The Signal, 1902-3-20, Page 2Act:: r ,1'1"sOle s. The Signda '• ovagasuan Tlitritali•Y SPURNING D. llewl.l.LIKV1OL.T. -THU MICRO OF THE WAIL Loral Methuen le entitled to the sympathy and ailutiratiou of esery Initieh subject. whether lie WAY or way not to Memo for Ming caught sit a defenceless postilion by Delarey. • He hem etuek to hie work from the velry teginhing of the war, awl lute 0' own a fixed detertuination to see it through. Tootty he id 0 prisoner, with' fraettneal thigh. het Lord Roberts has not lout confidence in him. and the apoOvit of the Cututuan deran-Cuief In the Howse of Lorde, cosisuendity Met huen'os seal, intent - gasses and pereeveranee. will be en' duelled by ull who read it While others came and went. Methuen etayed and bore the burden Tbal he may recover -from his 11'010141 /11141 regain his liberty will be the prayer of till who have watched the career of the gallant Methuen. tloW IMENIte PLAVE.1) 111101. The, Buffalo; Expresso ti Oise rshes Prince Henry as a jolly good jollier. wit.* bonen hat jollying of the United States' am soon ad he wit/ in eight of 'amt. lte opened practice ,on tbe offi- cer,* and 'crew tho veusel whadi isseinight ban over From the captain yield doe to tie, cookie and stoker*. Hwy ,e -we the fineet petiole he etcr The paspengers. tope - valet the .interselin passemigere. wer. the afoot etoulta motet fellow -033 - he ever knee. The reporters! on tamtr•I Wtere foo.st. frLowa thAt ever interviewed Iduz. It 33:10 the aims: when he revolted New Vork. The wa• the fittest he e'er luiettee tett. The marines and ma- niere whs. were paraded In 11111 halm? elate III their &hare varioins inception committees, were. made to %balk thet the frince eueeelered thein a little ahead Of any, entertainers. that ever fell to ham lot before. Th. yacht which he hail come to hell, launch was the beat ever put afioat. The Amertrin railroad eser.lee wet - 'something wonderful. American sci•n- cry went beyond any posseble dewlap - tion. And eu it wont on nith every- thing that was done to entertale him.. There wait nothing fulsome stbout the flattery. It wareall done ssuob a quiet, gentleinanTy, euerteato. tvis no ecnoto 'be part master Ita the art. The reciaienta were uerer allowed to thiuk they v.cre being jol- lied. That war what initcle it such an artiotic performance. It war an ob- ject -lemon in Manners it =I good weeding elf the kiwi e Welt Ls moot oonapictiourly' absent from Antericite Me. • t30(35) At the Good Road* Convention In Ottawm, Mr. James; McEwen tot I boot Wellington Couuty stecured its 150 miles of stone roads, wlutt they coet A. F. Wood groat elaillar informa- tion concerning the 400 miles§ of etone roads In Hantinge County That la the mart of knowledge the Inhabitants of countlen stilleifflicted with toll roads. require. The. time is nt hand for tHe general improvement of the wagon road's of Ontario, and the otter of Provincial all to the pro- ject will ?stimulate action. A visitor to the eonc•ention from the United States, Martin Dodge, te- matted chat "it was strange that Ole t English-speaking people on -ads side of t he Atlantic, w lio made immense progress' in: other re - specie, 'Monti' be eu fee bellied. le the matter of hewn% itte !deltic/lye Although there were three million ot highwayn in the I: tit el States, not much more than 1 per rivet. of that idlistauce had bee/L.6er: infinently improved. During the last quarter of a ....talky in the Unitest Mentes!, attention le". been devoted 1, t he coital ruct ion of railways tether Ihnn higloweenn-atad-Canada 31.03. eeptattg thin exnmple. Thin (amid not eerhepn lee deemed' a inlet:Ike, but if it was thought necesranry to dintInleh the. emit of long di/dance tranembtaion by buil ling rf, onenhalf the anticipated l'enefit would not he derived unlesto the railway'. ero dupplemented by wagon roads. ,e) ti, got the reduction of root h. the eliort no well ais the lung haul. The people le the United titatem were ewtiketiing to the importance of till, queetion, and now that the trani- ioutinental linen hall been built art: Ilia coentry grid -Ironed with rail- way,. were devoting thetmeelvss to the Improvement of the highways, so as to diminish the cont of trans- portation by horse tool wagon. Hon Mr. Dortge then deseribed the method's. adopted touica- the direction of the Wenhingten Bureau for Interesting the people in the goo I ron,le move- ment. Threes conaintrol of object !es- teem in rend buitling, with tile tip- pliention of labor -sr0 trig mach' nor.% and the dirtribution of letereture.' 