The Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 7MISS STONE PROSA6LY SAFES Macedonian Committee Im- plicated in Plot. KIDNAPPERS BULGARIANS, )leIIrr That They Would Surrender to Bulgaria, But 1t Attacked by Turkish Troupe Would Flylit rod Probably Mender Their CoptIvo'. _ ,w Turk, Oat. 110.-b rens. the Iuet• that tho brignn: that kidnapped Mee Stone have, permitted communi- cation with Iter,• It Is bcllevwl that 11101 Stolle L ullvo and safe from harm. for the prssrnt at least. ways a Sofia. Bulgaria, currtyptatdeat. C. M. Pickle/r,n, the diplomatic agent or envoy of tho United eitutrr iii Bulgaria, aur well as Cousul-lieu- i sal at Conettaullnop.e. In an lster- view add: "1 have absolute proof of the complicity hi the crime of some 'members of the Maeeduttlau t'ommlt- tee. Tile brlg.tu.Ja wh, attacke.1,11k r risme" party were , 1,gulsed la Turk- Idt tea land Slouk. Ilut two of them thcrw beak their clunks during the attack, Men retooling th' uniform it( tato 1LiWSd,Ilao Cummlttee. They' sere recugnlxol. tori. ams Bulgarians. Moreover, they spoke poor Turkl.h, but goal B.Igad.a. and ata ham and -Th. Ilulldlug members of the Bul- garian UOVrUUseaI. agree, I believe, that the brigand. u.ro willing to Pur - roast to the Bulppiruta troops, and its Oar cuss there would ba nu danger to tho captive& It they should be at- tacked by Turkish troops tho bri- gand, would fight to the haat and them kill the oaptivea The Turkish treghs are miler orders not to at- tack the brigands, even of they are fir,•1 upon." Otto uwaat Nears the Wurat. New York, Ont. :-'V.-Dlscusahtg the roan+ of Mire Stone with a Hoffa cor• r,rpsoxlent, the 11Uietan diplomatic :,gent Itaklineteff made the follow u,g statement : "1 have rent a man ea my own r.wl•oorlbillty, and nt my cion expense, to try to open (Ommual- eatlon with the brigands. though 1 liaar It 1e too late. for a woman of Mies intone, age can homily have sur- vived urvive.l the hardwhipa. hunger, mind, aa- posure anal being rushed from place to place. Valuable time has been -limnt to diocesatng aft-- aetbte side homes, while the man of rescue et the hep. s victim duel diplomacy hos neglected. The thing to do 1. farm to got the captlre hack by pay - Jog the ransom. end then recover the aam.nt from the responsible government. A MANIAC KILLS FOUR, Shot Wife, Father -in -Law and - Sister -in -Law. FIRED BUILDINGS AND SUICIDED. Irons iUts-r. Mich.. Oct..'.*. -,Boar livor were sacrificed ot. Saturday through tIi frenzy of a maniac. Bul- let and torch were used by the elatt- o:in. and 1f It had not b'a•n for the interference of persons who hnppen- ,.I to Lo part/Lug at the time he want: have killed hew entire family awl tie- rtr,yel hie home. Tin scene of the tragedy was I. s'ohwuol, a email settlement eight ache@ west of Iron River. Andrew asraael.'en wan the murderer. Israael- Ikit and his wife has been married Duly about a year. bit they are enid to have had Hinny gnarreni. With them lived Moo. [rraelsen's father, otter f,(lcl Thte wrangles o these relatives, aero ng to their neighbors, had affected israelsen'r woody and Irritable condition, leatelssn became completely us. baalanced to -day, and started out to kill every one in the Luully. The Alenabers of the household were quiet• lv engaged in their lineal pursuit's. He rushed to a room where he kept his gun anti hunting outfit. Snatch - Ing the wenpxnl from the wall, he --Mnrriei into o the kitchen where his tea ,• vvaaw ww•king.. Ws. [aricelsen i - -mak wire toward him: -fie --entered st,•nitIiily and killed her. fora.leen started for another room. As he neared the door he came upon __Jli�lather-In-law, who was attract - ST by the shot, mad was feebly mak- ing hue way, to the kitchen to make sn Inveistlgation. The two men came t0getllgr so 'suddenly that Israelnen - boll not VOW to take t:allberate nim. 1 merely fired the, gun in ilio dlrec- tion et the elderly Haan, however, and the latter wan shot through the hely. Israelsen then started in purenit oaf hie sister -In-law, who had etnrt- I - ed to run from the house with the st a apmmouing help. Mho had 1‘0:u0 hardly n hundred yard" when • s 1, diet from the maniac's rifle pierc- ed her heart. tern. Inrnel.en's mother was lying 111 in her bedroom. In his trensy In- . .. t...,. tuag.lt her. i.rnelsen pilot inflammable meter - 1a1 In the centre of the kitchen, not tikIng a live cord from the stove, Ig - 11151 the beep. Then he ran to the barn nnsl killed the family cow. .1ernl mon who were panning were ettrnet•sl by the fire and entered t" tender asnlelance. They removed Mr'. Isrneleen'e dying father anti her 'nether from the hone and then fought the flame*, which they ex- tinguitthed. Israleen, upon seeing the 'strang- er• killed himself In .the barn. 1 - • s-.. 