The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 7N. F. BAYIN
Shoots Himself in a Winnipeg
1111 Arllua► Ishowrd 'Chet 11e att.
Not 1u Illy Wight tllu l - Iluuabt
al/evolver A Dieing Hume (:Ire's
biory - bed hod to r Iltlaltl,
Clever Man.
Winnipeg, Oct. 18. - Nlcholus Flood
Davin, ex.M. 1'. fur • Regina, "the De-
nrtllrnee of the) west," oommlttt4
.thiclde at the Clarend'n Hotel at
1.30 this, afternoon by 'hooting him-
self. The net seer'µ to have been
nest premeditated. Falling in his at-
tempt to purchttrw a revolver at cue
etoro he went into another and st:c-
oeettid In obtaining one. Theu he en-
tered tele room for tba last time. Mr.
Davin onto to Rlnnlpog Oct. Uth, c. -
tenably In connection with some
legal buriams. Waco then he has up -
peered very depressett. Ott Monday
afternoon he sat for a whle in the
blllnnl rootn of the Clarendon Hotel,
where he was talking to himself. He
appeared, said unto of the hotel men
who saw hint, as though he were not
opdte right. Thu girls about tine
betiding a's. noticed blur acting most
lecullarly. one of them telling of
muck, dtetracted walk', abut tato
eorrilors, and an appenrnnco of an-
noyance when anyone pewee h m.
Its friends. Co, It town had seen
that he wee mot himself, and remark-
ed upon it, but no one dreamed of the
tragic erre no rapidly approaching.
nought the Revolver.
About noon he went into J. 11. Ash -
down's and purchased a revolver and
hex orf cartridges for $4. Ile tapk
Ginn away with Sind nkat short
after' 2 orloek turned up agulu wit
the weapon. Ono of. the chamber*
wee clogged, and he .had beet' un-
able to work the eetraetur, heuce he
,'sad Iwougl.t It back to obtain nisei. -
nuts In tiring. Mr. Lindsey, the clerk,
noticed at that time he war ncting
very strangely, ani consequently,
after fixing the rrtolver, drew back,
pee as If he was about to hotel it
ever, and tare him the money !st-
etted. Mr. Basle. however, War not
deterred by tide. He passel am hour
or two driving around the fawn In
a hack, then he tatted the store of
the Mears. liaakerie, sU*4 here re -
curet another revolver. Solely rtow-
Ing the w•enpon moony In Ills ptleket
he went about much ate usual. 11•wus
wise an imedu ono, No. s'7, and Its
- wytrluw war vu erltrekdtl by the`[uum
oocuptel by ono of floe guts eaethe
dining -room. "It must have been ten
minnow to four," who said -Goat he
cstme over to the window ane began
to pbty with a revolver. l wool
watching him. Leet coukt not make
out what he War .iotttg. 11, wan
turning It about In his hands -end
tapping it on the window affil. At
nue time 1 thought ten must be
cleaning 11. Of course, 1 could not
to sure of Hutt. At nil events 1
maid not see ben -load lt, and had no
ilea of Use reset aot he evidently
must loan contemplate'. After fully
five minutes of tide aimless turuing
over and over or the weapon, tee
turned away from the window, and
that was the last I saw of him. A
minute later I beard a shoot, and
thotght to myself that tho man
taunt have shot himself."
Before the startled girl had time to
communicate her learnt.) anyone the
news of the .uiciae had been made
known from another quarter. The
hotel porter. John Baird, had orders
to fetch Mr. itavin's baggage from
his room, and was actually on hi. way
upstairs when the phot wee fired
He did not hear anything, but un
reaching the room found the door
kicked, and not being able to obtain
any answer to Ines repo knock'',
be combed- in through the nperture
which obonli have been occupied by
the skylight, and unlocked the door.
1006111161 the need holy.
As soon as he got high enough to
had in, he saw tete body of the isn-'
fortunate man lying on the bed. HIe
right leg waw completely on the bed,
but his left hung overeats though. he
had fallen eur$leonhly. He lay titer,
nn pts tack peaeefnlly, and lint tha-
n little after 2.30 that he dropped
Into the Queens Hotel and there ran
across Mr. Bernard McEvoy, nn old
Toronto friend el the dorenNed. To
Mr. McEvoy the introduced a Colonel
MacDonald. and stomped discussing
the present nenditlon of the Red-
eklnN for (mite it time. From the
Q Isms he peered on to another hotel
noel Hien to the Clarendon, telling
the hackman to wait for him 9941
tyke him to the statin oft hb Way
to 'logien. Hr then wen: straight
to Me room. Twenty m&ntleq I,eter
n Ivy wag erns np rafter him wit h
n letter from Retina, whleli Lind Jnet
nrrh-wl. Tile Ind knocked it the
tlnnr, and its reply to the usual ques-
tion enteral the ronin and handed the
letter In. lir. Dntin wag at the (line
sitting at thn table apparently not
Ming anything. He tall nothing. hit
taking the letter turned rind wertnrel
hen tereigh atont tie "faiRTReeWell etits'
try wont tett.
nu Seen of a woun,l on Rte face
or haul, which looked tut in Ilf.',
ouly infinitely more peaceful. The
only den of the tragedy was the
Mill lifeless body lying there on
the bio and the clothes maturate,'
iu blood.
