The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 88 TavlunAT, Oct. 24, I001.
• • • • •
your Fall purchases until the very cold weather sets
in. Make your selections now. Our different stocks
are brim full of the season's Novelties. First choke
is worth considering. Then you get the long sea-
son's wear.
Children's Boatel. and Hots.
Thousands of yards of Dross Good. Misses' Sailor, and Trimmed Hate.
ter you to choose from -every kind,
.tory oolor.
Heavy wide Butting In Daw.aado,
of brown, taws, .roma, black and greys,
.Imolai at 750.
New Reversible Suiting, mite
heavy allver sterner* Bair bats'. and plaid
tad plain colored bock, at... .
1.25, 2.00, 2.25.
New Sootoh Suiting, in email oat
stars, all shades, et 500,
Pl.v.r so well prepared to Dater to
your heeds with the leteet creations In
the Millinery art.
fli.w reedy -to -wear Hob.
Come In and look them over.
The longer eflecte in Ladies' Coate
lave Dome to stay. 'They look gr•x•
ful and oomfortable. You at ill have
to , bangs. Wily not now when the
seleotloo is largestNever boys we
shown ea many orate ea this gammon,
Jackets fn,m $1 50 to 1130 00.
Handsome Blank Caper, fur lin
ed and fur trimmed
15.00, 20.00. 25.00.
Children's Jackets sod Ulstere,
Far Ruffs and Capetian, handsome, oom-
lortabls, climb, with' little prime for
their kinds.
('heck Gingham., for Pillows, In pink and
pals blue, good width, par yd 15o.
Remember the Coupons on all Purohases
We have given away a good many of
those handsome Chairs Free.
fob' 'lard Aid (Bova, spool"' hi, 250 Latess Raglan Overcoats, New Fall Sult.,
New Tia, New Shirts, New Underwear. Buys Suite end Pea Jaokets.
Smith Bro's & Co.
MUNt,•Y, Oct. 21.
Lanus Yeo, who la now attending tee
Model school In (loderloh, has been engaged
as teacher for she Holme,,villesoboot.
Dr '1. U. and Mi.. Holmes, of Detroit,
specie a few days reontly visiting the
former'• mother here. The I)r. is home o0
brae of &treaty fur • month while the
1'. S. navy transport runolag between'Sj
needier, and the Phllipptue bawds on
which he has been doing medical earvloe 1s
Undergoing repairs.
Mr. Lad Mrs. P. W, Currie are leaving
u. and going to Godedoh to reside, Mr.
Parris having rented his farm to Samuel
Emmerrb. Mr. Currie intends movie,/
about the 1st of November. 1 h
n slgbbors are very sorry to lose them, for
%bey are a noble couple. In sickness aid
h ealth ever reedy end willing to Delp Loy
oat, sepeot►Ity In sickness sod trouble. Mr.
Currie's ptaoe will be hard to fill. He la
always to pesos with hl, neighbors, no
quarreling, no 'trite and the mals prop of
the Sharon oharob. waloia will mW him
Tr Cs DA Y. Oel. 22nd.
Oar board of eduostloo hive re-engaged
Mini Eve ('ooper for the coming year with
a rise i0 bee salary.
Mrs. 1). Cumming has returned from her
visit to her daughters to f'bioaeo. While
teen she also ytsited our former preoeptrw,
at that elms Mir J. H. ('ou/ts, now Mn.
H. K. Iwayett, who had many engalrlma to
make about her scholars sod friends In this
soot -too. She has Cully recovered from her
serious Illo.ea, for whloh she war under
hospital treatment for shout sit weeks.
Mrs. (Jamming saw tier son Robert In Lon
dee en the homeward journey.
MonpaY, Oot. 21.1.
Idles Hannah lister 1. visiting friends In
Mr. Mercer spent Sunday with his wife
In O.derlob,
Jobe Gnybtel spent Sunday with hl,
elite: to Homan.
Mrs, John Hall hes returned home from
her visit to friends near Sarnia.
Mrs. K. P. Paulin attended the W. U. T.
U. onuvettln In Ssaforth lest week.
Rev. Mr. Morlook has been assisting Key.
Mr. Lite, of Crofton. In eysRelletlo work
Wm poet two week".
Mr. Molseeo hat sold hie lively heelers
to Henry Ouenehner, the latter taking pee
Heiden oo Ssturday.
Mies Lawn Limits, who has been visiting
bet friend. Mies Cook, of Hansell, has re-
turned to her home here.