1 a 1- s, r D iw N li 11 r• ,d 1 ref re b. o llt FAINTED IN THE PULPIT. F:xriting Ir+eldent a1 a Toronto •Murch 1'eslerday Morning. T•.rethtn, Ort. 28. -The congrega- tion of Rt. Thomnte (ihureli was thrr,an Intn it tante of excitement at WIf(lay morning's. nervive. Rev. Rnte.II M(Cwuelnnd, the carate. wan Mens hing, old when about half woo {h“mliti, ht. n4rm7& TW iusldrnTy on vIRsnht n sign of warning hell Ilene Ily In the floor In n Acrid faint 11' (Wtly env -Tied to the vestry. Mt the rnngrrgatlon heti scarcely Ile„ to wonder what had happened hrf"rr Rev. F. G Plummer ennnonr'e.d the number of R hymn, and the ex- 'iireent wags allayed Mr Meestistand nd from os i. Illness aht�tea iata.l•. entirely minei t en • GENI BULLER'S RETIREMENT. Belief That the Punishment Has Been Too Severe. BULLER WILL MAKE REPLY. Ile 1. Very Popular With Tummy At- kins - Winston /'hurehltl Scorer the 1luvrrunient - A Canadian ae,s.t Mew of Fever - Auulher Ie ' Dauneruuely 111. London, Oct. 28. -The officers anti men ut AWerimtot, which was Gen- eral Butler's, headquarters, are greutly rurprired at his removal ftom the command of the Float Army Corp,. It le etutod that wort of tho regimental offlcerr hold that the puutrhmeot more than meets the crime. The privatoe are geuerally indignant. General huller was par- ader the mart popular officer in the service wit11 the men, whore enure he alwa a ehantplound, and for whom ho mode things easy. The prominent eveuing papery generally express regret at General Mir Htdvere Buller'■ enforced re- tlremeut from the army, but regard it are Ude inevitable consequence of hie indiscretion in hie receut epeeeh General Banlleer next public op- pearauce will be on November 30, when he is to be entertained at din- ner by the Devote/hire Regiment. It be euticiderelf likely that he will utak„ a public defence of hie conduct tea loin occauion. A Howe ugoocy states that the notification of the Commacder-la- Chief'r decision removing hon from the command of the First Arany Cures was conveyed to General Iloi- lo. Into yesterday afternoon by a epeclal mtersenger from the War Office. General Buller was appar- ently unmoved when he received the new@. Ile was evidently prtpured for it. - Would Not Ite,lgs,. The Meat in an editorial article to -day vomwnnte on the removal of (ten. Buller from the cummaad .Of tie F-irrt .Army Corps. Tho ellltornl say@ nn opp ortualty to torten was given to Sit Radvers. but he preferred diamitsaL_ lila ehoice.only throws utto stronger r. -r lief the amazing defects In Judg- ment nasi in some of military alis eipltne, marktntg Id. Westminster rpeeclt. That speech challenged J,a(lgment, flouted hie ruprriore, who wenn l:eo. Ikiller's staleld, anti lrumpl.d un tem.-4)11au•, which war has bulwark. Tho T,mcs arkis: "Gel. Buller Loma developed the de- fects of Ida qualities. Jlor tenacity has Ixrume obstinacy, hie master- ful spirit lied grown tato insubordi- nation, amt hie roll -reliance has blusiusl him to what was _ painfully ubluur to others.' The lsltial latataltea Kinda.e.. A good ma0y mUltsry mea Sow .Wer that tho whole mars Liats been caused by the tmKisl blunder of Lord Rob.it and Mr. Broxdrlck in de- parting o-parting tau tlselr own principle when they gave the first army corp. command to as officer who cook' never have drreted opera- tions 0n active service. Gets. B,al.er'a t lltelerey. amoral Buller loaves the Alder.hot fore 5 .n a high stat( of 0101,110. ,tri a terton): ri.1 ralw-i)1llno h 1 Inti mu su- psrlr In the nrmy, and 1t must al- wnye be it math r for regret (bat an of leer with soh a fine recto' blood have omtttol to profit by the valu- able IP/PPM he imparted to his stab- t,rurultc.. --- N% iaaton Thur 1051's Saii;t.