. Tho first nwrrlage knot Fathrr Foedlag tied wan for Mr. and ]firs. Lexvnard 1.(r•hapr, who 60 years agu to -day were marrfed in Germany. Tito secoal couple to be married wore Mr. mail Mrs. Philip Lochner. tZ years ago, In Dubuque. 7110 last marriage wit" that of Mike" .\my Iwr•haer. (Laughter of Mr. awl Mrm. Phillp Ltrhaer, &ltd kir. Pan] L Roust. This was a real one and not Inh9nlyd t\rfillh, eco right tonalrow. In the old home of our race. In Sr6 an annlvermar y. ler the others. Dtuthing In truer thug thlr, that ur lain, which is the richest country in r"INIblo of ellweerning gentium, Our u rule the "almlglety dollar" be- quetathed to song or daughters by the worl.t says cue -our own -there ire more millionaires than to .,Tl,KJt.��„u m1f11utts Prove& an almighty curie. It, IN not affection for the child, It in reit-glorlllcation for the the whole of the rest of Europe, and Its people are better oft than any her. You come to Isotl; THE MARKETS parent which is at the root of tide Injurious our awn n w have more milltunalres than In xmnH, disposition of wealth. There in only al the rest .tf Lite world put Lo- ('unr.•nlrmllnp• di thing to be said for field mode, get ear, although we have not one � � It furnisher ono of the most efffca- to every ten that Is reputed no. 6,1i do. feed, i.J tie :.4e. emit.., cloud mesas of rapid distribution of ('wplt"l "fill Labor' l .,r„ac„ h rnurr•' )L.rk•t. we<Uth ever known. The trouble between capital and April Cl -'[here were curly tau lend ludrpen ut t'h"naeNer, labor Just la proportion w the Ig- of oats offered on the street nuarket this morning. Tfney sold tit One fairs axlum ,fou will often axiom nrUruatle of tha employer and the Ig" 4he pew bushel. hear, which I wish to y guar) you agat[tet: "Obey uoralice i the employed. The more lutelllgea til,• employer the batter Iluy war firmer, heals Melling at orders if you break owners." Don't you do it. This Is W dad the urn Intelligent the em oho $13 tax $1 .-A) par ton for time . Straw war firmer, one lead selling rulo for you to follow. Alwaysbre,Lk (orders to ploys! ,ter. It im never educes- tion, It led 0 Ter knowledge that pro � $10 p''r Leon. save owners. TZlere,never Wada great character who dl not duces col!trfo . It is always ignoru0ce uta aha Meat" are till higher. exceptypsl. Reef hlntolqutaTterm are i,lk r cwt. m(ontrLimed smash the routine regain- g tlons ami make new ones for himself. part one or other of two foYee r. Speakse from an exper,ence Pe higher, at $ti to gel per cwt. ('oro- Rasa your bows Jum, an soon no I trot ua;onmldere, to. I make thin state quarters art- $1 tea. $1.30 per cwt. higher. you : try It on early. There to aol� Ment. Capital Is Ignorant of the rtrcessit-8 and angers of capital. at $6 to tiff per cwt. Choice careasoli ,are $1 higher, At *8 to ng Ito• will lftte ems well If leo Is the kind of boos: if he IN not, !tea That W the true igen of friction be- $9.50 pre ewt., lend common onus are 4 not (fie man for you to remain with 1 tween them. Wealth Im being m re and more dim *1.31) to $2 hlgher, at $7 to $7,50 it v eat Lambs aro lc per Ib. higher