11,r. Patton° remanent the °Onion that the railway corporation", e'en1. be willing to pay a very large aintoribt of taxetion. if the proceeds of etch in antion worn devoted to 'Improving On highway.' of the etein. try, hoc:titan they wosald get th henotit of the expenditure ne well ma tile ferment. Ile ales out the hope that thn Liglakitirre would of- fer the munielpnlitle• more money en- stsdarsee then hes 111/4sil nirewly weed. lean ef time. naggioutIon., In 1100 lOWN. any think thet 'nickname Illoirtowu wao given to Toronto ou :iceount of the grabbing propenet- tier of the peuple of Omit city, No• tieing that the 11111i;der of Public. Works' eitutiot .propore to build a wharf or dredge a harbor in Way true, of tho Domlnion without 'sav- ing the Toroutu members of Parlia- ment jump to their. fret to inquire how much Toronto is going to get. and that all railway eubdilles are gauged by Hoer probable effect upon Toronto's rommerce; doticing thut a very large proportiou of the time id the Legislature of Ontario de- cided to Torontcee welfare, and re- membering the attempts that have been Made to concentrate the Mer- cantile and manufacturing buelnera of the Province in Toronto, it was natural to.ltifer that further ex- planation need be sought for the e lekonme. ltut there may .ho an- other reason. The Webs, in quot- ing from Ito files of fifty yteire ago. eltows that by the census of 1852. there Were 11,308 people of Irish birth In Toronto. again/it 4.958 Eutr- lOtil. 2,1610 Seutell, and 10,423 Cana- dians. of whom 467 were French eanatliane. In those early day* the liberty of the aubject waa rempected, and there were no by-lawe to pre - cent keeping domeotic a le with- in the city Inuits. The great Irish famine wax then recent, and the nit - Over of Ireland who dwelt In To- ronto went,' not 1141W. forgotten the asefulnerm of the pig no a rent - leo er. immortnlIsed in the song. ' I've foarteen Cloldreii, l'at, said she, Which -Heaven to we Isom sent. put children are not pigs, you see. ' They cannot pay the It 'doer not require any great stretelt of the hanginallon to believe that there were in 1852 at least na many pigs In Toronto as there were truth instiller, and ;many ,,f the quadruposle probably pestered upon the streetr aid wallowed in the mud fur which Toronto had been fatuous e ver since It earned the name, of &faddy Little York. That'," how To- ronto got the nanie of IllogtOwn. which &stuck to the city after the ;440 had become pork and their own- , -re had beeeme Aldermen, Jilt1gP14, Members of Parliament and wealthy .tristocrats. EN KOMI EM 04. LAU. Bev. Dr. Balurforil, of New York, took the affirmative side lu a de- bate before the Nineteenth Crater,. Club in that tity on the quertion: 'Should the dalliend to. °SWIM! 111 New York City on Sunday ?' and the report says that 'Ur. Itainsford'et eeping denunciations, which form- ol On greater part of ins addreer tri favor of a restricted Sunday open - 'egad ealound, (easel a erosible stir among tbe two hundred pereour, ty- pically representative of nealtley o wlet y,' who conspored_his auce-uce. Ilia oppohent in debate W41.11 the Rey. Dr. Louis Albert ).enke." in the tecW: "The whole principli is wrong. The Wetness of the church is to edu- Tette people to the 110011 of higher. .laws. rabic. tier etatulardo of moral ...litigation stop lo step. When re- ligion putelegal onactmeut and penal =Mutes In place s perounsion.. it Is going hack to the prInciplee of Crom- well, of Philip of Spain and of the Itu "Ttlits 14,1%011g to do Christ's work with the mord indeed of the crone. This nirlrit ham led to unfair and dile. crimina thee laws of °lases an', :optima elem. Ma tong as it does not hurt the social potation of man to bet ,en the Seburban or the .11roolslyi. Ilninilmtp.. policy whop, nod gambling houses. wet flourish in New 1 urk "Outs of tbo greeteet dangern in the United Mates in the passing of laws awl leaving them to carry out themselves. I would to all the 411100i111 could be cloned and kept cloned, tint until something better 1.1 provided It in Melissa:1g tomperinee iri the background tor attempt trreleeo them when a large number of people whet them open.. 'There le no danger of our becom- ing tuition of druniotrds. There le greater danger of our learning con- -tamed for oar low: ---c-- ”5113' eerie.. of probibitive laws 'put a whip in the band of the black- mailer. The ultimate !volution will come through cutting the nerve of the Jeanie, by making private pro- fits! Imponsible. The nttemptml eit- fort...meta of Hensley cloning laws make* nitre and lawbreakers of the pmeple and fattens tslackinall in is lity where- to -day the police .1 re go- ing their own gait." ewe. Some better is etrotig enough to et•iiiii ooloritig, but milk doer nut take any more kindly te it thee to boric acid, ealtia.tru or forminla clehyde. naps mild weather mokes the f ar- mee.' happy. of course, the ro: ore execrable, but leta.y truets now would serioueli• Injure the 33 Ilea t 4014.1 clover.. Whatever the !nutlet. may, lutes been for letting him go, we. tutu all rejoice that tlenerill Metituen'd %within by the Boers' war eland. A boldly we:minded 111011 'till reecho bet or att.