The Signal, 1902-3-20, Page 6I
. � .
I . . . * - I I I I . . . 11 - I ---------_"1- WJ
--- - - - ,W- .- - - - -- -- - -
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you Itaro been warirlotl ararcelY two 11111111111- *,I, ISSUE No. 12, 190.)
Wm ,, , " nautiths-whil ife i-rittrely devoted to add
p" " �
I ,, , �',?
, ir-T
I., I . I , � ,�Pp - 10,11811-1 Whom you have sworn MA- NO VEHIFICATION � COWS TUT PAT REST. 1
� I!r e.. y to hositer and obey -that Ilials Ht�SINKNO OKAMCK%.
I, halo
film? Surely, upon refleLtiou, � . . .. I , i�� ---
-1�ele4V- ca,"
dyae,�' ; you will retract )our worda." , NEEDED AT HOME I , Neatly C !tri -
ri�,�.111 "I1iA.LhM b I Is k-�ri
Bill Twuly Effirl to.imed her brad lit �: •Something Depends on Loca- , . ...". Tt��rtll dvt� 'a
� , _ . �
. the air -and was blivist. lu.e�,�- , , ' "-?%o4,IV'.h:.1.g--:,,l,,,r , .
0 Porhalild I ithould nut have tall �,, Donip "-It and "r
Ing •east. b es. I .,.. -. to I " T
149 1 I , � India company, Cal'soda. "'dat,
upon myself to itiletak to ytoil"' 11verybody in Oshawa is Familiar tion and Feed. I I --------.-
.% - - - -- r - I'Valthlueod. the old mall, " were it I with this Case. I � -- Never thought of such a - -- - - V A FKS 1A. -
`4 vot that you sense very fritirlditus � I 1
11 -
,W nual that I know you hold I)ATZNTf4, CAVICAIS. ,hankliliv.
"4ft-41111`� a Z� A. I the happlaraos if toy only mon--my Joe nrovewd, w9ellerjul Kbe& INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE COUNT. , sign for a medicine did you? d. Home tir (W
/ Wily child -la your hands. kill "Oalb to now a-, 01a *lid ultt 'r'o`1'd All. F. W. liudwu writer: "Tit*), Well, it's a good sign for t! " ':,1LIc,,.-,1•F". 1;ZUThd:1,�."-i:
loas b"011 a 'Z
t blory 14P Ike Pe4 pie of Ilia own Town lluedotion am W winch Is the rount hang, Toren 11". tanpally. P)(h I
very soul doo to tin. jhtWin. to, Ont.
Lady Ethel. Fran a buy I cannot profitable ouw is oil#, that cannot Lou ..
'ta7 0 1 reuttirub,-r that he ever wilfully din- Oshawa, Oat.. March 8.-V P&III)- ths-Ided Its atuy arbitrary tuatim-r. , Scott's Emul.,ion. The body - -n-------1 -----------..
* - . I ob •yed life mother or myself. *lid. as While IlItUrilWit Ili J1Jkl Brown's case Tliat toonet prudu, tt,u call be ouirr-tii 6i. WHITES IPLECTRIC Colflij
, yrol tally suppose, all that couettram Iria been revived by the rt000L puk,lk- ort will, a alualivr e ! has to be repaired like other - -
, .xpeaditure 10, for HOAdaelto tolif . -
i , � , Wally lift-, Labor and utoubtlis Is peritaps true, aill"61114 pf.vaul.and tape
^,�l"..-"���i�l,!�L�-�T";� h4i*i� 0 It A iii, I hill) to of the deepest hitoreat to its. altitill of the fact's in no I Sure Cure ll.ftl,
, I
, - &Ail It vortititil) du, -d not require tile things IS 1.
liters, 01111ti-swu peoi,lo are Oil Ito ings and Scott's Emulsion i let li...,,,�z
I lit to very witch attached to you; AluAlated with tho whole " - he 14 0-11 "or SC -1.0
Ilia wholo heart appears to too ab- circuits' c"14tullt attentitin to Looniness that
- - --..7---- --- - -- - atillsoo. Mr. Brown's father -In-law, dulryliag stutaile. It rAll, I think, Lit, the medicine that does it. -=-t�!�l�.il.-.-,,..,U I td dor.. ft.
goorts, d its tile adintration of )aur per, Ile i �- from
" ;r.T1W•I'Lior .
.IS ;- •ur. Whited
-A- X mvial apiwarance." (here Lady Ethel - John A111,111, % lu-0) Ill 100 kli' tfulik- generally coacoded by fair-Luitstled .U,O&L
- --- I Miami it, right in this centre of the men that there Lit nu "bout '• breed I These poor bodies wear out -
��--- - - �����-�-- � L _ I + wills a amila of 4101 [-kilt t i0fac %till-I.lit- - - - - - --- - - ----71-
Illoo to"i'll &% hOw"T"r, had to answer L%OrYtiliag depends Lou circumataaced. B11111K 11T0112 W RRNT. Tific- it-
. :+slightly turnod her face toward the in, il� qu'datuans r(ctilltly- but &a I'll A breed teat proves highly mattefac- from worry, from over -work-, A iii -
#,I cOrn*r istAftil to Of mgmaiL Apply lit IL
to -alter). "Yen, yew. iny dear I I W;IA very eta" to 111r. Brown durinix : tury In one, district way be found Milano. London. Out.
-- --- - ---
:�& I Latour that �oit are beautiful -I alit the I% 11-olit of It's painful mperi, itco4 its entirely wifulted to different en- from disease. Met. Wins] liessisjoe 9
i + case. They get thin k ` `4t - 77-------�
.1rut .b�vfij "
I J* 1, -ither too oki per Lou vulgar to per- V7 taud '08, he finded this an easy Writ- Virosiments. Only four breeds of beef audit for Children stat iq It
4, I t O's a I
I THE EARL'S DAUGHTER e ive that" (at till* allusion till; girl %.r. k cattle, nameix. sh-th-us. Hir and weak. Some of the new &.1w,`h`.G ,b,*, uhilit. ."Pe". the to"ll. oir., wit
.1 J+ c-A*rud)-"b-tt your beauty will be of Sir. Alilis is (julto as strithuslantio, us fords, Uallowaym anti Abordoten..'Lu- -,w mid i -`the bu,t remedy for I)Urrb,*A,. bit
. little avail to yo,I it, �tivo slight of Ur. Drown himself, and never tired have attaludid latfoularity In Call ones are not well made- rftY1.ToYAKM FOR IIALZ oNic or rifill
. - ----,- -- . 11. tlj�ta. and none at till in the might of tolling Ulm story of how Docklim Kid- ,416 and only tile first menti,uned. -and a to $40 NI= pstaissicti. U
- .- gum
44 ad 'ca Joe maid to be generally 411stirl- all of the old ones are racked,
-Itor -Lo coo uernt diseade and sav . aWISIL, Is
uifleshv)=. Analt
J Oe Uoil, If It I* not Join,%] to a Ili"! $toy P " . I I ""'
*** I :
and tuadro tractable spirit. Vol have Mr Brown's life, lie mys; i bUteu. The' Illiberal may equal the Y-. 190 60110- in sk 11 36 to( .bs-ht ,,, Irl.'
