The Signal, 1902-4-17, Page 7TME BOER COMMANDERS ARRIVE IN PRETORIA. Schalkburger, Botha, DeWet, and Steyn to See Kitchener. lnrne tett Cablaet Council IIed --^ham►rrtda ?see the Kt i[ un SunJay - tie May Urant 1.*rye Amnesty - All kinds ut Rumors but Nothing Definite Known ---British People May Uo Farther than Loyal Colon. tats Nish -Alleged Demands (lade by the Boers. Ottawa, April 7.-A supplemeotu fait u( the casualties among the 2 urautan Muuuted hitless on March ,see rtx;etteed today at Governor. Jivuee from Cape Tows. The list is follows: I)ANGElttl'NI.Y WOl'ND.l). CARRIER 61ittOT, 61:'O. MCKCGO, Rowland, le C., in left breast. Formerly tttrn t hmtua's Nurse. Mo- ther, lir Jobs Moak - t, l meteor - house, Lou tin, Ont. J .t. V1'1LK1:.9tlA, Guelph, out., lu taco' Lino right forearm. Mother, tattooists Wiikinsase Clyde, out. 1TE..i4MLb TENNANT, formerly 2tt41 lrutyalou, R. C. R.. Moncton, N. B., .0 Loud. Father, James Teunaut, J)rniterlotuu, N. B. seICV Kite:1.Y N OL I Mete. '1IOI:INUbM1T11 J. A. MINLiIIN, uuelpb, Ont., in leg and head. Voter, Mrs, A, Mlnohln, Clyde, Out. LAYTON b. fJ01tt1ON, Toronto, 1,1 tireama awl hip. Father, P. H. C'or- mnit,,C01 Carlton *treat, Toronto. 1 ILaNCIb A. SMITH, Toronto, in sheet. Nast of kin. Mrs. Jus. eolith, Greavdle .crest. Toronto. .: W. MILLEt4. LoaCon, tent„ la Jaw :esl leg. F'ath*r, Jobs Millen, Wikl- uam Coates A7Ll-PAM BTO LFJJ, London, Onb., In Ikugh. Next ea kin, Janus Stokes, :'cogs!, Oat. 1lt'. F. SMITH, Ottawa. In arm For- merly It, C. F. A. Next of kin; t littabeth Smith, the Goal Shep- terd's. Quotient. t . AL143 H I I.Y N Ot %. mete •1 a1t111ERSEROT. N. M. DetVAit, Kau Clailte, N-tpls,tag. steiGT. E. A. NRO, London, Out..• erased. Felber, James Munro, 010 1ncw r ate incLoudon. LtNCE-CORP, JOH:v ell.t& BOND, Toronto, grated "'ether, J. I'. I;ood, 28 Division •:test, Toronto. 1'TF'.. ALi4K. FEJtOLSON, Toronto.. eentliee, D. A. Ferguson, 171 Madi- son revenue, Toronto. PTF. HARRY E. BALLARD, format.! . 1/ 2nd R. C. It., in shoulder. Next atf kin, Mrs. IS J. Ballard, Clifford Ont. PTE. CLARENCE K. ROIIISON, Lon- .lon, in thigh. Father, B. B. Hurl - son, 141 Howard avenue, Windsor. PTE. F. A. ITEF, Guelph, In thigh. Brother, Wm. Pyke. Morley Hick PTE. JOHN AS '1'DEN KF:fI�DF:LL, Rendon, Ont. Father, George Ken - eel!, Chatham, Oat. PTE 'FRF:DERICK ('OO"Elt. Toronto, h, thigh. Father, H. C. Cooper, :Silt Dovercourt road, Toronto. :TF FRF.DF.i1ICK CHARLES WILD - 31 (N, Hamilton, in nem. MTs. A. H. W !Open, 14 Jackson street west, Ilemiltoo his mother. PTE. MICHAEL MURPHY, Peterlswo', 1n scalp. Next of kin, Connor Mur- phy, 32 Lewis street, Peterboro'. IHl:. WM. ERNIEST M"PIIERSON, Charlottetown. Next of kin, Mary inns McPherson, Charlottetown. PTE. R. LLOYD, enlisted at Itovel- aoke, B. C., In haat. Next of kin, It. Lloyd, Leamington, England. Iry is. On February 28th report'. of the nit Hoer,' a'tvantce came In, and great 31 preparations were made for defence, ut 'digging, trenching, etc. I slept a few as hours, but It was too exciting to sleep much. On March 1st Lu- i Kit- chener came over to our camp and inspected us." `-- i iii: Woo. NI)K'). Toronto, April 8. -Clayton S. Cor- son is 21 years old, a son of Mr. P. Ii. Corson of P. H. Corson & Co., per- fumer*, Adelaide street West. and a nephew IN Dr. Mcl'hereon, of Carlton street. Just before leaving for South Africa he boarded at 219 Jar- vis street.' Formerly ho was a stu- dent at the Dufferin t'chool, utter which he became a shipper fur Oar - side A White, wholeetie toot and shoe merchants. He is an ail -round athlete, ani holds a medal for rue - eine. its Well as a reputation for good work as centre scrimmage is rugby. He was also a member of the Champion Duf feria Lacrosse Team and was extremely popular. Preach' A. Smith is the youngest son of I. J. B. Smith, of the J. B. Smith Lumber ('ompa.nv. and was a corporal In the 0.-(1. Body Ouanis. A circumstance that added poig- nancy to the grief felt by the mother was the receipt of a letter from Frank yesterday afternoon about the same time that the casualty list was being published. It was elated March 1. at New -nettle, Natal, and related that soon after the errtrnl cf the contingent It was reviewed by Oen. Lord Klteh••rer. Corporal J. C Bmul Is a son of Dr. J. I' Bond, of _6 revise u 'street, aril has hotel dutch experrlerice In the earnpalg i ag..lnat the Boers. He first went to South Africa as a member of (' Battery, second Canadian eon- tingrnt. Afterwards he joined .1 Howard's Stouts, and was pr.settt with the corps at the time of the death of that gallant. officer. For- merly he wase a member of the ,Q. O. ft. Alex. Vert:wo c Is 2t years orate, a sou of Mr. n A. Ferguson, of Medi- ate' avenue, ae d a graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy. He was a member of C Compin.. 