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The Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 5
;ctieson & Son A BIG WEEK OF . GOOD BARGAIPv BUYING. ;e mks The ere. Si n .25 - 1 to Our advertisement for this week and for the •first hill week of Non- e bt* -"b bbling-av' with big money: saving offers. We have arranged fora big week of ex- ceptional bargains. Good reasons here given. Novem- ber business must be bigger, and will be, than ever be- fore with us. The following list shows how we are dealing with prices and values. The quantity of each goods and prices are strictly correct, and we invite early inspection. DRESS TWEEDS 350 yards el 40 lochs" wide heavy wool dress tweeds, 1• plain dark cokes and small petters', re/toter price 26o, and as "old by us, selling in November at per yard 15c and 8111 ,oria and nby, 1 res Pt )N, ably Doo• that have annoaeo estebllsh elnem In ..nef/nee led W the to have as aver him e to Ship •Ing Wag_ coutinow NIXO and id,. MA 1 PIAN abs or ma - CORSET BARGAINS. D & it, N atoheorem, B & U, Yale. l'oratlno and Victoria oweet., reg- u lar 51 00 sad 51.25. net gndlty, 69c •1 per pair MEN'S WINTER UNDER- WEAR. lb done me11'e heavy wee' fiso.. Heed nude/wear shlrtes-d drawers, .ata heavy, end sizes for smell, im ' ^, median and large mien. rwgal•r price 753 each. se1Uog •t 30 pates all wool dark grey blankets• all wool and oleo stook, weiebt 6 lbs., .1u 60:90. reveler price 52.751 86 per pair, our Neymber primo r.% LADIES' HOSIERY. 20 dexen pain ladies" blank oeshmere hose, pieta •0e' ribbed maker, double wile, heel, toe hod ankle, and mads from very Boo soft yarn, regular pries 503. November epos Ial .1 3bC 800 yards English •noon& N .ao.ls,30 Isob.e wide, very heavy and soh, sed to headroom' Frenob Burned pauses*, regular pial per yarf1A 200, epeeist at ffii is 460 yards of 36 mobss wide heavy anion carpet, perfeotly revertible esti la bright clear palters', regu- ler value 500, at per pod ... .. Jett 500 yards English reversible wrap - perste'', dark rotors and splendid patterns. regular 121a (orally e11• tog et per yard 8c 240 yards 8 4 extra bevy twill on - blew( hod Alerting, regular 253 yea its, at per yard 20c BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iRA/ING iedlng !lwatsdere•m• iwa Mow. nod Oelte N iTON. lad Black. W._Acheson a Son. COUNTY CHROMIC/to Wawa t Tien N • po.beblllty .f • yak. Ito Ilbr•ry bola/ established hare la the sear future. Sewall : H. Mol)onall has • new cables made about eights.e pounds of butter to Doe week. Belgr.v.: Rummel tied.toti has brought • fifty sore farm frees David Taylor. near Mer.00b, for $2,200. Seaforth : John A. Jackman has decided se epee s law o o. la Port Perry, and 1e11 last week for Stab awn. tSeaforth : George Cheeses has told his farm, whloh dptas the tows, as Adam Dodds, of McKillop, for (5,600. Stanley : Alex. Paeans leas psrhissed tb. h eal property ou the Byfield road trent Chas. Tippet, foe white be paid 5350. Oedemata township : The 40,aoee lot ss the tfay*old 0000essioa, bolos/log to Arthur Ca•ielo., hes been sold to W. J. Elliott. Brawls : Mrs. Twaddle and lamely have moved to Eeafsrth to join Dr. Meddle, wbo rooestly parolesssd • dowel practice then. Bayfield • Willie Browo, aged ten year., mss et Joseph Brawn, died from blood prasrg6 bets se. abeam ea sae of his Dryedsle : On Tuesday, October 15, I)•va Dasb•rm., .1 Huy, ea of C. D.. ,harms, was married to Ma. Ge.frroi. of Mosley. Oleates : F. Hoene. reel .sate Iamb, o1 Tensa and hanlaod, B C., was the guest d Dr. BbaW ea Thursday. He Is an old Bream& boy. Wr meter : '13a trustee o1 the Wrozeter w heel bays re savaged the present teaohees, Mr. Hartley cad Mies Rdlth (elboon, at as advisee to votary._ _ ---- Grey : Theme somas residsoca of Robt. MoAillater, co.oele.