The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 44 T.IUkaDAY, Oct 14. 1901
• • •A• • • •
. Reasonable .
. .Ambition.
and we make the uhlevement a moat team/table one by offering you the ad•ant•ges of
biennials, Prim, Cut and Style IL nor handsome Reedy -to wear Clothing. 110 00 at this
store will buy you a nice mutt of blue serge or blank worsted, made op by • firm whlob
bas gained a reputation for the reliable goods used, %he exoellent cut and the good
are mestleg with popular approval, and the Lumber we are selllog is s clear la!lostloa
that we have she beet values in Lown. %Ve invite you to mull to and mambos our beaver,
frieze and Belt oloth, that we are selllog at. $10 00
If you want a cheap Overcoat, we beve • good strong dak-grey Tweed, a oboe-ap•
pearlag Coat, that will glee good wear, at 54.95
Sole Agents fat Cheats's Loodou Hata. Men's Furoleber and Batter.
MoLoan's plonk.
5kt $xgnni,
re rcu.mam
ST . Mee6YKNt
IN The Toronto Globe of Monday
last, the following appears on the editorial
We think it may safely be assumed
that there will be another session of the
Legislature. In that case the House
would meet early in January.
it that be so no time should be loot In
getting West Huron into line for a bye
election. There are two yacancies in the
Legislature at prevent—Kut Kent and
West Huron—aid we have nu duuet that.
When the House meeta, the full membership
will meet Mr. Speaker.
The vacancy in Raid Kent is caused by
the death of stet late member. Mr. Fssuo•
S OK. and we observe that already a coaven-
tion has Leen called for uopiumtieg a euc•
ce,eur. west rluron liar Deco unrwpre
D ented in the House fur the past two see•
alone, and it goes without saying that every
abort et ould be made to have a represents.
tiro present at the forthcoming session.
In Aptil last. a hurry call for a convention
was sent out, and a convention was held to
noutisete • candidate, the impression being
that an election would Inc held in Jwie, lout
up to the present not the faintest attempt
at organizing the constituency has limn
made by, the Liberate. Meantme the
Conservative candidate mad the Conserva-
tive party haze been busy all of the time,
and su satisfied are they with the work.
done that they openly [mast that the titling
it now in the hollow of their hard(. At
present it looks very much that way. and
unless aomothing i. done we will see the
anomaly of West Heron, which is, by 150
majority. really a Liberal riding, repre-
sented in the Legislature by a Tory, and
West Huron in the Commons, which was
origiuslly gerrymadleted for 160 of a Tory
majority. repr'e.wiittd by a Liberal.
There s no tomo to lose if West Huron
is to Inc kept in the Liberal column. We
are within two months of the meeting of
the Legislature, and it is time the do--
nothing policy which has prevailed should
be changed. There is 150 of a majority in
Nest Huron for auy man who can poll
Liberal tole
. -----
THE death of NICHOLAS FLoon Davit
removes a figure which had been nw-
epicuous in Canada for the past quarter
century. All Irishman by birth and edu•
adieu, an Eoglish journalist by trainisg,
and a Canadian by adoption, lusher' been a
checkereu career. Sinew his advent in
Canada he had been identified with Cap-
adian journaliem and polities, but it
was as a journalist and politician that ire
was hest known. HIS tlrvt editorial work
in Canada yeas on The Olobeethen owned by
the Hon. ileus+■ Bows afterwards he
was an editorial writer for The Mail : and
in 1882 founded The Leader at Regina.