"'leu must have bled ' fearful;'
mil au eye witness to deeerlbing
the Rene.
"Why, when the detective began the
nt•corrary search for dirouuieute, he
gut lair hand all covered with bino•l.
1t was everywhere, it had soaked in-
to the light black overcoat, nod la-
te 1110 bedelothos. Ile wile literally
bathed In blood!'
The search for documents reveal-
ed buns' little, however, except let-
tere which rhowtet that he tend been
expected back in Regina fur some
few days and an unopened letter
teem his wife asking how It was he
hall b•en detained to long in Winni-
peg. Title letter it motet have been
theft was taken np to his room so
«portly b 'fore the tragedy. Ile hal
little money In her px'ket, only some.
$11), bet that was hardly peculiar,
air lot+ had 'settled his hotel bili two
days' ago with the lntentioa of leav-
ing then for Regina.
A elute exatuinatlon of the room fol-
lowed, and the box of cartridges war
fount! 0n the table with one naming.
Theo ret•ulver Itself waw tight clench-
ed In his hand ns' though he had allot
Mantling, nkat fallen to the bed mull
grasping the wenpn, with which lie
did the dreadful deed.
the far ae can b, ascertained Ile
1:ft no lettere of any kind, b it his
frleitd' have noticed that ever Once
Ills defeat at the last election he hall
b •en despondent.
Brazilian Aeronaut Gets M.
Deutsch's f riz€,
Parti. Oct. 21. --Ben tog-Uutrwnt won
the 100,000 franc loetoa.•h prise this
afternion lot foist bril'Iant style. He
started from the sited lit lit. ('loud al
e.44 o'clock. Tilero war ie werlerly
breeze, wait flaws, which 'nt times
attained a vel.elty of seven mrtree
a sec vol. Toto bellow sailed rapidly
toward the Eiffel Tower, which was
roundel In nine minutes from the
start at a height of _6:) metros, the
balloon Trussing gracefully from west
to east et a dirtlutcn of 75. laetrile
from The tower, obeying the helm
perfectly. The return trip. In the'
teeth of the wind, war accomplished
slowly tel ■ur01y, the htyllo,rnt pilch-
Ing tienvlly. Tike a phlp In sweeping
gran i swell. M. Santos -Lamont ar-
rived at the shed at Bt. Cloud it lel
minutes from the Eiffel Tower, nc-
oomPllatting the Journey In CG min-
utia and 15 ■ec.,rula, but, beton( unable
to land at Sebe. he circler Ince a h\ige
vulture artunl the shed cued came
total chronometric time 30 minute;
and 40.13 seconds.
The de*Cent war wltuest ed by large
Crowds at Bt. ('loud) and on the
Longe►tamps race course. Tliey
cheered k,u.tly and shouted "Vive
Santos -peanut 1" with wildest en-
tlhuslnem. An the aeronaut alight-
ed Marque Dion, a membe of the
tommlttee, saki: "My free
have Just lost by forty Seco
Sentoe-Dumont took matter.,
)eophtcahy, att'1 remarked. " A
all, It doesn't much wafter,
the 100.000 frame *la go to tlte;uo
nyleiw." At tilt Moment M. Henri
tech, the founder of the prise.
0a tho ground;,ate
tire vinic Perin from, lllarritz, and
recleaned, "As Gu ns I ant 0011-
)ernrd, I consider thee yon hnvn
fairly and pluckily won rho prize!"
Ho later offered to glee ::5.000
francs to the poor.
The enthueinem Increased, MM.
Deutsch and Santos -Duman being
acelaimet in triumph. The 'cane
war extremely Might and t atri-
tee for among the young Brazilian
aeronaut's admirers present were a
group of about thirty women, Who
showered flowers upon tltetr hero.
11141 In the height of their enthuet-
nem offered tint fine, bracelets so
j- weal of every description.
Tragic Customs Still Extant
LTi the -Caucasus.
How He Hoped to Securh
Evidence for Divorce.