• 2, is Well o0 toward ompplettos and will be • osmmodlous and omfort.b:e home. poderfob township : Peter Cole moonily p rohae.d the late Thos. Cook's tarm of 190 tyros. The prim" pkid is somewhere fn the nelthborbood of 53,000 8salatr•h r Jame. Mabaffy, of Tooker - smith, has been savaged as janitor a1 the Doml.leo Bank, sod will ester en hi* duties es the sent of the mouth. Holten : John H. Medd moved into 61s new brick house Inst week, "rooted for him by S. B (teepee. Clint,.. It is s handsome and ommodioe. residesos. Brussels : Mr.. A. Reid, Langdeo, North _ Dtketa, is resewlog old frt.od.►tp. la Bras- sels. She has spent the slimmer lie ate fleet with her daughter, Mrs. Bleck. Exeter : Martin Saslow and Mie. Emily Oonld, daughter e1 Riebard Wield. both of Exeeer, wore mauled al tie beesm of the bride's paresis, Rev. C. W. Brows olbotat- ._T 9eatortb: Mr. cad Mn. Josiah Woteon and Wee Watson left on Toe.lay for Now Westminster, British Colombia, wirers they etoeot to mese'. la the future. Hensen : Wodaeedey of late week Peter Motlartle, of Howell, formerly of Brussels, and Miss Bad*. MoUonsld, of Fingal, were salted Ie marriage at rho laver place. Bestowals : Slmrn and Mrs. Grant, former Oreyltes, moved to Brussels from Brumfield last week. Thr y have purchased s bone and lot on YapN street from 'Thos. Bellew type. Clinton : Miss Lily M. lobaoso, of town. who bee reoeutly bees teaohlag .1 AIIoa, h as received • much batter situation lo Port Perry high wheal, to whloh plow she has removed. Siefert& : Le. Belden, who for event years has carried on s suooeesful dental premiere hese. has moved with his fatally to Temente, .nd bas opened • dental ofo In that city. Tsrnberry : Another of Tnrabern's roe e peoted ottisme has pawed away, Andrew Dodds. Deceased wet son of the pioneers of the ewnsbip, and paned &way at e'ybty years of age. 8.sterth : Gawps Irwin, flu poultry mu, of the Huron road web, enured 76 first and 52 second prizes for Hs obtokens this year. He showed at eight shows lied raked la 591 to premiums. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. died 1n Mileage. Friday night, O,Iober 181b. ether • somewhat protraoled illaess. H• was le his MUrty eighth year. The remotes were broaehl to Easter sod uterred in the Colon oemetery. H• losses a wife and one oRUd b.. to ■arvly• blm. Wlsgham: Alex. Fer.ytb slipped iota tbe pen of hulling brine et 1M salt works and.u.taloed • welded foot. The skin all about the beet and ankle 1e literally emoted and will Dome off. 11 le a very pslolul sore a.d will take some time to heal. Mr. For- myth ormyth bed Daly reosotly moved to W legham Prem Brawla and taken a posltloo there. Clinton : Mrs. Beattie, Varna, spent • "bolt time lost week as tb• guest of Mrs. Uhidlsy, sr. Mrs. Beattie can justly lay claim to beton • pioneer of the county, hallos resided In it ootiuuously a nes the year 1842, and all that time baying been spent almost In the same loo/hty. When she first knew Ulmtoa 10 bad only • log hoed sad bleakemilh shop. Tookeremltb : Toe action of Mlle Walker Vt. Wm. Bro•dtoo* bas been decided la favor et the letter. Mies Walker resides e.0 St. Thomas, bot she formerly resided In Tucker- smith, and Mr. Breadtout 1s • prosperous T000g harmer In the Bald towashlp of uoker•mlth. The ow was oommsooed In 1boembsr, 1899, and was brought to r.oyer 16,000 damages for breach el prowls. d esmtrjage. Brand Bend : The chairman and board of Investigating governors of the Royal Usnadlon Heinen" Association have uoant measly •wattled • medal to J. Clyde Whits, of Wlodsor, for ocasptouous bravery for saving Esther Murray. of Stretford, from