-nth-1m 11111011g 11,111 friend,' than I Is enmities could isodiably gho lilm. cropeetilly "motile' enemied Ilke the Boar& The kindly reference& to Oreat Brit- ain and Gen. Methuen in the Urtmelan --wet are In etenewhat striklug con- trast with the exulting references to the "cruehing defeat et the Wallah" met with In many Celled States pa perte formikooess 4M a Inotikey' OWneti ts,y Now' Jerde.y. mon• ass encouraging to belief in Iherwitt'd theory " that man id dereerstied from 0 tuonkn)." Wo kr.ow that there iv a bagutt idea abroad that Darwin taught that, lett it would tie:cake anybody to dim - easier the tent -haw iu Dar*iit's works. Those people eh.. are' eitYing law- yers to seek for untold millions nald b0 hoarded in thancery in (,re -at Britain awaiting claimants. may be intereotod in len.rning that on offi- cial atat.,ment just isseutel show.. the total of tho itecouutes in the cuottely of the samet to be :tbout 31,000.t.40n, the ernoutite rang- ing from t150 to £1.000. . The London Mad days the War Of - firm id to require officors to carry a eccolter alai carbine, but they will bo furnished with ao ammunition for tho latter weatou. Thus, It id ex- plained, Is to prevent the Officer from yielding to the tesuptatloo to shoot wises) he should he lookung ;titer Ins mesa. Wooderlui WI* long : What a calamity it would be if emu, oifleer should happen to hit a Boer : /311/ opinion, 110 Might 1,,11,1 hn 3p t kept to 1.1mirelf, both Imp') raising money for roil heeding by indirect (4 1,1)130. 011)1' ,'e01t ly 10 111P 4 !armee. in tlio end than the direct reetboil. Thn *11.01015 atatein r,f telegraphy 10 P•en 'totting this sleng of the anc. letushington statesmen now say when corertituent soaks an unobtalnabla smitten 'I Immo I'll here lngrt hIrn A Job are lineman with the Mar - (tool compauy." a••••••••••••••••••••••••+++ • CURRENT COMMENT t '1... realer thaik of It Every law, to be suceerisful, must have public opinion behind ft. Tee more the particular law &eke of ttie individual lu sacrifice of right s! liatilta customs, the more ;subtle opinion It roust have In ad favor. Doer any man. think probibitioo Can be mad.. a success. If half the people wilting to vote:at !L general election will. not take the troublF; la vote for It ? A New York court has awarded zi whiow $500 datuager in her suit againet the Preresterian Hoepital. Gornto... the Itmopital authorities per- fOrnted atutopey on the holy of her hunband without her permis- sion..T he. court hold." that no mitres), can be itekl without the perneesion of the neareet relaillve -In tide case. the widow -or an order 'of the -court. The Montreal Witness does Mot approve of the courre of Manitedsa proldbittouLtta n'hu hese liot 10 0tn ou the referendum 'it re- gard.. k us an atalmiddloi, of weak - neon. • A et. Catharines. Inciter prints u zetein begininlog 1 liver down in l'ort Dalhousie -end I've jolly Iota of inn. A 1 goner to work eith Susie, 'Cause, her favor I have won. When In Hallbet last rummer, the writur noticed that Dalhouale was prouoVeiosel no it rioters' with ietkey and not with Mishit Senator IN.wer told him that the pronuncia- tion of the name bad been dlepute indite Sears 1111[43, and elope had been taken to namertain how it wao pre - 'tomcod In Secitland tind by the fan- ny of Lord Dulhouole. with the Tribute that the "rouse" nal not the **11001.6" 3/011114.1. was'adopted What le right in cannot bo wrong in Bt. Cath- arentes. ar Dalhousie College and 'Port Dalhoussie were named in honor of the Amp. Snap, who came fromNova Sou - tin to ellailAtO tiotertior In 18= The .1.:19 that Edward Moyle wade through a New York sewer un Ilturiebty did not hear much re- temblance to the cute described liy Hugo in Lee Minerabled. witch Jean Valjeuit walked from a man- hole to the river with st; woundel and unoonneious young man on his back, and wit*, very nearly mired on the. roots. Modern waterworku 113130 made great difference It. the flow of the leeway'. tent Boyle did not have to exert kiln - Nen to reace the outlet, and the only wondey. is that he waa not drowned. New yeriume Jere could nut be used as hiding place for crim- inate, ns those of Parte used to be, nceording to Hugo. FROM ANOTHER WORLD. An Suellen 01111cer N'erated Against tbreartie. " An Myth& girl wan engaged to r---- -- - ----see be Married to a young Amerloan Who Tobacco HMI Not.ilere. had been a student abroad. They Bohner' are beuefited by using to- bacco while ou lung marches, IllaY had men at Heidelberg. Hp died aid - rev era' selentists who have been t,,,_. denly after retureing to tlds mule y She came over here shortly ✓ iodYlne the w"tter it the /... afterward to %lett hie mother. While quest of the Swine Government. EX- in lenw. York ant, weet ta, a natattato. }sot of arriving at the truth, and; 'seers was nu lipt-olittnieut before: Memento! were Imam oath the ob- se. according to au official report. te- head, and there was no way lit which Immo exorcisms a beatific:MI hallo the psychic mould . know who rho , etre on moldier' who are obliged to was. Taking tier turn, sato sat dowu take lung and fatiguing menthes. by the medium, who went Into a "Ineteaci of being a detriment to I 13111101! 11101 114.1(.111 10 01/1:11k. 'unwell- dloelpline," says the report. " to. atirly the OWN lover claimed t.. be. bacco IN itse ally. 11110s soldiers who mestere. Ile told her a Humber of are allowed to smoke while march- ildngs which wily theY two luel over ningud arsea hnintineodnieto ginrubuellt.o.rtitalaluWn Ore known. 11u repelled circumstanced ec ted with their acquatuUt nee others, but are also fur better able abroad. Now, it ot• happened that to endure fatigue." 