The Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 10op the l'- 1t 1s a Doubtful ('oraptlatSS$ so Woe ogee by IMsuk U. Ilusteek. Yuakes have never appealed tot i woolly. 1t sewnm to reepare a wo- man to hen no totem. .)early all of them will etrlko at a Ntraltger, but after yeti get familiar with them anti they uteeretrutel that you mesa no harm the moot duu&rrous tanked ora dot vkluue. 1 hna glutin gIrl who w•etu• 141,1 o bu avuble to du nuytldry; with them that a mother ouu11 d., with a c11,1,1. and It le rwt1I. weir l'i'ed uncanny to see her 1141A at tl;:llt eiltlug with her bare tent Ito thclr bon, wldln they crawl all ulxtut her, nn 1 atle talk., to thew In tier ',trailer, raft dLiltx,t. title haw IL nnvty temper, tied Ie dial ed by wrest of tier pointe about her, but moue darn offend her. for they re- ut.aul,or the tier' when tt brute of u porter Streik her, nut the went directly to her III the box, returulug with a bon ooturtrietur, whleh'ma1.1" every effort to get heel( feetemxd nb.oit lien at her beeline': He flet (gu(nalflooely. ly sprung up a frog' auuroe 141 rivalry 1t Is tut »Y' hurt to boast of It." And�S„1S WOMAN'S WAY.?b.•tweeu the two wid:•11 threatened .then the, wee eeparated, Victor de to W' more aamigeraas .1111. Latierruw.k► talkie be.w fortulwts It With there f. minis towards Lady 1.:t• that be Ltot tut t•,•wm•ttill him L1eve.ton It war vary hitter for I•o•'r e• 14 by prequietug w Ethel Carr before I.t,het. w11n11 L14 1.111 Wil$ grad, to I eirelag ht r p, omit aid cuu•:1 1.11 , nod learn teat, with the eec•eptem of- n ('1.7011.:1 H.Ir.I •' to 'Triad eet'ural re- amed! 1,1.18, dowry, 1.W It'd been leirte temeeruing themby uo moot* .ft rutkeiy dep,aolent tenon tier Ito) l nefieLei to his charnotcr Ur herr mother. dhu Mel heard her father. may s0 tut 1410 night of Ids Math. obi C'iiiPTER IX. mi rev. reit! txc'ariunw beet. les,. but is le it wad trot a 'twit thio' before the had attached 11111111 wenuiag to hie Counter of Clevetlk.n wrurletl of the wurlr, or rather oto II:NI luueKlr..,1 mouuluny of 1\k:e. S1x tutfthr 114441 W ho sh(4nd be free fn.nl nil nnthurlty btw.i, 1014 laerud the .h •rt, •t Iwrl.tel but that of her htihtland before tli•yrfor 1.-h:.h rho eland abwerve 44.x111 e • pert 17110 effect ; now hila her retie. meet ; 1u11 long before that limo had expired, aloe announce ted her di terminetluu to return to iagh►a.l, and take up her quartet* at Temple Orange. "I am (mite ore that Moe .Wer not totem. with Altered," .h,• twl.1, to ex- plen41tton to beer 4t.pdaught. r. 411141 a13Uallug W her won , "b.'&1414•. whieb. who woe but two yours trio There my eieolts 1n00lre ehe.•rffg, and at woe lust -.110814 - doubt, •e'tlercfore, the Orange 1 Man ark some of my that the. young '.other would be etetore down to spend their Chrint- 4.mllly provklwl fur while 171.' ckii1'41 Iblr 1.1114 4141." mla..rlty l.utl.l ; nn.1 il, •..a Iter 1' x- And Oordmlly ear Lady Ethel Carr rttti in. her chorine were 4011 left diallked the ooaulemi Meters (who 1+1'.•min ah,lie.' ate had alwayb were all a 41',10.ec fa.ter nate nom her marring,. settlement to fall flirting than herewit), the ltequhytoed lock upon. Rat Lady Ethel Carr. readily In her deehdun. for she also at once the fairetn awl the proud- war b+cutniug, not tied of Nice, but 4e -t of her stt,. env .•umwen1l'd to wt.try fur newer of Vbtor de Loo- ker kith' aTfucttun atuil maternal &roes, - Olio bad ferrite fund of the golet, peacet,•1 spot whkh had ministered to her first 'Morrow, and In a mea- sure taught hog to overcome it ; but rhe longed to herr again that voice, he motto of whk:b wee rltig ng to her txore by sight and flay, a to- re- cent. the rearwr:tooe that ter lover love.' her. For the memory of Mat toterv 1a,t* which Iui hue int er- ruptt.l by the fatal tidings 'of her father's d.st11, was a mitered' em - ora' to low ; ,he had lived oa for mouth,' part, And would have at ked 'ler life upon lee repetition. 