Nystrm of finance. \ even 'Ofxorge - en%P hls0 whenever you call, at n present sacrifice, find find tr•Itwt."f among tl many. ThP• ,,mount of the cum neel of at U1t to 1 Sc per Ib. `tpring lembm ill. began hie n�n with one r"INIblo of ellweerning gentium, Our profits labor woof cupital wh -h goes to la- nae ,jt each higher, at $4 to $N. Mutton to 5[k# to $1 higher, at $7 a proclamntion against imm\owdity, young and, with all his faults and w k- partners in Carnogle Brothers don ihctr spurs by showing that we tiler wits never so gr t as today, the remount going to on Mini power so to g9.50 per cwt. Wheat, 71 ted. 77)fe dW �nelPm. ills per*OAUI COAdaCI wrir 1 aknow half no well what was wan End 4e they did, xmnH, white, d.. red 1, 7O to 76c; do. goose, 66e; do. apring, reproachable. On PT Angel 314341 Mr. ('unr.•nlrmllnp• 1•:duratlui•"• In 67c; rye, 580; barley (malt), 54 to Eiett tells how so much of Canada's ut all your eggs fn one m own Pxperlenee can gay halt I have 6,1i do. feed, i.J tie :.4e. emit.., territory came to be glvea to the bar to all wrong. I tell YOU �-­ known levy you men in tended for business who ere Aot 48c; perad, 84c ; aimed. cwt„ job, nl- rlke, $1'L.50 Lo 616.50; do. red clover. United States when theYour peace lens r- -oil- thethat Pggw In one basket acid bdmket." It Ys racy Injure.] by n collegiate, ado tion. Men have $6.50 to SO.? -3;, do. timothy, $7.7to to eluded In 1783. The reign of George to watch and carry the one basket. wasted their p eolous yearn trying to extract aide lion $8.25 ; hay, tietwithy. *13An to $14.80; Ill. took lA one-fifth o[ the nine- It leets Is trytag to carry tat mtauy tests- from an Ignorant past whose hie( do. clover, SH to $9; straw. $N to 810; butter, 1R to ",lc; teenth cent wry. Before the triol .%f ooaatry. that bre m most eggs In this He w carries three bets- province 1s to tPni%h us, Vet hat potion( rolls, eau• crocks. 15 to 17c : eggs, new laid, quer n Clurollne. George 1\"& poet/►1 kelp eI Uque,d, did is mupt put on, :I II;w head, wllf;h RPt to tumble trip him to adopt, but what to avoid./ an have sent the r @ons to colleges o 10 to 120. T.,rnPsto Coeatry not prevent film ,u up' waste their enarglea upon obtain) Prodere. h fag toelpulnrr rrpmi:ally with Lite It inool[„mp some elm to learn, but n knowledge of, such languagcm a Toronto. April 21.-Rntter-Th" W -ii Lc ,dor. crowd& Elia political Cott. i managers, riLi le Arn, til t ill w cls great each ns ♦e these Geek and Lat;n, which are of no feriDgh contain a few de drive or fairly vk onto were pretty tmlformly rp,pi- days, you never do any work t . -mite Yen more practical use to them than Choctaw. hone yuallt-v naw, tenet swx%n then III be plenty of them. Creame;les' Int . by a sense of his personal LOAN* ANA, 1 OWIAXC16 rend their deppndenelem on June 1, o ear treriy. DPMaud for all ,•finite - STANDING U P torte ilence. Tyle exact uppusltetof r Ilia fa her to tamtps, habits art( cit I~AT to ter ie gtrtsdg. We quote. Cream- red prints, 22 to 28c. mnlhts. "I to to Jects 1 life, he inheritel somethaig T"' re olned John. "Make our- j y 2�7, seeurtds, 18 to