Ws are sorry to remora the death of one
et Ueshwood'i most esteemed citizens, In
the person of A. Bhetbler, who parsed sway
on Sunday evening. The deceased leaves a
wits sod • Tarn family of eons and
daughter" to mourn the Toss of haboed sad
TI"L,DAv, Oct. 2:?od.
Mrs, Whaling, of Stratford, visited her
daughter, Mrs. Jac Cbisbutm, lately.
The first *oohs! denote; party her., for
some ttme woo held at Mtohme' ('atony'. o0
Friday night of last week.
The eotive hammer and saw of the Dunlop
&rabbet. Vow working In this seethe wakes
ap our sleepy lade and !weirs.
Uaalel MoLeed and his sister, Mrs.
Roberts, the latter from Sault Ste Marie,
visited relatives near Benmillsr this week.
Trssu&y, Oct. 22nd.
Mine Mabel Quaid fe visaing In Marton.
Mn. .1. B. Hawkins and children. 01
I oderleh,
were is the village over Sunday.
!'here will be divine service lo the F:agile')
chetah here on 1'hareday e. -ening of this
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Uarmet return to To -
onto today attar heehaw a pleusnt vldb at
bba home of Mr. sod Mn, John
The new Itesaslws' ben M Nis villyn
wag dedicated on Friday •vnfnr last.
Mr. Elliott and Mr. (lartoona, of Brantford,
Were present, both of whom delivered yery
able 'addressee during the meatier. Repro
sentatives from the lodges of Dunga000n,
KIOtell and Smith's Hill were preset.
Nance --The looSI &gene) to Dungannon
for Tito BpiN*t.Ie at the office of J. C. Ward,
J. P., oenveveooer, ate.. who w111 receive
order for tubsoriptlons, advertising and fob
work, anti le authorized to give reodpis for
amounts paid for the mania,
TrISDAI', Oob. 22nd.
Scrimps or Coutctt.-Tbe municipal
tattlers of W. Wawanesb held a swlon 1n
the township hall on Wednesday, the 16th.
All the members were present and Mwre.
Roberts and Cams were present r. I)uogan-
non drain. Cheques wore Issued to the
amount of 1450. After dos oosstderaion
of munlolpal trueness it was decided to
meet again on Wednesday, Nov. 13:h.
HITHIR AND THITnit&,-MI. Janie Milli
gin, student.* 10. O. C. 1., after a short
visit at home, returned to Uodertoh on Sum
day afternoon. She Is getting on well with
her studies and I. pistoled with the Institut..
Mrs. 1). Jardine, of Ashfield, recent-
ly returned atter having • visit for about
6ve weeks with relative, atGlammb, Bruce
(aunty. . ..Mn. O'Connor left hen oe
Friday on a vleitlag tour to relatives at
Buffalo. She war accompanied try her
brother. W. bops they will have a plea
.ant volt sod safe return... .. W. Baine
war at Brantford lest week Re • deleg&t• of
the C. O. F . .. Mr, and Mr.. B. 1.
Crawford went to the Circular Town on
Monday on business. H.1. daily Turntable'
his store with a supply of superior and up
bo -date stook of fall and wlaber Roods....
T. E. Durnli lit her. on Friday but for
Mealteba on busmen. Ws wish him otos.
ogee and .ars home,
Nott%-Uurloe the recent wintry wart
a number of farmer" who had not stored
their roof crops thought thee were over-
Se//ing Out
.... Wall Papel
Sale will continue until November tat
We intend to sell out of all Wall Paper in stock. Not one roll is to
be left. This is certainly a Chance of a Lifetime, as all papers
are NEW THIS YEAR, with the exception of probably five or
six patterns, of a few hundred each, ranging in price from 10e. to
25c, which will be sold at exactly Ono -half Price.
Other prices are as follows:
Wall Paper, regular 6r awl 6c per roll, Rolling Out Price, 3r and 4o per roll.
" 5c anti br "
" tin and IOc "
" 124c and Ibe "
A very optical REDUCTION male on Our regular 10c Papers.
�e following rules mast bo observed (luring this Bate :-
Male i1* Milt RASILD AT flroRE, oTHERitiff MIA A rtfiNf°DITRT
Oi 10 rot CENT. WILL 11 ALi.OWED.
Yost will have to look sharp, as this SALE will last until the
1st day of November.