In tiLlsio Will he sold in one I. ,, ,l �
hi ,&a& U,
r4lat I# am. it way lx-," 6bk- list- lj:trmg to bring film back. alluring, tit tile face of sit augel ; tl�tt it yepu were wv ditin't ULLuk hit would ever live Shorthorn* for beef production, awl from long usage. f IS W Ile W -j -pa 11 .., ,,,,
ow cited. blislifferently ; "b"t any way i r1wr fqet- . to die to, -night, my dear, do yoii think through ft. lot alone got •ditrontir mad uvvil surpass them Under vertain coh- cladwo,we. Th I-14 0 al. , ,
TPM,, Ethel, It vv��rkx troll l',r"that woolld slialso you fit to take I'Llo to work, but thojolll:, wattle h*in ,n1loija but I f Jewels. =I. . d"Thod. t:;g
you must remain at Cranoliaws!" all rWft usid vr,al to a *11�irt timet the ouporior wilkilis IXeS all Olastrio petakir. P. (A or at wi=
But ho would nut allow bar to prem a certain number of time', but there Your placd atilmig the oompAny of ,,itutlitle, of the Shitlethurum, and pur. Scott's Emulsion
tie advawtagc, at'. Ilsoltod to tilt 11311611, ani tome heaven?" I tile( SAO best (It it all is tit it the cure th-Ularly o(• the grades, have given --------�
wo,indo tire in )re than skin deep-- 'b-,#* 114,01 ill ' tnit, of time. It to t be thew all unequalled popularity aultiong kinds. It does the work both Li Avg I -OJT PICKS IT I WH&rt t Lift
" I am worry to GAY that I CIA1111017 I "! don't kuo�r anything &b,rit it," thref- opt! n b,sir %cars since. lie a It Pilotless. lioc4poo--3.Oft -scrota f'r V.
6, not, Vttivtf ; I hittio airead) prow- a' I t rest 0 be bd!Alr4l by beauty. she returned brusquely, "and lJou't and am our fainters. home, fartil. laboratory. wilroahop and do
.,�h,aiw.ev ruminating much Titter this ) otr know• he's wtiong it sui hoa rt,v to Wber , e feud Is plentiful and the inside and out. It makes s�oft department of litesma endeavor. will, tTi
lead to attend my.snother. care. It yo,i have any more pie"n- da.s. lint tress been over since IXM4114
**Alvt you act your mother before lisilli wit -n the dour twp,-ning rouged alit tratha to wit me. Mr. linin- I,:Waoy' I�Ijjw meat him trick fir, counitry not too high or lu'lex 'u"as"'18; Us Poll" Ift"'104 it- "uth
(ruin broken bones hard, thin blood red, "its torso(. for a steps. and YOU think II'L
ns� ?" h, r in her reverie � awl. looking brlklg�� )oil will oblige old by do- s4k11. O" they are Itekly to matisfactury � hollow
book to Dot Wor, Is the Wendy so" it tones, a
I dt> not. either Lit love or duty, oil, expectant of the entrance of ling- ilig :�; at one t; for .% 0.1 interrupted Tnere are man), others in town beefers. nod Ili addition will loru- Weak lungs strong, h low your maser will be returowd - this I. ,
" you know well; but In tltiv III -1 frie, or Mine Lltoyd. her ryes enouuu- , Ill« in duo�o a fair amount of milk. Tile side *1111&14 UZ
iswit Ituoin Toronto, out.
Any reading. an A I alia If be glad who b4vo recently been reminded of - at"."a.
glance I mart ko%-p'to my word, lit t red the trim, o!d fashioned figure , to return
to it . t
I th�ad worislerful earn of a sortainiftyl o"O with whioli good build of this places full. Only the bes ma- """�1"""` ' L
Itlet firlst place. I asked YOU to accum- I of her father-in-law. breed Gan be procured for gradiolif Ho SE31,11im ATTR)MON-WAINTX1,
onp at it ! "Thie road.:ig can wait," said tier loit,luloom ciao who fit" no trouble in, " Watim. Gan to --
pitn�� tie thin morning, and you ro- f Now th,ft" Wads ft() CLI!I,nir Up Jilt' flCtid, and none fires on is also an argument ,fit it., terials are used in (Tie patching W.11 snatched cased
moment, whom LaAiy Ethel w tatlber-la-law. as he laid a moscrileg- =! Bre I. to Its, bay. brown or nhfttnut; )h.Ih'
topod-" it .111 the
I m w than Mr. Hain- folio build upon tits nuiab,!r of Tem. 4901ir to give all th"Ors,111, to lous!d's cc, err
and the patches don't show h 1.1076 to UUM; both war" or both 4,*
have sooner at &In- Iteratively low, r.
Aaf it I am going to visi tit" , ` r root
"' , EnL w lived; of b1z limit* u
13 pli Bar mite was holtbug b6fore Kid"V7 l'il)A - ,,I.r o" ... " "ad tallsq- 4 liftee - L-
- upon &two"; high act -rd; ALbit to 11too is t'llt U."
farmeral' wive# for tett inflow rix I bri*dge; for mine- if. evening that h.L r face, and latid it quietij tuldty for choice in . ... w. no through the new ilow of health. -'-, ---']I -S
she Interposed. Nato to , domirem to select a bull. In the d- I right every war,
It_ I Ito tied ampelled her to rel
.. very well ! I dixt not press prayerst Nile had felt a m1afflestl ill,,. IAIIJ table i for toy busilmests Ili of or parts of Vanada, arid on t e; No one has to wait his tum - towx:*'�=X " I Z *-f`al'r`a u'r-ld
In -
Ethel -both for toy scale sake Cbjer,iii, .I. - I M =4. 1 1 aco.