•slla. Mr. Vsi St a (*hutchill t)':Iverrd a remarkable eperoi at IA It -ester Inst night, In wheel 1w hnr,.Ue1 the War Oface without gloves. Ho devoted his TPtgnrO-nnausT'rrlt iy to Tatawar, an 1 denounced the tint moment's mutt. tiling po:1cy In ar3athing termis. The war, he dco diel -red, hal become an un- mitigated uatsrsioe, and be wanted oho Oov.rnment to Intervene in Soon' Afr.ci, In order to loea:Ize, dee- limit and asrl,tn Lord KIlchener'e hn trtotlodi) h . rint hn might be rellev= al of a multiplicity of duties he b un- nblss to perform et�iclently. The audi- ence woe delighted and cnlhnsinetle t ssi th., errh. In wLh1Chu-eehlll Showed much of his father'. talent. OENBRAL FRENCH. 1h( detailing Cavalry Officer, Who Has Been Appointed to fommand the First Army Co res of Great Britain. SHE WILL WEA -fi.. Iowa Girl to Wed a Petroleum Magna'e, 1 TOUCH OF REAL ROMANC:. New York. Oct. ..'U. -Oscar Part La - nun. arvl:a- nun. the young eon of the Petroleum Queen of Finland, who hoar come nearly 1,000 milers to claim an Am- rtlean brkle, -has just arrived hero on the Deutschland. Purvianan's father was the controlling spirit of the petroleum trade in i-'hllasd. He die) several years ago a1:1 the burl- /mai is now carried on by tho young mean's, mother. Five 'lnontlus ago. while 'tu•lying art In Pardka, Purelanun met •w a fellow latelent Mims Kristina Slew - era daughter of fader _Newer* p rotltstmor of a college in lows. Mies Kristina' had been taught by her parents- to- apoali.-!tolls Franca ansa Russian. The two fell In love and became.engaged after aslsort friend - dap. Miss Slewer■ camp home i rom Paris two months ago to prepare for her wadding, which , will take OM* 011 Oct. 3Oth. After The cere- mony tho young people will go to the bridegroom -4 Immo at Belying - fora Finland. . WAITED TILL HE HAO MOVE THE ROYAL OAK MYSTERY. Wiseman Confesses That He . Murdered Mrs, Huss. EXONERATES MAN HE ACCUSED. Jackson, Mich., Oct. Stu.-Ity the congestion of a couaiet in the state potation/try the mysterious murder of Mrs. Eldon Huss lino been cleared Ther Is the case la which It was csapponed is girl from Appin, Ont., war the victim. Henry Wiseman to -day admitted that no was -the murderer. He went Into detallr co ucerusng the crime, tolt1 low he choked the woman to gent!' to the woods Hath{ Royal (kik :.Iww he hurled her remain. lu is shallow grave under a log, and, CRAMBERLAIN SPEAK finally, he isomplettly exonerated W IWm 11 e, Whom he accused ester- , day oT t e -Murder. He re[ured hi * - t'ver, t xpialn ills motive for the °`h r*• 11re. Iiujr teaslain ulmort'exactly The Boers Ma be Treated to a year ago. It is not known what bawl become of her until /tout two, Severer Measures, w.'eke ago, when her body was found u war ot nder • ectenl, a s ! da du been seen as to enter the woods with a woman the TO LIMIT IRISH OBSTRUCTION. day 31rs. Harr dieappleared. lie tr avow In prion under •.sentence for F llnburgh, Oct. 29.-11r. Chew theft. 'Step,' will be en lutmeall- b•rlaln, the Colonial Secretary, ad- attrly to have blR said tried dressing upwards of 8,00() personals for the murder. Waverley Market, Edintur MRS. WITWER COMMftTEOI Suspected Poisoner Held for Trial. FOR A STANDARD CAR. importwut Decision of U. ti. mad Van. iodise Railways radish Identified Ills Wife's Bo'ly A Weights and sl. Problem Solved. Dayton; 6., Ot t. 29.-A 1 ter Moor -- lag all -the--evkleatee, Ponce Judge S.ediker decided to hold lir@. Mary Bello Witwer, charged with the murder of Iter @later, Mrs. Anna C. Pugh, to tho common plow' court without ball. Fur a at ,udard Car. St. Louie, -Mo„ (kat. "U. -A "stand- ard box car for this railroads of the U. 8., Canada anal Mexico her been adopted mat' the reml-alaual meet- ing of the American Hallway as - Notation. The downs -tour call for a ear C6 feet long, H feet !ugh, and 8iuches wile, arid 8 feet high Luride mea- surement, making n cross rection of 6th square feet, the cur ha+lug a capacity of 2,448 cubic feet. Side openings to be 6 feet wide. Uhl Erring Wife's Body. New York, Oct. 29. -Tile body of the woman found dead yesterday af- ternoon In the Hotel Melvin, In com- pany with lemll tickilllug,a, who had shot her and idumelf, was Identified today by Joseph radish ata that of Ids wife, Caulleh reflood to give any Information oonceruing hinted( or the woman. Soled the Kilogram Problem. New Yoik. Oct. 29.