drowning at (hand Bend, Lek* Huron, o0 the 5, h of Auanst, 1901. Also • parchment oertillo►N to Mr. Parkinson for promptitude and skill in his lndefstigsble efforts is *o- aeetf0Uy r"susoitetlog Mile Murray. Mr. P•rkloeoe bsylog assiduously worked for some boon before there was any sign o1 life. GET COMPORT. These is.Jillg..eemfeet-1n life when a F•rsarb afflicted with pain. Do•ald attest& (.rent, ilsrnwsmith, Ont., was • e.aerer Prem rbeamatism for =elk advised to take Dr. Hell's Rb.eoa•e Uwe he chin, and twebottles of this waaderfnl prepar•sioo, with two Nee" d Cama Iron 'Ronk Polis, nom• p10siycnred Nmi. He has not had • {wtsgeal pole mines, rind attends to hie deities regularly. 'rhea gent bloat pori - Ger is pie op la bottles containing ten dea•s >fa t. Price 50 ane at all drug sparse or The Lr. Hall Medicine Co.. Megaton, Oat GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 9ATCaDAT. Oat, 26. Ftr.IT10-RAT11wau. -A quiet bat hap- py mot was the marriage of two yolog people oo IVedoesdey evening at 7 o'olook. 'l he oeremooy was performed by Rev. J. W. Andrew', •1 the homy of the bride's father. E. Rathwetl• when his daughter, Miss W:nols, bowing the happy wife of Wm. Foster, Stanley. The 5rlde, who was given •way by her brother. George R., looked very pretty l0 her ••.tame. u •Iso did her flower girl, Miss (:ora Rttkwell. Both bride and groom are well and f&Torah:y known In this locality sod an. highly re- epeoted. 1'b. presents were meoy and re. fleeted the esteem In which the bride tilted by her numerous friends. - HOLYseviLo■ ci-uooi. -N. Trewartha, who has had *barge of the Holmesville school for some time, glyes It up at the end of this term, to order to superintend the management of his deo.•sed father's farm. Ho le • young man of promise, of sterling integrity, hay done esoelleat work as a tesoher, and wbtle his remove, from the school II regretted no one has soy doubt i0a hie derision le • wore sod prudent ono oodsr the olroumetenoee. Re will be moo eeeded by Iona. 5 Yeo, youngest son of Jobe Vee. who Nutlet euoo•e.ful applicant &moor five others, at a 'merry el 5350. These is pretty good for a yowler mm to start on, and as be is • bright grid eneryalio youth we have no doubt that he will keep the rep- utatlon and progress of the school ap to the h igh standard of Ito attainment*. Garrett-WALLIS -A g motet hum& wed. Moe Wok phonon Ooteber 23rd at Clifton Cottage, the home of James Wallis, whim his dsoghter, Carrie E., was united In mar rhete to John Garrett, of Londesboro. '10s oremcoy war performed by Rev. Mr. Vol. land, of Bayfield. The wedding mnoh was played by Mies Annie Wood*. The ore moo) took place beneath • beautiful ever green arab. The bride entered the room es the arm of her father, s000mp•ntsd by her little olsee, (P•rrtreele Wallis, of Clinton, as riohtarer, and her o.pbew, Mater Wil- lard Width, of Dafter. Mloh., as page Alter hearty oogr•tulatlons were tendered to the newly wedded pair tb• oomp•.v re- paired to the dieing room and partook of • sumptuous repast. After speedier • p1 1 evening Mr- and Mr,. Garrett left for their new home In Hnttete• followed by the best washer of their many ft lends. Clinton : Joseph Young, • native of Ooderioh township, and moo of the late Hillery Yowl', of town, Is now employed by the Dominion Government as emigration agent for the State of Ohle. Clinton : In going down seller the other dda yy, Mr. Searle meiod lbs hie step, and fell headfirst to Ow Akan- H. .seabed several brans •best as head and bed_y, sod km gt•.e as iced ii tion rses. Brussels: lies. Raspy and dangbt.r. of Nebraska, U.S , have been whiting with Jno. Hall mod wile, Liman street Mr. Hill Ie Mrs. Heapy's (ether. She