Wer - �tPl=rl Mich. I. *;,
lika and fear of the old man. which fr,lallor itisp,irtanae, I must war* you, SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Ii.tre pastureid of the to juntaleu I I% .;,r ,-
louly I cannot permit your (antler .I Y
to interfere With, what I cunulder w,ke quito an patent to film not to & Northwestern Railway -. dintr1otts, the Gallowayw ami %%t, You can it yourself --you
to be my duty. I have not accom- heretelf; and on the present ossa- i and ,ts-,ur own. agaluart Ilia course every (lay during UArch isucl % 11 Highlanders &Ihimilt prove me - I• -- .,
posted my mother yet,.to see any alon the gratin arid almost stern ,,- }ou at" jourouing with him. Hit Pon. Colonist One-wa) becrotiii-clam 'tIM": bte, onliwftmnt of their bardlue" and the bottle. WALTXDI-�V H0f:8ggZgpjjp
Is but it . alid act►vity, ' -� . I 111.106tru, Polishing Ftbre. ill, \
pleases her as prevision of Ills face seemetl to warn - see It ( lit- family Prepared t,loth that classua *liver%%,
of her frionsilv--it er noble temperament, kind, Otto al very how, rated from :�. , I 11.1,
well an them --and from thin lady liar that thr-Ir interview want not , r "er"'Id and 10119 Mufferilli; in i "'Amoug the dairy breede, the X.Tr- , �-� are delistuddlists mad all bright =claim without ibralol of ,a
I lets received a great drat of to be a pieRam6nt One. 'juts Cutst,p 3oir privIleges-4 yo:1 cutgo to ptAuto In Colorado. Utah, This Od
kindness ever ,xi
I was a cligid. Bile gu(wwld at onod that he had ' "live thoroughly r;6und- bid paju-;4v 3i Tntaurs. Nevisda, Idaho, Oregon, ofits"11, Ifl-14teins, Jrr4tyd. Guerilwym tbeTrade Market llconlbiorpovtdorr�jt.tho hou*rUeq,lwr. dellg,. .
is an " I elodirn*. qduru, and bands: urfi-e grana
. &U-1 Vrei.t-h Cau"dianot are all held , AMAr'1Etn,.6,iun . �Iis to
Nothing could have given we great- entered with a purpose., for lie was or desetruy hid faith ln,you-you W1,11 ww�hlngton, (*aklforni,&, Victoria, tit cojiFiderable put. -Pin. Tile faster ' lia,vill"t". notion dealers
- ,;.I�Tw i
to lit a natard that does not Vitntiouver, Now wowsminater. Set- != VILtoo
er pleasure, Ethel• than to hale in- I never known to occupy the draw. : wrapper of every bottl& nr. n halite; wbolnle - by flu., �-
'It.s. D.Twhi.'a brug (O 1. .
-time; anti. Yet 1411, "forget. At present you might "on. hosaland and other pilot* In of Ili*- Province of f.luellec until the ' WW for ban samilk- Kinnear Ili Ca. Toronto. ily4; um*tu.
ink -room In the day 1.11j, IAJAVO Ilibell 111DWOL U. kI10WII 011fitlildO �
troduceii you to her." do an.ything with him. for be love., Koollossay, dillimtrtA. %boo special round
,1111111les r6wercimens. monsieur !" flow. first 040odoiC tho door ca re- Lint ye,Lr or two. but they are now I samplo, eand I Tell Cent to the U.
shto interrupted. with a sorroTiful fulliv behind him. Ito came deltber. >on fair to w0l for III,@ own 'pence trip Horapseekers' I 1--ketio (in first and uttructing cowl lornble AtientVin. : SCOW & LOWNF. I Cu.. tit. I at.harities, 00"IrlufutUrsm I "
ottairtevy; "but I prefer to re'-:aia ately forward, nod took at tdi�at by tit mind, and it blind to your faults; third Trurtuh.vol. it-Lreh,, April and Vitilpir aill,orste,cirestiostanoes, rush us 1 no.abotitute.
while Ludy Ethel. re- but If Jots r'L-poat the game you were Ut.r. Full part va"rid from nearest . 11101111ANN lu CANAnA -----
herowhew I i a you reattiln ur r' aide ; I I - tensity pustures, lick of prrp"r wIII- I L mailable Pro. '.
here &hill." calling the load tout* to which she playing w Ill It at this allit-ruvon you ticket agent r-; 14� if. Bennett. uerl. to.- feed and car P 'Vill ph�. slid St. all,ii,minsis, WANTED41ary loomi;ity
her husband. grew ,w - Jlrh,j I 11 P, "'e" "' Y proh, through.,it( 41'ad.
""That to out of the ,ritteetion." he lat,l spoken to Ill do It once too often -that 19 Ulf." oral Axect. 2 Z*Twat King street, 7'v.- v creater percentage .)f , a
sal,l, firmly, as he tsknwi ulo,wi Ilia a atiade paler and moved her chair a Lady Xthel a eneekd were flaming ronto, out, fit than tbww� bretedit wh�ch have to Introdull. OUT 90"ktftklakw up show , Arid
heel away nil her fol)t 'waws livating an Impa- /1, - - - - � of. freels.t-nomfithans rodida and mll...I,, .
ie 11 1411411 "You ihate no need to be afraid ti'vit toga upon the bearthrug. I � I - , � I— or, ...,.,,.,,, been acruotomed to -- � pl-'e,o. also Oi-LdbuUng small ad,artI.,
Cobnel I he Only Way. good food and c.tro. The Jillernmeye. . Il..'(W. (Owtit'sitin or salary,
"And Ulf I do, it In my own concern, I "" ' Month and expriviorts got to O..J%,y,,;:;
stay -I Insist oo. it, in a lielght,- of met my dt,ar." 6letly remarked ,,, I / J117hougo highly thought of In the
. I mo ona clue's." ,d,.
ariftl voice. the old 1win, in ft ton" Which was a . Those wbo have forind �jie` tank of uld'e'l Mrstem, b:tte never gaited .f,l l4teady employment to fined. b - ii., ,,.
0 M- No a% ltrrionle oodid,dfuL Writ, t r '
"'Do act be so foolish. Ethel. Do very Offeli.OiVe to her pride. "I have "I'ardob rn�. It Is not only him, hap• tilting a futtutain, Plan potent aid beiffiripat foothold it Canada to ets� Blood NO lotrit. ulam I six rMaolisk; affailcl.NF. I
You Intend to wake the whole house a few plain words to way to 3*ou. it pinvitso, but cure, which Pon seem to prorn say will enJo rise anter AI,j,v our farinerst to Judge t1leir sult- . 4 40., I,nnd.., Out. .
n "' '
cogaht"t of our quarrel T' 40 true; so I AM " that I have bunt' upon destroying." . whet ' woman ro- ablity for Lid, countst.k. flat they art.)
- pe". oo,perLilly adap,ed t -)r the lodrudisttlion - -bid -
' I doWt caro if kL fit.' I dufs*t care roar%] you sillono; but I shall mato -I wall not awara that.ln marrying turned ftto�= n,,u1:=/,-4tn7, . Wh I I. Is t Ito th..:r close rt lativve. tilt- Jvra,ya, live . ill tell
it the whole world knows how -its- them no wild as I feel to be ects- Colunel Bminbridgist I had warrltd hill bent way to fill it, oilut I '.. I I . NEW LA16
der '" S
reppectfully you treat me! You *intent with say duty." liole family." . '*Tlwro is only one trustworthy ..or falmDy buster -or crena of'a bid- I I r � WANTED
aught to be nobamod of yourself!" 1.adj'EtIieI stared at,the latrud- "Ali,] yet It Is the uiu.11 thing. I;uy,,, wjjy," snid sh "T"is must fill }our prved city trade, aoX tile majora 11ri,d Ahpleo Itoultri, Dost" SMA r ... ,,,
-0h, my darblig! my darling I" he er as though alto ,had never mean IS'. when yoo .enter a family, t,) coo. Uithtutt with Ink niul then get into or cuts-mlian lit-rdoe of I bpoe two tirreAres p-, . �1, ; fent'r, �y, ete, v� M buy Outright "r :I
� e ady Ethel. I It with tho Pon witiolt )too dealre to are, I think, unotl ft-, th!4 purposes. I , � ,I. CorrotPoodentialsvit.;
utelminit-d. with tic- earn hope that litM WOrcl. - � . - I for It ad your own. L. 7 .1 -10
him lu%f, might touch where hie de- I "I am not 'wars.. what you' can have felt aftittruit w.ore than- once fUL"'. , I -- I T1 A Atill rem and lit'leteing seem to ,a- . -'attd. I I 11 "O"I"ll JOHN J. rax,
termination failvd. -for. (it 1, settle I to spo&k to We about, Mr. Bala-
lately to learn what realoon you - I ;:o1l,e.r.g In po"larlty among still NVben an mohnal is ail ,tin down. I *.! F*roat street assol. Tortinit,,, out
it I � 1111111rdegle," alit-, replied haugh.tily,' "but � .