00111i 1 A Queolon ot interpreestion. Leh+ young lady's father wale an Euglisilt unitive la the WS! Bottli Africa. Among other thine." which the young tidali Odd was tido: 'I niu Youth's Companion: "Here lo Butte- glad that I here been able to rare count." Amid Mr. Horde, polutIng to your father's' life utose or twice dm -- a paragraph lit the eveulug paper, lug the part summer.' Now comes "of the way 10 which a boy wax the /orange coincidence. if culnel- ✓ aved from d erten b a nu dirt dence It be The father writes whieh be.onged to Ills coudn The home foam South Africa, being un - re Y it (0.1.' boy ruptured tou near the edgeof threlp ignorant of all that had taken a treacherom bank, lost ' foot- place here, and rtiates what oeu uts big. no I fell intis the lake. The, dog to him a somewhat remarkable teat. dashed In after lam rucceetled fle ttlls how he w settled In ido Pull ng him out." tent ow slay when IR.re cam.. upon , 'There." raid Mrs. Morse, turning him soddenly ne unaccountable Mi- en accusing gleam upon her 10 year- mention that he Wad Ili danger. It aid son. 'that showo bow dangerous wax an though some 000 were trylag It its for. a buy to go too near the lo make hisn feel this undl lettuce water him to "move. Bs strong wan this 'Why, mother." sald the boy. In feeling that he got up and went over myrrowful astortishment. thought to the other 'dile of the tent. He father read it becaus. It el ed laisl 'windy done tide before o shell perfectly sale I'd be wherever 1 wenn struck the chair where he had been if you'd only let lam buy we a big Ntttlnit Hod he rienanood there he dog:" would hate been Inetantly killsd. Of ; gr. Morse coughed and Meanie die. conree. It in not asserted that this erectly aboorb-d the u dello r o f mining Mocks. The Miobster of Juitkie has ad- vised againet the release of' Dr. Harbottlia of Burford. who war sentenced to a year's imprisonment for shooting a wan wIto W1111 one of a gang of perdecutors. The Min- I, ister takes the ground that the4 ellooting war not to be excused by the iintroyances to which the clue - tor had been sublected for Inollthl. I and that considering the serlowe nese of the offence committed in the. use of a dencUy iveaphu the court eior lenient. That view to be conituended; no man should be en- couraged to private Tense:wee for real or fancied wrottim. But grind- ing. thut, .,Tere are many who think that in Harbottle's cam th.• tif-W hao been- - fully - vIndWated aud that clemency might well be shown. Visoilkitur'sd tire work of "the Totals .1ngel." Mrs. Foster, who hest devoted homed to the comfortinse,, and cheering of prisoners. Rev. Dr. Parkhuret In a recent sermon nettle theme rem:trks: "it omit! uot sliff'cult Ima One eoue• ecelesiastical censor enying 10 nueh a oue the 'Towne Angel that who', sato 1,ressurnistuousi3 called her hetet'. inky M not Chrietiallity nt all, becaturee 'there wax a 11111111111111101 t helot in it. und that what elle 11111 ThP T01.0010 star had Rome receat city content -too 111 mind when It wrote: "Cannda for tsie Canaidarin le a etirring cry, but the lite -dine is, would the taxpayers+ rather be pluaderro by Mgt iree than 1104 141111 - di Zen hy foreignere?" The query .1./. per- tinent to the ease awl riot leo' so to all plean for prostectIon agaioet vont petition. Ninny a nian prattle', about 'Canada foe the 1 anaillans," when It le the Cannitiente money Ile Is_ after. Tito /,'rnelloere in the United States Rouse of Repreeentntlree Imre brought In n revolution to ask the Secretary of State If be reftwed Bev. IF. W. Thome, & paesport to visit nOutit Arrive to distribute funcle In Doeir ironcentration camps. nee. lor. Thomas had filrendy Reid th., pas.. port. wee refused. The °Omit of bringing the *Minn in the Howe Ot- to give the Anglo:114.01mo ch.toce;to rnil at Great Britain. It's cheop naettnees. In Ild1r7Irthe 4eparttr•g1 trttah Ambronendor• • to shington the lheago Chronicle $oy : "31r. Lytttetoo who ia to tinOceeil Lerd pa enceinte, earned dirtate t 00 n t golf and tennis. He will be nn acaniel- teen to Vtliohingtou aociety, how - tape 111' may figure in diplonince." Tlint's only delnyed reciprocity. The United Stated Ambanarelor to Lee- dom lieli Schenck, ninny yearo ago taught the Cockneys to play pokiz, aud the Yankees fondly need inetruc- in golf and tenni*, not to men - KI1C114.1141/ lb 11bIng hill "I regret" blank' again. After all. It may he neeeneniy to mend 1,11nce7iel I to c111.11 ?darter le he onlY mall on the OPPo- salon Ride who rannde to We Kunio, " l, 104 a11.1 Sam Mechem out to corral Delnrey ? Wonder if Lord Robert', wouldn't dke to grn two 1* Afrlea nd =IOW t lin hope how hag the wily Hoerr? Now ten alrill PPp whist kind of n riekiming Kitchener 'vat lecke scab Dela rey. 114. 11:111 001 been very rapid 1.1 coming ap with thr Doer genern I par tar. ItArpnt evpioratione 'ince added 1.(ax),000.uoo ton* to the 11111.1e ply of t•oal to rape Itre. tun, whieh nainimiteenierit 0)11 glVe n not her hoont 1u the rock of tho Dominion Coal crimple", Carrion liar 1.1130t7 of the isinek dia- monds, If they were only to be Viand In *13. right phaoe t lint la to any, In CednrIrt However, lhla Province has wood Alit,1 isAter power. and our wfIL rw.Ighhtere In t ha tinit•ut Staten 40 114.1 ohjort 10 1101111111 111 11 iil 4•0111 Quer and tlw.n. _ eiThwhir narlfan Trade return. for the tris of the.current floral ye111 oho importa of *1.23,13...114:31, of ny'rehillel 'mud 44.361.821, Of it IbiT =rarest -ter 464%.10111104 111.r10.1 1111101111 10 41.35,...X7),:.1:3., with ment.on of n and bullion, thott4 semennold. re.brien.SINSedrai ID the $21617,013 it• pro - dicta of the minas., We are appar- ently welling more n we are buy- ing -the balance tr la ?in Can- ada's favor"-nrel yet the fellowe who o-nnt to reastriot I rintiona, nod "keep the mooey in the unify,' tfont yes luthltY. TanY Intoet bard to Ovum The debts of the varione State the Commonweolth of Anatralto let 011 Jan. 1. • 11/01, no followe: letortt ..... C.6.1.71100.00‘1 49,:tte1,000 NeW 1.3outli Wales titternelnntl ........ 