.. .a " fie and�
w d 9r „ ••
.s .. 12.' was (5r " .4
e. a " 20e and 25c " „
PORTER'S Book Store,
Our T.hpboe. is No. 100 B. Gout Hour Square, (loderich.
es s
Crs.brook : Weald MollotwelI hell
b. 11s twenty-Loreer. plot of lard to Harvey
d Walton : Mrs, tlage was wiling on old
f Ir.eade here .ewntly. Sam has boorbt •
restd.nos at Windsor and will more tone1. of cares
) Muldoon : James Watson, of Minnie
• street, ha• leased the one hundred nor.
11.1.6U(1111.1.6U(11farm beloogiug to H. Davis. of
d Lowe, for s term "f dye years -
r[ Grey • Joo. Doi" has purchased the fifty•
sore farm of Jao. Clark, west half of lot 6.
con. 7, (trey, for the sum of $2,775. The
patobaser b • wadn•law to Relays Turnbull.
Morris: J. Jermyn, of Turoberr►, has
purchased from Jas. Robinson, of Morrie,
lot 25, non. 2, Morrie township. 000•istlog
of ens hundred emu, with good buildings,
for $;,(100.
t1 Witham : Mr. and
✓ Mrs Hope, of Mt. For.
7 set, have takes up their
Si residence to town. They
will be .n addition to
the ttaptiet o b u r o h,
• whore tte:r muilual talsube will be apprr-
e o sited.
Clintoninton : The many friends of hire ('hes.
• ,rhos will be soot to 1. am flit she Is
i• Ito at the bu• o1 Was E. Whit ley,
Huron street. Ybe was reoently taken 111
with dropsy, which prevented her returning
to the noute of John Holmes, and the doctor
oonoluded It would be better for her to re-
main where she Is. She has the beet of Dare,
•I Miss Whitely, and others, doing ail In their
power for her. What makes her oondltion
more serous and painful is that she is
suffering from her broken Itmb and • oom•
placation of mimesis. hut she is quite cheerful and bearing her 'hittitln with Christian
takes by winter and bear, an bestirr
tbeweelvee during the present fine wrath*
Che saorsmest of th. Lord's Suppe'
was dispensed In Krektne church last be
bath to quite • large number el uommuof
oasts. Preparatory serntoe was oenduete
very aooptabty by Key. A. McKay, 0
Luokcow, oo Thursday •fter0000, the 17th
Tbask.gtelsg servloe was heti In the chute
on Monday, tie 21st Os Tueede
evening, the 29.h, • revise of revival Service
will commence In the Methodist ebur,
Rev. J. H. Collier, of Ammeter, is etpeote
to assist the pastor, Bev. T. R. IoNaI
'!'leer. are rumors of quite a Quail,
of weddloge to take phos In this locality
More In our nett budget The many
friends of Mrs. Blair are pleased be koow
that she fa reooverlag from her reheat 1/l-
traitmnnIMMIntM1M1Mttf tr ttttrti fMrtfn
ANY women run hither ant thither
and think they are buying shoes,
but they are not. They are simply
buying experience. The woman who
once has by wearing experienced the differ-
ence between
ous Shoe for
and other
will not
no longer in.
From The Otiose° News•Keoord.-Atte
• mar •uooeede he says he regarded ever
defeat ail a step toward vlotory. lit be w
careful to take as law steps as poe.lble.
Bartle& 1 CIA. K&ADINU.
Guelph Herald : l'rob.bly there are Som
reedits who will 001 regret that the souro
of supply foe those Iotenistlog' literary eon
trtbutlona known as fell fair pr.', luta 1
just •bout.zhewed.
! UDltt° TWO IIO*b&N.
Hamilton Herald (Independent): To de
nounoe the Laurier Government Ia Oaten
for being too Fnmby, and to denoudoe It I
Quebec tur not being French enough, is ❑ke
Iv to appsal to the 59044 of humor mor
than to the judgment of intelligent Lana
Ntt Alt II.ARD Or 1110.
Marton Canadian : Lent week when the
volunteers were preparing to go to Toronto,
a man from Koppel war In town, and weir'
the scarlet uniforms all over town, acquired
"what the sojsn were dotn..' He was told
they were going to 1 orooto to ere the Duke.