lived en Ibe 10th o ereeslon of Grey before her marriage. Itlyth : The voting on the bylaw to lend C. H. Besse 56,000 to old him In rebuilding Om Blyth flour mill resulted le the oarryieg of them the vote standing 155 for the bylaw and 5 against It. Mr. Reese will rebuild the mill at ono.. Blyth •• C. H. Fick, who was employed as talesman .110 li- Herrington daring the past seven months, left last week for N1. Falba, where a situation awaited 01.. The vas noy In Mr. Herringten's store has slew, Mea filled by Mies Jamlesee, who formerly held the position. Exeter : William Seeders, a formes resi- dent .1 Scoter, brother o1 C. H. Sanders, ie(j!J1rn15Ion CURIES CHRONIC LUNG AFFECTIONS The strongest proof of the value of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion In the treatment of Chronic Lung Affections and Consumption is the fact that it is prescribed extensively by eminent lung specialists, and is used in large con- snmption hospitals. it restores appetite, improves digestion, assimilation and nutrition. Helps increase the weight, and a greater vitality and power of redoing disease be secured. it soothes and heals the pulmonary mucous mem- brane, and enables the lungs to repel deem., germs and to wtthstandsthe harmful influence of adverse climatic conditions. t'nlike cod-liver nil it is pleasant to take and agreee with the moo delicate stomach. it has great power kr rebr/pjegha, eight sweats and diarrhea. /NC.//'/6 NT CONS VMPT/U.Y.-11'e C.,hr 13,, oroulio. e/ re,erl.y ..e04er per.n..a/ e Orris we* with A kis Petr kw- A-'/.iew shah Tor tar 3. .01. 1 r. 14,,-,44,1 by PIP e4 M. Phhn. /ser mar ./ rhe a-**tory' r :LAW .frri.( N e+.n...ur ..rhjwr y remit!, rhe see Ine. a Ares amid mhirh .MTrf noire. /.w[., .awl there .Ave frna s'wvl.&.,.t Cw /aw3 e•0,, rhe F-arel,iM was prrr..A...7i N•n3/a c :Any . .., Irma ma Y"..M. Awe .g Saar through • .Wirt N A„rrrr'r. AAIr./ CAUTIO?I:-ANn1RR'!1 ie Asn 003830., r.,rol.em Fmnl./nn and ta made with s ep.vlat ell obtained from pertkul*r Adis and ,arefnlle purified by oar ova regrew Imitations made *Mt nedl0tr, Wrote., cannot ham* the um. effect, and beside. Feint netting, many of them are: .res. tar Interest a -n A Nr11l*e t•S Pn+teem 0muldnn renes a trtfi. more Mr.moo- r.M. MI if I, vainly wp•.rinr and girth m.0, times th* price asked for it ft it for nM .t an d1M1 tts •r. o area, MI ata. awl 81 on a NMI*. / .Mee ? ' ser 01,51 end .r modw• 11.411411.4114m e will 4 Tae • reliable hal. hk 'Nldarl. "Aleut ►+ tiattl and lamas ANOIER CH(WICAie Cpygp,NY, e05'i , K t• ±•' ^ WHEN PA BUILDS THE FURNACE FIRE• Along about the tints the leaves begts to tumble down, Nina all the bushes that w re arose .re look ,e' ktsd of brew., And old Jauk Frost pee put • owt of wbtte• mesh on the Taws. It mann. to make ma glad, "ono huw, to slip her dlppsru on And sneak downstairs sod pretty sees oto* rushing baok end shout: 'Pa, burry up and dress yourself -tie mom fire's fire'■ out :'• Then pa he kinds of moans awhile and tells arouudt. bed, Pretendln' tbot he's all wore out and Bok and nearly dead ; Ile raise. ou one arm and yawns and rube h.. .yes and thou Lies down and pulls the caves op .nd goes to sleep again, And just .loam •bout that time m• gives &uotber shout That he bad better hurry up -the furnace fire's out. Then p• hope out of bid, as toed as ever he can be, And el Ids trousers buttons off and webby pa he Imes, flays if folk. around this house had nay • sense tb.y mleht Lok after Adage sometime before they Re to bed at nlght- He tries to (etch cold for spite, and tosses things about, And bays "Confound oold weather 1" when We feriae, fire's out. He goes down stales and jams •round and fled. the hatth.t tkse., And pretty