-A despatch to the Lon ion Timm anti the New York Tlmw, fraa furls, say■ that. accord- ing to M. Mlllerand, Minister of ('ons mere , the Third International ('ow - grow on Wclgitta and Measures baa *rived the delicate problem of the precise determluatl on of tote kilo- gram. and liar brotohud the import- att commercial question of the num- eration of yarns. S. "SWEETNESS, PET, LOVE !Il After a Struggle Hubby Cap- tures Love Missive, AND NOW SEEKS FOR DIVORCE New Turk, Oct. L'U.--Jta,l,ert Green, a young civil engineer of Bridgeport, 1:01111., who is well known prufnwrlu•a- ully there, and who o++us courtier/Ablepatopurty, became rusp:eluur _of...file young Wife, ('orale, none mouths ago, ted Lar brought wit uuw lu ihr tluprrwe ('curt fur divorce. 111/11A1111(ar oo-n'rpa+ndrut J04141111F'raalch, a young bU YI11 f•a,. Inil 11 of (tie town. Urwu rurprl.wl her wile ono to -su- ing 1qq June sant tut she war writing, hu alleges., not when he Uiquired to wholea.11e was going to rend the mir- rire elle refused to tell hew, and uttrttl►tt<d to ccvnceal.dthe latter. lie ln:lt(6...alr. -effort to tate "1L from her,- but char Ink! Wt to it._ stud our-y«,rr than a hull deur til oy rlrugglerl our )rwarrrluu of the valuable piece of alae.•@, oath she, booming th,rx,ttglr ly exhuttetecl, relaxed her holt. Her husband 'serried off til pxapen anti discovered, he allege'', that she oar writing to and rer,lving letters front one wim,,lgnedl b:msulf 'Frank." Hs Rut pNk,Yl•r61/11 of several Of there, among olhern one to whish wur aitlncue�l n printed pleroe of poetry, avl.k•h acini as follow@: Gn en grows the grass open the bank, Tho willow i-11001.11are long and look, A Indy In a glistening gown Open* the rtascmeut and Nolte down: Thu root'@ on Or cheeke blush bright,Hier roundedurn. lr dnullug wltltm,-- A ringing girl Its early- life; Arid noir a earcleara r,u'r wife. Ali: If he • doer not •mend hear own, Hell (Ind some day the bird .has flown. The letter which contained this omelet recut In part : My Dear Carrie, -I should prefer not to ewe you until later in the week, no I feel quite tired and I watt to feel well when 1 meet you again. Don't you remember the time you heard me mooing so in the morning. Uoodby. dear, rweetnerr, pet. loved one. FRANK.The reply to Hain note, whh•Is rile war pi:•nning when her lambent! unex- peetadiy appeared, and of which' be gulneai p oswarslun, was as follows: My Dear Frank, -I am axe glad to hear from you. I wish I had plenty of money and they could all -go to the devil. 111 see lou Thursday, I feel sure. I close with love and klsere. CARRIE. Other farts that Como to the below!. @algia'"0t sty. Preen have Tiwu.rtt-'him to begin action agalnet We wife In the Supreme Court, through his -connate,. Louis Guthrie, for en ab- -.solute divorce, naming framed&- na-. ns-rasptttdent. Green was m'lrried lu Bridgeport In February, 1892. He 1. four years oilier than his wife, whore ago in 28 years. - Mr. Creep says when he first learn - sl that hie wife was receiving the attentions of French he remonstrated and told Mee he would not permit. It. His protean were without avail. n.rtd. a year ngn, hoping to bunk all the intimacy, he came to thin city to reside. Bbe would not n( n+mpany him until several months Will _Prosecute. His Son- in Law for Murder. MAN -MUST BE PARDONED- }MST: a, Wrud,r, Oct. 28.- William lic- Cartney, a 'tailor of this city, bas retained Attorney J. W. Hanna. to take steps toward the prosecution of Frank Oiler, who, ho alleges, kilted ills daughter, to whom Os- ler wan mnrrl•,I. Osler 1n now nerv- ing a term of four and a hall years In Kingston Penitentiary for steal- ing, but MOOD. nays that ho will proceed at once to h.