The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 6- l strait br back a+1 seely am I coil til• 1 tui, as I si titaswe wuNs tlw Pel:ap ' -
morrow," Iles tiger, Stopped short mod Blows; A PLAIN STBAIOflT-
His tone was so very grans that It turned.
w:+s evident that tine businPat which Her •,bJtct gained, Garoldlue .top-
r:dlet) him &wily waa urgent. H e ped new), and Bank for a aanaatt 1
ut inner •offerted the ductus who tall- palming mon trout cututluu duan ta- FORWARD LETTER
Swered hart,ly-- tlgue, upon n gardou-seat. As else
' --Then I I m ulral.k I sliall nut have heard his fertptstepn rrturulug to her -- --
the ple:isore alt seeing you again ; fur. epdp, site said, lop u whimper :
now that my truant {watt ent has "Why did yew give age tide aloes" t lrlrt. Brovusts Publildtet
turned np, I mutt Ret b ick to town Wlta be Thinks About
myllll nR fast Ilia I VAR." Gime back to the eotwrr%4ILI . Iw,
A'rll, do Just al, you pdease. Td1e you want to Set all the rervuntr t kidney Pills.
loons'• is at your digtusnl, and the Ualkiglg r'
Lullew x 111 do their boot to putertaln And, rising without turning to Iuut
l►ser Mrs. R---. In ropty w your lnqutry fir to whbh b the ttMt . oil np long nr you care to remain. nt him, stns 1041 the way back. But A Coavlwelag look Po or of this as to
shit. I .till hop to find uu Ile}e uu rhe hoard W, footstr ,e following her, the WouderMl scows. ill t►b Nem-
taa to umv. 1 woh41 sexy tlmit in in) '+piny,& it rartn Wrilwrn the lllur 1 y { edY Hrlaht'r Oben, Heart Dte-
Rirbon anti lloli.aMin 1'A(lKk7T Ttwt+. It yell like rk,oh, rltrung tea, then Its} n•hiru." end, lie W (; Imp&tleuPhl rhe sin esseaud vests, is ipaId' tiacdAfy Pit s
Th,• words well, roll, ons euuugfo ; thus he vrn" still rt:ui,lwt by the Nn. Bruvu.0 Uudd'a KIQaeY PIlls
lies Rlbbew fe vflavtry t ala, Ix et, but Itsoulol quer Able. bx fora but p,ritt a it war lits mtlll ,tut ht- Beat. Positively Cared Her.
delloate fault very fHtvury tea, 11 rn �fotrason lm prrrferaflke. Person- i "N'hy don't )oil rum. i" mit* asked,
diRn it,ell aR++fort Nur Jnrorm Otway M�iIu1rR Q I»
all). 1 drtmk Full Rlbbim for brmicrart Anti Ivloluawn at i o'clock but 8t. tet, lA•t. li. t3
u -111,h c t)sw1 l'nptain Vurrlruu Lu Irrerishl then, nr ho did IP,t laux-
then you know I Am a perfect crank about Less. Your" nintc rtely, y: YN}-qY4• fullow/aw waa written by
. NARA11 GRUNDY. riw•.k with less eurdlullty thou hp w•er, Nie cane, trot r!.)wly with her a wellknowu Intl highly raempectsd
11,If ypt allow,, tuwurd his guest. As eyes fixed al4ireheuslvely upon film lady cc this Pinexta belaaf a copy tot
_ _ soon nm fir. Ledbury land itis patient In the gloAym, ,until she was almost tot- arJ4eluest moat W the Ddxkl's Medl
a'MrN� +f k had h fl the hours together. the fur- near enough to touch hint, when she cab tk*�� ce Ti.wonto.
mer Il11 Ing tits arm through that stud only staggered buck, with a "Woke" 1 WFIOW Valu fur we use Dooli d's
of the latter ill the mist offectiunate ehurply-(drawn breath, whispering, Kbini,ty Yiile I war ser dilaxp tragerl
GERAL�INE'S fORTENES tutee r, t'nptnht .11orrk h ..turned tbplq I LsKf asy lk ra alt
to llw QrA lotaln x, .o eon r u had "Inmos N lining able -til
alt his wife, ."he started tt lull And av ilia word left her lipe site nad any rean04ly to wave uty
entr,,[".. unit turne•l toward him a felt file arm supporting her, rind life. 1 suffered with Bright's Dis-
;�� + face Pulp unit quivering. t. th the trembled at him touch with a thrill euro. Heart 171ae&re and Rh,tu-
excitemlent of tine ptdt gtutrter u: of excitement She did not under"t-autd, matirm, OW, I I"BA mlattl bl"Uted new,
�o, nu, no "' n I,r 1 I ..w nut [" inspire pier o'J Jtb-tmun with to mu b tit hour; she looked alt him 1►load' "James." she re nte,l -"J: ln".4, 1 with Draor y. I was eo fe"We Limit I
kx'nr, lh•klrrt" Iwked is•, ash.+ watt ;ngly, bet did nut tr{ttrtt• Ho war w•,as ttMsitie to do a,nyWibug. 4 sufter-
shr Assured him, m'eet,09 Isla look did pot know you -I glottis you for tor. ed fns' 'attest► ys,ard w•itlt Rtteumm
1 l'ow-u. " It 1 bad linen LHo ghost ill ei gen(- aid ever ; but t10 -re w -u Ledbury'-yoor figure in tile• dark
with oyer as full of 1►esilan ns his looked so like him. It id you. Isn't ialf l a+rI were torr can anal a
