The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
Timmins, Oct 24. 1901. 5
W. Acheson & So
Carpets, Curtains as Lino1e0ms.
OWING to our extraordinarily large stock of Carpets,
Curtains and Lineleunls imported for this. Fall, we are
tempted to make values still greater than regular to
make a bigger record for October selling.
The most liberal ohowiog of French
ritornelli we have ever had. Every
kind hen, front every day plain
color to the Itattdeumuly patterned --
French goody, at per yard
64 inch plain wool Kidellvlown, beet
yyuality,in shales of pink, blue,oar C.
dine(, grey, sky, special, per yard.,
27 inches wide limey English Tato
eelry Carpets, new deeigus olid col
ur:ugs, and suitable for any room,SOc.
Regular value b&:, at per yard....
English Bru.sels Corvette, four frame.
extra heavy, in new fiural and scroll
designs, neuter 90c and 91,10, at
par yard 75c and 90c.
Fluor Oil Ciotti. in 1, )I. til, 2 yardn
wide, new dos gree in dors( and
block patterns, "pecwl per wluare
yard 25Ce
60 pairs. 3i yards long and 60 Melton
wide, heavy S.:utclt net lade Cur•
tains, In neat, lightly traced pat
terns. new and regular %slue specialBSC.
$1.00, at per pair
W. Acheson & Scan.
1 convention Weld at eeat.r(b. Oct-
ober ala sad sib.
The fourth annual convection of !toren
ooanty W. C. T. U. met to the Presbyterian
church, Seaford), Tuesday and Wedoeeday.
October 8th and 9th, the president, Wee
Posher, In the obelr.
Convention opened by devotional ries. 000duoted by Mrs. Elford, of Holmes
'lee following oomn.Rtoes were snook :
Resolution, Acheson. Roes sod
Stewart ; tlu.noe, Med•me. Biddle comb,
Stevens and Purdy ; plan of work, Mrs
domes Ammon, Roes, Stewart, Hlddlecomb,
Stevens and Purdy.
It was moved and seconded that the
mor.fog session meet at 9 A y , alternate
session to meet at [. 1' M.
Mre. Brddleoomb and Mre. Steven" were
appointed by °coveotioo b tisk" °bergs of
treasurer'" work to her absence. le was
moved by Mn. Acheson, ..00ndd by lira.
Koss, that the antl•olgarette literature
purchased by Mie" Fisher be paid for. Toe
ooaveniton duly clwel by the singing of
the doxology, to meet at 8 tom.
[1'[NI♦t. ,VoitoN.
The meeting opened by prayer I,y Mr.
Leckie. Tee minutes of afternoon warden
were rod and adopted. The corresponding
ars eery teported good work done during
the year,. Users being quite an Increase la
membership -report was adipt�
treasurer's report war than rad sad
adopted. After the singing of the hymn,
"Take my Isle and let it bo," an address of
weloome was reed by Mrs. Stewart, prest
dent of Seeforth W. C. T. U., and was re-
sponded to by Mr.. Aobe.o•, of Goderiob.
An address by Mr. Leckie wee listened to
with a greet deal of Interest. Mn. I;rear,
of 011ntoo, rad as leMnating paper .s
''How to build • b:vher (dal of manhood
sod womanhood " After deting the meet-
ing adjourned to meet Wednesday morning
at 9 o'olook.
Moroiog seestoo opened by d.•ottonal
exercises, conducted 6y Mrs. W•Ilwto, of
..forth, Minutes of Wet eeselen were
read and adapted. Reports el soperin•
tendsn'e were reoelved, the following de.
partments reportio[ : Rallway work, work
amoog sailers, press. eoleoi ifio temp.ratos,
bo.tructlo0 to soboolr, evangelist io, band of
hop., ourlew bell, parlor meetings, narootles
and franohise.
Good work war raporIed In all these de•
p•rtmeats, but the Iumlermeo's work and
work a'noog sailor[ deserve • full report.