48th Highlanders, and holds the Margtier- rtte Cup for rifle ;Mooting. He went to 8oath Africa with the first de- tachment of the last contingent. Frederick Cooper le a sort of Mr. Hrnry Cooper, of the Dominion Cas- ket Company, for which company be worked previously to enlisting for es -riles In South Africa. lie le 22 liars oil awl was for several years a member of H Company, Queen's Own Rifles. He enlisted with two companions, Tom Walker and James. Leiden, both of whom are still In the campaign. Cooper has a Wen - did physl Inc. He is rix feet two inches In height, and weighs 175 pounds. Claret:cr. K. Ror.eon: Windsor, was a mrmber of B Company, first min_ tIngem, and was wounded May 1. 1900, at Houtnek, Orange River Col- ony. UANOt itflt M1.1 ll.l.. tprll 5, at Elandsfooteln-Private N Robinson, Halifax. enteric fever. F'nt •r, Thomas Robinson. U Doyle street, Halifax. At Pretoria- Private John Arthur Wilson, euterle fever, London, Out. Father, Edward Wilton, 522 Hamil- ton road, London. April t, at Charleston -II. It. .0 Arn,imis, Toronto, dysentery. There are two more wounleti than were first reported, making the total list of easoaltles 57, made up as fol- lows Killer(, 1I men -commissioned of- ficers and men ; wounded, 4 officers and 42 non-commlesloned officers' and men. Several of the wounded were hit twice showing that the Bemire main- taleeel a hot fire. 3teeeet;r: Isitott LUItl► 50111' It Is. Tile following message has been re- 7:elvod by the Governor-Oeneral from Lord Roberts: London, April 7. -Earl Mlntd,Oar- srmisent Homae, Ottawa, Ottt -__!• 1 have telegraphed Kitchener hearty ('o: Rrntulntions to troops who did err well at Klein Harts River, 31st Mirth, but i would like to acquaint the Nandi/in Government how much I eppreclate splendia stand Cana- dine M011 fl Rifles; how much I regret henry losses. (Signed) Mol- ente ' I (illi: 1.50(1 VOL. SVAN". Non. F. W. Borden has sent a re- ply to Lord Dundonald's message of eaturdny evening: "1 hanks for tour congratulations." t!!! Saturday Oen. O'Grady-Hnly I" ,ed a cablegram from Colonel et ' •-i to this effect : "Regiment in a' • •n end behaved very creditably. R'•,'ret losses." lif Knlseley', modesty. A story Illustrating the unassum- ing nature of Corporal Kuleeley, of the Canadian Dragoons, who was killed at Harts River, was in circu- lation at the City Hall yesterlay. He enlisted in Toronto and was very aril twelve here, but did not reside In the city. When he was offered the L5 and matchbox grantxl by the city to- each of the Toronto men he Inquired the terms upon which the gift was made, and, thinking that to -cense his home.was not here he had no right to them, declined them. ('apt. smogs,/ a 1' I ♦hal. The career of I'te. Milligan as a rifle Shot was notate* to the very moment he left Cantela. Daring the New days the regiment waited at Halifax he took part In a number of toipetltions. In one he made 97 points with 8 feet of wind. and In another Rid potato en a- still -day, with the thermometer below zero and tWo feet of snow on tie ground. Hill achievements were highly praised In letters woe en home by Lieut. F. b'. Clarke at • time. Private 'A mole. Pte. Henry Roland remelt. Agee - sir, deny -rowdy III, lead hail rather a rough experience in serving the Empire in Mouth Africa. ile is full of the military seal. But thin is not sarpri-fag, rutstrleiIjig the fighting stock front which hr spring He i., 2:3 years of age awl waw torn to Halifax. Ills father was a ohuvialn In the British army. ant hie mother, Mrs. Agnelli.. of London. Eng., is a daughter of the late General Gar vault. When the Second Canadian 'ontingent Ithe Canadian Mounted RUheal was formed, he WAR a member of the Iturford squadron of the Sec. esti Deegeoe., amt had- previously been a member of A company, Dote ferin Rifles, Brantford. Ile went to St. Catltartne, and enlisted. On the way oat to °ape Tows he was sus - Struck, and shortly after lie reached Cepa Town enteric fever dev('bped. When he was snffictently recovered he was invalided to England. lie ✓