4Sr F'awk w In rtlrkhi9�l►arlrr try)ts, ,:cathing uienncing to her In his pail Uiat I wttlre"-avl with Rrlght'r
own. "I will ne%vr deceive you lignin W th inn extra box or two of mntrluw. ,le-rnolws, Anil site left the w:fPlo.v it r' rhe continued, ew ht• still d' -I not
--I should ti t%a. dune better :u trust 11 • cdn!•1n't 11'Ave u,Pauorl his .yell wide when• she h :d b eon standin;, +suit I tilaye hrled all aha remeller
t: b n h • r w lot. o term Isom amtuu- .atuu• with rulhce iteJ!tutllsg " nil speak. ins w wurld oath alwnys grew worse
)ou at first -1 tin going lop trust you !.h .1 when 1 expo- III -1 uty httentlu+s ll.w• Ind lotus• And> looking up, Air.. saw tint his &tel wl)s•set
glow." 1,bL.J high.' •'Welt?" Iftid ser nut aagently, rave was nut Ute gentle, kind fuse ••There was Cow tinge when fair
His face darkened sud;,uly with ght i ngh.t unt:utily. 'Yin ?" tid ti law at Philip?•• of Uio brother and playfellow she had three csykvthe I atattdS/vretl all my
suspticb,,. .. Ile tr getting old, you know," sh "I'w, 1 nm go:nc awry." tyrnnnhcet over. sur did IL bear the rPmP.ti i 'U'L Wow afny sakedicine. I
"We117" s.ld he, shortl . lmylan, hurl etaypip►_rl. " Why -whys? where ore you go- dull, dazed exprwh• ,,n which lad dLe wltls tett
"ibn't Icor[ sal ,utgry. Oh, if )oil y,y blew nitpr Tlnurr tn) u'9ht, hs itgR t' omr IO tl w, pitiful t„ her when she reaelved by chance olbe of your allunn-
kfw w how laird it ll, to s{xnk ! Bul Ix 9'hp to ahatjt th • bio k oke,: lar a "Let Ore eWk Yuu a question first. aw him nt l�tlstcirk. cut 1 w Idle ht• Sri enol a pxapeiry I resat Warm and I
1 hate no one W help let•, nu Ogle to L L, h a wilwfow th • proper eutranier Du you believe neo, that t3ir .la:ued war cunftnel to tJ1e n,om fu the west ace , 40 orfs,/+ you Sort try again
advise me ; an 1 I tlwught--a/ter last Ito. 1e." traatuw,rl .Iumiw, tunting tar oto ty-this unto you call your bra wing: but he lonkr 1 Itk(j tt roan tutu+• wtdg y<wu rPms,tly.
night -1 Would mike a to,l.l stroke, wimp b -e silky , d rd•.rtt hinst, wh ther-Is not tine mail who betrayed ')d muddellp ont-alt n dlrp sierp to •(}.esti was taY surpvt%sa nt Wte
and -and -put my henil')nto the Nun's .Ptcw%r with roue I stQJ"eo6 by tfi city sister?" fled himself standing un Ube brink Hf �gKoOd tlittt Davdd'• KWfeey rills gave
luouth,.nod risk it, Aad--end-tell you• tinb!e."mi if trivri Ing W be drawn "011. yeti. I.r,m ruts of IU! Ula Yuu as abyss. Klw ut4tiel a faint pry mCi with the fit++ trot you Pwlfyt, I
:old trust to your gesterusity, But, If into fbe converdrI ,w. "1 certminO think tae w.add hive dared to ft)nw cry like a sub, and tried too free her -'took osseus &my my hleulth waw l rpat-
)ou to ok lite tit I.'%. I may its well give ,i1 I n..t m•tke a v • dignified first hen• !at-tlfty,.to fLwe you if'-- reit from him ; bet he woulJ not let ly lmaprrWood, Ktedxy L`seai I helve taken
i• a for it would certainly Int of nu nor gal. Ito looked down at Iger with• OwevRy barxeA I am rural elf my
iapp•arao•P here slur g your oevopA "Then yon really believe that to st gr�tvton Dlmsawo, any Heart Disperse
tsP►r i Llan cf the flail. twin 11 rrLa n ,trlve alt the truth wJu!d be to lar• lint h)slag the strong P%prestiion of
.r)' me" Stld he, in a low %Hire;' fetor, l►uwild.-anent, nn1 renul•taun aril my RhwrtmA04111t 1 ira%P wtlll tor)
hal )int mak+t hnve 'rutrl all the ,he alt {trout of low inuc)lwneeT" Sold
rcrtaanly not without apprehension wlit •h an•rowt wtamp ed upon his fell- bows to take rand by tit tFroa{ I hnvP
circitmaaucea; aai I s Burr yt)a uu at•, Intorno til her iotlulu ep finished them I shall be fn
rS to what t of cunfiwmwn his not i � p� Weem, na'.l said. in ala• sip voice perfstrt
sk•rmtun.I tint, sf�tl has tarn in m) quntion.
very tractnbfe wile might Lave to which ulwap■ grew .otos when It ttrstJs I Wtll permit you tir publish
right serwam, f sllrosl p lutF,t prrs"a ted ••yq,"
m .ke, my 4 -If In a Mose urtho dom manner. nlkdreseptt her- f6Ls leptttAr rrlth ptr,aw•Ire, alYl I iK)pP
"Of n. it) yaw w.- to tat ateligh:-
".lams ilio;nj',U'Ui the upighbor- "Don't dot atr,td Hf mP, lost"pe. i hese. try g(vP ptxa finale Cat my .ecru.