1.1'111:[RN[�'1 ttrl0n.
toys resolved that we utter our mast eerie us
pretest against tto employment. as • lsaoh.r
of youth, of soy person •odloted to the
slightest degree to the use of either aloobol
or tob0000.
5 Resolved, That we urge u000 all the
white rtbbonen to t.ks the %Yemen's Jour-
nal and Auoual Report.
6. Resolved. Whereas we view with
alarm the Inroads beteg made upon the rest
and quiet of our Uanadlao Sebbalb, re
solved that we oall opus MI the indrviduel
members of our unions to Inform themselves
oonoernlog the sotusl danger that threatens
our land and to hold themselves to readiness
to respond to soy oall for effort that may
Goma In the neer future from the Lord's
l hty Alitanoe.
7. Resolved, That uouoe emphasize the
tmportanoe of ementldo temperenm In.truc-
(too to the pubho .0500(0 sod urge the
presentation of this topic at all teaohere'
institutes and eramlosttooe.
8 Reaolvd, That, •wlog to the growing
tendency to Impure language and action,
on the part of pupil, of public school., that
every uoioo to the county)p.titloo not only
the trustee. of p06.0 school., but also the
loepeotore,to enforoe the school law lo refer
moo to aocommodstloo 0o school grounds.
9. Resolved, That we feel ourselves deep
Iv indebted te the othoers of this church, to
the organist and anger. for their insplrtog
music. to the friend, of Meatorth for their
best efforts to make our stay among them
pleasant and profitable. to the pares, and to
all who buys In any way 000trlbutd to the
of H,1. eenv.atteo.
Plan of Work Itecomm.aded, That our
o•mp+Igo tor woman suffrage bs persistently
°ontinued --by distribution of literature, by
proms Ing discussion and by oarrylog out
all plane suggested by our Provincial sap-
K•commehi.d, That on returning to our
homes we make an effort to eothues the
loos) members with a determination ty give
more thought and pray -into the detail -week
of the °resuizttion, so that next year oar
oounty oonventloo ,ball feel the benefit of
prompt and correct hudnees h.b11*.
Th. following ofhoere were elected
President. bite E'.ford. Holmeevllle; nor
responding .eoretary Mn. I'aalto, Wing -
ham ; reoordlog eeoretary, Mre. (Br.)
Kennedy. t'iingbam ; ttiewiteree, Mrs.
Sister, Rlyth.
to our oyes after hiving been so lone oat of
eight of load. Selling up the Clyde we bad
• floe view of all t6e great shipbutldicg
yard" aluog the banks. but when neo come
o ar to the olty the emelt from the river was
something lo•tbeome. Alter passing the
...atoms we get tome ma Senobtebali st rest,
lust • aloe walk to or from Ib. exhibition
Our party at this date eeseprlsed Mr.
lloldle o1 Guelph, Mr. l ',moron of N4
agars Falls, Mr. Wilson of Glencoe and
The following day we visited the prisolpal
parte of Glasgow and arranged for our
return voyage. Ws tried to seuare passage
on the Campania. but every berth was taken
up. and we bad either to take the Servia,
saillog four days earlier, or mode two or
three weeks longer In Kurope. We took
peewee on the .Wervia, which was to ail
from Liverpool to New fork on August
We booed all the next day at the exhibi-
tion, mostly to the arts gallery, and through
the industries of a !riots(' of Mr. Uoldle we
were admitted to all elle private rooms and
r.oeptloh rooms (whorl royalty had been
.ntertaioed) as visitors from Canada. lo -
deed, w" found the name of t'auado we. •
latlemao.yeeywhere in Britain. We yleit•
ei the llleagow muulolp•l building, and
were taken (,hank. to the thfuenco of our
friend Mr. Morrisroe, a Glasgow magnate,
the building being closed diet day in pir.-
paratlos for a reception) through the whole
of this gnat building, reception rooms and
all. It is the moat beautifully finished
Interior 1 have seen The mouldings are of
°errata marble and the paneliot of alabu-
ter. The floors are hold In moselo of beaa-
tilul designs and odors.
