The Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 5W. Acheson & Son Embroideries and Table Linens. Wu place on oue large counter this 2000 yards, line Embroideries in widths from 1 I inch to se to 12 I -2c a yard, all at per yard 60 dozen full bleached Satin I)amaek Table Napkins, choice patterns, guaranteed all pure liueu, M z size, regular value $1.50, at per dozen 51.00 300 yard• White Victoria Lawn for children's dresses, pinafores, aprons, etc., best dress fiuielt in a line even weave, free from dressing, regular 10c and 12c a yard, at week 100ieces, or over in splendid patterns and inches, prices were from one clearing price, C. 40 pieces of 32 inches wide heavy and very soft Scotch Flannelette in neat stripes and patterns, pinks, blues. Our insular I2ic quality, at per yard 10c 5 only, Ladies' Black Astra- chan Jackets, 27 and 30 inches long, farmer's satin lined and in best style, this season's make, regu!ar 6'25 BC cost, clearing now, et each $15,00 W. Acheson & Son. LOSS OF THE MARINE CITY. r oodoae that mortal mw oouid do. One Andreae*er VaasaIr the Ylaeswt ga• was of • lose to sweat for be 000doot. vee twit/•a. i ('apt. I?wart'e evidence showed that the Io 1 du couid hays worked over on Thursday, At the oloee of the tat tog of avldsooe le 'close mouth to throw • lino. Why wet •o the tovestigetion st Ktngstoa regarding the •ttsmpt 001 made ? Why did the lodes not loss of the suhuooer Marla City and tout so foto lbs harbor oo Tburedsy morotng sod Mama o8 Oderich last f•11, oouotsl sur the (t i an go dot lying out to ret tow ? She lnssr«td use •ddrewed 1h. court, dta an good t lyra. h there, Capt. Mo Pear".. Yd leoe'a 000doot .bowed that he bed no pro. arereported as follows by The Kingston I per sense of his responsibility. He dlda't WelIgo to Captetn Cretans to get biro to search f lama the shote. Uept. Craig!' wont to the 0. M. Maelonndl, mimosa for the plain. (ladle. but got on inoruotto*s from L►pt, tiffs, was th• first to address tb000urk, He , Metope. To. latter aye none of the orew .sated tat ss be looked upon It. It was a looulf read the glass. 1'st be mad• Ltw- °ate of •semg whether Copt, Motooe wile :race first mete •tsar the four mea were guilty of negligee°. or not. H. showed,lo,t. le It reasonable to say that • mate that the law governing such cities stated . ceaoot read lbs glass • that the result was inevitable To him It did not seem that that wee th. else. Capt. M.lote was bound to take ordinary are of his men. Coao•ea look the position Gist the Maria City was uus►fs when the mea were put on bar. Sbe woe • dangerous v.. w!. It tea Copt, Mtloae'e duty, It he pat moo on that boot, to take all pastas pro tactual" anima dsogers that might aria. The teptald. sotto* Arm the same •1 If be bad ordered them to furl a ail or men • boat. Tbt. action is not open to ..v other 000struotaoa, 1f at was • voluntary matter should thath not be Setae moat on the osptaln's part sir to whether they were will. lag to nal( their lives or • derelict et not T Hut there was no evtdeooe of the. Judo. log by the .M of the dsoeased "same* they msaae by char ate to keep the yawl boat 00 the Marine City. They owamad wttb• out questloo that they were to have • boat. Hen wen the first violation of dray on the port of Capt. Malone. Tou,couoal awumed, was • slur violation of aaty. 1 be oapteln had two .louses for this. F,nt, that the davltie of i he Marine City were detective ; wand, that be expected to reach lioderIeb before dank. Etery m.mber of th, crew, exospt the teat w;toesa, dented the truth of Mo week. $o. 10 *as 10. only sae Obey bed on board, and brought that vw.d safe. •'The ono resting upon Cspt. Malone, of dotes evscything to rescue he mea, as 1.tied. H. let eery opportuolty of ruoae go by. It is (enure, nattle000s-ortmloal •eghgenoe-throughout, aid 1 Mk the court to so find it," were Mr. Macd000ell'e elating words. rOK THE Uri/seg, R T. Walkem, counsel for the deIenoe, next addressed the ooart. He ata ted that tb• este wee one of those matters which should be plead in the category of uutorseea e nd uncontrollable occurraooee. A captain hat • right by law to take Lisa course he dams beet. 