4 she n•:441 not surprimel that she bed remitted no letter from the maryuie-- .,r 1t loom elm toed h: reel) s,. She tele herself that It Wulf her more deli - one, and huuor+ible, end forbearing died e'en dir:lppduttnent tine In bum nut to prom his suit at a time 14.41)1 l prkle. _ *wheel he menet keow that h.•r heart But they [trot wlt.lnese of bee grief over. her h.' rt returued with yenrniee f,n41news to the tweet. w•1dr11 had pawed between theta ell the tktleony. and Idle eheriehed Ate new -le which he had then r :ken:1e n were pledge that he would be the et 7 nIplon of her future life. ethe -knew it wan trot the moment that fee •!' assurances wnerkl t11'repotted •n' gel,--reek-weal-flet own Care rhe had he:ml the avowal of his love. and she wan satisfied. As noon an that ear•. s luterroent was completed. Lady Cloveelon pro. emede41. oohed beets pre-arraugerl, to Nice. A house had been engaged (Isere for the wBteL.t Oho thought . he could do no bettor than spend the (trot months of her widowhood abroad, where Lady Ethel Cair. of course, accompanied Iter. They quitted I.onlun immediately after the funeral, 14114E without seeing ani of their frirnde &gain. for which the countess hied her own reason., and felt ','4 10.0771 n 11,.- el emitda11ce were The ehjet t til thin advertisement is to Induce you to try relua.4 morn crumbing titan the 1.10w flONSOuf. CGY1.0 v TEA. (tet a pal 'rage ; It really merits a trial. wti1'i1 find preceded It. 'title Lori of 1.10‘041t):. 114.1 .!14 41 very LEAD P.'tCKIiTS. ALL UROCERS. ,` north lit J.•bt. 4e witk•h tit,• eve:ata• Ja11410' of hie e.nultewe 11x•1 largely e'untrieutc.l, and tele eroded property-- cl.•M'eINIe.I by 4111ta1! on Idr latent sun. a►'i' 7"i' i4viestnicci'.' 1,4i'4**4'*+A THE EARL'S DAUGHTER 444.444. 'Perhaps or, but at le nut at alt flalnbrkige, pre.ently. elf her (ccl- osetrta. Any way, 'l 'should, helve 11ig1 had been toneeru.hl lu the knot• thought, with your sound moose, ter. rt would Indeed have been a rile• tbat in the fount of my marriage, appdntmeut, though time and her you Would ld 1nvn emu the aloleu bl I- goof arrow woad doubtless have ve Ity! of me leetepteme tavola t of cru- worked- a care." circ'.:." "E1' wee permitted the rorr'w tee:u•tlmig the !nosily Of rttte.ag D. you nlcun, Thomas:" would Mengel( have provided the rem- rcjulned Mr: 11a1ubr11g1 q!ttekly ' edy: mud her heehaw' e.,nfldenly. ''Nell. yell. father, of relents It," And Annt Letty levet up Ile wards In war the honest reply. •'1 nee -feet iter le ort and crept away to her owe usheneel til 1413 birth, ler 3uu know, mom to comfort h&r.ilf with them but your wealth and m3 profeseien a" leeet 41!e might. 411411( me to tisk« a Wgber satinet 1`.e• felt terribly guilty in the mat• lu euelety thew sou ha•u done, au4 tor. ar .he realised how much more to ,erase a wile in a.coreiesou with !are it would b' for -the m3 lm40:0e1.1 yu911on." ' C1.'1 to b-ar tip travrty "I'Iu are ulubu�lr of getting one nlrl•tnet her disap.p,lnti,ent knowing wlih a band• to hnr ur101.'. per- tent tit • 0 erre wa4 pntort to an - Lowe ma he'sto..' ether. IS- b nt141 to wee M1nggIe nn !e "oho Plea make yna 0011e Ihu w'er`e e•'Ir'a) 7111.1 111lt nett of (uli.1 ett veep; dueeeter-te-hew Luc u��� t c r ole- bet she direr' u ,1 shook to her up• d eta -pose u 1 am," wan'the liable re- tl,• etib1'el-nLwlln-It would no ttv, m,ro a, su:nlleg to h•r tlnrI,,ten for: -!s. rihe 0 etl•l ..key rely !hut her ea:* mleht r,OlI b• .grntel to the �'1 was rattier afraid tit ole t 11)1 u I latent chat you haul gut woo): tete r.rIetocrucy," .14441 Mr. 1 a nor: ttte ire iiven her to tear welt a Mgt. '1 am not :.k • Litany thornily of !t. eeL`-w:Ole) moa 'Plrumas: 1 ouzel, r. -'k' . And meanwhile the' goer! ase Augtut agaiest eke a:letureov. ctrl lit elk an I (lent"mb••r lois went on. tine It masa' the* _ halUe_ela,21/11 Ito bora Ittrele--- tirtMTerrm lived - thrxwtctt to a h .lotion ant ethers to a Chem, fTitt!r aneeesel'. eerhap4, but low. - w that t to ii(.jp.ea • 041 eiffertat' etwt.ltI,n , un•1 tract what ore -1-01- the life that fay before her. He doer canl.ot to is r• no. but y111 l'Ti.tl'T1afi *'III. I 414)034 bo very worry to eta. jt take u wile from extend totem, 'sad bring her Win, t , CraU'h.,wel W look Jutta mesa ;our mother. and aunt, and cousin." - 1 Wendel tooter bridle home anyone but a 1'17, *Ir,' int.. roomed the col- onel, ol- 0 el withwck.d e m rt .1y ,, .