Ytk; dairy pound rolls, choler• 18 to 20c. large rolls, of his t tther'd obstinacy rather TO AVERT U Y S P E PS I A. a hulcP 18 to 19c : tube 14 to i6c ; (Lan - Dir th_4L 00111; liPurge lV• out of kllt,,r with some of tits Present conditions. matin dad low, lata 12�. ftmnld Lo On Plane; he left it -------- -- - . - Egg The Market Is firm at 1:-c. '•That f" esgwclally true or his stomach. Among other things It Lcnuon, April"lp-CatIto tit- weaker at from Yet to 14C y %A till a demand and liberal offfor- The Signal r rusuaaae 1VHRT THURaLAT IIORNINQ ■r D. meeumiticODDw. Tww of m*Ir00rlptlaa. aonta, la &&Von w....................t U kr00 in*. hos, " H etc moot!.•. " M Owrrr. ........ .. 1 y AdyrtblNg HaNa, l,ogal and aider o6.ua1 44yrt,00meaw. low, FeP..r Iu.e fw Or.L 1•a ted rtlo ,. lee 1 '1 n.nea poor Il In. each w►teumomt Iwr'kited. U", -04 6e- a .,.,oy. •il ...1e. 9,.4.•00 os rd. of sl• Ilea dad trader i• w•. ye&r Advertlressatee of IAs4 rotated, alrasr.n lllauAvoine, vao+nt, eltua.tol, W.aNd ."4 11,0000. cbanew W6w1r4 wt 9X,,0odl0, 1 tinN nonq roll, $1 poor on.06. ll,,,,- o0 %al• ud rarms em Matte. .ot ,. exos.d t hang. $1 for flnt mugo, Srio Per •rL semuopt manta. Ilertgrdtta Im pryWrtl„w Aur .pedal aet4v. lbs,!feet of will�h 6,0 pr,ulote the peounleo ked t at -NY h Alvbt list or oompsOr, to W eooa an ad wen toed r.en% and charged s000rdlnrly. l.noal sours. h, a,«rParel tips one •eat PA word, no .of Ice lam the le-. l.00►i Quilting to wary ary r.ading gyps ewe cuts per wewA. Vo note" far Ir• thus y,,,- Nolwoo.7or,hn-lime end •rhtr ralig(oeu ..J bemovol•st Ingtltutl~. ►elf rate. Mubecriben who fail M rereile Ties m[amq regularly by m.11 of it pouter a rw, or tv n gu&ienne w of Lite het at all ear:, a tint., .t poW boa • hl.'14 eba10aa of address Ile dnglred bo,1 tae eld aid W dew addrow should h, give, ►,►flaw'. Roll«. J. *. Le Toaerl. of Orod.rt••►, has horn top pointed Local Travelling Aseent fur tit- It,— pe of Oodertoa. Coibruw Aehgeld .,oilWa w dao ob. Lreai pwtrsae66n over in* dl.trtM.rc.1.0 empowered to reoely •aleeloriptloae W Tug 910MAL- A9 esaemaaleatl•ne wrest be aAArngeod D. 11oO11.1,1r'UDUy. Tax +ius.y fdopmee Can to O edortek. a THURSDAY, APRIL ;SI, l;xo_ TIRATNLLINO GILIDa. - GRAND TRI'\[ RAILWAY AaalTa xed ..11 M a.m. U and Rrlerea.... ........... • • -........ tlxeed ... ............................ 7.li I :` Mall add liable* . ..................IDM P DEPART. Aran and Expensive. .................. T. Is a,", )N,in and Z ..................... Iv L. W." f lb It, or, ..._ DIRarrNTA r. M. NICHOLION. L.D M , exRTAL grRexOw. Rooms oppoe(u Lite I'e.t (taloa (t• *poel1dal&rliltag. Crows ad arid" Wave t Y rest ExprIs M. IIIA9RR. DDR .I LD.D.-DRNTri, II• Murgeom-Latest amt aprreeed net,•„de for all demur op•rettoao. r..Prvwllea of iL. Natural tooth a speciall Coaly (-or wr•1 K add square fep.xan.uceem w,"4 T.loi-hemell No. IL JM. TVANISULLi D.D.S.,LD.w.-Dye. to! em t .aT.lr aeaw letted wi Dr. Mxoa, ae Mnatrosel. Gold and poroe•.,ti artlllelate l ethe mnantrid os gold or al Qem,..em, bawea R W &".alto,. 111910 to Ihit fw-. vailoo of tao .leg" tooth. ()Alk*Ir, M. LAaa's sow kioot f< xu t.DaAh . (e� CAYPION, (10.