'Tee fated( viewed carefully, prove that rt r charge of •egllgeaoe too be brought amnia Capt, Malone. It woo not t (patios of volooteering ; • ospatn bas sepreme i or.maad. A boat was brat sent to the Morino City to trepan hot ; when he forted she wee ate, he allowed toe mea to go aboard. It was the proper pace for a yawl to retrain on Its vowel. If It wet nee - away that a DaaL should have been left oa the Meno. City, the men would have pro - tooted .g010.t (to bang taken Korey. Plaintiffs claimed that the tow rope was fel', • ret exons'. the exons' thus totally ly foto Godsend% harbor. There wee no ap- W. deny there WAS 11,0y volunteer prehension that the ma placed on board *aid Mr. M.afonoelt "It they an be rs. the Morin° City were in d•eg•r. The "Larded to the boat of voi*ntsen, 'that deet i thiel onto. r wanted he men bock. not be• nos olive the autism of the reepoo.lbtltty l ages they was to denger, but because he .Y".ta of pr ,tustmr them to the bat of Db power, I o eogieeer and fimw ra. and of rlvleg them all Raabe wcoor. + Ta..Mdd lite *videooe *se that • lag oould not haat These mea. from tirst to tut, were alongas , wee of the b.rtror 00 Thart fay, yet • part of the orew of the steamer ladle.' plalbff'e (tonna' say the ladle oould haws When the tow line broke, the agitate ie : A small boat oould not have wht.tle4 them to drop their anchor. Order dyed in the ass that prevailed on that day. was obeyed, and they Interpreted It se The tartan did the only thing possible. H• mewing 9., captain woula Pot atop then decided to drop utero of the hero., sod but would give thea, ell .elstaooe. 'I mels the meaotawn he did at 4 r. w, 00 hadno idea of taking the beet In tow i Thursday But he had r , abandon hl* .t. .t tiro, 10 1 tbooght there was aomotbtee tempt. The revive of Aho Rosedale stated wrong with her before 1 sent the men to I that it would not be wive for • steam vessel lamp sot b.r,'suid the *attain In his evidenos, to approaob wIIb(a 800 or 1,000 toil of 10. Tan h. told afterwards tat the moo west btrp ; yso Copt. Malone got within 300 voluntarily. These statsmsots ai,• wtd" ! feet ' 1'6. agitate did everything that •part, eaA oho* the value of the oapt•ls's 1 reaeooably could b. dope. Mr. Walkem evidence.'' .teed that the reptabi wee neither tenor. Mr. Maodoenell then took up the point &ally blameworthy nor willfully oarless of the tow line being detect,.. He suh• its( he duty. It was strait absurd tethtok inlaid ago the tow Ileo eau lueatriolent, that the captain would to divest himself of and that the cattalo showed • realest die. 111141manhood ted bb omen'ssense at to reward of duty to use It. it they bad made , wi111ai)y o.we the lou of four lives. 31). lledertoh the first night all would bays bees boldest was • mat deplorable one andwas. Counsel woul t not „me tn., he oould not be attributed to .nythier but os* shool3 haw, gone to. When the oaplatn 03 (host canoes so teoid.atal to lake Pavd said he mat remelts oat of port, surely he gstlon. 