I hitt. krl rat t :e in plant sg to A1s/t d, then. to help nuc lop Aiscovrr lite must o peak to j on, >child. I Pry moro c»mnutrtfi.r,t,bisn At present.
. Ilood still." t ize fur the dwturbunee canted. 1
He anntched his hand from her og • w:male truth t' Meyst know what you ntrolnt M those i am esJll tweak, bit with lima I shall
shoulder but centre eJ hl►osclf by n in 4rtg to .14d1taw ml's iAeisila op post ^yes" eaW site, with nonprime and wont. you intended fur th- doctor." two strmtll• a* ever. t rettemut
int/ me off,w n Uvrglaf." rbro hesitation.
strong effort nx she s I back, 'snit "Poerhaps yuuT mysrU•t•lona Inner 'peen give Me my sister's address. But. for nn+w way • vail h nn Awl. wlth'e K1of t od'a tta all alts mutt..
coked, hoarsely- 4fort 4, get Soar from him : art1, with &fry orf aha d'areneee that I did."'
.d Mnvirig the houw> in/lurnc.l him 1'on h.are it, I know."
••d\'hen did nu see him -odd feel' that tlga helot e•Itk which sloe .-----
lir Jamar,. 'even more than v, -u' T1te quiet rem atoriness Pf this
where t" 1 trioti tet remave Lis (ruin her arm nes E>oell.;loos.
C'umlag• Yun wenn in )'our ICbt Ommind scant Gernldtne. Bat, In aaI cold, he lost Icer trek*to t11P
"i hnve not sere him-�` soon. it: ., y Of ffliftt4ps for baytweM time leyeral
ert•nmps, then, I e tiers ." ate id of accepting the challenge y 'p{ of Wow cake a. vart filling ll, one of
1 Imrtrnl,d that hP wtu ntnut herr r,terervatur and ate rd inside with
"t &m nut emr t_'utt I wAp," wail •vith delight, etre trembled, And her
Iron one of Lha r rr:Inta. I rerolved i hoer tfie btart. Bent up. tube yolk ct me eggo
fAmPe, gtuvPly, white lots fae e plus ye.t tell. and she eW:m] before him.
to tell you, and to throw mys'•1( un .,t the dry, n.rrctgaut tohe,In whl o, mutt and Inert, ns If the order had "Now, Dense, Wit pup what you turd use ap. ' I untmeats chopped
the merry you offered ml,." mrnet,' da1d he, IettlnR_her Garro gat lar out fin.. Ti'hlp nne�bnJf cupful of
t.u• alaxa:l rn was nwkrl. "Of o•octr" ,pen a drntli warrent, g cream, mix with three% t&Wrowt)a-
1' niratPlf !" q a n t lootin down at her s4'ttallly.
oil ha v. Aright U/ as n, h)ngt es stro fe your L Ith In yoor Crotforr
"Yen. Fur my cake I hnp:orr oil 1 �„ h161 pvt op tree harcds W is r bend tills o[ pnWllerPA sugar and add.
my' er,nhx t, which wax n.rthing dew )o Siong.. than that .
sol nal)- W gi%e up }-unr rl,vrfl r. than Iasalle. d con resin ez le Il in 1 n•rnotased sit"nt for n mnmrnt, piettson with a im�r' dark of snit and
pia H•r Is uulocrut-I nm sure of ht:" y lastly sdd one ■tlffly-heater og°1
but t r find him out and to wtt�e Id with In•r a awe on aha 4[n)uad and n
by ASsurltle Y,KI that I have been il; ge [altered, in n stifled voice.
-for I believe tie hal much mor' o,t of hopPleas txwihlrrmertt mod wtttte. lilt with' nn ordtnar,r ba)Iled
ntply nfo.l hoe eoffoeed %%lith my Yon don't' 7e eery a igen W
d:ulgrrour rorm,ee thud yon. LIn.11P) apa.t, lope that )nstatrdhtY waa the i e e It proved." nnrer4tlnty un her face. Hp nems, irtMtlnR ut(T isg" butfi for ffllipg and
F'ipldintf hate.. him." Sae utkled, hast nnnrer to her, anti {rat ant one Iktnd impacting ilia cull,.-F,x(isange,
Ilyt day t„r three m ,ntlis on which n thout Answering, she 'eat• down
il), mretiug Ids penetrating hook. n v tl'."4htr have been perteectic nth ,,rat IoW tiers. The uezt m, S It to touch hr shoulder: bot he
"and you have heard )low tcrll Alloua drew It blot tin end only whim
1 ew r.” m,•nE her liusbinu,'s hand was career Mlsard's Lladmvnt Cures Boras,
tis oousiu Lindley la. mored, bendin his lipvd W see her
GC+vaklinP irtartrd; nn rxclamatinn ng h dad his vOire, honrso end eta
"Anti you have the uuilat-13- iTtIaR
me to do thin. -me, your husband.
who have been vainty humiliating
thyself t•t b•R for thi,_nffeclbn you
Ilavfsh nlnn this worthless. 04df,"h
+cutup, who betrayef .my dist •r nn-'
pat your own' reputation to dnnRer
R id unheard utl preposteronm!"