We had accepted an Invitation from Mr.
.1.11101 Whitton, superintendent of public
parks and betanin gardens for the olty of
Ulugow, to view the peels and gardens of
the oily ; so on the 25th, hoeing •Ir.ady
visited the Botanic Gardens gad Kelvin
Grove l'ark. we were driven to Maxwell
i'ark, south of the Clyde. Mr. Whitton
told us that the ptrk was a gilt from Max
well Stirling, of Kier. 1 remarked that
Perthshire had given some good men to
Ulugow. "Yee,' said Mr. W bltton.
"Perthshire le Ohs b °minty In (,I..
gow. W. are the greatest to number sod
Iotlueo,'e ot •II the counties of Scotland."
talo well Park IN a small park of twenty-
two acres, but very fine. From there we
went to another "mall park, lately pur-
chased, being the emote ot an oM g.nIle-
man, and thtoce to Queen's Park, At the
south aide or end of thin park. where took
oleos the burl. of lengeide, a oobtl ct to
which Qoeen Mary s forces suffered defeat
to 1561, is a hand.ome memorial of the
event, erected by pub'lo subscription In
1887. Our next move was to Ulugow
Green, and to going along on the south aide
of the river 1 oalled Mr. Whitton'" sten
tion to some peculiar buildings and asked
him whet they were. He replied, "That
to Hell• Did you never hear of Hell
blazes ` That Is the only Iron works within
tree city limits " 1 said I hid bre° shown
Hell Gate in toe oily of New York. and now
Hell blazes In the oily el Ulugow, and I
wondered what would to next.
Glasgow Gran Is oo the north side of the
river. I found many changes *Woe I first
maw It ti(1'•Ooe year. ►go. the Nelson
monument stands toe mime. bat Paddy's
Market is removed. Among the now Im-
9reveateaie ora • public aymn•alum and the
People'. Palace, which °empress • muoeom,
art gallery and a large glw-oovered winter
garden. '1'M whole Wu built by the oor-
poration at some of 1100,000. The fountain
was the gill of Sir Henry Donlon, of pot.
tory fame, an • memorial of the Ulugow
exhibition of 1888. The (Irmo Fos an area
of 136 mors.. Nelson's monument here is
144 feet high.
-144, Guldts apd bit. Cameron went to
Flllnburgh that night and Mr. 'Wilson went
to Kwlesham, and I was left to myself.
Ire nest day I paid • final volt to the
exhibition, and registered in the Canadian
book as A. Sande, Uderioh, (lot. 1 bad a
long chat with Lent. Col. W. G. 1I'lirien,
oommi.etonsr of the Canadian ..orlon.
When be saw me register from Godertoh
the first tomatoes was, "Do you know A.
MoD. Allah'" "Yee." "It ill he be over to
Glasgow this year'" 1 replied that 1 did
not know. 1 had seen him a few days
before laving, but he was undecided then.
Mr. O'Brien maid he knew Mt. Allan well,
they bevies been together In Pert" last
year. A *1ts ns
(ti, e. r. r,,.TITUILI.
PreviousPreviousPreviousto the election of officers the
preeldent rad the annual address. deetrie/
to be relieved of the burden o1 Mhos. The
aldri.. included • great deal that sees of
much Intermit I o the ooaysotios.
1: IN trio eC9aloN
I opened by prayer lead by Roy. Mr. lerklr,
i p.eo- of the church, the vies president.
Miss Fisher, to the oheir. Uod mode was
rendered by the choir, after which • taper,
"Perms! Impressions oo Prohibition In the
Maritime Provinces," was read by Mn. Mc
I;illlceddv. Goderioh. A Bolo by Miss
Pickard was most o8eotlyely renders°
:t. eloellsrt paper on naroot'oe was read
by hire Acheson, Goderich
An address by Mr. Leckie, t` 1'. T 1'
ml.sionuv to the lumbermen. was the
most interes'ing part of the program
and must verve to crew." greater drat 1st
the betterment of our forty thousand men
of the lore't.