11 was pafof0l M argue la ouch a should have made elms arrangements for oat, end 0000013 felt kerns regret at the great lots. A17. MAl.,0r'0 i'nCNsx L, the protection of his mel. But hs did not. He should haye furnished those men loth • boat ; he should have taken than off that. night, Trey had on canoe. no opportunity of saying whether tbay were withog to coo, Was to eodster their Ileac rh. rea.oa' The risk of damaging hie Moat 1. put In the sales against the Ityes of fear moo. Coun- sel submitted to court tb.t this was no res. an, end should not a eoodd.red. Either they should hays had a boat or etre they should have been token off on Widow thy night. (1:her arrangements could hep teen made. t;tpt. Malone could h.,• whistled for • tag to take the Marine City Into the h•tb,r. The oaptsio's only reooa for lay. Ing the men was that be wee afraid hle yowl would hove Meso damaged in run, nag against the Iodla. if the mea had h.d • yawl op to q A. I. on Thursday, would they not hese attempt ed to re.oh .hors' Their audition was plain ; the dbstree. 6 sir told that. The sap talo was wllltriv to leave them there till ah* usenet wok and tht meq got into the rig ring.. No •tt.mpt wen mode to theca them on Thursday. Had Capt. Malon.as, rtgnt to nay thou men were In no danger whip b" saw the flag of distress? It was his duty to respond to the fist. The downed also held that the captain was at faolt In not signalling for help. Wit. nesse. stated thee • flag on the India oould have sadly hen 1se11 from the shore. He did not show • flog or .,pod • whistle. Hie posldw should be that he bind lett Beata/ J. L. Wbldng addressed the ocrot 1n the Interesse of Cape. Malone. That aerie mop, oonael said, had no ids but that the Mame City wall weather the storm, sod he knew that • yawl boot could not live. It would aye bees fooh.h, ihm. to launch • boat. ('.pt Malone was • p.r'e:,Iy comm Went t. eo sod artful n M ms He Aad on temp- tation to do anything but the right. Is .t not irresir.lble presumption to say that he did not sot as any ordinary man would - trying to do hie hest under the o:rcum• canoe! The most expereooed map o0 board vies the first engineer ; he woe not prepo.eeted le favor of Capt. Melons, yet be swore that, In hi. opinion (CO nae he own word.): "I do not think the loss of these Ilya mold have been avoided.' Counsel 000etdered that Lawrence *ae not the best kind of • witpesa to rely upon, as be wee halyard impulsive He denied having made • statement. wbeo the stenographer's notes showed that he did. 1 his statement eau to the effect th.t Lawrence had seen the light. aryl had pointed them out to the captain, who then sad be could see them. When plead in the box again, witness Anted thl. statement. Mr. Whiting argued from the evidence that the toot mimeo were tumbling over each other in get on to the Marine City for what there wee In It. It never oaonrred to that men rh.t they would Prot • yawl h et on save • de day. Erie if they bad kiier'sPteo•esm vljion USED 1N flOSP TALE Angler's Petrolrnn. Emulsion combines the remarkable .nothing and healing property of a specially prepared rurnletlm wllh 31, urtt bonen tonic quahlien of the Itypnphn.phlte. of Lime and Soda. lhi. emnlof, , is not a quark Medicine, or e,'.:n a patent medicine. it has been thoroughly (adept and i. largely need in hospital.. it has been prenrribed by the medical profession in the United Sates since tSflo, and in Great Britain ante 'Rigs. in advertising it we wish to Avi,id everything that savors of quackery and confine outsell es to simple, straightforward eta'etncnts of what our preparatimt is and what it will do. 'Theta etateme,t. We back up by testimonials taken from genuine bona 6d. letter.. Tito•• tell how Angler's 1'.trnlcum Emulsion has cured Cough*, Weare lion"+, Fanity f„ge.tion, Rowel i)ioordere, and Waiting Diss. mien, at well as the Iseneft:ial manner in which it ads when given to puny children, pale women and all enfeebled persons. All dr.ggito sell Two eirea, Sn (e.. eel 11 nn • bottle M tee 400 ort ANG 1 r R'3. YOUR NAMR AND ADDRESS an a postal 7174 win bring von a free cops 'I a ,alwble hookkt .n, ,k4, '-,tbnet Your Throat .nel tangs " 11 tells he. M rare Mr the TM.si. (.nota, and DIge.11ve rl,gaes f1 glees good .duke a, to rtkt tai Hysteria also Itstwi0.0, whkh Art A1101119 CXIMICAL COMPANY lOstON, MASI THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. had a yowl boa{ I{ would hays beam of s earthly at to them. All tint •, y in.. could have duos wee dose. Th• uu y 1,.0 011111p. teat 10 .1.7,1s1 till ludrtue*t Moa to *ptalo. Had • dock baud or • 'scald mate bees riven thy charge i{ would have 1.13 the owners oleo to • obarg• of onuueal D.eleut. 