tion't cut up all our hapipinlems I powittly could have had for marry., ,rhotred's "novir astIlp,on try roadt; avid , firesirral dairy farmers, who suploort Las a rough cost And a ti*ght hiddr,
this way : you floods, that I would Whatever it may top,
it 14 not likely Ing my son.' I Flod-ralks In the winter, f4pr,cilti thi.-thormi-, factories anti creamerted, anyone lt;�,m s that big bload is out I - -- - - - -
du anything Ili r.tanuu for you. Ethel I to have the eff4vt you seem, to it"- She Frtart,,(l from her' seat and. &Fxy I.ruls" f,011,hw. is the %into Alit• with ill" dairy Shorthorus, are of order. To keep as Animal vcono,
-that my life And everything that I tit* 1pate." 1. . turned upon him eyes of firm selfert peorry, Davis, painkiller tried . List ly to dislis, tho greater part of IniculIj he ullat 1W in GO(A hitialt.b.
boilvairs to mo lit at your service; " wril. wo r.hall Pep, we shall see. " " Not to hit fn-;ult(�l by him father. ,riate, its rWIt to the jwufi,len�e tit-, dairy fit -11 between tilit-m Tile ", VE RY Low
but thin lot not reason, my love; this anil her fatber-lit-law. In nowide. dw Mr. Inatrilort.1ge." / it has retained for sixty years. Holatelims are likely to do better sids
In a w,re child's lancy tlj,tt you have (Viiisdertotil by her atldrem&---!�l have "Only to fneult lilla,scif. Tsuji , - the level lan,loo. with flush papture* DICKS
ma 0 ""' n 0 " be
on I us I I.
c""rad n 0 1 - - '" 0 0 r Us-% I " � iI
I - car'
-t '-"r-1,,
7 1 hu - P` � e Ieom-,,; � i
" e �������
� d It Y Y To , , I I
I P, , I
takes into your silly little head'; ittlo destrie to wourvi you � ao ct. timl plenty of winter foad. while the I BLOOD PURIFIER
and returning it) tier eftle an though th-irrfore, ft, I Itirtlirt tout yt,pur faults , A) ire* kbAild. I think, find more, RATES
"' ,
re Y- w.
it were not worth hot while to quite- without doing It, ro, tumb tit(- better." , "' r Y - on .11, 1�1- " ; or hilly lauslai, be- i4anecemilvwllerethf-be-tresu"t.I
11 -1 `� I I - .1 d"d
I 'It ."! -
rd seriously with anything so young Point c,ut tier fatilts-her*-1APAly "t it -- `� earessr,l; c--. I.Ie-r are" - 111"I'll-I.J. --4- . ,
I In .. row
&'%,I wort, and fair, no whe was, lie put Eth-4 Carr's? (TAtly Ethel ni-ver 11 : rparr4l. . ffi,t. while certAin well 4jenned dit- t tones the oty%tem, thills ill* Uosy mvilthe ge
I.-, I I- -1 rl-- ,-ILI I yo., I. a Ir -1 - ,I. gr W; -1 L
hiod kind arm,# rumid 1wr girlivia f,g timitight of herself by any otther title "I'll" - with
tit- ,let that
""` .... Ill", .I 91 -da" t-1 , ; it, f.reivet" mt.'s o -ha rac I Prize the var- lumach ofl�x>ttl. viornis nod other March and April. l9fiC. this 1;,\!,).-j
ure. I I name.) What would thil V11194r. 1,,W- - - - - - * .c - .I ,.(juar- ' i(sum, brt-r,lu, yet It silly be well to PACIFIC will ).-]I (I.,lorlifft on -way
But nhe ah(mok livrotelf free ffv.�m tills to) -it ol.t man ditra to do, .n --%t ? " I 111, I., FlIn .1111.1,117.1 �-.You.lalhlyt• Id nri;,-�t �Yvt-,u; �,P-,I!rr,�,tiff=,,,--rir ; usournsI rello-alloor th-it, th-r!- its tallith great- par"ites that suck tine lPc blood
ciulorave as though it hall been that Sho did not day this-, Map only I :, r1.1'rv,1,-i-r who. I.ok-ki .1s, to h' :�- or difference tse.tween Ifillitilftlal Atil- Ileileto at tit.) following rates:
I revort-nerid him n4 he do-yerv.-s"; i - I in Ile of the manlo I.re4,ol th-111 between :"NZhl.X like Vick's powder Vr �
of a serpent. ' theught ft, no, tirawinar,hurselt up -t FROM
-Don't touch me," she cried angrily, mn)-sTfrally, In her meet, mile an- nn,I %fr. flatribridg- drolortiA him he td i In WiAthig winifigms &W 4saselil, the I different biret"Its A swore cow In a 9004 I I ran down horse. I I
and in tier anger unheeding what Phe vw, reed, with cutting 1 olteo".@: uloon M4 firerast in a very .4lemposid- ' @aft mosp media, Foods Lower's Dry fkap, (a to%. No matter what bar breed nlay - 50 cents a package. Illssouttl ttivxR
"alit; "don't dare it, touch me, or to " I nm terra 1, am infintely obliged Ilia manner. ,,,a,, powder), will be ton" vary Satisfactory. � � be. Therefore lot each man melect I t tie I - To 01&4&n and Plato
alwals: to Mel I flate yoll." hy your solielthoole. Pray go on. I "I will nut nVin I this I ang lorpod that be couidders beat so ted Liesselefg, 110111145 & Ce., A"DtS,
wil qu%tr- ImpatIvitt to hear the lint of a lithe! U. litai conditions, and stick to It. Let FIONTREAL
An the Afi0Prtl0D utrsirk fit-, Par he any longer r' excialme,l }.tidy K i $20.00 Lake City.
changed color. Ilia arms Irolippili list- I mv tn1sjnit4ra.'* . Angrily. ,*.&,# it It were not sufficient I I Following DIreellovoi. ' i b.m buy, vir lore to, the beat avall- Write, for Ilook ."Cattle and nafts free !