-RARRIBTexr 6U11 .11 �eltw. 1•olary. to O/eo ovW edtoy lilal4 aprasre UodaAod U. JOHNYTON-BARRIMTkR. -;oij- At( e rlkr. ('ommywietno , RonYon.l 1. town. Oinor: ('eat. am ilio. lead el. Aadrav Areurla, Godorieth, 0,,L SIA PROTIDPOOT At RAYR IIAWRIT Tk:l:x Aid inlom.utarlct I,ahllc prf. inn In lo'. 1�arlUm• t•4ture, Jac. omcv: � .fit. et., e.." ppdrw9 stenAL Ol�ete F'rrivatee trundles Island wt V PROD me Yf (OOT ML C. FM) .4 I\ICKINItON kGA ROW,RARRI+Tr J AIWru-ya.A.i/ai etc..GOdere E. L. Iticklnwon. _J'1 hOsne_w, Li r PHILIP --L--- OLT l , DARRIBTUR. +UL[ eltor. NreteeroVithba,efe. O/o•sett.-'• ('ottrt HOUW aAuare Mohr to little it ",' .. rAi4H Of L111.reet. stucco. Pitt street still remains 41:2 if'", et re6tmurailt in which men Air mw1;o(np, tett Just used plain cola- isigm. - - -- perchea ilia munnmr t, hfr title to proof nr al on ;,Igll «toeel« were bending mon pent. Potatoe Demand is strong g Land �Aa M[AG[R - 1PARRttv1 tR A•`L Irnmtirtn'In B over y rlghton. The regn ttwro eowlter" eatlig their Ill nche'uu murclru i a dory clUAen, eshib "I told hl alt shout myself -what offerM a Is liberal. The mnrtet to R mi''ady at PNesv@ ichor notary and egevtvwsa6r, toela o0 ,IT notary .tre,t • ,• it'. CWborr•t of R-iti am t* accorded space iting saterfactiou with blmrell and I ate, how m 1 ate anti (row often i ate. At the I asked him what a advance. ears atpady- at & to 65c on track be Betel. God,wlcb Prirata rand. to keA n. edortsagee 6t 6 pr a.01, interest. raruee•n ProporUOtmts to its fm{+ortahca, the world. flea reined a vacant stool, I ought to do and 1T4: outs) e. TAtt of •fora pots 66/66 saMgi but thoevents " f Queen Victoria'm moved placed It to one rid« with s thump. himself la the space thus left "Ile replied 'Do a thing you wbooh toes air wort TS to 8pr. ------ I o. WARD.CONTtvyacaR.he. ANY reign could hard .be condensed Into ompty, and looked around to see so iong its you don't down when Puolt ry-Tltrt Ir little demand, of- ferittg« are light and the V J. coed rekWoOerfw t.t,sg ud ratvM wiry rtwgeireong of !lett, a/rayl . or ./nae aportion of one . A few pagnes U are devoted toI, Ing the other laa.:hers wero watch- him. His eyes Yell on the mai y Y°n eat' Than he went on nnJ , e a fun vie mg market quiet. Priced a steady at 1 to 1eo for well-fattet fresh uo0e,ttepeauoncor6d•mse&*Wanri"dtoner rs0o•Putwg ams arU....ait ear pr..«dtos on legYII. to the rtgbt. en ph&nation. I coalJn't g thgr -killed tar- kava anti (10 to W. til.Hlw►Co.rtear Jsotl.a/ber'.ertor APPI%" ortiorles of wholesale slaughter and "Hpib, John, 'that you?" he raLl, dmtnllto of It If I tried, bemuse ere � or Chickens. LlalPel Hay -Tho n rk.