13 Lawton tied thought m" fatbei,HleWoe 1ndanger, be would h.,. suggested to the captain drat sootier beg should be put up ou the Ludt., 0 wrt a oaaaatty .11 would 1am0a1, but it toes u* - avoidable. Mr. Macdoaasll closed the debate In • brut addrw in welsh 6e refut.d many of the clams advesoed by the det.ndaute counsel, • e ODDERICH MD1 HERS. Tell New They Help .abs Through the Teething reeled. The,. 3. ssaraly any petlod in batty'. arty lite tsquIring treater watuhfuloese uo the part of the moths lbw when baby 1" (eat6lug. The 111110 one often sutlers much pato, is awe and restless day sot ui4bt, requlrlo, •e much oars that the mother is too, u out looking after it. The period is often a000mpsot•d by atumaob troubles, sometimes diet rhn•s, soma oneso0natip•uoo and often oo•yubtunto The prudent mother will anticipate these tioublea by keeping baby's stomach and bowels in • healthy 000dl11e0 by the use of Betty's Own Tablet■ 10 amity home where those tableso aro used baby 3. bright, good natured •.d healthy, and mother has reel comfort with It. Mrs. 0. Sturdy, Uodericb, says :-"1 have baa using B.by'e Own Tablets for about • month He was teetbtog and tees cross and fretful at time. ted was also quite oct'o'tp•ted. The tablets quet him, reduoe the fever ted Irritation of Lathier end gently regulate his bowels, 1 am much pleased with this mediate and r.00mm.od it to other mothers.' Mr.. J J. Mentor, Goderlob, says :-"I have nate found any m,4,010s equal to Boby•s Own T•blete for teething ohildrao Whsle my baby was teething she was rest- less, teysrub sod eleeplssa. I saw Baby's Own Tablets 'advert ad end got • box •t Mr. Wileona drug store. After giving than to her there was a great change. Toe layer was reduced, she oould rest batter and slept well et bight. I em mush plead with the aotlon of this medicine." 33.by'0 Own Tablas U Ob, only earflaps sad under •a •b.oltta guereatee tat It 0001.1ns asither opiates nor other harmful dittos. They are fur ohtld-en of all cgs', Ind diuolved In water may be elven with perfect safety to the youogut Want. They ere • woody thief and o.rtals ours for oolfo, sour stomach, di.rrhtea, constipation and simple Pavan. They broth to oolde. Pi.• 7001 crap and allay the Rotation accom- paoyiog the cosies of teeth. Price 25 oats a box` -- CUUNTY CURRENCY. Brunets : J D. end Mn Harald have goo* to Lu Vegu, New Mesta, for the b*l•aoe of the woofer. Winpbam : Mende, the yoaug daughter of Mrs. Flood, has been In poor health for 00011 time, and underwent an operation recently, Lradtary : John Muldoon, of Manitoba, who had been vlsittog ha parents neer Laslhnry, has returned, taklog • car load of horses with him. Bruoehsdd : Mrs. H. Smith we' called to Toronto to attend the funeral of her mother, Mn. Fisher, who died on Jen. 27, at Lb. age of sev1aly o*. year., Morrie : On Saturday etter000n, Feb. 1st, Belle, second aught', of Peter and Mary J. McArthur, passed away •t her home, 9 k line, alter • week's Illo*o. Clinton : harry li:ew.r, eau of H. C. Braver, town, eau irsnoaaly all at Stratford recently with appeadlottle, but w* are glad to nab he hes about reooverd. Brasile : Mrs, 0. E. Turebull, of Guelph, le vtaillo. to Bru..ebs. Mr. Taro• bull h as(. to Oa. 'n 10• O w g s here he purposes taking a Dour., at an optical hollers. 