Ile Would have risen lop hid hndignn-
tiob; but mile clung to 1111.
.'Shoould 1 dare to be sA bwdd if there•
,gentlemen turned toward her, she re-
overel hpywPif. 4,11-1 rued nothing.
"I pm delighte.l W hear alt )our re -
•,every," \acid GLptnin M,rrlwin, lop
,.h(- enmf tau• rim before.
Jn"Noft again grew red, sod said,
quletl y :
' If Yom illicit me better, ,Cap"Lia
SiorrAsmi. I Jt Htt'\cw would not s:uub,
My We'd. IL 'Jr, +t xainfla! en,Algh p,sl-
Van to ht%e to u 't tin when sane
-Y- - scwr� aa"�jawua sal -. wap
\ my liking rite him r• fM act rrolum Ino •n
"Very likely. women enn do any- not rargxmtal'bl.• sur h •I'L rerhap
I vent hits. a r'Rht W .tilt tit' won.
-- thing In the cnnwl, of i Mid man." , t►f +t m1,, l a an b K thou -1 tkt:t'
"o PhHlp. he b eat a brut meet know. tilt leen P.vo y t n urati•n
f don't by Phe it one ho who ert'fleate Int 'ul:port of my won.
Kudllenly sin etopglPd short, the a m wass as 1 get bark to wn."
_. trdor pAritrtetent had c illus! up In'ted -`'time?--JwftHw*----Whrne.-t+tri_Suu
from her file(-, her form grew rigid, pont;?" turpt Unit Oeralline, utt•tbl.
her very breathing seenin.l t) be nr- I,e ,rwntrrd h;rw•lt.
rested; unit till wittiout one word "Tin ib,• (:et•tur whom.- Bare I hit%,
from hitt to brie shout thln trans- b,e•n u:ukr," wall h•, him %(tile ►w-
----'Y+trmnttmt. HM f{rrt t+nptllwe wA•-tou,__PSg Rt'ttfk'-air'ap,a as ha.irplckq-
throtw him arms round Iter, nlnrmnl. 11.9 is la v4saiiili :uul hale molco, of t
___ __-_ thinking title was 111 ; blit the next ,•ell•brit4rl phi: s'rlltn, Dr. L e,lbury. Am
moment lie mai• that the chnnRas in . h • nttenflyd my a te4-. vi hLr death -
w e u sr, ca r "
her wan the r salt me itis 11#st- b f.
in thou lit, nn 1 hP w enn I p, shat- '
R R t R { ;' Th •n• `w sari sural for yea to gvr 4
Ing Isirhwrlf free from her, tariff bl,gnn town Inr support ani your it .M I 1
nuarehing d own the room. Pstralyz041 .Inman." nmarkoil (lapta'u MSrrlsuu
IS- th4 Lien which h -td enterers her tw dryly tum ever. Then be latu+tr' to
sn'Itd. th1' find wank down niti(es th- •a asrottut, tO give lu.l effect to th
futtatool, anti oh • dL1 mot, ntiempt to fu bpw ng wonkP- " Y/Air frlcnd, Dr
nterntpt th • Angry wo:d a h^ muttered Leribury, iw to this luan.e."
lop h • stro le away. 1 ".tlerr' "' cried Junww, h ill tt.nrtin,
".1 wren h d, skulking. anrnking ferns li'm sent with uantistlluitil
fellow, who will haAR ribout n hour, , p!t•nsurs,. "Then plat will not ire Itmnp
ready tc% crawl ler .soul whin" nt the 'n a't.ubt, nlmrnt IL • truth of what 1
filet of a fuo:hrh wotaan whenever h'e lone told yQae"
in .tet r.p Cra ,)" 1ty Whits the' "I &m not in dkwbt env, I otixnrc
harlidnd fs a`ws)►. � ti -,t hrni ttXw`.roa. Your friend Hr�'LrtlWry has
ntrreoet 1s that the• ort;wt of un satisfied Ise on many p)Ints."
ttohrrt man i"' h • er'p 1, wit-11mr r, a .d � .lnnaM hr,ke,l puzzieJ nm well as An-
tu irony sob�ve lie xW)d alt tit r ,other gry. Ueralohne salt forward rya ho t
cel of ih> room• And nsltlrPM'ng htIF chair, putting her vin►n tvmwtruetlm,
w'fe to a vole thaking with !tam -lila, oh each wand that fell fr„m either
Sh, dill not nnmwer-Ind.r>d, wh • c, dd tin,] wH mulch exelted b� tin hopes and
-not anmwrpr-tib: and, hu-tWim Into (earn they rouumt M hear that, ns at
tenrw. &hI In!d het• hand ulnn ih' aimt- i that moment the dxrr wits hehrd Lt.
tat o htir and mobbed. open, the glanv sli tm with u i dither
In the ngitatkoic orf this interview , feeding tlutn nnikoyauce At the Inter-
w4th •r husband nor wife. )tad iwrinl ruptken. But, when aho waw tha0 the
Yhd rias; of lha entrance b,il or fol_- Intruder was Dn'Lmltmry, and noted
mteps to Ihn hall. iin', nt thin moment list• effort true unexpected might ii
bno h neo startled hy� tin opsnlnR of Jaime" hat! UpPs Mins, lace annoyance
/h• :kxtr; and the t,utier. one••;ng only wa,: mwalluwe,t ,pp, In the Intenmity
h n ni ami r, who "4xel opp od" to th•• nt her" Interent, anti Involu,,tar►ly Ali*-
ddr,r, A'nre lht partition tx•twP" the rias• t, h•r feet at folie moment that
two drawluC-IuOmr hid him mistreat ,Inntw sprang up to wort film friend.
