The Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 4mmmtttttttttmtttIm►mittttttttttt
Begin the
f New Year Well�-
by giving us a Call.
the Signa
r resume
m♦LNT TRttteaUAT aosillall
we 11, tee -1 . .2
FRIDAY. JAN. 2. 1901:.
tura* $56,o8i, machinery $5t,795,'
hardware $11,08T, tout* and eh
$11,471, will -key $1-A17, o gents •
593, pianos $11,489, wall pa
14N, furniture $20,523, wr•
$12,10::, other ttrtlelos $'
quito a Ild of .mall '
(torts from Austral'
$1211,id7, of w16.` •
tree of duty,
HI'Hl.1� Sllt)AU. preferetttle)
Among the promoted of the angor tho ge
company which will erect Ito f.rut It w'
factory at Berlin Is Gtr. Will um nor. --
Heudrle, of tido city. We th.nk n t- r �F t g , o
wise Behr thin hag been while* fo) . ^0 O'6 '• ff
Berltie is surrounded by tion • g . 2 E.
e r•; s Q �a -
tarwt•rs, fume u( whom were d _ P
leer accustomed to beet co' to p g.y a Ie s e ^B ~ r7
tt.e Fatherland, andGenitalia
° fr B n i a a� �q n �'$er
know bow to do the. Lip ' ; 4� j
attn. The Geralia -a S ( •s r f $v kt
large famine/•, r ;. � V a a ^ $ � tie
, � r ,-, !F it 4A
help to tank, �•
women altit4
!'inn a p' c
log s. C, 99g
tP o A .. -
Qi L
aim 31, alio
•4 -0
.,'"t� p �i
a8!q F Sb �'�
sea a ;
°coda Sold at the Abov$ tyre r.e.._ .
m ep•Lmtilm
WHEN an individual named ROIONs
who, we understand, in manager ot a distil•
lery in Camila which is run by a Yankee
firm in Detroit, uurlerlakes to ivy that Dr.
Gobowig Sor i4 is "a nuisance" and should
go away back and sit down. it remind+ et
very much of the ant saying to the elephant,
"Who are you ehoviug "
CoLDW'IN 1()tITH-had a tame and a ropu
tattoo among the Anglo Saturn race an a
ackolar and • man of thought beton HiHar
wat.tata, of Detroit, built his distillery at
Walkiwville, Ont., and before Romans, the
premed Canadian Manager of the Yankee
conreru,sutered the arena as • flag-waver
and a shouting British conetitutiunahat.
What right has this whiskey maker fee a
Yankee firm W proclaim his abuse of bettor
men than hi°noel( under the wing of the
Cattadiau Manufacturers Aaaoriatiwl t
What right (las this British ri cipient of
Yaukee dulIrs W vaunt his loyalty as
agaiwt other menet Whit right,haa thin
500 of St. George W nay tout a sort of St.
uAbell not Its proud of his nationality-,
or a son of 8t. Patrick rejowe in the re.
membranes of the land of his fathers?
Some years ago we bad the ptua.ure of
Weung Kenna and a bunch of flag water.
'from his di.tillery brought W time at
Windsor, where he and they Were trying to
advertise the Yankee firm by waving Union
Jacks. A day or two after Roel Nr and his
gang were milled down, the firm of HIRAM
WALKEN' A MON. put a disclaimer in The
Windsor Record, stating that the riotous
outburst of loyalty by Natoli and his aeso
oiat.a was done without the knowledge or
consent of the firm.
It is about time that the Walkerville
Roaten should be called back to his tient
ono* more. The bright, bracing air of
Canada st thin times of the veer is un.eueon
able for such chirruping as he has been
gvpieg at We.
-Iteoolye to your resolution..
-Remember it should be written
Lord RO.MEBERY ehoulil remember that B
"leader'2 duty is to lead."
- It does not strike us thst peace and
good will is working full Linty in South
Africa or in the Philippines
-The Legugature of Ontario wl
on January it, and the Grits and T
West Huron will rejoice W know the
costituency will be represented this
- If President ROOSEVELT reprimanded
General EMU, publicly for expre.aug an
opinion on the &:HLEY trial, sumebodv
should reprimand President RoossvziT for
reprimanding General Mum This public
reprimanding may be etrenuou. but it isn't
good loan.