soots • let .1 Was w ashen In the air ; ____ 1t sounds sometimes a. It the bees would be a total wr.ok, And Doo. • pteoe of board flew up and bit him In the nook. And when he skins his knuckles he goes bopping .1l about And blaming other people when the faunae" fir. a out. 11• says that ap In heaven, where my btby sister went, Tters's many .n angel ploktn' on some gold• en instrument Thal o.ed tc be • pa and had his troubles here below - 1 guess there Isn't •nyoar among those angels, though, That ever used to vet woke ap by burin' tome oue shout, When all the lawn was (rotted : "Pa, the lure••. ser.'. out." -8. E. Klass, AMBERLEY. Pos?AL CHANGE. -080. M. et mbers has bee, appointed postmaster at th• pla e, a succeed W. 0. Murdock• who h.s strict out. The fano that Mr. Chambers oolitiosl views are rl.ffereot from those of the t veto meat did not prevent hie pinkly the t ice. BACK-. ACHE If you have Backache yes balite Kidney Diseas.. If you neglect Backache it will develop something worse -Bright a Die- ease lr ease or Diabetes. There Le oo nee rubbing and doctoring how back. Cure the kidneys There is only o.e kidney medicine beg it cures Backache every lima.. R. B. Smith's McKIM'SStore .3 Jordan Block--•-"- ik Too much Goods_: j Dodd'. Kidney Pills The edam el Cern Cares 1e Pt.tcam's Palates" Coro h_-traoto r, crown- ed by years of success, regal because us - approached and unapproachable. b tldlog away oo this c,otlnent owing to Its superior- ity, i'utOhm's Painless Cori and Wart Ra• traotor. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mall by N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Oat , on reeelpt of 25 center. rerlert Care for •reaehlll.. Thl. Blanes no be treated only by • remedy carried to the affected parts along with the air breathed, for nature Intended these orgasm for the pee.age of air alone, and spprays, atomizers sod Internal medicines utterly fall. Bet Oetatrhorone doesn't fad, for It goes wit he err breathed 1061, etld Ins healing antiseptic vapor is sore to iTt ieery sffeoed put. C•tarrhozoee I" labeled at ties 'tooth and alter passing through every air cell of the breathing organ. 1. slowly exhaled through the nos- tril. (laterrhozooe protects and heals the lnfsmed %arfacies, relieve' oog.etloo, allay■ loSemmatlon, .'d perfectly •ores all broom ohlal affections. Price 51. Small sir, 23o. 1)rugg'ets or Polson & Co„ Kingston Ont. Free Reprints of eple■dld noisiness. Mr. J ho iones, who for twelve years lived amdbg the minus .ed resolvers to our owe West, and who first stsd1d art in England when • youth, Is reogn,zed as Canada's leadlsg etponenl of outdoor paint- ing. Mr. loom' two last paintings are his best, two large oouv..r, portraying typical holdouts of our Wssero life. They are styled, "lin the Rdge of the Herd,' and "rhe Mfnoe'e Farewell." '1'h. former is • striking Ihotdent of • roundup, a oow• pnnoh•r,tbrowa from his horse,beingob•rgd upon by • wild nteer,whlle • fellow•owboy, TeetwT deft in w the . k/ •erne' grows rest less and threaten. to stampede. Behind •11 rise the enow•repp•d peke of the Rockier. A. s whole the painting Ie • pleoe of ooloring, drawing and notion. "The Miner's Farewell" deplete a mount• "Experience without reason is like a ship with- out a rudder." The oldest Retailer in a City may be least competent. Not the Factory, nor the Retailer, but whit the have jointly to offer. Five yearsof Makers' price and direct respon- sibility to the Wearer, behind -- "The Slater Shoe- DON'T TAMPER. . with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the best them is at the samo prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, end each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has a reputation for promptness and accuracy. F. JORDAN Medical Hall. BEAR 1N MIND THAT to attend the Llstowcl !terrines" College for a term. Students may enter at any time, either f n .