•t Ise Qslpt, for Unlarl, of l anY Criusty K DB1pr.s (louet All ka%e6otleas earetmlly end pnmpy N�� �4�le •■ he grabbed the bill of fare. "R'fiat were too many drfontlfie terms 1 t. M,in'm life gets further fur g with liberal offerings ml a light tin. •xec•ted. Rastd,owe add P. u. &4drom Ile• gaanoes, O"L ow * are f Pooh you eats fed end oya a inti milk? I Gimme frletl o stern," to the and Mons from nature with the growth wand at $10 on trork acre for 110, ! t[mt,thy- who don't know lila inenning of waiter. s CURRENT COMMENT word fewer; I snppoee thert• are of civilization,. It become* more aid Br►ILei Htre)w-There only a LOAN* ANA, 1 OWIAXC16 rend their deppndenelem on June 1, "R'hai's the matter with mittitug more nrtiflMal; whom h1N functions elight demand and offerin ■ are hill i �1NNMI e����� lawn T"' re olned John. "Make our- j y remain Am nature made them. Tilers fore his futictfo0m Are rtwl. The market im yule[ at idi cq track v�„�);\' TO LEND ALARUP..&11ot v of private funds for Inve strati at L, self 011tnrlu electioneer May 8.. at home dial stay awhile." "'Catch me sitting down when 1 out of kllt,,r with some of tits Present conditions. herrn,, Srltlh f.tve Stork Mark to. oat rating and Pxprangon Rat-dNeip srs►im•: AleplytoWit0a0nkOrraw. �- , eat. Now the real political cs`tltpalglt Pro Anyway. slut( like that track- Y unit milk lau't worth while, hit '•That f" esgwclally true or his stomach. Among other things It Lcnuon, April"lp-CatIto tit- weaker at from Yet to 14C y - --- --- - - --- --• AVCTIo\SWAN Nt:. NGIUa will hegjn, ting town to, Wil don't you eat Y y duffers from his mtilwer of ,rating. f1.. drran weight, rotNgPrator y OUNURY, .AUM. 0NIKKtl .t\[• 1' Valeator,Oeder/ek,Ont. r4le.wrrr.,,t.,; Met flow food T" Tile stomach ald the opmophagng are, die per ib. to in any pet of The wooly. " Col." Lynch, the Y pro -Borer pt. ted I to Parliament "I can remember ale time when had to take my meals standing, too. ilke A rubber bag with a ruhber tube IrndfOg down to It. Below it are the Ltrdlag Wheat MOrkette. - - -- - -- - Qi7!a [NO 6RNRRAL Art ",e �[rl( T L by the people of I- That was after my father caught Inteentlnem, like more rubber tubing. Inn ale Lk# closing, Follow �, 4" el d t�a�er"o s t�,t�,ii el I. (-•. way, Ireland, haw (leen evicting a mo going fishing, when I ought W "If you tatke a rubber tube with a ticrtst at Important wheal 60stres unmeaning trader be to to a p,nrtius w d,. of htw poverty-stricken tenants wh have been weeding. What leave you (tag at the erect and hold it up, the to daiv, tw•rrt"re with &heroes% ru.faetten ani am%a, are unable to pay rent. Will the been League cuing to -get it so bad T"' "J'vu been getting common sense, tube will be perfectly stralght and novthMg you put in It will fall Cash. July, Nr,al. York... ... .., P%le rine •elrsebd to elm. OrAcn loft J /art.»'" 8oUM ween( k#li nail rn his adder Ooderutk P. o o r.fullr wti6.and tea, Jolt stand that? hat's what. Say, theme treed uym- thiough to tier bag and therioe to ChlcaK°""" "' 74 Zi -8 785Q3 8 liOY. (7osnty Ascttoarw. lief"s - t Nr. Dougherty, of Mfmsouri, ways he ! rte are great. Walter, 1 N have s tie of Deer with 'em." oho other tubinR• ti(o with the iotom-I.uluth, 71Ct1' Leta mein wtaal up and there I,•Iedo......... ......... ...... 8.1 78 wO. 1 Nor.... 745-8 75 k#•6 _ _ ■AiiiTAHN L/o[ -sols. . cannot be re-elected to Con rema un- R h I If I tasted one of those o s• g y is a stralght path for his food to. UniUth, No. 1 Ilan, 77 k#-8 - ,r„w� 0�,,,wo,,,.