13rotv3sld : A. Mustard wee up to Godo rich last week, and took an order for two thousand dollars' worth of ship timber to be delivered to Mr, M►rltoo, builder there, Seaforth : Mn. Chisholm, of Oak River, Manitoba, n here visiting ber dater, Mre. James 1',,ott,.r.. and other friend,. Mrs Chisholm le s000mpaolcd by her daughter, Mrs H. 1)elama'er, Wingh•m : Many In town will regret to hear of the death of Chaster D. McLaren, 01,2401 s n of Ju W. McLaren, of South Lond v. Ne was born to Wtnihem •bout twenty two years ago. Brunel.: A. L Stewart, machinist, of Detroit ; J. I) , manager of tits Bank of Utt•wa, et Ayoomo ., Oath, Wm. and 1) , of Winton, were bore attending the funeral of their father, the late Daniel Stewart Cliston : At noon Wednesday of last wrek a gatet but very pretty wedding took plane .1 the rulde0oe of Jobo dell, when his olden (laughter. Miss Modelle, became the bride of Mr. Harry 0. Boll, of Wing. hem. Morrie : Wednesday menthe of last week on old resilient In this locality pad Nature's debt In the person of Tho. Hardy, who, h.4 %Wined to hie elghtr4oarth year He made hie home el Thos. Bernard'., 5th Igoe. Wingham : James Haugh mourns the death of hit mother, who weal away on Friday, 31st at., at the advaooed are of e•ybty-one. Her maldee name was Mary F Her husband, David Hsu'h, pro- detweeed Lor eleven years. Cllotoa ::urs. Manning, relict o1 the bate Albert Manning, di,d et U,olph on Tuesday of last week, aftdr an Illness of about three years. She wit • deter-fa•law ot Wilber end Russell Manning, ot town, both of whom attended the funeral •t Meter. Clinton 1 A happy event took pltoe in town on Wednesday, Jan 27, whim M1.. Mirada, daughter of Joseph Irwin, was united to matrimony to 1). Perrin, of Lon- don, the oeremnny Mtuy performed et 7 r w. by Raw. Dr. (lifford, of the Oatario•at. M ethdto oharob. Tuokersmlth : 1•tom The Register, pub- lished l0 Korwell, New Mexico, we learn that the Cromwell Cattle Company, of whish Harry Creeswell, von of 0. E. Crete - well, of '1'ockeremlth, I. connected, hoe 1.0.ed 3400,000 acree of bead in Uaoda, and will put 20,000 heed n! cattle on the trust. Hallett : Aoobher of the pioneers of the township of Hullete hat been removed by the hand of death. Loa. Mani, who hu ! seen idling moist n1 Ib. winter, passed away en Tuesday, 4th lost., at hie reddena nn the boundary Ilse, about. two miles west of Blyth, .t the Advanced ago of twenty three Star., Z ,rich : Reniy Koehler and Mn. Jacob Waltz, of this village, were united In mar- riage reoently. 1t is very rare, In thl. el - Malty •t best, that two ouch aged prise!" a1 ow their minds to turn lightly to thoughts of montage Ills worthy hrld,groom 1, seventy•sight years of .ge, while the bride b e. iaty, Ssaforth : Tho member, of the Presby- terian 1t bit oleo, and the Yonne people of the ooasr.getlnn ;retested Rev. Mr, Lee. COULD NOT WALK. Boras people become so crippled with rheumatism that they cannot walk for months at a stretch. Mr. John Connell, Bedford hills, Ont., suffered groat agony with musular rheumatism in his lege and could nos walk for two months. Four bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic pare made a well man of him. This root blood purifier 1ht pot up in bot - tied containing ten days' treatment, 60 cants, at all drugMotes, or Dr. Hall Medicine Co., leg.ton, Out. kin gad MN. Larkin with •Dpropriste 5,4 ut.Ir1I vita as a Work of their 601t COO (.t sod .pprecta'i•eof their p.0ror and b . , a sal tut wife. Mr L11k.e'd pi *salt fur -head coat and ]fn. Li.klu's a fur 0at. I Auburn : Nor. J,6, Clark got a eirawh on her arm 14e other day Atom • door latoh w b,oh caused blood poisoning t, set io ase there are note very poor hopes of her rp +very. Kohut GU.re •o•1 wife. et Tofeet•. Mr.. Ju. Annotated, of Kru...l., J. t'. ('lark, of S. A 4..13.., sad Mr&. Wu. Thompson, of the woe plan., have bun called hems. (ir.y : Whsle Wm, and 11lead Lynn, Mt con.. Mels cutting wooed in their 00.1, the elder sou, about twenty two years of ago, mat with a rather tattoos arc dent. 10 /Choir • tree to a rougb „!us. the butt of the fres 11,14/ up ted struck him fru the side of the head, sod alighted ou helot, breakicg both b,usa blow the Loos. He was alto wreathed otherwise. Clinton : On Friday, Jan. 31st, Harty Walker breeched his last. 