New fork, Oct. lie -After hearing
the evidence o1 au alleged co-t•eepoud-
etlt in un action for divorce brought
by Thomas J. Saunders eigelust bis
wife, Rode Saunders. to who he
wee married In 1S1)S, Judge Blanch-
ard, in the &Ipreme Court, -yester-
day summarily Meiners' tho com-
plaint without making any further
tenement on the teilluway.
Mr. P9onlers and hie wife lived
together only two months when they
separated. He based _las actk)n for
a divorce on the contention that 111.9
wife hate occupied a room with a man
et n elainew law hotel at 120th rtrcet
and Lexington avenue int Aug. 16111,
1000. Mrs. 8sutxlers declared Hutt
she was the victim of n couepiracy.
After a eeparaation of three or four
yeses Mrs. Saultlere neserted thnt
upon the pretence that Ile wanted to
become reconciled to her, her hus-
band Induced her to make an appdnt-
ment with him to meet tum at. this
Intel, and after taking her to n room
there left her, ooagdalnlng that he
was til , that the- dew ,,f the worn
was subsequently unlocked and n mein
t in, %-h^% ru.idenly her huetxsnd
appeared on the Beene with several
policeman anti created u scene,
threatening to kill the men with a
On t part of Mre. Saunders the
teetlmot sleeved that her, husband
find regi erect at the hot 1 that
evening. n .1.0 another me ureter
Um name u McDonal'l. The alit
wltne-ws in the time was John 1l. 1e-
ionghiln, who) proved to be the
leg.'t is',-reep.nrtenl. When called
prootestel sleuthed being a witnes
Hr testifier that JJIP hal met Mrs.
Bounders two aim ha before the
episode referred to, t a dance and
was Introduced to her
It was ertnbliehed t t this man
WAR formerly emj►oyel barkeeper
for Mr. Saunders' lath . Judge
Blanchard gave tt look of gust at
the main an he dismissed the se.
Or t. 21. -The m intiers and
customer of the people of the Cau-
aainae have not ehn.tgea tQ a great
extent since the country has leen
subdues by (Imola. ()no of the relics
of th, good of I times to which the
Caucasians especially cling is tlto
custom of kldnnpping the women
whom they desire to make their
Itecentiy a cane of this kind re-
frulted in a tragic ere!. A prominent
inhabitant of the little Caucasian
town of Katnhngan, named Ismail
Ogle Oki, tried to kidnap tbo Nle -
ter of his best friend's wife, wh'le
tills friendWallabsent from home.
The girl rePiotei his attemtat to
carry her off, allied by her married
easter. Tito baffled lover drew 111s
sword and Inflicted d.tnzernus
woutels on both the ladles. At title
moment his friend returned, and, en-
rage) et finding what had occurred,
killed !email on the lipot. .Thea he
eat off Ismntl'e heed and carried It
rem, es whew the• ttl�aLassa-teLat
a fearful revenge Ile had take•i.
in the grime dl.lriot it young no-
bleman deetrwl to marry the daugh-
ter. of a neighboring Ia,nowner, and
Invitee the girl, with her parents,
to a grand hall given at his cantle.
During the evening Ile ftcind nn op-
portunity of decoying the girl into
n swiettuhd pert of the hone.. where
site Wn. seliel by hie men and plac-
ed in a carriage. The prdnen Joined
her, and, in eepltn of the girl's en-
treaties, startrvl to drive to a place
where they could len merrIel wltle-
onht much delay.
The girl's Gather, on finding that
Weed hrul dlanpfsnr,.1 with his
daughter, gave chime. and, being on
horw'biek. overtook the en -risme He
whoa the nobleman wit hoot ado, and
took iris daughter home. The notes. -
nein. however, had won her heart
during the Mire, amt tear girl waro
now relitbtant to merry th,' man of
whom (tor father npprovad tut the
/stern ;need Inelste.l on the wed-
. ding taking ( at one.•. The
'Mitaapfretts•T tit tire catarrh. Mete,
lett mol and rolleterst. itnrine the
cerement' w1'e drew n digger and
Malrlxvl the bridegroom (0 the
(heart. An resoled, Pine enmmitted
11' hat a Dining- Ito. in lailinf7r:---'
This boy wee the (net to "peak
to the intim-lunette man. though not
the Law* te a,,, hint. for hie rem
The porter wee too liner'
eel hy whet he had seen
to mike n clover exnml'tn-
1irtn nt that time. 1"nt hurrying
down he told the clerk at the let
what ho hart :rend and together
They went bark again. A cnrwtry
'•v.minntlen ah,Wnd that nothing
'•'511,1 he .fens. \Ir. 1)tvin tv,l.4 lin-
n't'tnknbly dead, nn 1 nereraingty
11' two nr'n turned awny.