64,1100,0M1 411111.11 uat rot 11A 26,100,000 Talfrnanirt 11.7110.000 Weed, .%uetrillia 8,1(X1,001) - without a. dlostinct purpowe to elorify Dins trail Merely a refined form of 114.01134.0 iftIVC.A. 10 which the Lord Ilimeelf niacin he conceived ay re- joining in the 'spirit of our teat : " '1..1 the de r woma n• alone. Glory .0 not Wit I am niter. She in Mat iiig ....ttlot from dread. I am for the under inah, and wlent ehe in for, him she le a• 31e, nal one pound of orthodoxy in the heart es nawth 0 ton of it in the brain.' If Jewel' were to Appear sem city, ne HP appeared at' Jere- alleM. lie wroth! find moro of the Working people thronging nbout Illm (bait Ile vinsult1 of the attend/into upon PUCII churches as our own. rind more than ile would probably of tlio clergy. Nee clergymen have been "so aralisi in the ehostriorteons and pro- fundities, of teliglon that we should hare all °Mr I.reposortemione driven into panic by a man claiming tO be nuthirrized le:leder. who yet 1 iuglIt only tho empleet kn..' of ilb.C• 11'. (113 and WWI Maths a bekutiful ilfe e.tweet princheilly in eiympathisi INK wit oistreswel and trying to re- fievir-theees" riegnoWitOle---ererteeterera•feneiesteneas, TIIE CHIP BASKET Its -port of Cantos. deportee's e.^e maid to be the unlid- le hnything more thin lb coincidence; but the sugges.thet maile that ootnckleisces of tills eort lifiVe been sno very frequent as to make one wonder 'us to whether there le not tome deem* meaning 111 It nill."-Rev. len of men. They are ofteu so, and ldleot J. Savage in Alusiee's. aumetimes the wIttlect of area, to01 r w Wart et 4 lens M ur- lieud Misouglit ler Him. (13*0011 (atilt A celebrated Canon Latly-I want 1,0 1.40 Something Yr Use Englaili Church wan announced eultable for a birthday preeent for to speak at a meeting, and on tine ocausgou did not wish hi* 'cadres@ re- ported. Ile coustuttaionted his de- sire to the gentlemea ef the press who were preoeut. Tuey recutin- aerated with hint ."The haereet Mtn counter In the bassement.-TIt- ind t.1 el it • I Shopwelker- M,ne terni-Thing de- portment on the next Iseely-eTh. g;ft 1/4 for my hush/mil. SholiwkIker-Oh, beg pnrilioa May- tie meeting lientered 10 Wan* they pita arid. "They were rout by %emir chief's eopeeially to take his speech." The Canon wae inexorable. He 'could sitellaelltetraellt.elt out be reported. At hist (see of tjio raturuit) raid, with a Merry -1 goff,' and no report?" The CatiOn twinkle In hie %ye. "What a eanou o THE MARKETS was ,attquilitiod, aud on t le follow - I -morning all the 'papers mods's- lee address. 01/110101 7 *Yoe Rogue ruisg6e "(whiter,. ditreli '17 -The gent Noel sande have at some period light en the rarest oe Eisele lives' bee* erammeted by ner. IpX.111.1g. 0.11.)•;.00g:.tvils IltIle h;g1wr. beef Itlakm lag at es to n9.50 per .• Iambs seating at toe to Ulac Whent-Was elect.* 100 b white air :it 77,. to 71r7r Markel. , Iva. apt* Were arket this •In offering. a. wee' a rterseeil. 1., rad per lb. .15.1 01 hero- • to iC tain evIllandinpowed permits to repeat rupidly the luformation that, • 143(0melte' sea shells," or (0 .07 the ,***Sest eyeteeth sand aufficeth ,tra," What a The miser 11 1010.4,11 by VII.' 111041,y he kw -pe. Ind1.1,11talIty la a good asset if it's the right soil. a tete no•e,i like It bad. _Pe: ItS v we're tnrit's up. , lt beet cery man. that eon tell a food etory when he nenn It sioren't take n lartleulariy sharp pur..oi, to make cutting remarks. lf the worst 1.011101 10 the worst, 11 peel mhy wrIce obituary sermon for !hang. IMINIM•11••• istin uhy etitChee allstW.. t nia,7 env per Minitel. au.I basil's ottani.. such a eldtpely..sash &humid ;.40 hay.. been .11•11Ired bY Illelk,aminkl- eel itt 76f, ,,,er inclined fellow -guest to requirean nuagnsure inol.elual to 'Give Grimed t 4Te ,ity, per 0,,,ho Oate-Oierte oterely. URI \ bosh •* 1..110 , *1 i.,•r tun, fur I, $10 per tot fee Jlat • pIlt log -whip, or to !mum. lin upoit "How herd it le to sa'y 'How 31 high id it 7' " • ' When pretty tenser hale obtained .1?‘16. (2 3 aOl 414 a temperer, ranter, by getting you the nforemeutioned tn. jest reap gt :5traw-3%eti stead,. loads sealog at' ttS to per ton her to repeat mix times in one breath. "What a pity peor--1-aaer W -hent. lehlte 75 LI, 79 1-tc rea- ig pretty Pelly's pigs!" If mile survive/14, froovn, 111 to.67isc uprose. stisk her to Inform the company ten • +VP. Barley., milt. :04 to 111 ten WM; mita 47 to 41se ; peso, leis; mixed beiges." when the surgeon hail alsike, e6.50 to OS; red !lover, rep tired her parte ut nieuede lee •to 14.60 tarnoth,r• $.1.7.0 to may *3 1(13 propriety ask her, "If he IF 25: \nay., tonoth). ,to $14 ; dispel, should oho N. "" “14hOuld 4. cloker, to 410; straw, ert to VS; shIp's steward bell a ehoddy trek ?'" b"t1*. mai roll... 16 to life:. "The 111,1-e ',relight icair brawn," ,15 to ; ge, net, had, I:. 