-_„__n. E)oww Rates reasonable. Bend for Joornel, C. A. FLKM- ING. Pres.; A. L. MoINTYRg. Sec. :Goa/war We9e1" Wm. Sharma Jr. - Sole Local Agent, P Carry. Y a full line of 5 ■ 5 Screen Doors and Windows, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Gardetr We mute get rid of them end the operation will pat mosey IS 7 pMtslbsfl U you ,veil yourself of the opportunity. 160 OVKRWATti. UL8TKRS AND RISSF6RS. Th... midst he dewed. meaty of them M ler than self pries. Another lot of thee* famous fine beaver Uveroosto, velvet Dollar, fly treat, geed lining and tailor made. Well worth 510.00. our special pries if8.60 A lot of boys' ov.rooate to clear at lees than oats -holt their Tale% Jackets, 50o te 116 90, worth 53.60 a 512 50. Jeoket Cloths a1 bast price. some at les and sem" • tittle mon. MII1Inery , __ 4 i More uew Millinery to hand -the latest productions. • l On Wednesday, Nov. 5th, we will have • bargain feast ready fefla•ae EIS trimming of the most stylish IAN. 52.00 ls the price we have 5t1. `ggld EIS 3 surprise you with the smoast el style, ga•llty and value we .01 .awes fame • - " at 52.00. We know you o•n't do better •t twins the prloe. Remember Wednesday, Nov. 6th, lora 13.00 as $4.00 hat, the newest, ftu>MdfO flcKIll'S BUSY STORE': J BROPIIEY & sax - Te. LgADINU - V watvUi\ I\YQA tOYtl, and orders martens:' -leaded N V all \Ware, ■Ight or day. Quebec Street. CANTELON'S Pastry, OysterPatties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Ince Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maraniaes, Brandy Snaps, Etc. agood as the best maniki aro as nany oity in Canada. Cantelon loads the trade in WEDDING CAKES In limey designing and ornament ing and almond icing. Hive hies an order and pour sat - id ctidn will be assured.: . _ Clothing I have put into eto:k a line of Ready-made Clothing of first class manufacture, and at prices to suit the Meed. Ordered Clothing Is still my specia'ty. A good range of clothe to elect from ; sod workmanship the beet to be had. - -. If you need an overcoat this fall call and see me. A number of Itmatbe of piece goods to be cleared out at Dost. H. DUNLOP, West Street RHYNAS & CORNELL the leading -Furniture Dealers ant( Undertake. s, have just received the following goods Bedroom Suits, 88.©0 and up, Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up, Couches, 85.00 to 820.00, Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to 810.00 Hall Racks, 85.00 to $18.02 and choice odd pieces of Furniture. We ere still selling Window Shades and Polea at reduoed ptioee. Plc5u*e•frI®trg. Uphotstertnj, P1a Ing, etc. Spades and Shovels, Paints, Oils and Var- nishes. PLUMBING and HEATING a specialty. AT The Undertatilg Department.... is under expert supervision, and tho service ea guarantee is of the very best, while our prices aro reasonable. NIGHT OR DAY calls promptly attended to. We solicit jpatronage on the morita of the goals we sell and services we give. I1EE & SEEPIIARII's RIIYNAS Sc CORNELL, ed miner with re. Idle hags hnlging with gold Anse, homeward Anand- Pu down to the valley he sigbts his old comrades working at the deices. A parting wiry hod cheer le 'recharged. The hnnkground is a macs of mountain and mist, forest and Mend. me treatment la maernrly, bold and true. Th. Midi and Empire has secured swot 14-olor reprodootioes of these palette's, 15120 inches In site. Every detail of nolor mod pain is faithfully brnught oat. They offer free the oholos of the two with every year's subscription to the weakly or three menthe' sebeoriptlnn to the Beth. Doth potties •re given free If subtorib,r goods • yeses snbserlp•.lon to the weekly. in .ddl• tine to his own, or 11 be woke* Ike daily for sit noothe. __ _..._ 1 r.raltnre "osiers. 