•ave him pal-- palpal-- 4100M- .nfor elle purpose; of trying him on the charge of murder. The death of Mrs. Osier occurred on Aug. 2, 1897, in her home at. Rod- ney, Out. Ao.ordin„ to Coroner moment's 'inure() w. ',Inge 7rFftifliTnte, Wfiitli in now la McCsl,rtney'r p,'nesslon, the woman's death rt. -Pulite' frons a broken neck. Dr. Lake, of Ridge - town, also swore that the neck was broken. According to Me('artney'e story, lie had no money then himself to push the case, but now has accumu- lated enough cash to carry on the p'oseotttion. Osier 1■ about 35 years of age, Mid 1s it native of Chathrum. Iadianrllun Meeting rl Knitter. In bevonahire. ami roprebaiiy nt Creditor., the home of the Buller famtiy,--mice derstele Iadignatlon N repressed at the decision of the War Office, and the Mayor of Exeter has called a puhiic meeting for tomor- row- te- e1ap1 0U-eonfidenoe--In--8(s----- 1hedvers. Wbemaln made his ont-eshin to . nounc= that the Gurern- .x• e , Oak - county. Mrs. l(i Hues, he raensue caeolintended to' iyame new rules pest htit house and milted -where she for the Houee of Commons. war ti) [cola Imy Y0,l2.) wood. W1rem:ale vol limit Irish obstruction. nnteerret to rhoW her, rand they *tart- *We propose," said lie, to bring through the wools. W'bremgn t ik- forward rules which shall giro ty isr s tovtng--way to, the tii( Blaj6TitylitTho-Contmono- renter I rhe did not retient It. - coatrot over Its own bt.tneer and Then," salt Wittman, '7 got\�into greater control over the men who an 'orgument with her, and befolte I \ Insult sad outrage it ; and we realized It I had her by the throat. `(@lush s'odaavor to protect time f t•itok'st her tilt she wpm rid to the Mother of Parfamente from those face, When en I Brut grabbed (told of who would destroy her nselulnerr Ther she, cried peat at the torp of her and reputatiolt-" voice, but we were too far array from But this was not the only thing any Ilving persons to bo heard. Mr. Chamberlain declared the Gov- ' I kept on tightening my fingers urnmeUlt..Intendel to do. around her throat until her coir "ilio pplerent representation of Ire - changed frail, red to almost black, and land le,'', said lie, -anabuseand a I knew vibe Won dead. I then curried toandal. No alteration can bo made tear, body ns m('. dlstnnce throug!n the except in immediate anticipation of wooly and pine Lit in a hole bene a general dissolution, unit we are a log. I covet -WI, the bony up with not contemplating that. Iiut dirt taken from different place.. I when we get nearer to the time we took Mr,. Iluss' times off and also shell ask you whether you think took her I.ecketthoh, and a ring from Irish ra'prerenlatioa it au precious her finger. Latter Ipre the shoes to you, Is so valuablo to the nit- wit! ring to wtfc.'�.. ba tonal interests more, is It deslraa- Prevlous to t o outtowns the nrtl- We to continuo on a Wale which •L -by W'IUeman were ghee the Irish a repretsentatton en - found. The dls'easery made the all- urwouely exceeding the proportionate elate mire he wile the murderer, but representation of Scotland and they lurked ab:ointe proof. England." Mrk Lines' r,'imatr:a were 'identified The Colonial Secretary went on to by her former husband, wito now point out that on the basis of popu- livee In Dollnna. TOO (-curia Were lotion' Ireland had 30 members too separated at the time ef. the 'Moder. many in the House of Commons, and or the baser of her contrlbutionr for Mr. 3lmwry still lives, hut hie y- Imperial purposes, as considered at .lc•iane hold out no Itoptl�of reevuv- the tlmo of the union[, she had from tU to GO members too many. "1 any that tills constitution is nn abalsr,' he wlty eontlnui�si, "+bad)ekiandbe pth,erpereetw is North 'P • a'Plt.0C altad.' ut"• in another portion of the 'peach, which wee Inrgely devoted tai the Irbil' question, he observed: "II se thegentlemen who now openly cry. floh--iweetM verseis Gauido of Glouc•tsder. trine (Tey Harbor, iv on fire. nd Is Haemo mon 'are eonaa(.VisT narrow- minded because they mike a spe- cialty a minding their own bnnt- nea/ra . expected to blow up an it haw naphtha on board. Thm e have left the violist MOTHER GETS HIM. Lover of Daughter Won