'rh. end though not interpreted, wee toot the few severely felt, as Mr. Walkor wee rapeoted and liked by .(1 who wore autoaloted with him. lin was born Bitty -two years .00 on the farm at Stapleton upon which hu brother, Thos. Walker, Ile.., tad Sts whole hie was spent In Clinton or ytolnity. . Wingb• n : A nephew of J. B. Ferguson ams to Wlagbam from Manitoba to attend the wedding of • triad to Howiok. The happy *vat took phot on Wedaad•y of Teat week but un •ouuuht of the ooaditioo of the roads be was unable to got to Howlck either by trait or livery. He declass that It he were going to get 1134111.1,1 to Oaterto h would fit et) definite dote, but take the fine line day, Ethel; Many wall revel, to learn of the death of Wlllum Spence, postmaster as Ethel. •ud for snap years °lark of the township of Grey. He had baso • sufferer from coesamptioa for 000ut two yan, The last toll he went south with the hope that the change of climate would b0 beee- fiolal, Disappointed is the, b• returned home about a tortoises ago. He was about fifty years ot age and wM • useful ruall 10 the pablio 1n his day. Seelorth : Freak Woodley, ase of J. H. Woodley, of the town, died •t the bone of his father, a 1 uud0y moromg of tut leak. The d.oa sed young mea, although a native of Seatorth, had belt' living to Cbioaga for a number of years, sari cisme home • ooaple � of months 500, on 0300001 of falling halt But that (.tat mo1•dy, onlumption, hod fastened itself upon him, and he gradually grew worse instead of atter. He was Obtrty•two years of age mud wee en ox empl.ry young man. McKillop : black and •locate wit felt here on Saturday, the let, ou its be• Doming known that Mn. Jobs Scutt, of Roxboro, MuKlllop, had putrid ewer rho event was not entirely unexpected, M It had beth known for avast day tb•t she was In • preoartous oondlttoo, bat It was hoped tux til the lest that her vigorous oonau.utlo0 would enable her to overcome the due... TM" immediate nous' of death was IA Ammo lloa of the lung•, resulting from • Chill. This. Combined with confinement, prover too •'rang • 0ombto•t3oa to be °venoom* by the best medical skill and the most •top• five nuramg. epeeist Tear lterwte6, ant, The reoolery of Mr. Norman Bae:y,b.rd. ware merobw/, one of Socialite's oldest and most suoo*sful mt•zeae, hoe excited mush comment. For years Mr. Ratty hes boa on untwisting sufferer from osterr1a) asth- ma and althoueb au tad of time and money was treat relief was not obtained until Mr. Batty oommeoosd Catarrbczme treatment, which perfectly cured him. This case it only quailed by tbst of Mrs. Hannon, wife 01,1. J bl000a, druggist, who wet also curd of as -lime and hay fever by Catarrh nzaoe atter thirty yeas suffering, Folly • hundred petrous In this town hare been Doted of oatatratal usable" by Catarrh( z,n•, which is • r •mar ksbb•rcpt p of its vacs. Two mootha' treetmeot, Poo* 11. Small size 25o. Sold oy all druggists or by mail from Polaoi & Co., Ktngstoa, Oat. "Bitter is patience, but its fruit is sweet." Inconvenient is waiting, but better order by mail, than accept substitutes. Get the shoe you know,- "The now;"The Slater Shoe" Isetpar WOW .1 Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent. Goal! Coal! .fust Recelved 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The