-Liown Attorney CURRY, of Toronto,
gave egpeession to a truism is sus recent
address before the Ministerial Aasa iation,
when he is reported see &eying : "Sentiment
a1 women often begged him not to amid
thieves to jall...bat. m woman had yet
asked him to ra t woman, saying, 'do
not mend that poor girl to jail, because she
has been tempted to sell her body for fool.'
A woman .night sin either for love or lust
and few, if any, of her own .ex would put
got • hand to lift her up. If there is any
one thing more cruel than another, it 1. the
nneharity of one woman to another."
REBbltED er A YalEtr p.
t'Iotorla (I1.c ) Colonist ((7ew,ryatie.)
Tee Mall and Empire &locks the revised
Deans figure. for Ontario and are they
ladlo.te that Mr. Tarte bas rooteded met
to out down the popelatle, of that prnvino•
as much an he intended, The Hamilton
Sps°abr 4.c1ari that the t.. t that John
Oryd.e, Ontario Nleater of Agrioultire.
hu leveret appal In • earths ranch 1n
D.kses. will mak• apital oampaign Ilt.r.
aura. The 11.1!1.. Herold r•t•rret entree
body b this twaddle, 0.d the Liberal.
sWa$ Nova Montt• at the municipal .Ise
tlnws, winning e'tteen enunMee not of
elpbw es a twat party tight and dlvidl.g
the two ,Mars entail" with the ('weary.
rives. We pat the.• thine. fee
oke purpose of petatn., out be. the penny
of twaddle is Arleta( people away from ills
Casservu•o pasty Whin will sewepa
poets leers that the puhhu hoe • ltd.
sense' There le net a Iain* man who
wools •rte foe the t;nearvative ['arty he
,sew Mr. Dryden. who is well a -do, sees
M be piens same of hie stoney ie a D.ker.
westw. Thera le mot • mea outside of the
Ias.tle asylums who heave. diet Mr
Tara gave tea woes. •mem.r.ter. dime
Yeas te add Op ►M Norse el Coterie
rens*. see NON awe afraid of what hs had
dee* and told them b put on a few thous.
and more. Tber• 1. •0e • moo fo the
Dominion who believes what To. St. John
Man rid last weak, namely, that Nor Wilfrid
Laurier 1e oppress(' to Gooding a contingent
to South Afrlo.. Y.i party organs publish
such twaddle and think they .re making
votes by in. Sometimes people ask when
will the (:one.rvadre party return to
power. We think we coo tell them oae
tblog ou this point, and U 1e that 1t will not
be until the leading organs reoognv.e that
the people have just • little amnion m°ae,
and bra to appeal to them upon Ills
souse artist the oouotry'• welter•.
TYs('H•WTHAv "F•ARMgla', Aove,.ATti,"
Ao art gallery and library oombtaed Would
be .n appropriate deeorlpptloa ..f the Christ -
mai lMue which the publishers of the !'arm
et a Advoo.t•, of London, Oat., have just
seal out to their raders, A. Canadians,
oover and connate ahk• "do us proud."
W• have seen autbiog more eAbutiv• and
antoue than the colored froutbpl.. e, whioh
latitudes • beautiful pbotorravurnt of the
farmer king, Edward *71„ followed up
within by a areful d• orlpUon of the rota'
farms and Leeds at Windsor, written by a
member of toe staff who % alted Eoelaod lest
summer. Then follow over sixty page. o'
lutruotlye u.1 sotertalomg articles, vary
leg from grave to gay --every page impel
tle°ed with • walth of beautiful views,
representing every portion of the i)omisi,..
Jest whioh set of features te the more
t.mptlog it would be hard to ay, and we
would &deme the reader to erre the Ad
erste and nudge for Muesli, or herself, for
among the tonere within we sotto. •
Mea,tebs lady and her artlole have the
pleas of honor. To one patriotlo nature we
aver eepeol.tty refer, viz , the publication
of Ardor o1 a do..n icadme Canadian
artists, with photogravures of paintings
aleote,1 from among the best 1t (heir works.
It Is sale W say t bat the Christmas Advo
state will be warmly removed and win the
appreciation which it richly deserves. It
. urperse by tar .vetting he publishers
have hitherto Issued. It ie sent to alt.nb
soriber• Iree of ohorve.