�brr'e7,1 be oury some.e• timer," replt.d lite father, "weep ttu•y 4)074 1 fear Got Th'• higher claewit are eximee.1 to 111010 -trwp- tatk,u. to that respect than 1.0 are, _.. Teattttal:.Sola.-f'arteij=:---lingo--- •• with. the requirements of the mod ety they more in. 11041 tlte..lemands orate upon thee" time. leave them �t g, neral Ilttl: lei.atre to devote to .orb1u. U4legs. Now. 1.y dear toy, yeti. know that i can't control you ler -thtir'1fBttef. amt tllnt 1 441.0 not whit to do n it I could. Itut pro- late, me one thing. that. .you will IA47 Ethel C4u'r ro;t the •bock of her lath. r'41 maiden death deeply. It startled, frightened. terrified beg; t } itlr the I:3r.4 few - weeks ab0 1Ar like some wild creature taken cal.• tive-f13lU4( from ride to stile to find outlet fur 1 u r her sorrow'and driven backfrontall pointy onherselt and her own mleerablo titeughte. pod -then she sank Itnt:. a 8,sate, of apathy, from wh•ctl nothing se, m.xl to roue tier ; and it Wulf Wilt to see -341 5 41f6. tUfa-ettttng 'hoar after hour with her mournful eyed fixed upon the blank well of her apasttntut, and turufng a deaf ear to the sui1•itatiou4'of her 'attendant," that site would take 4ttloer tout or reset. • ref -her d•:•..pair n'aeleet-Oaateteit. for one had 'Redeem with which to bright.•n It. (friable U• • remember never bring tame a carefree. 1rr4• her mother, 'and her father having helmet, woman to le, the mistress b -on eye only tole of the• home circle of (.'retnetawe." who had . imaged her affections, elle (idun'l HnlubrIlg• motel unea.oly• Telt an tlxnlgh 1n keens him site had W lie chair The r'uly creature wheem lost reerytl4ng. 1t war the firet at "hat urym: tit to wlrakl hav=.luat.la.}-glut 4 41ea14 heel stepped In betweeu 0rl•errw, of 341m+elf OaI--+. pI)$--. ±r amisttr3u+'1hr-Mved, and it was m•estk,n1 Ile knew nn1-74111k ,;f i iie"pi-' ail ea, dark rues terr,tdec 6110 did out that mite war b•ntatihee'nee tt,:et her i iter,' even N. think of it. Image iaunte•.l Ilei im-, n.ti.,.e Int. Otte levee t( of course. and hi >.>eite e. I, that tar In %vomit all0\laeet i- at bereet--re•--hating had been taken from earth I4g uta. (does' net every • rn.tn try le '. t., 41 oven and that tante:: day eke teary. 'mei of titi+ wo7wtn 111at tin .i,•,.ill 111.0* 111111 there. 1nv4.7) nal wan 4111.' re eree;t he 'tut In Ethel ('arr'.14b'a., as In the LTV..l (tat lir' t• rt * n ,I4 (74 4 ma lay 1 t e young a who vote no .t.( r ^n+t. •te ar•101"., leaven, Littered of being a pare and Innocent nn dt remain -direr'- reveler brunet velebean t„ wideh she might be a ort 01"Nobody. le pure t life," sell r)�f to journey any dray. war a very v gut., misty, unratlefactery gte. Mr: Itrunbri 4;.•, • 141,1 tele t:,rr',)'04 in- tIrrootlItel of Inn,t'ntegt 1s 4, ry different Tram (het i,f Hen ''9 I Peary wnrnnn 141 a -tit.' 1 , '7)414•. t flew net 14•71041,1( jinn,•' o- �- •t r'• r- ., rella•.1M .matt inure" ' Th 't:l 74 • w'1e11 t,1 rind noel weer-. 'nit 3', : 1 • , been hr,ntteht up, to. '1 • bred r ht11 .mr pr•ae4t exiete!E'n and tent,' ability. to know tit' • ' ,r - , ooil et..) in h"r mint with d(rom+ enter life; 01.1 1 eon'•"•• •i n eel the enl of the world. tint r4II7IP pair awn ! 1 • . - ' • r , r' 1.