best Soft (hal 1n the market for domestic Dorpo.,e, also leveret can 7f Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING ALL GOAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES. Se trolly of Tars is tike* to ',ions • coal (amine noting the next two mons hie, *011'4 therefore advise purchase of your (Loa now. Wm. Campbell. (ioderlch, No.. 13 h 1901 160 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TISAog Mantra DESIGN* COPVFOO +T, `a Anyon. anoint • 0bteh and ee.nir.tion may gnlral i.a7.rt•ln r ,pinion try. whether an Inryni�nn 1. proth.hlr trs.,aa1entnhe o.mmonira. trona M oily rnnadnnliel. 11•mlhm. nn Panner cern !roe. OH.) 0/*177 1"0 w.0trtne s tem., Peseta 10*.n ihronf h Munn * r'o, * 711410et0r., without Aaron. In Aha Sckuntie American. A hutwone t 11100 rat. ..frit 1..7.111 ar- nomelnn fir 000 .ri.ntler 1..411:11.1.rm., td • ear: Ane, To ha. 111. Rola M ell nee Me•1 0 eel ilesoleelt New • foliations of Dodd's Kidney tills ere legion. The boa 1. imitated, the outside coating and shape ot the pills aro Imitated and the raise -Dodd'• Kidney Pills is Imitated. Imitation/ are dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita• ton have none or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. De 001 be deceived. There is only oats DODD'S. Dodd's is the original Dodd's Is the sane to be earls. ful about - D -0 -1) --WS KIDNEY PILLS -The grippe Never Missed Me says Mr. Harry Fawcett, of 128 Slater Street, Ottawa.- " In its annual rounds I was surely counted in as one of its victims until I learned of, and had used, that greatest of Grippe 1(illers- Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule For the past three years I have used them with- the most beneficial effects --the first year to cure a genuine case of Grippe, and tate past two years as a preventive. -I have proved the treat- ment effective -and it has never failed to de all 'that is claiined for it. -I highly re- commend Uwanta Capsule for colds and Grippe. All druggists, or direct Irons V MANTA M'T•G CO.. Ltd., Ottawa, Ont. as cent, a t. The London Daily IRIT PRESS Two o'Clock Edition, $2 200 PER YEAR This edition Is published especially for towns, villagea and rural districts In Western Ontario. it gives all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK eerh day including Foreign, Canadian American, District, Local and Sporting. it contains eight to twelve pages Ave dare a week; and sixteen pages on Saturday. Half -tone and other Illuotra- tlon, of Important doing.; and prominent people appear every day. The Saturday edition alone Le worth the price. SubueiIptIone received ret 0nc Itmo. A(Id rats - The London Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. \lonllon Ib:. 'spot. Before Buying I see our line of HEATERS and RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on t h c Canadian market. Every Stove tiny (atarenterof . . . LEK k SIMARD, (Xl(l3 KICH, Tiiuo.oAT, Fab, 13, 1902. es R. B. Smith Store. McKIM'S Clean-up Sale. Jordan Block. E have at the end of the season tnany broken lines and oddlnents, which we are desirous of clearing out, even at a Lig money loss, a loss directly, but indirectly a gain, as we will have the money to pay for spring goods, and next fall, instead of old goods, we will show you new ones. DRESS GOODS. One Drees End. block Serge, thou ler, pnoe 14.00, the Dres. fur $2�t .50 e Pure 11'ool Sorge. (Jo. Drees Eod, blank repulse prise 13 00, Pure Wool but HOME SI'CN-Oo• Home Spon, b.vy 864 per yord, to yard Serge, slightly .oiled, Nle Moe.. $150 wiled. t!V piece 54 Oa , brown wagon, s bargain at Meer at per 50c DRESS GOODS -We have hundred" of banal*. In •II kinds of Drees Gouts. OVERCOATS. N• bay. • 1,• . Urerco.N yet to Weir. 30. otiose will never be tower thou now. It