1 t klnl( the loner earehtily behind
term. went tlnwrtatnlrs to telephone
lido news to the pollee and secure
1 ten
nervier.* of a doctor. Dr. Mac -
within 10 minute, on
11,1 "retie, however. He was too lac
tet fib mor., however, than fornwll,
Anntttnre that Ilfn was extinct. it
Rao with the arrival of the (Mettr,
end the alm-,+t simnitanenns .'p-
prnrnnee on the wenn of Detective
belt eh, represent Itig the ptlN!e,
Ihtt lha flews exeminnlion of the
l•$ly wee mid'.
11 wan ,ppirent frnttf the appenr-
a'non of the to ly 'hit .the demented)
men tenet have plarnl the mn,zle
of the revolver In her mouth. and tontine of entering the Winnipeg
fired directly upwards. There was Mayoralty etntest.
Must Aid in Rob rf cr
u �r.
or Must S
and 8.
Injury w
wile In
in the ro
tan :`*het
his Capture Cost the Italia.)
Government $5C0,000.
Rome, Oot. 11).-lt Is elated that
1[Ossoltno, the note'i i►:tudit wham the
Government line been hunting for
many months, bas been wrested near
Tb report a tb • capture of Mune-
lino was at first received .with gen-
coral scepticism, bit subiequently
news convinced the public of the
accuracy of the report, and his ar-
rest is now a general topla of dis-
cussion,The. details of the clr: nm-
stunceof his tiniest printed here
differ. According to ono account the
made a long and deNperate reelrt-
attee. Another report represents him
us running until he was overtaken.
when he quietly submitted to arrest.
8111 another verri ,n states that lie
eyeapc'.l from Scilly, where he wee
haling. with 'the Intention of (piing
to France and emtxtrking for the
Celled States. He, traveller) uu Got
without mMry'tntion until ho got its
far an 1 rbino, where, owing to Itis
strange appenra9re, a cart:tater nc-
m»ete! heat and asked him his heel-
t,oss, whereupon Moneyed-) boitel. The
rarbineer follow.' 1 m
Joined in the eh:te.' and captured him..
It Is vaguely Bald that, ite resisted
fiercely until he was overcome. but
there was no b:oodshed, notwith-
standing that it is stated he carried
two ret•olvere and three daggers. fli.
captors were not awareof his identlts
but merely purencd him because he
ran. Ile gave his name ax Jnccune.
bit bis ('alibrnn accent sugg••Ntel
r to the authorities the possibility
i that they hail bagged big game. and
I itteMontally earned the Government'w
reward of 15E000 lire ($.'0,00()). for
'srdloo'r arrest. They comment -
ted with ,the Sicilian police, *ho
gendarmes were,acmtaint-
ed ith Mussoltnos appearance, and
wire these identified him in prison
the a 'nee admitted his pereonal-
I ity. a arrest wrtd apparently
made a w days ago.
I[ tesoli:lt) was the matt notorious
brigands Italy ham pro -
hes cost the Italian
warm of $5(10.000 to
arty two yearnago
of nlnnehtnghter.
term of lmpri-
nn 1 ewer
t hie word. He
ed hint. meat
rly all the
ainst him.
of the mon
diced. and
Government it
capture hili,.
he was co:ivict
,and sentenced to
Wife minim ire MICR
mance, aid he k
kill 1 the Judge who t
L jurymen. n n
witn.•tlpoa who testified ti
The meteor) of his principa
was In Reggio di Calabria:
the police showed that they
powerless to either capture 11
check his crimes the Govern"
went a 'aroma military force ani
command of a general to ran him t
earth. They )oI_reuetl him for
�ottthe, bat Mus
where anted by th
not gel to retain
tit nbw. At one titan It west re-
ported•. that he waw lythe United
Slates. -,
=disc, Vt'Lr,,Oot. 19.-C.R. Car-
Preatdent of the Cnmme-reed
Ings Bank, of Racier, has roe
mysterious letter. In which
threatened to his eon or
he teamed tot partlelpnte
v of his own Instftu-
willing to act with the
Aid. Carruthera timelines tile In-
robberia he should walk down the
Street of Racine at it specified time
with a red caknntlon in hie button-
hole. Folling tt1t appear, the kidnap-
ping of 111. eon -Jtnesell wne threat-
eneyl, or if -fesUeil.heible, injure to his
The matter wasAreported to the
pollee, orho hate thins far been en-
able to find it eine to the miscreants.
Mr. Carpenter, who le a delegate to
the American Banker*' Convention
now In newton hexa, hes confirmed
the irtory to every detail,
A Third Missionary Sent to
no was every-
peatant., and
freedom un -
The Liner lellasted.