Mr. Leckie praatterd law In Toronto for
five years,wtth an annual (noome of $5,000,
but eloohol war ruining bins, body and soul.
Ile saw his danger and sought salvation
through Christ from the terrible oraving for
strong drink and Ior seven years be has
shown his gratitude to hie Saviour by
&hardenlog hts lucrative praat.loe of law to
order to work bard and ceneely *moue the
homeless and churchless men lo our lumber
amp., for whom •loohtlio drink has been
such a menace to prosperity and pure living.
The W C. T. U. psv Mr. i..okie • eatery
of $500 per mourn, but he tells us he ayes
more than when his blooms wag $5,000 per
year and he 1. muoh happier, for he moo the
fruit of hie labors and his works follow him.
Sealing) Seat aloe comfort beige, oon•
talamg ten Bibles, two marked Testy•
moots, eight letters and to nye bookr, fifty
0.. leaflets end olo.ty five pounds of liter-
ature to Mess Mlokls, Graranburst ; alto
$5 for mieelmary'e salary. Mrs. Lew•
Goderich-Mrs. McKer z.., .uperintend•
est. --E mkt oomier% begr, 000taning five
Tertamente, three 11 blow, forty pledge
o•rde, tour lettere, twenty Ieeflete. two
wrap books, Doe hundred sad 'evenly two
meg., nes. one hundred and forty flys pert
dlale, ten of Moody's books, sent to Mn.
Chapman, W tartan. Held a very suoo.esful
parlor meeting, using printed program,
raising 57 for missionary's salary. Total
sent, 910
Blyth --No oupertntendent-Held •parlor
meetlog,odot program ; four oomfort bap.
four marked Testemeots, fifty leaflets,
lour letters and two books Dent to Rey.
Lecke, Huouvllle ; also $2 20 toward.
mteslonarv'e salary.
Winibam -Three oomfort legs, oontain•
leg three marked Testaments, 2u Iwgets
and three lettere, fourteen pound. of liter -
stare, .00h as Bibles, hymn books, eta..
to Mre. Chipman, Wlartoa; alio $5.00 for
missionary's salary.
Mrs. M Hiddleoombe, manly superlo•
WORD AMON,; 00IT' h.
Mn. Collo Campbell, GndeAoh, oounty-
Work among the sailors has been arrld
on stale tht" year, the superintendent bak-
ing d%outage of every opportunity to
plane literature en both steamer. and sail
vessel', whlob has been gladly reoslvd.
We ere glad to report increasing Interest
In this departmeot. We had feared It
might hs on herwtee, owing N the armee and
repeated appals md• for the lumbermen's
work, as the supplies for the two depart
merits are almost tlde.Noal. 4,725 p.gno of
literature, 2.50 papers, 175 temperance tat•
lets, 125 magannea. seven Ribes sod five
Well-filled oomfort hap have boom plead on
Weals callieg at. llderloh,
opened by devotional 'aerobia'
by Mrs. Paulin, Wlogh•m.
Convention celled to order, minutes of
morning memos red and approved. The
president, Mees Fisher, gave • very 10-
terestlng repose of fair work. A paper by
Mrs. Paulin was listened s with mooh In
ferret. After singing • hyena • program oe
lombermeo'e work war oo0Aoeted by Mrs.
Roe., of Wingham A very interesting
p%aer on woman'. suffrage was read by
Mrs Elford, et Holme*vtlle
The oommlttes' no resolution" god plan of
work hroeght In the followmp resolution"
sad recommended leas
Report of Committee on Reeolntlone
1 1t.eeol►ed,That the basis of this moiety he
total ah,elneeee. Intel prnhlhltlon of the
brioor traffic and perily of p"en"al 111. and
we in•Ite all earnest wemeo who ars 111e -
minded with es to join nor organisation.
Poi . on the white rblows and h"e"ms soldier'
In ^ur peeo.fitl war.