10 'eon' Mould 110011 sell Sheet six dew Ing single elengled," "lie threw two true throws." In all probability this will be the temp de graer., stet ne parr %Milan le berm' from the room In a swoon .voa nrr nt liberty 10 Wee In parting theme fate! words", "Shook, Sooty sun meek soap 7" --- The 1 0..4111.11i 4, 4•441.313 314114141y. At it I.-giu.Iathin tosarIng on 31 91110 - Lion of legal 1 iert realist] of Smola; trade, 0 gent lemon Is •// re 1 wider liberty 'borne:4e we are. nt the open- ing of a now ocntnry, Implying teat Sunday laws eino a relic of the dark 'ogee. NOt of tiro darkest ;ices; -he- 'Mould reflect. They not prevail noir In "Itarkent Africa," or In any dark and encase land, nor ever did. Monde) oboes vanes, IN not a /Dark of rude uneultivated life. There are emote -Iowa hat rut- Um large scale, end In the long run, exectly an men gain In spiritual Ipsight, attain torialfth of view, and a comprelien- Mon of the force, end tendencies which govern human life, U they - oleo are wise ettough to conform their conduct to tuelr Increased ,lueroviedge, 'they will prise liondey, nod keep It with all their heart. Thid la nbeohitely rure. Thaw do we know It 7 On the word of Him who cannot err, who le the truth. ter he wild "Tho Sabbath wan made for man" - for mon an man, al waya and every- where; not for Jews ainne, not for oertaln centuries only, test for all the ceaturiers, for the twentieth the fortieth, for all More bimetal and poseperens ages when hutn.nn 'tro- y -nee rertIt have lifted WWI to the- - lig g g . g , Lead Following tIone at imi tiny: Nita York ..... h ongo Toledo ............ Duluth. Nut 1 our.. 073 015 Duluth, No. 1 herd' 074 - 'foregoa, lingiry markets. But ter-Reeeipts age 'moderate, with the demand Dilly \fair. thoice qualities" aris aainten. 'WO quote a• ( Mice 1-111 prin 0110,01 large roll* 17 to ondary geadea. in rolls, low grades, 12 to lee; Isrinisi 22 to -28e ; efeeine to 22 1-2o, Egg's -The market le firm:. with male* at 131-2 lif I 4c per dosen el.0 beta, the latter price the eXcep- t theesee-'rhe snarkat-rWea firstat_11 to 111-2.3 per lb., the latter for cheese Septimberst lerento Live meek Market. o Wheat JIllarketo. re the Omens- quota - taint wheat centres to - The Signal IS rt,st.l•lisu settee TkiUltlin.tY MORNING St in lecti3LLICUUDY. _ Terme Sebseriptiee Owl month. In *Issue* 'Mae ▪ usenno. 0.1 71". .... 1 ve _ •.i.ertieleg thetas, logal sad other costuil ad ve..1'seineetio, Ir dr 0, ,6. 4,11 1 utp114 I• 4.1143 for ea..h 113b.o.luuol linortisti. Moe. trot b/ a national • als. Ilhalitea cards et eta lines out wader. 116 TAM prttornilat• of hoe, rues& nlya....1 PitetloneVeatet Kitust.lat• Wasted n „„nek,„ ceases. %mit.... 1401 r304114134i hue, nemik, rot). et por Homis1414.11 Rale and Varna en.14‘14, 01,..34.4 31,,... for ant moult.. 50.- pier - ,s eistnent month. lorg.r metro In prtissi,,,,. pFOluote the pes•aniary bee t of ny i; t. Aar spselel tee deft of walen ual or (smirker. 14 be 0=4' frod .olver 1.4 reset and °barged s000rdIn y. Local nott. es In monroret type one *co pri word, ho water low thee ?to. Local nutloge ha ool.nary rredli.g tyre .0. torte ;or word. No moil.. for 1.-s tho', teirkicess tor churclies •i.d Miser I *roles{ leatitutione. halt rate. maserobees en., roll to nesolve Tug regularly by 01411 will confer • fl.ser 1., Quote/ tug tut of LIDO Lea at ea early sast.... "krhen.• restore of address la desired. old ••41 the ea e. address abv.ulA 1. roomed's,' Retire. J.& . Le Tourri. of Gndairh. gas been sp pointed torel 'teaselling Agent for lb!. es Otto of Godertob, Colborne. AMIGA s Wawanoigh. Lanai postinssters over the Merit -1g'. „,•,, empowered to reeelve mgheortmlono lee amen- . All aim imealastione tooet he lioll11.1.N 1'f,sky. •. Telleulleter 110, 711.1KatIoZt.Lbe% THURSDAY. MARCH '..ed ltJ eVel.LINU OltAND TRUP.IL RAILWAY. mourn. lits: 411wol-isretess. Isee..,. tire an 7 IS 1,2a r ., as! Baynes , 10.8* p ..t.s. istrie•RT. Mail sal roprCia. • r 713 s .•,. 1.4 tet And glares*. Slits.' 11%1 Cnale July. '00 '8L01 47--S "0 7":1. :74 1-)-4 081 3-4i 0781-8 N. ltD 10 Lir; 0PC" 10 lee; emery 21 Export rettle. choice. Per tort il *1 w $3 i do =odium do roor• -...-..... 350 to it . It f0 10 8 530 to 51) • 6(11 to 611 Ur LANS. malign 0, lialtillatoli 7 ' 3 10 lo II OD rr 8, ewer thelaire. Oel. msa. 4 le to 3M .'mors.II le le 640 2 et to 3 M - - - WRIE.'s FOR RED.HAWL11. (hitchers' cattle puked DUXTISTIRT. WOMAN'S AILI Suffering Which to Cure 1%010684S OfsmeW slues • Canade_win.esetuelltatillissr II enould reign supreme. wseckuess istel ulresteur fu puistriaeue;:itug leof tt1.1 ioalpru VI to effete. Lyn:: aaluid eodeli e. bb Ut lit 1:11/I01 of Ws kiMt miettlane, Itad they den sue *u*il el,ouW be 14t7.. :soul wtIvivallit: etrung. Airs. Fri N. 4.. cheerfully bear 1..1.