_ from, nnwouacc.1, fit It took-• Ile 1 %vhlle Lite doctor'st stolid, rro•Ah-eotor-
,omd.] mritref•ly keep Atendy- cd fate grew suddenly -livid, and he
"Kir Jamem Otway 1 • 1 alt "1 mh ,rt, with a nowt of extine•.
l'aptnin Morriron to )k a step back, I tl,aon or all expraaml,wl, which Oernl-
ni If he hod been struck. tlernldinP. � dim interprrted nn the rrmult or con -
tier head going round, hror hand. .terfuttl.n, Then "flat gHuuxrl at her
-.-___ trembling so much that they would hmbn.ud; tut the lrok orf antragi, out-
vocarcely ■ •eve her, mtaggere" til her tennosti which him face hall worn suitor
— ---- t. and, aft,r a rnomPnt'a hPslta-: Jarner' entrance had not changed.
t1on, ndvano: d timidly to meet him. caul Ph • ,-you'd oily co iclua n th � t t h
C'11APTER XXXV. � true slgnlfleance of the greeting find
Ati JnMPe walkeF Lhc length of the aracspeol him. For, after the .boat
rerofs toward hon, Gcruhlille was , 14*rw of mtrprlee•, Dr. s.feign came
struck, Ins )it.• of ilia• n itation from : Asrwari wits saver Jam feigned well
which she vvas muffering, by shr great ' (-noupfh t , drrelve atich- a Slow,
ohne a which less than three tiny■ I RrPr t I (gleogy t t , rem, o who could
- g deter•t anxiety to tkt reaw+trel as to
had made in film. Ile wall still pale, ' the loynity „f • till, frlPnd ngnlnst
,•.,,,-_ •„ he had amt yet recovered the firm. ' wham she hall cttocelvoil sorb prepcm-
feet health ; bat he was self-pnsseae- I
" lt'rtvl (lilt you com- h •re Y' nstntl'
'd anit unconortrained. nrtd hit All tJattnwr,
after tit• firist griowaltlt•lra
pruirched her with nn unre4ervad i
" i ,nine In wvtn•h of yon. Wh-•no
-- '' w•nrmth And engrrno- Whieh gAvs .
Ltvc Sul Well h Jfosg fur tltt Irtst te•;1
mtronsc sulipturt to the pleadiflga mine
(Inyw Y'
land Just urged to her hamband un his
" i hags• leen-Atnying nt a farm
behalf. f
kat+,• Stem Imre.-Yat rwnemht+r ofd
"You didn't expect to mer ml, hack
Paul li a wife, Dellim Y'
s•) soon, dill r' he ranked, its h#s
.• •\lel are you at.:ay'nor there?" elk•
snook hands with tier.
1pksd, r,n'ckh•. " Why didn't Yalta I •t
"No ; I am very, very Riad to sire I
a+ knlylF t"
y'OII• I InUAL IIILrU�itMe yea t0 my
" Dr, CM# • wary Via Lo keep tIM gdet
for a ofeay or two." Dr. Iwdiwry turn•'il
husband. 1-1 winn't think you have
fi'trl►l7 to spite oil himself nt thews
met him before."
Won't. " Th • old grntlerntwn h'ts lw•n
"Nv, 1 hnve not find that pMArprrn; I
nW(tl 17 gvyol to m,•, and hu hron with
re tel r aIle Semi, •, turDlnR
Irl 1 y
ma resistantly, nakirul Asti all Porto of
ns Captnln Morriaron came slowly
Stu,ptifnm, nnt11 1 think 1l,^ mart hnve
Irv. the #stiff of the ro,)m.
ow4mials faA.• my Woorratihv. Tint iI t
" Philip, you have h,•nrd s IrrPnt
h am bnen Ala kind that f mu'dn't make
(Test .brat th • hall hawlit of opven i
tiny tah,lr•tlon, se by h`s orll•rn I have
yealw of ago who, k :ronin) A me and I
Ir%•n n r:ow• IWArmrr, ruhJ vt to otrlet
- .. -_ .. R {
- �Ontiri ttM to Yt'ar H b trop. L•t mC
tater regn"mrs, until tonlaY.:
intfo,e^#s yon to tnv nd,nited hroiher, ,
Dr. Lnlloury Inuph'd nneum'ly : rand,
ar Jamal Otw•ty."
ns .lenses now to kevo. ho rtarted
"T am ve-r happy tl, makeoWe
ap quickly At thv atm• time.
-- _ ____-jamas Oi 1 .- a tlntnue"," nl
vt y s tv' l L
nssvt wmik ips k with yowl And
1:apta'n Morrlmvra, mai ly W"-ff
pop wit t s woi•y a� 'Tw irge rMi 1i•t 7.-
migooWlttg tit han•I .inincis Instin••thelyNight
he, "and htar nil nimyst the flavor
" 11--1d oat to DAdm'm husband. ,-
ter't)us mender M which yowl Innk.l
" 1:1-trngrrevt• Jemlooa little l)nyfill' '•
lit. Wurin)th'tla"
thvaght .lames, and his fame Wrrtret
Bat nt the mltment that he was f'•1 -
e 1 thim reytnfnent so h? turn-,
lowing Jnmrw t.o the I icor. Cnptnin
ttsilled 01.11 I,W.