Sydncy.1. S. (+et. L'U,-The ettvimtti
Maneherter Shipper was Boatel' elf
Petrie',, Ledge, Pew point, nt high t
Mut night, end arrived under h
own ',tram nt Ne,rth Sydney nt half -
pant six title utorniug. The pns'eu-
ger' left for Montreal today by epee -
lel train. A port survey will be made
to -morrow of the stenm ter.
eu word From Mcesre, Itnird vud
It rrkell - -Ct 'dive lire: OM) Light
Kummer Clothing 1 he Uranium
Bard to l)btulu In 1 urki.b Bull -
Must Secure Ladle.' Sviet).
Cotwtantlnoplo, Oot. 19. -- As no
news has been received Isere from
Mosere. Baird and Haskell, tett mll-
s.lunaritc who have been attempting
to get into 10uoli with the two
brigands who atxtuotod Mies Ellen M.
Stone, a third ml.elonary has leen
dosputchtd in quest of them and
the brigautte.
Leiria arum Samerov.
New York, Oct, 19. -Rev. It. Ward -
low Thompson, dtrootor of the Col-
legiate and Theologies' Destitute at
Sofia, cables the following from
leamaruv, Bulgaria, coucorning. Misr
Stone, ties ktduultped mbetlouaary :
"Tete heediquartore of Mese Stone's
captors is a thickly wooded moun-
tain top near the boundary line of
Turkey and Bulgaria. Mime Stone
has only light summer elotlhing ant
a cotton dress. The brigands refus-
ed to allow her her baggage, but, let
Iter hate it Bible. The leader of the
band is the notorious Honcho from
the Bulgarian tows of Dubnitza.
We sent word to Constantinople,
pointing out that being private In-
dhlGuale, we can't prevent the Gov-
ernment from pressing the brigands,
also that the ransom Le too pr.nceiy•
No men Sum was etcr before de-
mnmdoJ. No rejoinder has yet been
recelted. Ueually briganis auk
about a thousand pound, and then
agree for half. Twenty-five thou-
sand Turkish pounds means two
horse loads of gull, and that is more
gold than there is In Bulgaria. Be-
tties, the brigatad■ demand payment
in Turkish gold, for which It woukl
be necessary to sear! to Conetanll-
I rl:oull not give the brigand'
the ransom until elites Stouo is safe-
ly delivered to tar. as they might
murder after the ransom, in order
to seal the lips forever. We have
three theological institute Nlu-
dents who, were captured in the
Ston? party. Oats tells pathetically
how he was robbed of money intend -
for his tuition.
oared pasessiun of many letters
written by VIM lot cuunectlou with
the Erie (ramie. These she turned
over to blokes. 'Stokes rued lark
fur $.'UU,000, and, it waw alleged.
threutuuud to publish the letters
mama the matey war pall.
Flak le said to (tare soured Ixts-
sesslon of the lettere Miura the
triol. A warrant fur !noires was
ieuel. Time Mier Mansfield mael
Fisk for $60,000. arid Stoker ne-
ut*,uwniod her to court uu Juuu 5.
18771. It wets a day of awful rove -
talkies for all coucerned, and the
city war shocked with the mandril.
Quarrel Cruses 11 rrgady.
Front 1110 court -room Stotts attd
Mesa Manefiekl went to the hour'
Flak had bought for her h► 1,winty-
third 'street. 'they were Just vittlug
down to luucheun when it wuu
desMel tn, raying Fisk had secured
a bench wurraut fur the arrest of
litukmt. An boor later Stoker Slot
and tilled Fisk un the stairway
leading from the ufflue of 'Waterton'
()entre! 1lutt•1, uow the Broadway
Central, on Broadway.
Public denunciation hurried :totes
to a .speedy trial. Ile war quickly
Arun) guilty of murder In the fire*
degree, and waw sentence.! to be
Lunged. As the verdict was read
Ike sprang to Itis feet and cried
"Jay Go+1W tear done thin"
During his confinement in the
Tonere lie had continued his opera-
tions in Wall street, tieing his cell as
an office. Casstt1' Reed eerved um hie
agent to the street. With lee money
l0 got it new tele/abet when the
city of the trial came he war timel-
iest. Reed let hlu have $1,500 to use
for the trill. 11e was convicted and
rcnteucetf again. Again a new trial
was moored, and this time W. E. U.
S'okee, n cumin, came forward for
the family honor, and lifter 'mend -
leg $50,(:03 a vert:let of manslaughter
wne won and a senteuce of four
year.) in Sing Sing was Imposed. His
wiJr, hutnlliatel by the scandals,
went °bru a and her daughter oiled
'lettere. From Prison.