"The 1)uok," said he; "what the d-1 is
the Oook T'
N L nab *UWL TREK htYtt.'HC&f IN GUULRI, It,
Amerman Agrlooltarist: %Ve d0 Dot tea
lime the story told la one of our ssohangre
that a tree warden, alter he hail hotbed
hie work on • tree, rams down and looked
it oyer, and then dropeed chat We never
taw a case like that where name and place
were reported so It oould be autheotlotted,
and we have IMO some when we thought
they ought to "trim one more tree and then
die," or die 6n1. For the sake of the tree,
perhaps, the latter would have been the
best plan.
flobcaygeon Independent: Tnere is no
bualnses to evidence that le so much tun
u-nin by people of gall as that of news
p.peitag A newspaper is 000duoted hke
every other business, to obtain • profit. It
has • *ruin Iuaollty of apace which It
offers to the pubtto for advertising purposes,
•1 • oerte'n rate. That space la what 1t has
to sell, and make Its [bine. A grooar has
tees and sugars for sale, the olothter has
ulotbioi; to esil. Lit any one enter • shop
and ask for ten or twelve pound* of tee, or
a suit of olsthe., and say he will be pleeeed
to take G u a ecmpllment, and he woul 1 be
kicked oat or arrested et a Meath/. Yet
the Dumber of people who wW ask for the
ase of tte paper's space, to psi moa.y lit
their pockets, Is a marvel. Local leaches
are too numerous for any paper to eresk of,
and the number of gall (eateries tbat so
desvor to play the papers of the Proylnoe
for fools is levto.
ea parts** getting their aisle hills ltrintod at
this odtoe will have a free notloe inserted
In this list tato to the time of taloa,
FRtu.ty, Nov. lat.-Unreserved sootlo0
sale of farm stock, implements, 1 Peerless
separator, 1 fourteen horse pow, t Sawyer h
Massey eagles, 1 water tank, •II to good
repair. The stock Include, some tight good
bores, mai le, pigs and many new lmplo•
mend*, which will be sold without reserve,
u the proprietor le Isaviog the farm. Sale
at the Steveonoo farm, Joao opposite the
school at l'ort Abort. A. V. ('101,11,1,
proprteror, Twig. UprtoRy, auotlonear,
lawn neer. Nelle.
Detroit Oor. 22.-A rather remark•b',•
oo'noldence came to light yeaterd.y in 000-
naotloa with the search for Mut Laura
Doty. of Oak•ille, Ont. Idles Doty esu
last seen Oot 14 on • (.rand Trunk train,
sod her "double' made her appearance to
this otty on the ■Itarn000 of Oct 15, and
hive Men livteg here ever *Moe,
though she deoies thet she 1s Mir Doty
and asserts that her nems 1s Mart' Whit
benbsck, of Dashwood, Ont. At any rate
she oloefy resembles the miring girl in •
number of particular'. When she sought a
rooming•plsoe she had Only a lunch box, and
olatmed that her trunk was at a dein&
She had a parte, Lu: hurls money, and told
the story that she had been robbed. At
usual, • man figures in the rue. The
ponce say that they have not been asked to
Ped Mies Doty, bat ere gnite willing to aid
her relatives If Resistance is desired. Her
relatives ars at Amber%burg. (The missing
Inas Doty Imo ben dleoovered at Lon
Tendency .1 Catarrh b to spread.
Jost a slight matter •t 6rrb, and Because
alight, neglected • hut the seed sown brings
forth a dangerous harvest, consumption,
which Is the harvest of death. Better
spend • taw momenta sash day Io!allcg
Cerarrhozone, an arnm•tic aotiseptlo that
relieves at Ono., clears the mural passages,
and restores lost reties ot taste and .moil.
The immediate effect of Gatarrhoznns is
warlord, so prompt and rfftoient. Core 1s
certain and permanent if you nee Catarrh -
noun.. Price $1. Small rhes 25o,. at drug.
(Isis .r Polson h Co , Kingston, Ont.
11 the wsather mho wants to win book
the oon6denee of the people, which he has
lord on •cooaob ot the erratic way in which
he served a• daring several weeks, all he
eeede to do is to rite tis severed weeks more
of bele fine 1.11 weather.
Notice ofcnanges must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The (Dopy for changes
mad be left not it ter than Mon-
day noon. Oasaal Advertisements
accepted up to not n Wednesday of
each week.
IA Great Snap..
le our Ginger Snap, at Sc. a
pound, of which we sella barrels week.
This but our only snap, as we carry
everything that can be found in an no.
to -date grocery store, and our prloee
ars right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from us a soap tor their
produoe. We draw the line at no
legitimate trade -- everytbiug got,
Gl,uwsre or potatcue, garden stuff or
ohoioeet table China. We deal in all
of them.