1p&sl3 to Moo tides. anti, without an- Mr. Balliltridge, turned I and lo,,k,,d that I'llOuld bay'* lOw"I""I IRY �, -Wo shall hake to try Agllan.` $1404' u blo bulls off that bread, and continue I J $20.00 10 finite, Aftaotooda
other Itink he turned away and felt ' at the petulant beauty with
r ftr fnfloor'* noble name by marry!119 jl>- the phot,grajoher, there, ' tal, gratto up b6o hord to a higher Ile- I --- - - - - I and fttlela&.
[I,. I
tilt, room. , xtrang.-, Yearning exp-.eselon In file tit my illation Ill life, I "Go ("(- can alwaye toll It ishere she stroweem gre.9 of eac-lience year Ivy Tbor tw�-ds
It was the first tim,t her unkin4�1ener--a Case whir r h n'l., I Good Paying Business For Sale 1$2250 To !Ilpoidsaisr. -
,Is, In its tender rwrte,l to mand by quietly an.1 hear lit, I ,metier followt.1 by mv,sup farmers of
wordto find hit him rui,rtallyr Former vomposission, papood over all her at• tile orinughtr+ cossiparvil At a disaa- . I uto,114C bulls; first of Quo breed find
ones had Posise und gottv, mett(inic on traettoriss, anti even her faults, waw vantaCt ertth it itairy-mistd. I vs I It - - L-------- then off anotber, 6@ faint to,all pland Raker •-hop, realaumn�. ,iferticonotory, fruit.
to hearess yo r Pon Im-J married a To Isdievit, to yriv, _th%t ft tit building alb"a han-Wome. untfw Ice Cr Cato to ohl. of til.lime tower in Illa"Itoboi i ro 11619sts on I h 0
Ills heart for it moment, and wound- orly the young spirit tit war with its I p-11 0, -it- fro, Al EW4 limiter; $22.50 ' . t Nortb"
Chwe' OintnwT4ti..%owatn I unti profitable berA of Kradoeown% .",, bialatted, to %tilt. For liArticaloro apply I ,
'M rash
I prf'.e of'
tit(: world find Itself, and sorely -mai((, , t r ; list wou!o In that i P ft) .. ttp-kti,&� to l. le"
ing an they mettlell. but their pain bilry And aUlute cure for vdadi , nA that to Just what initial farmers , 'A NA onsteftee lot.,, 1.
had hurn but tran"Ittirv. like that "ton -ling In need of friendly counsel.cage-lanes talion it ,%-Ito Losts n rwn- Piles and
t I f)Altr&Lbv 141"TCO--ff-welton.Causills.
w-ratri(invil by a ittiniiing' fly. I ,11tin m;rn c4loal to his own; but a b=.r.T.dr,0rTn of Itchlaws' reolairst. 7%t- myrritart, loan thoo"s not ------------ . _ Iflut'llroxfoll and .%P.k&s*.
lint when taken in rontoretion My desir," lie s,aid, kindly, "it 1-4 0, Inco' -(with IsIgn ,Ing rob)-") has M . , need pure tied rem 0'.4; Ill taut wk I 00 To Pointranotift.r,st
it stakforturle that y, -it o-liouO hny@ 87 P ,'&fly Pro, , - n4 �k i our nothish. Ot- Better with goo,l gr:tqleA Th" � CONTINENTAL LIFE
tl:-�ne, the 14,ok. the ftetl�n. hen'lvft without n fatlj:,r sit: tllp vompilltewl thel IrrP%-eaI,Ie1 Cul' of Mun, 'Ill". 111.1hyeth inke, 1 I' Ntni,,4n ll�elt Liod r fort, - I it#- , r, $25. , it (
11 I P t 'Wierd, of Ir"fe br(!,l atook tie( . ortht,
that torrnmimnled them, r were Rod very time wh-n you were nlv,nt to linking my (roto with hit, 1, ran at fletrionrinonerilw-kifft.trer,pd 91t, ' I
poison dropped upon him soul, the of-. lt,rtqt resume to Puloj-ct myself to the all tlo- 'ere or F1111A MOON, IlArrov ii co, Torooln, till- jotAlot, born, not Invite Ile rr;�--t I INSURANCE COMPANY 1-f wfnaleber via flusitimstoo '114
ink(, upon yourpeir tilt. rntmt fill. . ..
fort of which owsProil over, wall never . Inherit a love for atilmalts awl __ Spokane,
. imirtant dutlea of ycur !!(P." frolignity of hatilng tht, filet hourly •Di:Chaeela Ointment .Ittit.d. h handling them. other- I Fb-n..T-4iti lPr)-len. Pre-idont,
entirely Pradiriltefit 1, . Mit tin n1luttl(m to her foa1hrr, and "s"t In W-' teeth -by one wil')AV aff", . , .
NII. if not liv% know! 41g. of - watai big Invewtutent %If firtyre un- I The rtivwt for 1901 aho ed re- Till'ortlaud,ro,.ons
- - -
CHAPTER XX � rr,nn Mr. Minbridge, was mor than tbi, ofitntolp. aDJ all his efl,urta a 411W marJwI,l,- Ine-reaven, over I w a ;$25-00
Colonel Bainbridge, loft the license 1,:LdY Ethel co,tift stand Jiist thors. roclufrementq ,of I"Aftc, lloclety , tier Perll,sill t ry. pr 1100.1 the and Seattle.
Ww;ujtl Wire taught Jilin better. I Xylirmort-Ile runrriol a suleslady, & lopointmerlL folloAllig itenui.
wktl,,Kit siolotwislng to ill@ wltoWlu� The testrip roue behind her barning . - i New hu-Illes-4 iswrolitaft! by$:t.-,0,7W, To A,hla ad, t)recng.
anti ,no witin am the oarrlap contain- ,-:t�e-bIllsr. to,tt with it atratig effort I rhnll I -nee Cranklisaws to -mor- you know, Snaard'a Liniment . curves Dandruff. Preminin invonin Inerespea $25.00 a" d Interm#41*1
Ing its moth or and hinimilitt bad ss ph- rpItettle,4. them; and the violence row.' An -I owpeloing ritat her lather� - .11insepovit.-ym I . . by ...... ... ..... -- . .... !*,� 12 11,011,14, lr,,,Il,dl
lit -Nim, so thaugil sisal feared he might I I It Pry next
"I tilt, dining-rot)m windows, from which she tins 41d her feeling , J;luddon-Wel . tine v t day altim I "At Ilranch ftlsit,t ."
which lie k. -pt lila
eyes carefully " contaminat,? her. Lady l.thol ft "w I ,ad be The DrItiali 14rhoolboy.tion Anitents. Total hirome lmro�:vjood 11.11' 42,570 S. p,
madl- her voice sound harsh and dia- h to - tMir, It ca 11111K *T& -IL -ah V Annetta Ineresimse,j by ... ... 4 C'n., south of Portland, ,I-
avert,%I, Lady Ethel, considerably cordant. ,r room &nil left Mr. Bainbridge to st'Y,4 all" has kept It up ever Rime. A correspondent who offer, I I I
hN O$vn reflectioniv. I prizen in' different schools (tit es. Itiontrossire In foltep, is, , wpo� 1'1,, I lit n, 1. I --
nettlivI to find )t -r power was not "I will thank yoti not to montion - 1 erva,t,4 by ... ... ... ..... ;.. 1.*M,401.1 1 00 To
xs% days cu kludill-sto to'snilual" 1h.l.df, .
quite w, treat over him &a alto load my father to me, sl r. Yoe wore not CHAPTER XXVIII. 161tisilrd's Lialsowt relieves , . Cantinpritni Llfro llsolicl"g are ujl- ,,,,S^n 11frant-j-,li.