-r troubled her.ell to think bonnet n,,tn ' ' ei - tf It re',ri.ntely at all. fellow the) t• 1 " Mennwhllo her father -her dear. ovore.t9-reran t.) y-••4 et 171777.7)1' 1 •, i lbrir'inthrr, whnen *fie had loved pekoe 3'twt niitpt Wtli never b' 1t• r , ret tacit -had ixen taken from her. of the In.i►j•cl 4vr• pave 440uveae t• i- nn.I 141,1 In that ►lark, dr41ndful grave. tnerete4." . .ot 44'141(11 slut (-mill not think wlth- "1. on(_m rte-. *4) ''1 Ice ideally J 11' • 41 y- father. lOrolt wlt-'Kete a be in- terest- leo the -trete route erre britt* me over to • • Wea-IC b mete Im- peasiWe." . "Very v ,, my -non. Let rut any rife mere Abr►4t It T trust whey, yon eh'a'i'e for ,unmet( .tk'tt-.you .1401,7 1944 nm a nol a wife And ('14rietieri as that girl vela mitke." Atrl.then oho n,nverwgI1ea a us oasul141P41, anti- nev4'0-44gnie renewed between then). But 1114. dantp(xd:lament a.hkh fell upon Aunt lotrind tent 'I i (e, wheti Mr, ilnlnt,ri4ge made 11'• lite -hot of the Interview w'hbo!1 h•• had 11,1d with hle s ,n kii•ocii Tit Ilion, Itonotto be deseribed.• Th"lmt" 14444 ixrtltle4l?-r4ta v -- to take thriF-1tuggle hlf hie ere -had oven 'auger.] nt the Idea of such it Butt of a Ida••►, where, by tome means TEFrybx 1 ' tt otlt4-1nr mated at la t t e hip •ext eternity to a fast].. le• 1.1'1 h Al • had no hesitation In at [need .1• .would b • abominably doll *net wi.te. was an event 1s. far off In tit • fitter., tearing nothing l0 common care. Cit ler ether cteeedttamen thin would have been the tt(x't )4ea•ant and natural p„nitiod In whleh to 14410 1111 Ot7)IIee Kiri. bat to Ethel Carr It war intolerable pain. nee hail meor41 offers „f :t hothit v 111111,10111111,10n 11109. frau relative.) 011 heti' (Wee of tele hoa.e; but her proud spirit e•tl1 no difteronne 111 (4)41 twill Oflehnrlly free pima her, not the 'roe dyed t 2 abhle by (h•• lot axe father 11..41 eleteen for her. Site tin 1 but on comfort In prur4per:l- but one ,ht-tr 4hlnla4 on the dark 1 hoeitou of Ivor futwre, and that 4•e-. that Vlrtor de Lacarraw wpnl.t release, her frets her Ix,u Sage be- fore long. ilid It not b,'cn for that hon'. cher would n11440441 have war sure, nein eccupl/d with graver thiner. no had heard her confrere shit loved him-und at the recollection of wheat ante had mold on that oocarlon, awl • hie peed -mate rejoinder, Lady . I:thel's ch••eka would flush scarlet with min,ltxl eharde and pleasure -he mist he certain she ehuuld never ohmage, her mind ; stet wen enticfteet to watt, es .he wao► hotel the pr4'APr 1 -'reed fo a o-ross m.aluf had arrived. Ao.1 yet-an.l Set -that waltlti;t tone 1.-,v samctimee marked by very 'melees tears. It wile December when they arrived it Temple ()ree e; ever) thlog around : war kx,king Wire, -grey and desolate; mid Har. Mowbray, the countess' fevorito enol. r, war confined to her bed with an nttreck of bronchitis. and rxrweri eta to ride and dance attend - awe oa bee. Throe oin•u to .et combined t rt* nee mbl o ruffle the e.11maltuity of Lady Cleve - lea', temper, tad she writ. lord In her complaints of the dulled of every- i,a.ly Ethel eo!,-comparat11 4. 11►1no-ohdiL kle.-_- rpeaking. glad. ` f "t Mart ?MVO K few peoliT11 dowh: she would not have cared to meet tit•• Marinly de I.:warrns, utter what tad pn44e.) between Mem. as au or- dinary acquaintance. She preferred co live upon the memory of that went). and to wonder how long it would be before it was repeated. Could Bite have overheard a con- rerentinn which took place abort that time between Victor de La. carrels and o4Ye of his club friends, Lady Ethel would have beeeobetter able to Como to a decision on the rultject. • The nam0-.ut._tba club frim* was Ccd.,uei il:.rttey, tenet mly known among W+ intimi tee as ' Pool Pry." r B1Iy!2 • a sad thing to see fine frui ees spoiled by the blight. Youtan always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay slllall and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stay, sma1111 and weak. SCOtt's Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such achild should stay sma Scott's Emulsion lots of lime with 1 is a m ed strength in it -the kind of strength the makes things grow. Scott's Emt Sion makes children grow, ma es them eat, makes them sleep, akes them lay. Give the wen child a ( lance. Scott's Emul''on will make it ca h up with the rest. This pirtetre rep the Trade Mark of Sc Emulsion and is nn wrapper of every bottle. $sad for j fee simple. -- OTT*- OW E, To11ONTO CANADA and Si. •B druggists Oat for Chr:.tmar nut tit•• new year," •Joe