111 the campaign preceeding the defeat of
the MAC'KIN/IK Administration in 1870 he
was e,lei.ptcuou+ as s; platform speaker, awl
contested Haldimand on that oc:•asion in
the Conservative itttereA, but without nue.
sew•. Lata r he moved west to Regina, " to
grow up with the country," as be once re-
marked to the writer, and in .1887 was
'1m•led to represent Naar Asetnthoia in the
House of Commons : this poeitioo he held
until 1896, when he was. defeated by
Wal.Tglt &ore, the present member.
hu• Ft,000 1)AviN was a bright
specimen of the happy -go lucky Irishman,
and it is difficult to imagine that any pole -
sib!• n•irtumstade would drive him to
li e w d• u usua y he onjc•ye.l to the
fullest extent. Nith friends around him
be was the centre o? the circle ; at the
legit Inc was always near the head of the
table ; on the platform he appeared with
the best ; as a ra outesr he was inimitable;
his education hal been thorough aril hie
keowleolges of books was complete. _
'those of us who knew him well liked
hint Leet, for we knew that the pungent
jibe,the quick retort,the sharp epigram ami
the scat hung sentence which he knew how
to use too well were merely, as he himself
expressed it. "from the teeth out," and
that malice privet contred in his soul. And
now that, he is beyond the portals of the un-
known, we will remember with kindness
only the brilliant but erratic genius who
could elaborate a philosophy that would -
make men stand firm under *decree con•
ditione. and yet could not act upon his own
The Reason Whyte
The Leading Hardware Firm. Honest I .o,l+ at Hone t I'ri, c .
f— Phone 57.
111UI111111111lll144 MSS11111M111111 11fi
our ,business has increased so enormously
lately is that we treat our customers right
and give thein the best quality of goods at
the lowest possible rices. We carry the
largest and best assorted stock of Farmers'
Supplies in the County, and we buy direct
from the manufacturers for cash.
Give Us a Call aa$ Ile Will Do Our kat to Please You.
WB Carry a Large and Well -assorted Stook of
Crou-cut Saws, Asea, Handles, Cow , 11,uiuos. Bang -dupe (toilers and
Treks, T,Hmges, Strap Hinges, Latches, t'ow•ties, 14 all Fixtures,
Curr • combs, Horse brushes, -Harness Oil, Harness Blacking, Lucks,
Knobs, Butts
Lowest Prices is Town on Glass.
The best No. 1 Cold Blast Lanterns only 75c•. Guaranteed not to blow out.
J. H.
HEY who witnessed the hurly-
aiul rough -ami tumble scramble at
the bttcal reception in Toronto will agree
with ue that the nand-,haking episode at
the Legislative buildings was something
that shoukt not have been allowed to take
The physical effort required to shake
hands euooet *hely with more than 2,000
persons would have sawed half a turd of
green maple, and that is the amount of ex.
erttun that hal to be put forth by the Duke
anti I)eehoss of Cornwall and York on that
Major MArps in hii caleu'atiuns hal
evidently' not taken Toronto into conadei
anion. He didn't know that The Hamilton
Spectator hal dubbed the Queen City "Hog
Town" and that the Queen City deserved
Ole name. He didn't know that over 2,000
lersor.s, male and female, would get into a
crush equal to it football scrimmage. and
fight their way from entraru3e to handshake
Hesimply didn't know.
-Meed -he- Aa.•
.e p"t a
harped wire fence a-rmrwl the I )ural party,
and he woubl have euogago.l a heat', athlete_
to du the Handshaking_
—The Toronto Star u. nothing it not
enterprising. It is now running original
passe s e • .fives ion pone aunt'
aumo of them are very good. Cuatn.ts
CHCw'Ita has a trent place. au.l Thursday
of last week we were much ,truck with a
poem entitled, "For :i that, and a' that,'
over the signature •'Roeser It ie
written in the Scottish vernacular, but the
sentiments are very applicable to iocidents
c nnwtedintlx tem
YORK'S visit to Toronto recently. if The
Star can encourage new writers like Mr.