THY .4*vrAR,'4 , . ata'+. -'.
Magazine has seldom had • better union of
a greet subject with the right ma° to treat
1t tbao In the eerie. which begin" In the
January number on "Teo American 'Com•
mortal lovrton' of Europe " Frank A.
Veaderllp, on reelgotng hle position as
• aeletaol secretary of the United State"
treasury last spring, went to Europe with
letter from the higher Amerman ofhofals
to the mirror of linear and other leader.
In Industry and oommero• to ad the great
n ation.. Fresh from an tailcoat..seoole
tion with the admiral and 60.00101 prob-
lems of the Coked States, he wee peculiarly
fitted by *pelted" and training W appreciate
the bearings of this problem .orad. The
k -y oete of hie artloles is that "the iodate
trial world 1s es yet by no meow prostrate
at our fat. W. have before u a long
amp.lgo or bard work." Mr. Van.
derlip'■ articles have boon written with
unusual olsarner and vivacity, .o that
the -general reader will find them as
entertaining as the o.pitaliar and manu-
facturer w111 find them tstraotve. No man
has been mon prominent In the discussion
of the Hay Peonodote Treaty than Senator
Lodge of , U•uaohu.ett.. H. therefore
.peats with authority when he wrier le
his number on "The Traty•Mak lag Powers
of the Searle." Illo.trat.d .bort dotlo0
Mr • promisor pia • In this number, and
artiste of di.tlnotlon furnish Illustration.
for many of the articles.
Tr gen Ar, Its. 24.
PRaCNTATIOV,_- ilia (fray has given up
hot patties as teacher of our public •ohoot
and Is leaving with the Intention, we wider.
stood, of wntlnolog her studies for a higher
sphere. The fallowing adde ., presented
to her by the member@ of her Bibb oar In
the 4"beppardtes Sabbath sohool, speaks for
Iawlf :
To Mir Dry
DEAR TEACHER,- it IF, the pupils of your
Bible airs and others Interested, feel that
we senset allow you to go from oar mida0
without wpreripg to you our does.
appreciation of your services. 8lnc. your
Doming amour ue your qulel, earnest life,
your helpful ward* and erasers to your
afar, year clear, Int r.seiye Interpreatloe
of thw word of God, aye greatly helped as
In oar devotion ta the Mestere oars sad
1° the understanding of Moberly word. We
shall min you as one wbd lived in out
moist the !aeon. that you teeth., but we
are assured that oor Ina will be`s gsio to
o.hers where you may go It le obr Mrne.t
prayer Lha• (Tod may rnohly blew and open
up fields of future usefulness for you to
whom He has given anoltty to 611 *4h.iw ee
well You Derry with yea as you leave see
the love end warm which you. by roar
true wortb, have fully won, In tangible
loom we with to present • slight take. of
our esteem. something whioh may betimes
remind von of the days spent bar., and of
the respect and love enterlaleed for you by
your Shapp%rdtes Sabbath school Bible
Oioned on behalf of the cleat
Sass Ai..o. Sorra,
I)i'NrA!i id, hien
J. H. Orabam read the address and Mn
Mtll.b promoted Mt.a tiny with a pen and
Ink stead and (•anal. pan.
ARorn,R PR&•atrrATmI. Ila 1'r1Aay
afternoea a public •eamlsatlon wu held in
the school. Mies Ceoper,ol flaelop,•esl•t•d
!D tb. teaching •.A, alter • there Intermb
dnn, an Interesting program of mndo, Ala
logoes, re:na filer, aro., was rlva by the
pupil., after whioh the following addrem
w.. rad by One. Festa
Te Mia Dray
YEA& I'RArR•a, We, the pupil. n( SO4
No. 11, 4.hdelA, on this, the eve of your
depertnre free. omens use, desire to convey
to yen nor heartfelt epprsMatlne of your
sets*, W. have slw.y' toted 1n volt a
patient an.1 palsakisg t.eher and holier*
than dorlesg the pat three Tears year bot
*gra have beers put forth ler the advaene
art o1 ear I•Mtd,mee►I and epithets' end.