by the hider t% suian. Rielimond, Vn., (lel. 2R, -One of the most remnrkable atrrM, of Ole kind has b -eon le -might to light is. the nevelt of is marriage In North Car- otins', nrnr Durham', which Zine quilt bon wolemniserl. .Luther lluwineka well -J, ! fl d oupp� man, has long boon a vitdtor of the h01,@ of Mrs'. Annie Cole, it handsome widow, a little past thirty years of err, the mother of *petite ntsl beau- tiful dnnghtrr, who had Juet reach - id the age of fifteen. Tcrhtmg Donlan, though not in.ufter- ferent to the mature charmed the mother. waw Infatuated with the fresh, y'snittIIafel loveliness of the daaghter. The girl returned lib/el- f' elem., an 1 when he proposed to her nt once accepted. Her age waw a bar to their hap(dnees. In this di- lemma the youthful pair determined to throw thernwelves imorn the mercy of the widow. For a I(ng tits• Ohs WAS obdurate. drelnring that her dnnghtrr sh.eadd never mnrry with her consent en - til .Ile ntteinel the age. of 1R. Irowlen and hist fiancee renewed their Plead- ing, and funnily reluctant consent was wrung from Mrs. ('oto. Arland with n note from the moth- er, Bowls.s promptly emoted the 11• caner Ha than returned_to urge forward oho prepnrntirmn Mr the marriage, hat when he renehel the home of hie Intent -Bel bride he tern(' that her mother ha'1 sindergnne an- other cheep* of mind; and the mar- ring', WA. deferred. Three day. Inter he sarnred nn ether license, bat title time the nnme of the mother insetted of the daugh- ter figured In It, an 1 they were married the same eight, c GENERAL RIR Rf..DS'ERA Bf11.f.ER, WIND Ilam Been Retired From Command on Halt Pay, tt-v11#:1satNSTi e about for the MaGdlan Hud pray for the Boers, If they had a Parliament "of their own. If nil the etrlugi of __le government had bean In their (hands, If they had had the power, I am not eertaln that they would hnve refused `to pay tnalr contribu• tins to the war. owl that they would have placed) til. M a position of em- barrassment." In reviewing the war In South Africa, which he declared again had been forced upon (Treat Britain by til. Boer.., lin sold that 0overnment neknowlelged that it had made w mistake an to the time of ending the war, rind that ise admired the tenacity of the Hoer.; but lin Insist - was --41s Britain to meet the tenacity with equal rroolutlon. Then followed whet le rewarded nn n most hoverO ant declarntlon. "I think the time Ilan come or Is coming.' Paid the Colonial Secre- tary. "when mrarisres of greater severity may be nece.enry, and, It that time come., we can final pre- cetiants for anything we ren in the action. of then@ nntinns who now erltielso our 'lrnrtrnrity' and 'cruel ty,' but whom example In Poland, In the Calomel.. In Algrrin, in Ton- gan, in Bonilla and the Frnneo-Grr- men war we Irnve never npprnaeheel." Ror Kles's (bro,esllnn. London, Oct. 25.- Australia and New Zenlnnd nrr Pending mlllinry nontingrntn to the King'' eorswsnl'or,qy seas year. It 14 expeelei ('nnette nlmlabe reprreentel Alen who hnve mon *cake In South Afrlrs are get- ting prrflrrnr•r hr there cnntingrnts and the imperini Government 11 env- boe. on. Dr. Borden. the_Cann- dlan Min Ater of Mlllsia. ahnnld have picked men In the eontingent from the Dominion. NOW amnllpoT rasa. Mare been re- pt+rtr.1 In Dr. Bryon, from I.ochlei Township In Glengarry, Brnekville. Ilnerrn In lfnnitonlin ial.ntl, Kings •ill• In F'ee't, ansi K(woh, neer the etnnit. The situation at Ottawa is now web under control. na a e on melt- ing frequent vi.lts to BrldgepOrt. He consented W go back them to live for it while. only to find that she tette still keeping up her nrgnnln- twnce with the young man anti writ• ,Ing to him. - CLEVER FORCER AT OSWECO He Was Extradited From Brockville, TOLD A ROMANTIC STORY. (' we,p,, Oct. 2J. -An unmet/41 scene wan witnessed In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon, when Dr. Re- ginald 1t. Engllss pleaded guilty to two Inailctm,•nts, charging grand lar- ceny In forging two cheques for $100 and $:10 on the proprietor. of the Hamilton and Rayon Mutate, res- pectively. Engllss declined to glee lois real nnme and addrose, saying that he