1' ldertaker. nod Rr- halm.era Redford Black, Cederleh. "Why I. the isle of Wight • Iran 1Y' De cause it has Needles von mace thread, Freshwater y+n went drink, Cowes you (sonnet milt, end Newport you Nnno1 hot- Uo. - -Tit- Rit e A servant std party In Wonted( r Wr aree•d from hie deep by • roroestsr ; He awoke with • *5010 Aed, .rising, h. swore 101g was mere than hls tare amid est ser. se"t"a. -Peek. D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. lickllep Ideal Fire Issarasoe C.. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- HRTY INSURED. Value of Property Insured up to January, 11101 es.sss,s7L,M 0011f0RIS AND DIRIOLTOIte• J. B. McLean, pros. ; T. Fra."r, vloketnum 1 Jae Coanol, W. Dal& W. 0. Broadtoot, J. Watt, Jas. Evans, J. 0. Orlevr, J. Banoawes, director.; W. (1. Brodfoft, Swfortb, In.peo- tor of (ores ; T. B. Hays, Seaforth, esoretary- tresaurer. AD ONT,- J. W. Yeo, Hotmeeville ; Jamas Camm1/a agmondville ; 1L MOMnIso. Bs•forth ; Smith, Hareok. Polley -holden oa0 pay asssesmsoN and get their oards recelptd at Mr. Coat.'. Clint•.. or at McLean Bros.' Palacio Clothing Moro, Hod. doh H ELLO 4 --unn,x3133 THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL" tits ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST Scraiitou ilani Coal IN THE MARHSI' AU Coal weighed on the Market Soolee' where you get M00 lbs. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders lett sprat LXE 51 BSf?SOAD'8 San mptly alt.aded a. 0: Frank 6 Question. Are you satisfied with the shoes you wear ? If not, try a pair of "KING QuAltrr." They are the most desirable shoe on the face of the earth for women. The "Karo QuAI.rrY" shoe is all that a really first-class shoe should be --comfortable, easy on the feet, stylish and durable. Buy the King Quality shoe at $$ • pair and get satisfaction. Mae* by THE J. D. KINO 00., LJrrnHed, TORONTO. For Sale in Goderich by ST. GEO. PRICE. .dale Our Fire Sale has been an immense success, having cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest consignment of Fine Shoes that has ever come into town. WE MUST DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THF. "KING QUALITY" SHOE which is being worn by the society people of England, France, (Germany and Canada. They cite telt- rr>__ . shoes made, and you must remember that you do not have the duty to pay for when buying (hese Famous Shoes: Don't forget the name, "King Quality," in both Ladies' and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes. 333333333)33 The King of Range. "Duclt'. Happy Thoug}tt" Think before you Buy When buying a range think before you buy and then you will buy • Happy Thought. In buying a Happy Thought you hase unstinted recommendation of 150,050 previous happy purchasers. Range building is • specialty with eis-it's not a side issue -we leave no room for improve- ment in oar construction of the Happy Thought. I AP I AP AP the They are manufactured by E %m. btTCt RTOVR r O., Limited, 1 1 Brantford Write loess ntastrste4 Mmpt.lN 1OLD se, LEE & SHEPHLRD, Goderich. ST. GEORGE PRICE. TRUNKS, SUITCASIw & GRIPS. SOLE MlIC ST "RING QUALITY" SHOO. RILPAiRINo NRATLY D0111 • WANT A STEP -LADDER ?7 Wo give one away with each pound of Pore ('ream Baking Powder purchased from u,. 50c a lb. Tho step -ladder alone worth the price. sage (If titin R615" s -not a medicine, but a care• fully -112(r Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Carden Seeds. We have a full ase. rtment. ne No. 91. .=7"24 - deC04 THE GROCIE&