Imaxin(vi. libroak out 1p I lid. I us it few citratitte from the totip- $25. 4 ,.K.Ieq � u.
her PuttW-- -;;��� insith -4am; Ills life . vr JIL MAJI A,rcal d _tt to i,olorsel ,,,,,,, raill; crit received: J P"ofle" for "'Mi'llelty a""' liberality. *11 rt'stifor,am flointe. - I
Tit-,' �- - - � "Therm are two kinds of aulmale, � ,nil 0 "
P lumose and went Into the (Imw-- &-alth can ban Matter Of little 0011- bridge 'to make hiiv�!W' ag % F1111111"?v I 1. I
Ing -nom with tho lutentlou of mak- I I iii.jai f'-'ds-jjrfaeij'-=( ---L- . -13Z f
Ing L re"'i I ' a. -"r -ff Ax TT F-111AAR,
N ";, 'ra'sifiri'M a ,,,,,, i1sPy-`ais---TIfe Ifitartrill"ttl nnd-- - ( -, ir
.faggli, jj,_ude ,,', I , ones to you � (1111rinfir that Vildt to "the 40141 .0� . ft , 141for "M ( join TV J
'rmon Z sharer In a') L foocy at f (+rWtyfl'jj. U'r
saw that be had .j.. -I nniF , " - -6 - F11,1.7i'.411lon to
tier IntILWriation. ll,it Mr. I)Rlnbrki Borchlorick '; for whll�! hr %van r(,( -(.Iv- England ymr dityped; tile qowkut)etl lit flolix andl Opilers I St, re. Socri,tar . isr� it �11 -
to!iehosl her, nod he proshed the quo-%- Ing congrat alit tltjn,v on hill ruimleig.� cwt her 1,nuppriv. Secodlimill C11100,000, tlgprjt unit much like, and the
1. ----I- - --- -- - - -- �--�� MG.', ERRING, G.A J
Dirt 1wro alto WILR ,11odotploollitedefor ton. and answering Inquiries 4, till Ills lrulnwl 1140"1,000.. Franco spends Is birds." due
'Ile ttriarlasprKivo,I to lie empty. -Had he bet" her,, .T,ft-ly Ethell thoughts. were with thk - 'Ulan 91,500,000. "Rome people kick the poor 'Ile Lloyd Lloy,l Ittiving left tho I=kW Oil . rotbellitollm Fs I
at round ill cottage vlootto. ft multals- or" lit he have heard you opeaking to girl whom li-i had left sit hofnsk; 'Affil and give It no toad. 'Men tile - 16% oudv,tord Ave,l . ,
yotir lmobnn,l the dining -,o -it" hist falthful lt�-art was seh!nsc Wrl I ,I)etrolt. .t, ,
4-)uml� with the dejALr1v!e -,( lier III tit thie By firibina the Nerved with oplarn i animal b1ttO the nrat pereati it � [)Oar 811`14 -'MIS Is to certify that . r.
oloce. this afternoon. what conoment would rf�rppmbrance of the lost wordy ,she' role my ff" a sponicit, but the lit- trusses to. And tills enumes 1.110 per-, I 113TA been troubled with a lame ' 4 I .
I-Ady Ethel rang the bell, And, lit, have made vition the circum. half said to him. , Ilawination arries, from ))nil to worse. #suit to have Idiphobery, and the an. lonek for fifti-en Yesira. I Hill; "a I - -
- Its 1417
henring that everyone who out, at -we" 7" ('116. be continued.) ,��, � ' Allen's Lutig MKIS&M, onintuji"Ing no local getm klW-1. This to all through I have Ilmool three tKittipsof your "'I'orntilyi'; ratio the f,itli,r I'l
U h
threw here;,if into a chair annum- lf-tr mind ritillied back pail -melt to I , opessrat godim to the root of the tiro people giving the unful"11101,11- M4XAftI)`K LINIME'll .P. and Am rum- I pves6itel .14 to.-yrat -okl at the tlj,�O, -
mettorif to turn over tile. frostily cut tho darkened chamber, with Itto rna, , trouble and curer deep -vented at- IDU to Ont-" I pletilly cured, ' table **do �m I hfak that f- I
ri-Atin hangings; the handmome Pin Too often when n. man trips to ... Antionla do not go to church nor I I& causes
I prettyMir ft tor A 1.'.1, of
pagan of ill" various magazines AD41 act. feetiont of throat and funcle. 'N me great fileasure to re- ,%
papers With Which tho castle was atoll face patiently reclining on Its pinch others be hurts himself. I any any prayers. They never sit � rom Y(.Tlr size?" ,
always lillprally naWl". But ilwy Pillown, and the dear, faint voice re- down -to got their weals, and we Mead ft- And you are tit liberty `It 101111:4 b1g, papa," r I l0plied IN-friffly
did not Interamot tier ; for though Phe lac"I'm -- --- -- -- - - - ---- --- - 'iris. da,.11 �
f-risding the man whom oho had thoult Dear 4. i to ism title In 811,11Y woLy*to farther the but ft's apotiffiv Orsk!, n nearly si
pretended it) be completely Indifter- inarrIled to tier merolful considers- I At jftud*.Jnck I)npblng propoffed to "When the animal dies It to no 1100 of your tralualite medicine. I I'lowi'l-t-71lostiro Now". IM X
ent to tho scene that hadl just tat- tion. . 1 A 0 me last night. more good, except for food. but Two Rivers, ROBERT rtoe�%
would, I tfson.'l-Wevil of Peter Gazette. MIU&rtl'm -Lfnu:7.t -11W .1
en platen between her hudattrind and Wrill ohm had married him Bill . Ethel -Yen , he bet ins, a kism Its wlwrt we die we have a resurroo. T
harm-ir, in r4%%Iity site was notionly what right did that give thl.-o old 21 I , on iff.
piquod, but no little bit unhappy on farmer, lit him leathern gaiters. and - Millard's Linim,nt curps Burns, eta. -7 - I ekwo - \.-. 7 --- I
tile W44ict ; wideod to which r ... igh cost. and rougher wordid, to . I I S*Drdiess Bari Free to Mother, 0,dv. - - I----- -- - ---- -- - - I- -----
thfil'A -040-.--&-BAAY,-,-,,, 9K,qjp- corsto and forcibly remind her of one . t.•
111=1 1711,11. 11 1%. - 0 `1�
feeling knocking at GWF aT1Tij'T)tJVj'rOst mein6ff" sit tw"fe?"' . 11 -
fortiable 1. TO elfory Mother of y(iting childrPri I'Triversit T".410-ttlosirret IncAars.