/are, year kleliglew sad reedy sympathy
have was fee pee ivy erlsedg, ted U le
tb deep regret that we have to part wltk
u. W. lawn (bat it 1. your IateaU.s o1
udylog to pose • higher exambatioa Sod
ou boys our baso wishes that you may be
ooeaful A. • more Toting ezpreselun 4f
ur atom th.o thee" few words we beg of
ou to eooept this tr.yellIag oompenluo, end
may the Uod el love guilds, direct and blas
you 1. the .tater• wish of your pupils.
Signed on behalf o1 inn taboo'.
Mit Fonio,
ANN(■ Bcanutt,.
Shortly after Saute C!.r arrived from
the north and permuted the present. !runt
toe Cbn•tm►• row, much to the eojoym.nt
u1 U.. boys and girls.
Eoperleaced Urea gad Wart..
Your uno•tiefeolory sopranos with other
prepar•sious should a 0 todueoue you roast
•'l'atnam', " It west 0he first, the best,
tie oily painless Coro oure. Hire It • trial.
A euro treated with other remedies wouldn't
do so •gain if it raid help it. Give your
o°ra • Maur, Druggist, who sell o•ly the
best always sell Pstsm's Palnle.,• Corn F:2•
Norton. The boat impanel In Dungannon
for THE at We Aloe of J. D. Ward,
J. P., owveyanoer. Ito.. who will receive
orders for substirtptlos, advertising and lob
work. and 1s •utborized to give reoelpta fur
amounts paid for the roue.
TUESDAY. Deo. 24.
PuMO.AL.-Mies Iliad Why.rd, Mir
Augustine and several other teachers are
spending their Chrlstmes holidays at their
reep°otive tomes Silas Maggie Flynn,
of Formosa slot., nod Mrs MuOormhck,
tot of Hamllto0, lorw.tly of the Queen's
hotel here, reoeotly bad • pl.aaabt time as
guests of Mr. sod Mr,. J. O'Connor
th, P. Geise.00, of N Ingham, wee 1. our
•111.4• lass week ....►Inas Nin. Kdpat•
riot has berm engaged to tete oharre of
M.S. No, 6, A•htisld, for the Doming year.
W wish her the bat of masere.
l'hm4&nTATI,N.--On Friday last, 1t being
the alae of the public school term, Mn. R.
Davld.on. formerly Mla Margaret McClus-
key, who has had obargee! the public school
`i S. No. b, Ae►field, was promoted by her
pupil., as • token of their appreciation,
with • yeluable and l.e.utlfol silver spoon
and a targe fanoy platter. Mn. Davidson
was preveil.d upon by the Lord of trustees
to tate Aerie of the school from the
summor holiday, uotll the present as they
could not secure the servers of soother
teacher H that time Dunne her tenure of
the position she performed her duties to the
satisfaction of all.
Da.Tll tee Mtn. Ruhr. DuRNIN. - W
root, ely regret to have to chronlols the
death of Mrs. Rohr. Donde, formerly Miss
Maud Wilson, whioh took plana on Friday
last at the residence of her father, Mark 1
11'llson, of Audtield. Her remains were
interred !a 1)uagan000 acne ter oa Mon.
day, Ikwmuer 23rd, the service being coo
ducted by Re.. 1t Fairborn, assorted by
Key Mr. Sal..oban, of Luckaow. The
decreed was only in her twenty fourth year
and bad boon married two year. Her
husband lett here last spring for the North
west to provide • home. About ten days
re he re0elved word that his wife had
suddenly taken 111 and shortly after ha
arrival home she sue embed to lung troub'°.
The sinews sympathy of the entire com-
munity is with • bereaved hasbeni and
other relatives. a lulant child about fors
weeks old m this • f• of he mother,
DUN • oP.'
ORDAIN Del. 23.
Our *00.11 t sae •.. ,. to enjoy
lite IS p,
Miss Gras* Lassen hes turned from
O kw., where she le t•klak • (ouree of
study at the Presbyterian aint' college,
aid will enjoy the Christmas cation un-
der the parents) roof at Loraesld
Mrs. Edwin 11 orris and three children from
Arita Man., and Mie -Jessie My/ionize.
of Pore Albert. who is also returning from
Manitoba, came among us Saturday for •
visit of several month. to their relatives sod
Cha, Spear, of the Huron rad, Gods
riot townsblo, popularly known hero, was
married Io Ooderloh last week by the Re..