� .a tea` 1pmm his party ceases trying to pep- tprd+� 1'd have dyspepsl8 till I Liked ' the Place where It should be. 1'orento 1.1vs f4tock Yark*t. vent the sale of horses anti mules to to Sewe yon right for sitting doer tho British for use in 4outh Africa. Mol nit oil that stool Ntand lip like That sort of thing ham Its influence. I ,to arid you could heat are ostrich. My, it',t wonderful wlsat au appetite It Is worth thinking of that the till+ weather gives ti man. Waltor, "aw'eat-box" had its origin and flour- gimme some fried sausages and buck. Where most in the two United Stales wheat cakes." "Say. my friend," interpolated John, cities where the people have an muelk with spume anxiety In life voice. "you need of protection agalnBt the het%'e'n'I. any reason for committing pol'ce M against the criminal@ who Suicide, i you tau)evil avll e are mot In nntfprta tIf It a wigB1 l t;% gc outrkis add step In front of a The United Matra War Department trolley or, dad Wil be quaker. too, than eaating reaumagove and buckwheat haw firderorl tin Inquiry Into thn oteltnm on top of fried oyoters." ortiorles of wholesale slaughter and "Don't yon Ile ninrm."1 al"ant met torture in file Philippines. Tito forest- It lean can eat ahndlot anything lip orifi TA 461ATrrRin of wiping M ng opt the feeiw in like entinK• pruvi%leld he doer it trip right WILY.'* wtigma, ami wome officers will prole "I have heard that tbrgn are *.tine ably face a ce Alrt martial. mel: who don't know lila inenning of the word fewer; I snppoee thert• are b The prepatRtlon ttf the United l3tatoom many others who never heard of flys- rend their deppndenelem on June 1, lielPsua." , Ilye{eeppltil Why, say' I'rrr yPierre 1900. was 84,282,069. The total nrra, i ,,ndl It In ilia worst way. f hall it likeluding all Insular and other pee atal irnd last wormer -that ant] ]ndl- "masions, was 11,690,822 molunre miles, geortirmi-that i couldn't ent at all, atxeut onefourtrenth of the entire except proparviet Intantn' fr,olls. Why, Itiool surface of the globe. (beat Brl- I wlfe t-ot so iiia% I wrote down and onv lend to carry we Qrf to Ihn rnun- taln and heir e1ppendettncle@ have yet try. Now i apt enrol, that Is nil." A long lead. 'TaAt Mo?" raelalmwol John, laying down hie spoon anti turning nronnd Lient-Col. 'L1lompson. Y. P., for to face hien fripool "What did yon Haldlmand, Is to ile second In com- tit kill •" mnnd of the Coronation Contingent. lits. "\nthing;' rapllmrl the rx•dylelrrp- "i Mot Mtn attending ftp." Ile In an excellent rho,ire. \ exon- 'Come Orr," rploinal John. tingent of much aperimens of ('Una- "ll'w to treat," asserted the ex+iya- dlan manitelod will ,to nn no ellmrrrdlt pelrt,c, "no•l If )eat want to rnr" Among the pk* of til„ gr e•nI. relive- yourself 1.roke It I'll tell you all Miami . I down Isst •noormpr find my wife phre tie ammemMp In Lwirtton. e:lrrlwrl me fief to the country .inlet - ----. ,pew men( of that goeol. plain. onnnlr , %Ir. Metlorlt'a efforts to mpe•ure tin Wird that yon rend about In theirnA- 111"Alirniron of flit, rdtrm , INomtAgr IA yen. Pmrnts Intel mm up fear three ,lit pnp,•rm promising hetwrrn 