wild, When the stale of affair), became patent to her : "no -enders won't thank me for meting them burn ' without a num* to 4peak to, and lir. 634411meref soya that if i don't tato more earn of myselt i shall be serlouely Iii. A0d no wood. r, retch a tame 4114 we have been moping at tllce." "is it not rather moon 7" inquire.' Lady Ethel, alluding to her step- mot►141 filling 111e Mouse with coin - puny, whop rhe had m t.cently ',ten mode n widow, although her own +14art wrist throbbing at the idea that :e might be among the intended 04 urc041111 of the wonderful foci Ity Outettr. ' troth - rtdelth= ro(s eif` +,K -Tet Rol"" lP44 pot; ten rr mop r woo:to and tie.torre4i- he :eineer. '1V44 mtuRftlehave aitTr Jiic- took In everybody's) buriueer but :ng nee tlteatrieata. 041 anything of hie own. tout wart, of course; but oth•ro e H ern„ as . hit rly mon. mnwh'mn11'- Hutt lo no 'venom on carts: why wo up. x7 1 u; tnl'o:- na.1 intrarw4rdr . 'meld wet. dee u few fronoe *0 a an+f 11' •ttliik•.1 }h:' 1.11r11"i1174 one* -,L' 121111t way. With Thar dear ebild ire- dny net r Lady Cleve -don left town {welding' entirely on me.; 'it t,e of the awl 714 11.7 1141' $tnhd'n77 In one tf 'lim,wrt tmpnrtaneo,' .an Dr. G1uha- the club wl;n1,1( 4. tit uelefirily re- r4ra. nays, that 1 shall not permit gaoling the !ruff e that wout un le my Metlth to wnfier,'which It mud* .esettt..le will *Iit--t -C•,uuut Waste off thtn dreadful d^prowlton. i ellen. only ark flay teeters and tee Marcie - notate. road two or three mea; amid 1 4111(13 teil thou idiot they aro to ex- pect no gayety, fur ft's to be quite .t fatally gathering." ',only Ethel naked no further (30.s- 'tnn.+, for site know that Lady Cl'vo- kt0 11rtd gnome] 11'1 pnx'hnnt for 1 11 Angel" do Lee/treas. and wait 7441 proud to evince any in:erect on thee s4t)'tir - tit - Lea be- ing ono of the Welted. But oho tow not markt days Au( wall to eum- prtnsc- - Tbay--will Ol000twoe hootiverl the cusntese, rightly. tie /`.i threw two morel -owe nonose the breakfast -table to her, n few mornings titter. "I thoucht as mech." And 1:ih.1, recog- nifino on one the tmbatiater1 cipb(•r of \ 101',► .le Lncarraer, took up Isla 4`4+4r - w•f!M - b tart, 11 tn1 perused the heir(. e -tort pees eeatencee in whish he neoelrte.1 • her step- mnthrrtr trtritntiaO, The flax% which they colied forth nivel net yet died A1.a7 when e11e 4orn•1 to the e4c'Htd Letter, and with • etxldea start Fool the signature of 'rh'•nuta Bainbridge. "That Morel man! Whatever ':eoi • oat think of asking him ?" elle wt1), ntrruptla•. "Peelle a Et!lel ! That be zt polite v .peak of one of m7 friends I , 9ka1 Colonel H.'►lobrWgn became I. rtsn'fientetitel he likes me. Le not that ar eterialnrit returner' 1e 't s Lots of Tie W Illleg. - '17tey eeem to. be making t lot o1 fuse over this girl wh travelled 2,500 miles to marry,' idle remarked Isn't It unusual Y' he asked. " It may be anarunl, but titers is nothing extraordinary abut 1t," sbn aonwered. a Why. I know Orb. who wank/ travel twice an far for the rare•' dMrPitee. If around' of the end of the journey." M]nard's Liniment Cures Cobb, etc. A?SW MOHR 0011) MRV WANTED -- hews you a paying occupatlou for the wooer* tt a will put tau hi a way to make good wag o.; we atop-uy both oa .wlary and o••wmlriun; handsome outfit furnished free; our sideline heirs our salr.men oldie did ly ; erre a and get tarots and Iwrttc4IIl,Ie. 1•h... ltrut Acre t'ompenr, N ureerytwn, Colborne, hue: e.tabltsbed layears. 1l jltIlIT FARM FON $ALL-ONR OV mi finest In the 1 lNta,•a Peninsula, 1 noua, 10 emit.. from !Intuition on two rail- ways. 118 acre. in all, 38 of who h 4 in (reel, mostly psa.h,s. Will '.e sold In our parcel oe dl•Ided into lotting IS to 11 acrti Lc eine per chas..rr. Thie is a deeded bargain satire," Joaaluen Carpenter, Y. 0. Ws let, Wilson Ontario WORK AT HOME. W• went the ter vices or Men, .m and ch.klren 0 weer for "s, whole or spare 1107.