.1. A. Aoderson, pastor of Knox oharch, to
Mies Mary Robley, Doe of tea motto Sepsis
young ladies of this township. A large
circle of freed" ben wish the newly -wedded
oouple stares in the journey of life. Mr
Spear 1s • brother of Mn. A. A. Williams
of this place.
MONDAY, D.0, 0.
Mr. and Mr., A C. MacDonald speot
their Christmas 1a Uoderlch.
,las. Table, of The Free Press, of London,
spent Ilktlstmu here with relative'.
Lily Cumming, now o1 London, was up
lase week on • transient visit to her parents.
M1•, Clara O'Connor, from near Safortb,
on her way home after a moot pleasant visit
of 'even weeks in Ashfiel I, epee* 1
dikes here, the goer of Mrs. Tobin.
Several weeks ago we mentioned that our
es' tridents, Mr. ono Mrs. Robert
Falford, had "old out thole burner and
were going back to their former home lo
(iederlob, but Mr. Clark, who was to take
it withdrew his offer, sod now Geo. Fulford,
of Leebarn, ha. puroheael it, and roamed
the •tors and poetothoe on Monday loot.
Ss'ordav's London Fra Press had a slew
of the Doaiop hotel and • portrait of its
genial proprietor, Mr. Iilazier, A brief
sketch aoempaayl,g the Mature mentions
the feet that this "Is one of the oldat hotel'
10 the .•000ty of Hero°, and was saucerful
ly kept In the earlier days by Mr. Anthony
Allan, who now lives in retirement in the
village yrt-t�
The annual echonl meeting of our motion,
No. 9, Colborne, came off on Thursday last.
The altad•ooe of ratepayers wee good and
they were mu, h plered with the fiw•oial
report. It was decided to add more land
be the eeotton and steps w111 be taken
shortly to have the property of John !'lark,
formerly the Reed farm, now In No. 1,,n-
oloded ; also the lots of .1. Obleholm, .1. O.
Stewart and Jas. MaoManue from No. 5.
W. H. Jewel was appointed auditor sod
Robert grid, a former trustee, was elected
in plane of J. FI. Barker who refused to
stand. The questa. of the water supply of
the school was brought .p and rim, discus-
sion the matter w•• left In tho bands of the
trustees /deny think that an arrears
we'I will be sank moil as they have at
Shepperdt"n. in the wells I° the neighbor•
hood of our school water was retched at
100 feet. Two el trustees striae, con-
demned the soden of the trustee' 1n paving
a bylaw not allowing scholars out of lh•
eobeel grenade daring eohool hours. Mr
Chisholm spoke In support of the setae of
the trustees.
Mov'Ay, Deo. .10.
Mrs. .1 Soar sod sister, Mae F. ('hiss
holm, •ojoyed the hn'Iday fission by • visit
to Port Huron and other points.
(h. las our esteple 1 tewnemae,
Oen. Folioed, left here to reside la the pro-
gressive village of Denali as Ite msrehans
and pstm..ter, in oleos 0t his male, Koh
tortFollnrd, who had fillet this position for
the past sly root•.
A man whit a tame hack flees
sot feel mm1 His working sad yon
esnnot blame him. Jer.zn:a Rod
den, ewrps.tmr. No 7 Cowdy St ,
Ylepton; Oat., uoterad with
rheumatism fa his back flys
bolo) for two years. Five botilwe
of ser Hall's Rheumatic Cars room-
plealy cored him. This great Wood
purifier is put op in bottles con
teaming tea days treatment Pries
BO caste see tlOsd., stn- K iso.
1at1 atibsdws "-Y T'or•_g_Ma,
Money Saved is Honey Earned, and if you
snake up your mind to give us a share of your
trade, we will Save You Money. Our aim is to
please our customers, and to (lo so we must give
thorn Honest Goods at Honest Prices.
'E Give Us a Call
We Will do our Best
to Please You
The Loading Hardware *4',',, Houma Goode at Hottest Prices,
Phone 57.
**sola .r tar wevlaa• er the Seamy Sa•rd
or E.,rlaer..
The (aunty board of e.emmers met in
1'lotoo on Iasday, December 24cb, to
finleh the work of the Model School ezemia-
There were in •tteodaow In all hRy•four
(aodldate" - twe°ty•four in Clinton and
tbir.y to (oderich. '1'n• papers as a *bole
were oobeldered for. 01 the fifty four wbo
wrote, tilty•three suwe.d.d to securing the
pose mark, sail were awarded third coedit.