Morrks,n stolhxrl him to s r,v In n low
• •e on you know whit. Ilya, :hear W
int lilts
"i harp t1, g,o t, town by ehP l,l:(
trete, Ur. l.c.lbury. i Mipt• ries wj'.
----� - -
elector lot nhsener for & few bo m,
y- a Sha drew hereplt up nm1 reVU�nea
"I`nyt ry, tit w Yuu ton. I won't the gaze of his inquiring nylon with
to nn)th lir to wHun1 vin, Haven't, 4 look s, implurinQ, ell fall of fiPry
yon any fa to In tae, yet t" lespolr, tint Iiia rainoiution Implied as
"Tluvl dict 't ask me f 'r the Address hP met It, and tier first words Were
I--! merit g ve It yea"
"But I m hire-iT, roy d:irtlDg, nttrred silo hm'_was ringing forward
Too mart glc IL me and treat mP• t0 l,olprOrt her. Sim shrank tinct
tf i hnve ens .ted )'our ust ni . frightened, mad itopop^d him by a Kes-
yrongfu!ly'. I p oat's^ to spire no lure stF she rpaoke-
oilns to try 4 c nr him alt shr other "1kro't eek roe- tktn't Set m� . I nm
____ .�_. _ I ._ .__.. rn nuzzlpd And bewildpreol and m'* -
cent. C,n Ido m c than title?" '
"O. Philip, r'un't nett me for 't :
Yot (ion l know wl► t you are inAk
ng nae softer.
HM htfel trcmblell av it rented
upon )see plwmiHlerx; but Ise re-
pmtuL in .a low SI2 _
"1 maest lwt%t• lite atki "
Theft (Isere w a mtlelict for a f.ex
minutew, dnrlotW which si Ining hei
hen,l rand cried, nod Is sit 1 over
her. qude;Jy walting: �t .Set rhe
raaiO4xt her he:ul. Awl. mays MAI[
rnly. "Kite liver ut F.nflpkl- lot is
%11 I ktt,w," she shout horse free
m bis arm, sprang up, and 0 )it
ay to Iter own rfagln.
l "it .tee crime JoAnn to dlnw.-r,
her lois
Mme fin 1 lett lite house.
T w-tm an uncomfortable feel
tag eN nalralnt Ovpr the leanly at
tin Hall that e%ening, rush trrtm-
Mtr of it Itting a different Inend
Ilg upon alae mysterious errand
which had c Ilei the master of the
rotten t,vray ) ubrupt:y. c;praldine
LOW %err tell to sae.etn tit
come, and (lit Ing dinner slip
tii`cceif f-' "fir infesting mote►-
Start of Animadtion into th••
:est. Hut when, late•, they were all
w the a1t:kN'lllg roma rand Ur. Led-
Mlry West rngngind In ",,converwitiotl
,lith Mims Elizabeth, sills grew rest-
,oin unit almost hysterics and could
carcely keep the'tears ole lore
•ye:+. Ilorrow,ng onto of MI F•,enn•
or'* ■!inwim, therefor", slip opened
,no of the French Window,, t the
.muller drawi,,lt r,)ons and went out.
,Hying that Site must q:) akod-etes, w
unto Dow orchids . were getting n
wit ch hod arrived that day'. 8I
,Iancad alt Dr. Ledbury nal site
went ,,alt, with an Intimation that
ap might hallow her aB soon as he
;pleased. She had s)mething Import-
ant t') soy to film; land, when she, the caleer%ntury; where
an'oug the blended beauties and
eunts of her favorer. flowers, she
.cion reeocurlx] morn serenity,
thraw hPrArIf into nn chair
In the carpct,otl twiner under the soft
light of the Chinamn lanterns, And
glanced anxiously through• the
Atommmg planer for the dark figure
,also dread.d, yet twrtpree was eager
U) see.
In a few 'minuttmf she was sbtls-
tied; h,r ugahsmt it donee of an
might -sky between lip trees of tlIQ
pork she &raw what l,ukexl like s slow-
ly -nerving shadow nr:Lking Its way
anti stilt waited with fast -trialing
heart for thedoctor'nenlrnnoe. But
m:nu t vci pose. -d on ; ttin shadow find
.i4wWrolitred, int still Ur. Le•dbury
dill not eornet In. sloe romp, went qulck-
ly toward tho door, anti M she did
v,, th•, dart slmdow, whivil was loll,
alwo could dlatingulah through the
Att•acming RlAmm moved nwity Irving
th•+ en,l of the cunwtt-vatory In hp
direr tion of tar+ corner of taw blear.
"Wla,r dtwwn't tat come In f what
rnn hvi M afrwl'l of T' LhonRtit tdsP ;
nn I, with nn Impntl-nt thIP already
u4xxn the door bundle, whey was on
Use print of calling to lotto, when a
t*uspirton that tat might' int Mer han-
Mml or sown, one set Ota wnteh her
con him hMlalf, arrested her for n mo-
m•,n!, and wpurrrd bier the nett In
wt,nnt. to run oat into this gsinMn at.
ter the retreating min.