1;red I "When i waw Ablp two be lip agaln Hlltalo nhd ('n"Adte Ami ('an f wont to thin village director to get ' ndn lend file Unitpd cietrs hnrp not him tie fix fns tip an that 1 ronid e len free been avere"f,tl Tile allowkpt' hnek to town. He followed out moo Ietf Rrittmh officials nilly coil f'" for, n ItrpAt old oharnetpr, that sent by and by. dre•tnr lArtld h" didn't hPtlerp in treating sick people by any school "But If the rubber tube Is bent rlIPOrt mo Use. cloning, Pat cwL $61 M ps p MIM the do neldlu el L L'' ....... -.... fl 30 to 6 M - - trig M doubled over there do cows t will hp no longer free and unoblotruct- Rutcbews' catd •picks..*""' I Oilti; to s as CO � CUNTiNIIEN Pit MassnKP- That's what happens lturrhero, ola"la choice........ 6 ue to a 40 when YOU eft down to eat. You aro Butcher.'cattle, fair............ s 76 to 6 cis do romooen................ t 00 to 4 Ta Ottawa, Apr tont over. The food ono't slide down 4e sows t N to 4 lee P El. -fit- appeared to bed the nwmrtphngns, noon into Lha stomach do bottle t be w t y an yet uuetoctri-. wnerb the corona and thpncc to the intestines am It re11f0 "her1- eirP.........,,. 4 is to 6 N tion conting, tit will tonw-ntrate b do nadsum ,.... ....... _,.. 11 a f4 106 fore irnvlug fur is�t land, Queb••c. L• ought to. Mtrmter,, per awe ............... P M u 4 >d ale and Montreal Are competing for "Tine pailmogi gets blocked. There 1s dot Itgtt •...•.••.••.••....... t 76 to M the honor ntromm sting the fn% n congevrtlon of food. inatead of til . MIIrh oow., each ............... t3 06 to 6� MI �� K P P t3h cp, ewwa pr ow( a 76 to 4 so ored detachment. r "P men will M• work been filially distributed, art Iambs, Yearlings, perevet...... 6 73 to O 70 Mobtllgel About May '>,7th or Celll. of the dige@tive apparatus hail to do do spring. each . t w to 600 or tPn obs Ail then work. The reault naturally la flow., rhokw Pitt cwt........... t 1s to 0 so 7e beforo thdir JPpnrtury EL breakdown. And ttptre you are." Hag"• 11 lit. per cwt............ m m to t se An before announced tl y tire- t„ Hog, tat, per cart ............... a ler to a leave) by the Parisi, o .1ann It* "Aral dot yon mean to way that yon Hop, sow■.,,,,,,,,,,•„ ••••.. 6,m to mgt T.leut. Col. Turner, V. C., f gnetmr. cured your dy'geepmfin by standing up mtws' ........•...•,-,,... oar to t ai a alw4ren of na like to r rowed• n while You atm T" asked .Toho fncrrdul- Bradettroetos on hada, commhmion. HP may Prrhnp bre lit, eww1Y' Thus h enteety an much activity teroewl Major. Tito nwmp "( ( plain "Sure;" replied Life ex-dyapeptic to trade cwntrew 1mILIpAlntal aA Thachcr, of the Royal nann•lia Its orderinR n plPro of 11ot pnlnep pew. y �- glme)nt, la mentlonpd In r•onnr• "tool It srrmm reaRoriahM, IMO. As cofnt to lfeentreval na therw wan last with the MAJntMncr of the• r sting L. that old Anrtor pointed Ont, nntmalm wool. Travpfler@' orslPrs are vary It la probable that right nen co - patnevcurl themselvestrel't up when they ImltlAfaot ellmmloned officer" and corn 'rill lent AtlaRaa rrtrer'.ch 'themselves ant °'e-7• a0ii filo outlook far splretrA to r V, mtrnight