01110) it 'cardinal,. Tbs pass mark rrgohed
by the F:dutatoo Department is 60 Fer
omit, of the to:al. Tte board have .las
awarded those ubtaiding seventy-five per
omit. of tb• total drat oleos boson, and
those obtaining between sine aty sod seven-
ty nee per mint. 'mond class honors. F.I.
fowiag is tho list :
Forst oleos homers -fiction, K. J ; Deei
lop, W. ,1. ; Gregory, S efla; McEwen,
Agee. E ; Wasson, Vesta".
Necond•Jaes boron-Aylaworih, Mary ;
Itblby Margaret N, ; Blake. Rlobard J. ;
Code, Mar)' ; Downing, Heli• M. ; fiber•
hart, Henry ; (ovenlock, Marl ; Hsrtry.
Howord F. ; Kilpat, Nina : Lamont,
Samuel R. ; V+wry, Melly ; liobert.00,
tjbaote Mao; Rawl. Margaret h ; Smil
he, Emma E ; Wlsmaa, Jessie.
Per -hell, Wilfred H. ; Rlatchford 1. 1-
`iw ; Bryiiges, Wm, Ju, 1', H ; Brown,
3. 1'. ; Habaoso, Harvey ; ChlJlev, Clara;
Cowan, Arnold; Coartlte, Wm.; 1)altpe,
Hsa.ah ; Kvant, Herman S. ; Farrel,Ethel ;
Guest, Edna ; Hideo, Jae. A • Joynt,
Jams. ; Mair, W. J. ; M000aald, Saris
titrT lydttll R •'
McEwen, Merl: MoF.rlase, Tema; Mo.
Math, Lottie L 11cMlen•e1 Eva, .1. ;
Millar, Hubbart ; McLeod, Aloe ; Surdas
L zz e ; Newton, ('o.. L. ; Passmore, Wil.
herr ; Pyboe, George et. ; Stirling, JON)*
M. ; Sanders, Fred; 'Pres. Nellie ;'Web•
star, George ; 1'so. Lanus E.
The bowlal*n Gevers..t Is sheet to
adopt • more vigorous Immigration policy,
and Mr. Smart, Deputy Similar of the
Interior, w111 go to England to investigate
the prospects then.
A little girl • rompoeitlo° on beya is as
follow, : " W hen • boy bolters h. open Ole
big month like (reg., bot svelte bold their
tongue till they are sock, to, and then
answer respectable sod tell just how ,t wee,
tie have fast read of a newly Imported
Uerman tenor, ,bo tea Neater morolog
eleotri6ed• "heavily mortgaged coogrma-
tto0" by sieving over and oyer 'gale, "ff.
will ra'ze re debt : H. will r.i, • xi d.1'
io z, twiiknag of an eye."
Notice of changes mast be lett at this
Office not later than Satuniay
noon. The Copy for changes
most be left not it ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted no to not n Wednesday of
each week.
A Great Snap►
is our Ginger Snap, at 5oa
pound, of which we sell • barrel • week.
This 110'1 oar only snap, ea we perry
_ '•verythiog that eon ba Lound in an °p•
to -date grocery store, and our phos•
- are right. The fernier* know that they
oae • get from us • snap for their
preduo.. t1'• draw the line •t no
legitimate trade - everytbtug gore
Gl.sewws or potatoes, garden .tuff or
choloe,t table Chino We dal 113 .11
of them.
g)�.r •. a (Mar TaH T. G. TIPLING & CO.,
Not an uncommon expression, but your Redford block, Goderich
true of many people whose hearing c.n be - --
perfectly restored by nnh•liog Catarrh-' w • II w
,rz.os. It quickly leaves end cares a'I �`•,I
ods of e• &rrh, atarrbai lose*.,, an
IL*. ,s of the respiratory organ.. Don't.
give op hope UII you hese tested ('at•rrb-
ozone. It has restored lost hearing to
thousand., and con do the same for you,
Caterrborot,. le • vegetable antiseptic,
pianism and oonvrnlept to oae, absolutely
pertain quickly to bet,11t and ultimately
oure. Two inuntbs'-treatment 31.00. Small
Mrs 25c see deo:rgiats or by mall from N. C.