1Vhen Stokes came out of Sing Slag
he was a white -hatred man, but by
luta Mat none of his gtxxl looks,
health or energy. But he imus bank-
rupt, nue benldee owed a large sum
10 Ills roman, W. E. L. Stoker. Iia
met John W. Mackay, who. attracted
by his person/tete, lent him enol l-
rrnbir money. With thle he again
became wealthy.
8.oki's qunrrcllsl with herd and
11'. E. D. 8:oko.. w•hr had befriended
him, and for yeare has stent amnia
of his time In lawyer'i offices and the
courts, fighting hulls bruught egainet
hint or Suing the m.
Four months ago Stokes returned
front C'anttln, and went to hie home
in West Seventy-ninth street. ire be-
came Ill and delirious, and frightened
bis attendants by hie ravings. At Ids
ropiest hie sinter, Mrs, Mary Mt'Stslt,
was sent for. and she/took him toiler
own home, 731 8'. 1eicholaas avenue,
where he rices• lies dying.
Molokai Has Now 909 Vic-
tims in its Bounds.
Wtudtlagtun, Oet, 19. -There are
now 001) layers tad 161 clean per-
form at the MoIeltat Leper settle -
mettle in Hawaii, according to a re-
port Just received from Chief Quart a-
tine Offloer Coffer. en charge o th
Marine, lamella' service in Hawa
All those are housed, fel, c'ot rd
and governed for $80,000 it year
The report praises the hopef and
cheerful way in which these poor
people resign themselves to their
fate, anti pointe out that a . h cen-
teertmt-nt can thrive only o arom-
d..1 treat-
• u i and fortnblu muf life g 1
Surgeon ('offer reports he made
enreful inquiries as to a chatires
of the Infection of the lean pec pee
working among the I re, and that
the general opinion w that in time
they would become .pers. la the
Met ten year., law vete only ten
clean residents' iaav become lepers.
The re -sults of k wn expo.eure to
leprosy, says the report, show nn
uncertainty as the chances of
dfvitlual diem one of the most
ti 'cult to o rate against. We -
o�ere leas liable to It
m u rc eke ld h
than men. a number of com-
natmc to t the Settlements eack
year d ink the lnet decade si,'n
a grate. de:resse.
Notorimw Adtrntureua Now on Trial In London Under the
Laura J aotuoe.
dward Stokes is Nearing
Vr. Rayn
r Will Contend
ommanded Fleet.
ngton, Oct. 11). -The techtr,
of Inquiry began proceeding,'
an algal with Ube correction
tttwrfy given on the pwevlotae
the Witnesses ettmm,tret for Has
The Court Orders That He
Get a New Trial.
mem .being Captain Cook and Lt
'meander Sears, who tectiftei yes
When they diad left the stand
(commander Newton E. Masco, who
war executive officer o:) tulle Brook
lyn dulling the wear with Spain, was
enlist tt, relate his obeervatF,ae of
flee conduct of the Santiago cam
Istlgn. It 14 the purpose of Mr. Raynor
•t, fleet examine o:fieersof flee Bru,)k
lyn, and to follow etreao with a num-
b. taose who were on the Ore-
gon during Wu, battle off Santiago.
11 w le stool hot his entire
orf witnesses es' pravctioally moraine]
to p •res :to who wore on b,ari these
two vessels.
In connection with to -day's proceed -
lege Mr. Raynor presented a num-
ber of questions to, the court which
Ito gall he desired to ask one of Ad
miral elabl•y's witnesses concerning
crrtatio 01gnale which were sent
from Admiral Raml n't rfagahip.
the New York. on tete morning of
Judy Sri, before Watt vessel left Ger
Slbony for thn pa17x)ee of allowing
rho commander Ln ehlef of t,. -aaPal
to cotowilt with General Shelf
ter. These Mateal., Mr. Raynor eon.
teal',, had the effect of placing the
eirtiro fleet under the command of
(tt,mtnoxk)re Rnhdey, anti on the, ac-
count he urges their relevancy.
haw York. Opt. _0. the age
es'e tF-daleg-of-
age. iii+ ilfe ims been one of the
Moat remarkable eel strcnnom of
any* palsied to New York. In tris 60
Sears! he haw lived more than a cen-
1 hree Judger Dleseeted, but Copra
/lotus Darnel t'eTestimony Should
be Knteluded - This Will Ulve
Mollneux a Chance for 1111 Life-.
'Ilse Halide rllleg question.
Albany, N.Y., Ort. el. -Roland Boe
linetx, wile was convicted of the mur-
der of Catherine J. Adams', in New
York City, by sending Poison through
tlu+'mniL'., and sentenced to be elec-
trocuted, will have a new trial.