Redlord blook. U 'detach
who had been with the late MR. ttr,A. OAK
for several years, moil Ia thoroughly coe-
vera.nt wi h Ml classes of work tear pars
Dasa-dramain_thnalsgc wiener to announce
that he has taken orients o
went and will carry on the tuminees In
inch a manner se to retain the confidence
and pattvnagc heretofore ex ended to the
late owner, and will he pleased to have es
many uew customers a, will favor hint
with their rutronege. In addition to snip
Work, Ice Plows. Street %V•'ering %Yeah.
ons, Horne Powers. etc , he will eontlnue-
todoOnNKRAI. RI.A('g$MITHI\G and
RgPA tit IV11RK of all kind,. MA
ING, THRIIADING. aid all kinds of ma-
ohloe work dont. on aunt sotto..
He has also added a first-class BRAZING
PLANT, and all work to that Ilse, including
Bicycle and brakes of all kind., can
1,. attended to on short ootio.. Lawn Mow
ers sharpened. !'rices will be found unite
The later), K. Strachan'• Machine and Black
smith Shop. Viotorla at,. Nodericb,
e Cary....
a full Ilno of
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
TJw Dukes
and Duchess
and 80 DO YOU
MrKExzl5 & Howell, have just opened up two consignments of
the finest Cutlery ever shown in (3oderich, consisting of Carvers,
Carver Seta, Table Knives and Forks, Spoons, etc, etc-
taHave yon seen our Silverware? We have another lot of those
Dollar -a -dozen wear -always -the -same Tea flipoons.
As regards Peninsular Portland Cement, every ie
delighted- They never thought it possible' that Cement could bJ had
as strong as ours.
Olastt, Hntt,e Furnishings, Tar Paper midi all --kind& of Hardware
are given our hest attention. We endeavor to carry the best values
that the market affords.
The place to buy all Hardware cheap.
For the Sik
The doctor can do you no good un
lees his prescriptions aro property put
up from reliable i,t rediouta.
That a where we reader invaluable
aid to the doctor.
We compound prescriptions as they
sboold be.
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of N'rst •t. and the Square.
Brawls : Tbs plasterers have bass at
work on ik• interior of the new reeidt fibs
of Ju, 1''oz sod Joo. 1,'ekte.
Morrie : Sire. Dennis O'Connor d ad •t
her home In Morrie on it ednesday, Oor.
9th, after only one day's Haws.
the Fam-
wear the
There Is
such a
case any need for argument. She will (have
discovered that shoes in advertisements are
one thing, but shoes on the feet are quite
another. "Queen Quality" Shoes are the
handsomest and easiest shoes ever made.
They are elegant in construction, superior
in quality, and yet modest in price. They
fit the foot to perfection, and in this respect
are unapproached. All styles, for all uses
and occasions. One price: Boots, $3.75;
Oxfords, $3.00.
We have good Rubbers at last --the best
made in America.
Sole Agent for "QueenQunlity" and "WalkOver" MOO'. WM:RICH,
TKLaraeat Na. TS,
1.d laillai WEST eV I
New Fall Dress Stuffs
At a Saving of One-quarter
BUYINCi new fall dress stuffs, and the most fashionable materials at that,
at one-quarter to one-third less than the usual prices may 'eem a little
improbable this early in the season, but it is what you can do if you come
to this store Saturday, October 26th, or any day for the next two weeks. Just
why or how we can do it will not interest you as much as the fact that we can
and are going to do it. These lots represent clearing lines bought by us at one-
quarter to one-third less than regular prices. Now in turn we pass them on to
you the same way, and the direct saving is yours to take advantage of. The
goods are perfect and have not been in the store two weeks. Commencing the
morning of Saturday, October 26th, we will sell :
New Dress Stuffs
&fling at One-quarter less than Regular
Prices • tat are only pobsible. because wo cleared out several lines away below regular
s are uew, the qualities are good and a buying chance like this comes but
once in a ' 'it while. here is the dress goods list. '
54 inch Homespuns, 70c.
¥-ou out save enough on the outside
buying a suit of one of those to pay for
the linings.
64 iuob homespun suiting', alt pure wool goods,
gond we'rh•, shales of oevy, 'lark .0 t mid grey
and blank, 20a W 370 lc.. than r•gu *r prate', at 70c
par yard . , ,....... ..... ..... .
Homespuns at 98c.