=.;:..,....1, "I..
heart It IF -it, I" WJHD,-Wul�-O&W� UK Isair nalue an)) ad- -
which bore a strong tier PlArit, rose against it � she wits I �.Iftll,.,per ..r,-_. I. -.1. aallqv of prehistoric timeof -[-I- - - - I--
-?. ere Tbstt sso% .1 --L
rpidemblatice to four test who might lipilgaunt at file prewumption; and . drew plainly written on a postal 10AITS. , - -rloir - I
have gone too far with Jilin; an,j on Roth 0,;n-tury Outs. Curti, vo P will sendtree of all charge been imenrlified In a Imog at what is f- - - I I - \
fits revitnir was apparent 11) tile tones Th..., -I, P,vd.eise known am Whit" Isulphar Siorings, I . 11011r.110 - . .
flittrovi-ring Willett An'C%TfJ,nr"ev`d of ?r" Voles- ft@L Phr, repttvld : ---.-- 4 Fr -M" tt, - t,- I , .. ft valuable little book on thot care - -- V.9
quite up much surprise An Colonel O.- =- I yollas children. Tbla tvm millrin north of Afton, I. T., by . �
1111L� it, I t -X� V"st, Prol. -4- - I
'i., ,.r
, ..
, 1
Bainbridarr- would havo dose. nb . U pofirITAW A. H1bAWVf'_b.1:fI the -
" I was not awarit that r,avemilrop- 111�1-V=11:1!111 � *_,Qf Z err
_ -�. '.
o kept 4.. T" . .. - 4--
alsiaring at the cluck and witildering MIX wnwoonaLfered to tw a %Irtue at 711- Viet, I" .A , bsof class who line tritt to the alimprits of hirrPall of ethnology of the l9inTI.R.-
Croinsbaws, I have )ways been has par& little ones -a 'life atirly. With the monhin Inittittirtion In Waitilngton,--�--- - --I,--
8 �
loolor Ionic It would take film to call t"Illctit to look upors it am It vi ....... Three - amend nor". book we will sent a tree alample of and W. A. GIll. & Government phill.
ton "t flat Old f0itif at Bortlitarl,tist 1; and * oft(Iro was no eaval,droppIng. IAdY =1�10141.!11.1 MI.* Baby's Own Tablets-tho tl�nt ineill- tographer. T'he find )nrludeld ne'll. .
whether Ile iruilld return home in a ythol ! roll witi'lle so koadly, stall :::,Ci -r•"•... r..
better flusnor than he biLd left It; will, film ,form unclosed, that ill@ ,...rine In ithe wori,i for the minor nll- Prni large t"th ji.nd bones. triffiethlyr Frost Wire Pe .
unit, If he did not, what she "Ouill do, article houdso might have heard you. Maft'*7Whost " menta of Irifstnto nn.1 yomig chil- with many arrow Point* and towtil". , The in w,rrm and 6 ,ray (,,,,� hAl h�n "I I
ellotiptiltilhim-I..", r- 1,pra;h1q. Ther�. k ,. •
without compromiodrin her dignity, to 7�0 Into, sitting in my study, It wan dren. Aferrillon the narrin-vor thin p,,t- One tooth, that of it ma"todon, weak spot in its con,tr,.rl;,,n. ft ,%..if I.. `-i` ,
Z.7.1=::�`*w.�- Per and roddreme the 1) . Wllliardm� mr,mmu,red x1vtPp, Ine'llps 't I)""" finics &a 10fiK Al 0111, I
bring him round again. that he nds should '"twitoost.,whi. 'wi.. 'Mallialsis, Co,,Brockville, ont. In fen th fences, Piece your order for Frost Pence, 11-Mitifaction Kiiaranterd.
An thin thought flamhed ifort,usilto har not rewl," - ...... W..6Jow&4;o.. and f000r Ifirbood across thr, top. Thlot I
mind. IAldY Ethpl tentilel ef,nioviouply " You we" quite welcome to lime Tend. psm.- In eftid to lit% the lartirpot tooth of a Welts for Catel$.ji.,. Tilt FROST WIRE FENCE CO, LTD.. WRILAND, ON
to liprorelf , for mile kr, ,w, wAl enough theta I am not ashaliked tit whist I opens. Lard Morris mud tfto go*#*. thlem oxtioct. animals ever seek bj Ont
' (I'va"tt�1 -1 I -A .. _
Ivow, I,- lits -1 hepn caught " Idle answered, with as asmissajo,- 11-te �.. ..I" ..4. Lord MorPIN ,I I not fllt� I reawitry conn.-Olito Dental Journal. , - --
- and
" I �r I-olt- � is et- b" rt, litv,rfo-rracr On -P It In sold a n000,
tangled by tile niondripits 1, ill In en.