• 111 woman's, kiarphy saps: foe. * eltutent• 11.) fr a044,..11ttrewouwet.:Tast ctomb:ritpuliu,0t1::•Ii SAX, 1 WOW 1 gr %105ent. attack., of pa heart. It le nu] to newt -tee the ag,1113 iSolefill tinier tile 1 41.11.,i; ogiultnaggoolnes,!.uty Wil 33* +a:s.1.1li 1:wer 11,e summer. but I Sly appetite left me ialpitate oIuui t I af /11011, 0.1141 .iated. My hurlstoml try Dr WililamoLae / tired 1131 1 rqpilly. utile a couple of we ' teat they were hell ier 'using seven bot rcstored" to healtI,. until tbe liming of lie' beet of health. I run nthedowbosaii11 d al gooke !amleuta flieWur yearafirling" i cal illas too noon, our urga those who i 130 Ir wonderful hest 11111rrii:"WIIIIMS111* Vlok la) root of &seams rich blood. and rer layorro In this wa roubiedi sa the fu et women, restore 1 to wallow cheeks. e the heart, anaeuit gertIon, kidney 011 taeuntallsm, parts thud dance, etc. the genuine with t iViLlions- lank set every hoax. If them at your den • -46ailisr .1 1.4‘ boeeePcsatP the I*. Willieres' Ont. C NICHOLSON. L.D.N. p 'IDE.wTaL stageor. Romeo opposite the Poet Oglee. Gold Tilling,1 ruvra eel Sell* WAS • 111 soars Se wises*. . 'y M. It A KR D D.g. L.D.11.203Tire ▪ r• eartrese Lenin el itelgrrod Klgth for all dental °pentane* ',.....syseilec 1,e natural tool • *nasally. 0(001,asd eauere tap etobek ItsUaueeso sA Telephone No. 30, T M. TCRWOULL. 11.11.11. L5.11.-13; 1/ • tet Stoma. Osiris moss tided to a Dr. Thin. 03 Massimo 0.14 aral reireesis. orttletel teeth tooaohni en gold or Sple atLest,00 term 1 tta soilierg or lee nettled teeth. lade It t' • Losa's Dew Welt t• Lanai. trAilflifinCtlAT-Wileitt 17..e *Kw. Meer,. he Ogler 01.0lied. leviers. °Welk& 11 . 0 JOSNnT0*-itAlti4irrrio. eo. • ave. 4 cuirt.'41-1041* . IV% . 4,1r.1.4.1. 4t,. lIerolarre melee , streets. lierierl.A., t„ - _ 1r111111110If00T k HATA, RA • odtitgre. nete•••• pg.. gem tr. itc 11/114. • .• r', a! door SeigeAll. onto. vetoer Fulbd. tOlot lows.4. twee flettacrest. W. ratiol:Dr007. R. 1. . vAltPOW% (JARROW. 0Afien•• 1 A•torners. Setteltors. t.oderis I. r. arreer, Chorieenertow. Lit tap BA1401- I R. N artier ete. ore& .14 ,t1300( F.1,1110, Monty Pon • al a( later nu- . tnt a - soltc:IQ hararter Puss*. • ZOpel_tir4:1 Wein street. . SON. 131;OLICT HOI.34164. • LLECTRIC POL Among the reef. leseeMing 1110 lab ire, there ie with lul a• the chemtct, .callesi "Electric. 'that cleand (ed.! Jewelry and all 1 1,4Pwreler or molt gulped. You stoup %rah the dry 1,1. -bewartiful-ps•Uee out soiling Pie 11011. Every lotus Interceded in "')." eueloge, two -cent wouple and parti Manufactur ',rime!, Ont. ., --2- .sew Verk Caute• Itall The above met word, amd the su the rend taliteal tract mind propl rule Lis Ulf. *Int points eaut 110 IQ tiler roman. , .1 sought. E1-er,t1... le the best. -- - /044 4144 Toronto to Sal grim, Ilegit points In Califor Northwestern 1. ..ry dUrIng portIonete Sow paints in C1111114 -deeper. and Et Card daily from ery. Quickeet to tut particulars. erral Agent, 2 11, route, Out. -- ---Weir CO A lady on be ari•nuo oar rec 37 t too bright . nrir nue., rI raw ..w h. re they 10111. 110 nurse 011 ria ily, -Twin 011 the mal.- abolk but elle Whey an of t It lar a nil." CatiLtiZs sit - IIIARRISTKft. eels eiter am. conreyeerperrev,. a ow Handbell etotinjoel.'1.P.;51 11416M, Welleriek. Prtvet. funds 11414414feltee 013 Ala& issereest. rarneee seem seshea. I G. MA RD. CON 0.100(Atli. • 3; -• .5 • enimaukataser for 5,1:114 •sid r,,4 '.4 11100/0 slinan b411. II.ts” • to. hese leesettions sr rotas. 4ridaratligh• ss - mpecorning any eetlen, au er preeigodi.fi the II tol. Court el .1‘.eVee.1 (017( 13 A es a go/ Ontario, er le any Urn .7 ey , Coque All t• aerations and., ors1 p,eli3 o aeopted. Itindemoo sof 13.0.dream I.,.• 0.0050.041t. 26.141 LOANS AXIS LISSITILAN 11101fIlg TO CIND---• LAWN 01:14r .01 et PrInato Vends ter =eat lee set Paton and memo ow A/P1/ SO Mime& Gensw. Al ,rlifiSfAn OTN'T/ItY. AT no root -A% ▪ vainness% Ilisdarl. h. ()ht. tab • eti said to lo wry part of the must,. TOPIN KNOX, N KRAL . 11.5 and lamel Vantage,. 11.4s.ri •- las bed oomildsreble irsperienre ttai • • 4I-Ateerina trade. Ie. le -a Arnie. rhsore ...119 thorough warsMt1107. 114 g'" wileakata **treated ta alga. ,thritle PIIL••••5 Hoick er emit by mall (8 1. s 0.14134143bi 1'. caret.' actoff44 ' ' IC VOX, Orem, •ertlontor, J ;Ateliers' est,le. e Wee Muleberie cattle, fialr do nominal do 13004 do hullo Eiseriers, short-kocp ON to 44F Do /koshers, tow to LIODItts do light %filch cows, e•ch Sheet, owes. par cwt • Domr. choirs, por cwt do medium 1 aro , per cwt. 30) te 331 In to II SI 116 le to 80 Of *31 tol 43,0 4 21 to 5 Ai a in to 0 arl Mom. light, p111301 73 to 0 00 Room fat. per eWt 6 76 to 000 MOHO' -WrMillt- 'Street s. 1 11 V11/11/1 if round of onervin the biesisingst it kind Providence makes London, ?darch 17. --Cattle etre me The wife who refuses to darn hdy her reaforc0110140,3 nt 121-2 to 1111-4e per lb., Ids ewe. Malty men npnrn i husband's rock.' Can't be expected'trussed weight ; refrigerator beef, 10o It /1011, for they are Ilke very :young I to satclAalt.* _goer:Tel kittens -they have not got theIr Per lb. .- .---.