- 1..00t net • ▪ s• aoeks and other ar- Wee at lees own WWW heaves. We •'pole yarn anti mater,.', and pay roe ail week es sent in ror(orther part,cu'ars address, The Peeples Keating •yedleate, (Limited), Tweeds. Oat. ISSUE NO. J. 1901. tilleleh4s 4 UAIICKa. Cl('!• 1ruu 1t4AL IMITATE Ott noel eo. Matter where b is lend de.a•r4 - q Nt►�M pet4esod sutesrplae for and 1 easObu aero TYaLN aitrullaasr Nan t Invent, and weir lo, PA 1 UNTIL ATRNTn, CAVEATS, TRADE MA1tku, stn. Home or foreign procured and e•• It d. Booklet on palette free. Th. 1.47, tit *dhartu and luve.lutert Coestray, Py Litton 8wlldlag, Toronto, Out. Mn. Winslow's Retelling 11, should al- ways he used for tallithim IwtlaltneNs It mother the e►Ild. *atom the Ruins, cures wind rode sad te tee best rout dr for dlarrhu s. T wsaty •e omit a bottle. ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR BOYS. t'1ighfleld - - Hamilton RUORY and 1I4ILRIIURY men on theme& Glom!RENCK. M•gnlficent bu'l.Iing Abe home of the late Mmiatr Turner,. rad ..'viral acre& of I,,•autlful ground• u1(4.11d1nw to tits toper the in, 11011011. Bpleatlld home for boarder.. Apply for prospects" to the Haab Me rano J. H. COLLINSOY, M.A., Labs Upa11 M113fanti al Bohol .r of Queen's College, Cambrldg., i TURKEYS WANTED We will pry you U cents per pound our Mucked 1 ark. 3IP, large or email lute. We boy .11 kinds 01 Poultry. W. pay (relight wad send check or atone4 order its neon as we receive the Poultry. SAkll'RL 1.. 1.e0tlq & (0., Coeral•etuu Nrrclam uu. • London, Owl. MODE 0!' EDDY'S NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, 710 LEAKS. iNDUIthTBD HBREWflKE are 'Featly superior to tits ordinary Woaleuware articles for douteetic uta.RY HEM. Tii468 TT Petr U4le Yr all first slap dealers. eLlnard'w Liniment Cures Uarget In Ouw'a ,.. . Bsee d. •'I ask you for broad," exclaimed the met111k•414( bitterly, "and you glvo m1e 1tyg1.'aie leveed." H7 conscience smote me at this. Poor te4low :" Noel I. "I'll see H i can't find you a ,Rune." fi, v r, to my dying .lay, ethtll I for- get the look of gratitude be gave mr. ' -An tnterestino tub), well told, is -fee. 1 ex 1 ' • ee• a ,4 .t,.ry, whore opening rhaptr-re will appear to Hat- nhlny't-'irwee*.--.- - - ifinard's Liniment Cure. Distemper. - N''Oleo to eery 1t. "But oat yah ntf'1'ort a wife?' ark :1 the odd gentleman. "Well: - replied the coati wee 11tan, "ono never know* what her can .10 1411411 he Tr1.t 1 SeideeL- kttew_a man Who thought 11, cout,1 afford a cam- era. sad 11'4 wont bloke on the inci- dental, etiso ere. 1 knew another who whthought he roof' afford a few Niro*. and they lett tans Into hank• rnptcy. Now, I think 1 oils afford a wire hat It won't 4i) to be dead er•' abed It until I have tried.'- CURSE OCrue,.Ntt:ago Poet. • CURSE �� a *Wiener. He had 4beappeere•l. tie it were, Into Impenetrable binrknese, and she could only re- member that in thin world Mlle e1041k1 never nee h1m mora, 'tut through nil her mieery Ether's pride continued, to reign paramount. -Neve waw-cnht• nut wtntely In her grief 714 the marble statues which nelorn.rl the eorrllore; she ehedatn- O 1.R for uywpttbyr--ROQ- wise no one found bole' 1.0071441/ to offer it to her. 1.:117 (IOYPdun, 1.1,0.0 part ehlrolt have b•en4 wen too mm:h occupied With her crape and hum- bee-lilP• not the matt enrr"91 style In which to clothe the youthful earl. t0 hese any 1(•feuro to besl,>w on her «lep.laighter; nal Wbterly as 1•.11.•1 met grieving, perhaps even tit l4nl have re- elheeeeereleof her C,th• s __ nn tnfrini nee tit on her rl ('hl'f mourner. For 141twoen *Iva women then' eilete.I, nn -tr..'trr-Zrreelw(..,1,-Ski rioter to oh was 0,41 e1' tM' I.-./ Goddin '.n,•e it III Itself bone:,111 a Ina .,t ((2)11(11 nn 1 caresecs nod endear I [u; uppellatiuus -_-1.o11moolave•etun Leal Welt ,7,:441,'14 of her eiiielasght(r from 111,, llrst.uf iter !Niel ,r leen-we 'or Pr the /net 11110 the. 61'17 .a14•11nt•e401 ••ir ltichnirnt._ Canr'n. to L _Lent_ "Vothl"g 1e:4" 441'11'! 1,111k' a 01:111 141• different t" M' tired 1 non 1•.,' '' r, at l''P'•y 1, Iter 7411.�(rel. "14.1 f Rin ),7rn1.1 Ill•.ti Tla)mnx le error i is-. •,, it h • hone) 4, len eery ', !441' 7. 