The court grants a new trial on a
prevailing opinion written by Judge
Werner. of Rochester, his principal
ground b ring that the lower court
erred in admitting evidence as to
another alleged crime, the death of
Barnet t, and thus mergeol two issues.
Justices I'arker, Haight and
!:ray del not believe that the Bar-
nett evidence should be kept entire-
ly out of the case.
Judges Werner, Bgrtiett, Vann es
O'Brien concurred in the prevailing
opinion and for the expunging of the
Barnett testimony.
The cart gave out a condensed
statement of the reason+ for grant-
ing the new trial. TJtey say: Every
tuetab r of the Cottrt of Appeals
agrees fur the reversal of the etch/.
'testa 04 conviction of Mohnen' on
the ground that the trial court erred
in receiving in evidence the declara-
tions of Burnett made to Doctors
Phillips and Douglass that he had re-
eelvo.l Kutnow powder through the
'I'1•e ilrndwrltlrt(s question.
All agree that since the amend-
ment of Section e, of the chapter
:18 of the lawn of 18N04, by chapter
56. of the laws of 1888- genuine
wrttingv m ty be received in evidence
ass standards of comparison with a
disputed writing. although much
writing to ty not be the Issue un
trial. but simply a fact relevsnt
and material to tiutt bone. That the
genuineness of such writings mart
Int established to the satlrfaction
of court by common law -velem...
xnl witen that W done hand writing
experts may compare the dleputed
...It tag, wet -tinge
nod give their opinion thereon, but
they cannot select and citableh
mho standard. of comparison and
then compare them with the disput-
ed writings.
Important Rulings.
Mr. Stokers t. h-irely nbte to recog-
nlsei his mitred relatives and friends,
'mom to ending the career of the
men who inial .elm Fisk, and wheel'
.enentlonal thereto against Jny
(Ionil and the other Erle Railroad
managers were a work) -wile topio
of dtweue.Ion toilety year. ago.
allri,rl. FI.Ii',, lerleudenlp.
Wok,* firat Ix' prominent In
11170, when ten settraoted attention
In Wall street through tit. frtenl-
sltip of Jim Flak and Jay Gould.
He came into Wall street an A clerk
1n it broker'. offiat, fresh from gr-
''na1lun in it l'Iakidelphia Haaigh
aedl. Fisk was attracted by Isla
rem.' rice ley hnnerme personale y,
mei 'eel him In him mock deals. The
great speculator Leel J.t.e installed
the faamnnw ,Io.1' Menefleil In a
brown &tone pnMa• nt :t -a) West
Twenty-thlrl strut. Flak enve
enemata rtoepteens at tied Mansfield
Meuse Stokes always le-ing a guest.
Fleetly FMK became int.► jeal-
ous'. Ile• east off the Monello+) we-
mmn. He bought np nil Sinker
tinny delta._ -and presald him for
pnyment, ening illm nneT Thre=nTpn-
ing Item with erred. lin m ani al-
)nteel the 'stocks' In which wtokee
was interested, coating oft millions
friltm Iter• Rt eke. fe'rl ane.
Althrntglt Stnkr.' mnlntsineetl nde-
nmennor of mttanal twin, he plan-
ned n fertrfitl r,,ventre. It nepm.
that the Manafiekl woma■ had se -
Nr. F. 11. Benedict -- I'reesed the
Wrong Pedal and Put en fewer.
Central Valley, N. Y., 0.l. 1.11. --
Statile descending Bull 11111, un the
road front Central Valley to %est
Point to day, the 1,b00 -found auto-
mobile, in which F. H. Benedict and
it (.arty of friends were travelling.
wee (it.•rturnetl, and Mr. Benedict
was instantly killed Ito Is a son of
E• 1'. Benedict, the Intimate friend
of former 1'resilent Cleveland.
{end •r a full -head-of power the au
om'bile had been driven Nnceee.f111
up the hill and land begun the
•what steep det.cent oil t
Ott 11 te. iii maC11111ee of tms type•
the• air nml the -elute!"' whit•h
turns additional power and epo•ed
nee ops tel hy pedal/ Siwe together
beneath + r feet of the driver. It is
Milne e t Impel "w o let town
wnr.f grad •, tenehed he font for the
brake pedal ned preened the clutch
In mietate. .Tune Spend was a slight
Meal In the rend.'$r. Beard:et wan
nimble to clear It en time, and the
porhleronn vehicle, running at lo;•n
metier speed, eroded lutea p'le of
rocke bridle n stone breakwater nt
the mnd.dde. It turfed over compete
ly anti Ivy, there a dlcmentt.d wreak.