--._____ . , - e.ten elven 7311: -Mr tHri'myrni-vistmr - - • ItradetrillWil oh Trade The 011ferenee between failure nn I IU!CP.l 1,. that one is due to hard luck -and (be.other tO ge111111__ .cfter all there beet moon tlIfkr- epee, front lite actor'. point of view, Naiveties a cold crItichne and it roast. -- "The nagging wife," say' the Cyn - lent Bachelor, never burion the lintellet until she 'torten Iter band." . --- Little drops of water, Little brentha of air, Tnite stleetne germ's in um , Awl then lenve them there. -- Editor-Horn you nee the Otprril- 'WhOlosolgn 10 eat.: Don't you that's Diutoloelcal ? rter-Not tawny... - ? lf n thing's whelerionic It Meet lie 'wholesome to eel.'" "Pinta/it iII. 1. wrote. elide? Is beffeetenti, Mit ,not 40 rat There Is 4l3 filtrate sinnegal with - nu, 0 pf I Rat r nntl yet there 1. Iler1rrr, n Mole e wor Total ion, loo,noo Or nhout 4117n0riono. The poOnet- tem 1,1 .11intra1l9 lo ahont a.716.1194 Th., 1101 dollt 1,1 Canoeist hi tool way eatecat.ectoa It 1/1 In he borne In nand however, thst Australia own* her emitter ye whieh go to sw.•11 the ',omelet, of the debt. privelon --Sheri ;Hi % Rimer -DM yoUlsr /ed the (pia 01 of lit Her rett,fry -lehy-er-1, didn't grt 141.n to rend IT nfl. hit tlie first leirt nI 11 Alia very ewer. end of winkle= will come. If not for Blydneaa at Montrenl hie been 'hem, for "the; coming man,' the erately aotive Oda week. Buelness min who will not fly In tho fnea of PrOfideffele - WM? trample tte wet • gifte under hie feet. Through the video not of written re' elation alone, but through the ery of man's entire nature, body, "soul and Apirit, by the examples; 01 Chriet, and by the Providential fnvor nhown to Onhhath keeping In Ito good re- mits., God Min road.; known Ills will. isitho,:ent far *a thetakmciamitinic dx __In ginning of Plummer to. particularly, "°- mamboing. The demand for ribose, le die.ive end thn rats* continue steady. erhoe.eale business at II ,rellton 13711 been fairly native thin week. TIN fitelorlee nal mil, nee busy on meters for thP coming season, nod labor Is wed scmployed at good Wagrat The wholemale t.rmd are bale m Wive ship- ment's to retnilers who h ive been buying liberally for the epreig, nnd large qunntitier f•f pt,o1,, ;moo* nee roratng forward through (110 rtlf,1 OM. end from doineAtk ny. taf:o•tnr,,r. In thn mat. Th. outlook for bustn.ao he eneonraeing. Velem of etanit. end Imeorted good. contIrtie firm Pay - Milne teeently hove been 0111 mot. There itool demand for mre;ey Spring trade continue. In devel.)p he oeerer apprear`. of eprit In 1,111pItg, end trent- centre. in • In tior wert is rapidly expert ling ovring to the opening up ot large lo -w tracte of land for 'settlement and the Increased number of !settlers going Into the mentry. The helve - trial activity In the Mnritinie Pro- vinces, In the east is nIno orinsIng a Mg demand for 'staple goods. The genpral rAmdl lonq of trade nre good. Th cemity and mercy allow, to emit the body find' train Abe soul. The tbeffnitlr. "liobeon. do yon Know why 7011 010 like a donkey 7" "1.110 a donkey 7" echoed Robson, opening hits even wide. "1 don't." "Pecainse yoilr better half is doh. boring's Itself." -The Jed pleaned Robison immensely, for he nt once sity the opportirnitv of n glorinue dig at lil. wife. so when he got home he Rtpbeon do • 0,1 know why am like tt donkey 7" Ile welted 3 IOW/WM pips...Oleg lily wife to givn It IT Mit 'Mr dian't. She kinked nt him semperlist p•ity- lowly nil alur c nawersd "1 reopee• It'n heenese were born lei." -Chicago Journal. A l'I.Ileathrople erorieloottede wood 1 11.41 1.41, Make I A rt enclunits Ilits left 11 be-4mo( ,1 820,000, which le to Dillpply yea; a dowry for two poor but reapectab rot -haired girl+. Whether he Ilked red heir or 1,1. Sillerell It np affiliation beyon,1 fit ordlnrtry, he neglected to !nate, ro Ins motIve -TTP7-11*.lre- Ca 0 in a definite tact. Now ihe metleel of NCI 'CIi011 14 Mir - :rear the m Wtfrr ilKOW 'Ur tarry' ogyi - the wishen ef the deseaned. 41.1111' cant, for the dowry will douht1;•••• turn op In 'Swarm's, and, if there o tiny-tit/1g In the pop01.1r tradi 11 that ameetaten red heir and temper, the rejected middens make thing," hot for the teatime.. ' It Is to be hoped thitt thonn • R pick (MIA lour of the ...11 - rot t y, nneompro m lel g pa, 'I`tre gIrl w h TI. Inn triremes, tho, gIrI el,h nnburn Or copper red Or rheerL'. mil II/11r need, no celled:111011. - 11er wealthier slider.. 'peel fine 1011 trying to nespere jeri the :Int that fe her. 'Wiped :Ind without price. Bat thf•re l• a red linlr, 'Nil ntly, umepurtnenlar, !trek ✓ ed hair. 11 usually gore to! Rol" blue eye nn I white eyelish ."..1 •411r11P fr,,k1/01 The r!,1 nho bna to ,lrry 1141 lo,ad angli life toteds the eoilerila} ilons f religion awl of a dowry. IT sh• eh.rolien to 'spend pert a t11,` /101111•V on lin Ir /lye. mr,•, who merrie• her s13e.111 no' be elbowed , to protest. Mantiebe froenernle and the ch•Intis are tek net nn ovti'm lc 1pe. ROHNl eaten frequently turn. MI fel vier et the tater, ter bushiest to be a •erywikI throw. A 11, ssussaer is We are MOM rarl Km's, 8 cc Davenport, ion 4. Itervoun RINI tattering fron restu r excesses or al extu vigor, unnattu __Leek of develo to In tar 'wive, FREE ritructione Ito. sired. Mr. Kilns III lime, It euffer end after tryl thaird remedle tirely &scour' ally he watt whole kind at Idsi to speedi PerUlaillnIt On sorrow that are beteg 11111 ions quacks, Mutiny; as him fellovir me Precna• and aothing,to the proed dose a great he Agit ly ca for trove. K018, and fn rely upon bel lute stetreey Address, s MAW, No te those 'orr 1ty, therefor need Mrs. _