loved his p nrente and sinters, and Its. preferred to suffer alone for Isla errors, nnri metre them the dlagrace that it revelation of ills real name would bring. He said he was 24 years of age, unmarried, horn In Lexington, Ky., we« graduated from Edinburgh,tent- larst, as a physician, that lin pFrac- tised a brief time itt 13/fl*rite Iio. 1- ta1. N. Y enlister[ In tis. t-nlnntwa: army nt Camp Mead, Pa., as acting hospital steward, and wan shot In the log at tin brittle of Antony while carrying n wenndel officer of An Ohto regiment to an amindaanee, for which he war promoted to he a toward. He pleaded for clemency. saying that the many prominent citlsrn. of Oswego whom lie wined and diner. and who enjoyed the profits of lila evil doing hail turned from him lie from tt plague, and that ills fan- cied friends' deserted him like rats desert a sinking ship. District Attorney Bartlett wanted F.nghise punlnitcd severely. He salt that lance these two Indlctmoots an- other forged cheque on a Washing- ton iank had turned up, end that Engllss he wanted In Utica for pxins- Ing a forged cheque for $80 on the proprietor of tit* Butterfield Hoose. nit month., b the Albany Peniten- tlnry for forging a cheque on a Poughkeepsie lrOtitkeepsy, - Juetico Wright seemesi rather im- preeec.l with the young man's plea., end nsket him 1f ho hod ever ieen In the Elmira Reformatory. Ile replied In the negative, and agreed to eonfide hie true nnme nml ad - (Irene to Jnstlre Wright, that the reoorde might Ln eearehsl, and also have hen phologrnph taken. With Ink in view the pr,rs,ancing of nen- tenon wan deferred. Engllss with two companion.' ar- rived here last June, and poring we nn nrmy surgeon wan @arched In the beet society, went yachting with prnminrnt citizens,, rind gave a want room punch to hie new friends at the, yneht club hotisle. Than ha fleeced Cnptaln (:has. Mehowetl not 01 *100; but ppaid 11 Mick, and matter wan 'untied. inter he "win- dier! Landlords Hayes and Hamnsond and fled to Alex/textile [May, where 5e fleocp.l Lnn.tlord Maple*, of the 4ihrnmepd- Iwlastrl fion.w He wan traced to Brookville, Cnn- edn, with hin t•nmpanons, and brnnght back here, best the two ()there were liberated, there hying no rhnrge against them. Wihoever the young man la bee poanonarn n 'plen- .111 education, hen a nuldicrly ear - rinse, earl matte the Inst personal plea of any,prt.Sner ever nrralgn- eHousl for entente t thin (Margo Courtonrt ., HERE AND THERE lou hi ',wining at Sl. Mlk-hatelr. 1•'rcdurk:k l'r ire, of Owen Sound dropped dead. Mr. Jame.; willlatasun, of midge- town, idge town, dropped dead. tloislay Is testifying again (o -da la.tbe naval Inquiry. Dr. (btu. a wail -known mailer' titan. of Durham, bit dead. The, Governor-General has re- turned to Ottawa from Halifax. Mr. (,'etiw le'r agent offer@ 975.- 0110 for a public library, at Winnipeg on the usual conditions. Carnegie will furuirh 11100.000 for the erection of a public Ilbrary at San Juan on certain oonditlonr. A eradicate of •itlslt Columbia capitalists has sabmltted an offer to bulli the Court -Kootenay Railway. PeiuslyltaIAit tram a coal car famine. Tho output that year will be about 53,000,01)0 Lau, ' Tone G ran I Lodge, Order of Railway Clerks 451 antenna: isaa aadjournod, to meet ut Buffet.. next September. Rev. Father F.lwtird Eatery,. of lewkoablry. Mass., hue beets ap- pointed rector .of Ottawa Univer- sity. Mr. Andrew Miaoampbell. M. P. P. for East Slmcoe, was nominated for tho I.egbdaturn by the (buservn- tlrole of East Mgoma. iron. J. R. Stratton 'addressed a, meeting at Nlagaraon-tote-Lake b the interest of Mr. D. J. McKinnon, the liberal atnaldato. Thom to Hower., an ex -Winnipeg necalntaut, pleaded guilty la St, Ptut to obtaining money from W. F. Lux- ton under fnise pretences. Chasms r F. B dtt.n, ex -Mayor of East ('levetaad, and widely known as * ha. tariff ot, educational subjects. M dead, Frieedi at the late J. W. Bell, M.P., for Addington. are taking stops to e rect! a memorial of him. Robert Swackhautraler was prob- ably fatally hurt while putting on at thresher belt in F uenng yester- day. Tito new agreement as to Mate churl& ntade between China and Aus- ten is considered not unfavorable to China. It is reported that chief Jostlee Sir Henry Strong ane Mr. Juliette., Gwynne may resign from the llu- prenw (aoturt bench. Mrs. Davin charger the mental condition of her hwsbtnd when he sisot hittase•If to the effects, of a re- cent fall. A Lire which started in Congress- man Rubt. 11. Forderer's Morocco fac- tory at Franktord. 