wail pay you to buy one for Belt winter. JACKETS. Nos many lett, bat more than we oart to carry over. Jacket from 25. each to $5 00, for dichosa' prised up to$ $12 ii0 JACKET CLOTHS must be olear•d, some as low es, per -yard NEW 00009 -see those Prints. (aogbam., %.pb.rs, Spooled White Ombra, h•gli.h. 1 ou never saw its equal at 10,, our prise Blo. Eoalsh Flann.letM, worth 150 107 1?!1, •od the 10o Fleuneletu for 80. McKIM'S BUSY STORE. A Great Snap._.. L our Clings Soap, .t 50. • pound, of whish we sell • barrel • week. This Len's our only snap, as we 0•rry •verytbtog that an be found in ea up- to-date grooery store, end out prices are right. The farmers know that they an always get from us a sap for their produos. W. drew the line at Po legitimate trade - everything goo.: Glseswere or potatoes, garden stuff or chntout table Cha.. We deal in all of them, T. G. TIPLING & CO., Bedford hook, (l,derlo h J. BROPIIEY & SON - The La4Dlttt' - VVsS\ Dwe tt)T12:1]1112 Y•moQA.tMeTa. Orden raretelly attended N ar all hears, ataht .r gay. et•esete Street. CANTELON'S Pasta, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince Pies and Lady ?idlers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are a. good as the beet matte in any city in Canada. Cantelon le•uis the tro.lu in WEDDING CAKES In fancy designing and ornament- ing and almond icing. (live him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assured. D. CANTELON, WEST -BT. Clothing 1 haveut into stock a lino of 1(aady-mads Clothing of first clams manufacture, and at prime to suit the tines. Ordered Olotiing 1..till toy wpioy(fu ty. A good range of [•loths to eeleyrt from ; an.( worktuauahip the beat to be had. If you need an overcoat this fall call and we me. A number of lengthy of piece goods to be elearwl out at oo.L H. DUNLOP, Want erred IIc1iilep Nntul Fire Issuruce Ca. FARM ANL) 1»OLAT131D TOWN PROP. ERTY IN8t7R(D. Value of Property lasuref up to Januar, 1301 lettea 075.00 Orricatui 401 unsucyOtw. Mohan. reT t~.Jot ConnotO Dale. T. Trager J Watt, Jae avant, J. (1. Grieve, J. Beo1ewsi., dlr ctors: W. tl Broedto ,t, Misfit .t a, inseam tor of loose.: T. a. Hays, asedurth, MON1ary- treasurer. 4(0815, J. W. Yeo, Holmeeviihe• James Cammlog Temoudvllle; R. MuMtllw, 13e•forth; R Smith, Merlotti Poltoy-bolder can pay ameesmsuta and gift their cuds recolpted at Mr. Cott. Clinton. or at Molwea Bros.' Palace Clothlag Store, pod* rich HELLO THE .OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF: COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THg HEST Scraltol Hard Coal IN THE MARKICT All Coal weighed on the Market Boales wbere you get MOu laa. for • ton. WM. LEE. Orden left, at LIMA 3,332 4 ,,VB Store promptly attended to. Fire Sale... or It Business hat grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premises, and will in consequence offer our whole stook of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, And all outer Musical Instruments, Music, Sewing Machines, &c. at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1902. Remember, this is a (Jeanine Bargain Sale, and the chance is one you may never meet again. SKATES SHARPENED IN LATRST APPROVED S'TTLE l CEO. W. THOMSON & SON, \lualc and Bicycle Dealer,, OODERICH ¶ANT A STEP -LADDER? Wo give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50e a Ib. The stepladder alone worth the price. Try a pacitagn of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected India• and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific tnanner with specially prepared Hops, Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full ass(.rtment. slilvMa==. dt cow Telephone No. 91 TII6; (iftOCit;148. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MCLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. •