Rut, A• no in no tb efr, was no damp
ghan irotweren them to gl,v Indle-
tin-trlt!ep to Lh.• oullitw „f hie fllnnre
sit. waa* re•casann•d, nn,l, ('01"wHtR
Mm gnlrkly Aw lie• still rot.rented ba•
tflft>% NPT, Irlr#s rArhrt. Polars.
Dr. T.-Atwtry, Dr L -,Miry. i want
to wnawi to yon I mnat sp)Mk to
you I„
glfll ttv paid no attention'to her•,
Boil apenrtd bent upon as"pllllf,hltn
{het tired" wM-Itt r i; thickly np to
Ir of ifii gBrdpa stn tho
Past *Ids, or the hose.
"Monter. you are 1n AItRRter: my
busbtlad altapeete yell•'+ Nin hlssl,d
"; • , s, t v
t r
or why I sty It. i nm hedged in by
horrible felrn and I spent. withont
thinking. Jnet what they dictate to
mss I have been tensest and tortured
,till pout on the rack to answer quew-
tions and to evade them, until I seem
so hire stn sense left_.tu_- stand
Whit I say. I have had to answer.
with my will or agnlrot it, at my
husband's command. Must I suffer the
acme torture At yours?"
"No. no! Hartven forglyt_l�tott D#sI"ep
-I would r other lose my rig�it hand
thin cause you a moment's pale !"
rtid he, not daring to advance or
py t «, t .ntln in
en o1 settle bop
r, R
1 low Tiller. every Dote! of which
tirrilfed her as she listened to him.
Theon neither spatial, for a few mo-
menta. He remnlrlel standing on the
mllrw HIPA, Ah If truster alows Apell taro
+trosag flrr him Lep break. while she
triell W retain tier composure nn,l
W deride what shr might Pnfply tell
him sit a secret which was glowing
tor) Heavy fair her tet bear atone. tih(
tnrsiel to tine flr.werw, anti tolkwhed
the bksvmoxnm new her with fingers
whish felt nothing, an] bent over
them mechanically wits no sense of
thelr fragrance. Under the ezcltp-
anent or James" presetice thought
range quietly ; bot, when she tornei
euddenly toward him, she met ,hie
eyes fastened itpnst her with a burn-
ing l ht In them which Instantly re-
cnllea to .l" mind thn wild wurdm of
lowinwm which he hat written about
her in the pocket-btart put tattoo her
humhand's hands by Dr. Leathery. The
wocas sale fin 1 Open Iter lips were
korgiatLen, her town gars fell, nn.],
wltlk,eut n es,un.l, plan turned toward
the dining-rurxn skis, tr)Ing to re-
an'er her serenity that else might
tWatilmm film calmly.
the had tart gape three stepm to-
t he, came to her sale, And holding
u LM hand, ARM ntly, wlthon:,
1� gv
Mi( t Y P
thnt�pn tft&te .Mme? ,n lois etc .
whim deeftroyet tier self-p:»semmk n -
"Yo Ivlll fu:rglire top to di9turb-
Ing yu i►eltlee. It wann't quite my
/Butt cit kn)nv wan sit t You will mn
,y Y
pp►al Dignt, wasn't )vav"
nt , she f t alit ♦ n
"l)wd ntgt n Lrr - gl_ 1 g
flim her hand with n timidity And
euvnrtralnt which mho eoull ort con-
gner, and without looking up.
He retained Iipw fingers in Ids grasp
fur n few oeconda, anti then meld,
soft ly-
"Don't Send Tor nwity fikr thin, as
If you were angry with an-. I've ,I :ne
nothing to dewprvp it tib life 1 4'h1
not w&at to Steak to you to -night
was )iyn Who Insdstet un mtopphig
w• n'L It? Lo.)t �t_�t((t at Te" nml
•ly un F.-""C-oriTwily lt; itlthrw!' i
War 't an many friends that i .van
I4 d to think I hnvn offenlrA one_
a especially my -my Rood fldry :"
hr volepwhrmok n little on tine hist
cards; but, when elle olledlenty
r.iJaerl her pyen, tile, fiery gnem she
ronlit not meet watt gone --It Wnm n
kind, friendly face that was tent to -
Want tapr and rpAmurpd her. with
her self-pnmmemminn come hnek tlp•re-
rsetnbrdn" that e1M had a warning
to give him, ani shat repented his That
worsts Pnrnsetly-
''tour good fnlry ! Ys your Rtx)ol
filry has something to tell yon--
antnPthing so terrible that slip .Corn
rg/t knew flow to tell It. Jmm�s. )ala
:are Innocent, ere you not t" she b irmt
out eml"ehly, in a very ow voter, tont
with the #snrn'ylnl#ssm of n vital alupr-
4I( stnrte,l with a look of Ionics ngld
rgwn trh wh!eh made her Imlmlei%pl)
plsf•p her limn" enrommInRly on Ilia
tt rm.
'I don't mean of tf►e mSrdpr," ahe
whllywfil gdeltly "but a1f-of ani
o4her vpry wirkei tAilr*. _- --
.-i Iw)pe an," Prato he, father oOa-
/Upp.]. "What .lo yon mrran f"
t9W hMttAtJ,el, 111M then paid, In a
w IIMp,r __
ITO 1). Cont ihue.]I
Tt to+r P-owd" 266
----Gelleat{!ta Kemper".