Brans it will do a great deal towards the
dissemination of bright ideas. Here, is
A prince may mak' a belted knight,
A marqula, duke and a' that,
But an honest man's aldd,n his might,
(Suitt faith, he manna fa' that
mediately took the drunken luau into eue•
toffy and delivered him safely at the police
station. Next day the man who had had
the "jag on" was niter] before the magis-
trate. He was not charged with hue
majesty, but merely with being
drunk, He admitted that he was "full"
when arrested and was willing to pay his
tine, but that did not suit the magistrate,
who sent him to jail without the option of a
fine. Now the question is, tt'Ity was the
culprit sent to. jail` He w tou't charged
with giving any instructions as to e
Duke's destination, and in any event i
Duke did not hear him and di.1 nut carry
out the instructions.
rlewrellr Palms • Daiwa signal.
l'rompt treatment is essential. ?tithe
the region of pain immediately with Po'
son'. Norville° and quickly bind oo • hot
bandage sprinkled with hetvthe°. Never
knowu to hill. Cures almost instantly.
Neuralgia. toothache, rheumatism and lum-
bago are cured by Nerviline just ss readily.
Poison's Ner•illne cures all own, ac.l is the
best household liniment known. Inrge
bottles 25o.
$500, 8 76, 6.00, 6.50,
Special about
in the latest New York
designs, tailor made in correct
lengths, Black Beaver, Black
Curl, Black Astracbau,. Black
Fur, Dark Grey Reversible
Frieze, Fawn Beaver, Cardinal
Beaver, all lined, with Satin
or Satanna. Just the Nob-
biest ('oats to be found in the
trade and at popularly low
prices for the quality of the
goods, ranging in prices :
7.25, 8.00, 8.75, 10.00, 11.00,
12.00, 1310, 14 00.
Our sale of Dress Goods
this Fall has been greater
than we expected, but that is
easily accounted for -we have
the right goods at the right
Our stock omespuns
and good • car Black
Cheviots . •. of Serge, Wor-
steds, i I 1 enriettas and
Bre - banging in price
fr ti cents to $3.00 a yard.
old shopper here. Every -
ming new, fresh and, up -to_.
All prices from
--Sressels : Reginald Fletcher bar arrived
Items from Chlcaee for a holiday.
Beater : Mrs. N. F. Elliott sad tares
ohlieres. of Luimore, N. Dakota. viMted
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson last week.
Seaforth : Boort Swithees aaae ♦eery ale.
omen to the twenty hour* of refuge last
week for the use and pleasure of the inmates
Brussels: Mrs. W. H. Kerr has arrived
home from Winnipeg alter n three months,
quit. She was aoeompaeled by her sister,
Miss Kay.
—A drunken man on a Toronto street ear
remarked, in reference to an allusion to the
Duke, that that individual might go. tei a
hotter clime than Canada. A vigilant
police officer were on the car and nm
Double -Barrel
Savage Rifles,
Flobert Rifles,
make the following offers :—
Breech Loaders, 12 Gauge -
Better Quality
Bonehill Make
44 4C
.a at
' 303 Cal.
22 Cal.
▪ $ 7.00
- 11.00
- 20.00
▪ - 25.00
Powder, 2c. each. 12 GAUGE. Smokeless Powder,
We also carry a full line of Revolvers, Gun -Cases, Cartrigo Bags,
(inn Cleaners; Reloading Tools, etc.
American Deadshot,
KeiicTty Rifle,
King's Semi -Smokeless.
Brussels: Thomastteltaotpne leu dis-
ieported of hie house and two acre lot on
'treat, to Simon Grant, wee takes
pos,euton Ina week or so
Seatorth : John Weir, of this town, made
a lucky strike recently. Some Tsars ago he
porohael a 'atm In Minnesota for $250ar41
a law days ago he told this farm for 11.500,
McKilloo : George Hearne, of MoKdlop,
shipped • carload of chattlee from Siefertb
last week, for Oraysnhunt, near which
place Mr. 'femme intends engaging in farm
Seaforth : Over 32,000 square feet of
graoolithto sidewalk has been put down here
this summer, at • cost of 83,423. This
makes a stretoh of nearly two miles In
Belgrave : While picking apples at James
Bone's. a son of Henry 1)escon'e fell from a
tree and broke both of bis arms. We are
sorry for the young man, who will likely be
laid up for • loon time.