Rlfeett(b4, TO it to view ret dm sweet
grad lelrfnl regeeeee of nor devotlonel per.
eines, we as lied to Det Ills seal opo" them
and pray that their granites loft Immo may
Increase In all onr onions and that near noon
ltd. hour of prayer may be fallkfally eta
To the 6dltor of Tien SIGNAL.
S IR, -1 hove been thinking that • sum.
many of the notes of my r"o"ot trip across
the Atlantic would not be out of plane In
your columns, and with your permission
,nbmlt the following :
Oe .duly 5th, ■t Menem, I bought •
ticket for Buffalo by the W•bub R It., and
started on my trip, having previously re-
solved not to go over the same ground twiee
The following morning I telt Glencoe at 7:15
and arrived at Buffalo at 11:45 A. M. Alter
dinner 1 bought • ticket for New Yotk
vis the New 1 otk Central. The train i
boarded was the Empire State Express,
which make only tour stipe between fief -
fain sod Now York, vlit„at Roehester,
Syracuse, 0110• •nl Alflaq. W" lost
twenty minutes owing ter • washout. at
Fonds, but made 11 rep eosin and arr,ved in
New York at 9.55, C•e minutes ahead of
time, having made the ren of 440 miles le
eight hears and fifty five minutes. I was
met at the eaten by my friends, who an.
tertalned me during my four day.' day In
New Yak, and took me to gee the prnolpal
Oahe of the oily, Including (trent'. tnmh in
Klverdde Park, S. Petrlok's (R C.) l'a
tWeal, Central Park, Metropolitan Ma
mom of Art, Eden Mow, lt•ooklyn bet lee,
Greenwood **meters, and other plena".
On July 10th 1 botrdd the tlamehlp
Laurentian, of the Allot Sete 1,'n., saltine
between New York and (ibngow. On the
morning of the 14 h -• beautiful Mseday
morning -- there wee thyme wn:ak'p nn
beard. Id by Rev .1 Campbell, ret Green
ark, 9eedand, and Rev. Jos. Wilms, of
(ileaoee, Ont. There was also a ar•lee le
the evening, &Indented by Key. ,tae. Wtl
e on sad Rev. l: mage !Delman, of l'enn ,
._ loOdia ,io . soma taken ler the
Sailors' Hem. (lo .evert) day. of the there was • pretty rough ..e, the
ship rolled heavily and many e1 Ihi pawn
Fere were disk.
On the evening e1 the 21.1 'Tory Island
lighthouse, Ireland, wu.tehteA. Nesse day
3 Roselvd, That we dlsspprnys et earl we got te Leedoedeery, dleeharged • few
playing awl danel•g and urge that .rete passeerere and Glair news. and lett for
Noe from Chrtatian homes.
4 Ra.otyed, Whereas tM wry habil
N "Bartel. .meklag is base •e alarm•
lag .v11 wag eta O.Ksillell PAW Airs
As a enbetitnte for a beautiful
eomplexion, same women resort to
paint and powder. But the more
sensible use "Climax" Iron Tonin
Pills, which produce a natural,
bealthy complexion, make new
blood and a robust eonstatntion.
Each box contains ten days' treat-
ment. Prioe 86 seats, at all drug-
gists, or mailed oreseoeipt of price.
Address: The De. Ball Medicine
Co., Kingston, Ont.
117161AV.0ot 15111.
W. J. Duff sold a line horse Iwo week.
Wm, Messer was In Hamilton this nook.
Wesley Cornell is attendiog the college of
dentistry at Putt•delpbla.
Mre. Joke Raby bis returned Irom • v. ry
eujoyable vialt to Douai and Forst.
Wes Mary 'I'hoeitoo, of Wiogbam. Is
vletttng her grandmother, Mrs. John Gar-
Mise Bella Addison. of Fuxm.ade, 1. the
goat of bier oouslo. Mrs W. 11 Fraser, of
the 1st hue ot Morrie.
Jam.. Ko;ertson, our former townsman,
nee. sold his (arm In Marls to Ja,a
Jermvo for • good figure.