1 i' 7.. ti 71 n tore,] into for w, r ;13. 1:)01 I to tarn out ItwpUlj'' Au11t L1 ll,y &RLI 11.11' Lao eho mot bttol the w• 7- " w•hk•h lend (41 447.1 11 toe • , e•, r' an I NI 'gee., le the garde,. 11n.) b,r 141"rt weed, int* 4nr-1ier .rarrn7r "It le li'k$ oar., 'r• Jla tootling of rill 011e,r revtlmee Mrs. n.,1••11 .n^ 1104 Rr•v;•r _11e . r1111a'. {r li to. ,,g1mOQvlt.. whUo k;.tltcl. vicwal .her yowlg etepmother Ln the light of an lat-tomer, and her beauty nos a fa till snare by w•dlkeh hnr father 144 Su t,U'J'li,T fMet powder (E.r t, .Ate414414 441 ltJs1 . there ltraye tad Inti' Let us send you one of our free booklets explaining our tnethod of hand reading by mail. It contains valuable information that will not fail to interest you. North American School of Palmistry Canada• Branch. P. O. Box 225, Hamilton, Ont. " Well Du Inca -rat. an•.I so 71m Ic,4)e lo.t ynlr fromist' What ft i• 441. T' demnrtd•el th.• roarq.tt4, turning au in!U1 rent gas, mem the speaker. Why, et.• ( leve ono, to be sure No T mod. (loom- .14 ming t,,r 3'•x' ear title onion. 011 f,-11 ,w, whatever 314, Iney Lure secured by n'hoo outer tai I .hat of the Iteorls_thlultb,wayu't It T' " In v. -hat wiry t" " oto v(u t•k me In what lefty ? f rrc, b 14 74)" U:(IIL'ht reit 1.1„1111 have been tad 11.41 man to 411'si.,tr, It Wily. hootetioleg Ledo },the' Garr w 1111011. n hu f In any. 1 knew It's ihe erose' b-e:iuw' lioeetrn, the earl s.'4!t.1- bor. le doing n a: tie bl.lnesr for me, are? i've Peen hat duce the reaeing of the will." 1 darn ray 1.ntl_v Ethel will Nitrites. "And you 7' •'1 here no poreilde interest In the 7n''tt r ell it ,Ilou11 mete y.R5 nor -at to mei' -- 01, tom merge' ,' 14Clniml•l Col. 71 iv -tele with on,. 4 f hi) newt Pied Pry -Leh leek., 'It Is nt no nee tr31n4 to hoodwink mo. Everybody know.' what war your attraction in Park Lana title s••a:on ami that had It not been for thee m(Inachnly rlr- (am-tna••" WP sit4m1d helve *Pennon n H' nedlet before Christmas." "Everyltoly knows) n, great deal et ,oaf Int-' IMMin T `now m7- 4)17, tF:O'r rr)as�-' Tienttae With nil evpreeoIofb df Anteoye-IWO, -"r1f(i,Thty, IT it -in t111n 4 14' ilit I "and it ycur i. port Is correct, Bart- waw red aware that your mutual as- I'y. Son limy contradict It as n000-'lunhltnlroe had L11OUPred tso far- I • you ilk... r `r x8 iirlGT€itky l4e f F?ti,m - trpin- Yoe are not engegc.1 to lead? Ikm. The man is beeteatt tut In birth, Ethel (etre?" nal *tat :on, an 1 eve rything," "En -oozed 1" (Victor do Lnearr+tt "AhI you mewl tneke nllownncrr h. 11.. rot the word with it, much em- for pre. Ethel; my b:o.'l la not et blue 714 yours, remetuh4t' ; 1 nm but a col- tof .nm' ehhonorable ncllun l "Do bnr,ner myerele no. I e 1n Pympnthlan !"ok 1114'• a man b11r Is eau/aged? 1 with Colonel n'ilnlrridge. Ana way, ! .1x/UId like to meet the per.op,. who let 1124 hope th tL his reslh•tttce not kere-b4etr tlprcadtng vacir 10417 Tenn*• fir:mote frrr n few weeks any iabroad." not have tho power to contaullnate "T should certnl11ty nrvtr 'T1a,e you." taken you for a marrying man " said "Were ho to take up his residence l lute companion, who bwgnn to draw here forever." replies' Toady Ethel, In Ida horns at the other's man- haughtily, "it would make nn differ- Merr env„ to 117(. ole nod I have nothing "Marrylnet man "' repented De to r mann, nal should b' nn better 1.aearra•' eoftemptln•awl)'• 'New look :leq'lnlnt.•.l At the end of five years here, Hartley ; judge for yourself It than five dny4.' It b likely. Ever, one knows mj "Poor Colonel Italnbrlitge t" said circumstances; that I'm a regular Indy ('levp.lon, with mock eempan- beggar, without sufficient mu'le7 aloe. "it VA well my ''eters have a to keep tip my title, end In deem higher opinion of him than ymireelf, nil over the world. How could I, In ITT I R1,onkl feel Inclined to oak him the, name of all that'n reasonable, dream of marrying a girl like Ethel t^ fwwlp^nos his •felt. not Harslet Carr, wt44,, by your own wrltem me word that he In still con- Carr, has not a hall -perm T It ,Hiegel til0 mnteh par excellence, 0041 b.