'ILe flewt autoamobile to venture
to cross the Desert of Sahara halt
ranched n point abbot half way 1)r-
tween two oesos when sopeelhing
happencxt to the machinery.
On examination it_ wan (oonl that
the damage could not be repaired.
T)gP owner of the automoblle got
oat of the vehicle and took an ob-
- - _
"-R'Tieti Fie pec aha �eatl ►n
chargvr of the wirele teletgraph
apparatus to conrmanleate With the
station at Feamn.
'Tell the fellowly." he ealid. "we've
broko down. LatitDdes "t degrees•
:-'9 minutes north; longitude, 1♦ de.
'war• RT minutes• { 1 seconds eget,
Ask tile= to Bead s eaaaT-
Can Secure Renewed Health
and Strength.
The Rich• Red Blood Mads by or.'
Williams' Peals PYIe U1fea New
9trnnath to Every Nerve, ithreand
Organ of the body.
AF'row the IJAx1Qet, 8belbtrne, \,w.)
Among the young IadlP4 of :Nsel-
hmirue, there w none today who
mora fully bears tits, Impress of per-
fect health than Muse Lilian I)urfeP,
Unfortunately, thin was out nl-
wnya the case, no a few year■ 8914
Mire fJurfee beetante Ill, and her
friends feared that she was going
Into decline. A doctor was called in
ant prescribed, blit her medicint•s
did not have ilia desired effect. Her
strength. gradually left her, her
appetite failed, she had frequent
Itea dachoom, one very pale, and tln-
allr grew 'es) weak that a walk or
a few roan woutd eamipletely fatigues
her. The young buly m family nor-
rttwfully otsa•rvod that she wail
steadily falling, and flararl that
waaumption would claim her its a
victim. One day & friend urged (ItAt
who shroud glvn Dr. Rjlllmm�' Fink
Pills a trial, tut the Idea at first
wars not favorably entertaintrl ; it
ertmed hopeless" to expPet het qtly
medicine would help tier of ter f he
doretor's treatment )tad failed. fluw-
over, them guild frlond still urgedl
and finally prevailed. By tits time
the third box WAN used, there was
an unmlrtakAble, Improvement In
Milia Uurfep's condition. Clipererf
by thea the pills were continuer!♦,
anti In tho rolira: of a few week"
the formrr Invalid, whowA strength
was taxnal bey the slightest exertlom,
wan Against rootore] W health. The
lane of the pills wets still continue]
Anel a few Weekly atrrp found Yfew
Durfee again enjoying perfect
Iwaltllr-;. _•,.- I
fir) a reporter who interviewed
her, alis said: "I belleve that Dr.
WHlueg' rink Polls aased iii e,
ant) I earnestly receknmend thea)
tar all who fear that ronsAtrtptlon
hes laid Its Rrarp upon them."
That the Istria relAtnf above ere
ocR In any way PxsgtgleratM, In
bbrneocfby The foliowlnNCrAltt�pnt
realm Robt. (d. Irwin.,..�Fi�set'.1 tit" W.,11-
knti4wn avtirseadlary ;111+ iratot for
till, swumiciptility, who days: "I dim-
tlnetly rPmrniber tho pale face of
Idem Litllan Durf" and the regrets
orf frlendw no they exprP*sed their
oavivlctlon that she wonlat noon hp
e4anpollrrf to aay farewell to enrlh.
Mi" Dart". however, carries .t.he
onmlwtat&We crodaintiale of Coed
h«nith. and frequently P%pr"ws#ss
her IIk1A)tednstass to Dr. wtlll&mw
Pink Alla"
: PAIo, markt anaemle Rlrla, or young
pe+nplp Wtth ronsysimptivo trndeneltte,
will fiftl rons,wed health &nit IxA-
fly v". through the lino of Dr.
Wililaawlt Pink Pills. Tilimp plllo nee
an trona-Iling cies%r Ail Mio•As�
de's to a WAtwrr rnftdltion of the
blood, or sthAttPTP(T norvan. told by
all �mnlerw to mMlrinP nr west, poet-
�saM. on ranolpt of n(M a 'bots, nr
•;.nD for Wit linx". by ladolratrring
the Dr. William". A4dlclaa 0"..
Brryotvl ll e. Out.
0 ; p
Prot. Carlyle, sit old ('asadlea Hol,
ISSUE NO. 43. 1801.
Ulves a Talk.
it In slid that Dr. Brown, of thP3-
logical (amp, had a short ovtlirtshtp.
�♦ q�glrssystemfair evil ew debts to
called &t a fnrmlkl'ame and asked
for R&chef.
CftnsAaa, United StAtss ane Rempe, wltkoN
n-41496eMVITA InstlteAstwo dohtom; n
Trot. carlyie, alt WLeeousiu Experi•
m Kr.arlm ton Aar M ar,tl.rtlse gnammtsed
re/aonablo rhareoe ;mil. write er pl,(ne ffAte
2pr, and one of out npre.ental.lve. will 'Ai
hlnallM, and hewitatingly rep11eo1 :
on yaea. Tho lntsrn.tinnq M.r"anme Arm's,
meutsl bloatlun, au ulll DutatSae County
Jm.sRullting. rerner Ynnes andKlneier")
Tnrnnte. //.
frrring to the perils of the wedded
Atnto hp tot.] cif n young minleter,
alaI waa. Atxwtt Lr go on hill haln04'
Your Complexion
buy and a gruduate of tittl Ontario
of Cod Liver Oil is the means