If we had paid regular price tor this
line, $1.40 would be the-ver7 least we
could have sold it for, as it is we save
you 422 per yard on it.
Kiera good quality homeopath molting, every thread
pure wool, dose not moire ltater, spews! &dish,
Berk mai llgbt grey, navy and bleak, • spettal at
par yard .... .......... _ 98c
Blue Broadcloth, 50c. a Yd.
One of the most popular cloths and most
fashionable shades this season. Not a yard
_lint sold wholesale at more than the price we
ask. Every thread guaranteed pure wool.
One line never sold for less than 75c, the other
sold for more. We had to take 300 yards,and
put it all on sale commencing Saturday at
.50c. per yard.
300 yards navy blue broadcloth, good shad., pure wool, 40 to
44 inches wide, suitable for gide wear or ladies' onetime'
and tailored state, worth every penny of 751 a yard and
ewer sold for las, 'pedal at per yard .. SOC
Plaids, 25c.
Plaid dress goods in a nice assortment of colorings at a
respectable saving. Suitable for waists or children's wear.
150 yards of rood quality fanov pbtd., mostly dark and bright .bads', 36 to 38 25c
inches wide, good value at 35., modal for talc
Mantle Cloths, 60c,
Should be $1.00 and $1.25.
A saving of 40c to 113c a yard on cloths for children's
tee yards of were& •ehrebv; nolan-of retro, browns, grow, bless and finny mtt
tart.. The regular value (.51 and 51.25, For sale we sell H at per yard 60c
Wholesale Remnants,
At Half Price.
We cleared out the remnants of one of the large
wholesale houses at exactly half price. You can have
thein exactly the same way. Tho lot is made up of
homospuns, friezes and Berges, and the lengths run from
11 to 41 yards. For easy selliug we group them in
three lots at 58c, 75e and 98e per ylprd.
8iatespies aid ( ismespues aid
R.ijb Series, 58c. f Yea:tines,15c.
:V hnlee ale rnmaants 1 1Vho'eesle remnant,
ot rough serge' an 1 of Mom .eWin. and V•n•
hem tepees, ends 11 to 1 atom., end. 11 M 41
4i yards, Bary, grey, 1 ver le, en table for
b:aon, elan a law gooey I chudr.e'. ousts, skirts
skirt maths, r.gabr it suite, r.jbile 51.25
51 mrd 5125, for .ata. , . 1511.50, fer sale
550 1 780.
ladies' WY, Wk.
Very de.' IOIIelse in
ladles' oloth settler, 1
to 3 yard ends, abed..
e1 taws., blase, gib.,
reenter 51.75 to 52, Inc
sets elutes of lot, par
yard..., ....... 980.
52.Inch Cheviot,
39c per Yard.
Just the thing for children's
suits or knock -about skirts. A
clear saving of 1 lc per yard
buying during the next two
75 yards only 52 'nob ob.vlotildHsg,
will weer well and mate • elyluh
omit um*, a !lee that male all over a*
50a sed 60o, bleak and fire shaded
of grey, for eels 39c
All Wool Suitings, 50c.
Full 54 inches wide
One of the hest Bargains of
the lot at 50c ; it is 2:)c a yard
Tess than the wholesale.
75 yards all wool ohevlee salting, 54
inches wide. heavy enough to mak•
up without lining, suitable for snits
or Ikarts, dark oolorings, will eland
no end of hard wear, sold at 75o •
yard wholesale, our special pines 50C
for sale ,•
$1.50 Black Peau de Soie
Gilt, $1,00.
This silk is suitable for waist" or
drone', ftr11 width, will not oat
Sed will waft, well. The Defoe
would he 51 50 If we had bought
it In the regular way. While
the lot lute yea Oro bay tt al
per yard $1.00
A Saving of about half on
Cashmere Hose.
'I'Itese are what aro called
manufacturers' overmakes,
and are the odds and ends
that are left over after the
season's orders are shipped.
Wo have 500 pairs to sell and
people who get them will get
the cheapest cashmere hose
ever sold in town. They will
bo sold at 27c and 33c per
At 27o.
240 pale ledtes' plain es•hmer, hose,
•shorted kinds, roods worth all the Apia
way to 50o per pale, oho(os of fob.. tIgir
At 33e
.100 pain Iadiso'glTfkL7.aehmor.-.Rlit
enmo worth more, sate atoll quite
50e, all weeth m toed deal men 33c
than ser pine