•nr4 a'teurdIty apron the ince of It." 111ems quite excited at the prorpert " Ila* you have not been wnterne- 'f meeting him here" nhly receive,' In that quarter, Mon- "i trout that Idles Trevanion may Riper A4 Leeerra., If runtnr eirenk24 derive all the ndvanta(te from 1114 true,' ejaculated old Hadley, wish 4egonll4tnn0'• 1)11414 rhe ele.lres," r e- n meaning ksek. p1Ir,1 T•ady F.thel, as the r: eo from the The marquis turned away to tba brrnkfs44t table. oltelbw with n ovine widen m'nnt (To b. COntinn'•d.) 144)41(7 more than lila trjen1's look -- Ruch a mile an men of tite world tett en wh.n taxed with ga!Inntrlfv whleb tit II have not tit( '.tr10E1h at mind to 4•87 -Ranh n ren!Ie ex Is 'tenth to 31151112. nee If ho had been accused Dr'Iggiete Dight to pal an n.1d1- (tenni Inti •1 on carb111n need hnttbr, "Try m'rnething Mee for ewlelds. Tills to hnpee of any woman who hats 1' Ie pnlnful." . fwO end to rare lam tenet In thele: I __ _ -®` - "'UI7 may tin It saki, nee $OZ0� fee the TEETI 251 1 ommu though lie bad spoken, "but CART BREAK THEM • t► O. THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO. 1iirtard's L nl linen* Cures Diphtheria., DRINK 17 ANY 9E11113..11 or Yorit FAMILY 1)RISKq, CURED the taste for liquor can be removed permanent) by t plving f"•),I.w enmarla trr4rrlp.lnn e,+ re777 In Inrrl or 47'0X. F.J449* imp*'"1iw. 1e HAMA SECRETLY 4(n,ln.nnlniti pill}} sent .ruled. Write HAMAItIA II3:111f,O1i CO.. i a Jordan street. Toronto. Ont. DEAR M Send us your name and address on the below request, and will take p'easure in s.nding you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER UGAR SHELL. You don't have to buy anything. The gift is unconditional. It is a d for your ever- lasting friendship and good will, and if you do not read this advertisement through and answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. With the Sugar Shell we will send you 6 packages of Standard Electine Remedies, which we will you to sell, if you can, at 25 cents each. Then return our m 'ley, and we will give you absolutely free a Butter Kni'e and Pickl: Fork, same pattern as your Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full -Size Solid Arizona Silver Teaspoons. If you fail to sell our Medicines, return them to t ; and retain the Sugar Shell as a gift, it being free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Stering Silver for Tableware. They alway-tea -as well, and wear better; they the same beautiful metal all the• way throughand are guaranteed for 50 years. There is nothingcisc like them except Sterling Silver, and nothing "just as good." Now, plelse don't trow this paper down and say to yourself, "I'll write to those Electine people to-n-orrow." This is not an oppor- tunity to put off and forget. Just sign and return the attached re- quest to -day, that is all you have to do. The Sugar Shell and Medi- cines will then be promptly mailed, post- paid. Remember, even if you fail to sell our Goods, you at ieast have an Elegant Sugar Shell, worth 75 cents, for simply making the effort. incere'y yours, Wee* t/t/t9i ttllNk►l►4011nelteIM MitldWlN111*00S gfMb,0AM If REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. Electine fledlcine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Ship Immediately,h, mai', 1 Sold Arisone Slam Super Stith and Si. 25 -rent Packages of Electine Remedies. 1 agree to mak • an earnest effort to sell the iVIed1- cines, and rehon you the money, w-.th the underatandine that I am to receive for this service a Butter knife and Pickle Fork, some pattern b Sugar SM(I, and also Sir Frill -Sias Sof(./ Arisen Silver Teesaoon.l. if I fail to sell the Medicine, I will return It to you within 30 days. and retain the Sega, Shell ua gift from now NA MS ADO11Rati1 ( Welts Name Plainly, "Mee" or "MIN" iA mites, wore VERY • •VER V" ►t a1NLv ',11414114114113131114101M30041000011144110 ' ELECTINE MEDICINE CO.. Limited, TORONTO, Ontario •