1'a., clouted $225,- 000 Ice. The Finance Committee of the To. rorty 1'ublle S.'hoo; Board will appeal agalrrt Justice Street'. judgment re .timates, 11.lr reported from Peshawar that Ammer Habib Ulluh, following the counsel of his father, consults the mother of Umar Jan on all import- ant State affair'. Mr: Justice It. M. Meredith has pur- chased n chime of ten belle In Eng- land, which he will present to St. Pnllh'e Cathedral, London, Ont. Nonlinatiane for °' esi J y Icrti„n■ for also 1.ogieluture were held In Que- bec yertcidity, two Liberals being e•lectal by acclamation, and nu (ggservativer being nominate.[. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was presente.l with it !ton al's, gold snuff-box. etudited with diamonds, by tilt, Duke a Dueled -eF-Cornwell and York. Alfrol Cooper, who was found daunt; of attempting to matt firoto has wife's residence itt South Lan- caster, was sentenced to flue yearn 1n ltan(paton Penitentiary. Die Frethelt, aha German NMI xr of Johann )loot's Suctatliet paper. Issued at Stuttgart, lens been suppressed, and the publisher, a brurhmaker named Klin[;, Iwprieont'd. At New York 124 floating elevators ant many vessels aro idle because of euortnge In western corn crops. ••oenn freights h:tve fallen 20 per cast. The rtenmrr Mok..la has brought to Wellington, N. 'L.. the otosimee Mono - Wal. a week overdue from Auckland tenth 135 paatragere and rt crew of sov cut y -al u e. Tho DI which Tell! be presented tar J. ere int Morgan for the elec. trificatlon of .jot. Paul's Cathedral, London, will be 1'9,000, instead of t3,- 001.), which. was the estimated coat. The accident which calmed the United States transport Sheridan, farm 'Manila to San Francisco, with over 11,000 troop* on board to pat into Nagasaki, 11 not of a serious n ater*. lho anneal [meeting of the On- tario Fruit _ itnweed Association has' been GSA(' for Coltourg, 1)ec. 4, 5 ntat Horticultural erperte [reel Cannata and the United Staten will be prevent. Luther Itall, fo• und gtdity nt tit (ksrttwef Atomiser of damaging the Iroaw,• of ,Tohn McPhee, ,lt Dundee (ii unty, with dynamite, woe rei- teneed to seven years In the Peni- tentiary nt Kingrrton. The Ontario Government haw b- etructel the Interior ('onetrnetfon Company to at once remove the na- tural gars pip' lino from the bed of the Detroit Itl•er, Thin ends the export of gnus from the Essex field to Detroit. The. (iorernor-4ienera3 b'ts reoele- el a eahlrgfrniu frtmi the Right Hon. .irru'ph (1mmiernlhi, minting.: "It In Ill.. iiuJ.aartyn wish that the usual hirttslay dinner In the colonies he given in 1901 and 1902 on 9th of SAILOR DROWNED AT -CARNIA Tried to Jump onto Vessel as 11 W's. Lairds: Whorl', 13nrnln, Ont„ Oct. 25, -About 1 o'clock thin morning nn unknown usher met death by drowning at the G. '1. iL wharf. The st"nrn bnrge Advance wne pulling out from tho wharf, when the moan was ob- served running for the boat, *ad entitng tjl:tt ho whited to get aboard. IIn ',prang from the wharf, but the bout waft tofu far out, and he dill - appeared in the water, which is deep and swift al that point. When ho woof pullet mut .portly after life wain 5111n:)01 extinct _-_ j Are died `W1111111 n tow minutes. Coroner Fraser mole le engnlry and .leclded that an In0unin was unneoeeeary. Policeman itnbt.. Kirkland raw the mnn earlier In the evening ands, .-the-infit.•net,- t,f ihfeerr -atrt nt- him to n hI. .An rxnnibu:atot"h,n of the body tilt- ov-al the 55 I0• ".John Young" tnitnned en 111. arm, Iwai mu one rtp;eare to know (hint 'f h" frslluwing rhw•rlp- thin Time been glven nal (p, 's'nt ego. 53 year+; wore a brown rant na.'1 "la rk 'adore d trenerrs; tend clean-ylsn•ln. except for n mous- tache. (la rk-rnlured; mark heir, nightly edged with grey. C v