Mr. and biro. Robb. l..athorn were to
Toronto last week during the reoephloo of
the Duke end Duchess of t.'oruwall and
Mrs. 1) Rogers, hies L:Ills and Muter
Fred Rovers, of hurdwlub, are spending a
few days In Hluevale, the guests of Joseph
G. Wray, of Comber, Kau[ oo., was In
the "Oleg" this week He bid been stteod•
log the funeral of his graudmu;h.r, the late
Mrs. R. Wray, of Belgrave.
The annual meeting of t5" Blusy•le
bench of the Upper Canada Bible aod
Tract tiool.ty was held le the Presbyterian
church on Monday evenlog. The audlenoe
was fairly good, being • tittle above the
average at the yowl), meeting, and •11 who
attended were greedy placed with the
exoellent .'dram on "The Bible," glveo by
Roy. John Ross, of Brune". After the
address was over the work ot the year was
reviewed, tie treasurer's report reed, and
the progress wbloh had been made was
found satisfactory. The officer' and col•
motors were then appointed and Rev. W. J.
West closed the mooting by pron0000inl'
the beoedtctloo.
A man b cerealaly In a helpless oohtli•
tion he wtt with unable hie to (move
a chairforfur weeks.
W illiaa 9rimah+w, Wolfe'Blaud. Front-
enac (:"meas, Ont., was in this plight.
Doctors condi do nothing for him and
the pain remained in his legs for six
moods. Three bottles of Dr. Hall's
Rheumatic Can and three boxes of
Climax Iron Tonto Pills routed dis-
ease and restored noperfeotte all to health.
H. now recommend*rifler is pal up its
TM. great blood pis
bottles oontaiacrg ten day. treatment.
Price 50 mots at all drug storm or lie
Ur. Hall Medicine Co., Kingston,
The Clinton gun olob will hold a contest
on the Otto of November, when $100 In
or rrs will be offered.
"Great cry and little
Great appearance
.and little service 1
Beware of false
" window shoes" I
Look for the symbol
of responsibility -the
Makers' price and
pledge, on the sole of
"The Slater doer'
i (aodyear Welted".
is Rheumatism of the (ace.
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cause ie the same as In all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The cure 1. like-
wise tee eame-
with your health.
Don't ado Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the beet
there is at the sante pricer that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
Ins a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
R. B. Smith's /1/1 cK IM 9 SStore Block
We haw a bid .1 5 of llverouat.-a gran deal more than we want or 'herald have.
But we know how to get rid of them. Wa have leaned too power of out Orme •ad
telling you about it.
M.o'e Beaver l)verooate, le front, vel.
Yet collar, farmer n' satin lining, mohair
aieev• lining, woll made, and the prime are
$5.00 and $6.00.
SV. sell a $10 00 Cost for $8.50
We sell a $12.60 Uos1 tor $ 10.00
you oan molly ploy, whutber the." note,
menus are correct.
Moo's rougb obeylot Costa, well made,
good termer"' satin litany, mohair sleeve
lining. inside In th• newest style, Hy front,
velvet dollar, box hank, worth $7 00, for
Men's all wool Ulster", wind, rain sod
frost proof, heavy tweed linings, double
breast, storm oollar, lapped seems, heat
tailor made, special .... ....... $6,75
Moo's Overcoats from
$2.50 up to $10.00
liuya' reefer., double br.a.►, good lining
storm Dollar, well made, from
$2"50 up.
Boys' Overooste. W. hays • big lot of
boys' and youths' Overtaxing. They aro net
quits new, but lbs pewee .tart a
$1.00 up to $3.50
for 96.00 Goatee We have a lot of thew
tram last..uoo, some from the mama be-
fore, booauss we did not pat 'the prtee low
.sough. W. will not maks that ml.bake
the year. You Dan buy almeet any ot tbom
old ones e1 half prios and some at tees.
Men's .tor or frieze reefers ur pee jaok.N
$2.50 to $4.50
We have only a taw at $2.50 in large slaws.