Mr. Kann' -from the other seat-
wn' flung haadlong nlmo',t rioter of
the wrr''k, but strnc•k the Reeks
heavily, breaking en arm nn'1'nne
rib Th•'y were on their any t•)n foot•
hall mwteh.
Reatia, ratenr Trio' to Column tine-
.- _ 4f' tend !nobble.
YlletOleblie IL C., Oct. 19. - Harry
Hef11 plltaprintor of nn Alen rev.
UtR11t; ` attempted to kill lite
wtfs and thew to commit nuked,
While netellettel at AtIln on Ooto-
htr 6th. neceiraRitlt in m'lT *deka*.
He looked the door of hie place, and.
after Maaa111ng hen waren throst, at-
tempted to oat tele own,
Gold ('nmmtwri,ner Ornl,am, who
woe mottled, broke lntn the entitle.
ll.htnnnt. end niter a elrtrggle nr-
reined the would-be murderer. etre
Heentns t. In a Grilles% oondltton.
All n•ritirtgs proved to the satisfac-
tion ill the court by a preponderance
of evidence in civil cases, and be-
yond n reasonable doubt In eriminnl
oases -1, By wIt essee who saw the
piper writtes or to whom it lout
been nokts.wieIged.By wltnesness
familiar wlt11 (ha haanolwriLing of the
person charged to bottle writer. and
who are able to, aridity from their
mtitaatty to a betted reep'ethlg its
treetlnentss. 3, Where the writing le
sl►own to hive been ricognizerl end
acquiesced 111 by the person supposed
to have written it, or adopted or
acted upness by him in his heelers,
trattsnctions lir other concerns• tnny
order the statute be compared with
the disputed writing by witnesses.
But the court Memel refuse to re-
ceive In evlttence solely for tike pee-
wee of comparison any writlnif
otherwise prejudicial to a defendant.
Judge Werner
writing t e principal
. vpinion.
Three ,fudges Differ.
The only mibJect about wh'cli the
members of the court differ In their
opinion.' relates to the testimony in
textural tending to six)w that Mol-
lneuc cause.* the death of Barnett
try the same method hs that used
in_ taking the 1110 of. Mrs. Adams.
Four of the members of the court,
()Brien, Bartlett, Vann atm' Werner,
evidencer of
.i.n e'�thal should hox ill n
J. , agreeable(
MY*. been respired, and the reason
Tor it tit hated by opinions written
by 0 Brien and Werner, J. J. The
other three Magee, Parker, C. J., and
Orny toed ilntght, .1. ,T„ held (het that
evidence h admissible, in that the
evidence in the Burnett ease panting
townie! Mollnenx tenda to identify
him as the person who killed Mrs.
Idanit, while nttempttng to take
We life of Cantley by means of that
rare prison known as cyanide of mer -
eery, the Shut Judge and Judge Gray
writing opinion to that effect.
Well Known Londoner Dies of
Heart Failure at Chicago.
New ''lurk, feel. _1. -The Rer. ( hew.
Steelman Higemart. 1). D., le dead at
l'hriwt. ( haroh rectory, hit .rdale-on-
tbesH vtant, aged 83;
. erry a ar y ear-"-
(h;cago. Oct. 21.-Jtxeminh .1. M,•.
l'ertily, General Western l'noseng.'N
Agent for the West Shore itwilroad.
ani n rnttrr.,d man fer thirty yensue
le bend herr, the, result of heart.
failure. 11 was n natty of (emote'.
Hew hely will be taken to hie told
home he tondo' for interment.
3 hnked to D.ath.
Avote N. S'., Oct. 21.-.Inmes Cullen,
ages] 61 ynara, and a member of tine
(1. ,le R.. 'Ord y.wterdey afternoon
from etrnng,ditinn. A few years ngo
n to •rr eppetirel ire thn Inrynt, and
On Several oocnshutw It Wm* removal,
Yesterday while rating dinner a
plre,' tri beefet mid hisiged in the
larynx. ane blown me.t!eal aid ermld
be rin,m•,rtel Mr. (',.Ilett was dead.
navin the It parkling.
Nichol:1n 11094 Davin wag a eMter
man without Iwtllant. 111. ability In
some rrnp'nts amontnted to genin,.
net Ike wren never taken tterlewtsly by
them who heel to m••nseier him, be-
ow►tue The flrwl thing they npprehanot-
ad waw lily Mink of stnldllty of Iwlr-
ptwr•. A fine mnver"ntionaJltt, 811-
94 10 the brim with humor, n more
than rimier masker In the Common.
nil oltt of it, bet it sgtevik,•r to no
pnrpxa', Ian IMO all a golden sparkle
without • selttl hody. Moet' poor
Yorlek !-'lbronto World.