Clinton : l%. B. Inlpg, eou•in•law of
Mayor J•cksoo, who has heal • reeldsat of
Kva.stoo, 111., for years, has been promoted
to • more Important position oo the eame
railway, 500 miles further west.
Exeter : Wm. B•Ikweil, ir., dug two
potatoes from his garden the other day that
weighed three pounde,slx and • halt ounces.
They were of the Rural New Yorker
variety and were quite uniform.
Brussels : F. S, Scott will sot In the
apsclty of clerk of Grey township is the
abseooe of Wm. Spence, wbo 1e oomoelled
to seek a warmer climate for the winter for
the benefit of his health. He will go to
Exeter : Frank Middleton, who has been
engaged with the Sutherland- ioole Co. here,
for the put three years, left last week he
Denfield, where he will work for • time
prior to taking up his future resbdeooe in
Seaforth : Word was received here on
Monday of last week of the death of Wm.
Carmichael, third son of Mrs. Rent. Car•
mlohael, ..t this town. He ailed In Seattle,
Wight/Woe territory, where 1,,e had resided
for several years.
Beemlller : The yr.ung son of .1u. Man-
ning, oon. 4, met with a nasty s-oident on
Thursday of last week; while playlog lo
the orchard he was kicked In the fade by a
horse ; his face was considerably injured,
and he was otherwise shaken up.
Benmillsr • %Vhile Leslie Fltok was re-
tdrning from Gclerlch a few days ego his
teem became nomanageah'e sad ran away.
The young man was thrown ircm the wag -
en. sit sten wee a stove which the tatter
bad with him. After running a oonalder•
• lite axre the term was captured, and
beyond a slight break to the waren no dem•
age resulted.
St. Jnuph : Ila I'needay, OoL. 0, there
owed away the &leet danrbter of Mr.
2.c. each. Beoiameul to a Muh r land, Deceased was
hut twenty yore of ego and was enjoying
g ood health .t.T ago oon.raoted the disease
which finally minted her off She was
Witten sick with the foyer only ten days he.
fore her destb, and it Will not etpeoted even
by the physioiane that she would muoenmb to
the 41,e,se.
Iteemiller: On Friday afternoon, (tot.
11th, as Mrs. Wm. Vanstone was -.needier
the steps loading from the cellar, she
in come way nv.realaooed and fell to the
stone Over beneath, !motoring the hone o1
her lest arm near the elbow. Twe deet ore
were rrqulred to .sd. the tweak, as ehlero
form had to he administered. The patient
le suffering mooh palm, bat is doing as well
N °mild b. expected _
('Berne: Among the pilsM awarded at
the onmm•ecement eternities al Havergsl
1 11ei ('lipase, at Toronto, we ars eleseed
In ewe that line came to a ynneg lady in
Clinton. and we ',stead oontr•tnlat'n r. to
Mire Ethel, dasetter of W. Doherty. Mina
Doherty was awarded the told mats for
✓ ood eendeet, ptea.r.fed by .1. Hebert
Maros The hrnrre medal, Ontario art
sehool, for ebin• painting was awarded to
Miss Alda (kettles, of Kleesrdlae.
W legham r Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Magi.,
wbo for a slabs( N years have boss as -
King's, Hazard's,
Robin Hood,
Gold Dust.
The Cash Hardware,
In black, (lark and light.,
greys, browns and two tone
effects have met with general
approval, because the goods
are right and the prices low.
A lot of Union Tweed
Dress Stuffs
20c. to 50 cts.
Finn finish, Fast color.
5 cents to 15 cents, and from 25 to 36 inches wide and fast colors. English and
Canadian makes. •
French flannels for Blouse -Waists in • number of the newest patterns
and colorings, from 39 to 50'cents. _ a
Wrapperettes--Colored on both sides, fast colors for wrappers and waists,
, 14 tea 1s'14'ants Car "hen snit English makes . These goods
are extra value. _- - - -
Ladies': Brack all -Wool Ladies lino All -Wool Have
Cashmere plain and ribbed hosiery 25 to 50 cents—plain and
_ 25 to 50 Ceti. _ _ ribbed, Goderich wake.