Do you want one'
Will tell you about some Millinery bargains next week. If yea are interested oeme la
before then.
Wa. Srarmas, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
A iallelarlery Service.
The very bee.% tourist traffic, as well as
the thousands of people who have visited
the Buffalo Exposition this year, over the
lines of the Grand Trunk Railway System
has naturally brought forth several very
favorable oritloeme regarding the manage-
ment, equipment, and general excellence of
this railway. The General officers are con-
tloeally in reoelpt of letters from travellers
pestering the faollities that the Grand Trunk
now offer on all their lines. l'asseogen, as
a rule, are not In the habit of Informing
railroad companies of the satldaotory fee.
tures In cooneotton with their .eryloe, and
unsolicited testimonials are therefore appre-
The following letter from a prominent
broker of New York City has jest been
reoetved at the general Oboe. of the brand
Trunk In Montreal : -
"In ,duly and August, in oompany with
"four others, i greatly enjoyed a trip over
"your rod from lorooto to Portland.
"Amide from the charms of the region through
"wbtoh we travelled, Der pleasure wee very
"muoh enbanoed by the enllorm courtesy
''and kind attention shown es by the em•
"cloyee. of your road, and especially those
"on the morning train from Toronto to
"Portland. Our e[perlenoe war iso delight-
ful that i have pommeled i of my
"friends to take the same trip.
"The onto object of thew i1 be
"recognize merit where It is Inc"
Everywhere the Grand Trunk is known,
teething but high encomiums of praise are
heard from th Ise who patronlrn this tip to
date system.
Glasgow We arrived at (heroine'. •t 5 r
and Glasgow at 7, after roundlet/ the Men
of Kintyre. Tbe day war very bright sad
dee, .n Oke seemery beautiful, the men a
to attend the Listowel Business College for a
term. St ndente may enter at any time, either
fora Busmen -I or a Shorthand Course. Rotes
easonable. Send for Journal. C. A. rLKM•
I N G. Pres.: A. L. MoIN'f Y iIE. Sac.
fashioq cqa Comfort.
For once fashion and common
sense have joined in the cause
of comfort in ladies' footwear.
The really fashionable shoe is
built much like a man's shoe on
a womanly scale.
This fashion has the advantage
of a fine appearance, combined
with common-sense comfort, and
will therefore be a permanent one.
Won the gold medal at Paris
$3 and $4. Sold everywhere.
Genuine only when stamped -
Made by Ths J. D. King Co., Limited,
A committee has been appointed by the
town eounotl of Linton to enmtoe Into ih•
eapablllties of the district frr the growing
of noger beets and the advantages of the
town for the masntaoture of sugar.
/reticle Ce wattled' Ledo he 1 rr
sales Awry will a Kappt 1.dlal
YAI.RAu'IN[, Q t.., Condone 14 (Spatal) -
Prerrs Clonetre.rd h s gnnd wile are high
ly rupial/3d o t 7.005 0l thle place, Madam
('l000tre hes been very 111. Her kidneys
wore affected and Mr general Melte' :ea.
Her husband was sick at heart to w his
loved wife gradually rotting worse. a•ed h•
songht sve y'hleg that he thought venni(' do
her goad. He triad many medletnee and
►reafinenee, hot oho did not Improve.
At last he heard o1 11.44'. Kidney Pills,
and kg s1 osos bought two boom for her.
Madam ('lneetrs tole the rest of the story
In these word* "From the first dose i ie.
gen to Improyei metlnne&end now i as.
eay 1 am perfeetly eared. My owe sea *Se
.4 lent standing and very soots, end we este
not .ay tee wadi for Deride Rld.ey Pals."
St. tJoorge frig", Sole Agent, Go.lertoh.
I have put into stock a line of Ready -main
Clothing of first obese manufacture, and
at proves to euit the times.
Ordered Clothing '
Is still my spetcir7Ity. A good renge of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the bent to be had.