when they swallow their' business V eery proml.ing. At To. Own, of Toronto.ev and that th,1"+tn prey, recto this week wholPmalse traria has other Infantry rrglmentw will tier "That (inciter dmcleared that therm not bwen Qnitm ale &norm as It wag f11wh a gvrotte of four each were only two proper ponitionel for fi week ago. Buselrwss, gel far as trav- calling, Ono standing upright, the Pl1e`FW and MAJI orders from Ontario other IYIIW clown after the fashion nw well not f sem thm Northwest go, Ktea, H«teh far fldlf, of the anotent Romans. If people to very satlarantory. At Qne4ope cop- Nuotrerat, April 17. -The firmt Wiredli would nit halt upright when they ate, nldlerable activity ham been noticed of reernits sworn In at Mont Opal %q ill It weoldn't b0 90 (fad," few said, "tent to wholem"ip e(rripa dowing the part lenvp to -morrow At noon ley rhe Irl tdrpy don't. They sit with their wnpk. Rnstn*ss at Eamllton eon- twrorrkrniAl Railway for Halifax •f„ w "1 I in s curve,tonnes mtiwfactrrry, 'rhe mill• and mewrnw orw morning eonting,ut of tin ltwte tr4x1 the plan rd atfinAing factorloa arm busy on seAtrylnts for to 100 merti Is pTtPeMal err arrive 1n up when ► pat and you don't R.M tiny Ily><t1", #I nil Ahfpae"ots to various mar- Montreal, anti will leave here with marks art tdozenhop Cher atatut mP. flat am trw" In thm oeruntry enntinue the Montreal man. I've trod a dozen other pr•opim aMtut. largg'e,w R44AII trade ha" beapre fairly It And It tram beoefltwd t.hpm. h'a're "first the, mAmwmg 1eHt4q well gray - ---- ------- ,I going to form a Btand Up While Vol, loywl and wagwp irting gat(mfmotA Pre.mident el. et E.trnd„ Pro Fat Cinb." y IArrim, At tiltmra. i'Uhn. yemtf•r.lity hms•m G a fpPffna of oonridaarm airieng rnnrnving. .t gtrPat alanlrn.tn tion an. "I wt"h," mall .Tulin wlatfnllt, MA the JotnbereL Failures baleen born flew hp gni down from hew stool, "that in rrafetear Allies the first of the held !n him hnnnr. -wally f teas► iRpv► sop got curped mrrnth- #Lit paymtetttp eOrytlnnm fair Thw nllMmwntw of Rtork hi the new' perhaps, I'll try e•MttTW standing tip, sew thew *# AMR. At Winnl{emg there "hlpping rorporatlon were rill tilk"•I ttioRtghl-Npw York Ilton. ha10 hrpn Morns further elrpanelan in ap In ion ,don by Rrll1•411 m, miler. ed wtte Ol"A-Iw tradm ctrvnle", At lhpCnast flip flyn,lferete at noun to -dal, the drns."d fur Staid@ Come has ' Thee tl', intend Canal orppued me '►:+.ler 1Wr, Idattctp, dinar, it wnpM ararrply bee11 ralrly Retire this wemk t-fla with reverts" hte,t" wrkltl'll: 1p dignlflorl to appak of a sanon as ctltlnok for betatnans 1N ilia lnhk Ito fork through. TIII• Yi-mt fatal b, raw rtf the MR Rttttw of ohm ehetch IParmrnts A" cenly fair Anm notes at hock tip wAw tile. CRnadlnn .tr"en, r T ho Appolfrtment off Lye Chart ra London nus bean f.lir this Wallis. The lit n. 14arMORm tee cmaoralMpr of thin Ilrlt. Aplir"rt"p of me%pntry Iwndnea, 1nn1ud The Mplpor hall a -err storm, ah ferg*s 1* Cetasd , has been Will. tan grain, hav" Morin larwlmrats fie- %nyage• to Ropvthamptoti amt n,„• wittlell' WNW aftem eine Vey meet Ilk ottoe In danger of fleeing Iomt.