Gloves, f 'anhmere Ringwood and Black and Colored Kid. A complete stock
Fingering and Saxony Yarns and all kinds of haberdashery and small wares.
MANTLE CLOTHS in Black, Fawn and Cardinal, Beavers, Curls and Astrachans
S—Everything new and fresh in these goods in Collars, Ruffs, Storm
Collars, CAperines and La -lies' Coats, and you will find our ',net-. as low
s consistent with new up-to-date goods.
Eamine our goods before making a selection.
Ner York Covnioportait ratterrrqtyr sate. ilia-1.tterre more than lb _tenter.
i E:kM er Prednee.
PHON 86.
teemed residuota e1 town, removed last
week to Georgetown. Arnold Bros , ..1
Aotoo, hive been vote • loan of $15,000 for
sixteen ram to eatat'uh • tannery and
glove factory In Georgetown Testy or-m-
reeooe etcone to ergot 85,000 buildinr,
and must employ at least f rty Mode from
the lint. Mr. Pringle has accepted • s.tu-
•ttoo with the hrm se manager of the tan-
nery part of the !minuet'''.
lirneeels The earl new, wee reoei yid last
week by Mrs. Neil Moi.xuchlln, Itrssen's.
that bee under, Mrs. Enos Willett, 01 Tre
heroes. Menitnba, had •.ewetel the roll call
above. Nis passed away on Monday, her.
7, aged hi I years. Typhoid fever was the
Immediate • suss of death. A baby a wen k
or so old was buried In the same grave as
the mother. A sorrowleg husband anti
+yen children survive. who will he deeply
sympathized with In tho'r sorrow. ser•
ceased's maiden name was Mary Forbes and
she was :1 former highly esteemed resident
of Morris township.
Tender •'oras,
Soft corns, corns of all kleds removed with-
out pato or sore spots by Patssm's .1'ainleu
(ern and Wart Extractor. Thousands
t.etlfy thst 11 Is oertaln, psiolese and
prompt. Beware of uhetltntee offered for
the genuine ' 1'otoam's" Extrentor. Bur.,
safe, harmless. At all draggles or sent by
mall noon reoelpt .•t twenty-five mote.
N. ('. 1'olsoo & Co., Klneston, I)ol.
Coal Bilis
n re now a Serious item law
why burn coals for the week)
wash? Some Soaps won't womb
linen without boiling', but
wise economy to buy the beet of
'all Soaps, when by doing so the
quantity of coal need est wadieg
day can be
50 per cent.
Burning coal to help letwl.vand
Mw -priced Soaps to wash V fib
spending a s cent tram flare to
• porches. a to emit wads for
9 cents
By using
S CNLiGHT SOAP yogi save Its
root in the cost of the coals un-
used, not to mention the looser
lire of the ar$kin washed. A
tablet of
Sunlight Soap
will do more week wea..t mate,
and do it InNofte er hatter, than
two tablets of oernmea, cheap
soap wi11 do sow. s1s. Th.
majority cribs pat soon Gad
oat the linen of true eesea_y.
That's wby rnmutydl7' SOAP
cies 1s eked far [y emsto
la the
••ias fief pay NW NW
Least t )dor, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying of all
('ost, no higher than inferior makes.
Use the Best.
Brightens up old Furniture. Makes it look new.
W. C. Goode, Chemist, Bedford Block.
The above is cat into stove wood
lon4th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at rtddence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Pbone 'J8.
Gaterich, November filet, 1899. 63-3m
J. H..Worsell,
The oheap stove and 1 man,
We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and
RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich.
It comprises goods of the following well-known makers :
J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria
Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and
E. T. Wright, & Co., of Rocland, Maas. T --
In Rubbers we can she either the Oataadian Granby,
Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
is our motto•