If you need -an overcoat this fall yell and
sow me. A number of lengtho of piece
goods to be cleared out at. coot.
Went Street
the Leafing Furniture Ilea ere and
Undertakers. have just received the
following goole :
Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, $5.00 to $20.00,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18.0:
and choice odd pieces of Furniture.
We ate still selling Window Shades
ami Poles at reduced prices.
I'wttlro.Iraseing, Upholstering. Pack.
Ing, etc.
The llndertatinp Department, ...
- THk -
AVARA' VOTeC.\OC* attvl\
YAY1\Ol1Viustr 8 .
Orden rererelly 'aueades. le al all
hewn, alfrat er day,
at.eber Street.
is nutter export supervision, and the
service Me guarantee in of the very
beet, while our pricen are reasonable.
NIGHT OR DAY calls promptly
attended to.
Wo solicit patronage on the Merits
of the goods we sell and services we
Pastry, Oyster Palties,Tarts, Snort
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranon,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
Fternllurr .Haler.. 1 oderlaker. and .:m
hs l me r..
Strollers. Klerk.
The King of Rnn15-e, "Duch'" Happy Thought"
With a
15 None
for any
That's what you get wizen
yon buy a Happy Thought.
The Sappy Thought Range
was one of the first Ranges
manufactured In Canada.
More Happy Thought
Ranges are manufactured
and sold each year than all
other Canadian makes combined -10,000 beings Sow 1„ 11':c.
When baying bey Cenedile lrwedte. *'The nippy -Thought,"
not an experiment, lie 1 f
Itaaws.aiut•a h
The Wm. Buck Stove Co,, Limited, Brantford
•Ate rte leasefaetwrers for rtle.Gr•teA Cualofee.
are as good as the beta wads in any
city In (Anda.
Cantelso beads the trade SID
in fancy designing anci ornament
iug and almond icing.
McKillep Ilutsal Fire hors= G.
Value of 1'tupari) Isaurc 1 up to Janaary,
lets - RY,eaa,s1LSI
(etymons AND utn[Cruna.
J. 11. M pros.: T. Fr, rasevine-pees.
Jas. Connolly, H. Dela W. 0. Broadtail.. J.
Watt, Jae. Evans, J. O. Orleve, J, Beatlgw.ta.
directors; W. G. Broedto at. Soaturth,Inspec-
tor of looses ; T. Z. Hays, Seatorth, eeoretary-
J W. Yeo. Holmaaville; James l'umu>rttlt
ILgntundvllle ; 1t. MOMlllan, Sesforth ; R
Smith, Harlook.
Polls) -holders can pay seemements and get
their cards recelptd at Mr. Coati. Chace. or
McLean at Moan Brow Palace Clothing Store. finds•
iefactian will be assured.
Scriiitou Hard Coal
All Coal weighed on the Market Scaled'
gIt 00 185. for a ton.
Orders left at L19E Dt 8811P80AD'8
Store promptly attended to.
Fall Season --1901
All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the moat novel
effects in trimming -and everything of the best. These are
the features of the
Ladies are invited to call at any time and snake an in-
spection of the new goods.
Trimmed fiats from ?1.00
!troe0`°ti ' MISS CAMERON.
.Sale is Over.
Our Fire Sale has been an immense success, having
cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest
consignment of Fine Shoes that has ever come into town,
which is being worn by the society people of England, France,
Germany and Canada.
They aro the most stylish, durable and comfortable
aloes made, and you must remember that you do not have
the duty to pay for when buying those Famous Shoes.
Don't forget the name, " King Quality," in both Ladies'
and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes.
e0 ST
LYE & SHEPHARD, Goderich.
-11t/IT-CAMIltwttlt„S. 90171 AG7NT "KING QUALITY" SHOES.
We'ivo one away with each pound of Pure Cream tIsking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step-Iailder alone
worth the price.
Try a pacicagn of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a erre-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Toa blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now, is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have &
full arkitment.
SgIvRRY az CO.
Telephone No '.1!
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M; MacLEOD, Goderich, cont.