!'°Isola & Co. , Kingston, Oat.
i)Avem or Assure., -lee following dates
h..• been announced for the 0421 etttlaglu
of th. High ('oaro cf J°etio° In Godetls* t
Non-jery. Monday, 3rd ,Marob, h.lor• Nt,
Jastlpe Robertson; jury, Monday, ,16111
Jane, before Mr. Ju.tioa Stress.
1 ood
The •l eve is cut into stove wood
len,(th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orden received telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria Street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Gisler:ch, November 21st, 1899. 53-3m
E never t T te-sjbopping away from
home when you could do as well there as
anywhere. But there are things which, it_
stands to reason, one can buy better in a
centre like Toronto is, and one of these is
FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get
the variety and to get the guaranteed qua'.
ity you must. -go to the larger market.. W4
are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make
everything we sell, and we guarantee every-
thing we make. We shall be pleased to
welcome you to our showrooms -the largest
and best appointed in the j)oininion--if you
are passing our way, but if that's not pos-
sible we'll be pleased to serve yon through
our Mail Order Department and promise
yon absolute satisfaction. Yon can have a
copy of our new 1001-2 Catalogue for the
asking. We are making a special feature of
Warn! fur .Tackot.s.
I.11I)114' ELECTRIC BEALJACKdtTH.-Plato 30 t^ 250
I,n1FF:A Fit,F''TRIC$RAI. JACKETS -Thawed '45 t.. 4d 865
Wli have just put into stock a lot ot fresh new
goods for New Year's trade.
HANDKERCHIEF'S. 62 doses at the following prior : So, 40, 60, do, 10o,
12•, tee, 18�, Apo, 26o, 30u. Itmbrotderod and lace
edges Thoer.s•eet value ever sew here.
[ram 25o t( 11 00, Ito $1,00 to $4 60. Jut the Nana for a
surpassed In value. prawk.
:rant/°pta3s t1°°f « something sewtrm .pco automatic UMBRELLAS.
FURS• C4$p b0, 10.00. 16.00, 17.00, 'C1.00, 30.00. RAA. -From 12.00
b 1'1.00.
Just 1: lett, the balaow ee
of ons aso0'• stook, whioh will be
sold •t n prioto okra:. Every ewe mast. he sold at scute
Two fur owns left yen. else 33U.00, for $23.DO. Om other 28.00, for 322 00,wblok V much
tea than real value. A blo bargain for sows two Remarks.
W. were in Toronto a few weeks ago and secured between 1400.00 and $600.00 worth of
goods suitable for tie season to general rook .1 away down prloa,wklob are to n. .old at
away dorm prior.
J. H. Colborne
'Phone 86. Ooderich.
Our Guaranteed Cure for
Coughs, Etc.
A eo. OF
Laxative-Bromo Quinine
with a Iota* of
PINE and 1'AR (D. D. Cie)
to whiter year House Pleats read extra
owe and 041551(00, You often feel • Geed
of some help. You migbl have 11 t• , .
The Henderson
Plant Food.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and
RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich.
It comprises goods of the following well-known makers :
J. & T. Beli, Walker -Parker Co. "Empress," The Victoria
Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and
E. T. Wright & Co., of RQcland., Mass.
In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby,
Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
is our IDOttO•
Just Receive'
80 Tons
Massillon Lump Coal,
Before -
Buying Buying
see our line
The beet Solt Coal in the aerial s1 HEATERs
domesUa tempesa. alert severer ears a_
Scranton --
Hard Coal
Soarolty of cars le likely to t tote a cold
famine during the nett two monthle, would
therefore advise purchase of your Cos1
Wm. Campbell.
Ooderioh, how. 13•b 1901.
f'"We will save
you money and
give you the
ctmice of the
best lines on
the Canadian
Every Stove fully
(;uaranteed. . . .
No. 6 Acme Spring Skates,
all sizes, ,
No. 10 Acme -Spring Skates,
nickel plated,
Royal Hockey,
Perfection Hockey,
Ladies' Daisy,
Perfect Hockey,
Majestic t
Dominion r'
Lightning res
We have a full Imo of I lockoy fucks, Ankle Supporters,
Shin Guards, Hockey Sticks, Skate Straps, etc.
A Itssibene Calealr gives with every cording.
N. D.