-M --!----------�.- -1 I
9, - Trio. 4 diatingulwhom . I offle I Iml was at . ,fit tTw,r
liriul!f Pyra, and the p4d,to inpoihom "Not antlesnedl My dear, think ;lf..2,-.-.FW"m,. RrATY. eir T I , of tier halt, ; anti that @III- had Wit to twieS of Whitt Yost affirm. Not ..k. -thl. . f-01 Whitehall to Vitifilln. atter a Tyrro,(Irry or oLitm
elthillit one or other of I ROUM$wf of telling Ili-, strain lowhown 6.,., 4�..4 ., . Iong t4)rret,foontIrnre on tile i.itte or AS ) 016
i Mt ef h.. It. 1.'' A`-!, thoe, Dpilosirtmout Alindit , FRANX J. CITICNIT matins Units, jisatt he Japan,
-,.,r .. tho etrp,ndil. for iwLrf tier of t he f1rin of F. 7 Nesity a Co.,
1 ,x.11.441.:�**961-- turn of fuel Lit thil nourt room -4 nnfI Ailing buttress In the (,it,t Af Trilpao. Ver atr
I 111hrov4s"indorldris. Jusigo's e,hinfril,pr, to olit,s;n I lid, anti Alato, aforesaid and t lit maid ftawkLPR,
� "t. I , r,*4-# liusloffict) 1,01. 4 f(tv
Wv% . "lle. -a,?., err..* T us Usal. the vigilant frunitano 'h� I earn of "e 1 4 c I
I ,;"ry ea. 4AJtlot!! that ron. 1
a %.I .. I I'll. � .1. .r 4 =�Vrlfol!r purow Itntl ra let it) 11.11 fi�*,n d hy Ill., 14110 C
r-ei -.1. pet- 'I�
MIGHT � .�`. ,tt4i % 'Atrart ill writing Ill, wIttt tr�roivmj ( "Riz. 1,HANK J.'j,jT,+'"ds �
U 450" """, Politely by the Chlof Jitatle,,. win ,,�,*Cwn lnlstfnvorp� mod .nhombda
' ,`!62s-,:'.', wald that ho vroull pot hlin in &)in. ristow,di, thin Flhd*r of Illerstq her. A D.. X. 1
C�Oneounce of Sunlight S,mp is worth 1,
pe-ilm too. .� A. W (11, ,ARON,
t REDUCIF� .. .1.6 I- wartiratio-i witli tile jimpor lwr-on. ( filter. I
�� _" .X . -
more than two nunc(; (of imp,tresows. we" ft.. " L.I. -� Notary public,
- E'XPErJSE o0br 0. ." to " -4 field, flinging tile bell, whieh w,,, -
so. - ATIEW01"til by if" elderly fern.rile w1w) Hall's r'sta"ll Cu" Is Writ" filtorsimily ,,.,I
t 0 1111, ===1� dirt,et If i,n th., hl".d An't in", on" ."rJa,,,d
$50000 .111 I,* paid by LEVER LROMRS T.I'31-.ZD, I. .. (%fly -h OntOd Ae e,,tsrt-keiT,r. hp r,rn,irko I. "f's'llepy'lent. st,nd for teallm'"i'l., fear,
R to OOI Torgatq, . 4-11qdt.#,ft MIM twrnq-d em lil-4 heel ii-Irt (oft (lip, "
I a is *110 miss proton thAt this smai -;.taJr3 10", I",,tv... F. J ( It It NP, V it CO., Tolotiou. 0. i
ay forte of adItUter"ok Or any ,rj,-.(-_:, l%#U,i(%If. I rem: "Mary. tL"To I- the man Atild hikortairsots, 7re,
I Reward to any for 0 t,cllillallill.l 1. MMIS slime &best The code." KIIII'll mUt 111106" lite best.
, . fflr. rodo INN OCIA1,010 0A !,
. . � 6
" 0 � , 4 , � I I I I � I " � I I I , � 1. t" 'L " J
f I I , " L , , � " I ;, I I I
I'.1 , 41, , � , , I 11 � I I I
-• . I , 1 4 0 "I 11 i - 1, I , ; I
14, t�
, ,A,,�,
ei, ) 4sk 411-
� :
I I -
I � �irll
't ,,, � , 't �
, 'I
11 "" ��
;y . , ��',
1, 1
1 4
z , "
11 1sse Ar ,.�
I I t I , I r li
il -n (
I +
11 L 11
mi, . I'V4 ill" i Coach It
: rose to be the MW
varril ,Turned Ot
tempts IllacKonaii 4
isititimore, fid., March
1J�' Wore impirbooned by an
, a milse, as FAIrmount. W.
� futures escaped without
tl,ruperfy 1(41'41 Was S)Igb
". A Yarrow P.Tio-A
it� Toletio. O., March 17-1
F' . ,t the troludo Metal Will
employing nearly SM i
stood along the Lake 911,
i ollosiMp't Julit ILI, it we
r "
I ownser train pugged the
fell nentsm tho track and
..I the rear coach. llad
� 4tecurrvil two seconds P4
t-initillpaut of the coach
, ovell killed. Had it ocell
•_ rho vrook it In belioie,l
ilire,; would have been ,
,11pill4i4ed that tile V011til
To� t
. ,
1. r tritium caused the w,,
.r I unto they ].
lvirulj-four Fm... uta. 11
j, chleaga, March 17.-
I latuiIew occupying the
Ills, flit*, lit 40th latree
litioiPvurd. were dirly,
hilildirlit by fire early
-trighl wind was Idowii
:turn bad to work ft ,r,.,,J,,, flames to tit,
N. . .i The sennitsta
tv*try Gun
�.,� I ,,,,, Surr
, , -,
I - r✓- I
, - Imartir) Foultht M.
. three Ifours.- r
(,.ted %lethuca
Kiat About- i
o, rp to Lurtler U
.. :-n. March 16.-
I "
r 1,4 receillf-d the folio
i�: O.'tion fruits Lord
,,,,.*rrtr,r1a* "Loatrill met
f. We a stat! off I Icar w
f0o,,iP&tvh, from letich I
irort,aln particularist pr
torr Inaccurate. 'I'lle
nbionteil true" was ru
wil,loned at dawn.
9 ,to of a mile betty
'iii nlujs comayo,fa,
'I'llort-. to the rear
I , Th lien. Metbum, I
1. r'."', by all the ave
, -1" arid A section o
e, r.,. ruallis:aIneil tile
Rotor, Joying wlilell
l'vre CIVADS up with
-;- MrIbsen i(, pt al
r-. Ill the mounwhile, t
faill,r) were Ix Ing it),
1111irltriptl to resist the
wh.c1 wit" olitflusnisli
Ahi-rrnr guard. 111111
th.LL i4tta(-k 111trill all
tt-IP4 ULti-IIIII'LI'd to f
lllfaiitry, itio got co,
lltirl,i, vnrr.,mg away
the rolls, the bull, ,
3rIT11-1H, -
---4w- So" at the
W,,r., thum tell uDpr,,i
tin d In action, us.
*kill the exception of
orl"i hit, Lieut. Neo,
on to harrelider. and,
,ft, so was killed.
"Lord Islethus", wit
of the 'Sortflumbeerifty
-tiro Cuts* Of the 1,',,rt
'Ifthol li'lluself Isola
Oil tor three hoar 1),
tile rvalatining Israel
tilt. LAnvashirps
law,111tr4l as,�n, 16,'; ly
list', beCullial the it
. is"W149, also continu
allinillst the repoanto,
I ..B." tills time,
west"It", and the cast
. "''"illiI It" 91,11
11111 n.-munit"Ador
111,11d If- 411-1 tilt- surr,
tit al -t D-30 in th
-rho. pnrty In the
t r
InV, and A I'M Pont
" "
I it upon them at
nl� Ilf their porditi,
1 I* confirmed I!
s. Wore our -
MR 1; s-
- wore ol
lit " 1 -Tort, carters ti
' u ff, 1,,a
Fulat from,
ft 4
'4 (,ft theletil
Alld 11th srt(Pl
'I ry lsr
!" of th,41, 'r i
-74 till% fort
MIT." y Itrist,rol
4 Already ns"t
I't"tit fill I y
1,�� oontift to t
After th" pxnic ))all
of t h. gpontrrl t
" --
, ,
11"%7 mollollen
Frr-1 01h., ,I
.t 141 t "PI1. NrIs
1`1 livg Is
, I" I)rlrt
krlh'"oft , An,t tt-gipd'
I hol,
�Itpr the Purrent
fr0r, the ft nil titerlit
0 "Ptl 61' grpatfot r
X a Ord,
plinin, as "4,�
110 10"I'"ovit arieur it
I , ins,